#pedophillia mention cw
strangesmallbard · 1 year
i really do wish grrm would have made age of majority/common marriage age 18+ in westeros. like yes the rot of feudalism and patriarchy but, if anything, the constant deviation in asoiaf would further illustrate these themes. eg: sansa’s forced marriage to tyrion, “arya’s” marriage to ramsay, littlefinger’s blatant humbertism, aemma arryn and rhaella targaryen both getting married + having children at 13-14 then experiencing unsafe pregnancies for years, eventually resulting in their untimely deaths, etc.
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entity56 · 2 months
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is this anything
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just-antithings · 4 months
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Proship propaganda💀
This person writes rape smut
This person wrote a rape smut fic about a creepypasta character that is a canon a pedo
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bynux · 3 months
should i be surprised youre okay with pedophilia. way to be a stereotypical image of a trans person.
I fucking love this straw man argument. Not at all in bad faith. And you know damn well that you're in the wrong here, hence the anon. But sure, let's deconstruct my beliefs on the matter.
I'm not cool with pedophilia, which is why I want to STOP dehumanizing people with those urges and instead encourage them to seek therapy/mental help. MORE kids get assaulted when the adults who assault them don't get the help they need before offending.
It's the same situation as the War On Drugs, with the same bullshit "we're saving the kids" rhetoric. Instead of providing help to people with a problem before it hurts other people, we instead stigmatize and outcast people until they eventually hurt themselves or others because they have nowhere to go to work through their vices.
Like, I'm sure you've fantasized about killing someone you dislike before. Maybe a politician who passed policy that harms you, or a neighbor who threatens to sue you about inane bullshit, or a trans person who committed the egregious crime of existing in front of you. It doesn't mean you're going to do that, and if those thoughts became pervasive you'd see a therapist about it and get mental health treatment. Experiencing a desire to do something didn't mean you're going to do that thing.
If you want to stop pedophilia and sAvE tHe ChIlDrEn, you need to stop acting like people with those urges are inherently bad people. Consider that you could always be one traumatic flashback or brain injury or self-discovery away from being in the same boat as these people you so despise.
And since this apparently has to be said, to be 100% clear, I experience no attraction to children whatsoever. I have a DNI on my NSFT blog for a fucking reason.
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proship-puppy · 2 months
Rarity x Apple Jack
! This post talks about NSFW , SA , Pedo/Zoophilia , R*pe , etc. THIS POST IS DARKSHIP ! Don’t like -> DNI 🎀 🎱
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Apple Jack loves Rarity with all his heart…
However he also has a crush on someone else; his cousin pinkie pie. Well it’s not just a crush it’s a affair. Apple Jack and pinkie pie meet every now and then to make out and fuck. Sometimes pinkie even brings along one of her girlfriends (twilight sparkle or sunset shimmer) to r*pe them together with Apple Jack. It’s a dirty secret rarity should never know about…
But rarity has a secret as well..!
Every now and then she needs some extra money for a dress or pair of shoes she saw. So she meets up with older men and let’s them gang r*pe her. They pay per hour and can do anything they want with rarity so she did make some wild experience as they forced her to fuck with dogs or children ! But it’s all worth it and honestly she even enjoyed a lot of it because the r*pe is what got her to start a relationship with her loyal dog spike ! And it also showed her how okay it is for her to groom her sister sweetie bell every now and then. After all her needs are important to and if she needs to fuck , why not fuck her sister if no one else is around ? But of course Apple Jack could never know about all this !
🍖🌈 = proship
🧩🥀 = ex anti
💀🌙 = dislikes but still ships
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troythecatfish · 4 months
Recently I just found out that "Pedophile Hunters" exists and their job is to hunt down and bring pedophiles to the authorities. I just want to let y'all know about these relatively unknown heroes. I am truly grateful that these kind of people still exist because of them I feel safer and more secure. ( pedophile NOT referring to LGBTQIA people )
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quintaviouslydevious · 5 months
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good Christ, I just learned about this. Apparently Colin from the game Changed is a minor when he was put in cryostasis, so his MIND AND BODY are still that of a minor. The reason this is important is because Changed is a game heavily featuring the Transformation fetish, where Colin is put in suggestive poses and even MOUNTED. This is clearly pedophilia, and must be dealt with IMMEDIATELY. Please, do not give your money to the developer DragonSnow, and please spread the message.
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horrorvillaintourney · 9 months
Round 1B, Match Fourteen: The Mantle Twins (Dead Ringers) vs. Angela Baker (Sleepaway Camp)
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"Elliot Mantle is like every woman's nightmare? He's a gynecologist who sleeps with his patients and when he gets bored with them he hands them off to his twin brother. He's nasty and drives his brother to insanity"
"She's an incredibly fucked up person who lived as a boy until her sister and father died and then her aunt forced her to live under her dead sister's identity. And now she kills people who bully her and they deserve it! She shoves a curling iron in the mean girl's vagina! She beheads a dude who won't take no for an answer! She pours boiling water on a pedophile! She is an icon!"
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just-antithings · 3 months
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im going insane. wacky even. nuts, if you will
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gay-----pisces2 · 2 months
(Tw: Pedophila)
Please do not call pedophiles "MAPs". They go by this name to run from the negative (deserved) connotation that the word pedophile has.
Its essentially a way to get more victims, in the hopes that these victims will be too innocent to know what "MAPs" stands for.
They will always be pedophiles. No matter what fucking name they try to call themselves.
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zorubark · 2 months
Ben Shapiro: Hi this is the company where we only hire horrible people Candace Owens: ok some years later... Ben Shapiro: You're being horrible, you're fired! How did I hire such a horrible person (the other daily wire cew next to shapiro): Matt Walsh: I'm a pedophile Jeremy Boreing: I think Nick Fuentes is a good speaker Michael Knowles: I like genocide
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fourthwingingit · 2 months
Me, a CSA survivor: all pedophiles should die
My dad, wise and about yo give me some genuinely good knowledge: i see youre in pain, and i love you so much. I would alleviate any pain in my power to remove but i have to tell you, if you start deciding who gets to live and die there will eventually be no line between who you can condemn as killable. Dont get comfortable calling real human beings "worthy of death" no matter what they did.
Me: i still hate them
Dad: as you should. Theyve hurt you and people you love a lot. but you cant deny them the basic human right to live.
Me: what do i do about this?
Dad: i dont know, youre a lot smarter than me. How Do we deal with this?
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nando161mando · 1 month
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Telling a joke on the internet
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lolotheparagon · 1 year
https :// twitter. com /red_ devil330 /status /1574 503508619018281
weirdness is not what creates morality. It's whether it's harmful. Saying "It's weird you sexualize children irl or fictional" obviously shows why you don't understand why abuse of real children is illegal.
Children are human being with their own rights. And someone abusing them, whether physically, emotionally or sexually, is taking away those rights. It's harming them physically or mentally long-term, which creates problems in the future that can damage a generation.
Abuse of children is not "weird." Calling it weird is downplaying it, because weirdness is inherently something that isn't harmful. Children can die from abuse. Adults can die from abuse. Fictional characters feel nothing from it. They don't have the ability to understand abuse.
Same thing with CSEM. "All forms of CP is gross" is downplaying the harm of real CSEM. CSEM laws are not created because of it being gross, it's created because it's the documentation and/or production of child abuse, which I have already explained above.
Fictional characters cannot be abuse. They have no rights, freedom or any documentations that explain why drawing or writing them in a certain way would be illegal. Any place that makes fictional content illegal, has already created laws against violent medias as well.
You can call it weird. You can call it gross. But saying both is weird and/or gross, is fucking horrific to say. Fictional porn of an underage child can NEVER be compared to CSEM of a child. That child has to live with it forever. A fictional character, can be aged up.
It's condescending to assume that a reader is too stupid to recognize when a character is doing something harmful or crossing a taboo in a piece of fiction.
It's patronizing to believe that a reader will have their morals compromised by reading fiction and be reprogrammed by it to believe that the harmful action and crossing taboos is good in real life.
It's ridiculous to act like people can't read about characters harming others or crossing taboos in fiction without starting to believe it's okay to harm people or cross taboos in real life.
It's unrealistic to assume that you know what reason someone has for reading a piece of fiction in which harm occurs or taboos are crossed.
It's disgusting and boundary crossing for you to speculate about and fixate on someone else's' sexual habits based on the fiction they consume.
~ yknow in order for something to be considered csem/csam
it must depict an actual identifiable child. a fictional character isnt considered a real living being with thoughts and emotions. or rights for that matter. it cant be exploited in the way a real child can. separate fiction from reality and leave us alone
Fictional children are still children, mate.
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just-antithings · 11 months
According to antis, I'm a "gullible future predator", whatever the fuck that actually means.
Also apparently Japan is the "birthplace of pedophilia" due to their consent laws (ignoring the legality behind said laws, and the fact that it's the Napoleonic Code originally).
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larathefox · 2 years
well, i got groomed on reddit today. The guy found me on a venting subreddit and wanted me to vent to him. today he started saying gross things to me, click on the undercut for screenshots
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