#osabe seiko
Round 2
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TW: emotional abuse, mass murder, child abuse, manipulation, attempted murder, gaslighting, child abandonment
Titania propaganda
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Osabe Seiko propaganda
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Hello there Osabe Seiko fans.
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memory-echo · 1 year
To Leave or not to Live
There’s been a lot of confusion over the latest chapters. After Seiko falls down the stairs, Seiichi takes it upon himself to take care of her. The question on the tip of everyone’s tongue is ‘why’. Why does he go through all the trouble of taking care of Seiko, given their history...?
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If this is to be taken literally, this is as good as a DNR. It's not like she signs a document or anything, and it's not even like "she’s right in the head" to make this kind of decision for herself, but if you take this seriously, she's not very keen on living. Not surprising, since she was never very keen on living, anyway.
For context sake: the year before, Seiko told Seiichi all about her crappy childhood and he realized the truism that hurt people hurt people, and left. He continued to pay for her rent, but they didn't contact each other for over a year, and he started to live his life in a much more positive manner. All good, so far. Then she falls off the stairs and he's sucked back into the madness.
So, why is he taking care of his mother, after she told him that she didn’t want him to do anything? Does he think he can build a more positive relationship with her? 
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I’ve read comments of people who think this line is menacing. It could easily go both ways: it could be “there's no way out for you, but don't worry, I won't let you die alone” or it could be “so, you want to die? I will force you to live, then”, but I don't think it's either of those.
Rather, both interpretations or possibilities are predicated on a lie. The fact is that Seiko just isn't there anymore; she's just a bag of bones. If Seiichi wants to start a new positive relationship, it's too late for that. If he wants some kind of revenge for what she did to him, she's not there to feel guilty or remorseful or anything, really, her brain isn't there at all. I don't know what he's trying to do, but whatever it is, he's just wasting his time and money.
I think this has nothing to do with revenge. When he hears about her accident, he imagines that it's karma for trying to kill his cousin. It has nothing to do with the fact that she abused him for 13 years. Also, what kind of revenge includes this? 
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Wasting money on rent, spending resources on food and adult diapers doesn't seem like revenge to me. One could argue that it's the exact same situation as it was in the past: Seiko had complete power over her son and now the tables have turned. But you know what the difference is? Seiko used her husband's money to keep control over her son, she used his resources to show how dissatisfied she was about her life. There was no self-sacrifice, though, it wasn't her money, which makes it very Machiavellian of her to use her husband's resources to hurt him.
Seiichi is using his hard-gained salary (which I can't imagine is very high) to take care of a person he could easily abandon in her own apartment or smash her skull in while she was taking a bath... That would’ve been the end of all his problems!
Instead, he does this.
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Changing diapers and imagining her as a toddler (that was an interesting imagery, by the way). Is he trying to correct the original wound that was inflicted onto her by her own parents?! Again, that's not going to work. For all we know she's too demented to even be aware that the person taking care of her is her son. Even if he gives her first class treatment, she doesn't know who he is. If there is some remnant of consciousness she said she didn't want to live, so...
In a way, he has been taking care of his mother his entire life since he was parentified by Ichiro. That was the problem in the first place, that he always felt responsible for his mother's misery, so this really isn't a change of pace for him. When he was a kid, he wasn't changing diapers, but he was lying to the police about the attempted murder, which, by the way, she seemed to have secretly wanted him to confess the truth, if you go by her expression...
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In the end, the story repeats itself: she never loved him or wanted him, and all Seiichi ever wanted was his mother's love, which he’ll never get.
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tomiji · 2 years
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"why was the only thing that made you happy was having me be miserable like you?"
i binge-read Blood on the Tracks the other day and WOW.. i am speechles honestly. it was uncomfortable, disturbing, and i couldn't put it down. i wanted to do a redraw of this panel, it was one of my favorites from the manga. idk if i did i justice but it was fun!
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clownedhonked · 1 year
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some assorted random characters idk
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star-fiend · 8 months
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A Trail of Blood, chapter 53, "Promise"
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cursedvibes · 1 year
Hi! I'm curious, what are your top ten manga and anime?(different for each category) and your top ten animanga characters? Also, I love your meta! I'm always ready to see your thoughts about the itadori family. It's fun to speculate. I really hope that kenjaku has some affection toward jin. I want a dramatic, horrifying and tragic story for them.
Oh that's a tough one... for manga I actually have a somewhat ordered list, but for anime and characters it depends heavily on my mood and current fixation. Mind you, this is entirely about how much I enjoy a series or character, not so much how well written I think they are, although that factors into it too of course.
Jujutsu Kaisen
Blood on the Tracks
Innocent & Innocent Rouge
Hunter x Hunter
Devilman (counting the entire franchise revolving around Akira & Satan's relationship)
The Promised Neverland
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (so far P7 is my favourite, but P9 looks also really good)
Pluto (very excited for the upcoming anime, had almost given up hope it would ever come out)
Anime (more a list than a ranking):
Devilman Crybaby (I don't like how Ryou is characterized here, but the anime is still phenomenal. I knew what was gonna happen and it still hit me like a truck and that OST...)
Hunter x Hunter (2011)
Hellsing Ultimate
Gundam The Origin & the original Mobile Suit Gundam series
Evangelion movies (1.0 etc., haven't watched the 4th one yet)
Princess Mononoke
Black Lagoon
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (out of P1-6 I actually enjoy P2 the most, mainly because I love the Pillar Men)
Characters (god that's difficult...):
Kenjaku (duh, getting the obvious one out of the way)
Itadori Yuuji
Johan Liebert
Kars (never did anything wrong, he just wanted for his family to be able to walk in the sun. another mad scientist who fails at raising his kids. also I'm so glad the Jorge Joestar novel exists, it makes the p2 ending less bleak and the way his character gets explored there is *chefskiss*. as you can see, I'm very normal about him and the Pillar Men)
Thief King Bakura (I'll never forgive YGO for making him out to be wrong for wanting revenge against the Pharaoh's family, who carved everyone he cared about into magical items to increase their power. the manga still handled it best tho)
Asuka Ryou (God cursed him so hard for being gay and a climate activist that even in the fun cutesy Devilman chibi series he ends up killing Akira. I hope there will be another installment in the franchise where him and Akira actually manage to kill God and break the vicious circle)
Osabe Seiko (Blood on the Tracks)
Risu (Dorohedoro, sweet cactus boy)
Marie-Joseph Sanson (Innocent Rouge, said "kill the rich" and kept her word)
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izanagyan · 3 years
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tomokazu-sexual · 4 years
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dinos-and-chitz · 6 years
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Round 1
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Propaganda under the cut, but feel free to add yours in the reblogs
TW: manipulation, murder, gaslighting, abuse
Livia Soprano propaganda
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Osabe Seiko propaganda
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shisma · 7 years
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memory-echo · 1 year
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The cord is about to be cut...
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okkt · 3 years
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mangasaw · 3 years
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Seiko Osabe (Chi No Wadachi)
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k-a-n-e-d-a · 2 years
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