nannahdraws · 16 days
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Finally, after two years this massive project is done! I got my friend's daughter into Moomin a while back, so I wanted to make her a big papercraft art to put up on her wall. But I still cannot believe how long this thing took. I'm pretty sure half my soul went with it.
But my friend's daughter loved it! So it's worth it.
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lickingyellowpaint · 7 months
Some stark, some funny. Cool thrift store find. @doppleganger-rental
June 1, 1943 Our Navy
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spilledkaleidoscope · 1 month
Activation Energy and Executive Dysfunction
A bunch of people (with executive dysfunction I assume) reacted a little disheartened to how I described the phenomenon.
The gist is that I used activation energy, a concept from chemistry, as a model for how executive dysfunction can keep you from doing things. Activation energy is the minimal energy that has to be available for any chemical reaction to occur and that amount is specific to every reaction.
Executive Dysfunction to me means, that this activation energy is always high, even for tasks other people experience as spontaneous reaction (yes the amount of ae and spontaneity of a reaction are not connected necessarily but bear with me here). A good example is showering or feeding yourself or sometimes getting up from the couch.
The tricky thing here is that the energy put into trying to reach activation energy is still *expended*, so while it might seem like nothing happens, you still get drained, making it harder to reach activation energy levels.
So what can we do?
In synthesis, if your activation energy is too high you basically can do two things: you either add a catalyst, or you find a different way to get to your result altogether.
The latter can be choosing a simpler recipe to feed yourself, graze on random items without making a meal until you are full or ordering food for example.
This is not always possible, but it *is* worth thinking about. An example from my life would be that I open my mail outside at the trash bins and immediately discard what I don't need because otherwise, I have paperstuff flying around my appartment that I don't get rid of.
"Weird" is not something that should factor in here. Make it functional and helpful.
The catalyst is my favourite solution however, and I can give you some tips here that you can *immediately* use. I won't know if they work for you, but they do for me (sometimes! be kind to yourself).
Have your tasks broken down: when you have energy, make sure that the thing on your to do list is something you can *actually* physically immediately do. Don't write "make reservation", but "call restaurant" along with the number. Not "clean kitchen" but "move dishes to sink" etc
Doorway Effect: The Doorway effect describes that silly thing that, when we cross a boundary, we sometimes feel like we've been soft reset ("what was I going to do?"). A hypothesis for why this happens can be that it helps our brain create separate contexts which then aids memory creation. What it can do for you is that it is an easy way to change context, which then frees you up to start something new more easily. Try it! Physically go through a doorway or open a different window on the computer, sometimes that is enough.
Costuming: Similar to the Doorway Effect, we are changing context in a low effort way here. Concentrate on putting on your shoes instead of taking out the trash or put on some rubber gloves if you plan on cleaning. Might be enough. Sometimes putting on mascara is enough for me to go "oh I am out of couch potato mode now"
Move! Put yourself where you need to be to tackle your task. That can already help.
Pressure: This can be done by setting a timer that will go off soon. Challenge yourself to get up and go before it rings - might stress you into inaction sometimes, but it can be helpful. I love visual timers for this as it helps with my time blindness
Prepare! If you are in a state of flow and have energy to spare *use it*. This includes breaking down your task as already described but also preparing your space - this can be a cleaned up desk or a caddy with cleaning supplies in a prominent spot.
And my absolute favorite: Throw a dice. When it is really bad, one thing I can always do is throw a dice (via an app, typing "d20" into the search bar or physically having one on me - which I usually do now). I tell myself that if I "make the roll" I get up and do it and if I don't, I try again in 20 minutes. This changes context easily, removes responsibility from me and makes the whole thing playful. I usually go with a d20 and tell myself to get going with a result over 10. If I have a particularly bad day I might need 15+ to do something. Just try it.
In short, what we are trying to do is
minimize friction by frontloading as much thinking and preparing as we can
make a context change as easy and small as possible
And remember: the goal is never to Always Be Doing Something.
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colorfulbibliostack · 6 months
scrapbook part one!
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as you can see i mostly use everyday items. these ones have the most printed images. this scrapbook was made mostly to help with memory issues, and its an accessible way to help with paper hoarding (which. i keep SO much paperstuff lol)
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a-silver-dragoness · 2 years
Can you imagine Leafwings making root bridges from trees using their leafspeak?
Silkwing dragonets and scavengers can cross wide, dangerous rivers without being swept away!
What if the Hives were made of living trees being woven/grafted together instead of paperstuff? Can you imagine in spring when the entire Hive is filled with the sweet scent of flowers? Or autumn when the Hive has a blanket of crimson leaves?
Or what if a Hive was a mix of paperstuff and living trees?
I have a ton of new ideas after watching The Green Planet.
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jhara-ivez · 1 year
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Oh hell look what I just found inbetween paperstuff That one is OLD (2018) And I completely forgot about it. So I’m not even sure if I ever posted it but it would be mean not to.
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karynabueno · 2 years
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Terminando mais um domingo de estudo com sucesso. Aproveitar o restinho de descanso para colocar a mente em sintonia com a nova semana que se inicia. Muito estudo e aprendizado pela frente. Estou em constante construção 🚧
#study #psicology #studies #papershop #paperstuffs
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wisdompaper · 4 years
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The more I look back at this card the more I like it.
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mmiharamio · 5 years
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“Rose’s is most beautiful flower in the world” after the time and days but i don’t care if i fail to dare myself in time challenge but the result is almost beautiful and perfect i wanted to fold this model again but what color that suits may i need your recommendation 
UNITS : 90 Pcs Sqrs
DESIGNER : MioTsugawa
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nannahdraws · 2 years
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fox wycinanki! at last!!
so here’s the finished papercraft, completely cut out using scissors like traditional Polish wycinanki. 
[ID: a bright papercraft piece against a solid black background, with a leaping orange fox in the middle. under it is a large centered blue flower, with tendrils of leaves and other colorful flowers wrapping around and up either side, in mirror image, ending with two orange and yellow flowers above the fox. end ID]
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vikmonoblock · 4 years
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⭐️ Yo siento que hay días para brillar, hay días para pulir mi brillo, y hay días para recuperar la conexión interna con lo que me hace brillar.⭐️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Hoy me pregunto: ¿qué forma tiene eso que tengo ganas de decir, eso que burbujea adentro mío y no quiere esperar más? Hoy voy a hacerme cargo de que tome forma y posesión del horizonte de mis sueños. Hoy no voy a escribir todo el plan, solo voy a declarar que eso existe. Hoy no voy a revisar los detalles, si la coherencia es incuestionable, si el éxito está asegurado. Hoy solo voy a permitirme expresar mi corazón. Dejarlo salir, como salga. Mi cuaderno lo va a guardar como el guardián de un secreto. Yo voy a elegir si estoy o no lista para mostrártelo, Mundo. Hoy no es sobre eso, quizás mañana. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ¿En qué día estás vos hoy? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #astro #astrology #astrologia #universe #illustration #paperstuff #cuadernos #frases #quotes https://www.instagram.com/p/CD_e4nmJJkN/?igshid=u08fd6pfmmti
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lickingyellowpaint · 3 years
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Movie TV Secrets, Jan. '62
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dragonfumeux · 7 years
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Premier projet d’expression plastique de l’année de MàNAA à Renoir.
Un monde flottant, un monde bucolique et féerique s’est posé sur l’eau du grand canal de Versailles!
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publicmilk2014 · 6 years
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Handy paper bookmark, ideally as gift for your Little’s & loves.
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slopaperstuffs-blog · 7 years
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Here is the other side of the world
Joy of Life (valley) 90 x small origami papers 13 cm x 13 cm x 1cm
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dudenukem · 7 years
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Very happy to say this piece is currently hanging at @bucksccc as part of "Under The Knife" a show curated by the unstoppable @animatedarchitecture ! Sean has put together a pretty amazing show with a lot of great artists (and also lowlifes like me) so if you're able to make it to bucks county, I really recommend checking it out. #paperstuff (at Bucks County Community College)
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