#pjo cabin 20
herebedragonsbooks · 7 months
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Cabin 20: Hecate
Percy Jackson's cabins moodboards serie "Who is your godly parent?" quiz I made
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chbnews · 3 months
Helloooo!! I’m newish to the fandom and a cabin 20 camper. I don’t see much about the children of Hecate so I don’t really know much about my siblings. Could you help me out pls? 😅
Hello!! Welcome to camp, Cabin 20 are the children of Hecate as you know. She is the Goddess of Magic and spell-casting.
Yeah there aren’t many resources about the cabin 20 members as of yet. Currently their known abilities are spell casting, the ability to create potions, umbrakenisis (the ability to manipulate darkness or create darkness), mist control or reality warping. Not all campers gain all abilities from their godly parent! You may only have 1 or 2 of them and be able to tap into the others as needed.
I hope you have fun being at camp half-blood and thanks for reading! - Nico Di Angelo 💀🪦
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lvckyyz · 5 months
hecate’s cabin headcanon
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cabin’s song: i put a spell on you - nina simone
cabin 20 belongs to the children of the goddess of magic and witchcraft
and her children are SO powerful it’s actually scary
they are more respected than some children of the big three, which means they are under a lot of pressure
people expect them to be great
and to be honest they’re definitely great, they’re just scared of their full potential 😕
hecate’s kids are always looking for knowledge, not only in books but also asking other demigods, expecting they’ll learn something new from them
they are really close to their siblings, cabin 20 feels like a big magical family 🧙‍♀️
everyone thinks they are all serious and quiet but they’re actually really playful, especially with mortals. chiron is always wishing that no one ask for hecate’s kids to go on a mission, because they’re always playing with the mist
they look tired most of the time, it doesn’t matter how long they rested
they are all really kind and are always taking care of people, even if they don’t tell anyone they’re doing that
like, every night a group of children of hecate checks if the camp is safe, making sure the magical borders and the golden fleece are there
all of them are into jewelry and have a big collection of accessories
friends with cabins 6, 13 and 15, the girls in cabin 20 also have a good relationship with the hunters of artemis
strong intuition
they’re mostly introverted but open up easily to people they like
their mother talks to them in their dreams really often
they’ve been responsible since they were kids
all of them have a weird habit of staring at the moon and/or fire like it was alive🤷‍♀️
the satyrs loves children of hecate and always treat them really well. they used to believe that the secret behind the disappearance of Pan was hidden inside cabin 20 (Hecate is Pan’s mother)
usually into philosophy
they’re kinda funny too, not the funniest of all chb but they manage to make people laugh sometimes
usually look like they’re crazy
and they usually ARE crazy, but a “cute” kind of crazy, i don’t really know how to explain it
am i the only one who believes they make perfumes in cabin 20?
hecate’s children are the only ones who are not targets of cabin 11’s pranks, because once a daughter of hecate turned the stolls brothers into diet coke cans and gave it to mr. d (luckily he noticed the cans were weird and turned travis and connor back to normal😭)
a/n: this song is so good😔
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xanasaurusrex · 8 months
hi can u make some hcs of hecate’s cabin/childs?
⇢ ˗ˏˋ hecate cabin headcanons ࿐ྂ
of course i can do hecate cabin headcanons! i love hecate, she's one of my favorite of the gods. also, fun fact, there's a lot of debate on where hecate originated, like they think that maybe she was an anatolian goddess that the greeks "stole," and she also has some egyptian history? i did some research on her real quick and it was honestly fascinating! anyways, here are the hecate cabin hcs!
something to note about hecate kids is that all of them, every single one, is kind of a mystery in their own respect
there's a lot of mystery surrounding hecate, so even the most open of hecate kids is going to have something they're keeping to themselves
hecate kids, specifically before they're kind of taught to master their abilities, have a habit of accidentally spelling people
like, for example, say a hecate kid has a really annoying kid in their bio class that won't shut up
if they think really hard about how much they want that person to shut their mouth, magically, they will
it's something they were never able to explain
until they were claimed by hecate, of course
they also all have dark eyes
not necessarily a good color, per se, but there's something about their eyes that are dark
most hecate kids get her green eyes, which could only be described as "enchanting" of course
the hecate cabin often smells like burned sage and/or incense, and always has a smoky hue because of that
there are star charts and moon charts and things like that literally everywhere, practically littering the cabin floor
hecate kids are kinda messy
all of them, just find it really hard to keep themselves organized enough to make the cabin organized enough
this gets them into trouble sometimes, but they have... ways of convincing whoever's inspecting the cabin to leave them alone
hecate kids also always have crystals in their pockets
like, literally, at any given time, with an outfit that has pockets, they have crystals that are used for different things in said pockets
they have necklaces and earrings and rings with crystals on them as well, all having different purposes based on what they want their day to be like
there are a few kids at camp who are like "crystals don't even work" and blah blah blah, but the hecate kids know better
the kids that say that are usually idiots, but yknow
(obviously i'm not saying that if you don't believe in crystals irl you're an idiot, but this is camp half-blood and their mother is hecate, so obviously they're gonna work for them)
hecate kids can sometimes be known as "two-faced" when it comes to relationships
this probably comes from the fact that their mother has three faces
except this is a more literal meaning in this sense
the hecate cabin also does a lot of tarot readings
that's like, one of the first things you learn at camp if you're claimed by hecate
everyone has their own deck, and it's customized to you, it's a whole thing
it's like hecate cabin culture kinda
if you have a hecate child friend, you've probably gotten your future read by them at one point
obviously future-telling is more an apollo cabin thing, so the predictions usually aren't correct, but it's fun anyways
ooh! and ouija boards
ouija boards with the hecate kids are so fun because they get so into it, and usually it's actually working and they're actually talking to a dead person
i mean, it's camp half-blood
probably a lot of people have died there (rip)
it's especially fun if they can manage to convince a hades child to play with them, because then the hades kid can actually hear them and help translate if the ouija boards are being kinda confusing
it's not the most reliable way to talk to a dead person, as any hades kid will tell you
hecate kids are also avid readers
not as consistent as athena kids, but they have their own little library in the hecate cabin, with lots of fantasy books and historical fiction
they're also really good with recommendations, so if you ever need a book rec, honestly go to the hecate kids first
they take your personality and reading background into account when giving you a book rec, and pretty much every time, whatever they recommend, you're actually going to enjoy
hecate kids also make the worst chariots
when they do the chariot race (i'm not sure if this is actually something they do on a regular basis, but they did it in one of the books in the original series so i'm going with it), and every cabin has to make their own chariot, hecate makes the worst chariots and get out first almost every time
honestly it doesn't really bother them anymore because they just genuinely have no idea how to make a good chariot
hecate isn't exactly known for her fighting abilities
usually in battle, the hecate kids stay as far away as possible and use their magic to help the fight
hecate kids are also criminally indecisive
they’re the masters of eenie meanie miny moe
they’re also known to have coins always rattling around in their pocket because sometimes they have to flip a coin to make a decision
they also have lots of magic 8 balls even though they know they’re faulty
(faulty, not fake 😉)
moving on
hecate kids also really like tim burton movies
it might have something to do with the fact that tim burton is a hecate child, but they also just really like the movies
they give off the same vibe
(there is a rumor at hecate cabin that tim burton used some hecate baby magic to make his movies)
only occasionally though
so yeah, that’s all i have for hecate kids
they’re all super unique and interesting
they are definitely sort of strange, but that’s what makes them so cool!
sorry if that was awkward i never know how to end these things
so that’s it for hecate cabin hcs! i had so much fun writing this, and thanks so much for the request! i just wanted to say thank you to everybody liking and following and reblogging for the support, this is already so fun! i have a couple requests for different cabin headcanons and that i haven’t been able to get to because ive had to rewrite this one about three times, which is kinda frustrating, but i love how that turned out! thanks sm for reading!
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24kmar · 4 months
𝕮𝖆𝖇𝖎𝖓 20
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𝕮𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖊
𝕱𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖑𝖞, 𝕸𝖞𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖚𝖘, 𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖚𝖆𝖘𝖎𝖛𝖊
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children of hypnos, after analyzing another camper’s dreams, will sit down with the children of hecate to use tarot cards to try and make sense of them
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ever8ea · 5 months
ʚ The Divine Cabin Assigner! ɞ
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Hello! Welcome to my cabin assigner! I’m Bea, your friendly neighbor Cabin 10 counselor.
Are you unsure of your godly parent? Do those online tests just not feel right?
Or maybe you already know your parent, but want to see if I can guess it? Well, this is the place for you!
જ⁀➴ What to comment
- You find yourself stranded in a dense forest with nothing but your wits. What are you doing first?
- After hiking through the forest for seemingly hours, you see something out of the corner of your eye. What is it?
- Finally reaching a clearing in the forest, you spot a few drachma (currency of the gods) under a bush. What are you doing with it?
And of course; describe yourself a bit! Your defining traits, your fashion sense, favorite activities, romantic preference, pronouns, name, etc! If you know your MBTI type, comment that as well. Anything about you will help me better guess your cabin. ♡︎
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See you in the comments!
~ bea ୨ৎ
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artemx746 · 5 months
Judging you based on you godly parent (minor gods edition because I haven’t seen one of those)
This is all satirical and in no means meant to actually judge or make fun of people I am simply having fun
cabin 14 - Iris: low hanging fruit to say you’re queer high hanging fruit to say you’re a Disney adult
Cabin 15 - Hypnos: there’s no nice way to say it so I’m not going to be nice. You don’t have a good relationship with your father
Cabin 16 - Nemesis: anti-capitalist. This is the goddess of revenge, justice and retribution for hubris there is no way you do not hate the rich (it’s me I’m this one)
Cabin 17 - Nike: Extreme lesbian energy. Your theme song is little miss perfect mixed with Top of My School.
Cabin 18 - Hebe: I’m trying to be nice since this is my closest friend’s godly parent but… do you by chance have a negative relationship with change
Cabin 19 - Tyche: 80s music is your entire personality. Odd hill to die on but who am I to judge?
Cabin 20 - Hecate: Hello lgbtq+ community but specifically the ones that were/are obsessed with the owl house (I am also one of you
If yours wasn’t in here just gimme and I’ll judge u for it
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marsconer · 4 months
cabin 1: nina cried power
cabin 2: swan upon leda
cabin 3: anything but
cabin 4: would that i
cabin 5: eat your young
cabin 6: run
cabin 7: sunlight
cabin 8: de selby part 1
cabin 9: dinner & diatribes
cabin 10: talk
cabin 11: no plan
cabin 12:sedated
cabin 13: in a week
cabin 14: like real people do
cabin 15: to someone from a warm climate
cabin 16: nfwmb
cabin 17: de selby part 2
cabin 18: jackie & wilson
cabin 19: angel of small death and the codeine scene
cabin 20: in the woods somewhere
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meanwhile-in-cabin-20 · 5 months
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Demigods be like 🤩
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pjo-trashnheadcanons · 4 months
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Can’t believe it took me a freaking year to do this, anyways. Here’s more about Vega!
Vega has been in camp since she was 10. She hadn’t been claimed until the second titan war and she’s great controlling the mist. Her weapons are a pair of deerhorn knives that transform into bracelets, a gift from Artemis after completing a quest for her
As usual asks are open if you wanna know more!
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girlkisser13 · 7 days
cabin headcanons masterlist
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a/n: these are all my personal headcanons. i will be making ones for more minor gods.
cabin 1- zeus ⚡️
cabin 3- poseidon 🌊
cabin 4- demeter 🪴
cabin 5- ares ⚔️
cabin 6- athena 🧠
cabin 7- apollo ☀️
cabin 9- hephaestus ⚙️
cabin 10- aphrodite 💗
cabin 11- hermes ⚕️
cabin 12- dionysus 🍷
cabin 13- hades ☠️
cabin 14- iris 🌈
cabin 15- hypnos 💤
cabin 16- nemesis 🔪
cabin 17- nike 🏆
cabin 18- hebe 🍶
cabin 19- tyche 🎰
cabin 20- hecate 🪄
cabin 21- hestia 🔥
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lvckyyz · 2 months
headcanons abt how each cabin behaves at dinner time in the dining pavilion (bc I think each one has its own table) would be an amazing concept! love ur blog
dinner time
an average dinner at camp half-blood
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⚡️⋆.ೃ࿔* zeus cabin
are usually the last cabin to get to the dining pavilion so they can make a dramatic entrance
would eventually get mad at cabin 5 for making fun of them for being too extravagant and start an argument with half of the cabins who tried to calm them down.
🦚⋆.ೃ࿔* hera cabin
cabin 2’s table was originally placed next to cabin 1’s one but mr. d moved it to the opposite side of the pavilion to avoid conflicts between these two cabins during dinner.
they’d spend most of the time chatting with cabin 10 and the rest of their dinner would be basically them complaining about the food.
🌊⋆.ೃ࿔* poseidon cabin
they don’t catch so much attention when arriving at the dining pavilion. most of the time they’re too tired to even talk between themselves during dinner because of their training sessions.
just give them 30 seconds to be full of energy again and teaming up with cabin 11 to throw water at mr. d.
💐⋆.ೃ࿔* demeter cabin
they are always the first ones to get there. demeter’s kids like to take flowers to decor the tables and sometimes a few of them bake/cook something to share with their friends.
they are really polite and calm, just trying to eat their dinner in peace and go back to what they were doing.
⚔️⋆.ೃ࿔* ares cabin
they’re usually really loud, especially if they had just won capture the flag, and would make sure to bump into cabin 6’s table and tease them for losing.
i think they’d have childish eating habits, like not liking vegetables and salad. they are the most likely to start a food war at some point too.
🦉⋆.ೃ࿔* athena cabin
the quiet ones who just wants to eat and go back to what they were doing before. is really common for them to take books and notebooks to the dinning pavilion because they “can’t lose time”
chiron don’t let them study in the dinning pavilion anymore because they’d stop eating when their food gets cold because of them getting distracted by their books
🌞⋆.ೃ࿔* apollo cabin
they usually arrive together with another cabin, mostly cabin 11 and 18, laughing and singing.
don’t really care about the rule of not seating in another’s cabin table, and they’d go around all the tables so they can eat with all their friends.
🌙⋆.ೃ࿔* hunters of artemis
when the hunters are in camp half-blood, they are the first ones to arrive and the first ones to leave, rare exceptions.
don’t usually interact with other cabins, and just talk between themselves.
🛠️⋆.ೃ࿔* hephaestus cabin
cabin 9 only go to the dining pavilion to get food to spend the night working and occasionally talk to some of their friends too.
they eat a lot though, and sometimes don’t manage to sneak out of the pavilion without getting caught when they are trying to take some food to their cabin
💘⋆.ೃ࿔* aphrodite cabin
some of them are usually late because they spend too much time getting ready for dinner, but others like talking to cabin 4 while they decor the tables.
they pretend to eat only healthy food but are addicted to desserts and won’t leave without eating something sweet.
📨⋆.ೃ࿔* hermes cabin
the other demigods always try to get to the dining pavilion before cabin 11 because they know that hermes’s children like playing pranks on who is late to dinner.
they also eat a lot because they need a lot of energy to keep up with their training schedule
🍷⋆.ೃ࿔* dionysus cabin
mr d. go to their cabin to check if they getting ready to dinner and then waits until all of his kids arrive to the dining pavilion to start eating.
always try to order wine from that magic cups but they never manage to do it. they get scolded by chiron really often because of that but at some point mr d. transformed him into a frog so he’d stop bothering his kids
☠️⋆.ೃ࿔* hades cabin
i feel like they don’t often have dinner with the others, but sometimes will eat in the dinning pavilion just so everyone knows they’re still there.
when they are not feeling like going to the dinning pavilion, their friends would bring some food for them in cabin 13 and they’d probably have a sleepover after that.
🌈⋆.ೃ࿔* iris cabin
they’re pretty quiet, just go there to say hello to everybody, eat and get some snacks to spend the night or to share with some friends later.
they like playing with the colors of the foods, like changing the food’s color or making it shine.
💤⋆.ೃ࿔* hypnos cabin
they might be a bit lazy but are never going to deny food. when arriving at the dinning pavilion they’d go straight to their friends table to talk a little before the food is served.
they’d never eat their whole meal because they would get tired of chewing at some point.
⚖️⋆.ೃ࿔* nemesis cabin
they have an habit of being the last ones to start eating because they think it’s unfair to have a meal while others are hungry.
would get so mad at people wasting food, or starting silly arguments (cabin 1 x cabin 5)
🏆⋆.ೃ࿔* nike cabin
they’d be either too tired while eating because of the training or would create dumb competitions
they have weird eating habits. i don’t really know how to explain but they eat weird food.
🧸⋆.ೃ࿔* hebe cabin
they are often scolded by cabin 16 for playing with their food or for speaking too loudly.
they’re just want the dessert, nothing else. (chiron won’t let them eat only sweet though)
🍀⋆.ೃ࿔* tyche cabin
never had to face situations like ordering something they don’t like or their food getting cold, because of their luck.
cabin 11 still tries to throw a pie on their faces but it just never works.
🔮⋆.ೃ࿔* hecate cabin
they put potions on the other cabins food sometimes, just to see the effect it’d have in people.
they take some food to the satyrs who live in the woods in exchange for magic ingredients for their studies.
⤷ author’s note:
that’s probably the longest hc i’ve ever written, but i hope you guys enjoy it🫶
(ps: before someone says anything about cabin 2 being here, i just want to say that i decided to include them here because i already made other hc about hera’s children so i thought it was fair to have them here)
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aroaceleovaldez · 6 months
my notifs recently got me thinking about the very random concept of "what if there is a second, secret CHB. directly below normal CHB." and i ended up brainstorming it in the discord.
context for how this originated: one was just a random notif on my post talking about the tunnels under the Hephaestus cabin, and the other was some tags from @drksanctuary on my fake readriordan article mentioning the idea of a chthonic demigod camp.
so. my brilliant (read: "smashing my 2 brain cells together") idea: the elaborate and seemingly infinite tunnels under cabin 9 are remnants of an abandoned underground CHB that exists directly underneath camp. It's basically just normal CHB except in a big cave system, probably connected to the labyrinth somewhere and has the separate tunnels, and instead of the Olympian cabins it has chthonic cabins. there's probably also some infernal nymphs and etc down there too. since all chthonic demigods can learn to shadow-travel they probably used that to get down there, and a lot of chthonic demigods probably have geokinesis just by nature, ergo the tunnels (for when they don't want to shadow-travel, or can't).
in brainstorming with the discord we decided it could be cool if some of the cabins lined up with the above-ground cabins, either for thematic purposes or associations or whatever. Like there's maybe a Hermes and maybe Poseidon cabin in the chthonic CHB too that just link to the above-ground ones, but also like Persephone cabin lines up to Demeter cabin because of course it does. and maybe Hecate cabin lines up to Cabin 8 cause Artemis is sometimes 1/3rd of Hecate. Maybe Angelos cabin is beneath Cabin 1, and Zagreus cabin is beneath Cabin 12. Things like that.
The other ones i thought of were either Hypnos or Thanatos cabin lines up with Apollo, because twins, and the other is just right beside it (because twins). And Charon's cabin is beneath Cabin 9, ergo why the tunnel system connects to it (because Charon. Ferryman. Surface access. It makes sense in my brain).
#pjo#riordanverse#headcanon#headcanons#au#< go figure which you wanna classify it as#this is entirely silly musing but it actually kind of works out nicely cause there's far fewer chthonic deities#than there are technical-olympians#so honestly you could get away with having the secondary chb only having a few extra cabins compared to the 12 usual cabins#it definitely wouldnt be any more than the 20 cabins it has by TOA#also for silly thematic reasons i do think itd be funny if despite everything cabin 13 is still inexplicably cabin 13 in underground chb#like. it shouldn't be. that doesnt make sense. but it is. what's the numbering system for the other cabins? who knows#negative numbers would be interesting. cause theyre underground#i do already have the hc of there being a secret extra cabin aboveground in chb nicknamed ''Cabin 0/Zero''#that's a little ways into the woods and kinda run-down cause it goes unused and basically why it exists is because#the ''12 olympians'' is actually inconsistent throughout ancient greece so there's a non-zero chance they could have a demigod show up#whose parent *is* technically one of the 12 olympians but they dont have a cabin for them - like Enodia. ergo: spare cabin#anyways all this musing is intentionally very silly#i just think itd be funny for chb to find out there is a second. more goth chb that is otherwise identical#literally directly below them. for no reason.#''why'd they made a second chb directly below the first one?'' ''idk underworld/chthonic reference i guess''
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24kmar · 3 months
𝕮𝖆𝖇𝖎𝖓 20
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𝕮𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖊
𝕱𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖑𝖞, 𝕸𝖞𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖚𝖘, 𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖚𝖆𝖘𝖎𝖛𝖊
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rick i’m begging you, please give is more canon!godly parents from the minor cabins that were added later
maybe even make it canon that there are more than 20? we need answers
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