#peter petigrew fic
ifyoucandaniel · 1 year
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i pretty much said it all with my last two posts so uhhhh here <3
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bluestringpudding · 4 months
HPRecFest Day Twenty-five!
Happy Christmas to those who celebrate! And Happy Monday to those who don't!
A Fic Rated T
We begin in the dark by @allalrightagain (Peter Petigrew/Regulus Black, 3510 words)
A beautifully written, wonderfully intriguing, simply superb story. The pairing is gorgeous (and one I've never seen before) and everyone should read it.
“To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.” — Albus Dumbledore
…there are those who would beg to differ.
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confabulationsfic · 1 year
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Confabulations - A memory error defined as the production of fabricated, distorted, or misinterpreted memories about oneself or the world.
With each passing day the world as they know it is falling apart undoubtedly leading to the end of all things. Voldemort was gaining power, and his followers were plentiful and wide-reaching. Was anywhere truly safe?
As graduation passed, the impending doom of the real world was settling on their chests. What was life going to hold for them outside of the security of Hogwarts…but then Hogwarts didn’t feel that same anymore either…not since Mulicber had attacked Mary; a heavy fog lurked in the corners of their minds, waiting to seep out and take over when things were too quiet. When they were in bed at night trying to sleep, the dark tendrils would wrap themselves around the memory of loved ones staining them scarlet or lost in a pile of decay, dull eyes, and rigid bodies void of the people they used to be. Read the rest on AO3
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agh82701 · 1 year
Harry Potter but everything is happy:
It was an ordinary Wednesday in Godric's Hollow except today was what the muggles called Halloween. Those in the Wizarding world called it All Hollows Evening. It was a night of feasting, parties, and games, yet Lily and James Potter kept to themselves. This year, they were targets. Or rather, their first son, only a year and a few months old, was a target. A prophecy made the year prior declared that the son of people who had defied the Dark Lord three times born at the end of the seventh month was the only one that could bring about his downfall. Now, Lily and James had defied the Dark Lord three times and Harry had been born on July thirty-first, but Neville Longbottom, born on the thirtieth, son to Alice and Frank Longbottom, who had also fought and defied the Dark Lord three times over could have also fulfilled the prophecy. Between the two boys, something had compelled the Dark Lord to pick Harry as the one the prophecy was talking about. This is why the Potters decided to lay low this year for Halloween. They had placed a curse on their house to make themselves unfindable to anyone unless their secret keeper, James' best friend Sirius Black, told them where they were. Sirius, however, had talked with his and James' other friend, Peter Pettigrew, and had ultimately decided that Peter would make a better secret keeper and Sirius would go into hiding with the Potter family. Unfortunately, Peter stabbed his friends in the back and told the Dark Lord where their house in Godric's Hollow was. On that fateful Halloween night, the Dark Lord made his move.
As the Dark Lord crept into the Potter's home, he stepped on an unfortunate floorboard that creaked under his weight, alerting James and Lily to his presence. James whipped out his wand, ran downstairs, and killed the Dark Lord where he stood, frozen in the shame of failing to stay stealthy. Harry remained asleep in his mother's arms the whole time.
10 years later-
"Harry!" Cried Charlotte, climbing on top of Harry. "Uncle Paddy and Uncle Moony are here! They want to go with us to King's Cross to see you off to school!" Harry who had been fast asleep and dreaming of his own face on chocolate frog cards was now wide awake. Not only because his little sister had jumped on top of him but because Paddy and Moony were here. They weren't really his uncles, but they may as well have been, they were his parents' best friends, Sirius and Remus Lupin who still used the nicknames they had made for each other in their days at Hogwarts, Sirius being Padfoot for his animagus as a dog, and Remus being Moony as an allusion to his lycanthropy. Harry leaped out of bed and ran downstairs to his family.
"There's our first year," beamed Sirius as Harry came into view. "Ready for your first year at Hogwarts?"
"Yeah," said Harry who though excited, had a stomach full of Cornish pixies. He sat down at the table next to Remus who was nursing a very pale cup of coffee as Lily set a plate of toast in front of her son and tousled his hair. Harry began to eat his breakfast when his father and sister joined them at the table.
"Now Harry," started Remus. "Your Uncle Paddy and I have something for you, not a going away present, but just to make sure everything is okay at school." He reached under the table and pulled out a birdcage in which perched a beautiful snowy white owl. Harry gasped. He could not believe it, his very own owl.
"Your mother said you could use the school owls but I wouldn't have. My godson has to have his own owl if he's going to keep us updated with all the trouble he gets into," exclaimed Sirius with a smile.
"That's if he's anything like you three while you were in school," Lily said glaring not only at her husband but his best friends as well. "Harry is a perfectly well-behaved boy and he'll get top marks in his classes."
"So was James before he met Sirius," said Remus under his breath so only Harry and Charlotte could hear. The three of them giggled as Lily shot Remus a look that could only say "I'll see to you later about the owl."
"Well, what's her name, Harry?" Asked James clapping his son on the shoulder.
"I don't know," Harry said, still in awe that this owl was his. "I have no idea,"
"Well, you better come up with something. We have to leave for the station in an hour and a half."
Harry wasn't anywhere close to being fully packed for school. His robes were everywhere and his class books were still wrapped up in the thick brown paper from the bookshop. He picked up the stack of books by the string tying the paper up and the paper tore open as the weight of the books tipped to one side. The books came crashing to the floor, half of them landing open. A flash of white flew by Harry's face and landed on one of the open books. His owl must have heard the books fall and come to check out the noise. Picking up his textbooks, the owl sat peacefully on A History of Magic knowing that her owner was safe.
"What are you sitting on?" Asked Harry as he gave the owl a pat on the head. She flew back out the bedroom door and out of sight as Harry read the page that was now a bit crinkled from the large bird that had just used it as a chair. It was about a German witch from the middle ages. Hastily, Harry threw his loose books, wrinkled robes, school supplies, and brand-new wand into his trunk and headed back to the kitchen.
"You all ready?" Asked Lily. "I packed you some lunch for the train, just a sandwich and a few sickles to get some sweets from the trolley," she held out a small paper package to Harry who now couldn't contain his excitement.
"Is it time to go yet?" He asked his parents.
Remus let out a chuckle, "He is definitely your son Lily, I don't think James has ever been that excited to go to school,"
"He was for our seventh year when we had spent all summer making a list of pranks we couldn't wait to pull," Sirius said eyeing James with a smile.
"Slow your roll kid," James said to Harry, "You hardly ate breakfast," Harry took his seat between Remus and Charlotte once again and nibbled at his eggs and toast.
"Thanks for the owl," Harry said between bites. "I picked out a name for her,"
"You named your owl Paddy after me? That's so kind of you," Sirius teased.
"No," protested Harry with a giggle, "Her name is Hedwig,"
The six of them arrived at King's Cross at a quarter to eleven and made their way to the column between platforms nine and ten. They meandered around until the coast was clear of muggles and slipped quietly into the column and onto platform nine and three quarters. Harry had been on the train plenty of times when his parents had taken him to Hogsmead for their annual Christmas shopping trip, but he had never been on the Hogwarts express. The scarlet engine let out a huge puff of steam as Harry loaded his trunk and Hedwig onto the carriage right in the middle.
"Why can't I go with Harry?" Charlotte whined.
"You'll go when you're eleven," explained Lily.
"That's so long away,"
"It's only 2 years Char," Harry said hopping off the train to say his goodbyes to his family. "When I'm a third year, you'll be a first year. Then I can show you all around the castle." This idea pleased Charlotte as she smiled and gave her big brother a hug.
"Now, you be safe," Lily said motherly, "and write to us as much as you can,"
"He'll be fine Lily," James said comforting his wife as she teared up at the idea of sending her first child to school, "He's a Potter. If he doesn't have your brains he has to have my knack for mischief. He can take care of himself." Harry hugged his parents and his uncles one last time as the warning whistle sounded at two minutes to eleven. He climbed onto the train and into a compartment that was empty except for one very red-haired boy who was hanging halfway out the window. Harry made his way to the window as well and the boy made room. As the train started to pull away from the station, they both waved and yelled at their families one final goodbye.
"I'm Ron Weasley," the boy said as they took their seats. "Are you a first year too?"
"Yeah," said Harry, thankful he was with someone his own age. "I'm Harry,"
"You know, you look just like that Potter guy who killed the Dark Lord," Ron said squinting at Harry.
"Yeah, I get that a lot. He's my dad. I'm Harry Potter,"
"No way! That's so cool! What's he like?" Ron's eyes were full of awe and wonder.
"I dunno, he's just my dad," Harry laughed. Who would have known the first person he met would be a fan of his parents'?
The two boys talked about their families, the Weasley family having six sons and one daughter, Harry saw his own family as quite small. When lunch time rolled around, both Harry and Ron pulled out the lunch their mothers packed.
"Ew," exclaimed Ron. "Corned beef. She always forgets how much I hate it."
"I'll trade if you want. I just have ham," Harry offered. The boys swapped sandwiches as they heard a rattling in the corridor.
"Anything from the trolley dears?" A witch pushing a squeaky-wheeled cart full of candy asked.
"No sorry," said Ron looking a bit disappointed.
"I'll get you something," said Harry. "Can I have some chocolate frogs and a pumpkin pastie?" Not five minutes later were all the frogs opened and the boys comparing their trading cards from inside the wrapping.
"Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville is looking for his," a young girl with fluffy brown hair appeared in the doorway to the compartment startling both Harry and Ron.
"I haven't," Harry said. "Have you?"
"None that aren't made of peppermint. Those are on the trolley," Ron started laughing at his own joke as the girl glared at him.
"Well, anyways, I'm Hermione. Hermione Granger. You know, we're almost there you should probably put on your robes," she disappeared almost as quickly as she arrived, bouncing off to the next compartment to ask the same question.
"Well," said Ron with a sigh. "She's something. A Ravenclaw I bet."
"Oh yeah, what house are you hoping for?" Harry had completely forgotten about the sorting.
"My whole family has been Gryffindor I think I'd be a disappointment to them if I wasn't."
"Same here. My parents, my uncles Moony and Paddy, I have to be Gryffindor." With the thought of the sorting at the front of his mind, the rest of the train ride flew by and before Harry knew it, the Hogwarts gamekeeper Rubeus Hagrid was beckoning all the first years toward him. Harry was thankful to see a friendly face which eased his nerves about starting school.
Hagrid was a friend of his parents and had come around for dinner a few times, even more over this past summer holiday to tell Harry everything about Hogwarts and what to expect. His mother, Lily, was a muggleborn and grew up going to a muggle primary school. She had decided that it was best for Harry to be exposed to the muggle world before going to Hogwarts, therefore Harry attended the same primary school his mother and Aunt Petunia did. Harry could only hope that dinners with Hagrid would help ease Harry into Wizarding school.
Hagrid lead the gaggle of eleven-year-old wizards to the lake that stood between the castle and the train station. They all climbed into small wooden boats and Hagrid guided them towards the school. Harry looked up at the tallest turret. The towers looked taller than they had from the streets of Hogsmead. He felt another surge of anxiety and looked over at Ron and could tell they felt the same.
The massive front doors to the school stood looming in front of them and Harry gulped nervously. He hadn't been nervous until now but the sorting ceremony was about to start. A young witch walked the first years to the front of the Great Hall where a stool sat with a wrinkled pointy leather hat perched on top. A witch with square glasses and emerald green silk robes stood behind the podium at the front of the hall at the professors table.
"Welcome first years," she said smiling at all of them. "I am your headmaster, Professor McGonagall." She went on to explain the sorting ceremony which Harry mostly zoned out for, distracted by the enchanted ceiling above. He only snapped back to reality when he heard a name he knew. Hermione, the girl from the train, got Gryffindor, as well as Neville Longbottom, a boy Harry had met a few times since their parents were friends. He clutched a squirming toad in his lap as he got sorted and Harry realized it was Neville's toad that was lost on the train. Finally it was Harry's turn.
He slowly walked up to the stool and the sorting hat was placed on his head. Harry began to panic. What if he wasn't Gryffindor? What if he was placed in Slytherin?
"Don't worry about the what-ifs," a grumbly voice said in Harry's head. "Whatever house I put you in, you'll fit in,"
"Please, please, please," Harry pleaded.
"You could do well in Slytherin,"
"No!" Harry's mind screamed.
"And Hufflepuff could be a good fit,"
"No no no no no," his panic grew. "Please, Gryffindor," he knew his family would love him regardless of his house, but he had to be Gryffindor, he had to keep the family legacy. "I'm a Gryffindor," he told the hat.
"Well well, bold of you to tell me what I know," the hat whispered to Harry. "Gryffindor!" It cried loud enough for the whole hall to hear. The table at the far right of the hall erupted in cheers. Harry grinned ear to ear and sat next to Hermione and two identical red-haired boys that Harry assumed were Ron's brothers, Fred and George, whom he had heard about on the train. The end of the alphabet approached and Ron was sorted into Gryffindor as well. His brothers whooped and hollered and Harry cheered. It was going to be a good school year.
And it was. Harry and Ron were best friends and their duo turned into a trio turned into a quartet as they grew closer to Hermione and Neville. Fred and George were the pranksters of the Weasley family, but that didn't stop Ron from getting into his own mischief and Harry followed in his footsteps. One night, Harry found an intricately folded square of parchment in the side pocket of his book bag. He unfolded it and another slip of parchment fell out.
I solemnly swear I'm up to no good
Harry read it out loud and the larger bit of parchment blossomed with maroon ink. Harry was face to face with his father and uncle's legacy. The marauders' map. Harry took it upon himself to explore all the secret passageways the map marked out for him. He wasn't taking after his mother or father. He was taking after uncle Moony.
While at Hogwarts, Lily was a star student. Sirius and James got in their fair share of trouble. But Remus kept his name clear. In public, Remus was like Lily. The top of their class, both prefects. But when he was alone with his friends, Remus was the brains of all the pranks. Harry filled this role in his friend group, while Hermione and Neville were the ones that had their noses in books studying to get the best grades, and Ron was always getting caught getting into trouble. Harry was Ron's cover. He got good enough grades for the professors to like him but the marauders' map and the invisibility cloak he had snuck out of the hall wardrobe that belonged to James, made him as sneaky as can be. As Ron got in more trouble, Harry shared his sneaky secrets. They hung out in the shrieking shack and all kinds of other off limits places and even got Hermionie and Neville to join them sometimes. The four of them were made for each other. Harry and Ron made sure Hermionie and Neville loosened up to have some fun, while they made sure Harry and Ron did their homework and kept their grades up, helping them where they struggled.
Ron's younger sister Ginny joined them the next year, and Charlotte the year after that. The following year brought the Triwizard Tournament. A seventh-year Hufflepuff named Cedric got selected to represent Hogwarts and Harry and his friends cheered him on to victory. Ron and Hermionie were made prefects in their fifth year, which everyone laughed at since out of all the Gryffindor fifth years, Ron had gotten in the most trouble the four years previous. McGonagall had her faith in Ron, thinking being made prefect would whip him into shape, however, pranks became more elaborate as Ron got roped into Fred and George's growing joke business. The next two years were uneventful as O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. exams took up most of their time. They all graduated with honors and went on to careers at the Ministry of Magic. Ron and Harry became Aurors hunting down groups that tried to emulate the Dark Lord. Hermionie, born to muggle parents, went into muggle relations which was her specialty since she didn't even know about the Wizarding world until she turned eleven. Neville was a herbology researcher with a focus on antidotes. Ginny joined Weasleys Wizard Wheezes as the twins' financial advisor and Charlotte had fallen in love with the care of magical creatures while in school so she was on a path to working at a dragon sanctuary with one of Ron's many brothers, Charlie.
Everyone was happy and all was well.
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magixbeans · 2 years
Okay i don’t know who would care about this but someone complimented my hair today so i feel like i am a god. I might start sharing some of the fics i wrote so if anyone wanted to send me some jily/marauders related prompts maybe i’ll have some courage left to post some one-shots. Who knows…
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aaveafanfics · 1 year
Los cazafamtasmas, el fanfic.
Who do you call??
Fandom: Harry Potter.
Pareja: Drarry.
Idioma: Inglés (Usa traductor de chrome)
Categoría: What if/Post canon
Sinópsis por mi: Cuando Harry murió y volvió de entre los muertos, desarolló una habilidad que le permitió volver a ver a sus seres queridos, pero no solo ellos empezaron a comunicarse con él, gente que conoció, pero con la que jamás tuvo mucha interacción, empezó a pedirle enviar mensajes y así él lo hizo. Harry se volvió un puente entre la vida y la muerte para todo aquel que lo necesitara, hasta que las cosas cambiaron un poco con un mensaje que Severus Snape tenía para Draco Malfoy.
Califiación: 💙💙💙💙💙👑
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Amo el misterio y amo el Fluff, así que esta historia autimaticamente subió peldaños entre mis favoritas.
Amo a Draco Malfoy y amo a Harry Potter.
Que criaturas más adorables DIOS MÍO SANTO. Me van a provocar un infarto de lo dulces e idiotas que pueden llegar a ser cuando los escriben correctamente.
Amé la historia de principio a fin, la trama es interesante, el misterio es sencillo pero intrigante, la relación de ese par es azúcar y puro amor y tiene un buen rítmo, no me cansé de leer y tampoco lo sentí lento o rápido, era perfecto.
Me hubiera gustado que se adentraran un poco más en la teoría mágica y el como funcionaba lo que estaba pasando en la historia, pero esto es un fanfic de un saga que no explica realmente cosas del funcionamiento de la mágia como pa padirle demasiado a este fic.
Amé con todo mi corazón a todos los personajes, excepto al villano, lo odié al nivel que odio a Peter Petigrew, maldito Magnus, chingas a tu madre.
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achliegh · 2 years
The Cult Of Dionysus
Chapter 1
Y'all remember that fic I wrote a while back named British V-Sign? Well I turned it into a shitty chapter fic. You’re welcome and I’m sorry
Character’s belong to: @lumosinlove
TW/CW: Swearing, Mentions of drugs, drug usage, Underage drinking, Smut, Therapy, Not Happy Ending.
Leo was laying on their studio’s couch, puffing on a cigarette, he's been up for three days straight and had only binged a pizza. Clay was sitting next to him with Leo’s feet in his lap and a notebook in one hand, the pen twirling in between his other hands fingers. He has been writing for the three days they have been on a binge. Melony was on the ground, sitting with her hair over Leo’s lap and her head resting on his hip. 
“What have you got Clay?” Melony asks, hoping that he was writing and not just scribbling his anxieties away. 
“I have a something about when Leo was fucking that dude’s girlfriend in your tour van and he didn’t know. What was his name? Seth?”
“Scotty.” Leo answers as he runs his hands over his face, trying to keep from falling asleep. “Let's work on music then.” He goes to move but the other two won’t let him get up because they are comfy. “We need to do some sort of work this week, we have two days left before Peter comes and knocks our door down begging for money.” Peter Petigrew was their manager's assistant and the person who supplies them with… things. 
“I fucking hate that rat.” Melony is the first up, stretching her arms over her head. “Let's get on with it then.” She snatches the notebook from her bandmate's hand and reads over it. “Maybe instead of ‘he doesn't know’ it could be ‘Scotty doesn’t know’...” Clay and Leo smile at each other and then get up, maybe a bit too fast because they run into each other. 
“What did you name it?” Leo looks at the top of the page and smiles when he sees its blank, grabbing Melony’s face and smacking a kiss on her forehead. “I think you just figured out the name of our song, I knew I kept you around for a reason.” Melony rolls her eyes and walks away towards the room with all their instruments where they make the actual music for the songs. They live in the apartment right above the studio so they didn’t need to go far when they had an idea. 
They mess around a bit on their equipment and eventually are too tired to continue. They head upstairs and decide to go to bed at three in the afternoon. Leo wanders into his room and finds his phone on his bed that he doesn’t remember putting there but he doesn’t remember a lot of the last few days. He sees some missed calls from Crouch, their manager and Peter the rat. A few calls and texts from his parents but he won’t call them back until tomorrow or whenever he wakes up. He scrolls through Twitter aimlessly and notices he was tagged in something from hockey players. 
He misses hockey a lot. Maybe too much but he physically cannot play if he wants to be able to walk by the time he is thirty. His knee starts hurting at just the thought of playing again and he knows everything is fading from his system because his neck and wrists are starting to ache as well. He sighs and looks at the tweet before he tries to fall asleep. 
He sits up on his elbows when he sees the picture of the two guys who are apparently at his concert. They must have been there when Sergei brought his team. He missed Sergei. But these guys were pretty good looking. One was tall and lean and the other was shorter and built. He wonders if they are together. He replies to them in the only way he seems fit. 
@finnohara- Fish  @logantremblay- Tremz Wanna Fuck?
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goddess47 · 3 months
For the 9-1-1/Harry Potter fen...
It's likely me and hardly anyone else but I know Tumblr enough to know you're out there... ::grin::
I have to admit to adoring Alan Rickman as Snape in the Harry Potter films. But he was all wrong for Snape... (sorry, not sorry!) Alan Rickman was too old to be Snape.
I've done enough Harry Potter fic, and even some Marauder fic, and in doing the math on everyone's ages (to get as close to canon as I can when I'm writing an AU - yes, I appreciate the irony), Snape was only *31* when Harry started Hogwarts.
May I present Oliver Stark (Buck) and Ryan Guzman (Eddie).
Oliver is currently 31. *That* is what Snape should have looked like. Ryan is 37. I can work with that. This is what Sirius and Severus (and Remus and Peter!) should have looked like in those movies!
Sirius is really a big kid. He was thrown into Azkaban at 21 and spent 11 years there. He's still (at best) 21 in his head, even if he is physically 31/32. Okay, maybe 34 when Prisoner of Azkaban happens.
I think I have to go with Ryan as Severus and Oliver as Sirius (although he would be a fun Remus!) to be closer to 'reality'... that gives me a very different head-canon as I write Harry Potter fic. I have a 'Severitis' fic (Severus raises Harry) that is a WIP and I'm going to be thinking about these actors as Severus and Sirius... it may not change what I'm writing but I will be seeing something different from the movies in my head.
Okay, just to cross fandoms more, Dylan O'Brien (Teen Wolf) is also currently 33. (Okay, now really I feel how old I am!) He would be a great Sirius, with Oliver as Remus.
Now I just need a Peter Petigrew... hmmm...
And there's another huge plot bunny that may or may not happen... Yes, evil author is evil!
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ashes-and-ashes · 5 years
The Last Conversation
“Okay,” Sirius says. “And what do you do if someone breaks in?”
Across from him, in the chair adjacent to the table, Peter gives him a watery smile. He’s fidgeting, like he always did back when they were younger, twisting a small wire into various shapes between his hands. “I...uh. I use the fireplace. Floo Powder. I go to Andromdea’s - she grabs everyone and changes the sign. Dumbledore sends a portkey over and we all go to Hogwarts.”
“Yeah.” Sirius nods his head. “And what happens if Andromeda is...” He forced himself to spit the words out. “Compromised or dead?”
Peter blinks. “Escape hatch. Left bedroom. Third floor. There’s a deactivated portkey there - I reactivate it, it takes me to Godric’s Hollow. Brooms are underneath the third tomb, marked Laetitia Wen, I fly to the Prewett’s.”
“Good.” Sirius leans back in his chair. The skies had gone dark around them, shades of blue and gold, like the silk blanket that him and Remus had on top of their bed. “If you get killed?”
Peter points to him. “You’re next keeper.”
“If you get taken?”
“I...” Peter trails off. “Pill.”
Peter looks down. The wire was wound around tight around his finger now, the lines smooth from being worn down so many times. Looking at him now, Sirius felt a strange urge to protect him, to shield him like he used to shield Regulus.
He thinks that’s why he befriended Peter, on the train so long ago. He needed a brother, another Regulus, someone who he could look after without getting hurt. Sirius has always needed people - people to take the edge off, people who could be there for him, and Peter with his big eyes and blond hair seemed perfect for that.
Sirius looks at his watch; it’s almost 6 now, the skies rapidly darkening behind him. “Well,” he says, and Peter gives a little jump. “I better go. Moony’s expecting me, and I need to be over at James’ at 7.”
Peter looks up at him, and Sirius wonders if he’s okay; his skin has gone an awful grey colour, his eyes dull and flat. “Why are you going there?”
Sirius shrugs. “Moony gets pissed if no one is home to eat.”
“Not there. James and Lily’s. Why are you going over?”
Sirius cocks his head. “It’s Harry’s second Halloween. I promised I would come and trick or treat with him, since they...can’t.”
Peter looks worried. He’s gnawing at his thumbnail now, his cheeks flushed.
“Don’t worry,” Sirius says. “We’re not even leaving the house. I’ll just enchant some of his stuffies to walk around, and we’ll go from room to room and hide candy. We’ll be fine.”
“Okay,” Peter whispers. He coughs, clears his throat, then gives Sirius a sheepish smile. “Sorry. I know I’m overreacting.”
Sirius lets his chair fall forward, all four legs landing on the ground with a hard crunch. “Hey,” he says, his voice soft. “Look. I know...I know it’s hard to be Keeper. God, I’d be terrified out of my wits. But don’t worry. You’re a marauder, Peter. I’d die before I’d let anyone hurt you. I promise. They would have to kill me before I’d let you get hurt. Same as Remus. You’ll be fine, okay? Just don’t draw attention to yourself.”
Peter gives him a wan smile. If anything, he looks worse now, sickly and pale and drawn. His fingers tap away at the edge of the table, a maddening beat in time with Sirius’ heart. “Thanks,” he says suddenly. “For everything.”
Sirius laughs, standing up and shoving his chair underneath the table in one swift motion. “Of course. There’s a reason why I’m friends with you. You’re brave, Pete. I know you don’t think it but you are. You’re one of the bravest people I know.”
“Yeah,” Peter breathes. He looks down, then pushes himself up against the table. “I better go now. Get comfortable and all.”
“See you later Pete,” Sirius calls, and Peter gives him a small wave. “Oh! I forgot. I’ll tell Re that you’re coming round for dinner on Friday, right? We’re cooking - we’ll bring food round to theirs.”
“Yeah,” Peter mumbles. “I’ll be there.”
“Great,” Sirius says. He reaches over, pats Peter on the back. “And it’s my birthday tomorrow, so we’ll have a beer or something, yeah?”
“Sounds good.”
Sirius nods. He gives Peter a quick hug; he can feel the other man stiffen slightly before relaxing into it. “Thanks for being Keeper.”
Peter draws back. Something flashes in his eyes, so fast that Sirius can’t see it. “No problem,” he says. “It’s my pleasure.”
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queerbookshelf · 3 years
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All the Young Dudes by MsKingBean89
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ifyoucandaniel · 1 year
Ok but does anyone know of any time turner fics where Remus or Mary goes back in time over and over trying to change the fates of their friends and save everyone?
Like the first time they go back they don’t really know where it all went wrong and they kind of just relive the whole thing with a growing sense of horror and deja vu and just watch history repeat it’s self unable to save anyone.
The next time they go back, they succeed in saving maybe like James and Lily, but then somehow Sirius instead gets blamed for the McKinnons or smth and then everything falls apart and they have to go back again
The next time they go back they’re determined to save everyone and do it right this time. All the rest of the marauders can tell they’re acting strange but at this point Remus/Mary doesn’t care bc they’d rather their friends think they’re fucking insane as long as their alive. But instead, when the war comes this suspension develops into them being accused of being the spy and this time everything falls apart again
The next time, they’re ready. They know who to save, they know who is going to do what and when, they’re ready. Except they’re not. They save the McKinnon’s, they save the longbottoms, they stop Peter and save the potters, and somehow still everything falls apart. They might have saved them from their original fate, but in the end they all die and suffer worse fates.
The next time they feel helpless. They don’t know what they’re doing wrong and they don’t know how to fix it and save anyone much less everyone and they think about giving up, accepting the fact that maybe this is just the way they’re doomed to be. But then, somehow they go to the cave and find out what regulus did and decide to try going back even further and save him too since they can’t really get any worse.
When they go back this time, they go back to 1979 and they somehow save regulus (they pull him from the water or they convince him to let them come, or they just fucking go in anyways). And after so many failed attempts they’re honestly feeling like there’s nowhere to go but up since they’re already at rock bottom, so they tell regulus what’s going on. Since Remus/Mary have been doing this alone the entire time, unable to tell anyone for fear of what it could do, they’ve been trying to save everyone as just one person. But this time they don’t see any point in not telling him. If they fuck up the timeline or time itself, what does it matter? They’re friends are all going to die anyways.
So at first regulus doesn’t believe them. He doesn’t buy it, but after extensive proof he finally believes them. Then they tell him what’s going to happen and what they’re trying to prevent. At first he’s rly not interested in jointing them or helping since he’s already kind of booked trying to destroy the horcruxes, but eventually Remus or Mary gets him to join them.
Now that they’re not alone, and with the added bonus that they have a death eater AND now know about the horcruxes, they set out to change their fates. This time they start fixing the timeline together, but at some point things go wonky and regulus dies and everything falls apart, but Remus/Mary don’t give up. They know what to do this time. They know they need regulus. This time things go differently. They save regulus first and it’s easier to convince him since they know him now. This time history doesn’t repeat itself and this time their friends don’t die and this time they win. They’re able to stop everything from falling apart and this time regulus is there the whole time.
Also as much as I love love love my babies jily, if Mary went back in time to save the love of her life Lily and she had to watch her fall in love with James over and over and die every time and hold her lifeless body over and over as Harry cries from his crib??? And if the last time she goes back and she saves regulus, things are different this time. Lily looks at her different, and she is different, watching her friends die has changed her, but Lily is looking at her like she’s something so rare and beautiful. This time James and Lily don’t get married or have Harry, this time Harry isn’t Voldemort’s enemy, this time they protect frank and Alice and Neville. The potters don’t die, Mary saves Lily and they all fall in love and live happily ever after
Also if that were the case jegulus would make sense. Mary saves regulus and when he comes back from the cave he’s different. James notices. Lily’s eyes are on Mary, but James can’t take his off regulus. He’s got this air of fate around him, like he knows what’s going to happen and he’s decided he doesn’t care because he can change his fate just by sheer willpower. He’s no longer helpless and weak, he’s fighting back.
Just thinking about this <3 featuring spy regulus being morally gray and Sirius not going to Azkaban and they all grow old and live happily ever after <333
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wolfstarloml · 3 years
people who wake up and decide to read a marauders fic literally wake up and choose violence
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ameshrk5 · 5 years
Marauders Headcannons that I love
-Wolfstar is cannon!!!!
-Lily and Remus were friends before Lily befriended James Sirius and Peter
-Sirius loves muggle music (eg: the beatles and queen)
-Peter would know everyone's favourite snacks
-Sirius and Lily would bitch about their family's together
-James was there for Regules when Sirius wasn't
-Every other word that comes out of Remus' mouth is a swear word
-Sirius would extend Moonys nickname every now and then (eg: Moonpie Moonshine Moonykins)
-Sirius would turn into Padfoot at every opportunity he gets
-McGonagall would treat the boys as if they were her sons
-The only time Sirius would pay attention in class would be to take notes for Remus when he's too sick to go (Lily would also take extra notes just in case)
-Lily realised her feelings for James during Sixth year while seeing him trying to get over her
-Remus was the worst prefect ever
-They ingraved their names into their usual compartment during second year when somebody else sat there because "i don't see your name on it"
-Remus was good friends with Newt Scamander
-Sirius has a tatto on his arm that changing with the phases of the moon
-Their names on the map is in order of when they were able to transform
-Lily and Remus would have a homework club for the first years
-Sirius was the first person Lily told about her feelings for James
-They are all still alive and happy
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Jules, Maggie, Alex and the marauders
(( okay so this is my first OC fic I've written so please if you can feedback is always appreciated and I really hope I did okay for a first😅.))
This is inspired by an A.U  we created in the blog of the AMAZING @wolfstar-ask   and I also collaborated with the AWESOME POSSUM  @ishipwolfstar seriously guys thanks for the support!! I love you guys! go and check them out!!)
warnings: some swear words and ah some violence? 
Alex and Jules had been friendly with the Marauders for a while now. Jules had helped them in some of their pranks and Alex helped to get the supplies for the pranks, and she once helped James dye Sirius’s hair pink.
Jules figured out about Remus lycanthropy in fifth grade and of course, she told Alex and her best friend Maggie. Since then, they became good friends with the boys, they talked every day during class and hanged out after school.
Alex and Jules had been together for about two years now and they couldn’t be more in love, and everyone agreed. “Hey there Babe, how are you? “said Jules before kissing Alex’s cheek, “I’m good, and you beautiful?” Alex answered smiling “I’m fine! How was class?”  She said smiling brightly “it was okay, I still don’t get divination” Jules wrapped her arm around Alex’s waist and kissed her head “it’s okay Al, I don’t get it either!!” Jules said they both laughed.
This was perfect, Alex just wanted this to stay the same, perfect friends, perfect school, perfect girlfriend, the only thing she wanted completely gone was the war against you know who. Jules had been fighting in the resistance al summer and had gotten quite injured a couple of times, but she was making a difference and she was alive and that was what mattered.
“Hey Jules, Al! over here“ Maggie screamed from the end of the hall. “Hey Maggie, how are you?” Jules said. “hey Maggie” Alex greeted her friend, Maggie ran to them, “still on for the library?” she asked “yeah! I was just about to remind Al” Jules answered turning to look at Alex “oh no, Jules, Maggie I’m so sorry I told Lilly I’d help her tutor Mary up in the dorm, I’m so sorry” Alex answered with a apologetic look on her face “it’s okay Al you go, I’ll go cause I have to study for my charm exam” Jules reassured “yeah you go help Lilly, honestly Mary is a lost cause so good luck” Maggie said and it made Jules laugh. “okay guys you’re the best!” Alex said kissing Jules in the head and started heading up to the Gryffindor common room “well Maggie let’s get going” she said heading up to the library.
They entered the library and bumped into James “hey James what are you up to tonight? Any cool pranks planed?” Jules asked “oh, not really it’s a full-moon so yeah” James answered making Jules fell stupid for forgetting “oh! Right sorry I forgot” she answered quickly “still, see you tomorrow?” he said, “you betcha!” she said with a wink, “oh! James, are you taking notes for Remus all week?” Maggie asked “yeah I am, but not for Slughorn’s class, be-” but before he could answer Maggie interrupted, “OH MY GOD!  I totally forgot! I have detention with Slughorn! I so sorry Jules!” Maggie said grabbing all her stuff and struggling to put them in her bag “yeah! It’s okay go” Jules said helping her put her stuff in her bag “You’re the best seriously!” and with that, she was off on running to the potion room for detention. “Well I’ve got to go, I have about two hours so see you tomorrow! Don’t stay up too late” James said leaving the library leaving Jules to study by herself, she didn’t mind at all actually, so she started to study.
She had been studying for nobody knows how long when she noticed it was already night time, she couldn’t help but feel sorry for what Remus had to go through. She kept studying for about an hour.
Suddenly she heard a voice full of panic call her name “Jules?! Are you in here?!” the voice belonged to Peter Pettigrew, he saw Jules looking at him in confusion “what’s going on? peter calm down” she said worried she had never seen him this panicked, she stood up and grabbed Peter by the shoulders, “its Alex! She went into the forbidden forest!” then she felt her heart hit the ground she didn’t say anything she just grabbed her hand and started running as she had never run before.
She had never been this scared in her life, “Alex must be okay, Alex must be okay” she kept repeating again and again to herself to try and calm down the sound of her heart beating in her ears. She ran to the grounds and straight into the forbidden forest screaming at the top of her lungs her name “ALEX!!! COME ON ALEX ANSWER ME DAMN IT” she kept screaming over and over again until she heard some steps behind her, she felt a bit of hope “Alex? Is that you?” nobody answered so she asked again “Alex?”. She heard a low growl her heart dropped “fuck!” in a matter of seconds, she was off in a full sprint. She could hear the four legs running behind her heart had never beaten this fast before. She heard another pair of feet join the running before she could react she heard a voice scream “Stupefy!” she fell hard to the ground and landed on her arm, pain throbbing through her arm and head as she turned around to look at her attacker gasping for air. A woman dressed all in black with black curly hair came grinning and laughing came from behind the trees, Bellatrix. “Y-you,” Jules said her voice full of fear, she had encountered Bellatrix before, it ended with her getting hit with the crusio curse. Bellatrix didn’t say anything she just stood there laughing and came closer. Jules struggled to her feet in fear and raised her wand “STAY AWAY” she screamed turned around and started to run again as fast as she could straight ahead.
Everything ached her lungs burned and her arm was throbbing with pain. She saw a fallen tree and started running towards it and when she finally reached it she fell behind it and tried her best to calm down and catch her breath, her arm was clearly broken.
She couldn’t save herself she couldn’t do it alone she had to ask for help. She remembered another use for the Patronus charm professor McGonagall taught her, she thought about her happiest memories, going to Hogsmeade with Al, meeting Maggie, her first kiss, then as small as a whisper she said “Expectro Patronus” then almost instantly a thestral came out of her wand and stood in front of her looking down “go find Alex” she said almost inaudible and the thestral took of fling to the Gryffindor tower.
 End of part one
 ((god this took forever to write!! hope you like it! if anyone wants me to write a fic or imagines just hit me up requests are always open! )) 
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ddejavvu · 2 years
ahhh thank you sm!! that was so helpful!!!
this is going to sound stupid, but where is regulus from? i know the same, but i haven’t read the books in a few years, so i don’t entirely remember. he wasn’t a part of the marauders in the books, right? is he kind of just replacing peter in the fandom bc you know petigrew is a pos
so so happy that you found it helpful!
and no no, it doesn't sound stupid at all, I kinda forgot that he didn't have a super big part in the books!
So Regulus is Sirius's younger brother, and he joined the death eaters (probably not by choice, but by force of his mother), and ended up dying trying to destroy one of voldemort's horcruxes. He drowned in the lake surrounding the island that the locket was located on, where harry and dumbledore went in the 6th book. He left a note about why he betrayed voldemort and that eventually won a lot of people over to his side, which is why a lot of people write for him! He's portrayed on here as more of a brooding mysterious character, who's really just being controlled by his mother or at least trying to escape from her. while sirius broke the family stereotype and landed himself in gryffindor, he was put in slytherin, and it lent some dark themes to his character. sirius and regulus have kind of a hit or miss relationship in a lot of fics, he's either close with him and trying to help get him out of their parents' house, or he's glaring daggers at him and avoiding him at all costs. a lot of people ship him with james potter (jegulus), so sometimes he is kind of replacing peter in their group, but oftentimes he's got his own thing going on seperate from the main marauders :)
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sunflower-swan · 2 years
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For @goodboylupin Candy Hearts Challenge, my prompt was "Swing Time."
I've sat on this for a while, letting it mull over in my brain. Then this weekend I attended a music educator conference, was watching a jazz band perform, and a college jazz band au burst into my brain.
So, for now, please enjoy this fic cover with the hope that eventually (probably after my graduate thesis is written) I will write this and give it the due diligence it deserves.
If you don't know the song Moonlight Serenade, by Glenn Miller, then do yourself a favor and LISTEN TO IT.
And, finally, the jazz band personnel list:
James Potter - lead alto
Alice Fortescue - alto 2
Sirius Black - lead tenor
Marlene McKinnon - tenor 2
Bertha Jorkins - bari sax
Lily Evans - lead trumpet
Lucius Malfoy - trumpet 2
Narcissa Black - trumpet 3
Preston Fawley - trumpet 4
Aubrey Yonder - trumpet 5
Mary Macdonald - lead bone
Emmeline Vance - bone 2
Frank Longbottom - bone 3
Sturgis Podmore - bone 4
Peter Petigrew - bass bone
Remus Lupin - drums
Barty Crouch Jr - aux
Regulus Black - piano
Severus Snape - guitar
Amos Diggory - bass guitar
Dorcas Meadowes - vox
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