#oh this is /sarcasm btw
demonholdingalillie · 3 months
Guys guys, Sam and Celia will be Fine. Alice will be Fine. Gwen will be Fine.
Colin's a bit too far gone, but he'll probably Survive. It's okay, they'll all be Fine, I mean, this is the MAGNUS PROTOCAL we're talking about. A series that came after the Magnus Archives and written/edited by the same two dudes, everything's going to be Fine.
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dazzlerdrawer · 10 months
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arranging Tumblr Images so to not chop off their heads :) Not nessicarily outfits I thought they'd wear (well maybe) but practice nonetheless. None of the photos are mine
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oconist · 1 month
yuki congratulating the team and dric on his p4, god such an angry little man isn't he?
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bau-drabbles · 1 year
but he’s so old 😭 you can’t really be thinking you’d wanna fuck him 😭
oh no!!! :(( damn you caught us girl, we were all collectively lying about loving hotch because he's too old now 😔 those fanfics and fanarts were just for show and the blogs dedicated to hotch were nothing but silly goofy fun ☹ and wdym we were horny for hotch???? who could ever be horny over a beautiful scrumptious thick muscular tall looking man? 😔 don't worry babe, all the hotch blogs deactivating just for you 🥺 been a nice run ❤
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butchfalin · 9 months
this is mostly just because i am by nature an overdramatic person for comedic effect and for stress relief but every time i am in a lot of pain i immediately start calling for amputation and/or vivisection. which is usually obviously a joke i think but it does always make things a little awkward when people think i am being serious. however the time i got a concussion and told my friend to amputate my head bc i had a migraine and she tried very gently to explain to me that it wasn't possible was VERY funny objectively... like yes i was concussed but i did still manage to retain some common sense. i understand that a guillotine is not the common cure for a headache. but maybe it should be
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theflagscene · 6 months
You know, as someone who grew up HoH and didn’t regain most of their hearing until well into their adulthood. I gotta say, useful closed captions and subtitles such as [Exciting Sounds] always helped child me discern what exact sound that was happening on screen.
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catboyfurina · 1 month
something about marcille and laios loving falin even while monstrous + a Certain Somebody immediately trying to kill her (again) for it (due to the idea of better dead than monstrous) + recurring themes im picking up of monsters as the Other and the toudens being very autistic coded (othered) just like. idk. im connecting dots
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lightbulb-warning · 10 months
i like keeping all my wips open because otherwise they go straight into "i forgor"-ville (population? everything im not currently staring at.)
my laptop fucking HATES it though. very unsupportive of you, bestie. wdym you can't handle the weight of 12 different overly ambitious projects at once?? massive you problem, you inanimate object.
#/lh#hi i know i haven't uploaded anything art related in THREE WHOLE DAYS#i know right? completely unprofessional of me.#/sarcasm#dont worry i know i have unreasonable expectations for myself. it's just how i have fun!#“aim for the moon because if you miss you still end up among the stars 🥴” except i am launching myself out a window with a firecracker#thus am impressed by any achieved elevation at all. idk metaphors are hard. you get it.#anyway just here to bitch and moan about my physical form preventing me from dishing out unlimited amounts of drawings#my physical vessel do be acting subpar as of recently. groan. hate it when can't get good am i right kids#new symptoms unlocked! randomly just. crashing? idk how to best describe it#“guess im on the floor for the next five minutes. love your ceiling btw very ceiling-y”#the social circle is lovely though they've really taken it (maoira corpse era) in stride im really happy about that#*maiora (i really should have chosen a fake name that doesn't make my dyslexic ass implode but it's funnier this way)#i got my blood stats results back tho! mayhaps the docs might figure out what the hell is wrong with moi???#i sincerely ✨doubt✨ it because the medical system always finds new ways to screw people over#groan#oh well literally nothing else i can do about this#the tone is lighthearted i am speaking lightheartedly im having a chuckle at my own expense for funsiez!!#wow i really appreciate you asking about my day! (yes. you totally *did* do that) how was yours??#/genuine question since you're still here reading my tags#fun fact! all my electronics are named Apοllo. all of them.#thanks for reading have a nice day take care of yourself buhbye!!#shut up maiora#anecdote anthology#gargantuan levels of eepy in me rn
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waitineedaname · 11 months
i love playing the fun gambling game of figuring out whether revealing my gender to people will be in my favor or not
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evadingreallife · 1 year
I will not get into fights with random users who cannot understand jokes or tones or mock-fights i will not get into fights with random users who cannot understand jokes or tones or mock-fights i will not-
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chickalupe · 1 year
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Oh, just got an ask for the fabled “sick cat” scam I’ve seen so much about! 
...Does this mean I’m finally famous on Tumblr Dot Com?!?!
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fistful-of-rage · 9 months
drifloon and gastly for the ask game! - @struggling-bug
drifloon was smth i take seriously. dunno y drifloon was chosen for this. dusknoir gives that vibe more but they r all 1st stages and duskull rly doesn’t fit it so yh. anyway, wellbeing. sm of u lot might’ve seen that coming w the stuf i post like the recent polly one. well that post wasn’t srs but u get wht i mean. i help where i can w others, i try w myself. i know what not having it can be like and i wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
gas leak, am i sarcastic? ye hard 2 tell isn’t it
ty diego
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official-saul-goodman · 10 months
Cooking YouTuber with his own hobby farm voice: here's a hack for infinite garlic, first you need your own very large plot of land-
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proteusolm · 2 years
I love fish and wildlife. Today in class I got to gag while blindly shoving my arm into the thoracic cavity of a dead coyote because I didn't want to cut it open further lest I unleash more of the noxious gasses inflating the digestive tract, but wanted to remove and weigh the heart.
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ghostlysoupcan · 1 year
therapy being sensationalized is the worst fucking shit ever bc you cant go onto ONE therapy video for youtube without it being like 'heres why these people dealing with these issues are gross unfeeling inhuman Things' and a bunch of self described superempaths agreeing with them in the comments
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vent //
cant wait to get disability money and move away from my parents and live with my partner and be happy and not deal with anything anymore!!! 👍
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