#planets in the 1st house
catmarlowastrology · 1 year
✨ Planets in the 1st house + How you come off to others
☀️ Sun: charismatic, authentic.
🌙 Moon: sweet, sensitive.
🔭 Mercury: smart, interesting.
🌷 Venus: attractive, charming.
🔥 Mars: energetic, self-willed.
🌟 Jupiter: optimistic, fun.
⛰ Saturn: mature, distant.
🛸 Uranus: unconventional, independent.
🦋 Neptune: elusive, glamorous.
🌑 Pluto: secretive, powerful.
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rabiosantologia · 10 months
〇 | ASTROLOGICAL THEORY: Usually people who have any planet in the 1st house do not perceive such characteristics of the planet in that house in themselves, but other people feel the aura of that planet when they find you in your behavior
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For the fact that that planet in question has been at the tip of your nose since the day you were born. We embody the energy of that planet as if it were our skin. It's the house that represents your body, identity. Planets in the 1st house bring the irony that despite being the most conscious house per represent our arrival in the world, it is also the one that we least perceive in itself.
▼ For example, I have Uranus in the 1st house and one thing I can't notice is that there is something different - very typical of Uranus hahaha - in my accent that has reached the point of interrupting me and ask where I was from; I don't know what it is about my accent that makes people go "???". So you can see that even for the person themselves, the characteristics of that planet in the 1H
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lunaapudleonem · 2 years
Rising signs and their beauty - what is the most attractive about each sign? (part II)
In my previous post I wrote about the physical features of each rising sign, in this post I will focus more on the planets in the first house and how do they affect our beauty.
Sun in the 1st house
They have intense energy when you first meet them, they are even a bit intimidating. They seem extroverted, joyful and fun to be around. They have beautiful hair. They seem the most beautiful when they're in the centre of attention and when others are complimenting them (they blush and their serotonin levels go 📈📈). They also get in a really good mood when others hype them up and they will surely return the favor.
Moon in the 1st house
They have beautiful, warm eyes and they seem very understanding and emphatic. People feel safe around them. They have soft skin. They look younger then they really are. They have big eyelashes and can look very innocent and sweet. They are touchy and will give you random hugs.
Venus in the 1st house
Feminine, soft and delicate aura. They can have typical female features like bigger eyes, smaller lips, smaller noses and soft hair. They are gorgeous in general (although most of them are not aware of their beauty). They like fashion a lot and they follow trends. People often compliment their style.
Mars in the 1st house
They can have birthmarks/scars/strech marks on their skin. They can have some masculine features like a sharp jawline/deeper voice/athletic built. They can appear scary and dominant. On the other side, they are very passionate and hardworking. They like to give their best and they're the most beautiful to other people when they are in their element - when they're fully determened and focused on some task.
Mercury in the first house
Slim, delicate and tender. They are very talkative and they impress people with their interesting stories. They talk fast. They also like to move fast and they use their hands a lot when they talk. They appear smart and educated. They can be very humorous. The are fast walkers. They seem the most beautiful when they are able to freely express their chaotic thoughts and ideas.
Saturn in the first house
They appear older and more mature then their peers. They often look very serious and worried. They seem like they don't want to be bothered. They can have more prominent eyebrows and sharper jawlines. They can even get gray hair pretty early in life. People are drawn to them because they seem like they've been through a lot and they are types of people who will share their stories and try to teach others some valuable lessons. They have a vibe of a stunning, older and very wise teacher.
Jupiter in the first house
They have round faces. Soft skin and hair. They can bring joy and happiness wherever they go (this is especially usefull in professional surroundings because they can appear very charismatic when they try to be). They instantly draw attention to themselves. People get a great first impression from them. They have vivid sparkling eyes and big bright smile.
Uranus in the 1st house
Trendsetters. They're revolutionary with what they wear and what kind of a make up look they choose. They hate to follow trends and be like everyone else. They love to wear neon colors. They seem like someone who is down to party anytime. Also they're down to protest againt injustice whenever. They seem the most beautiful when they fight for other people's rights.
Pluto in the first house
Magnetic and deep eyes. They appear very mysterious and introverted. They like to observe other people. Others find their silence and introversion fascinating. They seem the most beautiful when they discuss deep and occult topics with others. They like to wear darker colors.
Neptune in the first house
They like to experiment with their looks a lot - they often change their hair color, they wear colored lenses, they change their clothing style a lot etc. People are drawn to them because they appear to be very creative and interesting to hang out with. What is beautiful about them is that they're not fearful of what others will say about their looks and they just listen to themselves when it comes to picking out outfits.
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flickeringart · 1 year
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The 7th house is what others bring out of us, hence why we would avoid others if our 7th house is malefic 🪐🤡🐺.
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astrosolutions · 11 months
First House: What are the Activities of the 1st house in Astrology?
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The 1st house in astrology, additionally referred to as the "Ascendant" or "Rising Sign," holds significant importance as it represents the people's outward personality, appearance, and how they are perceived by others. Situated at the beginning of the birth chart, this house embodies one's self-image, physical traits, and overall demeanor. It influences first impressions and reflects the core essence of a person's identity and self-awareness. The 1st house in astrology governs how people express themselves, approach new experiences, and initiate endeavors. Understanding this house provides valuable insights into a person's individuality, behavior, and unique interactions with the world.
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loveemagicpeace · 4 months
🏹1st house & You 🌌
💕1st house describes you as a person, your appearance. The Ascendant and the 1st house-This area of the chart denotes your body as the vehicle for your life force and vitality, and so suggests your sense of yourself as a physically separate individual. Being the symbol of the birth moment, it also describes your arrival into the world and the pattern of responses this sets up. Your Ascendant (or rising) sign is a powerful indicator of how you feel about yourself.💕
⚡️1st house Sun -the person usually looks proud, illuminated and casirmatic. The charisma of these persons is very noticeable. Many times their hair is noticed because it is like a lion's mane or it melts. They put a lot into their hair and take care of it. I notice that these people often dress in one color or wear various inscriptions, paintings related to childhood (many times you see cartoon T-shirts) or some kind of logos. Many times they like to dress in brands. Many times they come forward very confident, but in reality many times they are not at all. Many times the sun covers up their insecurity or weakness. You know how to enlighten others around you and people with this position are often popular among people. People love you quickly. You almost never experience something very terrible (unless there are aspects and other houses that are darker).
🌙1st house Moon- persons tend to appear more kind, caring and friendly. But they can also come forward capriciously (depending on their mood). Emotions are carried on their face and it is difficult to reveal them. Individuals with the Moon in the 1st House wear their hearts on their sleeves and follow their hearts. They have good intuition and are quick to feel things emotionally. Many times the moon creates a cancer look or makes a person's head rounder. People can have gentle soft appearance, a smiling face, and a yearning for comfort, pleasure, and luxury.
🍀1st house Mercury-people look thinner and taller. Usually, when you talk to them, they come across as very smart and intelligent. Many times there are people who have the energy to talk a lot. Above all, their mind and thinking is in the foreground. Many people can ask them for advice. Mercury also gives many thoughts, which you say out loud. You can practically speak your mind. These people also start talking quickly and are the initiators of topics. Maybe sometimes they say things out loud without meaning to. Many times they have multiple personalities and are never really committed to just one thing. They can quickly change their mind if they are not sure about it. What I also noticed is that in reality they talk a lot because they want to get rid of the unpleasant feeling of silence. They do not like the death of silence and many times they prefer noise.
🧚🏼‍♀️1st house Venus-venus usually gives feminine beauty and many people can find you beautiful. You can often get compliments. Your energy is relaxing and often these people are natural (they like natural beauty). This placement gives you a warm, friendly aura and an elegant air that people find irresistible. These individuals tend to be well liked and exude an aura of warmth, friendliness. These individuals tend to be extremely tolerant, accommodating and often compromise their own inner needs and wishes for the sake of maintaining peace and avoiding conflict. You tend to attract others to you quite readily, and rarely come on too strong or aggressively. Venus in the 1st, you might come across as charming, keen to get on with everyone and oil the wheels. There are people who will make you feel that you can be beautiful no matter what u wear. Although they are either very natural without make-up and especially if they have virgo rising. Or they may be obsessed with doing beauty touch-ups and make-up.
🦋1st house Mars- Mars here can come out all guns blazing, a pattern that may reflect emergencies in the birth experience or the early presence of a rival. There may be a lot of masculine energy here. These people know how to do men's jobs and can come forward quite dominantly and decisively. Their energy is usually more intense, strong and strict. You can have a more athletic body or you can have lots of muscles. Facial features tend to be more severe, strong and dark. Many times they emit more dangerous energy (people can be afraid of them). They are people who react quickly and fight for the things/people they love. Very passionate people. They are fearless and dare a lot. They will always be up for crazy things. What I noticed about these people is that thay often attract some situation that are more aggressive or people that following them or something like that(not always).
🐚1st house Saturn- people tend to look older than they really are. Many times they give off the energy of a parent or a more authoritative energy. They are responsible and serious people who do not like someone who is too childish. Otherwise, these people are non-judgmental, you will rarely ever see them judge someone. They may have weight problems and may fluctuate a lot. Their face is similar to saturn, when you look at their face you can see the shape of saturn. They have reinforced bones, especially if they are thin, their body shape is very noticeable. They usually have tattoos. There is one thing about Saturn people that they don't actually look like some kind of business oriented people, but they actually look opposite of that. Many times darker with my style or even emo style I notice many times. Although mostly more chipped/torn style. They love things that are dark or scary sometimes.
🫧1st house Neptune-this people have a magical outlook and energy. When you're in their presence, you feel like they're not real at all or like they're from a movie. They also have the appearance of a mermaid. They have shiny and pearly eyes. When you look into their eyes, it looks like you will get lost in them. They have hypnotic eyes. Their appearance is usually dreamy and many people cannot define exactly how they see their beauty. They have a very energetically magical approach (many times they leave special energy on others). But they can also draw a lot of other people's energy. People often ask them for help or advice. People can often be shy in front of them because they have celebrities energy. Many times they live in their dream world. Neptune's influence endows the individual with a profound understanding of their innermost personality. Eyes are often grey or blue of a rather cold shade.
🧃1st house Uranus-your energy is above all unique and special. People find you unique and different. You have your own energy. You dare to be different and you like to stand out with your appearance, clothes and opinion. Many times your opinion or view may differ from others. Your style can often be very interesting and you know how to style pieces of clothing that others would never do very well. Things look special on you. With Uranus in the 1st house can be described as having unusual and unconventional qualities that person have. You may have a particular body shape or there may be a part of you that is very different from others and people find that interesting about you. This makes you stand out from the crowd.
💘1st house Jupiter-happiness is with you everywhere. There are many happy coincidences. You have a confident and optimistic energy. People can often see you as someone who always finds a way. You can be a very good teacher to others and have a lot of wisdom about things. Regardless of everything, you always find faith and trust in the things you love to do and trust that things will turn out well. You are a spontaneous person who sees life as full of opportunities. You never stop living and many times you live for the moment. Also gives you a charming and attractive appearance, which will draw people towards you. Your charming personality makes you stand out in a crowd and people admire you for the same. You love learning new things and gathering new experiences by traveling around the world. Your personality may be infused with humor, joy, and generosity. You like to experience things even if you never heard of them before. This is like a challenge to you.
🌌1st house Pluto- Your personality is many times an enigma. Because you always decide how much of yourself you want to share and show to others. Sometimes you can trust the wrong people too quickly, and sometimes it takes a long time to trust new ones. A powerful and transformative placement that can significantly influence a person's life and personality. Although pluto is prominent and the first house is the most expressive house, I would say that sometimes it can be difficult to express how you really feel or to share it with others. It is important that when you meet people / when you are dealing with a certain situation, you always listen to your feelings. It is good to carry a smoky quartz crystal with you. With Pluto you can find strength and courage and show people your strong energy. You can also feel people's souls. The first house is your appearance, it's good to change your appearance evey now or then because that's how you leave the past behind. Also pay attention to the signs around you cuz sometimes people trying to tell you something or the signs itself try to tell you something and you ignored it. Cuz pluto people have the tendency to ignore all of the signs because they don't trust them but it's actually the signs that are good for them (especially if this sign is repeated several times). And many times these people change their appearance when they want to escape from someone or change their life.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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pandorasworkshop · 4 months
🍎Astrology Observations Pt4🍎
🍎14 degrees in planets can indicate being very beautiful a lot of celebrities have this degree (Madison beer, Rihanna) and is often seen in people who have stable income. Can indicate being financially stable. This is a Taurus degree.
🐍 Synastry with a 10th Venus or 1st Venus can indicate the general public or your friends will know you guys like each other before you guys do or people will think you are a couple all the time.
🍎Taurus placements in the third house tend to be very good at art and with their hands. I've seen these placements create something out seemingly nothing.
🐍people with Virgo Libra placements tend to be involved in high positions with school systems.
🍎if you and someone have a mars in sister signs (cap/cancer or Scorpio/Taurus) your sexual chemistry can be very good and harmonious.
🐍a lot of Virgo/Aquarius placements go into biomedical fields or fields of work that are considered more "taboo" (mortician, medical examiner)
🍎Venus transiting your 2nd house can indicating getting material object from suitors or having an influx of gifts/money be given or stumbled upon.
🐍Chiron in 3rd/11th house might be outcasted in their younger years but considered "cool" when their older.
🍎Chiron in 5th/7th house could get hurt in romantic relationships or have a hard time finding the right partner.
🐍Venus transiting 3rd house could represent having nicer more poetic compliments or being more into writing/journaling or art.
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astrolovecosmos · 2 months
If you're a writer take a look at your Mercury placement for inspiration 🖋️
1st House: Baby you're the inspiration! Dig deep into your identity and practice introspection for your work.
2nd House: What do you value? What will you work hard for, protect, collect? Use that for your inspiration! Maybe take inspiration from the material world or nature as well.
3rd House: Pay attention to your community and family (especially siblings, extended family, and family arguments or rivalry) for inspiration. Knowledge and research may be your best friend as a writer. Speak your mind and explore your emotions through writing, journaling, or blogging.
4th House: Family, home, your private life, or maybe your own inner world of coping, emotional sensitivity, and depth are your muse!
5th House: Having fun with your words and stories may be a good starting point! This is the house of creativity, joy, and celebration. Here creativity should stem from passion, discovery, and maybe romance. Be brave and even dramatic or ridiculous in how you write and how you get inspiration.
6th House: The house of routine, health, and work may not sound very inspiring but things like daily writing exercises or challenges may be very helpful for you. Time management and aiming to reach goals with your writing is going to be highly productive. Inspiration for you may come from ideas around altruism and what makes you feel like you're making a difference.
7th House: Take your inspiration from your relationships, fights, competition, rivalry, deals, and romance. Seek inspiration in others. Find a true muse.
8th House: The skeletons in your closet may be the best inspiration. Your fears, secrets, pain, depth, and vulnerability.
9th House: Your beliefs can be a major source for inspiration/creativity. Taking inspiration from other works, research, and knowledge may be your style too. Diving into a subject like history, sociology, psychology, religion, laws, journalism, politics, etc. can be very motivating.
10th House: Rely on your sense of purpose to give you inspiration. Reflecting on society or authority can give insight too.
11th House: Look to your friends for inspiration and friendship dynamics! Zooming out to collective trends and feelings can be a powerful tool as well for your writings. Tap into your aspirations and highest dreams too.
12th House: Using writing as a tool to explore your subconscious may be useful. Taking inspiration from your dreams, imagination, and even the darkest parts of you may be key for you as a writer.
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truevedicastrology · 3 months
Your Cosmic Selfie
Planets in the 1st House
Ever wondered what your astrological fingerprint might be? Look no further than the 1st house, your cosmic selfie in the astrological chart! 🪐 This house reveals the essence of your personality, including aspects of your appearance. Let's explore how different planets paint a picture of your unique self.
Sun in the 1st House: ☀️
Imagine someone who lights up a room with their confidence and charisma. They naturally have a bright aura and take pride in their appearance.
Moon in the 1st House:
Picture someone with a youthful and approachable face. They often have round features and may be mistaken for being younger than their actual age.
Mercury in the 1st House:
Think sharp and inquisitive features, perhaps with a touch of elfin charm. They often touch their face when thinking or communicating.
Venus in the 1st House:
Imagine someone with stunning symmetry and a flawless complexion. They naturally exude beauty and grace, captivating everyone around them.
Mars in the 1st House:
These individuals may have unique facial features like dimples, birthmarks, or a tendency to blush easily. Their boldness and energy shine through their appearance.
Jupiter in the 1st House:
Picture someone with larger-than-life features that exude optimism and warmth. They are often considered highly attractive by many. ✨
Saturn in the 1st House: 🪐
Imagine a face with defined features and sharp angles. They may have a mature and serious demeanor reflected in their appearance.
Uranus in the 1st House: ⚡️
These individuals possess a quirky and unconventional beauty. They may have striking features that set them apart from the crowd.
Neptune in the 1st House:
Picture someone who embraces change and transformation. They often experiment with their appearance, making it difficult to pin down their "look."
Pluto in the 1st House: ️‍♀️
Imagine someone with a magnetic and mysterious aura. Their eyes may be deep and captivating, attracting attention with an air of intrigue.
Remember, these are just general interpretations, and the nuances of your cosmic selfie will depend on the specific planet, its aspects to other planets, and the overall context of your birth chart.
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youmeandthestarsss · 1 year
Astro observations p4🪄
🪄People with their Mercury in cancer have such a sweetness to their voices. It’s usually very soft and distinctive
🪄I find that I get along right away with people who’s sun is in my 1st house and that we also share similar views
🪄Saturn in the 7th house individuals need to be extra cautious when it comes to making promises. The 7th house talks about commitments and compromising and marriage obviously is a huge commitment that’s basically a promise. So essentially if they break any sort of promise they made they take on extra karmic baggage for it since they didn’t stay “committed” to the promise they made
🪄12th housers need isolation solely to find who they are again
🪄12th housers are the type of people who were late to school every single morning. This is because the 12th house rules bed pleasures so we find it extra hard to leave our bed compared to like the average person😭
🪄If you know someone with their personal planets in their 12th house (sun, moon, or merc) or with Pisces placements, chances are, you don’t 🤭
🪄8th house ruler in the 12th house experiences the most transformation in their lives when they are alone or maybe through a significant dream they had
🪄7th house ruler in the 1st house means that your future spouse is going to have a major impact on either your physical appearance, your world views, or your overall demeanor. I feel like this is the placement you see in people in relationships online that either gain or lose a bunch of weight with their significant other
🪄When a planet is retrograde, it means that planets’ energy is internalized meaning is repressed and that planet doesn’t help you out in which ever house its in. For example, people with Saturn retrograde in the 5th or 7th house may have a harder time instilling discipline and setting boundaries in their relationships. Some may get attached to others to quickly, not know their worth before getting into a relationship, are prone to love bombing their person, or lack the emotional maturity needed for a healthy relationship
Thanks for reading!!! Lmk what I should talk about next :)
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hopeastrz · 1 year
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𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭!, 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝟒𝟎𝟎 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬🤍
There are two types of 𝟖𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐬, one’s who might hate their mothers, and others who hate how much they love her, because deep down they know that without her they won’t function properly, these people also might kill for her, even die for her in order to protect her, and because of this much adoration they tend to gravitate away from their mothers instead of sharing a strong bond with her, and you might ask why?, well they do this in order to protect themselves from disappointment and pain, that’s what makes them build this thick wall, that some people might see as resentment, when in truth it’s just a shield.
On the other hand 𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐬 are attached to their mothers hips, both figuratively and literally, they are always with her, and what’s fascinating here is that If she cries, they cry. If she’s mad, they mad mad too. If she’s hurt, they feel pain more than she does, it’s such an admirable bond tbh.
People say that 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐬 get swayed easily by others opinions but hello!!!!! 𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 folks also are next to us in line and i don’t see people roasting them as much as they do with us!.. so unfair smh.
Any 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭>>>> 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐬
𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐬 might go to a foreign land to start a family, or marry and give birth out of their country + have their children born with another nationality in general.
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𝟏𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 might have a late marriage or be known for being single for too long.
𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐬 might struggle with making friendships at a young age, even if they are only 3 years olds they stress on it. Once they grow up they recognize the power they hold and almost instantly charm their way through people hearts <3.
𝟏𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐬 folks hate stare makes me literally shake in my boots.. you don’t know if you want to run away from them or towards them because these bitches are lowkey hot!.
𝐏𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 doesn’t only mean having problems with your family, it might indicate you changing your familys life 180°. your their savior. It’s the ‘from rags to riches’ kind of placement.
I noticed that 𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 are big fame indicator in Korean female idols, all of blackpink members either have Aires rising or other prominent Aries placements. Other than them IU Is Aries venus, kim hyuna is Aries mars, Seo yeji is Aries sun, itzy ryujin Aries sun too, Chaeryeong Aries venus, literally almost everyone.
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐬 from my opinion are the people who carries their anger silently, but once they lash out it’s over for everyone literally.. they are so fucking scary it’s not even funny.
𝟏𝟐𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬>>> 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩. They love sleeping so much, i wouldn’t be surprised if any of them married their pillows or smtg, yeah it’s that crazy😭
I have 𝐏𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟏𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 and when i tell you that some people hate me for no reason at all im not lying, they just see me and expect the worst, and what makes this placement more annoying for me is that it sextiles Jupiter.. which sometimes intensifies this hate, and on top of that i have medusa asteroid in the 10th house along with my sun.. im too young to go through this istg💀.
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triangular-eye · 2 months
[ 4 ] astrology observations 💚🧩🍀
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- virgo risings benefit more from not being in charge as they like to follow things
- jupiter 1st house natives feel suppressed by rules/regulations/common following of philosophies
- uranus rebels to the following of ideals, jupiter rebels to the said ideals
- new best friends come in during the zodiac representing the 7th house (ex: aquarius rising: in leo season)
- venus conjunct lilith causes the native to be unable to differentiate between love & lust.
- people in your life fall in your house where their rising sign is (ex: an aquarius rising would fall into the 5th house of a libra rising & inspire/deplete their creativity or affect their children).
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- libra risings & late virgo risings (15° onwards) live by organising & decluttering their psyche (because virgo 12h)
- natives with uranus retrograde in their chart long for the acceptance of change but get horrified & run away from it the moment it manifests.
- natives with sun opposite moon feel afflicted when faced their own character; am i too emotional or too logical? which side of me is the real one?
- the 12th house rules over our memories, not short term everyday ones that is mercury/3H; but in depth memories or visual/photographic ones.
- the sign ruling your 12th house shows how you can interpret your rem dreams: virgo 12H by organising the details of the dreams, aquarius 12H by finding what to innovate in your life through the dreams, sagittarius 12H by gathering a philosophical perspective like what is the lesson i am teaching myself through my unconscious?
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tsublue · 1 year
Your 4th house lord and what you find comfort in
< This can also most likely work with moon house placements too. >
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Oh boy, this is a long unfinished draft i’m coming back to.
Also happy Holidays! Sending love and hugs to everyone!
Please do not copy, reword, repost and etc my posts. If you want to use points from them, then please ask for permission first and give credits.
4th house lord in 1st house
You either love being by yourself and hanging out with yourself or/and you enjoy doing things that can improve you in every way. Like-so getting ready and etc. Kinda Emma Chamberlain vibes okayyy.
4th house lord in 2nd house
You had/still have an comfort item or a special stuffed animal growing up, didn’t you. You most likely also like when everything is planned out for the day or for the event that ur going to do and it’ll be inside ur comfort zone. You like to have everything “laid out.”
4th house lord in 3rd house
You either love being by yourself or you absolutely hate it. Nothing in between. It’s up to your mind and how it works. It’s either your bestest friend forever or your worst enemy. You most likely were/are close to your siblings or overall friends and find comfort in these people. You like to write out your thoughts or be creative with expressing them since you’ve figured out what you feel might be little too complicated for others and writing it out can bring you comfort.
4th house lord in 4th house
Isn’t this too obvious? You obviously like to spend time around your family or if your 4th house is in a water sign you also probably just like to sit and observe your family in a way. Not in a creepy way. It’s just unexplainable. Something such as Elio from “Call Me by Your Name” You most likely have a very good bond with your mother and female figures around you who have been around for a long time and are most likely your comfort zone.
4th house lord in 5th house
You are one energetic soul. If not physically then your mind will always be very vibrant and active. You most likely find comfort in some particular activities you do. Which can also mean hot girl walks as in clearing your head when stressed and etc. You probably also liked to draw and do the arts in many forms. That’s what let you express yourself and let stuff out which also brought you even the slightest bit of relief and comfort.
4th house lord in 6th house
A little bit like the 2nd house, you like to spend your time working on yourself as a way of escapism. Also really like to be outside, around the nature and most likely had a very great bond with your pets and other outside world animals. You probably prefer animals over humans. (And I love you for that. ) Having a routine or a planned out schedule is probably inside your comfort zone.
4th house lord in 7th house
You most likely find comfort in expressing yourself. Especially in clothes and outfit options. Also guiding others has probably given you fulfillment. You had one unique mind growing up. You also found comfort through acknowledgments from others when completing or doing something.
4th house lord in 8th house
You never liked to get too comfortable and always needed a new thing or a change in the way you do or feel. You’ve at least at some point loved spending time just sitting in your room in silence by yourself at night or in the dark and found comfort in your own company. It’s also giving quite traumatized child isolation vibes if you ask me, but not always in a bad way.
4th house lord in 9th house
You are one moving soul too in a way. You felt fulfillment when learning about new stuff or doing a workbook of some sort. If you also were/are religious then you might’ve found more comfort than other people in the religion’s ‘god’. You also probably found out that having different experiences and people from different cultures and different backgrounds can make you feel comforted.
4th house lord in 10th house
Your not direct priority has not been finding comfort. You can feel fulfillment and comfort when getting the recognition for your work, whatever it has been. I personally think that deep down your family and close ones are pretty much comfort place for you even if it’s subconsciously, but you are pretty materialistic in such fields.
4th house lord in 11th house
You always are trying to find comfort in your way and probably have been on the hunt for it at some point in your life. You like to have or happen to have your points differently as in it could be a stuffed animal or something non materialistic. We’ll never know. You just find comfort in what you find comfort in. I personally would like to point out that Grandparents can also be one of the comforts for you. I really would like to learn about your experiences.
4th house lord in 12th house
Oh my poor baby. I have a slight feeling you might have been neglected as a child in a way especially with emotionally non present caretakers/parents. You probably have a tendency to isolation and using it as a coping mechanism. You felt comfortable and comforted in your head and mind since it’s a mystic place. All i have to say is stick to your guts. Love you.
I in no means mean to offend anyone and if these observations do not apply to you then it’s completely fine. You can always find a more pleasant post. <33
Let me know if you agree with my words or have your points to add, I absolutely love reading all of the comments and communicating, so let me know your point of view!
See you next time!
Love, Tsunami
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soberpluto · 1 year
Astrology of Personality: Planets in 1st House
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Brainstorm on the influence of planets in your 1st house!
Sun: You are outgoing, warm, gentle. People see you as bright and bubbly, a natural leader. But you can seem overly proud or arrogant at times. You are transparent and very coherent with how you present yourself to the world. What you see is what you get. You lead with example. You inspire others from your core. A lot of vitality and vigor. You are in charge of your own life. A lot of self-love and self-esteem as you grow older. You are brave, loyal and generous. Image reflects your amazing will-power and authenticity. Can have a nice and chiseled upper back and strikingly beautiful hair.
Moon: Can't hide your emotions. High intuition, even psychic abilities. Others can see the depth of your feelings, like it or not. Your presence is soothing, compassionate, kind and nurturing. Your physical may go through a lot of changes, as your body is tightly connected to your feelings. Your inner world may be overwhelming, and it can stir your life out of control. Sensitive and healing to others. May be an empath, someone who can read your surroundings and be affected by them profoundly. A very loving and feminine presence, no matter your gender. Can give large breasts (if female obviously) or a curvy or plump body type.
Mercury: Others see you as talkative, witty and interesting to be around. They consider you highly smart, a smooth communicator. May need to travel or move constantly and change continuously to feel alive. You engage life through your brains. Leadership comes from your mind. You conduct yourself through thought, logic and reason. A very curious and restless persona. You can be easily distracted, be hyperactive and eager for endless stimulation. You may be passionate about learning. Can be very popular and have a wide range of friends and acquaintances. Mercury here usually gifts high intelligence, an attractive smile and slender limbs.
Venus: A very charming and gentle personality. You are quite pleasing to be around. Physical beauty is given almost by rule. You attract others so easily. Can be way too compliant, with people-pleasing tendencies, however. Others are eager to help you or be around you. You may be very appealing to and popular with the opposite sex. Likes to draw attention through aesthetics, fashion and makeup. Your presence is very soothing and enjoyable. You may get judged on your appearance a lot. Can be subject to envies and jealousy more easily than other people. You can have a very sultry or charming voice. Your body can be that of a sex icon. Very creative and self-expressive too. Relationship oriented. Music and art will be of special importance.
Mars: Go getter. Sex is on your face. You are someone who has an inexhaustible amount of energy. Military, exercise and sports definitely will catch your attention. May be a bit of a bully too. A dominant and masculine aura. You appear as very energetic, adventurous, assertive and sometimes aggressive. You may suffer from cuts and burns. You are competitive by nature. Very vigorous health and long-lasting stamina. You engage the world through instincts and desire. Can be quite confrontational and irritable. You have a pioneer spirit and will hardly back down from fights. Super independent. Red is your best color.
Jupiter: A humorous and candid person. You are recognized by your sense of justice, ethics and high morals. Can be disorganized with or unbothered by physical appearance. You are seen as good-willed and kind. Can have issues with gaining weight. Can suffer from health ailments due to lack of limits. You hate restriction and need to expand, travel and find your own truth. You love learning and others see you as a teacher, a guru. Your vibe is altruistic and charitable. You may have really aesthetic feet, buttocks and/or legs. You love comfortable clothes. You are pulled to other cultures.
Saturn: Firm and resistant body. You are seen as serious, diplomatic and very mature. You are the adult in the room even when being a child. Maturity comes much easier to you. You are responsible and dedicated to hard work. Others may see you as detached and cold at times, even unemotional. You can be shorter than average, but with elegant facial features. Your teeth may be really attractive, which gives you a great smile. High cheekbones. You may feel life is tougher on you than on others, but with time, you succeed because of your patience and constancy. You like sober, solid and/or traditional looks.
Uranus: You are often misunderstood because you are ahead of your time. People see you as disruptive and unpredictable. You need a lot of stimulation, change and independence to feel happy. Others see you as a rebel, someone who's not afraid to speak their truth and do as they please. Very stubborn and liberal. You can strike others as a genius, a very brilliant person. However, you can also appear as unstable and unable to root. Your outfits or makeup can be really quirky, unique and eccentric. You may become bored quite easily. You may wish to live abroad or be subject to wanderlust.
Neptune: You have a gentle and spiritual presence. Psychic capacity. You absorb your environment like a sponge. You are a chameleon. Nobody actually understands you. You may feel lonely or alienated at times. Others project fantasies unto you and feel you have deceived them once they realize that's not who you are. Very empathetic and sensitive by nature. Your sixth sense is very lively. You dream for the perfect physique. It may be hard for you to have realistic expectations about yourself. You are seen as an enigma. Your aura is otherworldly and magical. People may complement your eyes a lot because they have a dreamy spark. Can have the ability to "see" things beyond the physical realm.
Pluto: A powerhouse. Super sexual. You are very threatening or magnetizing to others, even if you don't intend that. You appear as overly secretive, mysterious and intriguing. You move cautiously and don't give too much information about yourself. You are so passionate, to the point of being obsessive. You are very resilient and recover from crisis much quicker than others. Your strength and courage are your trademark. You may be subject to power struggles. You command a room with your presence. Can have scars or birth marks in the face. Others may think you are darker or more dangerous than you truly are. You discover everyone's secrets. Others want to know you but they are afraid of you. You destroy or extra-limit your body to become a new version of yourself. Addicted to physical changes or interventions. Your eyes say it all. Your gaze is powerful and heavy. Extremely resistant health.
*No single placement in astrology can determine your overall profile and life tendencies, but the first house is a good starting place to understand what you are made up, as its the house of appearance, self-image and projected personality.
Hope you liked it and thanks for reading! 🥰🪐🌟
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bloodofasteria · 6 days
whatever planet is in your 1st house, people try to provoke out of you. moon in first = feelings, mars in first = anger, mercury in first = intelligence etc
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divinatorydoll · 1 year
planets in the first house: 📝
the first house is the house of personality, character, and appearance !! when planets occupy our natal first house, we can see their influence in many different ways:
sun in the 1H: born with bright eyes and wide smiles; they radiate confidence and charisma. their facial features tend to be wide and tall. pride in appearance is especially important to these people
moon in the 1H: their faces are quite round and juvenile in nature. they often get mistaken for being younger than they are due to how youthful their appearance is
mercury in the 1H: their facial features can be somewhat small or have a bit of an “elven” quality to them. these placements are also very fond of rubbing / picking at their faces
venus in the 1H: always very beautiful people; their beauty or personal image is something they are known for. their facial features are usually quite symmetrical and smooth
mars in the 1H: known to have prominent birthmarks, dimples, freckles, sunspots, or facial scarring. they often have reddish features / turn red in the face easily
jupiter in the 1H: prone to having exaggerated features or one specific facial feature that’s larger than the others. their beauty appeals to many different people
saturn in the 1H: their faces tend to be rather geometric / gaunt. saturn governs cubes, so these placements usually have squarish or angular features
uranus in the 1H: their facial features can look a bit “alien." otherwise their faces are remarkably unique, as they often don't look like the people around them
neptune in the 1H: these placements are easily confused for other people. they have a thing for regularly changing up their appearance / making different stylistic changes
pluto in the 1H: almost have a “venomous” look to them; their eyes are typically serpent-like or reptilian. they also enjoy dark makeup, clothing, nails, hair, etc.
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