#oo and alt versions too
meimeikyu · 11 months
Dump as many geno headcanons as you physically have and want to share ( also ink ones if you have any )
theres no order in this its just. brainrot chaos
Okay first off, I think geno would be really really sensative to colour, both in the savescreen n out of it. Esp with his escaping the savescreen end, I think the ton of colour everywhere would be like super overstimulating for him since hes been in. a black void with minimal colour and light for. A very very long time- i like to imagine hed have like tinted glasses (something like sunglasses but also prescription glasses? i <3 geno with glasses) to help block out the colour n light.
i also think hed have chronic pain and dizziness/fainting spells (totally not just me protecting huh noo) due to having only a part of a soul, snd the fact its affected by determination, i feel like itd cause him a lottt of issues. he would experiment on himself and make his own little gear n gadgets n aids n stuff to help with it bcs. science boy. If he gets too emotional in any capacity (especially anger, but also like too sad even too happy just. too anything) he starts melting again starting from his socket. i think his scar would still bleed out of the save screen. it wouldnt hurt unless ppl are touching it but i think itd always bleed magic. which would be very inconvenient- he also likes to wear white and light colours due to the colour sensory issues which makes the bleeding scar a lot more obvious- i call it a magic defect in my head, basically just a permanent issue with his magic that he cant stop but also isnt inherently harming him.
i think about this guy sm i love him
continued geno ramblings hed keep doing science stuff outside of the save screen, both experimenting with his magic and (when he can rope him in) the other sans of their verse (who i call after). Geno n after would have slightly different memories. i think geno would remember past things after cant, but after can remember like the active timeline better then geno. geno would also have more science knowledge then him i think. Geno would probably lose tract of time in the save screen and have no idea how long hes been there. I also hc hes like. 100s of years old if you count all the time in the savescreen. he doesnt know that though. I think geno would get really paranoid that things would reset and he would get trapped in the save screen again. i dont think he likes the colour yellow. i think this man has (better than in the past) but still very bsd mood swings, which coupled with the fact he could melt and die if its too intense is not great. hed have to relearn a lot of his magic after injecting the determination and it still will never be the same as it was before, i think the determination would fuck with his summoning abilities especially.
(do monsters melt when they have too much determination because monsters are made of magic and determination fucks with and breaks down magic? am i only thinking if this now???)
i think his socket would have melted first because his eyelights have strong amounts of magic. i also like to draw him with not just the socket melted but like. that entire side of his head melted when hes in the savescreen. i think once hes out itd be a bit less melty but still not. pleasant. he has a little fabric thing he made that he wears out that covers that half of his skull to hide the melting. he only sleeps on his left side because if he sleeps on his right or back the melty stuff will get everywhere. I think hes put his hand through the goop into his skull more than once. for. scientific research. if he touches the inside it makes a ringing noise n gives him a massive headache. i think head get migraines very easily and be very overwhelmed by sounds bcs of the melty side as well. his fingers are slightly shorter than afters because the tips (where i hc magic like. pools.) melted off.
I dont know why I have this one but i love the idea of geno being a good singer. i dont know why but i love it. i think hed listen to music a lot, esp to calm down. He would hyperorganize things, and like to keep things on shelves and in draws and trys to keep the floor clean. his workspace would be less clean though, the floor would be clean but hed use the trusty old 'shove everything in the corner of the desk' method. He wears baggy clothes a lot and prefers them. He doesnt like the public. I think hed constantly hear a slight ringing in his head and it would annoy the hell out of him- robbed from my fren but hed always have some sort of sound on like music or white noise and hed have like. at least 2 fans in his room for noise. kinda from cpau but. he would not drink much and gets drunk vv easily (i had another headcanon to put here but. i switched to typing on my pc and i forgor it :<)
this guy is. so silly. so so very silly. is he even a guy? no one knows. i hc hes genderfluid and also pangender n i think hed use a bunch of like microgenders and the promply forgor all of them. i. i dont think he sleeps. i dont think he knows how. until he runs out of paint and WHOMP collapse asleep. I love him being like, nice but very blunt. i think he has 12 projects running at all times and none of them are the same medium. he has an ao3 account im 100% sure. wheres that one gif hold on
uhhhh overall i love this man so much but holy shit he needs a hug and. all the therapy. just all of it. like. yesterday. but ilove him so so much spins him around in a microwave in my head.
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oh also he speaks french
THIS ONE!!!! HES JUST DOING THIS IN MY HEAD CONSTANTLYY (i cant find the source if someone has it pls let me know)
yeah i cant think of him without thinking of this gif its permanently my preception of him. hed bully kids on roblox but like in a silly way. i think hes like constantly making little changes to his outfit that no one but him can notice the difference but hed like proudly show it off. i think hed listen to at least one song from every genre and have at least 2 songs he adores no one in their life has ever heard of. he doesnt not have playlists he has one large thing of all his songs and runs it on shuffle. I think bcs of his paints the colours around him can influence his mood, and i also think the saturation of stuff would, n i also think thatd affect his art. Like when hes really happy hed paint with super bright colours but if hes more sad hed use greyscale and dark colours n stuff like that. I think he has a massive collection of art exploring really fucked up things he doesnt show to anyone. I do not think theyd just be sad art too, i think some of them would be but hed also have like max saturated color gore artworks. this guy has never kept a pencil or eraser or pen long enough for them to run out. he has a hoard of supplies bcs he always loses things. I think he has a list of a bunch of aus he wants to draw that he keeps on him at all times (not like aus to create but like, aus he wants to visit and create based on the scenery). i think broomy has a secret compartment on him that ink stores art supply backups and vial backups in. he does forget about it sometimes and has accidentally popped it open in a fight before, scaring both him and whoever he was fighting. speaking of i dont think hed be big on fighting, but i think he would do it sometimes as a way to try and explore how the people interact. i <3 having ink love to like. study others emotions. he has a ton of artworks just of peoples faces portraying different emotions. I dont think hed just draw and paint i think hed write and make music and do any form of art you can think of. except cooking. hes been banned from cooking and baking. he knows why.
overall rating: 6/5 Stars, so very silly
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cherrycrushes · 2 months
Prt 2 or alt ending of ‘two sweet’ where reader slowly melts schlatt’s 🚩🚩🚩 off by just her sweetness and sunny shiny personality/smile alone?
(can I be🍴🍰 anon btw?)
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two sweet pt. 2 - oneshot
jschlatt x reader.
part one; part three
you and jschlatt exited the bed, trying to get a good start for the day. giggles escaping your mouth as his hair stuck up in an awkward position. he was wearing an oversized hoodie paired with his boxers and long socks.
"the last one downstairs is a rotten egg!" you yelled, already desecding the stairs.
"whatever!" the old man grumbled. even though he had a rude tone, you could tell he was joking as you detected a smile in his voice.
you were already in the kitchen, grabbing a pan that you were going to use to cook breakfast with. as you laid down the frozen pieces of bacon and eggs, you felt a hand grab your butt.
"ah!" you yelped. schlatt smiled, throwing you off guard a bit. "dude you suck."
"oh you wish you could suck harder," he replied with his ever so beautiful smile. as you turned around, you lightly slapped him on the shoulder.
you both stared at each other, making eye contact and not wanting to look at anything else. he lightly pecks you on the lips before walking away to turn on the television. instead of putting the nearest news channel, schlatt turned on a youtube music video.
the sounds of frankie valli's 'can't take my eyes off you' filled your ears. you hummed as you cracked eggs on the pan. schlatt came back to the kitchen, getting plates and utensils for the table. he was also humming, but it was definitely louder than yours.
as he set the table, schlatt couldn't help but think how much of an amazing housewife you would be. thoughts of him impregnating you just so he could see mini versions of the both of running around filled his mind. but he couldn't. you were too sweet.
"breakfast is ready!" you said, setting the bigger plate with food on it down.
"thank you, cupcake," jschlatt says as he presses a quick kiss on your cheek. to which you giggle in reply.
the music fades to 'the girl from ipanema,' by stan getz. you smile while savoring your food, as you see schlatt scarfing it down with a straight face.
"y'know toots, this song reminds me you," he states as he finishes his bite.
"how?" you hummed.
"well, just listen. tall, tan, young and lovely. the girl from ipanema goes walking, and when she passes, he smiles, but she doesn't see," schlatt mumbled with the music.
he looked up from his plate to see your awestruck smile. jschlatt could feel his heart burst and melt into pieces as he looked into your eyes. as he savored your expression, he truly believed you were too sweet for him.
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Do you have any AUs you really like kicking around that you haven't talked about as much?
Yessss actually! I popped in a read more, if you don't mind
There's my Dynamo and rescuebots au, which I've written a bit about (and ended up freaking out halfway through the last ficlet of it😅)
I play a lot with my tfa Mockingbird oc and how they'd be created and introduced to the autobots
I had this old au was was based on the cyberformed earth concept but it was naturally based around a random character who wasn't autobot or Decepticon adjacent and almost in a sorta "okay fuck, the apocalypse happened, now i have to map the terrain and learn new things" way
I frequently find myself going back to the plotline of the tfp autobots capturing a semi-rogue Decepticon who just... stays there and both parties get attached. Sometimes said con was friends with orion and tronus before the war, sometimes not. I have found similar plotlines that are same but earthspark.
I've played around with a bayverse x tfp continuity before as i think they would compliment each other nicely worldbuilding wise
I've probably posted about it before but the idea of Megatron having a friend/amica/whatever in the backround who absolutely gave the shovel talk to Orion and is frothing at the intake to bestow said shovel consequences to Oppy for breaking Megatron's spark
Tfp but Whirl comes to earth plotline, and Bulkhead actually gets super protective of Whirl because he fucking knew what that guy went through and is gonna set things right this time
"Oh Fuck Overlord? On Earth? I guess the autobots, Decepticons, and humans have to work together against this menace"
I've posted about it before but the LL coming to the tfp universe
The Transformers: the play au me and Techni went back and forth on!
Posted about this before but a tfa "Decepticons win and most/all autobots are captured" situation where a moderately higher ranking Decepticon finds the situation sorta fucked up and slowly but surely acts as a double agent to betray the Decepticons and get as many autobots as possible onto drumroll here a tfa version of the Lost Light!
The one tfa oc Firefłight being a lazy big bastard with a frenemies-ish situation with Fanzone and pushing Starscream off of tall buildings
Naturally rescue bots plotlines that include them coming to the tfp base oh naturally
I don't talk about it a bunch but during Serotonin Syndrome two: electric boogaloo I went on an absolute streak with the tf: a&p au that was very much based on a single valveplug tfa megs x tfp optimus ficlet I saw
I had this one au i wrote a bit about where the matrix got damaged in a boom boom and Oppy had essentially the opposite of the Orion Arc happen— he was in his old frame but has the same memories and personality (ish). I think i called it Optimus Pax
My Liason from Hell bayverse au, from au dungeons!
The one au I made a loooong time ago around the 4/9/21 thing, which was oc x oc with one having an alt based on draco lizards and the other on striped hyenas— i believe both ended up carrying at the same time, it was Ferrous and Carnage? Yeah.
I talk so little about spinocon aus but they have so many storylines like way so many
O ooo oo o i sorta forgot about it but my "Why Earth? Always Earth?" Au that was an animorphs x Transformers au, i never truly followed up on that
Back when i was watching Supernatural oh i naturally made an au based on that that i never wrote down, I think Miko was sooorta like a wereworf but fox based? Yeah it was Sam and Dean meeting the autobots but we can put Castiel and Crowley in there too
Lottttts of ex-DJD plotlines where said character joins the autobots
Oh i had this one idea based on the humans cloning a Cybertronian from CNA samples but i didn't follow up on it
That one au idea i had where Megatron was gonna have a new kid and a few of his previous ones who have never met ever over the vorns finally meet and it's almost a nostalgia sorta au but has the tone of a will reading, like fuck they not only learned of eavh other recently but they're gonna have a sibling? And these kids are soooo different because megs made them during vastly different parts in his life, it was tfp/mtmte continuity mix
I've ran "Starscream meets the rescue bots" storylines beforr
Just way too many work together plotlines based on the quality of mercy series
The blatant isakai au storylines where each human that becomes a Cybertronian died in their respective universes and woke up in the tfp one in Cybertronian frames!
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dsmpdaily · 3 years
*Holds up Tinyblade with a fire alarm going off in the background* I think you're missing something?
Movie was really good. Food is still up in price but not as much as most theaters. I saw Shang-Chi and now I am going to buy more Pokemon cards because I got a really rare card on my last batch so I'm now on my luck streak. Did you have a good day? Do anything fun? Eat and drink enough? It was hot out today.
a recreation
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oo pokemon cards that's fun! ehh my day was pretty good but my parents are tryna make me do stuff for school in the future.. ugh but ik it'll pay off i suppose so. its just not a fun way to spend my last week of freedom. over here it wasnt too hot actually.. it was still sunny but it wasn't extremely hot out
alt version under vv
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camxlots-retxrn · 3 years
🎨 (I'm actually genuinely so curious about this omg)
...this fella actually got pretty long so I'm gonna put one of these divider things-
🌳 ~ if you could live in any fictional world, what would you pick?
harry potter for sure! the whole voldemort thing is.. a little less than ideal bahaha (/sarcastic /joking) but going to a magic school would be amazing. not to mention luna lovegood is one of my favorite characters, like, ever, and I would adore being friends with her
🐝 ~ when you decided to change your name to august, what’s another name you almost picked instead?
eli is one! I’ve always loved that name, but in the end it just didn’t quite feel like me :)
🌙 ~ favorite [merlin] episode?
I’ve never been able to decide on just one, but I’ve got a group of ‘em :) The Sword in the Stone is definitely one of them, though I can’t decide between part 1 and 2 akdjskdj
🎨 ~ what color am I in your brain?
oo yes I love talking about this! to preface, people’s colors are made up of two things — their personality and the colors of their name. every letter in the alphabet has a color, though some dominate the others.
if you want the short version, you’re red. if you want the long version, read on bahaha
yours are a bit conflicting, to be honest! (which is not a bad thing; it’s actually very interesting, I think.) your name — gwyn/gwynedd — has a strong sense of forest green, with a bit of yellow. the “g” is that forest green, but it’s accompanied by brown. usually, “y” is a yellow-white, but in this case, it’s a golden color because it conforms to your personality’s color, which dominates the colors of your name. the letter “d” is usually an orange-red, but again it conforms to your personality, which makes it more of a sunny, vibrant red — which is actually the same color as your personality.
I think these colors reflect interestingly here as well, because they sort of remind me of Arthur in the forest wearing his golden crown and red cape of Camelot with that golden-yellow crest, and you were one of the first people I met in the merlin fandom! (you also remind me of my header now that I think about it akjdksjd)
so basically, you’re predominantly red, with bits of gold and forest green!! it’s very very pretty, really <3
the first yellow is minor btw. oh and I can’t get the red quite right — it’s not as saturated in my brain. but when I try to make it less saturated, then it’s undersaturated, so yeah skdjsk
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🎼 ~ song that I remind you of
this question was pretty challenging actually! everything was either too calm or too.. tech-y sounding (if that makes any sense). there were certain instrumental sounds I had in mind (acoustics because of your green/brown, but trumpets or something’s similar for your red/gold), but many songs I came across only had one or the other akfjskdj
one I’ve found is Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men, which is definitely very you in my mind. not because of the lyrics, but just.. The Vibe™️ kajdksjd.
For Forever from Dear Evan Hansen does as well, as it’s got that vibe of running through a sunny forest.
Epic III (“They danced...”) - Instrumental does as well, as it’s red and gold but also nature.
August (Acoustic), the sounds in it, remind me of the gentle kindness you show as well. there’s a lot of energy in your personality that can be seen in the previous 3 songs (and said personality’s red/gold color), but this feels like the genuine softness you also possess behind that energy (by softness i mean, like.. the feeling of a melting heart, or the quite, calm, tired love you feel after getting home from hanging out with friends, etc)... if that makes any sense :)
anyway thANK YOU AGAIN FOR THE ASKS I LOVE YOU <33 apologies if these last two answers don’t make much sense bahaha I’m trying to put things to words that I never have before akdjskdj
from August’s Birthday Celebration Ask Game!
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dragynkeep · 3 years
New name for Bumble/by: Arsonic. "Arson" because fire and Yang equals fire, and arsenic is toxic, like belladonna, Blake's last name.
Also the ship itself is toxic, there's that too.
oo, nice alt lmao. maybe it can be used for the version of bees the wasps ship lmao
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fly-pow-bye · 4 years
DuckTales 2017 - “Quack Pack!”
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Story by: Francisco Angones, Madison Bateman, Colleen Evanson, Christian Magalhaes, Bob Snow
Written by: Bob Snow
Storyboard by: Vince Aparo, Kristen Gish
Directed by: Tanner Johnson
TGIHD. Thank God It’s Hump Day.
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Our episode begins with Huey preparing his Uncle Donald for his big family photo opportunity, an opportunity he never seems to have due to various mishaps. He hired a professional photographer, and even had him practice his million dollar smile. Huey says that nothing is going to stop this day from being ruined, and then Dewey, the one-liner-spewing stand-out sibling, shows up. We know he's the stand-out because the laugh track cheers as soon as he comes in. Yes, a laugh track, just like this series always had.
Some other characters show up, mostly to reintroduce them to the audience. We have Louie, the schemer who is currently trying make his mother jump off the roof and get people to pay to see it. Said mother is Della, a former moon-dweller who is perfectly fine with because she used to be on the moon, and will seemingly bring that up with almost every line of dialogue she has. Finally, we have Scrooge, the relatively down-to-Earth, no pun intended, person who knows this is ridiculous, though he does ponder if he can make a lot of money from that dangerous stunt before saying "no".
Instead, they have to get the study ready for the photo, something Scrooge promised he would have done already. Though he tells Donald that he would never break a family promise, the sweat he's wiping off his brow is telling a different story. He, Della, and Louie slowly back away into the office, and nobody is the wiser. Oh Scrooge, I’m sure he has some money related reason for it.
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As they back away into the office, we get two more stand-out characters: Mrs. Beakley, who constantly has to deny being a spy despite coming in through one of those wires on the roof, and Webby, who introduces her grandmother as a professional spy. She's the quirky one!
At this point, Huey starts to think that something is very off with everything around him, and asks his Uncle Donald if he feels the same way. Donald turns to Huey, and responds in the familiar way we all know and love.
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Donald: (clears throat) Well, everything seems perfectly normal to me!
Ah, Donald, with his distinctive voice by Don Cheadle; perfectly normal, and yet suave enough to make the laugh track cheer. See, everything is normal, from the way Donald Duck talks, to the laugh track laughing at even Dewey's cheesy one-liners, to the 90's TGIF sitcom-like establishing shot this scene started with. Nothing wrong at all...except for everything.
Yeah, if this is the first episode of DuckTales 2017 somebody watched, they're going to be very lost. I mean, people are saying this is an adventure show where they go all around the world, using their wits to fight criminals, monsters, and aliens, but this is a sitcom with a laugh track! There are some ways people could figure it out already, namely that cartoons would never use laugh tracks unironically, but it's good that this originally aired right after a normal episode.
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After a really short version of the usual theme song that consists solely of "DuckTales, woo-oo" and a commercial break, we get the theme song showing off the cast of characters. This includes Launchpad McQuack, who even has his own rock band, the Crash Happies. In we end, we get our title screen: Quack Pack. Yes, this is what the show's called now, taking the name from the infamous DuckTales spinoff where they decided to age up Huey Dewey and Louie to teenagers.
Outside of the title and a very similar pose for the title shot, it doesn't take anything from that show, just the 90's sitcoms it was trying to ape. Huey, Dewey, and Louie are still kids, and the plot for this episode is kind of pedestrian compared to the teenaged siblings turning into superheroes and battling a planet-sized Uncle D who just wants them to clean their rooms while his rage makes him destroy the galaxy. Even the theme song is just instrumental soft rock. It is possible they felt lines like "I feel like quacking, so I think I will, I'm gonna quack quack quack until I get my fill" are too cheesy even for a parody.
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As our episode truly begins, we meet another soon-to-be-beloved character, and one that isn't one of the familiar ones: Knox Quackington, that photographer Huey hired. He's an artiste, as described by Huey and himself, and he has the accent for the kind of stereotype that term was made for. Unfortunately for him, he describes himself as someone who uncovers the world's secrets, and Webby knows that could only mean he's a spy. That quirky character ends up taking him to a dark room, where she beats him up. Oh, Webby!
While this is happening, Scrooge decides to try to ready up that study.
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Unfortunately, the study is in even worse shape than he imagined. Scrooge didn't want to pay for actual repairmen to fix his problems, and the problems just got worse and worse. I'm sure there's a metaphor in there somewhere. Louie responds that Scrooge's lack of responsibility legally makes him liable for his own lack of responsibility. He didn't really change much at all for this sitcom plot, huh.
Huey and Donald show up to see Scrooge's study in ruins, and Donald explains why he can't just go to a different room: this is the only room where the buttons glint in the way he wanted! Louie says, with sarcasm, that the button glint issue is so much more of an unsolvable problem than a broken room, and everyone just makes an "oh, Louie" pose as they pause for the laugh track. Huey is a bit more optimistic, as he happens to have a Junior Woodchuck Guidebook...
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...a Guidebook that is completely blank. Donald speaking like a regular duck and the blank book makes him notice that the mysterious laughter that happens constantly doesn't seem to be coming from anyone in the room, and realizes something is very, very wrong. He runs out of the room as everyone else makes an "oh, Huey" pose as they pause for the laugh track.
This episode definitely gets the sitcom parody down to a T. They even have transitions where they're just dancing or flicking hearts from their smartphones. It reminds me of That 70's Show, and I don't watch enough sitcoms to know if there's an earlier example than that.
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Distracting us from Huey slowly figuring out what's going on is Dewey doing what he does best: giving himself and Donald mohawks. Oh, that rascal, that's going to be a real problem for the photo op. Huey shows up only to see that they paused in place, because it's time for a commercial break. Of course, Huey is the only one aware enough to realize everything is getting darker. Plot important forth-wall jokes is this episodes forte.
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After all the real commercials, because it would have been a missed opportunity if they didn't do a real commercial break there, we get a commercial for the fictional Pep, featuring a guy who's clearly played by the same actor as the photographer. If Disney XD didn't require "now back to the show" bumpers, this would have caught people a little off-guard. This ad specifically features him opening up a can of pep, causing a tidal wave of Pep. This actually becomes important later, though I won't go into detail.
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We then cut to the channel ID, which is exactly like the old and current Disney Channel channel IDs. The big difference is instead to drawing Mickey ears, Dewey, the lovable breakout character everyone loves, is drawing a lamp. It's the kind of lamp that would hold some sort of djinn, and not the djinn that looks for found lamps, either! Also, it's the Baba network...hey, just like that Baba guy the show is now credited to! Hmm...
Huey, of course, managed to notice all of this, and he runs back to the study after Donald tries to convince him to get some rest. Meanwhile, Mr. Quackington is all tied up by Webby, thinking he is some sort of suspicious special agent, and has Launchpad keep an eye on him. This leads to Launchpad and his band thinking he's a different kind of agent. Those are all about as far as they get with those plots, to be honest; it mostly focuses on Huey's plight and a plot with a certain other character that will appear in a few more paragraphs from now.
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Huey's plight is about why he's in this strange realm where people are constantly laughing at him. He then sees tiny versions of Randy and Johnny from the Ottoman Empire. No, I'm not going to do the joke this time. That's in the past, much like 3 tiered rating systems. Huey figures out that is is an ad, and the dominoes just drop from there as he realizes the guidebook he was holding was a prop, the room doesn't actually have any pipes, and one of the doors just leads to a brick wall.
Nobody is convinced, and they're just thinking he's going coo-coo. However, he does have a fool-proof plan: point to the fourth wall, which they only now notice is missing.
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They see some lights and some strange creatures that look sort of like those hairless apes Ludwig Von Drake was warning us about, but that can't be it! This is definite proof, and they all take it. Glad they won't take the entire episode to realize this.
Meanwhile, Donald shaves off the mohawk, only for him to have a bald spot. What's only slightly better is that Webby, who wants a meat tenderizer for some "cute girl stuff", still doesn't want to tell Donald where the photographer went. What else could go wrong?, says Donald, clearly signalling for something to go wrong. Though, if anything, something is going to go very right for us, because what would a sitcom be without a guest star?
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Appearing for the first time in DuckTales is Goofy. This is heavily based on the Goofy from Goof Troop and A Goofy Movie, even wearing the same outfit and making the same pose he does in the former's intro a few seconds later. Donald doesn't seem to think too highly of him, though, and the way he "borrows" some ketchup by squirting it into what I hope is his pocket is not helping matters. Nonetheless, his appearance is just like one would imagine an appearance of Goofy would be like in DuckTales.
He does fit into the photography plot pretty well, as his job in this appearance is a photographer, but I'm more willing to focus on how Goofy is also someone who notices a change in Donald. Maybe it might be something else, but I'd like to think that Goofy is more familiar with Donald's usual voice. As in, he's a real person and not just a construct of whatever this is. There's hints of this throughout the episode, and we did get to see Roxanne and Powerline before, so it's not that much of a stretch.
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It doesn't take long for the A plot of Huey dealing with this strange realm he's in and the B plot of the kidnapped photographer to crash into each other. I mean that literally, too, as Team Believes They're In A TV Show collides with Team Gotta Impress The Agent as the floor of the study collapses right into the room the photographer was kept in.
Slowly but surely, Huey convinces the rest of the people that something is wrong by simply saying that they should be going on an adventure. This is supposed to be an adventure series with an adventurer, and the biggest adventurer of them all, Scrooge McDuck, realizes it, too. However, he has no idea what would happen to get them into this realm.
Dewey: If only I could remember... (scratches his chin)
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Everyone notices the world around them swirl around, and they panic until it stops. Huey tells them that this is a flashback, and they could use this power to try to figure out how they got into this mess in the first place.
At this point, Donald is the only one that thinks trying to get out of this world is just a waste of time, even stating that they should get back to the plot, er, photo. Yes, in that way. At this point, it was pretty obvious who is the culprit, but this scene in particular reveals a different co-culprit.
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Finally, we get to see what was really happening: during an adventure to find the lost lamp of Collie Baba, they were stuck in a trap involving a ton of scorpions. Donald, in the barely comprehensible voice we all know and remember, decides to wish to himself that he would have normal family problems.
Donald's actions in this episode do make sense. Even though one of the main reasons why Donald Duck gave up on adventuring has been resolved, one cannot help that Donald just wants to be with his family, doing family things, and not getting into adventures that may risk his and his nephew's lives. I'd imagine being kidnapped by Moonlanders would do that to a guy.
After they get out of the flashback, they notice that the photographer is slowly trying to leave the room, and everyone knows at this point that this guy is not who he says he is. I mean, we got to see him quite clearly in that flashback.
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The photographer is revealed to be Gene the Genie. We managed to get two rebooted characters out of Treasure of the Lost Lamp, and somehow they're completely separate from each other. He's here to make his master's wishes come true, and that master happens to be Donald. Donald still has two more wishes, and he could use his second to undo the first. One problem: he loves it here.
We also learn the reason why this show is dated: he hasn't been out of the lamp since 1990. This is another nod to Treasure of the Lost Lamp, as that was its release year. Goof Troop was a few years after that year, but I'll let that pass. What I might not let pass is the sheer amount of internet references, something that wasn't too widespread in 1990. Huey sure wouldn't have his emoji hat, also. Maybe their modern technology combined with Gene's sitcom world, but I felt that was a little missed opportunity to see some time-related shock.
Anachronisms aside, I have to mention this particular scene when the siblings ask how long they're going to stay in this realm if Donald decides against ever letting them out.
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Gene: Probably at least three seasons, plus spinoffs. And I assume they'll reboot the show eventually!
It's pretty obvious why that line stood out. He really must be stuck in the past; most reboots are softer and rounder nowadays. I'd say more, but I'm trying not to fill that "YOU-KNOW-WHAT potshot" jar.
They want to go home, forget the three seasons, the spinoffs, and the dark and gritty reboots. Not speaking of softer in any sense of the word, that line does not go too well for those fourth wall dwellers...
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...and we get our answer to how the ducks would react to hairless apes in the same universe as they are. Granted, when they're all grinning these horrifying open mouthed grins, it would make even people in this universe shudder. I know I am!
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We get this big scene where they beat up the humans while they wait for Donald to come to his senses and wish them out of here. I'm not going to describe this scene in detail because there's just so much here. The mentioning of different episodes, the realm trying to fix itself, and a big rotation scene, pictured, that was put to good use in the trailers.
Another line in particular that stood out for me: Louie says that the episode where his pet snake gets loose isn't a well written plot. Gene tells him everyone's a critic. I can't help but feel that one.
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I will mention that we do get to see Goofy have a parent-to-uncle talk with Donald, and, yes, this leads to even more for the Goof Troop/A Goofy Movie fans. This is a very pivotal moment in the plot, and it's all because of the guest star. Honestly, even if they're trying to get out of the sitcom, that is a very sitcom thing to do!
It shouldn't be much of a spoiler to reveal that they do manage to get out of the sitcom universe. We got a F.O.W.L. plotline to get to. How exactly do they do it? Does Donald get his two other wishes? Go watch the episode and find out for yourself, but I'll say that it is satisfying.
How does it stack up?
This is a very interesting and very funny episode. Purists may be a little upset by this episode focusing more on mimicking the 90's than take any inspiration from the comics, but this is a good tribute to the era. It all hold up together, and I enjoyed every minute of it. Fantastic episode, 5 Scrooges.
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Next, we finally get to that F.O.W.L. plot, not so oddly enough!
← Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks! 🦆 Double-O-Duck in You Only Crash Twice! →
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toptecharena · 6 years
It was typical of me: I had small money in my account, so instead of going to the village to spend my “Nigerian summer,” I visited Lagos.
We all know that if you visit Lagos and you don’t visit Lagos Island market, you might have as well have stayed back where you came from. (Hello IG sellers, I see you.)
So this fateful Friday, my friend Chinny offered to show me around the market. If she had left me alone ehn, I would have just broken down inside that market and cry so tey e fit cause flood. You can’t blame a JJC.
I was scared after my friend read the rules and regulations of the market to me, even though it wasn’t my first time. I already knew I wanted to buy a denim skirt, one trouser, three tops, and then cups for my Oriyoke Parfait, so we had specific places we were going to. No aimless walking around looking for who wasn’t looking for me. I withdrew money and we entered the market.
As soon as we got in, people started dragging me up and down to buy this and that. I wanted to tell one to get his unsanitary hands off my recently scrubbed skin. Body products don’t come cheap oo! But let us thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit, who whispered to me to just ignore and use chicken-feather-removing hot water to shower when I get home. I obeyed, let myself be dragged. At least fine boys were dragging me, use your single mind to interpret. I finally felt how Charles Inojie did when he said: We fine boys no dey too follow woman, na dem dey rush us, na dem dey rush us oooo.
We made our way to Chinny’s aunt’s shop to ask for directions to where we could get cups. Next thing, one lady stormed the shop opposite, raging. I swear, if I had moved closer, I would have seen steam pouring through her nose and ears. She was raining profanities on the shop owner. What was his sin? He gave her a wrong suit size for the page boy and the wedding was the next day. The man gently told her, “Aunty, please stop shouting.” And what did she do? This aunty changed from gear one to gear five. That’s how the shop owner too changed it for her. He gave it back to her hotter, locked his shop and left.
We left there shortly after so I don’t know how they settled their issue. But I prayed he changed the suit back, if only for the little boy’s sake. Imagine him wearing agbada as a suit. The damage the pictures would do to his big boy reputation in the future. I don’t want to imagine oo.
I hung my bag around my neck but still held it tight in front of me. Everything about me screamed JJC as we made our way through the crowd, rubbing bodies with everyone and praying to the Almighty God that I don’t get scabies. We got to the plastic place and I priced the cups. It was ₦2,500 cheaper than I bought it from Uche in Enugu. Mr Uche Cup, when I get back, I will use your head to wash the back of party jollof pot. Just wait for me. Because I used the money for my denim skirt to buy more cups just so I won’t see you in a very long time.
As we were heading out, we saw the ‘bend down select’ with a Ph.D. The clothes were ironed and hung on racks all of them sold for ₦1,000. It was like a street boutique: innovation, and packaging at its best. I quickly went there and started picking clothes because nne m they were fine. And since abroad wasn’t calling my name, I had to make do with my own version of Saks Fifth Avenue.
Two hot chics with enviable bodies and faces that had slay plastered across them joined us to pick through the clothes. One of them took out a top, removed it from the polythene bag, aka Ph.D. graduation gown, looked at it, then crumpled it and put on the rack. The seller went berserk! “Come, this girl, why you rumple that top like that if you know sey you no wan buy?” The girl made a rude remark and the man just rushed her. I swear.
At this point, I knew fine girl fine girl couldn’t save her life. So I tried to stop him. If you see the way he flung my hand, it almost came off the joint. The people around told me to leave him, let him beat the devil out of her. Luckily, he restrained himself, but only after pouring venom all over her. I just imagined her getting slapped across her yellow face and the story she would have posted on her lit Instagram. I doubt she would have given Balogun ‘bend down select’ seller credit for the slap. Out of fear, I paid for everything I was holding. My brother, I didn’t want any trouble.
Unfortunately for me, I pushed someone’s wares down when we were very close to the car. It felt like my village people just wanted to get me in trouble because I didn’t spend my holiday with them. Dear villagers, is it where I am crushing palm fruits with my bare feet and sweeping the compound and singing village songs that I will find a husband before December?
I almost fell on the ground apologizing. The owner didn’t understand why I was begging like that. He said something in Yoruba and the lady beside him laughed. They asked me to go. I hope they said I was a well- mannered girl sha.
My home training almost left me when I asked a man for jeggings and he said he didn’t have big size. Chim! When did I become big size? I wanted to change it for him, call him ‘Omuti.’ But I remembered I was still inside Lagos Island market and I wasn’t allowed to have an attitude because anything can happen. Also, all the cake and jollof rice I had been eating since I got to Lagos had to show somehow. I had to let it slide after giving him uppercut in my mind.
It was a fun day in the market, looking at all the wares and pointing out to my friend the things I had seen on Instagram. Hi IG sellers again, in case you missed my first hello. I live in Enugu, come and beat me. I survived Lagos Island Market, no slap, nobody locked their shop in my face, so your case is moi moi.
Photo Credit: Dreamstime
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Go to Source Author: Adanna Elechi Adanna Elechi: I Survived Lagos Island Market, Alleluyah! It was typical of me: I had small money in my account, so instead of going to the village to spend my “
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direction-on · 7 years
AKA GOLDEN ERA OF 1D TMH ERA RISE. Best year of my fucking life man, this album was the fucking shit and the concerts were amazing. Live While We’re Young I listened to this song on repeat all fucking day. I bought the music video. Infamous inflatable banana and the birth of Big Payno. Don’t let the bitches steal your phone, we could see zayns and harrys tattoos, man it was getting risqué. Ah this song was the start of the rowing motion dance move fucking yes yes yes, fave bit w/out a doubt is the lil boats and hamster balls on the lake, as u can see I love this song, it was my saving grace, my summer song. 9/10 we’re starting strong bitch. Kiss You MY KRYPTONITE. Play this song in an exam and I will get up, play this song at my funeral and I will come back to life. This video (and the alt version) are probably my favourite ones of all time; shirtless 5/5, zen w floaties, all the little skits ahhhhhh bless just fucking bless this. Its such a good jam, you gotta dance and sing along to it. 10/10 I have strong feelings about it (GOOGLE NICK EXTENDED REMIX OF THIS SONG, also another reason I love it so much, the vocals are so fucking good for the bridge) Little Things Get ur phone lights out, its getting cutesy and slow. I’ve heard of people saying that this bashes on insecurities but I don’t interpret it that way, stop being negative amirite. SOLID VIDEO, Harrys voice KILLS U and his eyes look so beautiful even in black and white. HARMONIES MAN, LIKE MY GOD 9/10 song bc I loved Nialls solo in this song C’mon C’mon Oooh we back to the girl across the dancefloor songs, but they have been levelled uppppp. U gotta love this song for the stupid dance that they made up for it man. Zayns vocals were killa in this song, like he got some pipes man. 8/10 for the performance value, was such a good concert song. Last First Kiss What a jam, kinda repetitive, but the singing more than makes up for it. Zayns high notes that he did on tour for the end of the song made me love him, why did u betray us zen u bitch. 7/10 Heart Attack YOUU-OOO, DO-OO these are my favourite parts in this song. V reminiscent of UAN, pining pop and whatnot, but deffo a level up. I remember absolutely loving this song, but its become a fond song now, ya feel, others have taken its place, so it’s a 7/10. Rock Me Aka FUCK ME. What the fuck happened in summer ’09 ??? R O C K ME AGAIN. This song was like ‘we are older bois now, we can sing about sex but not directly bc our demographic are young girlies’, and I respect that. Good performance factor, so many opportunities for thrusting and innuendoes, basically a 2013 dream song. 8.5/10,,, the ex .5 id for zen Change My Mind UAN level up song, extreme level up. Imagine floating over girls while singing this, what a great jam, love the pick up in second verse its like oooh fun. It’s a good show off the vocal skills kinda song soooooo, 7/10 Baby if u say want me to drive 2 KFC. I love chicken. I Would This song makes me want to leave my non-existent boyf. Makes u feel loved even tho its just a voice, ah my life is so sad. HES GOT 27 TATTOOS, makes me laugh bc it ain’t an issue anymore (lets just average them out so niall can compete too). Harrys voice just gets all deep and husky in this one and it makes me feel some kinda way 7.5/10 Over Again This is a sweet song, I used to not like it as much, but I have grown to love it, I LOVE louis’ voice in it, it sounds so pretty. Lowkey didn’t know what the fuck a polo was I thought they were talking about the shirts and I was like wtf man. Overall a sweet soft song that deserves more love 8/10 Back For You Always loved, still love and will forever this song. The beat, the vocals, everything. Another art room song that annoyed the barbershop bois. Belt it because hes coming back for you <3 7.5/10 They Don’t Know About Us Quintessential secret love song that makes all girls think they’re in a secret relationship. Nialls soft solo is one of the best bits of this song, a bonus point for that Minus point for NEVER singing it live 6/10 Summer Love Nice soft song, v good lyrics except for the snow in sept. wasn’t relevant to us in NZ. Cri. Quite enjoy it, don’t think ive ever skipped it, but have come close, uh oh. 6/10 She’s Not Afraid ​My fuckin jam. I love this song. JUST SO HARD. SO HARD. *points at nialls dick* v upset that they didn’t put that in the film. Especially love this song bc they always jumped around on stage for this song. NIALLS LAUGH. Lets just call this the niall song bc he owns it, me thinks. 7/10 Loved You First EXTREME UAN PINING SONG LEVEL UP. The chorus is my fave bit, BABY I LOVE UR SHIRT. Play this song everytime harrys in a relationship bc that’s what this songs for bitch. 7/10 Nobody Compares I used to love this song but its gone down and other songs have taken its place. Let it be said that I have NEVER skipped it tho. ‘COMPARES TO YUW’ , honestly how I hear it. 6/10 Still The One THE UNDERDOG. A beautiful surprise at the end of a most beautiful album, a shining beacon of light. It draws you in like ooooh what is this and then the chorus BAM. UR ALL I THINK ABOUT BAAAAABY. A headbanger if there ever was one. Then we come to the bridge, what an experience, YOUR STILL THE OOOOOOOOONE. Harry. Harry. HARR Y. I call this song the I Should Have Kissed You glo-up that we didn’t know we needed. 8/10 RANKING OF TAKE ME HOME​​​ 1. Kiss You (10/10) 2. Live While We’re Young (9/10) 3. Little Things (9/10) 4. Rock Me (8.5/10) 5. Still The One (8/10) 6. Over Again (8/10) 7. C’mon C’mon (8/10) 8. Back For You (7.5/10) 9. Last First Kiss (7.5/10) 10. I Would (7.5/10) 11. Loved You First (7.5/10) 12. Change My Mind (7/10) 13. She’s Not Afraid (7/10) 14. Heart Attack (7/10) 15. They Don’t Know About Us (6/10) 16. Nobody Compares (6/10) 17. Summer Love (6/10) HONOURABLE MENTIONS ONE WAY OR ANOTHER (TEENAGE KICKS) Another beautiful cover by the golden boiz. Probably has the cutest album cover, a cute OT5 family photo, fuck u zen honestly. Bless the video and their stupid dance moves and stupid gangsta dancing in front of David Cameron. KISS YOU – THIS IS US LIVE FROM THE O2 ARENA I don’t know why, but this song makes me feel a certain kinda way and always cheers me up. Reminds of summer nights in India when all I did was listen to One Direction in my room alone and scroll through tumblr looking at concert pics, literally all I did in India. It has a spectacular ending and u can just feel the confetti and the flashing lights, it has a concert vibe to it that I love. TEENAGE DIRTBAG Forever salty that there wasn’t a full studio version of this song, complete with a superhero music video full of Harry punching the air and Liam frying things w his fire hands and would need a private jet at the end (like the film) bc a Bruce Wayne type One Direction superhero team is something I want. LAST FIRST KISS – THIS IS US REGGAE VERSION Studio version me with this song now. Like now. Makes me wanna go to Jamaica and chill out on the beach w Harry w some mojitos or something. TRULY MADLY DEEPLY // MAGIC // IRRESISTIBLE If you don’t know these songs, im disappointed in u. They belonged on the full version of the album in my opinion.
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fly-pow-bye · 6 years
DuckTales 2017 - “The Shadow War!”
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Story by: Francisco Angones, Madison Bateman, Colleen Evanson, Christian Magalhaes, Bob Snow
Written by: Madison Bateman, Colleen Evanson, Christian Magalhaes, Bob Snow
Directed by: Hatthew Humphreys, Tanner Johnson
Storyboard by: Vince Aparo, Emmy Cicierega, Ben Holm, Vaughn Tada, Brandon Warren, Jason Zurek
The Day of the Ducks, and the Night of DeSpell. I almost wish they kept those titles!
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We start where we left off from the previous episode, with Huey, Dewey, and Louie packing up the newly repaired houseboat. They're not too happy, but they're also not happy with a mother-losing uncle, either. Donald tries to cheer everyone up with some sardine crackers, which, judging by Webby's expression, aren't that great.
Webby's there too, for reasons I'm not entirely sure of. Is she going to move in with the boys, or is this some temporary home for her? The fact that the boys were some of the first friends she ever got to meet probably had a hand in that.
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But enough about that, time for some recap of something I skipped earlier: in Lena’s last episode, Magica manages to possess her, taking over her body. She's already possessed here, as she starts to plot to get that number one dime before the lunar eclipse happens. She only occasionally regaining her senses to show the viewer that this isn’t actually Lena’s real personality. How? Maybe it’s just like just shaking her head, or her eyes changing color, or...
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KIDS SHOW. KIDS SHOW. OH, GOOD LORD IT’S A KIDS SHOW. I mean, I'm not against this. Having Magica's shadow form literally getting attached to Lena's poor eyes shows how little control Lena has now.
Honestly, I wasn’t a big fan of this when Other Bin used it as a twist, mostly because it lessened Lena’s importance in the plot. Why have any investment in Lena doing the right thing if her evil aunt can just possess her to do the wrong thing? Turns out, this episode has some twists that make that an easier pill to swallow.
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They even throw three items from three separate filler episodes into the ocean, including the Druid’s Cup and the “I Didn’t Survive_d_ Mount Neverrest” shirt. Yeah, there’s a lot of references to the previous episodes, and these are just the most blatant. One neat joke is that, despite everything, Louie is still the money-making schemer as he desperately tries to keep the hook from the Toth-Ra episode to sell on their version of eBay.
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As Louie desperately tries to scuba dive for the soon to be lost treasures, Donald shows up to tell the boys that he’s taking the boat to Cape Suzette. Just in case, the logo is even in the style of TaleSpin and it has the Sea Duck on it. I wonder how the ducks feel about that name.
Meanwhile, Magica, let's be honest, while it's Lena's body, it's clearly Magica in 100% control here, finally infiltrates her nemesis's manor by using Lena's voice to tell Scrooge that Webby would be so disappointed that he's going through one of those "old man moments". She finally comes face-to-stolen-face with Scrooge...
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...and he looks like this. After everyone left him, including ghost Duckworth, long story, Scrooge is at his lowest moment. It apparently didn't take too long for him to become a pizza loving duck with a stained t-shirt, living off of the last remains of his money. Magica thinks this is all some psychological ploy, and gets irritated when this increasingly does not turn out to be the case.
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Back at the houseboat, Webby does a plan to get some sort of farewell party going. Since the boys are starting to have second thoughts about Cape Suzette, sans Dewey who gets all dressed up for the occasion, they decide to agree to this.
Webby tries to gets a special guest to join this parent trap, and yes, they outright call it that. She also gets Launchpad, who was oblivious to all of this and is confused to why Scrooge won't let him into the manor, and accidently gets Mrs. Beakley, who finds out about it and wants to investigate this. Thankfully, she wants in on it as well. Crisis averted. Webby decides to call up Scrooge McDuck, and to her ears, it seems like Scrooge answered the call and would happily go anywhere with free food.
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Unfortunately, it was Magica talking in Scrooge McDuck’s voice, as Scrooge is still wallowing around in his own sorrows. For the record, they do the body swap voice change thing, with Lena speaking in Magica's voice when she's not trying to be in-character. It's still Lena's vocal cords, but, it's magic, okay? They actually say that later in the episode.
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Magica really wants Scrooge to drink nutmeg tea which was spiked with a sleeping potion. Y'know, so she could get the dime. Short answer, he doesn't, and her reactions are funny. She even ends up putting it in a sippy cup, only for him to knock it over and break it. However, her other strategy ends up working better.
She also accidentally convinces him to try to go on an adventure on his own, and start fresh, forgetting about everything in the past. This includes forgetting his family; that’s another major theme in this episode, and it’s not just in the Huey, Dewey, and Louie part. He throws away his clothes, and Magica suggests giving the Number One dime away to her.
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Of course, that's the one trinket he doesn't want to get rid of, much to Magica's lament. Gotta say, that's pretty harsh but yet fitting for him that a piece of money is held to a higher regard than his own family, even if his own family disowned him. Eventually, Magica gives up on tricking the old man into a slumber and starts wrestling him for it. Since Scrooge has been out of it for the last few days, this does not take too long.
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Turns out, she had a decidedly different and legitimate reason to get the Number One Dime, even though previous episodes implied that she thought it had mystical powers just like in the original comics and cartoon. For the first and only time, we see that it’s an ordinary dime that happened to have Magica's true form banished into it in a battle that happened 20 years ago.
A little bit different from the naive assumptions from the original, possibly due to Magica's new character. They may have also felt that would be a lousy ending if it turned out to be an ordinary dime without Magica's real body in it. She grabs it just as soon as the lunar eclipse begins, and...
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...this reveal of Magica's real form is so cool. The green feathers are a bit odd, considering she never had that in the other adaptations or the original, but it is addressed in the end.
Scrooge and Lena plan to take on Magica. With Lena's knowledge of magic, and Scrooge's skills, nobody can stop them! Especially not sorceresses that were listening in on their plan right outside of the cage!
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Magica taps her staff, and Lena gets sucked into her shadow. Magica, when she's not getting irritated by everyone around her, really is a nightmarish figure. Yeah, kids show, oops, she gone!
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Oh, and Scrooge is sucked into his number one dime as well, and becomes the new back of the coin. It seems like all hope is lost. But, there's still some family left, right?
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Sure enough, yes, though at least one of them had to think about it. To make a long story short, Huey and Louie are convinced to go back to Scrooge by a combination of Donald’s talking to them about family and Mrs. Beakley’s guilt trips. Apparently, as a spy and a grandmother, she knows fully well how to do those.
Dewey, on the other hand, is still the odd one out. It makes sense; he was the one that was the most involved in the mission to find his mother, and he was the one who was the most shaken about it. I'm not a fan of the complainer is always wrong trope, but the complainer is definitely in the wrong.
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He eventually gets over it, because, let’s be honest, we got to get to the better part eventually. Dewey goes into the hug, and tearfully tells Donald that he wants to go back to the manor. Donald agrees, but they’re immediately interrupted by some commotion outside.
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They see a huge magical tornado where the manor used to be. Soon, other people hop into the boat as well, including Gyro Gearloose, and Manny. Y'know, that headless horse they're trying to make into a thing.
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We get to see Magica's plan in action; not only does she want revenge on Scrooge, she's going to take it out on the entire city of Duckburg! She causes everyone's shadow to rise up to join her. They make sure to do many cameos with this, including Glomgold, Gladstone Gander, and even Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera and his mother, the former even getting Gizmoduck snatched away from him. I'm sad to say that was essentially a cameo and not a lead to an amazing fight scene. Not to say there won't be one.
I’ll set yourself up for disappointment: no, they didn’t give this any sort of payoff beyond an implied off-screen fight later in the episode. Eventually, this turns into a huge shadow vortex that eventually settles into a tornado above the money bin, where Magica has formed a throne made out of Scrooge’s remaining money.
Someone has to have a plan to stop this, and who else but our lovable Uncle Donald? Unfortunately, there’s a problem.
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One problem the comics couldn’t have in a audio-visual based medium does rise up, and one I had suspicions with even when I was first watching this: Donald’s voice is still that classic Donald voice, and nobody can understand him. That “[speaking gibberish]” is an actual closed caption.
Thankfully, Gyro has the solution that doesn’t involve taking a role away from the most well known character in the series: a Barksian Modulator, an obvious reference to Carl Barks, and a not-so-obvious reference to a classic Disney cartoon that involved Donald taking pills to mitigate his speech impediment, is forced into Donald’s throat.
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While Donald with an intelligible voice always felt wrong in an audio-visual medium, it is necessary at this point, and it leads to some great moments later in the episode. Here’s a good example, from where Donald takes the wheel of the boat, letting Mrs. Beakley know that he can handle it:
Mrs. Beakley: Watch out for the storm.
Donald Duck: I am the Storm!
Mrs. Beakley ...were you always saying things like this?
Eh, I could see people thinking this is out of character for him, too. At least, for the "unlucky everyman" character he was until now.
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He then tells the kids to stay home, as it's too dangerous. They reference the lifejackets from the first episode a lot in this episode, which is a little more subtle than the "box full of items" scene. Of course, they don't listen to that. They need to find someone who’s crafty, like a teenager who knows how to get into places. Somelike...like Lena.
They go to the theatre Lena lived in, which I’m not entirely unconvinced was the Beagle Boy’s old hangout from the original, but they can't seem to find her. They do find a trapdoor leading to her room, though, which happens to contain her journal! They debate whether or not to open it, and decide it may lead to where she ran off to.
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It's here where Webby learns an even deeper secret about Lena, one that the audience wouldn’t have guessed and one I won't entirely spoil here. I know this because I sure did not! A part of what cloaked this secret is that Magica had a niece in the original comics named Minima De Spell, and I just assumed this was the reboot’s version of her, but the truth is a little bit different. In an only slightly inaccurate way, they figure out that Lena was the big betrayer, and Webby is the one hit the hardest by this.
This explains a lot about her character development; she was just slowly gaining her conscience this entire time. I still wish it was a little smoother, as it seemed like she had a different personality in every episode. But, now I can see the progression.
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I'm going to skip around a little bit, just because I don't want to ruin the episode too much. This episode was said to be like an "action movie airing on a Saturday morning" by one of the writers, and they weren't kidding; there's a lot of outright fisticuffs in this episode! Granted, most of it is against these shadow creatures.
Usually in the comics, original cartoon, and even this cartoon, they have to win through cleverness. They do only one scene where they actually stop the shadows by turning off the lights and then using Webby's nightvision goggles. For the most part, it's an extended Power Ranger-esque putty fight.
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Once the ducks manage to get into the money bin, we get back to the irritating the evil sorceress bits that are all really clever. All of the boy's personalities show in this fight scene. For example, Louie scams Magica by telling her that she broke an ancient cursed mirror, and Huey...
Huey: (dodging Magica’s attacks) How did Scrooge curse you, anyway? Isn’t Scrooge not the magic type? And we never saw you on the back of the coin before now? And how does the lunar eclipse factor into all of this?
Magica: You see, the lunar eclipse enhances...it’s magic, okay?!
...does my job for me, apparently. Notice how I said the boys, but I could understand why Webby would act the way she does against someone who fooled her into making a false friend. No use of her gadgets here. It feels very out of character and out of style...and maybe that was the point.
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At one point, Magica shoots another beam, which hits Webby's friendship bracelet. A scene anyone could expect happens here; it was certainly a scene I expected. What I didn't expect was how short it was, and how tragic it eventually became. It worked in the same way as that shocking scene from Other Bin, except this is reality rather than a dream.
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The tragedy doesn't last long, though. It really wouldn't be much of a spoiler to say that Scrooge and the boys eventually win over Magica, and part of this is from Scrooge coming out of the coin...somehow. Something about the shine of the lunar eclipse, I guess. Scrooge even somehow got his clothes back when he got out of the coin.
He then tells Magica the greatest irony of them all: her attempt to ruin Scrooge's family ended up bringing them together again. In fact, Magica had nothing to do with the breakup; she didn't even know it happened!
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Of course, it's a super happy ending for the most part, with the family coming back together in the end, Magica gets defeated, the voice pill breaks to give Donald his old voice back, and the houseboat becomes unable to take anyone to Camp Suzette. Of course, it's for the most part; Lena's fate is up in the air. It really depends on how you interpret one of the last scenes. Lena may have been "false", as non-spoilery as I can call her, but she’s become a character in her own right.
There’s one final scene regarding the one plot thread that wasn’t exactly closed up by the end of this episode. While I'm glad it's there, it did lead to one huge question: why not check the moon first?
How does it, and the whole season, stack up?
Angones has said that this was essentially an action movie, and I can’t disagree with that. A great ending to a good reboot.
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And thus, that’s the end of Season 1 of the DuckTales reboot. A very good season all around! But I must talk about something.
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People have noticed that I have never given a negative review to any episode of this series as of yet, though there were episodes that came very close. This would have been the image if I went with my initial opinion of Other Bin before I thought about the importance of it in the long run. Terror of the Terra-Firmians was ultimately a useless episode that had to have Lena shoved in to be halfway decent.
It was a captivating season from beginning to end, and that’s not something I would say about most seasons of anything, especially not reboots.
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I’ll say this, reviewing two shows at the same time took a lot out of me, but I can’t say it wasn’t worth it. Who knows what journeys our boys will go through next, and if the demand is there, or if that other show ends first, maybe I can go for it when it airs.
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fly-pow-bye · 7 years
DuckTales (2017) - “Woo-oo!”
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Story by: Francisco Angones, Colleen Evanson, Noelle Stevenson, Madison Bateman, Nate Federman, Matt Youngberg
Written by: Francisco Angones
Directed by: Dana Terrance, John Aoshima
Storyboard by: Emmy Cicierega, Ben Holm, Jason Reicher, David Baker, Matthew Humphreys, Tanner Johnson
Surprise! Actually, I made it pretty obvious.
Just a reminder: it’s been a long time since I’ve seen the original DuckTales. If you’re expecting me to make comparisons between this show and the original like I occasionally do with that other particular reboot that must not be named, you’re going to be disappointed. On with the review.
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This episode starts with a non-anthropomorphic seagull flying in the air. The seagull flies across some other ducks who live on boats, and they’re kind of disgusted at this weird duck that’s much smaller than them and can’t talk. One of the boat-dwellers happens to be Donald Duck, along with his three nephews: Huey, the red one with the head accessory, Dewey, the blue one, and Louie, the green one.
Huh, red one, blue one, and green one. Maybe this isn't as much of a curveball as I thought. I’m just going to call them HDL, unless it's specifically one of them doing something, which will be often for one of them in particular. Surprisingly, not the one with the hat.
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For instance, as soon as we cut to Donald Duck’s boathouse, we see Louie forcing his uncle’s clothes off. Oh, no worries, Louie is just trying to prepare Donald for his job interview. He’s got to wear his nicest suit, not the sailor uniform he usually wears with his current job of “none”. Yeah, he’s not going to the Navy and be mostly absent like in the original. In fact, he’s a major character now, and I’ll write more about that later once he gets into a bigger role in this episode.
One thing I will say right off the bat is that Donald Duck still has that voice, and the show gives him quite a bit of dialogue you’re supposed to understand. Most of his humor is slapstick, as it should be, but I wouldn’t fault anyone if they needed the closed captions. It’s one of those flaws that is far, far better than any real alternative, and Disney, its fans, and I wouldn’t want Donald’s voice any other way. This rule doesn’t apply to any of the other ducks, of course.
Some things other than voices do change, though. One great way to tell that this isn't 1987 anymore is that, while struggling with the boys to get them to put their life-vests on, he picks up his smartphone to call the babysitter asking where she is. Cellphones are going to be a big part of this episode, but it's also a big part of real life. It's a far better way to modernize a show than adding memes.
With the futility of leaving them home alone without Dewey hotwiring the boat, Donald is left with no other choice. He throws them all in the car to drop them off somewhere for a few hours. The boy’s displeasure immediately gets erased when Donald Duck keys in the directions on his car’s GPS.
GPS: Destination...McDuck Manor.
Huey: McDuck...as in SCROOGE MCDUCK?!!
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The nephews have heard of the legends surrounding their great uncle Scrooge McDuck. He punched a rock monster and carved a statue out of its leg, he was able to figure out the chupacabra was just a shaved bear, and, said last as if it’s the most unbelievable thing, he only hunts for treasure so he can swim in it! I’d make a joke about that, but I’d be the millionth and one to say it.
HDL are super excited to be with the most interesting duck in the world. Okay, they don’t use that exact wording; they didn’t outright make a reference that would date the show. Even if it was, this scene would still work to show off how great and adventurous Scrooge McDuck is.
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Or used to be, as this plays a perfect contrast with a cut to the Scrooge McDuck of the present, sitting bored and playing with his coins while listening to a trio of literal vulture capitalists saying he should lay off on the submarines. Of course, this acts as a contrast to HDL’s “most exciting duck in the world” statement, which is the exact wording. This scene also carries a lot more weight considering the long distance between the original and the reboot, even though the original is clearly no longer canon.
We see Scrooge McDuck, adventurer, now just a gazillionaire sitting through financial briefings and just dropping some gold into his money bin and closing it. We get to see Launchpad McQuack, the clumsy pilot of both DuckTales and Darkwing Duck, as a clumsy limo driver. It’s been a long time since either of them have been on adventures, in the show and in a meta sense.
Scrooge McDuck gets the boys, and he has to be told by the housekeeper, Mrs. Beakley, to actually interact with them. They immediately start fanboying, asking him questions and telling him that he used to be such a big deal. Losing his temper, he throws them in an old spare room, with Mrs. Beakley giving them a bag of marbles to play with. He's not hip with the kids, and it becomes a big plot point later on.
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He later goes back to his room, and he rubs off some dust on a window between him and a diving suit. It’s made quite clear that the trio’s “you used to be a big deal” is setting him off. Again, lots of weight considering the time.
Of course, the boys aren’t too happy to be locked in a room, so Dewey breaks it open by banging it with the bag of marbles. It’s clear that they’re trying to give HDL distinct roles, something extremely rare in the comics, and only slightly less rare in the earlier cartoons. They prepare to touch some expensive stuff, only to get captured again by a shadowy figure. They get interrogated while hanging from the ceiling until they yell for Uncle Scrooge.
Webby: (gasp) Nephews! Tell me everything!
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This is the reboot’s version of Webby, granddaughter of Mrs. Beakley, and it’s one of the most drastic changes this reboot does to the original. The original Webby is portrayed as a doll with a arrow shot through its heart in the tied up scene. That’s how much the writers want you to know that they really wanted to change Webby. Here, she's an idol of Scrooge McDuck, and wants to be a great adventurer just like him.
She also feels trapped. While Mrs. Beakley is alright with her preparing for it, she doesn't want her to go out to see the dangers of the world. So...a Disney Princess, but more like Rapunzel than, say, Aurora. The one from Sleeping Beauty that's known for, you know, sleeping. She opens a ventilation shaft for the boys to crawl through, so they can try to explore more of the manor.
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Speaking of Mrs. Beakley, she barges into Scrooge McDuck’s room after hearing a bunch of noise, and we see Scrooge McDuck putting on that heavy diving suit. Mrs. Beakley reminds him he should spend time with his family instead, but Scrooge wants nothing to do with that. In his words, family is nothing but trouble. Dewey overhears this, as he crawls through the ventilation system, which makes him a little more weary about the great uncle.
They get out of the ventilation system, and they end up right outside what Webby calls the “Wing of Secrets”. That might be a pun.
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This room contains a lot of weird items, including a gong that, if hit three times, will launch unspeakable evil. It’s going to get hit three times. Louie, already established as being the most rascally of the group, is busy calling dibs on the stuff. He only lived with his great uncle for less than a couple minutes, and Louie is already thinking about his inheritance! She does stop Louie from touching a hand that turns anything it touches to stone. It's going to be used to turn something into stone.
Being far more disinterested as his dislike for his great uncle grows, Dewey makes a bombshell statement that causes the rest of the group sans Webby to stop and think.
Dewey: It’s fake.
They were absolutely enamored by this guy when the GPS guy talked about McDuck Manor, but this one little thing, and they think he's a fraud. Well, maybe it isn't so little.
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They see their Uncle Donald, and they just don’t see him as the adventuring type. The other two agree, and immediately start calling the other items fakes. Of course, Webby is flabbergasted by this, as, to her, Donald Duck is one of the best adventurers around.
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Much like the “most exciting duck in the world” comment, we have to have a contrasting scene here, too. We then cut to Donald Duck waiting for his interview alongside a neat little cameo from A Goofy Movie, doing one of his trademark outbursts at a stapler.
Webby: But what about the picture of the chupacabra?
Huey: Photoshop.
Cellphones, GPS, and now Adobe Photoshop. Well, okay, While HDL tries to disprove all of this worth, Webby opens a treasure chest that reveals a floating sheet. The boys are convinced it’s just a Halloween decoration in there. Dewey pull off the sheets...
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...and it turns out to be Captain Peghook, the Scourge of the River Styx. This instantly convinces the boys that, nope, it’s all real. Subplot over. They also wake up a headless man-horse and a magical sword called the Deus Excalibur. Both of these items hit the gong, and they wonder what could be worse than any of this.
Scrooge McDuck shows up, much to the chagrin, but before he could punish the boys, the ghost, the horse, and sword. To make a short story even shorter, he takes care of all three by doing one thing that causes a chain of events. I feel like being more specific wouldn’t add anything to this review. This causes a celebration among the kids until he puts his cane down.
He also tells Webby that this isn’t a Wing of Secrets, it’s the garage. Webby tries to counter this by pointing out items like...a “garden hose of destiny”. Dewey quotes back the “family is nothing but trouble” line, which really gets on his nerves. While this was all entertaining, a part of me was thinking to myself, “he’s going to hit the gong, he’s going to hit the gong, he’s going to hit the gong...”
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Sure enough, he hits the gong! He does defend himself by saying he couldn’t have known it was hit twice before. Kind of a lapse of judgment, but it's better than not knowing what evil could have lurked. This evil happens to be a gold-hunting dragon, who immediately sniffs the scent of the famous giant money bin. Scrooge immediately grabs onto the dragon, telling the kids to go to their room.
Simple answer: they don't.
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Slightly longer answer: this leads to a action scene, as Scrooge McDuck holds on to the dragon, while the boys and Webby get Launchpad McQuack to save him. I don't really want to talk too much about this, as I can't really add anything that wouldn't just be summary.
I will mention one thing: I like how the “garden hose of destiny” plays a part in this. They didn’t even need to go back to that joke, but they did anyway. Everything is connected, and it is seen throughout this entire cartoon. It ends with the Scrooge using that hand, and he safely lands in the money he was perfectly trained to swim in. The boys get worried for a second; I wonder if they thought about what usually happens when you land on a pile of metal.
...there, millionth and two.
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After all of that, it's official: Scrooge McDuck is back in the business of adventure! This is where the episode would end, but I guess it would be disappointing if we didn't see that Atlantis adventure. It turns out, Scrooge will not be alone on said adventure, and I don't just mean HDL, Webby, and Launchpad.
It turns out, Donald Duck's job interview was a success, though not for the accounting job he wanted. Instead, he's a sailor, working for a certain someone.
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Flintheart Glomgold, the second richest Scottish duck in the world, and he’s not happy about that placing. I know he's one of the classic villains. He knows just as well as Scrooge McDuck does that there’s a jewel for him to take.
Glomgold: Now, what do you know about...Atlantis?
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What we just watched was the longest cold open ever, as the theme song starts right after that threat. They knew very well that nothing can be as catchy as the original 1987 show’s theme song, so it’s a modern Disney take on the classic theme sung by American Idol contestant Felicia Barton. The original can't be beat, but it doesn't do a bad job either.
I have nothing but good things to say about the visuals. It's a lot more abstract than the original, with Scrooge and the kids jumping out of comic panels, a great reference to DuckTales' roots, and eventually climbing the DuckTales logo. We even get some glimpses at the new Beagle Boys, who don't appear in this episode, so those mercanaries aren't replacements for them.
It's all well animated, and one thing I can say that should be a plus is that the animation in the show proper isn't as much of a downgrade as certain other cartoons.
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Part 2 of this episode starts with Glomgold’s employee training video. He prides himself on taking ideas that were already done and making them his own, doing them better, faster, and cheaper. There would be a good joke to put here if this cartoon was worse.
While he's watching this, Donald Duck is secretly talking to Scrooge on how to take care of the nephews. Scrooge McDuck tells him not to worry, as he has a laid back schedule ahead. Of course, he's actually going into a submarine in search for the jewel of Atlantis.
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One of the big plots in this episode with many of the characters is trying to keep secrets by lying, whether it be Louie telling Donald Duck that he's doing boring stuff while in the submarine, or a whole section of plot dedicated to Webby lying to her overprotective grandmother that she's going to a party.
This even continues with Dewey, seriously, he does a lot of things in this special, erasing a line on the map to a more direct path that's filled with monsters.
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It leads to them getting attacked by those monsters in three one second scenes. It’s a joke anyone can see coming. There is a hidden depth in this beyond just "those kids are rascals", and it's another bit of conflict between Dewey and Scrooge.
Scrooge: You kids would be the death of me!
Dewey: DEWEY would be the death of you! DEWEY!
Scrooge says that the kids are going to be the death of him. He doesn't see HDL as three different people, just some family that's nothing but trouble. Later in the episode, Dewey challenges him to say which one he's supposed to be, and Scrooge doesn't know. I'll be honest, I got it wrong when I first watched this, too, even though they do try to seperate them a little more than usual.
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Meanwhile, on Glomgold's unmarked boat, Donald is showing off pictures of him and his nephews to his co-workers, who are all mercenaries with names like Cabby McStabberson. An alarm sounds, and they see Scrooge McDuck is also after the jewel of Atlantis. Donald wonders why Scrooge is there, and is even more insensed to see the boys, saying he's going to kill them.
Glomgold takes that literally, to Donald's chagrin, and he starts to give him praise for giving them a great idea to kill Scrooge. This becomes one of the running gags with Glomgold and Donald: not only is he working for evil, evil sees him as a good employee. Also, they are able to use the word kill; none of that getting here.
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So once they get to Atlantis, there's all of these plot threads. Along with the main plot of Scrooge trying to get the jewel of Atlantis, we have a lot of family drama. One great nephew in particular, Dewey, wants to confront Scrooge on his lack of caring for his family. A nephew, Donald, is working with, and yet wants to protect his nephews as well. And there's Webby's grandmother, who can't help but keep calling Webby wondering if she's okay at this party she went to.
This is all going at once, and the only confusing thing is how that cell phone would work when they're at the bottom of the sea. I guess when you're with a bajillionaire, anything is possible.
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Talking more about Donald Duck, it’s interesting to see Donald in a much, much bigger role than he had in the original. Judging by the opening, this will follow through throughout the series. The stuff he goes through is very fitting. A highlight is during a scene where HDL tries to get past a laser bridge that causes, and Donald desperately tries to shield them from lava shooting out of what would have been the ceiling.
I don't want to get into any more spoiler territory than that, so all I can say is that it all gets tied up at the end. They even get out of a surprisingly insightful death trap, which teaches Donald that sometimes, you just got to trust people. Dewey even calls it a "surprisingly insightful death trap".
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While the Dewey and Scrooge plot and the Donald and Everyone Else plot gets handled well enough, the Webby and Mrs. Beakley plot just kind of ends with Mrs. Beakley being okay with it, only telling her that she shouldn't lie. It's the closest thing to a forced moral in this episode, but at least it's all taken care of without spending too much time on "Liar Revealed" scenes.
I don’t want to ruin the fun for anyone who wants to watch this, which should be everyone, but I’m not spoiling too much when I say the good guys win, right? Obviously, it’s a bit more complicated than that, but that’s what happens. It even leads to this line, from one of the newsreporters on the scene.
Newsreporter: Scrooge McDuck is back, with family in tow, solving mysteries, and rewriting history!
Oh yeah, that reference was beautiful. In the end, Dewey goes back to the "Wing of Secrets"/garage, and there is a really neat cliffhanger with the same painting that led HDL to doubt Uncle Scrooge’s accomplishments. I won’t spoil it, but there’s going to be some continuity in this. Unlike other certain reboots, it will definitely be touched upon again. Woo-oo!
How does it stack up?
I was of the opinion that maybe we should just leave the past alone and start making new cartoons instead of trying to reinterpret our favorites of old. Maybe it's because it's Disney and not Cartoon Network, but this show is an exception. At the very least, it's a great start.
If you want to watch three siblings that wear red, blue, and green going on adventures, this is the show to watch. Obviously, I’m not going to use a character from a far lesser cartoon to grade this cartoon, but I don’t have three faces by the same person to use here, so...have a Two Thumbs Up Dewey!
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(Special thanks to martosi231234! Far better than an emoji.)
But I’m really just delaying the inevitable. This Saturday on FPB...it’s back to the usual.
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Oh boy. Oh, and just in case...
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