#with school or family or trauma
strangerwheelerthings · 7 months
People might not agree with me here, so Im curious:
(Do note that I am asking about his official job, and saying teacher or something does not exclude the possibility of other stuff on the side such as things dealing with monsters.)
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thedramaticduke · 1 year
Disney: Yeah, sorryy, we don't know how to make villains without queercoding them and people didn't like the twist-villains, so we stopped making them alltogether :( I hope you like 3593 intergenerational family-traumas!
Dreamworks, while creating not one, not two, but three amazing villains: Pathetic
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reignmaefall · 7 months
Reblog this to tell whoever you reblogged it from that you're proud of them.
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probablyhuntersmom · 9 months
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It's a lot
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umeji-writes · 2 months
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Holyshitholyshitholyshitholyshitholyshitholyshitholyshitholyshitholyshitholyshitholysh- Galna scariest and most despicable M!IK character hands down
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sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 5 months
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Adam raised a Cain
BBC Merlin, The Beginning of the End (1x08) /// Cut by Catherine Lacey /// BBC Merlin, To Kill the King (1x12) /// Comfort Me With Apples by Catherynne M. Valente /// BBC Merlin, The Crystal Cave (3x05) /// Someday I'll Love by Ocean Vuong /// BBC Merlin, The Witch's Quickening (2x11) /// Cassandra, Florence and the Machine /// BBC Merlin, The Coming of Arthur: Part 1 (3x12) /// The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde /// BBC Merlin, The Coming of Arthur: Part 2 (3x13) /// Adam Raised a Cain, Bruce Springsteen /// BBC Merlin, The Sword in the Stone: Part 2 (4x13)
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nico-moist-moses · 5 months
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Please don't take mental health advice from the emotionally constipated man, Dipper
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ipledgeawaymysanity · 4 months
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what was the logic behind removing these 2 words?
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pain-is-too-tired · 2 months
Jonathan 'Jarchivist' Sims and Annabeth Chase would be best friends.
I stand by that.
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sunshineandlyrics · 21 days
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*Original story is with The Sun, 11 May 2024. That's all the info so far so you don't have to give them clicks.
🙄 Let's use Louis' name and life for clicks. I don't see Louis willingly participate and hopes he stays well away from this reality nonsense.
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aftgficrec · 9 months
Any neil& aaron recs? Not with a relationship with them necessarily as endgame but something like triptych or the one where they're on the hunt for andrew (cant remember the name rip, but i love that one)
There are a good amount of fics for Neil and Aaron — their relationship is fertile ground to explore angst or growth! The stories run the gamut from mutual disdain to familial warmth, from bad or awkward situations to quests (like hunting for Andrew together in ‘I'm leaving this town…’), from friendship to lovers and even plain ol’ sexual experimentation (see ‘triptych’). 
Though you weren’t keen on Neil/Aaron as a couple, you might enjoy ‘Every Sinner Has A Future.’ It’s friends to lovers and spends significant time developing their relationship. Find it and the fics you referenced among those featured below. -A
Neil & Aaron in situations/working together 
Aaron & Neil stranded together here
Aaron & Neil stuck in a bad situation here
‘Calm down. I look a lot worse than I am.’ and ‘climb a mountain (hold his hand)’ here
‘they who made you/they made me too’ here
‘Identity Theft’ here
‘Apart from Your World (A Part of Mine)’ (selkies) here
‘The World Beneath Our Feet’ series here
‘Crossfire’ here 
‘For You I'd Bleed Myself Dry’ here (updated)
‘If Neil, Then Fox’ here
Neil & Aaron relationship because of Andrew
Aaron & Neil rapprochement here
Aaron accepting andreil here
Aaron & Neil's talk at the cabin here
Neil meets the in-laws or foxes here
‘Did You Get What You Deserve?,’ ‘The Ash is in Our Clothes,’ and ‘common ground??’ here 
‘Married To Annoy,’ ‘head case (what to do with you),’ and ‘AJMICKEY56's Fanfiction Palooza!’ chapters 2 and 82 here 
‘Hold each other...ch 8: Time Does Things’ here
‘Muscle memory’ (completed) and ‘The Memories I Never Can Escape’ here
‘No More Fucks To Give’ here (updated)
‘Neil Fights the Foxes’ here
‘on the tip of my tongue (say something)’ parts 7 & 8 here
‘No straighter path than to struggle,’ ‘The Road Trip,’ and ‘An Olive Branch’ here
‘what even is baseball anyway’ and ‘Holding On and Letting Go’ here
‘Hold me close (in fact, bury me)’ here
‘a girl so bright she'll blind you’ here
Neil & Aaron friendship
Aaron & Neil = Andrew/Neil here
Neil & Aaron friendship 2 here
domestic fluff w/twinyards bonding + Neil & Aaron friendship here
the tumblr posts in Neil/Aaron or Neil & Aaron ask here
‘Make This Leap (Geronimo)’ here
‘Math, Exy and Middle Ground’ here 
‘every piece of you, it just fits perfectly’ here
‘i just wanted you to know (this is me trying)’ here
‘togetherness’ here
‘More Than Words’ here (updated) 
‘Ten Percent’ here
‘Tachycardia’ here; ‘Tachycardia (the My Own Soul's Warning Remix),’ ‘It's going tibia okay,’ and ‘What the fuck happened to you?’ here
‘Aaron is Neil’s doctor in the pros’ here
‘Shards of Glass’ here
‘Et tu, Doctor?’ here
‘Art Hoe’ here
‘Beach Bois’ here
‘just a footnote’ here
‘I'll Follow You’ here
‘Call the doctor ( I may need help)’ and ‘we're inside out’ here
‘Andrew Goes to Hogwarts’ series here
‘Minyards' Magical Mischief’ here
Neil/Aaron rarepair
Neil/Aaron or Neil & Aaron here
‘In The Forest (Burning Bright)’ here 
‘Winter Banquet’ here
you may also like
new Katelyn/Aaron here
Katelyn & Neil friendship here
Katelyn & Neil as siblings/lookalikes here
Katelyn-centric hurt/comfort here
Aaron protective of Neil here
Neil mistakes Aaron for Andrew here
Andrew & Katelyn rapprochement here
‘the prettiest blue’ and ‘The Photo Strip Predicament’ here
‘Nor are we forgiven’ here
‘Give Me Another Minute (to Lay Here in Your Echo)’ here 
‘coming loose’ here
‘the roads I traveled with you’ here
‘One day we'll reveal the truth’ and ‘i'm getting static from my better sense’ here
‘you're not next before forever’ here (completed)
‘Before You Drown’ here
‘Five Years to the Day’ here
‘Twilight and Daytime’ here
‘Whispers in the leaves, shadows in the moonlit night’ here
quests and situations
halloween series by zweimam [Collection, Rated T, 44426 Words, Incomplete, Updated Sept 2023]
NB: Part 1 reviously recommended in new twinyards bonding ask
Part 1: I'm leaving this town (and I'm changing my address) [40309 Words, Updated Sept 2023] Aaron tries to assimilate everything, nodding, "How do you know he didn't mean it?" "It wasn't a thought, or anything," Neil says, looking everywhere but at him. "He told me to go away, to leave and run, and I did. I'm very good at running, you see." Or: Aaron has been looking for his brother for six years. Right when he's beginning to lose all hope, he meets Neil Josten.
tw: child abuse, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: heavy suicide themes, tw: implied/referenced suicide attempt, tw: implied/referenced drug addiction, tw: detailed discussion of drug use, tw: implied/referenced overdose, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: panic attacks, tw: dissociation
Part 2: I know that you'll come if you want [6170 Words, Updated Aug 2023] If Aaron has been looking for his brother for six years, Andrew has been waiting for him for longer.
The Most Unorthodox Way of Fighting Back by orphan_account [Rated T, 1683 Words, Complete, 2021]
Neil Josten is forced to pick up his shoes and run. If not for him, than for the ones who can’t.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: murder, tw: blood/gore
Tumblr Bits by gluupor [Rated T, Collection, Complete, 2019]
Chapter 8: Neil Josten: Accountant Spy [2316 Words] Whenever anyone asked Neil what he did for a living, he responded by saying he was a spy. This always was met with impressed faces and probing questions about his job.
till the bitter end on a flat tire by thewintersolstice [Rated M, 10000 Words, Complete, 2022]
neil & aaron end up stranded on the side of the road in the desert. neil wants to talk homophobia. aaron wants neil to shut up for once in his life. aka: my attempt to turn aaron minyard into someone i want to like
tw: homophobia, tw: implied/referenced child abuse
Growing Sharp Edges by Leocante [Rated G, 10218 Words, Complete, 2022]
Aaron just needed some wiggling room. He didn't think he was asking for that much - a few inches of freedom, a miniscule amount of life outside of school and exy, an ounce of control over his day. Well, thruth be told, he wasn't exactly asking asking. Questions like that resulted in a knife under his neck and an unyielding 'no'. But Aaron needed some goddamn wiggling room, and he was desperate enough to ask Josten for help.
tw: attempted sexual assault, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced drug addiction, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: recreational drug use, tw: alcohol
Who is the man in the relationship? by sugaroto [Rated T, 6986 Words, Complete, 2022]
"I'm your type." Neil went on. "Then I'm yours." Aaron shot back, "You're literally fucking my twin, asshole!" "High five!" Neil said, his eyes lightening up, "We're type buddies!" Neil started laughing. "What? What's so funny?" Aaron asked. "We should get married!" Or The time Neil and Aaron got drunk and thought it'd be funny if they got married.
tw: alcohol
NB: fic meme by @sugaroto here
Momentary Disaster by JostenlovesMinyard [Rated T, 1305 Words, Complete, Twinyards Appreciation Week 2022]
Day 2: Disaster Aaron and Neil are sent to do a grocery run but Neil loses something along the way. Aaron is there to help him.
You Are So Much More Than Your Father's Son by phan_taloon [Rated T, 3143 Words, Complete, 2021, Locked]
In which Nathan Wesninski has fanboys and Neil Josten doesn't want to deal with them, but Aaron is there to save the day.
tw: panic attacks, tw: flashbacks
A Pain Never Meant to be Felt (I really suck a titles, just pretend its good.) by transandsad [Rated M, 14187 Words, Incomplete, Updated Aug 2023]
Aaron is mistaken for someone he is not and has to figure out how to pick up the pieces in the aftermath.
tw: gang rape, tw: nonconsensual touching, tw: assault, tw: graphic descriptions of csa, tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: blood, tw: flashbacks, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: ptsd, tw: panic attacks, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: murder, tw: drug addiction
Neil and Aaron swap body’s AU bullet fic by @sadboyayeron [Tumblr, 2020]
AFTG Neil & Aaron Gender Swap hc by @sadboyayeron [Tumblr, 2020]
Oblivious series by greencherrybomb [Rated T, Collection with 2 complete works, Updated July 2022]
Part 1: Oblivious in love (3152 Words) Andrew has been pining after Neil Josten for months, but knows it wont happen. Neil doesnt even swing, so he does the only thing to protect his feelings. Ignoring Neil and eating ice cream. Part 2: Best Friends Brother (3930 Words) Neil has been harboring a long time crush on his best friend, Aaron Minyards, brother Andrew. Too bad Andrew has been avoiding him at all costs and is dating the hottest guy in school, Kevin day. Or at least thats what Neil thinks.
Dear Little Ghost by choisunsanie [Rated G, 4650 Words, Complete, 2022]
Neil Josten starts to be haunted by a naughty blond ghost.
tw: previous major character death, tw: car accidents
And I Swear And I Swear, I Was Burning Alive by Miss_Fun_Fun_and_Fun [Rated T, 1477 Words, Complete, 2022]
Neil is confronted by his ex-best friend's twin brother while still reeling from his mother abandoning him. - A one-shot, alternate universe for Fortheloveofexy's fic, "More Than Words".
tw: implied/referenced drug addiction
NB: ‘More than Words’ was previously recced here (updated)
sexual experimentation
triptych by likearecord [Rated E, 12805 Words, Complete, 2023]
Three parts, three POVS. Aaron, wondering, picks up a guy in a bar. Neil, having learned something, wants to try again. Andrew, knowing nothing, sees something he likes.
tw: explicit sexual content, tw: nonconsensual touching
friends to lovers
Every Sinner Has A Future by OfficialStarsandGutters [Rated E, 29864 Words, Complete, 2021]
Canon divergent Neil x Aaron. - Neil Josten. A shock of red hair and ocean blue eyes. Pretty faced, but nothing special. Except he makes a throwaway comment about Andrew being off his meds and it’s like everyone in the room forgets to breathe. Even Aaron, his body still and tense with surprise that he can tell them apart. Without even having met Aaron, he knew Andrew wasn’t him. That shouldn’t mean anything. Aaron rubs his sweaty palms on his skinny jeans and tells himself it doesn’t, it doesn’t, it doesn’t.
tw: recreational drug use, tw: implied/referenced drug addiction, tw: nonconsensual drug use, tw: graphic description of overdose, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced murder
monsters cuddle pile art by @emry-stars-art
au where aaron and neil are best friends first comic by @02511213942 also on twitter
when Neil tells Dr Aaron he’s fine art by @srslyarts
get in loser we’re going shopping art by @ouijacine
Josten and Aaron on press duty comic by @paradoxolotl
Aaron is a godfather comic by @paradoxolotl
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tatsumi-rin · 3 months
Moral Orel doesn't seem 100% like a show I'd feel seen in if you don't know me but then I remember the episode with the special ed kids and underneath the usual satire on extremist bible belt religion it reminds me WAY too much of how actual special ed departments treated me and other kids growing up.
Like the writers must HAVE BEEN THERE IN LIFE, man. I'd kill to sit down with Dino Stamatopoulos and find out what the fuck inspired him and the other writing staff that day.
#husbandothings#moral orel#bonus fun tag rant? bonus fun tag rant...apparently#in those departments you are immediately written off as a tragic forever toddler by at least 50% of the staff regardless of your disability#there's good ones but the bad ones bring the fun spicy trauma#it doesn't matter how smart you actually are you gotta draw the sad face on that boy on the comic sans worksheet at the age of 15#in your free lesson spaces that you got because of reasons#if someone tells me they're a teaching assistant or have “qualifications” in autism and special needs development i immediately distrust#because I have never met a neurotypical person with those qualifications who knows how to treat kids like humans especially autistic kids#funniest part? I was mostly in the special ed department because of my hearing and not totally my undiagnosed autism#and a little because of wonky emotional development from get this...a freaking religious school#like i see adults in the show and i see the headteacher who tried to tell my parents i should forgive the bullies because jesus would#even though the truth is way more nuanced but he just wanted to wash his hands of it#it's funnier than it should be because that teacher would fit right in to this show for that and additional reasons I won't state here#my family were atheists but thought the school would be good#the weird thing is at that time as a little kid I liked the idea of believing in god but nothing that happened proved Him to me#and moral orel hits because it resonates with the fact i genuinely believe religion can do good and it's all about the people#the ones who want to use that faith for good in the world and surviving rough crap and not to do things that would make jesus flip tables#that has stuck with me for over a decade as has the people who felt the show reinforced their christianity#but anyway
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When my mum asks whats wrong , as if she would actually care. (Shes the problem , i can't tell her )
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wiisagi-maiingan · 10 months
Man, it's such bullshit that I was never actually Christian and the closest I've ever gotten was rare and unpleasant church visits with extended family members but I still ended up with Catholic trauma just from the nature of being Native. I want a refund.
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buckttommy · 2 years
Weird how people in this fandom will be like "Buck and Eddie are on different trajectories" and then be mad when Buck's trajectory takes longer to come to conclusion than Eddie's lol
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sunsetsmakemesad · 9 days
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Before the Horrors And Tragedies™️
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