#or at least you're contributing less than you might think
protoindoeuropean · 8 months
sometimes when people argue for language change it's just like, who's gonna win:
a mythical reference that has been continuously used for more than two millenia in both high art and common language (and in many languages at that)
getting people to stop saying 'narcissist'
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abigailmoment · 7 months
It wasn't just bad luck that Staeve was targeted. It was a calculated attack. Halsin knew well enough how a caster could examine their enemies for tells. Halsin did it himself. Considered an opponent's tactics, and guessed at the places their mind would be most vulnerable.
You didn't have to be a gifted empath to watch how Staeve hurled himself into the thick of combat, right at the biggest bandit wielding the two-handed great sword, and think that the man might be vulnerable to a spell that exploited wisdom.
The fact that it took down Astarion too, well, perhaps that one was just bad luck.
It happened like this:
This is written about @velnna's Tav, Staeve. I was delighted to discover that they don't mind fan fiction being written about him.
I'm always cautious about writing for other people's OCs--getting voices right is so important to me. I have elegantly avoided that issue here.
Full text below.
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The fight was an incidental bit of banditry. Dangerous banditry, certainly. Bandits with  great swords, supported by wizards. Halsin hung back with Gale while the two rogues dashed forward to give truth to the old adage that the best defense was killing the other fellow extremely quickly. 
They cut down the man with the great sword and the woman with the mace and shield. Reinforcements were coming from around a rocky overhang. Halsin coaxed the earth to throw up entangling vines to slow them down. Gale drenched them with glimmering light that illuminated all their vulnerable points for Astarion and Staeve to shoot at.
Only the half-orc made it through the vines and the light. He was bloodied and wrathful. He was huge, but it was two against one, and the two were flanking with each other. It would have been an easy end to the combat, except that apparently there was a bandit wizard hidden somewhere in the trees who chose this moment to cast a spell. 
One second Staeve was a blood spattered half-drow sprinting full-tilt, sword out, towards a fighter twice his size. And then he was gone.
Some sort of teleportation? Banishment? Gale was saying something about trajectory and scanning the treeline. Halsin was yelling, he wasn't sure what, the concern was more important than the words. He started running forward. Because two rogues against a barbarian was fine, but one rogue against a barbarian was an extremely fast way for that rogue to die.
And Astarion knew that so he should be running away. But he wasn't running away. He was darting forward and ducking low and almost getting hit by a greataxe as he snatched something off of the ground. 
Then he was running, thank the Gods. There was something cradled in his arms, which meant he didn't have his rapier out as he scrambled back.
It was a cat. Halsin saw. They were ten feet away from each other when Halsin realized that Astarion was carrying a large, extremely upset tabby cat with grey-green fur.
That was when Astarion vanished. No. Not vanished. As the tabby tumbled to the ground, something small and white was already there, darting for cover. 
Then the half-orc arrived. Bellowing and huge, at least when compared to cats. Not quite as huge when compared to Halsin. 
Halsin decided to turn into a bear. It was amazing how many problems you could solve by turning into a bear. 
"I am feeling my oversight in not preparing dispel magic today," said Gale. "Or counterspell."
"This is not a situation we could have anticipated," Halsin said.
Staeve contributed to the conversation, but because of present circumstances, it came out as a meow.
He was large for a cat. His fur was pale brown, tabby-striped with green. His stripes crisscrossed in a way that reminded Halsin of his tattoos. His scar was a fur-less groove in his face. He had the same pale green eyes as always. That color was quite appropriate in a cat.
He meowed again, more insistently this time.
"We will," Halsin assured him. 
"You're speaking with him?" Gale asked. 
"Not magically," Halsin said. It had been a long day and he had barely anything left to cast with. "But I think I understand him."
"Do you?"
"Think a moment and I am confident that you too will guess what he wants from us."
It did only take a moment. Gale was an intelligent man, when prompted. And they'd all seen the small white cat vanish into the woods during the bear-orc fight.
"Ah. Of course." Gale addressed the cat, voice reassuring. "Astarion should be relatively safe though. Polymorph is temporary and even if something did happen to him in the interim, he would just revert to his natural form."
Staeve's whiskers went back and his ears went flat in a thoroughly unimpressed way. 
"I think it would be best to find him and make sure nothing happens," Halsin said with mellow diplomacy. 
"Of course." Gale paused, then said delicately: "Given my skill in woodland matters, or lack thereof, I may best serve this cause by getting out of the way."
Halsin smiled. "It is a wise man who knows his limitations."
"I'll meet you all back at camp then?" said Gale.
"Take a potion of invisibility for the trip," Halsin suggested. "There might still be bandits about."
Staeve had gotten impatient with them, and was padding off into the forest. Halsin handed Gale the potion and hastened to follow.
Staeve scampered about the forest like he was looting the place. No hole, hollow log, wasp nest, or brown recluse spider-web was left uninvestigated. The loss of seventy five percent of his gray matter had done the man's already flagging survival instincts no favors. Halsin spent half of his attention looking for signs of a small white cat, and half of his time making sure Staeve's efforts at tracking didn't get him killed.
After being only a hairsbreadth quick enough to pull Staeve away from the entrance to a dire-badger-burrow Halsin decided that his partner was now going to be carried. Staeve made a meowling, writhing objection. He was terribly invested in the search. A compromise was reached when he was offered a perch high on Halsin's broad shoulders. Staeve proceeded to clamber from shoulder to shoulder as Halsin walked, ears always forward and alert, eyes bright, head turning this way and that as he scanned the woods.
Small cats with stealth training were not easy things to track through dense forest. Halsin did end up using his last spell slot to cast speak with animals. The local mice and voles always noticed when predators passed, even small ones. Halsin spoke to them while keeping one hand on Staeve, who watched the tiny creatures with bright, newly interested eyes.
Halsin of course spoke with Staeve as well, but it wasn't quite the same. Talking to a person who had been transformed into an animal was not the same as talking to that person. Shape changed you. How you saw things. How you thought. The mind of a cat was a fraction of the size of that of an elf or half-elf. Thinking with it was different. The change was easiest for druids. It was hardest for the cursed, who did not choose the new shape. Who were surprised by it.
He spoke to Staeve and learned things he had already known from observation. He reassured Staeve that the mice had given useful guidance.
That guidance led them north, then west, and then to a long hollow log, moss covered and broken in two places. A good hiding spot, and the sort of shelter that had a lot of escape routes. Staeve jumped off of Halsin's shoulder as the druid knelt down and they both peered inside.
In the darkness, Halsin could just make out a pair of ruby-bright eyes staring warily back at him. 
Beside him, Halsin watched Staeve relax for the first time since becoming a cat. He wasn't actually as large as Halsin had first thought--it was just that his hackles had been up and his tail puffed out for the duration of the transformation.
It could be a painful thing indeed, to have one's heart so completely entwined with another's safety. A deeply worthwhile thing, but a painful thing, sometimes. 
Halsin made a deferring motion to Staeve, who nodded in a rather un-catlike like way. Halsin stepped back from the log, moving slowly so as not to startle anything. He shifted a few feet away and sat close enough to watch, but far away enough that his looming size wasn't an ominous thing.
Staeve didn't go inside the hollow log. He sat at the entrance. Lay down at the entrance, body long and casual, head up on the lip of the log so he could keep looking inside. Modeling relaxation.
He started to purr. Halsin could hear him purring even from a few feet away. A loud, constant, soothing rumble. It somehow did not surprise Halsin that Staeve had a loud purr.
And then Staeve waited. Patient as anything. Waiting and watching and purring in a low buzz, as steadily as a beehive.
Halsin could not see inside the log, but he could guess at when Astarion moved because Staeve's ears would flick. Staeve had a fine poker face, but everyone had tells. 
Something happened, or occurred to him, that made Staeve raise his head and sit up slightly from his sprawl on the ground. Then he stood up entirely. He gave Halsin a significant look, and trotted off into the underbrush. 
Conscious that he had just been assigned new responsibility, Halsin shifted so that he had a good view of the log's entrances and everything around it. There wasn't much danger, Halsin’s presence in general kept most predators away from this space. But still.
During his vigil, Halsin saw the glimmer of red cat-eyes once. And only briefly. 
Staeve came back soon. He had a dead vole in his mouth and he looked exceptionally pleased with himself. He dropped the vole at the mouth of the log, took a few pawpads back and watched expectantly.
It took another long minute, but after that minute a small white cat crept out of the darkness.
This should surprise no one, but Astarion was a beautiful cat. Slender and graceful with large eyes. His fur was pure, silvery white and just long enough to curl slightly. He moved with a cautious precision that Halsin recognized as his habit, and that deeply suited his new form. 
He sniffed at the vole. He shot Staeve a judgmental look, because Gods forbid the man accept any kindness without prevaricating about it in some way. He glanced at Halsin. And then he leaned down to slide exceptionally long canines into the corpse's chest.
Staeve flopped down about a foot away and watched him with an expression of pleased devotion that would honestly be a bit more appropriate on a dog.
Astarion ate fastidiously, and without getting even a blot of blood on his snow-white fur. When he finished he licked his teeth.
When Staeve was quite sure Astarion was done eating, he sidled up slantwise, sauntering around the vole corpse as if he just casually happened to be taking a stroll in this part of the forest for no particular reason. He stopped just short of Astarion. His ears were forward. His tail flicked lightly from side to side. 
Astarion regarded him levelly with his 'I know what you're doing and I know you think you're being clever about it but you're not' expression. Then, as if granting a boon, he deigned to rub his forehead gently against the underside of Staeve's chin.
Staeve took this as the invitation that it was and pressed back, much more enthusiastic and honest in his delight at the contact. Which in turn gave Astarion an excuse and space to do what he wanted and enjoy it.
They were always very dear to watch together. Whatever form they took. In about a minute they were curled over each other on the ground and Staeve was industriously grooming Astarion's head.
Halsin let this go on for as long as he could. But the shadows were lengthening, and they were very close to the Shadowlands, and he was out of spell slots, and the rogues were currently housecats.
"It is getting late, dear ones," he said softly. 
Astarion twitched at the interruption, and Staeve licked him three times along the neck and chest in a soothing way. Then they disentangled from each other and padded over to Halsin.
Halsin picked up Staeve, but he knelt down and laid his arm on the ground so that Astarion could climb up and find what perch he wanted by himself. They did both end up in his arms. Staeve was tired and quite ready to be carried, and Astarion didn't want to be out of contact with him.
As Halsin walked through the woods with an armfull of cat, Staeve started to purr again. It was really the most marvelous sound. A soothing distillation of satisfaction and care. Almost enough to tempt one away from being a bear.
Astarion did not purr. Some cats didn't. Or purred only very rarely. But Astarion did, at one point, look up at Halsin and blink his bright red eyes very slowly. 
And that was a precious thing.
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daytaker · 4 months
Could you do headcanons with the MC that's constantly napping and sleeping but somehow can keep up with whatever is going on? Just imagine them sleep talking coherent replies in a conversation during a meeting or doing the dishes with their eyes closed and lightly snoring
The Brothers React to Functional Sleeping MC
If it wasn't for Belphie, this would have confused them all a lot more.
Considering Belphegor's constant napping and occasional conversation contributions through sleep-talk, they are much less surprised by this tendency of MC's than the vast majority of people would be. It's just a natural part of life that some people are capable of sleeping and carrying out day to day activities at the same time.
(Individual brothers below the cut.)
Lucifer finds it annoying, sure, but at least you're slow-moving. What he really fears is the MC whose intense energy shatters any semblance of peace in this house. At the end of the day, though, he's not doing anything for you that he wasn't already doing for Belphie, so it's an inconvenience he can live with.
Mammon can't tell when you're actually asleep. He's convinced that you fake it a lot, since that's something Belphie is known to do when he'd rather not participate in a conversation. So he's always suspicious when you're able to complete tasks and move around while ostensibly asleep. He tries to catch you off guard and prove that you're not really sleeping, but he's never able to do it. Still, he hates that he can never let his own guard down as far as what he says when you're sleeping nearby, since there's a 50/50 chance you'll somehow absorb what he's saying and remember it in your waking life.
Levi thinks it's cute; at least, at first he does. It's a common trope in slice-of-life anime, having super cute sleepy characters. At the same time, it's a little frustrating, because you tend to just nod off whenever he tries to talk to you for any extended length of time, and he isn't going to play the game where he keeps talking just because you might actually be absorbing what he's saying! If you aren't interested enough to stay awake, he'll just stop bothering you! Hmph.
Satan finds it kind of funny, mostly because of how his brothers react to it. Mammon acting suspicious and nervous, Levi getting his feelings hurt, Asmo fawning over you, and Beel carrying you to and from RAD like luggage. He doesn't have a tremendous amount of interest in you, exactly, but you provide some real entertainment, so he appreciates that. Plus, and big shocker here: did you know cats nap a lot? You gain points in his book for this resemblance you bear to nature's most magnificent creatures.
Asmo thinks it's just precious to watch the human sleep at the table, or at their desk, or on the floor in the library, or on the toilet, or at breakfast, or at dinner, or... Mmm, are you okay, sweetie? You need to work on your sleep schedule. If you're having trouble sleeping at night, you should just come visit him! He has all sorts of ideas for how you could wear yourself out at night so you'll be refreshed during the day! :)
Beel is a little thrown off at first, because in some ways it's like Belphie never left. You'll recall that when MC first arrives in the Devildom, the other brothers besides Lucifer think Belphie is in the human world as an exchange student. So Beel wonders if maybe there was some sort of equivalent exchange shenanigans going on. They sent up a sleepy demon, so maybe that meant a sleepy human had to come down? It's very comforting, at any rate. He makes himself your unofficial guardian, carrying you out of situations where it's not safe to just lie down and sleep, or guiding you back inside after you sleepwalk out of the House of Lamentation.
Belphie is convinced he's met his soulmate, and honestly, maybe he's right. I can only imagine that you're mellow as fuck, probably got over any hard feelings from Chapter 16, and you're fast friends with Belphie now. You nap together all the time. Belphie even shares his secret hiding places with you.
Sometimes you and Belphie have full conversations in your sleep, to the amazement and amusement of the other brothers.
MC: Hungry... Go out 'n eat... Belphie: Snnn.... Jus' stay here... Kitchen... MC: Burgers... Belphie: Too cold to walk... MC: Lazy... Belphie: No, you... MC: Wear a hat... Belphie: Fine... MC: ...Hell's Kitchen in twenty... Belphie: Hmm... *Both stand up and sleepwalk to the door.* Mammon: They're not actually asleep, right? MC: *walks directly into a wall, grumbles about traffic, then continues* Mammon: ....Right?
This is the rare MC that I'd pair with Belphie. Normally I'm a little wary about how that would pan out, but if their relationship is built on mutual sleepiness and shared hiding spots to nap, well. Love is love.
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maple-the-awesome · 6 months
He Becomes a Dad! || Part 1/2
Pairing: Time, Four, Legend, Hyrule x Reader
Overview: Congratulations, you're new parents 🎉 Some of the Links are prepared. Others...might need a moment to gather themselves. But rest assured! At the end of the day, they're all going to get a handle on this whole dad thing. I'm a sucker for family tropes and there simply aren't enough out there for the Chain to quench my thirst, so here it is, I'm adding my contribution👍 Btw, there will be only two parts for this prompt since Wind will be excluded for obvious reasons. Baby making isn't a platonic activity🤷‍♀️
Zelda Masterlist 🩵Fandom Masterlist
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You only brought the topic of children up to your husband once. It was at some point during the early half of your marriage and after a particularly lengthy day of enduring Malon’s well-meant pestering. Time, beside being caught slightly off guard, delivered a straightforward answer:
“It wouldn’t feel right bringing kids into this world, especially when I would hardly be home to help you rear them.”
Now, you can’t lie and say you weren’t at all disappointed by this answer, although you wouldn’t say you had the rug completely pulled from beneath you. You understood the true implications behind Time’s statement right away. It’s the same reason he took so long to let himself marry you. It’s not you nor a disgust towards children, but rather an unspoken fear of building a life where he’s too happy - one that could be ripped away from him at a moment’s notice as has seemed to be the case for his younger years.
Although his worries are needless, you never pushed against his boundaries because you could at least see the sense in his argument. Sure, the idea of having children did always appeal to you deep down, however between Time’s constant traveling and your hard work helping at Lon Lon Ranch, it would be difficult to squeeze a family into the schedule. There was no sense in forcing him into a commitment he wasn’t ready for nor one you weren’t in a  position to properly foster.
Twelve years of blissful marriage passed before your plans changed. The blame lies with those other heroes, too. One would think traveling alongside a group of unruly young boys would’ve made someone more certain of their decision to never again subject themselves to such a headache, yet it apparently had the opposite effect on your dear husband.
Discovering first hand how much pride he could feel towards a descendant was life-altering, to put it light. Twilight was living proof that somewhere along the line, Time does something right. Whatever kids he might have will grow up to have children of their own and so on…Not to mention Twilight isn’t a terrible outcome by any means. To raise someone with the possibility of them turning out like him and to do so with you of all people? Well, needless to say, it was settled rather quickly after that: Time wanted kids.
Call it baby-fever if you will, but he was suddenly rather eager about the concept he had once avoided like the plague. He brought it up through not-so-subtly hints at first, then when you outright asked him if he was being serious, he went on a slightly nervous spew about your home being too quiet and how he could officially retire from traveling to be home more and it’s really a shame that you have an extra bedroom just sitting around - You just had to kiss him to shut him up which eventually led to…other things. Let’s just say you both got started right away.
It took you twelve years to realize you did indeed want kids yet less than a year to actually be holding them for the first time. It turns out even the universe was impatiently waiting for you both to come to your senses, so once you finally had, it decided to award you with not one, but two beautiful girls whom you affectionately named Saria after Time’s old friend and Mallory, a mix between melody and Malon, their ever-so-excited godmother.  
It’s safe to say that the twins are pretty spoiled. Malon has been over almost everyday, bringing you plenty of baked goods as a bribe to let her spend more time with her favorite goddaughters and you have practically every baby related item that you could need, courtesy of the Queen of Hyrule herself, but of course, it’s their parents who love them the most.
Never in his wildest dreams did Time think it would be possible to feel so at peace with the life he’s built. For so many years, he feared true happiness was impossible - that every turn would result in the same cruel fate he had been subjected to during most of his existence - and yet for the last couple of nights, he’s held it in his arms. He’s watched the moon rise outside his window while playing soft lullabies on his ocarina, you cuddled by his side with your daughters shared between you both. You wear a small smile even in sleep and he swears the girls match it, too; he definitely does himself…This is a priceless treasure he’ll give his life to protect.
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Four and you had already been married for a few years by the time you found out you’re pregnant. It’s not to say you were actively planning for it, although you also weren’t actively trying not to either. 
It had been agreed upon early in your relationship that kids would be nice should they come your way, therefore you were both equally excited that your wishes were finally being granted, so much so that the nursery was finished within the first month (courtesy of your handy husband). It’s painted in beautiful pastels that are easy on the eyes and decorated with many toys Four had hand-carved himself; a useful craft he’s now very appreciative towards Sky for teaching him.
Seeing as this was already a somewhat anticipated next step in your lives, Four’s pretty relaxed throughout the process despite its many challenges. For starters, pregnancy itself unfortunately isn't as much of a 'blessing' for you as some have made it sound. You’re rather sick from beginning to end. If it isn't your inability to keep food down (especially in the early stages) or your fluctuating blood pressure, then it’s the aching you constantly feel thanks to both your very heavy bump and extremely active baby who just loves to make sure you never forgot about their existence by kicking you as hard as possible day and night. 
Worry not. Four has made your struggles more bearable by being a darling husband through and through. He’s by your side during each doctor’s visit, does his own personal research on all things baby-related, and helps with every chore he can to give you at least some rest even if just for a quick nap, however most spectacularly, he does all of this without ever being too overbearing. 
Although certainly concerned for your health, Four can recognize your strength any day of the week, especially when you've been rolling with the punches like a warrior queen during such a draining pregnancy. Anxious, sure, but not afraid. Why would he be? He’s confident that you’re both prepared to face anything together! …That is, until you actually went into labor…
Yeah, remember that previously mentioned, relaxed and darling husband? Forget about him. Your water broke and so did Four's calm demeanor, but can he really be blamed? You went into labor early - and not just by a couple of days either. Oh no, we're talking a couple of weeks early. 
Regardless of his newfound fear, Four does his utmost best to still present himself as calm and collected in front of you, not wanting to freak you out any more than you’re already freaking out yourself. He first helped you lay down with plenty of pillows and cushions before running to get help. After that, he doesn’t leave your side, encouraging you throughout the process with a smile on his face, however don’t be fooled: the second you turn your head to the midwife’s voice or close your eyes to scream, your poor husband’s face reflects his inner thoughts as the situation fully begins to sink in. 'Scared shitless' - that's a good word to describe it; eyes wide in terror with a mouth that’s hung agape and slightly twisted in pain as your nails clawed into his hand.
As said, he never leaves your side - not even for a millisecond. You don’t have to worry about him being the type of guy to get grossed out by natural fluids or complain about your expressions of pain; none of that is remotely a concern of his. He’s just grateful to see you okay and even more so to hear his baby crying as they should.
A girl; small like her daddy, but healthy all things considered. Four couldn't wait to hold her, knowing damn well he was going to cry the second her soft skin touched his, but he isn’t ashamed of it in the slightest. Who wouldn’t cry holding something so precious?
Then you scream again. He thinks something must be wrong until the midwife announces that it isn’t over - that there are more squeezed in there waiting.
At the end of the day, you're just relieved to finally breathe easy without going through agonizing pain while Four, on the other hand, is left in shock staring at not one, not two, but three little babies, all healthy girls who wiggle and whimper in their parents' arms, but oh well. The nursery may have to be expanded, although there's plenty of love to go around. At least he can thank Hylia that it wasn’t quads (he's had enough of those).
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Legend and you have been in a relationship for several years, although you had mutually agreed earlier on that neither of you were big fans of the whole 'marriage' thing. What difference would a ceremony and piece of paper make, anyway? You already act as any officially married couple would. You live together, go on dates, occasionally argue, and even share a bed which is exactly what resulted in a recent, unplanned detour in your lives: a baby.
When you first told Legend the news, he panicked, asking himself all those stupid questions like ‘what now’ and ‘how could this have happened’ even though he knew damn well how. Then he left. Giving some half-assed excuse about needing fresh air, he turned his back to you despite your pleas and didn’t return for hours. 
Now, rest assured, he did immediately regret having that reaction and apologized for it as soon as he came home. He didn’t mean to scare you with the thought of abandonment, but as he would quietly confess during his apology, the thought of being a parent had just been too overwhelming in the moment. Neither of you had ever talked about having kids, and while he could at least have some peace of mind knowing you’ll obviously be a great mom, he fears that the same won’t be applied to him.
You have always been the light in a dim room, as Legend would put it. You’re fun, sweet, and amazing with kids. Any child of yours, planned or not, will love you with all of their heart exactly as he does. Meanwhile he’s stubborn, cranky, and the last kid to cross his path literally started sobbing. Maybe it had to do with him being covered in monster blood after just having crawled out of a dungeon but he’s pretty sure he traumatized a kid nonetheless…The thought of being just as bad around any kid you share together scares the crap out of him.
Deep, deep down, Legend’s actually somewhat excited to be a father. Although he’s too stubborn to admit it to anyone other than you, he’ll sometimes daydream about how nice it would be to tell a little replica of you both about all his adventures or to teach them how to use some of the items he’s collected over the years like his trusty boomerang. Seeing the excitement in their eyes would definitely be worth listening to you scold him afterwards. If that’s all there was to being a father, Legend wouldn’t have a single concern, yet it’s his insecurities that always have a habit of souring things. Would his kid actually find his stories cool or would they just be tempted to throw the boomerang right at his head?
You’ve done your best to reassure him, often falling back on the argument that the baby will be a part of him. Like father, like son, right? Legend was almost ready to believe you, too, especially upon laying eyes on his child for the first time. As you passed the tiny bundle over to him, he thought that maybe being a dad wasn’t going to be that scary after all, and it might not be so bad to even have more someday either…However, his worries were quick to return when the baby started screaming two seconds after being set into his arms…
Baby screams if he holds him. Baby whimpers if he looks at him for too long. Sometimes, Legend swears the thing starts crying simply by hearing his voice in another room. It doesn’t happen with anyone else, though. The baby just adores you as predicted, but what Legend can’t stand is the fact that the baby seems to like Ravio, of all annoyances, over his own dad.
He’s forced to watch as the little brat happily lets Ravio cradle him, the sight filling him with bitter jealousy and sorrow. You’re convinced that he’s just overthinking everything - that he should give himself time to adjust to his new position as a father instead of holding himself to unrealistic standards, but how long is he exactly supposed to wait until it clicks? It’s been a whole month already and he still feels as confused as day one! Will he ever get the hang of this whole dad-thing or is he a lost cause…?
If there’s any comfort Legend can have, it’s that even Ravio doesn’t know what to do with the baby once he starts crying, so at least he’s not alone in that aspect. The only problem is you’re busy making lunch and stubbornly refuse to pause your efforts. Instead, you shove a bottle over to Legend, insisting that he be the one to feed his son since it should be a ‘good bonding exercise’ for them. You won’t take ‘no’ for an answer and judging on your glare when he tries to protest, you probably wouldn’t be happy if he tries passing the task onto Ravio either.
Thus, Legend is left to awkwardly sit down and take the baby into his arms. He already knows it’s obvious he has no idea what he’s doing, Ravio doesn’t have to point it out, but luckily after some swift around, he manages to hold his son more securely against his chest before shoving the bottle in his face. The baby continues to fuss while turning his head away from the bottle, and Legend’s almost tempted to call for you in defeat until at last, the room falls silent.
Looking down, he watches in quiet awe as his son accepts his meal eagerly. His little hands quickly rise up, gripping onto Legend’s which holds the bottle in place. They’re so tiny; barely able to wrap around a single finger - Oh, and his eyes as well! They’re wide as he stares up at his dad with unbroken eye contact. It’s like a wordless conversation - one more valuable than any he’s heard before.
You return, offering to take your son now that your work is done, but Legend is quick to shake his head. Why don’t you take a well-deserved break while he handles this little troublemaker? It would be a shame to bother him when he looks so comfortable in daddy’s arms.
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You've been dating Hyrule for longer than either of you can really remember, however you aren’t in any big rush to get married, figuring that it would make no real difference in your commitment to each other. You love Hyrule and he loves you. What more is there to say? For a while there, you were both perfectly satisfied with simply taking things slow and letting fate decide your course, although more recently you’ve had to switch up that method to something more stable for the baby. Yes, a baby.
You wouldn’t necessarily call it a surprise, but you also can’t truthfully say it was planned either. You had agreed that kids might be nice if the goddesses ever blessed you with any in the future, however you weren’t exactly trying for them…You just weren’t being very careful…
Hyrule must admit he was rather nervous at the start. The only prior experience he really had around kids was with Wind, but there’s a pretty big difference between a young teen and newborn. Pair that with his not so ‘kid-friendly’ world and there’s plenty to worry over. Anything could happen, but Hyrule’s determined to be the best dad and partner he can.
First thing was first, of course: you needed a place to stay. Traveling is fun and you both enjoy being on the move, but that’s no life for a baby. Hyrule and you had actually already considered the idea of settling down someplace before, so you didn’t think of it as a massive loss to take off your adventure boots for a while. If anything, it was a welcomed change once you remembered how lovely it is to be able to kick your feet up for a rest or be surrounded by warmth during a terrible rainstorm.
Again, Hyrule takes his job as your partner very seriously which wasn’t ever a surprise to you. He found a small house for you both to rent in one of the safer villages around; a perfect place for raising a child. While he might not have a talent for decorating or making a place feel ‘homey’, he does thrive when it comes to making sure you’re comfortable, his spare rupees definitely going to fluffy wool blankets and a rickety rocking chair that he saw at a market.
Early on in the pregnancy, you noticed that your boyfriend also began showing a new found determination for cooking which did scare you a bit at first - Okay, so maybe a lot. Hyrule began taking cooking lessons from some kind elderly ladies in town who must have an endless pool of patience because while you can’t say every dish is a masterpiece (or even editable for that matter), you are happy to say Hyrule can now make things like toast and tomato soup successfully. It’s progress.
There aren’t a ton of doctors in your time and none in your village, so you have to take a lot of notes from local women regarding the process. Hearing all their stories and the possible ‘what if’s for what could go wrong made you anxious, especially once you finally go into labor, but it doesn’t faze Hyrule - not on the outside, anyway. He does an excellent job of swallowing his own fears for your peace of mind, talking you through each painful contraction and doing his best to distract you from it all until it comes time to start pushing.
Some people may get squeamish at the thought of childbirth, however Hyrule isn’t one of them. He’s fought through some terrifying dungeons and has bore witness to more than a few gory injuries over the years, so bodily fluids don’t bother him one bit. He’s kneeled down right in front of you without a second’s hesitation, multitasking between mentally reviewing what he’s been told to do and reassuring you even though he’s sure you don’t hear a word of it over your own screams.
One minute Hyrule’s encouraging you to keep pushing, the next he’s holding a small, crying baby in his arms. His movements after that feel almost automatic as he carefully cleans her off and just admires the fact that this baby - this tiny, precious gift of life is his. She’s yours and his and she’s beautiful despite having come into existence within such a broken world filled with more hardships than he could count…
Your tired voice brings him back to reality - asking if the baby you hear crying is okay. You clearly feel the same thing Hyrule does upon seeing your daughter for the first time, the two of you sitting side-by-side as you soak in this wonderful emotion. Hope...That’s what she represents. Hope for a brighter future...
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lovelybucky1 · 9 months
rivals/enemies to lovers Anakin fic and their tension is 10000000x high all the time like😫😫😫
thank you for the ask!!! inbox open for cillian murphy and anakin
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warnings: gender neutral!reader, pushy anakin, semi-public, mentions of masturbation, inappropriate use of the force, teasing, enemies to lovers, 18+ minors dni
Anakin Skywalker might be the most infuriating person you have ever had the misfortune of meeting. The praise he constantly received for his skills during his padawan years combined with the title of "Chosen One" that is often bestowed upon him did terrible things for his ego.
He struts around the temple with so much arrogance that you can practically smell it on him. He's rude and demanding, often making some of the younger Jedi do his bidding just because they listen to him.
If they weren't scared of Anakin, they were bowing at his feet to kiss his boots. Everybody knew what Anakin was capable of, and they treated him like a god because of it. But not you.
To you, Anakin was nothing but a spoiled brat in an adult's body. He tried to enchant you, to get you under the same spell he had everyone else under, but you refused. You could recognize talent, but you would rather die than contribute to his inflated ego.
For some reason, your refusal to kiss his ass made Anakin obsessed with you. He knows you hate him, you make it obvious. Anakin has taken this hatred as a challenge; he wants to break your resolve.
Anakin is like a fly, always buzzing around your head at the least opportune times. During training, he always volunteers to be your partner. He always sits next to you at meals and during meditation. While meditating, he invades your mind just to pester you some more. At night, he appears in your dreams and you wake up pissed off at him.
This is a game to Anakin. One you despise with your entire being, but its one he never seems to tire of. It's escalated a bit over time; at first it was just teasing jibes and general annoyance, but now his remarks have a flirtatious edge to them and that makes you even angrier.
"If you were that desperate to get into my arms, you just had to ask," Anakin smirks as he looks down at where you fell against his chest. Training with Anakin is never easy, he plays dirty just so he can get you into positions such as these.
"Get the fuck off of me," you huff, pushing him away.
"What's got you in such a bad mood?" he asks, knowing full well that it's him that has you so irritated.
"One of life's greatest mysteries," you say as you get back into a fighting stance.
Training technically ended an hour ago, but Anakin kept taking you down and you couldn't leave without a victory.
"Come on, you can tell me. I can keep a secret."
You run at him, extending your foot to kick him in the shoulder but he grabs your ankle and flips you over, sending you falling face down onto the mat. You grunt when you hit the floor and roll onto your back, only to find Anakin standing over you, looking impossibly tall.
"You're my fucking problem."
You get up, swatting Anakin's hand away when he offers it to you.
"Me? What have I done to you?" he asks.
Catching him off guard, you hook your ankle around the back of his knee and bring him to the ground. He could have fought back, but he goes down easily. You stand in front of him as he kneels in front of you, not looking any less smug despite his position.
“Why do you continue to train with me if you hate me so much?” he asks.
“You choose me, asshole.”
“I don’t force you to be my partner. You could have anyone you wanted.”
You glare down at him. “I like beating the shit out of you.”
“Have you ever beat me?” he asks with a smirk. “Y’know, sometimes I get a feeling that you like me.”
“Like you?”
“Yeah. You’re always hanging around me, you dream about me, you even think about me when you meditate. That sounds a little like obsession to me.” He walks forward a bit on his knees so he’s close enough to rest his cheek against your thigh, and for some reason you don’t stop him.
“Those are all things you do, Anakin. You put those thoughts in my head.”
Anakin chuckles. “Maybe so, but I know you also think about me at night,” he rises to his feet, once again towering over you. “in bed, under the covers when you can’t get to sleep.”
You gasp, trying to cut it off before he notices but it’s too late. Anakin is close, too close, his chest mere inches away from yours.
“I didn’t put those thoughts in that pretty head. That’s all you. Your desire,” he takes ahold of your wrists and pins them at your sides. “Your dirty secrets.” His gaze is intense and it makes you want to squirm away from it.
“You’re a fucking pig,” you spit, trying to wrestle your way out of his hold but there’s no use.
“And you can’t admit what you want,” he says. “Come on, you can tell me. I promise I won’t tell a soul.” Somehow Anakin sounds earnest and you feel compelled to confess.
“I don’t like you,” you say.
“I don’t want you to.”
“I hate you.”
“I like it that way.” He looks at you expectantly. “But…?”
“There’s no but, Anakin! I’m not attracted to you,” you huff.
He rolls his eyes and smirks. “How about I tell you some things first, and then it’s your turn?” You give him a blank stare in return; he continues anyway. “I hate you. I think you’re a stubborn little bitch who hates me just because you’re jealous. You’ll never be as powerful as I am, and I know that irks you like nothing else. I hate the way you talk shit about me every chance you get to make yourself feel better. And most of all, I hate the way you pretend you don’t want me to fuck you in all the ways you fantasize about.”
You gape at him, feeling embarrassed and angry that he just exposed you so blatantly. You wrench your arms out of his hold and this time he lets you, which makes you even angrier.
“You fucking-”
“Tell me you don’t want it,” he challenges. You stare back at him. “Tell me you don’t want me to fuck you.”
There is a moment of silence; Anakin waiting for you to deny and you waiting for him to ridicule you.
Anakin steps forward and grabs your hips, pulling you flush to him. You don’t fight back.
“Nothing to say?”
“Fuck you.”
“You gotta say please if you want it so bad,” he grins.
“I hope you choke.”
In a flash, Anakin has you down on the mat, flat on your back. Your legs are spread and he’s slotted between them, leaning up on his elbows to look at you. His nose is only inches away from yours, and it’s making your blood boil.
“Don’t I feel good on top of you?” He does, and he knows it. “Just say yes, baby. I’ll fuck you right here, just how you like it.”
You grit your teeth. “Yes.”
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slasherhaven · 2 years
Do you think any of the slashers could love their s/o enough to stop killing?
Would any of the Slashers stop killing for their S/O? 
Thomas Hewitt would if he could. He doesn’t kill because he wants too, it’s something that he feels he has to do for the family, he does it pretty much because Hoyt made him and now he believes it's something he has to do for survival. It’s not really a matter of whether he loves you enough, he loves you more than anything. Would he stop killing if he could? Absolutely! The thought of a normal life with you would be a dream come true. The issue is that he can’t, not as long as Hoyt has any power over the family. Even then, this is the family's norm now...it might take getting him away from the family altogether for a chance at a normal life.
Michael Myers likely couldn’t stop even if he wanted too. He kills because of an impulse/urge that he can’t control. While he might become less aggressive in general with a loving S/O, it’s very unlikely he would stop killing. Simply because that urge won’t go away, so he wouldn’t be able to stop killing...it’s the whole reason he kills in the first place. Might kill less though if something about his S/O lessens or quietens those urges, but will never stop completely.
Jason Voorhees has the room for some revaluation. He kills out of a sense of duty, which would be very difficult to ‘unteach’ him but maybe not impossible. It would take a long time and a lot of patience and communication but there is a small chance you could convince him that he doesn’t need to hurt the people who come to the camp, that they aren’t actually doing anything majorly wrong. If you can’t deal with the killing, that would be a good motivator for him to revaluate some things but this is still an unlikely outcome.
Brahms Heelshire doesn’t need to kill. It’s not like Brahms has much opportunity to kill, it’s something that will happen if he feels threatened. So yes, he could definitely love his S/O enough to stop killing completely. If you stay in a relationship with him, enjoying you're little isolated life together, Brahms isn't even going to encounter somebody he wishes to harm. He's happy as long as you stay.
Bo Sinclair is...a difficult person, as usual. Bo could probably stop. He doesn’t go out looking for people to kill, he waits for them to come to the town and he can be waiting for a very long time so it’s not like it’s something that he has to do. But he can be stubborn, if he likes doing it why would he stop? So...theoretically, yes. But realistically? No. This is what he does, his duty to Ambrose, and he enjoys it, you knew that from the beginning and that's the end of it.
Vincent Sinclair has a lot of promise. Having somebody who just loves and accepts him does some wonderful things for him. Vincent absolutely adores you and if you really don’t like the killing that happens in the town, it will be a step in the right direction with him. The main issue is that Bo has a lot of control over him, and that type of relationship isn’t something that can change over night, plus this is his normal now. Getting out of Ambrose with him might be his only hope for full rehabilitation, he would stop killing if he left Ambrose but...what are really the chances of that happening?
Lester Sinclair also has a lot of promise. Out of the three brothers, he probably cares for the killing the least. It’s not something he enjoys like Bo and it doesn’t contribute to his art like it does for Vincent, so...yes? Yes, Lester can definitely stop killing and most likely would...if it weren’t for his brothers. He is very loyal to his family, and that’s the main obstacle. He loves you so much...it’s just a difficult situation. Similarly to Vincent, getting him out of Ambrose could do him wonders.
Bubba Sawyer has the same problem as Thomas. Bubba doesn’t like killing, he does it because it’s a job to be done, it's what his family expect him to do, and he is mostly motivated by fear and his family. If he had the opportunity to stop, he probably would with ease, especially if you wanted him to stop. Unfortunately he can’t, not unless it was just the two of you, otherwise he would be expected to carry out his role as usual.
Billy Lenz needs the support. Yes, Billy sometimes has the urge to get a little...stabby. However, these intrusive thoughts could lessen with the soft love and the proper support of a S/O (and some major therapy), as he will have somebody to go to and help him through it. So yes, he can stop killing. Hell, you might even be able to get our boy into some much needed therapy.
Asa Emory (The Collector) couldn’t stop for long. It’s not that he doesn’t love you...he might even attempt to kill less but it’s not something he’ll be able to maintain. He loves you and has come to realise that he now needs you in his life but he also needs his ‘hobbies’. He would simply get bored without it and that has nothing to do with you, it’s just a part of his life that he needs. If you can't handle that well...he can't let you leave.
Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull) is similar to Asa. While he could try to lessen the amount he kills if you have a significant problem with it and while he would enjoy spending more time at home, eventually he would miss his ‘work’. It’s a job but it’s a job that he enjoys. He hopes that a compromise of keeping you as far away from it and out of the loop as possible (without lying to you) will be enough. There is no way he could give up being Chromeskull.
Otis Driftwood isn’t going to stop. It’s just not going to happen. He does love you, he really does but this is a part of who he is. If you can’t accept that (he doesn’t expect you to take part in it) then of course it’s going to be a problem...it might get messy but he’s not going to stop killing. You knew who he was, what did you expect?
Baby Firefly might cut back at most. At MOST Baby will kill less but she’s not going to be able to stop, and she won't pretend that she will. She loves causing trouble so she can technically do that without killing anyone but...well, it’s still fun to her. In the end if you want to join the family, you’re going to have to get on board at least a little bit.
If you're Yautja is a hunter, you'll just have to accept it. Hunting is a huge part of Yautja culture. Sure, there were Yautjas that are more dedicated to technological, scientific, and medical developments and they don't dedicate so much time and energy to hunting. However, if your mate his a hunter, it might be more of a problem. For him, his hunts are something to be proud of. If you simply don't want to see the game from his hunts because you don't have the stomach for it, he will be considerate of it. But he will not stop hunting, it's in his nature. He won't kill any humans if that bothers you, though he likely didn't anyway since they're 'not worthy prey' for the most part.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Mc shows the brothers
Human world style and (what the media gives to woman) body standards ,How would they react?
((I am a firm believer that you can be whoever you want and your body is beautiful))
Hey there, anon!
Okay, this here is a sensitive topic, but I think I did all right with it.
I think how the brothers would react depends on what the beauty standards are like in the Devildom. So for this, I went with the idea that while the Devildom has similar beauty standards to the human world, they're less important. I would think that demons would care more about power than appearance, especially since it's likely that at least some of them use magic to alter how they look. So the brothers probably don't know what an issue it is in the human world.
Also tried to keep it mostly gender neutral, hopefully that's okay.
Thank you for the request!
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The brothers react to GN!MC telling them about human world body standards.
Warnings: A lot of discussion of body image issues, talking about diets and food in Beel's part.
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Does not understand. Why do humans place such importance on looking perfect? He certainly sees the value in looking put together, especially when it comes to things like clothes and hygiene. Beyond that, though, he doesn't see the point in obsessing over trying to fix perceived flaws.
Does not care about your body type at all. Short? Tall? Fat? Thin? It's irrelevant to him. What matters is who you are. If he wasn't a beautiful man, it wouldn't matter because everyone would still fear him. It isn't about what you look like, it's how you carry yourself.
If you struggle, though, he's going to be sensitive about it. Will not talk about it with others around, but will casually compliment you on how nice you look. Especially if he knows you're lacking confidence for some reason. Then he'll make a point of telling you that you look good.
When you're alone, though, he showers you in compliments. Lucifer is not usually soft, so it's reserved for when you're alone with him. And that's when he takes your feelings into consideration. Don't you know that you are stunning, MC? In fact, he would say that your body is perfect simply because it is yours.
Hang on. Human world models aren't naturally like that? Sure, he works out a little more than he might normally just because he works as a model, but it's not like he goes around doing anything drastic. Do you think he's contributing to unrealistic beauty standards in the Devildom?!
Um… well… it's hard to say? You'll probably need to reassure him that it really doesn't matter either way. The problem is not individual models, but the industry as a whole. And there are people who are working to make things better. It's just that in the human world, you have to be aware that what you see in magazines is usually heavily edited. He's gonna think that's crazy. The Great Mammon's photos are never photoshopped!
Once he gets over this little crisis, though, he's going to tell you that all of that sounds really stupid. The whole point of fashion is that it makes you feel good! It's supposed to be fun! Who cares what type of body you have? You should be able to enjoy it no matter what.
Mammon is gonna get really cute about your specific insecurities, though. If you tell him you don't like something about yourself, he's going to go out of his way to let you know that he loves it. Feeling unhappy about your stomach not being flat enough, for instance? Hey, MC! Ya don't mind if he gives ya hug, do ya? Doesn't wait for a response, just wraps his arms around you from behind so he can settle his hands directly on your stomach. Presses his face into your neck to mumble about how perfect you are because he won't say it straight to your face.
Baffled. More confused than Lucifer. Are you seriously trying to tell him that people in the human world care about this kind of thing? Uh oh. Now he's thinking about his body image. Does it fit with human world standards?! Do you think he's hideous, MC!?
You've got another crisis. Quick, reassure him that he has nothing to worry about! The point you're trying to make here is that human world standards are crazy and harmful. He's perfect to you and that's all that matters.
O-oh. Right. Now he's a little bashful about his reaction. Makes it clear that you're perfect to him, too. Watch as he gains more confidence in his compliments. He starts telling you about how he loves every part of you. Lists physical attributes at first, but starts getting into who you are to him. Not just your best qualities, but special moments he's had with you. How important you are to him, specifically.
If you tell him about things that you struggle with, he's going to reassure you in the moment. And then you notice that when you consume some form of media together, a lot of times there's a character that has one of those specific things that you also have. He thinks he's subtle, but you see right through him. If he finds a story line where the character learns to love themselves or something, he's definitely going to make you watch it with him. Acts like he's completely innocent, it's just a good story, you know!
Confused at first. As with Lucifer, finds such things to be completely irrelevant. Obviously, what matters is who you are inside. When someone has a heart and soul as beautiful as yours, their body simply becomes beautiful by association. Also don't you know it's about practicality? Your body exists to move you through the world, not to be pretty for other people.
Uh oh. Now he's getting angry. Why would other humans feel that you have to look a certain way for them? How could they make you feel like you aren't perfect exactly as you are? How dare they subject you to their own ideals of beauty? It's upsetting, MC!
Okay, okay, you're probably going to have to talk him down. He's livid on your behalf, but tell him how much it means to you to hear him say these things and he'll start to calm down. Realizes that getting angry about it doesn't help you in any way. Reassures you that such human world ideas are nonsense.
Starts complimenting you all the time, especially on the things he knows you're insecure about. Maybe you don't like the shape of your nose. He will say, completely straight faced, that your nose is looking really cute today. Although this sounds ridiculous, it does make you smile, so that feels like a win.
Oh, MC. Don't you think he knows all about this already? Of course he does. Asmodeus is perfectly aware of how things are in the human world when it comes to beauty standards. He knows how hard it can be for some humans.
You might think he couldn't possibly understand because he's so perfect. He's always beautiful. The reality is that he believes his beauty is all he has. If he's not beautiful, who even is he? Take the moment to tell him that he's so much more than his looks. That you love him for who he is, his kindness, his bubbly personality, his creativity, etc.
He's going to tell you that all the things you do to make yourself look good should be things you're doing for yourself. Do them because they make you feel good. Do them because they give you confidence. Do them because you deserve to pamper yourself sometimes. Do them because you need to take care of yourself just as much as you take care of everybody else.
Another one who gets cute about your insecurities. What's that? Did you say you don't like your stretch marks? Well now you're laughing as he kisses every last stretch mark he can find. You learn not to say negative things about yourself around him unless you're prepared to get covered in kisses.
Misunderstands. Thinks you're asking him for workout advice. You want your body to look a certain way? He knows what to do for that. Do you want him to come up with an exercise schedule for you, MC? Its up to you whether or not you decide to workout with him, but either way you'll have to tell him that's not exactly what you meant. Tell him about diets and watch the confusion get worse.
Wait, wait, wait. Humans restrict their food in an attempt to get their bodies to look a certain way? He's dumbfounded. Just thinking about it upsets him. Why in the world would you want to deprive yourself of any kind of food? You decide not to tell him just how bad this can get for people. He's having a hard enough time as it is.
Don't you dare try to do it around him, though. If you say anything about not wanting to eat something because you're worried it'll make you fat or you're watching your figure or anything else along those lines, he will frown at you. He's going to tell you that you should eat whatever you want.
Beel thinks chubby humans are really cute. They look well fed and that makes him happy. If you're already on the chubby side, he'll tell you how much he likes it. If you're not, he'll tell you how much he likes you the way you are, but if you were to change he would like you just the same.
Huh. Humans care about some weird stuff, don't they? It's not that Belphie is unaware of human world beauty standards, it's more like he thinks it's really dumb so he doesn't think about it most of the time. However, he does recognize what an issue it can be for a lot of people. The fact that you're bringing it up to him indicates that you struggle with it, too. And he's not okay with that.
Won't lose his shit or anything, this guy is too lazy for that. But he is annoyed on your behalf. He's annoyed that you feel insecure about any part of you because the human world had the audacity to pressure you into thinking you weren't good enough just the way you are. You don't have to change anything about yourself, MC. You're perfect.
He's actually really good at listening to you talk about your body image issues. He knows he doesn't necessarily have to participate a lot, he just needs to listen. You'll feel better once you've told him all about your struggles. Tell him everything. He's only going to speak up to tell you that he understands, but that in his eyes, those flaws you think you have don't exist.
As with a couple of his older brothers, he's going to deliberately love on the things that you mention being insecure about. Definitely more bratty about it, though. The more you protest, the more he persists. Did you just complain about how thick your thighs are? He's going to nuzzle into them like they're the softest pillow he's ever had. Loudly says he's going to take his afternoon nap right there. Try to dislodge him and you'll only make it worse.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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funnier-as-a-system · 1 month
Any advice for someone who's system has gone uh. Mysteriously largely dormant despite improving conditions? Parts of us think we might be doing it ourselves subconsciously but. Not really sure how that would work or.. how to stop
Unfortunately, no, I can't think of any advice on how to prevent dormancy. However, I do have a suspicion about what is causing it. Since you said that conditions have been improving for you, this may be a "crash" of sorts – the experience of, once you're in a place where you feel safer and more comfortable than you did before, your brain begins unpacking the stress or trauma that you previously repressed to be able to get through less-than-stellar conditions. It feels like a "crash" in mental/emotional health, but it's often a necessary part of healing. There's not much to be done except take care of yourselves and wait for the worst to pass. If this is the cause of your mass dormancy, I expect at least a few of those dormant headmates will return once things begin to stabilize and your improved conditions feel less unfamiliar.
Of course, there could be a different cause, or other causes contributing to the situation – I don't know enough about your life to say for certain. But taking care of yourselves and taking your time to get used to your new conditions can't hurt regardless of what the cause is, I'd say. I wish I had more to suggest, but I think I'll have to turn this over to the masses to see if they have any advice.
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drbased · 1 month
i've been reading your symbolic states tag and i'm both fascinated and relieved. i too am trying to live more in the real world and less in my head. a spark was struck when i read that i should be looking forward to the work of living, rather than dreaming of the symbolic sense of achievement i want.
do you have any tips/advice on getting out of that state? i find myself slipping back to it after a few days/weeks. how did you get out of it permanently?
i also want to hear your thoughts on social media's impact on us with regards to the symbolic state. social media is a literal continuous symbolic state that we are now all expected to participate in. how might we do it without succumbing to living/thinking symbolically?
actually, i would go so far as to state that social media has contributed directly to the current boom and celebration of unreal/symbolic ideals.
thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.
Thank you so much for this message 💖
This is, in short, my process:
learn to recognise what makes you feel uncomfortable. mentally trace back to recognise what has made you feel sad, angry etc. The more specific and granular and embarrassing you can recognise as the source of your negative emotional response, the more you're learning about your actual self and not some idealised version of you.
from that, start getting to know yourself. once again, the more granular and specific you can get, the better. instead of thinking 'I am smart', recognise 'I have good analytical skills that I developed during childhood because of x experience' etc. this will help you to stop categorising yourself as a certain type of person and instead will help you to have a healthier relationship with the traits that make up who you are.
before doing an activity, is your mental picture of yourself in the first or third person? because if it's the latter, try imagining yourself in the first person. if this feels humiliating and embarrassing, and the activity seems boring, you've learned something about what you actually like doing. get used to recognising that picturing yourself in the third person is a warning sign. the more you recognise the warning signs, the more you learn about yourself, and the more you can act authentically.
with a better picture of who you are, you're better at recognising what you actually want in the moment. I specify in the moment, because it's very easy to categorise yourself - I spent over a decade doing things because 'drbased would like this activity', as if I'm forced to behave according to someone's OC character sheet of myself. For example, when doing art projects, I feel as if I'm supposed to do a specific design because 'that's the kind of design drbased likes' - which actually makes the activity the opposite of creativity because I leave myself no room for the spontaneity of the human spirit; everything I do has to fit into a category. Recognising that I can just exist in the moment and not as part of some wider narrative has helped me immensely
learn to trust yourself - or, at least, humour yourself until you trust yourself. learning to humour myself is where this all started. I took myself and my point of view seriously, and as such was finally able to stop being embarrassed at being a human being. I approach everything from my own point of view now, and it's wild that I finally understand that that's what being human, being alive, existing is all about.
and here's the big one - or, rather, one continuous and contiguous chain of small ones - I have to actually do what I want, moment to moment. Since I lost the ability to recognise myself as a human being existing in the chain of cause-and-effect, I have to re-establish my relationship with said cause-and-effect. I have to re-attach some neurons, and the best way to do that is with consistent behaviour. I feel something I want to do, I have to do it instantly. The more of a gap I leave, the harder I make it in the long run. I still feel the tug of obligation stopping me from doing what I want to do instantaneously, so this is a long, perhaps a life-long journey for me. but I want that, no matter how exhausting it can get, because every moment I get to show myself love and prove just how serious I am about mending my relationship with myself. One very existentially terrifying thing I've learned is that the medium is the message - the very fact that you're making these gestures to yourself is something that your brain registers. And the simple fact, is, reality feels a lot better when you're directly engaging with it. It's tough, but it's incredibly rewarding and makes life better - remember, you only ever exist in the moment - so thinking of yourself as anything other than in the moment is a form of death of the self. Reinforcing yourself as part of the chain of causality is telling yourself you're alive and want to live.
Make no mistake: I am not completely out of it. I seriously damaged my relationship with my own self-hood and I am sure that I will always be struggling with this for the rest of my life. But how I frame my response to life's struggles is entirely different now - I am making this decision to engage with what I once percieved as the humiliation of mundane life because I can now recognise that for better or for worse, I'm the one living it. I'm the one feeling the feelings and thinking the thoughts and doing the actions. I am the center of my entire perception of the universe, this life is literally my own. I used to think of myself as having some obligation/responsibility to other people and the universe itself - but now I recognise that responsibility is, like, an actual real thing, instead of just getting marks on a test. If I do something bad, that actually hurts real people; and likewise, doing something nice is good because real people benefit. The 'responsibility' comes once again from the equally comfortable and terrifying realisation of my place in the chain of cause-and-effect. As part of that chain, I may have caused irreparable damage to my psyche, but I'm not part of a narrative where I must seek to 'fix myself' - I'm just a human being, and I want to live the best life I can because feeling good feels good, and that's what I want for myself because I care about myself. If I have to spend the rest of my life constantly asking 'what do I actually want right now?' then so fucking be it - because the alternative is a low-level hell of depression and PDA.
I will talk about social media and symbolic states in a reblog of this another time. But I hope this helps - I'm getting better at writing down the stages of what I did to help myself, and it's incredibly gratifying, and the responses I get are validating.
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whoishotteranimepolls · 2 months
Poll analysis part 3
Well I haven't done one of these in a while because I've been focusing on the nicknames and funny tags post But we are definitely due for another one because I've definitely noticed a change and behavior. Plus we've had a lot more and fandoms requested so that might be a contributing factor.
Let's start with the unhinged trio. Think we're due for a lineup change there. It used to be JJK, Black Butler and Dorohedoro. However the latter two only go crazy over a certain character.
Jujutsu Kaisen definitely still deserves its spot There's a reason I picked them to be the first fandom to get a Nicknames and funny tags post in fact they need an update Desperately because you guys are still up to your same old unhinged antics. I've just been busy with other fandoms (one piece) that say even more outrageous crap in the comments
Now One Piece I think you guys took that nickname and funny tag post as a challenge to be as unhinged and creative with your tags as possible because every time I think you all can't possibly get any worse. Someone puts a tag that's even crazier and now I have to update that post with more tags and new characters again.
Now the third spot of the unhinged trio should probably go to Trigun because you guys can't stop talking about Wolfwood's slutty Catholic titties and Vash's snatched little slutty waist. Plus someone has sent a match up request of their weapons no less than three times even though the rules plainly state no weapons so I think we definitely qualify for unhedged trio territory.
My Hero Academia You guys only showed up for the bunny girl and I get it. She's hot. Or to crap on endeavor, that's about it.
Attack on Titan. I finally have found proof of life. The fandom might be in a coma, but at least there's a pulse I thought that fandom was dead but someone or group of people is sending in quite a few requests for that fandom.
And now on to Naruto my problem child fandom. I am not kidding You're the fandom that refuses us to send in photos, but will throw a tantrum if it's not the photo from the correct era of the anime even though I have no clue what you're talking about. Normally when people don't like the photo with any other fandom a dozen better photos of the character will randomly appear in my inbox. Not with the Naruto fandom. I get 10 hate messages saying it's from the wrong era of the anime and I should know that. But does anyone send me a better photo from the correct era of the anime? No. Well actually that's not entirely true the a few times this fandom has sent in replacement photos it's from when in the anime I know the characters are still 14 I've done way too much research into when in canon characters turn 16 and what particular character design/outfit marks that in the timeline for this particular show because of how much I feel like I can't trust this particular fandom as a whole to follow rules. So, remember people I can't read your mind and you are the only fandom that wants to throw a fit over photos like this. Plus the few times I have tried to address the issues with the photos and try to fix the problem you guys want to get combative and very aggressive in the comments. Plus I swear you all are allergic to rules because at least 70% to 80% of requests relating to your fandom have some sort of issue. Whether it's trying to bend the rules or just outright breaking them to massive formatting problems. No other fandom causes me this many headaches. So please for the sake of my sanity do better
Sorry about that. I needed to rant about my problem child fandom maybe now they will start behaving.
When it comes to formatting there is a group of about three people that made requests either everyday or every 2 to 3 days and it was the max amount of request/matchups they could do in a single day according to the rules. They did this the entire time the box was open so they had their formatting down to a science. So basically any fandom that these people requested a lot of had really good track records for formatting and not trying to blatantly break the rules. So One Piece, JoJo's, Attack on Titan and Avatar/Korra all have very good track records right now
But with most fandoms they do a pretty good job of following the rules. No one is as bad as Naruto. Now there are some common issues and major incidents I've had so I'll go ahead and list them below
The common issues are just forgetting to put the name of the show or spelling, but Google can normally figure that out so that's not a major problem or people submitting a character that is video game only and not part of the anime adaptation. Persona, pokémon and Tekken are The worst offenders when it comes to this. Other major issues that come up frequently are with character ages? But it's normally with characters that look like they're adults. So I really don't hold that against people. I'm just guessing that people didn't realize they're actually teenagers but hopefully that will not be as much of a problem but since I dropped the age down to 16.
Now recent issues I've had to address were formatting issues where it was bad enough that I couldn't make it out due to dyslexia. Trigun has tried to submit weapons no less than three times even though that is blatantly against the rules. Like I mentioned earlier Naruto likes to submit photos from when the characters are 12 to 14 that doesn't fit the rules especially when photos are available from the correct age range that do follow the rules. So those are the ones I use no matter how many times they throw temper tantrums. Dungeon Meshi has submitted a 14-year-old and Soul Eater submitted a 13-year-old and said they were 16 in the request. So they lied. Luckily someone told me so I was able to delete those polls quite quickly, but now I can't trust anyone. So if you ever wonder why it takes so long for me to empty out the request box this is why
Oh but good news, no one has submitted a request since I've closed the box I basically consider that a miracle because the last two times there have been people that have not cared that the box is closed. So let's keep it that way please. I don't mind questions, just no requests. The box is closed I still have like 150 more individual messages that have multiple poll requests on them to get through before I open it again
Well that's going to be all for this post again. And I hope at least someone found this entertaining or informative or at least something. There will probably be another one of these in the future
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thealogie · 6 months
Thea, I spent Christmas chatting up a British actor (current family connection) so seeing as there are 11.5 actors on that island I tried to gather the dirt on everyone I could according to your old man agenda. He's small time, but works quite steadily in TV and theater, and HE WORKED WITH MICHAEL SHEEN. Nothing exciting to report, sad to say. Apparently he was quiet and private on set, very polite, that's about it 😒 Sorry about that. BUT HIS FRIENDS WORKED WITH DAVID TENNANT ON PLAYS. Again, no dirt or details 😕 But he was described in less general terms at least, as very witty, charming and ready to mingle as far as his family schedule allows. But family always comes first. He also made a point to say that DT commands the stage. He also briefly worked with Hiddleston if you're interested and says he's very genuine if a bit pretentious, like, he means well and it's all genuine for him but comes off a bit too public school to some. Idk anything about him, haven't even watched Loki yet. And he also had a job where he met Stephen Fry, but was too afraid of him and his treasure status to talk much, perfectly lovely though he said. No Hugh Laurie (whom I also love). So remembering your discourse about lack of awards for your favorite old men I asked him about that, and he looked at me strangely, like seriously? It was difficult for him to grasp that DT and MS might be treated unfairly 😁 Couldn't blame him. After several cocktailes he became more chatty and after a couple of hours I came away with basically this. An idea that someone has an agenda against DT was still laughable for him, and I couldn't interest him much in the fact that DT was never nominated for a Bafta 😏. But he said that there is a bit of an odd complex in the British biz about actors who tried to crack the US but didn't become huge stars like Cumbersome or Loki, like some do see them as a bit of second rate compared to the lucky ones. You should either not try at all, never go to H-wood, or you come back the winner, a proper intl star. If you tried and failed, or simply worked as a jobbing actor there, then even if you are liked better than Sherlock or Loki, you still have a whiff of something amateurish about you. Like, there are grumbles against big actors "selling out" to H-wood but at the same time it is seen as a stamp of approval from the big boys and it tickles the national pride organ. Hope it helps. 🙂
Dyyying laughing!! thank you for your valuable contribution to old British man deuxmoi. This is so consistent with their vibes, like Michael has always said he’s not fun on set (except if you’re David Tennant or Lizzy Caplan) and like of course David is nice and charming to everyone.
That’s a fair explanation of the awards thing but I actually don’t think the awards shows are out to get Michael but I do think they want to hunt David for sport due to his doctor who popularity
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henrysglock · 1 month
“real ones left byler behind for greener ST pastures (the Creel/NINA plotline) because that shit is crack cocaine once you're in it”
People are interested in what they’re interested in. It seems like y’all are already predisposed to being more into that kinda stuff, and that’s totally fine- no offense, we all have our own taste! But it seems like you all took your lessened interest in byler/dissatisfaction with the fandom/lack of obsession with will/connection to henry and made into your whole personality while many of us haven’t left because we simply aren’t interested in the same things. You can’t make someone care about things more than they love byler.
The creel/nina stuff will never be crack cocaine to those of us who aren’t predisposed to it. personally, nina was my second least favorite part of S4 (I didn’t really like the flashbacks, which I found boring/repetitive), and the creel stuff IS interesting, but I only really care about the supernatural stuff as it relates to mike/will. And it’s cool while watching it, but it’s not what runs in my mind everyday with specificity. The characters do. And what converted me from being part of the GA- a passionate fan, but still GA (I was never active in the fandom during the off-season)- was byler. I’m here for the gays. And I think that’s true for a lot of us here.
What that opener tells me is that you missed my entire point with those tags.
The reblog I was replying to was saying that they left byler behind because ST4 wasn't good. I said I left byler behind for greener ST pastures because a) NINA is more interesting to me and b) that area of the fandom is less toxic. So...did you or did you not comprehend the context there?
It wasn't about:
"oughrghrghr byler BAD. byler BORING!!11!!!!111 find better plotlines LOSERS!!!! NINA BEST PLOT 4 EVER!!!!!"
It was about:
"Hey, just because I'm put off by the byler fandom because it's self-admittedly a toxic dump these days and I can see the ways bylers screwed themselves over as a fandom doesn't mean I think ST4 was bad. I just found a part of it that was better for me in general".
So you can take your "You can’t make someone care about things more than they love byler" and shove it, because that was never and has never been what I'm trying to do.
Also...I'm about to earn my title as "mean and condescending", because you've caught me in a special mood.
I genuinely don't care that you don't like the supernatural plot outside stuff that relates to M/W. I don't care that you favor characters over plot. I think favoring characters over plot, only being "here for the gays", and devaluing backstories/sub-plots or cherry-picking them for only what relates to your fave little gaybies is a detriment to your understanding of them. For example, the Russia arc isn't my favorite, but I still hype it up what for does irt subtext for the story as a whole, even as it relates to characters who aren't my favorites. I care about NINA because I care about Will's vanishing. I care about Will's vanishing because I care about NINA. You can't claim to care about the characters and then just cherry-pick your way through the plots for what you think relates to your faves, because it ALL contributes to the forces that shape your faves! If you actually cared about the characters outside of "ouaghh will we get to see the boys KISS 😳???", you'd care about the inner workings of the plot as a whole.
So, in short: skill issue.
So actually, to refute your point: I do care about Will. I just do it with a more nuanced lens than 99% of bylers. I care about him as both a character and as a cog in the plot. I care about his good moments and bad moments, and how his behavior/character development might tie into the progression of the overall plot and affect all the other characters. In fact, I'd argue I care about Will more genuinely and with more objective intellectual depth than 99% of bylers...and I'm able to do so because I understand and care about the plots that shape him.
And complaining about me making my connection to Henry my whole personality is so fucking funny coming from "I'm here for the gays". Unparalleled hypocrisy. Many such cases, unfortunately.
I'm dissatisfied with the fandom. That is very true. Shit like this is precisely the reason why. I'm so fucking fed up with this kind of self-centered, self-righteous behavior that's indicative of a fucking victim complex worth speaking to a psychiatrist about.
Now go back to obsessing over boys kissing and stop making harassing me your entire personality.
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drpeppertummy · 2 months
They swallow down a burp they've been holding in, their belly bulging uncomfortably as it builds up inside them for Giuliana?
[stuffing/bloating, discomfort, button pop]
Ordinarily, Giuliana couldn't give less of a rat's ass about who heard her burp. While she was very well-respected, nobody in town had any expectations about her manners; she had a mouth on her that would make a sailor cringe, and she left no wondering what she thought about people who expected her to "behave like a lady." Still, when Dane's grandmother--the only living, respectable parental figure any of them had to speak of--came to visit, she felt inclined to make a good impression.
Angela couldn't cook to save her life, and Dane wasn't much better, so Giuliana had taken it upon herself to make a nice dinner for the occasion. After consulting Dane, she'd decided to try her hand at chicken adobo, having done a trial run the week before to make sure it came out right, along with her specialty, spaghetti bolognese. Dane had contributed a colorful side of squash made just the way his grandmother liked it, and Angela had felt confident enough to prepare a beautiful chocolate cake.
Now, they were sitting around the round dinner table, happily chatting away and enjoying their food. Everything had come out perfectly. Giuliana was relieved that the adobo had been met with approval, and while she was worried that two entrees might have been a bit much, everybody seemed to be enjoying them both. As they ate, though, she became aware of a certain snugness growing in her stomach. She'd been trying all afternoon to avoid burping--something she was not used to doing--and she was feeling much more full than she usually would by this point. Her belly bulged uncomfortably against her jeans, and the waist creaked ominously as she leaned forward to grab a clean napkin.
Giuliana tried to ignore her tightening stomach and pants under the table, focusing instead on the conversation above it. Dane's grandmother was in the middle of telling some wild story about her childhood shenanigans, and Angela was laughing so hard she could barely swallow her food. Giuliana smiled, but her belly let out an uneasy rumble. The pressure building up inside her was becoming unbearable. Her stomach, desperate to release it, tried to push out a burp, but she forced it back down, eliciting another pressurized-sounding gurgle.
"You're awfully quiet," said Dane's grandmother, patting Giuliana's arm. "Are you alright?" She nodded.
"She's always quiet," said Dane. This was true, at least in most situations; it certainly wasn't that she was shy, or even that she didn't have much to say. She was just a quiet type. Right now, though, she at least had a reason. She didn't think she'd be able to get out a full sentence without all the trapped air bloating up her overstretched stomach rushing out in one enormous burp. She wasn't sure how much longer she could hold it; her belly felt like it was about to burst, and her pants were straining hard against it.
A loud rumble bubbled up inside her belly, and Angela glanced down at her. With some difficulty, she gulped the air back down before it could force its way out. Her belly rumbled again as it tightened painfully, bulging against the waist of her pants, and suddenly, to her horror, the button popped right open. Angela covered her mouth both in shock and to stifle a laugh.
"Oh, sweetheart, I hope you're not holding in all that gas on my account," Dane's grandmother laughed, giving Giuliana's distended belly a friendly pat. The light impact was enough to disturb the massive bubble that was trapped inside her, and, much to her dismay, it finally erupted in a long, impressive burp. She covered her mouth, mortified. Dane and Angela couldn't help but laugh at the uncharacteristic display of embarrassment.
"Hey, you'll definitely have room for cake now," said Angela through snorts and giggles, and she wrapped an arm around Giuliana's shoulders and squeezed her tight.
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leithanienwnt · 1 month
This was an incredibly fun and really technical clear, and it was also way harder than it needed to be. See, you might have noticed that Bassline doesn't have his module (and if you're familiar with his kit, you might have realized that he's still at M2 on his S1). That's because neither him nor Viviana are at 100 trust yet. I've been using all my sanity potions in the event to try to get their trust up, but it still takes time. But: having four new ops for the niche is too exciting for me to sit and wait. The plan was originally just to start labbing this out, starting with an easier 8 op with Carnelian and Lessing, then a 7 without Carnelian. But I thought I might just be able to make it a six, and here we are. Now, I'm going to break this down in detail, because there's a lot going on and I'm really pleased with how it all came together:
First of all, Viviana. She's here! The reason I built this niche! A lot ended up relying on her, and she was perfect for what I needed: doing good damage to take out key targets, but durable enough to stay out when I needed it. A really good highlight of this is when she takes out an agitator and a greatswordsman back to back, outside of healing range, while being targeted by Damazti. She didn't even need to take out the greatswordsman; just stalling them for a few seconds would have been fine! But she did it, even without the attack she'll get from finishing her trust. She also could have finished Damazti on her own (and she did so in a previous iteration when Eyja was defeated before I could use her skill after I mistimed placing her), but I needed Eyja for the opening and to take out one of the trilbies, so I used her to speed up the burst.
Speaking of Eyja, she was kind of the least important unit in this. It really was just the opening, the trilby, and then just boosting Eben's attack and speeding up bursts. It's enough that I don't think I can optimize her out, but for the most straightforwardly strong unit in the squad, it was a relatively quiet stage. But it's okay, her alter still totally trivialized the elemental damage, which made it possible even without Bassline's trust and module.
It was relatively quiet for Bassline here too, largely because he's not fully built yet (don't worry, I have plans that'll highlight him more when he's done). But he still helped healing (which was good to have since there was a point where Czerny gets kind of low) and having another three block is huge. Also his redeploy may not have seemed necessary (and technically it wasn't), but it meant that Eyja would live through her skill activation as he became the target of Damazti's last skill activation instead of her.
Eben, however, was pivotal to this, and this was a really good showing of why he's more than just a funny boss killer. He's really good on pretty much any map, because even when he's not attacking a boss, he can make sure you just don't have to deal with the map's biggest threats. Like here, the tyrant captains might as well have not existed, because they never so much as got close to attacking my units. Add in taking out most of the agitators and greatswordsmen, and I don't get why he's so looked down upon.
And last but not least: Czerny. It kind of looks like a quiet performance for him, but there was actually a lot going on. For one, him having the bulk and block count of a defender but being able to actually do enough damage to take out the enemies that made it to him was why he was on that lane and not Bassline. Plus, having a form of damage mitigation that wasn't a +% defense meant he could still last even when the corrosion started to pile up. But the biggest contribution was his S2's taunt. If you watch for it, you'll see I activate it pretty much any time I drop Viviana or especially Eyja, in order to keep Damazti's skill targeting on him, giving them the best chance to land safely. Without this, Eyja can't last long enough to take out the trilby, and a couple of Viviana's deployments get a lot more reliant on good off-skill shield RNG.
Anyway, that's all! I'm really excited to play around with the new units some more and to see what I can come up with. Thanks for watching! :)
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yakuzacanons · 10 months
Hi friend!!! :D I hope you're having a great road trip so far (I know it's gonna be a while for you to answer this one but it's okiee take your time, just wanted to thank you for writing these amazing headcanons!! <3)
So, I'm a sucker for marriage. Can I request some headcanons about how the boys would propose to their partner?
BRAIN GO BRRRRRRRRR yes you absolutel can have these headcanons ahooga. Also thank yew, road trip was gouda. Headcanons below da cut sweet anon, thanks for your patience!
Kazuma Kiryu
Most nervous about planning the proposal, actually. Worried about where, when, and all of that. He'll be surprisingly calm during it though, much to his own surprise.
He'd pick somepalce rather intimate, definitely not the type of guy for public proposals. Honestly might just go the classic route and propose to you while the sun sets on the beach in Okinawa.
Only other person who knows any details about his proposal is Haruka. She totally contributes, like hiding the ring box in her room because she knows you won't look in there.
Majima Goro
Debates for a long time if he's going to go the typical over the top route he does with... pretty much anything else in his life. Asks Kiryu and Saejima for advice, to which they both kinda blush awkwardly and are like "How the heck would I know what to do?"
Shockingly, he decides to also go the more intimate route, although maybe less romance movie tropey than Kiryu. Probably takes you up to a rooftop the two of you relaly like to hangout at, or some other place where you both have a lot of fond memories.
Most nervous of all of the boys DURING the proposal itself. You might honestly be able to pick up on it due to his sudden fidgety behavior a few minutes before it actually happens.
Saejima Taiga
He'll keep it fairly plain and simple. No frills or lavish giant public proposals here. Saejima wants to keep it as real and genuine as possible as he sees this as essentially THE confession of a lifetime.
Won't go too crazy with planning and will likely settle for doing a date that repeats your first date together. Visiting all of your favorite spots or maybe where you had your first kiss is a good setting for him.
Might propose on a rooftop or in a park but will make sure there are no crowds nearby. He wants to be able to lay out all of his feelings before popping the question and he needs some amount of space and privacy from the world to do this.
Akiyama Shun
Total class act. Fancy dinner and all. Brings flowers and everything. Probably secretly asks the waiter to pull some strings in the kitchen for a nice dessert.
Asks Hana advice for what to do. She helps him pick out the place, ultimately. She makes him do the ring shopping though and refuses to give him input on that.
Nervous the entire time, both while planning it and during the proposal itself. Akiyama is a romantic at heart but honestly marriage was kind of always a distant fantasy for him, so it's totally crazy for him to actually be doing this.
Tanimura Masayoshi
Our boy is a MESS. Has zero idea what to do. Where the heck do people even get rings? Does it matter which knee people get down on during a proposal? He has no idea.
Spends the most amount of time out of all the boys picking out a ring. He knows this is something very special and important so he puts in the time accordingly to pick one out.
Might honestly propose at Homeland after getting them to prepare a special dinner for you both. Proposes in private though, makes eveyone leave the restaurant before he gets down on one knee because he's shy as hell.
Ryuji Goda
The LEAST nervous of all the boys about proposing. It's kind of expected for him to get married someday given his position in the Omi Alliance, so the concept has been on his mind somewhat for a good while.
Confident in his ability to pick out a ring and he will indeed pick out something very nice. Unlike most of the boys, he can plan a proposal all by himself.
Think Akiyama on steroids. It's not just a fancy dinner, it's a PRIVATE room in the nicest restaurant in town with your favorite bottle of wine chilling when you arrive. Hell, private chef too if he can find one. Gets down on one knee after dessert just as the sun is setting.
Nishikiyama Akira
Out of all the boys, he's probably the easiest to sniff out when he's planning a proposal. Tries to play it cool like everything is normal but it's super obvious when things are not normal.
Asks Kiryu for advice on places to go ring shopping, to which Kiryu is like "Uhh... Le Marche? Where else do they sell rings..." which isn't much help. Might just go ring shopping WITH you after proposing, if you're into that.
He'll wait for an anniversary or Valentine's Day to pop the question. It lets him use the holiday as a cover up for all his scurrying around making plans.
Daigo Dojima
Similar to Ryuji in that he always knew he'd likely get married at some point due to his status. However, unlike Ryuji, he has ZERO clue what he's doing. Isn't panicking outwardly but is a little palms sweaty if you know what I mean.
If he asks anyone for advice, it's his mom. He wouldn't bring it up to other Tojo Clan members and plus he trusts his mom of all people to understand him and what he's about to do. They have a pretty decent relationship and she'll be glad to see her son getting married.
With Daigo, it'll eventually go down one of two ways. If you share a home together, he'll plan a private dinner at home with just you two and send all of his staff home so you can have the place all to yourself. If you don't share a home together, he'll take you on a weekend vacation and propose the night before the vacation ends.
Mine Yoshitaka
Good at ring selecting, bad at proposal planning. He's got a pretty good idea of what kind of ring you'd want but when it comes to the act of proposing itself, he's not sure where to do it.
Would end up taking you on a very special date, something the two of you hadn't done before, like going to an opera. It'll definitely be something that requires you two dressing up. Even by Mine standards, it'll be a rather fancy affair.
After the event, he'll take you to a really nice rooftop bar late at night and that's when it'll all go down. It's semi-public but he'll still try to keep it intimate and won't try to draw attention to himself.
Tatsuo Shinada
Despises public proposals. The idea of proposing is plenty scary and he doesn't need a hundred people watching. Having said that, he's not the best at getting all fancy, especially since he can't always afford that, so planning is pretty hard for Shinada.
It's cheesy but he might just end up like putting the ring on a cupcake and giving it to you at home after spending all day together doing cute things, like going to bookstores and getting food at some local restaurants.
The least traditional of all the boys to be honest. Don't expect the whole down-on-one-knee things. Shinada's pretty spontaneous so it'll be a unique proposal for sure. Most likely man to propose with a ring pop or something.
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Just a paper cut
Vampire! Ayato x Fem! Witch! Reader
Summary: A quiet evening is interrupted by a paper cut. What should have been less than a minute acknowledging it last much longer than it should.
This a continuation of my Kamisato Vampire AU. You should be able to read in any order.
Words: 943
AN: @milkstore how many of these fics am I going to have to acknowledge you contributing to my brain rot? You keep asking the right questions that leave me so inspired.
This fic is T-rated. Typical vampire behavior. Mentions of blood
To date, Ayato was something where both parties must understand that getting quality alone time would most likely mean just sitting in the same room while doing completely different tasks. He was a busy man with so much on his plate. Some weeks a day off felt like a myth. Even if he would like to sneak away it was just putting off things that a future Ayato would end up having to deal with. And to love oneself is to try and make your future self have an easier time, at least that he was telling himself as he worked.
This week was in fact the opposite for Y/N. The estate got lucky with the haul of multiple deers. With no blood to worry about and no outside appearances to be made by either Kamisato, a break was in order, which led to her wanting to spend the night reading some of the light novels that she had found shopping a few weeks ago. 
And was it so wrong of her to feel a little clingy every now and then? She'd be quiet anyway and if she was quiet and undistracting she could justify being up under her boyfriend he worked for the night. So she laid her head upon his lap intrigued with a good story. She was only stealing glances every now and then to admire how cute Ayato looked when he stuck his tongue out while hyper-focused. 
No words had been spoken between them besides greets and telling him to move over just enough. His coat laid on top of her acting as a blanket for the one time she had said she was cold. Ayato’s writing and shuffling of papers with the occasional croak of a frog outside sounded like music to her ears as she read. 
Ayato looked down confused. "Favorite character died?"
“No not that, well they might be dead. I got a paper cut.” She closed her book holding it in place with a little knitted bookmark Thoma had given her careful not to get any drop of blood on either item. The book was placed on the corner of Ayato’s desk for safekeeping.
Ayato smirked. “I could clean it up for you.”
She frowned, brought her uncut hand to Ayato’s forehead, and flicked him right in the middle. “No. You have work to do.”
He laughed catching her hand before she could bring it back down. “I just said I’d clean it for you. Is that so wrong?”
“And by clean it do you mean getting a band-aid for it or do you mean you were going to lick it clean?” She scolded him knowing exactly what he had meant.
He couldn’t even fake offense. She read him like a book. "What would make you think I would use such methods? I just wanted to make sure you were okay." That didn't mean he wasn't going to try.
Y/N pulled her arm away and sat up. "It's a paper cut. You clearly know I'm okay. If you're so hungry I'll go bring you a glass. We both know how this usually ends. And you're way too busy at the moment to goof off."
"I wouldn’t call that goofing off. Just taking care of my partner with the love she deserves."
"Yeah, I'm calling bullshit. You can show me the love I deserve when you are off of work."
Ayato sighed. "You won't even humor me now. Maybe these few drops of blood would be the motivation I need to continue working. Have you considered that?"
"So it's gone from worrying about me to motivation. Why do I feel like both of those aren't the real reason?"
He held up his hands in defense and laughed. “Okay, I know when to admit defeat.”
“Even then,” Y/N held up the finger that had been cut. “Bleeding stopped.”
“Pity.” He looked away in defeat trying to play up his sadness.
“Pity? I get a paper cut and it’s a pity I'm still not bleeding.” She retorted back beginning to lose herself in the back and forth of the games they shared. “Well I know which Kamisato to not be around if I ever do bleed seriously.”
Any mood he was in became ruined by the thought of his sister. “Why must you bring up Ayaka now?”
“Because you need to focus. I don’t want to be a distraction for you. Plus I’m looking forward to that picnic on the beach you promised for later this week. I don’t want to have to hear about a raincheck I may have helped to cause.”
"You must really be looking forward to that." Thoma gave him the idea after overhearing Y/N and Ayaka talking one day. Y/N just wanted to see the beach again since it had been a while since she had last gone. Truly a simple date but it made her happy.
"The other day when Ayaka had brought Yoimiya over to discuss some plans with handing out sparklers for the upcoming festival, they made me go out to pick a new yukata. Be a shame if all their hard work was to go to waste." 
Ayato leaned over giving Y/N a quick peck on the lips. “I’ll get what needs to be done dealt with. Just keep giving me your company.”
She smiled. “What made you think I’d leave?”
It wasn’t long till Y/N once again had her head on Ayato’s lap as she read through her book as he worked. It was like they hadn’t even moved. Back to being comfortable with the silence of papers moving and the nightly frogs croaking outside once again.
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