#patrice alexandre
monimarat · 9 months
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Le portrait de Dorian Gray (1977), with LTLV Saint-Just (Denis Manuel) as Basil Hallward and la force des choses Saint-Just (Patrice Alexsandre) as Dorian Gray.
It’s so good. Thanks @qui-rault for finding it!
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oldschoolteenflicks · 2 years
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L'ange déchu (1847) by Alexandre Cabanel
The Lost Boys (1987) dir. by Joel Schumacher
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jukbox · 2 years
Goran Bregovic, Le matin, La reine Margot OST, 1994
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leszackardises · 1 year
Survivor Québec: Voici la bande-annonce du 16 avril 2023
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my-chaos-radio · 3 months
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Release: January 11, 2018
Oh, wherever you go, you know I will follow you
You know I will run to you
Oh, the sun and the moon
It don't matter what you do
You know I will run to you
Can't believe in all this time I'm hurting for you
But you feel like hom, home
Love gives, it lifts so high I'm dying for it
I'm dying for it
And I can't let you go
Hide away, hide away from me
Hide away, hide away from me
Hide away, hide away from me
Or you lose
Or you lose
Hide away, hide away from me
Hide away, hide away from me
Hide away, hide away from me
Or you lose
Or you lose
If you hide away I'll hunt you down
And follow you to the end of the earth
My heart beats with yours
My lungs breath with yours
You're a piece of me
I can't hide away
Oh, I'm under your spell
I'm aching and I'm fading
And nobody can see
I'm your heartbeat
You're a part of me
Can't believe in all this time I'm hurting for you
But you feel like home home
Love gives, it lifts so high I'm dying for it
I'm dying for it
And I can't let you go
Hide away, hide away from me
Hide away, hide away from me
Hide away, hide away from me
Or you lose
Or you lose
Hide away, hide away from me
Hide away, hide away from me
Hide away, hide away from me
Or you lose
Or you lose
Alexandre Damien Christophe Chiere / Paul Andre Louis Patrice Cucuron / Holly Eliza Martin / Louis Syrius Teillet
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patrice-rullier · 3 months
Découvrez la série digitale Dans sa bulle que je réalise depuis 2021 pour RTS Culture en collaboration avec societe-ecran media. “Dans sa bulle”, c'est une immersion dans l'univers et le processus de création des jeunes auteur-e-s de BD et illustrateurs·trices suisses romands. Il·elle·s nous parlent de leur technique, de leur environnement de travail, de leur dernière parution, de leur dernier projet.
Concept, réalisation, montage : Patrice Rullier et Alexandre Bugnon Image : Alexandre Bugnon, Eva Hugi Motion design : René Zumstein Musique : Thomatome Production : RTS Production exécutive : societe-ecran media ©RTS Radio Télévision Suisse SRG/SSR
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Daniel Auteuil and Isabelle Adjani in Queen Margot (Patrice Chéreau, 1994)
Cast: Isabelle Adjani, Daniel Auteuil, Jean-Hugues Anglade, Vincent Perez, Virna Lisi, Dominique Blanc, Pascal Greggory, Claudio Amendola, Miguel Bosé. Screenplay: Danièle Thompson, Patrice Chéreau, based on a novel by Alexandre Dumas. Cinematography: Philippe Rousselot. Production design: Richard Peduzzi, Olivier Radot. Film editing: François Gédigier, Hélène Viard. Music: Goran Bregovic.  In its initial release as La Reine Margot in France, Patrice Chéreau's historical epic was a huge critical and commercial success, winning awards at Cannes and in France's César Awards competition. It was less successful in America, where it was released as Queen Margot, receiving only an Oscar nomination for Moidele Bickel's costumes. One obvious reason is that American audiences are less keyed-in to 16th-century French history, and a passing acquaintance with the conflict between Catholics and Protestants that culminated in the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre in 1572 is essential to understanding the motives of the movie's characters. Things were not improved for American audiences by the decision of the distributor, Miramax, to cut 15 minutes from the film and turn it into a costume drama, centered on the romance of the Catholic Marguerite de Valois (Isabelle Adjani) and the Protestant La Môle (Vincent Pérez). At the behest of her mother, Catherine de' Medici (Virna Lisi), Marguerite has married a Protestant, Henri de Navarre (Daniel Auteuil), but she refuses to go to bed with her new husband. Feeling randy, she goes out into the streets to pick up a man, and has very passionate sex against a wall with La Môle, whom she later rescues during the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre. There's court intrigue involving the somewhat insane Charles IX (Jean-Hugues Anglade); his mother, Catherine; and his brother, the Duke of Anjou (Pascal Greggory). There are poisonings and boar hunts, and a lot of other stuff. The screenplay by Chéreau and Danièle Thompson is adapted from a novel by Alexandre Dumas, and neither screenplay nor novel should be relied on for historical accuracy. Adjani seems to struggle a bit with the vagaries of her character, whose sympathies shift from Catholic to Protestant and from man to man all too easily. The standout performance is that of Lisi, who makes the scheming Catherine a figure of some complexity.
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longatlanta · 2 years
Young diane webber nude
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Le spectacle a été repris à la salle Pleyel à Paris en avril 2014.Ī Thousand Times Goodnight de Erik Poppe : Amanda Arward pour la meilleure bande originale pour un film, 2014, Norvège Par ailleurs, le compositeur a créé en juin 2011, au Festival des musiques sacrées du monde de Fès, au Maroc, sa première œuvre tout à lui, un « oratorio mundi » nommé Leylâ & Majnûn, d'après la légende du même nom, avec une quarantaine de chanteurs et musiciens de tous horizons. Les CDs de ses musiques à lui paraissent chez naïve, Long Distance, Universal, Sony et Warner. Il vient de créer la musique de Belle et Sébastien, l’aventure continu de Christian Dugay, de L’Odeur de la Mandarine de Gilles Legrand et de HUMAN de Yann Arthus-Bertrand.Īrmand Amar a fondé en 1994 le label Long Distance avec son complice Alain Weber et qui peut se prévaloir aujourd'hui d'une soixantaine de titres (musiques traditionnelles et classiques). En 2014, il reçoit le Amanda Award pour la meilleure bande originale d’un film pour A Thousand Times Goodnight du réalisateur norvégien Erik Poppe. Depuis, il compose les musiques des films Belle et Sébastien de Nicolas Vanier et Le Promeneur d’oiseau de Philippe Muyl. En 2012 Armand Amar écrit les bandes originales de deux films brésiliens : Mon bel oranger de Marcos Bernstein et Amazonia Eterna de Belisario Franca, et des nouveaux films de Yann Arthus-Bertrand Planète Océans, Alexandre Arcady Ce que le Jour doit à la nuit, et Costa-Gavras Le Capital. Le Concert (qui lui a valu le César de la meilleure musique de films en 2009), Va, vis et deviens (2006), La Source des femmes (2011) de Radu Mihaileanu, Indigènes (2006) de Rachid Bouchareb, La Faute à Fidel de Julie Gavras (2006), Le Premier Cri de Gilles de Maistre (2007), La jeune fille et les loups (2008) et Tu seras mon fils (2011) de Gilles Legrand, Sagan (2008) et Pour une Femme (2013) de Diane Kurys, Ce que le Jour doit à la nuit de Alexandre Arcady, HOME de Yann Arthus-Bertrand (2009), Les hommes libres de Ismaël Ferroukhi (2010). Un syncrétisme d'influences spirituelles et musicales qui se retrouve dans ses musiques de films dont voici une sélection : AMEN. Il travaille depuis, avec un nombre considérable de chorégraphes appartenant à tous les courants de la danse contemporaine comme Marie-Claude Pietragalla, Carolyn Carlsson, Russell Maliphant, ou Mourad Merzouki. Deux aventures parallèles enrichissent sa palette : son implication dans l'école de comédiens d'un Patrice Chéreau et l'enseignement au Conservatoire National Supérieur sur les rapports musique et danse. Soudain, ce qu'il recherche est là : un rapport direct à la musique, le pouvoir d'improviser sans contraintes, les vertus de l'échange in situ. Suit en 1976 la découverte de la danse, à l'invitation du chorégraphe sud-africain Peter Goss, anthropologue de formation. D’abord en autodidacte, toujours à la recherche très physique des expériences, puis pendant des années marquées au sceau d'un engagement total, qui le conduisent à pratiquer les tablas, à découvrir le zarb ou les congas, auprès de différents maîtres de musiques traditionnelle et classique. Fort des sésames d'instruments jugés alors exotiques, il part tôt à la rencontre de cet "ailleurs" promis par des musiques extraeuropéennes. "Français d’origine marocaine, né à Jérusalem, Armand Amar passe son enfance au Maroc. With admiration to the grate artist and composer Armand Amar.Īrmand Amar (born 1953 in Jerusalem ) French composer, who grew up in Morocco.] He won the 2010 César Award for Best Music Written for a Film for Le Concert (Radu Mihaileanu).
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aloneinstitute · 2 years
H De mera espectadora dos eventos, a noiva do São Bartolomeu, Margarida de Valois, foi devolvida ao seu lugar de protagonista, graças à pena de Alexandre Dumas. Migrou do reino da história para o da ficção, onde encontrou súditos fieis, que não cansam de lhe render sincera homenagem. O sucesso da rainha Margot, porém, não ficou restrito apenas ao mundo da literatura. Em 1909, o romance de Dumas foi adaptado pela primeira vez para o cinema por Camille de Morhlon, seguido por uma versão de 1954, dirigida por Jean Dréville. Mas foi com a adaptação de Patrice Chéreau, de 1994, que a história de Margot atingiu em cheio o gosto popular, fazendo do filme franco-italiano-alemão num dos dramas históricos mais queridos dos últimos vinte anos. Com um elenco talentoso, figurino impecável, locações bem escolhidas e uma belíssima trilha sonora composta por Goran Bregović, “La reine Margot” consegue manter o espectador atendo do início ao fim. O roteiro, escrito por Danièlle Thompson e Chéreau, mistura partes do romance de Dumas com a peça “O massacre em Paris”, escrita pelo dramaturgo inglês Christopher Marlowe. A produção ficou por conta de Claude Berri, com distribuição da Miramax Films.
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petrosolgas · 2 years
Homem morre em plataforma da Petrobras, logo após inalar gás carbônico
Na manhã dessa última terça-feira, (02/08), o brasileiro Patric Carlos, 37 anos, veio a óbito enquanto estava embarcado a bordo da P-19, localizada na Bacia de Campos, da Petrobras. O fatídico acontecimento se deu quando o caldeireiro estava na sala onde fica o motor gerador e, infelizmente, acabou inalando gás carbônico.
De acordo com as informações divulgadas pelo Sindipetro-NF, Patric era recém-chegado na GranIHC Services S.A, onde trabalhava à cerca de dois meses e oito dias. O caldeireiro residia no município de São Mateus, localizado no Espírito Santo. Além disso, com a sua partida precoce, deixou sua esposa e dois filhos, enquanto saiu de casa para trabalhar.
Apesar das poucas informações, acredita-se que a morte do trabalhador tenha ocorrido após o disparo do gás
Segundo os relatos de bordo, a sala onde ficava o motor gerador era totalmente fechada. Nesse mesmo local, estava sendo realizada uma obra, para a retirada do piso gradeado. Chegada às 9h30 da manhã de terça-feira, houve um disparo do gás carbônico na sala.
Nessa hora, além do caldeireiro, havia mais outro trabalhador que estava presente na sala fechada onde o gás foi liberado. No entanto, o petroleiro Patric Carlos acabou inalando o gás tóxico, ficando inerte e não conseguindo deixar a sala, falecendo no local.
A Sindipetro-NF lamentou que mais uma tragédia tenha ocorrido na Bacia de Campos, plataforma pertencente a Petrobras. Em nota divulgada, o diretor do Departamento de Saúde Alexandre Vieira disse que, “para o NF, nenhum trabalhador pode sair de casa para trabalhar e não voltar”.
Devido à dimensão de uma plataforma de petróleo, existem alguns equipamentos acionados em caso de emergência, para garantir a funcionalidade total da plataforma. Nesse caso, o equipamento em questão para manter a energia necessária e os demais equipamentos em funcionamento, seria o motor gerador que estava na sala.
Devido ao fato de apresentar alguns riscos, é de suma importância que ele fique em um local que encasulado, para não oferecer perigo aos que estão na plataforma. Dessa forma, para tentar averiguar o motivo pelo qual o disparo ocorreu, haverá uma investigação minuciosa, onde o diretor sindical Rafael Crespo irá representar o sindicato.
Da mesma forma que o Sindipetro-NF prestou sua solidariedade para com a família do petroleiro devido ao ocorrido, a Petrobras também veio a público informar o quanto lamenta que algo tão fatídico tenha acontecido com um membro do setor.
Em nota, a Petrobras fez a seguinte declaração: “O prestador foi atendido imediatamente pela equipe médica a bordo, mas infelizmente não resistiu. Outro colaborador que também estava no local recebeu atendimento médico e passa bem. A Petrobras está prestando apoio aos familiares. A Petrobras instaurou uma comissão para apurar as causas do acidente e comunicou as autoridades”.
Sindicalistas vão ao Farol lamentar o ocorrido e pedem a Petrobras por mais segurança no trabalho
O ocorrido serviu para que a classe petroleira se reunissem no Farol durante logo as primeiras horas do dia. Para registrarem a sua presença o deixarem um pouco do companheiro que faleceu, colocaram cruzes e faixas nos canteiros próximos à entrada do heliporto.
Foto: Gabriela Fonseca / Para Imprensa do NF
Conheça um pouco mais sobre a Bacia de Santos e sua operação
O post Homem morre em plataforma da Petrobras, logo após inalar gás carbônico apareceu primeiro em Petrosolgas.
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The lease on the grave of Saint-Just actor Patrice Alexsandre has expired!
If you have seen Saint-Just et la Force des choses, then you have seen Patrice’s version of the young revolutionary. Sadly, Patrice (real name: Patrice Xavier Dupont) has passed away following a traffic accident in 1998, and was buried next to his parents in Saint-Raphaël. 
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Since he has no living descendants, this means that the lease on his burial plot has not been renewed and has expired in June 2020. As some of you may know, since land is precious and limited in Europe, there is no such thing as a permanent lease on a burial plot - if a lease expires and is not renewed on time, the gravestone is removed.
The Association for the Preservation of Saint-Just’s home has set up a fund to extend the lease for the resting place of this memorable actor! They’re already  halfway there with the sum they need!
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It would be wonderful if they reached their goal! I donated as well, and I hope to reach more people this way. Together we can make sure that Patrice Alexsandre can rest in peace where he is.
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thecostumevaultblog · 4 years
Here’s today’s recommendation!
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1994′s adaptation of Dumas’ eponymous novel is a highly confrontational take on the story. It's harsh in its imaginary and uncompromising in its interpretation. And all in all, strangely faithful to its source material; both thematically and in tone. It’s a very operatic take on the novel that relishes chaos and thrives on it: it's passionate, it's gory and, most importantly for the costume design, it's oddly anachronistic. The visual designs chose to cast away the codes of a period piece and work on a pictorial and symbolic level. Every single costume design is done with a keen eye for beauty and pictorial sensibilities, creating a world that, though it never existed as shown, it still feels real and grounded.
All these help accentuate the reading of the story as a story that takes place out of time: it's a universal tragedy that borrows more from the codes of a Shakespeare tragedy than a period drama. 
I love this movie and this costume design so much that I wrote a three-part article about it! (Part I: A place calling itself France, PART II: Colliding Factions and PART III: An Unwilling Participant).
Let me know your thoughts! We’ll be back tomorrow with another Period Drama for your enjoyment!
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nael-opale · 4 years
« Je n’ai pas joué Léodagan pendant des années, il a été beaucoup diffusé, c’est ce qui vous trompe. Kaamelott prend très de peu de temps de ma vie. [...] 
Mais, je m’aperçois que peu d’entre vous savent que nous faisons un métier et que jouer dans Kaamelott n’est qu’une petite partie de notre travail d’acteur. »
- Lionnel Astier pour le Forum On En A Gros ! en 2009
Comment vous dire...? Moi, pouvoir découvrir le reste de votre carrière, je demande que ça.
Maintenant dites-moi : où est-ce court-métrage et comment se le procurer ? ↯
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stephanedugast · 4 years
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📌 [J50] journal confinement L'ŒIL DES EXPLORATEURS | Imaginons le monde de demain avec 7 explorateurs. Une série de 7 entretiens par Stéphane Dugast pour Le Figaro Voyages.
> https://cutt.ly/7tcTzNl
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leszackardises · 1 year
Survivor Québec: voici la bande-annonce du 9 avril 2023
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my-chaos-radio · 1 year
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Release: February 1, 2018
Oh, wherever you go, you know I will follow you
You know I will run to you
Oh, the sun and the moon
It don't matter what you do
You know I will run to you
Can't believe in all this time I'm hurting for you
But you feel like home home
Love gives, it lifts so high I'm dying for it
I'm dying for it
And I can't let you go
Hide away, hide away from me
Hide away, hide away from me
Hide away, hide away from me
Or you lose
Or you lose
Hide away, hide away from me
Hide away, hide away from me
Hide away, hide away from me
Or you lose
Or you lose
If you hide away I'll hunt you down
And follow you to the end of the earth
My heart beats with yours
My lungs breath with yours
You're a piece of me
I can't hide away
Oh, I'm under your spell
I'm aching and I'm fading
And nobody can see
I'm your heartbeat
You're a part of me
Can't believe in all this time I'm hurting for you
But you feel like home home
Love gives, it lifts so high I'm dying for it
I'm dying for it
And I can't let you go
Hide away, hide away from me
Hide away, hide away from me
Hide away, hide away from me
Or you lose
Or you lose
Hide away, hide away from me
Hide away, hide away from me
Hide away, hide away from me
Or you lose
Or you lose
Alexandre Chiere / Holly Eliza Martin / Paul Andre Louis Patrice Cucuron
Formed in 2009, the duo Synapson consists of French multi-instrumentalists Alexandre Chiere and Paul Cucuron. Chiere and Cucuron are best known for a remake of "Djôn'maya", a song by the Burkinabe singer-songwriter and musician Victor Démé, which they renamed "Djon maya maï". The single charted in France and Belgium and peaked at number 12 on the French SNEP Singles Chart.
The veil of mystery in Holly Martin's vocals mesmerizes and hovers over a throbbing EDM backdrop encompassing deep house and nu disco that proves Synapson are among the best in their craft. The video for the song features an avid dancer caught up in the music wreaking havoc at a diner: "Hide away from me or you'll lose."
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