#piper is too pale while leo is tan
stilessderek · 5 years
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Leo. You're back. Come in. It's so good to see you. How are you? Better now. How are you Piper? Uh, I'm better now too.
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thebigqueer · 3 years
Also same anon here, just in general what do you imagine they look like? I like to get ideas for how i imagine them from other people
anon you know how long i’ve been waiting for someone to ask me???? IVE BEEN WAITING FOR CENTURIES.
percy: i’ve kind of always considered him to be brown actually! from mexico! i’ve always seen him as latino, so he has like brown skin. he has short black hair that falls into his forehead & his eyes from the front. he’s pretty tall, like 5′10-6′0. i’ve kind of always imagined him to be lean - he has muscles, but they’re not totally visible when he wears shirts or anything. he has kind squishy cheekbones and a really mischievous grin. you know he’s going to get you in trouble. but his grin is really intimidating - you sometimes feel like he’s judging you. he has really stormy dramatic eyes. they kinda look as though they’re swirling, like there’s a storm inside him that’s just waiting to let loose the moment he snaps. you do not want to mess with him. when he’s older, he probably gets a few tattoos over his arms, most likely things to do with the ocean. i think he’d dye his hair for a little while too! maybe try to get that gray streak back, and it would be that shock of hair that falls into his eyes. he’s got some dramatic dark lips imo - they’re probably a bit plump. he also has dramatic full eyebrows. 
annabeth: she has like semi-long curly blond hair. if she straightens it, it looks fairly long but since it’s curly, it’s about mid-length on her. gray eyes. some-what full pink lips ig? she definitely has muscles!! she’s not skinny at all - i think her muscles are more prominent than percy’s are, actually. she has tannish skin ig. i definitely see her as pretty tall, just about percy’s height. she’s got average-size lips and her eyebrows aren’t as prominent. 
piper: dark skin and brown eyes. she has a lean muscle figure (like percy) (and especially after she does a lot of training because i feel like she’d really want to get muscles??). layered hair (klsdflkjsfkljd im so gay for her hair laksjdlkfd). brown/black hair. a sharp nose, probably aquiline. i would say average-sized lips. full dramatic eyebrows as well though they’d be a little less full than percy’s. 
jason: ah, yes, my white bread. he has a pretty pale complexion, definitely whiter than annabeth, and blond hair. it’s a little more neat than percy’s but he has some hair that kind sticks out front, especially when he hasn’t cut it. probably a strong jawline and i see him a little buffer than percy. i feel like any time you look at him you feel like he’s actually high-key judging you because he’s kinda intimidating and all serious-like. average lips but his eyebrows are a little bit arched like he’s kinda embarrassed by you. 
leo: dark skin, a little bit darker than percy’s. he’s got a really mischievous grin like percy as well, but his is more joke-y like he’s constantly laughing at a joke that’s ringing in his head. he probably gets a few tattoos on his forearms when he’s older, and also one on the back of his neck. curly dark brown/black hair, of course, and probably long nimble fingers. his hair is short and it also falls into his eyes, but from the front - it's just a bunch of curls that poof up right over his forehead. sharp eyebrows.
hazel: dark brown skin and brown eyes. curly hair that i think gets longer when she’s older, and i’d like to think that she starts putting it up into a lot more styles when she’s older! she starts dressing much more goth (because nico definitely had an impact on her okay i love goth hazel) and starts getting tattoos as well!! she gets them all over her arms. i’ve always seen her as pretty curvy. soft curvy eyebrows. 
frank: dark cropped hair (but not like a buzzcut). i still see him as chubby because like that whole transition thing that rick did with him... idk man i’ve always seen him as chubby. he’s hella tall and as nice as he is, he probably intimidates people as well. there’s a kindness to him, but he makes sure you know that if you’re not careful, he can get mad. dark brown eyes. they glimmer with kindness but, like percy, they’re kinda stormy - he’s been through shit and he will be harsh if you give him a reason to be. kinda full softly-curved eyebrows.
reyna: just like annabeth, i see her as really buff. she’s pretty tall and she has pretty dramatic eyebrows. i think they’re also pretty thick as well. brown skin. dark brown eyes. long brown hair with bangs that she totally rocks. her lips look kinda like pointy natural, like this: 
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but they’re like darker. probbaly a pink-ish brown.
nico: dark silky hair that really just falls to the base of his neck and covers over his ears. i think as a result of not having a healthy diet and taking care of himself, he starts off pretty pale (like a pale olive color) but once he starts actually taking care of himself, his skin becomes more saturated again (like when he was younger). definitely becomes more olive. he has pretty thin lips imo but they turn into the prettiest smile. his lips are also like a really dark pink color. thin nose and dramatic eyebrows. his hair swishes into his eyes. oh, and dark brown eyes!! he’s skinny at first but when he starts eating more i think he starts to look more like he’s filling into himself. like he’s skinny to the point where you can see his veins but eventually he kinda fills himself up more and he looks really radiant :))) he also gets a bunch of tattoos, but not like sleeves. i think he’d get a bunch of randomly-placed tattoos on his arms and then have like a butterfly on teh back of his neck and then maybe a spine against his back or something?? also he has a light splash of freckles over his cheeks and nose. he also gets a nose piercing. wears rings all the time like the punk legend he is <33
will: when we first meet him, i honestly see him with like curly hair all over the place. when he gets older, though, i think it would turn wavier and longer, like just curling above the base of his neck (not as long as nico’s but like it’s definitely longer than before). the hair kind swishes into his eyes. blue eyes. kinda plump pink lips. he definitely gets a lot more tattoos when he’s older, especially like two whole-ass sleeves on his arms. he has some on his neck, too. tan skin, a tiny bit darker than annabeth. and i know that he’s technically described with a surfer’s body, but i keep thinking of him having some chub. i don’t know, i think it’s just kinda realistic. FRECKLES!!! all over his face and shoulders and neck!!!!! he has pink plump-ish lips that look kinda like this: 
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death-himself · 3 years
Remember You—Chapter 2
Summary: Pyro and Toby return from a mission and get a talking to from the begrudgingly respected Angel
Word Count: 1,584
Warnings: Panic attacks, blood/murder, paranoia, death, fear
previous next (AO3 Link)
“Angel’s gonna be pissed.” Pyro spoke. Toby merely shrugged, taking another swing at the already-mutilated body, chopping through the skull with a loud CRACK.
“Who gives a shit about Angel? C’mon, you wanna take a swing? I wanna see how much it takes for the police to not recognize ‘em.” Pyro smirked.
“Well just chop off the head and smash it to bits, that’ll make him hard to recognize, won’t it?”
“Well yeah, but that’s no fun.” Pyro looked around, taking count of how many lives this job had them take. Five in this room, ten downstairs, and three more in the basement; yeah, Angel would be pissed as hell. He wasn’t even entirely sure why they were asked to kill these people, but a job was a job, he wasn’t allowed to turn it down.
Toby stood up, finally satisfied with his handiwork, wiping some blood off his face with a grin. “Should we head back?”
“Yeah, I think we’re done here.” Pyro nudged one of the corpses with his foot, staring into its cold, lifeless eyes. “Let’s torch the place and get out of here.”
The two watched the building burn down, the smell of burning flesh being easily covered up by the burning wood and smoke. Pyro made sure the fire didn’t spread to anywhere other than the building, though he didn’t particularly care if it did or not. Once he found the building to be sufficiently destroyed he waved his hand, the fire going out immediately at his command.
“Let’s go. If we’re lucky we might get back to the mansion before Angel gets there.” Toby sighed, standing up and mumbling “I wanted to watch the fire a bit longer, but fine.” The two walked through the forest, the trees getting more and more populous with each step, shading more of their walkway until they were in near darkness.
Then they stepped out into a clearing, where a mansion stood, nearly blending into the shadows, looking as dark and menacing as ever. Home sweet home.
The two did their usual banter, slamming the door open and screaming that they were alive, much to several of the residents’ annoyance. Pyro then raced up to his room, wiping off as much of the dried blood as he could. Angel always looked more upset when he had blood on him. He slid into his desk chair, turning on his computer and scanning through the security cameras put up around the forest.
There he saw Angel emerge from the shadows in front of the mansion. He knocked on the door, waiting to be let in. Pyro quickly changed out of his stained red clothes, hearing the door downstairs open and Angel’s footsteps coming up.
“How many times am I gonna have to be called here because of you?” Pyro turned around to see him standing at his door. Angel looked to be around Pyro’s age, his physical age at least, at around sixteen or seventeen, with messy black hair and piercing dark brown eyes that seemed to shine with a madness all of their own.
“You’re not always called here ‘cause of me. Sometimes it’s the other guys.” Angel rolled his eyes, pulling out a clipboard and pen.
“Where’s Toby? I need him to fill this shit out too.”
“He probably ran off, you know how he is.” Angel hummed, handing the clipboard to Pyro, saying “I’ll just get to him later. You know the drill.”
“Yeah, yeah.” With that Pyro got to work. He wasn’t sure what Angel was—he had claimed to be the son of a god of the dead, but it wasn’t like he was gonna believe that. As far as Pyro knew, gods weren’t real, otherwise they probably would’ve saved some of his victims deus ex machina-style.
The work Angel had him and some of the others do was always the same, paperwork his supposed godly father would usually be filling out for the people he killed. Perhaps the gods were real and doing their paperwork for them was the only reason he and the other proxies weren’t getting smited; Pyro didn’t really care either way.
He glanced up at Angel, seeing that he had been staring at him for who knows how long. “Done.” Pyro spoke, handing the clipboard back over to him. Angel gave a tight-lipped smile, the same one he always gave him whenever he visited, and scanned over the paperwork. “You want me to grab Toby while you check it all?”
“If you can find him, sure.” Pyro nodded, stepping out the door in search of the proxy.
When he got back he found Angel rummaging through his dresser, something he was pretty used to, much to his annoyance. He should’ve known better than to leave him alone in his room. “I found Toby.” Angel paused, turning to look, his eyes piercing as he stared long and thoughtfully at Pyro, as if he wanted to say something.
He blinked, breaking eye contact and standing up quickly, reaching for his clipboard and flipping through the papers, shoving it hastily into Toby’s hands. “Fill it out. And try to be fast, I don’t have all night.” Toby groaned, collapsing onto the bed. “You have less work than Pyro, it’s not that bad.”
Angel continued not-so-subtly looking around the room, something that he only seemed to do when in Pyro��s room. He always acted strangely around him, at least stranger than he did with any of the other residents of the mansion. What his deal was he wasn’t sure, and he wasn’t sure if he really cared to know. Angel’s weird obsession with him didn’t matter.
“Here.” Toby grumbled, passing the clipboard back to Angel with a huff.
“Thanks.” Angel mumbled, not sounding thankful at all as he skimmed through the papers. “Alright, that’s everything. Maybe don’t kill so many people next time, okay?”
“It was a job, we had to.” Pyro spoke, but Angel simply waved his hand dismissively, walking out the door and leaving without even a goodbye. “That piece of shit.”
He glanced over to his dresser, Angel having left it open, with the clothes he messed up hastily folded up and put back in. “What was he even looking for this time?”
“Did he wanna steal one of your daggers again? Maybe your meds?” Toby asked, kicking off his boots and lying down on the bed. Pyro knelt next to the dresser, rummaging through it just as Angel had.
He didn’t find anything missing—nothing he cared about at least—but he did find something new. He pulled out a photograph, placed on top of an old orange shirt, the print on it so faded and messed up that he couldn’t even make out what had been on it. The photo was of two people, a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, with a small scar on his lip and round glasses, and a girl with brown hair and tan skin, with her hair done into two braids.
Something about them felt familiar, though Pyro wasn’t sure why. Were they some of his victims? Was Angel trying to make him feel bad? His brow furrowed. No, he didn’t remember seeing them recently; he would’ve at least vaguely remembered their faces if he had killed them.
Something about them made his heart sink to his stomach, some strange melancholy forming in his soul. These people were alive, he knew that much. As he stared into the eyes of the girl, he couldn’t help but wonder what sort of connection Angel had to them. Friends, possibly? He didn’t know Angel was capable of that!
But then why would he leave a picture with him?
Piper took a deep breath, a flashlight held in her hand as she walked through the forest. She had gotten a lead, a symbol of a crossed-out circle she had seen made in the stone ground of Bunker Nine. She had seen it etched onto Leo’s mother’s grave, and then again and again, at all of Leo’s old foster homes. It meant something, so when she came across a tree at the edge of a forest with that symbol cut into it, she dove in.
Her hand hovered by her dagger as the forest seemed to grow darker with each step. She should’ve told Jason where she went, she should’ve told someone, anyone where she went. Her heart began to pound. Piper wasn’t a very anxious person. But something about this forest just made her stomach clench and head spin.
Her flashlight died in her hands, leaving her in near darkness. Was she even in the forest anymore? It felt like she was floating in a pool of nothingness. She unsheathed her dagger, the Celestial Bronze glowing dimly, but not bright enough to illuminate anything, much to her dismay. She took a steady breath and tried to force her heart out of her throat.
The forest felt wrong. Something was wrong, what was wrong? Her heart was pounding, her hands began to tremble; she wouldn’t be able to fight with her whole body shaking like this! Something was behind her, in front of her, something, something, something was wrong. She was in danger.
Then just as quickly as those feelings came, they disappeared. The darkness stayed, just as oppressive as before, but emptiness replaced her fear. A pale white face appeared in the distance, piercing through the darkness. Static filled her ears, her vision blurring. Her eyes slid closed, and her body collapsed, unconscious.
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aslcved · 6 years
Jocelyn’s Verses
[ under construction ]
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winter spirit and Guardian of Fun, physically 18 yo, actually 300+, bright blue eyes, silvery white hair, 5’ 5.5’’, lithe and lean, pale skin, slightly cold to the touch, always with her shepherd’s crook, visible to all mythos and believers, invisible to non-believers
{ v: Mainverse ; }
briefly: It was not easy being clueless and alone and invisible for three centuries, but after the incident with Pitch Black, Jocelyn Frost started to regain memories of her past life and understood who she was meant to be. The newly appointed Guardian of Fun now worked together with North, Toothiana, Sandman, and Bunnymund to keep all children around the world safe, spreading fun (and mischief) through her wintry charm.
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human, 18 yo, earth-brown eyes, dark brown hair, 5’ 5.5’’, lean body, lightly tanned skin
{ v: Modern ; }
briefly: Recently moved out from a small town in Pennsylvania, Jocelyn Overland was getting her bearing in the big city. She lived on her own in a rented, small apartment while preparing for the start of college, and juggling a part-time job as a barista/cashier/server in a coffeeshop. Once or twice a year she went to visit her mother and little sister who stayed in Burgess.
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human, 18 yo, earth-brown eyes, dark brown hair, 5’ 5.5’’, lean body, lightly tanned skin, often with her shepherd’s crook
{ v: Colonial Time ; }
briefly: The first daughter of the Overlands was not quite what the people would have expected of a young lady. She despised housework, was hopeless at cooking, too outspoken for her own good, and enjoyed running around in the wild. But all she lacked in the demure department she made up with a sunny disposition and an upbeat lookout throughout life. Always looking for the best in others, the girl was quick to befriend practically anyone. While people still thought her unusual, it was hard to not at least be amused with her shenanigans. She worked often to help her family, either shepherding the villagers’ sheeps or running to and fro neighboring villages, delivering letters and goods. She dreamed of one day traveling far away from home, seeing the world, though the wish conflicted with the unbearable thought of leaving her family behind.
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human, 10 yo, earth-brown eyes, dark brown hair, 4’ 3’’, lean body, lightly tanned skin
{ v: Childhood ; }
briefly: Set in colonial time, Jocelyn Frost is your average ten year old girl, living with her parents and baby sister. Cheeky, curious, and feisty, the little girl finds herself in the midst of trouble more often than her peers, but all worth it for a bit of fun, right?
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winter sprite (in training), physically 4 yo, actually ??, bright blue eyes, silvery white hair usually in a ponytail or a single braid, 3’ 1’’, pale skin,slightly cold to the touch, visible to all mythos, invisible to most humans
{ v: Little Sprite ; }
briefly: Set in modern time. When little Jocelyn woke up at the frozen lake, she knew nothing but her own name and the fact that she was alone in the world. Thankfully it wasn’t long until a group of spirits–all with white hair and pale complexion–found her wandering the small town Burgess.
“Why, little one, what are you doing here all by yourself?” one of the older spirits asked. She shrugged, mumbling, “Nothing much.” “Are you lost?” another quipped, peering at her with intense blue eyes not unlike her own. Jocelyn pondered the question. “I’m not lost. I just.. don’t know where to go. I don’t know where I came from,” she finally said, feeling smaller than ever. “Come with us, then!” The one who suggested this couldn’t be much older than Jocelyn. “You are winter, are you not?” The little girl did not know how to answer, but the others seemed to have come to a conclusion nevertheless. They nodded eagerly, smiles warm in the midst of falling snow. It was then when Jocelyn realized that most of them were donning clothes that should only belong in warm weather, and yet none seemed bothered the slightest bit by the cold. Then she noticed, neither did she.
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human demigod, staying at Hermes cabin, 15-16 yo, coffee-brown eyes, dark brown hair, 5’ 2’’, lean body, slightly pale skin
{ v: Demigod ; }
briefly: Nobody paid much attention to the pouring snow when Jocelyn arrived at the camp, accompanied with Damon Forrester, the satyr that found her. Not to blame them, of course, a gryphon chasing close was a pretty big distraction. But Jocelyn knew the harsh weather was somehow at her aid. That without it she and her satyr friend would’ve never made it into the border safely. After recovery came the regular camp activities, and while it was hard, she could honestly say she enjoyed staying there, feeling like it was where she belonged finally. At 15, she was a little behind on her training so it was decided she would stay year-round for now, and visit her family every once in a while. She had learned that the gods and goddesses should claim their children by the age of 13, the latest. None claimed her, but she had a pretty good feeling who her parent from the immortal side was. It didn’t really bother her, after all she already had a family to call her own back home: her little sister, her father, her mother. Well, stepmother and half-sister as she only came to discover lately. She had never shown what she could do, or told anyone at camp about her hunch. Partly waiting for the official claiming, just in case she was wrong, and the other part thinking she’d much rather stay with the lively, fun Hermes kids then being separated on her own. Only few weeks after her arrival, she witnessed a successful quest of the trio: Jason, Piper, and Leo. One particular aspect of their story sent her heart tumbling, learning how her possible mother was siding with the enemy. Jocelyn gazed around the huddled group, taking in the faces of her new friends. How do people treat a child of an opponent goddess here? What would she do if Khione turn up and ask her to join the other side? If there was hesitation before, Jocelyn was certain now. She would not tell anyone about her parentage. At least not now, not when a war is coming. She needed to lay low. Hide the one thing she had given from her mother, and also her abilities. Couldn’t be too hard, right?
winter spirit, physically 18 yo, actually 100-300 yo, bright blue eyes, silvery white hair, 5’ 5.5’’, lithe and lean, pale skin, slightly cold to the touch, always with her shepherd’s crook, visible to all mythos, invisible to non-believers
{ v: Dark Days ; }
briefly: Set pre-movie, somewhere between the colonial and modern time, Jocelyn Frost wandered the earth, alone and without a cause. The Moon told her her name and she found out what she could do, but not what she should. With her winter powers and charm of fun she tried her hardest, but no one ever saw her.
{ v: Blackened Snow ; } ally with Pitch Black AU
{ v: The Seas Be Ours ; } pirates AU
{ v: La Mer ; } mermaid AU
{ v: Witchcraft and Wizardry ; } hogwarts student AU
{ v: Post Apocalypse ; } dystopia AU
{ v: Mirrored ; } reserved for doubles and Jacks
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strickenice · 7 years
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Even More Demeter!Annabeth (And Apollo!Piper)
Headcanons under cut :)
- Percy went missing and Annabeth went ballistic
- She banged on the ground demanding for Hades to find her boyfriend
- Her best friend
- Her son of Hades
- She and Sally mourned by doing a lot of gardening
- Percy’s little moonlace plant basically brought her to tears because it’s so tiny
- Then she gets the dream message from Hera
- And she threatens to poison some Ares kid when he said it wasn’t worth going after some son of Hades
- But when she gets there, she can’t find Percy
- No skeletons, no darker shadows, no poisonous plants that would tell her he was there
- She did smell a lot of ozone, and she hated that
- And the dust, so gross. It was so dry in that canyon, she was eager to get out as fast as possible
- The three demigods where an odd batch
- A very pale, obviously Anglo-Saxon, blonde kid easily 6 foot 6 with white-blonde hair, freckles, blue eyes, and a missing shoe
- A short latino elf man who had uneven tanned skin, scars, black hair that was coiled like crazy, and nearly black eyes
- And a girl with deep brown eyes, deep brown hair, Native American-toned skin, and a very pretty smile
- Extremely pretty
- Annabeth introduced herself hastily, then boarded the demigods up and flew over 2000 miles to camp (where they crash-landed in the lake and broke Will’s chariot)
- Leo was claimed immediately - Hephaestus, obviously
- Jason called him Vulcan, which Annabeth thought he tried to say Vulture
- And then she took what seemed to be a distressed Piper up to her favourite spot in the whole world - the Oracle cave
- And, even though it was cloudy, Piper seemed to glow
- Like cheekbones on Rihanna glow
- And she found herself offering a flower to the girl, for her hair 
- Then Piper and Annie ran into Rachel, who shuttered wildly like she was gonna give a prophecy
- Only PIPER was the one spewing Oracle smoke
- And by then Annabeth pieced two and two together
- That campfire, Rachel gave a prophecy on how the Sun, Sky, and Anvil would save Hera
- And Drew tried to get on that quest because she and Percy were amazing friends
- Only Piper took this the wrong way and used her voice powers to trigger her claiming (on sheer accident)
- Then they were off on their quest
- Piper was so confused with her powers too. How can a child of the literal sun have charmspeak??
- Like wasn’t that an Aphrodite thing?
- And why did she have Apollo? She already had her real dad, Tristan. He definitely wasn’t gay
- Aphrodite came to her in that Medea dream
- “Hm? Oh, Polly? Let’s just say he was never the monogamous type. It was pure chance that you were Apollo’s and not mine”
- Piper doesn’t like that part of ‘the talk’
- (Alternatively, Apollo comes to her and makes a haiku about how he’s the god of many things [and a lot overlaps into domains making the lines of his children’s powers blurred] while stating how awesome he is. Piper vowed to never haiku again)
- She meets Thalia and sees Jason look so confused at her because a) he’s a literal giant compared to Thalia’s meek 5 foot 4 height, and b) she claimed that his scar was from a stapler
- She was running across the bridge when Thalia said that they were the key to finding Percy. 
- “Death boy?”
- “You call him that, he’d kill you”
- When she saved her father, he didn’t decide to forget. He couldn’t believe that after all these years, all this time, his little girl was this ray of literal sunshine
- And he only drinks a quarter of the potion
- He basically just forgets the crazy stuff and pretends to not know a single thing about what happened
- When Piper gets back, she goes straight to Annabeth and they have a nice long chat
- And, well, as the months went by, Piper noticed how cute her best friend was
- Only problem was...
- Annabeth thought she was straight
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jflashandclash · 7 years
Attrition of Peace
Twenty-Eight: Kalypso
I Do Target Practice with an Angry Eagle
 Author’s note: Finally back on normal posting track. Thanks for reading guys! If you celebrate, I hope you’re ready for Halloween this year :D Now, stayed tuned to see the Heroes of Olympus face off against the Traitors of Olympus!
 When the hail cleared, Kally peeked over her hiding spot by the trench and saw Pax needed help. Euna had immediately gone into battle, but now Kally had to make a decision: help Calex keep Merry from hyperventilating, or save Pax.
A giant eagle—that Kally could only assume was Frank or a close personal friend of Frank’s—snatched the Silver-Tongued Snake off the lawn, lifted him into the air, then dropped into a free fall with him. During this freefall, the eagle morphed into a black bear to bat the reptilian monster around. Right before they hit the ground, Frank morphed back into an eagle and snatched him back into the air.
Kally had a strange feeling Frank knew about the whole Pax-making-out-with-him-as-Hazel thing.[1]
She had to wonder how betrayed and violated Frank felt to have Pax pretend to be someone he liked to make out with him and steal something important.
Kally growled. Thinking about Nico Di Angelo and her Oath to the River Styx, she didn’t need to imagine it. For a split second, Kally sincerely considered letting Frank continue to pulverize him.
There must have been a demigod or godly help group for that right? I’m sorry, I turned into _____’s husband/wife again. I have gotta stop doing that. If not, she was going to make Pax start it.[2]
Despite her frustration, Kally rose to her feet. She fingered her Argonaut statue as she stepped closer. This would have to be a careful shot, considering she needed the discus to hit her target but not do permanent damage.
As she approached, she could see Pax’s desperation.
Initially, the eagle’s prey looked like a human and a drakon had a baby, and that serpentine baby was writhing and thrashing. The more Kally watched them soar higher, the more her friend came into focus. Kally could see Pax scramble to use his acrobatics—to kick Frank, or flip up to attack the talons digging into his pauldrons.
But nothing worked. Pax couldn’t get enough leverage to dislodge the Frank’s claws.
And they were dropping into another dive.
Kally had to time this perfectly.
When they were almost at the end of the descent, Pax doing what little he could to block the bear’s attacks, Kally took her steps to wind up. Like when fighting the Silver Festus, or Python, she let instinct take over. Energy pulsed through her body, following her twist and releasing through her finger tips.
Just as Frank shifted back into an eagle, latching his talons back into Pax’s shoulders and pumping his wings once to stop their descent, Kally’s discus nailed him.
Frank and Pax collapsed onto the grass with a thud. Fortunately, the drop shouldn’t have been too bad, since Kally timed it right when Frank started to ascend. That physics should work out, right? To not equal murdering the praetor and her friend?
The giant eagle flopped onto the Silver-Tongued Snake and morphed back into Frank.
Naked Frank.
Kally already felt bad knocking Camp Jupiter’s heroic bear out of the sky, considering he was normally more of a teddy bear and less a dangerous one. Now she was mortified. Through all the Mist and hail earlier, she had no idea the praetor would be naked or why he’d be naked.
Pax crawled out from under Frank. “Thanks, Kally!” he called, “That was super hot—er—the you-having-amazing-aim—not the Frank-falling-on-me-naked—”
“Shut up and go help your brother!” she snapped, feeling her cheeks heat up.
Trying not to look at Pax—had he been taller?—or anything else on the battlefield, Kally turned back to Calex and Merry. Calex had one hand pressed between Merry’s collarbones, gently lifting and pressing while saying, “It’s okay. Breathe in. Breathe out,” rhythmically.
Tears streaked down Merry’s cheeks as she shook her head, gasping for air. In all the years Kally had known Merry, she’d never seen her like this. Even after fights with her father where, Kally now knew, Merry’s father had been beating her and her little brother, Merry could always put on a mask and make a joke.
Here, Merry was panicking. “N-no! These aren’t baddies… these are… our friends. Gotta… make ‘em… stop…” she rasped between gasps, “What if… someone else… dies?”
The “what if” was shockingly comforting. If this was Merry’s nightmare-prophecy, at least there wasn’t a definitive, additional death forecasted. Just a what if.
Kally felt like she was reaching a new low when “if someone dies” was a positive.
           Kally clasped Merry’s arm, trying to ignore the shouts and yelps behind them. “Merry, I’m going to drag Frank and Jason out of the battlefield and heal them up as best I can. I’m going to try to get Vinyl Scratch over here, so you guys can make it back to camp to warn Chiron about Eris,” Kally’s voice broke, “I need you to be able to do that, Merry.”
           Calex nodded when Kally faltered, his grey eyes ablaze. Kally could almost see the calculations happening in his head. In the past, Kally remembered Calex fearing he was a coward. He didn’t look like a coward now. He looked scared, but in control, calm, and aware of every consequence, like he’d been studying Axel. This was the boy who had protected his mother from drugged up ex-soldiers in Kakata before Thanatos broke his confidence.
“That’s the source of all of this rubbish. Merry, we can save a lot of campers from violence if we get to them before Eris. Are you ready to help us get this sorted?” he asked.
Merry trembled. She reached up, and took the hand Kally had on her arm and the one Calex had on her collarbone. The sight almost made Kally give a hysterical laugh, seeing how pale and small Merry’s hands looked in Calex’s and how tan and strong Merry’s fingers looked in Kally’s.
Merry’s breathing became more regular as she nodded her head. “You guys,” she managed.  
After all this was over, Kally would need to remember to tease Merry about Calex the same way Merry always teased her about Pax. If Kally could ever work up the courage, considering Merry could tear apart anyone outside of physical battle and considering Merry would immediately do so after.
With that, Kally raced away from the trench into the yard. Fortunately, she didn’t need to dodge much other than charred tree roots and weird stones to get to Frank. She hoped Alabaster didn’t recast that hail spell while she was out here, since she wouldn’t know which way would be back to safety.
Kally tried to keep her focus on Frank for now, before she could let herself think about the others.
Regardless of her concentration, she felt her eyes wander. Watching Alabaster, Euna, and Hazel’s fight was difficult. Not because she liked all three of those people—though that didn’t help either—but Hazel and Alabaster seemed to keep disappearing. Hazel kept shifting in and out of shadows to dodge the vines twisting and snaking around her feet and her opponent’s attacks. Euna kept pivoting to follow Hazel’s movement. She’d extended Kronos’s xiphos into a full scythe again, something that made Kally shiver to see against a good person like Hazel.
Mist kept warping and changing Alabaster’s form. Green runes would glow on his black armor as he trailed Hazel. He and Euna clearly didn’t know how to function as a team yet, which was fortunate for the Roman. Their staff and scythe combo outdistanced Hazel’s spatha, but the Roman seemed to know this, driving in close when she could.
Maybe fifteen feet away from them, Percy was on his feet, facing off the Pax brothers. Well, sort of on his feet. Instead of balancing Percy’s weight on what must have been a torn ligament, Kally could make out a watery bubble encasing Percy’s injured limb; he’d made himself a liquid leg cast.
Practical. Will would applaud if…
Kally tried not to tear up. True, she’d only known her half-brother for a few months, but…
She skidded to a stop when she reached Frank. Somehow, she’d forgotten he was naked. Keeping her eyes above waist level—or at least trying—she fumbled to withdraw an ambrosia square from her messenger bag. When Kally knelt down and tilted his head back to give it to him, she could feel the knot forming on his skull.
He would have a nasty concussion.[3] There were cuts all over him from Pax’s daggers and bruises from the fall. He shivered in the cold.
Maybe she could sing while dragging Frank to the side of the house. She thought she’d seen Annabeth, Calypso, and Piper there. It would be safer than leaving him out here, within ten feet of the fight.
But, carrying the large Chinese Canadian—
Kally almost yelped when Calex appeared at her side. The son of Eros had taken the time to sling Merry across his back. Unlike his usual bridal sweep, he’d picked her up fireman style, with Merry’s stomach and face down across his shoulders, one of his arms laced through her legs and the other lacing through one arm. Much less graceful, but more mobile.  
Although Kally couldn’t imagine how, he let go of Merry’s arm to lean down and take Frank’s just below the elbow. “You got the other arm, Kal?” he asked.
Kally nodded, grabbing Frank’s other arm at the same spot.
As smoothly as possible, they dragged Frank towards the side of the house. Kally breathed out the words to any song about sunshine she could think of, knowing she had to keep Frank from any more brain damage. Kally wished they had a towel or something they could wrap him in. When she glanced ahead—
Kally dropped Frank.  
“Kallybae, I know Calex is a big teddybear but he can’t—”
She ignored Merry’s mumbles and sprinted ahead.
Where she could see her namesake smothering Annabeth with Percy’s hoodie.
No one but them would have been able to see her. Calypso, Annabeth, and Piper were further towards the front of the yard, where Calypso or someone must have dragged them away to keep them safe from Festus, Leo, and the weasels.
Instinct completely took over as Kally closed in.
Calypso teared up while shoving the material into the unconscious girl’s face. She didn’t hear Kally or notice her until Kally nailed her foot into Calypso’s chest, the same way she might kick a soccer ball for a final goal.
Calypso flopped backwards with a gasp of air. Kally could envision Pax shouting, “GOAL!” while running in circles, if he wasn’t off helping his brother.
Once done, Kally tore the hoodie from Annabeth’s face. She exhaled in relief to find the daughter of Athena still breathing without assistance. Annabeth’s face was just flushed.
Calypso gasped on the ground. Kally had to wonder if she’d broken a few of the girl’s ribs. She didn’t look mad, just startled. “I—I was supposed… supposed to be healing…” she gaped. “Thought about… being alone on the island…. Another hundred years… and…”
Calypso released another sob.
Kally couldn’t tell if this was an act or not. She didn’t know what to do. Fortunately, Calex stepped up beside them. He’d set Merry down near Annabeth, so he could pick up Calypso.
She squirmed and struggled. “No!” she tried to shout, though she was still winded. “Put me down! Leo! Help!”
With a quiet rage, Calex carried her to the edge of the trench. One stretch of the ditch ended by the border of the property. He knelt down and said, softly, “If you ever try something like that again, or if Annabeth ever gets hurt, and I think it might have been your doing, so help me God, I’ll assure no one ever loves you again.”
Calypso stopped struggling. Her almond eyes went wide. The tangles of her cinnamon hair looked dramatic fluttering in the wind with Calex’s black scarf.
“Trust me. I’m a son of Eros. I can do that,” he stated.
Then Calex dropped her into the trench.
Calypso let out a breathy scream before a subtle thump hit somewhere ten feet down.
Calex rose, flipped his scarf back over one shoulder, adjusted his black-and-red Arsenal beanie, and walked back towards them.
Merry spoke for both of them when saying, “Boy, you can be a much scarier teddy when your fan crush is on the line.”
“That’s sorted,” he said as a we’re not talking about this response. “How about it, Captain? What’s next?”
Kally almost gawked to realize he was talking to her. Instead, she felt her mouth moving of her own accord, like he hadn’t just signed over their metaphorical sailing ship to get hit by a train by some slip of cruel and unlikely fate. “You and Merry should still take Vinyl—”
He put two fingers into his mouth and let out a piercing whistle.
“—get to Camp Half-Blood—”
Galloping erupted from the other side of the house. A blast of sparks appeared beside her, and she was startled to see a black and crimson stallion huffing there with an unconscious weasel in its teeth.
She reached out and gently took the weasel from Vinyl, who huffed again, probably to say, Take it before I eat it for a midnight snack. The California Long-Tailed Weasel had a patch of black spots—Hunnie. She tried not to tear up at how singed the weasel was.
“—and still warn them. Chiron and Dionysus trust you. I’ll stay here and try to heal who I can. They—they don’t have a healer anymore—s-so…”
Kally had to stop or else she knew she’d cry. This situation had gotten so chaotic. She wanted to say she’d stop the fighting, but she didn’t know how to do that. And she wanted to say that she would heal everyone as best she could, but Will had been a far better and more experienced healer than she was, and he was dead.
As Calex picked up Merry to lift her onto Vinyl Scratch’s back, she gave Kally a warm grin. “You got this, Kallybae. Look at how much you can do when you’re not being a doormat.”
That sapped the tears right out of Kally. She scowled at Merry while Calex saddled up behind her. “Shut up and get back to camp,” Kally snapped, the words coming out as easy as if she were scolding Pax.
“Oh! Fiesty. The new Kallydear has no end to her sass,” Merry continued.
Kally could tell she was trying to cheer her up. It just hit her that Merry was probably as scared of leaving Kally as Kally was of staying. Merry should be okay with Calex and Vinyl though, right?  
“Kal,” Calex said, putting a hand to Vinyl’s mane, “I trust Axel, and—Hades, I can’t believe I’m saying this about that dodgy perv—but I trust Pax enough not to be a complete idiot. I don’t trust that Alabaster bloke. I know you think he’s fit, but he’s wrong in the head. Broken and angry. Be careful around him.”
Kally felt like she should have been offended or confused by Calex’s assertion, but he was a son of Eros. And, she knew what he meant.
Merry managed to give her a brief thumbs up before they heard someone say, “Are you three trying to escape from Commander Toolbelt? Because I have some pretty strict orders from an unconscious eagle, and I’ve still got a bone to pick with you for the Leo and Calypso House Party Incident of October uh—whatever year this is!”
Kally turned to see Leo Valdez standing beside the house. His impish features were contorted into a scowl that seemed unfamiliar to his face. He scanned the area, like he was looking for their big red self-destruct buttons or whatever machinists did. Kally swallowed when she realized he was looking for Calypso and checking to assure they hadn’t killed anymore of his downed friends. A small makeshift cage containing a white weasel dangled from his belt and banged against his thigh.
“Where’s Calypso? And what did you—scratch that. I don’t want to know what’s going on with Frank’s clothing.”
Leo shoved a hand to the side.
Fire extended in a wall, meeting up with the end of Hazel’s trench. Either they needed to run through that or turn back towards the battle.
Calex huffed, raising his chin. “She’s gone mental, mate.” He turned back to Kally. “You still got this, Kal?”
Kally nodded her head, uncomfortable with how much confidence he had in her to “still have this.” Whatever that meant when facing someone that could make this yard look like the Fourth of July with the snap of his fingers.
“Go,” she said.
“Leo!” Calypso’s voice came from over the edge of the trench.
Leo flinched and searched for the source of her voice.
“Vinyl,” Calex called.
Instead of rushing towards the fire, or back towards the battle, the unicorn took off towards the trench in a rainbow blur. Although Kally couldn’t see well enough to tell, the blur didn’t seem to break stride while hopping over the gap.
Leo’s fire sizzled to smoke at their escape. “Hey! No rainbows or unicorns allowed!” he shouted.
Kally fumbled inside her messenger pack, shoving Hunnie inside for now. She should have picked up her discus when she was dragging Frank. There was an imperial gold knife in her bag, but she didn’t want to go flaming-sledgehammer to knife. Leo already had a slight one-up on her in being flame resistant and the whole human torch thing. And, for some weird reason, the knife kept pressing into the side of the bag, like it wanted to fly towards the battle. She should really keep that blade away from Hunnie.
Leo turned to face her dead on, a crazed smile coming to his face as he shifted his steam-punk goggles down over his eyes. She’d once heard Will describe him as a rogue Santa’s helper that was high on sugar. That summed it up.
This fight hadn’t even started and Kally knew who would win.
           Then a gigantic snake rose from the grass beside her—or what Kally thought was a snake initially. Both Leo and she flinched before recognizing the serpentine helm of the Silver-Tongued Snake as the humanoid figure stood to its full height.
           “This is Alabaster’s property, and, I assure you, he welcomes both unicorns and rainbows. You speciest and colorist,” the monster hissed.[4]
           For an instant, Kally forgot it wasn’t a monster. The bronze scales of his breastplate seemed to blend in as skin in the Mist. A tail flickered in and out of her line of sight, twisting about the grass and shadows. This couldn’t have been Pax. This monster was… was…
           “Dude, weren’t you like way shorter before?” Leo demanded. He’d taken a step back in alarm, mirroring Kally.
           “Pax?” she squeaked to second Leo’s confusion.
           Pax loomed several feet above both Kally and Leo.
           A hissing laugh slithered from his helm. “Oh, I only grow more powerful and influential in the midst and heat of chaos and war. Ha—ha! Heat. It’s funny because Leo’s hands were on fire.”
           “Over explaining it, hombre,” Leo said, “To think I thought you were fun at the party. Augh, two out of ten for a lazy joke, and that two is just out of pity.”
He fidgeted his fingers along the sledgehammer. His eyes flicked to the side of the house, where the others must have still been battling. Judging by the way the wind whipped a blast of salty rain into them, Kally had a feeling Percy hadn’t been taken out yet.
           She frowned and shoved some of the golden hair out of her eyes. “Pax, Axel needs you to help fight Percy. You don’t need to—”
           “That’s why I’m here. We’re losing but it’s not a party without Leo there. He’s our backup plan,” the way Pax said it disheartened Kally. He sounded tired and… sad.
“You and I are a lot alike,” Pax said to Leo. The words were more… personal and light-hearted than his prior comment. Pax stepped forward and angled his body to shut Kally out of the conversation, like he wanted Leo to forget she was there. Between his tone and body language, Kally felt like an intruder.
“I think the comparisons stop at the bat belt and hot accents,” Leo disagreed, fingering his tool belt with one hand. Absently, he’d withdrawn some wires and began to fiddle with them.
Pax shrugged, holding his hands up helplessly. No weapons drawn. “And an appreciation for beautiful women named Calypso. Both C and K respectively.”
“I don’t know what you’re up to,” Kally said, “but keep me out of it.” She suddenly hoped he’d go back to ignoring her. The way he was moving and talking, Kally wasn’t sure what Pax wanted her to do: if he had this fight and she could go back to get Frank, or was intentionally making a distraction so Kally could retrieve her discus for a double heroicide.
“And we also both want to switch out all the Diet Pepsi for Diet Coke in the camp and film Mr. D’s reaction to get the best soft drink trailer that Mount Olympus has ever seen,” Pax said.
“You know we’re fighting right? Not just listing off things that definitely are going to happen at camp in the near future?” Leo asked. The wires in Leo’s hand were suspiciously forming some kind of trap-like object. Kally wanted to warn Pax, but he seemed to know.
Kally took a step backwards. If nothing else, she’d need her discus, and maybe Calex and she had dropped Frank far enough away from the battle to heal him.
Pax laughed. The hysteria in his voice made her pause.
“A machinist and an information broker. When you and I are panicking during a fight, it means we haven’t done our jobs right at the beginning. We can’t heal people. We can’t make people do what we want with our voices. We can’t really seem to help without blowing something up… literally…” Pax gestured towards Leo. “Emotionally.” He gestured towards himself.
“Hades, your dragon is in pieces on the other side of this house, and my weasel is missing. Here we both are, scrambling to pick up the pieces, because we fucked up. You knew about the Leonis Caput, since he attacked you, but you were too worried about Calypso and Percy to take the proper anti-kitty precautions. I wanted a hug so bad that I wouldn’t go inside. We could have prevented this.”
The trap-mechanism looked complete in Leo’s hands, almost like a hybrid between a leg cage and a bear trap. But his fingers were slowing down as Leo’s expression soured.
“Um, are you surrendering or something? Because, while I applaud your creativity, a traditional white flag will do over this inspiring speech.”
Kally understood Leo’s hesitation. There was a desperation in Pax’s voice, like it was about to pinpoint the single incident in Leo’s life that—if he’d made a different choice—would have left the world perfect. She felt like she couldn’t move until the Silver-Tongued Snake finished talking.
“You see, we’re the people who… when those that we love start to die, can’t do anything but make jokes… fake a smile, and pretend to be okay. Because what better way to mourn someone than to force a smile?”
Leo’s lip twitched.
Kally felt sick to her stomach. She remembered Howe’s Cavern, when she thought Python was going to kill her and Will, and a rage inside her set off a weird sun blast. Pax triggered it. He had spoken like he knew what happened to her mother, like he’d peeled her fears from the corner edges of her brain and forced her to confront them.
As though reading her thoughts now, the serpentine monster hissed, “Kally, go heal Frank. I don’t want you to see me do this again.”
[1] Mel’s beta notes: “And a whole list of other shit Pax has done to him personally!”
[2] But that means Pax would need to spend time around Zeus, and that has bad idea written ALL over it.
[3] If you’ve read my first two stories, you’ve probably heard me say this before, but I wince when head injuries are used as knock outs for shows, movies, and books. I had to rewrite this line three times because I kept writing “nauseous” instead of “massive” concussion. Stupid Freudian slips!
[4] A colorist is actually an artist who uses colors in a special way, like a hairdresser that works with dyes. I’m not sure Pax has ever seen a hairdresser, of—if he has—the hairdresser could live through the shock of dealing with his hair, so excuse his misuse of the word.
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rinfangs · 7 years
led by our beating hearts
The first time Annabeth Chase meets Percy Jackson is much more anticlimactic than she imagined.
It’s not that Annabeth spent a lot of time actively thinking about someone she’s never met, but being a student at Pine Senior High School means that an active education in the ongoings of Percy Jackson’s life is inevitable. Annabeth is aware that something similar happens on the other side of town, with her name instead. That’s the nature of the rivalry between the only two high schools in Olympus; every sports team and club is pitted against their sister school of Jupiter. Akin to the rivalry between Poseidon and Athena, this one between the Spartans and Gladiators was born of hormonal adolescent egos and mutual loathing.
Annabeth has experienced being caught in the crosshairs of the ill-fated rivalry more times than she can count. Being one of Pine’s star athletes guarantees that her high school uses her as ammunition and bragging grounds every chance she gets. While she has as much- if not more- school spirit as the next girl, she has no desire to participate in the cutthroat barbs and practical jokes that the majority of the student body takes so much joy in. She makes it a point to attend all major school meets and games against Jupiter, if not for her interest in the sports themselves then for her fascination of how the rivalry makes her already arrogant and hypermasculine peers even more conceited and stupid. It’s at these basketball games, swim meets, and track meets that she glimpses him at first. She always sits at the very top of the bleachers with Reyna (except during track season where she has her own events to worry about, thank you very much) so that they can make fun of all of the posturing and go over schoolwork together.  Annabeth can admit that he’s an incredible athlete; right up there with people like Frank Zhang and Jason Grace. She knows that he’s the only junior in Olympus that has a faster mile than her, but she’s never had a desire to seek him out after a track meet or her occasional volleyball games she spots him at. They simply existed on different worlds.
It sometimes seems like both of them were riding different trains on parallel tracks- fated to glimpse the other occasionally, but never to meet. That’s partially why she is so surprised when she spots him at Chiron’s Stop and Shop- very much on the Pine section of town. Chiron’s has always been one of her favorite places. It’s owner was an old family friend who taught her how to deal with her dyslexia when she was younger. He’s always been a mentor and father figure to her, and she picks up shifts at the store on weekends. It’s not that people from Jupiter aren’t allowed on this side of town, but they aren’t exactly expected. Percy Jackson with his shock of black hair and sea green eyes is utterly recognizable- not to mention that he’s wearing a purple hoodie with the words JHS Gladiators emblazoned on the front. It’s like painting a target on your back while simultaneously walking into a war zone. She considers walking away, but he spots her first.
“Hey! You’re Annabeth, right?” he calls out just as she was about to begin her retreat. “You do soccer and track and stuff at Pine.” The way he’s rocking back and forth on his heels reminds her entirely of Leo, and she wonders if he had ADHD too. It’s certainly a big part of why Annabeth’s so involved in sports- it’s nearly impossible to get rid of the restlessness she always feels. She’s suddenly aware of the fact that she hasn’t brushed her hair all day, or bothered to conceal the circles under her eyes
“Soccer and track and stuff. That’s me.” she answers “and you’re Jupiter’s swimming god.” He’s a couple inches taller than her, and even more tan, like he spent all his free time at a beach instead of a tiny town in Virginia.
“So that’s what they call me on this side of the creek, huh?” he questions. “You know, people say that you’re the best forward that the town has seen in years.”
“So what, pray tell, is one of Westbury’s revered athletes doing on this side of town?” Annabeth prods “You know, if any other student had noticed you you’d have been immediately sentenced to death by overzealous high schoolers.”
Percy lets loose a quiet laugh at this, and she can’t help the sliver of satisfaction that snakes through her body. He looks oddly embarrassed, and the sheer normalcy of his accompanying flush goes against all her prior expectations of this boy. She takes in the way he bites down on his lip as he unfurls his right wrist to reveal a small cellophane package filled with… dolphins?
“You… risked your well being in order to buy candy dolphins?” Annabeth can’t help the astonishment in her voice. Percy looks deeply offended
“They’re gummy sharks.” He protested “and they’re my lifeblood. Seriously, Annabeth, gummy sharks are the food of the gods.” he continues, “my cousin, Nico is supposed to supply me with them, since this is the only place in town which sells them, but he’s on some stupid date which means I have to do everything myself as per usual.”
By the time he’s finished with his tirade, his eyebrows are knitted together in concentration and his hands are still moving to finish his latest dramatic gesture.
“Nico Di Angelo?” she questions “He’s your cousin?” Thanks to her longstanding friendship with Will, Annabeth cannot go 24 hours without hearing him ramble on and on about the gorgeous brunette with the gorgeous dark eyes that- oh god annabeth they make me want to melt he’s so out of my league. It took Will an entire semester of pining from a distance before he finally made a move and Annabeth has spent the entirety of the last two weeks helping Will plan an overly complex date meant to woo his pants off, in his own words.
“You know him?” Percy questions
“Indirectly. My friend Will has spent so much time talking about his enormous crush that I probably know more about your cousin than I do myself. Will’s probably setting off heart shaped fireworks as we speak.”
“Ah. So he’s the blond haired casanova that Nico hasn’t been able to shut up about for the past few months. It’s gotten quite concerning, really.”
Their conversation continues and she finds herself enjoying his personality more than she’s willing to admit. She tells him about her visions of becoming an architect, her soccer team, her qualms and praises of the most recent star wars installment… and before she knows it, her phone chimes with a text from Piper asking why in the name of all that is holy, has it taken her over two hours to buy a jar of salsa. She quickly excuses herself from the conversation, and grabs a couple extra jars of queso just to appease Piper.  
She mulls over the conversation as she make her way around the block to Piper’s house. It’s odd, how instantly comfortable she was with him. It took her weeks before she had felt that close to any of her other friends. It’s not until she is comfortably nestled between Piper and Reyna, deep into the Goblet of Fire, that she notices the small pale yellow post it on the side of the salsa jar. Scrawled (almost illegibly, she notes) are 10 digits, signed PJ. Piper instantly leans over and lets out a low whistle, her chestnut colored braids brushing Annabeth’s face.
“Damn, Chase has game!” Annabeth squints at her and swats at her hair. This catches Reyna’s interest and she turns away from the screen.
“Who’s PJ?” she asks as she shoots her a smirk. She knows that they’re trying to be nonchalant about it, but the glimmer in Piper’s eyes tells her otherwise. She hasn’t done anything remotely romantic since her historic crush on Luke in middle school which resulted in one date freshmen year before he moved away. Piper has been begging her to go on a date ever since.
“Percy Jackson.” She mutters, making sure to fixate her eyes on Victor Krum. The effect of her words is no less than she predicted. Piper squeals and drops her Tostitos and Reyna raises both eyebrows, instead of just one.
“Like, Jupiter’s Percy Jackson? Thalia’s cousin? If so, congratulations- he’s like seven different levels of fine.” Piper proclaims  “I prefer blonds, though.” Reyna glances back at the number and frowns.
“I hate people from Jupiter. They’re like mini-Kardashians. No offense Piper.” Piper tugs thoughtfully at her braid. It was true that students that went to Jupiter were generally more wealthy than the ones at Pine with the exception of the Mcleans, but it didn’t seem like Percy was airheaded or conceited.
“So! Are you going to- CEDRIC NO!” Piper shrieks and covers her eyes with her hands. Annabeth mentally thanks Voldemort for the distraction as Reyna shoots her a meaningful look. She glances back down at the post-it note in her hand and smiles, thinking about what Piper was about to ask. Maybe she would.
AN: so this is the first thing I’ve written ever?? and I threw it together pretty quickly and I would beyond grateful for any criticism and ideas and hopefully I’ll be able to build on this and improve it to a point where it’ll be acceptable. I’m serious. I will personally buy you the moon if you give me writing advice go ahead and PLEASE tear this apart.
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