#paths Eren
aengelren · 7 months
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A man that can do both
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erensemeraldorbs · 4 months
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Eren in his villain era has me feral i sweaaaarrr okay but imagine him looking at you like this because he saw a guy flirting with you. Picturing in his head how he’s going to make you see stars and scream when he’s deep in your guts tonight ☺️🥵
skdjskak he can knock the mario coins out of me LOL
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lovedeathalice · 2 years
Someone anyone PLEASE reply literally anything that comes to mind!!!!!!!
What would be some distinct differences in behavior, mannerisms, or any difference at all between Hoboren, Manbunren, and Pathsren
Like it can be in canon, in modern au, your personal hcs, anything
I need help, asking for an important matter pls🙏🏼
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avariantflaire · 7 months
eremin really said "there's no greater suffering than discovering hell without you" huh
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jaegersdevil · 4 months
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happy valentines day to my wife <3
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marcobodtlives · 2 months
Mikasa and Annie on a Girls Trip™️ but it’s just them kicking people in the shin and shoulder throwing full-grown men.
(Reiner and Jean on Boys Trip™️ but it’s literally just them getting into a slap fight in the forest then sobbing over their murdered boyfriends)
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theflrn · 2 months
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eren doesn't know how to comfort
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Eren Jeager. This mf is like a wildfire, burning through my thoughts 24/7. I'm down bad, like head-over-heels, can't-stop-thinking-about-him bad. Eren Jaeger wreck my emotional landscape any day. I'm talking deep-down, dirty obsession for that guy – he's a walking, talking damn fantasy that I can't get out of my damn head. The dude's got a jawline so sharp; it could cut through the chaos he brings. I am so insane about this guy, i don't think there is enough words in the english dictionary to describe my feelings for him. Pure freaking chaos. I'm so down bad for him; I'd do some crazy shit, like drinking his bathwater. PLEASE SPARE ME ONE GLANCE. Seeing this dude makes my mouth straight-up water, man. I'm not even kidding – it's like a Pavlovian response to his existence. I start shaking, and it's not nerves. Plus, hear me out – I'd willingly let this man wreck me, body and soul. I'm talking about offering up everything, letting him bulldoze through me until I'm just a pile of dirt. Eren, if you're out there, bring on the ruin. I'm ready to be reduced to nothing but a damn mess for you. I love hobo Eren, short haired Eren, titan Eren, sauna Eren, summer Eren, winter Eren, spring Eren, bald Eren, 7 minutes Eren, modern AU Eren, pink suit Eren, golf player Eren, manbun Eren, PATHS EREN, guitarist Eren, CABIN EREN, hair down Eren. I LOVE IT ALL. Every damn day, I find myself praying to the heavens, begging God to send Eren to me. The mere thought of Eren consumes my mind, and I'm on the brink of losing it. I'm so down bad for him. I'm foaming at the mouth and i can not stop myself. I'm telling you, I'd go to the ends of the damn earth for every version of Eren. If he showed up at my doorstep Hobo Eren fashion, asking for beer money, I'd practically hand over my entire existence. I'd throw my bank account at him, grab those beers, and just fucking chill and roll joints w him or something. It's a level of down bad that's bordering on absurd.
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a0random0gal · 1 month
It wasn't really stated when Eren developed feelings for Mikasa, honesty that confession scene with Armin felt forced.
And I always thought and saw Eren as being dense on romance in general. More interesting in fighting and killing than looking at girls
Yeah exactly. One of my main gripes with the shitty rushed finale is this out of nowhere love that Eren allegedly has for Mikasa.
Where did it come from? Where were the hints? How can you possibly tell me that he loved her romantically?
Don't get me wrong I don't think two characters have to aggressively blush at each other for 3 seasons straight before believing they like one another, but this plot twist is bullshit.
After the time skip Eren got more and more distant from his friends as a result of his future memories and the genocide he was destined to commit. He knew Armin and Mikasa wouldn't understand him, so he kept them at arm's length.
When it comes to Mikasa in particular, he showed a lot of irritation towards her, for how she constantly babied him throughout their lives.
I mean come on have you read chapter 112?
( I know he didn't mean it, but still, that's a pretty fucked up thing to say to a person you love.)
Trust is also one of the most important aspects of any relationship. And Eren never trusted Armin and Mikasa with pretty much anything post time skip, which is specifically why he pushed them away!
His love for her has always been platonic, so much so that in an interview from a few years ago Isayama said that their relationship was similar to that of a mother with her child.
But I guess Yams kinda forgot how Eremika worked for 130+ chapters uh?
That confession scene wasn't just forced, it was pathetic. It completely erased who Eren was as a character and replaced him with the cheapest copy on sale at Walmart.
(It's been three years and I'm still salty about that panel how is that possible?)
When it comes to Eren and the concept of romance, well.. Yeah pre time skip he was kinda dense, in the typical Shonen protagonist way, buut after the time jump you can clearly see that it's no longer the case from the convo with Falco in Liberio. Pre time skip Eren would have never reached that conclusion.
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(Wow, it's almost as if he understands Falco's struggle of not wanting a girl he loves getting titanized, I wonder if it's supposed to mean anything, uhhh.)
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briebysabs · 7 months
It’s so odd seeing that so manga readers were upset with the post-credits scene meanwhile for me, it was arguably the best part of the finale. Except maybe the baby scene, that was so heartbreaking to watch. That is what made this conclusion an Attack on Titan ending. The story didn’t lose itself and maintained what it’s been about from day one. It could’ve been done a somewhat better but the more I reflect on the end, the more I do like it.
Because of course the world will inevitably enter war. Eren didn’t change humanity, he shrunk the population and got rid of Titans. That is literally it.
“Oh well that’s why Eren should’ve done a 100% rumbling.” Then Paradis would grow in size, repopulate what’s left, and eventually go to war against each other. What happened was the most logical outcome. For all we know that may have happened and the conflict we see in the far future had no correlation to Paradis’ past whatsoever.
I have seen reasonable criticism for what could’ve been adjusted or added in which I understand or agree. But I believe a lot, not all, of the irrational hate the ending originally got stemmed from two sides. One side wanted Eren to fully eradicate everything and saw him as this chad, edgelord who appealed to their toxic fantasies. Another side wanted a happy fairytale ending that had peace reign and pain finally vanished.
In the end, something more grey happened and neither got what they wanted.
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aengelren · 7 months
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The sexiest man alive
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thena0315 · 7 months
Levi and Kenny with the Jaeger Family
Kenny and Grisha
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Levi and the Jaeger Brothers
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flailingkittylover · 6 months
Miracle Ch. 4
Chapter occurs during 136-138
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oxygenbefore1775 · 5 months
Sometimes I think of that scene in the giant tree forest after Reiner and Bertholdt kidnapped Eren and Ymir, and imagine how different the story would have been if only Reiner pushed Eren from the branch for the pure Titans to feed on
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erudianokabe · 5 months
random ask time! bc phew i haven't sent random asks to my mutuals in wayyy too long - gotta reclaim my brand. if marcel, reiner, eren, had phones, what are 5 images we'd find in their camera roll? 👀
Okay, this one has been in my inbox for quite some time, and I think I do owe an apology for taking so long. I think this is an interesting question especially since their personalities change up quite a bit depending on when we're looking at their phones.
Let me start it off with Marcel.
For Marcel, I wouldn't be surprised if he had baby photos of Porco in there. But I think the five things you'd find in his camera roll would be:
Selfies of him and Porco
A photo of his fellow Warrior Candidates
A step-by-step instruction of something that he knows Porco has trouble with
A scenery that he'd like to share with his brother
A photo of the harbor when they departed from Marley
For Eren, during his scout years, I think that he'd have a few blury stolen shots of Mikasa in there. But he would have it in his delete history and before the thirty days are up, he'll restore it again and delete is again just so no one sees them on his phone. Otherwise, I think he'd have the following on his camera roll:
A photo of the Scouting Legion
A selfie of him, Armin, and Mikasa
A photo of the 104th Battalion
A selfie of Hange and him when he's transformed into the Attack Titan (as snapped by Hange)
A photo of a very VERY clean window pane to put Levi at ease
In his days in Marley, Eren's camera roll would have:
The hospital in Liberio
Different locations around Marley
A photo of Marleyan higher ups (as passed by Zeke)
Blueprints of Liberio (as passed by Zeke)
A stolen photo of Mikasa eating ice cream
Now for Reiner, let's be real that in his camera roll as a scout, he'd probably have a number of stolen shots of Krista. A literal shutter bug if he can find the right time to take it. Some of them has Ymir's hand blocking the view. But otherwise:
A selfie of him, Bertholdt, and Annie who is cut off because she walked out of frame
A stolen picture of Krista when she helps out at the local hospice
A photo of the 104th Battalion
A photo of maps and routes taken by the Scouts
A photo of his mother
Now, when it comes to Reiner going back in Marley, it's a bit more simple. But these are the things that are closest to his heart:
A picture of his mother
A picture of Gabi
A photo of the new Warrior Candidates
Stolen shots of the remaining Warriors
A selfie of him, Bertholdt, and Annie who is cut off because she walked out of frame
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sailorspica · 4 months
titan shifter inheritance is queer af and i mostly mean eren's connection to frieda reiss. besides historia being a lesbian, to me erehisu are SISTERS and their loyalty to each other has a wonderfully different timbre to it than EMA: their shared experiences of being abducted and manipulated/maneuvered by rod reiss, also colored (imo) by eren's guilt at grisha's (his) actions and frieda's love persisting. i love the manga panel where eren looks in the mirror through frieda's eyes and he thinks "...historia?" like he is sitting across from hisu in a brown wig lmao
this is why the female titan is so weird to me. surely some man has wielded the female titan before?? if anything the attack and female titans are like nidoran, what if they're wielded by two people of the same gender at the same time? actually the weirder thing is frieda's and ymir's founders having obvious tits while pieck's cart and ymir's jaws don't. or maybe the latter two are just quadrupedal. or what if there's a bit of gender euphoria or dysphoria involved depending on the wielder??
tldr embodiment and gender, trans- anything are so interesting to fuck with in the mech genre generally, and AoT has extra funky queer history/ancestry potential with the paths, frieda eats her gay uncle and then raises her gay sister? come on
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