#one day i will win over his heart and we can have sleep overs filled with cuddles and fireworks
ticklygiggles · 2 days
A hardworking kohai | Aiichirou Nitori, Yamazaki Sousuke & Matsuoka Rin
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A/N: Another one for always wonderful and amazing Max (@wertzunge) THANK YOU SO MUCH, MAAAX. It has been a HOT minute since I wrote something for Free! So nostalgic! ❤️ I hope you enjoy this one Max! ❤️❤️
Summary: Nitori lost a very important competition, but he'll learn that his senpai will always be there for him!
Words: 1k+
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Don't. Cry. Do not cry! 
Nitori pressed the heels of his hands against his eyes to stop the tears burning in the corners of his eyes. He couldn't stand himself at that moment. He was angry, sad, disappointed and with a lot of emotions that almost made him go crazy.  He had been beating himself since yesterday afternoon. He hadn't left his room, not even for dinner or breakfast… if only he had been a little faster, just a couple of seconds faster– he would have definitely won, but he had come in an embarrassing second place. Nitori trained so much, harder than anyone, spending his free time practicing over and over again, but what did it get him? Nothing. All that time, all that tiredness, fear and anxiety for nothing.
One hundred meters wasn't that big of a deal, so how was it possible that he had failed so horribly? He made a fool of himself in front of his senpais… They must really be disappointed in him. Nitori didn't have the face to look them in the eye, so he thought the best thing would be to miss some of his practices, what was the worst that could happen? Getting expelled? Either way, at that moment he didn't think he was that good at swimming anymore. He couldn't even win a stupid hundred meter race. 
“Stop crying!” He growled, wiping a couple of tears damping his eyelashes. “I'm such a fool.” 
“Ai?” Nitori raised his head when he heard two knocks on the door. “May I come in?”
“Isn't it your room too?” 
“... Sousuke…,” Rin said awkwardly before clearing his throat, speaking a little louder for Nitori to hear him. “Ai, we're coming in, okay?” 
Nitori choked on a gasp and he curled tighter on himself under the blanket. It was Rin-senpai and Yamazaki-senpai! Nitori didn't want to see them, he felt so ashamed. Rin was always there to support him and Sousuke helped him train, Nitori had failed them. He made them waste their time on him. He simply couldn't look at them. 
When he heard the door opening, he nearly held his breath, not daring to move a muscle, wanting to make them think he was sleeping.
I want to die. He whined deep inside him, but refused to move. 
“Ai, training is about to start, are you not coming?” 
Nitori really wanted to look like he was asleep, but he couldn't resist answering his senpai. “I… I don't think I can train right now, Rin-senpai… I don't feel too good.” His voice was muffled under the blanket and his toes curled, hoping they would leave. 
“Ai, you did very well,” Rin continued and more tears filled Nitori’s eyes, he didn't want to hear that from him. He'd rather hear Rin yelling at him and telling him he was useless. “It happens, you know? You sometimes win and sometimes don't.” 
“That's not very helpful, Rin.”
Sousuke sighed deeply and Ai felt his heart racing within his chest. “What Rin's trying to say, Nitori, is that no matter how hard we work, how hard we train and try, sometimes it's not enough-”
“That sounds even more terrible!” 
“Shut it and listen… but that doesn't mean that we're not good at what we're doing, it just means that you just gotta push yourself a little harder and then, you'll see all of that hard work will not be in vain. That's just how things are, don't you think?” 
Small bitter tears fell down Nitori's cheeks. He really wanted to win that competition. It's true that he still had a year left before leaving high school, but he already felt the weight of time on his shoulders. Would he one day be as amazing as Rin and Sousuke? Nitori doubted it and was terrified that he would never make it. He didn't have much time left to practice, when was all his effort going to be enough? 
“Ai?” Rin asked softly, his hand patting Nitori's back as his sobs seemed to echo throughout the school. “Sousuke gave you some amazing words there, didn't he?” Nitori nodded, but he wasn't sure they were able to tell he did so under the blanket. “Don't beat yourself like this. You haven't eaten anything and you didn't go to class today. You did so good, Nitori.” 
“You definitely were so much cooler than Rin back in time.” 
“Oi. I was pretty cool. Just like Ai.”
“C’mon, Nitori. We still need to train. You're about to break your own record, remember?” 
Nitori was starting to feel guilty and even more ashamed than before. Sousuke's words had really resonated in his heart and knowing that they didn't really hate him after all made him feel overwhelmed. Now, he definitely didn't want to stick his head out from under the blanket, so he curled on himself even more, his crying stopping. 
“Ai? Do you feel any better?” Nitori nodded a bit. He felt better somehow. “Then, would you come out from down there?” He shook his head, he was still too embarrassed to look at them. “Ai…”
The room fell silent and Nitori was sure they would both leave. After that conversation he felt a little calmer, but he still didn't feel completely good enough to face them and– 
“Eek!” Nitori squealed loudly, his whole leg jolting when he felt fingers wiggling against one of his socked feet. 
“Oh? Did you see that, Sousuke-kun~?” 
Nitori gasped, pressing his hands over his mouth. 
“You're insufferable," Sousuke said, but Nitori could hear a smile on his lips.
“What do you mean~?” 
Nitori had no time for anything at all; in seconds, strong, firm hands were closing around his ankles and light fingers started to wiggled up and down both his soles. Ai exploded in loud giggles, pulling at his trapped feet and curling his toes. 
“Thahat tihickles!” Nitori said, finally emerging from under the blanket to look at his mean senpais tickling his feet. Each one grabbing one of his feet, Sousuke scratching at the skin under Nitori's toes while Rin skittered his blunt nails against his arch. 
“Oh, look at him, Sousuke! He finally came out!” Rin said with a huge grin on his lips. “He just needed a little bit of encouragement!” 
Sousuke chucked, “it seems like so. It's good to see you again, Nitori. Are you ready to get out of here?” 
Nitori shook his head, the tickling barely left him room to think about something else that wasn't that electrifying sensation. He laughed, squirming from side to side and desperately pulling at his legs. 
“N-Nohoho, plehehease! S-Stohohop!” 
“Did you hear that, Rin?” Sousuke asked, making Nitori shriek when he found out that his little toe was exceptionally sensitive and he scratched intently at the stem. 
“Oh I did,” Rin answered with a nod, his fingers focusing on the ball of Nitori's foot, making him scrunch his sole. “Ai clearly said that he needs more tickles to get convinced that he did super well in his competition!” 
“Mhmm. That's exactly what he said.” 
Nitori squeezed his eyes shut, laughing and squirming in the limited space of the bed. They were trying to kill him, definitely!
“Y-Yahahamazakihi-sehenpahai, plehease! Not theHEre!" He begged, curling his toes as hard as he could, feeling like his calf was going to get a cramp. 
“Huh?! Sousuke is making you laugh more? Not possible!” Rin said and Nitori squeaked when he pulled his sock off, his toes spread, feeling the cold air on his heated skin. “I'm definitely better at this. I have a little sister.” 
Poor Gou-san! Nitori thought as he banged his fist against the bed once Rin’s fingernails skittered across his bare foot. He scratched at the pinkish skin, as if he wanted to find something underneath. Nitori would like to cry out that it hurt, but it didn't! It almost felt like Rin wasn't even touching his sole as he tickled him viciously. 
“RiHIhin-senpaHAHAI! N-No m-mohOHOre!” 
“Hehe, you see? I'm way better than-” 
“AHAHAHA! N-Not there! Not thehehere, plehehease!” 
Nitori nearly banged his head against the bed rail when his other sock had also disappeared and Sousuke’s blunt nails scratched that very tender spot on the side of his big toe, around the slightly protruding bone. 
“Were you saying, Rin-san?” Sousuke teased and Nitori trashed desperately, tears of laughter running down his cheeks.
With a soft growl, Rin pulled Nitori’s toes back to make the skin taut and his fingers wiggled right in the middle of his foot, making Nitori cackle hysterically. 
“N-NO MOHORE, plehease!” Nitori begged, pulling at his legs. “It's tohohoo tihihicklish!” 
“Okay, but who's better at it? Me or Sousuke?” Rin asked with a big grin on his lips and Nitori could only shake his head. 
“Quickly, Nitori. We need to know right now.”
Nitori couldn't speak! His laughter only increased in desperation the more they tickled him, panicking at the thought of them never stopping, somehow. To say who was the best at tickling him? They both tickled him terribly badly! 
Nitori didn't know if he was the one that could free himself or if they let him off the hook, but he pulled at his feet and he could finally hide them under the blanket. He sat up, breathing heavily and wiping his tears as he pointed at them. 
“Y-Yohou both, s-suhuck so bahad!” He gasped out, his cheeks adorably pink and wet and his lips stretching in a big, big smile.
He should have known what he was getting into by saying those words, but he didn't even have time to regret it before having his two senpais on him. Four hands sneaked under his shirt, a pair latched to his sides, squeezing at his flesh. The other pair clawed at his tummy, even dipping a finger into his navel. 
Nitori shrieked, laughing brightly as he tried to fight those hands off. His legs kicked wildly behind Rin and Sousuke. He couldn't remember the last time he was tickled like this– perhaps since he was a child. Those mean hands didn't leave even a small piece of skin untickled, the sensitive skin between his ribs and hips was squeezed, lightly caressed, poked and prodded by Sousuke until the tickling settled against that soft and hyper ticklish spot right underneath his ribcage. 
Meanwhile, Rin vibrated his fingers against Nitori's tummy, clawed at it, squeezed it and poked repeatedly until he found a horrible ticklish place against Nitori's lower tummy, right under his belly button and between his hips bones.
Nitori was in hysterics, crying and laughing and having the fun of his life. He didn't remember how fun being tickled was! It felt nice to just laugh freely like this, his brain couldn't focus on anything else beside the tickling, so there were no intrusive thoughts making him feel depressed and anxious… but he was getting a bit tired. 
“I'm s-sorry! I'm sohohorry! Ahahaha! Plehease!” 
The tickling stopped and Nitori barely had time to catch his breath before he was trapped between Rin and Sousuke, their strong arms wrapping around him in a right hug. Nitori flushed, becoming stiff.
“You did so well in that competition, Nitori,” Sousuke mumbled at his right.
“That's right. We're very proud of you, Ai!” Rin said, gently patting Nitori's back. 
Nitori's wet eyes filled with tears again and he just couldn't help but hug Rin and Sousuke back, sobbing a little. 
“Thank you both very much!" He said in tears. "I promise you that I will try harder and harder!!”
Rin and Sousuke laughed happily and Nitori squealed when they started tickling his sides again, forcing out giggles out of him as he tried to keep hugging them.
"You haven't said who's better at tickling, though! It's obviously me!"
"Nope. It is me."
It was really nice to know that his senpai appreciated him so much, Nitori would really continue to do his best so that they would always feel proud of him!
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0-0kappacino0-0 · 2 months
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Palia Fanart: Maji Market Trip Side Quest
So I've been playing Palia pretty religiously for a few weeks now and I've had this image in my head since I did the Zeki side quest. I think its so funny and cute to imagine my character and Kenyatta sneaking the children out in the middle of the night to wander about a low-key sketchy magic market for the fun of it 😂😂😂
Defo recommend Palia if you're looking for a fun cosy mmo!! 😌🤌✨️
(Also tried something new with my art so)
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tarjapearce · 7 months
Hello! Can we please have some more baby Rosie and Miguel fluff
Baby Cares with Miguel
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Rosie Michelle O'Hara.
His eyes reread over and over the birth certificate. His third child, another sunshine in his life. There were no longer dark days, as they were buried just like his solitude, fifteen years back.
Looking at his daughter invaded him with such a strange yet overwhelming reaction. A piece of him and you, melded together and shaped in the form he was seeing like a total idiot.
A soft smile that widened as his baby yawned, eyes that would turn only soft and loving to you and your children, being the only worthy of his unbridled and unconditional love.
He had to rub his face to try and get the sappiness out, but to his little to no surprise, it didn't work. Rosie had your eyes shape, but his color and lips. She had your skin tone, but had Miguel's bushy eyebrows. Rosie had Miguel's stubbornness, but she had your way of worming out into his heart, just like you had done all those years ago and your pretty smile that always managed to disarm him.
To his eyes, his little flower, his Rosita Fresita, was perfect.
Even if she was looking at him with curious eyes while warm water doused her little head. Rosie was on a bee shaped sink, tepid water soaking her, her tiny hand wrapped around Miguel's wrist as her head snuggled on his wide and gentle hand. Smiling at him every time he spoke to her while he brushed the sudsy substance all over her pretty head full of waves and curls.
Her hair was the only part of her that was still deciding which part of your genes would win.
Her tongue peeked upon water splashing gently on her face to then turn into a little pout.
"What's wrong, cielito lindo? Water is getting cold?"
A coo as he lathered a tissue under her neck.
"Don't worry, mi niña. We're almost done."
His voice was like a lullaby for Rosie. Her eyes drooped lazily. The smile was back on as he hummed a little tune, she loved hearing him. Even before born, her fussing whenever Miguel spoke to her turned a bit more intense. Sometimes she kicked a bit too hard whenever you saw off Miguel to work. A silent yet powerful 'Papa, stay.'
Rosie loved Miguel's chest, It was yours and Gabi's favorite place to sleep. Benjamin always preferred his abdomen or his back as a personal pillow.
His baby was wrapped comfortably in a towel, the ever pondering rusty brown eyes stared at him as if asking him, 'What's next, Papa?'
Miguel propped Rosie in her crib carefully, to then look into her little closet. Drawers full of either pink, red and white clothes. He pulled out a pale pink onesie, with little flowers imprinted around it, her diaper and some sweet scented baby cologne.
Miguel pat dried Rosie, marveled at his own part of the creation, admiring his daughter for the umpteenth time.
"I know, I know I said the other pink, but this one looks better. Trust your Papa."
Another smile, his heart melted. He was lucky today to receive such gift. He poured some lotion and rubbed her arms, legs, tummy and under her neck, leaving a gentle and sweet strawberry fragrance on her.
He then changed her into the onesie and buttoned the little things, even if his fingers took what it felt forever in buttoning one, the results always left him speechless. He finished dressing her up with a lovely rose bandana on her hair.
Then, he proceeded with making her bottle. He pulled out one of the bags, filled with enough breast milk to preheat it to the right temperature to feed her. You were too exhausted to be awake, it's been a couple of days since you returned from the hospital, understandably so, you needed a break.
After all, you had prepared to shut down for a couple of days, letting him to handle it. And so far his job as a father had been wonderful.
Rosie's cheeks trembled as soon as she latched on the bottle. Her hand seemed to have taken a like to his wrist, like if she was anchoring to him. Finally holding on her dear Papa.
Miguel was sitting on the rocking chair, still while Rosie ate. Snuggled in a fraction of his strong and gentle arms, sucking the life out of that bottle that had no match against your warm and homey breast. Her eyes looked up while she ate. Admiring him. Taking in every fraction of his face.
So this is Papa.
Surely she'd say.
He didn't know how, but the non verbal communication always seemed an easy thing for him, and excelled whenever it came to babies.
"I know, you want your mother Mija, but she's exhausted." A little grunt in protest, Miguel laughed softly, "It's only temporary, I swear. Let Mama catch a break, ok?"
Her rising grunts were placated by a kiss on her forehead. Eventually, Rosie fell asleep after Miguel patted her back with such tenderness he'd never (even to this day) felt possible to achieve.
Her little burps sent a proud shimmy in his heart.
And now, he put her back to the crib, draping a blanket over her deep sleeping daughter.
"Que descanses, Rosita." (Rest well, Rosita)
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echoesofcamelot · 7 months
Do you ever stop and think about the absolute merthur bliss that Merlin season 1 is?
Seriously. Consider:
First we have the gayest first meeting in history with lines like 'Do you know how to walk on your knees?' and 'I could take you apart with one blow - I could take you apart with less than that.’ We end the first episode with Gaius referring to Arthur as Merlin's destiny: 'Your destiny is calling. You'd better find out what HE wants.'
Then in the second episode a dragon calls Arthur Merlin's other half: 'A half cannot truly hate that which makes it whole.' Soulmates alert!
3rd episode and the dragon calls them two sides of the same coin. Also Arthur says he can’t imagine giving up his life for someone because he hasn't found the right person to love. Which makes the events of episode 4 even more significant.
4th episode and they both try to die for each other. More than once. Also they are so soulmates that Merlin can see what Arthur is doing while he lays unconscious and sends a light to guide him while MOANING HIS NAME.
5th episode and Arthur is jealous of Lancelot because Merlin seems so enamoured with him but then he develops a crush on Lancelot too and tells him he needs him???? Merlin casually asks Gwen who she'd choose between Arthur and Lancelot like he has that very same dilemma.
Episode 7. Arthur shows some interest in a girl for the first time but only because he is under a spell. Merlin literally kills his love interest and then dives into a lake to save Arthur from drowning and holds him like he is the most precious thing in the world.
Episode 8. Merlin ponders leaving a child to die because he might kill Arthur when he grows up. He says that the boy dying would be bad, but the alternative (Arthur dying) is UNTHINKABLE.
Episode 9. Uther fucking Pendragon gives Merlin his blessing. 'There is a bond between us.' 'I'm glad. Look after him.' (They were so insane for this actually)
Episode 10. Arthur follows Merlin to his village and sleeps on the floor with him and asks questions about his childhood in the quiet of the dark. Merlin overhears Morgana telling Gwen about how much Arthur cares about Merlin. Merlin's mum tells him how obvious it is that Arthur likes him and tells him she has seen how much they need each other. So yeah she basically gives Arthur her blessing too :,)
Episode 11. They try to die for each other again. They literally argue about who is going to die for whom. Arthur wins and a curse is lifted thanks to the love he has in his heart. His love for Merlin saves the day!!!!
Episode 13. Surprise! Merlin tries to give his life for Arthur once more. 'His life is worth a hundred of mine.' He cradles Arthur's head in his lap while Gaius gives him the magic cure and then smiles and laughs filled with relief when he finds out Arthur will live even though that means he will die in his place. When Arthur recovers he says he has this feeling that someone is always watching over him and Uther tells him that he must have a guardian angel. Yes you've heard right they call MERLIN ARTHUR'S GUARDIAN ANGEL.
First season has no subtext it has bold underlined text and I love it SO MUCH.
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slytherinshua · 3 months
genre. fluff. sickfic. warnings. reader is sick (sore throat/coughing). mention of food. pairing. seungkwan x fem!reader. wc. 1.4k. request. no. a/n. for @wheeboo who is sick and so i had to write her a sickfic smh (i love her sm pls feel better soon lovely)
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As soon as you heard the buzzing of your phone breaking through your attempt at sleep, panic filled your body. One glance at the caller ID confirmed everything, and you shut your eyes tightly, trying to muster up all your energy and a half-decent attempt to get your normal voice back before you answered.
Of course your boyfriend would be calling to check where you were. You were supposed to meet him 30 minutes ago. Not only had you forgotten all about the date you had planned days in advance, but you had also managed to get sick since the last time you had seen him (and forgot to tell him about it).
Seungkwan’s voice sounded cheery as soon as you picked up the call, “Hey, love! Is the traffic bad or something? I’m at the restaurant— people keep giving me looks cause they think I’m dining alone.”
A small smile crept onto your face as you imagined the scene, guessing that your boyfriend probably wore a pout on his face just by the tone of his voice.
“About that… I kind of forgot?” You started to explain, your voice coming out in a painful rasp even as you tried your best to clear your throat.
“Are you sick? You sound awful.” Seungkwan asked hurriedly, completely ignoring what you were trying to tell him. You tried to think of a good excuse to give him, but the silence in response to his question already gave Seungkwan his answer.
“You are sick, aren’t you! Why didn’t you tell me?” He scolded lightly. You could imagine vividly the way he usually pursed his lips in disapproval, and a sigh left your lips. You had really been looking forward to the date, now that you remembered that it had been scheduled. It had been weeks since you spent more than an hour or so with Seungkwan, and you missed him so badly.
“I’m sorry, Kwannie. Can we reschedule it? I still want to go with you.” You said softly, clearing your throat between sentences in failed attempts to stop the uncomfortable scratching every time you talked. 
A dinner date with your boyfriend at a seaside restaurant was exactly what you wished you could be doing right now. If only you hadn’t gotten sick at exactly the wrong time, you would be enjoying a fancy meal across from him right about now. You knew the night would have led to a walk along the shoreline under the moonlight— something that you never got tired of. And it would have been chilly enough for you to justify stealing Seungkwan’s jacket (you really just loved it because it smelled like him, and was so perfectly oversized on you).
“Of course. That’s not even a question.” He replied with a tsk, wondering why you would even have to ask that with such a regretful tone. The night certainly wasn’t ruined for him, even though he had been looking forward to the date as much as you had. “I’ll come over. We can still eat dinner together, okay?”
Your heart melted at his suggestion, though you were tentative to accept immediately. Logically, you should probably stay away from him just in case he got sick too; but you wanted nothing more than to curl up in his arms and sleep. You opened your mouth to start protesting, your mind finally winning over your heart, but then you remembered how stubborn your boyfriend was. Even if you forbid him from coming in your front door, he would probably scale the side of the house and sneak in through one of the windows just to get to you.
With a cough, and a small ‘okay’, you hung up the call and let your head hit the pillow again. You swiped over to your phone camera, frowning when you saw how you looked. Seungkwan would probably arrive still in his date outfit, looking as charming and handsome as he always did— and here you were looking like a complete mess under your blankets. From your tired eyes to your tangled hair to the patches of skin that were breaking out on your face due to the cold weather, you would look almost disgraceful next to your boyfriend.
You itched to get up and put on makeup before he arrived, but you knew he would notice right away and be absolutely appalled. You were too tired to put in the effort either way. It was silly for you to still care so much about how you looked even after dating Seungkwan for years, but you still wanted to look pretty for him. You forced your mind to give yourself a little grace about your appearance. It was absurd to expect to look your best while sick.
Seungkwan arrived sooner than you expected, announcing his presence at the door in a sing-song voice. You croaked out that you were in your bedroom as loudly as you could with how painful it was to talk and hoped that he was able to hear you. He knocked on your door a mere second later, opening it slowly. He had a goofy loving smile on his face and a plastic bag in one hand. You couldn’t help but mirror his smile as soon as you saw him.
“I got some soup on the way. It’s supposed to help with colds.” He explained eagerly, setting down the bag on your bedside table and taking out a large container of soup. He opened up the lid to let it start cooling before turning his attention back to you.
“My sweet girl. I only left you for 1 week and you still managed to get sick in that time.” He teased fondly, sitting on the edge of your bed where he could easily reach to tuck away the hair that fell over your forehead. You only frowned in response, trying to rest your voice as much as possible. It was easier to communicate non-verbally when your boyfriend could see all your facial expressions.
“Sit up a bit so I can feed you.” Seungkwan instructed with a smile, grabbing the container of soup and spooning out some to blow on.
“I can feed myself.” You whispered.
Seungkwan locked eyes with you, “I know, but let me feed you anyway. You never let me do anything for you.” You scoffed lightly at his response, although it made your chest buzz with warmth. It was clear that the opportunity to pamper and take care of you excited Seungkwan. Knowing your boyfriend, it didn’t surprise you.
The soup was soothing on your sore throat, and just the fact that Seungkwan was right there feeding you each spoonful gave you the energy to actually finish the bowl. He told you about his past week as he fed you, making sure that each bit of soup was sufficiently cooled before it reached your mouth. He gave you a proud smile once you had eaten the last bit of soup, despite how unimpressive the feat had been— certainly not one deserving of such praise.
“You look tired.” Seungkwan commented softly, setting aside the empty container of soup back on the table and adjusting your blanket to cover your entire body again. You hummed a little in response, already letting your eyes flutter closed. As soon as you felt the tiniest bit of motion, though, your hand flew out to clutch your boyfriend’s shirt tightly.
“Don’t leave.” You pleaded, earning light laughter from your boyfriend.
“I was only going to go wash out the container, but I guess that’ll have to wait.” He already knew exactly what you wanted just by your eyes. He wasn’t one to deny you anything when you were already feeling under the weather, so he shifted over to the other side of the bed where there was space for him to lie down and draped an arm around your body.
“If I get sick from this, you have to take care of me, too, okay?” 
“Okay.” You closed your eyes again, shifting closer to him half a centimetre at a time in an attempt to be discreet. Of course, he noticed right away and pulled you closer before you were even halfway done closing the distance.
“Sleep. Sleep is the best medicine.” He urged you quietly. It was already a million times easier to fall asleep next to him, but as soon as he started humming old lullabies, the task became almost effortless. You were curled up in his chest before too long; the sound of his singing making its way into your dreams.
↳ svt taglist: @kangtaehyunzzz,, @eternalgyu,, @ddeonudepressions,, @hannahsophie0103,, @minholing,, @shuabby1994,, @icyminghao,, @98-0603,, @weird-bookworm,, @candewlsy,, @wonwooz1,, @cyberpunksunwoo,, @haecien,, @amara-mars,, @okshu
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waitimcomingtoo · 1 month
just the way you are
Pairing: Peeta Mellark x Reader
Synopsis: Peeta finds you crying when you’re feeling insecure and comforts you
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“Hey. Effie wants us in the dining room to go over some of the…“ Peeta trailed off when he opened your bedroom door to find you crying as you read something on a piece of paper. You folded the paper and quickly faked a smile to appease him as you wiped the tears from your face.
“Oh. Hi, Peeta. Sorry, what were you saying?”
“Were you just crying?” Peeta asked as his big brown eyes filled with concern for you.
“No. I wasn’t.” You lied and wiped the rest of your face on the back of your hand.
“Yes you were. What’s wrong?” Peeta asked and sat beside you on your bed.
“Nothing. I wasn’t crying.” You insisted. “What did Effie say?”
“Forget about Effie. You’re not okay. How can I help?” Peeta asked and placed a hand on your knee. You stared at his hand and felt comforted by his presence but you didn’t want to admit what was weighing on you.
“I’m fine. Really.”
“You don’t have to lie. Not to me.” Peeta said in a soft voice and gave your knee and squeeze. The kindness in his voice was enough to move you back to tears so you looked up at the ceiling to keep them from falling.
“You wouldn’t get it.” You said quietly and shook your head.
“Maybe not.” He agreed. “But it might make you feel better to talk about it.”
You looked over at him to see if he genuinely cared or was just being nice. But the look in Peeta’s eyes told you he was fully present and ready to receive anything you had to say. You sucked in a sharp breath and smiled sadly.
“Cinna said that Snow asked if they could fix my body before the press tour for the Quarter Quell starts. And by asked, I think he means demands.”
“Fix your body?” Peeta frowned. “What does that mean?”
“I don’t know. Make it better. Trim a little here. Add a little here. I could show you the list he gave to Cinna of what he wants me to have done. I haven’t even heard of most of these procedures.” You said as you handed over the paper list of procedures Snow requested of you. Peeta’s eyes widened as he took the list from your hands and read them one by one.
“Snow wants to do all of this?” He asked. “To you?”
“Mm hm. And he said he could “not understate the urgency” in getting them done. Apparently the doctors in the Capitol can do it all in one day. On the bright side, Snow said I’d be so high on pain meds during the press tour that I won’t have to feel nervous about the Quarter Quell. So. I guess that’ll be nice.” You nodded and wiped your face again. Peeta looked up at you and quickly pulled his sleeves over his thumbs to dry your tears.
“I don’t get it. Why would Snow want you to do all of this before going into the games?”
“Because, Peter. He said I wasn’t desirable. And that makeup isn’t enough.” You repeated his words and felt the same dagger in your heart as the first time you heard them. Peeta let out an abrupt laugh and looked at you to see if you were serious. When he saw the lost look in your eyes, he felt an anger grow inside him over someone making you believe that you weren’t pretty.
“Well who cares what you look like before going into a death match?” He asked and tried to keep a calm tone.
“Sponsors do.” You insisted. “Sponsors will root for the most desirable tributes and send them things to help them in the arena. Snow said that no one wants an ugly girl to win. And that if I want people to feel bad for me, they also have to want to sleep with me. He said these procedures would help.”
“You don’t actually believe all of that, do you?” Peeta asked when he realized you agreed with Snow’s words.
“I don’t know, Peeta.” You sighed in exasperation. “I’m from District 12. Everyone knows that’s most unsought district. We have nothing to show for ourselves, myself included. The girls from the other districts literally glow from the inside out. You saw them on the television the other day. With their perfect shiny hair and perfect shiny teeth. And they all had these incredible bodies and dazzling faces and bubbly laughs. And then there was me. Who everyone could tell had never been in a dress that nice or worn heels higher than my hunting boots. Snow was right when he said they can put all the makeup in the world in my face but I still look the same. So maybe…maybe he’s right. I don’t know. Maybe I could benefit from a few of these procedures.”
Peeta was quiet for a long time after you spoke. You started to feel embarrassed thinking that he agreed with everything you had said but didn’t know how to break that to you gently. You finally heard him suck in a a breath as he was about to speak.
“For a smart girl, you just gave the most idiotic speech I have ever heard.”
“I knew you wouldn’t get it.” You rolled your eyes to the ceiling as you shook your head.
“No, what I don’t get is how such an intelligent girl can believe any of that utter bullshit for even a second.” Peeta said, sounding angry with you. Your eyes welled up with tears again at the sound of him raising his voice.
“You don’t understand.” You whimpered. “I just want to be a pretty girl.”
“Pretty? Thats ridiculous. I would never do you the disservice of calling you pretty. The sunset is pretty. The flowers that grow by the fence are pretty. But you, you are fucking bewitching. You really don’t know that by now?”
You blinked in surprised as you turned to look at Peeta. You’d never heard him swear before in his life with this conversation being the only exception.
“Why are you yelling at me?” You asked him. Peeta abruptly got off the bed with the list in his hand.
“Because I’m angry. How dare he make you feel like you need to change anything about yourself? Fuck this list. You’re not doing any of this.” Peeta shouted and tore the list in half before crumpling it up and throwing it all the wall.
“Peeta.” You said surprise. He calmed down at the sound of your voice and panted a few times. He rubbed his face in his hands before taking a seat beside you again. You sat in silence for a moment as neither of you knew where to take the conversation next.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to raise my voice. That just really upset me.” Peeta said quietly after a minute.
“I can see that.” You laughed softly. “Why do you care so much? Or, at all?”
“Because I hate hearing you compare yourself to those other girls. Or put yourself down. I meant what I said. I think you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. Your beauty stops me in my tracks when I see you. So it upsets me that someone so striking has been made to feel like she needs to fix herself.”
“You don’t have to say that.” You told with a timid smile over all his compliments.
“I used to agree with you. I never thought I had to tell you that. I assumed you knew. But now that we’re sitting here and I’m listening to you doubt yourself, I realize I should have told you everytime I thought that. Which was just about everytime I saw you.” Peeta said and put his hand back on your knee. You looked into his big brown eyes and smiled softly before putting your hand on top of his.
“Just about?”
“Sometimes you come back from the woods looking a little rough.” He replied, making you laugh.
“I’m only playing. Even covered in mud, you are a sight to behold.” He said with a cheeky smile. You smiled sheepishly and intertwined your hand with his.
“Well according to Snow, no one wants to behold me unless I’m skinnier. But at the same time, he wants me curvier and more “womanly.” I’m pretty sure half the procedures on that list contradict each other. But that’s only the half I’ve heard of.”
“It doesn’t matter because you’re not doing any of them. Not even one. Everyone I see in the Capitol has scary little skeletal noses and giant lips that look like they might explode at any moment. And the skin on their faces is stretched so far back that they can’t even blink. And when I look at them, all I can see is that they all look the exact same. They go to the same doctors and copy and paste the same face. But you, you have the kind of face they can only dream of those surgeries giving them. They could never obtain this level of beauty.”
“Peeta. You’re just saying that.” You insisted as you toyed with his fingers.
“I’m serious. All the stars aligned when your face was made. You have a perfectly unique set of features that I have personally grown to love very much over the years. I thought you were beautiful when we were kids and I think you’re beautiful now. So please, don’t change a thing.”
“But I could be better.” You insisted. “If I just fixed a few things. My body could be better. And my face could be prettier.”
“You can’t fix something that’s already perfect.” Peeta shrugged and wasn’t having any of what you were saying.
“I’m far from perfect.” You said with a slight roll of your eyes.
“I know. But that’s why I love about you. I like that your teeth aren’t perfect and that your nose curves the way that it does. And I like your, you know, body.” He kept his eyes down as he confessed this with a rosy blush covering his face.
“You do?” You asked skeptically.
“Yes. And believe me, I could list about 100 reasons off the top of my head about what I specifically like about your body but I won’t do that. Don’t want to make things awkward.” He replied, making you laugh once again.
“I mean, you can, if you want.” You joked. “I won’t stop you.”
“Well in that case, I would be left absolutely devastated and unable to get off my knees if you were to change a thing about yourself. Especially your body. I love every part of you. Every part. I love the way your eyelashes curl and the way your limbs bend when you’re stretching. I love the way you carry yourself when you walk and when I can see in your face that just remembered to sit up straight. I love the arch of your fingers and how they feel sliding into mine. I love all the dips and rises I feel when I run my hand along your side when you’re asleep. And I especially, more than anything, love your face. Every single feature makes me weak. You still get my heart racing the way it did the first time I saw you when were kids. When I look over at you and see you’re already looking at me, I lose my breath. Because I can never believe someone who looks like you is looking at me.”
“Peeta.” You said softly with a coy smile on your face.
“That’s another thing I love. Your voice. Thank you for the reminder. It could pull me out of any sleep or stupor. Sometimes I ask you things I already know just to hear you explain them to me. I could listen to you all day. And on the rare occasions you let me catch you singing, well, I’m not sure if the English language has made words yet for how that makes me feel.”
Peeta felt relieved when a content smile crossed your face following his proclamation. You’d never been described in such a way and the list fell far from your mind. All you could think about was the way he was looking at you. Peeta reaching out and put a hand on your cheek to which you leaned in to.
“What I’m trying to say is, it would be a crime to alter anything about the way you came together. I even sometimes miss the dirt on your face or under your nails when I see you all done up. Because, well, I like you just the way you are.”
“Thank you, Peeta. I really needed to hear that.” You said and pressed a kiss to the palm of his hand. Peeta’s face heated up at the touch and he gulped.
“I wish I could show you how I see you. You’d be just as enchanted as I am. And I always have been. You’re just used to your features because you see them all the time. And I mean, I see them all the time too. I guess I just never get used to you.”
You stared at him for a moment and felt yourself being pulled towards him like a magnet. You blinked a few times before slipping a hand behind his head and pulling him into a kiss. His eyelashes tickled you as his eyes fluttered shut and he found his hands making their way to your back to rub up and down. You tangled one hand in his blonde hair and kept the other on his cheek as you kissed him until you ran out of breath. When you pulled away, you were both a little dazed and embarrassed.
“Sorry. I don’t know why I just did that.” You laughed nervously and touched your fingers to your lips. Up until that moment, you’d only ever kissed for the cameras. But he had said all the right things and looked at you in the right way so you felt the only natural conclusion to the conversation was to kiss him.
“It’s okay. I don’t mind.” He replied with a shy smile. You let out another sheepish laugh and fixed his hair since you had messed it up.
“I, um, I like you the way you are too. You looked really handsome when we were on Caesar’s show but I like you best when you’re covered in flour with your hair all messy from giving it stressful tugs. And I like that your eyelashes are blonde but look like they’re made of gold in the sun. And I like how your hands are always chapped from how often you wash them.”
“You like that? Don’t they feel rough?” He asked and flexed his hand. You caught his hand and held it in yours as you stared into his eyes.
“That’s what I like about them. It makes me think of all the work you do to get them that rough.
“The work being frosting cakes?” He asked with a dry laugh.
“Hey. Don’t make fun.” You said warningly. “You make beautiful artwork on them. You should be proud.”
“Well, thank you.” He blushed. “I’m glad you like them. I’ll make one for you when we’re done with…all of this.”
“Good. I’m looking forward to it.” You smiled fondly as you stared into his brown eyes. Peeta smiled back before taking your hand back into his. He brought your hand to his lips and looked you in the eyes as he kissed the back of your hand.
“I really do think you’re beautiful. So I don’t want to hear any of that nonsense coming out of your mouth again, okay? You’re sensational. Don’t let anyone tell you different.”
“Thanks for talking me down. It made me feel better to see a glimpse of myself through your eyes. So you don’t have to worry about me changing anything. I wouldn’t do that to you.” You said teasingly.
“Good. I’m glad to hear that. And you know, you can talk to me whenever you want.” He assured you.
“I know.” You nodded. He gulped as his eyes dropped from your eyes to your lips for a moment.
“And you can kiss me anytime you want to, too.” He said in a quieter voice. A smiled tugged at your lips and you found yourself cupping his face to bring him into another slow kiss.
“I knew that too.”
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writingsbychlo · 1 year
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by moonlight | azriel
summary; you come home after a long few days away.
word count; 3804
notes; I got suddenly inspired by last nights cass fic. what can I say? I’ve been wanting to write for two weeks with no energy or time, I’m so happy to finally be able to.
As the night swept away from around you, you turned, finding that Rhys was already gone as you twisted. A simple drop off, that had been it, and the dark and stars were swallowing him once again. You couldn't blame him, it was the middle of the night, and he was practically falling asleep at his desk when you’d found him. You were almost falling asleep where you stood.
Light still filled the rooms, spilling out into the inky darkness between pale pillars, and you followed the muffled voices through to the dining room. As you entered, two heads snapped up from the table, matching smiles painting across their faces as they took you in. Cassian and Nesta were sitting at the table, a half-eaten board of cheese and crackers, two empty wine bottles and a third broken into, cards scattered around them. 
“You’re home early!” Nesta perked up, and you shrugged, dropping your bag down from your shoulder to sit at your feet as you wandered over. Leaning your hip on the table, the yawn threatening to break free from you was hardly contained. 
“I worked hard to get it done quicker, you know how I hate going away for too long.” You truly did, the worst part about your job was the days away on end on missions, too silent and too lonely on missions as you spent time away from your family. 
“That’s how I trained ya’.” Cassian winked, your brows raising at him as you reached out to pluck a cracker and a slice of cheese from the platter, nibbling on the end of it. 
“How you trained me?” You flicked a loose piece of cracker at him, and it bounced off his forehead, crumbling into pieces that rained down onto his lap as his mate snickered. 
“Alright, how we trained each other.” His amendment was good enough, you were too tired to argue anything else, and he beamed at the nod you gave. Nesta chuckled again, smirking as she laid down another card on the set-up before you both. Cassian took it in, eyes widening a fraction, and then he let out a filthy curse under his breath. Nesta kicked his shin under the table, but the prideful expression only grew at his frustration. 
Swallowing down the snack, you leaned over his shoulder, examining his card through sleep-blurred eyes and an exhaustion-muddled mind. You pointed to the King of Hearts, and he was quick to lay it down. After a half-second, Nesta was letting out an equally terrible curse and Cassian kicked her ankle this time. She kicked back. 
“How are you still beating us at this game when you can barely stand up?” Your friend was not happy, her brows pulling tight as she concentrated harder on the strategy game before herself. 
“Nesta’s just mad because now in one move, I’m winning!” She stuck her tongue out at you and Cassian. “There’s some tea in the kitchen, go get a mug and go to bed. You look exhausted.”
“Just what every girl wants to hear. Always the charmer, Cass.” Despite it all, you leaned down, pressing a kiss to the top of his head as one arm wrapped around your waist to squeeze you to his side in a hug, eyes never leaving the cards. You shifted, kicking your bag to the other side of the table and pressing a matching kiss to the top of Nesta’s head. She puckered her lips and blew a kiss back, equally focused. Scooping up your bag and throwing it over one sore shoulder, you tried not to groan. 
“Goodnight, you two.”
“Night!” They sang in unison as you walked away, headed to the kitchen as a pot of hot tea called your name. “Y’know, for that comment before, you’ll never have enough moves to win later tonight, now.”
You smirked at their conversation as it faded into the background. The kitchen smelled like brewed herbs that made the cloudy tiredness of your head only thicken, your eyes feeling so heavy you could fall asleep where you stood. Grabbing two mugs from the top shelf, you poured hot tea into both, inhaling the streams of swirling steam and feeling a little tension melt from your body. 
A shower, that's what you needed before you could sleep. You were stiff and sore and achy, and a hot shower would release all of that before you could get a good night’s sleep. Maybe the whole day’s sleep as well. You’d need it.
Making your way back through the corridors, every step closer and closer to your mate made your heart swell, feeling as though it was going to burst right out of your heart. Though you’d never put your walls up against him, you both knew that the bond had to stay quiet and cold and borderline dead when you were on missions, and one of your favourite parts of coming home was getting to feel it come back to life, feeling your chest spark back to life and the warmth of his love lighting you up.
Currently, the feeling inside of your chest was utter content relaxation, steady and soft and barely there. Not the usual influx of emotions, passionate and strong and heady like usual, the kind you got when he was tired, asleep, or drunk. Your suspicions were only confirmed as you used your elbow to open the door quietly, the door scraping across soft carpet to reveal the large bedroom you shared. 
Laying on the huge Illyrian-accommodating bed, spread out across the mattress was your lover, wings folded away behind his back as he sat nestled among the piles of pillows. Plump lips parted, he was taking steady breaths, hair messy and glasses askew across his face. He was most definitely asleep, his shadows were practically motionless and they spread out across the carpet to all corners of the room, fading back to the places the candlelight didn’t reach as he had no use for them. He didn’t even flinch when the door clicked shut. 
Putting down your bag, it was abandoned to simply be sorted tomorrow instead, and the two mugs were left on the countertop by the door. Kneeling down, your knees ached as you undid the laces on your boots, taking off your boots one-by-one and flexing your toes, wiggling them now that they were free. Placing them by the much larger pair sitting by the door, the image made you smile. You hang your jacket on the coat rack next to his, and padded near-silently across the room with one hot-ceramic mug in hand to get your robe. 
Azriel didn’t stir, not as you got undressed, or put on your robe, not even as you brushed the hair away from his forehead as you leaned over him. The curl fell back down over the rim of his glasses, and you chuckled at the untameable hair. Lifting them off of his face gently, he let out a particularly rough sigh, nose scrunching as you took the glasses away, folding them up and putting them on the bedside table, atop the book he was currently working his way through. 
No shirt, only a pair of black boxers as he’d obviously fallen asleep halfway through his evening plans. Golden skin mottled with pink scars and tattoos and the occasional hidden mole. He was like artwork, a pretty mess all for you. Bed-rumpled hair, pouty lips and candlelight flickering through the room and making every hard line and dip of his body seem emphasised. 
Gods, he was a work of art. 
He was your work of art. Your love, your mess, your man to take care of.
Next, you gathered up the papers scattered around him and his pens, clearing everything from the covers to the messy surface of his desk, and making a note to get him to tidy it up tomorrow before he got stressed. The curl was back, and you brushed it away, leaving a kiss on his forehead before it fell right back. He was so beautiful, but without those stress lines marring his pretty smile and his brows pulled tight together, he was ethereal. Taking a moment to appreciate it, you ran your finger along one cheekbone, and down the bridge of his nose.
“I love you.”
He huffed a little in his sleep, like his soul had heard yours. Pulling the covers up from the other side of the bed, your side, you cleared them away, before scooping your arms up underneath his body. With a grunt and a strain that ricocheted through your entire body, you rolled him over, all six-foot-five of Illyrian goodness until he was flopping onto his stomach, cheek pressed into the new pillow and he shuffled to pull it closer to his chest subconsciously. 
He was tense, you could tell from the still-tight tuck of his wings to his back, crumpled from how he’d fallen asleep, and the taut muscles along his body. With a hand settling along mole-speckled skin between his shoulder blades, you rubbed lightly in circles, pressure building as you lowered along his spine. Like magic, as they always did, his wings drooped dramatically, spreading out along the bed and filling the space, his entire body all but melting into the bed, a trick spot on his body that always released everything he was holding onto. 
Such a burst of love exploded within your chest that your throat felt tight and your eyes almost watered, and you rubbed at your chest, trying to contain the feeling within you lest it wake him up. It would be something he’d never let you live down if you woke him up being too in love with him. Your cheeks ached from the smile on your face, but you could live with that.
You were tempted to say screw it all, to crawl into bed beside him, tuck yourself under one of those wings, under one of his arms, to kiss at his jaw and cheeks until he woke up and tugged you close. You could feel the warmth of his body, the way his legs would tangle with your own and the bump of his heart against his chest that would match your own beat for beat. You trembled a little, arms wrapping around yourself as you took a deep breath. 
No. If you didn’t have a hot shower now, you’d be locked up and tense all week, and you hated that feeling. If you weren’t going to stretch it all out, you at least had to shower. Plus, you were pretty sure there was still mud in your hair and sweat coating your body. Taking your mug of tea with you after tucking the blankets up and around his body, you made your way to the bathroom. 
It was too bright, even with only one faelight lit, and you bit back a groan at the glare of pearly white tiles and marble countertops. Stripping off the robe and leaving it on the hook on the back of the half-closed door, you turned on the shower, leaving it to heat up as steam began pouring out. Another swig of tea, and you were untangling your hair from the right braids you wore to keep it contained and out of your face while you worked. 
The rest of the bathroom felt cold as steam swirled out, surrounding you in delicate twists the way shadows normally would, affectionate and sweet and loving. The warmth they offered was much like that of Azriel’s touch. The sooner you were showered and clean, the sooner you were curling up beside him in bed. 
That was the only motivation you had for stepping under the stream of water, eyes closing as you let the warmth pour over you, soaking you from head to toe and washing away the awful grime and dirt that felt like it had been building on your skin for years. It eased a sigh from you, your body finally slumping from the tight lines it held, your arms feeling heavy as they scrubbed at your hair, washed off your body, conditioned and cleaned until you felt brand-new once again. 
As your face tipped back up into the water, heat beating down onto you, arms snaked around your waist. You jumped a little, and Azriel, silent as always, plastered himself to your back as he climbed into the shower with you. Your hands fell to muscle-bound forearms which were sealed around your waist, squeezing lightly as he pressed a kiss to the side of your head. 
Turning in his tight hold, his crossed arms fell to sit in the small of your back instead, your cheek pressing to his chest, arms wrapping around him equally as tightly as water now poured down your back instead. You didn’t need to speak, to say anything, the calming feel of one calloused hand running up and down your back was more than enough. His own cheek came down to rest on the top of your head, chest inflating with a deep breath underneath you, brushing the top of your head as he exhaled. 
Shaking out his wings, water droplets bounced off of them, flying out and spattering across the tiles, the mirror, and the floor, before they were curling protectively around you, blocking out some of the harsh light you were squinting against. You stroked the bond within your chest appreciatively, and he nudged his nose against your temple in return. Never one for many words, but he always managed to make you feel like the centre of his world. 
You lingered a while longer, it could have been minutes or hours, you lost track of time while clinging to him, before he reached out to switch off the shower behind your body. Retracting one wing at a time, he pulled back, stepping out of the cubicle and running a fluffy towel over his body, before turning to face you. Reaching out, he cleaned down one leg at a time, drying you off as you balanced on his shoulders, before he was drying his way up. Fluffy cotton that made you dream of your bed, and he wrapped it around your shoulders, guiding you to the sink. 
He tugged his boxers back on, pulling wet strands of hair over your shoulders and squeezing them dry with the towel as you began to slowly apply skincare. He reached out, picking up your abandoned mug and sniffling at the contents, humming appreciatively and taking a swig. His eyes were closer to shut than open, much like your own, night hanging outside and tempting you both back into bed. Even the sky was dark tonight, clouds hanging overhead, as though even the stars were sleeping tonight. 
Tugging at the damp strands and separating them out, he combed through, and rubbed oils and products through your hair as he went, until they were smooth and clean and you had one less job to do. As soon as he had finished, he was leaning in, pressing a kiss to your neck, face burying into the crook as you leaned back into him. 
“Shall we go to bed now?”
“Mhm.” Muffled by a yawn you tried to cover, the words broke off into a sharp giggle as Azriel leaned down to scoop you up under your legs, one hand supporting your back as he carried you back to the bedroom. The lights went out automatically behind you, and only the golden glow of a candle almost burned out was left flickering to light you both up. He was smirking tiredly, and he nuzzled at your cheek, pressing a kiss there as he walked. 
You almost made it, your arms looped around his neck to play with the curls at the base of his neck, when he stumbled. Tripping over his own feet as his feet fluttered, the two of you tumbled down onto the bed, your body splaying out across it before he landed on top of you, only his wings bracing his fall, and your laughter was mixed together as you tangled in the sheets.
“So elegant, spymaster.” He only huffed at your teasing, dragging himself up weakly and resting his cheek against your chest, the weight of him pressing you into the bed, a weight you’d missed so terribly while you were away. 
“You’re home early.”
“What can I say, I missed you.” He smiled against your skin, pressing a kiss to the spot above your heart. 
“You should have told me, sent a message, or something. I’d have stayed up for you.”
“I didn’t want you to stay up, I want you to rest. Gods know you need it, sometimes.” If there was one single flaw Azriel had, it was that he tended to push himself to the limits whenever constantly, with no concern for his health. You’d known him to go days without real sleep before almost collapsing, and maybe he was working on it now, but that didn’t mean he didn’t still have rough patches. Your fingers dragged through his hair again. “I’m sorry I woke you, I tried to be quiet.”
“You were.” Another kiss to your collarbone, and he reached up until his face was resting within your neck. “I woke up because I felt you. I always know when you're near me, my love. I missed you, too.”
Your cheeks warmed, and it never ceased to amaze you how he could always make you feel like those first few months of your relationship, no matter how many years passed. “What were you working on?”
He jolted slightly, as though he’d fallen asleep again during that lull in the conversation, and he sniffled as he rose back to consciousness. Your hands moved from his hair, rubbing along his shoulders and his arms where they wrapped around you, a silent apology. “Hm?”
“I just asked what you were working on, that’s all.” Your whisper dropped even lower, your nails running lightly along his skin and he shuddered happily at the feeling, delicate scratches making goosebumps rise. A bloom of bliss unfurled in your chest, his hand coming up to rub over the exact spot, like he knew just where his feelings settled in your heart. 
“Oh.. just some of your mission reports, so you don’t have to do as much paperwork.” His shoulders moved in what you could only assume was a shrugging motion, diluted drowsily. “I did what I could, but you still have to do all the brief ‘n’ stuff.”
Your smile was beyond your control, hidden in his hair as you pressed your face into the top of his head, sighing happily at him. As you kissed his hair, he yawned. 
“Gods, I hate being away from you.” The words were carried on the happiest of tones, a kind of honey-sweet voice he only ever brought out in moments like these. Laced with tenderness and vulnerability and love, it was the kind of drug you’d become addicted to from the very first time. 
“I’m home now.”
Azriel hummed, nodding. “Now stay forever.”
“What about your missions, huh? When you go again?” Azriel’s head shook this time, or as best it could with his face in your neck, and one scarred hand came out to adjust your grip on him, guiding one hand back up to his hair not-so-subtly. You did as asked, fingers tangling in messy onyx locks, rubbing at his scalp once again. 
“No. No more missions. We’ll just live in this bed forever.”
“Yeah? What about food and drink?” These were the moods you loved with your mate, when the last of his walls came down, when the silly side of himself, the childish side he’d never been able to indulge in came out. Playful and loving and needy, it was your favourite part of his soul to have unlocked. 
“We have that half-drunk tea in the bathroom. We’ll survive.”
You could only smile, eyes rolling fondly, and silence took over once again. Dragging himself up, he lay down by your side instead now, legs tangling with yours, a wing settling across your body as his fingers found your hips, settling over the bare skin and sliding around to sit at the top of your ass. His large hands stretched out, covering your lower back too, tugging you closer until your chests were pressed together. 
You tilted your head enough to blow out the candle beside the bed, two of his fingers quickly turning your face back to him, and he leaned in, a soft kiss pressed to your lips. It was the final piece, slotting back to you as you came home, to him, to love, your lips working slowly together in a kiss that said it all. 
Welcome home.
I missed you. 
I love you.
A whole conversation without words as your hand sat on his cheek, as his wing settling over your body just the way you’d wanted it, and you snuggled into the feeling of him. He pulled back, and you chased closer, catching his lips once again, his sigh spanning across your skin as his face twisted. His tongue smoothed slowly over your lower lip, begging for access, pleading for more, and you let him. 
Slow, sweet, sensual. Every part of your body touched some part of him outside, as his very presence filled you from your heart, inside to out. He grunted, your hand smoothing down his chest, muscles tensing under your fingers, until you were both panting, pulling away for desperate drags of breath into your lungs. 
Your thumb swept over his lips, wiping away the kiss as he smiled, nudging back in until you were nose to nose. 
Silence filled the room as soon as darkness did, only his steady deep breaths and the occasional rustle of his wings when he twitched to break the all-encompassing quiet.
It was you who flinched this time, when he spoke; “D’you see Cass and Nesta on your way in?”
“I did.” You couldn't help it, leaning in to place another kiss on his lips, another, starving for his love as he chuckled, squeezing your hip in warning. You were both tired, you were both almost falling asleep, and if you kept it up, neither of you would see a wink before the sun was rising. The second squeeze was a promise, a promise as his hand smoothed up your waist, thumb running under your bare breast without going further, a promise that tomorrow night you’d get everything and more. “They were playing cards.”
Your throat was raspy and cracked, and it only helped that his was equally affected - deep and rumbly - and he replied. “They’re practising for game night next week.”
“We’re still gonna’ kick their asses.”
“‘Course we are, love. We’re unstoppable.”
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vodika-vibes · 4 months
Hi Vodika 🥰
I'm back with a second ask for your follower celebration!
Could I get a Wolffe x Fem!Reader with a narcissus and pansy bouquet? Where the reader ends up in the hospital and Wolffe confesses his love for her when he visits and realizes how much she means to him?
Please and thank you 💚😘💚
Accidents Happen
Summary: You've been crushing on Wolffe for, what seems like, forever. But you're convinced that he'll never feel the same. However, when you're injured at work, things change.
Pairing: Commander Wolffe x F!Reader
Word Count: 2020
Prompts: Narcissus - unrequited love, Pansy - you occupy my thoughts
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: You did say that Wolffe was on your brain! So I hope this story makes you happy! And here's your personal divider that I made for you. As a note This is Wolffe's message, and This is the reader's messaging.
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Early mornings are the worst, you think as your alarm goes off at 5 am.
You lay in bed for a moment, listening to your alarm scream at you from across the room, before you sigh and swing your legs out of the bed and push to your feet. 
Early mornings where you actually have to do work the whole day are even worse. You blearily cross the room and hit the button on top of your clock, before you flip the lightswitch, making it impossible for you to go back to sleep.
And then you cross back to your bed, and grab your comm from its charger.
Several messages from your friends from the night before. Several more from your boss from last night and early this morning. A handful of emails that need to be deleted or responded to in kind.
You sigh heavily, and open the app for your work. You quickly log in for the day, before you go back to your emails. You absently answer several work emails as you pad through the apartment into your kitchen.
You set your comm down on the counter, still scanning your emails, and you grab your electric kettle to fill it with water. You set it back on it’s stand and flick the power switch, before you grab your comm again and turn to leave the room.
You start to reply to an email when the dark blue bubble of your instant messenger pops up on the screen.
You up?
Your heart speeds up and your face heats when you see the simple words sent to you by Wolffe. Your crush on him is, frankly, embarrassing. 
Tragically. Morning Wolffe. What’s up?
Comet has been harassing me to remind you about the book. The one with the birds.
You stare at the screen blankly for a moment, You mean The Raven Emperor series?
How should I know? Probably.
You giggle, Wolffe, there aren’t any actual birds in that book.
I really don’t care, sarad.
Well, someone’s grumpy this morning.
You’d be grumpy too if your twin brother stole all of your caf.
What, the GAR doesn’t give you a caf supply.
The GAR wouldn’t give us armor if we didn’t need it to win the war.
You can hear him rolling his eyes across the text message, and it’s kind of impressive. 
Me and the boys are going to 79s this evening
I wish.
I have a building that I need to appraise, and it’s something like 200 apartment buildings. 
I’m going to be busy until midnight
Well, next time then.
You wait a moment for Wolffe to say something else, but he went offline soon after.
I want to go on a date with you. Your finger hovers over the send button, before you sigh and shake your head, deleting the message. 
Wolffe would never be interested in you. Not like that.
You just have to be happy with his friendship.
And here you thought ‘love unrequited’ was just something in the trashy romance novels you read in secret.
You allow yourself to wallow for a whole 30 seconds, and then you remember that you still have to shower and eat breakfast, and you toss your comm on your bed as you hurry into the fresher.
The chat with Wolffe means that you don’t have time for a proper breakfast, especially if you give yourself time enough to shower properly, but you think it was worth it. He’s Wolffe, after all.
Fifteen minutes later, you’re scrambling out of your fresher, pulling your wet hair into a messy knot at the back of your head, and you hurry back into the kitchen. 
In your rush you accidentally pour some hot water over your thumb as you fill your travel mug with the water, and you release a pained hiss. “I don’t have time for this,” You say to the empty apartment. You eye the blister critically, and decide that it’s not worth the hassle of treating it
Quickly, but carefully, you finish putting your breakfast together, and you hurry out the front door.
Your boss wants you at the complex by 6 am.
And luckily, you make it. By the skin of your teeth, maybe, but you’re still on time.
“You’re almost late,” the stern looking older man scolds.
“The keyword there being almost,” You counter, as you look up at the building, “This is the Meridian Complex?”
“You spent how much on this?”
“2.5 Million Credits,” He sounds proud about it.
“This is a death trap.” You point out, cringing as a fake shutter falls off a window three stories up.
“It just needs a little work.” Your boss says, and then he pauses, “You are up to date on your vaccines, right?”
“Ha. You’re hilarious.” You pull your datapad out of your car, and glance at the information on the screen, “You have the keys?”
“Yup, all of the door codes are set to 00000.”
“Noted.” You make a note on the datapad, “After you.”
Half an hour later, you realize that your conservative estimation of this taking until midnight was far, far too generous. This is going to take days.
You look around at the rotting floorboards, and at the graffiti and holes on the walls, and you sigh. At least the paycheck is going to be really nice.
“Hey! I think I found a half decent apartment!” Your boss calls from down the stairs, “Second floor, 209. We can use this as a staging room.”
“Coming!” You shake your head at the sheer mess, and half wonder if you could message Wolffe and ask for the Wolfpack to help. You laugh softly at the idea, the boys would be more than happy to help, you’re sure, but it’s not realistic.
You start up the stairs.
But, if he was willing to help, you could spend more time with Wolffe, which would be a win.
A weird noise makes you slow to a stop, and you pause, tilting your head to listen better.
“What are you doing?” Your boss asks from the top of the stairs.
“...I heard something-” You trail off as there’s a cracking noise under your feet.
Your boss’ face goes gray. “Hurry!”
You go to take one more step, when the cracking noise returns. And when you put your foot down on the stair…it keeps going.
You don’t even have time to scream as the staircase collapses under you.
The last thing you see as you topple backwards is your boss’ horrified face, and you hear a shout of your name.
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Wolffe is not having a super day.
On top of the fact that Fox stole all of the Caf and the fact that he’s been confined in his office doing paperwork all morning, the fact that the Wolfpack’s pretty sarad won’t be joining them at 79s tonight just shoved him into an awful mood.
Nights out are always better when she’s with them.
He glowers at the various documents that need his signatures. He should be grateful. He’s not Marshal Commander. He’s seen the amount of work that Cody, Fox, and Bly have on a daily basis.
He’s lucky that he is only a commander and he only has this much work to do.
…yeah, nope. That didn’t help.
He rests his head on his hand as he taps his stylus against the table. “When Alpha said that a command position was worth it, he was a filthy liar.” Wolffe announces to the room at large.
He should make Comet do this paperwork in exchange for the free time he’ll need to read that book series he’s going to borrow-
Wolffe’s thought process is cut off when his office door slides open and Comet bursts in, “Commander!”
“What is it?”
“Sarad is in the hospital.”
Wolffe’s heart drops into his stomach. He drops all of his work and grabs his helmet, “Which hospital?”
“Coruscant General. Sir, where-?”
“I’m going to go check on her, of course.” He pushes past Comet, “You’re in charge until I get back.”
“Yes, sir.” Comet pauses, “Let us know how she is?”
“I will,”
The trip to Coruscant General doesn’t take long, Wolffe is able to walk the distance. And, as luck has it, no one stops him when he enters the hospital properly.
“Can I help you sir?” The nurse at reception asks.
“I hope so,” Wolffe replies, before he offers her name, “I was told that she’s here.”
The woman nods, “Are you the husband?”
Wolffe pauses for half a second, “Yes, that's right.” He lies.
She nods again, “On the fifth floor, room 517.”
“Thank you.” He marches over to the lift, and presses the button for the fifth floor. Wolffe’s mind is whirling. How was she hurt? How badly? Does he need to set up a guard rotation for her?
Did someone attack her? Does he need to get the guard involved?
The lift comes to a stop and he steps out, and heads to the nurses station. He offers her name once more, and again, lies about being her husband, and he’s pointed in the right direction.
The door is shut, and Wolffe lightly knocks on the door. He doesn’t get a response, but he pushes the door open anyway.
“Sarad?” The lights are dimmed, but not so much that he’s not able to see her.
She looks…bad.
Covered in bruises and bandages. Various machines attached to her, monitoring her heart rate and blood pressure and giving her IV medication.
“Oh, cyare.” Wolffe walks over to her, and looks her over. Every inch of her is covered in angry looking bruises or cuts. “What happened?” Gently, very gently, he brushes a strand of hair out of her face.
A lot of the tension he hadn’t realized that he was carrying drains from his body now that he’s sure that she’s not dying or dead.
It’s kind of funny, in a way.
Sure, he’s always known that his sarad was important to him. He’s not been blind to the fact that she’s always on his mind and that he never isn’t thinking about her. But he didn’t know just how important until this very moment.
Wolffe’s fingers linger on her cheek, and he’s startled when he hears a soft moan from her. “Sarad?”
Hazy eyes peer up at him, confused, “‘lffe?”
“Yeah,” He smiles at her, “It’s me. How are you feeling?”
“You’re at Coruscant General, you were hurt, do you remember?”
Her fingers flex, and Wolffe takes her hand in his free hand, “Stairs,” She mumbles, some of the haze leaving her voice, “The stairs collapsed-”
“Unlucky,” Wolffe says quietly, as he sets his helmet on the side table and then sits in a seat, “How are you feeling?”
She’s quiet as she considers his question, “...fuzzy.” She finally says.
He chuckles, “I’m not surprised, by the look of it, you’re on some good pain medicine.”
“Why are you in the hospital? Are you hurt?” She asks, her brow furrowed as she tries to puzzle it out.
“Come on, Sarad. You know the hospital doesn’t treat clones.” Wolffe brushes his fingers across her lips, “I’m here for you, of course.” He pauses, “I also let everyone believe that I’m your husband. Sorry.”
She hums, “I don’t mind.”
“That I lied?”
“Being your wife.” She clarifies, “Sounds like fun. Let’s do that.”
Wolffe laughs, “I think we’re skipping a couple of steps, Sarad.”
She hums again, her eyes fluttering closed, “Don’ care. Love Wolffe.” She mumbles.
His breath catches in his throat for a moment. And then a wide grin crosses his face. “Are you still awake, cyare?”
“I love you.” He whispers into her ear, and then he presses a light kiss to her temple, “You’re not going to remember this when you sober up, and that’s okay. I’ll just tell you again and again, as many times as you need.”
She smiles at him, the drugs hitting her hard again, “Stay?”
“For as long as you want me, sarad. Promise.”
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madebyrolo · 2 months
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Holding me and holding back
Pt.2 Rafe Cameron x pouge reader
Read Pt.1 here
Summary: summer fling with Rafe. Your typical kook vs pouge war but what if instead of gold it was love?
Obx masterlist
─── ʚɞ ⋅ ᯓᡣ𐭩 ⋅ ୨୧ ───
You pulled into the Tanny Hill driveway, you parked leaving your sleeping bag and stuff in the car because you didn’t know where this night was gonna lead.
You planned on confronting Rafe, the whole tire thing was absolutely insane.
You starting walking up to the door as Rafe was already waiting for you. He opened the door and greeted you with a bear hug and kiss on your lips.
The mint taste feeling like home.
“Where’s your stuff?” He asks “aren’t you spending the night?” Rafe sounded concerned.
“Maybe, my bags in the car just in case.” You say rubing your thumb across his knuckles.
“Okay come on, I set up a movie in the screening room. Sarah’s gone she’s off with Topper, wheezy at a sleepover and my dad trusts us enough to leave us alone” he smiles leading you to the room.
You and Rafe lay on the gigantic bean bag. One had wrapped around you and the other using the remote.
“Okay we can watch scream, mean girls, don’t worry darling-”
“Don’t worry darling.” You say without even considering the other options
“Alright should’ve know, Harry styles is in the movie….” He sighs giving you a tight squeeze.
You guys are into the movie, Rafes eye are glued on the screen and you’re deep into your thoughts.
You and Rafe have being a “thing” since April.
Never in your life you would be in a situationship with the kook king, Rafe Cameron.
You're a pouge yourself, working as a bev cart girl at the golf course. The job is easy and the tips are ever better. Tipsy old men with a girl in the skirt is like the money-mouth emoji.
That were you met Rafe of course.
You were covering for your other employee, she was over 21 and she could actually handle the alcohol legally but some how the mangers didn't care that one day. You were doing your loops and happened to meet your best tippers, who usually have $20+ they were easy in a way, but not that day.
"Look it's our favorite doll!" The oldest one said.
"Good to see you too Mr.Adams!" you say with a fake smile plaster on your face.
"Honey, what did I say call me Paul!" Mr Adams said playfully.
"Okay Paul, what would you and these gentlemen like today?" You said getting out the cart and pulling open the coolers.
"Arnold Palmer, needs some of his luck if I wanna win this bet with Andrew" Mr Adams winked
"throw in a splash vodka too"
As you began pouring the vodka Mr Adams kept saying "a little more..."
"Might as well made it a longgg Island" you joked earning fits of chuckles from the tipsy men.
"I'll take a beer" Andrew aka Mr.Gage asked
"And I'll get your number sweet heart" the bald one said checking your ass out.
You pulled it down praying there was gonna be no breeze to help fill out his fansistes. You gave them their drinks about to turn around to enter your cart as the bald one grabbed your wrist.
“I didn’t get what I ask for.” He said leaning in with the smell of wiskey heavy on his breath.
“Sir let me go.” You said with your head down trying to fight your wrist back.
The other men were laughing, sipping their drinks watching their friend miserably hit on you.
“Darling I’m not gonna ask you again.” He said squeezing tighter.
You were about to risk them seeing your paintes to kick this bald bitch in the dick but right before you could lift your leg the man fell right in front of you with a grunt.
As you watch him go down you saw an another dude behind him, and that being Rafe Cameron.
He had a golf club, which you connected that he hit him with. You can see the mark of dirt and grass on the back of his shirt.
“You want another one?” Rafe said looking down at the man as he turned to face him.
But all he could hear with groans, the man bareley being able to get a word out.
“I’m not gonna ask you again.” He ordered.
And with that Rafe slammed the golf club right between his dick. Barely hitting it but enough to scare him.
He yelled as he rolled down the hill as his friend run away.
“I’ll make sure you never set foot in this club, or any club on this island again.” Rafe yelled at them.
You shook your head trying process what just happened, or what could’ve happened. Your legs shaking from the thoughts and your arm being red from the “man's” grip.
“Are you okay?” Rafe asked.
You heard stories of the boy, him being played as this big scary guy from Jayj and the fights you heard involving your friends and others.
“Um yeah I guess, thank you Rafe.” You said avoiding eye contact. You didn’t want him to see the tears building up in your eyes.
“Hey kid.” He said lifting up your chin to see the tears spilling down your cheek. “Here let me help you in, I’ll drive you back to the house, we’ll get your stuff and I’ll take you home.” Rafe offered as he guiding you to the passenger seat of the cart.
As he got in he started the cart slowly driving. Whiping the melted mascara, trying to get yourself together before you have to face your manager.
“You know their names right?” Rafe asked as he looked over at you.
“Uh yeah all of them except the one that grabbed me.” You said trying not to cry again.
“It’s alright I bet you $100 I’ll get it within the next 30 minutes.” He said with a small laugh trying to ease the tension.
“Thank you Rafe, if you didnt get there in time I would’ve had to kick him, giving them the view they wanted” you said with a breathy laugh wiping the rest of your tears.
“Would’ve been one hell of a kick girl!” He said placing his hand on top of yours.
In a way it felt comforting, scary cause you barely knew the kid but he wasn’t a complete stranger.
Soon you were in the passenger seat of his truck, and with a $100 bill in your pocket from the bet he made.
“Can’t believe you got them banned practically everywhere.” You said with a small laugh.
“Oh and they donated 100k to the club all together too. And here’s your tip” He smiled to himself handing over $520 in bills.
“Snagged them from their wallets” he said giving you a wink.
“I’m not even gonna ask,” you scoff in amazement counting the cash.
He’s driving along the beach to the side of the island he swore to never ever to be on. The sun was setting creating a warm ambiance with “3005” by childish Gambino playing from his playlist.
“Great music taste” you complement trying to change the topic.
“Mmm thanks, I take pride in it.” He hummed “you listen to childish gambino?”
“Um the one and only Troy Barnes ? Yes I do girl” you giggle.
“I love the community, it’s so good. I haven’t done my annual rewatch yet.” He said taking a quick glance at you before focusing on the road again.
“Omg me too. Although I can never get myself to finish season 6 because it’s just boring without Donald glover and the problematic old man.” You say looking out the window watching the sun set.
“You have to come over and watch it soon. We can have a little watch party” Rafe offers as he pulls into your neighborhood.
“Yeah I’ll like that.” You say locking eyes with eachother.
Soon he parks into your driveway. You began unbuckling before he speaks up.
“So you’re down to come over one day? Netflix and chill or what not.” He laughs with blush creeping up his cheeks.
“Yeah it’s a date” you say with blush now matching you both.
“Hey I wanna thank you again. I genuinely don’t know what I would’ve done without my knight in shiny golf club” you joked
“Don’t sweat it, besides I’m glad you’re okay y/n .” He said nudging your shoulder as you let go of the seat belt.
“So are you gonna give me your number or…” you joked.
“Oh yeah yeah my bad. Here type yours in” he said handing you his phone.
As you enter it you hand it back.
“What emoji you want by your name ?” he ask trying hard not to have you go.
“A princess would be nice ‘cause you were my prince today.” You give a dopey smile to him.
“Perfect.” He said entering it in before turning his phone off.
The car is filled with silence with his music barely being able to fill your ears.
He looks at your eyes before going down to your lips, you also doing the same.
Next thing you know they’re a warm touch on your lips. And your hands are tangled in Rafes hair.
You break the almost minute long kiss, you have to enter your house at some point.
“Thank you Rafe.” You said before your open the door.
“No thank you y/n. I’ll text you when I get home” he said as you shut the door.
He watched you enter your home before driving off home.
You run into your parents on the couch.
“What are you doing home, I thought you didn’t get off till 7?” Your mom ask
“They let me off early ” you say as your enter your room.
You lay in bed thinking about the eventful night.
Screw the bald man, you just made out with Rafe fucking Cameron.
— end of flashback—
Ever since that day you have been so grateful for Rafe. Even though you guys aren’t exclusive you both knew better not to touch another breathing thing.
He was a sweetheart, to you at least. He always payed for the food, little (big) gifts here and there, sleep overs ever weekend, driving you to world, picking you up from work, hanging out after work.
You two were inseparable.
It was fun behind doors, but the second you were with the rest of the pouges you were nothing more.
Him and his on going “war” with John b and jayj for no reason other then social class. He would call the others out with names and insults laced with venom but never said a thing to you. He couldn't even find the words.
One time he called jayj white trash and made fun of John b for having a dead dad, them literally millimeters away from a fight before you called him out for being obsessed with them, throwing in a gay joke.
He looked at you with soft eyes before throwing a small insult to throw the rest off.
“Okay princess, go make tips with your boobs.” he said leaving everyone confused for the “insult” he threw at you.
And with that he left without a fight.
“Okay so I get called a slut and you get called out for boobs?” kie said offended watching the boy walk away.
“I mean she does have nice boobs…” jayj whispered before Pope smacking the back of his head.
You giggled at the old memory,
But the feeling of guilt washes over you.
Rafe and his buddies always messing with the pouges, you’re bestfriend. The name calling with bruises and vandalism to prove it.
Where does your loyalty lie?
Rafe perks up with the sound of your giggles
“Okay are your giggling at her being crush by glass walls right now?” he asks
“No no it's something else.” you say looking off to the side.
“Actually pause the movie, I wanna talk about something” you say as he grabs the remote.
“Uh okay, so what's up.” he ask with thoughtful eyes.
“So I know we've been sneaking around for a while now-”
“Well I wouldn't call it sneaking around, you've met my parents and vise versa” he said with a nervous laugh
“Yeah i guess but our friends Rafe. If mine find out about us I don't know what they would do”
“Why do you care what they think?” he ask
“Cause you just ruined Kies car…”
“Well she deserved it”
“What did she even do?? We were just having pizza for crying out loud.”
“Oh didnt know jj was pizza…” Rafe mumbled under his breath.
“Oh so this is about jj.”
“I’m just saying if he wasn’t all up on your the night wouldn’t have ended like this!”
“First of all, nothing happend, second of all if it was jjs fault why did you destroy Kiara’s car!”
“Like she couldn’t get it fix, she a kook too you know!”
“You slashed her ties Rafe! Money or not that’s still a despicable thing to do?? She’s completely innocent and she’s never did a thing to you yet your terrorize her? How would she ever react if I tell her? ‘Oh you're fucking y/n? Okay that's fine u forgive you for the slut shaming and destroying my car yay!!’ is that what you think she'll do?” you argue.
“Well if they're the real friend you claim they are they wouldn't care! They'll be happy ur happy!!” he said back
“And Jj? The bruises he has on his back won't disappear the moment you come out hand in hand with me.” you say
“Why who you care what jj would think huh? I see you guys all up on eachother especially after today. What do you think that makes me feel? Seeing you all touchy touchy right in front of my eyes knowing I can’t do a thing about it!” He
“He wiped fucking sauce of my face Rafe.” You say
“I see the way he looks at you! He’s totally into you he’s like a 12 year old, practically drooling over you! Every time I come around you guys he steps in front of you, guarding you from me always with some time of body part on you. Every time I look back after I leave he’s giving you hugs or some bull shit.”
“Is this really about jj Rafe? He’s my bestfriend, brother even! We grew up together and hes seen and been physical with you of course he’s gonna get protective!” you say ruffling your hair
“Rafe are you jealous of him?”
“What? No, no he’s a pouge, he has nothing against me. I-I can practically buy him if I wanted too.” He said
“Screw them you're happy with me alright?” he said trying to change the subject.
“Rafe we aren't even-” you didn't even know what to say. Together? He sure acts like you can't sit by a guy especially at a party.
“What y/n? Official? Dating? Cause these past 3 months have been nothing but perfect for me!” Rafe said trying to make you feel bad.
“Thats the thing Rafe! I wake up in your bed then end the night talking shit with the pouges! Thats not normal, healthy! It's far from perfect can't you see that?” tears began to well up in both of your eyes. “You can't even call me your girlfriend.”
“We can never have a sweet date that doesn’t involve me ducking under a table or you hiding in the bathroom Rafe. We always have to have a small dinner or another movie marathon at Tammy hill, I just want at least a peaceful day at the park or the board walk.” you cry.
“Belive me y/n i want too, do you know how many girls never make it to tannyhill? Only the back seat or a trashy motel room.” he said
“Oh thanks for that image-” you say as your getting up from the bean bag
“Y/n stops that's not what I'm trying to say.” He huffs trying to collect his tears, grabbing your hands into his.
“The moment I first saw you, you were surfing with jj. It pissed me off that you were with him out of all people. but then my eyes landed back on you and all that anger went away. I wish I could explain it, how I feel. You're the only person I find tolerable in this world. When we first officially met on the golf course, the circumstances obviously could've been better” he said with a small laugh
“But you and me sitting in my truck, driving you home felt so, normal. Like it was meant to be. It felt like I've done it a million times even though I was so nervous. If you get what I'm trying to say y/n is that I like you. I want you in my life, as a friend, girlfriend or even the Bev cart girl. But I really hope you take the girlfriend title”
“Y/n these 3 months have meant everything to me and I hope for many more. Y/n will you be my girlfriend?
“But the pouges-”
“Screw them, this is about you and me princess” he said looking for something in your eyes.
And it was lust.
You smash your lips onto his, hands tangled into each other hair.
Rafe pulls you onto his lap letting his hands roam all over your body, slowly trying to get your shirt off.
As you began shifting on his lap to tease the poor kook, he starts sliding his hands underneath your shit cupping your breast.
“Let’s take this upstairs yeah?” Rafe offers in between kisses.
“Aren’t your parents up there.” You mumble with your lips still on his.
“Guess we just have to be quiet huh princess?” He says cupping your face, soon getting up.
As you guys walk out the screening room he picks you up bridal style causing fit of giggles.
Finally in his room he puts you on his bed towering over you once again starting a make out sesh.
Rafe and you were on the beach, walking along the sunset after you first date.
You guys went to an arcade in on the mainland so none one can spot you guys.
The date was fun, you never knew this side of Rafe or Rafe in general. The Rafe who let you win in air hockey, who helped you make baskets in basketball, the Rafe would spent all of his tickets on a stuff animal for you.
Everything the pouges describing him to be was far from this Rafe.
Did they have the right to say all those nasty things about him? Yes 100% but you never had it happen to you. The worst thing he’s ever done to you before this whole relationship happened was dirty looks, he never once said or did anything bad to you.
In a way you felt terrible, you were betraying your bestfriends. Yes you felt guilty, but boy were you in love. You hate to admit it, being in love let alone being in love with Rafe Cameron.
One kiss and you instantly metled.
The first being shared in the beach, where you and Rafe went after the ferry ride back.
It was a beautiful May sunset, the weather was finally warm enough for shorts on the beach. Obx winters felt way longer than anywhere els.
You were walking hand in hand with the stuffy you got. Rafe was sharing small stories of from his childhood.
“And so when Rose came out the bathroom she had hot pink hair and very orange skin! She looked like one of those troll dolls from the 90s.” He said laughing.
You guys then sat in a rock, in the between the long grass and daisys sprouted around.
“I remember this one time I manage to actually pull of a prank on jj” you laughs to yourself recalling the memories, Rafe tensing at the boys name but you never noticed.
“I blew up a shit ton of ballon’s and cut open a mattress and replace the insides with ballon’s and I also did it too his pillow. So I know jj jumps onto the bed everytime so the night when he went to sleep I was in the living room and we all heard the big pops and a uncanny high pitched scream from jj.” You say completely losing it.
“Oh so you’re one tough cookie huh?” He said playfuly while you trying to collecting yourself.
“Honestly I didn’t think it would work” you say looking at him.
You guys sat on the rock, waves crashing and the sunset creating the perfect warm atmosphere.
Rafe look down to your lips, you looking at his. His eyes looked into yours asking for permission without saying a word, you nodded and he started to move in closer.
You connected your lips with his.
The kiss sent electric waves downs your spine. Nothing els really matter, everything that once clouded your mind just melted away as you melted into him.
The taste of mint and lemonade.
The kiss was semi short, you both didn’t wanna part but the look in yours eyes made it seem worth it. Rafe swore he could’ve seen stars in yours eyes.
That was the first kiss of many.
Who knew mint could be such a sweet flavor.
— end of flashback—
You’re clothes are fully off, Rafes on top sliding two fingers in and out of you
“Taking my fingers so good Baby” he teased.
His favorite thing has to be fingering because he can’t get over how pathetic it is that you are clenching over practically nothing.
“More Rafe” you can barely get out. now with 4 fingers in.
Rafes pumping back and forth, lips on your breast sending chills down your spine.
As you get tighter and tighter Rafe takes note that you’re about to finish so he picks up his face and tugging on your nips to get you there quicker.
You let out whimpers trying to hold in your moans.
“Such a good girl.”
As you finally reach the first orgasam for the night you quickly grab Rafes free hand covering your mouth muffling the moan.
“Fuck Rafe” you say as he flips you guys over with you now on top.
You send trails of kissing down his body, grabbing his hard dick sliding your fingers over the tip.
“I’ll never get over how pretty you look like this” you say as you staring going up and down his dick looking him in the eye.
“You should see my angle babe” he soft chuckles, buckling his hips.
“Needy” you say putting the lip in your mouth.
You’re head going up and down, trying to take his length in one hole. Reaching the tip you swirling your tounge on it looking up up Rafe that has a smirk on it watching you.
Your hands cupping his balls as Rafe throws his head back.
“Mhmmm fuck y/n” Rafe placing a hand on top of your head slowing pushing down.
“I wanna hear you.” He said as your start gagging.
Deep and deeper you get him both turning you on even more.
You press your legs together as his breathing starts getting more intense.
Before Rafe can finish he pulls you off, yanking you on him before putting it in.
“Remember not too lound princess.” He starts lowering you into his cock. The tip so red its pulsing.
You start to slide down his dick, your body feeling like it’s the first time again.
The way he stretches you out making your brain go numb.
“Oh fuck-” you say as your barely on it.
“Come on princess you can take it, you’ve done it before” he said as he guides your hips.
You moan as you completely take him in. Your hips connect to his, you take a minute to let your body adjust.
Soon your start moving up and down
The feeling of your tight pussy making Rafes mind go haywire.
The slow pace wasn’t enough so Rafe starts bucking his hips into you trying to make you go faster and taking note you did.
Rafe watched as your tits bounced, his hand reaching for your nipples as he begins to twist them.
Your moans being made into whimpers
The feeling of Rafe pelvis hitting your clit makes you go faster, the way his tips perfectly hitting your g spot.
But his length makes is tiring.
“Rafe help.” You pled.
Rafe lifs you up by your waist as he begins pounding you himself.
“Love it when I fuck you huh baby?” He says as he pounds you.
You’re knees began to weak as the familiar sensation that overtakes your body.
The way Rafe easily slides in and out, him being inside you feeling so normal. Like his dick was meant for you. Always surprised how it’s able to fit.
As you grab one of his pillows to drown out the moan messing he’s leaving you in, the tighter you get the more fast he is.
“Rafe..” you gulp as your legs shake.
“I know baby, cum with him.” He grunts.
You free a hand and begging rubbing your clit in fast circular motions, throwing the pillow to the side.
You bit on your lips to hold in the moans so hard that you wouldn’t be surprised if they were gonna be bruised later.
Soon enough you reach your climax, legs shaking and giving up on as aquejen on Rafe as he shoots his load in you.
Both in sweaty and hot you fall into him.
Nothing if your body’s conlasping on the king size matress bento you.
You roll off of him trying to catch your breath, with him doing the same with grunts in the middle.
You look at him admiring the high he gave you before he also turns to look at you.
You let out a little giggle before he pulls you in laying together.
“Are you still jealous of jj now?.”
“Oh shut it.”
-time skip-
You wake up in the king size bed if Rafe, the sheets smelling like him.
As you turn to reach for the boy you're met with nothing.
You began to grab your phone, as you reach for it there's a note
Ran out for breakfast princess, your clothes are in the dresser.
You turn to look around a spot a brand new dresser you've never seen before. How the hell did you miss that.
Hope you like it, it has a built in jewelry storage :)
Damn you Rafe. Time like these you wished your friends saw.
You get up and throw a shirt on that you found on the floor.
You open up the drawers you see he organizated it himself. On the top is your undergarments, then tops, bottoms and PJs (the clothes you took from him)
You grab a pair of clothes which included a new Victoria secret set and head to take a shower.
As you stand under the waterfall showerhead, you can't help but what your friends are doing right now.
You grab the Redken shampoo Rafe bought and lather your hair. The only way you could afford it is if you bought it at tj maxx.
Soon you're out, you change and as you began brushing your teeth you get a text.
Rafe 🕶️: Hey just ran into Jj
Rafe 🕶️ : I think we should wait a little longer to break the news
You sigh.
You: Rafe what did you do.
Rafe 🕶️: lets just say he needs to think before he makes a comment on my girl.
─── ʚɞ ⋅ ᯓᡣ𐭩 ⋅ ୨୧ ──
I literally hate writing smut 👎
Sorry for the long awaited pt2
Please ignore any typos 💁
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spicyicetea · 1 year
My dearest soulmate
So some people wanted a Ganondorf version of my Calamity!reader so I'm finally writing it, enjoy.
An old proverb. Oral legend passed down through the Gerudo families for centuries. Their king, who is only born every century, and his fated love. Many reject this as the truth. Their desire for the king to be free to conquer Hyrule is so strong that they hide the legend. One slip up is all it took for all that work to come undone.
"What did you say?" The King's voice boomed, demanding and harsh.
The servant quivered in fear as her friend stepped forward to explain.
"We were just speaking about an old story we heard from our mothers as children my king. Our apologies for angering you."
"What story? The beginning was similar to an old legend I have read about, this may be the end of what I desire to learn!" He grins, staring down at them.
The shortest woman gulped and began to recite the story as she remembered it,
"Once every 100 years, a king will be born into the Gerudo royal family. He shall bring forth an era of change and power to the Gerudo people. This legendary king will fall victim to a knight chosen by the Sword that seals the darkness. A cycle of pain that can only be broken through union of the king and the Lady of Calamity."
"Lady of Calamity? I haven't yet heard this part of my legend." "Yes... this has been ignored as the Gerudo people of the past could never find her and assumed she didn't exist."
"Well, if she is what I require to win, than we shall find her. Prepare the army, we do not sleep until that woman is found!" The King yelled, walking off to arm himself.
It was a normal day for the young elven woman. The dark bubbling malice followed her feet padding along the grass through the forest. Her home. She had no choice but to hide from the village people she once regarded as family who exiled her once her powers had emerged. An ancient legend caused her to be thrown to the wolves by her former friends, although it did mean she would avoid execution. Words uttered by Hylians of old had doomed her to a life of solitary suffering unless she succumbed to the fate the world had set for her. But, she would never. Why in the world would she throw herself into the arms of pure and utter evil. Ganondorf. Her soulmate.
Although she had never met him, obviously, the tales of the crimes he had committed against her kind made her fear the man. She herself knew she was far from weak, the malice that follows her beck and call protects her well enough. Yet, she was apparently, his win condition for his atrocities. Just because her people betrayed her, doesn't mean she will betray them.
A dense unsettling air settled over the forest. Y/N felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up as she glanced around the trees cautiously. An arrow whizzed by her face and she jumped back, falling down as a heavy foot was brought down on her chest.
"Stay down Hylian!" The Gerudo woman commanded. "We look for the Lady of Calamity, have you heard that name? Many say she's as tall as us Gerudo and as strong as a Lynel."
Y/N felt her breath catch in her throat. Perhaps she could hide who she was by lying and going along with the rumors they had heard. Yes, that's a great way to escape!
"Ah, yes! She resides in a nearby village. She protects them from monster attacks." She said hurried in a soft voice.
The Gerudo woman nodded and removed her foot from Y/N's chest. She sat up and held the aching ribs, the pain soon dissipating from fear. An intense wave of nausea overcame her as a strange smell filled her nose. The hot desert sand, Warm Saffina oil and a faint dizzying musk. Her vision shook as she lent down, wiping sweat from her brow.
On the other side of the thick treeline the Gerudo King was having a similar struggle. His head became clouded with the strange pounding of his heart, echoing through his body. The fresh scent of the forest was pierced by a sinful sweet smell. Every step he took, following the scent made him feel as if he was going to collapse. His warriors followed him as he made his way past the trees, staring directly at the meek woman on the floor.
"Lord Ganondorf, are you alright?"
"Stay away," The woman groaned. "I haven't fought for so long to lose to you now, you beast."
"Do not speak to the King like that," One of the warriors yelled, but was silenced as Ganondorf chuckled.
"Look at me woman, where is she?"
"where is who? I do not know the woman you seek! Leave me be!" She growls, ripping at the grass beneath her hands to stay calm.
Ganondorf just chuckles darkly, standing over the woman.
"I know she is here, my wife, my queen to be. Now where does she hide?"
"Nowhere! I live alone in these woods, I do not know the woman you seek. I have never seen a single woman around these parts as tall as any of you!" She declared in rush.
"You're lying, I can sense her!" The King yelled yanking her up by her arm to finally look at him.
The moments their eyes locked he could feel himself fall apart. Her lashes shielded most of her eyes from his gaze, yet the iris' he could see filled him with a strange sensation. Y/N felt her knees buckle and immediately fall apart as he grabbed her, a dull heat drumming where he had made contact, as well as forming deep knots in her abdomen. Her lips parted as she panted, a strange heat settling over the two despite the chill winds in the forest. Ganondorf felt his body begin to hunger for the small woman, noticing the malice prepared to catch her should he drop her. Although, he didn't plan to. Lust. That described the immense, powerful sensation that was taking over his mind. An unstoppable, violent desire to part her thighs and control her small form. His people would worship her, similar to how he already did. She stared up at him in fear, his mind still caught in a trance.
"Ganondorf?" She muttered, worried he would kill her then and there.
The small whimpers just inspired more sinful desires. For her to scream his name into the cold desert nights to consummate their marriage, only his body heat to warm her small, fragile form. Months later for her to have the Gerudo guards at her beck and call as she relaxed in their bed, plump with his young. Years later small red-headed children running around her legs as she carried their youngest child, greeting him back from a battle. Yes, it was all perfect. He would conquer Hyrule for her. For his wife.
I hope you sinners enjoyed that, I know I did. I'm gonna tag those who I saw asking for it so they get notifs. If you like this then go check out my other pieces of writing! Thanks and bye!
Tagged: @professor-petty @simp-erman @kujogoofzeus
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𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥...• 𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐚𝐦
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Jude and the reader talking late at night because they barely got to talk during the day. They talk about the most random things, laughing at each other shitty jokes And stuff. Neither wants to hang up because they love to hear each other’s voice (they don’t confess they like each other just yet. I’m trying to make this a little series)
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𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: none tbh
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: this is short. There will be more parts but I won't make it a long series. If you have ideas then lemme know
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 800+
I'll be working on my Jude Masterlist
✿﹕ ︵︵✧₊︵︵ꕤ₊˚︵ ૮꒰˵• ᵜ •˵꒱ა ﹕ɞ
The silence was loud in your room as you laid in your bed. Your eyes were glued on your phone sitting beside you, waiting for it to ring at any minute.
Almost every night you would get a call from Jude who is your best friend and has been since the age of 15. You both were miles and miles away from each other.
Ever since he left for Germany a few years ago, you were empty without his presence. He was one of the first people to ever treat you like a human in school. That’s what made you grow so attached to him.
You didn’t want Jude to be so far away from you, but you sucked it up and dealt with it. You knew his career was important and you were always going to support him and never get in his way. You were only his friend anyways.
You were sure you both were going to drift apart but to your surprise you both didn’t. Jude made it his mission to call you and text you when ever he could. He never let you believe you were forgotten in his mind.
The phone rung snapping you out of the daydream you were in. You wait a few seconds So it didn’t seem like you were sitting and waiting for his call before picking up.
“Hi Judy.”
“Hi love, how are you?” you heard the deep, relaxing voice ask you on the other side. You smile to yourself at the word love he always called you and relax into your bed.
“I’m good. Happy I can hear your voice.”
“Good.” You heard Jude chuckle on the other end of the phone. Your stomach filled with butterflies at the sound. You don’t know what was coming over you but he always made you feel like this.
Jude began to tell you about his day and you telling him about your own. That conversation between you both went on for a good hour before it switched to another.
“I miss you.” Jude said making your stomach flip. It’s been a couple of weeks since he last saw you. He came back to Birmingham for his birthday and of course you were there. You didn’t know it but you were the highlight of his visit home.
“I know. That’s why we’re talking.” You laugh. You shut your eyes and wait for Jude to speak.
“No, that’s not what I meant y/n. I mean I miss you. I miss having you here with me being my biggest cheerleader. I’m happy to be following my passion but I miss having you around like the old days.”
Your eyes open at his words you weren’t sure what to say right now but your heart was fluttering in your chest. “oh” you exhaled. “I miss that too.” You say softly into the phone.
“Anyways, no more sad stuff. Me and jobe were fighting about this earlier. Who would win in a fight a lion or a shark?”
You snorted. “Jude really?” “I’m serious. Jobe was thinking so hard about it but I don’t get it. Why would a shark and a lion be fighting?”
You laughed. “Yeah that’s a good point. Jobe always comes up with weird stuff to bicker about.”
Jude hums agreeing with you.
You look over at your nightstand looking at the time. It was currently 12am. Later than Jude should be awake.
“Jude, it’s late. We need to end this call.” It hurt saying that but you had to. “Y/n, it’s fine. We can keep talking.”
“Jude you have to train tomorrow. You need to sleep and I won’t argue with you.”
You heard Jude sigh on the other side. “fine but at least stay on the phone with me love.”
A small smile filled your face. “Ok, fine. Good night Judy.”
Jude said goodnight right back. You both feel into silence and before you knew it you had fall asleep. Jude on the other hand was still awake.
He was up thinking of a way to tell you how he really felt for you. It took him a while of being away from you to realize he loves you in a way that was more than platonic. being away made him come to his senses. You were the one he wanted more than anything in the world he just didn’t know how to tell you that.
“Y/n.” Jude whispers. When you don’t respond Jude exhales. “Good night love.”
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mumms-the-word · 2 months
he is enough
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Pairing: Gale x Tav (you/reader POV) Summary: Just some poetic thoughts about a certain handsome wizard who sometimes views himself as not having value when he absolutely does. Pic of my Tav Dani because that’s all I got. ao3 link
He is a man for whom grand gestures are as easy as breathing.
An evening in Waterdeep, conjured from the depths of a shadow curse. A night on the glimmering currents of the Outer Planes, your boat a small atom of light among an expanse of glowing stardust. He would create a castle out of amethysts for you, or find a way to pluck a single thread of the Weave to alter your fate if you asked.
All to prove his worth. His value. To show you his love and convince you that your love is not wasted on him.
And yet, you think, as you lay against him with his arms around you, his nose grazing the back of your shoulder, his breath ghosting across your skin, slow and even as he drifts off to sleep, you find in some ways that you prefer moments like this. When all the grand gestures fall away and you are left with these tiny little moments. These precious little touches.
Like freshwater pearls among glittering diamonds, you seek them out, irregular and imperfect, preferring their soft luster over the blinding glitter. You cradle them close to your heart, threading them together on a string, a poem of lines that are no more than broken moments, tiny gestures, little touches.
fingers grazing along your back  the kiss at the corner of your mouth his heartbeat under your palm calm, steady, quiet
You love to watch him when he isn’t looking, when he is wholly himself without the pressure to perform confidence for you. To study him the way he studies the pages of an arcane tome, seeking the secrets between lines.
his lines around his eyes between his brows the curve of his lips the length of his nose the sweep of his hair silver-threaded a hint of divinity among the mundane just like him 
Not that you’ve ever asked for his confidence or for a performance. You’ve only ever asked for a moment of his time. Posing questions just to hear him talk, watching as much as you listen.
his self-conscious smile halfway between arrogance and doubt arrogance of his knowledge doubt in your interest the way he looks off toward the horizon when his thoughts take him to planes you can scarcely comprehend  the way his eyes find their way back to you the instant he hears your voice or feels your touch you, like the Dog Star, guiding him home again
He worries at times, when he catches you watching him as he reads or studies or speaks, that he’s boring you. He thinks he needs to make grander gestures, that he just hasn’t found the thing that wows you yet. 
But while he ponders the wide expanse of the universe, wondering in which hidden corner he might find the one perfect thing to win your heart forever, you fill a universe of your own making with the sounds and sights and senses of him whom you love.
your littlest finger curled around his, a silent promise amid a busy day, a tiny link that chains the two of you together, the smallest constellation for the briefest moment his lips on your cheek, a teeny kiss made in passing as he moves by you, pulled momentarily by your gravity before roaming away, like a comet tugged temporarily into orbit
He would want you to focus on his abilities. His magic. The gestures he makes to cast his spells. The timbre of his voice as he shapes the incantations. The pull of the Weave as it bends to his will. You do notice. You do.
But there are other moments you find more precious. The tiniest things about him linger in your mind.
the steam that curls into the air
over the worn mug that holds his tea the one missing its handle the way his hand cradles the cup and turns it just so that his lips do not catch on the chip on the rim he's done this a hundred times before and yet you watch mesmerized
"When we get to Waterdeep, you'll want for nothing," he says, painting images of grandeur and splendor with an artist's brush, conjuring images of a dozen luxurious comforts. No more days spent aching from bedrolls on the ground. No more falling into exhausted sleep from a day of travel and battle. It's a lovely image, but so is he.
Just as he is.
You wish he'd see that. But his love for his goddess has taught him that he needs to constantly out-perform himself to retain your love and attention. That if he lets a day go by where he doesn't impress you, then he risks losing you forever. You wish he could glimpse, for just a moment, the way you see him.
a man mortal and aching but kind and sweet open-handed brimming with love just a man a good man whose heart and soul calls to your own just a man who doesn't need to do anything or be anyone more than who he already is because he is enough
You know it's hard for him to grasp the concept that he doesn't need to do anything to win your love. That he has it, wholly and freely given, no strings attached. It's the only theory you've ever known him to struggle with.
But when you take his hand and brush your lips against the backs of his knuckles; or you touch your forehead to his and sync your breaths in time with his; in the moments where I love you are the only words either of you have said for the last hour or more; you think you see the start of him realizing the truth you’ve already carved into the center of your heart.
He is already enough.
He will always be enough.
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nonotnolan · 10 months
The Great Gym Shift
Day 15 of life after the body swapping incident that affected downtown Washington DC, and life was still weird as shit.  Some people were calling it the Great Shift-- a government cover-up for a science experiment gone wrong.  I don’t think a two mile radius really deserves a “Great” moniker but I had to admit it was catchy.  Others were calling it a terrorist bioweapon meant to cause havoc across the nation’s government.  That did seem possible, but the terrorists had terrible aim if that was the case.
A few people even said it was a plan to put key politicians into younger, healthier bodies, but... I know for a fact that one isn’t true.  I was there at ground zero when the swap occurred, working as a personal trainer at the gym.  All those desirable bodies, mine included, went to some of the most pathetic white collar workers you could imagine.  Whatever happened, it was definitely an accident.
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It’s been a month, and I still haven’t gotten used to my reflection.  I hope I never do, to be honest.  The government is working on getting this whole mess resolved, and I can only hope it will be sooner rather than later.  I’ve never had hair this long, and I am in desperate need a of a haircut.  Since it’s not my body, I’d have to fill out a requisition form, and I keep hoping it won’t come to that.  
One of the first things the Government did was send in the National Guard to put everyone affected into a quarantined hotel area, and then they started drowning us in regulations and paperwork.  I’m still working as a personal trainer... only now most of my clients are lazy office drones.  Those desirable bodies I mentioned?  I’m in charge of making sure their new owners keep them in shape.  I’m slowly losing my sanity.
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“Mitch!  What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” I said, walking out into our shared kitchen.  Uncle Sam was putting us up in some very nice accommodations, I had to admit, but my clients-turned-roommates left a lot to be desired.
“C’mon Grady, it’s Saturday,” he said, as if that was supposed to be an answer.  I kept starting at him until he continued.  “Saturday is my self-care day, and today that means Netflix and cookies.  I don’t see what the big deal is...”
“Absolutely not,” I said, holding out my hand.  “Give me those, that is way too many calories for one serving.  We’re sharing those with the whole floor.”  He rolled his eyes and sighed at me, but at least he obeyed me.  I can’t help but feel self-conscious bossing all of these men around, especially when they’re large enough to beat me to a pulp if they knew how to leverage their strength.  The real Mitch was a lanky college intern who had no idea how to build or maintain muscle mass.  Russ would’ve had a heart attack if he was here to see even half the things Mitch wanted to do in that body.
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As I walked the plate of cookies out to the common area, I couldn’t help but notice that Larry was still sitting at his room’s computer desk, shirtless and surrounded by a few wadded tissues.  Gross, but... I’ve seen Larry’s old body.  I can’t entirely blame the old pervert.  “Please tell me you didn’t stay up all night watching porn again.”
He just smiled at me, his bloodshot eyes telling me everything that I needed to know.  “So what if I did, Grady, it’s Saturday.  The fitness schedule you made for me says I don’t have to work out today, and a sleep schedule isn’t a part of the body cohabitation contract we all signed.  As long as I still eat three healthy meals today, you can’t make me do anything.  So how about giving me some privacy?”  He was right, of course.  Larry was one of my most frustrating clients, because he knew exactly how to do the bare minimum and nothing more.  Tana was one of the gym’s biggest over-achievers, so seeing his body do a complete 180 had been quite the adjustment.
I knew better than to engage with him right now-- better to save my strength for fights that I would be able to win.  I set the cookies down in our shared kitchen, waved at a few of the other guys, and retreated back to the bedroom I shared with one other man.
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Simon smiled at me, and I could feel my frustrations starting to lift away.  “Good morning, Grady.  Rough start?” he asked, looking up from his book.  Simon was a licensed psychologist who happened to be at a nearby Industry Convention when the Great Shift happened, and I was so glad to have his assistance dealing with all of the heated emotions that boiled over during the aftermath.  Furthermore, Simon had ended up in my body.  It was a relief to know that my body was being controlled by someone responsible, even if seeing myself each day came with its own set of weird situations.
"You have no idea,” I said, shaking my head.  “Or rather, you have an exact idea, because you’ve also had to deal with those guys.  I don’t suppose you would be up for some... stress release?” I asked, peeling off my tank top and tossing it onto the floor.
He laughed, quickly setting aside his book and his glasses.  “In this body?  Always!”  Was it weird that I was having sex with my own body?  Maybe, but honestly, our daily hookups felt like one of the least weird things about this whole mess.  I always knew I was an attractive man, and I’ve always been attracted to anyone who keeps themselves healthy, regardless of gender.  Presumably that’s how Simon now felt-- I know that ever since I’ve been in this new Twink body, I have only felt attraction for hairy men.  Sexual attraction seemed to follow the body, not the inhabitant.
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“Do you ever worry that we’re complicating things?” Simon asked.  “For whenever the government is able to switch everyone back into the right bodies, I mean.  They’ve told our loved ones that we’re in quarantine, but... how can we go back to normal life when this is all over?”  I understood where he was coming from-- his real body was at least twenty years older, and while he didn’t like sharing too much about his life, I’d gotten the impression he had a wife and maybe a few grandkids waiting for him back home.
Simon clearly had a tendency to overthink everything, and I was now used to offering friendly advice while his warm load was still inside of me.  “Honestly, I think we’re dealing with a stressful situation, and we’re all just coping however we can.  There’s nothing wrong with two consenting adults having sex.  And I don’t know about you, but... if I didn’t try to get a wide range of experiences inside of this temporary body, I think I’d regret the missed opportunity forever.”
He smiled at me.  “I suppose you’re right,” he said, as he sipped on cheap hotel coffee.  “’In sickness or in health’ wasn’t really meant to cover something so impossible.  And I’d rather seek forgiveness than forever ponder what might have been.”
“Glad to hear it,” I said, smiling back at him.  I think we both knew it was a bit selfish, but how else could we be expected to process these strange new desires?  Yeah, I guess I felt a bit guilty having sex with someone other than my girlfriend back home, but... when else would I ever get an opportunity to have sex with myself?  I don’t think there is a person alive who could blame me.
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andy-15-07 · 3 months
lazy day
masterlist ! pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
SUMMARY : Rafe and Y/N are having a lazy day
Outer Banks Masterlist
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The soft sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow in Rafe Cameron's room. You and Rafe had decided that today would be a lazy day, a welcome break from the usual chaos that surrounded the Pogues' lives in the Outer Banks. The day unfolded with no plans, just a desire to revel in each other's company without the pressures of the world outside.
Rafe yawned as he stretched out on his bed, still clad in his sleep-rumpled clothes. You sat cross-legged next to him, the cozy atmosphere enveloping you both. The scent of coffee wafted in from the nearby kitchen, teasing your senses.
"Lazy day, huh?" Rafe said, a playful smirk on his lips. "No adventures, no drama, just us."
You chuckled, running your fingers through his tousled hair. "Exactly. Just us, a cup of coffee, and whatever we feel like doing."
Rafe sat up, leaning against the headboard, his eyes fixated on you. "Sounds perfect to me."
You leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. The kiss lingered, a sweet exchange that set the tone for the laid-back day ahead. As you pulled away, Rafe's eyes sparkled with affection.
"Let's start this lazy day right," he suggested, reaching for his phone to cue up some music.
The room filled with the mellow tunes of Rafe's chosen playlist, creating a comfortable ambiance. You settled back against the pillows, the soft melodies providing a backdrop for the day's relaxation. Rafe poured two cups of coffee, handing one to you before reclining beside you.
Sipping the warm brew, you exchanged lazy smiles. "To the perfect lazy day," Rafe toasted, clinking his mug against yours.
"To us," you agreed, the simple sentiment carrying a world of meaning.
As the morning unfolded, you and Rafe found yourselves lost in a game of cards. The competition was light-hearted, filled with teasing banter and the occasional stolen kiss. The cards scattered across the bed as Rafe leaned in, capturing your lips with his own.
"Looks like I win," he declared with a triumphant grin.
You rolled your eyes, a playful smirk on your lips. "Fine, you win this round. But there's more to come."
With the cards abandoned, you both decided to indulge in a movie marathon. Snuggled under blankets, you let the hours slip away, engrossed in a mix of classic films and guilty pleasures. Rafe's arm draped over your shoulder, pulling you close as you shared laughter and whispered commentary.
"Can you believe that plot twist?" Rafe exclaimed during a particularly dramatic moment.
You chuckled, nuzzling into his side. "I know, right? Total unexpected twist."
As the sun climbed higher in the sky, the aroma of pizza wafted in from the kitchen. Rafe had ordered your favorite, complete with extra cheese and pepperoni. The two of you devoured the slices, savoring the combination of cheesy goodness and the pleasure of each other's company.
The lazy day continued with a series of easygoing activities—reading snippets from favorite books, sharing childhood stories, and occasionally dozing off in the cozy cocoon you had created together.
As the afternoon waned, you found yourselves on the couch, limbs intertwined and the TV playing in the background. Rafe absentmindedly traced patterns on your arm, a contented smile on his face.
"Days like these make me appreciate the simple things," he confessed, his voice a low murmur.
You nodded, your head resting against his chest. "Me too. Just being with you, no distractions or worries—it's perfect."
Rafe pressed a lingering kiss to the top of your head, his embrace tightening. "I love you, Y/N. Lazy days or not, every moment with you is perfect."
The sentiment hung in the air, a sweet acknowledgment of the bond you shared. As the lazy day continued, you and Rafe found joy in the simplicity of love, laughter, and the comfort of each other's presence—a day that etched itself into the memories of lazy, sun-drenched afternoons spent in each other's arms.
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nocturnalazura · 1 year
Just a Little Celebration
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Dabi x FemReader
Just a little birhtday post for our broken boy.
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WC: 1883
Warnings: Oral (Fem Rec), Birthday sex
Summary: Dabi doesn't really celebrate his birthday, but you manage to convince him to have just a little celebration.
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“Come on! It’s your birthday, let’s do something!” You chirp as you shake Dabi’s arm. He grunts and slaps at your hand. “I haven’t done anything for my birthday for years, now stop it.” 
“Even more reason to do something now!” 
“Yes! Come on!” “Doll, I’m a known villain, what could we possibly do?”
“Ok, so maybe we can’t really go anywhere, but we can do something here! I can go to the store and get some stuff and cook whatever you want for dinner.”
“You can cook?” He questions as he peeks an eye open to look at you. 
“I’m not going to win any awards or anything, but I’m not going to kill anyone with my cooking.” 
“Fine. We can have dinner then.” 
“And cake. You need a cake.” 
“If cake will make you leave me alone and stop talking about my birthday then fine.” 
Leaning over you kiss his cheek. “It will, at least for now. Katsudon okay?” 
Dabi gives you a noncommittal nod and closes his eyes as he relaxes back onto the bed. Rolling your eyes at him, you quickly get up and grab your bag, heading off to the store to gather ingredients, a small cake and some of Dabi’s favorite snacks as a small surprise. Before you start the walk home a second idea hits you. Turning around, you head off further down the street of shops until you find the little lingerie shop tucked away in the corner. Grinning, you quickly disappear inside and pick out a blue set with black lace trim.
Happy with your findings, you make your way back home and check to make sure Dabi is still asleep before you get started on setting up his birthday surprises. Filling a basket with the snacks, you move on to a quick shower. Making sure to slip on your new lingerie before dressing in one of his shirts and a simple pair of leggings to not tip him off to what’s underneath. You take one last peek at Dabi, still passed out on your bed before getting to work on preparing dinner. 
Just as you start to plate the food you feel warm hands slowly creep along your waist. You can’t help but smile as Dabi presses along your back, face tucked into the crook of your neck. “I thought you were still sleeping.”
“I was, but the food smelled good.” He mumbles into your neck.
“See I told you I could cook.” 
“Just because it smells good doesn’t mean it’s going to taste good.” 
“Keep up that attitude and I won’t give you your presents.” 
“Doll, you didn’t have to get me anything. I don’t even celebrate this day.” 
“Well I got you stuff so deal with it. There’s a basket of stuff on the table for you. Go look through it while I finish plating.” 
Dabi lets out a small huff but lets you go and head over to the table to investigate the basket. The quiet sounds of bags of chips, instant ramen, and sweets rustling can be heard as he digs around. A small smile makes its way across your face as you listen to him mumble about the different foods you’d picked out. Grabbing the finished bowls of katsudon, you make your way over to the table and set a bowl in front of each of your seats.
“So? Like what I picked out?” You question as he pushes the basket to the side. 
“Yeah, you got a lot of my favorites.” 
“I know, I do pay attention to what you like.” 
“I’m aware.” He says, pulling his bowl closer to him. “It actually looks good. Maybe you can cook.” 
“I told you I can cook! Now stop being an ass before I take away your birthday dinner.” 
He rolls his eyes and takes a bite of his food, nodding as the flavors erupt on his tongue. Smirking at his clear approval you take your own bite, humming happily at the taste. The two of you fall into a content silence as you focus on eating. There’s something very calming about watching Dabi be fully content that makes your heart flutter. Once you’re finished eating you set the dishes in the sink and turn to him.
“So, cake or your last present?” You question, leaning back against the counter.
“Mmm, last present I guess.” 
Nodding, you walk over to him and quickly pull your shirt over your head and push down your leggings. “Last present it is.” 
Dabi looks you over and eagerly pulls you into his lap, hands greedily grabbing at your ass. Resting your hands on his shoulders you smile down at him. Before you get a chance to say anything to him, he’s standing up and carrying you off to the bedroom. He unceremoniously drops you on the bed and crawls over you. 
“I ever tell you how pretty you are?” He says as he leans down to kiss your neck.
“You’ve mentioned it once or twice.” 
“Always pick the prettiest things to wear too.” 
“And I only wear them for you.” 
“Better only wear them for me. I’ll roast anyone else who sees you like this.” He grunts before sinking his teeth into your neck.
You arch off the bed and moan as he squeezes your hip, teeth biting down a little harder. He grinds into you as he moves along your neck, biting and sucking at the sensitive skin. His hands slide up your torso and slip under the soft lace cups of your bra. Suddenly he sits up and pulls his shirt over his head and tosses it off to the side. He looks down at you then looks towards the kitchen. 
“You said you got a cake, right?” He questions. 
“Yeah, but uh can’t we do cake later?”
“Nah, I think I want some now.” 
Before you can protest he’s climbing off the bed and heading into the kitchen to grab the little cake. You sit up in disbelief as he walks back in, already taking the lid off the little plastic container. He raises a brow as he looks at you and sets the container on the end table. Climbing back onto the bed he undoes your bra and tosses it off to the side. 
“Oh, so this is how you want your cake?” You grin up at him as he grabs the cake and sets it next to the two of you. “You know, a few hours ago you didn’t even want to celebrate your birthday.” 
“Yeah well things change. Now hush so I can enjoy my cake and present.” 
Giggling, you fall onto the bed and nod at him. Dabi gives you a wide grin and swipes a finger through the frosting and smears it across the top of your chest. Leaning down, he runs his tongue along the line of frosting. Your body relaxes as he gathers more cake and smears it across your breasts. Cupping your breasts, Dabi eagerly leans down to lick off some icing, making sure to pay extra attention to your nipples as he moves. His tongue swirls around a nipple before he sucks it into his mouth, groaning around it as you arch up into him. 
“Dabi, god that feels good.” You moan, threading your fingers through his hair as he switches sides. “It’s your birthday. I should be the one making you feel good.” 
“And you will, I just want some more cake, then you can ride me like the good girl you are.” 
You can feel him grin against your breast before gathering more frosting and smearing it down your torso. Dabi follows it down, leaving open mouth kisses before licking away more frosting. He slowly clears all the frosting away and spreads your legs to fit himself between them. Giving you a quick grin he dives and licks a long strip up your folds before sucking your clit into his mouth. His tongue swirls around it as his fingers dig into your thighs.
Looking down at him, you can’t help the loud moan that passes through your lips as he stares up at you with hazy blue eyes. Your fingers thread through his hair, tugging softly as he sinks down a little more to lick along your folds again. He pulls you closer to your face, tongue swiping between your folds like you’re his favorite treat. His nose rubs and bumps against your clit as he goes. 
“Dabi, Dabi! Gonna cum oh god.” You squeal, thighs shaking around his head. 
“Good, that's kind of the goal here.” He grumbles against you.
“S-stop! I wanna cum with you in me!” 
“I think that can be arranged.” That quickly gets his attention as he shoots away from your center and shoves his pants down. He flops onto his back and quickly pulls you over to straddle his waist. “Now it’s my birthday, and you said you’d take care of me.” 
“Oh so now you want to celebrate your birthday?” You tease as you reach between the two of you to hold him steady. 
Lining yourself up and drop down taking all of his cock in one go. Dabi chokes on a retort as your walls wrap tightly around him. Taking a deep breath, you allow yourself only a moment to adjust properly before you lift yourself up and drop down fast and hard. Planting your hands on his chest you lift yourself again and drop down, grinning as his hands squeeze your thighs in silent praise. Picking up your pace, you swirl your hips around and moan at the feeling of his piercings rubbing against your walls. 
“Fuck, doll. You’re so fucking good, so fucking pretty.” Dabi moans.
“Yeah? You like when I ride you?” 
“Fucking love it. Love you.” He groans out as he thrusts up into you. 
“Love you too.” 
Leaning down, you kiss him deeply as your walls clench around him, nails biting into his pecs. The sound of skin slapping together fills the room, mixing with your moans to create the perfect melody. You keep bouncing at a rough pace, occasionally clenching tightly around him when he hits just the right spot. Dabi’s hands sneak up your torso to cup your breasts, thumps circling over your nipples, occasionally tugging. Moaning loudly, you slip your own hand between the two of you to circle over your clit as you near your end. 
“Dabi, I’m close. So fucking close.” You whimper.
“Go ahead, I’m not gonna last, doll.” 
Nodding you sit up and circle your clit faster as you pick up the pace of your bouncing. Dabi meets your thrusts as they slowly start to lose their rhythm as your high gets closer and closer. Your walls spasm as his hips shift angle ever so slightly causing your orgasm to crash over you suddenly. Your walls clenching around him forces Dabi into his orgasm, cock twitching as he paints your velvet walls white. You collapse against his chest as you attempt to catch your breath. 
“So do we do this every year for my birthday?” He mumbles as he attempts to catch his breath. 
“Yeah, but only if we celebrate.” 
“Alright, so maybe just a little celebration for my birthday will be fine then.” 
“Happy birthday, Dabi.”
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drewsbuzzcut · 1 year
Mother’s Day Special
mat barzal x model!fem!reader
a visceral in doses blurb
warnings: none that I can think of
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The soft sounds of water pattering in your ensuite wakes you up. When you hear the water turn off, you turn your attention to the open doors. You see Mat expertly wrap a towel around his waist while holding a towel covered Nolan. Over the months, Mat has practiced taking care of Nolan while also handling something else, it was very hot to witness. Your cheeks start to heat up at the sight of water droplets slipping down the muscular slopes of his body. Then your heart starts to melt, seeing Nolan’s head resting on Mat’s shoulder.
You make your way to the ensuite, one of Mat’s islanders shirt draped over your bare body. Both their eyes light up at the sight of you. Nolan’s gummy smile accompanied by a couple of baby teeth.
“Look at my handsome men!” You gush, wrapping an arm around Mat’s torso and rubbing Nolan’s head. You kiss your baby’s chubby cheek, moving to press kisses in between Mat’s shoulder blades and some on his neck. You round to come face to face with your soon to be husband, laying your hands on his firm chest, fiddling with the towel sitting low on his hips. He smirks at you, water falling from the tips of his hair. His hand finds home on your hip, traveling under your shirt so he can touch your skin. Your eyes close on their own will, relishing in the feeling of his rough hands on your smooth skin.
“I’m going to need you to go back to bed,” he says lowly, leaning down to lock lips.
You whine into the kiss, giving him a playful pout and frown.
“I have some errands to run and I’m taking little man with me,” he mutters into your lips, separating from you.
“And if I don’t go back to bed,” you tease, leaning up to capture his lips in a kiss again, not letting him respond.
You squeal in surprise when Mat picks you up and throws you over his shoulder. He hauls you back to your bed, letting your body fall into the thick blankets.
“I love you. Go back to sleep,” he whispers, kissing your forehead and lips before he sets off to get Nolan and himself dressed.
The next time you wake up, it’s to the sound of the front door closing and Nolan’s cute giggles. You ponder getting out of bed, or letting them come to you, but curiosity wins this impatient battle. Your feet pad on the wood floor, you take slow steps to hide your eagerness.
When you reach the kitchen, you have to hold back the tears. Mat is standing waiting for you, Nolan in his arms-they’re dressed in identical outfits, medium wash blue jeans and a shirt with your face on it, making you blush, but you don’t even question it-and both of them carrying a bouquet of your favorite flowers. Mat’s grin makes you swoon all over again, and your baby’s twinkling eyes at the sight of you warms your heart.
“Happy Mother’s Day, baby. I love you,” Mat says, walking to you and giving you a big kiss. You have to grab onto his stern arms, the kiss filled with so much love it is trying to knock you off your feet. The small make out is interrupted when you feel Nolan’s small lips press into your cheek, you erupt in giggles.
“Mama Mama Mama!” Nolan shrieks, arms flailing around and reaching out for you.
“Hi, my sweet boy. Hi, baby! I love you so much,” you squish him in your arms, lips repeatedly kissing his chubby cheeks. He brings his small hands to rest on your face, staring up at you with the same eyes as Mat. He’s all Mat. You actually start to tear up, thinking about how much Nolan has changed your life, for the better. Because of him, you saw a new side to Mat, learned how good it feels to be a mother, and the sacrifice it takes to be responsible for someone other than yourself.
“We love you, baby momma,” Mat whispers in your ear as he comes up behind you, arms wrapping around your waist and you melt right into him. His lips press kisses into the side of your neck, a sure way to make you feel relaxed.
“I love you, barzy. Thanks for making me a mommy,” you say, awing at the way Nolan nuzzles into your neck, trying to keep Mat from kissing you there. What can you say? Your boys love you.
“Wasn’t just me that made you a milf,” he struggles to choke back a chuckle. You turn your head to stare at him in amusement. He just kisses your lips, silencing you before you have the opportunity to say something back.
“C’mon, baby momma, let me show you the rest of the gifts we got you,” he leads you further into the kitchen where your favorite tea and breakfast wait for you, and some special presents from him and Nolan. You are really loved by your boys!
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liked by yourusername, lianabarzal, and 6,563,792 others
barzal97 Happy Mother’s Day to my best friend! Thanks for being the glue to our family. I love you🤍
view all 6,253 comments
bblount 😭😭
titobeauvi91 She’s the real mvp
yourusername I love you so much
lianabarzal Thank GOD for y/n!
barzyworld Mother of all mothers
a/n: Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas in the world!! Hope you all enjoy! Also, this takes place just days before reader and Mat get married.
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