#ot spoilers
saccharinemeat · 3 months
hi hi what do you think of smores x honey ot...
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this one wasn't technically a request,but honestly anon, that's how i feel about these two, I think she's way more unhinged than people give her credit for,and people dont utilize the fact that smores is a demon nearly enough
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superthatguy62 · 11 months
Osvald’s Final Boss
“Haha, I love using Legtrap Hold. It has absolutely zero downsides!”
Professor “Advanced Magic I/II” Harvey, about to send me straight to the Gate of Finis:
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astrowarr · 6 months
i haven't watched pearl's episode yet. but there's something to be said about the fact that she knew scar well enough to know that, when it was the two of them, he would have too much pride to accept a sacrifice.
she doesn't want to win, and she tells him at first before she quietly tucks that secret back into its shell after scar's indignant reaction to her first attempt at self-sacrifice. she lets scar forget about it as they kill gem, and then as scar kills pearl. at no point does she try to say here, let me give this to you. she knows scar, but she also knows the pain of an ending like that.
but she misses a few swings, doesn't she? her legs don't move as quickly to duck away from his arrows. and isn't that familiar? isn't that something like a cactus ring, with two unrelenting fists and two half-hearted ones: a fight with two unwilling participants, a fight that was over before it ever really began at the insistence of one of its patrons
pearl is all too familiar with the sting of sacrifice, but then on the other side of things... scar knows all too well the tragedy of gifted victory, doesn't he?
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jessescoldbrew · 2 years
“And what do you sacrifice?”
“Calm. Kindness. Kinship. Love. I’ve given up all chance at inner peace. I’ve made my mind a sunless space. I share my dreams with ghosts. I wake up every day to an equation I wrote fifteen years ago from which there’s only one conclusion, I’m damned for what I do. My anger, my ego, my unwillingness to yield, my eagerness to fight they’ve set me on a path from which there’s no escape. I yearned to be a savior against injustice without contemplating the cost and by the time I looked down there was no longer any ground beneath my feet. What is my sacrifice? I’m condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them. I burn my decency for someone else’s future. I burn my life to make a sunrise I know I’ll never see. And the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror or an audience or the light of gratitude. So what do I sacrifice? Everything!”
Andor giving us some of the greatest dialogue in Star Wars ever put to pen and a hauntingly real insight as to the cost of revolution. The ugly, incalculable cost.
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timothylawrence · 9 months
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Ah, but enough reflection for today, I'm of a mind to celebrate!
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communistkenobi · 2 years
not sure if this was intentional or not but nemik saying in his manifesto “Remember this: Try.” is an interesting sentiment given that “do or do not, there is no try” is like one of the more famous lines from the original trilogy
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tatzelwyrm · 1 year
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featherlesswings · 2 months
Sam “I don’t know how to play D&D” Riegel, I swear to god.
See, I made it all the way to “he’s MY boy,” and later Nott disguising herself as a very specifically described Halfling woman and knocking on a certain door before I realized the incredible mind he has. I fully thought up until those points that he just had a twisted sense of humor, and only wanted to be the comic relief. I had skipped campaign 1 because it was too hard to get through the technical difficulties in the first few episodes. I have since remedied that, and witnessed all of That.
And now we have this new tragedy. We all thought FCG was Pinnochio, but he was The Velveteen Rabbit. He became Real as he transcended the life he’d known, to protect the ones he loved most. Who had made him Real with their love for him.
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idknwhatputhere · 7 days
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The company with the most narcissistic name was just created
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soaricarus · 10 months
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so uh. what if inv was an iterator that turned itself in to a slugcat.
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smilepebble · 4 months
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funny octopath textposts part 2: ot2 edition
[part 1]
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priceofreedom · 4 months
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boinin · 5 months
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One last point—Niko and Zantetsu rock up to Nagi's dorm deliberately, but the lengths they go to find him... Tracking the wet floor marks? Genius.
Niko does so with purpose, and I'd like to highlight the way this was implied early on in the main manga. Even the way Hiiragi goes, huh—this is the guy you two wanted to see? indicates the precision in how Niko plans their 3V3 match-up.
Throwback to the volume 9 omake:
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We know Niko's a strategist; Zantetsu is a reliable forward and defender, when directed by someone with good playmaking sense (see how Reo uses him in Team V's first selection matches).
The "someone [Niko] can actually talk to" turns out to be Hiiragi, who seems to have a reasonable level of intelligence and calm. His playstyle is a mystery, so I'm curious to see how he fits into among the others. He may be an excellent passer, like Hiori, or maybe something we haven't seen before.
Anyway, I love that Niko looked at his team, decided let's ball, then tried poaching the best player from his stratum... on a team that also arguably has that stratum's second best player. Before even commencing a match, Niko gets the rules of the second selection, understanding that success there is driven by individual talent more than teamwork overall (while still looking to cover his own shortcomings). In addition, he recognises Nagi's prodigy, and believes he can nurture it in the absence of Reo.
Such an underrated character. He's a mirror of Isagi in many ways, or like a shadow. They have similar talents, but their paths to the top are very different.
Still, this 3V3 didn't work out for Niko. The second stage results don't give us a whole lot of insight into how the other teams were formed... but Hiiragi/Niko weren't a duo that could ultimately triumph.
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We know Hiiragi and Niko lose Zantetsu to Nagi's team. Then, they must have won once (to pick up a third player), then lost twice (allowing Hiiragi and Niko to be stolen, respectively). Alternatively, they go on to win twice, then lose (when Hiiragi is stolen)... then lose again (Niko is stolen). Bear in mind, this is in addition to the three days it took Rin's team to steal Isagi and emerge as a 5V5 team.
The second selection timeline will forever bug me, because the final numbers were capped, and the qualifiers were up against many other teams. With 24 hours between each match, surely playing 4+ matches like Hiiragi and Niko would have jeopardised their odds of qualifying overall? Yet, neither Hiiragi nor Niko's teams were last to qualify.
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I guess... the teams made up of mob characters were so afraid of disqualification, they didn't seek matches at all? It's something chapter 58 alludes to. Kind of hilarious in retrospect: if they had just gone on and beaten one another, they'd have easily won out on time over the last three or four qualifying teams. Fortune favours the brave in Blue Lock.
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aqours · 4 months
i love how they both addressed that abuse tends to circulate as this fucking evil awful horrible cycle that only ends when people chose to break the train while also making it clear airi was a fucking revolting disgusting person who tries to justify what she does instead of breaking that cycle who can only whine and cry when a kid who isn't even 14 calls her out on it
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scarletwitchbitchh · 1 year
hank pym and his ant autism <3
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Theory/possible AU on Kai in the neverspace
What if either Nya, Wyldfyre (those two were visibly the most/only ones affected by Kais dissapearing) and the others, or even Kai and Bonzle themselve somehow do manage to open a new gate. So Kai and Bonzle manage to get back to the back merged worlds.
But just like back in s11 with the never realm it turns out that time passes faster there, compared to the merged worlds. So for everyone else a few weeks or months passed when they finally manage to open a portal, but for Kai it's been YEARS. (Preferably at least 10 in my opinion.) The emotional drama would be perfect. Especially cause y'know, Kai isn't a nindroid like Zane and doesn't have any memory loss. The effects of that on him would be really interesting to see.
Though you know. I don't really think they're gonna pull that of. The reason that Zane usually gets hit with the heaviest violence, has so many deaths and so on is cause he's a nindroid and it's a kids show at the end of the day. They can "fix" a nindroid/robot more easily. If Zane loses an arm, he can just put it back on or get a new one without a problem, if a human/biological humanoid loses an arm in the show it's gone. They can get a prosthetic maybe, but their arm is gone, they have trauma and physical pain from it.
So yeah, my theory isn't that likely cause Kai might be the emotinal but not physical punching bag of the writers. It's very unlikely that they would significantly age up just one of the og characters and not the others. I can still dream and we have the world of fanfiction on our side. (Ideas for an AU name please for the case I get more ideas)
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