#oh yeah i have. a drawing of my girls that i want to post soon.
grimmjowjaegerjaquez · 3 months
thinking about changing uriel's resurreccion from the. pavo real/fenix idea i had and just makin him paloma instead.
#i still like the peacock/phoenix thing#and i will still keep his color theming to oranges and stuff#but i............. there is symbolism with the dove that i like for him#ive been wanting to redesign him for a while anyway now#his sword still has its pretty gradient ribbon. its crucial.#oh yeah i have. a drawing of my girls that i want to post soon.#i need to finish it though.#suheila got a bit of an update. shes just in her pjs constantly now. with slippers and everything.#vinetta the venus fly trap lady has a solidified name now#and marisol. has a more solidified design. both normal and resurreccion.#i will draw them all. ALL.#god same with nuada and lorcan. theyve got some updates#lorcan though its more like. when alice meets him hes different than he initially looked#hes missing an earring and has his hair down when she meets him#annnd i also solidified ideas/concepts for alice's antagonists i guess?#there is. xavier. her mentor figure. i accidentally made him look like fucking ilberd from ffxiv jghgjkhjdgf#and then the random mook guy that is just kind of an asshole but still a problem. idr his name i think its albrecht????? lmfao#AND THEN: horrible woman main antag: torn between her being named temperance or prudence. both are funny to me.#was also thinking about swapping vinetta and suheila's resurreccions bc i keep thinking about what suits their personalities more??? idk ma#hello i have been thinking about arrancar a lot.#you WILL get to see them soon. once i have the will to finish art.
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sturnsreader · 6 months
TW: self harm
!! requested by @sturns-posts !!
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౨ৎ ⋆。˚
“y/n?” you heard your boyfriend, matt, call from upstairs. you sighed and made your way up stairs to find matt on his laptop. you walked around the corner and smiled walking up to him.
“yes matty?” you asked cheerfully.
“are you okay?” he asked sounding concerned.
“yeah, why?” you asked confused at by the sudden worry.
“well, im just worried about you.” he sighed. you noticed that he kept looking back down to his computer screen to making glances at your arms.
“you would tell me if you weren't, right?” he asked.
you gulped wondering what he knew.
“yes, baby, please dont worry about it.” you nodded quickly before turning back to go downstairs.
he grabbed your waist and pulled you back into his arms playing with your hair.
“are you sure you’re okay?” he asked again repeating himself. you nodded into his chest before he pulled you back leading you into his room. he didn’t say a word, just sat you on his bed and opened up the screen. on the left hand side of the screen was a recent picture of you in mcdonalds that a camera man had taken, on the right hand side was the same photo just zoomed into your wrist. your scars visible for the world to see. you read the headline over and over in your head sighing.
“what is this? you told me you stopped a while ago and if you felt like that you were going to tell me. did i do something wrong?” he asked pointing to your wrist on the screen with teary eyes. you couldn't speak, your whole throat had closed up.
he noticed and pulled you onto his lap staring into your stinging eyes.
“i love you so much and i want nothing but for you to be the happiest girl ever. i let anyone hurt you. whether they're old or new, i don't care because i'm here for you now and i always will be." he smiled before kissing your forehead softly. a tear escaped your eye making you smile.
“we don't have to talk about this now, whenever you're ready.” he smiled resting your head onto his chest as he wiped the tears off.
| 2 hours later |
“hey, i know you wanted to go to the cabin back in massachusetts, so were going with nick and chris tomorrow morning!” he said with a smile while tucking your hair behind your ear.
“baby, you didn’t have to”
“shh, i wanted to.” he said as he hugged you around the waist.
you waited at least 10 seconds before letting go. matt’s hugs were the most comforting thing ever. “can you help me pack, please.”
matt shook his head up and down with a big smirk while grabbing your hand and walking downstairs to the bedroom.
“oh, how long are we staying.”
“since were with nick and chris we are staying for a week and a half, but soon we can go alone.”
he was digging through the closet trying to find a bag big enough before you made him stop.
“i love you so much.”
“i love you more, my love” you could tell he meant it. “we are going down to nick and chris’s house tomorrow morning at 4 am. i know its early but i want to get there earlier, if its okay with you.” he said right after he found a perfect suitcase to fit all your stuff.
| two days later |
“hey babe i was scrolling through things to do here and there is a tattoo parlor like five minutes away from us can we PLEASE get tattoos together!” nick said excitedly.
“shut up you have been rambling about tattoos the whole time we-“ chris said as you cut him off.
“nick i would LOVE to get a tattoo with you and i know exactly what i want. follow me!” you said as you go to find matt in the store.
“im getting a tattoo with nick and i just want you to draw stars around my scars.” you say while going through your purse to find a pen.
matt looks at you in awe as he takes the marker and draws the cutest stars ever. you start to tear up. you look up at him as he concentrates on drawing them all.
౨ৎ ⋆。˚
not my best work but i tried 🥲🥲
i hope you enjoyed and if you have anything you need to talk about message me! i love you guys sm🩷.
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chakkll · 7 months
Worries, Worries
Mike Schmidt x gender neutral!reader
Fandom: Five Nights at Freddy’s
Synopsis: Mike’s been doing better. He hasn’t dreamed of his brother since Freddy’s and hasn’t needed sleeping pills for almost a week now. Well, at least he thought he was doing better.
Warnings: Post movie, established relationship, fluff
Word count: 1k
*please forgive how short and probably rusty it is, it’s been a minute since i’ve posted!
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Everything’s been good. One might say almost too good.
Mike has been sleeping well, been happier, and been getting along with his sister better, all because of what happened at Freddy’s.
But all this goodness is making Mike nervous. You can feel it.
“You sure you don’t want me to tuck you in?” You call after Abby as she shuffles down the hall, her drawings and crayons tucked into her arm.
A soft “yeah” is all you get in return before you hear Abby’s door shut. You smile to yourself before glancing to the clock.
9:32pm. Mike will be home soon.
Mike asking you to watch over his little sister in the evenings has become part of your schedule. He has Fridays and Saturdays off, but other than that, you’re cooking Abby’s dinner and making sure she gets some sleep, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Some might think it an inconvenience to constantly watch over your boyfriend’s little sister and end up seeing her more than him, but you adore Abby.
Sure, she might not talk very much, but she’s a very creative girl. It’s hard not to like her.
When Mike first introduced you to each other, Abby ignored your greetings and went right back to her room to draw. At first, you were pretty sad about her initial reaction to you and Mike’s relationship, but Mike managed to convince you that her reaction was a positive one.
That was five months ago.
Now, Abby draws next to you instead of in her room and will answer questions about the drawings. Plus, if you catch her in the right mood, she’ll tell you about her friends.
You yawn as you flick through the TV channels until you land on a documentary about seals. You glance to the clock.
9:46pm. Mike will be home soon.
Your eyes drift from the clock to the floor. A rather beaten up book lays half open, a ripped page on display.
You heave yourself off the couch and over to the book. You carefully pick it up and close it to see the cover.
Dream Theory. Interesting.
You flip to the back to read the blurb while walking back to the sofa.
You flop back onto the couch and flip to the first page. The seal documentary plays in the background, the narrator now detailing the wonders of how they hunt.
You prop your head up on the armrest and lay down, reading through the book.
Just as you’re getting invested in the book, you hear the lock unlock. Turning the TV off with a click, you turn around, only to be met with the sight of your exhausted boyfriend. You smile.
“Hey,” You greet as you get up and off the couch to meet him at the door.
Mike nods and grunts a small “Hey, baby.”
“How was work?”
Mike shrugs, and his gaze drifts down to the book in your hand. He blinks.
“You’re reading my book?” He asks curiously, causing you to glance to the book.
“Oh… yeah. Sorry.” You apologize bashfully and hand him the book, resting your other arm at your side.
Mike shakes his head dismissively at your apology. “What d’you think?”
You stare at him blankly. “…What?”
“The book. What do you think of the book? The theory?”
Realization dawns on you. When you see an eager glint in Mike’s eyes, you weakly shrug.
“I mean… I’m not too far in, but it seems interesting.”
A hint of a smile graces Mike’s lips. “So it seems possible.” You nod.
You smile softly at his excitement from your words.
“Anyways…” You wrap your arms around his neck for a hug. “How was work?” You ask again.
His arms loosely wrap around your waist as he buries his head into your neck. “Fine,” He murmurs quietly. “How’s Abby? Did she eat dinner?”
You smile at his worry for his sister. “Yeah. And she drew next to me afterwords.” At your words, you can feel Mike relax.
“She’s been doing better. You’ve been doing better. I can tell.” A low chuckle rumbles from his chest.
“I don’t know about that.” He murmurs dismissively into your shoulder.
You blink, frowning at his words. “What makes you say that? You haven’t dreamt of Garrett since Freddy’s, right?” You pull away from the hug and rest your hands on his shoulders. His hands come to rest on your hips as he sighs softly.
“Well, no…”
“So why do you say that?” You frown softly, bringing a hand to cup his face.
“Just… things have been going smoothly. Almost—almost too smoothly.” Mike mumbles, leaning into your touch as his eyes flutter closed.
You sigh again. “Mike… look at me,” He reluctantly opens his eyes, but his gaze rests on your chin instead of your eyes.
“You’re okay. You have a new job that has pretty okay pay and hours, both Abby and you are happier, and you know what happened to Garrett. Right?”
Mike stubbornly stares at your chin, staying silent.
“So why do you say that, baby?”
“I just…” Mike trails off. “…I’m used to having something to worry about.”
You frown. “What, and there’s nothing to worry about now?”
Mike blinks and slowly looks to your eyes. “…Huh?”
“I don’t mean to make you feel worse, but you still have things to worry about.”
You can see panic rise in Mike’s eyes. “What… what do I have to worry about?”
You smile fondly at your boyfriend.
“You gotta think of a present for me for our six-month anniversary.”
You can practically see the gears turning in the man’s head as he stares at you quizzically. Finally, he cracks a smile.
“…Weird way to comfort me.” He looks away, smiling to himself.
“Yeah, but what else would get you to smile?” Mike rolls his eyes, causing you to chuckle. Your gaze drifts to the kitchen, reminding you that Mike almost never has dinner when he works evenings.
“You didn’t have dinner, right? I’ll make you something.” You start to head to his kitchen to quickly make him something to eat.
“…Wait.” Mike murmurs softly, lightly grabbing your sleeve.
You turn to him curiously, only to see a slightly bashful Mike staring at the floor.
“…Sleep here tonight?”
You can feel yourself smiling. “Of course.”
Mike’s shoulders visibly relax.
“Now, let’s get you something to eat.”
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severalforraelee · 8 months
The Girls Part 14: Charles Leclerc x Reader
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Photo credit to Team Scuderia Ferrari
Word count: 4,410
Written by raelee / Posted Oct 10
Formula 1 Masterlist
The Girls Masterlist
“I heard you were in Monaco and didn’t come see me,” Lando accuses as soon as I answer his FaceTime call.
“You were already in Mexico,” I answer defensively.
“Yeah, but asking me would’ve still been nice.”
“Why would I ask if I already knew that you weren’t there?” I question.
He opens his mouth to respond but stops, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. I watch his eyes flicker on the screen, and as I’m about to ask him about the sudden movement, he answers my unasked question.
“Where are you right now?”
“Oh, uh,” I laugh nervously, causing Lando to squint at me. “I’m actually in my new flat.”
“Your new flat?” Lando raises his eyebrows at me.
“Yeah, Charles and I actually moved in together.” I wince, waiting for the earful that I’m about to receive.
If Lando doesn’t like Charles even staying at my flat, he’s going to hate that we live together now. Even if I told him that Charles is gone half of the year and we stay in different bedrooms he still wouldn’t be happy about it.
Lando opens his mouth, about to speak again, when his doorbell suddenly rings. I thank whatever God is listening in on our conversation for that. 
“Hold on,” he tells me like I have another option, heading towards his door so that I’m left staring at his ceiling. I hear muffled voices before he returns.
“Who was that?” I ask, hoping that the question will distract him from our previous topic.
“The delivery man,” he answers.
“Oh, what’d you get?”
“It’s not for me.”
I give him a questioning look at the response.
“They’re birthday presents for Ada and Lucy.”
Ada and Lucy's second birthday is coming up. They’re so excited to have a day that’s just dedicated to celebrating them. They’re especially looking forward to being able to eat cake and junk food all day, and open presents.
Unfortunately, it also falls on the day of the grand prix in Brazil. So Lando and Charles, two of their favorite people, won’t be able to celebrate their birthday with them on their actual birthday.
It’s going to be extremely difficult to explain to the girls why we’re celebrating, but why we’re not celebrating with the ones that they love.
“You didn’t have to buy them anything, Lando,” I insist.
“They’re my nieces, they’re going to get spoiled.”
“Well, thank you. We appreciate it. Were you going to come to London soon to celebrate with us?” I question.
It’s at a weird point in the season right now. There’s only a few races left until the season ends and winter break starts, so the atmosphere is weird. There’s a lot of testing and media duties for the drivers to do, so they’re at one of their busiest points, but everyone is ready for the season to just be done so they can get a little break.
“Well I was actually thinking that I could give them the presents in Brazil.”
I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. “Like… you give them to Charles and Charles gives them to Ada and Lucy?”
“No, like you, Ada, and Lucy come to Brazil to watch the grand prix and McClaren will throw a birthday party for them, and I can give them their gifts then,” he suggests.
“Oh,” I’m taken by surprise. It’s honestly something that I hadn’t considered. “Lando, the grand prix is in like two weeks, that’s very short notice.”
“Yeah, but you already said that you don’t have classes on Fridays. And I think you said you work every other Friday and if I did my math correctly, you would have off that Friday,” he explains.
“I have a class on Monday in the afternoon, so if we flew back Sunday night or Monday morning I would still be able to make it…” I shake my head.
I can’t believe I’m considering this.
Going to a grand prix would bring the opposite of what I want for the girls. It would draw attention to them, especially if McClaren hosts a birthday party for them. After all of the drama on social media and people spotting us as a family of four out in public and posting about it, it makes me worried to go to Lando and Charles’ home away from home.
But… the girls have been showing more and more interest while watching the races lately. And I would love for them to be at a race to see their father and their uncle in their element. Plus meeting the people that Charles and Lando surround themselves with the majority of the weekend would be nice.
“I’ll have to think about it, Lando,” I sigh. “It just might be too hard and too soon after going to Monaco.”
“I get it, you don’t want to see your brother,” he jokes.
I roll my eyes. “Oh no, you caught me.”
“Let me know what you decide, alright? I can fly back and help you fly out with the girls, and I can pay for your flights and hotels and everything,” he offers.
I take a deep breath, gearing up to tell him that he doesn’t need to worry about that and I could figure it out myself. Then, I stop. “Okay, Lando.”
“You know what would be great?” Charles asks.
“What?” My eyes shift from the textbook in front of me to my laptop screen that has the problem pulled up, working through it in my head while also trying to carry a conversation with Charles.
“If you came to the Brazil grand prix with Ada and Lucy so that we could celebrate their birthday as a family.”
My head snaps towards where he’s set up on a FaceTime call on my phone leaned up against my water bottle.
“What?” I repeat my earlier question, although this time with surprise. My heart flutters when I catch that he referred to the four of us as a family. I know that I do it, but it’s nice to know that he does it too.
“Yeah, you know. We could celebrate their second birthday on their actual birthday, they could have a little party at Ferrari,” he suggests. “It’d be fun.”
“Have-”I pause at the question that I’m about to ask, already not believing the words that are about to leave my mouth, but Charles urges me on. “Have you been talking to my brother at all?”
“What? Why would you ask that?”
He’s a terrible actor.
“Because he said the exact same thing,” I deadpan.
“Great minds think alike.”
I sigh. “I’ll tell you the same thing that I told him. I’ll think about it.”
“If you’re worried about traveling with Ada and Lucy, I can fly back and fly out to Brazil with you three,” he offers.
“God, you really did talk to Lando,” I murmur. “You know what? Fine. If you and Lando can come out and help me fly out to Brazil with two toddlers and all of our luggage, we can spend their birthday at the grand prix in Brazil. I’m sure they would love that.”
“You’re not going to regret it, mon amour,” he grins enthusiastically. “I’m going to call Lando now to figure out all of the details.”
“Okay, have-”The phone call ends before I can finish my sentence. “Fun.”
I roll my eyes at the clear excitement on Charles’ face, but can’t hide the smile that’s growing on my lips.
“Lando, can you grab a bag, please?”
It’s like deja vu, except this time Lando is the one holding Ada and Lucy’s hands while I walk alongside Charles who struggles with the bags once again.
“No, I’m escorting Ada and Lucy right now,” Lando denies. Charles gives him a look of disbelief. “Uncle privileges.”
“Charles, just let me grab-””Not you, mon amour,” he declines, heaving a bag higher onto his shoulder.
I roll my eyes at his stubbornness but don’t persist any further.
I’m just surprised that I’m in the airport for the second time this month, jetting off on yet another international trip. I’m shocked that I’m doing this at this point in my life, nonetheless with two toddlers by my side.
Of course I have help from Lando and Charles (although, is Lando really help?) but after trying so hard to keep my daughters out of the public eye, taking them to a place where people from all walks of life attend is crazy to me. I can’t help but feel weirdly proud of myself for how far I’ve come.
“Are you okay?” Lando’s voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I return his gaze. “You just kind of zoned out there.”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I smile at him and he smiles back.
And they’re genuine smiles. I really am fine.
Charles gets us in on Friday without having to deal with any of the media. I’m secretly relieved- as much as I’ve tried to reassure him that I don’t mind the media and fans, we’ll just have to hide the girls’ faces as best as we can, he’s taking all precautions to protect their privacy as best as we can.
“What are my nieces wearing?” A voice snaps me out of my quiet bickering with a whining Ada.
“Shirts and jeans,” I answer, picking her up and into my arms.
“Ferrari shirts,” Charles smirks at Lando.
“Ugh,” Lando wrinkles his nose in disgust. “That won’t do.” He glares at Ada’s gray Ferrari T-shirt and Lucy’s red one. “I’ll find something else for you.”
He disappears before Charles and I can say anything else.
I roll my eyes, a point for Charles not to comment on it, before we make our way into the Ferrari garage.
“Y/N!” I’m pulled into a pair of arms as soon as I enter. I don’t recognize the arms- he’s gotten much more muscular over time- but I do recognize the cologne.
He still needs to use less of it.
“Oh, Carlos,” I wrap my free arm around him.
When I was Lando’s assistant and Carlos still drove at McClaren, we became close because of their close friendship. I didn’t tag along on all of their outings, I hate golf, but we would go out to dinner and for walks together.
We became close fast.
And it was difficult when I had to end that friendship.
I pull back, wiping at the light tears in my eyes at the sudden rush of emotions hitting me. Luckily, Carlos doesn’t comment on it, leaning in closer to brush his thumb against the little girl in my arm’s cheek.
“And this must be Ada, I see you in all of your mother’s stories.”
“Is everyone on your private story’s list but me?” Charles whines.
“Step it up, Charles,” Carlos grins at his teammate, brushing a strand of Lucy’s hair behind her ear. Her cheeks blush as she stares at him.
“Oh no, no boys,” Charles scolds gently, turning away so that Lucy could no longer face Carlos.
To my surprise, Ada’s staring back at Carlos. Not in a bashful way like her sister, but in a curious way.
“I heard it’s your birthday,” Carlos says to Ada and Lucy.
“On Sunday they turn two,” I explain.
“Well I got you birthday presents that you need to open today.” He grabs two nearby bags.
“Carlos, they don't need anything. Especially not today, it’s not their birthday yet,” Charles tells his teammate.
“They’re opening them anyway.”
Carlos’ tone leaves no room for argument and the girls have already focused on the bags, so Carlos hands them over to open.
They’re toddler sized Ferrari hats, but on the brim there’s a 55 and they’re both signed by Carlos.
“Really? You signed it too?” Charles looks unimpressed. I can’t help but laugh, which earns a grin for Carlos and a glare from Charles.
“They could make a nice buck off of it one day.”
I try to subtly walk through the paddock back to the Ferrari garage to meet Charles after showing the girls the cars on the track for qualifying, but it’s not easy with a tired toddler on each hip while trying to look out for any phones recording or taking pictures of us.
An arm suddenly pushes on my back, guiding me towards a different garage.
“These are my nieces,” Lando’s familiar voice announces proudly to the group of mechanics and engineers.
“Ew, Lando, get your arm off of me, you’re all sweaty,” I whine.
He rolls his eyes but removes his arm, reaching out to forcibly take the exhausted girls from my arms into his.
“No, you must be tired from the race, I can hold them,” I reassure them.
“Let me spend time with my girls,” he disagrees.
“And who might you be?” One of the mechanics raises an eyebrow at me flirtatiously.
Before I can handle it (in other words, embarrass myself) Lando speaks up, glaring at the mechanic. “She’s my sister.”
One of the other mechanics nudges the guy and mumbles something. All I can manage to hear is ‘Leclerc.’
Speak of the devil and he may appear.
“What are you doing here?” Charles asks in confusion, resting a hand on my waist gently and stepping around me to wave at his daughters.
“Lando pulled me in here,” I explain.
“Did you come to spy on the enemy, Leclerc?” A man I’ve only seen in photos approaches. Well, he’s really just a boy.
“Oscar Piastri,” my face lights up at the sight of him and I step forward to shake his hand. “It’s so great to finally meet you. You know, I loved your overtake in F2 in Bahrain-””Now hold on,” Lando interrupts me. “Are you telling me that my sister is actually an Oscar Piastri fan?”
“Yes, I really am,” I admit, watching as Charles wrestles Ada out of Lando’s arms.
“I can’t believe this, my own sister likes my teammate more than she likes me,” my brother says in mock disbelief.
“Why wouldn’t she? I’m the one decorating the cake for her daughters’ birthday party on Sunday,” Oscar grins smugly.
“Birthday party? On Sunday? Here?” Charles repeats parts of the sentence, raising his eyebrows.
“Yes, that’s what he just said. Do you need your ears checked or something?” Lando questions jokingly.
“You can’t have a birthday party for the girls here on Sunday. We’re having a birthday party for them in the Ferrari motorhome,” Charles says.
“Well I’m their uncle that they rarely see, so they really should be spending more time here with me, and that includes having their birthday party here,” Lando responds.
“And I’m their dad, so they should have their birthday party in a familiar environment. And that’s surrounded by red,” Charles narrows his eyes at his competitor.
As if they both suddenly remember that I’m there, they turn to look at me with expectant gazes. As soon as I recognize the expressions, I laugh.
“Oh hell no, you’re not dragging me into this. Figure it out yourselves.”
They turn back to each other in defeat, narrowing their eyes at each other once again. This is going to be a long weekend.
“Oh my god,” I gape at the screen, hugging the girls tight to me as Charles crosses the line for a second place finish. “Dad came in second place, girls.”
The girls, despite not knowing what I’m saying, clap their hands in excitement, causing the engineers and mechanics around me to laugh.
“Are you going to the podium?” One of them asks.
“Oh, I don’t know,” I frown, fighting myself internally.
On one hand, it would be a great opportunity to remind Charles that I care about his career and success. Having his daughters at a race with him to watch him for the first time and then to get a podium, I know he’d be a little disappointed if we weren’t to go to the podium celebrations.
But on the other hand, I’m still worried about Ada and Lucy’s privacy. I know that pictures of their faces are already out there, but I want to do all that I can to prevent more of them from getting out. I want them to be able to have that privacy to decide what they want to do in the future instead of always being known as Charles Leclerc’s daughters. And a grand prix with cameras and strangers everywhere… they’re bound to constantly be on camera, especially with the controversy surrounding their existence and sudden appearance.
“Are you worried about their faces being seen?” Another mechanic asks. “Because I have a solution.”
I give him a curious look and he grabs two nearby helmets used for decoration, putting them over the girls heads. They squeal in excitement and I laugh.
“That’s genius.”
Together we make our way to the podium, crowding together behind the fence for Charles, Max, and Sergio to drive up. Everyone around me is polite, making sure to leave me plenty of room with a toddler on each hip.
When Charles pulls up and sees us, an expression that I’ve never seen before appears on his face. It lights up and it’s full of adoration, and he practically runs over to us.
He rips his helmet off, throwing it haphazardly on the ground behind him before leaning forward, lifting the visor of Ada’s helmet and placing a kiss on her nose. He does the same to Lucy and I smile at the gesture, expecting him to move on to the guys beside me to celebrate with them.
To my surprise, he pulls me into a hug, Ada and Lucy squished between us.
“Happy for you,” I confess to him, choking back the sobs that want to escape. He gives me a soft smile, able to tell that I’m seconds away from crying.
Thankfully he moves on to the guys before I start bawling my eyes out. I don’t know why I feel like crying. Maybe because this feels so… natural. Being at grand prixs again, surrounded by all of the drivers and mechanics and engineers. Taking my daughters to grand prixs, showing them the world that their uncle and dad were raised in and now are dominating.
Maybe it’s the pride that I feel for Charles, who’s having such a great season.
When Charles is up on the podium, I do let a tear slip.
“Good, I was just looking for you. They’re setting up the birthday party at the McClaren motorhome right now,” Lando catches up to the four of us as we walk back to the Ferrari motorhome.
“Lando, the Ferrari motorhome is already getting their birthday party ready,” Charles informs him slowly.
“Well, I already told you that McClaren’s going to host their birthday party.”
“And I already told you that Ferrari’s going to host their birthday party.”
Once again, the two stare each other down.
God I’m really getting sick of this.
“Guys, I have something to show you,” Alex suddenly appears, breaking the tension.
“Oh thank god,” I mumble, following behind him as he begins to make his way down the paddock.
“Is it in the Williams motorhome? That’s such a far walk,” Lando whines. I hear a thump, then another thump as Lando hits Charles back.
Alex holds the door open for us and Ada and Lucy enter ahead of everyone else. All of the sudden, a bunch of people jump out from behind the furniture in the room, shouting “Surprise!” and blowing party blowers.
Ada looks around shyly, clinging to my leg, while Lucy takes a step forward with a wide grin, loving the attention. There’s people from all the teams here, from employees in the communication departments to mechanics, engineers, and drivers.
I recognize a lot of the faces even years later, but there’s some new ones as well.
“Thank you for this,” I murmur to Alex as Lance Stroll and Esteban Ocon manage to pry Ada off my leg to dance and Lucy watches in a trance as Fernando Alonso and Sergio Perez engage in a conversion in Spanish.
“Of course,” he grins at me, knowing how much easier it is to have this party at a neutral location. Not only to stop the fighting, but also to hopefully mend the relationship between Lando and Charles.
It’s only when Ada and Lucy blow out the candles on their cake that it hits me. I have two two year olds.
Of course I know that they’re not the small babies that I once cradled in my arms or fed bottles to, but it’s so much harder actually realizing it. They’ll never be as little as they are now.
And right now… they’re not even that little. Right now they’re holding their own forks, feeding themselves cake while trying to keep it off of themselves as best as they can. They’re real people with thoughts and emotions, and they no longer need me as much as they once did.
It makes my heart hurt.
I glance over at Charles, thinking of his reaction when we found out that I wasn’t pregnant. If anyone’s the father of my girls, I’m glad that it’s him. It makes me curious about my future children… what their dad will be like. If it’ll be Charles.
“Why is she staring at him like that?” Alex’s question snaps me out of my thoughts.
My cheeks blush, thinking that I’ve been caught, but once I follow his sightline I see Lucy staring at Carlos, batting her eyelashes at him.
“She’s trying to flirt with him,” I inform him.
“That’s flirting with him?” Esteban raises his eyebrows in disbelief. It’s literally just staring creepily at Carlos and blinking quickly. She needs to work on it.
“I wonder where she learned that from,” Lily giggles, nudging me.
“That’s a classic Y/N move,” Charles chimes in.
“What? No it’s not,” I deny, reaching over to push his shoulder teasingly.
“Please, do you not remember?”
“Remember what?”
He grins at me and it’s like we’re the only two people in the room. “Remember when we would lay in bed at night on a race weekend and you would bat those pretty little eyelashes at me, ‘Oh Charles, can you please go get me a chocolate bar from the vending machine?’”
“I never did that,” I exclaim.
“Yes you did, on multiple occasions. I’m surprised we were never caught with how often I would have to buy you damn chocolate bars,” he teases.
I laugh and he joins in softly.
Someone clearing their throat snaps us out of the moment and I suddenly remember there’s people around us.
“Um, let’s move on to presents,” I announce awkwardly.
Ada and Lucy get so much stuff. Esteban gets them a book on how to learn French- I guess he doesn't know much about two year olds, Pierre gets them mini purses from Louis Vuitton, Lando had two toddler sized play cars sent to our new apartment but gives the girls practically the whole Barbie aisle for the party, and Max gets them a baby shark toy (something about how good the song is).
Slowly, everyone begins to leave, and Lando and George keep the girls entertained while Charles and I begin to clean up.
“Well I’d say the party was a success,” I say to Charles, bending down to pick wrapping paper off of the ground.
“Yeah, Albon did a great job hosting. Ada and Lucy had a lot of fun,” he glances over to where they’re playing with their new toys.
“So did the drivers,” I chuckle.
I begin to rise at an angle, hands full of wrapping paper as Charles bends down at an angle to grab some more wrapping paper. I turn my head at the same time he ducks his down, his lips landing on my own.
We kiss for a split second, lips moving against each other in sync before I remember where we are and pull away with a quiet gasp.
My eyes look over at the group of four, seeing them still playing. They didn’t notice the accidental kiss at all.
The damage is done as I look over at Charles, who’s staring back at me with wide eyes and an open mouth. I stare back with blushing cheeks.
“Are you guys almost done?” Lando calls out, breaking our staring competition.
“Yeah, just a little bit longer,” I agree, not breaking the gaze with Charles.
We don't have the chance to talk about it.
As soon as we get back to the hotel, both girls are sent into meltdowns from the sugar high and a long, exhausting day. Then, since they’re both throwing a fit, once one begins to calm down the other one begins to overreact which sends the other one into a fit again.
Finally Charles and I manage to bathe them, change them into their pajamas, and get them to bed.
If I’m exhausted, I don’t know how Charles feels.
I can feel his eyes on me as I anxiously fold one of Lucy’s dirty shirts.
I look up, meeting those hazel eyes that I’ve become so accustomed to seeing. Now I don’t know what I would do without them.
“So…” I start awkwardly.
He just looks so good like this. Hair messy from a long day, in just a casual T-shirt and gym shorts. It’s his dad look. The dim light from the hotel lamp casts a warm glow on him, making me want to just reach over and pull him into my arms.
Before I can even react, he takes two steps forward, hands gently placed on my biceps as he turns me towards him. He leans down and my hands reach up to grab the back of his biceps as our lips meet.
It’s an anticipated kiss, and god, was it worth the wait.
His lips are warm and comforting, like pulling on a sweatshirt straight out of the dryer. Like it’s meant to be, and although you know it can’t last forever, you’ll savor it while it’s happening.
His hands slide down to my waist and my arms wind around his neck, pulling him as close to me as I can.
It’s Ada and Lucy’s second birthday. And it’s also the day that Charles and I kissed twice- once on accident and once on purpose.
This may be one of the happiest days of my life.
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yuis-art · 10 months
🏋🏼‍♀️ Gym Trainer!Abby x Fem! Plus size Reader 🏋🏼‍♀️
Part 2!
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< Hi everyone! Sorry it took me so long to make a part 2! <3 I got a little busy with work and stuff! But without further ado here u go!! Also I May draw something for this! Like I could draw scenes for u guys and imma post them with the fics! >
Word count: 1.5k!
Proof read: a little!
No use of y/n!
Part one: here!
Part three: here!
< btw sorry if my writing is a bit wonky! I never really written fanfics before!! >
You’re sitting in your car, contemplating; waiting on Nora to get here. You text her.
You: Nora? You here? I’m not walking in unless you’re here.
Nora: sorry i won’t be there today! Something came up, i got called into work, sorry dude. :/
Your face drops. ‘Oh my god oh my god, i have to take the class by myself, NONONO.’ You begin thinking and you end calming yourself down.
You: it’s ok :((!
Nora: I’m sorry girl, but you got this, i promise abby is nice. She’s cool. Trust 🤞🏾
You look at the door and sigh hevaily in the car. “Ok.” You get out and grab your gym bag and your phone. Your making your way to the doors and peek in only a little. It’s nice. The walls are a soft blue with a light pale yellow mix. It’s pretty small but you’re glad, at least it’s not huge gym. “Hi! How are you?” A girl at the front desk smiles at you. “H-hi.” You walk in and adjust your bag. “I-I’m looking for Abby.”
“Yeah, just sign in right here and then just head down that hall and turn to your left!” She smiles and walks away to help another member. You sign and make your way down the hall.
It’s an all white room, more like an office? There’s a tiny desk in the corner of her gym room. It’s a pretty big room tho, enough for a class of 6, but it’s only you here so far. Where’s Abby?
You look around the small room, and head towards her desk. She has pictures of her and what you assume is her dad.
You look around and grab it. “Aww.”
You sit it back down and as soon as you turn around Abby is standing there watching you again.
“You’re early.” She says and she walks towards you. “S-sorry I didn’t mean to snoop through your things!” She comes closer. “Chill it’s ok. I don’t mind.” She smiles softly and reaches over looming over you again to adjust her and her dads picture. You back up into the desk a little while she leans over you. She smells so good. Her hair smells like pine.
She leans back, but she’s still close to you. “I see you chose the blue.” She chuckles. ‘Even her laugh Is sexy.’ You think. “Y-yeah. I had too. I mean… if you thought I looked good in this one.” You smile and advert your eyes from her again. “I-I like the one you chose too!” You say speaking up a little. She’s wearing an orange gym wear. Which is really showing off her physic to a T. She smiles. “Thank you pretty.”
Your face turns hot. ‘There’s no way she is flirting with me right now.’ You think to yourself.
“If you want to we can do a warm up before everyone gets here.” She points to the mats on the floor, “let’s do stretches.” Abby smiles and walks across the room grabbing mats. “Ok!” You say eagerly.
You walk over to her and watch her closely. Her arms, the way she lays the mats. “Here sit.” She says as she gets on the yellow mat and then points to the black one next to hers. You walk over and cross your legs and sit and watch her. You’re honestly excited. I mean this girl hasn’t done anything and it’s already motivating you.
“So..” she says stretching her torso while she sits in place.
You repeat after her. “Soo..”
“How did you meet Nora?” Abby says as she watches you repeat her movements.
“We met in high-school! She told me you guys use to be dorm mates in college..?”
Abby smiles and nods her head. “Yeah. She talks about you a lot. But I never got a chance to ever see you.” “Same here.” You say agreeing with Abby. You both sit there in comfortable silence.
Occasionally looking at each other. Abby looks like she wants to ask you something but she’s so nervous. You see her blushing, cheeks getting redder.
“Can I ask you something.” Abby says breaking the silence, but that’s when her other students walk in. You look up at her. “Talk to me after class I wanna talk more.”
Class ends and as your grabbing your bag. Abby taps your shoulder. “How did you like it?” Abby says. Your clearly out of breathe even if it was a beginner exercise. You stand up straight wiping your face with your towel. “I honestly liked it! You give me so much motivation Abby. You’re so cool. And the way you teach oh my gosh, it’s so relaxing.” You’re smiling at her and Abby blushes. Did you say something bad? “Oh.. I’m sorry! I just get a little excited about things-“ “N-no you’re completely fine! I appreciate it really. You’re so cute.” You smile widely, and hide your face in your hands. Your melting. This women is making you melt, and you barely know her. “Hey.. hey!” Abby is waving her hand in front of your face. She gently places her palm on your hand and moves it away from your face. She chuckles. “Are you thereee?” Her face is so close. You see the details on her. Her freckles, her ocean eyes. The way her nose scrunches when she smiles. “I-I’m sorry. I Just. Listen Abby. I know we kinda just met, but if you don’t mind me asking.. are you flirting with me?” Abby’s eyes widened and she backs away a little. “And if I was..?” She looks away shyly. “Oh my gosh..” you knew you weren’t delusional. “Abby-“ “Um.. listen I have to go, but I’ll see you next week right?” “R-right..” you say. You watch Abby grab her bags and her gym equipment. “Wait.” You say. Abby looks at you. “What were you gonna ask?”
“Oh uh.. if you wanted.” She struggles “We could have one on one sessions where it’s just us. We could talk more.”
Your eyes widened. “I would. I would like that!” You smile and Abby looks shocked. “Really? Ok! Um.. I’ll shoot you a text, but if I forget, don’t be shy and just text me ok!” Abby smiles and winks as she leaves the small room.
You get your phone out. Immediately texting Nora.
You: Nora!?!!!
Nora: yessss?
You: Girl. I think Abby likes me.
Nora: not to be a teller but
Nora types.
Nora: she’s been texting me about you, she was wondering if you’re single and I told her yes, and ever since then she hasn’t asked me anything about you since.
Your eyes widened.
Nora: yesss girl, she literally texted me the day u bought the workout clothes, she sent me a pic of you in line and was wondering if it was you or not, I think she’s been liking you since I showed her a pic of you when we were dorm-mates?
Nora: why don’t you txt her?
You: cause I’m a pussy, TAHTS WHY!
Nora: dude.
You: FINE..
A couple of hours pass. You grab your phone, your fingers hovering over you and Abby’s chat. You haven’t texted her but it doesn’t hurt to say hi.
You: Hey!
You look at the text and tap your index finger on your phone.
“NOO… to excited.” You take off the exclamation.
You: hey
“Too formal damn.” You say pressing backspace.
You: Hey! <3
“Well… fuck it.” You send it. You turn off your phone and walk around your apartment. You’re tapping your feet.
A ting rings from your phone.
It’s Nora. She sent you a TikTok. Your head hangs back and you throw your phone. “Ugh. I need to distract myself.” You start cooking anytging you can find.
Seconds turn to minutes, minutes turn to hours. You’re watching a movie and then you hear a ting.
Abby: Hey, what’s up? :)
Your face goes blank your hands start to sweat. “Oh my gosh oh my gosh. Uhhh… be chill.”
You: Nothing much! Just had a question about the one on one sessions. What days did u want me to show up!
Abby: how about, Monday thru Thursdays?
You: ok that’s fine! :)
Abby: Cool cool :)
You’re staring at your phone, you don’t know what to do or say.
She’s typing.
Abby: So what are you up to Rn?
You: nothing, why?
Abby: wanna grab something? My treat :)
Your face gets hot. Is she asking you out?
You: yes omg ofc, I would love to hang out with you more. :)
“Smooth, keep it smooth.” You say and you grab a pillow and squeeze it.
Abby: meet me here!
She sends you a location.
Abby: unless you want me to come get you. I don’t mind.
“Hmm.. ride in Abby’s car.. or take your own..” you think for a moment.
You: I don’t mind riding with you. :)
Abby’s typing but she’s taking a minute to respond.
Abby: Ok, send me ur place and I’ll be there In a hour.
You: Ok! :))
You think for a moment and then you stand up. You’re shaking “oh my gooooddd, I’m freaking out so bad, is this a date? Would this count as a date?” You look at the time. “I don’t know what it is but all I know is I have to get ready!” You rush to the restroom.
<Thank you for reading! Part 3 is coming out soon! I already wrote some, but maybe expect some smut? MAYBE IDK I MIGHT DO A LIL SUM>
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gojosnympho · 1 year
nsfw, mdni
jungkook x black!fem!reader
content warnings: infidelity, unprotected sex, dirty talk, choking (fem receiving)
authors note: i’m drawing a blank on everything else i’m writing like writers block kicking my ass bad 💔 so i hope you guys don’t mind these little drabbles lol. hope you enjoy this one!
he knew you had a man. he knew but that didn’t stop him. it didn’t stop him from flirting with you when he knew your boyfriend wasn’t looking. it didn’t stop him from commenting heart eyes on every picture you posted on instagram and it damn sure didn’t stop him from inviting your pretty ass to his house to “hang out”.
“i have a boyfriend, jungkook.” you told him when he started tracing slow circles on the fat of your bare thigh.
“yeah? so why’d you come then?”
you didn’t know how to respond so you said nothing. you didn’t know why you came honestly. you knew jungkook liked you and you knew you had no business at his house by yourself. he was so fine though.
“if you want me to stop i’ll stop.” the dark haired man assured you. but both of you knew you didn’t want him to stop.
“don’t stop.”
one thing led to another and soon you were in jungkook’s bed while he drove his fat dick into your pussy. you were a moaning mess beneath him, your ankles pushed behind your head while he pounded into you.
“can he fuck you like this, baby?” jungkook asked
“no.” you cried out.
“i’m the only one that can fuck you like this.”
he wrapped his tattooed hand around your throat, making your eyes roll in the back of your head. you clenched around him, your orgasm so fucking close you could almost taste it.
“i should cum in you and ruin you for him.” he said breathlessly. you nodded eagerly at his words despite the grip he had on your throat.
“please.” you begged him
he took his hand from around your throat and opted for pressing bruising kisses on the flesh, not caring if he left any marks behind. he wanted your boyfriend to know that he fucked you so much better than he ever could.
“you gonna cum, baby?” jungkook asked you
“y-yes! oh my g-god!” you grabbed onto his biceps, your nails digging into the taut skin as your back arched off the bed and your orgasm ripped through your body. cries of jungkook’s name and broken moans left your lips while you squeezed around him. he didn’t stop fucking into you until he was close to spilling inside of you.
“you really want it inside?”
“please, jungkook.” you begged him, looking up at him with glassy eyes and that blissed out look. that’s all it took for him to empty himself inside of you, pumping you so full of his cum you were sure you could already feel some of it seeping out.
jungkook collapsed on top of you, his strong body keeping you in place while you both regulated your breathing.
“you’re such a good girl and you’re all mine now.” he whispered into your ear.
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hjparisian · 9 months
bad idea right?- harry j potter x reader
p: ex! harry j potter x fem!reader w: modern au (phones exist at hogwarts dont question how), everyone is friends, small mentions of drinking and smoking, slight sexual implications (no smut) summary: (y/n) and harry have been broken up for a while now. while at a party (y/n) gets a message from harry asking her to come over. its a bad idea, right? a/n: based on the song by olivia rodrigo, which has been living in my head rent free and brought my first idea in weeks. currently trying to get through a few requests and ylm part II and seeing what'll happen from there. also im on pinterest and tik tok so come find me (has nothing posted on either lol)
There was nothing like a good old party after the Quidditch games. This game was between Hufflepuff and Slytherin, the latter being victorious, which meant the Slytherins would be hosting the party. All the houses were invited.
(Y/N) sat on the couch with Hermione, Pansy, Daphne, and Cho, a drink in her hand. She had tuned out what the girls were chatting about, observing the surroundings of the party. From the people dancing, couples making out, people taking shots and smoking, and Ron doing a keg stand with Blaise and Theo, Draco laughing at them from the side.
(Y/N)'s thoughts were interrupted by the buzzing of her phone, which had also caught the attention of her friends. She picked it up to see who it was. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately to her, it was her ex-boyfriend. Harry.
5 missed calls
feeling a bit bored rn
no ones at the dorm right now
come over?
"Who is it?" Cho asked.
"Oh erm, no one important," (Y/N) said.
"Well your phone was buzzing for a good minute until you finally picked up so it has to be someone important," Daphne chimed.
"Really it's no one," (Y/N) tried telling them.
At that moment, Pansy took (Y/N)'s phone out her hand and looked at it.
"Yeah no one important, unless it's your ex Harry fucking Potter wanting to see you tonight!" Pansy said. The girls gasped.
"Harry?" Hermione asked. "Harry's texting you? But you guys haven't spoken in a couple of months."
"Yeah, I know," (Y/N) said.
"How come Harry isn't here anyways? Doesn't he usually go to parties with Ron?" Daphne asked.
"Said he didn't feel like it," Hermione told her.
"Well, are you gonna do it?" asked Pansy.
"Do what?" (Y/N) asked.
"You know, see him?"
Cho chimed in. "Oh (Y/N), I don't think that would be a good idea."
"Yeah, that would be a bad idea, he is your ex after all," said Daphne.
"I never said whether I was going to or not!" (Y/N) exclaimed. "And if I were why would it matter? I know he's my ex but can't two people reconnect?"
"Well, they could," Hermione started saying. "But a lot of the times it doesn't work out."
"Besides," Pansy starts. "There's a bunch of other men out there waiting to have a chance with you. Men hotter than Potter."
(Y/N) didn't know whether to agree or disagree with Pansy. Well sure, there's other men out that there that could be more attractive than Harry, but there's just something about him that draws her to him.
"Okay, okay! I only see Harry as a friend anyways. Also we're at a Slytherin party right now and I'd much rather be getting drunk with you guys than continue this." (Y/N) told them.
Her words rang in her head as she took a shot that Pansy brought her. Does she really only see Harry as a friend? Or is that a lie?
The temptation to see Harry was only getting stronger with each drink she took. It wouldn't be a horrible idea to visit Harry right? They probably wouldn't do anything anyways so what's the harm?
While the girls weren't paying attention, she texted Harry back, telling him she would be over in a little bit. It didn't take long for Harry to get back to her.
cool, see you soon then
(Y/N) waited until the girls were done with another round of drinks, hoping to be unsuspecting with her need to leave.
"I think I'm going to head to bed, I'm feeling a little bit tired," she said.
"Already?" Pansy asked. "Come on we're having fun!"
"Pansy, leave the girl be. It is starting to get a little late anyways," Daphne said to her fellow Slytherin.
"Do you want me to walk you to your dorm?" Hermione asked her, being one of the more sober people of the group.
"No! No I'll be alright. I'll see you guys tomorrow though alright?" (Y/N) said as she wave goodbye to her friends.
Once she exited the Slytherin common room, she quietly made her way towards the Gryffindor common room. Curse Harry for being a Gryffindor and making her walk so far, but it'll be worth it, at least that's what she's thinking.
(Y/N) finally made it to the entrance of the common room without any setbacks. The Fat Lady had woken up from the sound of her footsteps.
"Quid Agis," (Y/N) said, having remembered the password from when she visited Hermione earlier in the week.
The portrait opened and (Y/N) walked in. The common room was empty, most likely due to the party as well as it being late in the night. She made her way to Harry's dorm, memorized where it was due to the countless times she's gone over.
The girl knocked on the door before going to grab the door knob, but the door had opened before she could. In front of her stood her ex-boyfriend in sweats and a black shirt, contrasting her party dress she wore tonight.
"Hey," Harry said to (Y/N) when she walked in, closing the door behind her.
"Hi," (Y/N) shyly said. It was a bit awkward being in Harry's dorm, considering the last time she was there was a few months ago, before their break up.
Harry guided (Y/N) to his bed, the two sitting at the edge. She could feel Harry's eyes taking her in. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't doing the same just before.
"So you came from the party I assume?" Harry asked.
(Y/N) nodded.
"How was it?"
"Good. You know how Slytherin parties are." The girl said. "Exciting. A lot of drinks."
"Do your friends know you're here?" Harry asks her.
"No." (Y/N) felt a hand touching her thigh.
"Where do they think you're at?" Harry asks her. "They think I'm in bed right now." She said. But she never specified whose bed.
A faint hum of acknowledgement came from Harry as he began rubbing her thigh, his hand slowly getting higher and higher.
"You know, I've missed you a lot (Y/N)."
(Y/N) could feel her heart racing at Harry's sudden confession. "Really? I've sorta missed you too." She didn't know if it was the alcohol talking that made her say that or what, but something made her want to see where this was going.
A small smirk appeared on Harry's face before he brought the girl to his lap. His eyes flickered from her eyes to her lips.
"How about I show you how much I've missed you?"
This definitely was not going to be a bad idea, right?
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gurofushi · 11 months
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“i left love letters in your locker, don't forget to read them.”
꣑୧ saiki kuriko x fem! reader. (fluff)
warnings; none. <3
a/n; kusuo as a girl (kuriko) is actually so pretty oml i HAD to write something about her :<
(apologies for any grammar mistakes, english is not my first language^^)
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recess was about to end soon. you and your usual circle of friends were sitting at a table somewhere near the entrance of the cafeteria.
they were being loud as usual, but you didn't mind, they were your best friends after all.
though for some reason, you couldn't seem to focus on whatever topic they were shouting on about to eachother.
instead, your mind was being occupied by a pink haired friend of yours, one that was sitting right across from you on the table.
saiki kuriko, she was one of your closest friends and long time crush.
she was quiet, reserved and liked to be alone most of the time, but you'd always find yourself spending time with her quite often.
even though she doesn't really say much, she has always had this silent charm to her that has never failed to draw all of your attention to her.
despite all of your feelings towards her, you knew that you could never confess, you were too scared to cause you knew you could possibly put your current friendship into jeopardy.
‘i'm completely happy with staying friends with her.. right? yeah, i totally am. she doesn't have to know anything, i don't wanna lose her.’
well, too bad for you. kuriko could only raise her eyebrows as she heard your thoughts.
unbeknownst to you, kuriko felt the exact same way. only difference is, she had already planned on confessing her feelings to you.
her plan was already underway as of right now.
so far, she successfully wrote three long and heartfelt letters expressing her admiration and love for you.
that was a lie. each letter only had ‘i like you.’ ‘you're very pretty.’ and ‘be my girlfriend.’ written on them. she tried her best.
she was able to teleport those letters into your locker, in exchange for some silly cat drawings you kept. (but don't worry, she made sure to remember to give them back to you.)
now, all she had to do was to tell you about the written confession she left so that you wouldn't miss them before you went home.
easy enough right?
wrong, seems like kuriko didn't think hard enough about that part.
there's no way she would actually *tell you* that she was confessing. that's absur–
the bell rung, signalling the students to go back to each of their classes.
each of you stood up from your seats and started to bid eachother goodbye before making your way out of the cafeteria.
“y/n, wait.”
kuriko held your wrist to prevent you from walking for a moment. you turned to look at her, and so did your other friends.
unfortunately, kuriko didn't notice that they did. her focus was completely on you.
“ah, yes?”
“i left love letters in your locker, don't forget to read them.”
she told you bluntly. you were stunned, unable to move as your mouth hung open.
after a moment of silence, you quickly regained your composure and nodded with slightly red cheeks.
“o-oh, i see. okay, kuriko. ill be sure to read them.”
kuriko only responded with a nod and slight smile before turning away and walking towards her next class.
she felt accomplished, all she had to do now was to wait for your response to her feelings, even though she already knew your answer, she wanted to hear it come out of your own mouth.
“woaah, y/n! didn't know our pal kuriko had the hots for ya! congratulations!”
she froze as her train of thought suddenly came to a halt.
others thoughts started to fill her brain as she slowly realized what she did.
she DID NOT just tell you that in front of all the others.. right?
‘im done for.’
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this was way too rushed than i intended it to be 😭 it's literally almost 1 in the morning and im just finishing this up.
i hope this was still readable anyway, i promise that ill be posting better stuff soon! xoxo
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acidinbubbles · 2 years
♡✎Teacher's Pet ✎♡
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Teacher!Eren Yeager x Student!Fem reader WC:1k+
Synopsis :He knows he should stop, he knows it’s wrong, he knows it could ruin his life, but temptation and desires outweigh all his morals. You and your teacher Eren Yeager have been fooling around for about three months now and it’s been the best three months of your life every weekday ends the exact same, bent over his desk while he pounds into you mercilessly and no matter how much you please him, you know he’ll never love you. He’s a family man after all.
Contains: age gap (reader is of age),oral(f and m receiving), creampie,degradtion,praise, ANGST ANGST ANGST, cheating,dubcon(?), hair pulling,fingering,unprotected sex, and probably more!
Notes: tbh this kind of sucks but oh well I wanted to post, this is heavily based on the song teacher's pet by Melanie(love her) but yeah uh hope you enjoy feedback on my writing would be appreciated (I do take request :) )
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You sat at your desk looking at him with lust filled eyes, biting on the tip of your pen, your school issued uniform with more than enough buttons undone for him to see right down the valley of your breast every time you hunch over to answer a question on your test. Right before you finish your test you decide to write a little “love” note “ if i pass this quiz will you give me your babies?”. You stand up to turn in your test, giving him a wink as you set it down on his desk, swaying your hips as you walk back to your own. Eren was mesmerized by you he wanted nothing more than to fuck you right then and there but without fail every time he looks to his right he sees the picture of him and his beloved wife and kids and guilt swallows him whole. He grits his teeth and goes back to grading papers, deciding today was the day he would put an end to this little relationship between you and him.
Luckily Mr.Yeager was your last period so everyday when the bell rang you went to the closest girls bathroom and waited till every teacher and student had cleared the building before making your way back to his classroom. When you walked in Eren looked like he was in deep thought he hadn’t even noticed you waltzing your way until you were standing on the opposite side of his desk. “Sooooo did i pass the the quiz?” finally Eren looked to meet your eyes giving the same cheeky smile you always did. “Yes baby you did but-” before he could even finish his sentence you were already on your knees working at his belt. All the doubts he had are out the window as soon as you wrap your pretty glossed lips around his cock. He tosses his back, closing his eyes, biting his lips to contain his moans, he opens his eyes to see his family photo staring at him. He listens to the devil on his shoulder and flips the picture over.
He grips your hair pounding into your throat, tears forming in your eyes from lack of oxygen and the brutal beating your throat is taking. He finally lets up and pulls you off his dick, a string of saliva connecting you two. You stand up and he immediately pins you against the desk like he has many times before with one instruction “Stay'' while he grabs his chair, setting it right in front of you before taking a seat. He pulls your skirt up and starts rubbing your sensitive nub “Look at how wet this little cunt is all from sucking her teacher's dick, a bit pathetic if you ask me.” You whine at the degradation “So needy” he pulls your lace panties to the side before lapping up all the juices coming out “You always taste fucking amazing” he says before diving right back into the abuse on your clit.
“If im so- fuck, special why am I a secret.”. He looks up at you like you’re a fucking idiot while his fingers are playing with your entrance drawing moans and whimpers. “Was that a serious question y/n?” the use of your first name scares you. “Kin- mhm kkinda” he gives you a mean stare while plunging his fingers in and out of you, curving them to hit that special spot deep inside of you. “Because I have a family, not to mention I'm your teacher.”, the mention of his family makes your heart sting a bit, because you know he doesn’t love you, at least not the way you love him.
But you’ll show him, show him how much you love him. You grab his wrist and he looks up at you with a puzzled face. You hop off the desk and move to straddle his lap, your wet heat on his bare cock makes him bite his lip and grip the sides of his chair. You start grinding on his dick, his tip drawing across your clit with each stroke. “Tell me Eren, do you regret it? The things we share?” You start kissing his neck sucking just light enough so you won’t leave a hickey because he’s not yours to mark. He sighs before mustering a response , “No princess I don’t regret it, how could I when your pussy treats me so well.” and there it was, the confirmation he only “loves” you for your body. It hurts so much while your body feels amazing, your mind and heart are filled with dread. But if this is all he’ll give you, you’ll take it. Every.Single.Time. Without warning you move your panties to the side, lining him up with your needy hole. “Wait y/n hold on-” he cuts off his own sentence with a moan. “You feel so good inside, how could I wait” you said while setting a steady pace on his cock.
The grip on your hips that would surely bruise, isn't that ironic? How can he mark you all he wants yet you can’t? There's tears in your eyes not just from the pressure building in your core but from the hurt and pain of wanting something you can never have. “I love you i love you i love you” you say it like a chant “Fuck I love this pussy.”,and there it is again. Loving how you take his cock so well, loving how your tits bounce as you ride him, loving how your juices drip down his base, loving how the bite marks he leaves on your shoulder, loving how your mouth forms an o shape as you let out whimpers, loving how your pussy tightens when you're about to cum, loving how your juices squirt on his button up shirt and your skirt as you moan his name, loving how you beg for his cum like the slut you are, but what he loves most is the way your cunt grips him as he paints your walls white. But he doesn’t actually love you, just your body.
You get off him with a wince from the sensitivity putting your panties back into place and fixing your uniform. Eren follows, pulling his pants up and redoing his belt. When he’s all situated he stands behind you kissing your neck and hugging you from behind, “Thanks sweetheart, make sure you don’t tell anyone about this or i won’t fill up this pretty pussy ever again.” You want to sob right then and there but instead you swallow the lump in your throat before nodding your head. “Good girl” he says with a kiss to your temple, such an intimate action yet you remember your nothing but a toy to him. You grab your things and walk to the door without looking back because if you saw his face, you’d surely break down.
You walked home mascara running down as you felt his cum dripping down your leg. He wasn't yours yet he was all over you, the marks on your neck and chest, the bruises on your hips, the liquid falling out of you. You’ll never be more than cumslut to him, nothing but a teacher's pet.
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howlingday · 10 months
Gyeiss: Yo~! I'm, like, totally back~!
Bleiss: Yeah, I fucking noticed.
Gyeiss: So, like, I got me a sexy boy toy, too~!
Juan: Hola. ¿Como estas?
Gyeiss: So, now I can, like, make my own posts, right? Just like you?
Bleiss: Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's also racist.
Gyeiss: What?
Bleiss: Your knock-off of my darling.
Gyeiss: But, like, he's totally got a sword!
Bleiss: He's wearing a sombrero, a poncho, and has a big, off-color mustache! He's racist, and he's about to get us fucking canceled!
Juan: (Sniff) No me gusta... (Cries in Spanish)
Gyeiss: Okay, you better take that back.
Bleiss: Eat shit, black face.
Gyeiss: (Steams off body, Ground melts) HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
Bleiss: Oh, what the fuck is this now?
Jaune: I think you made her mad, Bleiss.
Bleiss: Who cares? I'm perfect, and she's not!
Jaune: Uh, you do know she's stronger than you, right? By a wide margin?
Bleiss: ...That would have been good to know ON THE FIRST EPISODE!
Jaune: We could call backup.
Bleiss: You thinking what I'm thinking?
Jaune: Oh yeah~!
Gyeiss: (Crying, In time-out)
Weiss: And let be a lesson to you, young lady!
Jaune: (Sighs) Thanks again, Weiss.
Wait, there's more?
Jaune: Man, have you ever seen a view like this, Juan?
Juan: Oh, er, uh, sí. Es bueno.
Jaune: So, Juan... You sure this is where you want to do this?
Juan: ...¿Sabes?
Jaune: Mhm. Sí, lo sé. I mean, it's pretty obvious with you behind me, and I'm facing the cliff. Though, not as obvious as that fake accent of yours.
Juan: You... You don't deserve what you have! I do!
Jaune: So what? You're gonna kill me just because a lot of girls like me? Are you really that petty?
Juan: (Draws sword) It didn't have to end this way, you know. If you just let the rest of us have a piece...
Jaune: If you're going to think that way about them, then yes, (Draws sword) it did.
Jaune: (Slashes)
Juan: (Parries, Overhead swipes)
Jaune: (Blocks, Grabs Juan and throws)
Juan: (Rolls, Stands up) Heh. ¡Buen trabajo! Reall good, Jaune! But not good enough. See, I know your weakness. You may look young, but you're old, and weak, and soon enough, all tjose pretty young girls will see you for what you really are... And then, they'll look past you and see me.
Jaune: ...Ha! That's funny, because you didn't see this coming! (Flips sword, Drives to cliff)
Juan: (Cliff collapses, Falls) AAAAAAAAAAAH!
Jaune: See ya, Jaun. (Walks away)
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gamerbearmira · 2 days
Orchids and Lilies might be my new favorite AU and I need more of it now (please). I don't know if you already have any ideas for this AU, but I kinda took it and ran with it, so here ya go. It can be all about how Isabela realizes how awful she was to Mirabel and her slowly fixing that relationship one step at a time while also slowly creeping out of that senorita perfecta box, maybe even leading up to the events of the film and Isabela helping Mirabel save the miracle. It'd be really fun to see that, especially how differently the scenes with Bruno would go, I imagine some of the cracks inside Casita's walls would slowly fade as Isabela and Mirabel fix their relationship and Bruno might make that connection, maybe Isabela would even be a part of the original vision, standing next to Mira, with the vision not only showing a cracked Casita but a crack between the sisters. OH! and I've got the perfect idea for what Bruno's second vision would show, it would show Dolores! The girls will talk with Dolores who will admit she loves Mariano, and Isabela will admit she doesn't want to marry him, leading to Dolores having that "what else can I do" moment as she realizes her dreams aren't impossible, I imagine she'd go wild in her own way, detailing all of her romantic fantasies, it'd be so much fun. And yeah, Isabela would still be courting Mariano, the proposal dinner still happens too, she hasn't completely broken out of her golden child role, Mirabel may or may not know about how Isabela really feels.
Honestly I'd love to give more, but this was sort of an idea I had festering in my drafts and randomly decided to finally draw for 😭 I didn't get very far, at least not past the points in the post.
BUT YOUR IDEAS ARE SO COOL❗❗ I definitely did imagine and want them to get closer and make up, like I said, it's essentially a canon divergent; a "what-if" for what would happen if they made up soon in a way??? Anyway, they def pull up to Luisa too, she's not a major focus but they figure it out pretty fast. If they got problems, Lord knows the others do too 😭😭 anyway, I think Mirabel might have an idea on how Isabela feels and pieces it together, pretty quickly, idk
Anyway, yes!!! Dolores!!!! I do also agree that Isabela hasn't completely broken out of the mold. Not quite. But you know, it does help that Dolores does confess. How she goes wild I have no idea yet 🤓☝ but maybe they do try and come up with a plan to either stall or cancel the dinner or mess it up somehow without anyone getting in trouble. You know making it seem like an accident.
Silly idea that since Luisa's problem might be resolved earlier, it could go to Camilo cause. Where's harm in focusing on the warm siblings. Antonio's fine lmao but. Idk Camilo feels like he's always seen as another person and not himself??? Like people always ask him to use his gift to be someone else but not him and he just wants to be him. Bro needs to drop the mask and be straightforward 👹👹👹
This is low effort but 🌚
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justmossyall · 3 months
about me <3
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hi! the name’s claire. she/her, a minor, INFJ, aggressively neurodivergent
a bit about me: i’m a christian, an author, an artist and an actor. i’m a huge dork and love infodumping about my favorite things, so my asks are always open if you want me to rant to you 😭
the general stuff: no nsfw, don’t be weird, just remember that i am legally (and honestly mentally) a child before you say anything weird or are mean to me lol. also i have pretty bad anxiety and emetophobia, idk why that would ever come up but I figured I would mention it??? just…………….don’t stress me out or mention vomit ig????? bro idek anyways
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side blogs because i have an obsession:
this is my main, a lot of reblogs about the things i like
my horrendous thoughts @justmossyaps
art blog @justartyall
writing blog @justmosswrites
photography blog @raindropsonmushroomcaps
ask game! drama ask game! can you tell i like ask games! here’s a fourth one!
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shows i like: gravity falls, arcane, bluey, bee and puppycat, amazing digital circus, toh, wandavision (not a marvel fan in general but i love that show), dance moms (don’t judge im a sucker for reality tv), and way too many kids shows. what can i say my mental age is like 4 (@person4924 and @sweetronancer know octonauts is where it’s at 😭)
movies i like: first of all i am a huge ghibli fan 😭 anyways the tinker bell movies, ratatouille, wall-e, the muppet movies, spiderman: into/across the spiderverse, brave, random 90s movies that I watch with my parents
books i like: psych im not listing all those, there’s way too many 😭 (kotlc and the scythe series are my favs though)
games i like: undertale/deltarune/undertale yellow (y’all should know by now how obsessed i am with that franchise), stardew valley, animal crossing, zelda botw (i have not played totk yet :( im hoping to soon though!), ddlc
special interests: psychology (especially neurodivergencies, specifically autism and tic disorders), writing, utdr/uty, gravity falls, arcane, tadc, bee and puppycat, some oddly specific medical stuff (mostly things like autoimmune disorders and the like, i just hate gore and tbh the cardiovascular system in general), kotlc, bluey, coding, embroidery, linguistics/etymology, clowns for some reason??? girl idk don’t ask
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i do a lot of writing, my first novel is actually fully drafted and i’m hoping to have it edited within the next 2 years so i can publish :) other than that main one + my other main-ish novel i have about ten million wips 😭
as mentioned above i am also an artist, i mostly just draw though i also embroider and dabble in clay and watercolor. my art blog is linked above so you can go check that out :) i also do photography! it’s not a very serious hobby but i enjoy it, photography acc is also linked above. i actually also make music???? lmaoooo yeah here’s my soundcloud it’s @\lofiwithsunny. i just write crappy instrumentals using soundtrap loops, but it’s fun and i think they sound pretty nice :)
i’m also an actor (yes i like to suffer creatively in many ways) so naturally i’m quite dramatic. i frequent the 😭 emoji and often use all caps. i love to sing though and i love music so if you have any cool songs you think i would like feel free to send them to me. OBSESSED with the oh hellos
speaking of which, my spotify is @/-sunflowerskies- if you want to search me up. here are a few of my fav playlists ~ ~ ~
also as mentioned above, i am a christian! if you ever want me to pray for you or are curious about the faith, my asks and dms are always open :)
i have a huuuuge sweet tooth. it’s so bad but I love candy so much
idk what else to put here???? i am, as the kids say, neurospicy so im sure none of my posts are coherent lol. also im having a lot of health issues recently with a lot of brain fog and fatigue affecting my overall functioning, so apologies if the posts are even less coherent than normal lmaooo
honestly send me asks whenever you want, i am incredibly bored all of the time and love making new friends <3 literally rant to me about anything idrc but i apologize if i don’t answer for a while lol, i go through on and off phases of being on this site
i guess that’s about it?? love you guys have a wonderful day!! <3
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deepestuniversallove · 4 months
Hey I literally logged in just to give you support. Don't listen to these idiots telling you that you're gross for loving Mewtwo.
Because if loving Mewtwo is gross then the entire monster-fucking community should also be shamed but they aren't hmmmmmm I wonder why.
The degenerates in this fandom are perfectly fine with Ash fucking Latias, and men fucking Gardevoir, Vaporeon, or whatever slutty monster girl bitch of the week, but nooo you self shipping with Mewtwo is apparently cONcERnING or whatever.
(I love how no one calls the Hatsune Miku guy names lol, do I smell double standards? )
But this doesn't surprise me because the Pokemon community is full of hypocrites and these are the same no - life losers who shit their pants because Ash isn't in the anime anymore, their parents truly failed in raising them.
Lord knows I faced enough trouble for loving Steven and that too, from an Eevee fucker.
Monika, sweetie you are doing nothing wrong, your love for Mewtwo is so innocent, sweet and pure. I think it's beautiful how helped you with depression and escape your narcissistic mother.
People on this site love to preach mental health support but the very minute you do something different yet harmless suddenly it's
Keep on giving them rectal bleeding and draw more of you and Mewtwo ;) I love to see it.
AHH thank you so much for this message!! 🥹 That is so sweet of you!
Yeah, I dunno why it has always been like this. Even 10 or even 20 years ago, I often got messages chastising me for selfshipping with Mewtwo, calling it "nasty" and "degenerate", when really, i am not doing it to specifically be a degenerate, but because I honestly love Mewtwo. In his story, he too had to fight against a narcissistic "parent" (Giovanni), just like I had to against my own. How can it be seen as a crime to want to believe? Or has it been wrong to say "Mewtwo, please teach me to be brave like you" in my mind during the hard times, especially back when I was a lonely child?
Haha, I doubt anyone could ever shame the monster fucker community out of what they are doing. Or the furry community for that matter. 🤣
There always seems to be some sort of underlying misogyny happening. Women are expected to get an IRL husband/boyfriend to serve as soon as possible, so seeing a woman openly rather selfship with a fictional character is threatening to them, because how dare a woman not be in the kitchen and make sandwiches for a man? How dare a woman prefer to be single when there is a "male crisis of loneliness" happening?
Then again, I don't think I owe society anything. Where was society when I was abused? Where was the help or the community when I needed them most? I was left to my own devices. When a fictional character like Mewtwo brings someone like me more hope than any IRL human, that's how I know we failed as a society. Even sicker is that other more destructive forms of coping mechanisms are more encouraged. Somehow selfshipping is seen as more evil by the "moral police" than dying from a drug overdose on the streets or having alcoholism.
Anyone who ever complains to me about "ruining Mewtwo" or whatever - no, you aren't "concerned", you are just using that word to camouflage that what you really want is control over me and what I put out there. And i can tell you it is futile. I haven't survived so far just for some snotty brats to tell me what i can or cannot do in MY online space. Don't like what I post? Tough titties, use the block button. No one is forcing you to look at my "cringe". My cringy stuff brings me joy and makes me happy, and I feel I deserve some happiness in this shitty world of ours. You do too, so just..go and have some fun yourself. Don't waste your only life on policing others.
So yeah, you are right, dagdasgoddess. I will keep giving people "rectal bleeding". 🤣 No one can stop me from loving Mewtwo, my guardian angel that even visits me in my dreams at night, and loves me even when I absolutely despise myself. He will always be a bastion of love for me, a symbol that life is worth living regardless of hardships.
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twipsai · 6 months
what if @askamnesiamoonjumper had tumblr that would be kinda funny
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🎆mjs-hideout Follow
I believe I have... over 2000 asks now? Apologies for the delay, I'll try to get to the (actually interesting..) ones soon!
487 notes
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Anonymous asked: wait, your brother is snatcher??? like. THE subcon snatcher??????? doesnt he like... eat people??????
🎆mjs-hideout Follow
Maybe... :>
🐱‍👤lefelinapologist Follow
uhhh are we not gonna talk about how problematic this is???? Amy literally has over 10k followers and she supports her brother eating people. wtf????
🎆mjs-hideout Follow
Your url is "lefelinapologist", but you draw the line at my brother having breakfast????
4,948 notes
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Anonymous asked: so is that rumor that you cook people in a giant cauldron true
🩻 thesnatcher Follow
no, but i think @kizunyanmewku-official does that
shhhh not so loud
10,309 notes
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🎆mjs-hideout Follow
Why are there so many food questions today???
328 notes
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🎡moon-resident-69 Follow
(srry for low image quality but--) does anyone know what this flower is??? it just kinda showed up in my garden yesterday. all the flowers around it look kinda wilted too..
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🌷identifying-flowers-in-posts Follow
5,892 notes
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Anonymous asked: hey werent you the guy that like destroyed The Actual Fucking Moon????? like wasnt the city demolished and shit cuz of that??????
🎆mjs-hideout Follow
Oh, yeah! That was me, but I'm not a guy anymore ^^
1,348 notes
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bunnything asked: kys
🎆mjs-hideout Follow
Uhuh yeah sure. Anyways Hattie baked brownies do you want some?
🐇 bunnything Follow
brownies?!?!?!? YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
509 notes
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🩻 thesnatcher Follow
no, seriously, STOP GOING TO SUBCON. I WILL KILL AND EAT YOU. this isnt a threat or a joke, its a warning. STOP GOING
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🌷identifying-flowers-in-posts Follow
if you find a bunny changeling eating your flowers, thats mine -_- they got mad at me and now theyve decided to terrorize the world about it
🐇 bunnything Follow
985 notes
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🎆mjs-hideout Follow
Can girls do anything anymore :(
4,989 notes
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Anonymous asked: hey how come cookies are on your trigger list??
🎆mjs-hideout Follow
Soooo funny story, my ex was poisoning me with enchanted cookies when I was living with her...
🩻 thesnatcher Follow
🍪boo did i scared you
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shingetsu-online · 6 months
☆ Hello, I'm Hugh. I'm a person who draws and plays videogames for fun, with a keen interest in analysis and psychology, and I enjoy the process of modding video game consoles. Welcome to my blog, shingetsu-online! ~.^*☆ ☆ text dividers by @cafekitsune ☆
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☆ My name is Hugh, though I also go by Mr. Crescendo, Shingetsu, & Hyuu. My pronouns are He/They, and I am a transmasc demiboy who is gay, cinthean, demiromantic, & a sex-repulsed asexual. I'm 13 years old, so do please try to keep my boundaries in mind! I'm part of a system, and my headmates Drayton & Chai may pop up on here and make posts of their own. If you want to refer to us collectively, call us the Blue Raspberry Collective or the Hyacinth Hivemind. I am WaningCrescendo on A03, though I haven't posted anything on there yet! Please do not repost my art without permission or credit.
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☆ My major hyperfixations are in blue & bold text, so I'll post about them more often than others.
☆ POKEMON (Generations 5, 7, 8, & 9 mostly. I also enjoy the gen 8/9 DLC campaigns. Mostly the games, though I have read a bit of PokeSpe. I do not post about the animes.)
☆ A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS (Both the books & the live-action series adaptation.)
☆ MIITOPIA (Both for Nintendo Switch & 3DS, I've played through the Switch port several times & I recently started the 3DS version!)
☆ ACE ATTORNEY (I've seen playthroughs for the entire main trilogy & the Investigations games, I am currently playing through Apollo Justice, & I have finished The Great Ace Attorney's 3DS English fan-slation, and I am trying to get the Chronicles so I can play Resolve! Don't worry about spoiler for the mainline 6 games & the Investigations games, but I am trying to play TGAA as spoiler-free as possible.)
☆ RHYTHM THIEF (I have played through the entirety of the main story! Also Charlie Vergier is transmasc & anyone who she/her's him is dead to me. /lh)
☆ RHYTHM HEAVEN & WARIOWARE (I classify these 2 together since they are heavily linked together! For Rhythm Heaven, my favorite games are Rhythm Heaven DS & Megamix, and for WarioWare, I like Smooth Moves, Move It!, Touched!, & Gold!)
☆ YOUR TURN TO DIE (I have played up to Chapter 3-1B!)
☆ THE WORLD ENDS WITH YOU (I have NEO for my Switch, I have seen the anime, and I have the original DS game via emulation!)
☆ NINTENDO CONSOLE MODDING & HOMEBREW (I have watched so many videos on 3ds modding & Homebrew applications. I have modded my New 3DS XL and I am open to any questions concerning the process! I am trying to make a custom theme for it!)
☆ COOKIE RUN (Both Kingdom & OvenBreak!)
☆ TOMODACHI LIFE (I have the game for my 3DS! I am a firm Tomodachi Life Switch Port believer!!)
☆ GUILTY GEAR (I don't post much about it anymore, sadly. I just really like Bedman.)
☆ SPLATOON (I have 2, Octo Expansion, & 3. I am working on getting the DLCs soon!)
☆ ONE PIECE (I just watch the anime, & I've been stuck on the Water 7 arc for months now. I know most of the spoilers, so I don't mind.)
☆ PROJECT SEKAI (I haven't played since November or so, I just post about Wonderlands X Showtime & RuiKasa a lot. It's just mostly Tsukasa Tenma.)
☆ ALIEN STAGE (Nothing much to say, I've seen up to Round 6 & I just really like Luka's Sweet Dream cover & Hyuna in general. Oh yeah & IvanTill.)
☆ HAIKYUU!! (My friend dragged me into the Haikyuu!! hellhole. I'm very early in the show, & I mainly just dub over it with my friends for fun.)
☆ SUPER MARIO BROS. SERIES (I pretty much grew up on NSMBWii. I also like Paper Mario Color Splash, Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story, & Super Mario 3D World, though I've only seen playthoughs for Color Splash & 3D World. I'm playing Bowser's Inside Story!)
☆ THERE IS NO GAME (I have played Wrong Dimension & the original Construct Jam entry!)
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☆ These are blogs I run aside from my main, and their activity relies on interactions and whatnot. My most active sideblogs are in blue & bold text.
☆ @uva-academy-vio - Pokemon Violet Protag OC RP blog.
☆ @tenmadontyouknow - Pokemon Blueberry Academy OC RP blog.
☆ @bbleague-crispin - Crispin Pokemon IRL RP blog.
☆ @furiousjasper - Pokemon Shield protagonist/gym leader OC RP blog.
☆ @flygon-is-birds - Pokemon Blueberry Academy OC RP blog.
☆ @thecolorofbede - Bede Pokemon IRL RP blog.
☆ @hughnova - Hugh (BW2) Pokemon IRL RP blog.
☆ @sour-herba-sandwiches - Arven Pokemon IRL RP blog.
☆ @magnolia-assistante - Sina (XY) Pokemon IRL RP blog.
☆ @springing-spiccato - Splatoon Side Order RP/Ask blog.
☆ @twokantonianlawyers - Pokemon IRL RP 'faller' Blog of Ryuunosuke & Kazuma from TGAA, ran by my headmates Ryuu and Asougi!
☆ Other blogs not listed here are VERY inactive or they're personal.
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☆*^.~THINGS TO KNOW~.^*☆
☆ Hey!! Here are some things to be aware of when interacting with me, so keep these in mind if you can!!
☆ I have a poor memory, but I'll try my best to remember things like when to use tone indicators or people's preferred pronouns.
☆ Please do not send me any interactions regarding/revolving around Friday Night Funkin'. It is incredibly triggering for me, and I would prefer it if you do NOT talk to me about it.
☆ Please don't send weird asks. Seriously, please be normal about this. I'm a freaking minor.
☆ Please don't advertise stuff in my inbox either. It's become a huge problem and it bothers me a lot.
☆ I block people freely, meaning that if they post a lot of something I'm uncomfortable with, I'll block them.
☆ Although I'm a sex-repulsed ace, I make sexual jokes from time to time, but it's usually just something like "that's what she said", penis jokes, or something similar.
☆ I have poor anger management, and I snap easily, so be wary.
☆ I try to avoid mention of politics as much as I can.
☆ I'm protective of headcanons so much to the point where it gets annoying FAST. That being said, most headcanons of mine align with my own identity, such as Crispin from Pokemon being gay and transmasc. However, I'm NOT going to attack people because my headcanons don't align with theirs and vice versa.
☆ That being said, I post a lot of shippy stuff, mostly revolving around said headcanons.
☆ I ship OC x Canon. Don't like it? Feel free to block me and move on.
☆ I'm in a system, and occasionally, one of my headmates will post on here instead of their own blog / our system blog, so if something seems different with me, just know that it's one of my headmates posting or goofing off.
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☆*^.~DNI LIST~.^*☆
☆ If you apply to any of the below, please don't interact with me or any of my posts.
☆ Basic DNI criteria.
☆ Queerphobic people, including aphobes, TERFs, or SWERFs.
☆ NSFW/Minors DNI/NSFT blogs.
☆ Proshippers/Comshippers/"Anti-Antis".
☆ Zionists/People who support Israel.
☆ Conservatives & supporters of Elon Musk.
☆ Anyone who I block. Don't try & find a way around it.
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☆*^.~TAG LIST~.^*☆
☆ Information on the tags I use on my posts.
☆ #shingetsu online - My general posting tag, all of the posts I make myself are tagged with this, but reblogs don't.
☆ #ask hugh - Like the one above, but this one's for asks.
☆ #hugh art tag - Tag I use for my artwork.
☆ #hugh oc tag - Posts that involve my OCs / Original Characters.
☆ #hugh's horrible hall of fame - Posts that involve me that I deem important. Usually it's just shenanigans.
☆ #i think my money is gay - Posts with Jay Eazy. It's usually just Megaman memes.
☆ #theatre of pain - Video posts, usually tagged this way for saving/archival purposes.
☆ #fav - My favorites tag. It's either important stuff or just funny stuff.
☆ #funnies - Memes / funny videos that I like.
☆ #save - Usually important stuff / references.
☆ #musik - Posts with music / that are music centered.
☆ #chefboy - Posts that include Crispin from Pokemon.
☆ #toothpaste boy - Posts that include Drayton from Pokemon.
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☆*^.~USERBOX TIME!!!!~.^*☆
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24 notes · View notes
stacywaters · 1 year
Purple Ink (RM)
[Words in bold are in Korean]
I begin another doodle on my arm. It's nearly filled now with sketches from my ballpoint pen.
"Seriously, I can't believe your soulmate's never asked you to stop. Your drawings are everywhere at this point" my friend Stacy laughs.
I finish up the rose I'm drawing, "I'm sure they love my drawings. They've told me themself."
Stacy sighs, "I wish my soulmate talked to me more.. do you think I'll ever find them?"
"Easy. Just write your name really big on your forehead, they won't miss you."
"That is FAR from a solution, Y/N."
I laugh and look back down at my arm. A small heart appears next to the flower.
A Weverse notification interrupts my thoughts as I walk through the door. "RM started a Live" I open the live.
Namjoon and Hoseok are painting. I giggle as Namjoon spills some ink on his arm. Shutting my phone off, I go to take care of the pile of dishes in the sink.
As I pull my sleeves up, I notice a splatter over my wrist.
"What the.."
I run over and grab my phone. Pulling up the app again, I stiffen at the sight.
Namjoon's purple ink stain covers his wrist, a few splatters on his palm. Exactly like mine.
"No way... it can't be" I mumble.
Slowly, I grab a pen and write a small note on my arm by the splatter. Like clockwork, it shows up on his arm: "Namjoon?"
The next few days, twitter had been blowing up about us.
"Namjoon's soulmate is an ARMY?"
"Guys! She knows! She found him!"
"Aww, that's sweet. Let's be happy for them."
"Wait, you mean they haven't met yet?"
I sigh, bringing my head to my hands.
"What do you want to do about it?" Stacy asks.
"I don't know.. I'm happy but I'm sad and I just don't know what to do. I'm surprised that he's someone I've admired for so long, but I feel dumb for not ever noticing. And I never imagined meeting my soulmate would be like... this. What if ARMY hates me? I don't want to cause him trouble. What if-"
"Relax, girl. I've only seen supportive comments so far. Everyone knows that you can't control soulmates, I'm sure it'll be fine."
"Yeah, I just, i dunno." I slump down in my chair, "it's not like I'll ever get to meet him anyways. It's a lost cause."
"Hey! Chill out. What you need to do is give him a way to find you."
"Such as?" I grumble.
"Such as posting your art online. I've been telling you forever, your creations are too good to keep to yourself! And if you post them, soon enough either he'll find you or ARMY will"
"That's... that's not a bad idea."
And that's how you got here. You'd been posting for two weeks now, but only had about 12 followers.
"Trust the process! He'll find you. It takes time to build an account." Stacy assured you.
"I just feel like the art should be for me, not a faceless algorithm."
"I'm sure he'll find you. He sees your art every day."
"I hope so" I mutter.
I scrolled on my phone half-awake. I couldn't fall asleep, so I decided to explore my feed on instagram. Suddenly, I received a like. And another like. And a follow. And soon enough, a message.
"Who..." I mumbled.
My eyes widened as I see the message they sent me. (Messages by them are in THIS COLOR, messages by you are in THIS COLOR :))
"I'd recognize your art anywhere"
I shiver at their words. Looking at their account, it doesn't help in figuring out who this is. A part of me carries a small hope. It must be Namjoon! He must have found me! But I don't want to get hurt.
"Who are you?"
"My name is Namjoon :) You draw on my arm all the time.."
No... no way. It can't be. What am I supposed to say to my soulmate? What if it's just Stacy pulling some sick prank on me?
"Hmm, prove it then."
Suddenly I feel a tingling sensation on my wrist as words begin to appear.  'Hello artist'. I quickly scratch out a message in our chat room.
"Oh my god, it's really you! I never thought I'd find you.."
"Well you did :) I love your drawings by the way. I'm a big fan."
"No, that's what I'M supposed to be saying. You're music is seriously amazing. I can't believe I get to be your soulmate.."
"You're so cute"
I blush. Not sure what to say, I wait for him to speak again.
"How long have you known?"
"That I'm your soulmate haha"
"Oh, uh, I was watching your live with j-hope"
"Ah, so when I spilled the paint on myself? That isn't very romantic..."
"Well, I'm glad you did regardless."
A question sits at the back of my throat. Suddenly my fingers begin to type it.
"How did you find me?"
He begins to type.
"It's actually kind of similar. I've been following you for a while now. I found your page maybe, two weeks ago? You didn't have too many posts up at the time but as you started posting more, I guess I just kinda realized one day. Like your drawings felt like home to me. And one day I was looking at your art on my Lock Screen, and then down at my arm, and it just hit me. So I decided to message you haha"
"Dfbivaldhflvahf ok wait you made my art your Lock Screen?"
"Shoot. Shouldn't have sent that part"
I giggle.
"Um, I guess where do you live?"
"No no not like that-"
"I feel like I'm messing this whole soulmates thing up already??"
"Like do you also live in Korea or..?"
"Ah, no.. sorry. I live in (INSERT COUNTRY NAME)"
"Don't be sorry! Y'know.. we're actually going to be doing a comeback soon with a tour :D"
"I'll talk and see if we can go there!"
I shiver in the cold hallway. He told me to meet him here, is he still coming? Maybe I should leave.. NO! That's silly. He's coming, Y/N. Just be patient.
Suddenly I hear sneakers squeak against the tile. Turning to my left, I notice him. Him. The boy I've been messaging for 7 months now. The one I've been waiting to meet. The one I love.
His dark hair bounces as he runs, star-like shimmers glimmering in his eyes. He slides in front of me, skidding a bit on the slick floor.
"It's you, you're here, I" He pants.
"Hi Namjoon" I smile.
Suddenly my head goes blank. All those months of texting, and I have nothing to say.
"Erm, good luck with the concert."
He checks his watch, "Oh, right, haha. I was so excited to meet you that I forgot about the concert."
"Hey! ARMYs paid good money to be here tonight. Don't forget about them because of me"
He smiles and pulls me into a hug. We swing from left to right as we talk. After around 15 minutes, a staff member informs us that we have to go for him to perform.
Once he leaves I sink down to the floor, clutching my phone to me. I daydream about reality, the moments only seconds ago that somehow already feel so distant. Wonder when I'll see him again. Wonder if it'll be soon.
"I can't believe she's his soulmate"
"I know, right? I mean, is the universe sure that they're destined?"
Laughter from the two staff members pulls me out of my lovely daze. Why are they so rude? What did I do? Do they assume I don't know Korean just because we spoke in English?
A third girl working there spoke up, "C'mon guys, let's not be so mean. We don't even know her yet!"
"Yeah, but like, have you seen her?" The previous staff questions.
"Yeah, what about her?"
"She's just... not what I thought she'd look like."
"She could be listening now," the third girl said, "I think she seems perfectly nice. You should give her a chance."
Without another word she walks out of the room and into the hallway, where I was listening. I look up to her from the floor, my eyes glistening with tears.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! You must have heard them. They're like that to everyone, don't worry."
I nod and turn away, "Yeah no, it's just... old insecurities coming back"
"Well don't let them," she smiles, "I, along with I'm sure Namjoon, think you're gorgeous."
I laugh, "Thank you. You are too"
"I have to be! It's hard keeping up with my worldwide handsome boyfriend" She jokes.
"Wait, are you?"
"Minji, Kim Seokjin's soulmate" She grins.
We talk together while we watch the concert from the waiting room. Apparently she's been with the boys for 2 years, which is a little intimidating. Am I going to have to meet them later? What if-
"Everything alright?" Minji asks.
"y-yeah!" I nod.
"Don't worry, you'll be okay"
I turn to her. Did she know? Suddenly, Namjoon and the rest of the members pour into the room.
He pulls me into a hug, "How did we do, baby?"
I blush at the nickname, mumbling, "You guys were amazing"
"Were you nice to Y/N?" Seokjin asks Minji.
She sighs, "yes, but Ari and Chaeyeong said stuff about her"
"What did they say?" Namjoon yells.
"They were just being rude. Talking about what she looks like and if she's good enough for you, and...y'know"
Unknowingly, I had begun to tug harder at Namjoon's shirt while tears threatened to form. He pulls his arms tighter around me, "Hey, hey, it's okay. You're perfect. Don't listen to them, Minji's right. They're always like this. We are all here for you, we love you. None of the things you're insecure about mean anything to me. To me, you are perfect."
"I-I.." He pulls away to look at my face.
"You're crying but you're smiling.. I don't understand"
"They're happy tears" I grinned, "Because, I can't believe the universe thought to give me the luck that is you."
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