#peggy hayden hunnicutt
remyfire · 1 year
Her giggles come unbidden, brought about by an idle thought and hastened with the fizz of the seltzer in her singapore sling. She presses the cards to her face, nearly leaves lipstick stands on her full house before resurfacing. "Sorry, sorry, a funny thought just came to me," she explains through her chuckles. "Before we were going steady, Beej let me guess what his name meant and the very first name I tried, you'll never guess." She doesn't give them a chance to, giggles increasing as she leans over and squeezes Hawkeye's hand. "Benjamin John! How funny is it that in the end, I got a Benjamin and a John after all, hey?"
(this did actually happen in our DMs and it's before I had ever once mentioned Trap's or Hawk's birth names to Christina and I have the screencap to prove it and it's extremely funny. Anyway, this is a self-indulgent, plotless character study with fun, fluffy quad building, so THANK YOU)
The laughter, golden as sunshine, makes BJ smile before Peg says a word. In theory, they keep their hands to themselves when they're playing—there's a 50/50 chance that if any of the four around the table reaches for someone, there'll be claims of attempted cheating or fraternizing with the sole purpose of distraction—but he's tipsy enough that he can't stop himself from reaching to lightly cup her forearm, thumb brushing over her wrist.
He's still getting used to how natural it feels, having Hawk's foot resting on his own beneath the table. Hawk's got one of Peggy's silky robes tucked snug around his lean shoulders, one of Trap's tanks on under it. Beej hasn't made it easy on the man across from him since his late arrival to the house, but with just enough bourbon in his blood, he can even admit that the table doesn't feel right without Trapper's money being tossed into the pot.
He studies Trap's face, tracking the faint quirk of his brow as he considers his cards before finally raising the pot, and BJ files it away.
When he starts catching Peg's words again, he rolls his eyes affectionately. "Oh no," Beej murmurs, almost drowned beneath Hawk's sound of delight. It's an old story, but one he hadn't quite put the significance together about until today, and he chuckles as he studies his hand yet again. When Peg's chips join the pot, BJ chucks in his own.
"You're not serious?" Trap asks with a laugh of his own.
"It's not the first time she was a little psychic." BJ finally claims one of her hands and presses a kiss to the back of it. "Maybe one of the more regrettable times in the end, though—"
Trapper leans slightly over the table. "Y'know, Hunnicutt, if I didn't know better, I'd think I wasn't welcome here."
"Only took two months of living here rent-free before you started picking up on my tone," Beej drawls. "Impressive."
It really is a sign of how things are shifting that Trap just smirks, that for one of the first times in recent memory BJ is the one to break the contact instead of holding it in an adrenalizing game of dominance.
"It makes a weird kind of sense, doesn't it?" Hawk points out. He lazily rests his chin on his palm, the game briefly forgotten—now that they no longer have to play just to survive the long and aching hours of imprisonment, there's room for these languid chats. Erin's tucked in bed. They've got hours to kill yet, a whole weekend ahead of them, and only BJ's due in at the hospital late tomorrow night.
"What does?" BJ asks.
Hawk grins at him, eyes sparkling. "That you found her first." He gestures vaguely to him with his cards, glancing over at the other two. "Beej always takes first pot, the lucky bastard,"
The words warm something in his chest. There are nights like this when BJ can't even remember who 15-year-old him was, that kid with an aching hole in his chest, skittish in his family home, keeping his distance from anybody who wasn't on his athletic teams so he wouldn't lose his chance at college by getting distracted.
There's a lot that can be said about how he and Peggy Hayden collided in that high school drama class. He's not sure either of them will ever be able to truly plumb into the depths of how inextricably they tangled their sense of self around each other at such a young age, nor does he know how long it'll take for them to loosen their orbits until the sight of Peg looping her pinkie with Trap's as she leads him down the hallway to his bedroom no longer fills Beej with that primal desire to reclaim her.
But he's also not sure how that anxious, angry kid would've made it out alive if he hadn't had her light illuminating that long, dark path until he was forced to discover how to make his own without her.
Now, he knows he can. He could glow all on his own without her, without Erin, without Hawk.
He simply doesn't want to.
BJ gets lost in Peg's eyes as he rests their joined hands against his cheek to the tune of Hawk's chips joining the pot. "Maybe I took first. But we've all got a pretty equal share now, don't we?"
Just as the soft words leave his mouth, he catches that edge of her smirk, and he knows. He knows before she even puts down the full house.
As Hawk howls in irritation and Trap tosses his own hand down, BJ shakes his head with a heavy sigh. "Okay, fine, I take it back. She always wins everything in the end."
"But you love me," Peg teases, and Beej loops back into her orbit just for a taste of her lips before she starts gathering the chips for sorting.
"I do." He tucks her hair behind her ear, pleased as punch. "We all do."
"Son of a bitch," Trap murmurs as he gets to his feet. He grabs his empty glass, then Hawk's, stealing a quick kiss from him as he walks behind his chair. "You want another, Peg?"
"I'm good!" She all but wiggles in her seat as she stacks. "This is fun~"
"You say that every time, you cute, little hustler." Hawk leans across the table, and she meets him in the middle with a quick smooch of her own. He chases her when she tries to pull back, and as she squeals and grins against his mouth, BJ shakes his head and picks up his own empty glass.
He meets Trap by the bar, their arms brushing as Beej reaches for the bottle of bourbon.
"Hey." When Trap speaks, they lock eyes. Trapper leans into the counter, his body nearly cupping BJ's own. "What does it stand for, anyway?"
A month ago, he would've been inclined to tell him to go fuck himself. Maybe even a week ago. But something's different on his tongue tonight—something he blames entirely on the bourbon, nothing else.
So when BJ lets, "Anything you want," slip off his tongue, it's more fluid than the last time he said it. Looser. Sweeter. And as he departs the counter, he feels the faint tug at his shirt.
Instinctively, he twists out of Trap's loose grip, and the other man lets him go. As BJ backs up three slow steps, he lifts his brows in silent question. Trap doesn't fill the silence. Doesn't come after him either.
They watch each other, long and hard, before BJ disappears around the corner with an oddly fluttery heart.
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onekisstotakewithme · 5 months
29, 35, 50
29 . favorite wife ? louise mcintyre , lorraine blake , peg hunnicutt , louise burns , or mildred potter ?
who tf else am I gonna say besides Peg Hunnicutt?
Real estate broker in training, can't make jam, tries to fix the stove herself, Oklahoma born and raised, the Haydens' first finest creation... great rum cookies, sends her husband chocolate jockey shorts and whole cookies stuffed into envelopes, plus writes her husband as the dog.
In short? An icon.
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35 . out of the “ dear … “ episodes , which one is your favorite ?
Augh. this is rough. Tie between Dear Peggy and the Dear Dad trilogy (because I'm not picking one of the dear Dads. they're all iconic, and they count as one episode!)
50 . what’s an episode that everyone seems to love but you don’t really like ? alternatively , which episode do you think needs all the love ?
What episode needs more love? I'll tell ya. Your Hit Parade. I don't think I ever see anyone talking about it! As for an episode everyone loves, but I don't care for... I know everyone seems to love the Helen-Margaret plot in Bottoms Up, but I just am not fond of that episode.
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nimuetheseawitch · 11 months
🌤️ and ☔
Alright, this got long, so I'm putting it all under the cut. Thanks for asking! Because it's you, I figured I'd talk about MASH, and because you asked, I'm actually feeling some motivation to get back to these, so thank you thank you thank you. It'll still be a while because I'm limiting my writing still to not aggravate my wrist, but the docs are open now, and the thoughts are churning.
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
Oh man, you keep making me think about my BJ is the worst WIP and hopefully I'll actually figure out where it's going one of these days and write it. In the meantime, enjoy:
As he's starting to dial, he realizes there's someone else he can call first. He asks the operator to find Peggy Hunnicutt. When nothing comes up he reevaluates and asks for Margaret Hayden. The operator puts him through. "Hello?" Hawkeye breathes a sigh of relief. It's been years, but he recognizes that voice from the tape they put together for that anniversary, years ago. "Peg? This is Hawkeye." "Hawkeye? What? Why?" She sounds completely bewildered. "I'm in Stinson Beach." "What did he do?" The venom in her voice shocks him "I don't know. I just got here. His hospital called me when he didn't show up for work for a week." "Of course, he put you down. I had no idea he even had your number. That asshole probably hasn't even written you back once, has he?" "No, no he hasn't."
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
Yes. I have so many of these, especially for MASH. Most of them are because I just can't get the voice right, but some of them are because they need an actual plot (although maybe I should just give up on that and do some character studies).
So, my favorite of these is my BJ is a liar concept. It was entirely sparked by that one scene where they're in the shower and BJ makes some joke about how whatever he said was a lie (I am really spacing on what line/episode/whatever it was). But at some point in Korea, BJ just starts telling bold-faced lies about himself to everyone but mostly the patients, since they'll never see him again. Here's the two paragraphs I wrote ages ago and never got back to:
He wasn't sure what sparked the first lie. It's not like he'd never lied before; there was the childhood incident with the candy jar and numerous sins pinned on his younger sister and lies about crushes and all the usual lies you try out as you're growing up. But these lies are different. The lies of his youth were often unsuccessful or inconsequential and we're motivated by self-preservation or embarrassment. He'd never before lied just because it was interesting. He'd never had such complete control over what people knew about him. There was his service record of course, with his basic info: Stanford medical, fresh out of residency, home in Mill Valley, wife, daughter, name, height, eye color, hair color. But he could choose exactly what to say about anything else.
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onekisstotakewithme · 11 months
Follow u bc You’re the one with 100% correct opinions about peg hunnicutt
sobbing... sobbing I say.
I love Peggy (Jane) Hayden Hunnicutt, love of my life, quasi-OC of all time, can't fix the sink or make jam but can be a badass bisexual realtor, that's my WIFE.
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onekisstotakewithme · 3 years
a year ago today i accidentally stayed up until four (as a uni student does) and wrote an au where the ot3 are college students
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onekisstotakewithme · 4 years
so listen i know the world is kinda fucked up rn, but i have some soft punnihawk from that 6k fic i wrote at 4 AM, and maybe it’s something we need rn
“Hey.” Hawkeye nudges Peg’s foot under the table. “Peg.”
She ignores him, trying to focus on the archaic language of the Odyssey, trying in vain to work despite the dull throbbing at the base of her skull.
“Peg.” He nudges harder. “Peggy!”
He grins over his chemistry notes. “Do you wear your shoes to church?”
“I… don’t go to church.”
“Well you should, cause. They’re holey.” He grins.
She rolls her eyes, trying to bury a smile in her notes as she looks back down, picking up her highlighter. “Shouldn’t you be studying or harassing coeds or something?”
“But Peg,” he whines, resting his head in his hands. “They all turned me down already.”
“Nice to know they have some sense,” she mutters. “Do you mind?”
“What are you reading?”
“The Odyssey.”
“Well I’d love to help, but it’s all Greek to me.”
“Do you really have nobody else to bother?”
“Why?” he asks, fluttering his eyelashes. “Am I distracting you?”
She’s opening her mouth to reply when her eyes are covered by a pair of icy fingers. “Fuck!”
“Guess who,” BJ says from behind her.
“Abraham Lincoln,” she says.
“Guess again.”
“I think she’s got you there,” Hawkeye says, as BJ lets go of her, dropping into the chair beside hers, before leaning in to kiss her on the cheek, making her blush, as Hawkeye looks between them. “No kiss for me, Beej?”
“You wouldn’t like where I put it,” BJ says, handing Peg a cup of coffee.
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onekisstotakewithme · 4 years
The Arithmetic of Love
It's never been division with BJ.
It's always multiplication.
His love for Peggy Jane Hayden is the first infinite feeling, the most fascinating, beautiful thing he's ever seen, and he can't ever imagine loving anyone else this much.
His love multiplies infinitely the first time he holds Erin, counts her fingers and toes over and over and stares down at a brand new little face with wonder (wonder that never quite fades).
It multiplies again, when he meets a blue-eyed, dark-haired captain who cracks jokes to keep the darkness at bay, and what he tells him is true, but it's more confession than either of them think:
"I can't divide myself emotionally."
But it's never been a division of feeling.
It's always multiplication.
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onekisstotakewithme · 4 years
so my lovelies, a new chapter of reunion fic is going up tomorrow (already, i know!)
and to tide you all over until then, please have a few words?
 He rubs a hand over his face, frustration welling up again. “I’m letting everybody down.”
She blinks. “Darling, if you want me to follow, you’re going to have to draw a map. Who’s everybody?”
“You. Hawk.” He sighs. “Erin. Everybody.”
“Are you leaving us?”
His hand falls away as he stares at her, disbelieving. Leave? The very idea squeezes the air from his lungs.
“Exactly,” she says, seeing the look on his face. “And I take it you’re not giving up surgery to be a bank robber?”
“Good,” she says. “You’d look ridiculous with a stocking on your head. Much as I like you in stripes.”
I’d like to formally apologize right here to anyone who thought Peg was anything less than equally deadpan as her husband if not more so
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onekisstotakewithme · 6 years
3 sentence thing... modern au, bj/hawk/peg
“Wait a second, could you repeat that?” Hawk asks. “I think the sun was in my ears because I could’ve sworn you just said-.”
BJ beats him to it though.”You’re pregnant?” he asks.
Peggy nods, grinning. “Yes.” 
“But which one of….?” Hawk asks, regaining his power of speech. “Who?”
She shrugs, but giggles all the same. “Darling, how would I know?”
“Great,” Hawk says, throwing up his hands. “All we need is a Greek island and a third potential father and we’ll be all set!”
“Darling,” Peggy says with a roll of her eyes. “Is now really the right time to be a slut for ABBA?”
“It is always the right time to be a slut for ABBA, Peggy Jane, and I don’t seem to remember you minding-,” He’s revving up for a rant, and BJ cuts him off.
“Hawk will you quit panicking for a second?” BJ asks. “Shut up and let Peggy talk.” 
“We can find out if you really want to,” Peggy says, softly. “But I don’t care who it is.”
“I don’t care either,” BJ says.
Hawk nods, and leans in to kiss her quickly, before BJ pulls them both into a hug. “So does this mean the Greek island is out?” he asks.
BJ swats one shoulder and Peggy smacks the other, and yet somehow, things have never been better.
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onekisstotakewithme · 6 years
Peg (via letter): Oh my God, Hawkeye, those pants look great.
Peg: bet they'd look even better on my husband's floor.
Beej: ... are you hitting on Hawk... for me?
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onekisstotakewithme · 6 years
Peggy Hayden Hunnicutt is the most adorable five-one badass in the history of ever and thems the facts
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onekisstotakewithme · 6 years
the best souvenir that BJ Hunnicutt brought home from Korea, for his wife Peg, was another husband
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onekisstotakewithme · 2 years
thoughts on Peg Hunnicutt? 😁
Thoughts??? On Peggy Hunnicutt???
On Margaret Jane Hayden Hunnicutt????
... yeah she's ok.
I love Peg. I adore Peg. If Peg Hunnicutt has a million fans, I am one. If Peg Hunnicutt has one fan, I AM that one fan.
And not just because we're the same height.
Okay but seriously. I love Peg because of the few details we get in canon, I LOVE that she isn't exactly a "stereotypical" fifties housewife, she gets to be an actual person, even offscreen.
Like yeah she makes delicious brownies and cake, but her dutch apple crumb pie is treacherous (per Movie Tonight), when she tries to make jam, all she makes is a ruined stove (according to the Party), and given the opportunity she WILL do her own home repairs, like fixing the sink (see: Mail Call Three).
She's also willing to go out and get a job - multiple jobs but my favourite is realtor/real estate broker - and her and BJ are equal partners in their marriage according to BJ.
I love her because of who canon tells us she is, and what potential that gives fan writers like me to build on canon. I love how devoted to her BJ is, and how much he loves his wife, and it makes me think how special she has to be, because we probably know the most about Peg out of any of the wives, save Mildred. And I love that Hawk and BJ have the same taste in women, no I will NOT be elaborating
Okay, and yes, since I'm here, I really relate to her, because I would be a terrible homemaker myself. And I'm only five-one.
Sorry for the novel, Max, but Peggy Hunnicutt, my beloved, and I would be proud to be considered her number #2 fan (right after BJ Hunnicutt)
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onekisstotakewithme · 4 years
what's your favourite throwaway line about peggy hunnicutt
- she’s five one (that’s my height)
- that time she got poison oak
- real estate broker margaret hunnicutt thank you
- tried to fix the sink herself, flooded the kitchen
- tried to make jam, ruined the stove
how do you not love the bisexual disaster that is Peggy Hayden Hunnicutt I ask??
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onekisstotakewithme · 6 years
people be like "so what does it mean being bi?" and the answer: I'm in love with both BJ and Peggy Hunnicutt.
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