#oh yes MA'AM we are in business now
bluehourbucky · 1 year
My Mom Thinks You're Hot
pairing: beefy!bucky x singlemom!reader
summary: your son tries to set you up with an avenger in a grocery store
a/n: short drabble bc why not
Getting groceries might not be fun for most families but for you and your 6 year old son it's almost as fun as going to the park.
The store that you visit has small cart for kids which your son loves to push, making him feel like a big boy. It's absolutely adorable and you take a picture of him every time. You don't know how you got lucky that your son loves grocery shopping as most kids find it either boring or too stimulating which is completely normal.
"Mommy look it's Avengers cereal!"
As any other kid his age, he's obsessed with The Avengers.
"Yes it is and it's very cool but we already have cereal at home." his face falls and puts the cereal box back.
"Can we get it next time?"
"Of course honey." you chuckle when you see him do a little victory dance.
You were slowly but surely making your way through the grocery list, slowly because your son decided to stop in front every single Avengers food.
Now for your favourite.
Ice Cream.
You turn your head quickly when you hear your son squeal.
you look over to where he's pointing and it's true there stand Sam Willson and James Buchanan Barnes.
"Can we please say hi." he holds your hand and gives you his best puppy eyes. You give in since it's not every day you get to meet heroes.
"Hi! You're really cool!"
Two men look down at the 6 year old boy and smile.
"Hey champ,what's your name?" Captain America asks and crouches down to his eye level.
"That's such a cool name!"
"Thank you my mom chose it!" you immediately blush when both men look at you.
"Hi. We just wanted to say hi and uh thank you for saving the world and all that." you avoid looking at James Bucky Barnes because you might have a huge crush on him. Ever since you were a teen and studied for history you thought he was very handsome.
"All part of the job ma'am." Sam salutes you and you smile a little, he's the perfect Captain America.
"I have so many questions!"
"Honey, they are very busy we can't keep them all day. How about just one question for each of them? That's of course if you're okay with that." You look at two heroes,who reply with a nod
"Alright you heard your mom, what do you have."
He thinks so hard and finally asks.
"What's the name of your bird!?" Bucky bursts out laughing, that's not what he thought the boy would ask Sam. Your heart might have done a flip at the sound,you try to hide your face by looking at the floor.
"His name is Redwing."
"Well that's pretty boring why doesn't he have a cool name." At this the three of you laugh.
Sam looks mildly offended.
"What do you have for me?" Bucky asks and whatever he thought the boy would ask it certainly was not this.
"Mr Bucky sir - Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend or partner? My mom thinks you're hot."
You immediately pull your son into you and cover his mouth. Bucky blushes deeply and so do you.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. We have to go right now." You're so embarrassed that you leave your full cart and go straight for the exit pulling your son by the arm.
"But he didn't answer the question." your son whines.
"We don't need to know that. That's a personal question you don't ask people!"
"Uh I don't mind answering that question." Buckys voice says and you stop in your tracks, you turn around but still avoid the eye contact.
"Really you don't have to!"
"I want to. And I'd like to ask a personal question too if that's okay with you of course?"
Your knees almost give out when you manage to make eye contact.
"No, I do not have a significant other. And I don't know how this works at this day and age, but I'd like to ask for your number,doll."
some years later
"Thank you for coming guest's that I know and don't know. My mom is getting married to my dad! You should all be thanking me because I made that happen!"
You look at your now husband and smile.
Maybe it's not the way you thought you'd meet the love of your life but sure is a story your guests and son find very entertaining.
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john-get-the-salt · 8 months
Packed Lunch (w/spencer reid)
Imagine: One morning Spence is in a rush to leave for work and forgets his lunch. You know he gets cranky when he gets hungry, so that only leaves one option.
Contains: secret relationship becoming not so secret anymore, funny Rossi, cute domestic Reid
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It'd been exactly 39 minutes since Spencer left for work and you hadn't moved a muscle, standing and glaring at the bag sitting on the counter. It wasn't that the bag itself had offended you, as it was in fact just a harmless brown paper bag. What did offend you, was that it wasn't with Spencer like it should be. The packed lunch was no good if Spencer didn't pack it with him to work.
He'd been in such a rush leaving that morning that he zipped out the door without it. Whenever he stayed the night at your place you made sure to pack him a lunch, knowing that he wasn’t always the best at caring for himself.
Forgetting to bring lunch wasn't usually a big deal for most people. You knew that the federal building where he worked had a cafeteria.
But this was Spencer Reid you were talking about. And Spence hated the cafeteria food. On the occasion he forgot his lunch he'd just go the entire day living off coffee and whatever snacks were hidden in his desk. Then he’d go back to either his apartment or yours, starving and with a nasty headache.
This meant without his lunch he would most likely not be eating today. And as you thought about how stressed and overworked he'd been lately, that did not sit well with you.
So it was decided. You would drop his food off.
He was just in the office for the day as far as you knew, so you were moderately sure you could just leave it with the front desk or something and have them take it up to him.
The two of you had been dating for several months but agreed to keep it secret from his coworkers for now. Spencer was adamant that in his line of work he could never have any secrets, and for once he wanted to have something all to himself. You couldn't even begin to understand how he did what he did, so that was an easy request to grant.
You had since then discussed telling his co-workers about your relationship as you two became more serious, but the right time hadn't come up yet. Plus it made you giggle when he told you the tales of his co-workers trying to set him up or making fun of his lack of romantic life.
This all meant you couldn't just stroll into the building and announce to everyone that you were dropping food off for your boyfriend, Spencer Reid. You would need to quickly and discretely drop the food off and then be gone without a trace.
No harm in that at all. Right?
You quickly got dressed and grabbed the lunch. Living within walking distance of the BAU headquarters was extremely handy, especially today. It was a nice day and you enjoyed the weather as you walked.
It only took about 15 minutes before you were pulling the doors to the government building open, immediately being hit with a rush of cool air. The inside was full of people who looked like they really meant business in their fancy suits and stern faces. You sudden felt self conscious in your normal ‘civilian’ attire, and scurried up to the front desk to get this over with.
The lady at the front desk seemed disinterested, and barely looked up when you stopped in front of her.
"Can I help you?"
"Hi, yes. I was hoping I could drop off this food for my boyfriend. He works here and forgot it this morning and he always gets cranky when he's hungry and-"
"Ma'am we don't deliver food."
"I know I just-he's going to be hungry and I can tell you what department he works for and maybe someone could run it up to him real quick."
She pulled open a binder from her desk, sighing heavily. "Can I get his name and your name?"
"Oh, um, his name is Spencer Reid, and mine is but I don't work here I'm-"
"Here. You're already a registered visitor."
She handed you a clip on badge with Visitor printed on it in big bold letters. "Give that to security, then elevators are to the left and there's a directory on the wall. Have a good day."
Before you could even argue she was dismissing you and addressing the person in line behind you. So you forced your feet to move and head towards security. You felt like a fraud walking amongst agents and other government workers, and you kept your gaze down to avoid eye contact. After your purse got checked and your visitor badge got scanned you shuffled to the elevators.
You paused in front of the directory on the wall, squinting at the dozens of names listed. Where the fuck was the BAU?
You must've looked as confused as you felt, as someone stopped beside you.
“Ma'am? Do you need help finding something?"
You turned towards the voice, coming face to face with a kind-looking older man.
"Oh! I do actually, if you wouldn't mind."
"Of course, what department are you looking for?"
"Um, the BAU?"
"Well I can definitely help you there."
He pressed the elevator button and the two of you waited for a moment before the doors opened and the elevator emptied. He gestured forward and you gave him an appreciative smile before stepping in. He followed along with a few other people. It remained quiet as the elevator rose and stopped at occasional floors, people getting in and out.
Eventually it stopped at floor 6 (totally making this up idk) and the man announced this was the stop.
You followed him off the elevator and onto a floor that was still busy, but nearly as much as the lobby. Straight ahead, down a little hall, were a set of glass doors with BAU printed on the front. You chewed on your lip as you stared the door down, contemplating.
How were you going to casually drop Spence's lunch off without creating suspicion? You couldn't exactly just walk right in and hand it to him without people questioning who you were.
"Can I help you find anyone in particular?"
"Oh no that's okay, you've helped plenty. I don't want to keep you from your business."
"Please, what kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't help?"
This was so not the plan. But what other option did you have? You hadn't accounted for this scenario, you were positive you wouldn't make it past the front desk. But now here you were, and you needed to make sure this food got to Spence. Plus it probably wasn't smart to aimlessly wander around an FBI building. With your luck someone would think you were a terrorist or something. And you were not a terrorist.
"I didn't think you were, but my confidence in that is now wavering."
Oh my god. You said that last part out loud. To an FBI agent.
“Oh god I’m so sorry, I did not mean to say that out loud. I swear I’m not a terrorist. I have this terrible habit of saying dumb things when I’m nervous.”
Could this get any worse? All you wanted to do was drop your boyfriends lunch off and now you were talking about terrorism with an FBI agent.
To your relief, the man just chuckled. “Don’t worry about it, I’ve heard plenty worse. Now who are you looking for?”
At this point you were ready for the earth to just swallow you whole and you were deeply regretting ever leaving the apartment.
“Spencer Reid,” you said simply as you held up the bag in hand. “I have his lunch.”
“Spencer? He’s just through these glass doors, follow me.”
At this point, you didn’t care who saw you. You didn’t care that it sounded like this man knew Spence, and may or may not think you are a terrorist.
You just wanted fo give Spence his lunch and get the fuck out of dodge.
Following the stranger through the glass doors, you found yourself in a much quieter area. The entrance led out onto a catwalk from where you could see clusters of desks below you and a little coffee bar against the wall.
"I'll just set the lunch over here-"
You looked up at the voice and found your boyfriend standing below you at a desk, a concerned look on his face. He left the group of people he was standing with and jogged up the steps towards you.
"Hey, is everything ok? Did something happen? Are you ok?" His eyes were wide with concern, words coming out fast as he glanced over you. His hands automatically reached for yours, something the two of you did without thought.
"I'm fine, my love. You just forgot your lunch," you held up the paper bag. "I tried to drop it off at the front desk but the lady just gave me this pass and told me to bring it up. Then I almost got lost but this nice guy stopped and helped but I was so nervous I accidentally said something about terrorism and I know I shouldn't drop by unannounced but I also know how cranky you get when you're hungry and I-"
"(Y/n)," he cut your anxious rambling off, smiling in relief that everything was ok. "Thank you."
You smiled back up at him, relieved he wasn’t upset. "You're quite welcome. And I must say I feel so official with my badge even though I absolutely do not belong here."
He laughed. "I think you fit right in."
"Well I-"
You both froze and became suddenly re-aware of the current setting. You looked up at your boyfriend with wide, worried eyes.
Spencer sighed, though that dopey smile of his remained on his face. "I think our secret is out."
He intertwined his hand in yours and together you turned towards the voice. Standing with varying looks of confusion and smugness were a group of people you recognized as his co-workers.
"Who's this?"
Spencer cleared his throat. "Um, guys this is… my girlfriend."
You gave a hesitant wave, trying not to shrink under the intimidating gazes. The office was quiet for a moment, before someone else burst into the room
"Did Reid just say girlfriend?!"
"That's correct, babygirl," one of them spoke up. "Pretty boys got himself a girlfriend."
The blonde gasped, before rushing forward and grabbing you into a hug.
"It is SO nice to meet you!"
You laughed as you hugged her back.
“It's lovely to meet you too, Penelope. All of you.”
She released you and you turned towards the rest of the team.
“Spence is always showing me pictures and talking about you guys, I hope you understand us wanting to keep it quiet for a while. But I've been really looking forward to meeting you."
A man with a stern look in his eye stepped forward, holding out a hand. "Aaron Hotchner," his eyes seemed to soften as you shook his hand. "Nice to finally meet you."
That broke the rest of the team out of this trance and they all gathered forward to formally introduce themselves. You shook everyone's hands and giggled as they ogled at the fact that Spencer had caught himself a girlfriend.
You learned, with a laugh, that the man who'd helped you find your way was in fact David Rossi, one of Spence's coworkers. I’m your anxious mess you hadn’t recognized the man.
You explain to everyone that you were just dropping off Spencer's lunch, but you weren't getting away that easily.
Penelope and JJ convinced you to stay, and you all spent the lunch break sitting around a conference table chatting. Hearing stories about Spence on the job had you cry laughing and you happily indulged his friends in some stories of your own.
The entire time Spencer kept a tight hold of your hand, smile never wavering as he watched his favorite people laugh together.
His family.
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sarawritestories · 2 months
Take A Break
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High Lord Eris Vanserra X High Lady Fem Reader
Summary: Eris comes home from business at the Spring Court. Only to hear reports from the staff that his High Lady has been working herself to the ground and not taking care of herself.
Dedicated to @milswrites and @eve175 who are constantly making sure I am taking care of me and getting proper rest. I adore you both!
Content Warning: I did not proofread this. This fluff, but Reader hasn't slept and has had some disordered eating habits (she has been working so hard
Peep the Critical Role Reference for any Critters reading this 😉
Eris Vanserra was glad to be home. Sure, working with Tamlin to rebuild the Court was mutually beneficial. Tamlin gets his court back, and Eris rebuilds a strong alliance with the spring. It was work worth fighting for to repair what Beron destroyed. However, he was itching to get home to his mate.
You were the apple of his eye, the moment the bond snapped on Calanami, his first as High Lord. Eris held no hesitation when it came to making you his High Lady. He watched how hard you worked at your bookshop. He knew you could handle it.
Reaching the stables, The Autumn High Lord handed his esteemed steed to the young fae male working. "Take care of sweet, Vex'ahlia, will you?" Eris gave the lad a warm smile and received an eager head nod. "Thank you."
Entering the palace, he was greeted by your two ladies-in-waiting. "My lord." The older woman bowed the younger one fidgeting, Eris picked up on the nervous behavior. "How was your trip?"
Eris bowed his head in return, "Very well, Maxine, but I am ready to see my wife. Though I suspect with the look on both of your faces, something is wrong." He tugged on the bond and found a quick tug back in return, and he couldn't help the sigh of relief that slipped past his lips.
Maxine sighed, "Sir, she has been sleeping in the study."
"If she sleeps at all." The younger one, Nadine muttered.
Maxine ignored her and continued, "We have barely gotten her to eat. She has buried herself so deep into work that she simply forgets that warm food is right there. I'm not trying to speak out of turn."
Eris gripped the older woman's shoulder, "You are not. I appreciate you telling me. Is she still in the study."
"Yes, High Lord."
Eris laughed, "Maxine, you can call me Eris. After all, you did change my diapers."
Maxine smiled, "I'll you whatever you like if you go take care of that wife of yours."
Eris kissed her cheek, "Yes ma'am," With that, he went to go find his High Lady.
You ran your fingers through your hair as you scribbled notes on some parchment. These last few days, you buried yourself in paperwork. Just when you thought you were done. More stacks would form. Not wanting to fall behind and with Eris being gone, you had decided to dedicate the time to working. Only to find you were getting overwhelmed, feeling like you could never walk away, missing meals, not sleeping, you were burning out.
You turned to grab more blank parchment when a voice came from the doorway, "Now what do we have here." You turned to find Eris there, his red curls laying atop of his head and the russet colors of his eyes gleaming in the fae light."
You dropped the materials in your hands. "When did you get back?" You bounced off your seat and ran to him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"I just got here." He held you close, taking in your scent. "I heard something interesting, though."
You blinked, "Oh?"
He kissed your head, "My Little Dove has not been taking care of herself." You opened your mouth to protest, but he pressed his lips to yours. "There is no fighting me on this."
You sighed, "Okay."
He winnowed you to the kitchen. It being so late the kitchen staff was gone. Eris put on an Apron and you quirked a brow. "You cook?"
Eris smiled, "I do." He tossed an apron at you. "And I am going to show you how to make my favorite me." Your cheeks warmed, remembering how you gave him a small plate of cheese to accept the bond.
You walked over to him, "Ready to Learn."
Cooking with Eris was fun, and you learned that the high lord had a playful side. He'd sneak up behind you to try the sauce you were making. Dipping his finger to dab it on your nose, causing you to giggle. Once everything was cooking he pulled you into his arms and you began to dance.
He pulled you into a waltz with no music. And you watched as his smile grew, his freckles popping out by the fire and the fae lights. He wasn't worried about work, or his brothers, or his responsibilities. He was beautiful.His main focus was you. He pulled you closer, his hands sliding close to the curve of your ass. He kissed you.
He tried to deepen the kiss, but the kettle screamed that the water was boiling. Pulling away, you smiled and grabbed the kettle. Once the meal was prepped, Eris made your place and insisted he feed you.
"I am fully capable of feeding myself. I am High Lady." You pouted and Eris quirked a brow instantly causing you to fix your attitude.
"Yes, you are my High Lady. You're also zeroed in on your work so much this week you barely ate. So I am taking care of you." He patted his lap, "Sit, Dove." You obeyed, and the smell of the food made your mouth water. He scooped up some of the food with the utensil and leveled it to your mouth. "Open." You opened your mouth on command, and he placed the food in your mouth, and you moaned in pleasure. The flavor exploded in your mouth.
He fed you until the meal was gone. "Why haven't you been taking care of yourself?"
You met his Russet eyes and sighed, "I didn't do it on purpose. It simply felt like everyone needed me. I just lost track of time."
He sighed and kissed your bare shoulder peaking out of your sweater. "You need breaks. They are important. You'll burn yourself out or wither away into nothing if you don't." His eyes grew serious, "I don't want to see my mate suffering."
"I'm sorry." You leaned your head against his.
"Don't apologize to me. You need to apologize to yourself. You deserve to love yourself and see yourself as worthy of breaks." He held you close. "Okay."
"Okay... I may need gentle reminders." You whispered, a full belly causing the exhaustion to take hold.
"I will give you those gentle reminders." He kissed your forehead as your eyes fluttered close. Allowing the smell of autumn leaves and cinnamon from your mate to bring you comfort.
When you fell asleep, Eris carried you in his arms. Hands wrapped around your knees and shoulders and walked you to your shared bedroom. Placing you on your side of the bed, he pulled the covers over you. "Sweet Dreams, Little Dove." He kissed your head, causing you to stir and just turn over. The High Lord left your room and headed to your study where he would finish the paperwork that was stacked on your desk.
@secret-third-thing for your Eris reading pleasure
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shimonerin · 1 month
"Tell Me Why I Married You Again?"
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Content: Half of the school ships the teacher and the coach, not knowing they're married
Tags: use of "ma'am/mrs." to the reader, fluff, bickering, old married couple vibes
Word Count: 848
The sound of fists smacking hard against the ball and the high-pitched squeak of the boys’ sneakers can be heard even before you could enter the gym. It’s 3 pm and, as usual, there was an ongoing session of volleyball training. Interhigh Preliminaries are near but that doesn’t mean you’re going to let this slide.
Pushing open the sliding doors, the warm air of, well, sweat filled the enclosure. One of the reasons you don’t like going here. 
“Hinata, nice spike! Keep it up!” Ukai’s loud, booming voice echoed throughout the gym. As expected, he didn’t really notice your presence, despite standing near the doorway. God, he is such an idiot sometimes.
“Hey, Keishin.” Your voice, low yet firm, seemed to catch the attention of everyone. Not exactly how you wanted this to happen.
Ukai seemed startled at your presence, his eyes widening and his mouth agape “Hey! Uh, (Y/N)? What are you doing here?”
With your hands on your hips, he knew exactly why you’re here. He just didn’t want to make a fool of himself. 
You could already see the shit-eating grins on some of the boys’ faces, specifically Tanaka and Noya’s. You rolled your eyes and stepped forward “Where are the jerseys? The principal has been grilling my ass over this for two days now.” You told him, a gaze that only an annoyed wife would give plastered on your face.
Last weekend, there was an emergency. Apparently, during one of their out-of-school jogs around the area, Hinata and Kageyama, expectedly, fell into one of the mud pits. This leads to Ukai having to take two of the spare school uniforms in your classroom, which you let him. What you didn’t know was the fact the principal was keeping tabs over these.
He crossed his arms over your chest, looking off to the side as he tried to explain, tumbling over some of the words “W-Well, you know I didn’t really had time to…wash it yet…with the store and the training and all…” His words sheepishly drawled across his lips.
You raised an eyebrow “Why did I know you would do that?”
“Oh, come on! I-I’ll wash it tomorrow, I promise! I’d even give it to the principal himself if you’re too busy!” He exclaims, rubbing the back of his head as he looks at you with a pleading look.
By this point, the boys are already snickering behind their back. Probably finding more ways to tease the both of you.
“Do you really think I’m stupid, Keishin?” You scoffed “I’m letting you do whatever so you better keep your word, you hear?”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
Noya suddenly perked up from his place “Why don’t we just wash it for you, Coach? You should focus on taking Mrs. (Y/N) out for dinner tonight. She seems pretty pissed.”
Daichi smacked the back of his head as soon as his words left his mouth. But the others couldn’t help but chuckle. It’s a bit of an inside joke to the students to ship the both of you together. 
Ukai clicked his tongue at their antics “Hey, Noya, if you don’t zip your-”
“We were actually going to check out that new ramen place by the corner.” You quickly cut him off, leading to a lot of cheers and jeering among the gym.
Lots of “See? I told you they were dating!”, “Wait til everybody hears about this!”, and “I knew that the first time I saw Coach bring Mrs. (Y/N) a cup of coffee!”
Keishin had the brightest red on his cheeks, pinching the bridge of his nose. With all the (silly) bickering you do with your husband, it doesn’t hurt to tease him from time to time.
You turned back to the boys and furrowed your eyebrows “What do you mean dating? Didn’t you already know?”
A chorus of “Huh?” erupted from the team
You grabbed Keishin’s hand and held out the glinting wedding ring on his finger before putting up your hand in comparison “We’re married. For 3 years now. Ever wonder why we bicker so much?”
Needless to say word got out very, very quickly. And a string of new jokes by the Karasuno Volleyball Team were continuously thrown at Ukai every day. 
“You made my life miserable.” He groaned, resting his head on your shoulder while you were on the couch, grading some of your students’ assignments “You should pay for that.”
“Don’t act like you don’t like it.”
“I don’t!”
You smirked to yourself, letting out a small chuckle. You ran your free hand over his hair, giving it a gentle massage “Alright, I’ll take it back. We’re divorced now, then?”
“No, God!” He’d shout, his head shooting up from your words as his eyebrows scrunched up together “You’re an asshole sometimes, you know that?”
You let out a low hum of amusement, turning to him with hearts in your eyes. “Sometimes, I wonder why I even let you put a ring on me.”
Ukai couldn’t understand how he can love someone more than he already does. He guesses you’re a living example of that.
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minhosimthings · 2 months
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Gilded Skin || 18+
Synopsis: A makeout session with your tattoo artist neighbour
Pairings: tattoo artist!Jay × fem!reader
Warnings: SMUT MINORS DNI 18+, Dom!Jay, sub!reader, fingering, p in v sex, rough sex, exhibitionism, semi-public sex, manhandling because idk I love Jay's hands, kinda pervert Jay, unprotected sex (not for you), swearing, use of "sweetheart"
A/N: for you my beloved @jaeyunluvr. Also possibly my last work for in a while since I'm getting kinda busy!
Controversial (to some people) as they were, you loved them.
The mere thought of getting a tattoo scared you though, yes they were pretty, but number one, money and number two, needles. But soon enough, your friend, Heeseung, who was ironically a tattoo artist himself convinced you to pay a visit to the tattoo parlour.
Normally you would have refused, stating the usual excuse of 'I'm busy maybe next time?'. But lo and behold to Heeseung's ears you agreed this time.
"It's because of that hot guy there isn't it?" Heeseung snickered, his hands on the steering wheel as he drove you to the parlour.
'That hot guy' aka your new neighbour, aka the tattoo artist at the new tattoo parlour that had opened up down the street.
Even though it had been just a two minute walk's distance from you, Heeseung insisted on coming to the parlour with you. Although his actual motives were to see you absolutely melt infront of the man you had a cunt-destroying crush on, he kept on with the absolute lie that he was trying to be a supportive friend, and also obseve the artists at the parlor.
"He has a name you know." You rolled your eyes as Heeseung parked his car into the alleyway, "It's Jay or something."
"So we can no longer call him 'hot guy'?" Heeseung asked, seemingly amused by the way you were fiddling with your fingers, "Shame, I liked that nickname. What do you like about him anyway?"
What did you like about him. What answer could you have possibly given to that? Of course there were so many factors. The fact that he was your new neighbour but you still hadn't talked to him, the fact that he fed the street cats, the fact that he-
"His hands."
Heeseung's reaction was... appropriate to say the least. His choking on air made you roll your eyes, as you slapped his back to make him calm down. Then after a few moments of silence, he burst out laughing.
"His WHAT?" Heeseung held his stomach as raucous laughs escaped his lips, "Please don't tell me you're being serious right now." He doubled over again, almost hitting his head to the car's ceiling.
"Oh shut up, you're talking as if you're any better." You rolled your eyes, opening the car door, with Heeseung doing the same, "Remember last September when you-"
"Do not even start right now." Heeseung glared, slamming his car door shut, "Come on, don't want to keep the hands waiting do we?"
Taking a deep breath and letting it out rather too quickly, you pushed on the neon pink decorated door, which opened with a tinkling sound. The smell of lavender hung around, an unfamiliar scent for a tattoo store, which was covered in rock posters from head to toe, along with a few blue beads here and there, the kind Heeseung liked to collect.
"Hey." You greeted the red haired girl behind the counter, "I have an appointment under the name Y/N."
The girl looked up and sent you a quick smile before looking down at her computer, her eyes whipping around before finding a spot she thought was satisfactory.
"Yep right here." She popped her lips together, "I'll see if anyone is free Ma'am, could you wait for a minute?"
You smiled at her as if to say yes and plopped down on the couch next to Heeseung, who had been analysing the store with a lot of vigour in his eyes.
"It's fancy." He whispered, eyeing the girl at the counter, "Let's just hope your man comes out and you can get to catcall him before he goes."
"I am not going to catcall him, im not you." You chuckled, getting distracted from the conversation when you saw a black haired figure from the corner of your eye.
"Is that-?" Heeseung didn't even have to finish his sentence. He knew, judging from the look in your eyes and the fact that your mouth fell slightly open, that this was the person he ever so passionately called "your man".
You were mesmerised.
No, mesmerised wasn't the right word.
You were starstruck.
Maybe your hormones were on a whole different level, maybe you had just been dick-deprived for a long time, or maybe it was the lavender fumes, but you truly thought you had seen a Greek God fill the vision of your corneas.
"Y/N. Y/N!"
You felt Heeseung's elbow jab you painfully in the side, which was effective in breaking you out of your stupor. You blinked a couple of times, to see the red haired woman and Jay looking at you in what seemed to be amusement.
The woman coughed to defuse the seeming tention, you swore you could feel Heeseung awkwardly smiling for your left.
Well they always say bad beginnings have good endings don't they?
"So," A steady hand carefully polished the silver of the miniscule needle, "Y/N was it?"
Though the air conditioning was turned onto a high, you could feel sweat drops form at your forehead, why were his hands polishing the needle so erotically?
"Y-Yeah. You're Jay right?" You managed to cough out, feeling yourself immediately melt into the chair leather chain again when his eyes fell on you. His eyes were sharp as an eagle's, seemingly darting around to catch it's prey, but never leaving one point of focus.
"Nervous?" Jay chuckled, "Don't be, unless you're chronically afraid of needles."
"I am." You laughed, leaning back a little more comfortably on the chair, "Probably shouldn't have gotten a tattoo then should I?"
"Perhaps not on your most sensitive area." Jay nodded, sitting in front of you, his legs spread wide open, did he realise how welcoming that was to you?, "Most people go for the arm, I'm surprised you went for your thigh."
"Heeseung told me it doesn't hurt much." You braced yourself in the chair at the sight of Jay's needle pressing into his tattoo machine, "He's a tattoo artist too."
"I should make a friend of him then." Jay chuckled, looking into your eyes, he could bore deepwells in them and you thought you'd forgive such a handsome man like him, "How did you meet him?"
"Are you-" you gave him a funny look, "Are you trying to make conversation with me?"
"It helps most of them." Jay shrugged and smiled at you, you noticed his dimple come off his cheek, the one you saw last week, whilst spying on him from your bedroom window.
"So, new neighbour who I've never talked to until now," Jay raised his eyes up to you, "How about some conversation to lessen the pain?"
You had always known since you were a child that you had the attention span of a butterfly, eyes always zooming from one place to the other, but you never knew all you needed was a handsome face and some pretty hands to get you to focus.
Jay's deep voice soothed into your nerves, effectively proving his theory of "more talk, less pain". You hadn't noticed much of the tattooing process, except for a few instances here and there when his knuckles brushed across the skin of your thigh, making you mold your orgasmic whimpers into 'painful' winces. You could physically hear Heeseung in your brain telling you about your pain kink.
"So any relationship goals?" Jay asked you, your eyes briefly meeting with his, as his fingers stopped to move across the cross section, "I know that's sorta personal, don't answer if you don't want to."
"No it's fine." You laughed, pretending as if you didn't maniacally want to answer the question, "I'm still single for now, and as for goals, I'm free for ramen tomorrow, and that's it."
"So how about ramen tomorrow then?" Jay smiled, looking up at you, his hands coming to a halt and resting softly on your thigh.
"Will we be eating or will we be talking like this?" You chuckled, your brain fog capturing you entirely as you had no idea what words were coming out of your mouth, "Because to be honest, I'd just be staring at either your lips or your hands if we do either of them."
The most painful part of getting a tattoo, according to the internet, was the beginning part, when you'd be so scared, because apparently fear paralyses you more than the actual tattoo process. But you now knew, the most painful part would probably be Jay's amused eyes staring at you, while your brain managed to catch up with what you just said.
"Oh- no! No I'm so sorry—i didn't mean-"
"It's fine sweetheart." Jay's soft voice stopped your panicking, he stifled a chuckle at your behaviour. Adorable, he thought.
"No I'm really sorry Jay, I shouldn't have said that." You apologised again, feeling the heat come upto your cheeks.
"Oh sweetheart." Jay chuckled, leaning in towards you, "Do you really think I had no idea of your pretty little face spying on me through your window?"
He knew?
"I must admit, you look cute in that flimsy tank top, which hides nothing by the way." His deep voice rang through your eardrums, "but don't worry, I won't press charges or anything on you for spying."
Your back pressed against the leather of the leaning chair, as Jay put his tattoo machine down. Taking off his gloves, his tongue swept across his lips in a swift motion, as his hands trapped you in a cage, laying on either side of you.
"May I?" Jay asked, not even waiting for permission, he already knew the next thing to come out of your mouth was a pathetic whimper.
Without a moment's waste, his soft lips landed on yours, hands rubbing to take off your shorts.
You soon became lost in his presence, lips meeting his in a fiery kiss. his tongue pushed past, kissing you like his life depended on it.
"Fuck sweetheart." Jay said, "You taste good."
You moaned quietly into his mouth, feeling his fingers trail down and start to rub your clit. Your hand came down to grab his cock, already half hard, and you could feel him growing with each stroke you gave him.
His fingers slipped past your clit, toying with your opening and eventually plunging in as deep as he could with the angle he was at. Your head fell back, resting on the leather of the chair as your pussy fluttered around his fingers.
“fuck, you're so tight.,” he managed to say through gritted teeth, chuckling as you let out a stifled whimper, "You like that baby? You like my fingers hm?"
He began to set a fast pace, one of his hands gripping your hip to keep you in place for him and the other hand next to your head. you could see the veins in his arms as it flexed beside you, no doubt he was trying to hold back.
Small whimpers came out of your mouth with each thrust, but then you heard it. Footsteps outside the room, you had forgotten you were in a public place in the heat of the moment. The footsteps died down after a few seconds.
“Just gonna have to keep those pretty sounds in. Wouldn’t want them to hear you,” You clenched down at that.
He chuckled, a devilish, almost cruel sounding chuckle like he had something in mind.
“oh you like that, huh? Like the idea of someone walking in on us fucking in here, watching us. Watching you come apart on my fingers. You’d like that, wouldn’t you baby? Dirty fucking slut.”
At that moment, he made it his mission to make you cum, hard. keeping one hand clamped around your mouth to stifle your moans, your eyes practically rolled back into your head when his fingers touched a particularly sensitive position, the new position making his fingers fuck impossibly deeper into you.
As you were nearing release Jay pulled away standing up, quickly unbuckling his pants to unveil his already hard twitching cock eager to pound into you.
“gonna let me fuck you princess? gonna be a good girl for me?” he says, stroking his dick as he swipes his thumb over his slit wiping away his precum yet it still spews out, covering thumbs in the substance
He held the base of his cock, dragging the tip in between your wet folds, before slowly pushing himself into you, causing a groan to escape from the back of his throat.
His hands grabbing onto your hips, he began to slowly move his hips watching your pussy swallow his cock.
“You feel so fucking good” he said as he began to pick up the pace. Your hand moved up to your mouth blocking out the moans leaving your lips, doing your very best to stay quiet enough so others wouldn’t hear your lewd sounds.
Jay's thrusts became rough, his hand releasing your hip entangling his fingers through your hair tugging on it as he pounded into you. “You’re such a good girl, taking me so well”. 
“fuck…you’re so tight” he says, pulling your legs up to sit on his shoulders as he thrusts inside you at a steady motion, fucking you deliciously in missionary. His eyes stare at your tits that are bouncing with each motion he pulls you in.
“fuck baby..i’m gonna cum…gonna cum inside” he says as he gets that dumb look on his face, he squeezes your breast with white knuckles as something to hold on to while his eyes roll back in his head, a beam of his sweat falling on your chest.
your orgasm comes as his does, his dick twitching inside of your cunt making it almost impossible to keep going.
“m’gonna cum too…” you whimper, wrapping your legs around his waist, pushing him further into you to feel his cum covering your walls. the warm liquid coming fast inside you.
as Jay pulls out, he’s met with his mess, the pool of his cum leaking out of your cunt.
His fingers make their way down and pump inside of you, the squelching noise of your wet pussy filling the room. His fingers make their way out of your cunt and up to your mouth, pushing in his cum covered fingers inside your mouth.
“Suck sweetheart.” he demands, and so you do. You suck the mixture of cum off of his fingers while maintaining eye contact, his thumb cradling your chin for support. You could get intoxicated on those eyes for centuries.
Jay's thumb swept out of your mouth swiftly, as his lips landed on yours again, pressing you into a sweet and chaste kiss, breathing heavily as he pulled away and supported your tired structure with his strong arms. You could see the veins flex on his hands.
"So how about that ramen date tomorrow hm?" Jay asked, his dimple once again appearing on his cheek, "that is, if you can handle staring at my hands while I eat."
"A ramen date, if I can walk by tomorrow." You chuckled, "So, I guess this messy hair is because I was struggling too much out of pain while getting the tattoo? Or should I tell Heeseung something else?"
"Tell him how good of an artist I am." Jay chuckled, "And that his friend won't have to spy through bedroom windows anymore."
"Was I really that noticeable?" You rolled your eyes playfully, as Jay handed you your shorts.
"Sweetheart you have no idea."
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smutallyouwant · 4 months
Twice Fic World ch.2
Strawberry Picking 🍓
80% Smut, but still have a good storyline.
Mina x Surprise Member x M Reader
A sequel to Night Club Darkness
Word count: approx. 1.9k words
Summary: Mina approached you again inside the office, and she invited you over to have some more strawberries.
Ps. This contains much aggressive stuffs than it's prequel 🔥
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You woke up early today because it is Monday. You quickly prepared to go to work, and you can't wait to see Mina again. After what happened to you two, you can't take her off your mind. But there's really no communication between you and her after all of that. Just some glances and smiles, it is not an awkward smile, just a friendly smile. But you made some small talks to her in office during breaks or whenever you meet her in the office.
You arrived in the office and started to go at your block. You opened your desktop to finish the presentation due for next week.
After and hour your boss, Jihyo arrived and she told you to go with her inside her office.
" How's your presentation? " she asked in English and in her usual foreign accent.
" It is going well ma'am, actually it is faster than expected. I can finish it today and I can email it to you for your approval " you answered in Korean.
" Oh, sorry you prefer to talk in Korean. Well then " she switched into Korean.
" Make sure that your presentation will be approved by the board. We are going to Tokyo, Japan next week so be prepared "
" Yes ma'am, I assure you that we got this already in the bag " you answered.
" Quite confident, I like it. Oh well, you can now go back to your work. Thank you Y/N " she said while looking at you with a glaring smile.
You never felt awkward before while talking to your boss, but that smile and the " Thank you Y/N " that she said sent shivers to your spine. Just as you recover from the cold, you were surprised by someone pulling your wrist to the side.
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Turns out it is Mina, in her cute clothes and short brown skirt. She pulled you over with a cute smile, and your nervousness was replaced with comfort.
" Hey Y/N, are you busy right now? " she excitedly asked.
" Not really, I just have one presentation to cover later " you answered.
" Will you hang with me for a bit inside ? " she asked while pointing to the office behind her.
It is a new office that is still not functional and covered with unfinished mess for construction. It is meant for a new department for the company.
" Sure, we never got a chance to hang up since last time "
After the door closed, you sat in a sofa and she sat on top of you. You instinctively hugged her from behind.
" Ohhh " she giggled as you hugged her.
" You know I can't get you off my mind, I tried to just ignore you last few days but I can't resist " she added.
" I thought I'm the only one who felt that way" you said before puting your hands on her face and pulling her so she can turn around.
She looked into your face with a grin. You hold her neck with your left arm and your other arm explores her wonderful body as you two began making out. Both of you fought for dominance and your tounge discovered every inch of her mouth. She bit your lips and started to take off your shirt. She kisses her neck and you shoved off her blue blazer and put you hands in her bare back from under her arms while you enjoys her tounge painting into your neck and shoulders. You feel your bulge growing fast, she stoo kissing your neck.
" Which nipple is much more sensitive? " she asked.
You mumbled for second because you're confused, but knowing that your left nipple is much more sensitive than the right one you didn't answer her. Instead, you grab her head and put her lips into your left nipples. He quickly gave it a huge lick and she sucked it wonderfully. You left arm began to fondle her breast and the other cupped her ass cheeks. You felt heaven as she removed your pants and gave you a handjob while still sucking your nipple. When you're pleasuring yourself you're playing with your nipple too for additional pleasure. So what Mina is doing had remained your biggest fantasy until now. You can't hide your moans from her
*slurp ~ slurp ~
" You love this baby Y/N? " she said while looking at you seductively.
" Yes baby I love it " you answered.
" No, you're my baby "
" For me both of them are sensitive, so please give them both your attention " she said while pulling her top down and fed her perky tits to your mouth.
You sucked her tit while playing with the other and you made sure to give both your equal attention. You did your best to suck them equally. While you're sucking your shaft felt wet, and you saw Mina lining her pussy into your shaft. She removed her underwear and began to ride you.
She rides you in her pace while you are making out. It stayed like that for few minutes before she came.
" Ahhh~~ baby your cock is the best " she said while she is cumming.
" ahhh ~ " she kept moaning until she can't.
She laid on you like a doll, just like that night when she fucked your cock in a dark side of the night club.
You're not done yet, so you lift her up into the wall and rammed her.
" Ahhhh~~~ fuckkk yess babyy! " she moaned almost shouting. So you muffled her with your mouth.
She wrapped her arms into you and started biting your shoulder as she reaches climax again.
" mmmhhh, ohhhh ~~ " she can't avoid slipping some moans while still biting you.
She stopped biting you when you told her you're cumming
" I'm cumming, baby let me just put you dow..."
She wrapped her legs into your waist and she whispered to your ear.
" Come inside me baby, I love your cum inside me " she whispered before liking your earlobes.
The licks sent shivers and her words made you 10 times hornier causing your cum to burst inside her pussy.
" Ahh~~ yes baby, that's it fill me with your cum mhhh~~~ " she moaned while you're cum is still pumping inside her.
You laid into the sofa while she's still on top and you made out for a minute before she stood up and began to clean the mess with some wet wipes.
" Your cum is slipping into my legs Y/N "
she said with a seductive smile.
She gave you a peck in your chicks before going out the office and straight to the comfort room. You waited for a while before leaving.
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When you opened the door, you saw a dressed up new girl into the hallway. She's new so you greeted her.
" Hey what's up " you said while smiling.
" Hey " she continued to walk and did not even bothered to smile. She just looked at you like nothing.
" Who the heck was that? " you said inside your head.
You headed back to your block and you went back to finishing your presentation.
" Whoo! What a long day " you said while yawning.
It's already 6:21 pm and you quickly sent the presentation to boss Jihyo for her critiquing. You packed your things and went to the parking lot. As you open your car door you received a message from an anonymous number.
:Hey Y/N it's me, Mina. Would you like to come over to my apartment for some more strawberries?
:Oh hi Mina, I'm pretty tired but a dinner would make it up. Btw how did you get my number?
:Okay Y/N I'll cook dinner for us don't worry :) and I got your number while you're deep asleep on your bed last time. Lol.
:Send me your address.
:Homersan St. Block 342, apartment 301.
: I'll be on my way
You drove back to your home first to take a cold shower. You dressed cozily with a white top and a black night pants. You drove to her apartment and knocked on the door. No one is responding, you tried texting her but she is not responding.
After few tries , you called her and you heard her phone ringing from the inside. You're starting to feel anxious and over thought what happened to her inside. You reached the door knob and it is not locked so you quickly opened the door and rushed towards the phone. It is on a desk from the front of the television. You picked it up and stopped the ringing. You saw a glimpse of light from a room. It is dark in the living room so the light from the semi-opened door of a room beamed through the floor. You took a peak only to see two cuties lying besides each other.
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Mina didn't even changed clothes, and lying besides her is a cute one too. You took a gulp and you came inside the room.
" Hey Mina, I'm here" you whispered while knocking the door.
Mina opened her eyes slowly.
" Oh hey Y/N " she answered while she sit up into the bed.
" Why are you so late? "
" Sorry I was caught in the traffic" you answered.
" Come, let's have dinner "
" Hey Chae, wake up Y/N is here already let's take our dinner " she said.
Chae sit up to the bed and looked at you
" Hey Y/N, you're so late that we got sleepy. No worries though " she said while looking into you with a smile.
Mina led you to the dining table and she reheated the pork stew that Chae cooked earlier. As Mina is preparing the table she introduced you to Chae.
" Y/N this is Chaeyoung, my girlfriend" she said.
What the freaking fuck. She have a girlfriend?????
" Hi Chaeyoung, nice to meet you " you said awkwardly while looking to Mina.
Mina almost laughed and said
" Y/N don't worry she knows. She's the one that insisted me to go to the night club that night to experience real dick " she said while looking both to you and Chaeyoung.
You're surprised as to how casual her tone is. It's like she and Chaeyoung always having conversations like this. No words came out to your mouth.
" Y/N she told me everything, just like how you like strawberries? Her scent? That's mine lol " she giggled with a smile.
" That's my perfume and maybe I taste better than Mina " she said while smiling at Mina.
" Nahhhh, I'm tasty than you are you said it yourself "
" We'll find out later " Chaeyoung answered before smiling a little.
You started eating and Chaeyoung questions casual things like what's your age, work, educational background etc.
" I'm a bisexual I have tasted dicks too but my girlfriend did not try to have dick inside her. So I insisted her to try. "
You just smiled to what Chaeyoung have said and Mina is looking at you seductively.
" She's used to toys so she's not totally virgin, but for dicks? I know she'll need it "
Chaeyoung stated.
" Turns out you're right baby " Mina answered.
" I was longing for dick too, hey Y/N let's have a threesome with my girlfriend " she declared.
The moment you heard that it's just like a blink of an eye, you just found yourself on their bed without your shirt and your pants and underwear down. You and Chaeyoung is making out while Mina sucks your dick. Chaeyoung is wearing a shorts without underwear and a loose oversized shirt that reveals the straps of her bra. Your making out so intense that you can taste the pork stew from her saliva.
" mmmh ~ mmmh ~ " mild moans came out the three of you.
Chaeyoung broke the kiss and started kissing your neck. You focused on Mina that is giving her best at sucking your dick. You gently pats her head. But Chaeyoung pushed her head to your shaft. Mina gagged and pulled out her mouth.
" Gahh! Ahhwilpsmmanw " she mumbled, a tear flowed on her left cheek.
" Go on baby, I'll teach you how to deep throat a dick " Chaeyoung said before giving a sloppy kiss to Mina.
You enjoyed the scenery of two hot chicks making out in front of you. Chaeyoung holds your dick and she held Mina's mouth so she can spit in it. She spits three times inside Mina's mouth and you felt the pleasure that Mina is showing.
" Suck his dick " Chaeyoung ordered Mina.
As soon her lip touched your tip, Chaeyoung slowly pushed Mina's head to your dick. And as your dick touched the back of her troat Mina started tearing and her eye liner is a mess and it's so hot of a scene that you placed your palm into her cheek for appreciation. Chaeyoung stayed her in that position for 3 seconds before releasing Mina, Mina then started to suck you off as soon as she catches her breath.
" Good girl, that's my baby. Suck his dick more " Chaeyoung said before pushing Mina's head again.
" Go hold her head " she ordered you to both out your hands to hold still Mina's head .
She proceeded to push Mina forcing her to take all of your dick into her throat.
" Golk, golk, golk, " her throat released sounds as Chaeyoung didn't stop.
" Yes, good girl " Chaeyoung said before letting Mina go.
Mina's face is a mess, and she almost throw up after that. Chaeyoung hugged her while patting her head.
" What a good girl you are, I love you baby" She said.
" I wuv yu " struggling to say a word, Mina answered with a smile.
Chaeyoung puts Mina off the bed and she sits her against the bed's corner.
" Hey Y/N come here " she ordered
She hold Mina's face and spits in her mouth.
" Ahh~~~ yes give me more " Mina seductively moaned.
" Hey Y/N help me, spit inside her mouth too" she said .
The idea of spitting inside Mina's mouth is so hot that you started spitting too. You opened your mouth and let's your saliva flows into Mina's tounge as she smiled seductively while looking at you.
" That's enough" Chaeyoung said.
Chaeyoung held Mina's head and looked to you while you're standing.
" Open your mouth and show your tounge baby" Chaeyoung said to Mina before giving her cheeks a peck of kiss.
" Fuck her throat" Chaeyoung ordered you.
You hold onto the bed's corner wood for support and started thrusting into Mina's throat.
" Ahhh fuck your throat is so good Mina " you moaned.
Mina smiled while her head bounces as you fuck her mouth. Chaeyoung is looking into your eye while you ram, it causes you to be much more turned on.
Chaeyoung's sight switched into your dick. She is amazed of how you're fucking Mina's mouth. She is biting her lips and gently plays her tits.
" Hey Y/N fuck my throat too " Chaeyoung said while pointing inside her mouth showing her tounge.
Without a thought, you pulled your dick and Mina's catched her breath. You pulled into Chaeyoung's hair and stuffed her mouth with your dick.
" Take this you slut" you said.
Chaeyoung smiled slightly as you ram her throat.
You're much more aggressive into fucking her mouth because you're kinda pissed that she forces Mina to do deep throat. But it's nothing to her. She even wraps her arms into your legs and followed your rythm with her jamming her head into your shaft. You can see her perky cleavage up there causing you to be much more horny. The sight of her bra straps falling off made you hornier.
*golk *golk *golk
Chaeyoung's releases slight moans while her throat gagged. Chaeyoung's a beast, you realized that as you feel your dick slipping through her esophagus slightly and it feels so fucking good that you're about to cum.
" You fucking slut, your I'll fuck your throat all day " you said
She just looked at you and smiled.
" You want to be a good girl? " you said seductively.
She nods her head while keeping eye contact.
" Then swallow my cum you bitch, slut " you said while moaning.
You came inside her and the pump of your cum goes straight down to her stomach. You hold her head a little more before letting go. She sucked you off to clean your shaft and she confidently showed her mouth that not inch of a cum remains.
You found Mina sleeping on to the bed. You gently tucked her into the bed and gave her a little kiss.
" Hey Y/N let's fuck " Chaeyoung said while her finger is on her lips. She striped all of her clothes and looked at you hungrily.
You and Chaeyoung fucked besides Mina while she's sleeping. You rammed Chaeyoung's pussy missionary style and your moans filled the air.
" Ahhh~~~ , fuck, yes Y/N "
" Fuck me more "
" Ahh~~ ahh~~ "
*Bed screeching
It's more of like Chaeyoung fucking you, as she's much more hungry for it. You fucked her in dogstyle and while she's on top of you. And on that night you came inside her twice.
You laid on their bed between Mina and Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung ended up fucking you once more, after she woke up in the middle of her sleep.
When the morning came, you found Mina out of the bed. You quickly stood up and put some clothes. You saw Mina at the dinner table and she's preparing breakfast.
" Hey Y/N thank you for coming, I hope that we can hang out like this again soon " she said.
" Yes, thank you too " you answered before pulling her for a quick makeout session.
" Sorry Mina I have to go, you know we have to go for work again" you giggled.
" Yes I packed breakfast for you though " she answered before handing the bento box over.
" Thanks again Mina, please say my regards to your girlfriend, I'll be going now " you said.
" Yes Y/N, goodbye "
You' re driving back to your home you're so tired because of what happened but you had a great sleep that you are energized today. Maybe Mina's smile is all that there is that energizes you. You wondered what was inside the bento box. You opened it while the light are red and a pancake toped with butter and maple syrup catched your eyes. Inside the other one is some strawberries sprinkled with powdered sugar.
--------------------THE END-----------------
Thank you for the support on my first ever smut everyone ( ꈍᴗꈍ).
Here's the sequel to that story. I hope you like it.
I'm expecting this story to have another sequel so please stay tuned.
Prequel story:
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shotmrmiller · 6 months
PAUSE! OH MY GOD. writing a soap smut got me thinking. 
As a medic in base, you see the 141 guys all the time. Whether in passing or because they get injured, you’re always interacting with them. Your particular lack of response at Ghost’s irritated glare after reprimanding him for being unable to keep his stitches intact during training is what solidified your friendship with Johnny— what Soap tells you to call him.
Every time Johnny goes out, he likes to drag you along and this is where you notice peculiar interactions between him and Ghost.
The way Ghost gives Soap Johnny his full attention when he’s speaking, turning his entire body to face him, even if it’s something completely trivial. Or how Johnny stresses over Ghost who’s injured on your med table and Ghost will comfort him. When going on a mission, if one goes, so does the other.
You wonder if there's something else going on.
You get your answer.
One day you’re knocking on Johnny’s door because it wouldn’t be the first time he’s tried to weasel out of a physical. You’d think getting shot would hurt more than a vaccine but here you are— about to twist his scottish ear off. The door finally opens, and you barge in because you aren’t about to cause a scene in the middle of the hallway when you freeze. 
Ghost is in Johnny's room, lying on the bed. If looks could kill, Ghost’s would’ve leveled the base. And he’s naked under the sheets— if that tree trunk-sized bulge is what you think it is. It doesn't even look hard. Bloody hell. 
You shift your gaze towards Soap, and your eyes drop— he's clad in nothing but a towel that hangs dangerously low on his hips. 
Massive. These men just walkin’ round with weapons in their pants.
Shaking off those thoughts, you shift your attention to his face.
“Meet me at the clinic in 10 or so help me god, Johnny.” and walk out the door.
You hear a muffled "Yes ma'am" , and a hiss escapes your lips.
That cocky smile Johnny had means he definitely saw you ogling them. 
A week passes and it’s a friday. You can’t wait to lock yourself in your barracks room and watch movies the entire weekend— you plan to start as soon as you're off the clock.
And then other medics twist your arm into going out for drinks.
Now you find yourself seated at a table in a lively bar, indulging in shots of tequila. As you glance around, your eyes catch sight of Soap and Ghost standing near the bartender. It appeared that some woman is talking to Johnny and he has a polite, detached smile on his face. Always too kind to strangers.
Then she starts caressing his thigh.
Your eyebrows shoot up to your hairline. Right in front of Ghost’s salad? You lock eyes with Ghost and he looks murderous. Jesus.
You usually don't stick your nose in others' business, but if you don’t intervene, Ghost might actually kill her in her sleep. Besides, tequila has always made you bold.
With a confident stride, you make your way towards Johnny and remove that woman’s hand before settling yourself snugly on his lap— and you wrap his arms around your waist.
“And who is this?” you ask Soap, but the girl questions back.
“No. Who are you?” 
Curling your upper lip, you answer, “I’m the one he comes in every night hoping it takes. Now leave before I make you,” completely ignoring the massive bulge pressing up into your arse.
She looks at you with a bewildered expression, but doesn't move so you finish off with, "Try it. Just a warning though, it'll be hard to fight when the fight ain't fair."
You cock your head to the side with a taunting expression and the woman scoffs before walking away. Noticing she left her almost full drink behind, you give it to the bartender to toss in the trash. She's just gonna have to get another one.
Your act comes to an end, so you shift to stand up— and realize that the arms encircling your waist tighten, keeping you on his lap. His clothed cock.
“Ye didnae think we’d let ye go after yer little show, did ye?” 
Unless Johnny’s speaking french, he just said we. You'd be nervous but you aren't about to decline what could be the best sex of your life. The want you feel in Soap's pants has you riding a certain high— it makes you feel confident.
Grabbing onto the edge of the bartop, you swivel the stool you're on to face Ghost. 
“And this okay with you? I wouldn’t be stepping on any toes, or nothin’?”
Ghost swiftly lifts you from Johnny's lap and places you onto his own.
“Does this answer your question?” and draws you closer before grinding his erection against you.
And it sure as hell does. Slapping the counter, you ask for some water. If this night is going to end with you sandwiched between these two, you want to remember all of it.
reader's a boss ass bitch. GET IT CHILE.
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937 notes · View notes
togenabi · 8 months
apothecary diaries
vinsmoke sanji (opla) x fem!reader
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♡—you need peppermint for a salve you're making, but sanji bought all of it, and that's seriously not fair.
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word count♡— 3.7k
genre♡— fluff
content notes♡— opla sanji, afab!reader runs an apothecary and likes to make things, inaccurate chemistry for the sake of the story, mentions of flames in bottles, please do not do that, no use of y/n, not fully proofread
also on♡— ao3
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author's note♡— I love sanji sm he makes me cry. might be first in a series, but we'll see. please enjoy. xoxo, belle.
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The third time a pirate entered your shop, you genuinely considered closing up early today.
You level him with a stare despite the man being twice your size. You cut him off before he can get a word out.
“No, I don't have anything that works against people made of rubber.” Crossing your arms over your chest, you gesture to the rest of your wares. “Now, are you going to get anything else? Or should you be on your way?”
He leaves, disgruntled, but without a fight.
A huff escapes your lips. The nerve of these people.
Ever since that outrageous bounty for that new pirate came along, suddenly every pirate and pirate hunter in the East Blue was gearing up to chase after him. All the poisons that were gathering dust in your storage were cleared out within days of those posters showing up.
It was good berry at first, but they got more aggressive, and started demanding more of everything. More doses than you were comfortable handing out. More dangerous poisons that could kill everyone in the room if the seal loosens by even a crack.
You took up this apothecary business because you wanted to help people. It wasn't exactly your dream to become a poison dealer.
The shop bell rings again. Thankfully, this time it's one of your elderly neighbors and not a pirate seeking poison.
The old lady smiles at you, the sides of her eyes crinkling. “You seem to be quite busy these days, dear.”
“If only they were paying customers like you, Ma'am.” You pick up a box of loose tea from the shelf, already knowing her usual order.
She gasps in concern. “Oh my, did they steal from you?”
“Only my time.” You grimace slightly, remembering how many pirates barged in last week.
“Would you like some honey with this? We have fresh jars from today's shipment.” You offer as you tally her order.
The lady hums in agreement. “Yes, I think some honey would be lovely.”
During slow days like these, you like to tinker with new recipes to sell. On a desk at the very back of the shop, obscured by thick curtains, is your beloved workstation.
You review your notes from the previous day. You'll need to get some peppermint for the healing salve you're developing. Taking a small jar of the experimental paste, you test a small amount on your hand.
Indeed, it needs more peppermint. Maybe you should use extract instead of crushed leaves next time, so that the texture is smoother.
The problem arises when your go-to herb supplier says he's run out of peppermint.
“Please tell me you're kidding.” You groan, looking down at your sadly empty whicker basket.
“M’sorry, lass.” The vendor shrugs, not looking very sorry at all. “You just missed the guy who bought everything. I promise I'll get you your peppermint next week, though.”
Resigned, you sigh, reading through the rest of your shopping list. The salve, at least, can wait a week as it's still a work in progress. The rest of your list, however, are crucial ingredients for your usual bestsellers.
“Fancy looking lad. He asked about spices. Told him to go to the shops down by the river.”
Your stomach drops. Everything else you need are sold by those shops.
Mentally cursing that vendor, you run as fast as your feet can take you. You're not letting some tourist get the better of you when it comes to ingredients.
You reach the river in record time. You'd feel proud if you didn't feel winded. Even so, you scan the road for anyone matching the tourist's description.
There doesn't seem to be anyone remotely fancy around. Triumphant, you go on with your shopping.
You begin to feel better as you cross more things off your list. You've almost forgotten about the peppermint incident, if only you didn't suddenly smell so much of it pass by.
A tall blond man walks by, clearly doing a lot of shopping based on the boxes of supplies he's carrying. The scent of peppermint hits you again. In a paper bag, at the very top of the boxes, you spot bunches of those leaves you've been so desperate for.
You can only clench your jaw in frustration and frown at the back of his head. He purchases a large amount of meat and fish in the next stall, and you gather that he must be some sort of chef. No normal person buys so much meat that the shopkeep offers to deliver everything. But that's what happens to this fancy looking lad. He must not be normal then.
“Yes, my ship's in the docks. You can't miss it, thank you so much for your help.” He smiles. His blue eyes wander the stall, then travel to the next stall over, where you are.
There's a moment of surprise when he finds you already looking at him, but his expression changes instantly into a suave one. It almost makes you want to back away, but you stand your ground when he approaches.
“Aren’t you stunning? I was feeling tired, but your pretty face woke me right up.”
You turn away, pointedly ignoring him. He can't flirt with you while smelling like peppermint. It's just not fair.
“Sorry for the hold up, lass. What's it you need?” The shopkeep you were waiting for shows up just in time. You continue to not pay the blond beside you any attention.
“Cinnamon and salt, please.” You respond. “Pink, if you have any.”
“I'll have the same, good sir.” Fancy pants says. “Though, my salt doesn't need to be pink.”
As the shopkeep rummages through his supplies, the blond continues to speak to you. Why does he keep speaking to you?
“Pink salt is lovely to look at, same as you,” He begins, “But other than the color, there really isn't a difference to normal salt, isn't there?”
He shrugs, his broad shoulder shifting his suit jacket slightly. “You're paying extra for the same result. It's all the same when you cook it.”
“I'm not using it for cooking.” Is your only response.
The shopkeep returns before the stranger can reply. “Here's the salt for you's.” He hands you a bag of pink rock salt, and the stranger a bag of regular salt.
The dread from the peppermint vendor returns when you realize the shopkeep is holding only one bag of cinnamon. He pats it and says, “I could split it so you both get half.”
“I was here first.” You insist desperately. “Sell it to me.”
“...My hands are tied here, lad.” The shopkeep sells you the cinnamon, and it's quickly tucked into your basket when you get your hands on it. The stranger doesn't barter for it. Good.
And with that, you cross out cinnamon and salt from your shopping list. You were able to get everything except the peppermint, which stays neat and legible at the very top of the list.
You crumple the paper and toss it into a nearby bin before making your way back to your shop.
“Are you on your way to get some peppermint?” How did the stranger catch up with you so quickly?
“No.” No matter how much you wish you were.
You try to walk faster, but his pace is steady even with a large box under one arm and several others tied up with twine held in his other hand.
“But it was on your list.” He seems to be very interested in your dealings. Is he always this dedicated when he flirts?
You cross the bridge that arches over the river together. The townsfolk who recognize you and not the man next to you begin to whisper amongst themselves.
It takes everything in you to resist rolling your eyes. After a week of pirates, you suspect your shop will be full of gossiping neighbors soon.
“A certain someone bought all the best peppermint today.” Of course the scent of it wafts over you again as you say so.
“Ah.” Understanding dawns on his face. “I see, I'm sorry if that inconvenienced you.”
It was your turn to shrug. You were about to say that it was okay, but then remember that you wouldn't be able to complete your salve until next week.
You pout before you can help it. “Did you really have to buy all of it?”
He breathes out a laugh. “I normally wouldn't, but my friends tend to have endless appetites. It always pays to have plenty of supplies.”
Even in the middle of the bustling street, a certain group of strangers stand out. They're gathered outside the tavern. You don't know any of them, but you recognize one of them as that infamous new pirate with the exorbitant bounty on his head.
“Speaking of my friends...” The blond trails off, nodding towards that particular group.
You just about stop in your tracks. He's with them? He's a pirate?
Okay. A rich, flirtatious tourist you could deal with. A random pirate crew? You would probably still be fine.
But the crew with the highest bounty in all the East Blue? That's just asking for trouble to happen.
While the stranger is distracted by his friends, you slip into an inconspicuous alleyway. You'd have to go a little further around to reach your shop, but that's alright as long as you avoid those Straw Hat pirates.
Luck seems to not be on your side, though. Because fancy pants shows up to your shop later that evening.
He grins. “You didn't tell me crossing that bridge together meant something. I would have talked about something more romantic than peppermint if I knew.”
Of course, word travels fast in a small town. You should have known someone would tell him. And that he would be able to find you easily if he wanted.
“How does the legend go, again?” He asks teasingly. “If two people cross the bridge together on the day they meet... Theirs souls are bound.”
“It's a myth.” You dismiss his charming grin and try to ignore him.
He leans his elbows on the counter that separates you. He's hunched down, but still towers over you somehow.
“It's romantic. And I'm glad it happened to us.” He smiles. “May I at least know the name of the person my soul is now bound to? Mine's Sanji.”
“Well, Sanji. Are you going to buy something?” You ask and avoid giving him your name.
Sanji, surprisingly, nods. He grabs two cans of your special handmade tea and a large jar of honey.
“I'll buy these,” He places the items on the counter. “And give you this.” He holds out several sprigs of peppermint. You blink at him in surprise.
“...Thank you.” You gingerly take it, and carefully set it to the side.
You're silent while you ring up his order. It's when you're taking out a paper bag for him that you finally cave and reveal your name.
The smile that blooms on Sanji's face isn't how you expected it would be. You expected him to look arrogant, to look proud that he was able to sway you like he did other women before.
But he looks at you sweetly, dimples showing and eyes sparkling. You wordlessly hand over the paper bag.
“A pleasure, darling.”
You would have thought that would be the last time you saw Sanji. But, be it luckily or unfortunately, he finds you the next day with the rest of the Straw Hats tagging along.
Only this time, they seem to be on the run.
You hold open the door for the Straw Hats and, one after another, they flood into your shop. Sanji smiles and says something about your hair, but you can't process the words with his friends scattering to hide.
“Sanji, what the fuck?”
“I know, I know, love. I'm sorry we had to reunite like this. We just need to lay low for a bit.” He reassures you, caressing your shoulders as he does.
“I'll make it up to you! I'll cook you a romantic, candlelit dinner.”
You frown at him, unimpressed.
Sanji kisses his teeth and sighs. “I'll give you the rest of the peppermint.”
You perk up instantly. “Deal. You can all hide in my workstation.”
“Hi, I'm Luffy!” Their captain greets you jovially. “That's Zoro,” Luffy points to the swordsman. “Nami,” The woman. “And Usopp.” The one hiding under your counter.
“Of course, you know Sanji already, being soulmates and all.”
You trip on nothing, and Sanji grabs your hand to steady you. You glare. He just smiles.
“Your shop is really cool!” Luffy exclaims, looking at all the trinkets on the shelf.
“Thanks.” You say dryly, pushing the curtain partition aside. You lead them to the back of the shop.
“Make yourselves at home.” You wave a hand towards the couch and some chairs around your desk. They should be fine here as long as they don't need to stay the night.
Through the gaps in the window blinds, flashlights and shadows stream into the room. There seems to be an active search party out for these guys. You suddenly can't believe you agreed to this for peppermint.
Zoro, whose three earrings glint in the light, shifts to scratch at his chest. You spot bandages from the gap in his shirt.
You grab the small jar of salve from your desk and toss it to him. He catches it, but looks from the jar to you and back, confused.
“It's a healing salve I made. It should help soothe your skin.” You explain.
The swordsman still looks unsure, but opens the jar anyway. Zoro sniffs its contents, and tries putting a small amount on his chest.
You beam at him, unable to help feeling proud at how his shoulders visibly relax after using it.
“Thanks.” Zoro says simply.
“No problem.” You nod back, still smiling.
Luffy looks at the jar as if it's a miraculous cure-for-all. “That's amazing.”
“It smells really good, too.” Usopp says, sniffing at the air around Zoro.
“Do you sell that here?” Nami asks.
“I will, once I make more.” You answer. You never realized how uplifting it was to share your work with new people.
Subconsciously, you turn to Sanji. But, why is he frowning? You follow your gaze to find he's looking at the jar in Zoro's hand.
Before you can ask him if anything is wrong, Luffy bursts out excitedly, "You're a doctor! You should join our crew!"
You wince. “No, I'm a chemist.”
“Cool!” Luffy's enthusiasm does not wane. “So you can heal, right?”
You're about to correct him before they assume things out of your pay grade when Usopp claps his hands in realization.
“She's even better than a doctor!” Usopp insists. “She makes the medicine that the doctors give out!”
Just as you were about to interfere with how much they were overestimating your skills, the shop bell rings. You turn to the clock. Shit, you should have locked up twenty minutes ago.
You meet everyone's eyes and they all nod, understanding that they need to be quiet. You switch off the lights in the back room for good measure.
The customer is a pirate you've never seen before. He looks angry, glaring at every possible hiding spot in your shop. Particularly the room you just came from.
You're careful to completely shut the curtain behind you.
“How can I help you, sir?” You put on your best customer service smile. “I was just about to close the shop, but if it's urgent, I'll help you find what you need.”
The pirate grunts. He's not buying what you're selling at all.
“Perhaps some calming tea? You look like a refined gentleman who would enjoy this.” You hold up a can of tea as if that will help you seem less suspicious.
“What's behind the curtain?” He points behind you accusingly.
“My work area, where I make all the fine products you see before you.”
Stomping forward, he seems to have had enough of your stalling. Fine.
Just as he's about to bash his fist down onto your counter, you grab a suspicious looking dark jar. You hold it up threateningly.
“The hell is that?!” The pirate snarls.
“Haven't you heard? I'm the go-to poison dealer in all the East Blue.” You bluff. “A whiff of this, and you'll sink like a rock, my friend.”
He freezes, but glares at you more fiercely. You pretend to twist the lid.
“Y-you'll kill yourself too, then!” He barks back. “Let's see your bullshit poison then.”
“Oh, but that's what makes me so brilliant.” You grin, laying the act on thick. “I'm immune to all the poisons I make.”
Your hand settles ominously on the lid. “Shall we test who survives?”
The pirate scrambles to leave. He's out before you can blink. Without missing a beat, you lock the front door and draw all window blinds down.
You rest your back against the door. Letting out a loud exhale, you almost let yourself slide down to the floor. How long do you have to deal with pirates like that?
Thoughts of yesterday with Sanji at the market fill your thoughts. If only all days could be like that, where the worst of your problems had been a peppermint shortage.
“You guys can come out, now.” You call out to the Straw Hats.
“Uh... Is that really poison?” Usopp asks, staying very far away from the jar.
You laugh, though it comes out airy due to your tiredness. “No, those are just some herbs I left to ferment.”
“How brilliant of you, love.” Sanji is beside you in a few strides. Him and those long legs.
“Was he the one you guys were hiding from?” You ask. The crew members shake their heads.
“No, actually.” Nami says. “We were hiding from a bunch of—”
Your shop explodes.
Sanji is quick to pull you into his arms and shield you from the debris with his own body. For a minute that feels like eternity, you can't hear anything. Your ears are ringing, and dust clouds over all your years of hard work. You sob into Sanji's arms.
“No!” You cry out.
Marines step into the shop, wood planks cracking and glass panels shattering under their feet. There are so many of them. You don't understand. Even if you hid the Straw Hats here, they shouldn't be allowed to destroy private property, right? Right?
“We got a report of illegal poisons in the area.” The leading officer states, his face stoic. “Just our luck that we run into pirates as well.”
You look to the Straw Hats, all of them are positioned to fight, save for Sanji. He's still cradling you protectively.
Taking a shaky deep breath, you lift your hand to rest it on Sanji's arm. He instantly looks down at you, silently asking if you're alright.
You're not yet, and if you're being honest, you'd rather stay in his arms until everything is over. But you nod anyway. Sanji gently lets you go and gets ready to face your new enemies.
“Get them all.”
Chaos breaks, and you run to duck behind a shelf that toppled over. The Straw Hats put up a good fight, but there are just too many Marines. Your eyes find round bottles of herbs scattered around you, and you come up with an idea.
“Guys!” You yell. “Buy me some time!”
“Anything for you, darling.” Sanji winks at you before sending a Marine flying. You gape at his audacity. The rest of them don't even react, but you notice they rotate slightly, surrounding you to keep you from being interrupted.
Grabbing as many of the bottles as you can, you stuff them with shards of wood and more dried leaves. You take rocks from the debris and strike them together.
With a few sparks, the herbs and leaves catch fire. You act fast, throwing the bottles at the Marines.
The bottles shatter, bursting into flames once they hit their mark. The Marines panic and become disoriented, giving the Straw Hats an advantage despite being outnumbered.
Eventually, the Marines run and scatter, leaving only the few bravest of them to fight. The Straw Hats make quick work of them.
When the battle is over, you watch the dust settle over the ruins of your apothecary. It's going to take years to earn enough berry to restore how everything once was. You can't help but feel heartbroken.
Sanji sits down in the rubble next to you, wrapping you in another embrace. You let yourself fall into him.
“We'll help you get everything back. I promise.” He swears, voice slightly muffled into your hair.
“Or, you could come with us! Join our crew!” Nami hits Luffy on the shoulder.
“What? It's true!” Luffy insists. “We need someone like her!”
You pull back from Sanji's embrace to look at him. He doesn't say anything, but something tells you he wishes for you to come with them. The others look at you expectantly as well.
No one speaks to persuade you further. But when you compare this rag-tag team to your ruined apothecary, your answer suddenly feels very clear. If you're to slave away to earn the berry for rebuilding your home, why not spend that time with them?
The back of the shop is less affected, even if the sight is still dreadfully sad. Your notes are thankfully intact, and you're able to find a bag and shove some extra clothes into it. It saddens you that you're so quick to pack up your life, but you'll come back. Someday.
When you return to the others, they're all smiling. Sanji more so, but you should have expected that.
He holds out his hand, and you reach out to take it.
“I change my mind,” You jest. “I'll take that romantic candlelit dinner now.”
Sanji laughs loudly while he guides you to walk over the rubble safely. You catch some of the others laughing too, but they walk a ways ahead you and Sanji.
“Like I said,” He says with his signature grin, “Anything for you, my dear.”
Your mind must be playing tricks on you, because he still smells like peppermint. Now, that's really not fair.
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© togenabi 2023 | see here to be added to my taglist ♡
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vagabond-umlaut · 3 months
meet you where the sky meets the earth
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to love is to listen to your heart, not your brain. to dream whilst in love, is to make your brain listen to your heart.
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▸ gojo satoru x fem!reader; former teacher x former student [gojo is six yrs older than reader]; bittersweet fluff; you're so in love w satoru, it shd hurt- but it doesn't because you've grown numb to the ache; one-sided feelings [are they really?]; few mentions of food; gojo calls you 'cookie'; this is way too tender even for me, istg; 1.5k wc
▸ belongs to the series 'you make my heart flutter and fibrillate' but can be read as a stand-alone fic if you wanna! 😊
▸ the header is from pinterest, the dividers are by @benkeibear, the characters used here aren't mine. pls don't plagiarise, translate or repost this. hope y'all enjoy reading this ❤️❤️
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the first time you think of marrying gojo, you're only twenty years old.
hardly the age to be dreaming of wedding bells at, right?
yeah, right. that's very, very right— still, your heart is your heart, just how your brain is your brain, the former easily swaying the latter by a few skipped beats— and you find your cheeks growing warm, laughs stumbling past your lips as you place the box of cornflakes into your shopping cart.
gojo sputters from beside you, eyes comically wide behind his shades as they dart from you to the elderly woman before.
you take a second to compose yourself before answering the ask that created this mess in the first place, a polite smile lining your face, "oh, no– not at all, ma'am! we're not married. i'm just an old friend helping him with the groceries, haha."
"oh," that's the only thing the woman says in reaction, kind smile now a tiny frown before it reappears. and she apologises, "i'm sorry, dears. just thought you two to be newlyweds from how giddy and loving you seemed to each other... time i went for an eye check-up, yes?"
"hey, please don't be sorry..." you start to say, but before you can get any further, the woman has already walked away with her shoppping basket.
you fall silent.
the same way the man next to you too has grown quiet, an awkward silence taking up the foot between you both. until you break it with a strained chuckle.
"we were acting giddy and loving to each other, eh?"
"were we?" comes the contemplative question to your comment. you look up to find gojo looking at you, the blue of his eyes weirdly bright in the dim lights of the supermarket as he repeats, "were we, cookie?"
yes. no. you don't really know—
yes, 'cause you know you love him.
not since forever, no, but close enough to it: your once-fascination for the supposed mortal deity of the jujutsu world, the mitochondrion on which the cellular structure of the society banks to survive; that grew into something made of wonder, respect and fondness, as you slowly came to know not only the icon but also the man behind it; that grew into something so profound, nestling deep within your existence– so much so that you feel the earth shifting on its axis everytime he calls you or grins at you or just looks in your direction—
no, 'cause you know you aren't loved back.
not the way you wish to be... not that you blame gojo for that, though!
you know he is way too busy to be thinking of such topics– what with being the strongest sorcerer ever, the head of the one-man gojo clan, the teacher to the first-years at tokyo high, the legal guardian– but in fact, the father figure to the two kids, 'gumi and 'miki– or maybe, just maybe, he is busy, alright, but not too busy— gojo simply doesn't see you that way; he sees you to be nothing but his former student— one he knows he can rely on to help with his children, or the groceries, or a variety of other menial daily tasks he can just hire help for—
you don't know.
yeah... you really, really don't know– and by now, you think you don't even want to know anymore. it's easy, it's safe, it's nice to remain not knowing. the word 'yes' comes with too many dreams– the word 'no' serves the perfect haven to nightmares.
the three words "i don't know" bear no such burden on their back– an untroubled answer you decide to offer, decide to escape using for the time being— until a slight knock on the head interrupts you, followed by an entertained set of chortles.
you peer up to find gojo beaming down at you, his eyes crinkled and cheeks dimpled. something twists in the middle of your chest, but it isn't painful; it's grounding. pleasant, even.
"it's too easy to get you worried, y'know? you're unbelievably easy to manipulate, heh."
"oh, am i now?" you retort, eyes narrowing into a cross glare– only to be betrayed by the fond smile grazing your lips not even a beat later. the man hums, grin simmering down to a knowing smile.
"mmhm," he says with that musical sway to his tone that never fails to make your fingers tingle, "you should have seen your face when i asked you the question– so pale and stiff– almost as if i was asking you to leave then and there, hearing that granny's comments—"
"you would have asked me to, if they were true– wouldn't you?"
gojo's smile vanishes in the blink of an eye. and you think the hand he has stretched out to the shelves of biscuits might fall too– but it does not, and you see him take a packet of your favourite bourbon biscuits followed by a packet of the digestives you've been forcing him to eat, and place them into the cart.
he checks the shopping list in your hand before he looks back at you.
before he smiles back at you: so soft, so solemn, so un-satoru— you instantly regret interrupting him with such a question.
but you do know how it is, don't you? what with a thudding heart and a thinking brain...
the handle of the cart digs deep indents into your palm as you press the weight of your worries into the cool metal and lean towards your companion on this grocery run, the same way a moth flies towards a flame, towards its doom–
"don't you ever dream of falling in love, gojo-san?" you let your voice drop to a murmur, audible only to you and the object of your desires, the subject of your worries, "do you not dream of a happily ever after with your 'one'– do you, gojo-san?"
"no," the response to your words comes in the very same instant. the man's shades slip a touch down the bridge of his nose as he pins his sharp gaze on you– though it can do nothing to hide the mild tremor in his grin from you when he says, "and i don't plan on dreaming ever. dreaming is only for fools with too much time to spare– do i look like a fool with too much time to spare, cookie?"
no. not at all. you don't. you look the farthest from it, in fact— is what you know you should say, and just drop the matter. for now. forever—
but you don't... just don't.
retorting instead, still a murmur but with the faint lick of a fire now, "and what do you suggest should be done to those fools, gojo-san? punished severely for their grievous crime of dreaming, hm?"
"oh, don't be too harsh," he tuts with a breezy chuckle, "what people do is honestly their business; one i've got no interest in interfering in— but..." his grin twists into something wry, a change you find tough to tear your gaze away from, "i don't think i would give such folks the time of my day– it's simply not worth it to talk with those whose feet are not on the solid ground, floating around meaninglessly in air–"
"why are you talking with me then?"
interrupted, gojo blinks. once, and twice, then thrice.
you watch your face crumple in the dark tint of his shades, withering and cracking in the dull light and stale air of this stupid supermarket; but definitely not as stupid as you:
messing things up when they're perfectly fine and alright, only 'cause you do not, rather cannot, keep your mouth shut, no matter what– all your inhibitions let gone of as your heart gains control over your brain and your stupid damned mouth—
you feel a tiny knock on your forehead, the second time this evening, followed by strands of hair being gently brushed away; too careful for your breath to not get stuck in your chest. you peer up at the man in front, teeth lightly gnawing the inside of your lower lip.
gojo's features shift into something between fond and worried– you just hope you aren't misreading him right now– the man tucks those strands of hair behind the shell of your ear.
his fingers still right above your jaw, touching yet not really touching, features finally, finally, settling into a smile– "maybe because i enjoy talking with you, cookie, no matter how foolish you are."
some people say, marriage is a holy act, a sacred institution, in and of itself— connecting hearts, binding souls– cementing the promises of staying together forever... whilst few see marriage to be meaningless— paltry affair of papers and signatures and people, none bearing any significance, 'cause nothing can, not when it comes to the matters of the hearts, neither in proving nor in disproving them–
no matter what people think, you think you will be okay, irrespective of whether you marry gojo or not, irrespective of whether gojo loves you or not– provided– and this is a weird, still important 'provided'—
you and he end up shopping together in the supermarket, feeling and seeming so happy and comfortable with each other— others mistake you for a pair of newlyweds, blissfully deep in love.
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tysm to my dearest andy [@andysdrafts], mimi [@avatarofstars] & dilay [@roseqzpd] for constantly motivating me while i was writing this. ilysm my darlings 😘😘😘
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lbcreations-blog · 2 months
Holy Mother Of Many
Summary: You are the wife of God himself. You both made many amazing angelic children such as Lucifer and Sera, one day in many of the galaxys and cosmos problems occurred, so you set out to fix the problems while intrusting your husband with your children. But what you didn't know was when leaving many bad things would happen, making hardly any good come out of it.
Female mother reader
All plotonic
Words: 1121
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You had a relationship with the holy father God himself. You were his devine wife, the holy mother of all creations. You were together since the start of everything.
You had many devine children, one of your favorites being little Lucifer. Just seeing him when he was a baby, you knew he would have a similar personality to you. Sadly, you never got to find out due to you having to leave to do other things like glaxeys and cosmos to look after. Before you left, you instructed your husband to look after both of your creations. You then left the home you loved.
Oh, how would you regret that decision.
??? Years later
You were now working on a glaxey in your main form (which is like atleast 300ft tall) when you realized you should really take a vacay and see your husband again and all your angelic children, I mean it has been many many many many many many many years.
A few mins later, you arrived in front of heavens gates in your smol form (7 ft tall). About to walk in, you saw a blonde male at a podium. "Oh greetings, mister!" You said to the man. "Welcome to heaven ma'am! May I please get your name." The man said to you.
"Name? Why do you need my name?" You asked. "Well-" "St Peter, let me deal with this," Sera interrupted Peter and told him so while flying down from somewhere. "Yes, Sera," St Peter said, then flying away. "Wait, Sera?" You said, "Hello mother, " Sera said softly, smiling. You quickly hugged her. "Oh, Sera, my darling daughter!" You said.
You moved slightly backward so you can have eye contact with her. "Oh, sweety, you're all grown up! Im so sorry that i haven't been here!" You told Sera. "It's alright, mother," she told you. "Anyway, what's up with the whole name thing? And where's Luci? And all my other beautiful children?" You asked her.
"Let's go and talk about this somewhere else," Sera said as she telaported you both into what you assumed was her office. "Take a seat, mother," Sera told you. You listened to your daughter and sat down on the comfortable seat.
"You see Mother when you left. Father decided to sleep once i and some of the others were old enough, and he is still sleeping. When he first fell asleep, some of the oldest ones and I made a project called Earth, and we made these creatures called humans. And well... Lucifer destroyed it with childish actions. He brought evil into earth, and in turn, he created his own doman fill of that evil. He lives there, ruling the doman of evil." Sera told you.
"You know what, I'm going down there to check on him," you told Sera. "But mother," Sera began "no don't even think about it, Sera," you said, getting up. "Yes, mother," Sera said, making a portal in front of the hotel for you. "I'll talk to you more once i return," you said, entering the portal. "Yes, mother," she said not trying to upset you anymore.
"I wonder why Sera telaported me in front of a hotel." You sighed. "Oh well, he's probably in there. I can sense my boy," you said, walking up to the door.
You knocked on the door, and a few minutes later, a pink and white spider looking guy opened it and looked at you in shock. "Hey uh Vaggie there is an angel at the door!" The guy said toward what you saw to be an ex angel, going by her aura, wings, and lack of halo, at least.
"Oh shoot, I'll go get Charlie you let her get comfy," Vaggie said to the pink and white spider guy. "But isn't she busy with something important with Alastor?" The guy asked. "Oh, right! I guess I'll get Lucifer and be nice to her Angel!" Vaggie said, running up the hotel stairs. You smiled at the mention of Lucifer, You were so excited to see your son.
You now sat on the couch, which the man named Angel kindly led you to sit on and wait. While waiting, who you now learned was named Angel dust tried making small talk with you. But it did not really end up well he seemed to be nervous for some reason, but you decided not to overlook it in some way.
After a few minutes of waiting, a portal finally opened. Lucifer walked into the hotel lobby and made eye contact with you. You immediately telaported to him and tightly hugged him. "Oh Luci, my son. I'm so happy to see you again!" You told him.
"Mom? What are you doing here?" Lucifer asked you. "To see you ofcourse" You told him, holding his rosy cheeks and looking down at him. "I would have came much much earlier if I knew what happened to you all those years ago, but I intrusted your now excuse of a father to you and your siblings."
"Are you alright, though? I'm aware the... Fall. Was, alot," "Of course im alright Mom, i have a daughter now. " Your smile increased at that information. "I have a granddaughter?!" You asked Lucifer, squishing his rosy cheeks even more. "Indeed you do, mom," Lucifer told you. "Oh my word, im a grandmother! That's crazy so where is she?" You asked him.
"Well... she just walked through the doors right now. " You looked behind you seeing the splitting image of your son in a female form. You smiled cheek to cheek upon seeing this just seeing her. You knew the both had at least a similar personality.
"Dad, why is there an angel here?" His daughter asked. "Charlie, this is your grandmother." "It's nice to meet you, my granddaughter." "It's nice to meet you too. My name is Charlie, but you already know that, i have one question, though: how come i did not see you in heaven?" Charlie asked.
"Well, i was busy with a lot of work at that moment," you told her. "Oh! uhm! Can I tell you about this project im working on!?" Charlie asked you. "Sure ofcourse go ahead. I'd love to hear of such" Charlie bounced up upon hearing that and started walking you through the hotel with your son that Vaggie girl and what you sensed to be a smiling fellow behind he did not speak yet though.
You needed to wake up your husband and scoled him for his passed actions and Sera as well, but for now, you would enjoy the company of the Hazbin Hotel.
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Taglist: @fatherlesschild2 @whitewingsh @iheartpieck @i-yuki @ilovemyths2003
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-L.B Creations
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hearts4golbach · 2 months
can you make a long Johnnie x fem reader fluff?🙏🏼🫶🏼
Slumber Party.
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Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
a/n: happy april foolsss!
i impatiently waited for my boyfriend to text and tell me he was done recording with jake. i scrolled aimlessly on tiktok, reposting videos that reminded me of johnnie. about an hour had passed before i received a text from him.
johnnie: hey baby i'll be over soon if i can still stay over :))
me: ofc you can 😭 i'll see you when you get here ❤️❤️
johnnie: i'm so excited to see you
johnnie: i've been so busy
johnnie: i miss you
me: i miss you more, now hurry up and get here
johnnie: yes ma'am
10 more minutes had passed, my heart beating faster as i heard a knock on the door. i practically sprinted towards the door, throwing it open to reveal my handsome boyfriend. he stood there with a smile on his face before pulling me in for a tight hug. i jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist as he laughed.
"did you miss me?" he teased, running his fingers through my hair. i remove my head from the crook of his neck, giving him the look. he giggled again before leading me back to the living room. he gently dropped me on the couch before plopping down next to me. "did you have anything planned."
i nodded, "mhm. i bought cookie dough so we can make cookies and watch a movie. but, we don't have to do that." i smiled softly.
he pats my knee before standing up, "well, let's go make those cookies. are you gonna watch scary movies with me tonight?"
i roll my eyes as i open the fridge. "why are you so persistent? horror movies aren't really my thing." i complain, setting the dough out on the counter.
johnnie had already gotten the cookie sheet out. "i think you'd really like them, you just haven't gotten to see any good ones!" he protests.
"fine." i give in, earning quiet cheers from johnnie. "if you traumatize me even more, i'm going to kill you."
"whatever you say, love." he smirks before placing a kiss on my forehead.
we began to make small balls of cookie dough and placed them strategically across the pan. i made johnnie put the pan in the oven since i had always been afraid of heat. i thanked him quickly, placing a kiss on his lips before eating some of the raw cookie dough. i gathered some of the leftovers on my finger and licked it off, my mouth making a pop sound. he raised his eyebrows before doing the same.
i smacked my lips slightly. "so, i had an idea." i smile nervously, "we should do face masks."
he raised his eyebrows higher. "i mean, sure."
"do i get to post us on instagram if we do?" i plead, pressing my hands together.
he dramatically rolled his eyes, "sure."
"your fangirls are gonna eat that shit up." i teased. "we can put them on while we wait for the cookies to bake."
"yeah," he held a goofy smile on his face.
we took an adventure to the bathroom. i pulled out a container of peel off face mask that i had gotten at dollar tree, funny enough. "this shit may burn our skin off, it's from dollar tree."
"oh, whatever. my skin is fucked up anyway." he replied, covering his face and shaking his head.
"oh, shut up." i laughed. i handed him a headband. "we gotta pull your bangs back, babe."
he scrunched his nose before obliging, slipping on the slug eye headband to reveal his forehead. i took a makeup wipe and began to take off all of the excess makeup he had on. he washed his face as i did the same, taking off all my makeup then washing my face whenever he was done.
i hopped up on the counter to get to eye level with Johnnie. i squeezed some of the face mask onto my finger before spreading it all over his forehead and face. the sparkly hot pink face mask was a drastic contrast to his fully black clothing and dark hair.
he looked in the mirror, making weird faces as the face mask began to dry. "give it here, let me do yours." he giggled like a child before taking the tube from my hand.
while he was putting the pink goo all over my freshly washed face, another idea popped into my head. "what if we built a fort to watch a movie in with our cookies?" the giddiness in my voice shone through.
he smiled, "what? are we in 5th grade?" he asked me teasingly as he washed the leftover face mask off of his fingers.
"no, but what's stopping us? come on, it'll be fun!" i pleaded with him.
"i'm just messing with you, i'd love to." he admitted. he kissed me forehead, getting face mask on his lips. he laughed, "shit." he mumbled as he wiped the residue off of his mouth.
"okay, let's go heck on those cookies." i dragged him out of the bathroom back into the kitchen. as i opened the oven, a strong draft of chocolate chip cookie smell hit me. "oh my god, they smell so good." i exaggerated.
"well, are they done?" he asked impatiently.
"looks like it." i scooted out of the way so he could pull them out of the oven.
we let them cool as we migrated to the living room to make our fort. johnnie pulled in chairs from the dining room as i gathered all of my extra sheets and blankets. i made a palette on the floor and Johnnie put a chair at every corner and 2 on either side of the blankets. from the floor, we could see the tv perfectly. using teamwork, we draped a sheet over all of the chairs. finally, we tossed all of our pillows inside.
the cookers were still warm but now they were edible. i tossed a bag of popcorn in the microwave as we plated the cookies and grabbed glasses of milk and another miscellaneous drink from my fridge.
Johnnie and i crawled into the blanket fort. i leaned back into his shoulder, careful as to not get any face mask on his shirt. he smelled faintly of his cologne and the face mask. i turned on IT, specifically the one from 2017. It was one of my favorite movies, obviously. i pulled out my phone and took a picture of the two of us before setting it as my new wallpaper and posting it on instagram.
Johnnie began to pick at his now dried face mask. “i think mine is fully dried.”
“the. you can peel it off and put the scraps-“ i paused, looking for somewhere to set them for the time being. “somewhere. we can throw them away later, i don’t want to get up now.”
after i had peeled all of mine off, i curled up in johnnies arms. i leaned my head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer. we laid like that for a couple hours, adjusting as needed as we watched IT and the sequel to IT.
“you hungry?” Johnnie gently shook my shoulder, making sure i was awake. “i’ll door dash us something to eat, if you are.”
i nodded, “yeah, i am.”
“wanna order Chick-Fil-A?” he asked, scrolling through the door dash app.
i hummed, “that sounds so good right now, yes.”
he made the order. i rolled over to check my phone. it was around 1 in the morning, and surprisingly i wasn’t all that tired. Johnnie decided to turn on The Crow since i had never seen it before.
whenever the food finally arrived, we ate our hearts out and finished off the rest of the cookies we had made. we turned on another movie whenever that was over. Johnnie and i laid there in each others arms, full and content.
as both of our eyelids began to get heavy and our eyes watery, we decided to move upstairs into my bedroom. i threw myself onto the bed and Johnnie crawled in next to me, wrapping his arms around me before pulling me closer. he kissed my forehead, whispering a sweet goodnight before we both drifted off to sleep.
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pinkthrone445 · 4 months
-Your new neighbor-
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:Fluff, love, hurt
Warnings:Mention of touching yourself, mention of dead, manipulation, mention of accidents
Summary:Mel never thought that one day at 3 a.m. she would meet the love of her life.
I really wanted to write this, I was inspired hahah I hope you like it. I posted this earlier but I didn't mean to and it was unfinished, but now it's perfect, enjoy!
Half-past three in the morning, that was the time when the noisy, annoying rumbles of the music woke Melissa up. The redhead was aware that there was a new neighbor in the neighborhood, she knew it was next door to her house, but she wasn't aware that it would be one of those young neighbors who played the music too loud to keep the others awake all night feeling like the walls would fall off any second.
Determined to put an end to the annoying noise and return to her well-deserved rest, the woman got up in her pyjamas and, after putting on her coat, took determined steps to the house next door. There were people in the garden drinking and smoking and a much larger group inside the house, she asked those outside if anyone knew who the party belonged to, but no one answered her. So she climbed the steps and entered the house, but before she could go any further, a very tall man stood in front of her with an annoyed look on his face and with a few too many drinks, she could feel it in his breath
-"What do you want lady? Can I help you?"-The big guy stood there blocking her path
-"Yes, is this your party?"- she asked and he laughed
-"No, but this is a private event and you were not invited"-he answered
-"Look big bozo, I'm just looking for the owner of this house"-The redhead folded her arms at the big, young boy
-"That's none of your business, told you this is a private event, so beat it"-The guy answered a little to agresive and that made the redhead angrier, but before she could answer, a sweet voice interrupted her
-"Good night, is everything okay?"-You asked worriedly bringing some bags of snacks stopping behind her, the redhead turned to look at you and was speechless when she saw your beautiful smile-"Hello? Can I help you?"-You smiled by moving your hand in front of her to get her to react
-"Oh right! Good night... I'm your neighbor next door..."-She whispered and you quickly left the bags on the counter
-"Oh shit, the music, I'm so sorry"-You whispered and went to the sound system to lower it to a more pleasant tone and less annoying to the neighbors
-"Do you live here?" - The big bozo asked her but Mel ignored him-"she never said she lived here..."
-"It's unbelievable, I'm gone for a few minutes and they turn this into a club..."-You muttered going back to her-"Again I'm sorry... What's your name, neighbor?" - You asked with a kind smile that also made her smile
-"I'm Melissa..." - The redhead replied and you smiled, her name for some reason fit her
-"Nice to meet you Melissa, I am (Y/N)" - You whispered looking into her captivating green eyes. Your friend, the one who had previously won't let her go into the house, interrupted you
-"And I'm Jack"- He smiled and you shook your head looking at Melissa
-"Do you want a drink?"-You offered her and she shook her head
-"No thanks, I should go back to sleep"-She whispered tying her jacket, for some reason she was now embarrassed to be in her pajamas in front of you
-"Oh, Okey... And don't worry, we were almost done anyway"-You smiled looking at her pajamas
-"No, don't worry about that, I don't wanna be a party popper, it's Friday, you can keep the party up, turn up the music and enjoy!"-The redhead responded, and you laughed at her tender attempt to liven up the party
-"Okay ma'am... Have good dreams" - You whispered as the redhead walked out the door.
The next morning, the redhead couldn't get the tone of your voice and your beautiful smile, your kindness and your smile out of her head... How she liked to see you smile... She could do anything to see you smile again...They way you called her "ma'am"...
A knock on the door made her burst out of her thoughts and a choked and frustrated moan left her mouth, the hand she had in her pants came out of there and she sighed getting up to open the door. Who dared interrupt the best jerkoff she was having in years?
When she opened the door she blushed to see that it was you, the same person she was fantasizing about and touching herself for
-"Hi..."-There was that sweet voice again-"I'm so sorry for last night, I feel so bad, the party got a little out of hand, I didn't mean to bother you..."-You commented to apologize and she laughed
-"It's okay, you excuse me, I shouldn't have complained about a party on a Friday night..."-She whispered, still blushing
-"Anyway... In order to calm my guilty conscience, I wanted to see if you'd like to go eat with me, I'll pay, to compensate for any lack of sleep"-You commented and smiled
-"Yeah, sure" - The redhead replied and waited for you to say something else, but when she saw you stay there, she just smiled
-"How much time do you need?" - You asked and she was surprised
-"Oh shit, you meant now... Give me a minute to change"-The redhead quickly closed the door to go change and you laughed waiting for her sitting on her doorsteps. When she was ready, Mel began to walk beside you, following you where you had chosen
-"Just so you know, since you're paying, I'll order 2 of everything" - The redhead commented and you laughed entering a restaurant that was not far from home, Mel was surprised to see how humble the restaurant was, you noticed her face and laughed
-"What?" - you asked while you choose a place to sit, she sat in front of you
-"I didn't imagine you'd choose a place like this"-She whispered and you laughed
-"What does that even mean?"-you asked
-"Look at your amazing clothes, your fine shoes, your luxurious home... I thought you'd take me to one of those restaurants that charge more than rent and the portion is smaller than rabbit poop" - Mel commented and you laughed sincerely, grabbing your stomach from how hard you laughed
-"Gosh Melissa, you're funny... This is my special place, I'd rather have a thousand burgers here than fancy restaurant meals... My father loves those places, but I love coming here, that's why I moved here, to be close to this magical place"-You responded by playing with the menu
-"Magical place? A burger restaurant? You're easy to please hon...-Mel joked and you laughed a little bit blushed because of the pet name-"So tell me, what do you do for living, besides looking for underestimated restaurants?"
-"Do you know the "Bright" company?"-You asked, and she nodded
-"Yeah, the huge security company in the middle of the city. I've heard that they have companies all over the world..."-Mel replied looking at the menu
-"Yes...I'm (Y/N) Bright... Oldest daughter of Robert Bright, I'm the CEO and future heir of the company..."-You answered, and Mel opened her eyes in surprise
-"Wow kid, that explains the big house and fancy clothes... But why did you moved to this neighborhood? Besides your love for this place, It's not fancy at all, at least not fancy enough for someone like you"-Mel asked, surprised and curious
-"Just wanted something new, a new place with new and cute neighbors like you..."-You smiled looking at her and grabbed the menu-"Can I order? Do you trust me?"-You asked, and Mel nodded. As you ate, you continued talking
-"What do you do for a living?" - It was your turn to ask
-"I'm a teacher at Abbott elementary"-Mel smiled looking at you-"Nothing fancy..."
-"That's cute, kids must love you..."-You whispered, continuing with the conversation and listening attentively to everything she told you.
After eating, you walked around talking about everything for a bit, and then walked home together, the whole trip Mel walked on the side closest to the street, protecting you somehow.
Before you could go in your house, she called your name once again, you turned around to look at her
-"Thanks for the food, it was delicious..."-she whispered and you smiled
-"Thanks for accepting my invitation... See you around neighbor" - You whispered before you walked home.
A few days later, you were giving the finishing touches to your clothes while you talked with your sister
-"When will the second date be?" - Your younger sister asked excitedly after hearing the recap of the outing with the redhead
-"After there is a first date"-You responded by looking in the mirror touching up your makeup and arranging your dress
-"So, inviting her to dinner, taking her to your favorite spot, and walking together doesn't count as a date?"-Your sister asked and you looked at her through the mirror
-"I guess it was a date..."-You whispered in confusion and your sister laughed
-"I'm happy you met someone... It's been a while since your last relationship" - She replied and you rolled your eyes
-"Calm down a bit, I just took her out to eat, I barely know her..."-You responded happily by looking in the mirror noticing that you were finally ready-"Come on, Dad's waiting for us"
After a short trip, you, your sister, and your father arrived at a company party, you hated those kinds of parties and they overwhelmed you, but they were necessary for networking and business. While your father was talking to some people and your sister was going with her friends, you sat at the bar ordering a drink. Minutes later, someone sat next to you, you thought you were hallucinating when you heard your neighbor's voice asking for a drink too, but when the redhead called your name, you couldn't help but smile as you turned and saw her
-"Melissa? What are you doing here?"-You asked in surprise
-"I was invited... This is a" security for schools" party, some teachers got invited...It's nice to see you again, you look good" - she answered and made you blush
-"I didn't think fate would bring us together so soon."-You whispered smiling and looking into her eyes, she had beautiful eyes
-"How little faith you have in destiny, we live next to each other" - The redhead joked and you laughed-"With all due respect, this party is so boring, the only good thing here is the drinks and you... Your father doesn't know how to throw better parties?"-Mel asked with her usual honesty and you shook your head
-"No... More than 25 years doing parties and each day it's more boring... Do you want to get out of here?-You offered, and she nodded. After texting your sister that you were leaving to cover for your father, you and Mel went to your car. Without thinking twice, you decided to take her to see something, while you were talking, you drove to a warehouse place and Mel looked at you scared
-"Are you going to kill me? Because my Nona always said that I had a beautiful face to be in local news..."-She asked and you laughed
-"No, just wanna show you something..."-After parking, you opened one of the larger containers and turned on the light, the redhead was surprised to see a large number of delicately placed drawings and paintings, next to various art items
-"Wow...Are you smuggling paints? Seeing this makes me your accomplice? 'Cause it wouldn't be the worst thing the police had catch me doing" - She muttered looking carefully at each painting and you laughed
-"I didn't steal anything, I made those... I come here when I'm stressed. Do you like them?-You asked. For some reason, having her approval was necessary for you
-"Wow hon, you really got talent, I love them... You know, if you get tired of the fancy life and all of the luxury, we could use an art teacher"-Mel joked and you laughed
-"I'll keep it in mind..."-You commented watching as Mel looked at the paintings and stopped in front of one in particular
-"Who is her? She is gorgeous"-She whispered, pointing to a painting you loved
-"I don't think the painting does her justice, she was remarkable and beautiful inside out... She was my mom, Maria... She passed a few years ago" - You murmured with a smile remembering her and Mel turned to look at you
-"You are just like her... Why do you have your paintings here? It's a shame that such a beautiful treasure it's hidden from the world..."-Mel talked walking up to you
-"My dad think this a waste of time... My mom used to support me, I always wanted to do a gallery to show and sell my art, but when she passed, my dad convinced me that it was better if I focused on the family business... So I did"-You told the redhead looking at your brushes and paints
-"That's a shame... You should do that art gallery, people will love you! I even want to buy something right now, can you paint something for me, please?" - The redhead begged with a very cute face to say no and you nodded laughing.
After painting for a while and getting to know each other better (she told you about her failed marriage and how her husband had cheated on her, you told her about past relationships and your family), you took her home, said goodbye with a hug and went to your bed to relive every interaction with her.
The next day, your sister came to your house to see you, and you told her how your walk with the redhead had gone when you disappeared together that night
-"That's it? Not sex? Not even a kiss goodbye?"-Your sister asked, almost offended, and you just laughed
It felt good to spend time with her, nothing was forced and she really made you laugh, Mel was a breath of fresh air in your life, a breath of fresh air that you need it. You didn't wanted to rush things and screw everything. But your sister's words kept echoing in your head and as much as you wanted not to think about it, you really wanted to kiss your neighbor, all the time you wondered how her beautiful and juicy lips would taste...
That night, when your sister left, you opened the door to go see Melissa, but you were surprised when you saw her standing right there on your porch with her hand raised ready to knock on your door
-"Hey..."-You smiled seeing her lips, the redhead didn't say a single word, she just slowly walked up to you and kissed you gently. God that woman kissed well, she was addictive, how come you waited so long to kiss her? Your hands went to her waist and you tugged at her clothes to usher into your house, kicking the door shut without having to stop kissing her.
That night you and Mel had sex, amazing sex, you understood each other too well and listened to each other, which made everything better.
The next morning, you and Mel woke up and took a bath together, and she made breakfast, a better breakfast than the chefs at your father's house.
From that night everything progressed perfectly, you introduced her to your sister, she introduced you to her friends at school, you had many more dates, much more sex, many more conversations together. Mel even pushed you to open your art gallery and promised to be there on opening day, which made you happy because she was your muse, a big inspiration for you.
But not everything could be perfect, the press took a couple of pictures with you and Mel, which got into your father's hands and generated a few big discussions, which you decided to ignore.
One night, after dating a few months, while you were sleeping together, your cell phone started ringing with several text messages that woke up the redhead, she grabbed the cell phone thinking it was hers and saw a notification of an online news story, it was you leaving a luxurious building and making out with another woman, she knew who she was, it was your ex. The redhead's blood began to boil, she knew that you and she were nothing officially, but how could you do this after she told you how much her ex-husband's cheating had hurt her. Mel didn't quite understand things, but carefully and quietly, she left your house and went to sleep in hers.
The next morning you woke up confused that you didn't see Melissa there, but when you took your cell phone everything made sense, your photo kissing your ex was all over the Internet. You quickly got up and left your house going to Melissa's to talk, before you could knock, the redhead was leaving her house to go to work
-"Mel! Wait, can we talk please? This it's not what it looks like" - You spoke desperately, and she looked at you, stopping inches away from getting into her friend's car
-"Not what it seems? Where you with her yesterday?"-She asked in a cold tone that you weren't used to hearing around you
-"Yeah... But I didn't..."-You wanted to explain, but she interrupted you
-"I gotta go to work" - Melissa turned around and opened the car door
-"Mel please, nothing happened... I'm sorry if I hurt you, but I really didn't do anything, we were having a businesses dinner and when I was to say goodbye to her, she kissed me... I really like you and I'd like you to know that you can trust me, I'd never hurt you on purpose..."-You whispered sadly and she sighed
-"Look (Y/N) I really like you too..."-she turned to look at you seriously-"But I think this is going to fast and we come and are from very different places... I think the best thing right now if is we take a second apart..."-Mel got in the car and you went to the window
-"Melissa..."-You whispered and Barbara started the car making you take a step back and fall sitting on the sidewalk
-"I can't do this, I have to go"-Melissa whispered and then her friend drove away, leaving you there alone on the ground.
Days began to pass and then weeks, you knocked on her door several times but no one came out even though you knew she was there, you sent her several messages but none of them reached her, apparently she had blocked you, you went to see her at school but Barbara wouldn't let you in saying that it was better if you gave her space, so you started to move away from her. You thought that if you gave her her space maybe she would come back, but the weeks turned into months and her memories seemed more and more distant each passing hour.
The opening night of your gallery finally arrived, your sister was by your side cheering you on, but your eyes scanned the crowd over and over again looking for someone who was never going to show up
-"I feel kind of dumb waiting for her..."-You whispered looking at your sister
-"Don't say that, don't think about her, she didn't wanted to listen to you, this is her loss, she is the dumb one. This is your night! You should be proud, mom would be proud, I'm proud of you... Enjoy this, you deserve a litte bit of happiness..."-Your sister whispered and you sighed hugging her
-"Since when did you become wise knowing what to say? That was my job"-You whispered, hugging her tight
-"Since you let your horniness mess up your brain"-Your sister joked and you laughed-"I love you"
-"I love you too kiddo"- You whispered up the courage to go and present your work.
After you had presented your art pieces, you couldn't help but think of her again, red was something that had encompassed much of your work because of her. Before closing the gallery, you carefully took out your cell phone and decided to send it one last message even though you knew it wouldn't arrive because she had blocked you
-"The art gallery was a success, and I owe most of it to you... Thanks for giving me the courage to do what I love... I really wish you were here..."-You sighed sending the message and closed the gallery quickly because it had started to rain, ran to your car and started driving home.
The next day Melissa arrived at work and sighed sitting down to watch the news with her colleagues, her mind was elsewhere, she missed you too much and still doubted if it was a good idea to miss your presentation, it hurt her to be away from you but it was not easy to get close either. Her attention returned to the television when she heard a particular news story
"We regret to inform you of a terrible accident that occurred last night, a pickup truck with a drunk driver, lost control in the heavy rain last night and hit a car in the opposite lane, both drivers are hospitalized at this time... The driver of the victim's car was identified as (Y/N) Bright, the future heiress of the Bright security companies. At the moment little is known about her condition, the only thing we know is that she was admitted to the hospital at 2am with several injuries, cuts and broken bones and that she is in intensive care. Soon we will inform you with more news about her condition..."-Melissa's blood froze looking at the screen, and without even being able to register what she was doing, she ran out to her car to find out more about you.
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thatztyv · 10 months
Still Yours
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- Just a baby daddy and his baby mother
Word Count:
- 1.7k
Rɪʟᴇʏ Jᴏɴᴇs
(rie-lee joe-ons)
"Daddy", Tiana squealed as she ran to Oakley and jumped on him.
"Hey princess", he chuckled. "Where's mommy?"
"Over there", she said and pointed at me as he set her down.
He walked over to me and flashed a smile.
"Hey Riley."
"Oakley", I said as I placed some party bags on the table.
"Now why you acting like that?"
"You want me to jump up and down and act excited?", I said raising a brow at him.
"Preferably", he said making me laugh.
"Nigga you wish."
My mom walked over to us and greeted Oakley.
"Hey Oakley it's good to see you again", she said as she gave him a quick hug.
"Hey Mrs.Jones it's been a while."
"Every time I turn around he somewhere far off", I said and rolled my eyes. "I'm surprised he made it."
"Well I couldn't miss our daughters sixth birthday. That's unforgivable", he said and playfully poked out his bottom lip.
"How long you here for?", my mom asked.
"Rest of the month."
"Well make sure you come by my house before you leave this time", she said and patted his back.
"Yes ma'am."
Her phone started ringing.
"It's your dad, I'll be back", she said.
"Ok", I hummed.
"So how you been baby?", Oakley asked once she walked away.
"Baby is crazy", I chuckled as I walked over to the sweets table on the other side of the room. Oakley following behind me like a lost puppy.
"You want me to call you love, babe, or if you're feeling spicy señorita."
"Riley is just fine Oakley", I hummed as I fixed the cupcake tray.
"Stop calling me Oakley. It's too formal."
"Well what else do you want me to call you?", I sighed as I looked at him.
"Cench, Cee, baby", he said and wiggled his eyebrows.
"I didn't even call you Cench when we was together and I'm definitely not starting now. And the other two... uhnt uh. Imma stick with Oakley."
"You ain't have a problem calling me Cee and baby a few weeks ago", he said and pressed up against my back side.
"That was a spur of the moment thing", I said pushing him off me.
"I bet it was", he chuckled.
"I saw y'all two over there", Lana said as I came and sat with them. "Y'all back together."
"No and we never will be", I said as I watched Tiana play with her friends.
"Mmhm, not with the way he was all up on you", Remi chuckled.
"Chile please, I can't stand Oakley", I said making them look at me.
"Now you know", Remi started.
"Both of y'all still want each other but y'all tryna deny the fact", Lana said.
"Like everyone around y'all can see it. Flirting and going on", Remi said. "I know y'all still be kissing and shit when nobody around."
"We kissed twice since we broke up."
"How many times y'all fucked though?", Lana asked making me playfully roll my eyes.
"That ain't y'all business", I chuckled making them laugh.
"That's what I thought. Y'all minus well stop acting delirious and get back together."
"Oh no ma'am. He aggravates my soul", I said and shook my head.
"Obviously he must not be that aggravating if y'all still fucking", Remi chuckled.
"He's aggravating to an extent."
"So he's aggravating when y'all just being causal and co-parenting. But he not aggravating when he's fucking you?"
"Exactly", I said making them laugh.
"You is a mess", Remi chuckled.
"Can I go to daddy's house tonight?", Tiana asked running up to me.
"If daddy says yes then you can go baby", I said pushing some of her hair out her face.
"Daddy can I stay with you tonight?", she said turning to him standing beside me.
"Of course you can baby", Oakley said with a smile.
Tiana smiled before running back over to her friends.
"Mommy are you going to stay the night too?", Oakley asked getting behind me and wrapping his arms around me.
"Hell nah", I said and pried his arms off me.
"Why not?", he chuckled.
"Cause if I come over there imma hurt you cause you get on my nerves."
He laughed.
"Am I that bad?"
"The worst", I huffed sarcastically.
I felt my phone vibrating beside me, making me groan.
I picked it up and saw it was Oakley. I rolled my eyes and declined it.
'If there's a problem he'll call my momma and she'll call me. I'm sleeping', I mumbled, getting comfortable again.
After a few minutes it rung again.
I sighed and just answered.
"You up?", Oakley asked after it connected.
I could see he had his side lamp on and could hear something playing in the background.
"There is literally no reason for you to be FaceTiming me right now", I groaned. "Where my daughter at? She ok?"
"Tiana's our daughter and she's asleep, she's good. So calm down sweetheart", he chuckled.
"Oakley it's four in the morning, the hell is you calling me for if Tiana not in need of something."
"I just wanted to talk to you Riley", he said making me roll my eyes.
"What you want?", I sighed.
"Come over", he said innocently.
I looked at him like he was crazy. Cause he is crazy.
"Oakley if you don't get off my phone playing."
"I miss you baby", he chuckled. "Come home."
"Take your horny ass to bed Oakley."
He scoffed playfully.
"I gotta be horny to call you and tell you I miss you? I just wanna talk."
"I know you ain't just tryna talk. You wanting some pussy and you ain't getting it. Good night Cee!", I said and blew him a kiss before hanging up.
Baby Daddy 🤸🏾‍♀️
You called me Cee, you do miss me 🥹
Riley 🫀 laughed at a message
Riley 🫀
Go to sleep
Baby Daddy 🤸🏾‍♀️
Please come over🥺
Riley 🫀
Night night, Love you Oakley 😚
Baby Daddy 🤸🏾‍♀️
I knew you still loved me😏
Love you too Riley 🤭
Riley 🫀
You're delusional 😐
Blocking you for the rest of the night
I knocked on Oakleys front door and looked around.
After a few minutes the door opened, revealing a shirtless Oakley.
I looked over his chest as I had a flashback from the last time I was here.
Oakley decreased the speed of his strokes and repositioned himself to thrust deeper inside me.
Each thrust caused a loud gasp to escape my throat.
I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling his body closer to mine.
I gripped at his shirt, nearly ripping it, as he gave me slow deep strokes.
"Cee.. baby to- too deep", I cried out.
He rolled his hips smoothly as I continued to call out his name.
'Oh my god', I sighed to myself as I regained my composure.
"Where's Tiana?", I asked making eye contact with him.
"You're mom came and got her earlier to go shopping. They'll be back later", he said with a smirk.
"So you had me drive all the way out here to get her and she not even here", I said and he just stood there with that smirk on his face. "Ooh you make me sick."
"Since you're here", he started with a chuckle. "You wanna come in and wait?"
"No, I'll wait in my car", I said flashing him a feeble smile before turning around.
"Nonsense", he said grabbing my arm and pulling me inside.
He closed the door behind me and pushed me up against it.
"Stop acting like you don't want me", he mumbled as he pressed hisself against me.
"I'm not acting", I said and bit my lip. I looked over his face and down his chest before looking him in his eyes.
He put his head in the crook of my neck, gently kissing my sweet spot. I moaned quietly as I felt myself melting from his touch.
"Cee...fuck", I mumbled when he bit my neck softly.
He was making me wet and as I much as I want to hate it, I can't.
"I thought you didn't want to call me Cee", he said with a smirk after he pulled back.
"Shut up", I said before pulling him in for a rough kiss.
"Just be my girlfriend again", he groaned as I traced over his tattoos.
"Oakley", I sighed.
"Riley we should stop playing games and be for real with ourselves."
I sighed as I laid my head on his chest and looked out the window.
I felt Oakley's fingertips lightly trace over the tattoo on my back, a faint smile spreading on my lips.
I can't lie. I missed moments like this.
He moved my hair out the way as he leaned down to place a kiss on the base of my neck.
"Please Riley?" He hummed and pressed another kiss into the crook of my neck. He stayed there as his thumb rubbed circles on my waist.
I pulled myself up and hummed as I shifted my body so I straddled his waist, "One more time."
Oakley looked at me with a small smile and an admiring look, caressing my waist, hips, and thighs, making me bite my lip.
I cupped his face and pulled him in for a kiss. He groaned as I slipped my tongue into his mouth.
Both his hands move down to my butt grabbing my cheeks gently. I moaned softly into his mouth.
He pulled back, grinning as he spread his fingers over the backs of my thighs.
"Mommy", Tiana said running up to me.
"Hi baby. Did you have fun with grandma?", I said picking her up.
"Yes she got my nails painted", she said and showed me her nails.
"They're so cute baby", I cooed making her smile.
"Thank you mommy."
"You're welcome", I said before kissing her forehead.
"Hi princess", Oakley said as he tickled her chin.
"Hi daddy", she said between laughs.
"You wanna show mommy what I got for you're birthday?"
"Yes", she said smiling.
"Go get it."
I let her down and she ran off to her room.
"So what's this?", my mom asked turning to me and Oakley.
"What's what?", I asked raising a brow.
"I know y'all wasn't in here talking."
Oakley let out a hysterical laugh.
"I just got here", I lied.
"Sure", she chuckled. "We'll see if you just got here in a few months."
"What you mean by that?", I asked crossing my arms.
"Just know I love my granddaughter", she chuckled.
"Momma", I scolded playfully as I realized what she meant. "I am not having no more kids."
"We'll see about that", Oakley mumbled making me elbow him.
My mom just laughed.
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blaaaaabh · 1 year
Can you do a virgin f!reader x Xavier where he teaches her everything and teases her for being so turned on and stuff?
warning: smut
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a/n: thank u for the requests!! <3 this is not edited!
word count: 1.7k
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it was an evening after school and you had been settling into your dorm before having to meet xavier to help him with his homework.
it was his idea, he had texted you earlier that day during class that simply read, “meet me at the library after school.”
you occasionally helped him with his homework when he didn’t pay attention in class, since he was always spending his time drawing instead.
if it were anyone else that asked you, you probably would’ve said no, but for some reason you couldn’t help but have some sort of soft spot for xavier - something you’ve felt ever since you transferred to nevermore.
other than that, he didn’t hang around you often. almost felt like he was avoiding you at times. however you didn’t think much of it though since you were mostly too busy with school and your friends anyway.
when you arrived at the library just minutes before 6, you walked down searching through the bookshelves, when you finally found xavier sitting by himself in one of the corners. he was all the way in the back of the room looking down at his phone. of course he wasn’t doing his work.
"nice homework you're doing there"
he quickly dropped his phone down and instinctively grabbed his pen to look like he had been working, although his work was completely untouched in front of him. "i was eventually gonna get to it. but that’s why you’re here now!" he replied with a cocky smile.
you sat down on the chair right beside his and placed your bag and stuff down onto the table.
"so where should we get started first? i was thinking you should probably start with mrs thornhill’s class." you asked as you opened up your notes.
xavier was fidgeting with a pen as he got overwhelmed by the amount of papers you had; pushing his hair back behind his ears as he let out a nervous laugh, "wow getting right to it huh?"
"well mr thorpe, if you'd like to graduate i would have started a long time ago." you teased, not being able to control it as a cheeky smile came across your face as you handed him a pencil.
his body slouched over the desk. his hand holding up his head as he watched you flip through the notes, talking him through the work but he was just too focused to hear a single word you were saying, as he could just focus on how you made cute faces when you were concentrated
you snapped your fingers in his face - which got him out of his zone. "i'm not repeating this again, you need to pay attention."
he liked seeing this rare side of you. both of his hands raised up quickly while furrowing his eyebrows, "okay okay yes ma'am, i'm paying attention."
you rolled your eyes while your hand jokingly smacked his raised up hands back down, "oh shut up.”
“if you get through this and finish it, you can do anything you want - but only after you're done."
"anything hm?" a smirk came over his lips as he looked at you. his sage eyes looked you up and down as you noticed him stop for a moment, then raise his eyes back up to connect with yours.
your cheeks instantly turned red from the way his voice rang into your ears. it cause you to get nervous and turn back around to the homework in front of you.
xavier bit at his lip from your reaction, he liked making you nervous. especially how exciting it was that you guys were in public.
"anyways so.." you continued, trying your best to get back on track with his homework. he on the other hand had other plans as he trailed off again, losing his complete attention once again.
his hand lingered under the desk as you suddenly felt his fingers against your leg slightly. your eyes widened as you attempted your best to stay concentrated on the work in front of you and not the warm fingers going down your leg.
there was one thing on his mind and it sure as hell wasn't the pieces of paper in front of you both.
you reached down your leg and grabbed his hand and moved it off of you. “xavier.” you said with a stern tone in your voice, trying to act calm.
his eyes looked at you with fake innocence, pretending to look confused.
you weren't getting very far with this, you knew you wouldn't be able to get him to finish this if his life depended on it.
his large hand suddenly was placed over your much smaller one on the table, as he lightly grabbed the pencil out of your hand and guided your attention to him, "follow me i have a better idea. " his voice was gentle.
you didn’t bother to argue as both of you got up out of your seats, confusion filling your face as he held your hand - leading you into a very dim lit room in the back of the library.
xavier walked towards you after shutting the door as your body slowly leaned against the wall.
"xavier what are you doin-" he placed his finger over your mouth, causing you to stop mid sentence. his face was just inches away from yours as you began to feel your heart beating as if it were going to jump right out of your chest.
his lips were just ghosting over yours as he slightly opened to say something but stopped. his chest going up and down as his breath gets heavier.
your eyes look at him with concern as you wonder what he’s thinking in that head of his. your voice breaks the silence in the silent room.
“i thought you invited me to the library to work on your homework”
he shook his head slightly to the left and let out a chuckle, realizing you must have never gotten the hint. “y/n… i just didn’t know how else to ask you out”
he continued, “and technically i never said anything about homework in that text.” licking his lips while smiling at you.
your eyes blinked. his confession was so sudden and unexpected as it left you speechless.
"sorry if this made shit weird. it's okay if you don't feel the same." "i just couldn't hold it in anymore." his eyes softened, gazing down at you.
you finally found your voice, looking down at the ground to your feet. "i really like you too. and i want to do things with you, it's just-" you paused.
his eyes were furrowed as he looked at you waiting on what you'd say next. his hand cupped around your face as he lifted your head gently for you to look up at him.
"i'm a virgin xavier.. i don't know what i'm doing." you replied, embarrassed as you couldn't even meet his eyes. your voice was soft and quiet as his shoulders relaxed and looked at you with a gentle smile.
his lips hovered right over yours, lightly letting out a sigh. "don't worry about that love, i can show you."
your mouth slightly opened in front of his as you were desperate for his lips to connect with yours. moving closer as he slowly teased you and moved back slowly so you were unable to attach with yours.
“always so eager with you…” he teased.
it was clear that he was enjoying seeing you get edged so bad.
"please" you begged him - wanting to feel his hands all over you, as one of them continued to rest on your cheek and the other against the wall behind you.
his hand slid down to your neck to have more control as your lips were just dying to touch.
you faintly took notice of the smell of paint on his clothing as it brushed against your body.
finally he couldn't tease you any longer when he pulled your face in and placed his soft lips onto yours. your bodies were pressed to the wall. it became more heated as your mouth slightly opened for his tongue to lock with yours.
the unoccupied hand against the wall made its way down to your skirt. placing his hand right over the fabric of your clothing. “is this okay?” he asked
“yes. please i want it to be you”
“if you ever want to stop just let me know.” he reassured to you as you brushed your fingers through his hair while he quickly goes back in to have your lips on his again.
he slowly moved his head from your lips to your neck, slowly kissing all the way down as it causes you to let out a moan. the gentle feeling of his lips against your neck was driving you wild.
you still had a hold of his hair and unintentionally grabbed it rougher causing xavier to let out a groan in your neck. making his way swiftly down your body. he loved the feeling of your hands in his hair.
it only gave him more serotonin.
he found himself down between your legs, as you stood there above him looking down at his soft, yet hungry eyes.
his warm hands made his way under your skirt as he lightly brushed his fingers over your wet spot. “somebodies excited to see me”
he gave you one more look before he went down and placed his face right into your sweet spot. feeling his nose lightly skim over had you dripping.
the large hand moved aside your panties as you towered over him - running your hands through his soft hair.
suddenly feeling the warmth and wetness of xavier’s tongue as he passionately ate you out as you struggled not to make too much noise. moans escaping your mouth.
feeling his hands go straight up to touch your body. not slowing down until he made you come.
you had never felt such a good sensation come over you as he moved faster, tasting every bit of you.
“f-fuck i’m gonna cum”
his pace continued to speed up as he could feel you getting close. he let out groans into your core as he enjoyed you.
“i-i’m gonna-“ your grip onto his hair became stronger as you clenched your whole body and released all over him.
he got up, wiping his mouth with his hand as he looked at you in aw. “you did so good love.”
a/n: i kinda don’t know how i feel about this - still trying to get used to writing stuff like this so bare with me!
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cosmignon · 1 month
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It's been a good long while since I made a silly little comic about silly little guys I enjoy!! This was a birthday gift I made for my beloved @quixoticrobotic who's birthday was just yesterday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
I like the idea of Piper & Rabbit seeing a beautiful woman (each other) and trying to have a nice, fancy little date but of course they're both also silly and attract sillies like magnets, so nothing's ever that simple. ^_^
Image Description/Transcript under the cut
Page 1: Piper and Rabbit are sitting at a table with drinks; Piper's is a tall foamy beer, Rabbit's is a thin martini-like drink. Rabbit: Yknow back where-ere I'm from they don't got anything that can get a bot buzzed, let alone drunk. (Well, except that one time…) Piper: Well then you better enjoy it! It's on me, yknow!
Page 2: Close up on Rabbit taking a sip of her drink. Rabbit: You're too ki-kind, Miss Captain Faraday~! Piper (off screen): Just Piper's Fine. Every bot's got the right to enjoy themselves every now and then. Piper (off screen): Now as for me, I'm still reeling from the fact you've gotten to see mammals! Rabbit: Y-yes ma'am! Why, we were so surprised to see ya didn't have any out here. (Made our set about Dr. Doolittle a little confu-fu-fusing!) Piper (off screen): Dora's going to be mighty jealous once I get back to the ship.
Page 3: Rabbit's eyes widden as the shot pans to reveal Hatchworth and the Spine in fake mustaches, hiding behind a nearby table. Piper (off screen): (And uh, speaking of jealous…) Are your band mates back there alright with us meeting up like this?
Page 4: Rabbit turns her head in a fake smile to yell at her brothers, who dive behind the table to hide. Rabbit: Oh that! No they're just being silly g-gooses! Rabbit: HATCHY~! THE SPINE~! Rabbit: Y-You guys shouldn't play spy detec-decktives like that behind my back when a beautiful lady's involved!
Page 5: Rabbit pulls herself across the table to get closer to Piper, knocking over her own chair and drink in the process. Rabbit: My brothers get worried about when I go on dates, that's all! Rabbit: Don't even think about em! Piper: Okay… Rabbit: They wouldn't know a ro-romantic atmosphere if it smothered out all the lights in the room~! The Spine (off screen): Hey! Hatchworth (off screen): No no let her speak.
Page 6: Close up on Piper taking a sip of her drink. Piper: I think it's kinda sweet you got family that cares enough to butt into your business like that. Piper: Me, I was an only child, so I can't really relate. Rabbit (off screen): Oh, Wh-what about your crew? Piper: Oh! Yeah, they're like my family! Been through thick and thin with them.
Page 7: Piper's expression drops as the camera pans to reveal Ivanski and Sally sitting at another nearby table. Rabbit (off screen): G-good to know, cause I was wondering what they were doin back there otherwise~! Piper: Ah. You don't say. Ivanski: Gooooo Captain! Sally: I don't know him.
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st4rb3rries · 11 months
the main 4 meeting you for the first time
pairings; stan, kyle, kenny, cartman x fem!reader (all aged up 17-18)
summary; reactions and meeting you
warnings; cussing and suggestive language
a/n; hopefully you guys understand the kyle and stan one😭
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how kyle and stan met you:
you met them senior year. they saw your fine ass in class and were like "gawd dayum 😍😍🔥❤️" NAH JK kyle and stan secretly talked shit about you because you were the smartest in class. (they haven't even talked to you once) it was mostly kyle because he was jealous of your academic intelligence.
kyle: "who does she think she is acting like a goody two shoes and she shouldn't even be talking with that big ass forehead her calculations aren't even correct dude i'm totally way smarter than y/n🙄"
stan: "ong bruh like her forehead is bigger than my relationship with my dad😭 and no one can outsmart my super best friend dude🤨"
y/n: ....
like y'all sit close by each other in class and they still have the audacity to talk shit😭. they weren't even slick either you could clearly hear them but they thought you couldn't.
but one day things changed. they were struggling in algebra so you decided to help them. out of the kindness of your heart? no. the teacher told you to help them. this was the moment that would change everything.
y/n: "hi do you need some help it looks like you guys are struggling"
kyle: "no were fine we don't need your help"
stan: "yeah dude you can go away, kyle is way smarter than you we don't need you"
kyle: "yeah that's right i'm smarter than you punk so you can go away now🤓"
y/n: "ok kyle why did you pick 'd' instead of 'c' for number 1🥱"
y/n: "ah look at that so you need my help after all"
stan and kyle: "smart ass"
y/n: "what was that hm?"
kyle: "smart class"
stan: "y-yeah we have a smart class😇"
y/n: "i know you guys talk shit about me don't think your so slick"
stan and kyle: 😮😮
they stopped talking bad about you. since you found out you started "helping" them more and they both started getting to know you better. even though they still had their attitude. and with all that helping there formed a friendship<3.
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how cartman and kenny met you:
you also met them senior year. you however only met them because you decided to ditch class and do your business under the bleachers. both of them have seen you in class and they know your smart. they just didn't really care about you though.
*you walk over to the bleachers*
cartman: "oh shit teachers, RUN KENNY'
y/n: "im not a teacher wtf😭 "
they got scared there for a minute. but they weren't anymore until they recognized your annoying voice. cartman and kenny also thought you would never ditch class because your so smart🤨. (they were generally surprised)
cartman: "sorry there's no nerdy bitches allowed😘"
kenny: "you can be my nerdy bitch😏"
y/n: "and that's why your moms should've swallowed both of you when she had the chance."
cartman: 😮
kenny: "HAHAHAH" *bros tryna get into them baggy jeans💀*
cartman: "what the hell are you even doing here"
y/n: "no what are you doing here🤨"
cartman: "ditching class duh you dumb slut🙄"
y/n: "ok tubby well i need both of you to leave"
kenny: "why🥹"
y/n: "don't worry about it"
kenny: "YES MA'AM😍"
unfortunately they stayed because they're nosy as hell. anyways after they both saw you make money by doing peoples homework. they had mad respect for you. cartman was even a bit jealous that you came up with so much money. kenny on the other hand was wondering if you provide other types of services🤔.
cartman: " here y/n take this why don't we talk for a bit"
y/n: "are these crushed up smarties🤨"
kenny: "ya you can smoke em' or snort em' "
y/n: "y'all can't afford the real stuff💀?"
cartman: "so about your services, i'd like to be your manager i can make you stronger and smarter"
y/n: "do you have a gpa of 4.0"
kenny: "does 2.8 count"
cartman: "kenny stfu im tryna make us some money here"
cartman: "anyways so-"
after talking with them you agreed. but little did know that agreement was gonna be a long one. both of them truly admired your hard work and at some point it wasn't about the money. they really just liked hanging out with you😭.
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