#plus he loves science
strangerwheelerthings · 7 months
People might not agree with me here, so Im curious:
(Do note that I am asking about his official job, and saying teacher or something does not exclude the possibility of other stuff on the side such as things dealing with monsters.)
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esha-isboogara · 2 years
Could interest you in a little Rick/Reader concept: reader going on an adventure in a tundra setting and purposefully refusing any warming up measures Rick tries to offer, only to get cold the moment they set foot on the planet, yet still looking smug as all shits. Only to shove their FREEZING hands up Rick’s shirt once they get cold enough before bailing while cackling like a madwoman. NOW IS THIS FUN OR WHAT? (I’ll let you decide if you’d rather do headcanons or a drabble! >:3)
THIS IS ME OMG!!! i am so stubborn once i get an idea in my head i run with it! i’m going to try headcanons with this one bc it’s been a while
rick with a stubborn reader
♡having a significant other as stubborn as him is a blessing and a curse let’s be so honest. someone that will force him to sleep for an hour and not give up just because he refused a few times.
♡at the same time the fights you two get into her serious quick. both of you always think you’re right and will not be taking comments or concerns.
♡rick usually knows best when it comes to exploring the universe so for you not to listen to him pisses him off to no end. why would you not take a coat to a frozen tundra? it doesn’t make logical sense. rick figured you’re doing it just to spite him.
♡once you stepped out of the ship you realized how wrong you really were. the cold air nipped at every inch of exposed skin. you were tempted to turn right back.
♡rick on the other hand had a nice warm scarf and a parka. he was amused watching you fight against the cold. this was his “i told you so” moment.
♡you couldn’t take it anymore. “rick im done i give up. it’s freezing i can’t take it anymore”. and with that you slid your hands under his shirt and rested your palms against his warm skin.
♡if it were anyone he would have whoever them away, cursing at them for even trying such a thing. he’d never admit it but he had a bit of a soft spot for you.
♡”holy shit your hands are cold” he remarked, shivering at your touch. “fuck this shit, let’s just go somewhere else this is lame”.
♡you were all too happy to go back to heated ship.
♡ “i bet you wish you brought a coat huh”?
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I can’t believe that Rick canonically had a slap fight with an old man because he was jealous that Summer wanted to spend time with him
Like it 100% sounds like the sort of thing we would make up for a funny post on here but nope… canon
Edit: for some reason the order of the pictures is a bit fucked up but I can’t be bothered to fix it lol, sorry
#rick and morty#rnm#rick sanchez#summer smith#mr needful#rick is such a petty and dramatic manchild and i love it#honestly as much as s1 has its bad moments (such as the r word conversation in this very episode 😬) i love the way it portrays rick#like it’s very apparent that he’s jealous and needy and just bullshitting his way through life#he feels much more… human? if that makes sense#like yeah there’s a lot of fun stuff with the whole ‘smartest man in the universe’/god complex stuff#but it’s also nice when he’s just a man who’s very good at science and a massive dumbass in all other areas of life#honestly he’s much more emotionally vulnerable to the audience#like we see him here being insecure and needing summer’s approval#and later on in the episode when he’s very clearly lonely and bored alone in the house#and greets morty too enthusiastically and then corrects himself to try and seem cool#again i was really struck by how… nice he was in meeseeks and destroy after morty shouted at him#even before he realised what had happened to morty#(i know he was an asshole before that but still)#plus the citadel episode has him crying over his memories of morty#i think i just have a mental image of s1 based on the ‘anti-pc’ jokes and dudebro perceptions of it#so i forget what it’s actually like#i mean don’t get me wrong there are definitely a lot of extremely cringeworthy ‘anti-pc’ jokes#but rick is actually much more human in s1#also i find it so funny in this episode that at the end rick and summer actually work out#rather than rick just using some sort of technology to make them jacked#like i know they use steroids#but the fact that they actually went to all that effort cracks me up#also i would say this is the first episode where rick and summer start to actually develop their own interesting dynamic#which i love
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cheriboms · 8 months
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doctober day 11: briefcase
because a scientist lawyer has gotta keep his invention blueprints legal documents SOMEWHERE >_>
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jewishsuperfam · 2 years
another day another occasion where i remember that keyleth and percy maintain a poison herb garden in whitestone together which they use to collaborate on poison arrows for vex
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magentagalaxies · 11 months
officially going to be taking a standup comedy class next semester!!! now my schedule is literally:
improv class
sociology class about queer history
standup class
buddy cole documentary which counts as a class despite only meeting with the professor when i want to and being a project i would work on even if i didn't get college credit
god i love majoring in comedy in college
#i realized my science credit was already taken care of by a dual enrollment class i did in high school so that gave me an opening#and i already have a plan to take care of all the other general education stuff later so i might as well load up on comedy courses#unfortunately due to some bullshit that's not as interesting as i think it is a lot of the comedy classes aren't running this fall#so the only one at my level with open seats is standup#and y'know typically i do NOT enjoy performing standup. i love watching standup very much but performing it's not for me#(plus ik my nemesis is in that class and she's also in my 2 other real classes so ugh i'm gonna be seeing a lot of her)#HOWEVER. i've already taken a course with this professor and he likes me#he's a kith fan so if i have to miss class or get an extension bc of work on the buddy cole doc he'll probably be super understanding#and!!! most importantly!!! he's really into character standup which not a lot of students choose to do#but for me. this gives me a perfect opportunity to actually work on some of my aubrey material as a ''standup character''#or at the very least shoehorn buddy cole into discussions lmao#also. my improv class is right before this one and improv is probably the type of comedy i'm most confident in#so maybe that will give me a nice push to get more confident in standup#and as for the ''constantly having to be around my nemesis'' thing. well i can hope that she manages to chill out by then#but even if she is insufferable. i can take solace in being the one with kith connections and paul will almost definitely let me rant to hi
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mbat · 2 years
okay but like, i cant be the only person in the whole world wondering if we will ever see orrin again, right? was he just a device to show how awful rand is? will he get the chance to see how far reagan has come, maybe even come back into her life? get to be a real character?
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needsmorewlw · 2 years
Oh my god YES to Eliza only talking to certain characters. I reasoned some of them are natural mediums/have a stronger connection to the "other side". I'm glad someone else picked up on this. I also wondered if Eliza targeted those she thought would be more empathetic/easier to get on her side? laura had no qualms about wanting to kill the Hacketts, Dylan says "you gotta be careful with this stuff, that shits true" Meanwhile Ryan's like "nah" to the spooky plus his connection to chris - drylan
For sure I think she was trying to get people on her side! In that context her talking to Laura makes sense bc she can single handedly cause the deaths of all the hacketts except for Chris and Caleb. But then again, if that was the reason, you'd think she would talk to Ryan and Kaitlyn since they're the ones who handle the rest of the hacketts.
Idk about Dyl, Abi and Jacob tho. Which is what made me think maybe she just talked to them purely because she could and she knew they could hear her unlike some of the others. Maybe like you said! Trying to garner some sympathy from the softer characters who might be able to sway the others to protect Silas maybe?
Meanwhile I think dyl was mainly just siding with Ryan to flirt when he said "this shits true". I thought dyl was a believer too but then I realised one day that Dylan's a huge science nerd? Ofc he wouldn't believe in ghosts. He's probably got a thesis worth of shit to explain away ghosts with his favorite topic. But he would definitely entertain the idea of them for the cute boy he has a crush on.
But it's all super interesting and I wanna look more into it 👀👀 and also hear other people's thoughts.
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crqstalite · 11 months
i rlly gotta do a write up eventually about how alec wanted talis to be like him so bad and she absolutely refused to while mateo just wanted his father to pay some semblance of attention to him.
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vote2 · 1 year
I just need to find someone working in my field and just ask them like specifics w degree etc thats all i need i dont understand how masters work
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s-t-r-n-g-e · 2 years
Varian the Alchemist is basically Carlos the Scientist in a different font and vice versa
I will not be elaborating any further and I will not be taking criticism at this time, just know I’m right
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libertys-lovers · 2 years
💬 I literally cannot decide, you're friends with many of my romantic f/os, but I also wanna choose one of your romantic f/os… Ok your pick: tf2 medic or ovw Lucio!
(I'm not dating Lucio, but let's just say his source has gotten on my radar lately lol)
Oh no… oh you shouldn’t have given me a choice… cause I’m gonna do BOTH- But ALSO LET’S GOOOO!!!! Welcome (possibly) to the OW Family~ If you end up F/Oing anyone from there then don’t be afraid to gush about them over here, hehe (though, this applies to just gushing about any of your F/Os really).
*Tragedy has broken out at the RED Forts; it appears that the Mercenaries have been infected with radioactive tumors?!? Medic has made the estimation that they’ll only live for three more days, but Journalist finds that a bit... sus... She makes her way to Medic and mutters to him*
Journals: Hold on- Are we... are we sure? I mean, I don’t mean to question your “almighty nurse knowledge”, but have we actually checked?
Medic: Of course I’m sure! It’s merely common sense, Journals!... Buuuuuut, if you really want me to cut everyone open to double check~
Journals: Naaahhnahnahnah- I- I believe you-!
*I listened to a comp of Lúcio’s interactions with other heroes in OW2, and him asking everyone about their favorite animal is cute as hell so I’m stealing it-*
Lúcio: Alright, so I’ve been trying to ask everyone this, and I made sure to save the best for last. So, Dime, what is your favorite animal?
Dime: OOOHH!!! Moths!! But wait, penguins are super cute too, especially those smaller ones! And jellyfish are also super cool... Oh, and those fish that can open their mouths REAL wide!
...But actually... I think my super all time favorites... are frogs~ 😏
Lúcio: Uhhhh... yeaahhh, sure! I can see all of tho... hey... hey wait a minute!?! 😳🥺
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dutybcrne · 27 days
I like to think Kaeya and Albedo have a more or less joking deal to have a kid if Kaeya’s 25th birthday rolls around and he’s still unwed.
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imblocking-you · 4 months
Therapy Game
#love is casual and found in the little things#it's gradual and not a sudden burst but built by things you notice and small actions they do#also i love how shizuma stands up and is prepared to take action for the things he believes in i find that very courageous#therapy game#i ♡ casual intimacy#like gosh taking a picture of the ferry#those panels mightve just perfectly captured the feelings of forming a crush#manga#shizuma is quite literally golden standard#today he is like what science was to the ancient ages#i swear#naninikip dibdib ko sa chapter 5 😭#the male leads this author writes are simply too good#okay wow i didnt expect to cry over the mansion being bought by itsuki plus the queens' recording PLS#the humanistic point of view minato gets is beautiful#realising that yes intrinsic things and his childhood experiences can and will affect him in ways he can't help#but ultimately a support system and his own perspectives and choice in the matter trumps it all#that he can change and mend anything and it may affect him but truly nothing from his past can /ruin/ him or his relationships#'so if it's dumb either way why not be dumb and happy?'shohei you absolute treasure#theyre such a good example of a healthy relationship and the fact that it isn't all sunshine and rainbows or one that is perfect and is#basically uneventful#(well it can be that but yk what i mean)#it's something that bends and mends and molds something two people need to learn and relearn and contort to to get used to#love is a choice and a daily reminder 👍
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chungledown-bimothy · 6 months
I cannot overstate how much I love Tom Lehrer's story. It sounds so fake but is entirely real.
He's a goddamn genius- he started studying mathematics at Harvard when he was 15 and graduated magna cum laude. He worked at Los Alamos for a few years before being drafted and working for the NSA, where he claims to have invented jello shots to get around alcohol bans.
He then went back to Harvard for a couple years before starting to teach political science at MIT.
Through all of that, he was writing and performing both some of the funniest shit you'll ever hear (Poisoning Pigeons in the Park, Masochism Tango) and absolutely scathing political satire (Who's Next, Wernher von Braun, Send the Marines). Until the mid/late 60s counterculture gained momentum. He didn't like their aesthetic, so he stopped making music.
Shortly after, he moved to California and started teaching math and musical theater history at UC Santa Cruz for the next 30 years.
I don't know if non-Californians understand just how goddamn funny that is. It's where stoners and math (and now computer science) kids who couldn't get into Berkeley go. Leaving Harvard/MIT for UCSC is peak academic phoning it in. And by all accounts he had a blast.
Plus the whole putting all of his music in the public domain thing. That fucked.
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tellescope · 11 months
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Rift's favorite place to glitch away to is space. Very little ever provokes an emotional reaction in them but that is one they've found consistently does. It's calming, familiar somehow. They have no memories of their time as pure energy hurtling through the multiverse, nothing before becoming aware in a stolen body. And yet space almost seems to call out to them for how much it feels like home.
If Rift is in a situation where 'fight or flight' kicks in and they glitch away out of instinct for their own safety, they will end up in space. It's their default in a sense.
They are aware of certain places in space they should stay away from however. The folks at the lab made sure to warn them far away from Earth if they choose to go out there. The last thing anyone needs is Rift being spotted by a satellite or the ISS, and no Moon either because if anyone in the future discovers extra footprints up there that will be a disaster.
Often they just float around in the outer solar system, a nebula, or visit an exoplanet. They also know not to take anything from said exoplanets back with them after the first incident where they were told to return the rock immediately. Dr. Parkinson was so torn that day between scolding Rift like the others or just admitting their existence to NASA for the sake of the benefits they could provide to furthering space exploration.
The lab crew holds that discussion at least once a month now. The consensus is a draw every time. Maybe someday.
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