#ohhhh karen page
rev-glut · 11 months
I’m continuing Daredevil finally.
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i hope no one minds if i liveblog this bitch: pllos from 1x02-1x05
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surprise, bitch. i bet you thought you’d seen the last of me. it’s been a hot minute since i’ve done one of these so i thought i’d hop on here and lb pllos! i already started the first ep and i really like it so far and hope it doesn’t crash and burn like og did lmao anyway! let’s get started on the episode.
wow for a hot second i thought imogen was drinking while pregnant and thought ‘damn, she really doesn’t want that baby’ 😭
greg is an asshole and karen is fucked up for not believing imogen
really wanna know what karen’s doing in the video
the 4th wall breaking is a little cringe to me i’m ngl
i like how they’re all convinced karen is the one harassing them. it’s very different from og where everyone was a suspect what seemed like every other episode
i have a bad feeling about this screening
ohhhh shit. i knew this wasn’t gonna end well
damn karen was GONE in that video
‘namaste, sloppy bitch’ the comments on karens post are taking me out 😭😭
hmm. wonder what karen’s planning
they’re gonna ‘carrie’ her…why am i not surprised
sheriff beasley looks so much like wilden it’s creepy
noa using what she saw as leverage to get her ankle monitor off for the night is such a boss bitch move
the girls look so good!!
kellys earrings are hideous
mouse saying ‘did you think this was my first time smoking pot?’ and immediately breaking out into a cough is making me lose it 😭😭
i know it’s too soon but i really like shawn so far
‘may we have this dance?’ they’re so cute 🫂
oh God this is gonna be so humiliating
well that was definitely more traumatizing than a can of paint
well that was fucking crazy
imogen really went into an old abandoned warehouse…has she never seen a horror movie?
i’m guessing angela is the one who died in ep one
A is a whole ass murderer and imogen still decided that going to that warehouse was a good idea and now she’s scared shitless in some broken down van
something about wes is off…i don’t trust him
it’s a bit fucked up for them to throw imogen and tabby under the bus
‘we tried to befriend her’ didn’t look that way to me
‘no one was kinder to angela than your mother’ didn’t she make sidney ignore her at the rave? lmao
i really, really don’t like wes
so glad tabby got the fuck out of there
‘may your child be taken from you like mine was taken from me’ damn
the entire beasley family is insane
i really hope we have some concrete answers by the time the finale is happening
damn i kinda feel bad for kelly
‘i didn’t like you, karen’ dkfjgjvjfjs she’s so real
A’s so fucking creepy i love it
oh so noa’s mom has been a user for a while
mouse and imogen holding hands while walking 🥹
oh hell no is kelly gonna try to become karen?
i still can’t believe noa’s mom let her take the fall for the drugs like what the hell
baby imogen was so cute aw
‘hello?’ imogen really is the classic horror girl 🤦🏻‍♀️
not even gonna lie, A standing under the stairs scared the shit out of me 😭
LMFAOOO imogen’s messed up
i love tabby sm
and now kelly’s quoting karen…so weird
‘it’s kinda like i’m dancing with karen again’ well now i’m thinking my theory is correct
oh God i wanna give imogen a hug 🫂
the friendship the girls have is something that can be so personal
‘what are these?’ ‘they aren’t mine!’
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greg’s so stupid 😭😭
hmm. i wonder who ripped out the pages from the journal…davie or A?
oh what the hell why is A chasing noa
GOD that chase has me on the edge of my seat
‘punish the guilty’ ‘guilty? who’s guilty?’ ‘your mother’ somehow i’m not even surprised
poor noa ☹️
wait…does farran think A is kelly?
wow, okay. what she actually thinks is way crazier
davie and her friends seem like horrible people
not at all relevant to the plot but imogens butterfly earrings are so cute
‘it’s like your attic is a fucking spider airbnb’ pls 😭
‘thanks for moviesplaining that to me’ lmfaooo
love faran but it was kinda stupid of her to go to their dance teacher so early
‘fuck. you’re right.’ ‘damn straight.’ i love tabby sm
no way mouse is only 15??? i thought they were all like juniors
hmm. idk what to think about kelly.
faran makes a gorgeous, gorgeous poison ivy
why the FUCK is mouse pretending to be that mans missing daughter?????
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A having the same pumpkin mask angela had is odd…how would he even know she wore it?
i really wanna know wtf mouse is doing
not kelly hooking up with greg
okay now i’m even more curious about mouse
not at all surprised faran lost the role
wow, that scene between tabby and imogen was so powerful. it brought me to tears.
this is super long so i’m ending this here and starting a new lb for the rest of the eps!
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thedevotionaltour · 2 months
ohhhh karen page my romance comic leading lady stuck in a superhero comic
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elindae-writes · 3 years
megatron calls in to QVC
Karen claps her hands. "Hello, lovelies! We just finished up Friday Night Beauty and now I will walk us through some lovely decorations you can craft and touch up your home with." She walks out into a fake outdoors garden, sniffs a plastic rose, and then cheerfully stands behind a white picnic table with craft supplies scattered all over it.
The phone rings.
"Ooh! Our first caller. Let's see who wants to make a lovely calligraphy chalkboard name sign with us first!"
The phone line clicks. Heavy staticky breathing rasps over. The caller coughs. "it is your lord calling."
Karen blinks. "Oh? Heh, this caller has a sense of humor!"
A technician out of view of the recording camera rolls up a wheeled stand with a small TV on it. It has Megatron's 24/7 Facebook livestream on it. Lord Megatron, caller of QVC, is sat before a rusty metal table with an identical set of craft supplies laid out on it.
"i saw the ad for this craft-time on your facebook page," he wheezes. "let us craft together, karen."
Karen gulps. "Okay. O-okay. Let's get started."
Happy music begins playing.
"you always were my favorite qvc host," Megatron grunts.
Karen's smile becomes very fake. "O-oh, thank you--"
"you are nothing like that other bitchy host. monica. god."
Monica is standing off to the side of the set. She gasps.
"the last time she tried a crafting activity she just fucked it all up. she can't make a wholesome chalkboard home sign. shame upon her." Megatron slams his fist down onto his desk to accentuate his point. QVC is now airing both their broadcast and Megatron's side-by-side.
Karen shakily gestures at the craft supplies upon her table. "And, uh, what would you like your sign to say, my Lord?"
He hums in thought. "mhmm. live, love, laugh, lord."
Karen claps her hands and nods vigorously. "Excellent choice, my Lord."
She sets to work constructing it and explaining how to do so.
"fuck," Megatron mutters.
"My Lord?"
"i accidentally stabbed my sign with the tip of my talon." It is now embedded on his talon. He waves it around and it doesn't dislodge itself. "what is the protocol for when your tasteful home decor gets stabbed onto your claw?"
Karen gulps. "You, uh, ask a friend to take it off."
Megatron nods. "indeed. SOUNDWAVE. assist your lord with his diy."
Soundwave hovers on the edge of the camera's view.
"soundwave. cometh. why are you so hesitant? perhaps starscream is more willing. STARSCREAM. diy or die."
Starscream shakily steps into view, slides the chalkboard sign off of Megatron's talon, and then runs out of view. He sobs.
Karen clears her throat. "Y-you know, I created signs just like these for my twin son's shared room. We made them together."
"oh? i have my own twins."
"yes. one is an f-16-C fighting falcon heat-seeking missile equipped fighter jet and the other is a general atomics MQ-9 spy drone reaper."
"indeed," Megatron rumbles. "i used to have a brother but then he became a backstabbing bitch eighteen-wheeler."
"so i am brotherless," Megatron finishes. He seems satisfied with himself.
Karen's mouth is suddenly dry. "I see."
"do you? must i lift the blindness from your eyes, oh karen? do you have any siblings, karen?"
Karen reviews her options. She could lie and say no. But... she can't help but get the sense that Lord Megatron would likely find out that she lied about the existence of Karl.
"Karl. His name is, um, Karl."
"kaarrllll," he huffs. "has he ever betrayed you?"
"Ah, no?"
"has he now? or has he just not yet?" A growl vibrates through the phone line. The chalkboard in Megatron's grasp snaps in half. He quickly tosses it aside and grabs a new one. The new one is heart-shaped.
"He wouldn't betray me--"
"THAT IS WHAT THEY ALL SAY, BLOOD BROTHERS AND ADOPTED ONES ALIKE," Megatron's voice booms. "trust me, karen, when i say that soon this 'karl' character will konspire against you."
"soon you will be there before the senate, ohhhh, the eyes of the elites allllll upooonnnn you--"
"--and you will be ready to take your place as lord over all of them! and then? and then?"
More heavy breathing rasps over the phone.
"And then?" Karen asks.
"karl will strike! he will use his dastardly skills to claim the Matrix of Leadership and embed it into his own being so that only he can be privy to the whisperings of the gods," Megatron hisses. "prepare, karen, prepare. life outside your astroturfed fake garden studio is a cruel one. what are karl's skills?"
"Um. H-he works at McDonald's."
Megatron sharply inhales. A sudden silence buzzes over the phone line.
"M-my Lord? My Lord?"
"mcdonald's, you say?"
The phone rings.
"Oh! A new caller."
She accepts the call.
"MEGATRON," Optimus says.
"oh!" Megatron growls. "look who decided to make his grand debut! and during my craft time, no less."
"Friday Night Craftpalooza is the right of every sentient being. It is not meant for just you."
"you took the matrix away from me! you took cybertron away from me! and most horribly, you took yourself away from me, orion! and now?! you have taken away my craft time."
"You took all of those things, including craft time, away from yourself, Megatron," Optimus says. "You must deal with the consequences of this war and of this craft time."
Karen's jaw drops. Soundwave lunges in and rips the phone out of Megatron's grasp. He runs off with it.
Megatron glares. He then reaches under the desk and--oh no--
He grabs a new phone.
He calls in to QVC. Karen hesitantly picks it up.
"karen," Megatron says suddenly. "i want to talk to the manager."
part 2 is here
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prinzgnomeovonchaos · 2 years
Okay, so I reread the first 9 chapters to put my thoughts in order and like... I have a list and it's long 😅
General problems I have are the questionable anatomy, and inconsistent drawing style. Some pages look really good others way too plain, some just god awful. I have seen one mer ass crack too many... Also, maybe learn to draw guys? I too struggle with that but I'm not a professional...
And like everyone else, I hate lukias design. Whenever she and Luchia are on screen I struggle to tell who is doing what. Also the magical girl dress is hideous.
The story as a whole feels incredibly rushed and like at least 10 plots are going on at the same time. There are almost no bonding moments, so the only relationship that feels even slightly fleshed out is between sango and lukia and even that one is pretty shaky. Also at points the story gives me whiplash with how quick things are happening and scenes changing. Like the whole first chapter just reads like a bunch of shojo cliches mixed together without rhyme or reason. At points it's genuinely difficult to tell what's going on, and that is really bad considering we're only 9 chapters in...
As for characters, technically noone has one because everything is too rushed and nothing fleshed out, but so far I like sango and noone else. Oh, and Karen, because she is pretty cool as always uwu
I think it's a problem if I can't stand the male cast... Like kurosona doesn't really have a character but what there is is just nonsensical and unlikable? His friend (quick question why are they friends? He's so far only shady and evil?) Is even worse... Like he's borderline criminal at this point...
(sometimes some characters behave in a way that is genuinely unhinged, even for manga standards)
Ohhhh, seira!! Aren't you way too old to go to school?
Speaking of unhinged, why the unnecessary sexualized moments? Some of the covers are already pretty out there... But like do we need the tail sucking scene? Does lukia have to be naked? Does the wave attack have to look like something out of hentai...?
The whole conflict with the marriage makes no sense so far, but maybe we'll get an explanation. What bothers me is how Luchia flip flops between forcing her daughter into marriage and then going "I believe in you, you'll overcome the odds" like honey you put the odds there??? The whole sequel is plain character assassination for Luchia 😂
As far as the whole merman thing goes, I guess they only said the 7 kingdoms are girls only, so maybe the guys and the undecided merpeople have other kingdoms? I'll wait for an explanation on that.
And the nonbinary merpeople .. like I would love some good rep, but honestly thinking about it.... Aren't they quite literally just a phase that ends with them choosing to be man or woman...? And once they have chosen they are stuck, so no gender fluid merpeople and technically calling sango NB is not quite right... I used undecided in the paragraph above for this reason. (Again, I'll wait and see, but there is the really uncomfortable implication of "just choose one" going on here...)
There are some more things that bother me, like izul whole deal, or the interactions between sango and shirahama... But those might get an explanation in the future... Hopefully
Over all there are heaps of problems but burrowed deep underneath could be a good story, miss pink just really needs to slow down and think things through... Or hire a writer.
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strangesigils · 4 years
What happened at work?
Sorry for the late response! But oh boy do I have a story (and yeah I’m currently looking for a new job because tbh I haven’t been this unhealthy and miserable since I lived in ontario)
SO my manager is on vacation, which honestly she needs it because she’s been running herself ragged, that’s not in itself directly the problem.
But the thing is we have a number of regular guests at my hotel that come in for work that have set negotiated prices they worked out directly with my manager, one guest in particular is a well-known for being particular about details he likes to play mind games with all the staff. He’s more than kind of a Karen to paint a good picture for yall. He’s very particular about his room pricing, because he’s a diamond level wyndham member. Him and my manager had a rate of $80 worked out for his special room even before covid hit, the condition was he would book through us instead of third party with this price so he got a good price and we didn’t have to pay commission on top of it. Seems reasonable enough, we do that with a number of specific guests. Well right before my manager left for her vacation she ordered us to change his rate from $80 to $90 right before his next stay. Didn’t call him to let him know, and didn’t leave us a reason to give him when he would check in. And it’s not like she didn’t know he would put up a fuss, we’ve run into this problem with him before, he always demands to talk one-on-one with the manager whenever details with his reservation are changed, and he’s known for giving staff a hard time in general.
So naturally, my coworker checks him in right before my shift, and he raises a stink over it (this unfortunate coworker is new to front desk and hadn’t had to deal with him before, poor thing) but he has to go eat right after so she only had to deal with hi for about 20 minutes or so. Then comes my shift. I must have spent at least half my shift on-and-off arguing with this guy about the rate change, talking out of my ass on any theory I can come up with on why his rate was changed and apologizing for the situation, and naturally he’s pissed he can’t talk to the manager so he’s taking it out on me.
His usual threat is that he’ll start booking third party again to make us pay commission, but not this time. He threatens to switch hotels for the rest of the season (which is slow season already for us and we’re looking at the reality that people are gunna get laid off again as it is). So I make a judgement call, negotiating with guests is a part of the job, so I change his rate back to $80 because it’ll cost us more in the long run to lose a regular during this season than it will to just give him the price he wants. Plus my attitude is that if my manager wants his rate up so bad she should have AT LEAST left us a verifiable reason or argument in our Communication Book to present to him before she left instead of throwing us to the wolves.  So I write in the communication book what went down, that I changed his rate back, and why I did it. Keep in mind this book is commonly used for passive-aggressive messages,  and dumb page-long rants over minor mistakes between staff which is another reason why I hate it here. So I come into work the next day to see if there’s anything important I need to know about in the communication book for my shift (which is standard practice), and there’s a reply to my note from the morning shift person (who’s never had to check this guy in even once as far as I’m aware). She wrote in the margin beside my note “oHhHH [Mangers Name] iS GUnNa LovE yOU WhEN sHE ComEs bACk aND fINDs ouT YoU DIsobEYED A dIREct oRDEr”
And honestly, with the almost non-stop verbal assualt from guests since covid hit, and my physical and mental health going downhill from the irregular overnight shifts, the stress from financial problems I’ve run into from having my hours cut without warning the past month, it’s like I could almost hear a cracking noise in my brain from that stupid comment. I almost walked out right then and there. So I’ve decided I need to find a new job before I end up strangling a customer or a coworker. It’s cool when you get the random super cool customer that tips you with a joint but it don’t make up for this non-stop crap.
So that’s what happened at work
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kc-meets-dc · 5 years
As usual, we begin with a freakout
And now the standard recap/review...
Okay, first off, that Vandal Savage origins episode was pretty freaking great! Learning the history of metahumans on Earth was pretty cool, and it was pretty amazing seeing just how far back Savage and Darkseid’s alliance goes. Although this episode does make me wonder why DC seems to love naming powerful women Cassandra so much. Sandsmark, Cain, and now Savage. A very strange trope, but still. I like this new Cassandra quite a bit.
Hot Lava... Good lord, Brion. Just... Good lord. Still, we finally have the newbies picking out their superhero names, which was pretty cool! Not only that, Jacerson or Jeffjace (Still deciding on their ship name. If there’s already an existing one, let me know) just became canon, y’all! WOOHOO!!! That’s one ship down, a few more to go.
Then there’s the really cool part of the episode: Starro! I’m surprised Vandal seemed immune to its control even though he had several Starros attached to him. Could be that Vandal is immune to mind control, which proves me wrong about Queen Bee being able to possibly take control of The Light in the future. I never talked about that theory because I didn’t think it would ever become true, as I would imagine Vandal would have had failsafes in place had the queen tried to do anything of the sort, and this officially disproves it, so we’re good.
So, even though he quit the League, Batman, Nightwing’s team, and the League are all still working together without the rest of the League or The Team knowing about it? Ohhhh, when The Team finds out about this, Cassie’s gonna be maaaaaaad. Not only did Tim quit The Team without telling her beforehand, but it turns out he never really had to quit to begin with because he’s still doing what The Team does anyway. I honestly don’t see the point in Batman Inc. anymore after this episode. And you all know who probably came up with this plan: the undisputed master of lying to his teammates, Dick Grayson! Dude, when will you learn? Lying about stuff like this already caused enough problems in season two! Why do the same thing again essentially???
Still, it was pretty cool to see not just Cassandra Cain AKA Orphan in action, but also one of my favorite DC supervillains: :Livewire! Plus we saw Shade who also has some pretty sweet abilities, Halo discovered two new powers over the course of two episodes, and it seems that she and Brion are well on the path to becoming a couple! I still wanna know what we want their ship name to be, because I have got diddly squat on that front myself.
No lie, that “Hug Lian for me” moment made me cry. Cheshire, when will you learn that parents have to be there for their kids? Take a page out of your mom’s playbook instead of your dad’s for once! Geez! On a side note, I’m glad to see that Dick isn’t keeping Barbara a secret from everybody. Just everyone on his team. But, then again, what else is new? Man, this season is really making me start to not like Dick, and I really don’t like that because Dick Grayson is one of my favorite DC characters!
GRANNY GOODNESS??? Oh, my God, those goddamn goggles are going to be mind control devices after all! Gee, I wonder who could have seen this coming. Anyways, moving past her and G. Gordon Godfuck, we finally have some screentime for Ocean Master only for him to be decapitated at the very end. Why was he even a member of The Light in the first place? Speaking of which, it appears that the two empty slots on The Light’s roster have been filled, by two semi-unexpected people: Deathstroke and Ultra-Humanite for some reason? I understand the first choice, but why Ultra-Humanite? I mean, he was created at the same time and in the same way as The Brain, so I guess it makes sense that he would take The Brain’s spot, but still.
Also, updates on other heroes’ lives. Yay! M’gann’s apparently either a teacher or the Happy Harbor High School guidance counselor. Makes sense. Snapper’s the principal. Also sensible. And Karen’s PREGNANT??? WOOHOO!!! Does this mean she and Mal finally tied the knot, or is there a different baby daddy we should know about? Also, still no clear update on who Raquel married last season. Suspicious...
Forager continues to be adorable. So glad he didn’t die! After we saw his shell get smashed, I was just like “Please be a Classic Weisman Fake Death™ scene. Please. Pretty please.” That reveal took so long, I actually started to believe he was really dead. Thank God he isn’t! Also, Lobo left a finger behind. Which means he left his DNA behind. Hmmm... What Young Justice comics character was created from Lobo’s DNA? Starts with an S, ends with a lobo. I’m talking about...
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Slobo!!! This season is just getting better and better! Plus with the name drop and the appearance of a man who I assume is his father, it appears they’re also teeing up Cyborg to become a character in the future. Yay! Or, rather, booyah! Two great characters set up to appear, plus some more credit images that I’m actually having a bit of trouble deciphering the meaning of...
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Of these three images, only the third one is easy to figure out: it’s teeing up Slobo’s future appearance. The second one could be hinting more towards Wally’s resurrection like all the others I believe were... New Gods tech next to speedy vehicles, one of which is red and the other of which has a yellow stripe... Could be a possible hint. But why is the image from episode seven Wolf? It could be that all three of these images are referencing characters that will be healed by Halo or some other fashion in the future. Slobo will be created from Lobo’s healed or cloned finger, Wally will be healed obviously, and then maybe Wolf will also be healed so that he doesn’t die and stops sleeping all the time? Please? Can we please let that happen? I really don’t want Wolf to die.
Anyways, that’s all for my recap and analysis. Looking forward to the final episodes of this half of season three coming next week! Keep your fingers crossed that Wally comes back in one of them! I know I will!
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Hey @trilies I’m still thinking about Somnam’s Incredibly Wrong At Interpreting His Life clinic staff ;)
(Formatting this was a nightmare lmao I hope tumblr doesn’t destroy it)
It's around 8 AM on a Saturday morning when Steven sends an urgent message to the group chat demanding everyone meet for coffee because "I have found the Ultimate Big Fucking Deal". After a few more messages refusing to share details without a face to face meet-up, they all agree to meet up for coffee at 2, because "its fucking Saturday, Steven".
When the entire gang has assembled, Steven gleefully puts his bag on the table. "So, I'm doing the wedding slideshow for my brother, right, and so I've got all their yearbooks and stuff for all the pics of the married couple in high school and college, et cetera." He digs a thick book out of the bag as he talks, and presents it triumphantly. It's the yearbook for a prestigious college they're all familiar with, particularly because--
"Oh shit, isn't that the doc's alma mater?" Rami asks, leaning closer.
"I thought your brother was an accountant?" Freddie adds over their cup.
"Yeah but Anita's a surgeon, and yes, it definitely is his alma mater. It is also," he begins flipping through pages, "his freshman year."
"Ohhhh my god, show me baby Doc," Sadia almost howls, and Steven proudly presents the page, index finger tapping at a headshot of not-yet-a-doctor Seed.
"Ahh look how young he was," Karen coos, passing the book over so Freddie can see better.
"He looks so awkward," Sadia chuckles, "he hates having his picture taken." This is well known; Dr. Seed always volunteers to take the clinic holiday party pictures so he won't have to actually be in them.
"This is amazing, but why couldn't this wait until Monday?" Freddie looks slightly hungover still, so it's a valid question. Steven is still grinning like he got the golden ticket, though, as Rami eventually passes the book back into his hands.
"This was going to wait until Monday, but then I dug around a bit more and I found the Holy Grail." He flips further into the book, then turns it to show the group. It's a photo for an academic awards presentation showing the awardees seated in two rows. In the back row left, looking a bit like he'd rather not be there, is their doctor.
"Oh that's cute, what a nerd," Freddie says, but then Karen gasps and leans in.
"Is that--"
"Rat Bastard?!" Rami asks, loud enough that their table gets some looks. Steven nods while Freddie waves an apology at the other customers.
"Thought you'd recognize him," Steven teases as Karen takes the book, and Rami sniffs.
"I was on the front desk, I got an eyeful." 
"Sure," Karen teases, taking the book to get a closer look at the man in the front row right; the pictures are black and white, or the red hair would have given it away immediately. Still, she had gotten a good enough look at the guy to tell it was him. "Guess we have to stop calling him 'Rat Bastard' now we have his name."
"Write it down for me, I'm gonna Google the shit out of it." They all give Sadia a look. "What? I'm nosy!"
"Anways," Rami says, passing the book to Freddie, "this is pretty nuts. D'you think they were academic rivals or something?" 
Steven's chuckle of hideous amusement has them all raising eyebrows.
"There can't be more, you said Holy Grail."
"There's Holy Grail, and there's the Ark of the Fucking Covenant."
They wait in anticipatory silence as Steven retrieves the book and flips a few pages from the back, then sets the book down in the middle of the table as if it were indeed a holy artifact. It's a page of random pictures of students around the campus, engaged in all sorts of different activities, probably meant to showcase the school.
In the bottom right corner of the page is their beloved doctor, sitting in a booth at what looks like a campus cafe, looking uncomfortable as usual to be photographed. Next to him, practically squeezing him into the booth and with an arm flung around his waist, grinning like he is having the time of his fucking life, is the Rat Bastard.
There is a deep silence as the group digests what appears to be a picture of a couple interrupted on a date.
"Holy shit, we had the wrong ex."
What the group can not possibly know, as they deduce that the doctor must have a thing for redheads and must love his girlfriend very much to put up with her palling around with his ex who must have done something awful, is that Voxden had slid into the booth and grabbed Somnam around the waist about 3 seconds before the picture was taken, the discomfort on his face was due to his deep disgust at his awful roommate being in his proximity which Voxden was fully aware of, and about 2 seconds after the picture was taken he dumped his drink in Voxden’s lap to get him to fuck off (luckily for Voxden and somewhat to Somnam’s regret, it was a lemonade instead of his usual hot tea).
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dracosollicitus · 6 years
Hello, you have been identified as An Awesome Fic Writer™. Congrats, you rock! So that all of your readers can shower you with some extra love today, please tell us your favourite five stories of yours and why you like them and then send this to another five fic authors you think deserve this title!
Ahhhhhh thank you @leaiorganas​ !!
I’m going to limit this to Damerey b/c this is primarily a Damerey blog (but god, I love writing for Rebelcaptain and Stucky, too)
Of the 47 fics I’ve posted to the Archive since late January (God, what’s wrong with me), My Top Five (in no particular order) are:
A Droid and His Damerons: (Rated: G) I wrote this one weekend morning, and I really loved telling Poe and Rey’s love story from BB-8′s point of view. I always have fun writing droids in my in-universe fics (and changing what they would be in AUs), but there was something so stinkin’ charming about being Beebee the whole time, and his natural misunderstandings as a droid. (Also, the sequel is in the works - the next chapter is called BaBysitter-8, and it follows Beebee’s missteps as Hana Dameron’s babysitter and self-appointed guardian - and his eXtreme distrust of her Uncle Ben)
From Cradle to Grave: (Rated: M) I love the idea of Rey Andor (pry it from my cold dead hands), and Jyn would have been an incredible mother to Rey (and Cassian an incredible father). It was fun to shift her personality slightly to match having two dedicated, loving parents. And it was fun to age Poe down and Rey up and have them be childhood best friends. The dynamic came so easily while I was writing it, and Poe pining after her, not realizing she returned his feelings for years - it was soooo evil but great to drop little details where it was obvious Rey loved him too - ugh, it was writer’s catnip! Throw Ben Solo in the mix as an angry third leg of that triangle, and it was sheer angst and longing.
Force and Fortitude: (Rated: T) My Austen/Regency AU of Damerey. I’ve seen a lot of Reylo fics with a Darcy-esque bent (but I mean, come on people, Kylo would more likely be Rochester, and Rey would be a great Jane in that dynamic, where she demands equality and respect but ends up gettin’ a little betrayed - he’s even physically mangled by the end!), and I wanted to expand that AU into Damerey territory. Poe made a wonderful, devoted sea captain who falls in love with his best friend’s adopted sister. I had just re-read Persuasion and P&P, and the prose was so enjoyable to play with to make it sound more 1800 (phrases for days, y’all). I wrote it at the end of a stressful work week, and it really cheered me up!
Bound to the Light: (Rated: M) The first full-length fic I ever wrote - before that, I had written a Frank Castle/Karen page one-shot (I just had to, after The Punisher) - and I wrote a longer post a few days ago about my motivations for writing BttL. But what I liked most about this fic (novel, honestly) is that it got me to write daily - I wrote it in about six weeks, and it was roughly 150k words by the end. By the end, I had gotten weirdly in sync with Poe Dameron’s thought process/voice, and now it’s hard for me to separate my HC of his character from what’s probably a more realistic canon version of him, but ohhhh well, they’re both great! (And, wildly enough, I started the fic more than disgusted with Ben Solo after his craptacular proposal at the end of TLJ, but after writing in his POV for that long - I have scenes of his I never published - I had so much sympathy for him! Ah! Writing!)
Take What the Water Gave Me: (Rated T, about to be M, WIP) This all started when @supremequeenofthenerds sent me a prompt she found on tumblr, and something clicked in my brain. I was at an art museum, and I sat down with my sketchbook and started writing - I rarely draft by hand - and drawing about Rey the selkie and Poe the fisherman (an early page has Poe as the Selkie, and whoooo that’s something I’ll probably explore later). I’m having so much fun writing it, and people’s response has been lovely. It’s been an absolute pleasure and honor to write this because DameRey is a smaller fandom, and the variety of AUs available in it has been limited - a dark Fairy Tale romance (I think) is a little new to the ‘ship, and it’s honestly been a joy to craft the story so far. An update on that one should happen soon - and it’s about to get a lot darker, per fairy tale norms - but it’s been fun to make it cozy and vaguely (soon to be less vaguely) rooted in horror at the same time. 
So, friends, did your favorite make the list? Anything you’re surprised to see not make it?
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goodbadanduglybooks · 6 years
Review: One of Us Is Lying
Book Review: One of Us is Lying by Karen McManus
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Overall Rating: 8.6/10 (4/5 stars) Plot: 8/10 Characters: 8.5/10 Writing: 9/10 Originality: 9/10
Genre: Young Adult Mystery Published: 2017 by Delacorte Press Number of Pages: 358 | Hardcover Edition
Summary: Pay close attention and you might solve this. On Monday afternoon, five students at Bayview High walk into detention. Bronwyn, the brain, is Yale-bound and never breaks a rule.  Addy, the beauty, is the picture-perfect homecoming princess.  Nate, the criminal, is already on probation for dealing. Cooper, the athlete, is the all-star baseball pitcher. And Simon, the outcast, is the creator of Bayview High's notorious gossip app.  Only, Simon never makes it out of that classroom. Before the end of detention, Simon's dead. And according to investigators, his death wasn't an accident. On Monday, he died. But on Tuesday, he'd planned to post juicy reveals about all four of his high-profile classmates, which makes all four of them suspects in his murder. Or are they the perfect patsies for a killer who's still on the loose?  Everyone has secrets, right? What really matters is how far you would go to protect them.
Review: This was one of the books I was most excited to read in 2018, and I have to say that it was an extremely enjoyable read, though not the adventure I was looking for. I think this book’s main downfall is that the summary sets a different tone from what the book actually is. I expected more of a murder mystery, maybe for one of the perspectives to actually be false, something where at the end I would have an “ohhhh” moment where I could see clues throughout the story all adding up to a big reveal. This book isn’t really like that. While there is a lot more character development than one might expect from this sort of a work, the reader really can’t piece together much of the puzzle without the characters’ help. In a way, when reading this book, I received much more than I expected in some positive areas, and much less than I expected in others. 
I really liked the idea of the plot of this book, because it was slightly dark but not so much where reading it would become heavy and depressing. However, I really wish there had been more of a mystery to it. When the culprit is finally revealed toward the end, I found myself almost not having a reaction at all. I wasn’t necessarily surprised, but it also wasn’t what I predicted. It was almost completely average. However, I was pleasantly surprised by the focus on and the growth of the characters. That is really where the best plot points come in--it keeps the story active and engaging. I still feel that this book has somewhat of a problem with balance. I feel like Cooper’s story is focused on the least, and I would have loved to see more of his growth. Additionally, while over-dramatized endings are often annoying in contemporaries, I feel that this would have been the perfect opportunity for one, and I’m sad I didn’t get it. 
I’ve also been seeing quite a few complaints about the stereotypical nature of the characters. While I understand fellow reviewers’ points of view, I knew people like each and every one of these characters in high school. I also feel that part of the point of the book is that you can both own a stereotype and be more than it. I especially love Addy’s character development, and I won’t spoil anything, but there is a relationship in this book that I think is a fantastic addition. I do think that some of the side characters are thrown in a bit haphazardly for the purposes of advancing the investigation, and I wish that characters such as Jake had been explored more--he seemed a little unrealistically cartoonish. But the fact alone that One of Us is Lying focuses so much on the development of the main characters is impressive and shows a level of depth that I have come to not expect from a mystery novel. 
I really applaud McManus for handling the changes in character perspectives very well. Each individual voice was incredibly distinct, and I could tell who was narrating at all times even without the name labels. I do want to briefly mention that there has been some controversy with how this book portrays sexuality and mental illness. I don’t want to spoil anything for readers, but while I understand the underlying concerns, as a mentally ill person, I do not have a problem with the way McManus portrays mental illness. Multiple characters are mentally ill, and it shows that even mentally ill people can seriously damage both other peoples’ lives and their own. I am not gay, so I will not comment on the sexuality controversy except by saying it is there. If anyone is curious about my further thoughts on the mental illness aspect of this book with specifics, or wants to be directed to a source that discusses the portrayal of sexuality in this book, please shoot me an ask. 
Regarding originality, a lot of people have compared this book to The Breakfast Club, which unfortunately I have not seen. However, I think that this book is original for the reasons I mentioned above--it gives quite a bit of depth to what would otherwise be a normal murder mystery. I feel that if the title and summary weren’t so misleading, I would have actually enjoyed this work a lot more. 
Overall: One of Us is Lying by Karen McManus, though not the murder mystery I was looking for, was certainly a surprising and entertaining read in other aspects. With heavy character development and a not-so-shocking twist, it reads more like a contemporary novel than a mystery. However, it is still very enjoyable and fast-paced, great for the summer. 
Purchase here!
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Kastle Appreciation Week, Day 2: Favorite Episode
Ohhhh... fuck me. I... this is two, right? One for DDS2 and one for Punisher, right? Right?
Because like... I have a visceral, gut-wrenching, Yes God Yes reaction to “.380″ but... The Punisher Season 1 is ALSO a Thing That Has Happened. And as much as I love, and I DO love, “.380,″ I don’t know if it’d be fair to compare it to all the magnificent, glorious additions we’ve had in TPS1.
Although, let’s be real, there’s no contest, it’s “.380″ and “Virtue of the Vicious,” right? Right.
So... we’re done here, right?
Okay, okay, I’ll give an actual response.
So... holy shit what a goddamn PACKED episode. It’s just... Kastle all the way down. Matt’s barely IN the episode and he does Fuck All the entire time. We watch Karen lie to the police for Frank. We watch Karen kick Matt to the curb over Frank. We watch Karen get in a car with Frank. We watch Karen TRUST FRANK. All up until that fucking diner scene and you just get wreckt son. We watch Frank worry over Karen’s safety. We watch Frank crack ACTUAL JOKES. We watch Frank SMILE. We see, on screen, in canon, that Frank is the only possible person Karen can EVER confess killing Wesley to, and WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT SCENE MARVEL, and... we watch that trust BUILD to that moment of “You’re honest. You never lie to me.” And the slow shatter as it comes apart. And in retrospect, how we can’t even imagine how gutted Frank felt that she said that. How he has to pull away from her, immediately, because she said that and he’s using her and he knows it and she’ll know it soon. How he deliberately shifts the talk to Matt, pushes her AT Matt so she won’t latch onto him. And how that FAILS UTTERLY even after he’s brutally murdered two people in front of her after using her as bait. I mean... What A Goddamn Fucking Spectacular Episode. What A Gift. What A Gorgeous Set Piece. I STILL get chills watching it, I still agonize over every camera movement, every micro expression. God, coffee is a confirmed trope for them BECAUSE OF this scene. Fuckkkkk. I mean... glorious as every bit of The Punisher has been, the diner scene in “.380″ has fucked me up permanently and it will ALWAYS be a favorite scene. 
Virtue of the Vicious
So, now that I’ve said my piece about “.380″ what could there be to add about any other scene? Oh, Nothing Much. Nothing Much Happened after DDS2 after all, no, it’s not like they dedicated two episodes back to back where the entire plot was derailed because Frank needed to save Karen So Hard. This is, unquestionably, my favorite episode of TPS1. And sure, part of that is my 110% investment in Karen and Kastle, but this is also the episode where all the pieces finally come together, where this disparate plot finally starts to gain traction and make some sense. And how glorious, how perfect, that it happens when Frank is at his most emotionally compromised, when everything else is put the fuck on hold because Karen Page. Now, if you’ve been on my blog recently, you’re probably aware I’m very into another Marvel ship right now as well from a certain super hero movie that came out in November. And between that movie and this show I am Convinced that there is a conspiracy in Marvel involving elevators. I am Convinced that they are Trying To Kill Us by putting emotional scenes in elevators, by saving up potent, raw, vulnerable outbursts and staging them in elevators. This is confirmed by the fact that Taika Waititi admitted that was one of the few scenes that was actually scripted (yes, I was talking about Thor: Ragnarok, big surprise). Because between that communion and this... I AM FUCKING EMOTIONAL ABOUT ELEVATORS NOW. I’M. I’M JUST. There Is Not A Bone In My Body that doesn’t believe Frank would have kissed her, that he was waiting for her to kiss him. I Cannot Believe Otherwise. And they both can’t, of course they can’t, but... oh god do they want to. And... the whole episode is Perfection™ but in that elevator I saw their souls become one. When their foreheads touched, and Frank closed his eyes and relaxed, truly relaxed, for the first time that day, and in a larger sense, for the first time in years, I saw their destinies intertwine. That quiet, gentle moment of such tenderness and such fragility, held up only by the desperate hope that some way, some how, they might have this again. Some time that wasn’t soaked in blood and riddled in bullets. Some day when no one would have to escape through an elevator shaft or lie to the police for the 12th time. A wish, however desperate, however unlikely, was shared between them there. And a promise. Even now it connects them, it binds him, and it will keep them together.
Big surprises here, I know. Absolutely NO ONE ELSE has picked these. I’m Very Original.
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Rules: List ten of your favorite female characters [in no particular order] in ten different fandoms and then tag some people.
I was tagged for @astronomyanxiety
ohhhh this was so hard to do, I couldn’t remember almost any fandom. But here it is:
Oone (The Fortress of the Pearl by Michael Moorcock)
Barbara Gordon (DC)
Mai Valentine (Yugioh)
Abigail Remeltindtdrinc (Metalocalypse)
Karen Page (Daredevil)
Arya Stark (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Six (Lorien Legacies)
Gwinvere Kirena or Momma K (The Night Angel by Brent Weeks)
Adrasteia (The Lightbringer by Brent Weeks)
Yoruichi (Bleach) 
ok those are some of my beautiful and strong ladies and I tag: @calliopinot @apineappleheart @finalfenrirsoldier @damthosefandoms
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academiclemonade · 7 years
so I study writing (and literature) at uni and we’re currently doing Short Fiction Writing For those of you who don’t know I’m demi/bi?? ish so naturally my first instict upon being given homework with a Queen character in it was to go “obviously the Queen is gay. The villain of the story is also gay. THE VILLAIN WANTS TO DATE THE QUEEN” and immediately get to writing, writes 2 pages and send it to my teacher seminar time rolls around and teacher has the class feedback my work. Important sidenote: While no actual kissing happened, the text was OBVIOUSLY SUPER GAY and also the villain was kinda sketchy and I kept having the Queen focus on the villain’s beauty so like yeah it was pretty clear that she was gay af for the villain sooo the teacher is like “where will the plot go from here?” and I go “Oh well, (villain) is gonna kill the Queen and take over the kingdom” (because villain) and the teacher goes “.... Is..... she next in line?” AND BOY DID I WANT TO FUCKING BOLT FROM THE ROOM First of all I had given her a plot sypnosis of what would happen so why the fuck she’s asking me this idk also in that second I seriously considered making up a new plot because I could feel the heteronormative expectations creeping in on me so I go “No (villain) will marry the Queen to get the throne” “.... I’m sorry. She’ll marry her?” “Yes.” “How?” “..... She’ll marry her.” Teacher looks like I just grew a second head at this point. I’m torn between being really sassy and/or dying on the spot. Either one is fine really. so the teacher goes, after a short silence: “OH! Is this an alternate universe?” LIKE UM EXCUSE ME LIKE GAY MARRIAGE DOESNT EXIST IN THIS UNIVERSE???? HELLO? and I go “Well uh.. it is a fantasy story, yes, but...” and the teacher goes “Ohhhh... That’s uh... a unique take.  I never thought of that. Uh. Did anyone else pick up on that?” Entire fucking class goes “Yes” they all look just as done as I feel Teacher proceeds to pepper the feedback with how “unconventional” my story now is and “how it plays with expectations” it fucking doesn’t unless you forget that gay people exist but uhhh sure right they’re gay, karen
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swimmmusic · 7 years
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Once upon a time, years ago, on an exceptionally cold December evening in New York City I had the pleasure of peeing in the stall adjacent to the singer of Bright Eyes, Mr. Conor Oberst. This will seem much more important by the end. Maybe. Once upon a time, not even a month ago I found myself in the consulting office of my bank, Wells Fargo. This particular Wells Fargo is inside of a grocery store in my neighborhood. This grocery store is called Smart & Final. There is a common consensus amongst my roommates about Smart & Final. This being that it sucks mega plums. I have no argument against this and further more I don’t believe their produce section could produce two plums to you know who/what/and/where with. Anyways, I frequent this store for three simple reasons. Proximity, necessity and laziness. If there is one thing I loathe more than grocery shopping it is laundry. One may be able to tell by the Fiat sized trash bag at the end of my bed filled with clothes waiting for their second chance. Not to worry ladies, I assure you what sounds like a lack of domestication is only the byproduct of the intense focus it takes for me to make that ‘1st million’. Forbes listers will all gripe over these hardships whilst cheers’ing their ‘El Presidentes’! Yes, I do realize that is a signature margarita at Chilis. I don’t care how many Bentley’s you’re waxing, those blue cups are just plain fun. I digress. Where were we? My first million? No. Laundry! No. Grocery shopping! Kind of. Once upon a time, just minutes before I sat inside that Wells Fargo office ready to discuss things (extremely) loosely related to my 1st million, I stood in front of the rotisserie chicken assortment. I dissected each with my eyes. One chicken had great color. A dark, crispy outside. Much too small in the breast though. One was bursting at the seams but lacked any of that crispy skin. Nothing kills the mood for me like an undercooked chicken. Finally I saw the perfect compromise between char and size. My eyes widened like two plums! I placed the chicken in my shopping cart, tenderly. Careful not to crush the Fish Sticks. Mindful not to smash the Beef & Bean Chimichangas. (aka my ‘chimis’, aka my ‘lil protein torpedoes’) I decided to pay a visit to the Wells Fargo office since it was a plum’s throw away from the roasted chicken stand. Rule #3 in Cookie’s Guide to Domestication… Either stay ‘in the know’ of your finances or stay in complete denial about your ‘lack of’ finances. Both are key to a positive disposition along the windy path to that first million. I waited for quite some time for the next available banker. Finally I checked. “Excuse me, I’m sorry to be annoying but I signed in like 15 minutes ago and my chicken is just sitting in the cart there getting cold.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My banker’s name was Oscar. And Oscar was asking me what I did for a living. “Oh I am just playing music right now.” “Oh cool, so are you in a band? What’s it called?” “Yup. It’s called Swim… with two m’s.” “Ah Swimm. Hmm. (apologetically) No I haven’t heard of you.” “Yea.. no that’s fine. We are nothing… really.” “So what do you do in the band?” “I sing and play guitar.” “Ohhhh singer! I knew you were the singer.” (Oscar smiled for a long time. His eyebrows were groomed impeccably.) “I had a friend who played guitar and sang. He was like AMAZING. He could have been famous for sure but I don’t know what happened. He lives around here. You two should like jam or something.” “Yes Oscar, we should make that happen. So, if I could just have that new card sent to my LA address then…” “So how much do you get paid when you play a show?” “Umm… well… it depends…” “Like when you do a tour, how much do you get paid each show?” At this point I felt like some of the polite small talk was becoming a bit intrusive. Not to mention I wouldn’t tell my Priest how little we were about to get paid on the upcoming tour. Smoke and mirrors baby! Fake it till you make it! Or at least until your bank account is made public knowledge. “Listen, Oscar, we are creepin on the come up. 2017 is gonna be our year and all that. Big things, man. Big things. Now I hate to rush you but I have a chicken in the cart out there that must be reaching some sort of bacteria ‘danger zone’.” (One impeccably groomed eyebrow lifts slowly) “Of course. Right away, sir. Just sign here and here and you can be on your way.” “Thanks… and hey, come out to The Troubadour if you don’t hate the music. That’s Swim… but with 2 M’s! K, bye.” At this point I was internally screaming all over the place. I nearly took my luke-warm chicken back to the stand but thought better of it. It could appear as though I was stealing the one I replaced it with. Alarms would sound. I’d be slammed down on the cashier’s conveyor belt. One clerk would yell, “Should we bag him up and take him out back for a good whoopin?!” The manager would turn to me and grimace, “Hell ya! Paper or plastic, muchacho?” Police would come and take me away. Oscar would come into the holding station as a material witness. “Oh yea, he had probable cause to steal that chicken, Officer. Trust me I just saw his bank account… if you could call it that!” Then the officer would ask me what I did for a living. Through a fat lip and bloody nose I would squeak, “I play in a band, sir.” “Oh is that right Sticky Fingers? What instrument do you play? Skin Flute?!? HAHA!” “Um, wow, Officer. Presumptuous much?” “You’re wearing a crop top and a dangly earring, son.” “Um… Have you not watched ‘Lost Boys’ lately? Kiefer Sutherland? Corey Haim? Hello? Plus we are in LA which makes 3 things undeniable… summer never ends, everyone is young forever and I def need a shirt that breathes.” The Officer just stares at me confused and asks, “So you’re in some sort of Vampire/Satanic worship band?” “No, sir. We play a blend of psychedelic pop fused with a bit of… well actually it is hard to define as we are known for ‘genre-hopping’. Not my favorite term but I get it. I mean I want our music to have a vibe but I also want to say something ya know? Of course I attribute it to an A.D.D. in our tastes and…” “Oh SHUT UP already!” the officer grunts. “What’s the name of your band anyway?” “Swim… (big sigh) with two M’s though.” “NEVER HEARD OF YA!” “Yea. No. You wouldn’t have.” “Any last words, Cookie? If that is your name?” “Well actually, if at all possible, in the report, the full name is Cookie Sugarhips. Which I realize isn’t helping my hetero-masculine cause here but as you can see with the crop, the hips literally don’t lie. Wouldn’t if they could. Oh and also when writing our band name, SWIMM, could you use all capital letters? It really jumps off the page when written like that and you’ll see the symmetry with the extra M is quite marvelous the way it….” “GET HIM THE HELL OUT OF HERE!” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So… I didn’t return the chicken. But trust me there is a point to all this! I walked outside of Smart & Final. Defeated. Cursing many things that didn’t deserve it, including the chicken. I made my way to my car and started unloading the groceries into the trunk. Behind me were a couple of younger kids. One had a guitar and the other held a hat in his hand. I didn’t pay them much mind. Fury had occupied my mind. As I placed the warm milk jug into the car, careful not to smush the frozen pizza and mindful not to mash the Quesadilla Hot Pockets, the one teenager started playing a song that I recognized. Sure enough they both began singing “First Day of My Life” in a slight Mexican accent. This is my favorite Bright Eyes song and one of the best love songs ever written. Fact, not opinion. This song was the song that lifted my heart up to the ether when I first fell in love and tore it to bits all the same for years after. This song means the world to me. I walked slowly to the driver’s seat in disbelief and just sat there with the door open and listened to the whole song. My eyes watered. Possibly from the souring milk. I walked up to the guys and gave them a dollar and told them that was one of my favorite songs of all time. I wanted to hug them. I didn’t. They told me they play in a band called “The Rusty Pennies”. I told them I play in a band called Swim… with two M’s. Life is peculiar. You never really know what you’re waiting for. Once a few years back I was in a hellish long line waiting to use the bathroom at the Karen O musical “Stop the Virgens”. I thought I was going to pee myself from all the plastic cups of white wine. I grew perturbed, even panicked. But as luck would have it I ended up peeing in the stall next to Conor Oberst! Don’t worry I didn’t start singing the words of “First Day of My Life” to him. Almost certain I didn’t. I didn’t even thank him for writing one of the best loves songs ever. But hey, there he was, human just like me, with too much Chardonnay in the reserves. And sometimes that’s gotta be enough. I drove back from Smart & Final with no radio on, shaking my head in disbelief. I am thankful for these moments. Though few and far between, they find me. And each time, I feel like I “just woke up”. -Cookie All photos above taken by the lovely Linnea Rochelle Stephan from our first headline show at Troubadour with James Supercave. Final note from the author… Chimichanga is his favorite word. Just say it out loud. ‘CHIMICHANGA’. It is between that or ‘Hallelujah’ for the author. Both carry such weight… phonetically and literally. He felt as though you should know. K, bye.)
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