#on the left she is empathizing with how frustrating it can be to be a mere figurehead
mrgaretcarter · 1 year
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cak31ssuperi04 · 1 year
thoughts on annika for the character opinion bingo 🎤
My favorite barbie character ever personally.
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genericpuff · 4 months
the last few episodes of persephone moping around have felt like less of a self-reflective moment for her to grow and change and more rachel griping about criticism and surrounding herself with yes men
this isn't gonna be in any way a formal essay like my usual sort, more of a slam post honestly, so fair warning that i'm gonna be a little salty here
but seriously, it's been a pity party of greek proportions because this constant "woe is me" shit with persephone that's constantly met with "no queeen you're amazing and perfect" has been going on for DAYS (real time and comic time)
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literally every episode since the comic returned has had some segment of either persephone or hades (or both) being upsetti spaghetti over their current situation because oh nooo persephone made the deal with erebus and had to sacrifice something. even though they both knew that was gonna happen and yet she did it anyways. so she just continues to lock herself away in her mansion and spout adorkable quips while her husband, mother, and colleagues deal with the mess she caused.
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and of course there's the constant inclusion of apollo spitting straight facts about persephone being a terrible queen and person, but of course because it's apollo saying it, it's not meant to be taken as gospel, essentially clapping back at the words of the critics who call out persephone for being a shitty and toxic protagonist by putting those words into the mouth of a literal rapist.
and yeah episode 263 had a lot of the same shit, to the point that you could literally swap out the names of the characters and the words they were speaking and it applies exactly to rachel and the corner she put herself in u.u it's been a thing for a while now that apollo has just felt like a mouthpiece for LO criticism but as mentioned by users within the subreddit during the discussion of this newest episode, it's never felt more apparent than now.
so yeah enjoy this satirical text edit of a sequence from the newest FP episode, which I honestly can't tell is meant to satirize the critical community or Rachel's reactions to the critical community because the weird reality this comic and its community exist in has just become that wack that it's hard to believe it's not directly from The Onion sometimes LMAO
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-and as much as i find myself empathizing with the pressure that rachel is surely under right now - no one should have to be subject to the screeching howls of the peanut gallery - i can't help but be reminded of the memes and tweets she's put out that basically outright say "persephone is supposed to be celebrated for being a shitty person, if you can't handle her at her worst you don't deserve her at her best 💅"-
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-and how often she's ruined her own day looking for critical groups or people with the "wrong opinions" that were minding their own business, or how much she's stifled her own community's attempts to discuss the story openly by having her mods ban anyone with even so much as a question regarding persephone's integrity.
so yeah, as much as i can empathize with her from one creator to another that being under this amount of pressure and scrutiny must be immensely frustrating and exhausting, beyond that one similarity i just can't empathize or relate to this mindset of almost learned helplessness that's taken a firm grip over her writing. this is the story she wants to tell and by all means no one is entitled to make her stop, but if she's gonna keep using her greek myth "retelling" comic that's trying to be "feminist" as a mouthpiece for her own griping over criticisms that are largely on-point and justified - to the point of putting the words of her critics into the mouth of her token villain like she's playing some single player barbie doll "act out that fight that sounded cooler in your head" game - then she's gonna keep getting called out, full stop. i figured she didn't have any nose left to rip off in spite of her face but apparently not.
look, i get it, there are some opinions and behaviors within the critical community that even i'm not on board with. there are people who absolutely take shit too far on both sides of the fandom, and i think both sides need to do more to hold themselves accountable for how they interact with each other, the comic, and rachel herself. i make it a point to keep my shit in my own house, i'm not entitled to rachel's attention and frankly it's the last thing i want because i have a lot of fun here and i don't want that to be potentially ruined or dampened! but if you come into my house and complain about the decorating, then i legitimately don't know what to tell you. i used to love LO and i'm so sad for my past self knowing fully well they're not gonna be able to wholeheartedly enjoy this comic forever due to how manipulative and shitty the storytelling has become. a story that i once connected to as an AFAB who was a victim of assault and abuse and generational trauma.
if persephone being the true main villain in her own story was ever meant to be the point of Lore Olympus, then it's taken way, way too long to get to that point, and rachel herself definitely doesn't seem to be of the mindset that that's what she's become with all of her blasé meme'ing on a plot arc that she's still expecting us to take seriously. persephone was never a very complex character to begin with - being an easy self-insert for the audience and rachel to project themselves onto and relate to - but at least in the beginning she felt like she had so much legitimate potential, she was naive but put her best foot forward and clearly wanted to make a life for herself, made by herself.
now she's just mean. jaded and mean. dependent on the constant validation of others to the point of being manipulative. an absolute shell of a person who can only grow a spine when she's punching down on people weaker than her, completely incapable of standing up to the people who are a legitimate threat to her. it's not empowering, it's not subversive, it's just another pick me story about women pitting themselves against other women and never taking accountability for their own behavior, mistakes, and deliberate actions meant to hurt others, often teetering on the line of straight up narcissism all for the sake of a "boss babe" moment.
anyways, if you want an actual well-written and GOOD scene of an empathetic female protagonist struggling to find their footing in adulthood being called the fuck out for their learned helplessness behavior, go read Tamberlane, it tackles this topic much better through its main character who keeps using her brokenness as an excuse to never do better, it slaps and it's so real.
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effloradox · 8 months
I’m slightly obsessed with this vampire cowboy if you couldn’t tell 😅
Being the baby in a family of vampires is a difficult position to hold. You're not a baby by any means, you're in your thirties by now, but compared to the patriarch of your new family who is over three hundred years older than you, the other vampires dwarf your time on this planet. You know that this life is a blessing, that without it you'd be long dead by now, but it still stings having your age used against you in practically every family discussion.
Carlisle has more sympathy for your age difference but Edward is the worst for it. He's only seventy years older than you and yet you'd think he was seven hundred years older from the way he acts. You can't help the fact that people born in the same year as you are still alive and well, it's not like you can make time pass quicker and yet your adoptive brother seems to take great delight in pulling rank over you in any discussions about the future of the coven. Knowing he can read your thoughts of frustration does nothing to help the situation either.
Jasper knows it bothers you. He was still fairly new to the coven when you were turned, so whilst he's older than Edward he doesn't have the same position in the coven. It doesn't bother him as much since he outlives Edward, but he understand your frustrations. One of the perks of his abilities is knowing when you're reaching the end of your patience so he can quickly intervene with the suggestion of getting out of the house if only for a while so you can calm down.
It's almost a tradition at this point that not long after a move, the two of you will seek out some private spot far from the new house, far from the new town, that will become your spot for the duration of your time in whatever new place the coven has moved to.
As far as your limited experience goes, Forks seems to be a fairly nice town. Nothing like the small English town you lived in when you were human, but it's nice. It rains almost constantly, which is a nice feeling of being back home, and the people seem more than friendly enough. Carlisle had mentioned you having your tour of the high school in the upcoming days once enough time had passed for the family to have 'settled in'. The only thing you'd actually done upon arriving in town was choosing a bedroom for you and Jasper and immediate heading out to find your new spot.
Carlisle had warned you about not breaking the treaty he had formed with the Quileutes but aside from that, you and Jasper had been given free reign. It still hurt when the last thing you'd heard before you left the house was yet another snide remark from Edward about needing to baby proof the house before the two of you returned. You'd stopped running after maybe twenty minutes, and this was definitely not going to be your spot, but Jasper got the impression you needed time to process the past rather than look to the future.
"Do you think he'll always treat me like that?" You question makes Jasper pause for a moment as he considers his response. He lets his eyes drift over the small clearing the two of you are sat in before his gaze falls back to you.
"I hope not darlin'." His words do nothing to stop the ache in your chest and he knows it. He can tell from the defeated look on your face and the way your emotions flicker across your face. He doesn't need to be an empath to know how much this tirade is starting to bother you.
"Alice said that he'd stop with time, but I don't think I can spend another thirty years listening to him be so condescending about me." The mention of your precognitive sibling makes Jasper pause. For her to have a vision of something so specific would be unusual from what he's discerned over the years.
"Did Alice see something about him stopping?" You shrug lightly, pulling your knees close to your chest.
"Not necessarily. She said she saw something big happening whilst we're here that will make him stop but that could be years away." Jasper lets out a quiet noise of consideration at your words. Alice had been having more frequent visions since you'd all moved, maybe something big was on the horizon. Last time she'd had this many was just before you'd come into their lives.
"I can ask Carlisle to speak to him if you want." You take a moment to consider his offer before shaking your head lightly.
"I think that would just make him do it more out of spite. Thank you though." You outstretch a hand to him that he's more than willing to take. Even after over a decade of being together, it never fails to fill him with joy how perfectly your hand fits in his. Like you were made for him, or he was made for you. Maybe both. It certainly feels that way when you look at him with a smile that could rival the moon for how beautiful it is.
"You want to head somewhere new?" You nod at him and allow him to help you to your feet. Even now you're both standing your hands are still entwined and he smiles as he feels you squeeze his hand gently.
"Lead the way cowboy."
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a-simple-imagine · 6 months
Help! My Girlfriend just Fell Down The Alt - Right Supe Supremist Pipeline pt.2
Requested by anonymous: “could you write a cate hurt/comfort where unlike andre's coward ass u actually fix her 🫶 pls and tyy”
Pairing: Cate Dunlap x fem!reader
Words: 1.3k+
A/N - turned this request into part 2 of my other cate story because i'm obsessed with the idea of cate dating an empath. you don’t have to read the first part
WARNINGS - mention of murder, death and blood
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it's a bright sunny day but the air is polluted with the rich taste of fear; a chaotic blend of fear and anger. you don't know what to do. where to go. you thought you left this behind when you ran. your head aches. heart hammering in your chest. all around you students and faculty scramble in search of safety. Bodies litter the ground. blood drowns the lush green grass. and you are powerless to stop it. useless. this school housed so many heroes but your powers were far from useful. you're almost frozen in time. this very spot on the godu campus, your newfound home. waiting. waiting for the inevitable moment someone notices and you end up just another casualty.
it's so hard to focus with the swirling emotions that invade your head. every inch of your body burned with other people's pain. everyone was feeling so much; too much. it hurt. it felt like your brain might explode. you kinda wish it would. but despite it all your eyes settle on familiar blonde hair. beautiful blue eyes stained deep red. Cate. you had left so abruptly. perhaps you should be more apprehensive right now. but you feel no ill intentions.
"h-hey," it's a pathetic murmur restrained by the pounding in your head. She was your girlfriend and you could hardly say a word. You're not even sure what you could say to rectify this. murdering dean Shetty was one thing. a sad attempt at vengeance. it was hard enough to ignore but this? this came across as insane. this was too much. you had told the others you would deal with Cate not because you actually thought you could help but because you were scared of what they would do. Cate was public enemy one on the campus today.
"I've been looking for you," there's a tenderness to her voice. a softness she reserved for you; especially right now. her emotions are hard to shift through when mixed with so many others. too many others. but a deep anger settles over you. you know it's not directed at you. it's fighting with a desire to have you understand her point of view.
"you have to stop this cate," if only it was that straightforward. if words were enough this wouldn't have happened. you wouldn't have to beg your girlfriend to stop her lethal rampage. even if she physically was not the one killing. it's a weird position to be in. one that fills your stomach with a bottomless darkness pit... or maybe that was just the scene before you. either way, you felt nauseated.
"we're actually getting somewhere," there was an overwhelming weariness to her voice. She was clearly exhausted; struggling to stand straight as she clarified her frustration. you knew well the toll her powers took. that pang of fear every time you've watched her overdo it. you wonder how many people she has pushed into doing her bidding. how much her brain must hurt. how much she needs to rest. even how many people are dying under her authority. "people need to know what was going on here. We aren't just lab rats for Vought- we deserve respect."
"I agree," a flicker of surprise almost sends the blonde tumbling to the ground. "we deserve respect but this isn't how to get it. just stop and we can- we can figure this out." it takes everything in you to risk a step closer. pinpointing her feelings amongst the rest. it was a hazy feeling; tingly almost. you couldn't quite decipher what belonged to who still.
"Why can't you see that this is the only way," she implores. "it's the only way they'll listen."
"it's not worth it Cate," you express. "you're hurting innocent people-"
"they're not innocent." she snarls. Red-hot anger bursts through your veins. your jaw tenses. fist clenched. "you heard what Shetty said. they think we're freaks. they hate us-" You don't want to think about Shetty; you couldn't. it was too much. too taxing. the blood. so much blood. so much bitterness. an unsteady breath pushes its way past your lips.
"you're hurting me, Cate," you bark; fuelled by Cate's fear. her emotions were taking over. driving you forward. "all these emotions- all this fear. my head is on fire. it's too much. I can't- I can't handle it."
"I'm sorry," she sighed, dragging her eyes away. almost like she was unable to bear looking at the suffering she was causing. "I know this is hard for you, I wish it didn't have to be but this is the only way. I'm protecting us. I'm protecting you." you didn't need to be a mind reader to know Cate's intentions. her misguided desire for retribution. more fuelled by revenge for how she has been treated than a will to help people. she's explained it all already.
"Cate..." her name slips tenderly from your lips; biting back her fire that's burning inside. "I don't need protecting. I just- I need you." your desperate now. desperate for the pain to stop. for Cate to give up this crazy crusade. you wanted to go back to how things were. you wanted to hold her hand as you walked across campus to class each morning. wanted to surprise her with a cupcake after a hard day. cuddle up in bed while you watch the cheesiest movie known to man just because she enjoyed it. you wanted normal. you deserved that. you all did. "we can figure this out. I promise we can- just give me a chance." you continue. "I don't wanna lose you." you know she's hesitant by the way her eyes flicker to you and then away again. searching for a reason to deny you. to push you away further. her anger was no longer a raging fire but a muted flame as your words settled over her. "please," expressed softly. "we can get through this together." she could read your mind. She must know you are being genuine.
"Okay," the blonde mumbles, finally meeting your gaze. such pretty eyes even stained with abuse of power. "yeah," she nods a little; holding out her hand. you pause. it would mark a sign of trust. She didn't have her glove which meant that there was a possibility this was just a trick. if you take her hand she could make you do whatever she wanted. she could push you into believing her philosophy. She could kill you if she wanted. surely she wouldn't though? your girlfriend had never used her powers on you. She used to be all about consent. but you also thought she wasn't capable of murder and look at how that turned out. she was probably in your head listening. could hear your doubt. you watch a sadness wash over her face as she retracts her peace offering and in a panic, you roughly grab her hand. it's unexpected even by you. but you couldn't give up on her. you loved Cate, you wanted to trust her. you needed to trust that she was still good.
"I trust you" blurted out loudly. drowning in her anger. in her pain and fear. it's all so much. your legs buckle and it takes significant effort to stay upright. there is a glimpse of something unexplained in her eyes. Cate was the most important person to you. you struggle to watch your paths diverge before you have a chance to tell her your feelings. She probably knew. there was no hiding with Cate. not anymore. but she couldn't hide from you either. you can feel everything. our emotions expose true intentions. and even amongst all the dread, there was a warmth radiating through now like the sun breaking through dark clouds. She held bright feelings for you. you could feel her passion radiating.
"you... trust me?" Cate asks. her voice quiet. unsure.
"I trust you," you give her hand a gentle squeeze. "I just wanna help you- let me help you."
her eyes search yours for a moment before arms are wrapped around your shoulders and Cate falls against you. you stumble back under the weight of her body; the weight of her emotions. but you still hold on tight. chasing that beautifully warm feeling. "just me and you."
"Always," whispered softly.
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Can I please request reader x Caine, where reader just arrived at the digital circus and was somewhat scared, but then she heard Caine's voice and calmed down, as the ringmaster's voice seemed very beautiful, albeit loud. Reader, of course, will compliment him and his voice. Thank you!
Caine x reader!
Wasnt sure what to title this so UHUH we going in this bare!!!!
My tumblr asks are still being wonky; I'm on mobile and I havent checked to see if it's the same on laptop but when I go to answer an ask it like. Makes the words all stick to the left snd make the ask "long"
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Very frustrating stuff since sometimes I need to reread requests mid writing
Onto the request!
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Its only natural that you were freaking out, I mean you just arrived to this strange place after putting on some headset, and you're struggling to remember anything past that
Realistically, who wouldn't be at least a little scared; if not having an entire full blown episode.. though I suppose shock is a thing
Point is, you're freaking out and its caught the attention of the other circus members who are trying to fill you in on the situation, some even trying to bring comfort by empathizing with your panic (cough cough pomni cough cough)
Though even if you didnt draw in a crowd, I think caine would come and greet you relatively fast! I think he has a mechanism or device somewhere that alerts him when a new circus member joins
Though it would be interesting if he didnt and a new member slips right past him and he didnt know... but this isnt what this post is about
Never ever skips the theatrics when greeting a new circus member, hes pulling all the stops with making the place look as grand and fun as it can be.. even with the added comments he throws in for the digital lake as well as his weird demeanor
Like with how he was with pomni I think that's how he is with all new members, you know?
Pauses for a second when you suddenly compliment him before he gives out an enthusiastic thank you
I mean he knows hes all that, but it's different when someone else says it, you know? Caine isnt totally up his own ass about himself
Kind of pauses when you praise other parts of him, and honestly as long as you're not being weird about it or drowning him in compliments he will take your words well!
^ I answered a similar ask a while ago so not many new ideas here, I think! Only difference here is that the other ask had you flirting with caine as soon as you first meet him, I think
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imaginethezeldaverse · 6 months
Hello! I don't know if you write for the more obscure characters in Botw/Totk but I figured I'd ask just in case ☺️ Could you please write something about Tauro, Purah, Sidon and Zelda dating a Sheikah s/o who's chronically ill/disabled? It'd be great if you could make them specifically have weak bones and be really short too, and they're often upset how people keep babying them because they might fracture or break something. But if you want to keep it more open-ended that's fine too!
Thank you so so much, you're probably my favorite Zelda blog on Tumblr! Your writing and ideas are always like *chefs kiss* 😘! Have a good day and drink lots of water!
Whenever people tell me I'm their favorite anything it literally shocks me because there are SO many fantastic zelda fic blogs on here that I feel are vastly superior - but I thank you nonetheless! 🥰
I'll write for pretty much any character - I just keep romance and nsfw content for adults. So I'd be happy to!
Tauro, as well-mannered and good-natured he is, is amongst the mass where he needs to be reminded that while you are disabled, you aren't incapable of doing normal things. He tries his best to remember that, but his rambunctious and steadfast nature leads him to be righteous and helpful, even when it's not needed. Plus given his height, he always just assumes that people tend to need help to reach things in tall places if he's ever around. He does try his best to be sensitive to your needs and wants, however, tapping his hand to his chest when he catches himself doing too much. Instead, he makes an effort to remind himself to wait for you to ask him should you need anything. Very affectionate, otherwise - he enjoys making you smile and wrapping his big ol' bear arms around you (albeit, he's careful not to actually squeeze you too hard because he does NOT know his own strength) and is very attentive on the days that you specifically don't feel well and your body leaves you in a weaker state than normal.
Purah, being the research fanatic and accomplished scientist that she is, is already aware and well read on your illness. That, however, has never stopped her from being absolutely smitten with you. Where she is boisterous and outlandish, there is a careful resilience to you that she keeps close to her heart. She sees your frustration often with the townsfolk who treat you with unnecessary delicacy, and while she understands the "good-intent", she feels as you do: chronic illness should not beget differential treatment. When you express your frustrations, she's an open ear always. Purah is never one to explain why the people of your community act this way that leans in their favor, but rather why their attitudes should not portray you under a fragile light when you are anything but. She empathizes with you greatly, knowing exactly what it's like for your own people to treat you like you're something you're not (her experiences with de-aging left quite the mark), but she assures you that you've always got her on your side.
“I’ve never much like everyone else…and neither have you,” Purah muses, tapping her recorder in her hand. She lifts her glasses, her crimson eyes blazing in your direction with admiration and sincerity, “I guess that makes us a cut above the rest, now doesn’t it?”
Sidon is about as bubbly with you as you can imagine. That sharp smile completely alight when you're with him. His height difference compared to yours doesn't bother him considering he towers greatly over just about everyone he meets, so as long as you don’t care (which he secretly hopes you don’t!) then all is well. When he learns about your chronic illness, he’s at first admittedly worried, but he sees how much you value your independence and doesn’t push you to do less than anything you’re up for. Sidon, having learned his healing capabilities from Mipha, will actually offer to “bathe” with you whenever you’re not feeling especially strong, letting the softness of his magically imbued water immerse your body and take any pain or pressure off of your form for a while and bring you some ease. You don’t take him up on it often, half because you don’t feel it’s always necessary, and half because you don’t want to impose - though of course Sidon would refute you ever being an imposition upon him. He chooses his words very carefully, making sure to give you the impression that he’s willing to do whatever you need should you need something from him, but without overstepping and making you feel incapable.
“You’ll never be without, my darling,” Sidon whispers, taking your hand, those slit-pupiled eyes softening as he brushes back a lock of your silver-white hair, “But I will never claim to know you better than yourself.”
Zelda has always been a ball of curiosity, that’s one of the things you love about her. She has an awfully curious mind, so when you explain to her about your chronic illness for the first time, she of course asks you a lot of questions. You laugh thinking about back then, how she felt terrible for borderline prying into your life though she wanted to know everything about you at that time. You remember assuring her that it was fine, and it made you incredibly grateful that Impa had introduced you before she stepped down - it allowed you two to get close. The times that you’ve gone to town together, Zelda takes notice of how people tend to treat you akin to porcelain: delicate, fragile, some even giving off the impression that you’re a lost cause because of your Sheikah heritage. Combined with your stature (with Zelda herself being on the shorter side of an average Hylian’s height), it’s enough to infuriate you both. You two tend to bounce off of one another: shes sticks up for you when you feel like someone’s unnecessarily babying you, and you put your two cents in whenever someone is overly cautious and hovering due to her status, even after proving herself beyond capable. Ultimately she too understands your plight of people looking at you differently because of who are you or what they know about you. She recants the days when her father treated her as helpless and small, hyper focused on keeping her in line rather than letting her be her own person. She takes your hand, intertwining fingers with yours and lending you a genuine smile.
“But we are not weak. We are not frail or easily broken. I am not defined entirely by my title,” Zelda kisses the top of your hand before gently covering it with her other in an endearing move, “And you are not defined by your illness.”
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qulrikkek · 1 year
NOW let's ADDRESS the BANTHA in the room!!!
As a filmmaker, and a writer myself, when you build up a romantic relationship between two individuals you empathize how their relationship is growing.
Now, the sparks were definitely there in episode 2!
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That look, (a Medium Close Up on Bo's face) which she gave to Din, after he honored her father's sacrifice could be the foundation, on which the show builds upon.
Unfortunately, afterwards there were no real indications.
No real discussion about Bo losing her castle, no real discussion by the fire when they went to rescue Ragnar, no discussion after the Armorer allowed her to take off her helmet (biggest plot whole so far), no discussion about why she wouldn't challenge Din for the Darksaber, no real discussion about their pasts (bonding is essential, but it's lacking here)... and other minor things that pile up into frustration in the viewer and later disappointment, because GLANCES at each other are NOT ENOUGH to build a relationship up, especially if they are not emphasized (there are no lingering camera close ups on neither Bo nor Din).
And unfortunately, NO the sitting closely beside each other scene is NOT an ENOUGH of an indicator of how closely their relationship is progressing...
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Jon Favreau amd Dave Filoni gave too much time and importance to Bo Katan's character on screen for them to then back out of it and return to simple bounty hunting episodes for Din. (In my opinion that would kill the show!)
It actually dawned on me that they are building up Bo's character too much...
She won back too much this season...
You might ask:
Since we know that there will be a season 4 for sure, and we have not yet seen Moff Gideon, nor Admiral Tarkin appear...
My Predictions are that Jon and Dave will play a (NASTY) card; (Filoni is known to love drama from Clone Wars, so...)
When The finale of this season comes and there's a big battle against the Mandalorians, Bo will be CAPTURED. (Or maybe injured, but that's not dramatic enough...)
This would set up the tension and the anticipation for the next season and would also give a perfect reason for Din to realize his feelings for her.
This would also push him to become the leader of her people and rescue her in season 4!
ADDITIONALLY, this show is about family (traditional family) structure.
Bo and Din spent too much time together, for the show runners not have any goal with this. (Even though they rarely talked WITH each other, rather they only talked TO each other, NOT the same thing!!!!)
I think that if they don't make DINBO happen this season the foundations were laid for the next season! (Slow burn)
ALSO, this entire third season was about how WELL they can WORK TOGETHER, so why waste the opportunity? Why not make Bo, Din and Grogu a family? (Although it could happen that they don't do anything with this, Disney is known for chickening out of real commitments!)
But After all these things these went through... Hmmm...
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Hopefully this is the case, otherwise Season 3 of The Mandalorian is a sinking ship....
Anyway, there is still 2 episodes left and the way Axe Wolves has known in the beginning of episode 6 that the Quarren and the Calamari tried to run away for love (“I know it was for love.”) I predict that he will confront Bo about why wouldn't she challenge Din, and then he would find out that she has feelings for the bounty hunter.
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skaruresonic · 21 days
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Yes, because when he told Blaze not to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders in Rush, he was speaking from firsthand experience of guarding the Chaos Emeralds under the threat of apocalypse. He didn't step out of his own shoes for two seconds and think to himself, "But it seems like she's had a rough past" …wait
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IDW!Sonic would be more like
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"He's just like me fr fr" strikes again. Once more we have Games!Sonic heavily implied to be unrealistic, as if A.) he has no emotions, and B.) the only way he can empathize with others is by making things really about himself.
"Nobody can be endlessly positive" - okay, but Games!Sonic... isn't.
He has doubts. He gets tired. He makes mistakes. He feels sadness and guilt. He has a temper, gets frustrated, gets irritated (sometimes with his friends, even!). He's not some perfect smiling Pollyanna who's never suffered a single doubt in his life just because he prefers not to dwell on the negative. It's just that his will is so strong that he knows setbacks are temporary and he keeps pushing on regardless.
However, he's also not the type to wear his every emotion on his sleeve a la Amy and Eggman, and expecting him to is putting an unfair onus on him to be something he's not. Somehow his positivity, which is supposed to be inspirational and not strictly relatable, translates into "he has no Realistic Emotions(tm)." And it irks me to no end because once again, you are denying merit and dimension to Games!Sonic's character.
Not to mention, where would he have gotten this experience? The metal virus? Sonic pretty much had to run himself ragged just for a chance of survival. He didn't have a choice. It's not like he forfeited sleep because he wanted to.
All those times he should have taken responsibility… He didn't. Sonic can't assume too much responsibility if he shirks the ones he already has.
Also, listen. As someone who is currently experiencing vertigo and burnout at a degree that makes it difficult to be functional (can't really do much if the only state you can tolerate is lying down): if Sonic gave me this advice, in those words, I would be discouraged. He's emphasizing how ~useless~ the burned-out person would be to others instead of emphasizing that health is in and of itself important.
Jewel is already hard on herself---why add to her guilt by saying "relax or else you won't be able to serve others?" I mean, I already feel guilty that my brain and body basically shortcircuited from stress. thanks, Sonic
Furthermore, how come he didn't whip out this pep talk for Amy when she was overworking herself?
Oh, yeah, right. In issue 12, the Chaotix swung by demanding pay and he pretty much left her high and dry with a snarky look on his face.
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I'm not just being A Hater(tm) like usual, either; the book makes frequent mention of how exhausted, busy, and stressed Amy is. The following examples all come from different arcs.
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Isakai Chloe
So overthinking how Isakai Chloe is working with the timeskip in One Piece; And my half asleep thoughts made this.
Like Chloe gets yeeted out of the MLB universe after Hawkmoth tries blackmailing her on the roof. He uses the Rooster (Somehow doesn’t think to do what the Paris Special did yet) and then goes to the park to have Mayura make a Senti to replace Chloe. Because the Butterfly lets Hawkmoth have empathic abilities they actually make an internally well programmed copy, but because Hawkmoth only cares about the NEGATIVES the Senti is worse than S1-S3 ever was. Hawkmoth doesn’t care about keeping her reputation good. Thus Chloe is seamlessly replaced in canon with Fu, Chat Noir, and Ladybug being the only ones to know that there is a phony-Chloe turned into Miracle Queen. To the rest of Paris Chloe was attacked by Hawkmoth right after her parents were overshadowed. 
Senti-Chloe doesn’t seem to be aware that she isn’t the real Chloe and is left to wander and act independently; with Gabriel and Nathalie nonchalantly holding her life hostage. Adrien and Marinette have to go through their days silently unable to tell their peers that its a fake Chloe; they don’t know what happened to the original. 
Meanwhile Chloe ends up in the Romance Arc of One Piece and seeks the main character! The Echo of this is that the pages of Adrien’s manga collection begin to change to reflect a new character. Luka and Juleka’s copies also change. Juleka tells Rose and Ivan. When Rose tries to ask S!Chloe about pirates she gives a rude, but clueless answer about it. S!Chloe moves on but pays no mind. When Marinette and others go to The Liberty they see the books and learn something is up. Adrien looks at his copies at home and confirms the changes. Adrien and Marinette each pretend to have ‘told’ their respective secret identities about the development. The Class now knows that their Chloe was yeeted out of universe. Sabrina agrees to keep an eye on S!Chloe. The heroes get to keep wrestling with the options of telling Chloe’s parents but don’t want to cause another Malidictator incident.
The time difference isn’t evenly split so Chloe ends up in Sabaody Archipelago arc with only 2-3 months passing in MLB-universe. When Kuma sends the various Straw Hats to their ‘vacations’ Chloe gets sent home to Paris.
Adrien helps hide Chloe at his house. Nobody mentions the thousands of dollars this guy spends on cheese; hiding the food budget for another whole person will be easy. If anything the private chief is relieved that Adrien is eating more fish to balance out his dairy based diet.
Nino’s rebellion is informed about Chloe’s return and now they’re seeking to find S!Chloe’s amok. Since Adrichat and Maribug know that Mayura doesn’t need to be in possession to dispose of a ‘loose end’ insist on taking Mayura’s miraculous first priority. The two of them silently lamenting the other Senti’s killed in the line of duty because of Hawkmoth’s obsession.
Chloe is frustrated and vents to Sabrina. She knew the two year timeskip was going to happen regardless of her actions leading up. She just didn’t think she’d end up in a different world? How was she supposed to get stronger in the wrong universe? How was she supposed to get stronger here? She can’t bring a Miraculous over to the Grand Line. She has to stay in hiding until they can guarantee S!Chloe’s safety.
Oh hell yeah
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belit0 · 9 months
what if they meet the Uzumaki?
You went with a she so I'll go with that here.
Would her fiery personalilty and lack of discipline (as Uchiha's see it anyways) make her accidnetally prove everyone rightnor wrong about her
Yeah, in terms of x reader, I always go with female characters 💫
I only do male x male with ships (TobiIzu, etc,)
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I think Mikoto would convince Itachi to come back, after multiple and diverse visits to Shisui's house, and at the same time talk to Fugaku, softening him up little by little. She raises how beneficial it could be to include Uzumaki blood to the Uchiha legacy, and tries to buy him off from a strategic point of view.
Fugaku, ideally, would want his son to be with someone of high status, elegance, and pretensions befitting the Uchiha legend, and he begins to entertain the possibility of perhaps the girl being so. It convinces him.
Sasuke on the other hand does not stop bragging about how he will scold his older brother to make him understand the offense he committed against the clan, still too young to empathize with the reasons of love, of the heart, the passionate impulses.
Itachi takes his time evaluating what to do and what not to do but ultimately decides to introduce her so as to calm things down. If they don't accept her for who she is, then he will completely disassociate himself from his family.
Mikoto is the warmest of them all, and greets them both at the door when they show up for dinner. She can see how nervous her son is, but also the loving conviction he has for this girl in his eyes. (Y/N), on the other hand, strongly reminds her of Kushina, a pleasant memory.
Her fiery red hair stands out madly in contrast to all the black-haired people in the room, and as soon as they enter the dining area, Sasuke jumps on the attack with aggressive words towards his brother.
Fugaku basically tells him to shut up and sit down, reducing the threat in seconds with authority, cryptically analyzing the girl in question. He turns pale when she smiles at him without a care in the world, failing with his attempt of premature intimidation.
(Y/N) converses quite matter-of-factly during the beginning of the meeting, most of the questions asked by Mikoto in front of a distraught Itachi out of concern and a Fugaku unwilling to budge.
For dessert, the father finally agrees to ask some controversial questions, hoping to put her on the spot when answering, catch her without replies or even make her angry, give him a reason to hate her as the clan legacy demands.
Sasuke falls in love with her at every answer and realizes she's even smarter than his older brother. Who starts the evening as an enemy, quickly becomes an ally, and Fugaku is left alone on his disapproving side.
(Y/N) doesn't let herself be beaten and answers every question boldly, shutting him down on any front he intends to use as an attack. The Uchiha leader ends the meeting highly frustrated and does not partake of the after-dinner tea, but eventually and as time goes on, the more he interacts with her the more he realizes his son made the right choice.
The girl is unconventional, breaks the clan rules, is outrageous, but somehow makes a perfect match with his pragmatic boy, complementing each other in all the areas the other lacks.
It is the perfect balance the two strike within their bond that leads Fugaku to respect her, seriously listen to her, and learn about the woman. In the end, Mikoto is always right.
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love-toxin · 1 year
As someone who is on both the ADHD and autism spectrums, but wishes to remain anonymous....
Would the fruity four still... like me? Even if I'm weird and stim with my hands? Or if I say weird things and curse creatively? It's been a massive self esteem battle for me, because both of the people that I dated previously left me when I confided in them that I was on both the ADHD and autism spectrums....
first of all, im so sorry that happened my love! nobody deserves that, especially not such a sweet person <3 ty for sending me this ask not only bc you're giving me a reason to self-indulgently write about the fruity four with an autistic angel, but also bc!!! we're really alike!!! i love knowing there's somebody i can relate to out there 🥺🥺
I'll start off by saying; yes, of course! The fruity four are strong personalities and people, they have a bond with you that couldn't be broken by something like that, because it's part of what makes you you–and that's exactly what they love! The very thought of giving up on their true love because of a label is just bonkers, it makes no sense and they would be echoing that to you whenever you feel insecure about it. Also, let it be known that I'm totally on the train of headcanoning both Eddie and Robin as being on the spectrum. I like to think Eddie's stronger on the autistic side, whereas Robin is more adhd with her social skills being more pronouncedly autistic. So with this in mind, I think they'd already be very sensitive to whatever your personal experiences are on either spectrum! And they can relate to you inherently a lot better than most people, including both Nancy and Steve.
Not to say that those two are oblivious or apathetic, however, because they certainly are not! They just don't have the same experiences to empathize with you, so they've gotta put a little more work in to help themselves understand how you operate. Your boundaries are a relatively easy thing to start off with; they're something they've probably already gone over, just not as in-depth as they're used to. You might sit there shy and a little teary-eyed even, worrying yourself to death that they're going to laugh at you or make fun of the things that you say you need or that bother you, but Nancy and Steve will be so patient in listening and Robin and Eddie will encourage you to say everything that comes to mind. Your shared space is always a safe space, there's no fear of abandonment or rejection that you need to worry about here, and they'll do as much reassuring as it takes until you really feel comfortable and secure in knowing that. No moment of irritation or frustration or any meltdown will scare them away, no matter how big it gets. And they'll never think of you as childish for anything that you do or anything you get upset about.
Nancy's probably one of the easiest people to confide in about being on the spectrum, as a person who isn't perceivably on it herself. Even though she doesn't experience life in the same way you do, she's a fantastic listener and she treats your explanations and understanding your neurodivergency almost like a hobby in itself. When you mention some term or new behavior that you can't put a name to, she's off to the library to research anything and everything that has to do with autism and adhd–and soon she's the one coming to you not just with questions, but new information she picked up and surveys she wants to do to compare your personal experience to the studies she reads, to see if what's been published is accurate to the real-life experience. And you can damn well bet she's committing a bit of library graffiti in her chosen books if she comes across insensitive articles or tampered studies, or really anything that suggests that autism is some kind of disease or that it's a walking death sentence to any poor parent that finds their child is diagnosed with. She'll scratch out those horrid comments and outright false statements and write the corrections in the margins so long as she has the evidence, to the point that she pouts when she gets banned from borrowing any books for a month when she gets caught. "It was worth it," she insists, more concerned with getting the truth out there than being lectured by the crotchety old librarian–and you can bet she'll stand by her opinions even in public, even with strangers and ill-mannered people, because knowing you feel safe and wanted matters more to her than smiling and nodding along.
The only one that might be put off is Steve, but not in a bad way, and only at first. He's not as used to the way you and Eddie socialize, primarily because he's grown up and has gotten adjusted to the ways that neurotypical kids interact with each other. The way he carries himself and how he speaks to people is what he thinks is normal, so while he sees bluntness or awkward wording or seemingly oblivious social cues as abnormal, he doesn't think it's a bad thing at all. Clearly by the way he and Eddie exchanged conversation when they first met, he's more endeared by it than anything else, even though it takes him more time to understand it. He's used to picking between the lines of conversation to pick up cues and body language of whatever the other person isn't saying out loud, but luckily he's quick to realize that you don't necessarily speak the same way, and he just has to listen to you to know what you're trying to say. And once he learns about masking and sees you slowly become more comfortable with not doing it around him, he gets soooooo excited because he really feels like you're bonding, then, and that you trust him enough to stim or chatter on around him!
And with Eddie and Robin? They're so tuned in it's honestly hilarious. Eddie's constantly on the hunt for things he knows are part of your special interests–he finds little pieces of merch from bands or shows or movies you like, or things that are your favourite colour that he thinks you'll like. And he knows what your favourite animals are and what fabrics and textures you like, and pretty much anything and everything that has to do with your interests is noted down so he can use the information to his advantage. Robin's the same way, although you and her can talk for hours about the things you're passionate about, to the point that you both might forget to eat or sleep until exhaustion finally takes over, and you pass out in her bed or on the couch together.
Also, stimming? It's a normal thing in the household, and they will absolutely make sure that you feel like it's normal. Eddie tugs on his hair and plays with his watch, flaps his hands, claps, cracks his knuckles–and Robin has a few vocal stims like humming or making other little sounds through her teeth, aside from spinning her rings around and sometimes pacing around in circles with music or a movie on in the background. If you're restless and you move around a lot while they're cuddling with you, they get used to it quickly, and if you have days where you just absolutely do not want to be touched, they know that it's not personal and don't get offended if that goes on for awhile. It's the nice thing about having multiple partners, none of you really need to worry about feeling lonely or not having someone to confide in when someone isn't able to.
It's just a good time all around, really. They love you, you make them happy, and there's too much bad in this world for them to toss aside someone that really cares for them. Besides, how different are you from them, really? Each of them have things to deal with that frustrate them sometimes, or make them feel like they're a burden themselves. It's just a matter of accepting it, coping with it, and moving along, and letting the cycle repeat as many times as it needs to to let you enjoy life with the people you love.
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mob + shoka + a laundromat late at "night", for the ficlet prompts
[set uhhhh vaguely between episode 14 and baseball. as with all things just pretend they visit this car somewhere in there]
"hey," mob says, passing in front of the washing machine where she's perched with her phone. "are you gonna help?"
"i am helping," shoka says, without looking up. "i'm moral support."
the group has a list of garments they need to find, to exit the car. shoka isn't doing that shit. the cars with an arbitrary list of things you have to find are so boring, and everyone else seems way more goal-oriented than her. they'll get it done in no time.
"you know, i - i still have questions for you," mob says.
"and i told you," shoka says, "i'm not answering."
"i don't get you," mob says.
she smirks. "i'm an enigma, baby. if that's all you've got, you can go back to your little scavenger hunt."
"no, i mean - i don't get you. you follow us away from the apex, you bully your way into coming with us, but you don't want us to know anything about you." mob's come to a full stop in front of her now, twisting whatever shirt or skirt he has in his hands into something more resembling a rope. "you haven't even tried to talk to any of us on, like, a real level besides insulting us. so, uh, i guess my question is, what the fuck is that about?"
"wow, you're swearing now? getting a little edgy since your friend left?"
shoka looks up through her lashes, watching the expression on mob's face skew more and more frustrated. if he stays here long enough, he's going to want to talk about her being dead, how she died, all that crap she doesn't care to answer. she's seen mob psycho 100, so she knows how this works. he finds an in to empathize with her, to make her realize something about herself - and shoka's in the business of a lot of things, but self-introspection isn't one of them.
"i'm trying to have a real conversation," mob says. "if you're going to stick with us, i feel like we deserve-"
"oh, tell me more about what you deserve," shoka says. she puts her phone aside, finally, to look mob in the eye; his gaze slides away from hers, just like she suspected it would. "you know why i haven't tried to talk to you? because i know you, dummy. i've seen your show. hey, i heard you went 100% in the casino, actually. how'd that feel? you scare any of your new friends?"
"that's - none of your business," mob says. his hands are balled into tight fists around the fabric he's holding, his knuckles paper-white.
"you're the one who wanted to talk," shoka says. "is this enough talking for you?"
mob opens his mouth to answer, real annoyance flashing in his eyes for a half-second.
"how's that percentage doing?" shoka asks sweetly, before he can get another word out.
"fine," mob says through his teeth. it's hard to tell if it's an actual answer or if he's just talking to himself, because he turns on his heel and walks off quickly afterwards, joining audrey on the other side of the room.
shoka shrugs and goes back to her phone. better to teach the kid now what happens when you corner a cat.
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futureslaps · 1 year
The Captive - Chapter 20
Chapter 19. Chapter 21
20 Chapters! Never thought I’d see the day I write 20 chapters of anything! 
Anyway, there’s a lot happening in this chapter, hope y’all are prepared.
Enjoy! 💙
“Spider, wait! Please!”
Kiri called after the boy, watching helplessly as he ran out of the infirmary. She considered running after him, but she was in too much shock to do so. She just stood watching as he faded from view.
Once Spider was gone, a deafening silence filled the infirmary. Jake, Neytiri, Lo’ak and Kiri were all quiet. There seemed to be no noise at all, save for the occasional clicking of the machine managing Neteyam’s I.V.
Kiri felt a new feeling welling inside her. Her hands began to shake as she felt her entire body tense up. Her breathing grew faster, heavier. Slowly, she bared her teeth.
Breathe. Just breathe…
Kiri tried to take a deep breath, but her dad spoke first.
She let out a subtle growl.
“It’s okay…”
At the words, she exploded.
Everyone jumped when she spoke, turning to face her. They’d never heard Kiri this upset. Ever
“How dare you! How fucking dare you say it’s ‘okay’?”
Her breaths practically growls, Kiri turned to face her mother.
The rage in her voice threw even Neytiri off-balance.
“Haven’t you hurt Spider enough!? Can’t you tell he’s terrified of you?!”
Neytiri didn’t respond, but Kiri was far too enraged to judge how her mother was reacting. She was practically seeing red.
“He finally visits Neteyam, and you threaten him like that!?”
Kiri had no chance of stopping herself now.
“You almost killed him on the ship! Now you do this?! Why are you so monstrous?!”
“Kiri, stop!”
Jake tried to intervene, using a harsh tone, but it did nothing to phase Kiri at this point. It only engaged her further. She just turned to face her dad.
“And you dad! You just stood there doing nothing! Did you see Spider?! He looked like he was about to DIE OF FEAR! And you did nothing!”
Jake grimaced at the words, but Kiri continued.
“You never do anything! You never try to stop mom from treating Spider like garbage! You let mom almost kill him on the ship! And now you just stand there! Again!! You always just stand there and say ‘it’s okay’? HOW CAN IT BE OKAY?!”
Kiri paused, still shaking from rage. Everyone around her stood in stunned silence, which only made her angrier. She whipped her head between her parents.
“SAY SOMETHING!” Tears came to her eyes as she screamed, but both Jake and Neytiri remained silent.
Finally, she let out a roar of frustration, and stormed toward the entrance as well.
Jake tried to take her into his arms, but she pushed him away.
“Stop it!”
As Kiri yelled, she heard her mother approaching her. Blind with rage, she turned and, without thinking, swung her fist.
She hadn’t been aiming for anything in particular, but the blow connected with Neytiri’s stomach. It wasn’t too hard, but her mom still stumbled backwards.
“I hate you! I both of you!” Kiri hissed at her parents through the tears now forming in her eyes. With one final growl, she left the infirmary.
A small group of Metkayina had gathered outside, drawn by the yelling. She roughly pushed past them, ignoring their stares.
Grief and guilt started overtaking her rage as she walked through the village. The image of Spider looking up at her mom, unimaginable terror in his eyes, was burned into her mind.
Why were her parents like this? Why couldn’t they see Spider like she did? Why were they so eager to hurt him? Was there really nothing that could make them change?
Fresh tears came to her eyes as she walked.
Kiri had always believed in compassion, love, understanding. She had helped Spider with it. She had even managed to get Quaritch talking by empathizing with him. But she had just watched it all fail. Seeing her own parents refuse to show even a shred of care for Spider had crushed even her unmatched spirit.
All this time she’d been hoping she could repair Spider’s relationship with her family. The idea that he was rightto be afraid of them was heavy in her mind. Kiri hated thinking of her parents as cruel, but what she’d just seen seemed to confirm her worst nightmare.
Not knowing where else to go, she walked to Spider’s sleeping spot. Her spirit sank yet lower when she saw that it was empty, but she still climbed up and sat where they’d been the prior night. She was reminded of the last time she’d found it empty. When she’d seen Spider sneak off.
Kiri’s thoughts turned to the man imprisoned at the edge of the village. At least there was someone who cared for Spider. For now.
For the first time, Kiri questioned whether it would have been better if Spider hadn’t returned to them. She still found it difficult to trust Quaritch, but when they’d spoken about Spider, he’d seemed genuine. In a way her own dad never did talking about the boy. Her family didn’t deserve to have Spider with them, the way they were treating him.
Her own parents, caring less for Spider than the Demon…
She almost laughed at the sick irony. During her rant, she’d been tempted to drop that truth on her parents, regardless of her previous promises. But even in her blind rage, she had known it would only make things worse for Spider. Her parents already hated him enough as is…
She held her head in her hands, tears rolling down her cheeks.
As the time passed, Spider still didn’t return. Kiri debated in her head whether she should go out and try to find him. Just the thought of facing him after this made her stomach twist, the shame almost unbearable.
But the thought of Spider being alone after what just happened was even worse. She had promised she’d always be there for him, no matter what.
The least she could do was make sure he wasn’t cold.
She grabbed a blanket and climbed down from the tree. She had no idea where the boy could be, but she would spend all night trying to find him if she had to.
Spider panted as he ran through the dark. His lungs were screaming at him to stop, but he knew he couldn’t He desperately crawled under a vine as he heard her behind him.
The noise of his pursuer was nearly silent, but he knew she was right on his tail. A cracked branch, a rustling of leaves, every noise filled him with dread as he stumbled through the jungle.
He had been in this forest countless times, but it felt…different. The darkness was oppressive, the various plants around him seemed to bunch together, closing in as if the jungle itself was trying to swallow him whole. Every bit of vegetation seemed to cling to him as he forced his way through the thick brush.
Spider cried out as his foot was snared in some web-vine. He desperately tried to free himself, but only became more entangled in the long, sticky strands.
He was stuck.
A deeper panic began to fill him.
“Help me! Help! Please!” He called out desperately, around him. But he knew only one person could hear him.
He froze as he watched Neytiri emerge from the fauna, her eyes holding nothing but hatred as she stared him down.
Spider tried again to desperately struggle against the vines holding him, but it was no use.
Neytiri raised her knife.
“This is your end, demon.” She hissed.
“Please…” Spider whimpered in fear, but she only growled back.
The knife plunged downwards…
Spider screamed as he awoke, sweating despite the cool air.
For a moment, he clutched his chest, convinced he’d see a knife the length of his forearm impaling him. But he only saw his old scar. Spider looked around, his heart still racing from the nightmare.
He wasn’t in the jungle, he was on a beach, under a rock.
Spider finally started breathing again when he realized it had been a dream, but his heart still raced. He glanced at the darkness around him, almost sure he’d somehow see yellow eyes staring back.
Spider jumped when he heard a quiet splash. He couldn’t make out what had caused it through the dark. He looked down at his hands and realized was trembling again.
He couldn’t stay here.
Without thinking any longer, he got out of his makeshift sleeping spot and started walking back along the beach.
In the past, Spider had never been afraid of the dark. Night was just a natural part of life, and it could be as beautiful as the day. He’d taken walks in the dark several times to clear his head. But, in his current state, the darkness seemed to close in around him, just like it had in his nightmare.
When his destination came into view, he started moving a little faster, as if he was running from something. His heart continued to race.
He didn’t even bother checking on the guards this time. He didn’t even really care if he got caught later. He just had to be with Quaritch right now. He quickly found his usual entrance and crawled into the hut.
For a moment, he lay on the dirt floor, breathing heavily.
“Kid? That you again?”
The voice that emerged from the dark once filled Spider with dread. But now, it was a respite from that very feeling.
“Spider?” Quaritch’s face was exhausted. He’d clearly been woken up. “Didn’t think you’d come this late, kid.”
Spider didn’t answer yet. He took a moment to catch his breath as he knelt, his heart still racing.
He heard his dad sigh.
“Look, I know that I messed…”
Quaritch stopped talking as Spider finally stood up fully. The boy was still shaking.
“Jesus…” Quaritch’s face became far more pained.
Spider didn’t know how he looked, but he assumed it wasn’t good.
“What…what happened kid?”
“I…” Spider choked out as the confrontation at the infirmary, and his nightmare, replayed in his mind.
He didn’t know how to answer. The idea of recounting what had happened the past day twisted his stomach into a knot. Especially to a man who already hated the Sullys.
“Can I just…stay here? For a bit?” His voice was quiet, the pain and fear he was still feeling obvious.
Quaritch pursed his lips at the lack of explanation. There was a hint of anger in his face, but he nodded.
Spider sat down next to the bars, trembling as he held his knees to his chest. Quaritch put his arms around him and pulled him closer to the bars.
“You’re alright, kid.” He whispered as he lay Spider’s head against his chest. “You’re safe.”
Spider could feel his father’s heart racing as he slowly closed his eyes.
“Thanks, dad.” Spider whispered back, half-awake. His trembling finally started to subside.
He felt Quaritch’s heart slow slightly before sleep finally overcame him.
Quaritch is doing his best not to break out, go directly to Jake, and beat him up...
Hope you liked the chapter! It felt good to finally write Jake and Neytiri getting called out, even if it does cause more pain for everyone. I initially wanted to make Spider visiting Quaritch be in the next chapter, but I decided to split it between the two. I couldn’t write all this without throwing in a little bit of comfort 🥺
Thanks for reading!
Taglist: @yesthisismycurrenthyperfixation @onlyreadz @buzzing-honeybee @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed
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halliescomut · 8 months
My Personal Weatherman Ep 5
I thought maybe it would make sense for me to RB with my thoughts after watching with subtitles, to sort of address what I kind of read correctly, and where I was off a little. So we'll see if this makes sense.
(EDIT: But because of how Tumblr sort of functions, no one is scrolling down to see new information, so I deleted my RB. If you want to read my no subs comments they are here.)
I like this episode a lot. I'm excited to see Luta's perspective (read it here), because I was absolutely enamored with watching how Mizuki cares for Yoh, and they always have such wonderful insight into how care translates in a D/s dynamic.
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I see and empathize so much with how Yoh is feeling in this episode. Like...yes, he can be so blind as to not understand exactly why Segasaki wants to take care of him, but I also absolutely understand the desire to feel like an equal partner and be contributing. There's also that part of me that remembers being told by my mom and grandmother the importance of having your own money because it's asking for trouble to be solely reliant on a man. (This is because there are many men who can be trash, not that Segasaki is such a man, but it's a lesson that exists for a reason.) And it's arguably not healthy for a person's entire life to revolve around a single person, no matter how much you may care for them, that's just true.
Yoh needs to have things that belong to him, and Mizuki isn't disallowing that, but he's not quite connecting how important it is to Yoh. This episode he's kind of the one who's blind. I know his intention certain wasn't to demean Yoh's passions and art, but it seems like he doesn't take in-depth interest in Yoh's career, which has led Yoh to believe he finds the career frivolous. It's kind of an Arts major VS Hard Sciences major, type of thing. Yoh assumes that because Mizuki's career passions lie in a science-based field, that he doesn't take Yoh's career seriously. And again our communication failure is only exacerbating the pain here. It's frustrating, because they do communicate to an extent, but they're often not speaking the same language, and so they're still stuck in misunderstandings.
The bedroom conversation was so interesting. I was surprised last week in the preview to see Yoh so directly instigating romantic contact, and the reveal of the sort of circumstances is so relatable. And Mizuki is so observant here, recognizing that Yoh is 'hiding' from his feelings.
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I think it's interesting that they left it ambiguous as to whether they actually did have sex. Because watching yesterday I thought no, but then watching today, I'm more in a maybe camp. Because Mizuki I think has very specific feelings about being used. He's set up a situation where he knows that technically he is allowing Yoh to 'use him' for his temporal needs, but then moving that use into sexual/emotional needs arena, that's going to feel different on the soul.
Man-san is an absolute angel. She gives Yoh some guff for his mood, but she pivots immediately after recognizing the real source of his depression, and brings solutions. A queen!! She's just so refreshing in this show. I like the idea of them working together, I think that staying engaged in a creative outlet is good for Yoh, because I think there's potential for him just shutting away that part of his life.
With Segasaki, I'm genuinely surprised that he didn't put forward the idea of Yoh maybe pivoting to webcomics vs traditional publishing, which seems like an obvious potential solution, you know? Your publishers trash and doesn't know how to market your stuff? Then cut out the middleman and do it yourself. It's not even something that Yoh would have to be 'onscreen' for or anything, I can see where his shyness wouldn't necessarily be conducive to that.
That final conversation though, that was fascinating to watch. I called it in my no-subtitles watch that Yoh was lying, though I didn't know why or what about. And honestly I still don't really know why he bothered to lie. It doesn't feel like Segasaki would be the type to care about Yoh working with Man-san, especially now that he knows she's happily married. Like I don't think it would set off his jealousy. Perhaps he would be bothered by their relationship being the inspiration for a Yaoi manga, but I think that would depend more on how much of them is in it. And I think he would trust Yoh to be circumspect in what was shared, but it could also be that since he's feeling unsure in the overall stability and definition of their relationship currently, maybe that would bother him. Because what if the relationship that Yoh sees them in, and helps to depict them in, is different from what he's been feeling?
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I'm also not surprised that Yoh made the assumption that Mizuki saying 'I don't care if you about you losing your job' meant 'I don't care about your manga and your passion for it'. Like...the poor guy just makes so many assumptions about what really matters to Segasaki, and part of the issue maybe is that Segasaki is fairly carefree over a lot of things. IDK how to really explain, but I'm sure you're seeing what I mean. Bottomline is they're both idiots in love and they can't just say that to each other and clear up all the confusion because, you know...idiots.
As far as our ending, having had more time to think about it, I'm less and less bothered by the tracking keychain. We know very much that it comes out of a place of care with Segasaki. If he truly wanted to control Yoh, he would just prevent him from leaving, but he's willing to give him space as long as he knows he's safe. Both of them are so unsure of how much the other WANTS them there, that it's really screwing things up tbh, but neither wants to FORCE the other to stay. Which is, you know, pretty healthy and sane, we love that.
I'm quite bummed that we're not getting a new episode until September 28/29 (I'm getting mixed signals there), but two weeks any way. I want to see this resolved, but I also want to see more of Man-san and her husband. I'm interested because we do see Man-san giving really good advice to Yoh, and I'm wondering if we'll see some good advice to Mizuki as well. I'm also just interested to see if perhaps Mr. Man-san will provided any advice to either of our sad bois. He's presented as quite mellow and level-headed, so he might be the ideal person to give them solid simple advice.
I may have more thoughts later, but this is where I'll end this for now.
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gamesception · 10 months
Sception Reads Cass Cain #9
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Robin #73 story by Chuck Dixon, pencils by Steven Harris
Right up front, I'm not a big fan how Cass is depicted in this one. Like, it's not the complete train wreck that I felt it was on initial read, and I've gone back to tone down some of the excessive negativity in my initial write up. I still don't like how Harris draws Cass/Batgirl here, and I still think this issue is just a completely missed opportunity by Chuck Dixon to start building a relationship - working, family or otherwise - between Tim Drake and this new member of the Bat Clan. But it's not like, uniquely bad. Just frustrating.
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The basic set up here is that Tim's dad, who left with his family before No Mans Land, and who I don't think knows that Tim is Robin? Though I'm not sure of that? has realized that Tim has returned to Gotham somehow. Afraid for his son's safety, has made a big stink with the press.
The American news media, who were big supporters of the 'nobody enters nobody leaves' No Mans Land policy when the people trapped in Gotham were poors and minorities and criminals, are suddenly screaming about the inhumanity of the policy now that they have an upper class white father afraid for the safety of his upper class white child. Tim feels guilty about more public concern being expressed by the national media over just him than over literally every other human being trapped in Gotham put together, but Bruce sees an opportunity to leverage the media circus to move political landscape towards ending No Mans Land altogether.
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Meanwhile the government wants the story over as quickly as possible, so a one time exception is made to the NML policy for Tim and federal marshals meet with his dad to contact Tim and arrange a rescue by helicopter. I'm left wondering how there's still working cell reception almost a full year into No Man's Land - that's not just a Cinema Sins ding, the difficulty of getting communications and accurate reporting out of Gotham is a fundamental part of the set up, but whatever.
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There's not really any safe places to carry out a helicopter rescue, and Tim won't be able to fight off threats as Robin while being rescued as Tim Drake, so he'll need a chaperone. That's where our girl comes in, looking cool and spooky in the window.
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Once again we have Cass as the silent shadow / batman's enforcer, creepy and unknowable even to her allies. Cass is supposed to be like 16 in No Mans Land? And in her own stories she's very much a kid - giddy at the high of being a superhero, overconfident in her abilities, insecure in her place in the Bat Clan, desperate to please Batman. I don't object to Tim not knowing what to think of Cass to start, but It should not be difficult for a writer to find some level on which Tim can begin to relate to Cass, some way for them to begin to empathize with each other and move on from that starting point as strangers to start building a rapport between them.
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So the next day they head over to the agreed on site, and... what's going on with Cass's proportions here? Ok ok, there's clearly supposed to be some foreshortening going on in this panel, lets cut Harris some slack and move on...
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... no, no I'm sorry, there's no foreshortening here. Cass is 16. She's a kid. Who is that giant lady in the background?
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Like... this isn't great. Not great art happens, so I'm not going to harp on for an extended paragraph of pure complaints, and definitely didn't write and delete such a paragraph. It's not worth getting hung up over.
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A convenient breeze picks up to move Batgirl's cape for one pane. Because you gotta get that butt shot in there somehow, full length cape or no.
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So anyway Tim gets changed and the marshals show up in their helicopter, and as expected a nearby gang notices and attacks.
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Cass shows up to fight off the gang, and Tim stops the marshals from shooting while they might hit her. I mean, they said they were using rubber bullets, but are you really going to take their word for it.
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The helicopter lifts off from the park with Tim and Cass as more reinforcements for the gang arrive, but the Marshals say they're only authorized to take Tim out of Gotham. Not that Batgirl would have left anyway, but she drops back down into the city, and Tim gets to leave - and make rounds on the news talking about how the real heroes are the ones still in Gotham.
A fine enough wrap up to Tim's participation in No Mans Land, and it gets him out of Gotham so his book doesn't have to involve the darker Joker threatening babies / killing Gordon's wife note the crossover ends on.
As a Cass fan though, this is a super frustrating issue, because for all that Batgirl features in the story, it doesn't really feel like Cass is here at all. The giant lady in the Batgirl suit doesn't look like Cass, but it's not just the art, she's not there in the writing or either. This book was an opportunity to start building a connection between Cass, this all new member of the Bat Family, and Tim, one of the key existing members. There were pages enough that we could have had a nice quiet moment between them, maybe with her mask off so we could see her face, where they connect on some level, establish the beginnings of some sort of friendship or at least working relationship. Like, Cass could maybe use drawings or pantomime to ask if Tim were Bruce's son, or he could notice how hard she's working to impress Batman and feel some sympathy for how difficult that is. Something. Anything.
To the extent that what we all like most about the Bat Family is the found family aspect, we want to see these two starting to build some sort of sibling relationship. Instead there's just nothing at all. They don't even feel like acquaintances or co-workers here. And it's hard not to read that as an implicit statement from Dixon that as far as he's concerned Cass isn't a real member of the bat family at all.
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