#oop that got a bit rambly again haha
If you could get a job doing anything (I mean LITERALLY anything) and know that you'd get paid a comfortable amount for it, what would you want to do?
Man, if I could get a job doing anything, I would love to be paid to tell stories- either my own, or the stories of another.
I've always wanted to write a graphic novel, or hell just write a book! I've got plenty of practice in drawing-wise, I just feel like I need a bit more in actually writing before I venture into that world.
In that same vein, getting paid to play d&d would be amazing- being able to play my characters and get paid to explore their wants, their goals, and how they interact with the world- or hell, even making the world myself for some players to explore at their leisure. I'm always happiest telling a story.
On the other hand, I've also considered the possibility of being someone who's the voice of an audiobook- my family members have mentioned that I have a fun way of reading stories haha.
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universe of constant spinning, every end a new beginning
“So, do you have an umbrella? That was like, your thing, right? At Claw?”
Ah—not again! He can’t keep zoning out while talking to people—especially his boss.
But… why was Reigen still here? It was late and he always got to work early. It wasn’t his job to stay and coddle his employees. “I—uh—no,” he stuttered, fingers twisting anxiously. “Mine was, uh, "is” broken, sir.”
‘Broken’ was a mild way to put it. More like it got destroyed.
[or, reigen gives serizawa an umbrella]
☔️2,651 words | serirei☔️
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medicalunprofessional · 10 months
Hello ! Hope this ask finds you well & I hope you dont mind it as I simply just needed to get some words out , so you know just how much your words are valued&taken to heart.
Most of my pieces are rather 'simplistic'(?) in nature and focus hard on self-expression - I believe it is the best way of making art , especially for someone brainsick like me , whom can't focus much on art otherwise or just likes to express their feelings. Express their Soul , as I like to say it ... And well , I tend to talk about this often , I think , but I really do put parts of my soul into a lot of my art. Especially my 'messier' , more 'abstract' art. Art where I just do fuck all , capiche? And seeing it be so ... appreciated , so much , like that ... Well , I'll just let you know I definitely sobbed a little ! In the best way possible though of course HAHA Tears come to me quite easily so it's normal for me. But really. Thank you so much. There was a reason I tagged that art with just one tag - my own tag. My thoughts went something like this : "Well , it's just some quick messy scribbles ... It's not like much people will see it , or be interested in it , anyway ...". But ... Your tags changed that mindset a bit , I feel. It might be 'just some scribbles' , but it's still got a feel in it , still got a value , doesn't it ... ?
Apolocheese for going full on Rambling-Mode in here ... !!!!! Hope this makes you realize just how much compliments can change someones day , someones mind , someones soul ... & It's fascinating just how much you changed mine. From the bottom of my heart , once again - Thank you for appreciating my art : ) ! People like you keep me going , doing what I do ! ( And also - I encourage you to loosen up on your own art as well , absolutely !!!!! It's so SO freeing once you do. It's totally worth it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
RRARFFGHHH!!! YYYESS!!! most inndeedd.. bestie…. art truly… rhe highest form of art to me is the kind that really evokes emotion…… and im glad! so ahppy! unable to word tbe emotions… it reallt is amZinf.. qqqqq….. aaAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!! and soul is a good way to put it… that little part of the art that really evokes… you..? the thing thay makes it your art style.. in a way.. YAHHHH…!!!!!! so glad we could share an art moment together…. many more to come…
art isnt a job to me. its fun. art is having fun. i want to make art because its fun. and i like doing it. and i want to express something i felt needed to exist. and i create to spark joy. i hope people will be inspired by the simple tools i use. and i just draw whatever the damn fucked i want.. i dont want money. i want to make people happy and make myself happy…
also random thought but i just realized how opposite our art is in some ways from eachother..?? one simple, the other focused on maintaining weird small details and anatomy and mechanical accuracy (my autistic ass making sure the internals of robots are functional looking and that their casings would allow free movement broke free oops)
jumping with joy.. srry if tjis is incoherent i am bad at talking when it comes 2 text posts… chew (it is still really hot oher here and my brain feels like liquid)
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connorsoddsock · 1 year
Hi hi!! I found your Detroit: Ground Zero fic on ao3 and I absolutely loved what you have up so far so I wanted to stop by! I feel like I haven’t seen many dbh fics that are zombie apocalypses yet still in the dbh setting, so that was really cool to read. I’m really interested in seeing how the zombies not being able to detect androids will affect how everyone goes about dealing with them. Also, I’m so curious as to how the first zombies even became zombies. (If you’re willing to share,) will we ever find out why? Anyway, I’ve very much enjoyed what I read so far! (Crying over Reader’s cats though…) I can’t wait to see more of Reader and Connor interacting, as well as the first in depth interaction with Nines! I’m excited to see what you have in store for us c:
I think I’ve rambled quite enough haha so I shall stop here >.< Wishing you lots of luck with juggling uni as well as writing and a multitude of other things!
Hellooo 👋
First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to message me! I really appreciate knowing people are getting invested in my story, despite how short it is at the moment (and that I've not posted in a bit, oops - posting soon though, promise) 😂
For your question: I have a slowly growing plan/idea on how the infection came about, but I don't want to make it the full focus of the story, if that makes sense? It's more going to be about the new deviant group, though I'll see where my writing takes me - nothing is set in stone 😁
Next chapter is going to have a lot more interaction with Connor! Nines, too, but I've got more prepped for him later in the story, we love a good character arc 😉
Again, thank you for reading and taking the time to message! And never miiiind about the rambling, I like it, hahaha, share your thoughts! 😇
P.S. rip reader's cats, I'm so sorry-
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idle-brit · 5 months
10 Fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags
Thank you @baepsrae for tagging me!! ♡( ◡‿◡ )
This is everyone's preemptive warning to skip past if you don't want to read a long and rambling post, I'm about to go wild lol. I'll also include the 5 people (not 10 oops) I'm tagging here at the top so they don't have to scroll; I'm interested to hear your answers but obviously there's no pressure to do it (・ω・)b
@koscheiy, @breitzbachbea, @runmild, @toffeeanddragons, and @yatzuaka!
1. Loki (Marvel)
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My poor little meow meow. My silly rabbit. My sweet darling babygirl. Picking 9 other characters was honestly hard because there's few I truly consider a favourite like Loki. Between his 2011-2013 appearances in the MCU, the comics, and the pre-Thor high-fantasy-novel-esque fics on AO3, the ideal version of this character lives in my head rent free, and has done since 2012. I picked this gif from The Avengers because it was the moment that made me want to see the film again just for his scenes, and it remains the only film I've seen in cinemas twice. He's quite literally the reason I got Tumblr, for The Avengers fanart, and my very first post was some (bad) fanart of my own haha. While the rest of this list is in no particular order, Loki is absolutely my number one, for all time, always. I could talk about him forever.
2. Evy Carnahan (The Mummy)
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I had to choose the scene I got my blog title from. While Loki might be my favourite character, The Mummy is my favourite film. I think I saw it at the exact right time of life when I was a kid in my Ancient Egypt phase, but also far younger than the recommended viewing age the film suggests lol. Ever since then I've rewatched this and the sequel (yes, sequel, singular. I said what I said) more times than I can count and further developed my interest in actual Egyptology. Evy is intelligent and an academic, kindhearted, a little bit clumsy, but uses her knowledge and quick thinking to be an absolute badass and save the day multiple times. I've always wanted to be at least half as cool as her and also marry Rick O'Connell.
3. L (Death Note)
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Everyone here is lucky that I got Tumblr after the height of my weeb phase that started in 2008. Death Note was the first manga I ever read and I expected to enjoy it and move on, but as soon as I got to the Lind. L. Taylor event in volume 2 my young mind was blown and I was obsessed. One scene of L outsmarting Light kept me reading manga, got me into anime, introduced me to fanart, was the first fanart I ever drew, introduced me to fanfiction, and years later I would take Japanese classes at uni. L is an amazing example of a morally grey character, wanting justice to prevail but perhaps not for the right reasons, and no matter what it takes to get there.
4. Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil 4 Remake)
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Okay I'll admit Leon is the first babygirl on the list who is mainly here for aesthetic reasons. I had a passing knowledge of the Resident Evil franchise but never took an interest because military-gun-shooting-series are boring as hell... Until RE4R came out last year and I saw this scene in a playthrough. Where do I sign up for him to do this to my neck. Then I learned Leon's backstory and actually appreciated his character too. He hates and distrusts the US government, he was blackmailed into service for them at 21, he's haunted by being used as their weapon, and he's the most cringe fail man who thinks he's suave when he says "Nighty night, knights" as he's killing sentient suits of armour. I need him.
5. Astarion Ancunín (Baldur's Gate 3)
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Ah, a non-human in a high fantasy world, using knife skills and sharp wit to protect himself from a deeply traumatic past, but still good at heart and willing to open up to those who appreciate him for who he is, rather than living up to someone else's standards. Now where have I seen a similar character type before... When the game came out it shouldn't have been a surprise who my favourite would be lol. The whole cast does an amazing job, but the real draw of Astarion is the phenomenal work put in by Neil Newborn to really bring this character to life, and I don't think Astarion would be the same without him.
6. Kagome Higurashi (Inuyasha)
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Inuyasha is one of my all time favourite anime/manga. It's got time travel, a historic setting, magic, action and adventure, and romance between a human girl and a supernatural being who's down bad. Basically all of the tropes I adore and still look for in new favourite series haha. And Kagome has been That Bitch from the start; arriving in a village that fears a half dog-demon, freeing him from his imprisonment to help her, and then ordering him to sit when he pisses her off, knowing he's wearing a magic necklace that forces him to obey. No one is doing it like her.
7. Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen)
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Yes this is a basic bitch pick, I'm well aware. But no matter if it's the book by Jane Austen, the 1995 BBC production, or the 2005 film by Joe Wright, I love this story so much! There's just something so romantic about it that no modern romance book can capture, and that's not without my trying to find one (just follow my trail of 1 star ratings on Goodreads). Elizabeth and Mr Darcy just read as complete and real characters, and I love how much Elizabeth cares for her family, refusing Darcy's first proposal in part because he insulted them and tried to separate Jane from Mr Bingley.
8. Lin Sukai (The Drowning Empire Trilogy by Andrea Stewart)
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Now we're getting into the realm of books without adaptations so I cant use gifs anymore, and I honestly couldn't find any fanart of Lin either. Which is a crime! My girl is out here being extremely intelligent and driven (and badass in some of the later scenes), using her familial magic as daughter of the Emperor to try and dismantle his tyranny despite craving his approval, and trying her best to gain allies even though she was raised within the walls of the palace and is slightly out of touch, and she doesn't have a fandom here on Tumblr? And that's only in book one of the trilogy!
9. FitzChivalry Farseer (The Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb)
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I haven't even finished The Realm of the Elderlings yet (16 thick ass books, nay, tomes) but I already know this is my favourite fantasy series of all time, and Robin Hobb is beyond doubt a master of her craft. One of her main talents is writing the ultimate poor little meow meow because good lord, Fitz just cannot catch a break no matter what he does or who he's trying to benefit. The pacing of these books can be quite slow but I promise it's always worth the emotionally devastating pay off. (It's also a tough call between Fitz and The Fool on who my favourite Hobb character is!)
10. Sancia Grado (The Founders Trilogy by Robert Jackson Bennett)
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The final one is also my most recent addition to this list, seeing as I'm only just starting book two after finishing Foundryside late last year. While that shows how much I loved Sancia after just one book of her, I also hope the rest of the trilogy delivers! So often books will state characters are masters of their craft and just expect readers to take their word for it, but Sancia gets to show off her skills multiple times on page, so you get the impression she really exists and belongs in this world rather than just being a set piece for it. Not only that, she defies the usual lone-wolf-asshole stereotype that's so common in these gritty fantasy books, and it's heartwarming to see the found family she's gathered by the end of the story compared to where she began.
So uh, thank you all for coming to my TED talk about all my blorbos, see you later!
( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
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Top 5 Sentences or paragraphs you have written! 😊 or if that is too hard top 5 stories you’ve written! 🖋
Ok so I tried, I really tried, but I just couldn't do it haha, top sentences or even top paragraphs was too hard! So I just had to go with my top 5 stories instead...
music is not in the notes, but in the silence between them
This is the longest story I've ever written, I honestly never thought I could write long-form fics, I always got bored or discouraged or ran out of steam/ideas. I thought I wasn't cut out to be a writer really because I didn't have the drive.
This fic taught me that I had been wrong all along and all I need was a little encouragement and someone to talk through my blocks with. The potential was there, I just needed a little help. Plus I'm always gonna have a special place in my heart for my dancing babies.
The Supreme Art of War Is to Subdue the Enemy Without Fighting
It's definitely not my most popular but I really enjoyed writing this, I liked doing the research and finding out more about the history behind it, even if it's by no means comprehensive.
Someone pointed out on my Space AU with that fic and this, that I've created a "enemies find themselves in a quiet oasis and end up together against all odds" genre for my fics and actually I realised they're exactly right. I think what I love about enemies-to-lovers stories is that they all stem from that idea that if we could all just free ourselves from stereotypes and prejudices, there could be whole lot more love and understanding in the world.
I know no other way of loving but this
Ok, but I love this little angst fest, it was non-canonical within an hour of me posting it and ok, I know I had a feeling that P'Aof was clowning us with the ending of ep11, but I couldn't resist a 'what if', what if these boys really had broken up, what if they'd really separated themselves until the end of uni, what if this was the first time they saw each other again? I can't resist the feels, my friends, I just really can't.
A Soft Boy in Soft Sweaters
Ahhhh this fic. I'd only been writing again for a few weeks after years of writing nothing but marketing copy and crappy magazine articles when I started this fic. It was meant to be small, a couple of thousand words at most, and inspired by my realisation that practically every piece of clothing Pran owns is tactile, it's made to be touched. I think it was maybe a decision to show that he is the softer of the two, the more emotionally vulnerable one, but I couldn't help but equate it with Pat's extreme tactileness and well, a little headcanon was born and couldn't be stopped.
And as has become a theme with all my bad buddy fics, the damn thing just get growing haha, although now 5k is pretty tame compared to what I'm usually churning out, at the time it was a pretty big milestone for me.
He's No Romeo, or A Himbo's Brain Finally Catches Up With Itself
My first ever fic for this fandom. My first ever fic for years and I still love it, I love how ridiculously oblivious Pat is and I love that I actually wasn't that far off when his oh moment was gonna be. I wrote this as wishful thinking, never once believing we'd get a realisation this simple but then we got it and more. This show really broke every mould and I am exceedingly grateful for it.
Ahh oops, I rambled quite a lot on these... I hope you found it a little bit interesting at least! Sorry it's taken me so long to reply to your ask, I hope you don't mind <3
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asterkiss · 2 years
’ holy shit i’m in the wrong car’ AU for mabill plz and thank you!!
'Howdy there,' Mabel greeted, sliding into the passanger seat of the black vehicle. She fired off a message to the group chat with her friends Candy and Grenda letting them know she was on her way.
'What the hell?'
The brunette raised her gaze from her phone, turning towards the driver. She blinked at the sight of a blond gentleman dressed in form-fitting dark clothing sat there.
For some reason he was wearing a black and white feline mask over his face.
'Aw, that's cute,' she cooed, reaching out to boop its nose. But before she could make contact he exploded.
'Who the hell are you?' he snapped, causing her to flinch back in surprise.
'Uh, M-Mabel?' This dude was super angry and abrasive. What a grouch.
He scoffed, leaning foward. She in turn leaned away, back pressing against the door. Okay this guy was getting only a three star rating. Nice mask but sucky personality.
'Can you please tell me why the fuck you're in my car?' he hissed, and she spotted a pair of brown eyes burning into her from behind his mask.
She blinked, before offering a shaky smile. 'Because the Uber app said Pablo would be picking me up in a silver Ford?'
He stared at her.
She stared back.
'This is an Audi,' he stated calmly.
Oh. Oops. She had no idea the differences between cars. But hey, no damage done besides apparently dropping in on a guy having a bad day.
'Woops, my bad! Sorry about that—'
One of the rear doors was abruptly thrown open, a man and woman in similar dark clothing diving into the back of the vehicle.
'We got it, now go, go!' the man yelled, adorning a rabbit mask as they slammed the doors shut whilst holding onto bulging brown bags that almost looked like they were filled with cash.
'Wait, who the fuck is she?' the other - an owl - asked.
Mabel paused, gaze quickly flickering between the trio.
Black unidentifable clothing.
Masks that hid their faces.
Bags of money.
And something that looked very much like a gun in one of the newcomer's hands.
She knew what was going on here.
'....are you guys going to a fancy dress party?' she asked, lips stretching into a grin as she regarded them with amusement.
'Seriously, who the fuck is she?' Owl Mask asked, jabbing a finger in Mabel’s direction.
Advancing police sirens suddenly cut through their conversation, and the trio jumped.
'Shit, fuck, drive!' Rabbit Mask yelled.
‘Shove the brat out!’ Owl Mask snapped.
Mabel's grin began to slip. They were either really committed to the bit or.... hm.
'Um.... You know what, I'll leave you guys to your buisness,' she declared, fighting to keep a level voice as she turned to open the door.
'You ain't going anywhere, kid.'
Mabel swallowed as the door refused to open. Locked. Her head turned, gaze meeting those of the driver as he cast her a pointed look before shoving the car into movement with an alarming rev of the engine. She slammed back in her seat with a small "oof".
'Might wanna put a seatbelt on there,' he drawled.
'R-Really, you can just drop me off here or anywhere,' she rambled, nerves increasing as the situation finally dawned on her. 'I'm not picky unless it comes to food.’
'Haha, a bit late for that!' the driver replied as he swerved around a corner, weaving between traffic as her heart climbed into her throat. She wasn't the best driver in the world but even this was too much for her!
‘Bill dude, drop her off, kidnapping’s a crime!’ Rabbit Mask cried. But apparently grand larcerny wasn’t.
‘Idiot!’ Owl Mask hissed, slapping the Rabbit on the head. ‘What are you saying names for? Are you dumb!?’
‘Aw snap, that hurt! What the hell Pyronica?’ he wailed, only to yell as he was hit once again.
'Better get comfortable,’ “Bill” said, and Mabel’s attention reverted back to him. She could make out the edge of his jaw just beneath the mask, and swore he was grinning as he spoke. ‘You ain’t going anywhere anytime soon.’
She missed Pablo.
AN: I was imagining Zacharie’s mask from OFF. Slightly creepy.
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sorrelchestnut · 2 years
🤡 (I can think of a couple haha), ✨, 🎶, ❌, 🦅, 🤩 Sorry if that's a ton of questions oops I am nothing if not nosy as hell
Oh fuck yeah, let's do this!
(For the Fanfic Writer Emoji askmeme, still taking prompts if anyone wants to play!)
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh?
There's a couple from Sharp Edges I'm pretty proud of, mostly Stede-and-Izzy banter, but I think my dark horse favorite is this bit from chapter three:
The second time Izzy opens his eyes, Jim is sitting in a chair next to the bed, calmly and rhythmically sharpening a knife along a leather strop. "Nope," he decides, and passes back out again.
Literally wrote the entire recovery sequence the way I did so I could get that line in because it cracked me up.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
I think I'm pretty good at capturing character voice! I was re-reading a couple of my own stories recently and none of the narrators sounded like each other, which is saying something since a not-insignificant number of them are emotionally damaged middle-aged men.
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Oh yeah, absolutely. I usually have a playlist for any given fandom, which consists of an uneasy mix of music from the source, lyrically appropriate, and straight vibes. Occasionally a song will really hit a particular mood and get a one-song loop while I'm focusing in. Most recently Running for Cover and The Quittin' Kind, but my ultimate "put it on repeat and get to work" is Two Knocks, which got me through multiple entire Dishonored fics and is still probably my single favorite song of all time.
❌ What’s a trope you will never write?
I want to say A/B/O, but I know in my heart it would just take the exact right dynamic to spark that off for me, so I'm not going to tempt fate. Anyway the real answer is food service AUs. Too real, man. Too real.
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
Both, and it depends. What usually happens is I'll have a gem of an idea, and I'll end up throwing open a new doc and start typing absolute nonsense. What form that nonsense takes depends on the idea: sometimes I start from a specific scene, so I start writing that scene and see where it takes me, and sometimes it's an AU idea, and I just start typing "so what if such-and-such a thing happened," and then just ramble at myself in the document until it starts evolving. A lot of stories stop here, honestly; whatever creative urge prompted it gets satisfied and I set it aside and move on. If the story has more legs, I keep going (usually while telling myself and anyone who'll listen that I'm not really writing this one) and if it's long enough, it hits a point where I start outlining just to keep my scattershot ideas in check. A one-shot, even a longer one, gets almost no organization; I just write, and if things need to be moved around I do, but there's no outline because the story's tight enough I can hold the scope of it in my head.
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
It's probably a cheap answer to say "whichever one I'm writing now" but honestly, it's the truth. I don't write characters if there isn't something about the inside of their POV that fascinates and compels me. That said, if the question is "what's your favorite type of character to write" the statistically correct answer, as noted above, is "emotionally damaged middle-aged men." Deacon, Johnny Silverhand, Daud, Corvo, now Izzy Hands... Actually remove the "men" and Billie Lurk fits perfectly to type as well. Depending on how generous you get with fantasy ages there's probably a few others that fit as well, lol.
...fuck do I ever have a type. Huh.
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yuesya · 1 year
hey there, it’s the chainsaw man theory anon again. I’m just going to go ahead and be identified as the h2o anon because it’s a hassle to type multiple words when I can just type one nickname. Unless this nickname got taken already uhhh oops?
Please go ahead and ramble! There’s no need to apologize. I don’t mind because it is, in a sense, kind of like reading your stories. Why else would I read all these fanfics written by you? Added bonus since I can see some thought process here too.
Thanks for wringing out this theory with me! Reading through your reply made it feel like you’re a blender with the theory being a lemon and the discussion was some nice lemonade.
For 1) and 2), not a lot of response from me here since I’m not entirely sure what to say other than agree and nod my head since as you had pointed out the manga did not outright confirm or deny anything. What you wrote out made sense anyways hahaha.
As for 3), I gasped. Because wow I did not make that connection. Makima slowly trapping Denji in her claws from the beginning was not clear to me. This is especially so since it is mostly from Denji’s POV and he’s an extremely biased narrator hahaha.
(It only became clear to me once Power was going to wish Denji happy birthday ueueue) (I would say that Reze’s death should’ve been a huge hint for me too except I was binge reading and it flew over my head until I looked back oops)
Honestly, Makima gave me sus vibes ever since I first watched the first episode. (Whoever was crazy enough to hug Denji at his request had to be off their rockers one way or another) I just had very mixed signals from her since she was a lot nicer at the start.
Don’t worry about your pen name since you make it easy to find your social media. Loyal fans will find their way one way or another! Just like I did :)
One possible suggestion would be if you can change your name to yuesya (XxZuiliu) on ao3 and/or XxZuiliu (yuesya) on fanfiction dot net, I suppose? I’m not clear how this works since I don’t have an account haha.
Thanks for indulging in my asks. Maybe I’ll ask something about jjk next ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ?
Hello again~ Great to have you back h2o anon xD
Glad you enjoyed reading my musings on this topic! Again, thanks for bringing up this theory and I appreciate the discussion. :D
Makima hugging Denji at his request when she first met him wasn't initially 'sus' to me, mostly because I just wrote it off as some 'manga character thing' at the time. Definitely suspicious when you look at it again with added perspective from the rest of Arc 1. I think I started getting a little anxious and suspicious during the udon incident, when Makima sent Denji off to fight a devil just so her noodles wouldn't get soggy.
Still, I didn't actually expect Makima to turn out to be the ultimate mastermind and a devil herself though akdfjhadsak ;;; Kudos to the mangaka for writing such a scary character!
I might look into that name thing, although my main concern in that case would be that it's too long of a username put together. Thanks for the suggestion, though, and I'll think on that a bit!
Always happy to chat! It's been great hearing from you, thanks again. :)
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findinghomes · 1 year
ask game :o
“Do you have any tips for getting better at the game?” Dream read from the chat. He gave a soft chuckle. “Well, I would say don’t play it. At all. Just give up now. That’ll make you better.” 
George liked the way Dream laughed at his own joke. He could see Dream doing that over texts, too. 
“No, but seriously, I would say just practice. I don’t know, um.” He chuckled again. “That’s what I did at least.”
That night, George fell asleep to the noises of a keyboard and the short monologues of a stranger now with an entire space in his brain. 
crafter6996: i saw your stream last night
dream: oh yeah?
dream: what’d you think?
crafter6996: you ramble a lot
dream: you can say hi next time
crafter6996: why did you assume there’s a next time
dream: just say hi idiot
crafter6996: no
crafter6996: idiot
The next time George watched Dream’s stream, he told himself he wouldn’t say hi. 
It was the principle of it. If he couldn’t keep his friend on his toes, who else would?
this scene had me CACKLING i want any and all details :)
Okay so this got super super long, so viewer discretion is advised:
Hi Crow!!!! Okay so this scene was one of my favorites to write. I actually wrote the first two and a half chapters of The Invisible Life in about two or three days. A little bit further after this excerpt is where I stopped and then I finished the third chapter like three weeks later. Haha oops. But! This was one of my favorites because it’s finally when Dream and George get to interact. The first couple chapters were leading up to this exact point…and then I delayed it for a few weeks.
My thought process when writing this was that I wanted to show that a bond had already formed between them in the space between the second and third chapters, but I also didn’t want to rush it, even if I was actually trying to rush it so I didn’t end up with a 500k slow burn. Additionally! (and I think the hardest for me) I wanted to also show the effects of both of them hearing each other’s voices for the first time as a contrast between them texting for the first time AND as a parallel to Dream’s real life face reveal.
The part before the cut is the first time George ever hears Dream, but it’s also a little one-sided because George now knows more about Dream than Dream knows about him. As the token mysterious immortal being™️, this goes with his current character development. But also at the same time, you can see him start to invite someone else into his life for the first time.
The text break was just fun. Crafter6996, my beloved. I like to think that the person George stole all of the login info from is just vibing. Maybe crafter6996 is just stickyboy69 in another life. Who knows? On a (somewhat) more authorly note, I wanted the text break to show a little bit more of George’s changes, so he’s the one who texts first, sends more texts than Dream, and responds back with a pet name (even if Dream started it first). You can still see some hesitation, but you can also see some trust building. Also, I just love breaks in the narrative that move it along while also announcing HEY IM MOVING SCENES NOW. And my favorite kind of humor is when something describes one thing in perfect detail (George telling himself he will not talk to Dream) and then skipping ahead to when he does that exact thing (talking to Dream). I’m really glad that you also enjoyed the humor of the scene :D. I’m always so scared when writing humorous things/banter that it’ll fall flat because I think something’s funny when it’s actually not, so thank you for also laughing with (at) me!
I genuinely love writing The Invisible Life, and I’ve been so overwhelmed by the amount of people who love and interact with it too (I’ve even seen tags from a person saying they don’t ship dnf but like the story—this made me cackle). This fic was just kind of me messing around with being more spontaneous and less over-thinking. I’m a huge huge perfectionist, and that’s why I’ve never written fanfic until now despite writing my entire life because I was too scared of getting everything wrong. So, I thought, why not combine an au of mc YouTubers/streamers and a book with super complicated rules on immortality and demonic deals and make my own rules/world, because obviously that is easier than literally anything else I could’ve chosen. But yeah, The Invisible Life is the story that I don’t have to overthink. That means that I don’t really edit it as much as my other fics so honestly it may end up as a hot mess (I promise I do have plans™️ though), but maybe that’s the best way to be. (Or at least that’s what I keep telling myself. Please don’t tell me otherwise. I may cry. It’ll be ugly.)
So, um, this turned out very long and I probably could’ve gone on for much longer because TIL dnf mean the world to me. I really appreciate you picking the scene and asking about it!!! I like to think of you as my first and loudest cheerleader for TIL, so thank you so much :D
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r0d30-brqt · 2 years
Hello!! I just wanted to pop in real quick and say I absolutely love your art!! You have such a fun and cool style!!! Your line work is just so nice, it’s got this nice like semi sketchy style to it while also being clean and super readable and it’s just so good!!! This is probably a weird thing to point out but I specifically really like how you draw legs and jeans, like they just look so good!!! Your coloring is also super nice, and the expressions you draw are just incredible.
I love the Twst art you make, I find myself enjoying every new post. General character drawings are always super nice, I really love your specific designs for certain characters, you draw everyone so well and whenever you change something or add something it always looks super nice! I also love the memes you like draw over they’re hilarious!! Also that little series you did of the like characters dorms being swapped was so cool!! It was so interesting to see the new dynamics between characters that would happen if they were in different dorms. Like Savanaclaw Trey and his dream to be ‘most average normal guy alive’ dying as he is surrounded by Malleus and Jade haha. And the like dynamic between Riddle and Leona with Riddle wanting the housewarden seat was so neat!! The designs for everyone are super cool, and again the new dynamics popping up is just so fantastic.
I also really like your oc Mirror!! She has such a cool design, I really love the school uniform design you have specifically, that long shirt under the vest just has such a cool silhouette! Also the pink color you chose is just so stunning it looks fantastic. Mirrors also just super fun to see art of as a character, I love when you make the little comics of her misadventures. Sometimes she does appear to be going through it tho, rip to Mirror for that.
Also I know they both like just got posted but I already love your Idia cousin and Leech sibling oc too haha. Mori has such a nice design, I really like the hair and that little flame at the top!! Maybe it’s the middle like shading but it’s just so satisfying to look at. And Sigal also has cool hair!! I like how you inverted the colors of it and have it in the ponytail style like you draw Floyd and Jade. I also really like the purple earring, it matches so nicely with the hair. And the backstory is great because it could so easily happen. I wonder how Sigal would interact with Floyd and Jade. I know they’re there in the lil last drawing, but I’d love to see more of their dynamic beyond that initial like “huh?” reaction. It would definitely be interesting to see I bet. Honestly I love Leech sibling ocs because they’re all so creative. Not that other character sibling ocs aren’t creative, I’ve seen some and they’re also very cool, but something about the leech family just results in the most interesting of characters. I’ve seen everything from them being calm to them being more intense than Jade or Floyd haha. Sorry this part went a bit long, I also have a leech sibling Oc so whenever I see someone else’s I’m always like “ayyy they get it!!!” Haha, and Sigals design is so neat I couldn’t help but ramble.
oops this is a bit of a block of text, sorry for rambling lol. Anyways, TLDR you have wonderful art and wonderful ocs, and I can’t wait to see what you make next!!! Keep up the great work and have a great day!!! :D
dont be sorry for rambling at all, i really enjoyed hearing your thoughts on the stuff i make! it means alot to know that someone likes the stuff i make along with my ocs :3
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nettlestingsoup · 2 years
Hello! I'm back again.
First of all, thank you for replying! I love interacting with people.
Also don't worry about replying to comments, I know you've got a LOT of them on your fics. Very much deserved, I might add. But yeah, replying shouldn't be a chore so no worries ;)
As for the writer asks, yeah I kind of figured number seven would difficult if I didn't specify which fic. For me, I go back to Dorian the most so if I had to choose it'd be that one. But idk if you have a fic that feels the most special to you, wether because it took you the longest to write or it resonated the most with you or whatnot, then feel free to use that one? Am I still making sense at this point?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I had a sort of crush on Morgana as well. Katie plays her so well too! I have a dvd box so I watch it almost every year helpp it's purely for the nostalgic feeling at this point.
It's lovely meeting you too!!!
Oh! before I forget, can I ask if you have any writing tips that really helped you along or you wished you knew when you first started writing? I used to love writing in high school but I've never attempted a fanfic despite really wanting to. I am currently working on one and I know tips can depend on the writing style and all but general tips can never hurt right?
Sorry for this massive rambling thing again oops
hi! i got to this one! finally! because i'm off work and still in bed at 9am haha.
i'd say i'd go for all that makes me holy, i found in you? it's my longest fic ever at 93k, and it has some bits i really loved writing. i think my scene from that one is either minho's discussion with hyunjin about the fact that he's fallen in love with seungmin, or seungmin's conversation with his Goddess. they're both very wistful, very sorrowful scenes. i like writing quiet scenes the most, really. action scenes don't suit me so well.
and honestly when morgana turns evil? i didn't know i was queer at that point in my childhood but i knew was obsessed with her.
i think the best writing tip i have is to never be afraid of making mistakes the first time around. you can fix almost everything with editing, so never stop midway because you think a story isn't good enough. the first draft is literally just for throwing plot points and emotions at a page, and then you make it good.
hope that helps! <3
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min for the ask game ! or if that’s too short you can do minhal <3
m: my grand plan (lightning thief)
i: if i fail you (black friday)
n: never fall in love with an elf (elf)
h: heroes on fire (kipo and the age of wonderbeasts)
a: apex predator (mean girls)
l: legally blonde (legally blonde)
i did minhal as a treat <3
send me your name and i'll make a mini playlist with the letters in your name
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1,28,54 please!
Sure thing! Already answered two of them so I just copied the answers here again ^^"
1. How did you get into Dragon Age?
One of my good online friends got me into it! It's her favourite game series and it's been marked as a priority game on my to-play list for ages lol, and then during quarantine last year I finally got Origins on sale on Steam and thus my brainrot was initiated
28. Inquisitor’s feelings on being the Herald of Andraste?
June hated it. The fact that she did not want to be any sort of leader aside, she has a bit of a strained relationship with religion, it's something she has avoided thinking about too much for a long time so being so directly confronted with matters of faith wasn't exactly something she liked. Being seen as a detached, elevated sort of religious symbol made her really anxious and uncomfortable, and publicly she'd always deny being the Herald. For the most part she believed that too, but the problem was that she wasn't sure about it either. She couldn't remember what had happened at the conclave after all, and all of this was so weird and unlikely, what if there really was a divine power at play? Again, it all just made her think (or rather actively avoid thinking) about things she is very unsure about and it all contributed to her being even more stressed that she already was about the entire situation. Finding out about what happened to the Divine and herself in the Fade was a huge relief in that regard, because now she could be sure that she was not in fact some sort of Herald.
Arari is pretty much an atheist and never believed to be Andrase's Herald or anything of that sort. He was sure that even if he couldn't remember there must have been some logical explanation for what had happened, and he would tell anyone who asked exactly that. It surprised him that people would even consider the idea of him, a Qunari, being the Herald, though he guessed it showed that humans were capable of being more open-minded than it seemed at times. Also while he did not believe in having any sort of connection to Andraste he did not mind his status has "Herald" if that was what helped them keep their spirits up.
54. Fluffiest headcanon ever?
I don't think I have any one headcanon that stands out, but in general I am always weak for any sort of daily life and "domestic" sort of headcanons - just the characters being intimate in a casual, familial sort of way. Like how I HC the Kirkwall crew making themselves at home in the Hawke estate, how everyone goes about their day in Skyhold, how the Origins party interacts and bickers during their travels... that sort of thing
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ray-ray-writings · 3 years
Period Piece-SBI Au
This is a SBI x gn!reader in the SBI Au where Techno, Wilbur, Tommy, and the reader are all siblings with their father being Philza. For this particular imagine, the reader is the youngest of the siblings.  This is a bit Wilbur heavy because I have written Philza heavy SBI, Techno heavy SBI, and Tommy heavy SBI but not Wilbur and I was feeling soft for Wilbur sooo….. Oops.
This is gender neutral but it is about the reader getting their period for the first time so there’s that! Hope you enjoy! 
Masterlist here
Y/N starts their period at the worst time possible, the one time that Philza isn’t home… but their three brother’s are. 
Sunlight flooding in through my window forced me awake. I let out a groan before flipping over to try and fall back asleep. A sharp pain caused by me flipping over ripped through my stomach causing me to let out a soft whimper. “What the heck” I whimpered to myself as my hand shot to my tummy and rested gently on the aching muscles. “What is wrong with me?” My stomach had never hurt like this before… Maybe it was something I ate last night… It may not be sitting well… Maybe I should go to the bathroom. 
Carefully, not wanting to hurt myself further, I lifted up the blankets and slowly slid out of the covers. I let out a shiver as the air pricked at my exposed skin, but I marched on. Slower than I have ever moved before, I made my way out of my room and down the hallway to the bathroom. 
The cool tile on my bear feet caused me to shiver as I shut the door and locked it behind me. Slowly I made my way over to the toilet, pulled my pants down, sat down, and began going to the bathroom. (That was so awkward for me to describe lol). I let out a sigh of relief as so of the pressure from my stomach released as my bladder emptied itself out… But not all of the pressure and pain was gone. 
After a few more moments, I decided that nothing else was going to come out so I wiped. Once I was done, I moved to stand up, but something on my hand caught my eye. My eyes widened as I examined my hand and found that the normally clean flesh was now covered in blood. “What?” I whispered out, unable to stop the panic from building in my chest. My eyes scanned my hand even harder, searching for the cut that could have caused this bleeding, but found nothing. Then it hit me, maybe this wasn’t from my hand. 
My gaze left my hand and scanned downward, stopping at my underwear. I couldn’t stop the small scream that ripped from my throat at the sight of my clean underwear soaked in blood. My breathing picked up as my heart pounded inside my chest. This is it! This is how it ends! I’m dying! I must be dying! Why else would I be bleeding… Down there. 
A pounding on the door startled me out of my spiral. “Y/N?” I heard Wilbur’s panicked voice screech from the other side of the door. “Are you okay in there? What’s happening, why did you scream?” It was at the sound of my brother’s voice did I realize what a predicament I was in. Dad had to go to work today. Like real actual work in an office building. Usually he can stay home but he had a meeting he had to go to in person… I was home alone with my three brothers. 
Tears blurred my vision as a sob escaped my lips, “I think I’m dying Will. I’m bleeding.” I called back. Thinking about it now, that probably wasn’t the best word choice, but I was panicked and Wilbur’s panic made me panic too. “You’re bleeding? Open the door! Let me in so I can help.” Another sob escaped my lips, “Can’t. Stuck.” I answered, not wanting to risk getting blood everywhere. 
“Why the hell did Y/N scream?” Tommy’s brash voice questioned out loud. “Tommy, now is not the time. Please, go back to your room, or go to the living room,” Wilbur practically begged. I could tell Tommy was about to retort but Wilbur spoke again before Tommy could get a word out, “Tommy… Please,” the sincerity in Wilbur’s voice must have really shown Tommy just what situation we were in because I didn’t hear another word from him, only footsteps walking away.
“Techno get the key from Dad’s room,” I heard Wilbur order from beyond the door, “Stuck. Where are you stuck Y/N?” “Toilet” I whimpered. My mind was too far in overdrive to give more than one word answers. “Okay. How are you stuck?” Wilbur questioned, the panic in his voice slowly decreasing at my answers. If he knew what was wrong, he could help better when he got in. “Bleeding” “Where are you bleeding from?” A small whimper escaped my lips as I thought about the answer. I couldn’t tell him that, could I? That’s a bit embarrassing and a little too TMI even for my older brother. But still Wilbur prompted again, “Where are you bleeding Y/N?” his soothing voice called. I took a gulp and a deep breath before answering. “Down there.” 
There was a pause from the other side of the door as Wilbur took in the information. “Down there?” I let out a small whimper in confirmation. “Y/N” he breathes out softly, “did you start your period?” Period…. Period. That word sounded familiar. I could vaguely remember someone mentioning something about it once… “Y/N?” Wilbur’s soft voice asked, gently pulling me from my thoughts. “I don’t know” I answered with a hiccup. “Maybe… What’s a period?” 
The jingle of keys sounded from the hallway as I assume Techno returned with the key that would let Wilbur in. “Can I come in?” yep I was right. “Yeah,” I sniffed quietly, reaching up and wiping the tears away from my cheeks. I had already screamed bloody murder and scared the hell out of my brother, he might as well see me like this. 
“Techno, run to the store and get some pads and medicine would you?. I’ve already texted Niki and asked what to get, she’ll send you a list or some pictures… Please” Wilbur asked softly, still in the hallway. My heart melted slightly at the words. He texted Niki? To ask her what to get? I knew he couldn’t text dad because of work, I just didn’t expect him to ask him to ask Niki instead. 
The soft click of the door unlocking echoed through the bathroom before the door opened just a crack, enough to let my curly haired brunette brother in before the door clicked closed again. Wilbur kept his eyes focused on the ground as he shuffled over to the cabinet, grabbed a towel, before offering it to me. “Here, in case you want to cover yourself.” He said softly. My fingers gently wrapped around the fabric before unfolding it and placing it over my lap, making sure that everything was covered. “Okay. You can look now,” I told him, my voice equally as soft. 
Wilbur’s eyes lifted from the floor to my face, allowing me to see the soft blush that coated his cheeks. “I’m sorry that dad isn’t here to help you with this,” he apologized awkwardly causing me to shrug. “It is what it is… Do you know what a period is?” I asked, hoping to get some answers. The blush intensified on Wilbur’s face as he nodded at the question. “Can you explain it to me… I mean you don’t have to if you don’t want to it’s just-” Wilbur held up a hand cutting me off before I could ramble more, “It’s okay, Y/N. I can explain it to you.” 
And so he did. Wilbur took the time to carefully explain what the hell was happening to my body. He was extremely patient with me as I asked questions, trying to understand. Wilbur did a really great job that by the end I felt a bit more satisfied with my understanding of my own body. 
“How do you feel now?” Wilbur asked softly once our little conversation was over. “Fine… Better… But still a bit gross. I think there’s a bit of blood… everywhere down there ya know?” I answered honestly, again already wayyyyy past the point of being embarrassed. Wilbur let out a small chuckle and shook his head, “No. I don’t know. I’ve never had a period before.” The two of us shared a laugh about that. “But, I could run you a bath if you wanted,” he offered up, pointing to the tub. I gave him a soft smile and a nod. “Yeah, I’d like that. Thanks bubby.” 
Wilbur quickly turned around and began running the water. Once he was sure the temperature was just right, he put in the drain plug, put in my favorite bubble bath, and turned back around and headed to the exit. “Wait” I called out, stopping him. “Could you… Could you stay? Please? Like sit on the floor looking the other way? I just… don’t want to be alone right now.” Wilbur’s gaze softened as he nodded, “Of course kiddo.” 
Wilbur looked away as I stripped out of my pajama shirt and bloody pajama bottoms and slipped into the bath. Keeping his eyes trained on the ground, he sat next to the tub, but completely faced forward so he couldn’t see me. I let out a content sigh as I sunk into the warm bubble filled water, the ache and pain in my stomach slowly fading away as the warm water soothed the muscles. 
We were silent for the most part, just enjoying each other’s company. At one point there was a knock on the door. Wilbur quickly got up to answer it. The rustling of a plastic bag sounded throughout the tiled room letting me know that Techno had returned from the store. “Techno got the stuff. I can show you how to put the things on if you want.” I was slightly surprised at the offer. I didn’t expect Wilbur to know how to be able to do that… Then again, he’s Wilbur of course he knows how, he knows how to do just about everything. 
But I agreed and so Wilbur picked up the underwear that Techno had also brought and carefully showed me how to apply the pad to the undies before gently setting it back on the counter. I mentally laughed at the situation we were in. Never would I have thought I’d be here, in a bathtub while my big brother Wilbur, showed me how to put on a pad. But here we are… Funny how life is like that sometimes. 
Once I was ready to get out, Wilbur handed me a towel before finally leaving the bathroom to give me some privacy while I dried off and got dressed. I did so quickly, carefully putting on the undies so as to not disturb the pad… okay that sounded weird haha. But I silently thanked Techno for picking out my favorite sweatpants for me to change into. I almost cried at the shirt he picked out for me. It was one of Wilbur’s hoodies. The one that was even too big for him, so that when I pulled it on it swallowed me whole and encased me in his scent. I couldn’t help but take a deep breath at the calming aroma. Even though I don’t always show it, I really do love my brothers. 
Leaving the bathroom, no one was in the hallway so I made my way down to the living room. Again, tears pricked in my vision at the sight. Pizza and soda were laid out on the coffee table with plates and cups sitting next to them. My brother’s sat on the couch in front of it, chatting softly. “You guys didn’t have to do this” I spoke softly causing all of their heads to snap to me. “We know… We wanted to” Wilbur told me gently. “Speak for yourself. I was a part of this for me!” Tommy jumped in, reaching forward and grabbing a plate, piling it high with pizza, before sitting back and stuffing his face. Wilbur elbowed him for the rudeness, but I couldn’t help but laugh. Of course Tommy would say that. “Come, sit. Eat” Techno said, holding his hand out beckoning me forward. I wasn’t going to argue with that. 
I settled between Wilbur and Techno with a plate of pizza and a cup half filled with my favorite soda. I didn’t eat as fast as I normally would, not wanting to get eating cramps on top of the other cramps that would soon occur. But the four of us sat there on the couch together for a while. At one point, Tommy jumped up and put on a movie. After that, it was an unannounced and unofficial lazy day. 
We were on the couch the whole day watching movies, only leaving to go to the bathroom or get food from the kitchen. At one point, the cramps began. Wilbur noticed my wincing and quickly jumped to get the cramp medicine that Techno had picked up. He put the pills in my hand and explained how often I could take it before also giving me a drink. After taking the medicine, I laid on my brother’s. My feet resting in Techno’s lap, my middle in Wilbur, and my head in Tommy’s. 
At first, Tommy complained, claiming he didn’t want to cuddle, but when I tried to move, his hand quickly found it’s way in my hair and scratched my scalp soothingly. “I guess you can stay here” he grumbled in distaste, but I could tell he felt really happy about being included. Wilbur’s warm hands rested on my stomach and slowly began to make soothing circles, easing the cramping muscles. Techno’s hands began to work wonders on my feet as he subsciously gave me a foot rub. With all that affection and warmth, it was no wonder I fell asleep. 
That’s how Philza found us that night when he came home from work. The gentle calling of my name woke me from my sleep. I carefully peeled my eyes open and found my father’s soft complexion smiling at me softly as he sat kneeled in front of me, his hand petting down my hair softly. “Hey kiddo. I hear you had a pretty big day today.” He whispered softly. I let out a small hum as I looked around and found that I was still lying across my brother’s laps, all of them still asleep. “How did you--” “Techno texted me when he went to the store. I’m sorry for not being here for it and I’m really really sorry I didn’t educate you better before it happened either,” Dadza apologized, looking genuinely sorry for it. “It’s okay… Wilbur did a pretty good job at taking care of me…” I informed him. Philza’s gaze flickered from my face to his oldest middle child, “Yeah? Of course he did. I always know I can count on him… I was going to offer to order pizza for dinner but it seems I’m a little late.”
 I giggled softly at that as Dadza looked around at the empty pizza boxes still laying on the coffee table. “Yeah… But we could get Chinese,” I offered up slyly, hoping he’d agree. His chuckle told me everything I needed to know, “Chinese it is… I’m going to let you nap a bit. I have some work I have to do, but once I’m done I’ll put the order in… Sound good?” “Sounds good,” I confirmed. Dadza gave me another smile before leaning over and pressing a sweet kiss to my forehead, “I love you so much honey,” “I love you too dad.” Dadza paused for a moment more before standing up, removing his hand from my head and leaving the living room. 
I let out a small content sigh before carefully rolling over and snuggling myself closer to my brothers. One of them let out a groan, Techno I think, but settled immediately, letting me burrow even closer to them. 
Periods suck. There is no doubt about it. They hurt and stain your clothes and can be embarrassing and make you feel overly emotional. But I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything. My brother’s dropping everything to help me. Wilbur getting over his embarrassment to take care of me. Techno getting over his social anxiety to go out and buy me things. Tommy getting over his obnoxiousness so I could relax with all of my brothers… No I wouldn’t change this for anything. 
There you go! I really hope you enjoyed! If so, be sure to leave a like, maybe even a reblog or reply telling me your favorite part!!!
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awigglycultist · 3 years
Okay hatchetfield zombie apocalypse au bc why not ("but tgwdlm is a zombie apocalypse" shh no that's an alien musical apotheosis and also this is won't be the exact same as tgwdlm)
This ended up being way longer than I thought it would and also kinda ramblely (is that a word??) oops. So read the rest under the cut
Okay this takes place in 2019
Emma and Paul are together, emam ofc suggests they going to her cooky reclusive biology professor
This isn't the apocalypse Henry excepted and he doesn't like that, but hey he still prepped for an apocalypse so he's safe
Since this isn't a musical apocalypse and it'd probably be pretty hard to get money off of someone during a zombie apocalypse, so he's currently not trying to murder anyone
He let's Emma and Paul stay with him
But then Emma is like "hey you have room do you think my nephew, brother in law and his gf could stay with us? The gf's a nurse she could be helpful!!"
He eventually agrees
Then Paul's like "hey my coworkers are kid dumb asses there's know way they're surviving an apocalypse on their own can they stay with us? And also one of them has daughter and the other has a little brother (cough cough HCB) them too?"
And then Hidgens ends up agreeing to that, and then Alice and HCB are ofc both like "wait hold on our friends-" (ie: Deb, Ziggs, Grace Chasity (this would be HCB's friends not Alice's ofc), Cineplex kid (because I said so) Ethan (also Tony, my beloved) Lex and Hannah (once again, because I said so, do we seem them interact? No, but they're friends now)
And Hidgens at this point is like "well fucking fine I guess so! Bring em here we have a bunch of ppl already so why not!!"
All of these people, living under one roof (albeit a very big roof) is ofc chaos!
I'd imagine ppl kinda stay in groups a bit tho. Like the teens stay with each other for the most part. CCRP gang hangs out together most. Ect.
Still, very chaotic. The teens (really mostly Deb, Ethan and Lex) causing plenty of trouble. The adults all being dumb asses. Plenty of arguments between Bill and Ted ofc. And probably several arguments between the nerdy prudes (grace, hcb and cineplex) and the other teens. Probably one fight between Alice and Ziggs but it gets settled quickly and they figure everything out and clear the air and become good friends.
I mean you think this amount of ppl, particularly this certain group of ppl, are going to be well organized durning the apocalypse? Hell no!
Hidgens is the only one that actually understands shit about apocalypse, he's the one who prepared! (once again: although for the wrong one) so he's constantly having to be like "no we can't do that that's dangerous!!" Emma, Alice and Lex are the only other really competent ones.
Hidgens ofc spends his time trying to find a cure, Emma helps him. If life ever goes back to normal she has an automatic A in his class for the rest of college just for going through this shit and helping him.
Tom, Bill, and Tony are the dads. They're obviously dealing with the kids. But the do mainly try and focus on their own kid because... That their kid ofc they care about them the most. But they try to take care of the other kids too.
Bill has a rough time connecting with anyone besides Alice. But Grace was always nice to him church so there's that. And ofc Alice has gf, a gf he doesn't like a ton but now he's very much stuck with so he might as well try and get along with. They eventually do.
Tom ofc like I said cares most about Tim. But after him the next he cares most about are CaliforMIA gang. Lex and Ethan were his students (I know it's not confirmed that Ethan was one of students but he is now bc I want him to be), probably his favorite students, and that Lex's little sister who's only a few years older than Tim, ofc he's also gonna care a lot about them.
Tony also cares alot about Lex and Hannah, that's his son's gf and her little sister, once again, ofc he'll care about them alot too.
Becky absolutely cares about all the kids a ton!! She's a nurse who works with kids, she's very nurturing and mother like. She cares for and about them all fairly equally but Tim is her favorite because... Well that's her bf's son and she's known him the longest out of any of the kids ofc. Lex and Hannah end up loving Becky alot because she's so much kinder and sweet than their biological mother.
Before the apocalypse Ted took care of HCB, now he's still taking care of him ofc. Ted doesn't want to be taking care of any of the kids besides his brother. He wants to drink and party and stuff. I mean it's the apocalypse so why not? But he ends up taking care of Grace and Cineplex quite a bit too. This happens not bc others aren't taking care of them, they are being taken by the other plenty well (like I said the dads and Becky all care for all the kids they just have favorites) but because they see HCB going to Ted for almost everything and Ted doing stuff for/helping out HCB so they're like "well okay guess we'll go to him too" He's not happy about it. He already has to deal with his obnoxious little nerdy prude bother and now there's two more? But part of them reminds him a lot of himself when he was younger. Maybe that's why he doesn't like them, or also maybe that's why secretly likes them a ton?
Hidgens, Emma, Ted, Tom and Lex are the ones that go out most often because they're the only who are really able to fight off the zombies and stay safe a stuff (okay Ted not so much as the others but they bring him anwyay cause Henry's like "he looks like he can use gun or something" and Emma, Paul, Bill and Charlotte are all like "this is a horrible idea don't bring him" but they do anwyay. He doesn't kill any of the others so hey why not keep bringing him? Besides if something goes wrong they can use him as bait or throw him to the zombies to get them off the rest of the group /hj)
Other ppl in Hatchetfield exist of course and are out they're trying to survive. Sam and Pamela are some of the first to die that's karma bitch
Lex and Hannah were living with Pamela ofc when the apocalypse hit, the girls wanted to go somewhere safer but Pam wouldn't let them, then one day she went out and got turned into a Zombie, the girls quickly took that as their chance to escape and they went to Tony and Ethan and then ofc ended up at Hidgens'
Charlotte was with Sam before he turned into a Zombie and then when he did she ran to Ted & HCB and stayed with them before they ended up at Hidgens'
Gary and MIAH are together and trying to survive on they're own. Sylvia, Melissa, and Greenpeace Girl end up meeting each other and decide to gang up together and they're badasses. Dan and Donna are two focused on the news and finding out if Peanuts is surving (which yes, Peanuts, (as well as Papa Ed.. At least for a while) are doing fine) and they die pretty quickly. Holloway and Duke are doing great, Holloway's a witch so yeah she's good and ofc Duke is with her so he's good too.
Lucy is in Hatchetfield and she's already in the woods vibing with Chumby before the apocalypse hits (THAM doesn't happen in this universe and instead Lucy ends up finding Chumby own her own because uh??? Reasons??? Idk bc I said so) the two of them have no idea there's a zombie apocalypse. The Paul clones take this apocalypse as they're chance to escape, Paul23 leading the uprising ofc, they don't kill Paul and take his place tho, instead it's more like "there's a zombie apocalypse? Oh fuck yeah!" *escapes* "oh theres a zombie apocalypse oh no-" some try to stay in a group and live together, some try to go out their own. There's now a bunch of random Pauls and Paul zombies around town. The main gang do end up seeing the clones and they're all just kind like "uhhh wtf???" except Paul, he's absolutely freaking out, the clones kinda are just "uhh haha how do we explain this".
Spoiler alert: the world isn't destroyed. How? Not totally sure yet but probably through Hidgens managing to find a cure and time travel. Emdriod has traveled back in time to replace Emma, but oopsie she didn't travel back far enough so she can't kill Emma in Guatemala, so she goes to Hatchetfield in hopes she can kill Emma when no ones looking and just replace her then, but oh no there's apocalypse so thats a much bigger issue. She survives easily, she's strong af, doesn't need food, all that jazz. She and Emma do meet each other and it's another "wtf?" "how do I explain this?" situation. But Emdriod lies ofc and kinda explains what happened but said that she accidentally time travelled and leaves out the whole wanted to kill her part. Now the Emdriod has found Emma she does try to kill her, that's awfully hard to do tho considering Emma is literally always with a group of people, and Emdriod doesn't want to just kill Emma right in front of everyone bc then they'll all hate her and her goal isn't to just kill Emma it's too replace her. She end up giving up and she runs into Paul 23 and they bond of my doubles of someone and wanted to kill that somoen at first and then fall in love and kill zombies together :)
Ohh uhh other ships: Paulkins, Lexthan, Barneston, Potseed (Alice x Deb) ofc. Charted, Obnoxious Teens (HCB x Cineplex Kid) oh and ofc Holloduke. Uhh Bill x being okay for once, Ted x probably not dying for once (not too sure about that one yet) Hidgens x not actually trying to murder someone for once
Wait wait I just got idea: the zombie apocalypse occurs BECAUSE of Hidgens, he tries too bring back the working boys (remember his original backstory with accidentally killing them and stuff??)
Okay I think that's all I got for now
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