#people will have relationship problems money problems job problems family problems
navramanan · 6 months
Isnt it crazy how yes, my liberation notes makes me feel seen in some parts, it also makes me want to die for the things that i dont have compared to the characters
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loveemagicpeace · 6 months
North node in houses🌠
🫧North node in 1st house-you can fight with your personality, appearance, courage and fear. You have the feeling that you never have enough courage to do something or you are afraid that you will embarrass yourself or that you will look stupid. The most important thing here is that u trust yourself. Maybe you can pay too much attention to what others think, but the mission here is to pay attention to yourself. The key lessons of the north node in first house are developing independence and learning to be brave and stand up for yourself. You also need to let go of the abandonment issues and clinginess. You have to find a way to find yourself (many times someone can help you), especially the person who have the first house placements can open you up a lot personally.
💗North node in 2nd house- many times you can have problems with your value. People with this placement often struggle between materialism and love. Many times you can feel that money shows your worth. Which means that without money you can feel worthless. You can see love through money or you can feel that this is why people love you. You can feel power through money, valuable things, cars & everything related to luxury. You may have problems with food or you may have an unhealthy relationship with food (this can be in several ways). Let's say you only eat once a day. Many times you can lose your appetite if you have too many worries (especially money-related). Also I don’t know why but I noticed that these people don't like music. In general, it's hard for you to find pleasure in life, but it's actually one of the most important things. U are worthy! Remember that.
💬North node in 3rd house- you may have a problem with speaking, expressing yourself. It is difficult for you to find the right words to describe how you feel or what you want to say. NN guides individuals along a path of mental and social growth. Communication and writing are very important with this placement. You can develop as a person a lot through writing and journaling. You can have close friends or you can be happily married, but you feel that you are a stranger in your local community.
🏖️North node in 4th house- you have a problem finding your safe place, people with whom you feel safe and at home. You want to have your own private space where it's just you. There is a tendency to want to control everything and everyone, what can cause you trouble in your family life. It is hard for you to cooperate with others. Maybe you felt like you never had anyone who was really there for you or with whom you felt completely safe. Your home can sometimes be an unsafe place for you. In this life u have to find your safe place and people.
🎠North node in 5th house- you may have trouble finding your joy. Maybe it's hard for you to be in the energy of a child or to give in to your inner child. I think a little prince book would be good for people with this north node-to remember what it's like to be a child and surrendered in your childish joy. You may have trouble showing your talents and being seen. You can also have a dating problem. You can also feel lonely, even though you are surrounded with people. Many people with this placement are afraid of standing up for themselves and prioritizing their own wishes. You have to learn to shine on your own. Find things that make you happy. Remeber the happy memories.
🌸North node in 6th house- you have problems finding your own routine. Maybe many times you have a problem with your health (in the sense that you worry too much about how things will turn out or not at all). Maybe it is difficult for you to find a suitable job or a job that would really interest you. This north node also suggests that you are prone to escapism. Maybe it's hard for you to stay in one routine. But since this house is also connected with animals, others, the physical body - this can also mean that you have a problem with getting along with animals or you have a more alienated attitude towards them (not necessarily), it can also mean that you often face the loss of animals.
🎨North node in 7th house- you can have relationship problems, stay in a relationship, or let go completely. You may always have the feeling that something is missing or that the person is not giving you as much as you thought. Many times you can be hurt by people. Maybe you never feel fully accepted in a relationship. You may face a lot of ups and downs in life, justice, maybe even a divorce, or maybe your marriage is more challenging. You want to do things your own way. This also suggests that you don’t like taking advice from others. Here you have to learn to accept the opinion of others and listen.
🌊North node in 8th house-you maybe have issues with your intimacy or being intimate with others. It’s similarly to Scorpio north node. You also have some trust issues and you do not easily trust people actually. It's very hard for you to trust someone and really believe them. You can carry a lot of secrets within you. Maybe since you being a child or from your very early age. It could be some secrets about your family and you don't want to tell anybody. You feel like nobody really gets you or understand you or that nobody will accept your dark side. Can also be some dark stuff about your family that you're ashamed to. You want someone who will be there for you forever. Somebody that will never die(vampire diaries thing),somebody that will never leave you ,somebody you can trust with all your heart. Ride or die kind of love.
🧁North node in 9th house-it is difficult for you to find faith, meaning and optimism. You may have lost your faith as a child and it is difficult for you to find something to believe in again. It can also mean that your faith has disappointed you and that the things you strongly believed in were not what you thought they were. Goals are to find meaning and live for it. You have to learn to live in the moment and enjoy the given moment, because you never know if you will be able to experience something twice. You have to grow through what you are. Another key life lesson with this placement is developing a sense of freedom.
☕️North node in 10th house-In this lifetime, you can experience tremendous growth in this life area if you are willing to face the challenges and lack of experience. Your soul wants to take responsibility for your life and become the master of your own ship. You may have trouble building a career or feeling worthy of it. Many times you are looking for your place in this life and among the audience. You want to be seen and noticed. You want to make an impression. You may have a problem with your father or your relationship with him may be a bit distant. It can also be that it is difficult for you to be around people who are older than you and that you feel uncomfortable.
🐚North node in 11th house- you can have problems with friends. Maybe it's hard for you to find a friend who would really understand you and see you for who you are. Many times you feel like you don't belong in the group and that you are the outsider in the group. Even though you craved friendships, the north node in 11th house suggests that in the past, you didn’t fit in well in any circle of friends. Many north node in 11th house people are lonely as children and young adults. You may have a problem keeping friends and people around you, and quickly people don't suit you.
❄️North node in 12th house- you have a problem with staying hidden. You have the feeling that people don't see and understand you the way you would like them to. People with this placement tend to be hard on themselves. It can be harder for you to forget and forgive things. People with this placement are strongly attached to reality. It is actually hard for you to be dreamy. In your lifetime you can meet a lot of people who are spiritual. The north node in the twelfth house indicates that you have to let go sometimes. Immersing yourself in the world of fantasy and the divine helps you find balance in your life.
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ivesambrose · 21 days
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Starting off new pick a cards with something sweet and simple that everyone can look forward to.
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Picture 1
Its likely you've felt rather helpless and alone, as though life has been testing you to the point it feels like a schedule to get to them and tick them off in your mental notepad once done. It is likely you've felt extra strained in your home environment or hometown, you may have attempted to leave but something or the other comes your way. You may have felt consistently blocked or unable to leave or unable to find a solution to a problem you've been facing in regards to your house or family.
A small part of you then decided to turn the worst case scenarios in your favour somehow. One of the ways being, "all of these sufferings will be rewarded. At least, mine will." I imagine you said this to yourself through gritted teeth. I want to tell you that the first thing you're manifesting is learning and accepting that suffering for rewards and accomplishments as poetic as they sound, shouldn't be the default settings you function under.
You're manifesting -
• A solution and clarity. No more illusions that worry you from taking the next step or making a decision.
• A community that allows you to bloom. New friends and network.
• Relocation.
• An end to apathy and boredom.
• An end to turmoil, stagnation and feeling of lack and helplessness.
• The beginning you've been anticipating as everything ends around you.
Timings: The coming 3 months.
Picture 2
You may have felt a lack of proper guidance in your life. That no matter what mentor came through or what ever path you sought to follow, everything somehow got complicated when you looked up to it. So many contradictions and so many lies. So you decided the only constant guidance are your own experiences and intuition. There's a life of adventure you seek, a career that lets you live the way you've wanted, for your words to inspire others without coming off too preachy and pretentious. Life has lacked stability likely due to external forces because you've time and time again done your best to obtain the stability that had been taken away from you. There's an intention you had set some time back and that is finally coming into fruition. Thing is, you knew it was going to happen anyway no matter how dire it seemed, you just needed to water this intention by directing your energy to it. You're manifesting -
• Increase in creativity with the energy to express it as well. Feeling in charge of your life. Leading rather than being led.
• Travelling to foreign locations for higher education or job/career. A career that lets you travel or involves travel.
• More money or increase in finances in general.
• More things or subjects to learn and achieve proficiency in.
Timings : Sooner than you expect. (Likely Gemini season for some)
Picture 3
You don't really shy away from challenges but certain incidents have made you question your faith and entire belief systems, later people and lastly yourself. You're trying to find a middle ground for yourself and also wondering how many transformations till your quiet breakdowns stop. Some of you really want to leave, something that brought you comfort is only bringing you anxiety now and giving you extreme mood swings. It seems as though you're wondering if any efforts you're putting into what you want is even worth it. Quiet your mind for some time. Even for a minute. Till the minutes eventually pass and your mind feels quiet for once. It's okay to have a head full of no thoughts at times. You're manifesting -
• Emotional regulation.
• Better health.
• Luck and expansion.
• Knowledge that you can put into use.
• For some better relationship with a maternal figure or their parents.
• Sudden wealth or unexpected wealth or property.
• Protection from distrustful and downright vindictive energy.
• Success, recognition and enjoying the fruits of your labour. Succeeding in anything you've been wanting to manifest for yourself actually. No extra steps or rules and regulations to follow. Simply acceptance.
Timings: Within 2 months.
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lua-magic · 1 month
Third lord and your past Life skills
Third House is house of courage and initiation, that is why malefics are good in it, especially Mars is exalted.
Third Lord shows which area you will use your courage to manifest your desires.
Third Lord in first house 🏠
Such people are extremely hard working and get everything in their life only through hard work .
Natives love to learn new skills and start new projects in their life, only thing they should care is not to rush into anything and use your logic as well before starting any projects whether they are capable of finishing it as well or not
Third lord in second house
Such natives are good with communication and especially in cooking skills and has great financial knowledge as well. Native shows lot of courage to gain wealth in their life.
Third Lord is considered as malefic planet because wherever it sits it creates problems, so be careful about your family and communication. Choose your words carefully.
Third lord in third house
Good placement, as Native will show courage to fulfill their desires and to earn Money from their passion.
Such natives are extremely artistic in nature and loves to keep learning new skills. .
If you have siblings then keep healthy relationship with your siblings this will help you in your professional life. Such natives desires lot of material wealth in their life.
Third house is if travel, so short travels are good for manifeing their desires.
Third Lord in fourth house.
Fourth house is of comfort and luxury and native will show courage to earn comfort and luxury especially, they have subconscious desires towards owning a cozy home and vehicle and decorating it
Such natives sometimes suffer from anxiety and mental issues. Such natives should be careful about relationship with their mother.
Native has good skills when it comes to cleaning and decorating their cars and House.
Third lord in fifth house 🏠
Native will be skilled in teaching and show courage for romance, native have desire to earn name, fame and success.
Native would be attached to their kids.
Native should be careful with regards to kids as there could be misunderstanding and separation.
Third lord in sixth house 🏠
Native will use his/her skills in job and nitpicking and finding faults.
Native will show courage in solving other's problems and will serve others.
Native will be attached to pets and animals.
Native should be careful about his career choices
Third Lord in seventh house
Native has subconscious desires for relationship and show his courage in buisness and partnerships .
Native is skilled in buisness and public dealings.
Native should be careful about their marriage.
Third Lord in eighth house
Native has highly active subconscious mind and great Intuition.
Native is skilled in research, occult, astrology, and such natives are great spy, secret service agents as they can sense and hidden things
They will show lot of courage in understanding secrets and revealing truth.
They should be careful with relationship with their in laws
Third lord in nighth house
Native is highly skilled in counselling and mentoring and in higher education
Native will show courage towards travelling especially to religious places.
Native should be careful about their relationship with their father.
Native subconsciously seek righteousness and morality.
Third lord in tenth house
Native will show lot of courage in their job, but as third Lord is considered malefic, it does gives trouble in in professional life and won't let native to settle for long time and native desires job satisfaction.
Native should be careful about the profession especially, the boss under which they want to work, so don't choose company but rather choose the boss
Third lord in eleventh house
Native subconsciously desires lot of sudden gains in their life.
They will show lot of courage to create multiple sources of income.
Native would skilled in earning good amount of money.
Native should be careful, as sometimes native becomes too lustful and greedy and loose their wealth so always follow strict moral values while earning money and don't run behind quick money.
Third lord in Twelfth house
This also makes native subconscious mind active, and sometimes disturb night sleep.
Native desires to go spirituality, yoga and meditation and foreign land settlement.
Native will show lot of courage to move away from his mother land or settle away from birth place.
If native is religious then will be devoted to their deity and will see dreams regarding to to their deity as well.
Native may suffer from overthinking and anxiety as well .
Native also carries some past life memories or traumas or special skills that native can come to know through their dreams .
Native should be careful about their mental health and must learn about healing and spirituality.
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moonbaetarot · 20 days
Pick a pile
What makes you different from your future spouses ex’s
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Pile 1
Your future spouse sees a family with you they may have not always seen settling down getting a house and having kids with someone but with you it’s different. They see marriage with you the whole fairy tale ending. You and your future spouse are very clingy to each other physically and emotionally always have to be close and touching. This person is very happy and content with you. You two are a team you work very well together. You may build a business together if not a business you’re building a family home life. Your future spouse is just in love with you the love you share and show is so deep no one has made them feel this way before. I do see you two owning a few pets. your this persons dream partner they feel so lucky to have met you their giving me lots examples lol “the chosen star” or “the needle in the haystack”
Thank you for reading loves! 🤍
Pile 2
I feel like you have a very different mind and heart you are very honest and good a communication your loyal your also very smart book wise or street wise your very intelligent. You may feel very deeply aswell so if you hate something you hate it with a passion but if you love something you love it with a passion. You also care about other peoples feelings I feel like you would never say anything to intentionally hurt someone. You’re very clean and set your boundaries on what you want in a relationship. Your a very down to earth person you focus on your self a lot. you have a “I can do it myself” mentality your very independent. I’m hearing your like a flower you don’t need anyone you just need some rain and sunlight. Your future spouse loves to spoil you because they know if they didn’t buy you flowers you would just go buy flowers yourself.
Thank you for reading loves! 🤍
Pile 3
You make your future spouse see realationships in a new light. This relationship is built off of love, trust, security and happiness. You bring out this persons inner child this connection is very reassuring it just feels like a big warm hug very playful aswell. They may not have a good relationship with a parent. This person may even see children with you, you make this person want a baby. You may resonate with pile 1. You have your life together or will when you two meet you have a very stable life and job. They may have had an past partner that was very greedy or money was a problem. this person doesn’t have fears and worries with you I’m hearing “I’m not having to tip toe around” this person may have had to worry about past partners sneaking around but not with you they can like breath now having to watch someone’s every movement can be exhausting. You feel like a breath of fresh air to this person.
Thank you for reading loves! 🤍
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pallastrology · 5 months
observations on capricorn
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art by sydney mortimer laurence
capricorn ascendants often have a kind of wild look in their eye. it's the one thing they lose control of; you can see the hunger in them through their gaze.
capricorn ruling the fifth house makes for someone who sees everything as work and work as 'fun'; they might make money from a hobby or treat their hobbies like a job, they're strict with themselves and have a lot of drive to do well, whatever that means for them. they tend to be introverted but not shy, and don't like to 'waste their time', so aren't usually big fans of casual dating; whatever their goal is, they want to achieve it without too much dilly-dallying.
capricorn moons are some of the most giving, no-questions-asked kind of people. whatever you need, you can go to them for it and they'll deliver. this leads to them getting burnt out, demoralised and used by people who don't deserve their kindness. it takes them time to treat themselves equally and develop their boundaries. in the meantime, look out for your capricorn moon friends!
capricorn ruling the twelfth tends to go two ways when it comes to dreams - either they suffer from nightmares and anxiety/stress dreams, or they never remember their dreams at all. i feel like saturn's influence here either inhibits the imagination and memory of the dreams, or channels all your stress through them...
i think that jupiter in capricorn is a really handy placement for dealing with setbacks in life. it is quietly optimistic and looks to solve problems creatively, so people with it are great in a crisis and can be real cheerleaders for their friends too, when things aren't going well for them. they're not the most emotionally open but they get shit done.
a lot of capricorn dominants have to grow up quickly, being shunted into a parent role in some way; it might be through being parentified, losing parental figures young, being the family's unpaid therapist or just living through a difficult home situation. this can leave them feeling sort of ageless; they never really experienced a normal childhood, but didn't get to grow up normally either, and can feel stunted or behind compared to their peers as an adult because of this.
people with capricorn on the descendant often find, especially in their younger years, that they have to 'manage' or even 'coach' their partners and relationships; they are in charge out of necessity and don't necessarily enjoy it.
venus in capricorn is one of my favourite placements ever; i think the way they express love is just beautiful, and you'd be hard pressed to ever find someone with the same balance of passion and patience. they have a sharp eye for what's beautiful and great taste, and will never settle either. if a capricorn venus loves you, a part of them will love you forever.
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ohbabydollie · 3 months
The Brown House
800 follower celebration
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thank you all for the love you’ve shown my fics, i started writing this year and im so happy all of you enjoy my stuff, now that i have found enjoyment in writing again. I’m glad you guys especially the mutual break up. now please sit back and enjoy my formal thank you
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Schlatt bought a house, it was a lovely cream color with a brown roof, enough space for a decently sized family. It had a large yard with a lovely wooden fence.
Yes, the home was a little old, but it was nice and in a lovely area.
Schools within a walking distance, a little market, church, anything and everything he could ever need to raise a family.
The only problem was that he didn’t have a family, it was just him, jambo and soup.
So he had invited you down there, just for a week or whenever you needed an escape from life.
He didn’t mind being your escape from the stressful life you lived.
He didn’t mind one bit, as long as it meant he could be by your side, enjoying a coffee in the morning or making dinner in the evening. Waking up early after to watch the sunrise together on the porch, sipping the warm coffee in your mugs, blanket draped over your shoulders.
It was the true definition of tranquility.
Just you and him together.
Just you and him.
You and Him.
His heart squeezed at the thought, just the two of you enjoying each other’s company, whether in silence or conversations that lasted hours, feeling never ending.
That doesn’t mean he didn’t enjoy the fucking part of your relationship.
That would probably be one of his favorite parts.
Having you moaning underneath him, holding onto him. The sloppy, passionate kissing, caring about no one else besides each other in the moment. Feeling you, smelling you, your presence.
He loved it all so much.
It was the closest way the both of you could get.
The way you both said next to nothing but understood every single word and movement.
He had never felt as close to anyone as you, ever. You understood him in a way no one else did.
You understood why he was the way he was, why he seemed so brash and harsh on the outside but was so sweet and soft on the inside. You knew his insecurities, how to make him feel better, how to make him feel loved.
Peppering kisses all over his face, calling him handsome, giggling as you felt his facial hair rub against you.
Fuck, he loves it so much
He loves you so much
You’re the biggest blessing that could be in his life, while his job is great too, he could live without his job, it’s just money, but he couldn’t live without you.
He couldn’t live without your sweet smile, the sounds of your laughter, the way your food tastes, the warmth you give off. The way when you walk into a room and light it up, no matter how gloomy it was before.
He was so deeply and utterly dumb in love for you.
Your break up was probably his least favorite part of your relationship.
The fact that you couldn’t handle the way people treated you online once your relationship was public.
He knew it was bound to happen, he had just tried shielding you from it, but he couldn’t keep it hidden forever. He knew he was hated and people who associated with him were too, so by being his partner he had placed that curse upon you.
And you were fine for the first few years, ignoring it, acting like you were fine, happy in your relationship. That was until you kept seeing people saying you only went into the relationship to stay relevant, that you don’t deserve your popularity or even the ability to have a career, that you deserve to lose your career and other awful things.
It didn’t bother you until it came down to your appearance, hearing about how people think your boyfriend deserved a hotter partner, someone who actually had something to offer, someone who’s makeup wasn’t as cakey, who didn’t have to wear as much makeup and still be hot.
It only got worse and worse until you realized you couldn’t look into the mirror without crying, without thinking “doesn’t he deserve better?” “I wish I looked better” and other awful things.
The brown house ended up being your escape from it all.
You never really bothered looking at your phone unless there was a text or call from a friend or family member. You were focused on the lovely life you were living with schlatt.
The life you had always dreamed of since you were a kid. One of a big home and even bigger yard with a fence and in a walkable neighborhood.
The brown house felt like Schlatt had seen into your childhood and ripped out the home of your dreams from your mind directly. Like he saw directly into your brain, manifesting it into reality just for you along with the type of relationship you always wanted.
One that made you feel loved and valued, one where you both could love. One that wasn’t crowded with affairs and lovers, one that wasn’t like the relationship of your parents.
One where you felt genuine and real love.
No lies, no deception, nothing, just you and him.
That’s what you loved about Schlatt, that he was your person.
He remembered the way you liked your coffee, the metal you wore, if you liked Pepsi or Coke more, your guilty pleasures. It was the little things.
He especially remembered the way to pleasure you, kissing you, teasing you, and no matter how aggressive he was or wasn’t, he made you feel one thing.
He didn’t only fuck you, he made love to you, genuine and real love.
Just like now.
Kiss after kiss, Schlatt softly holding onto you as you sit on his lap, facing him. His large hands are tracing up and down your sides before they go underneath your baggy sweater and rest on your back.
“Missed you so fuckin’ much doll” he mutters, pressing soft kisses to your neck, occasionally lingering to suck on it. “So much” he says as you giggle from feeling his wet kisses
“Missed you too, so much” you say running a hand through his hair.
Schlatt signals you to pull your arms out of the sleeves and he gently pulls the sweater off of you, smiling at the familiar sight.
“You’re so fuckin’ pretty doll” he says moving his hands up to your nipples, watching them get hard from the cold hair. He leans in, to suck on them gently, you let out a soft whine. He parts from one with a “pop” before moving onto the other one, playing with the wet nipple with his thumb. You let out a soft whine from the mixed sensations as he parts from your other tit and starts to play with them.
“Can’t believe this is all mine” he says softly “my pretty girl, jus’ for me” he coos, watching you moan and squirm underneath his touch.
He’s already so hard and so needy for you, but he can hold off as long as he gets to watch you act this way, all whiny and cute just for him. Schlatt can feel you rubbing up against him, moaning and begging for him, your wetness dripping through your panties and onto his sweatpants.
“Need you so much” you mewl, he grins and lets go of your boobs, letting them drop.
“Ya sure doll? ‘Cause once you commit, I’m not gonna let you go back on your word” he rasps, pressing a kiss to your neck.
You nod, “I’m sure, i want you so bad jay” you whine.
Schlatt lifts you up slightly, lowering his pants and letting his cock out. He pulls your panties to the side, letting a groan out as he feels how wet you’ve gotten.
He teases your clit with the tip of his cock causing you to moan softly at the feeling. He aligns the tip of his cock with your entrance before placing his hands on your hips and sinking you down. You let out a moan at the feeling of his cock stretching you out.
“Oh fuck” you sob, schlatt gently moving you up and down his cock, slowing down once he hears you.
“you okay dolly? Not bein’ too rough am I?” He asks you softly you shake your head no and he starts back up again, pressing kisses to your face.
The sensation of him thrusting in and out out you alongside the kisses has you moaning and whining softly. Your arms are wrapped around his neck and you lean into him as his pace increases.
You hug him tightly, the only thing you can hear is the slapping of skin
“love you so much” you whine before pressing kisses soft and wet to his neck.
“Fuck! I love ya too doll, so fuckin much” he says, arms now wrapping around your waist as he speeds up faster and faster, the sounds becoming quicker and louder.
“I'm gonna cum! gonna cum!” You moan, only encouraging him to continue
“Go on honey, cum for me, cum on my cock” he growls as you start to come undone.
With a thrust he hits your g-spot causing you to throw your head back, letting out a high pitched scream as you cum.
He fucks you through your orgasm, cooing at you before cumming inside you with one harsh thrust.
Both of you sit there for a second, catching your breath before collapsing in his arms.
Schlatt lets out a satisfied sigh, leaning onto the bed, pressing a soft kiss to your sweaty forehead.
“Love you so much” you say laying next to him, he presses a soft kiss to your forehead. You hug him gently but tighter, not wanting to let go.
“Whaddaya say if we finish playin’ this little game and get married?” Schlatt asks you softly, you let out a soft giggle.
“ ‘course, we’re living the dream here” you mutter. Schlatt is absolutely beaming at his, peppering kisses all over your face before stopping to look at you. You giggle as he smiles, going in for another kiss.
Suddenly Schlatt hears something from afar, distracting him from the moment.
A sound that slowly gets louder and louder.
His eyes open and he looks around, he’s in his bed, in his room, not in the brown house, but in the house in Houston.
Then it hits him, the brown house was just a dream.
And the life he made with you was also just a dream.
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I hope u guys enjoyed this :3
I can finally post the ask a nonnie sent that would’ve spoiled this
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twistedbloodstain · 1 year
vincent de gramont x assistant!reader: to be loved is to be changed. | a glimpse of the world working for the marquis
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plot: the one where you are marquis de gramont's personal assistant.
warnings: boss-assistant relationship/dynamic, power imbalance, rich people, staring
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you are the marquis’ personal assistant. you attend to his every whim and serve it with utmost perfection. naturally, he recognizes that he can trust and rely on you for certain tasks and he appreciates that in his own little way.
why do you do this? for starters, money. he’s loaded in more than ways you can comprehend. from private opera shows to exquisite fine dishes the depth of his pocket never seems to end. second, there are certain privileges you attain working for him. you are able to enjoy financial security and safety in your life.
although you don’t really seem to enjoy those privileges since your work is almost 24/7 with the marquis, there is no end. but, you don’t really mind. you don’t have anyone waiting for you at home however certain family members are tucked away in safety considering the hostile environment around your job.
the marquis trusts you, not in a way he trusts his guards. he expects you to keep everything organized while he has his plate full of problems that require fixing. he expects you to keep everything in place such as his financial situations and arrange important appointments also including to manage the staff of servants in his home.
almost your entire life revolves around him. if not for the occasional day off you’re given, you might as well be glued to his side everyday. your professional relationship with the marquis is normal, at least it’s what you expect between a boss and his assistant. he instructs and you follow, he walks and you are his shadow.
you feel like he trusts you but at the same time he doesn’t. the first time you met him, you were intimidated. he radiated raw power and ruthlessness, even if you’ve never seen it happen yet. when you began working for him, you could feel his eyes on you. you often didn’t look up, afraid that he might take that as an insult to his pride.
the both of you were sat into another lavish car to the prestigious Louvre Museum, again. you rarely accompanied him on his trips since he preferred to arrive ahead and liked to travel alone. this case turned out to be an exception since the marquis were there for business and pleasure.
you are one seat apart from him, respecting his personal space and because even if you’ve been working for him for a few months you’re still scared at him. what he’s doing right now seems to fuel that fear even more.
you’re jotting down notes from his previous meeting with an underworld drug lord, noting down the instructions and preparations he told you to carry out, you’re not sure but you can feel a pair of eyes on you. you’re too nervous to look up.
“fuck is he staring at me?” you curse to yourself.
you begin to wonder what in the world you’ve done wrong to him, because his gaze (that you aren’t sure is on you) probably is something along the lines of judgemental, and if you’ve done something to offend him…you’re not quite sure what to do for his chastisement. you stop your movements for a moment, your frame petrified in dilemma.
you remember the first time you’d made a grave mistake at work. you accidentally assigned a meeting in the morning to the afternoon. you hadn’t realized you wrote the wrong time for the Rossi Family. the repercussions you faced for that mistake weren’t severe but his verbal lashings were somewhat hard to forget. he had called you insolent and foolish for ruining the flow of his day and he considered firing you on the spot. you cried yourself to sleep that night, afraid that more might come after that seeing that the marquis doesn’t forgive easily. he was calculatedly cruel to his enemies. you wish you’d never be on the receiving end of it, because of that you swore it would never happen again and you’d deliver nothing but perfection.
you give yourself the courage to look up, “he’s probably not looking at me, what’s the worse he could do? i mean he could slowly probably tear me limb by limb but would he actually do that because i dared to look up at him?? god i hate rich people sometimes-“ you assure yourself and when your head slowly rises. you see him.
he was looking at you. his blue eyes emitting coldness and emptiness, his frame slightly relaxed on his seat with one leg thrown over the other. as usual he’s dressed to his best, an expensive suit with detailed patterns. that sometimes awes you with the amount of detail but right now you weren’t focused on that.
he didn't seem to be shocked or embarrassed of what he was doing, he didn’t bother to look away “why would he?” he holds your stare with an unwavering intimidation.
you freeze, like a deer in headlights. afraid to make a move or speak a word but you don’t break eye contact with him. you can feel your hands shaking and you hold your breath. his gaze feels like a challenge and a threat, a challenge not to look away, hold his gaze and hold still. don’t you dare look away. you’re afraid but you can’t look away, afraid of what he might do, what he might sa-
he finally looks away, you caught a glimpse of boredom as he looked away to face the window. suddenly finding it more interesting than his assistant. you feel slightly relieved that the mild encounter was over, you just gotta suffer a few more minutes of being stuck in a car with him.
you don’t ask about it. why he stares, he continually does that for the upcoming months but it lessens more and more as two years pass by. you label it just as him reading his assistant, making sure that he didn’t make a mistake in hiring you, that you are as competitive as you say you are.
two years after you’re hired you can say that’s the only thing that developed between you and your boss. you don’t share after work drinks since the work seems to be never ending and the both of you might have tastes that differ from one another. there’s not much friendliness but there’s no hostility. no greetings whenever there’s a special occasion in your life aside from the expected greeting when you meet him. he holds no position in your personal life.
both of you are just professional, everything you do for him is not arbitrary but either something you think the marquis might appreciate or something the marquis instructed himself. he “does” the same for you, there’s nothing personal in between. but..that’s until..
you did something that you never thought you would do for someone, much less for the marquis. things start to change after that, it starts to change him. it doesn’t happen until..
until…you take a bullet for him, until you take something that’s meant for him.
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author’s note: *slaps hands* we’re just getting started. MWAHAHAHA, feel free to comment and reblog! i’m interested to what ya’ll have to say. :’)
part two part three part four part five
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lasirenatarot · 11 months
💫🌟WHAT BLESSINGS ARE COMING YOUR WAY? 💫 timeless pick-a-card reading.
- SIDE NOTE: some days my intuition is craaaazy (today 23.07.2023 is one of those days😂), so I decided to do this very random reading. It may be disorganized and totally not resonating for some, but it may help others, as Im writing all that I get without a clear topic, so enjoyyy!!
Photos: Magdalena Frackowiak for Harper’s Bazaar USA, september 2009
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Okayy so possible blessings coming your way, those who chose pile 1:
Short term luck; possible salary raise/ bonus/ promotion; for some it may be a sum of money you didn’t have to work much for or somebody simply just gave to you, money you won from the lotery or gambling; giveaway wins; finding a banknote on the street; finding lost jewelry/items; for some it may be more sales of your products that certain month if you’re a business owner etc. - the main point is you will get sth bc of luck (money/present/item..), not much hard work.
More $€x, pl€asure, parties, celebrations (carefree times basically) coming your way.
You may go on a holiday where you celebrate sth, have pl€asurable experiences. All this may be after time in which you have been waiting on for a loooong time. Prior to that you may have been « isolating » yourself a bit so you can work on yourself, your mental health, cleanse yourself spiritually from bad energy you’ve had in you from the past & heal from sth.
Tip for this pile: don’t go into excesses; do everything in moderation - drinking,partying, $£x, don’t take unnecessary risks, don’t be greedy or careless with your money; going against that may lead to an unpleasant a-ddiction of some sort.
Hope after tough time. You may get good news about a situation you’ve been worried about; You may find a solution to a problem, the truth about sth which may later lead you to the solution..
Someone might have lied to you/ did you wrong, bc of that you felt like your « life » was falling apart but it was actually a blessing; Learning who was a fake person in your life and who was actually faithful was the blessing;
You will have new beginnings in your life- might be a new job/new relationship/new friends/even new home or area where you live;
some may start new important friendships, change in social circle is sth prominent in this pile; you might feel way more valued and happy in this new social circle;
Some might have found out about infidelities /lots of lies, which may be the reason for all these changes; the situation may look bad at first sight but it will free you from a burden that was never yours ro carry in the first place.
Changes might happen very quickly;
You will get on a new journey to find your true happiness
Okay the first thing I got may not resonate for many but if you’ve been wishing for a child/pregnancy, or to start a family, it may be coming soon.
Those who are not looking to start a family it may mean that you may have some carefree days coming ahead, you will live your life like a baby, without that much responsibilities;
Some may get some sort of inheritance;
Moving to a new house;
A lot of you may cut ties with their past, get rid of their past bad habits, toxic people and situations; you have to leave your past experience behind in order to live your ‘dream’
A dream of yours you tought was impossible to get may come into fruition during this time you’re reading this/near future. You just have to be strong and keep the faith.
Love for many of you!!!!
You may get help from a female figure or your intuition on sth that is bothering you;
GOOD HEALTH ( for me that is the biggest blessing that’s why I wrote it in all caps )
Huuuuuuuge changes in your love life!!!! I cannot stress this enough, so many signs here in the cards.
If you’re single, the love interest you meet might be VERY masculine, career oriented, might look cold on the outside (won’t be true when you get to know that person tho, they seem like a sweetheart, u just have to get them out of their shell..); might be a foreigner or you may simply meet them away from home/abroads;
Your « cup » will be overflowing with love and emotions, but you don’t have to lose yourself completely. Boundaries and everything in moderation are important things to have in relationships😄
If you were mistreated in previous relationships - you will get your justice.
Those who are in a relationship might get proposed to or move in together; become official if you haven’t already, sth like that => getting to the next level.
Glow up, confidence boost; end of melancholy;
You will get things you’ve even have not let yourself dream about bc it seemed delusional at the time, what u get will exceed all your expectations;
Off topic but, Pile 4, be careful of envy, gossips&lies. Get rid of your subconcious limitations.
As always, leave a comment if resonated & follow for more.
- La Sirena.💋
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tower-girl-anon · 1 year
4th and 10th house: how we act in public vs how we act on private
Hello!! After a long pause, I came back with another post that will focus in the IC and MC axis so it could describe how we act in public (in terms of job and career settings) vs how we act in private places such as our home or with intimate friends acording to the signs rulling the cusps of these houses.
I will write this with opposite signs which means that I will start with Aries/Libra dinamic, then Taurus/Scorpio and so on. For those who don't have opposite signs just look at the signs ruling your IC and MC, and then look at both in the list below.
As always, I apologize for any mistake, I hope you enjoy it and don't copy or repost this post without giving proper credits to the owner.
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Aries in the IC/Libra in the MC: for those who have Aries as the rulling sign of your IC, they tend to be a very active, fierce, athletic, and action oriented person. These people can't stand still in their home environment or private setting. They must do something that's why doing sports to burn that energy can be a common thing for these individuals to do once they are at home. For woman, their family or closed ones tend to see them as a tomboy. With Libra rulling the opposite house, in career settings people tend to look at them as someone fashionable, fair, loving, charming and atractive. In general, they know what to say and exudes a calmer energy in contrast to their active, masculine, fiery, and sometimes agressive energy at home.
Taurus in the IC/Scorpio in the MC: with Taurus rulling the IC, these people tend to be pretty much calm and relaxed in their home environment or with their closest ones. They are seeing as hard working and money oriented (this can be seen either as a good or bad trait) due to their need or having enough material comfort. They tend lo like to keep relationships peaceful in their home and they don't have much problem unless they feel that they lack financial or material support. With Scorpio as the rulling of the MC, these natives makes carry a lot of power, magnetism, intensity and mysteriousness in a public setting related to their work. It seems they had a prestigious position in their field due to the powerfull energy they exude, and most of the time they like to keep control of everything they do, which can be a huge contrast to their private self.
Gemini in the IC/Sagittarius in the MC: these natives tend to be really chatty in private settings. They are curious about everything and question everything they can think of. For them, it's easier to ask questions, share their thoughts or share their visions at home or with close friends rather than in works settings. That's because they like to give the impression, with Sagittarius rulling the MC, that they know and understand everything in just one lesson. They can feel stupid at times when they ask something or doesn't know an answer to a question. In their family or close circle, they can appear chatty and curious but, in public or working settings, these natives exudes an energy of natural knowledge, wisdom, and may even appear as they have strong beliefs.
Cancer in the IC/Capricorn in the MC: these natives exudes a caring and nurturing energy on private while, in public or working settings, they appear hard working, serious, and responsable. They have an emotional side that they keep private from prying eyes. Only those who their trust such as their family or close friends are able to see this side of themselves. They like to collect pictures, videos or any memory that connects with their emotions, and tend to be very motherly to those who he/she cares about. In their bad times, they can be moody or possesive. Meanwhile, their co-workers sees their natural responsable, professional and serious aproach of these individuals to their work. They don't joke around. In job settings they display, all the time, this hard working persona.
Leo in the IC/Aquarius in the MC: these individuals could be seen as the star within their private circle of friends or family. The energy of this group talks about self-confidence (that can turn into ego problems sometimes), creativity, connecting with their inner child and playfulness while, in public or work settings, they tend to display not only intelligence, a unique vision or aproach to work, but also a caring and humanitarian energy. In private, they like to do things that makes them feel good about themselves, that lets them connect to their inner creativity or inner child, and only a few are allowed to see these side of them. Meanwhile, they tend to present yourself as someone original who cares about the wellbeing and success of the hole company so you apport with original ideas that shows their intelligence.
Virgo in the IC/Pisces in the MC: on their own, these people tend to be very practical, hard worker and organized. Sometimes they may look even as a controling figure or a overly critical one due to their need to check every single ditail of their personal life and home environment. They like to makes things done in a practical way that may look overly perfectionist to those closest to them. Meanwhile, in the work environment they act or appear as if they had a mystical aura around them. People will tend to proyect a certain idea of who this person is in real life but, most probably than not, their proyections will tend to be wrong or, at least, not entirely true. These natives may appear distant, empathic, mysterious, distracted, sleepy, somnolient, confused or lost in their own world in work environment. Maybe even on drugs.
Libra in the IC/Aries in the MC: this part is similar to the aries/libra dinamic but in the reverse. These individuals have an inner caring, loving, and peace-maker energy when they are alone or with close ones but, in career settings, they carry an intense and masculine energy that may appear aggresive at times. They put a lot of energy, leadership, movement and action in their work environment. Meanwhile, once they are alone, in their home, or with close ones, these individuals are the most caring and fairest people in general. They are calm and want everything to be harmonic with their personal relationships.
Scoprio in the IC/Taurus in the MC: these natives seems calm, composed, hard working, practical, and loving in every work setting. They work hard for their success, they gradually and steadilly build a legacy or rename in the company they work for. They seems more open than their true and private nature reveals. Because the truth is, with Scorpio rulling the most intimate part of ourselves, these individuals are extremely private with their intimate life. Only a very few people, family and friends that they can trust are allowed to know their deepest part of themselves, their pains and shadow self. They can be caring in their workplace but this doesn't mean that he/she is close or intimate with their co-workers. For that to happen there must trust and a lot of time of knowing each other before these natives allows you in their life.
Sagittarius in the IC/Gemini in the MC: these people act chatty, intelligent, knowledgeable and open to any kind of conversation in a public or career settings. They are smart, whitty, adaptable to any situation, and quick so they know how to answer any kind of question. Despite the intelligence and knowledge they show on public settings, this people tend to have an inner yearning to learn more things, either by studying more or travelling to other places to learn more things, even though it may seem as if they know a lot already. Along with this, they could have an inner belief system within themselves about God or humanity in general that could surprise people and an humorous side that they only show in closed settings such as their home or with friends.
Capricorn in the IC/Cancer in the MC: this is the opposite of the Cancer/Capricorn duo. In these cases, the individuals who have Cancer as the sign rulling their MC are seen in public or career settings as someone motherly, someone who is emotionally invested in the work he/she does in the company or in their own proyects. It affects them deeply when they make a mistake or are not able to fulfill perfectly the work they are asked to do. On private, they are very serious and responsable. They work hard behind the scenes in everything they do because there is a lot of responsabilities for this natives. That's why they are very private with their feelings even with his/her friends and family. Only a small selection of them are allowed to know their intimate thoughts and feelings.
Aquarius in the IC/Leo in the MC: people with Leo in MC are, in general, very popular or they tend to become well known in their jobs pretty fast because a lot of people tend to admire their aparent charisma, confidence, talent, warm, and bright personality a lot. Some people could see them as egocentric or self-centered due to this but, on private settings, they can be the most caring people of them all despite that they doesn't like as nurturing or caring as a water o earth sign. In private settings or, on their own, they prefer to socialise or try to help other people through social media, working in humanitarian causes, and, most probably than not, they have an intelligent, revolutionary, and "weird" side to them (in the best way) that they don't display on public. Only to their closest ones.
Pisces in the IC/Virgo in the MC: these natives are very down to earth, hard-working, practical, grounded, and detail-oriented in a work setting. They put all their effort in their careers, they want every detail resolved so everything can be perfect which, in extremes cases, can make them look overly critical in the eyes of their co-workers. Because, in many cases, they don't like others, or themselves, to commit a mistake. Maybe it won't look like it to others, but in private they are very dreamy, imaginative, emphatic, and sensible. In private, they tend to let their sensible and imaginative side take course so he/she can escape a little bit of the harsh reality of life. They could enjoy reading, listening music, drink or, maybe, doing some spiritual practices that helps them to connect to their intuitive side and helps them to recharge.
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seirei-bh · 1 month
Jason Mendal headcanons
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I wrote these headcanons for fun, however, keep in mind that there is only a few episodes of MCL NG out by now, so I may be wrong about some ideas due to later revelations. (I've also added some NSFW headcanons under the cut!)
-He loves luxury restaurants, especially Italian food, and everything expensive and exotic that is the specialty of five-star chefs.
-He has a limousine and a driver, but he only uses them on special occasions, since he prefers to drive his own car.
-If he were an animal he'd identify with a panther, a wolf or a shark
-He likes to listen to jazz.
-He made an anonymous Twitter account that he uses to insult Devemenentiel members (later Thomas found it and hacked it to permanently ban it, lol)
-He usually wears cologne, his favorites are “Sauvage” by Dior, and “Eros” by Versace (obviously very expensive and brand name)
-He doesn't feel close to his family. Most of them are unbearable to him, with a few exceptions.
-He tends to think that stable romantic relationships are a waste of time. Most of his romantic relationships in the past didn't last very long, almost all of his former lovers complained that "he was married with his job" or that "he was a self-centered asshole". He never had enough time for them and he got bored of them because they were not intelligent or interesting enough to him (something that changes with newsucrette/Ysaline)
-He likes women with self-confidence, who know what they want and are capable of challenging him.
-His poliosis was a consecuence of his Waardenburg syndrome. That syndrome also causes on him to suffers from partial deafness and has vision problems. However, he hides all this by using a very discreet hearing aid and contact lenses. Almost no one knows this except a few people very close to him, Jason hides these problems from the people at his company and any competitors to avoid look weak.
-He's afraid of one day becoming completely deaf, so he learned to read lips and sign language.
-He doesn't want to have children, partly because he doesn't have time to raise them, but mostly because he fears they could inherit the physical problems he has, like a partial or complete deafness.
-Since he was little he was always very good at maths.
-Jason pretends he was always popular, but he was quite nerdy at school, something that he decided to change later in high school and college, he went from being the nerd boy who other made fun of to being the popular boy who insulted and bullied the others.
-During his childhood and teenage years he used to dye his hair so that other children would not mess with him, but as an adult he learned to leave his natural white streaks with self-confidence and to see them as an attractive and unique feature.
-He likes the beach, the pool and going on a yacht. He hates mountains and nature.
-He likes to go to the theater and museums. He knows a lot about the life and work of artists, but he doesn't know as much about art itself, although he pretends he does.
-He has the philosophy of “the end justifies the means” and also that money does give happiness, or at least it can help buy it.
-As a child he learned to play the piano, but as an adult he has thrown away most of his former hobbies from his little free time, because he no longer has time for any of that.
-He got that tattoo on his arm because he lost a big bet once, but since Jason never talks about his defeats, when someone asks him, he says that he got that tattoo just because he wanted to and without any reason or meaning beyond the aesthetic.
-Devon was one of the few true pals Jason really respected and appreciated in the past, before “something” happened between them and they became enemies. Each of them has a different version about what really happened in mind, so that hostility due to differences in povs became increasingly stronger as the years went by. (Probably in this case it is Jason who is not right, but he is too proud to admit that he was wrong.)
-He felt attracted to newsucrette/Ysaline from the first moment he saw her. At first it was just desire and he wanted to manipulate her, but over time that feeling grew stronger and turned into love. Something that he also tried to ignore and deceive himself, denying it until he realized about the truth. He knew that maybe she would hate him, that maybe he would hurt her, that everything could end very badly, but still he couldn't resist to try it.
NSFW headcanons
-He loves bondage, specially tying your hands with his tie.
-He enjoys giving you orders in bed and see you obeying them, but also he enjoys secretly even more when you're a "bad girl" and refuse to do what he orders.
-Praise kink (both give and receive)
-He absolutely adores when you claw your nails on his back, so he has more excuses to call you “kitten.”
-Also when you grab him by his tie to drag him to the bedroom and passionately tear off his clothes.
-His favorite place is in his house, although it can be in bed, against the wall or on a table.
-Too excited by the idea of f*king you in Goldreamz's office, on his desk table sometime.
-He almost always prefers to be the dominant one, but also loves when you fight for dominance and you get to be the queen in his bed who is able to doms him.
-He loves to tempt you beforehand, whispering sexy and dirty things in your ear, kissing you on the neck and caressing you softly and subtly, until you can't take yourself anymore.
-Hard. Savage. Passionate. Sometimes very fast for all the sexual tension you two can't handle, sometimes unbearably slow on purpose because he wants to hear you beg for more and praise him how good he is and how much you want him.
-You two always end on a bed after an argument. He's turned on by how beautiful you look when you're angry and how you fight back fierly. Sometimes he makes you angry on purpose because how much he enjoys the moment and what comes later.
-He loves when you tell him that you hate him. That turns him on too even more.
-Skilled with his fingers and proud of it *wink*
-Proud of his own body. Yeah, his size too.
-He loves to kiss your neck, caress your legs and grab your thighs and butt.
-He loves looking at you. His gaze is especially intense and challenging when you're riding him, and he likes to hear you gasp as he watches your beautiful face and body.
-Sometimes is a competition between the two to see who shows better skills in bed and how much you both can last (how many hours and poses). He'll give you his best sexy smirk and won't stop f*king you until you beg him, but you would never beg your enemy... right?
Extra! A few nsfw sweet headcanons too:
-If he notices that you feel too uncomfortable and nervous, he makes humorous comments to break the ice and make you laugh.
-Although he likes BDSM, he will always ask you if you feel comfortable or not with it and will stop if you ask him to do so.
-He's not very used to aftercare, but he knows that you need them, so he tries to give it to you. Plus, he likes it when you rest your head on his torso, close to his heart, and he thinks you look gorgeous while you sleep.
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loveemagicpeace · 6 months
🌌Issues that you have with North Node🌌
🍸Aries North Node- you have issue being aggressive, being you , being direct & express your true energy and being your true self. NN in Aries gives you the life challenge of exerting your personal will and developing the inner confidence and courage to act in your own self-interest. Your journey is all about showing courage and embracing individuality. And finding your true self.
☁️Taurus North Node- you have issue with your self esteem. It's hard for you to feel valuable from others. Maybe you can also struggle with money or making money. You can also struggle with food or music or may you don't want to share your music or things that are close to you with others because maybe you feel ashamed to. It’s also about making sure you don’t get anywhere in a rush. Taurus is all about enjoying the simple things in life.
🥑Gemini North Node- you have trouble with expressing yourself. Speaking in public or expose yourself with saying some things that are on your mind. You also can be afraid of saying things and being wrong about it. You also struggle with your relatives & siblings. You feel that nobody really understands you or hear you. Maybe you feel that you are not good enough in school or that you're not smart enough. Your purpose is to hone your communication and social skills to become a leader in your community.
🛁Cancer North Node- you can struggle with home or family. You can also feel that everywhere you go it feels unfamiliar & maybe even at your home you can feel like you are some stranger or you are not feel safe enough there. The thing with NN in Cancer is that you actually look for a place to be safe and you look for people who will give you the comfort, nurturing and caring. People who will be there for you always and will never leave you. With cancer you can also have abandoned issues. The life's mission of those with the north node in Cancer is to become a warm and nurturing soul. A Cancer north node individual's purpose in life is to make and enjoy heartfelt connections.
✨Leo North Node- you struggle with not being seen & you can also have problems with being exposed or being in public in general. You don't want to be the center of attention & you don't like being around people or it's hard for you to show your talents to them. You are very uncomfortable taking the spotlight. In this lifetime, you sometimes experience betrayal or disappointing behavior from your group. You often felt detached, both from yourself and people around you. In this lifetime, you have to learn to exist as individual and define your boundaries.
⭐️Virgo North Node- one thing that I notice from this north node is that you actually struggle with your body or your body image or how you look like or the parts of your body. Cuz Virgo represents the body, skin , parts around the belly. So you can be actually very uncomfortable showing your body to people or maybe you can also be a critical of the way you look. You can also struggle with job and working with others. So you may be more comfortable being alone and doing things alone. These people are creative, artistic, sensitive, spiritual. You feel that you are one with the whole world. This makes you very sensitive to the energy of other people. You are very compassionate, however, there are people who take advantage of this. These people are often highly creative and have a powerful intuition.
🫧Libra North Node- you can struggle with maintaining relationships. Also being good enough for people. You can also feel lonely and hopeless. You can also feel that people don't feel the same way that you do. It's hard for you to find someone who understands you the way you want to be understand. You can struggle with betrayal, pain and a lot of people can hurt you and take advantage of you. You can also be afraid of being rejected. Because u often experience rejection as a description of who you are. They often grow up feeling that they are too much, that they will never find anyone who really gets what they have going on inside. You are concerned about questions around whether you are worthy of connection. You can usually take pride in feeling like no one ever gets you.
🌊Scorpio North Node- you have trouble with darker things & things that are more intense. Maybe intimacy can be a problem for you. You don't want to share intimacy with other people if you don’t trust em enough. You can also be afraid of intimacy. Maybe you don't want the people touch unless you trust them. It’s all about trust. If you don't trust people they cannot get closer to you. You can also have like big trust issues or you can see or feel things when they are not true. You can easily become suspicious about people & you can also be afraid of being betrayal or like sharing secrets with people and they just take your secrets with them and you can never take your secrets back. With your secrets, you feel that you are safe and that no one can take that away from you. You can also have control issues. They heal entire communities when they trust themselves in relationship to other people.
🎡Sagittarius North Node- you can struggle with faith & with believing into something. It's harder for you to find something to believe because you feel like you never have that. Also you can struggle with happiness and good luck . You feel like you never have a luck or that people around you experience a lot luck it's not you. You’re destined to embrace your wanderlust and experience new places through travel. Your purpose is to learn and seek knowledge. In this lifetime, it is key to use your intuition.
🎑Capricorn North Node- you struggle with responsibilities, stability ,career or just being stable in some things. You have to find your mission in this lifetime. It could also be something about your parents or some masculine figure or father. In general you can struggle with men or masculine figure or you just have a harder time to connect with people who have more masculine energy or man in general. You can also find really uncomfortable manipulating with other people. You can also struggle with being a leader or you can also be surrounded about a lot of people who have major career or maybe smarter than you are and you feel like a loser when you are with them. You're not but you feel that way because you attract all of people who Capricorn personalities. So you may feel uncomfortable around these people because they make you feel like you are not that good. The north node in Capricorn suggests that you need a protective shell, which you first seek in others, but later you learn to grow it on your own.
🎞️Aquarius North Node- you can struggle with finding friends or being accepted in the group. You can also feel of times like outsider or that your group don't accept you as you are. You feel so much different than them. You also struggle with social media. U may want to be seen but you feel uncomfortable to be seen. Equality will be a major focus in life. In the future, you can grow by understanding other people better and relating to them. You usually dislike the idea of being one in many and belonging to a community. Also u can have a lot of relationships and you can also have a hard time to stay in relationship or being in just one.
🧚🏼‍♀️Pisces North Node-you can struggle with your subconscious, dream ,spirituality ,finding your other self. Is about the difficulty of accepting pain. It represents self acceptance. The healing that Pisces north node seeks works through a self understanding that can only exist when pain is known and understood. You can also be afraid of pain of being hurt so you actually always escape when you feel like people it's going to hurt you. You can deal with a lot of drugs but on the other side you can also be afraid of drugs ,alcohol or things that are just feel unreal or put you in the mood that is not you. It’s not about improving the self despite pain. They grow when they learn how to forgive those who have done them wrong, when they realize that their pain does not make them more alone but that pain is something that most people know. 

☁️Commnet if u want north node in houses☁️
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crishayle · 6 months
Astrology notes. Solar return chart
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The New Year is coming soon, so it's worth looking at the solar return chart. This has been a long-standing tradition for me, so I can say with confidence that this thing really works. This is a great opportunity to learn about the possibilities of the new year. This is very useful information, so I will try to write some detailed posts about it૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა
Most often, people who rise through the career ladder or change jobs have many planets in the solar chart in the 10th house, also the 10th house of the solar in the 1st house of radix, the 6th house of the solar in the 10th house of radix, the ascendant of the solar in capricorn/taurus/virgo
If you see a lot of planets in the 3rd house of the solar, then get ready for a change of entourage. There may even be a little fatigue from people, as there will be too many of them
Family problems are most often displayed through Saturn/Pluto in the 4th house of the solar, the 4th house of the solar in the 8th house of radix
Most often, people with a solar ascendant in the 6th house of radix say that they were not impressed by the year and were either boring or difficult
If you are saving money or planning to pay off loans and debts, then the 2nd house of the solar in the 8th house of radix most often means that you are implementing your plans, but be prepared to change your attitude to money
Relocation, long trips and admission to study in another country are usually indicated by a noticeable 9th house. For example, the 9th house of the solar in the 4th house of radix, Jupiter in the 4th house, the ascendant of the solar in Sagittarius, the North/South node in the 9th house of the solar
The noticeable 8th house of the solar can speak not only about finances, but also about the death of someone familiar or close. For example, Mars is in the 8th house of the solar, the 4th house of the solar in the 8th house of radix, the 8th house of the solar in the 1st house of radix, Pluto in the 4th house of the solar
A noticeable 5th house is a guarantee that the year will be very interesting. Even if it is difficult, but it is certainly interesting and intense
If a lot of planets got into the 12th house of the solar, then most likely a year will pass alone. You may feel like an introvert. There will be a lot of thoughts, you will want peace and quiet, maybe even a new creative hobby will appear against this background. You will keep all your feelings and plans to yourself. There may be a feeling of loneliness even in a crowd of people
Uranus in the 7th house of the solar always causes confusion in relationships. ALWAYS!!!!!!!! Even if you have a good and long-term relationship or even if you are alone.
Venus in the 4th house of the solar does not always indicate that a person will spend a lot of time at home. This often means that a person will pay great attention to their home (think and plan repairs, moving, changing furniture and decorating rooms)
The combination of the Moon and Jupiter in the 12th house of the solar may indicate depression or a very strong and long mental breakdown
If you want to know what lesson you should learn this year, then look at which houses the North and South Nodes are located in
The ascendant of the solar shows more precisely what exactly will excite you this year
The 2nd house of the solar in the 5th house of radix may indicate an increase in finances(only if the 5th house is not damaged, otherwise it may indicate waste and idleness)
The 5th house of the solar in the 11th house of radix may indicate the beginning of a pleasant love story. You know, when a person is interesting to you not only as a partner, but also as a friend
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lurkingshan · 9 months
On Boston and Brian Kinney
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I’ve seen a lot of folks in the Only Friends tag recently making connections between the show and Queer as Folk, both US and UK versions, which makes sense because QaF is a clear reference for the show, both visually and thematically, and we know Jojo likes to reference western media in his work. One parallel folks are drawing is not tracking for me, however, so I am jumping in the wayback machine and putting on my old QaF stan hat to talk to y’all about Brian Kinney, and why Boston is actually nothing like him. Tagging @bengiyo and @neuroticbookworm who talked this through with me and also @slayerkitty because I saw you were contemplating this connection between the two characters.
So, first, why are people making this comparison? It really boils down to one thing: Brian and Boston are both sluts. That’s… pretty much it. They both like sex and prefer to have it with many different partners, and neither has much use for monogamy. But this is pretty much where their similarities end. 
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So let’s remind ourselves who Brian Kinney is: a kind of fantasy of a hot, rich, self-actualized gay man with unmatched sexual prowess and a surface level flippancy masking a heart of gold. Brian is an adult man with a thriving career and money that he earned for himself after leaving his abusive and homophobic family (who would eventually explicitly reject him because of his sexuality). As a result, he is defiant in his commitment to live his life as loudly and queerly as possible—which includes a dedication to fucking and sucking, public sex, and a rejection of heteronormative constructs like monogamy.
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Brian has a very clear moral code he lives by, even if it’s not one most can relate to. He decides to have a son with his (lesbian) best friend because part of him wants to believe in a better future and build a family of his own. He is extremely loyal to his found family even as he’s a jerk to their face most of the time, and he is always working behind the scenes to protect them even as he often hurts their feelings with his glib remarks and shitty behavior. Despite his disdain for monogamy, he never actually tries to destroy any of his friends’ happy relationships (in fact, he tries to sacrifice his own friendship with Michael to ensure he stays with his boyfriend).
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Brian has a sense of responsibility to others and often takes on the blame for things he didn’t even do, which is why he takes baby gay Justin to Debbie and ensures he is cared for even as he tries to dissuade Justin from getting attached to him, and why he cares for Justin in the aftermath of his bashing. He cares deeply about his community, to the point where he pours his money into protecting the local gay scene, literally bankrupts himself to stop an anti-gay politician from winning an election, and gives up a dream job to stay put in Pittsburgh and help rebuild the community after a hate crime.
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Brian is unflinchingly honest and he avoids making promises because once he does, he knows he will absolutely keep them—he takes his commitments seriously and he always does what he says he will. When he falls in love, he does not abandon his core values but he is willing to make some compromises. And he hides his better self and often wallows in self-destructive behavior because he feels deeply unworthy of love, which goes back to the intergenerational trauma he experienced as a child in an abusive home and the parental rejection he felt due to his sexuality. 
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Boston, by contrast, is a character who feels more rooted in reality. He’s a pampered rich kid who is indulged in his hobbies and who already has a life plan laid out for him and paid for by his daddy. He likes to sleep around mostly because it’s fun, and because he knows his life here is temporary so he doesn’t see any point in getting attached to people. In stark contrast to Brian’s out and proud and fuck you if you have a problem with it brand of politics, he is still trying to hide who he is in service of his father’s political career, even if he’s pretty sloppy about it (see him fucking Top in a car with giant windows parked in the driveway at a house party).
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Boston’s moral code is fungible and ever-changing to fit his circumstances—boy is a hypocrite (see his opinions about people filming and photographing him even as he does the same to others constantly). He has no loyalty and no qualms about hurting and betraying his friends, and actively tries to destroy their relationships for sport or as a means to get what he wants. He does not feel responsible for anyone and often lies and ducks accountability for the things he does. He does not care about his community at all, and in fact already has a NYC escape hatch in his back pocket for when he inevitably burns his bridges. He is not as honest as Brian and sends a lot of mixed messages to keep people guessing and on the hook.
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Rather than hurting people by being brutally honest as Brian does, Boston plays psychological games and manipulates his friends and lovers, and he seems to take twisted pleasure in blowing up their happiness. We haven’t seen him make a promise or fall in love, and while there are some signs that he may have some sort of inferiority complex at play (with Mew in particular), his motives are not tied to any past trauma. Boston is just a messy bitch who loves chaos and doesn’t really care who gets hurt as long as he gets what he wants and stays entertained. Where Brian is literally a superhero to his loved ones, Boston is just a very flawed human being. 
But Shan, I hear you saying, I thought you liked Boston! I do, besties, I do. He’s a fantastic character and a very real kind of person many of us encounter in our 20s. Because that’s the thing: Boston is so young. He hasn’t developed any sense of responsibility to others or any understanding of the importance of queer community, and he has never had to take care of himself, which is perhaps the biggest difference between him and Brian. Brian has lived independently for more than a decade when we meet him in QaF, whereas Boston is a spoiled rich kid who has barely lived. Brian is a fully realized adult and his more nuanced characterization is a reflection of that; Boston is actually a pretty basic chaotic drama queen who will grow up eventually. 
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TL;DR: Aside from being promiscuous, Boston has very little in common with Brian Kinney. He is more a reflection of a very real kind of person you will meet on the scene in queer communities than an homage to a larger than life fictional QaF character. And while OF is absolutely referencing some of the themes and values and stylistic flourishes of QaF, it is not making direct parallels to its characters. 
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lua-magic · 3 months
Ninth Lord and from where you will get your Luck.
Ninth house is of religion, father, morality, ritousnes, higher learning, long travels and also of Luck
Planets in ninth house and third house are extremely important for manifestation of your desires, when you allign your energy with the planets sitting in ninth and third House, you will get desires easily in your life.
Ninth house is of also of "Blessings " so if your ninth lord is afflicted, that is with rahu, ketu or with sixth, eighth and twelfth house Lord or your ninth house has malefics, or sixth, eighth, twelfth lord then only BLESSINGS of people can change your luck.
Ninth house wherever sits, you will experience luck in that area, if you work on your ninth lord.
Ninth lord in first house 🏠
It is good, because the person would be religious and lucky for himself, whatever person does, ninth lord will help him.
Person is not only lucky for himself, but also for the people around him/her .
More the person becomes religious, and develops morality and ritousnes and values in his life more Ninth Lord would favour him/her
Ninth lord in second house 🏠
You are lucky when it comes to family and money matters, more you become spiritual with regards to Money more luck will favour you.
Second house is also of words and food habits, keep your words soft and food habits simple in life .
Ninth lord in third house 🏠
Your skills will help you to manifest your desires, more you work on your skills and communication more Lucky you get in your life
Your siblings are also Lucky for you.
Third house is of short travels and ninth lord is your religious activities, more you travel to holy places or go to pilgrimages your ninth lord will improve.
Ninth lord in fourth House 🏠.
Your mother is really lucky for you, and you are lucky in terms of home, property and comfort.
Maintain good relationship with your mother and practice positive thinking and gratitude helps you to be lucky in life
Ninth lord in fifth house 🏠
Ninth house is of higher learning and fifth house is of knowledge, you get lucky when you learn more in your life.
Your children are lucky for you.
Ninth lord in sixth house 🏠 house.
Sixth house is of debt and diseases, this combination could create fight with your father or give disease or debts to your father.
More you involve yourself in social services and volunteering activities, your luck will improve.
You are lucky when it comes to do job, and go in service sector.
Ninth lord in seventh house 🏠
Your partner is lucky for you, don't disrespect your partner, otherwise you will become more unlucky in life .
Ninth lord sitting here, will help you in your business and partnerships
Ninth lord in eighth house 🏠
Eighth house is of in Laws, so your in-laws are lucky for you, you need to respect your in-laws, your in-laws could be religious and connected to their roots.
This combination gives problems with father, and causes separation from father.
Ninth lord when goes in eighth house, you need to get connected to eight house related activities like Astrology, surgeon, CA, Tax etc that would enhance your luck.
Eighth house is of secrecy, so maintain secrecy when comes to sharing your personal life and sexual activities and desires.
Have guiding figure or teacher in your life, that would help you and show you the right path, as making right decisions becomes difficult for you, because luck doesn't favour the native, so move ahead in life only with proper and right guidence .
Ninth lord in ninth House 🏡
Great, as ninth lord is sitting in its own house, so father, guru or teacher are really lucky for you.
Native would be religious, moral and have high values in his life and a great teacher and counselor.
More you become religious more luck will favour you.
Ninth lord in tenth house 🏠
Tenth house is of karma, so Ninth Lord sitting here will help you in all your duties and Karma.
It is good, because whichever job or service you do, you will get promotion easily.
Your bosses are lucky for you.
Ninth lord in eleventh house 🏠
Ninth lord sitting here, will fulfill all your wishes when it comes to material wealth.
Your elder siblings are lucky for you.
"Ask and you shall receive "
More you become social especially with spiritual people, more Lucky you get in Life.
Ninth lord in twelfth house 🏠
Twelfth house is of let go, ninth lord sitting here gives you separation from your father.
You need to let go, in order to get lucky in life, you can't have attachments with your desires.
To get lucky you need to.
Let go your attachments.
Do charity, as twelfth house is of charity as well
Settle in foreign land
Become spiritual.
When your ninth house has Rahu, then you might love to know about other religions as well.
When ninth house has ketu, then your first child would be male child, and it is good for leaning astrology and occult.
Whatever you do, remember best remedy of ninth house is your own Karma, you are responsible for your own luck.
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tuesdaygray · 1 month
thinking about. the consistent thread in challengers (2024) of wanting your life to be about more than "hitting a ball with a racket."
how tashi is the first character to bring this up and whether or not she means it (she's really only planning to do a year of college) she knows inherently that being well rounded is practical. that she's not from the same place as the country club, tennis academy, daddy's money kids. this should be an unattainable dream for most, but it's hers and she has it and it's terribly ingrained into her life but "what if this doesn't work out?" and then it doesn't. she gets injured and she gets stuck in this loop of the past, in her own potential, in what could have been. when it feels like everyone is counting on you to do and succeed at one thing ("she's going to make her family millionaires"), the one thing that is the framework and catalyst for everything you know, how do you come back from that? her life could now, realistically, become about something else because she actually can't have her dream anymore, but she becomes obsessed, holding on with white knuckles and performing alterations because she can't let it go, until she admits sardonically in a mostly abandoned applebees that her life really has only been about one thing.
and patrick. who challenges tashi's original statement. who has no problem devoting his life to tennis because it's a "good way to avoid having a job." who never had any dreams beyond playing the sport he's always had a knack for, coasting by on natural talent, never having to try. realizing too late that what really made it worth it was tennis as a relationship, not the selfish ego stroke it had been when he was good enough to win tashi's number. and he's stuck in arrested development, just like her. he never grew up, he never let go of the past, of what it felt like to play doubles with his best friend, of what it felt like to watch tashi at the top of her game. but he's painfully aware. he's made his bed and he's tangled in the sheets and he loves it and he hates it and above all else, he misses the way it used to be.
then there's art. whose decision to go to stanford is never questioned because it's unspoken general knowledge that he couldn't have gone pro right away. he never expected to be this big time professional player, he was always just concerned with doing a "really good job." and because of this, art's life is the one that probably should have been about more, the foundation was laid for it. but he's stuck too, a passive actor in a life he chose and was probably never meant to have. the holder of and heir to tashi's and patrick's unrealized dreams. (was it ever his dream?) and after eight years, after attaining it and living it without a real passion for it, he's ready to give it up because, out of the three of them, he wants his life to be about more than "hitting a ball with a racket" because it's "embarrassing to be doing this shit when you're 40." but he's the one who bears the weight of success, alone at the top, where the people he loves can only dream of knocking him off. so shouldn't he be grateful for it?
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