#on populism
sunburnacoustic · 6 months
“It goes back a long way really, in terms of the internet becoming a major thing in the early 2000s. I remember people started to feel this feeling of mistrust for, let's say, the powers that be, [there was] this populism that was kind of growing throughout the Western world in particular. And then, seeing that coming to a head in the last or few years, I think that was definitely one influence. On top of that, we had the whole Trump situation, which led to the Capitol riots and so on — quite unusual, living through a period of time where a lot of the dystopian stuff seemed to be playing out in real time.”
—Matt on the themes on Will Of The People, and how the world around him influences what Muse write about.
Muse interview for Will Of The People on NPR, 27 Aug 2022
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faeriekit · 7 months
"This fic was ai generated—" Cool, so lemme block you real quick
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etakeh · 6 months
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starbuck · 7 months
i say i like tragedies and everyone’s all like ‘why do you like sad stories? are you depressed?’ and never ‘how was the catharsis? was the catharsis fun?’
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crabussy · 7 months
reblog for a larger sample size and to reduce sample bias!!
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possumsinatrenchcoat · 4 months
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Aging tumblr user base find this relatable?
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captainjonnitkessler · 6 months
I think I can trace my intense hatred for the whole "regulations are just corporate bullshit, building codes are just The Man's way of keeping you down, we should return to pre-industrial barter and trade systems" nonsense back to when I first started doing electrical work at one of the largest hospitals in the country.
I have had to learn so much about all the special conditions in the National Electric Code for healthcare systems. All the systems that keep hospitals running, all the redundancies and backups that make sure one disaster or outage won't take out the hospital's life support, all the rules about different spaces within the hospital and the different standards that apply to each of them. And a lot of it is ridiculously over-engineered and overly redundant, but all of it is in the service of saving even one life from being lost to some wacky series of coincidences that could have been prevented with that redundancy.
I've done significantly less work in food production plants and the like, but I know they have similar standards to make sure the plants aren't going to explode or to make sure a careless maintenance tech isn't accidentally dropping screws into jars of baby food or whatever. And research labs have them to make sure some idiot doesn't leave a wrench inside a transformer and wreck a multi-million dollar machine when they try to switch it on.
Living in the self-sufficient commune is all fun and games until someone needs a kidney transplant and suddenly wants a clean, reliable hospital with doctors that are subject to some kind of overseeing body, is my point.
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headspace-hotel · 8 months
hey y'all if you're getting freaked over "overpopulation" or have heard of someone who is, watch this beautifully explained video please and thank you
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tiktaalic · 2 years
one of my beloved friends (very autism) was in.. not denial but ignorance sounds mean. but that abt themself last time you brought up the raads r test so i sent it to the gc (full of autism) and they were like psh. fake test no one could get below 100. they know now but i think about it so much
The thing is. When you take the autism test. And you see your score is in the 100 to 160 range. You think. Oh this is probably the middle? Middle autism. Tinge of autism. Your relatives calling you bright but shy autism. Just a whiff of autism. And then you see the score ranges. And you go. This test is lying to me there is absolutely no way the majority of people score under 65. The 65 number is such a low cutoff and so many of these experiences are clearly universal a score under 65 is something they made up in a lab. People who score under 65 are obviously scoring just under that mark from 59 to 64 and they’re also obviously lying or purposely misrepresenting their experiences as less severe than they are. And then you find out there are real people who get a 20 or 30 or 7 on it. And you go. Ah
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lafcadiosadventures · 5 months
your average 1830 classicist be like:
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peach-pot · 1 year
(if you don’t mind reblogging this post, that would be groovy ^_^)
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time-slink · 4 months
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ethoslab field notes… i love seeing all the little things people do to try and differentiate him lol
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dramatic-dolphin · 28 days
i'll be honest the "man vs bear" thing is so fucking funny like the only way you've never ran into a man in a forest is if you've never been in a forest. when i'm in a forest and i run into a man (happened so far every time i've been hiking in a forest) what happens is i say "good morning" and he says "good morning" and then we continue on our way. on the other hand if i ran into a bear in the forest i would shit myself.
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gayhoediaz · 5 months
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The funny thing about the PJO cabin system is that everyone's always all 'oh the twelve' this and 'the twelve' that but that's absolutely not even remotely accurate. To start, right off the bat it's thirteen, not twelve, because they don't count Hades. But not really because before Percy, there were no big three kids, so we're down to ten active cabins already but it's actually eight because Artemis and Hera don't make demigods.
And of those eight, Mr. D is stuck at camp (thus not really making new demigods all that often) and his only two kids don't even sleep in a cabin, they sleep in the Big House with him.
So, pre-Percy, there are seven active cabins at Camp Half-Blood:
Glee club, the Jocks, the Nerds, the Geeks, the Farmers, the 'Sketchy Kids' and the Popular Kids.
Or, in other words, the Apollo, Ares, Athena, Hephaestus, Demeter, Hermes (and the unclaimed kids) and Aphrodite cabins.
What's cool is that you can already see the cabin dynamics in the show. For example, the Athena cabin allies with the Hermes cabin for the numbers. The Hermes kids plus all the unclaimed kids? It's the biggest cabin in the camp by far. It's a battle strategy. Luke and Annabeth's close relationship is just the cherry on top for Annabeth. It'll be really cool to see how the show develops the differences in the cabins during the series.
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wiisagi-maiingan · 5 months
"Jews are not foreigners in their countries!" Very true! But do those countries know that? Does the US know that? France? Russia? Cuba? Yemen? China? Libya? Egypt? Ethiopia? Venezuela? Poland? Do they respect Jewish people as citizens and members of their communities and cultures?
Why are you telling this to Jewish people scared of antisemitic violence instead of to the people who see Jewish citizens as foreign invaders? Why are you acting like Jews are the ones who hold themselves apart from their neighbors by choice after centuries of being subject to extreme violence and segregation? Why are you blaming Jewish people for antisemitism again?
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