#pedestals smau
ssstarlighttt · 3 days
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PEDESTALS part nine: formation
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extra note: just pretend the no caller id actually says unknown number because i couldn’t find a picture online 💀
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jayflrt · 2 months
y/n talking about how she doubts if people like her because of her family or because of her. jay reassuring her that she really is a great person to be around and i think he genuinely believes that. but also he only knows about her and started to hang out with her because of her family name. and we basically know that at some point the truth is going to be revealed. and y/n is probably gonna doubt every time jay reassured her and complimented her even if it was genuine from jay’s part. oh my god tumblr user jayflrt you want me to kms don’t you? (joking but this smau is literally is tearing me apart)
i'm so sorry it's definitely more heart wrenching when you realize it's buildup for the angst 🥲🥲 he genuinely believes in her and likes her (maybe even set her on a little pedestal) but he's gonna have to do a Lot to make her believe him when everything goes to shit 🧎‍♀️
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apotatomashedbybts · 5 months
Be My Calico Cat [Prologue]
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𓃠 Pairing: Min Yoongi × Park Jimin
𓃠 Side Pairing: Kim Taehyung × Jeon Jungkook | Kim Seokjin × Kim Namjoon | Jung Hoseok × IU
𓃠 Genre: Fluff | Romance | Angst
𓃠 Trope: University au | Mafia au | Social Media au
𓃠 Word Count: 588 [for the prologue]
𓃠 Trigger Warning: Mentions of ptsd | mentions of burn injuries | nightmare | medicines | death
𓃠 Rating: PG13
𓃠 Banner: apotatomashedbybts
𓃠 Disclaimer: This is a revamped version of my SMAU series, previously titled, Shade Me Pastel which was originally posted here on Tumblr 4 years ago on August 23, 2019.
𓃠 Author's Note: This series came into existence because of a fic exchange event and I got paired up with the most precious @piease-iove-me ! We brainstormed together and she made gorgeous moodboards and we had lots of fun! @piease-iove-me thank you so much for being the kindest and the biggest emotional support to me back then! Even though we don't talk as much, I still go back to the letters you left for me in my draft. I can never thank you enough for those! Love you so much ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
𓃠 Update: every Friday
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𓃠 Summary: Yoongi, the I-really-don't-wanna-be-a member of the Seoul's biggest drug cartel, The Hwanggeum, has been blaming himself for the past fifteen years for the tragedy that happened to Jimin. But a fateful turn of events brings them face to face. And they find themselves uncovering the truth that throws Yoongi off the pedestal on which Yoongi has been balancing his life till now.
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The roaring endless flames of fire engulfing every existing element. Dark smoke covering every possible inch of the space. A distant cry for help. A small figure coming in and out of sight– reaching out it's hands, small red hands– eyes pleading for help, hands choking him to death. 
Yoongi wakes up with a start – sweats dripping and wetting his body. His chest moves up and down heavily, keeping pace with his beating heart. After a few moments of trying to calm down he slumps his back in a relaxed posture and covers his face with his large palms and sighs heavily– the nightmare is never going to let him escape.
He reaches out his hand to the bedside table and finds the medicine just where it is supposed to be. The darkness of the room is barely an obstacle since he is accustomed to doing this for the past fifteen years.
But he is still not accustomed to the inner demon that causes him to suffocate in writhing agony. Every nightmare reminds him of the four year old boy whose eyes glistened at everything colourful, which made Yoongi love the colours too as a child. The child who made him happy just by smiling, just by touching, just by existing. The child who the eight years old Yoongi thought was the embodiment of happiness itself. That child who doesn't exist anymore in his life. The child who he has lost in that merciless fire.
Now he, as a defence mechanism, has abandoned everything that is not black. Black – that numbs him, stops him from remembering that face that he as a child had vowed to protect forever. Black – that covers his eyes from seeing anything that resembles fire. Black – that is incapable of making his guilt invisible. Black – that reminds Yoongi to never forget to keep repenting for his sins.
Grazing his hands over the long burnt mark on his left side of the back Jimin sighs in front of the mirror. He barely remembers anything that has caused the mark on his body. He only has information, rather vague but still an information – "Your parents died in a fire. The firemen could only take you out in time." The orphanage owner had told him when he was capable enough to ask questions.
He is glad though, that he doesn't remember anything about his family because memories only make people more miserable. The possibility that they could have been here now by his side has always made him sad. He still feels there is an empty spot in his heart that needs to be filled. Not that it bothers the hell out of him but it still has an impact and Jimin would totally love it if it goes away. Given that, now he has people who he can rely upon and he appreciates them more than the aspect of "what if".
Wearing the pastel blue summer hoodie that his best friend's mom, now his mom, has gifted him he gets ready to go to university. A thought crosses his mind, "If my mom and dad were alive, they would have been so proud of me that I got into Seoul National University with a scholarship." A sad smile passes through his lips but he knows he has other people who are proud of him. Smiling brightly at the mirror he takes his luggage and goes for the taxi and his best friend in it who is waiting for him.
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— © 2024 apotatomashedbybts, all rights reserved. Reposting or modifying of any kind is not allowed. Translations are not allowed.
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drea-ms · 4 months
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OH DISTANT YOU. g.satoru
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五条悟. because the gods believe that satoru gojo can't be the strongest and someone able to love and be loved.
warnings. angst. hurt no comfort? toru n reader were in a something, idk what but they clearly had feelings for each other. toru and his shit communication and commitment issues pop up. mostly gojo centric. not proofread and grammar mistakes. it's like two am as i'm editing this post and i wrote it at 1 ish am. inspired by oh distant you by wilbur soot... weed usage but it's a mention. will add more if i find any
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He doesn't miss you, instead he decides to hate you. Hates you for how distant you've been, hates you for how obvious it was that the relationship was over. He hates you because he remembers it well. Smoking the last of the weed beside your armchair one night, just you and him, in your apartment's balcony.
"I'm tired." you said, not even trying to look at him, instead you were facing the night sky that surrounded Tokyo. "I need something, something to hold" you say, barely coming out of your mouth, almost like a whisper. This time you turn to face him, a small smile on you face and the pink flush on your face. It's cold he thinks, so he lends you his jacket that was around him and gives it to you, once you put it on you lean onto him.
Satoru hates you, he hates you because he can't find the right words to describe you, to describe how great you are to him, how you're the light for him and he's your firefly. You attract him like a nice warm house on a cold winter day. Satoru hates how you have that effect on him, how he looks at you like you're the stars, and he's the person wishing to see them up close.
Maybe it was for the better, you knew that this relationship was failing, you knew that if either one of you were to stay together then it wouldn't work out. Yet you tried to fix it, tried to make it work. But in the end, this wasn't your fault, no, it never was your fault. You were just trying to fix the already broken relationship. He was the one to blame, the one who couldn't put effort in the relationship, effort in communicating with you, he didn't put effort in anything. Maybe that's why he couldn't save Suguru, why he couldn't save your relationship. Satoru was never the one to have been committed to a relationship, yet you were the one that made him committed. Satoru Gojo was put on a pedestal just for being the strongest, he got what he wanted, he wanted you.
Yet he lost you.
And he knows he could get anyone he wanted, and he has. After the break up (can he call it that? were you two even a thing?) he started talking to people, dating them for a little while and then realize that they aren't you. He would try to explain all the little inside jokes you two had, all the stuff you found funny and the stuff you liked. Yet they never understood, so he broke up with them. Because they were you, he couldn't make a clone of you.
He really misses you, but he knows he's not the fixer upper, he's the villain (so he says).
And after all this time of thinking of the little things you two had, the good stuff of your relationship, he realized that while over thinking about the little things too much made him realize that all the good things left him. (You, Suguru, Haibara, Riko and others.) And now he can't wake up in your arms again.
Oh, how he misses you.
Oh, Distant you
Oh, Gorgeous you.
Oh, You.
(What the hell can he say, And when you're two stars from grace, and the world turns for you? Would you be the stars that guide him in the night sky?)
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val's notes. erm,, haiii :3 midterms just finished 4 me and i'm still tired but i just finished writing this!! also i have a yuuji smau in the works and i'm still working on part three of c&bb, but i might take a small (couple days? dunno yet) break...overworked myself a bit but i'll try to upload :3
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bukojuiice · 3 years
to the most explosive boy i’ve ever loved before — bakugo katsuki
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ೃ pairing: katsuki bakugo x fem! reader
ೃ  tags: fluff, angst (if you squint) + letter ! (inspired by to all the boys i loved before) 
ೃ a prelude to @bukojuiice’s 1k followers event! 
ೃ six letters. one for every boy you’ve ever loved. The letters for your eyes only, filled with all the words you could never say. until, one day, they start appearing out of nowhere into your life again, and your love life goes from imaginary to out of control.
ೃ  my nav  →  my mha writing masterlist  → my katsuki bakugo x reader smau
ೃ  please do reblog if you enjoyed!! it really helps writers and content creators on tumblr!  if you want to be a part of my mha taglist. send me an ask!  ♡
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You like to save things. Silly things. Ribbons. Polaroids taken during the summer. Old candy wrappers to put behind your phone case. Most especially love letters. Of all the things you save, your love letters are some of your most prized possessions. you keep your letters in a white hatbox your mother bought from a vintage store downtown that sells all kind of things. 
They aren’t love letters that someone else wrote for you; You think that you don’t have those. Because you think that no one has fallen in love with you. No being on this vast earth has had their heart beat 120 times a minute walking past you. In contrast to your ever so wandering eyes. These letters are ones you’ve written using your hand and heart. These are times you’ve written a letter expressing endearment-whether shallow or deep, each one towards a different person.
When you write, you hold nothing back. you write like he’ll never read it. Because he never will. Every secret thought, every careful observation, everything you’ve saved up inside yourself, You put it all in the letter. When you’re done, you seal it, address it, and then you put it in your hatbox.
They’re not love letters in the strictest sense of the word. These letters are for when you don’t want to be in love anymore. When you’re tired of falling for him. They’re for bidding goodbye. Because after you write your letter, you are no longer consumed by your all consuming love. it doesn’t keep you up at night anymore, it doesn’t remind you of him every time you sing along to love songs, it doesn’t make you think of how he wants his breakfast cooked, it doesn’t plague your mind like the homework and tasks you’ve ended up missing... 
it gives you peace and closure.
that’s truly the meaning of the letters. 
they’re supposed to set you free. 
but do they really?
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You open up your hatbox, looking for the letter that you wrote to Katsuki all those years ago. 
Once you had found it, you take it out, as the letter was still neatly kept, and wrapped tightly with a light coral bow. You absently smile when you notice the little stickers of the sanrio character badtzbadtzmaru (a character that reminded you so much of him) and pastel red polco stickers attached to the sides. you place the letter on your desk, contemplating on whether or not you should be reading it as you first reminisce why you fell in love with him in the first place.
the two of you were childhood friends. 
It was a cliché at it’s finest, but your whole family was a little in love with him despite his rather pompous and airy attitude. he was the cheeky yet adorable only son of your next-door neighbors who came over after classes to play just dance, or smash bros on the wii with you. during the summer, the two of you would play, camp outside of your houses, go out on picnics and go stargazing at night, and he’d always try his best to cheer you up whenever you were feeling down. there was always a grumpy and gruff tone to his voice when he’s trying to be soft and nice yet, there was always genuine love behind those words. 
but, most importantly, he made you feel special. and not in the way that you felt like he was your responsibility but because despite his attitude, constant brags and whatnot, doubled with his other “friends” constantly hyping him up, further inflating his ego...
You were his reminder to stay on the the ground.
You were there for him to open up to you, to share his struggles and insecurities and to just bare his heart to you. his quirk was powerful and so was his personality, but, his heart only became as strong as his physical capabilities because of you. 
But... what happened?
The second year of Middle School happened. 
Katsuki became a shell of a person he once was. 
He still retained his explosive personality but due to the grueling peer pressure that the Middle School hierarchy brings upon you, he became an asshole who could care less about others, began to bully a seaweed-haired kid your age who just moved in next door, and started to always put himself on a pedestal. 
He was like an Icarus who was flying too close to the sun... and so the two of you drifted apart. 
Just like that.
Then, he moved away that same year, due to the demanding jobs and occupation of his parents.
Gone without even having a chance to say your proper goodbyes to him.
With a heavy sigh, you finally began to read the contents of the letter you wrote for him when he left. As soon as you realized your crush on him was more than just within the confines of puppy love; you brought out a pen and some crafted paper, and wrote to your heart’s content. 
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Dear Katsuki Bakugo,
Remember that scene in Lilo and Stitch where Lilo prays for someone to be her friend, asking for the “nicest angel you have.” and Stitch comes crashing down from the sky into her backyard?
That is the best way to describe how you came into my life. 
When I was a little kid, I only noticed the most bizarre features and facets to your personality. The way you scrunch your nose, your facial expressions like that of a gremlin, your cool quirk, and your loud personality... but as I grew older, I noticed a lot of more things. 
I noticed how spiky yet soft your hair was, your passionate crimson eyes that are so full of confidence yet burdened with responsibility, your quirk that became more than just explosions with how you would tell me the science behind it, the way you would talk to me and soften your very loud voice, and how you would even let me win a video game even though you hated losing. 
I’ve learned to look at you in a different light because I’ve fallen in love with you. 
You were like a tiny spark ever since I met you. Effervescent, bright, always appearing, and always beaming. Like a crackle of lightning. You shined bright for others in your own little ways. Constantly growing and glowing brighter like the feelings I had for you.
Ever since, your presence in my life was like a burst of beautiful fireworks popping inside my heart whenever I would think about you. 
However... even though we both started as no one but just little kids, holding hands, and trying to traverse this maze called life...
and now you’re all; your worth will rise, the more I fall. 
I realized that you didn’t need me anymore. 
Like these mementos we have stored, all these these memories we share. 
once were things —
now nothing anymore. 
We promised each other with our pinkies intertwined that we would embark on this adventure to become heroes together. 
yet, what happened?
Katsuki, Suki, Suki-kun... 
If the boy I used to love and cherish with all my heart would come back again... then I wish things could come back again to the way they once were. 
May it be in another day, another year, another time, or even another universe... 
Please come back as the sparkle of light in my life again.
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“(Y/N)!” The soft voice of your mother echoes around the house. “Katsuki-kun and his parents just moved back next door? Why don’t you say hi?”
“H-how?” You whisper to yourself, peeking through the window and seeing some moving boxes present in Katsuki’s old room. A familiar spiky-haired boy peaks through the window, noticing your wide-eyed gaze at him. 
His eyebrows furrow, tilting his head slightly at the sight of seeing you.
These were the same crimson eyes, same hair, same old gremlin yet handsome face you’ve wanted to see again for such a long time. 
This was it. It’s him.
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taglist: @chibishae34  @lovelytarou @ramunegoddess, @serossimpy @laudthingcat​ @f0leysgurl​
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sweet-rintarou · 4 years
Today was the day that you were to meet with the person you'll be establishing a relationship. Understand how it's worded that way, changing the entire concept of how a relationship work. It shouldn't be a business tactic, in order to bring media attention onto those in the relationship, but should be a way to join two different people in a romantic sense, filled with trust and genuine feelings between one another.
You've had your fair share of relationships, none of which were ever done to benefit one or the other, nor were they ever done in a way that mutual feelings were absent. You don't claim to still be in love with any of your exes, nor is there any bad blood, so your concept of love and romantic relationship is quite vanilla.
Now, the game has changed. You weren't ready, hell, who the fuck would be ready to have to date someone only for publicity? To risk having the secret be released to the media, it would ruin your name and you were highly aware of it. No matter how anyone wants to try to put it, Japan was still behind when it comes to gender equality, it was traditional and placed men on a higher pedestal. You knew that if word got out that you both faked a relationship to gain attention to each of your agendas, that you would receive more backlash than your "significant other".
"We'll always protect you, Y/n," Suga reassured you when you decided to voice out your concern after being out. It was now nine, the next day, and you had to meet with the CEO again at noon.
"And fans will understand," Terushima added, "even though there'll be people that are rude for no reason, there will always be those that truly care for you, and will back you up for anything."
You couldn't necessarily talk, most of your replies were of gratitude or heavy sighs. Ever since the conflict with Semi, it seemed that the world was going against you, that everything that were to occur in your life was going absolutely crazy, and nothing seems to be working out. You felt as if most of the negative attention was caused by you, and only you.
As noon came around, your feet dragged heavily against the marbled floor. The weight of what was to come prevented you from walking with the usual bounce of life that you used to sport. Once you entered the meeting room, you only spotted the CEO, his assistant, and two other people you didn't recognize. Everyone besides the five of you were in formal clothing—suit and tie—so it was safe to assume that the person you were to be together with was not here.
Seated across from the two you didn't know, the CEO cleared his throat.
"Alright, these are the representative of who you will be meeting with, Ms. Y/n," he started off, "unfortunately he is unable to attend, but because I also like surprises, I'll disclose his identity later on."
I hate surprised.
"Before we get into signing the agreement, there are obviously a set of rules that must be established between the two parties, which are us, Rei Records, and the second party of Ryo Agency.
"First and foremost; the fact that the relationship is only for business purposes should never be disclosed to anyone other the present parties, your "significant other" included–" you couldn't help but gag a bit "–no disclosing this to close friends or families, the media obviously."
"Second; the period of this agreement will last for 6 months, this will fit with the timeline of Silver Lining's album release, album promotion, with a national tour, and Ryo Agency's agenda of their client's movie release, movie promotion and tour as well."
So he's an actor. Admittedly, you weren't too caught up with the latest news in the entertainment industry other than the music industry of course, so your knowledge of any actors around your age was limited to those you've seen in western film productions.
Semi rose his hand, "Isn't a bit unfair that Y/n hasn't met with the guy? I'm sure he already knows who she is, right?"
"No, actually, neither of you know what each other look like, we haven't disclosed either of your identities to one another." The response garnered dumbfounded looks from the five of us.
"We can assure you that he is a decent man, there is no toxicity from his behaviour to our knowledge," CEO Yashimoto reassured, although it did little to calm your anxious thoughts. He continued, "You will meet with the young man tonight, at the agency's restaurant, there will be no paparazzi as this should be a chance for you two to get to know each other."
"Which agency?"
"This agency," his assistant snapped, causing you to roll your eyes.
"Anyway, your relationship will be publicised on Friday, which is two days from now."
Without allowing you to say anything, his assistant—you honestly don't bother to learn his name—pulled out sheets of paper, placing it in front of CEO Yashimoto and the opposite agency, the five of you only able to observe the exchange.
"Alright, you all may leave, and Y/n, be ready to be picked up at six."
"How is it six already?!" You screamed. The CEO's assistant knocking incessantly on your hotel door.
"What if I grab him and toss him out the window, do you think anyone will know?" Terushima asked, eyes wide with genuine curiosity. The four of you stared in concern.
"You know it's the thought that counts." Heaving an exasperated sigh–which sounded more like a grunt–you changed into presentable clothes before exiting the hotel room, your bandmates watching your back, clearly upset as well. I cannot cry, but fuck, do I want to.
With only a glare, the assistant guided you to the car and the drive to the restaurant was quiet and awkward.
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Monoma opened the door for you, allowing you to step out and he led the way towards the restaurant. Your hands were prepared to type the name once the words left his mouth, but his lips were sealed shut until you reached the entrance of the restaurant.
"Table under Yashimoto," he told the hostess, to which she led us to the table in the far back. A figure was clearly sitting in one of the seats, but you could barely recognize or make out the features with your deteriorating eyesight.
"Yo, Monoma, what's the guy's name?" He only casted a side-glance.
"I lied," he said, "with the fact that your phone is out now, I don't know where you'll send what I'm about to say."
"It's to my friends, no need to be so uptight," you retorted. "Fuck, fine." Stuffing your phone into your pocket, you'll just have to tell them when you get back.
"Hello," ignoring your presence, Monoma shifted his attention to the brunette by the table, to which the latter stood up upon the arrival of you. "This is Y/n L/n, the girl you were arranged with."
"Y/n, this is—"
"Oikawa. Tooru Oikawa," the brunette introduced himself, "it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
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silver lining | w. ushijima smau
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part twenty-four
author's note: lmao now that we have oikawa in the story there will be more crack between him, y/n and ushi :3 and fair warning, the next few parts will be in written format, so be prepared
taglist: @alienvarmint @amberalisa @naughtylittleweeb @tycrackculture @someone-you-dontknow @iloveyouasmuchaspoohloveshoney @stargirlara @brownsugartease-blog @leviathans-watching @kenjiru @ushiwakaismybae @elianetsantana @kagebunshiin @koushiwrites @marajillana @wannakeillmyself @bokuto-buns @smolcactusqwq @ihateccmber @changkyun-not @mischevious-pixie @mochi-the-uwu @haengbokpixie @kiritokunuwu @kittyddandnyla @runningwitches @cevanswhre @mint-mai @that-random-emo-girl @franko-pop @bigchaosenergy @luhvsnoir @shadowpurr @milkyyamatobio @fueledbyapplepi (send an ask if you want to be added)
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ssstarlighttt · 3 months
here’s a silly little surprise for y’all! i made a video of all of my singing voice headcanons for the gang in pedestals! i decided to make this while trying to build a playlist of songs for the band, and added some silly little bits of info here and there :)
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ssstarlighttt · 2 months
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PEDESTALS part seven: preparations
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ssstarlighttt · 5 months
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PEDESTALS part two: offbeat
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ssstarlighttt · 1 month
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PEDESTALS part eight: new horizons
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ssstarlighttt · 3 months
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PEDESTALS part six: skyrocket
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ssstarlighttt · 4 months
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PEDESTALS part four: out of the bag
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extra note: empress is the drummer’s stage name, not her real name.
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ssstarlighttt · 5 months
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Introducing… (most of) the members of the rock band Glowing Crow!
Sara - Lead Vocals
Wanderlust - Lead Guitar + Vocals
Mihaly - Rhythm Guitar
Brezziana - Bass
████ - Drums
Glowing Crow is a rock band formed by five members from different Danceverses, one of them even being from Earth! A lot of their fans come from the reputation of Wanderlust, the prince of the royal family. After a year of making music, the band has released two EPs. With different aspirations, they all came together to do what they love, and they hope to rock the world with their music.
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ssstarlighttt · 5 months
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Introducing… other social media users you may see in this AU!
Clementine and Scotty are online best friends who met through their mutual love of The Golden Jewels, winners of the most recent Showdown contest. Clementine runs a popular stan account for them, but that may change in the future…
Nyla, Sophie, and Ty are Sara’s friends from home! The three of them share an apartment, and Sara was also their roommate before she moved to the Danceverses to try and pursue fame. Additionally, Sophie and Ty are dating.
Dahlia is an up-and-coming pop star who used to live in Dancity. She would frequently attend shows at Scarlet’s Palace to support her friend Ann. Recently, she moved to Sun Horizon, where she met and befriended Brezziana!
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ssstarlighttt · 4 months
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PEDESTALS part five: fast-forward
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ssstarlighttt · 5 months
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PEDESTALS part one: a normal day online
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