#people talk about them like the three of them are bffs
the-darkestminds · 2 months
Personally, I don’t like the idea of Nuala and Cerridwen being Elain’s best friends because at the start of Elain’s time in Velaris it was their job to attend to her, just like they did when Feyre first showed up. They answer to Rhysand and Azriel first and foremost because that is what they are paid to do. Elain deserves the opportunity to make friends of her own, just like Nesta did. I still feel bad for Feyre that she never got the chance to do that because as we saw in ACOSF, all of her friends are loyal to Rhysand first and her second. Not to mention the fact that if Elain is best friends with the twins, it has happened 100% off page and we didn’t get to read any of it as it developed. 🥱
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dez-wade · 9 months
One of the reasons I wanted conflict is because I want Forever to open his eyes so Dramatrio and Eclipseduo could have died for good. I think they're good people, good for each other, but not for Forever. They don't trust him, every single talk he has with them becoming a 4D chess of them trying to twist Forever's words or actions into something more sinister and that has been happening way before he was president. He always has to get on the defensive about everything when they talk to him. They sided many times with each other "against" him, but the opposite never happened. They had deep talks with each other but never with him. They like him, care about him. But they don't trust him.
Despite Baghera trying to mostly keep BBH in check, I can see these two going "Aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you wanna go apeshit?" and joining forces but I don't see that ever happening with Forever.
When I think about the people who mistrusted Forever the most, it's always these two. Even the people who had reasons to distrust him, like Foolish and Jaiden, don't. When I think about people who mostly trust him is always Cellbit + the Brazilians (maybe not Mike at the moment). And funnily enough Phil and Roier. Hell, Roier hypes up Forever all the time and he doesn't even need to. (I think Max trusts him a lot too, but sometimes I feel like he has a more idealistic version of Forever in his mind)
So I always kinda just wished he'd find someone who he can be himself, that he could speak with every time he wants to about things that are worrying him that is not Cellbit because that's the closest thing he got.
And even when the chat points it out, he thinks they're talking about actual cc!Baghera and cc!Bad. Like that's not the point, we're talking about RP! The friendship with the CCs is amazing and I hope they keep being friends forever. But I want q!Forever to find other friends.
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scarletwitch1918 · 1 year
Today was the second birthday this year of a friend that I thought I was really close with that i didn’t get invited to
#birthday#fake friends#friend group#I’ve literally counseled this girl through half her shit this year and then she doesn’t even invite me to her birthday that she invited#people she barely talks to too and then after that she turns around and hangs out with my fucking brother of all people#I can’t wait for a new school next year so I can finally get away from the people who stopped appreciating me a long time ago#I know it sounds kinda selfish but I truly have not done anything (in the last 4 years) to ever hurt or fully disregard them and I really#don’t know what happened#one week we were waking to and from school together everyday and now I feel like I’ve been rejected from our walking group and I’m literally#uncomfortable walking with them in the mornings because they just fully ignore me the entire time#this isn’t even about just the one friend anymore#this is also happening with someone else who was supposed to be my best friend and now she barely talks to me anymore#and like I can accept that we’re not bffs anymore cause it happened a year or two ago so I’ve moved passed it#but she just pretends I don’t exist anymore#we have like three classes together and on snap she got an send it that’s said like tag your fav people on each class#and when I tell you i was in the room with her when she posted I and she didn’t even mention me#istfg#im gonna stop now because this is getting extremely ranty but I can’t really talk to anyone about this irl so this is just my vent space now
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sugrhigh · 2 months
RUMORS - ( c.s )
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summary: you and chris have known each other for a long time, and you’ve always had an inescapable crush on him. when you all go to tara’s party and fans see them together for the first time, speculation begins to circulate, and you begin to pull away in fear that he likes her as more than a friend
warnings: angsty in the beginning, fluffy in the end :) some swearing a kiss and that’s it really
bff!chris x fem!reader
a/n: i loved this concept and i hope i brought it to life well for the anon that requested <3 my inbox is always open for u guys #kisses
@fawnchives @l9vesick @mattinside @sturnioloco @sturniolossss @cupidsword @teapartyprincess4two @princessbetsy123-blog @cookiehaos @sturnlova @junnniiieee07 @vsangel-starbies @chrissystur
doom scrolling online is like a car crash that you can’t look away from; especially when it involves your friend and your long term crush. you’ve been laying in bed scouring the internet for the past hour, pouring over comments about and tara and chris.
ever since her last party, when fans actually saw them publicly interacting for the first time, the gossip has gotten out of control. people want them together, and you hate to admit that it makes you sick to your stomach.
hell, you’d been the one to introduce them, since tara had become your friend first. but you and chris go all the way back to childhood; you were best friends with him and his brothers in your early years of school, and then you moved to another town after your dad accepted a new position.
you kept in touch through social media and occasional texts after that, until you all found yourselves in LA fresh out of high school, alone in an unfamiliar city across the country.
their youtube channel had taken off, and you’d gained a large following after you’d finally been recognized for your photography due to some big-name collabs. you were all in the same vulnerable position, and because of this your friendship with the three of them started right back up where it left off.
the rest is history. it’s been two years now, and you’ve all grown exponentially, fully adjusted to LA and the recognition, comfortable with where you are in your lives professionally and personally.
you spend nearly every week with the triplets, doing anything and everything together. they’ve made the occasional homesickness bearable, been your rock through the hard times, and supported you like no one else.
but things are a little different with you and chris. he’s your best friend, the person you want to tell everything to first. it’s always been that way, really. you had feelings for him at 13, and now at 20 years old you love him even more.
but that doesn’t mean you have to love him being shipped with every female influencer on the planet.
it’s selfish, really, to want chris to yourself, considering his occupation and the fame that comes with it. tara is a good person and an even better friend, and you shouldn’t be angry over the idea of them dating.
still, it’s been consuming your mind ever since you saw the first post about the two of them a few days ago, and you’ve been checking social media every hour since.
you’re about to read through yet another comment section when your phone buzzes, a notification appearing at the top of the screen.
can you pls answer me
i don’t like this silent treatment thing
your stomach flips. he’s been texting you things like this for the past few days, since you started distancing yourself after the party.
the whole night he had acted as if he was into tara; always making conversation, asking to dance, posting her on his story. even when you were right next to him, it still felt like he was miles away.
so of course it’s been upsetting you, and you figured rather than taking it out on either of them you would just remove yourself from the situation.
it seemed like the best option in the moment, but it still sucks. you hate not talking to him, not seeing his face or feeling his arms wrap around you in a familiar hug.
another text pings, snapping you out of your spiral once more.
i don’t know what’s wrong but you’re scaring me
the message makes your eyes burn, and you blink away the tears. you don’t want him worrying about you, especially when it’s your own stupid feelings getting in the way of things being normal.
you sigh, tapping out a response and staring at it, debating back and forth whether you should actually press send. but he beats you to a response, and another string of texts come through.
i can see you typing
i’m coming over
no don’t do that, everything is fine
i don’t believe you
and i already left my house
it’s only a five minute walk to get from his place to yours, and you know he’s too stubborn to actually turn around, no matter how hard you plead. you’ve already broken out into a nervous sweat just thinking about the confrontation.
but at this point you owe it to him and yourself to be honest. you just hope you don’t get your heart broken in the process.
fine, doors unlocked
i’m in my room
a few minutes later you hear the front door slam open and closed, just to see chris peek his head around the corner of your room moments later. you’re still curled up in bed, too scared and tired to move, so he takes the liberty of coming to you.
“hey.” he says softly as he sits down.
“hi.” you mumble, wrapping your blanket against your chest tighter.
it’s not cold, but you’re so anxious that you’re shivering. chris notices and puts a hand on your covered knee, rubbing small circles against the joint. he looks so sweet, clad in his blue fresh love hoodie with his hair all curly from showering.
“what’s up? i haven’t heard from you all week, and nick was about ready to call the cops.” he tries to joke with a small grin.
you can’t bring yourself to match his energy, and your face remains grave as you attempt to swallow the lump in your throat.
“i’m alright, just tired.”
his face falls, and a slight frown replaces his smile. you know he’s not believing any of it for a second, and you’ve never been a very convincing liar.
“don’t do that, you’re obviously not alright. and i’m not trying to be pushy or anything, but i feel like you’re shutting me out.” chris replies quietly.
you shift a little bit so you can sit up properly, back resting against the headboard as you gaze at him. his hand remains on your thigh, a source of comfort while you try to pick your words wisely.
“i’m not trying to push you away, chris. i just…wanted to give you space.” you continue to dance around the truth.
he looks even more confused, eyebrows furrowed like you’re speaking another language. “that’s nice and all, but i don’t want it.”
“well maybe i do.” you shrug.
you’re lying through your teeth, but chris’s eyes go wide regardless. you’ve shocked him into silence, which rarely ever happens. he’s just staring at you, the gears in his mind turning as he tries to figure out what could possibly be wrong.
“are you serious? did i do something that i don’t know about?” chris asks, clearly exasperated.
he removes his hand from your leg, dropping it back in his lap. the small act alone makes your heart sink, and you feel the question crawling its way out of your mouth before you can help it.
“do you like tara?”
it hangs in the air, and you’ve stumped him once again. chris shakes his head, clearing his throat while his face reddens slightly.
“i can’t believe you’re even asking me that.” he sounds genuinely astonished.
“what? why?” it’s your turn to be baffled.
“because i feel like all i ever do is flirt with you. i mean seriously, it’s embarrassing for me at this point.” chris reaches to scratch the back of his neck sheepishly.
your jaw drops, which makes you feel silly. throughout this whole relationship you felt like you were the one putting the moves on him, doing too much. you’d never once stopped to think about all of the little comments he would make.
“i, uh, guess i didn’t pick up on that.” you manage to reply.
you immediately wish you hadn’t, that you just kept your mouth shut. but he smiles widely at you, chuckling lightly.
“no shit.”
this makes you laugh too, and it feels good to experience at least a brief moment of normality between the two of you. things have felt tense for so long that you’d almost forgotten why you love being around chris in the first place.
you wait to calm down a bit before you decide to finally lay it all on the table. “i like you a lot, chris. and i don’t want to mess up the dynamic we have, because you mean the world to me. but i’d be lying to myself if i said i didn’t want to be with you.”
he’s still grinning, though you can tell he’s gone a little shy now hearing you admit your feelings. this moment is all he dreamed about for so long, and now it’s finally happening in a realm outside of his own brain.
“i want that too, and i’m a dumbass for taking this long to say it. so no, i’m not interested in tara like that. it’s always been you.” chris confesses, reaching to interlock your fingers.
you’ve held hands before on many occasions, but it’s different now in the best way. butterflies erupt in your stomach as he leans in, and you can smell the fading hints of minty body wash on his skin.
you tilt your head so your mouths finally meet, soft and slow as you both finally enjoy the kiss you’ve been yearning for for so long. he tastes sugary, like the lollipops he’s always got between his teeth, and you’re already addicted.
chris pulls away a minute later, his lips reddened and glistening from the contact. you giggle slightly from the unfamiliarity of the situation, glancing down at your linked hands.
“your lips are so soft.” he praises, still awestruck that he finally got to kiss the girl he’s loved since he was a preteen.
“take a girl out to dinner first, jeez.” you joke playfully.
chris rolls his eyes, but he smiles nonetheless. “i think i will, actually. you got any plans tomorrow?”
you tap your chin with your free hand like you’re contemplating your schedule. “i can probably squeeze you in.”
“you better. everyone else can get in line.”
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remcycl333 · 7 months
my sp story <3
hi besties! if you've been following my blog for a while you know that i've been single for a while, partly because i like to be independent and single, and partly because i just didn't like anyone. obviously i could just manifest a guy out of thin air, but when im not confronted face to face with a crush then i just don't care about being in a relationship so i never manifested someone out of thin air lol
but then a couple of weeks ago i was at the movies with my friends, and there were couples cuddling around us and i was like "aw :( kinda wish i had a bf now." and what do we do when we feel any type of desire? we immediately fulfill ourselves, no matter how "small" the desire is! so that's what i did. i imagined for like two seconds that i was cuddling with a boy at the theaters, and then i got distracted by the movie and forgot all about it
then like 15 minutes later, a guy that i'd had a crush on four years ago randomly slid into my dms. i never pursued him four years ago bc my bff at the time had dibs on him, but we're not friends anym and haven't been for years so it was my time to shine!!!
anyway, we talk for like a week. i know this guy is funny and shit bc of when we hung out irl, but like all he's sending me are unfunny memes that don't really warrant a response. so it was kinda tough
and this is the part where you guys are going to yell at me!!! i was like oh i should use my manifestation skills and make sure this goes smoothly....but then i was like nah im just gonna go with the flow 😭😭😭 and i know you guys are like REM!!!! u manifest EVERYTHING u can't just turn it off!!!! anyway.....long story short a week into us talking this mf randomly blocks me!!!!
so im instantly like 🙄🙄 damn fine i'll manifest him back bc im stubborn and do not like being told no in my reality
so how did i do it? how did i manifest him back?
if you guys have followed me for a while, you know that i manifested an sp a couple years ago by simply affirming "i love [his name] so much" any time i'd think of him and this would conjure the feeling of the wish fulfilled. (NOT mindless affirming. i'd say it maybe two or three times to catch the feeling and then move on)
ANYWAY so that's what i did! and let me tell you....i was not "perfect" by any means 😭 in fact this manifestation really kinda opened my eyes on how EASY manifestation truly is. like i already knew how easy it was, but damn!
if you know that your desire is promised and that it is coming because you gave it to yourself in imagination (even ONCE) ... there is NOTHING that will stop it. i was gonna make a separate post on this and i tried but i just couldn't articulate it correctly so im going to try again:
it took 12 days to manifest him to unblock me and message me. im sure it would've taken a shorter amount of time if i was more disciplined with myself but it's kinda crazy bc of how UNdisciplined i was 😭 tbh i was just kinda like...unsure if i even wanted to manifest him at all bc thats how much i value my alone time and my independence lol
anyway, i always get asks from people who are stressed and anxious bc they think that in order to manifest your desire, you can never enter the state of lack ever again and that dwelling in negative thoughts will "ruin" your manifestations. but i am here to tell you IT DOES NOT MATTER!!! you do not need to be "perfect"!!!! as long as you are staying faithful to the idea that you have your desire in the 4d, it'll manifest in the 3d.
another thing i see so many people confused and stressed about is whether or not they're naturally thinking from the state. for instance, every time you think of your sp, you think from the end of being in a relationship with them, before you think of the fact that you're not together yet. and let me tell you....while this CAN happen, it's not always gonna happen and it's not necessary. let me tell you, the DAY before my sp reached out, and even the day that he did....i would catch myself thinking about how we weren't together! but the gag is....YOUR THOUGHTS DON'T MANIFEST!!!! yes, they indicate what state you're in, but the actual thoughts themselves don't mean shit!!! they don't manifest. they just don't!
so i'd shift back to the state of being my sp's girlfriend when i'd have these thoughts, but i was fully aware we were not together in my 3d and i never naturally thought of us as being together before i saw any evidence of it in my 3d. all i had was the knowing that my inner man was with my sp, and that since i'd decided i had it in imagination, it would push out into my 3d. because that's how the law works!!! and honestly, that's all you really need. you just need to know that since you gave yourself your desire in your imagination ONE TIME, it WILL manifest. and if you have a true understanding of how the law works and you've read source, you will have no trouble knowing that it will come.
you also do NOT need to be in the state of the wish fulfilled 24/7!!! at all!!!! i cannot stress this enough. and tbh i used to feel the same. i felt like i had to be aware of having my desire in imagination 24/7 or else it wouldn't come. i thought i couldn't perceive the lack or opposite in my 3d or else it wouldn't manifest (see this post about dismissing the 3d btw if u need help with that). but the gods honest truth is that all you need to do is DECIDE you have your desire in imagination & not take no for an answer & KNOW that your desire is GOING TO REFLECT IN YOUR 3D NO MATTER WHAT!!!!
and that's not to say that you wont still get anxious and have intrusive thoughts and be like "oh god what if it never manifests." like... im human and i had those human moments. but i just reminded myself that i know the law and ive proven it to myself many times and i know that it had to manifest.
anyway. back to my sp story!
so for these 12 days that im blocked (lmfao) all i did was affirm "i love [his name] so much" whenever i thought of him until i caught the feeling of the wish fulfilled. that's it. and i knew for a fact that he was mine in the 4d and therefore we'd be together in the 3d bc that's the law!
anyway on friday (5 days ago) at 8pm? im scrolling thru the ulta app and then im like "oh i havent fulfilled myself today i dont think" so i fulfilled myself for like 2 seconds and then get distracted by some product and then two minutes later i get a notif that this guy followed me and then dmed me 😭
it's funny cuz my irls don't know about the law of assumption so i sent them a screenshot and i was like "look who came crawling back" and they were like BOOOOO!!! and i was like no guys!!!!! i created the blocking and i created this like i promise we can trust him 😭😭 hahahaha
anyway. let me tell you. if you are manifesting an sp, DO NOT DO THAT SHIT IN STEPS!!!!! i mean, if you really want to, i can't stop you, but i really don't recommend it.
with my old sp (the one from two years ago) i'd always manifest contact and then get it, and then he'd ghost me and and id have to manifest contact again and it'd be a never ending cycle!!! bc i was just focusing on contact, not on how i felt or how he felt about me.
the reason i loveeee to affirm "i love my sp so much" INSTEAD OF "HE loves ME so much" is because it helps me catch the feeling of the wish fulfilled so much more. not only that, but because remember, THERE IS NO ONE TO CHANGE BUT SELF!!!! changing the way i see my sp and the way i feel about him is all i need to do. im not trying to change him and make him love me lol. this is about me and my inner reality, not him! he'll reflect whatever i am in the 4d
another reason i love affirming this is because TO ME, this is what implies we are already together. whenever im in a relationship, i always find myself laying around all giddy thinking about how obsessed with my bf i am and how i love him so much. so i emulate that when im manifesting an sp.
and it's PERFECT because by jumping straight to the end where we're already together, i don't have to focus on all the things that lead to us being in a relationship. i don't have to manifest him following me, or texting me, or asking me on a date. these things all just happen naturally bc im living in the end.
NOT TO MENTION, it naturally turns your sp into your perfect partner? like remember when i said when we were talking before he blocked me he was kinda dry and he'd just send memes that i didn't find funny? THIS DUDE DID A COMPLETE 180!!!
he's sooo funny, he is the OPPOSITE of dry, he is everything???? and im obsessed.
anyway he unblocked me and dmed me, and then asked for my number and we had such funny and cute convos and then boom 4 days later he asks me on a date and i say no (😭😭😭😭 i was busy) but i agreed to go on a date the next day and the way this boy showed pure unencumbered excitement 🥺 im obsessed
anyway im sorry this is so long? i really just wanted to share how all i did was apply what i've been preaching about on this blog for years and it worked out flawlessly! hopefully this gives you guys some good tips and maybe motivation? <3
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kooktrash · 2 years
tunnel vision | kim taehyung
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summary | you’ve just gotten yourself a job working with the campus crush, kim taehyung. he’s quiet and brooding but everyone is obsessed with him including your best friend. what do you when she asks for your help in dating him when he’s catching feelings for you instead? he’s supposed to notice her but he’s got tunnel vision when it comes to you.
warnings | 13k words. college au. barista au. fem!reader, tsundere taehyung if u squint. looks like could kill u but is actually a cinnamon roll taehyung. unrequited love. reader has insecurities. Taehyung is forward and expressive. mentions of toxic friend dynamics. f2l kinda. smut. fluff. protective sex. 69, oral [f and m]. riding. missionary. rough but loving schmut. tae’s got good intentions. soft dirty talk, a lot of foreplay, nipple play, cunnilingus, messy but passionate. reader gives toe curling head. Tae got a big one but that’s just a fact.
song inspo: bff by jesse… ‘she’s your best friend but I can’t help my intentions on you, baby.’ — minus cheating undertones in the song lol
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There is something bittersweet about wanting something you probably shouldn’t. Something about the fact it was forbidden or at least felt that way. Maybe you were exaggerating, maybe you weren’t, but finding the guy in front of you attractive doesn’t feel alright.
Not that he isn’t absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous to the point that it should be illegal… no, never that. It’s just, well, now you understand why pretty much everyone around campus is whipped for this guy. It was a small campus but wow did he manage to have everyone wrapped around his finger. The best, or worst, part is that he doesn’t even know it. He could also be acting like he doesn’t realize his affects on people but that only makes him that much more attractive. You’ve never been into the mysterious type—you were too impatient to let them open up. This guy is an entire breed of mystery and coolness yet he had a warm look in his eyes. He didn’t even have any social media and that just made him more aloof and attractive.
Now you understand why one of your friend’s freaked out on you after finding out you’d be working with him. In her own words: “Oh you lucky bitch! You’re gonna work at the same store as Kim Taehyung?”
You were in fact lucky to be in the presence of someone so attractive but that’s the part that felt forbidden. He was almost too attractive. If he’s even the slightest nice to you you’ll crush on him like it’s nobody’s business and that’s a big no no. Why is it a humongous no no? Because your best friend, So Hyun, has the world’s biggest crush on him. Borderline obsessive but honestly that was anyone who has ever seen him in person. You couldn’t possibly tell her he really was attractive because she’d have your head on a stick.
You learned your lesson after stanning the same member in some kpop group, she does not share. If she finds Taehyung even remotely attractive she’s got a crush and boy oh boy is she territorial. At twenty two years old she’s gotta be pretty damn grown to still act that way but hey, she’s your friend. It didn’t bother you that much, you just learned to keep things to yourself. So the fact that you could agree and say Taehyung is as attractive as everyone says, you’re gonna keep it to yourself.
“Tae Tae, don’t be so mean all the time, it really hurts my feelings,” one of your coworkers said suddenly. You were snapped out of your subconscious focusing again on what you’d been doing. You just started a part time job at a cafe bookshop near the University you attended. Most of the employees were college students but that didn’t mean you all attended the same place. You knew Taehyung was a year or two ahead of you and that the girl talking to him went to an entirely different college. It was a fairly decent sized shop that pulled a good flow of people in so it was a fun job. Three of you worked the late shifts but only two would stay to actually close the shop. Today, unfortunately lucky you got to close with Taehyung who seemed to ignore the other girl.
“Don’t you agree Y/n? Isn’t he kinda mean?” The girl, Sia, asked you making you freeze up.
You couldn’t help the clueless expression on your face as you said, “What?” Oh God why was she trying to drag you into this. You’ve barely been working here two weeks and it’s part time so it’s not every evening. This is barely your third shift with Taehyung and you’ve had extremely short conversations.
“Weren’t you supposed to be off five minutes ago?” He asked her suddenly as he read the time on the computer screen. She looked down at it cursing as she hurried to clock out completely forgetting her flirting with Taehyung. Neither one of you said anything as she blabbered on quick goodbyes running out the door leaving you two alone in the empty shop. It was a Thursday so it was pretty slow.
When it was finally you two alone not a word was said on your end. It took him about five minutes of only hearing the music for him to speak up, “You always get quiet when Sia’s here.”
You didn’t respond right away only looking up at him cluelessly again, “What do you mean?”
“Well the last couple of times we’ve worked together we talked but tonight with Sia you weren’t really talking,” he shrugged in response thinking back to the last two times you’ve worked together. Despite still being fairly new you picked up on the store rules quickly and you didn’t pester him nonstop like some of the other female baristas. Not that he needs you to pester him but he just noticed it.
“I can’t keep up with everything she says,” you admitted going back to your filling the machine with fresh espresso beans, “And to be honest I just sort of mind my business and try and get through work so I could go home.”
That last statement made him chuckle in surprise nodding his head in agreement, “Oh. You know that tall girl you’re friends with? The one who came in on your first day?”
“So Hyun?” You asked with peaked curiosity. He nodded crossing his arms in front of his chest as he leaned against the back counter, “She came in the other day looking for you but you weren’t working.”
Yeah you know. She called you after telling you how gorgeous Taehyung looked making a French press with the sleeves of his button up rolled to his elbows. Still, you acted like you didn’t know, “Really? I didn’t know that.”
“Yeah she was in here for a while but she didn’t buy anything,” Taehyung went on taking the large bag of beans from you so he could put it away, “I didn’t know you were in Journalism but she said you were.”
You nodded in response climbing down the step ladder and putting it away. Despite this being the third time working with him you still didn’t really know him. All you knew about this guy is what So Hyun has told you. Her crush on him started last year when he was one of the spokespersons for the art club. He’s also pretty well known for his oil paintings that were shown in last year’s Fine Art’s seminar where he won first place for the second time in a row. You’ve definitely heard whispers about him in passing with a group of strangers but you never thought much of them. He seemed to keep to himself and his close circle of friends despite his reputation.
“I’m gonna make myself a macchiato, do you want any?” You asked as you started to take out what you would need. His face scrunched in disgust as he shook his head, “No thanks, isn’t it a little too late for coffee?”
“It’s never too late,” you told him even if the shop was only open until 8:00pm and it was already 7:30. He snickered, “I feel like that’s not true.”
“It’s never too late for me, I need caffeine to survive,” you explained, “Trust me I’m not nice if I don’t have coffee in my system.”
“That doesn’t sound healthy,” he said teasingly as he turned to the drawer filled with tea containers, “I rather drink tea or hot cocoa.”
“Why? Not a fan of coffee?“ you asked taking a cup to pour your drink into. The bell above the door rang as a couple girls came in going straight to the music section. The two of you stopped to greet them before continuing your talk. He shook his head, “No it’s too bitter.”
“But you’re around coffee all the time” you stopped, what were you saying? “Doesn’t the smell bother you?”
He smiled as he finished making his drink letting it sit on the counter, “Not really the smell, I just can’t do strong tasting drinks.”
“Let me guess, you get drunk easily too,” you meant it jokingly but the awkward side eye let you know you were right. You laughed lightly as he nodded, “One beer and I’m drunk.”
Before you could respond the door dinged again and the two of you looked toward it. Your face contorted in a mixture of confusion yet joy as two people walked straight to the counter, “What are you doing here?”
“So Hyun wanted to come,” Hobi said with a shrug of his shoulders as you left the kiosk letting him wrap an arm around you in greeting, “And you’re off soon right? Let’s get drunk.”
“I’m not off till like 8:20,” you told him thinking about all the closing you still had to do after the shop is closed. He made a face, “Give me your key then, we’ll wait at your place.”
With that you went back to the kiosk going straight for your small locker tucked into the side where you grabbed your keys. Taehyung just stood behind quietly staring ahead in no particular direction. His face has turned to stone again, borderline uninterested but you barely paid it any mind. So Hyun glanced to him a couple times before finally speaking up, “What about you? Any plans for the weekend?”
He lifted his shoulders in a shrug, “Just gonna stay home.”
“Well that’s no fun, you should go out,” she said batting her eyelashes. You were too busy talking to Hoseok to notice the way his eyes glanced your way for a brief moment. He didn’t give her a verbal response, simply nodded in agreement and turned away to get busy with something else. Once they had the keys to your apartment they left together leaving you alone with Taehyung again and the two girls still looking at albums.
“Is that your boyfriend?” He asked now that it was just you two. You turned to him, “He’s just a friend. I’ve known both of them for a couple years now.”
There wasn’t much talking anymore as you helped the girls with their things at register and Taehyung left to recover the floor and flip the sign to ‘closed’ after they left. You worked quickly to finish your closing duties and by the end of the night you were standing outside the shop while he locked it up.
“Which way are you headed?” He asked you staring around the empty street. It was dark and there weren’t many people out. The only light came from lit up store fronts. You pointed in the direction you’d be leaving to making him nod, “I’ll walk with you.”
“Oh you don’t have to, is it out of your way?” You asked as you two began walking in that direction anyway. You definitely didn’t expect him to offer something like that.
“The bus stop is on the way but it’ll still be a while so I don’t have a problem,” he told you shoving his hands in his coat pockets, “Plus it’s late and dark out so I wouldn’t want you walking home alone anyway.”
He walked you all the way to your apartment stopping across the street. He waited for you to pass the safe zone before turning around and heading back to the bus stop. He didn’t know that your friend was waiting on the other side ready to bombard you with questions about what the two of you talked about.
So Hyun let out an overly dramatic sigh, “If he just gave me one chance, I swear…”
Hoseok sat up from his spot on the grass, “If he gave you a chance he’d go running the second he finds out you stalk him.”
“I don’t stalk him—“
“You do,” you and Hoseok said at the same time laughing. He pushed the textbook off his lap, “Besides if anyone’s got a chance with Prince Charming it’s Y/n.”
You rolled your eyes, “He’s so far out of my league I can’t even think of him as anything other than a coworker.” You typed away on your laptop, you were currently doing an Op-Ed on recent movies just out in theaters for the student board page.
“Eh, you’re always talking when we come in and you work together, don’t think I haven’t noticed the heart eyes,” Hoseok smirked kicking at your leg as if that’d make you admit it. So Hyun looked to the both of you before a smile stretched across her face, “Is he working tonight?”
“I don’t know, I just agreed to cover the shift for Jimin but I don’t know everyone working,” you told her truthfully. You picked up the shirt after one of your coworkers asked if you could cover his shift. You still had some time for a few assignments so you weren’t in any rush to do the work. Since you wanted extra cash you agreed to cover the shift. Thankfully you weren’t stuck closing tonight so you’d get off earlier than usual.
“Well if he’s working you should see if he’s got any plans this weekend, Hobi’s having a bunch of people over so it’d be a perfect excuse to see him,” So Hyun said wishfully, “And then you can talk about me and make him see that I’m the one for him.”
“I thought he didn’t party,” Hoseok asked staring off in the distance across the courtyard on the East side of campus.
“He does if his friends are there, so make sure you invite them too.”
“And how am I supposed to do that?” You asked with a sigh. She glared down at you for a second, “I don’t know but you have to. Please? For me? You know I like him a lot and you’re my best friend who’s so lucky to be working with him.”
“So why don’t you just apply to work there instead of trying to get Y/n to set you two up,” Hoseok cut in, “Stop trying to make Y/n do the impossible.”
“Ugh you’re so mean to me Hobi, just say Y/n is your favorite.”
“Alright, Y/n’s my favorite,” you smacked him lightly to get him to stop but he just laughed in response. All three of you were pretty close but it’s true that sometimes you and Hoseok are closer. Nothing against So Hyun or anything but sometimes your personalities collide a little too much and you can only hang with her for so long before your social battery runs out.
“I’ve gotta get to my last class,” you said packing your things up, “If he works tonight I’ll try and tell him about it but I’m not making any promises.”
“I love you, you’re the best!” So Hyun said as you walked away from them. Before heading to your next lecture on photography you went looking for a vending machine.
You know how sometimes, when you hear of something for the first time [or see something up close that you’ve never seen before] and suddenly it’s popping up everywhere? Like when you hear of a random thing and now it’s all you can see or think about. That’s what’s happening right now.
Before you started working at the bookshop cafe you rarely saw Taehyung. Sure, a couple times you saw him around on campus but he was never close. Now that you started working with him and actually talk to him it’s like he’s everywhere. Like at the vending machines for example. You didn’t try and talk to him or anything but that didn’t stop him from turning at the feeling of someone behind him in line. He had to do a double take to make sure it was you, “Oh hey.”
“Hey,” you mumbled looking around as if talking to him alone was already pushing your luck. One of his fangirls might jump out at you and you wouldn’t be surprised if it was So Hyun. He got his drink and stood to the side stalling his departure as you went to get your own drink. Sensing his hovering you turned to him punching in the number for your drink, “Do you work tonight?”
“Er no, I think it’s Jimin, Jin, and Sia,” he told you as your drink was dispensed. You reached down for it pulling back with it in hand as you said, “Oh, I’m actually covering for Jimin today, we switched shifts.”
“Ah so he got you to do it? That’s nice of you,” he said. You acted like you didn’t notice the way he joined you now on a walk toward a direction neither one of you were sure of, “So does that mean we aren’t working together tomorrow?”
“No, I know it’ll be hard without me but I’m sure you’ll manage,” you teased. Your boss Jin, typically made the schedules and he liked consistency so usually, you were scheduled in shifts with either Taehyung or Sia. Very rarely did you work with some of the other baristas despite being there for a month already. It made it easier to create routine though since you mostly closed with Taehyung and you two split the work load in a way that made it easier for you both.
“I guess I’ll have to,” he let out a dramatic sigh stopping at a corner to look at you, “Got any plans this weekend?”
Oh right, quit your attempts at flirting you had an objective. You nodded your head, “Yeah actually, well kinda. You know my friend Hoseok? He’s gone to the shop a few times?” Taehyung nodded waiting for you to keep going.
“Well he’s throwing a party on Saturday and I was gonna ask a few people from work if they wanted to come.”
“Ah, so I’m one of the chosen few invited?” He asked with a playful smirk that you’re still trying to get used to. At a glance Taehyung always looks cold and expressionless. He dresses pretty mature in academic styled clothing and he’s just known for being serious all the time. Lately he’s been giving you glimpses at his 4D personality that sends you on a whirlpool of mixed emotions. You can definitely see why girls fall for his charms. On top of being physically attractive he’s also charming even if it is only toward a selective few. You definitely don’t see him smile that way to Sia or any of the other girls he talks to but you try not to let that thought get to your head.
“You can say that,” you said turning around to face him now that you really had to cut the conversation short to get to class, “I can text you the details if you’re interested.”
“Yeah alright, I’ll let you know.”
He let you go off as he stood there for a moment. Not even an entire minute later was a hand smacking down on his shoulder pulling him to one side as his friend, Jimin, stood there next to him. He had a cheesy grin, “Damn, I just missed Y/n. I was gonna thank her for switching shifts with me today.”
Should Taehyung mention what you’d told him? Or should he keep the party invite to himself so he has an excuse to see you outside of work? He’s seen you around campus a few times but he’s never sure if he should go out of his way to talk to you. He’s a pretty private person and you seem to be like that too so maybe you don’t like mixing your work life with everything else. Right now that you ran into each other had purely coincidental yet he was pretty pleased about it.
He’s not sure what it is about you but he enjoys seeing you. You’re really pretty but that wasn’t why he liked talking to you. A lot of girls around him were pretty but that never interested him in getting to know any of them better. He’s not really interested in relationships right now but that doesn’t stop people from trying to get closer to him. It’s tiring, honestly, or at least he thinks it is. He rather spend his time on his paintings and school that way he can graduate and start looking for a stable job as an art curator.
None of the girls who’ve tried to get closer to him have been his type either. Maybe he’s picky or unrealistic but when he’s thinking about someone he thinks about their future together. He doesn’t want to waste his time with meaningless hook ups or relationships if he doesn’t think it’ll ever work out. Take his coworker Sia for example, she’s extremely pretty but she drives him insane. She’s so forward and honest about her interest in him that it sort of pushes him away. If he falls for someone he doesn’t want it to be forced. He wants it to happen naturally because there’s genuine chemistry.
That’s why he likes talking to you at work. He likes to think there’s some chemistry there even if it’s just platonically. Conversation flows between you two so easily that working with you just makes his shift go faster. It doesn’t seem like you have ulterior motives when you talk and it feels like you’re actually interested in what he has to stay instead of just pretending like you are because you find him attractive. Do you find him attractive?
“Earth to Taehyung! I asked if you’re doing anything this weekend?” Jimin asked snapping him out of him out of his thoughts. He looked down at his friend, “Uh no? Just planning on staying home all weekend.” Lie.
“Alright so Saturday I’m meeting up with this chick and apparently her friend is crazy into you so what do you say? A group date or something?” Jimin asked hopefully as he followed Taehyung to his next class, “They’re pretty hot, dance majors, flexible…”
“I’m busy Saturday.”
“Okay well that’s a lie since you just told me you’re not doing anything,” Jimin rolled his eyes, “Come on do me one solid. You never wanna come out.”
“Sorry, I’m not interested,” Taehyung sighed turning to Jimin ready to leave, “Go ask Yoongi, I’ve gotta get to class.”
By the time the weekend rolled around you shared a couple quick texts with Taehyung. Nothing major or anything but he did ask for the address to the party and little things like telling you a certain regular came into the shop asking for you. It’s kinda bad how a text from him made you smile a little. Once again, you weren’t doing anything wrong but knowing your best friend had a huge crush on him while he texted you didn’t feel right.
He caught you completely by surprise Saturday night when he called you in the middle of you taking a shot at Hoseok’s party. You had to step away from the group as they loudly talked over the music finding a corner to answer the phone, “Hello?”
“Hey, so I think I found the place but how do I get up there?” He asked staring up at the apartment building in front of him. It took you a second to process what he was saying before you were rushing toward the door, “I’ll come down, see you in a minute.”
Taehyung couldn’t help the tiny smile from spreading across his face as you came down carrying a drink in hand. You waved him over to the door and he let a hand touch your side in a quick hug, “Are we getting you drunk tonight?”
“Let’s see how the night goes first,” he told you smiling following you to the elevator. He came alone even if you told him you’d be inviting people from work. He could’ve asked Jimin to come but he wanted to go on that group date and Taehyung was worried he’d ask those girls to come. When he first got the party there were a lot more people than he expected. Some were familiar faces from school and some weren’t. The ones who did recognize him approached him surprised to see he was at a party knowing damn well he was a homebody.
“What do you want to drink then?” You asked him leading him to the kitchen where the counter was filled with liquor bottles people brought and a few chasers. You tried not to think about his proximity when he came up next to you, a hand flat on the counter next to yours as you could feel the aura of his presence directly behind you peaking over your shoulder to inspect the inventory. He looked down at your cup, “What are you drinking?”
“It’s for alcohol but you can barely taste it,” you told him, “But if you’re a lightweight I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing.”
“Bad thing for sure, let me taste,” he said taking the cup from you. You studied his face to see if he’d like it, his eyes locked on yours as he tipped the cup back letting the drink pour down his throat.
“Well?” You asked as he passed the drink back to you licking his lips. You couldn’t hear his response over the music so he leaned down close to your ear, his breath tickling your lobe as he spoke, “I like it.”
You ignored the shiver that went down your spine, “I’ll make you one then.” He nodded his head, lip being tugged between his teeth as he stared down at you. You looked prettier than usual but he thought you normally looked pretty anyway. Maybe it was the atmosphere that made him feel relaxed around you and since you weren’t running around making coffee drinks you looked more at ease too. He’s not sure if parties were your element but if he were to be asked to go on a night out he’s sure to say yes if you were the one asking. Now that he’s getting a chance to look around he noticed he’s the only one from work. That could mean the others you invited didn’t come, or he was the only one invited. He was going to go with that latter since Jimin didn’t mention an invite and that meant you specifically wanted him here.
Your brows furrowed in concentration looking at him leaning a little closer. It caught him of guard, his eyes shifting down to your lips for a moment before you pulled back. He blinked nervously as you smiled, “I just noticed… your eye lids are different. One’s a monolid and the other isn’t.”
Immediately his hand flew to block one of his eyes in embarrassment, “Yeah, it’s kinda weird.”
“I like it,” you whispered back to him still looking at his eyes as his hand slowly dropped to his side again. You both looked away from each other awkwardly as he raised his cup to his lips in order to hide the upward curl of his smile line.
“Y/n!” The call of your name pulled you both away from the stump and your hand was leaving the counter, barely noticing how the tips of your fingers had been touching his this entire time. You turned around looking for the one who called for you, So Hyun came up with a smile, “Jungkook just got here and he’s looking for you.”
Taehyung looked down to you as So Hyun motioned for you to take the excuse and leave. If you just let her work her charm on Taehyung she’s have him falling for her in no time—or so she says. You blushed looking back to Taehyung, “Oh, um, do you mind giving me a moment? I’m just gonna see what he wants.”
“Um…—“ “Don’t worry I’ll keep Taehyung busy,” she told you nudging you forward, “Why don’t you go find Jungkook?”
Taehyung watched you leave, the effects of being at a social gathering finally weighing on him and suddenly he wasn’t so at ease anymore. So Hyun flashed him a flirtatious smile, “Wow, I never see you at these sort of things. It’s good to see you let loose.”
“Yeah…” Taehyung nodded awkwardly. He didn’t really know So Hyun. The only times he’s talked to her is when she’s visited you at work and to be honest, he finds her kind of annoying. Honestly he couldn’t even understand how you two were friends but hey, they wasn’t for him to question. Don’t get him wrong, So Hyun seems nice but it’s almost forced. Like she’s not being genuine and he hates people like that. He was way more interested in knowing who Jungkook was rather than what she had to say.
“What are you drinking? Can I try it?” She asked him to which he shook his head no. “I don’t like sharing drinks,” he muttered scanning the groups of people to find you. Maybe this Jungkook guy wouldn’t mind if Taehyung included himself in the conversation. He found you across the living room chatting it up with a guy who had a full tattoo sleeve. It made his lucky number seven tattoo seem like a joke. Did you like guys with tattoos and piercings?
You put your arm on the guy’s shoulder laughing at something he said and Taehyung swears his eye twitched. The eyes you just recently complimented that left him feeling a little too happy over it. Has he made you laugh like that? You haven’t known each other for long but he likes to think he makes you smile at work. Maybe you’re the type who needs to be comfortable around someone before initiating skinship and it just means you two can still get closer. He wouldn’t mind that, possible texting you more or hanging out outside of work and school. Actually, he’s currently work on a new art piece and he needs a model for body proportion reference, maybe he could ask you?
The more he looked the more irritated he felt. This is why he can’t do crushes at his grown age, he’s way too possessive and intense. He doesn’t want anyone else making you laugh. Uh oh. Wait, does he like you?
Ah shit, he does.
“So let me get this straight,” Jungkook cleared his throat, “So Hyun has a thing for the campus crush, Kim Taehyung, and he’s your coworker. She asked you to get her with him and you’re helping her like a dumbass even though he clearly has a thing for you?”
You nearly choked on your drink, “Oh my god Kook, he definitely does not have a thing for me. We’re just friends.”
“Yeah okay, so why is he looking at me like he’ll hurt me if I get too close to you?” Jungkook asked raising a brow as if the answer were so obvious. You brushed him and his ideas off, “You know he’s a private person. He probably just feels weird that I left him with So Hyun when he doesn’t really know her.”
“I mean sure but he could also be thinking about murdering me because you left him with So Hyun to come talk to me. Are you even thinking about the danger you’re putting me in?” Jungkook asked holding a hand to his chest, “I know people say I’m intimidating but just look at his T-bone. One glare from him is good enough to K.O someone.”
“You’re so stupid—“ “No you’re stupid because now he’s leaving,” Jungkook shrugged making you whip around to find Taehyung. Sure enough he wasn’t next to So Hyun anymore and instead making his way to the door. You pushed your drink into Jungkook’s hand as he smirked yelling after you as you took off wishing you luck.
“Hey! Where you going?” You barely made it out the door catching him waiting for the elevator turning to look at you.
“Well, y’know I don’t really know that many people and you looked busy so…” he bit his lip in thought hearing the elevator doors open but making no move to get in as you walked over to him. Your brows furrowed, “Did So Hyun ditch you?”
“Uh no, you did,” he answered truthfully catching you by surprise. You brushed your hair out of your face nervously. Kim Taehyung does not have a thing for you. It’s literally not possible. Look at him then look at you.
“Right sorry, one of my friends wanted to talk and I sort of got dragged into conversa—“ “Yeah you looked pretty busy,” Taehyung shrugged as if it was no big deal even if it felt like it was to him, “No worries, it was fun though I think I’m just ready to call it a night.”
“Taehyung,” you whined thinking back to So Hyun and how she’ll blame you later for him leaving because he didn’t want to talk to her, “Can’t you stay a little longer? I won’t leave you alone anymore, I feel bad now.”
“Don’t,” he sighed hearing the doors close again. You were standing so close that he could practically smell the shampoo in your hair. He didn’t think it through when he moved a piece of stray hair behind your ear, “Don’t feel bad, I mean. I had fun, seriously but I don’t want you to feel like you’ve gotta stay with me all night.”
Even though he’d like it if you did but maybe that’s just the jealousy speaking. His touch sent goosebumps along your skin as you took an unconscious step toward him, “But I do feel bad since I invited you.”
Okay sure, you invited him because So Hyun asked you to but you found yourself just as excited as her to see him tonight. Obviously you tried not to think about it too much but it was hard not to when he was looking at you so sweetly. You never knew you liked guys with a twist. Someone who looks cold and mysterious but is an actual sweetheart to those he’s friends with. If you heard the little interest he had in what So Hyun or any other girl had to say compared to how attentive he was to you, you’d know he’s into you. But you don’t know that or you refused to even think about that possibility.
He smirked, “Well then you can make it up to me over lunch next week. Whenever you’re free between classes let’s eat in the cafeteria.”
“Okay!” You said excitedly, face lighting up. He nodded stepping closer pulling you into a goodbye and a promise to text before finally getting into the elevators. You got back to the party blushing and slightly confused on if you should tell So Hyun about lunch.
Part of you would like to have lunch just between you two but he’s already been way too nice to you. Jungkook already thinks he’s into you and soon you’re gonna start believing it too if you keep going at this rate. You’ve definitely confused a guy’s niceness for interest in you and you’re way too embarrassed when they choose So Hyun over you.
That’s why you agreed to help her. She’s drop dead gorgeous and had the height and body of a model. You definitely did not compare and knowing she was so stuck on Taehyung you didn’t even have a chance. You’ll just live vicariously through her if they ever do get together. He’s the total package and you can agree to that even if he wasn’t your type originally. Too bad you’re not as attractive or interesting as your best friend and all the other girls into him. Even Sia is so pretty it makes you want to cry. And she has such a soft and feminine voice unlike yours.
Ugh, maybe you’ve been single for too long and need to do something about it so you stop thinking about your best friend’s crush.
It was mid next week when your schedule aligned with Taehyung's and unfortunately for him so did your friends. He waited in line behind you and So Hyun as you got your trays of food pretending like everything was cool even if it was supposed to be just you and him.
"You're paying right? I forgot my wallet," So Hyun asked looping her arms with yours giving you a smile. Your brows furrowed, "Don't you have Apple Pay?"
"But you're paying for Taehyung's it's not fair." You rolled your eyes. You really hadn't planned on letting So Hyun tag along but after overhearing you tell Hobi you weren't going to have lunch with him today she asked why. You had to come clean and then she threw a fit for not inviting her. You tried telling her that you weren't sure if Taehyung would be okay with it but she assured you that on the night of the party they got along really well. She also thinks he might be a little into her and well, who were you to ruin her chances when she actually might have a shot with him?
Okay, to be fair you don't think he's that into her but hey, you're just going along with the flow and doing as told. Once you all got your food you turned quickly to reach for your wallet not noticing Taehyung sneak past you and paying with his phone for all three meals. You turned with your wallet in hand looking at him in disbelief, "I was going to pay for it all."
He lifted a brow biting his lip looking down at you for a moment, "You can treat me next time."
Next time? What does he mean next time. Like did he mean he wanted you two to go out for a meal again? Or was he just saying that to say it but with no intention of it? So Hyun tried not to overthink what he said either instead moving too match his pace to an empty table, "Thank you Taehyung, that was so sweet of you. Maybe I should treat you to a meal too."
He simply nodded in acknowledgment as the three of you took your seats at an empty table. You sat next to So Hyun as she moved to the spot in front of Taehyung and it made you feel slightly awkward. You're not sure if you're reading it right but Taehyung seems disappointed. The three of you are in an uncomfortable silence that made your leg bounce anxiously. You stood up awkwardly, "I'm gonna go dump this, I'll be back."
So Hyun looked after you with an unreadable expression as she tried to think of something to say to him. "I'm still surprised to see you at that party since I know you don't really go to many. You're not really into going out, are you?"
"You could say that," Taehyung huffed leaning into the table, his tone a little bitter as he looked after waiting for you to walk back already. He was being rude, he knows it but he just doesn't get it. He was hoping it was just you two so he could try and understand what he feels for you and if there was any possibility there but now he couldn't.
His gaze shifted to So Hyun speaking clearly now, "But I went so I could see Y/n."
He had a feeling he knew what So Hyun was trying to do. She might not have had the worst intentions but Taehyung didn't like it. If she were to approach him naturally instead of trying to force her way close to him through you, he might've looked at her different. But he just didn't like her way of doing things. It didn't feel genuine and sure she was pretty but he didn't feel any sort of connection between them. So it sort of upset him that you seemed to be playing along in her charades. It had him raising from his seat holding his tray and backpack.
Your slow walk back to the table was rushed at the sight of him leaving making sure to glare at you in the process. Your brows furrowed in worry as you quickly went to So Hyun who was gathering her things too, "What happened?"
She rolled her eyes holding her things, "Well he's definitely not into me at all. Good fucking job."
"Alright we'll now I'm extra confused, are you trying to say this is my fault?" You asked, some pent up frustration leaking out. This is why you should always mind your business and ignore people's wishes. You try and help them then get blamed when shit goes wrong. So Hyun sighed, "Of course it's your fault I told you I liked him and you flirt with him anyway! He literally hates me, what did you say to him?"
"Look, I have no idea what you're talking about," you raised a hand in surrender getting your backpack, "And I don't understand why you're suddenly mad at me when I've literally done everything you've asked me to."
"Ugh, don't you get it? It didn't work Y/n, he hates me and I think you told him something," So Hyun accused you pretty dramatically in your opinion, "You know I'm into him so why would you do that?"
"I'm sorry but you sound so dumb, why would I say something to make him hate you?"
"Because you like him! You knew I liked him first and you didn't like that so you were talking shit about me," she added making you scoff. Alright that's enough, you held your book bag on your shoulder.
"Okay well clearly you're delusional and need to grow up," you said with a small sigh as you looked up at her, "It's not my fault you're unlikeable."
The argument didn't even seem like a big deal unfortunately. You've had a fair share amount of petty arguments with So Hyun through the course of your friendship and yet you never stopped hanging out. Give it a couple days for Hoseok to force you two to make up and everything would be fine. Now would everything be fine with Taehyung? You're not sure honestly.
Luckily for you, you caught him outside a couple minutes later. He didn't even try and avoid you when you came up to him you cleared your throat awkwardly having no clue what to say now that you were in front of him, "You left earlier without saying bye. I'm starting to think you're not good at goodbyes."
You tried joking in hips of easing the tension by bringing up when he tried leaving the party the other night. He licked his lips with a sigh looking away from you, "Right... bye."
"Tae, I'm sorry if you're mad at me or an—"
"Why would I be mad?" Taehyung asked leaning against the wall of some class building. You struggled to find a response though you're not sure if he was actually looking for one from you. "Because you keep letting your friend try and include herself in time that I'm trying to spend with you?"
Your silence was irritating him so at this point he was rambling, "Look if you're not into me, I get it but I definitely don't need you trying to get me with one of your friends."
"No... that's not—Tae—" you couldn't form the right words. Great. This is why you should really mind your business. In trying to help So Hyun you only managed to get both of them mad at you in the end. Your mind was so jumbled you almost missed the single 'if you're not into me, I get it' which was broad but at the same time a hidden meaning was behind it. Or at least you thought there was, like maybe an implication of what he was currently thinking? Maybe even implying he was into you and it's not reciprocated? Why was it an if? What was going to happen if you admitted to being attracted to him? You just had to know.
"What do you mean?" Was all that you could ask and it made him roll his eyes. He thought he was being obvious with how he felt about you since the beginning. Even before he realized he was into you he always paid more attention to you than anyone else. He always talked to you and went out of his way to find you at work. He went to that stupid party because you invited him. He paid for lunch today because he wanted an excuse to meet with you again and yet you still don't get it. He took a step closer to you, looking down at you making you have to crane your neck to look up.
"I mean that I'm not attracted to your friend, I'm attracted to you and only you," Taehyung said lowly, "Do you know what I mean now?"
You couldn't stop the flutter of your lashes being completely surprise. He's into you? Like, is that what he's saying right now? You said something you probably shouldn't have, "We're friends though."
It made him scoff. You really could not get it even if you were being hit in the face with it. He took a step back with a small huff, "Yeah well I don't really want to be just friends Y/n. But if that's all we'll be then whatever I guess, just friends."
"That's not—oh god I don't know what to say." You really didn't. Obviously you had growing feelings for him but the timing seemed off. Not to mention he was so out of your leave him having a liking toward you just made no sense. Was he playing you? Taehyung didn't seem the type but after everyone has told you that he doesn't really date or give people the chance you just can't understand why he's willing to with you.
He adjusted the strap on his backpack, "It's fine Y/n, you don't see me that way so I guess I got to get over it. It was my bad for thinking there was something between us. I've gotta get to my next class, I'll see you at work."
"Alright but that's not your fault that he's not into So Hyun, right?" Jungkook asked a week later at a party. So Hyun has yet to speak with you and you've been switching shifts with Jimin again until he gets his new schedule figure out. You haven't really had the chance to with Taehyung either but one problem at a time.
"I don't know," you sighed drinking from your red cup as the two of you talked in the corner trying to block out the rest of the party. You only came out with Jungkook tonight since So Hyun wasn't talking to you and Hobi didn't want to pick sides. "He kinda told me... he's into me or something."
"I mean yeah you're hot and easy to be around," Jungkook chuckled as if it were obvious making your eyes roll, "But I mean, I get she liked him but you did what you could. How is it your fault that you two fell for each other instead? It's not like they were dating or anything."
"We didn't fall for ea—" "Shut up because yes you did," he cut you off before a smirk appeared on his face as he teased, "You like him."
"Don't start with that please," you sighed. Frankly you didn't understand why she was so pissed off at you and you doubt telling her your problems with Taehyung would make it better. If anything she'll just be more mad at you for managing to peak Taehyung's interest when she couldn't.
"Y/n, I know what you're thinking, y'know?" Jungkook said, "You like him but you think you shouldn't because of So Hyun but news flash, she doesn't always have to get what she wants. He likes you, try it out. He's here, did you know that?"
"No he's not," you tried to say but he pointed across the room and sure enough Taehyung was here.
He'd been here for a while and it surprised everyone. He really wasn't the party type but a friend of his was here with Jimin. Jimin texted him that you were here with some guy, and like the hopeless jealous fool he is, he had to see who. It was your tatted friend again. He couldn't even approach you because he thinks you've been avoiding him even though Jimin has told him that you're just helping him out because of his schedule.
Before you could say anything Jungkook was already attempting to fix your hair and pull your shirt down to show more cleavage. You swatted at his hand as he said, "Look, he came for a reason and that reason could be you. So stop acting like this is a hard decision and just go talk to him. You haven't been laid in a while and even I'll admit he's hot."
"He's also been staring over here all night and it's kind of creeping me out so get away from me," he said the last part with a good shove leaving you to stumble forward. You turned to glare at him but Jungkook ducked out of view and left you there in a crowd of people confused. Maybe he's right. You know Taehyung is interested in you because he said so. You also know that So Hyun will be mad at you even if you didn't pursue him so why try and act like you didn't like him too? You're just gonna say fuck it and go for it with Taehyung because you're unbelievably attracted to him and not just for his looks.
"Oh she's coming over here, she finally saw you," Jimin says playfully as Taehyung stares at him worried now, "Who?"
"Y/n," Jimin smirked, "I know that's why you came tonight. You had no plans on coming until I told you Y/n was here with a guy. I'm not stupid."
Taehyung opened his mouth to protest when Jimin was patting his shoulder for good luck and leaving him alone in the kitchen where he'd been hiding this entire time. You blocked his path from leaving now, "Hey... I didn't know you were here."
"Yeah you were busy," he said in a harsher tone than he meant. He knows he didn't have a right to be upset over you talking to some other guy who you were friends with but he couldn't help it. Each time he thought about you he liked you a little more. Considering you haven't been talking as much it gives him anxiety almost when he sees you looking perfectly fine not talking to him. This is why he can't do short relationships, he gets way too attached and he overthinks everything possible outcome of the relationship. He doesn’t like games. He’s forward with how he feels and he’ll let it be known once he realizes it.
"What are you drinking? Can I have some?" You asked hoping to lighten the mood sensing he might be upset with you. He didn't say anything offering you the drink and in an attempt to be forward instead of taking it you pressed your lips to the rim. He tilted the cup up for you watching the slight drop of alcohol on your lip once he took it back. He visibly gulped looking down at you waiting to see what you'd do next.
"Um I wanted to apologize and let you know that it was wrong of me to try and force So Hyun on you," you told him honestly, "I thought that you were just being nice to me to be nice and I never considered you being into me at all. I know that's not an excuse so I just wanted to say sorry.”
Taehyung didn't say anything for a minute, he simply nodded in understanding even if he felt confused still. A small amount of irritation too, was he not being as forward about his interest in you as he thought? Why would you not consider his feelings for you? Did you think you were unlikeable? Did you not realize he thought you looked pretty doing absolutely anything?
"And," you bit your lip nervously. Listen to Jungkook's advise and try it out. See what happens if you're honest because yeah, you definitely wanted Taehyung all along even if you never admitted it. Would that make you a bad friend to So Hyun? Shaking the thought away you leaned on your tip toes finally ripping the bandaid off as you whispered in his ear, "I'm actually crazy about you."
He nearly choked on his drink looking down at you. He's always had slightly sensitive ears so feeling you whisper against his ear sent a shiver down his spine—especially because of what you said. You blushed lightly at your admission, "And if you don't completely hate me I'd like to talk things out privately. Like maybe at my place?"
"Right now?" He asked looking at all the party goers and the dark sky through the window. You nodded making him clear his throat nervously clenching his jaw at the thought, "Okay, what about that guy with tattoos?"
"Jungkook?" You asked him looking around the people for Jungkook. He was off already flirting with someone not paying any money to you. You'll just send him a text telling him you're leaving and it'll be fine, "He won't care."
He looked down at you absentmindedly letting the side of his leg brush against yours due to your proximity. With a final nod he spoke, "Alright let's go."
You ended up riding the bus as close to your apartment as possible and walked the short distance to the building. Your conversations were light barely brushing over the main topic and finding any little thing to talk about instead. You directed him to the living room while you went to your room for a moment to freshen up.
"Want anything to drink?" You asked Taehyung as he sat on your couch, unintentionally man spreading as he followed your figure to the kitchen. Now that he's got the confirmation that you were interested in him he wanted to move things along. He wanted to drag you to him and talk things out, maybe even kiss your way into a relationship.
"Water's fine," he muttered in response not bothering to hide the way he checked you out through the opening of the kitchen. It was pretty dark in your apartment, the only light coming from the kitchen and he sat in shadows. When you set his glass down you bent forward a little reaching for the control and he'd be lying if he said he didn't look at the skirt you wore in the process.
He sniffled a little fidgeting in his seat when you sat back next to him. You turned the tv on pulling up YouTube and playing some background music lowly before turning to him catching him already staring. You bit your lip nervously tucking some hair behind your ear as you just looked at each other for a moment.
"So, uh, do you wanna talk about... y'know," you used your hand to motion at the space between you hoping he got the hint of what you were trying to say. He nodded, "I mean, like I said, I don't really have an interest in being just friends but I also can't make you feel something for me if you don't."
"But I do," you told him honestly and it made him smile, eyes slightly glazed over. It went quiet between you two again and your confidence was starting to fade. Now that you've admitted to not only him but yourself too that you like him, there's definitely other things on your mind than just talking. You're just not sure what he wants to do.
You tried not to think about how his thigh was against yours and his arm was thrown behind you on the couch. The music was chilled out but definitely a little sensual and you're not sure if it was a little too forward already. He isn't making a move or anything so you couldn't read him at all. But at the same time, you can't keep being the one to not make any effort. You liked him since the beginning but you pushed the thought away because you didn't think he'd ever think of you that way. You let So Hyun include herself in time that was just supposed be you two and he was clearly upset every time. He has been more forward than you in expressing himself so maybe it's your turn.
You turned to face him now, knee digging into his thigh making his eyes widen in curiosity. With a deep breath you looked down at his lips tempted to just go for it but still slightly hesitant. It wasn't until the hand behind you began playing with the strap of your tank did you say fuck it. You barely moved an inch forward before his hand was flying to your jaw pulling you into him.
Your lips had barely touched before you were caving into each other's, mouths sloppily working in a frenzied kiss. It was super short too, both of you pulling away almost worried at the intensity of that little touch. Your eyes locked on each other once more before he was dragging you back to him. His head tilted to the right while yours went left, his hand still under your jaw keeping you in a position that worked for both of you.
There was nothing slow about the kiss, tongues meeting in the middle before exploring each other's mouth eliciting w deep groan from his chest as his fingers touched your hair letting his hand slide from your side to near your ear. With the sudden force of making out you found yourself moving before you could process what you were doing. You swung a leg over his lap until you were straddling him and his free hand went straight to your skirt.
Your heads bobbed in a messy make out session as his hand gripped the fabric of your skirt making you press closer to him until your chest was on his. Your arms wrapped around his neck and fingers in his hair when you found the palm of his hand flat on your butt sneaking under your skirt. You pushed at his shoulders lightly trying to pull away and catch your breath. A thin line of spit connected your lips together as you both panted unevenly. His eyes searched yours for any sign of regret, the hand on your panties now massaging into the flesh of your ass but not roughly. It was a soft and soothing caress as you began to pepper gentle kisses at the corners of his mouth. His mouth was slightly agape as he fought to catch his breath and not buck up into the warmth between your legs that was currently over his member. He couldn't even remember the last time he made out with someone like this. It had to be months at least, probably since the last girl he was in a relationship with. Taehyung's breath hitched as you got to the angle of his jaw sucking lightly making your way toward the space under his ear.
You didn't miss the way his hands tightened around you fidgeting a little when you got close to his ear. Deciding to take it further you pulled the end of his lobe into your mouth nipping at it softly with your teeth.
"Ngh," he bit back a moan at the feel, his eyes crossing for a moment when your breath fanned his ears. Why the hell were they so damn sensitive. You moved your hips over him feeling his grip on your butt tighten in the process. He was slumped back on the couch essentially letting you take the reigns for a moment as he tried to clear his mind of the dirty thoughts that were coming way too soon. Instead, he let your hips move over him back and forth, the rough denim of his jeans rubbing against your arousing heat.
You were practically dry humping like a pair of horny teens but it clearly wasn't enough. You both only had one thing on his mind and he needed it. Your fingers were in his hair scratching blissfully at his scalp as you whispered into his ear, "Wanna move things to my room?"
The tingling sensation traveled from his ear down his throat to his spine making him react far quicker than you expect. Both hands tightened at your bottom as he jolted off the couch keeping you on him. "Where?" He asked, lips brushing against yours as you clung to him. You pointed in the direction and he was taking you that way.
The door swung open with a bang before his leg was kicking it back shut. He walked until his knees hit the edge of a bed and just like that he was trapping you under him in another heated kiss. Your hands cupped his face as he pressed himself further into you, eyes squeeze shut in pleasure.
Just how you did on the couch, he was pushing his groin against yours, knees digging into the mattress with your body in between before he started a slow grind into you. The material of his jeans was doing magic hitting against your pleasure nub above your entrance and you could feel the growing bulge adding more pressure. His elbows were near your shoulders keeping himself from crushing you as your heads moved in every direction that could deepen the kiss more and more. Your lips felt numb, rubbed raw almost but neither of you pulled away. His tongue was winning against yours in exploration drawing a light sigh from your lips when he cradled your head between his arms to keep you in place.
Your hands were playing with the collar of his shirt before running down the front of his chest to feel what was underneath. It was soft and lean muscle, the kind that someone had when they were fit even without intense exercise.
He put most of his weight on his legs as he sat back further with his calves tucked under his thighs letting his hands move down your sides bunching up your shirt. Your mouths only separated for one quick moment only enough time for him to tug your shirt off and his too. They fell somewhere on the floor as he let himself looked down at you. Your legs were still thrown over his spread thighs, his erect ion only an inch away from the space between your legs. Large hands gripped at the bend of your knees yanking your body down and closer to him until you were flush against him again. He guided your hips up searching for some friction despite both of you still being dressed below the waist. His hands were at your sides letting your hips grind back on him and it was enough for him to be draping over you again to capture your lips with his.
"You're so pretty," he mumbled against your lips as he pulled away, nose and mouth brushing over the curve of your chin down your neck, "And nice."
He was moving away now, legs still widened as he crawled down your body, kissing along your collarbone, "And you smell so good."
His face was getting closer to your chest, hands now running over your bra, "And I think about you all the time."
His hands cupped the your boobs over your bra giving them a light squeeze as his lips licked over the rounded flesh, "I think about how you'll react when I touch you."
They snaked under the bra, thumbs running over your nipples causing an immediate reaction from you, "And how soft you'll feel in my hands."
"Taehyung..." you licked your lips breathlessly arching your back up to slide your hands under and unclip the material. You yanked the straps down managing to take it off with his hands still groping at your tits. With the bra out of the way he took the chance to take your nipple into his mouth, tongue swirling around the bud until it hardened while his thumb worked the other. He gave your chest special treatment with a massage and wet kisses along your skin practically covering you in drool while your hips searched for something to rut against but his body was hovering over you yet not touching.
Once he had enough of your chest he kissed down the center of your stomach, hands sliding down to your skirt but he never took it off you. Instead, his fingers grazed over to your panties, touching the hem before sliding them down, "I wonder about how you'll taste on my tongue."
"Will you let me have a taste?" He asked, skirt covering half his face watching as you gave an impatient nod. He slid the material down your legs letting them fall to the bed. You wiggled nervously feeling his stare on your definite wet core but before you could hurry him along your mouth drew open in a sudden gasp. A blob of spit landed on your cunt from his mouth and the thick liquid felt strange against your clit due to its unexpectedness. He just spit directly on your pussy...
One of his arms was holding your thigh on his shoulder while the other let his hand swipe over his spit. His middle finger touched your clit as he rubbed the spit with your dripping arousal to make it wetter and messier too. Then, once he made sure you were coated in liquid, he flattened his tongue against your opening curving it upward to collect and decent size of wetness. His tongue rolled back into his mouth and he swallowed heavily, not even thinking about your impatient fidgeting as he got the taste he was looking for.
"Mm," he hummed in appreciation, eyes shut in bliss for a moment before letting your clit fit between his index and middle fingers as he rubbed upwards, palm on your entrance applying pressure there too. Then, he pulled away, hand doing a 180 so his fingers were facing down and he leaned forward to kiss your lips, all while your clit was still stimulated between his fingers.
"I like it," he muttered against your lips, "I think I'm gonna have more."
You weren't much of a talker during foreplay but Taehyung's deep voice had your thighs wanting to shut to stop the pool of arousal. His voice was so sensual and raspy that you didn't mind the light dirty talk. Maybe you'd whisper into his ear more since you know he likes it now. Maybe you'll even do it to him at work sometimes just to see him get riled up.
He went back down between your legs, not bothering to tease anymore as he did just that. Tongue lapping up more and more speeding up his flicking while his fingers slipped over your clit thanks to the wetness of it.
Immediately your hand went to his soft dark hair again for leverage as his ministrations picked up pace, face practically digging at your heat. It was messy, nasty almost, with the slurping sounds he made. He was lost in it too, your little sounds and the way you ground into his face was enough to egg him on to take it further. He could've been like this all night if you would have let him. Your hand tugged him back by his hair. He didn't mind the sting though ready to take your mouth back on his if that's what you wanted.
You didn't say anything sitting up watching his face contort in confusion and worry. With a hand on his chest you guided him to lie down and he submitted to your actions easily, hand over yours as you applied pressure to get him down. Once he was lying down you tugged at his zipper watching the way his stomach sunk in under your touch and the black band of his briefs was slowly exposed. He didn't bother fighting it when you tugged his jeans down along with his briefs.
Taehyung released a grunt in relief as the right denim was finally off and briefs no longer confining his erecrion. He felt heavy on his navel, thick member stiff against his happy trail. Your eyes caught the way his cock twitched at the sudden exposure. You threw his clothes to the floor moving too unzip your skirt and slide it down when he stopped your hand.
"Leave it, I want it on when you're on top," he said, thumb running over your wrist bone soothingly. The corner of your mouth turned upward in a smirk as you nodded. He wants you wearing it when you're on top? Alright.
He didn't know how to react when you turned away from him, straddling his midsection facing away from him and his hands immediately raised to try and touch you. You got on your knees, pussy in his face that he finally got what you wanted to do. He couldn't stop the animalistic growl he let out as his hands gripped your thighs pulling you back into position. Once he had you over him his mouth was on your cunt again, his chin rutting against your clit as his fingers spread you open for him to eat you out.
The only thing to make his movements slow was the softest kitten lick down the length of his cock. It caught him by surprise, balls tightening at the feeling especially when you kissed the vein underneath. With one hand you picked up his member so it was pointed to the ceiling and continued to lather him in your drool letting your mouth and tongue lick around his length. His hips began to move seeking more than just the teasing, fingernails digging into your butt as you slobbered all over him.
Once his length was wet enough you moved to his tip, tongue poking at his slit where a clear drop of precum dribbled out. You licked at it, forcing spit down his head before wrapping your around it fully. Once your mouth adjusted to his girth you began to bob your head up and down, tongue licking along his slit everything you came up before coiling around him when you went down.
Whatever you did felt good to him, his hips began moving to fit more into your mouth slowly. His arms went to your back pulling you flush against him so your butt was sticking out more and right in his face. He kept you locked in around him with one arm while the other went to your hair.
You had a bad gag reflex so it took more effort to not choke and he was bigger than any guy you've ever been with. You took as much of him as possible but your hands did most of the work. When it became too much you lifted your mouth off with a pop, drool lining the way before you moved lower.
Taehyung nearly choked in your essence at the warm and wet tightness trying to suck his testicles. Your mouth licked at the soft flesh despite how full they felt and it had him shaking.
"Aish," he hissed, eyes scrunched as his head fell against your pillows, no longer eating you out like a mad man. He needed a second to enjoy this new feeling, when your tongue licked down to his perineum, the thing like down his balls. Your hand was also jerking him off in just the right way that he was extremely close. As much as he'd like to release just like this he wanted more.  No, needed more and when your actions got bolder he couldn't take it anymore. He liked that it wasn’t a fight for control. It was equal parts in trying to pleasure each other. He wasn’t trying to be the dominant one at the moment. He was just trying to take the pleasure and go along with whatever happened. It felt so much more natural that way than him trying to force you into positions or foreplay you didn’t want to do. You were just as eager to pleasure him too and he had no problem letting you do it.
"Y/n,” he licked his dry lips, “I need you on my cock, now.”
It took you a second to think about what he was asking but he was already guiding you up trying to turn you. You crawled off him feeling his arm trying to hold you by your legs as you stretched over to your nightstand. You didn’t usually buy condoms since you didn’t have a lot of hook ups but Jungkook thought it’d be funny to gift you some after making fun of your dry spell. A true friend, really.
Taehyung took it from you puckering his lips while tearing into the packaging. You leaned over him pressing your lips against his in a quick kiss as he rolled the condom on. Once it was one he was teaching for your hand leading you back over him. He held his member up as you straddled him trying to line your entrance with his tip, skirt hiding the view but draped over his hand. You pulled his lip between your teeth in a gentle nip as you tried moving back to sit over him more.
He smacked his lips disappointedly pouting a little when you pulled away from the kiss. But he hummed in pleasure as you began to lower yourself, his tip sinking into your heat slowly. His hands on your thighs letting you adjust to his size, he had to bite into his bottom lip when your walls kept him snug.
You began to slowly move up and down to speed the stretching process despite the slight discomfort. You could see the struggle he was facing at the wait and honestly you couldn’t wait either. Your hands were on his chest using him for leverage before you gained more rhythm.
Your movement began to include some grinding letting your folds get stimulated with the added movement. His hands were under your skirt groping the rounds of your ass, nails digging into the plump flesh letting his hips buck to match your pace.
“Oh fuck,” he grunted, low deep gasps escaping his lips, “… so tight.”
“Tae,” you whined letting the shortened name slip as your head fell forward, “You feel so good.”
You were breathless, putting more weight on your hands and knees so you could bounce your hips repeatedly, rotating them as best as you could to reach new angles. With the change of rhythm his arm wrapped around your lower back again, pressing you against him making you collapse over him. Your head fell by his neck feeling the tightness of his arms around your waist as he dug his heels into the mattress so he could fuck up into you. He matched your rhythm and the new angle stimulated your clit making you whine softly into his ear.
Your cute little sounds we’re making his hips stutter, “Big—you’re so big,” you moaned into his ear.
He reacted immediately, mouth drawn open trying to find your mouth to kiss but instead for your shoulder, “Gonna cum soon pretty girl?”
“Mhm,” you silently mewled, the soft sounds tickling the sweet spot in his ear to the pointer where his hand was pressing into your tailbone and before you knew it you were flipped onto your back. In this new position he reached a deeper level with your legs wrapped around him.
With a few more deep thrusts you were falling apart. Your orgasm hit you in a frenzy, hips twitching over his length feeling your ring of nerves tighten around him.
He ease his cock into you riding out your high but with the way your walls seemed to puffed around him it became too much. It took one more roll of your hips for him to release. He groaned into your ear cumming into the condom, both of you riding the wave for a moment.
After letting you relax around him again Taehyung pulled out gently. You were both covered in a thin layer of sweat but he left tender touches on your shaking thighs moving to lay down next to you. You looked at each other lovingly taking your hand in his kissing your knuckles, “Was that too much?”
You shook your head no in response before turning on your side, “Come here.”
He scooted closer lifting an arm for you to crawl under and wrapped around you holding you to his chest. Taehyung felt like he could think properly again, more clearly and not as lust filled. He stayed quiet for a moment trying to unravel all the details of what you’d told him earlier.
“We did things backwards,” he sighed, his tone was light almost teasing, “I was supposed to take you out to dinner first.”
“What about breakfast?” You asked. He made a face in thought before smiling, squeezing you a little, “Breakfast works.”
You snuggled into him some more as he held you closely. He played with the hand he still held, the one he kissed, intertwining your fingers then separating them only to do it all over again. You couldn’t help but smile at a certain thought, “I thought you were supposed to be mean and hard to approach but you weren’t ever like that with me.”
“Maybe I just liked you since the beginning,” he shrugged not bothering to confirm nor deny the rumors. He was just a private person and he felt comfortable around you enough to open it. He’d been attracted to you all along even when you tried getting him with So Hyun.
And it really was you all along. He still kept his guard up around everyone else and he doesn’t see that changing. If anything he’ll probably distance himself further from people interested him. He wants to respect you and the future of your relationship.
“Just so we’re clear too, no more trying to set me up with your friends,” he said teasingly but serious at the same time, “Because I’m yours, nobody else’s.”
“Am I yours too?” You looked up at him with rounded sparkly eyes. He kissed the tip of your nose, “And nobody else’s.”
You completely missed the ringing of your phone that was left in the living. The text from So Hyun that went unnoticed.
sohyun: I’m sorry for being mean
sohyun: I don’t want us arguing and if y’all like each other I can’t be mad
sohyun: ur my best friend and I luv u
sohyun: ps Jungkook told me u were with taehyung
sohyun: I’m jealous but also :’) happy for u
a/n alright so this isn’t really angsty. I’ve been writing that too much :p
after story reflection: Tae is very much so a tsundere to ppl he’s not close with. you and so hyun are still friends but Tae doesn’t fully trust her bc he doesn’t want to see u get hurt. he is nice to her only for u tho
also we love support jk and jhope who are really just here for their friends and are observers who gas you up when ur insecure
fun fact: I also used to be a barista and honestly such a fun job
I keep writing college au’s even tho I’m a college dropout lmao
y’all the smut was kinda long and it’s funny bc I was writing it while watching the last change days episode 😭💀 like half the time I didn’t even know what I was typing I was just going with the flow
tagged: @here4btsfics @blue-creative-energy
6K notes · View notes
darkeralmond · 1 year
reader x conrad fisher where she/yn is belly’s bff and has been coming with them to cousins for the past couple summers.. one summer things change between yn and conrad and they kiss on the last night but she says they can’t (obviously bcos she knows how belly feels about him) next summer tho she gives in and they start secretly dating/hooking up and then belly finds out — v angsty with maybe some smut 💗
by far one of my favorite requests, anon! thank u sm for the request!! i love u sm!! ❤️❤️
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Dead To Me
Conrad x fem! Reader
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synopsis: conrad confessed the y/n last summer about how much he liked her, but y/n told him that they couldn’t date. this summer, the night when belly goes out with cam to a drive in movie, y/n finally decides she wants to be with conrad but only in secret. when y/n and conrad are getting hot and heavy at nicole’s party, belly walks in…
warnings: 18+, underage drinking, light smut, vulgar language, y/n playing the victim, angst
word count: 2.7k
a/n: i got a bit carried away, but this shit was SO FUN TO WRITE OML!! I laughed, I loved, and I cried when writing this. thank u sm anon for suggested this, I think this is one of the best works I’ve written in a while.
masterlist | request info
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Cam parked in front of the house and looked over at Belly before glancing back at you. “You girls ready?” he asked with a smile on his face.
Belly turned back to you and nodded her head confidently. “Let’s go,” she said. You hopped out of the backseat and linked arms with Belly. Cam the two of you like a lost puppy as you and Belly both strutted into the house confidently. You held your chin up high as you walked up through the front door.
Loud music blared from the speakers when the three of you entered. There were people everywhere drinking and getting high. “Belly!” a girl called out to her. She ran up to Belly and hugged her tightly while squealing.
Seeing how happy Belly was with this other girl sparked jealousy in you. It made it seem like she’d be fine without you. Belly then let go and turned to you. “Y/N, this is Nicole! She’s my older deb sister!”
Nicole. You knew that name. It was the name of the girl Conrad took to the deb ball previously. “Hi,” you faked a smile. You spoke in a honeyed voice to throw Belly and Nicole off.
“Y/N! I’ve heard so much about you!” Nicole held out her hand to shake. You hesitantly took it and gave it a firm shake before quickly letting go. Something about her seemed fake, and you weren’t saying that only because of her association with Conrad. “Let’s go get some cake!” She grabbed Belly’s hand and dragged her off, leaving you standing alone.
“Well, great,” you muttered to yourself as you looked around for anyone to talk to. Jeremiah was on the couch flirting to some guy you didn’t know and Steven was just running around getting drunk. Your blood boiled as the feeling of loneliness settled in.
You needed a drink to wash away this feeling of anger. You slivered through everyone, making a beeline to the kitchen to find any sort of alcohol. Your eyes landed on the Pink Whiteley bottle on the counter. Something to wash it all away. You popped the bottle open and poured it into a red solo cup. You then started sipping on it while examining the people in the kitchen.
That’s when you met his gaze from across the room. He drank out of a beer bottle while staring at you. You wouldn’t… not with him. Not on Belly’s birthday. But Belky was occupied with her other friends, she wouldn’t notice if you disappeared.
Your eyes shot a look over to the stairs as you jerked your head over. He caught your gist and immediately stopped his conversation with the group he was talking to.
You couldn’t hear what he said to them, the word you could read off his lips was “bathroom”. You then snuck through the crowd and up the stairs. A minute or two later, he ran up the stairs to meet you at the top.
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You sat on the beach next to Conrad as the two of you stared out at the waves. “What’s it like…?” you asked, looking over at him.
He chuckled, “What’s what like?”
“You know… sophomore year.” You had been pretty nervous for your sophomore year, it was all you and Belly had talked about this summer. “Everyone says it’s way harder than freshman year and I’m really nervous.”
“Oh,” he smiled. He looked over at you, something about his blue eyes made your heart flutter. No, stop. This was your best friend’s crush. “Nah, it’s pretty much the same. Just have to take a couple APs and a few state tests.” He placed his hand on yours as he said, “You’ll be fine. You’re smart enough to make good decisions.”
Conrad then squeezed your hands. You felt a surge of electricity run up your arm and straight to your chest. You never realized how badly you wanted to hold his hand until now.
As the two of you sat there you thought about how wrong this felt. You had always felt this way about Conrad, you had always wanted to tell Belly, but she beat you to it. He always managed to give you an amazing feeling that you had to deny. Belly suggested you should get with Jeremiah since she thought he would be perfect for you, but you didn’t want to.
You always thought about Conrad. You thought about how cute he was, but it wasn’t just his cuteness either. Conrad really knew what he did and was confident in himself in ways no one ever had before.
“Y/N, can I tell you something?” he scooted closer to you to the point where your shoulders touched.
You froze, “Uh, sure.”
Conrad sighed softly and leaned toward you, his breath tickling your ear. His words sent shivers down your spine. They sounded almost seductive. “I like you. Like, I think about you constantly. Like, sometimes I dream about you when I’m awake. Like, all the time.” He pulled away and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Sorry if that was weird, I don’t normally say things like that.”
The world fell silent around you. Even though there was nothing but crashing waves, the air felt charged. You looked down to where your feet were buried in the cool early morning sand. You could feel the warm blush spread over your cheeks. You bit your lip nervously.
“I really like you too,” you finally breathed out. “But we can’t be together.” You couldn’t meet his eyes anymore. Not when you knew what kind of expression he was giving you. If you glanced up right now you would make you feel even more guilty.
“What do you mean?” he sounded confused. Obviously he was, he probably didn’t know rejection like this. That’s if you could even consider your answer rejection.
“Belly…”  you swallowed, your mouth feeling incredibly dry. The words stuck in your throat. Your thoughts raced, trying to conjure the sentence together. “She…she likes you. She’s liked you ever since she was 10. I can’t do this to her. It’ll hurt her”
Conrad was quiet for a moment. “I don’t care about that, I care about you, Y/N.” Your heart sank. “I want to at least try.”
There was another long pause. You felt the tension build between you. “No,” you whispered softly. “I don’t think we should.” You didn’t want to hurt Belly. You just felt so conflicted about this whole thing. You stood up, your hand fell out of his. “I’m sorry, but I can’t do this to her.”
You walked back to the beach house, taking long and quick steps. He called your name repeatedly, but you didn’t listen. You were a better friend than that.
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“Y/N,” Belly said as she walked into your guys’ shared bedroom. “I need to tell you something.”
You looked up at her while taking a sip of your Coke. “What?” You placed the can down on the nightstand, kicking your feet as they hung off the bed.
She plopped down next to you and put her hands on your thigh. “Well,” she had an enlarged smile on her face as her cheeks flushed red. “You remember Cam, right?” You nodded your head which warranted her to say, “He asked me out on a date!”
You gasped, grabbing her hands quickly as you turned your body to face her. “Oh, my God!” The two of you squealed and bounced with joy. “Belly, this is huge! Your first date!”
Her eyes sparkled happily as she gushed about her date. Her excitement was contagious; you also couldn't stop smiling. “Yeah! I need you to help me pick out an outfit for tonight.”
Your smile then faded a bit, “Wait, date tonight? Bells, who am I gonna hang out with?”
She shrugged, “You can hang out with the boys while I’m gone. I think conrad’s staying in..”
Right, she doesn’t know. You sighed, looking away from her. You were on the fence of telling her about what happened last summer, but you couldn’t. Not when she was this happy.
You took a deep breath in and met her gaze again. “Alright, but you have to promise you’ll tell me everything when you get back.” You grabbed her shoulders and shook them excitedly.
“Ok, ok.” She laughed as she got up. “Now, help me pick something out!”
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Later that night, you laid on her bed. She still wasn’t back and you were feeling lonely. Not just because Belly wasn’t here, but you wanted to be with Conrad. You had since last summer, you knew it was the right time to finally do so. Belly had a crush on someone who wasn’t Conrad. You knew what you had to do…
You had to talk to Conrad.
You rolled out of her bed and snuck down the hall to his bedroom. The rooms felt closer than usual as you lunged for his room. You held your fist up to knock, but you froze. You couldn’t move anything. There was an invisible force holding you in place. It felt like you were being held against your will.
The door swung open and there stood Conrad in front of you. He looked a little bit disheveled. His hair had fallen down, covering some of his face. “Oh, hey,” he said while looking down at you, running his fingers through his hair in an effort to fix it.  “Did you… uh… need something?” he stepped aside and motioned for you to come into his room.
“Yeah actually,” you replied quietly as you followed him in. He went over to his bed where he sat down, tuning his guitar. You sat down in the rolly chair by his desk and patted your hands against your thighs. After a few minutes, you cleared your throat. “Listen, I wanted to talk about last Summer.”
Conrad looked up from his guitar for a second. “Sure. What about it?”
You bit your lip nervously. “I think we should do it.”
His head snapped up. “What?”
“Belly’s going out with Cam now and she’s lost interest in you,”  you spoke slowly, unsure of where this conversation was headed. “And, well, I like the idea of being together.”
A nervous grin spread across his lips. “So we can do it?”
You nodded, “Yeah. We can do it, but only in secret.”
He smiled brightly, leaning his guitar against the wall. “Are you sure?” He asked, staring into your eyes intently.
“Positive,” you answered.
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He lifted you by your waist onto the dresser before placing his lips on yours passionately. You felt every muscle in your stomach twitch. He kissed you deeply, making sure to pull you closer to him. As his fingers brushed against your chest, you gasped lightly.
Part of you felt guilty for hooking up with Conrad while Belly was just downstairs. Part of you felt angry for the way Belly ditched you to hang out with her “better friends”. Part of you felt scared that Belly would catch you two in the act of hooking up. Part of you liked the adrenaline that came from hooking up in secret. It made things more exciting between you and Conrad, and it sure as hell created more sexual tension.
As you pressed yourself closer to him, your hands found their way under his shirt. His skin was smooth and tanned. He hummed against your lips as your hands traced his skin.
He pulled away and quickly locked his lips onto your chin, leading down to your neck. His tongue trailed along it as he sucked lightly on a spot. You let out a small moan at the sensation. A shiver ran down your spine at his touch. You ran your fingers through his silk hair as he began to suck harder at your skin.
“Conrad…” you moaned, running your fingers through his hair again. He growled low. “Please,” you begged as you tugged gently at his hair. You tried to take control of the situation, but he wouldn’t let you. Instead, he took over.
You felt your mind slip into darkness for a few moments as you felt him press kisses to the side of your neck. His hands then moved to your breasts, caressing them gently. Your body jolted at the unexpected pleasure.
His hands were warm against your skin as they rubbed up and down the sides of your breasts slowly. His breath huffed against your neck as he began sucking hard. His teeth lightly grazed the skin causing your entire body to shake.
“What the fuck?” a voice yelled. You opened your eyes as Conrad quickly let go of you. Belly stood there with her mouth wide open, her eyebrows lowered as she stared at you two. “Y/N, are you fucking serious?!”
Conrad was frozen in fear. “Belly, let me explain!” You quickly hopped off the counter and approached her.
“You’re hooking up with Conrad?!” she yelled.
Conrad glanced down at you, “I think I should…”
“No! You’re staying right there!” She pointed at him as she cut him off. “Y/N, were you going to tell me?”
“I-I wanted to tell you earlier, but you were too happy talking about Cam,” you stuttered. “I didn’t want to hurt you by telling you!”
She scoffed, “You wanna know what hurts? You hooking up with Conrad to begin with!”
Your jaw tightened as you glared at her. “It shouldn’t matter now! You’re gonna end up dating Cam anyways!” You were starting to get upset as she stood in front of you with her arms crossed.
Her eyebrows raised in anger. “Don’t bring Cam into this! You know exactly why I don’t want you hooking up with Conrad.” She stared at you as she saw your expression turn even more guilty.
She noticed as Conrad turned his attention away from her. “You fucking told him, didn’t you?” You stayed silent, just staring at her. She scoffed, “Of course you did.” She let in a long inhale, she was on the verge of tears.
She shook her head as she paced around the room. You had never seen her this hurt before, you didn’t know how to react. She took in a long inhale. “How long…?” She turned to face you. “How long have you been hooking up?”
You frowned, “We started hooking up the night you left with Cam...”
She walked toward you while grasping onto her hair like she could pull it out. “Is this some kind of sick joke?!” Her voice cracked at the end as her fists clenched at her sides. “Why?! Why would you do this to me?!”
You flinched. “I like him, Belly. He likes me.”
“Oh yeah?” She was crying now, from a mixture of sadness or anger. “You’re dead to me…” She made her way to the door to leave.
“Belly,” you called out to her. “You don’t mean that…”
Her eyes flickered back towards you, “We both know I fucking mean it.” She turned and slammed the bedroom door shut.
You stood there, tears falling down your face as you turned to face Conrad. You could see the hurt and regret in his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but stopped himself. He seemed hesitant to say anything.
When he finally decided to speak, he sounded almost ashamed. “This wasn’t my intention.” He looked away from you then.
You walked up to him and hugged him tightly. “I know…” You sighed, “Belly’s just heart broken.” You cried harder, “I’m such a bad friend!”
“Don’t say that” His arms snaked themselves around your waist as you buried your face in his shoulder. “I hate that this is how she finds out about us.”
“Me too,” you sobbed. This whole thing was a mistake. Not telling Belly was a mistake. You should’ve just been honest. Conrad rubbed his hand up and down your back as you cried. “I wanna go home…”
“I can drive you back to the beach house,” Conrad suggested.
“No,” you looked up at him. “I want to go home.”
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toomuchracket · 4 months
secret admirer (dad!ross x reader fluff)
day 1 of valentine's week by bff @abiiors!! in this one... the kids want to know how you and ross got together. cute as shit. enjoy <3
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it's at dinnertime when you're first asked the question. 
ross is quietly coaxing keir to finish his peas, to minimal success. eilidh swallows a mouthful of gravy-soaked mash and turns to look at you curiously. “mummy… how did you and dad meet?”
“you already know, bean,” you take a sip of your wine and smile at her. “met dad and your uncles when i helped design the stage for one of their first shows.”
ross takes a break from lecturing your son about the merits of eating your five-a-day to look at you and wink. there's a warmth in those dark eyes of his - the same one that got you hooked on him in the first place, actually - and you know he's thinking about that fateful first meeting too. “yeah, when i had to save mum, eilidh,” he chuckles. “from matty talking about his vision at a hundred miles an hour. her eyes were proper glazed over and everything, you know.”
“they still go like that when he talks to you now sometimes, mummy,” keir adds, still pushing peas around his plate. his dad and sister laugh, while your jaw falls open at the fact you've been clocked by your four year old.
he's not wrong, though.
eilidh's giggles fade into soft hums. “but how did you end up being boyfriend and girlfriend?”
ross’s eyes meet yours again. he smirks, taking a sip of his own wine. “d'you want to tell the story, love?” he asks, foot sliding up your leg under the table, flirty. “or shall i tell them how i swept you off your feet?”
“oh, is that what it was?” you tease, trapping his leg between your own.
“of course.”
you laugh. “you and i remember it differently, then. but alright,” you stretch, shuffling in your seat before looking at your kids’ anticipated little faces. “here's what happened…”
“should we do something different for valentine's day?”
you turn to look incredulously at matty, exhaling your cigarette smoke. “is further context required there, or are you asking me out? because absolutely not, if so.”
“oh, charming. thank god i see you as a little sister and no more,” matty winces, taking a drag of his own cigarette before he speaks again. “i mean for the show on the 14th. we could do, like, pink lighting instead of white, or something.”
you hum. “i don't hate the idea. but i think sticking with the black and white thing is maybe a good idea for now. cohesion, recognition, establishing identity as you gear up to release the album, all that jazz, yeah?”
“good point.”
“i do like the pink, though. maybe we could do something with it in the future?”
“yeah. i'll keep it in mind. usual staging it is, then,” matty turns to face you, resting a shoulder on the brick wall. “so, given that you've theoretically rejected me…
you roll your eyes.
“... who are you seeing on valentine's day?”
“nobody. we've got a gig, remember?” you ash your cigarette glumly. “i'll be selling t-shirts with your face on them up the back of the venue all night.”
“and i love you - platonically - for that,” your friend grins. “but what about after the show?”
you ponder. “probably just going home to shower off the residual weed smell i'll inevitably take on, to be honest.”
matty laughs; his face drops when he realises you're not kidding. “oh. you're serious.”
“but,” he looks baffled. “you're twenty-three. you're cute, objectively. you're sweet. you're fun. there's really nobody you want to spend valentine's day with?”
well… your lips part of their own accord as if to speak; you quickly snap them shut before you make a sound. no. you can't tell anyone. especially matty, of all people.
apparently, though, you don't close your mouth fast enough - your friend notices, and giggles, eyes lighting up. “who is he? go on, tell me. promise i won't tell anyone, honest.”
“not a chance.”
“no, matthew,” you take a final drag of your cigarette before stamping it out. “i'm never telling anyone, because it'll never go anywhere between me and him anyway, and thus i am perfectly fine just letting the crush i have fade without acting on it. i'll develop another one soon, anyway.”
no you won't. you've never fancied someone as much in your life as you fancy…
“there you are. was wondering where you'd gotten to, matty,” ross wanders round the side of the building, relief evident on his face. it seems to light up when he sees you, but that's most likely your brain playing tricks on you. “oh. hiya, love. didn't know you were in today, s'nice to see you.”
shut up. it's ross. he calls everyone that, dipshit.
you clear your throat. “hi, ross. s'nice to see you too. you look… well.”
you pray neither of the boys noticed the awkward pause while you came up with an alternative for “devastatingly attractive”, or that your voice didn't sound as small and squeaky as it sounded to you.
thankfully, neither of them mention it. ross just smiles, and all you can do is focus on not squealing at how cute his dimples are. “thanks. you look good. hair's nice like that.”
“oh,” you self-consciously touch the ponytail you hastily shoved your hat-messy hair into earlier. “thank you.”
he smiles again. “so, what are you gonna develop another of? were you talking about work?”
you say “yes” at the same time the gobshite next to you says “yeah, but then we moved onto talking about how she has no valentine's day plans but she also won't tell whoever she has a crush on that she wants to shag them because she thinks it’s unrequited.”
for fuck's sake.
sighing, you facepalm. ross blinks. “fair enough.”
“you don't think she should tell him?” matty looks aghast.
“what i think is that you should stop pestering her about it,” ross looks pointedly at matty, then turns to you. “but - and i don't want to overstep the mark here, love…”
“no, no, it's fine.”
“... you’ll never get what you really want unless you ask for it,” he finishes, a pleasant smile on his face. “what have you got to lose by doing so, anyway?”
this. our friendship. potentially my job, if i fuck it up enough.
“yeah, i suppose,” you murmur hesitantly. “i'll consider it.”
and you do - in fact, you're still considering it when you next see ross, during setup for the gig on the big day itself. he appears when you're pushing the box light into position on the tiny stage, quickly laying down his bass to run and help you, despite your protests that you've got everything under control.
seeing his arms flex as he works, though, and the way the stark white light somehow manages to warm up those dark eyes? you most definitely do not. still, you refuse to say anything to him then. or before the show, when he automatically passes you a beer so you can be included in the pre-gig cheers. or afterwards, when he risks being pounced upon by drunken fans just so he can help you pack up the merch stall, cracking jokes despite his tiredness.
it's only when you're loading the boxes of t-shirts into adam's car that you actually start to think that mentioning the crush to ross might not be a bad thing. you close the boot with a weary sigh, turning to face ross and high-five him - like you always do - with gratitude. and then he does something… strange.
he hugs you.
it's not a long hug, and definitely one of the “thanks, mate” variety, but still. it's not a common thing to happen between the two of you, ross’s arms wrapping around your shoulders and your waist and pulling you into his chest. it's warm. cosy. safe. and as soon as he lets go, you miss him.
before you get a chance to dwell on that, though, he speaks. “you coming to the pub with us now?”
“us?” your brow furrows. “who's us?”
“everyone except adam and waughy,” ross grins. “you're not the only one with no valentine's plans, love,” his face contorts into panic. “wait, fuck, i just assumed, because you said last week-”
“ross, relax, babe,” you smile, beating yourself up internally for the way the pet name just slipped out; you blame the joy that fizzed up in your stomach when he essentially admitted he's single. “i'm coming to the pub.”
he smiles again, relief evident in his eyes. “alright. good. i think we'll have a good night.”
you do, actually, despite matty monologuing the whole walk there about “you should just phone that guy you like and tell him. for the love of god, at least one of us needs to pull tonight. s'depressing if we don't”. it's actually george who manages that first, disappearing after the first round with a redhead and returning, lipstick-stained and gleefully dazed, half an hour later. matty's next, chatting up girls at the bar and collecting phone numbers by the handful, pointing out vaguely handsome men to you with “yes? no? maybe?” to no avail.
ross doesn't pull at all.
not for lack of trying from the female clientele in the pub, though - every time he leaves the table, you watch heads turn in his direction, and some bodies following. envy tinges your vision green whenever a girl approaches him, but you needn't worry; no matter how pretty or persistent or personable the girls are, ross politely chats as he waits for the drinks, bids them goodbye, and comes back to you. well, to the table. where he sits next to you.
it makes you feel good. so good, in fact, that you decide to tell him how you feel, right then and there. you take another sip of your wine - dutch courage and all - and rest your elbow on the table and your head on your hand, facing ross. “i'm glad i came out tonight.”
“so am i,” he mirrors your pose, smiling. god, you love his dimples. “it's been a good night.”
“yeah. not a bad valentine's day at all.”
ross giggles. “as good as it gets for singles,” he takes a sip of his pint, then looks at you a bit more seriously. “you spoken to that guy yet? the one you like?”
you bite down a giggle, shaking your head. “d'you think i should? ask him out?”
“if you really like him, yeah.”
“but,” you look down at the table, absentmindedly running your index finger round the rim of your glass. “what if he doesn't like me?”
“why wouldn't he?” ross's voice is soft - so are his eyes, you look up to discover. “you're great.”
he nods. “really great.”
your heart glows. your face does the same. “thank you, ross.”
he shrugs. “i'm just telling the truth, love. now,” he grins, tapping your phone. “ask him.”
bless him. 
you exhale, smiling. “alright,” you turn round to compose yourself, then look back at ross with a smile. “would you like to go for dinner with me?”
for a second, you falter as ross's brow furrows. “what, now? like a kebab- oh,” his jaw drops, and he blinks a few times. “really? it's me that you have a crush on?”
“yeah,” you bite the inside of your cheek, nervous. “is that… really bad?”
“hmm? no, no, not at all! just surprising, s'all,” ross takes your free hand in his own. he looks dazed, but he's genuinely smiling. “i had no idea you liked me like that.”
“and here i was thinking i was doing a shit job at hiding it.”
ross laughs, softly stroking the back of your hand with his thumb; warmth erupts under your skin wherever he touches. he looks at you, so tenderly you want to look away. “yes.”
your turn to be confused. “yes i was doing a shit job at hiding my crush on you? or…?”
“no, love,” ross chuckles, squeezing your hand. “yes, i'd love to go for dinner with you. tomorrow too soon?”
you feel weightless, joyous, positively giddy. but you have to stay cool, so you simply beam at him. “tomorrow's perfect.”
present day
“...so, we went for dinner - pasta, before you ask, keir - and that was it. dad said he wanted to be my boyfriend before we'd even gotten to the tiramisu,” you smile at the memory. “and then we were like that for a while, and then we got married, and then we had you two. and now, here we are.”
“that's it?” keir frowns at you, then looks up at his dad. “but you said you swept mum off her feet.”
ross snorts, ruffling his son's hair. “yeah, not literally, keeks. i just meant that she was very impressed by me.”
“i don't get it.”
“well, ask matty to explain metaphors to you when you next see him, then.”
you wince (ross laughs at that), turning to your daughter, preoccupied with petting ash the cat, who climbed onto her lap halfway through your talk. “thoughts, eils?”
“hmm,” she makes a face. “it's not a very exciting story, mum.”
“cute, though, no?”
“kind of, i guess.”
“wow, you two are hard to impress,” you sigh, turning to ross and smiling despite your kids’ boredom. “worked out well for us, though, didn't it?”
“absolutely, love. couldn't have worked out any better,” ross leans over the table to kiss you; you return it with relish.
“ewwwwwwww! gross!”
“dad, please don’t do that to mum in front of me ever again.”
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idlerin · 1 year
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YOU’VE RUINED MY LIFE BY NOT BEING MINE — suna rintarou one-shot smau
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as the self proclaimed honorary miya sibling (by you and the twins— since your parents and the miya twins’ parents were the closest friends, it ended up with their children being playmates). it was that one sunny day in the park when you became stuck with them ever since.
you’re one year younger so when you finally entered inarizaki and first laid your eyes on suna— osamu’s bff you’ve only heard about in passing. you fell. like literally slipped and fell because you were running towards the twins and when you saw suna you lost balance.
it was also the day when you declared you were going to be the love of his life.
suna was taken aback by your strangeness and only realized you were serious when you gave him a proper confession at the back of the school a week later when you claimed, “i’m going to make you fall in love with me.”
to which his reply to your confession was a shrug and a “you can try, but don’t hope for much.”
it’s been a year. and you’re still as determined as ever!
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after the whole, chasing suna around the school and giving up after a few minutes and munching on a fruit sadly, suna came in and walked towards you and atsumu, pat your head and said “i was only teasing you.”
okay maybe joining the cheer squad was an impulsive decision, but hey! you were already alongside them every game and half of your friends were on it so you thought why not do that for your extracurricular this year! the outfit looked good on you, you cheer for inarizaki (suna), and bonus points that you’ll have fun— the situation offered absolutely no losses.
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hitoshi and you were talking last week about how you’ve been trying to woo suna for about a year now and he asked if there was still no progress and you think about it and resisted the urge to refute his claims. suna and you spend a lot of time together, not that other people knew, even the twins (there are some things you prefer to keep between just him and you).
hitoshi mentions that he wants to help you, you both stare at each other and say “we should make him jealous!” at the same time. you were amused at the notion because you’ve never seen suna jealous before. hitoshi was just bored. the perfect formula of friendship!
suna and you constantly go out at least 2 times a week, and every time after-game, albeit a few hours after post-game eat-out. he’s the reason why you’re MIA when atsumu’s trying to tell you about the new manga releases that week.
suna acts like he doesn’t care about your advances on him most of the time in front of other people but of course, that’s only a farce. why would he tolerate all of your silly advances if he wasn’t head over heels for you too?
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“so are we dating?!” you shout in hysterics through your phone where suna’s on the other line.
it makes osamu place his earphones in and atsumu glare at you while bashing suna on twitter. the three of you were on your way home after atsumu made a scene in the suna household 20 minutes prior.
“i’d prefer if we make it official in person, you know,” suna says groggily, having been woken up from his sleep by atsumu’s screeches.
“i can run back to your house,” you propose, suna chuckles while atsumu traps you in a headlock. osamu walks ahead and pretends he isn’t associated with you and atsumu.
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a/n — so uhm hey guys 😼 did u miss me? /peeking from my cave
general taglist + @rintarousprincess @giyuus0nlywife @luvrsthrist @cherries4denki @cloud-lyy @misscaller06
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ynbabe · 6 months
Fake texts au- pt.11 bffs with the rookies+ Melbourne in the summer
guys y/n's alr been doing so much idk how many more scandals I can come up with 😭 pls lemme know what situations yall would like to see these 4 in hehe 🫣 comment it or dm me my inbox is always open to yall 🥰
| Masterlist |
It had been a long few weeks before you could see your best friends once again, not having been able to attend any of the races for the rest till the summer break, but now? You were finally free and ready to cause problems for your favourite people.
You laughed to yourself as you landed at Melbourne Airport, having been to the Piastri household many times, so much so that his mother had begun putting a stocking out for you at Christmas, knowing that you'd probably be celebrating with the Aussies, much like Logan would be. He too had his own stocking.
You'd called his Mother beforehand, asking if it was okay to come over and she'd told you, she'd be keeping your favourite Shepard's pie ready. She'd also told you that Logan was staying over as well, having arrived with Oscar.
You remember all the times the three of you had spent in Oscar's room as teenagers, talking about everything and nothing at all them complaining and marvelling about racing, you listening and giving advice wherever you could. You went to them with all your problems and they to you.
You trusted each other with your deepest, darkest, secrets. You, Logan and Oscar, and then you met Arthur, and he had been an unlikely addition to your peculiar little group, but the three of you had soon come to realise just how similar the boy was, and decided it was only fair to adopt him into your weirdness.
"Two hours!" you whisper-yelled at yourself, looking at how much time you'd have to spend in the uber to get to the house, maybe more with traffic. So you did what you did best, just to pass the time.
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You got out of the app, not knowing how much chaos could come from one simple tweet. Turning on some mind-numbing show on Netflix, you settled in till you could be with your best friends again.
The two hours went by faster than she realised as the Uber pulled up to the house, she told the driver to pull over, earning her a weird look. She paid him his fare and took her luggage right behind the house. Thankfully the old trellis was still there, a little rotten and overgrown with vines but still there.
She climbed up with practised ease, settling just outside her friend's window, where Oscar and Logan had been sharing the Aussies' room, just like when they were young.
She sat just outside the view of the two boys Logan who was sprawled on the bed scrolling through Instagram and Oscar on the fluffy mat right below, snacking on nachos, passing some to the American as they spoke.
She couldn't help but giggle, stopping as she almost slipped off the roof.
She pulled out her phone, trying not to fall to her death or alert the residents of the house.
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She moved to see the boys' reaction, only to see him smiling, kicking his feet up.
"Oh my god, this is fucking adorable," she whispered to herself, clicking a picture, how they still hadn't noticed her was a mystery, weren't F1 drivers supposed to super attentive?
She went back to texting the unsuspecting boy.
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"Huh?" you heard the boy whisper to himself, perfect, both were distracted, now was your chance.
You jumped through the open window, making the two jump and scream. It was high-pitched and loud, making the brunette's parents run up to their room.
"IS IT THE SPIDER AGAIN?" His mother yelled, "OH HELL, DID A SNAKE GET IN?" His father questioned, as they pushed open the door, eyes wide looking around their son's room, only to find the laughing girl and their boys standing on the far end of the bed, hiding behind one other.
"How do you always fall for that?" The girl asked laughing at the prank she had been playing on her friends since she started coming home with them from their races at 16.
"Oh, sweetie, how was your flight?" His mother said, pulling you in for a hug, she ruffled your hair a little as she held you at arm's length to look at you, "It's been far too long since you visited!" She smiled and said.
His father patted her shoulder as well, "Oscar, go get her bags." he said while walking out of the room, making the boy still in shock complain, "But dad,", "Now, Oscar!" Was the only reply that came, making the girl stick out her tongue at her friend.
"How are you my parent's favourite!?" He screamed walking out the door.
"Actually, it Y/n, me and theeeeen you," Logan spread gasoline on the fire, "SHUT UP LOGAN," the boy threw a few nacho chips at the blond.
The girl let herself fall on the bed, taking Logan's phone off the charger, the boy followed suit, resting his head on her stomach, the girl lowering her phone so he could see what she was seeing as well.
She opened Twitter to find her simple tweet had practically gone viral.
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"Doesn't that bother you?" he asked making the girl raise her brow, "All these people who don't even know you and they hate you,"
She hummed as she wrapped a coil of blond hair around her finger, letting it loose and moving onto another, "I mean not really?" she started, "Sure it hurts when they call me just for hanging out with yall but it doesn't matter much cause at the end of the day I'm hanging out with yall," she explained, "It'd matter if y'all said something cause you know, you know me, but these don't mean shit, bruv," she said further, showing him the screen, where someone had suggested a club.
"Sounds good," he replied, beginning to doze off.
The flight had taken a lot out of the young girl, the jet lag finally catching up, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU HAVE IN THESE BAGS-", Oscar yelled as he walked into the room but quickly shut up as he saw his friends fast asleep. He pulled out his phone and quickly took a photo of the two for blackmail reasons and pulled a blanket over them.
Why he had to sleep on an air mattress, on the floor, in his own house, was a mystery to him but all of them had grown used to unpredictable chaos when they were together.
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what i wouldn't do to have her life 😮‍💨 also next Y/n and Arthur get home aloned and his brothers go through the 5 stages of grief thinking they'd gotten their 20-year-old brother and his friend kidnapped.
Taglist: @dark-night-sky-99 @cashtons-wife @i-wish-this-was-me @thehufflepuffavenger1 @eugene-emt-roe @fangirl-dot-com @landosgirlxoxo @aquangxl @sachaa-ff
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horanghaeluvsinniehae · 4 months
Discovered you by the skz bff drunkenly confessing and I got this idea (obviously don't use it if you dont feel like it or fet inspired, don't push yourself<3)
you went out with your brother that day to a cafe and caught up and han jisung from skz saw you and his heart broke, thinking he missed his chance and should've confessed to you earlier
And later, when he cancels your movie night, you call him and ask if he's okay
And he's like yeah just tired
Unusual cause he'd usually just come over and sleep on your couch, with your shoulder as his pillow
So you keep on poking and he blurbs out he doesn't wanna keep you from having fun with 'that guy'
And you're like, what are you talking about
So yeah, it turns out it's your brother, and you almost think he sounds relieved
So when he asks if he can still come over you're like sure hurry
And he thinks he hung up but he didn't so you just hear him giggling and yelling for chan telling him how he still has a chance and that he'll confess today cause he now knows how much he'd regret not doing it and he's so so happy and giddy and then he sees he hasn't hung up yet
So silence and then "please tell me you didn't hear that"
And continue however you wanna
And yeah I hope It makes sense have a beautiful day <3
Hi love! Gosh, I loved this idea and it was so entertaining to write!! I think this is my fav work so far😭 I hope you like it and that the others do as well!! Thank you for requesting!❤️‍🩹 And now i don’t have any requests left🥲feel free to request and please do so!
Pairing: Han Jisung!bff x gn!reader
Warning: jealous Hannie, small kiss and big authors note(apology)(please tell me if I missed anything!)
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Not too late!
You and your brother always had a special bond. Even after he moved to the other side of the country to study in Busan, you still kept in touch! Finally, after half a year you could set up a meeting in your childhood café.
As you entered the place, you spotted your brother sitting in a booth and nostalgia hit you. You teared up and swiftly went over to your brother, pulling him into a tight hug. He held you tightly and when he pulled away he held you by your face, examining you and the things that had changed.
Still standing and holding each other, the bell rang above the door signaling that a new customer had entered. You were so submerged in your own bubble that you didn’t notice. After the long hug, you sat down and immediately started talking about everything and anything.
On the other side of the cafè sat a young man sulking. Han Jisung was your long-time friend and you were also his long-time crush. When he came into the shop, -not knowing that you’ll also be there and not alone- the first thing that he saw was an unknown man holding your face and the two of you looking rather fondly at each other. His heart dropped and he froze in place.
He thought of the times he tried to confess to you, but chickened out at the last moment…he thought about how it could be him holding you close instead of that man…He regretted it all deeply and just wanted to turn back time.
He texted the other half of 3racha if you could meet up for lunch somewhere else. You told them that there were too many people here and you wouldn’t be able to have a normal conversation with each other. That was a lie-of course- because the place was almost empty. It was only three more couples plus you and your brother, but as understandable, he didn’t want to stay and see the two of you.
You talked to your brother for about three hours in the cafè. That was the fastest three hours of your life, to be honest. He had a meeting and then he promised to visit your parents too, so your time ended here. Although he told you that before he goes back to Busan he’ll see you again and you can have a chat like this.
On your way back to your apartment you saw the three boys walking. You ran up to them and Chan and Changbin were just as excited to bump into you as you were. On the other hand, Han was unusually unbothered to see you. You thought he was just tired so you gave him a light side-hug. Channie told you that they had to hurry back because they were late for their next practice. You bid goodbye to them and they did too, except Han who just did a little bow and started walking. The others looked at him questioningly, but just let it go.
“He’s been like this since we’ve met…don’t take it to heart please,” Binnie told you and patted your shoulder. They repeated their goodbyes and you parted ways.
That afternoon when you got home and settled down, you got a text notification. Once you unlocked your phone, you saw that it was a message from Han. As you opened his text, you froze and your heart started to race.
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After he went to practice, you still had the messages open and you just stared at them. You couldn't believe that this just happened. It was so random and out of nowhere but of course, you were incredibly happy and just couldn't believe that the boy you'd been pinning over liked you back.
After you snapped out of your trance, you realised that now you have two hours to make your apartment and yourself look presentable. You hurriedly went to take a shower and clean up the house.
Just as you finally got done with cleaning, you heard knocks on your front door. You nervously took a deep breath and went to open the door. Although you didn’t say that it was a date or anything like that, you dressed up a bit more fancy than usual. You thought about how awkward it would be if Han showed up in his casual practice clothes and that that’d make you feel like you misunderstood your earlier text exchange. But all your worries went away after you opened the door and a very cute and good-looking Hannie stood there, just as dressed up as you. He was wearing simple dress pants with a button-up, but he still looked so elegant, yet soft.
“Hi Y/nah! You look pretty!” Han said and both of you got flustered by his words.
“Thank you, Hannie, You look handsome too! Please come in!” You invited him inside and now you started to get more nervous.
After he got through the door he pulled up a small, but quite adorable bouquet. He held it up smiling big- “These are for you Y/nah!” -as you took it from him, you couldn’t stop smiling. You were feeling extremely happy and bubbly. Everything has been going great for you lately and tonight is just making it even better.
You were just looking at Hannie and suddenly he was right in front of you. He took your hands and rubbed the back of them with his thumbs. He took a deep breath- “Y/nah, I wanted to tell you how much I honestly like you and how glad I am that your brother is not your boyfriend.” -he laughed a bit embarrassed. “I truly admire you and you’re like the Sun when you enter a room. I feel honestly understood around you and you’re just one of the most loveable, kind and caring people I have ever met and that’s why I not-so-slowly feel for you…Y/nah I've never felt this way about anyone before, would you bless me by letting me be yours?” Han finished this speech and looked down at your hands in his while anxiously waiting for your reaction.
You were in complete awe and couldn't react normally so you just hugged him so so so tightly and whispered- “Yes yes and yes, Hanji a thousand times yes!” -into his ear while slightly jumping from happiness, but still hugging him.
Han was so relieved that you said yes that he started laughing at your reaction, but couldn’t refuse jumping softly with you. After your cute little moment, you pulled apart and looked each other in the eye, just smiling at each other.
Suddenly you felt yourself being pulled forward and then a pair of plushy lips landed on yours. In complete shock, you held onto him and melted into his kiss. It was a soft and delicate kiss, no tongue, no roughness. That kiss simply held all of your current emotions and feelings that you couldn't explain to each other in any better way than a tender kiss.
A/n: AAAAAAAAAAHHH *clears throat* sorry I just re-read the request and gosh I got so carried away when I started writing that I forgot to check the rest and now I feel bad bc it’s kind of nothing like the request:/ but I hope everyone liked it, and also apologise for the kiss scene😭 like I don't have any experience with kissing at all, but I felt like it needed a kiss scene😭 anyways thank you for reading and i hope you liked it!!
Please take care of yourself and be safe!🫂❤️‍🩹
Taglist: @justwonder113 @ihrtlix (if you want to be added please comment or write into asks!)
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inthememetime · 2 years
Alfred finds and adopts three homeless teens while the whole of the Batclan is away, the three teens are of course The Fentons. Alfred on the other hand had been dealing with a bit of Empty Nest Syndrome and takes the trio in, so by the time the rest of the Batclan filters back there are three extra people in the Manor but the Fentons deliberately ghost the rest of the residents.
I love this for four reasons:
The potential for Alfred, who wishes Bruce would stop adopting small violent children, realizing that HE is the same.
You can't tell me Alfred, Danny, Dani, and Jazz won't be BFFs. Jazz is the only (mostly) sane person in this house besides him. Dani absolutely WILL spy and report on injuries in exchange for more of that casserole. Danny and Alfred have similar sarcastic wit.
"If we had a nickel for every billionaire with a secret identity we know, we would each have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot, but weird it happened twice."
Shenanigans include:
At first, Alfred doesn't tell the Batfam because they're a family of detectives. Surely they'll notice. Over time, it becomes a contest of who can make them suspect the most without being found.
Alfred either playing it off or staring with a raised eyebrow when one of the Batfam asks why/if he's talking to himself.
Jazz can only be turned invisible in the nick of time so many times before somebody finds out about her. "It says here, Ms. Fenton, that you have a brother?" "Yes, Danny. He died. But don't worry, he got better!"
When Tim is forbidden caffeine for a week, Danny drinks his coffee super fast or Dani replaces it with chamomile tea with black food coloring.
Dani: "You know Dick, you really shouldn't do that."
Dick, after a moment of panic, realizing there's nothing in the room with him. "....God?"
Dani, realizing how much chaos she can cause: "yeah, that's me! God."
Danny and Dani take turns being human just to walk past open doors. They all look enough alike to Tim, Dick, Damien, and a young Jason in uncertain light that the rest of the fam has to do double takes.
When someone calls Constantine over as a favor, he takes 2 steps into the manner, says no, and RUNS.
"So I've heard the voice of God, and it sounds like a 14-year-old girl."
"....how hard did Bane hit you again?"
"God says Jason is the one who stole your book."
"...right ok."
Bruce decides he's gonna go be Batman while wounded. He snuck out, so Al calls his Secret Ghost Squad.
Batman is repeatedly interrupted (*cough* saved) by 2 OP glowing metas. Constantine will no longer cross Gotham's borders.
Danny: "You need more ectoplasm. You're a growing half-ghost."
Jason: *shoots the wall* "WHAT THE FUCK WHO WAS THAT?!"
Danny: would you believe it was God?
Jason: NO
Jason figures it out first because he's being parented by a dead guy. He actually doesn't mind that much because he gets to visit the GZ
Cass figures out second because she's observant.
Dick figures it out third by spraying 'God' with paint. He then realizes he attacked an invisible creature that can go through walls with no idea how to fight it.
Tim figures it out by deliberately putting salt in his coffee to see what would happen.
Damien finds Cujo. He is Upset that Cujo already has an owner. Danny tells Damien in exchange for Damien to stop yelling insults at him. (Dani calls him Weak for this, and tells Damien 15 minutes later because he thought she was calling HIM weak and had Opinions)
"Oh shit."
Steph bribes the 'house spirits' for prank help, and then tricks them. They tell her out of Respect.
Duke starts talking to himself about star output on his homework, gets stuck, and SpaceBoi helps. Duke's 10 minutes into stars actually being interesting for once before he realizes he's talking to a ghost.
Bruce has been introduced to them by Jazz. Alfred made her after the 4th sleepless night due to researching the surprise metas.
Dani: its cool dude, but now I have to go prank Tim. Bye!
Vlad shows up for a private meeting with Bruce Wayne. The ghosties reveal themselves in order to kick his ass.
Alfred is the only person who can get away with calling Danny 'Daniel' and Dani 'Danielle'. Anyone else has Serious Regrets.
The Joker breaks Alfred's leg in a bombing. He's never seen again. Danny, Dani, and Jazz are a little TOO innocent
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froot-batty · 9 months
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next batch of designs are done! gotham city sirens time >:) blurbs about them under the cut, along with explanations of flags and neurodivergencies!
Pamela Isley came from a rural flower farm a long ways from Gotham. Her parents let her run wild from a very young age, and one of her favorite places on their property to go was the pond, deep in the woods, where everything grew just a bit too tall and nothing looked quite as it should've. Pamela didn't know that this pond was actually highly polluted by the dumping of experimental chemicals from a nearby "research" laboratory. She thought being able to communicate with the plants - the Green, she called it - was completely normal.
...Until the people from that laboratory heard about the mysterious girl helping the plants grow stranger. They came to Pamela's parents to ask if it would be possible to study it, and they, not realizing what exactly that meant, agreed. They whisked it away to a facility in Gotham, where Pamela would end up never seeing it's parents again.
She was kept there for the rest of her childhood and into her adulthood, being experimented on until she twisted into the plant beast that she is today. When she escaped, it came after years of hiding the true strength of her powers, so she could build them up enough to turn the facility to rubble.
(It is AroAce, Agender, and Intersex)
Harleen Quinzel always had trouble controlling her impulses. Coming from a very wealthy, very upper-crust family, any step out of line was harshly corrected by either of her parents. As a child she didn't know any better, but after years and years of repression coming from her family, she eventually clammed up and tried to fit into their perfect little mold. This included going to medical school, though she did at least get to pick something she was genuinely passionate about - psychology.
Harley was finally living on their own by the time they started working at Arkham, though they'd not yet broken out of that mental control their parents still had over them. Being in Arkham was like being on an alien planet. They had come from a world where everyone was fake, and Arkham seemed so...real. Talking with their patients opened their mind up even further. Even if what they did was violent, or utterly nonsensical to everyone else, insanity seemed like it was a sort of freedom that Harley never had.
This was compounded by it meeting the Joker. He saw that piece of it that wanted, desperately, to get free, and through their sessions he was able to get into it's head and...push it over the edge, so to speak.
(Harley and the Joker are not explicitly romantically involved in this, I should mention. They've got a weird queerplatonic thing going on. Also they're not toxic they're BFFs forever)
(They are Pansexual, Genderfluid, and have ADHD and Borderline Personality Disorder)
Selina Kyle grew up like an alley cat on the streets of Gotham. With two addict parents in the Narrows who cared very little about her, she was virtually homeless, with how little time she spent at home and how much she spent wandering the dangerous streets. It was in the Narrows that she met one of her closest childhood friends, Harvey Dent, and through him, the elusive Bruce Wayne.
The three of them were thick as thieves all through her childhood, though began to drift away when college time came around. Bruce had up and left the moment he turned 18 without any real warning to the two of them, and Harvey was off to college to try and become a lawyer. This left Selina all alone, once again.
But she had made a pact to herself. She didn't want to live on the streets of Gotham forever. She had started pickpocketing from a very young age, so she would just expand her skills - become Gotham's cat burglar. It started out as only a way to pay her bills, but she found she grew addicted to the feeling of it; the freedom of being able to slip into wherever she wanted and make some poor, rich fool a million dollars short. It was a sort of revenge for her (and the regular cash flow didn't hurt).
She was surprised when Bruce came back to Gotham and tried to reconnect with her. They hadn't talked in over a decade, but they found themselves reconnecting with surprising ease. Their close friendship would drive Harvey mad with jealousy, but neither of them realized that until it was too late.
The scar on her face is from Harvey's attempt on her life, after he became Two-Face.
(She is a Lesbian)
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heich0e · 1 year
the heart is but a winding road p.1 - shouto todoroki/f!reader (1.3k) pro-hero shouto, we're talkin late 20s early 30s-ish, this independent bachelor turned begrudging father figure fic was almost certainly inspired by buddy daddies, pure fluff, sho is about to make a new bff who happens to be 5 years old much to everyone's surprise
YOU ARE HERE - p.2 - p.3 - p.4 (upcoming)
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It’s not that Shouto wouldn’t make a good parent. Quite the opposite really. It’s just that after his tumultuous upbringing, he’s more at peace with the idea of spending his adulthood independently. He’s a bit awkward with kids anyway. Doesn’t know how to talk to them. The idea of having one toddling along behind him 24/7 makes him kinda itchy and uncomfortable, like when sweaters are made with synthetic material and get put through the dryer.
His friends often tell him he’ll probably change his mind as he gets older. His family does too. But he keeps getting older and his stance stays the same. Fuyumi gets married and starts having kids first. Natsuo and his partner eventually adopt as well after trying for a few years. Denki elopes on a trip abroad and has three kids before their graduating class has even hit 25. Kirishima is next. Momo. Sero. Slowly, everyone Shouto knows is settling down and getting married and starting families.
And he just… doesn’t want that.
“‘Scuse me.”
Shouto is staring at a puddle in the middle of the street one afternoon, lost in his thoughts. It’s just stopped raining, and everything around him on the city street is soaked as the water slowly pools and slithers away into the storm drains. His phone is in his hand, open to where Uraraka has just sent a text to the old class 1-A group chat to announce she’s having her second baby.
Shouto turns towards the sound that interrupted his swirling thoughts, and a pair of wide eyes gazes up at him from roughly thigh-height. 
“Yes?” the man asks, polite but a bit clipped, as he stares down warily at the child by his feet.
The kid probably wants a picture, he realizes. Even out of his Pro Hero suit he’s still fairly recognizable, and it’s a common occurrence. He’s got a baseball cap and mask on today though, and really hadn’t wanted to be spotted.
“Uhhh, uhmm…” the kid stammers, tugging at the hem of their little yellow rain jacket.
Shouto sighs a little.
“Do you want a pho-“
“Littering is bad!”
The child’s hands are balled up into determined little fists at their sides, their eyes squeezed closed like they mustered all their strength to say the words.
And Shouto is… speechless.
“Uh,” he falters, uncertain what the hell is even happening. “Yeah?”
The kid's eyes open again, and this time they look more resolved than they had a moment prior. Less friendly, too.
“So why’d you LITTER?”
People walking by on the sidewalk are starting to stare now, and Shouto gets that itchy, uncomfortable sensation that he hates as he feels the prickle of their eyes on him.
“What are you talking about?” he asks the child nervously, tugging his cap down a little further over his face.
The kid puffs out their cheeks indignantly.
“You dropped this garbage on the ground back there.” Clutched in the child’s tiny fist is a slip of paper—a receipt, Shouto quickly surmises. His receipt from the shop he’d just visited, which must have fallen from his pocket when he’d pulled out his phone. The little gremlin waves it around accusatorially. “And you didn’t pick it up! That’s littering.”
Shouto crouches down to meet the kid at eye-level, hoping that, if nothing else, it will stop raising its voice if he gets a bit closer.
“That was an accident,” Shouto tries to explain—tries to deescalate the situation—but the look on the child’s face doesn’t soften in the slightest. The worst part about all of this is that Shouto does actually need that receipt. He eyes it for a moment, contemplating his next move, and then he sighs. “Can I have that back?”
“No,” the kid answers immediately. “Littering is a crime and this is my eminence.”
“Your what?” the man asks flatly.
“My eminence,” the kid replies, turning their nose up at him like he’s the one being foolish.
Shouto blinks blankly at the knee-high pain in his ass.
“Nao! Nao!”
A startled, frantic voice makes Shouto’s head turn on instinct—the panic igniting a sense, an alertness, that’s been long-engrained in him.
He spots you down the road, an umbrella in your hand and a flustered but relieved look on your face, racing towards him.
Shouto is confused for a moment, until he remembers he’s not alone.
“Mama!” the present bane of Shouto’s existence melts into something unrecognizable to the thorn they’d been in his side only a moment prior—their tone sweet and excited when they spot you jogging over.
“Nao-chan,” you breathe, falling to your knees on the sidewalk and wrapping your arms around their little yellow-raincoat clad body, “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
“Mama, I caught a criminal!” the child, who Shouto can only assume is named Nao, says excitedly as they point an eager finger in his direction.
You turn and face Shouto with a startled look on your face.
This day is really not going his way.
Your cautious eyes scan Shouto for a moment, understandably wary considering your child just proudly labelled him a criminal, but he sees a flicker of recognition kindling behind your gaze that melts away your initial look of mistrust. Begrudgingly, he reaches up and loops a finger under the edge of his mask, tugging it down to his chin to reveal his face.
Your lips part, then close again.
“Nao-chan, I think you made a mistake,” you say softly to the child tucked against your side.
“Nuh-uh, Mama! I caught him littering and I got eminence!” 
“Evidence, baby,” you correct the child gently.
“Yeah, that!”
You squeeze your eyes shut, looking vaguely mortified, and huff out a little laugh.
“I’m so sorry,” you say to Shouto, an apologetic grimace on your face, “he’s been obsessed with the recycling hero lately. It’s all he talks about.”
Shouto eyes the child, the boy, at your side. He’s familiar with Reductro, the Recycling Hero, but only vaguely. He’s been working with the education branch of the Hero Commission for the past few years, teaching kids to minimize their waste and promote taking care of the environment, and the two have met in passing a few times through work and the like. Shouto had no idea he had these kind of die-hard fans.
“You like Reductro?” Shouto asks the kid curiously.
The little boy’s face lights up.
“He’s the best!”
“What’s so cool about him?” Shouto asks, genuinely interested.
“He came to my school last week and he helps to get plastic outta the ocean!” The little boys eyes sparkle as he replies. “He took a gillion plastic bags out of the bay last year!”
Shouto purses his lips. that is pretty cool.
“Nao, give the nice hero back his receipt now, please,” you urge your son, seemingly eager to end this ordeal amicably. 
The little boy squints up at Shouto’s face, shuffling a bit closer. “You’re a hero?” he asks skeptically.
Shouto nods. “I’m Pro Hero Shouto.”
The little boy’s jaw gapes, and Shouto feels a little swell of smugness in his chest. He’s the number three hero after all, the kid must have heard of him.
“Do you know Reductro?”
The swell of his hubris deflates immediately. 
A few more words are exchanged as Nao—Naoyuki, age 5, likes Pro Hero Reductro and dislikes broccoli, as Shouto comes soon to learn—returns his misplaced receipt and you apologize again for your son’s overzealousness. With a few polite bows and one last apology for good measure, the three of you part ways—Naoyuki’s little rain boots thumping along the sidewalk as the two of you depart hand-in-hand.
Shouto looks down at the paper in his palm after you’re gone, unable to shake the foreign feeling that’s crept over him, and curled itself into his chest underneath his ribs. He clasps his fingers around the troublesome receipt and shoves his hand into his coat pocket as he sets off in the direction of his apartment.
He keeps the little slip of paper tightly in his grip the entire way home.
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sixosix · 2 years
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blurb little au where a third changes everything and katsuki and izuku stayed friends—only because katsuki refuses to have you alone with izuku.
# fem!reader, 1-A shenanigans, fluff and humor, childhood bffs are something else, says 1-A student, NO ROMANCE? BUT YES PINING
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the order goes like this: katsuki, izuku, then you.
katsuki leads first—he always does, izuku exclaims happily—while izuku likes to follow after him, happy to be in the middle of his best friends, and you trail after izuku, comfortable with getting to watch the way his hair bounces every step. it reminds you of a bunny, you explained once.
what some notice except for you three, is that katsuki likes to follow after you. it’s instinct sometimes, to have katsuki lingering around you as you interact with people outside of your small group.
mitsuki gushed about how hilarious it was that you three sometimes end up in metaphorical circles with how katsuki trails after you like a lost puppy.
inko wonders if it is normal for her child to have hearts for eyes, gushing over you about the littlest of things.
“this is so dumb!” you exclaim, glaring hard with all your might. “i hate this! izuku was right about you!”
katsuki and izuku watch as you continue to glower at your untied shoes with such fierceness that it almost makes katsuki wonder if you got it from him.
“it’s just a damn shoelace,” katsuki grunts. “you're so dramatic.” he nudges the boy beside him with a sharp elbow. “she got it from you, definitely. your dummy-ness rubbed off on her.”
“ah, sorry, kacchan!” izuku doesn't look sorry; he looks seconds away from bursting into a fit of giggles as you fail over and over again to tie your shoelaces. but his hands keep twitching as if he wants to help.
“oh my fucking god, give that to me.”
katsuki knocks your hands away and twirls the shoelaces around his fingers, eyeing you while giving a demonstration. izuku holds you up by the small of your back when you lose balance, smiling widely.
“fuckin’ watch this, alright? you fold it like this, put them like this, and then insert this one—and just like that.”
it goes like this:
“so cool, kacchan!” izuku squeals. katsuki grunts, because that’s the 27th time izuku has said that today. “are you okay, y/n-chan?”
“thank you, katsuki,” you mutter shyly, a little too quiet because you have an ego. “yes i am, izuku. thank you.”
“whatever, fuck off,” katsuki says, pleased either way because it feels good hearing it from you. “shitty nerds.”
izuku beams, hugging your head.
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even now, in UA.
you thought katsuki would be a little ashamed to be friends with someone from the support course, but never has he shown that he was bothered. he just looks at you with the same, sharp blood red eyes, and looks at others with hostility in them.
izuku, of course, is far from ashamed. in fact, he’s delighted that you're in UA with them. his eyes sparkle every time his eyes slide over to you and he sees you in the uniform. he is so cute.
1-A watches as the door slides open and immediately katsuki and izuku are fretting over you; and you, unfazed, as they talk over each other. katsuki thwacks izuku’s head and you coo over izuku and katsuki throws a tantrum when izuku blushes.
“wow, that's the first time i've seen blasty not-hostile around someone,” mina squeals, “and she's a girl! could this be!?”
“this is the first time i've seen deku-kun act so smoothly around a girl, too,” uraraka adds, smiling eagerly, thirsty for drama.
double woah.
“chill,” jirou says, but she’s also observing the strange sight, “what if she’s, like, the sister of one of them?”
“probably bakugo’s then.”
“yeah. he barely tolerates midoriya.”
“or maybe she's midoriya’s sister and bakugou has a crush on her?”
triple woah.
as if sensing that the class is whispering about them, bakugou and midoriya spin around to meet the eyes of their classmates, one glaring and one shy.
then, midoriya whispers something to your ear, to which you excitedly nod at.
1-A watches in awe as you wave, eyes bright at the sight of hero students. “hello! my name is l/n y/n, it's nice to meet you.” added with a polite bow.
mina makes a noise of awe. “wow, you're so pretty! you're cute!”
you seem to be flustered, but the gentle smile that follows means you know how to handle compliments. probably because you’re best friends with midoriya izuku.  “ah… thank you. you’re also pretty…”
kaminari grins to himself, about to open his mouth but unfortunately, bakugou is faster.
“quit it,” bakugo snarls, stepping forward in front of you, “leave her alone, you fucking extras.”
but before any of his classmates can protest, you nudge bakugou with a sly grin. “don’t worry, kacchan, i think you’re also pretty.”
“s— shut the fuck up, stupid! that’s not what i fucking meant!”
midoriya snorts and then laughs loudly; they’ve never heard that from him before. “kacchan! did you just stutter?”
“awh, katsuki,” you coo, pinching his red cheeks and magically didn’t get blown off the face of the earth. midoriya stifles his giggles and you smile softly at the freckled boy’s delighted face.
maybe it’s a love triangle, except both boys are truly, madly, deeply in love with the same girl.
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class 1-A sees you the second time when it’s 8 pm and everyone is preparing to go to bed.
the couch across the television is occupied, with a familiar mop of green curls and a shock of pale blond—but there’s also someone in the middle.
“is that l/n-san?” uraraka whispers to her classmates nearby, eyeing the three figures with surprise.
katsuki is on the far corner, resting his cheek on his palm (that would hurt when he wakes up) with his other around your waist, while you’re laying on his chest, your hand resting on midoriya’s head as the boy sleeps soundly on your lap, mouth hanging open and soft snores coming off his mouth.
both the boys are still asleep, but you’re wide awake, smiling contentedly. you meet the curious eyes of 1-A and raise your finger in a shh motion.
(everyone stays silent when you fall asleep a few minutes later as midoriya and bakugou blink awake. bakugou moves to carry you back to your dorm, while midoriya clings to you like a koala bear. they glare at each other. they end up staying on the couch for the entire night, protective limbs wrapped around you.)
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“young bakugou and young midoriya… do they not like each other?”
aizawa turns to all might lazily, eyeing the frail man with narrowed eyes. “not like that. they see each other as rivals.”
all might brightens. “ah! in the hero rankings? they’re both fit for number one.”
“mm, maybe more than the rankings.”
both teachers watch as bakugou and midoriya jump around the training area, palms lit up and arms smothered in lightning green. push and pull. feral grins. aizawa takes a glance at another student watching the boys from the sidelines, notebook and pen in hand but too entranced to write anything.
all might follows his gaze. “that’s young l/n, yes? the support course student young bakugou and midoriya always want nearby.” he laughs. “those boys only work together perfectly when it comes to l/n.”
aizawa smiles under his scarf so no one else would catch a glimpse of it. “the three of them together…they’re formidable. but if you take l/n out, you might as well be a dead man to both of them.”
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even now, as official pro heroes.
it goes like this: katsuki blasting his way to the top but never too far, izuku always somehow one step ahead of everyone but always somehow waiting for his best friends, and you, pushed forward by two pairs of hands.
the wonder trio. the big three. always together, but out of reach from anyone else.
everyone always wonders if you like one of them more than the other.
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a/n. yes it ends there LOOOOOL!11 this fic focuses more on friendship bc i loooove friendship, but if anyones interested i might make fics with a route for each of them as endgame hmmmm
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readercognito · 3 months
Lantern Plankton Migration
Nereus x Reader
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(Y/n) shot Flora a withering look, not to be combated with Flora’s famous puppy eyes. But (Y/n) held her ground…For ten seconds.
“Fine! I’ll go to the stinking party!” (Y/n) caved, throwing her arms in the air.
Flora cheered, choosing to ignore (Y/n)’s next comment “Who knew that zooplankton migration was Andros’ version of summer solstice…” 
“I’m so glad you're coming! No one else can, other than Aisha. And I’ll get to show you off as the newest member of the winx club!” Flora said excitedly.
“And here I was hoping to have a quiet Saturday after all that Trix nonsense…” (Y/n) said grumbling, but couldn’t help the smile that shone through. “Well, at least it’ll be a fun Saturday with my BFF!” (Y/n) said, jumping into the excitement right along Flora.
“Right?! And I have the perfect outfits for us!” Gushed Flora.
“Oh, is it…?” (Y/n) said, hyping her best friend up. Pointing to a certain set of outfits in Flora’s closet.
“You guessed it! We’re splitting the co-ords!” Flora squeed. 
“YAAS! But I call dibs on using the top.” (Y/n) said, and grinned with mock cunning.
“Aww…so mean.” Flora said with false disappointment.
And that’s how the girls showed up to the party. (Y/n) wore a flutter sleeve tube top with a tropical floral pattern and a pair of white high-waisted shorts. While Flora was rocking a maxi skirt of the same pattern, with a slit to the mid-thigh and a black lettuce edge crop top. Aisha came swayed over to the girls,
“Well, well, don’t you look like a pair of baddies!” She said, hugging both girls. “So glad you guys came.”
Flora gave nothing but a smile, (Y/n) laughing “Like we would miss it! Plus Flora threw those puppy eyes at me… Can’t ever say no to that.”
The girls all laughed at (Y/n)s’ little joke. Aisha turned towards the moon pool in the center of her family's pavilion walking (Y/n) and Flora over to greet her cousins.
“You haven’t met my cousins yet have you (Y/n)?” Asked Aisha as they made their way over.
“Can’t say I have, I was in Linphea College during that whole ocean… fiasco.” (Y/n) said, shrugging. Waving her arms around a bit when mentioning the betrayal of Tritannus.
“Well you’ll get to meet them now!” Aisha said as the girls got to the pool, turning and gesturing to two of the mer-people within the moon pool “Hey guys! I know you know Flora, but we have a brand new member of the winx club! This is (Y/n).” She said, presenting (Y/n) to the merman and mermaid. (Y/n) smiled and gave a little wave. “(Y/n), these are my cousins Tressa, and Nereus!” Aisha said pointing to the mermaid, and merman respectively.
“OH! So you’re fishlips’ brother!” (Y/n) said before she could stop herself. Seeing Nereus and Tressas’ confused glances she continued “Sorry, little nickname I gave him during Flora and I’s talks. So sorry about that whole thing by the way, it must have been devastating for you three. I just wished he didn’t get pushed to that point, ya know?” (Y/n) said a bit melancholy.
Nereus gave a solemn nod in agreement. Her sentiments (and playful insult) instantly endeared (Y/n) to him.
Tressa decided to lighten the mood, “Ah, it’s all in the past now… Come on! the lantern plankton are about to arrive!” She said diving into the moon pool.
Aisha and Flora transforming into their sirenix forms and diving in after her, Nereus hesitated with (Y/n). Waiting patiently to follow after her.
“What’s the matter?” asked Nereus when (Y/n) made no moves to enter the moon pool.
“Would now be a bad time to mention that I don’t have any spells to help me breathe underwater?” (Y/n) said, gesturing towards the pool where her friends disappeared.
Nereus laughed, it was a little funny to see someone so confident get nervous so quickly. 
“Here, stay next to me. I think I’ve got something for that.” Nereus said gently, pulling (Y/n) into the water.
(Y/n) chose not to protest, even though her clothes were getting wet. She was curious to see what the ocean prince would do. Nereus gently placed his arm around (Y/n)'s waist, amazed at her immediate trust in him, wondering aloud.
“You trust quickly,” he said.
“Oh no I don’t! But Flora trusts you.” (Y/n) said her expression turning serious “Which means you're someone worth putting at least a little faith in.” (Y/n) said, instantly returning back to her lighthearted teasing.
Nereus felt his cheeks warm a bit at the statement. He wasn’t sure why, since most people he knew praised his good character. But hearing from (Y/n), who was such a bombastic and friendly person herself, made it feel like guppies were swimming around in his gut. Realizing that (Y/n) had been patiently waiting for him for a bit he hurriedly placed an underwater breathing spell on her. Tucking her to his side and swimming her into the open water. Which made (Y/n) realize something about the spell rather quickly…
“You jerk! Ya could’a told me that the spell keeps you dry!” said (Y/n) playfully, slapping Nereus on the arm.
“Oh, my apologies! I guess I don’t really consider these sorts of things…” Nereus said, cheeks flaming with embarrassment.
(Y/n) couldn’t help but laugh, covering her mouth trying to hide her smile. “Relax, I’m not actually mad. Now come on, take me to this plankton march… thing.” she said,
“The lantern zooplankton migration?” Nereus said, raising a playful quizzical eyebrow. 
He wasn’t used to people talking so relaxed with him, being a crown prince and all. But he was enjoying it. (Y/n) brought out a playful side to him that he hadn’t had since his brother's banishment.
(Y/n) just rolled her eyes with a laugh, allowing Nereus to swim her to the observation area. Meeting up with Aisha, Flora, and Tressa. They talked until the plankton appeared. It was a beautiful sight, it was like glowing living smoke. The colors shifted with the twists and turns of the zooplankton colony. Everyone was quiet with awe, the occasional sounds of wonder murmuring through the crowd at a particular color shift or swirl of the plankton.
Then something amazing happened, while the rest of the spectators with a large swath of the lantern plankton, a small arm of the colony meandered it’s way to (Y/n). Swirling around her (Y/n) reached out to them, playing with the little creatures pushing them to and fro. Nereus gazed at her, smitten. It was like an aquatic halo of multicolored light surrounded (Y/n), highlighting all her glorious features. Nereus could only equate what he was witnessing, to the magnetic beauty of a siren. Her light hearted genuine laughter was music to his ears. Nereus was bewitched by her, body and soul. Only the lantern plankton hurrying back to their migration was what returned him from his stupor. The tail end of the colony disappears into the ocean waters, causing the spectators to return to their homes.
The swim back to the party was a jovial one. Aisha gushed about (Y/n) and the lantern plankton, since it was something that no one had ever seen before. (Y/n) described how wonderful it felt to be amongst such amazing creatures. And it wasn’t until the trio of girls started making their good-byes that Nereus realized he might not see (Y/n) again for quite some time. It was now or never.
(Y/n) heard Nereus call her over, when got closer to him he waved her down to his level. However when (Y/n) leaned down, she felt lips on her cheek and heard a splash.
“Nereus! I’m so gonna get you back for that!”
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