#poe dameron / ofc
dancerinthestorm · 8 months
Fic Recs: "Didn't see that one coming" edition...
I've been wanting to start collecting my all time favorite stories in ages but never knew where to start, there are just too many talented souls out there. A lazy day of re-reading favorites makes me want to finally give it a try though.
Featuring today: stories that defy my usual hunting patterns but still became all time favourites against all odds. Stories leaving me utterly gobsmacked thinking "That was so, soo awsome... but how on earth did I end up in this fandom / character / trope tag of all places?".
@messy-insomniac-bookgirl Let's be honest: this writer is the spirit animal of this specific selection. Never heard of the fandom? Dislike the protagonist with a passion? Doesn't matter: she writes it, I devour and love it. The reason? Dense and hugely rewarding story-telling, perfect pacing, side characters you want to adopt on the spot, delicious slow burns with sooo much yearning. And, most importantly, the awesome female OCs. I am in love with each and every one of them, regardless who they share a screen with. It's almost impossible to select just one story for this list but let's go for "Keep Calm and Buckle Up" (AO3) for suddenly making me feel things when Steve Rogers entered the stage in "Infinity War". Steve Rogers x OFC, James "Bucky" Barnes x OFC, Steve x Bucky x OFC. Action, slow burn, emotional roller coaster rides. Rated E.
@batsingotham "Written in the stars" (AO3) I don't do Soul Mate AUs. I don't do Robert Pattinson characters. For me the best things about "The Batman" were Andy Serkis' Alfred and 3 hours of Niravana in a loop. But the undisputed goddess queen of slow burn domestic fluff overruled all of that. Bruce Wayne/Reader. Soulmate AU. Dorks in love. Bruce needs a hug and Alfred has the patience of a saint. Rated M.
"Sweet Conversations" by @glassgulls Lord of the Rings has been living in my head rent free ever since I was a teenager but I simply don't do Elves. Period. Yes, Glorfindel is very cool and Lee Pace's Thranduil is an absolute vision (the costumes, the voice and the make up, mind you, don't get me started on any other aspect of the Hobbit movies though...) but otherwise? Thanks but no thanks. Nevertheless: the award for best fictional kiss I’ve come across in ages goes to this gem. Amazing scene setting and character work for something so short. Leaves you weak-kneed and high as a kite on serotonin for the rest of the day. Haldir/Reader. One-shot. Rated M.
„Ownership of Mine“ by @amywritesthings . Okay, lets be honest, peeps: Prison settings for a romance story? Seriously? Who in their right mind would be able to think about romance and seduction when all of your freedom is taken away, you are crammed into a small and dark space with people of questionable character and put under constant surveilance. Well… apparently I can… with this story. Even if that tag is a big red NO GO sign for me otherwise. Amazingly dense story telling and atmosphere building in just 3 short chapters. Kino Loy/Reader. Rated E.
„Directions“ by @zinzinina . Probably a sure sign that I am getting too old for all of this but tags about age gaps, first love or first times usually make me run for the hills. Add a character like Poe Dameron (I mean: come on! Howww…?!) to the mix and there is not enough willing suspension of disbelieve in the world to get me immersed in the plot. Or so I thought. Unwisely. Until this beauty came along. Poe Dameron/Reader. Rated E.
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hellspawncitrus · 2 years
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justafandomgvrl · 6 months
Poe Dameron x OFC
Word count: 600 ish
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Aleta sighed as she removed her belt, tossing it onto her bed. Her blaster tumbled out of it and onto the floor and she groaned, throwing her hands up in the air. She muttered curses to herself as she knelt down to pick it up, completely unaware of the pilot entering her room until he spoke to her.
“You alright, Queenie?” Aleta turned her head to scowl at him as she stood, dropping the blaster on her bed. “Day was that bad, huh?” She sat down, nodding at him and he sat down next to her, his smile that he reserved for her written plain across his face.
“You heard the broadcast, Dameron. If any of my people think that the First Order are telling the truth, they’ll think I betrayed them, that I turned on them.” She paused, looking down at her hands. “I’m just so tired. I wish the war never came to my planet.” His fingers wrapped under her chin and turned her to look at him.
“Come with me. I wanna take you somewhere, get your mind off everything. I’ve got tomorrow off and I checked with the General, you do too.” Aleta raised her eyebrow and he just grinned at her, his eyes glinting.
“What are you up to, Dameron?” She asked, narrowing her eyes. He grabbed her hand and jumped up, dragging her from her room towards the hangar. She reluctantly boarded the waiting speeder and he tossed a bag into her lap.
“Keep hold of that,” he muttered as he began to fly the speeder away from the base. Aleta rolled her eyes but clutched the bag to her chest as the base disappeared from sight.
He stopped by a hot spring in a clearing. “I found this place right before I was sent to rescue you. I’ve wanted to show you it ever since.” He mumbled, scratching the back of his neck. Aleta stared at him, never having seen him so… shy before.
“It’s beautiful.” Aleta whispered. Trees coated in dark green leaves on a dusting of snow surrounded the clearing, the moon seemingly directly above them and making the spring glow. She smiled, letting him help her off the speeder before he took the bag from her, pulling out a blanket and laying it on the ground. He sat down and patted next to him. Aleta sat. The blanket was still cold underneath them, the moisture from the ground soaking through in minutes but she didn’t care. She almost felt relaxed for the first time since she joined the Resistance. She laid back, her hair tangling in the leaves and grass and dew. Her eyes were on the stars, but Poe’s gaze was on her as she rambled about each constellation she could see. She paused, turning to face him. “Thank you for bringing me here.” Poe smiled, and Aleta felt like she was seeing him for the first time. The cocky pilot was nowhere to be seen, instead in the moonlight all she could see was a man who cared for others. The silver glint in his eye wasn’t one of mischief but of something warmer, something kinder, something calmer. He raised his hand, his calloused thumb traversing her cheek.
“You’re beautiful.” Poe murmured. Aleta felt her cheeks heat up and he smiled, watching her eyes flutter closed as his thumb moved to her lips, tracing them gently. Before she could open her eyes, he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. She sighed against him, letting his kiss sear his mark onto her, and she knew she would never get over him.
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dykeredhood · 7 months
The absolute stranglehold that scifi pilots have on me
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daredussy · 2 years
i have moved within walking distance of a good comic store ,,, this is bad news for my bank account besties
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summahsunlight · 2 years
Hmmmm what to work on today?
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itscherrylipsforme · 3 months
Hi! I've never requested anywhere before, but your valentines post showed up in my for you, so I thought I'd give it a try. I was hoping for 💌 with poe dameron? It's okay if you don't want to!
Ofc darling! Poe really does deserve more affection in Tumblr (people lowkey forgot about him after the last movie), so here it comes. Hope you like it 🫶🏼
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10 Things to hate about Poe Dameron
His stubborness probably. How he always need to have the last one in every small argument. How he will never take a "no" as an answer if he is determinate to do something
His reckless actitude. The daredevil of the base they call him. No matter how many times you tell him to keep safe, he will risk everyhting in touch-and-go maneuvers when he things is necessary
His bossiness. Most of the time he will use his higher rank to make you follow his orders but you always end up doing your thing
His really overprotective side. Even if you are a skilled pilot when he believes a mission is too much of a risk he will beg you to stay at the base. Leia keeps repeating him that you can protect yourself and he claims to already know about it, but the fear of you being hurt is still persistent
His womanizer past. Every time you hear a story of his younger days when he practically had every girl wrapped around his finger or see a new recruit who doesn't now he is already taken wooing after him, you can't help feeling the jealousy sting. He will always tease you about it later
How he is always capable of making you laugh when you are mad at him. Cracking a bad joke, softly squeezing your waist when you pass by. You try so hard to keep angry, but he makes it hard
That damn smirk of his, how it shows up his dimples. Charming, annoying, and somehow irresistible. Making you wonder of you rather erase it from his face by kissing or slapping
His touchiness. Hand on the small of your back, arm around your shoulder or hip, soft kisses in the morning and night, forehead touches when either of you comes back from a mission. Half of the rebels make fun of you because you seem glued together
When he won't let you see his vulnerable side. Sometimes a sight, a cut or a bruise after a troubled landing, a nightmare when you sleep together... You can only gather crumbs of how he really feels. Sometimes he makes you wish you knew more to find the ways to help him
And last but no least, you hate him because even with all his flaws he managed to win a place in your heart and now you can't take it back, not that you would want to anyway
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eyelessfaces · 2 years
I'm already back 🧍‍♀️
I was thinking of another Poe dameron fic (he lives rent free in my head)
You're poe's fem!solider best friend and one day you get badly injured after a mission and poe's literally with you for your entire recover. You're cold? He has a blanket. You're hungry? Had a plate of food from the cantina. You're sad? Is in your bed cuddling you. He's helping you with your physical therapy, bringing you everywhere. He literally asked Leia to give him a month's break from his favorite thing ever (besides you) flying just to help recover.
I'm so sorry I'm being a nuisances. 😭
poe dameron x reader
hiii sorry it took so long but here it is I hope you'll enjoy it!!
summary: poe was ready to confess his love for you, but things got in the way. now the best way for him to show you his love is to be by your side while you recover.
warnings: mentions of injuries ofc, angst
tags: f!reader, best friends to lovers <33, love confession, fluff, very self indulgent tbh
word count: 3.4k (phew)
reblogs and feedback are appreciated!!
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Poe stepped out of his X-wing, proudly taking off his helmet before glancing at a reflection, making sure his dark brown curls still looked good. He wanted to be sure he looked alright. A shot of confidence had shot through his veins as he came back from a hectic mission, and he wanted to do what he had waited to do for months, what he was eager to tell you for so long. He wanted to confess his love to you now, to let you know how much he cared about you, how much he wanted you to be his and how that ring attached to his chain was meant to belong to you. He was excited, and he wasn't even remotely anxious about it. He knew what he was doing and deep inside of him, he knew you felt the same way, and he couldn't wait to start the rest of his life with you.
He walked through the hangar, helmet under his arm as he looked around. He knew your mission was supposed to end not long before his did, and he was so thrilled to see you again, he didn't even bother to take off his flight suit.
He glanced around and saw two people he knew were in your team. One girl Poe knew was your friend was standing against a wall of the hangar, a hand on her hip and the other on her forehead. She looked troubled. The guy with her looked like he was trying to reassure her, putting a friendly hand to her shoulder. Poe walked to them, feeling sorry he had to interrupt their conversation but in desperate need to know where you were.
"'Scuse me, do you have any idea where Y/N is?" he asked as the two faces turned to him.
The girl sighed slightly, and didn't dare making eye contact with the pilot.
The man stepped in front of Poe and bit his lip in apprehension.
"Uh man..." he sighed scratching his cheek anxiously. "The mission went wrong. They had to bring her back because she got shot." he said pinching his lips, watching the pilot's face slowly decompose.
"What?" Poe asked not quite catching what the other man had just told him. "No no you gotta be kidding me." he huffed turning around, pinching the bridge of his nose in disbelief.
"I'm not man. They admitted her in medbay like twenty minutes ago. She was passed out."
"Shit. Shit shit shit. I need to see her" he panicked, running to the medbay hurriedly.
Poe arrived in front of the medbay section, panting. He brought his hands to his knees to catch his breath a little and got ready to enter the room before droids stood in his way.
"Sorry, you can't go in." the droid on the right said.
"What?! No. I need to see her!" he exclaimed showing the reinforced door.
"Her state is too unstable for her to receive visitors." the droid on the left said.
He threw a dry chuckle, not believing the situation. "No no you can't deny me the entry" he muttered under his breath, shaking his head. "You don't get it I really need to see her!" he said shouting at the droids, ready to fight them if he really had to.
"Sorry, you can't go in." the other droid repeated.
"Let him in." a wise voice said from behind Poe, making him turn around.
Leia. She quickly sent him a weak smile, and he didn't even take time to smile back as the droids finally stepped aside to let him in. He knew he would thank her endlessly once he could come back to his senses.
Poe ran into the room, slowing down when he saw your unanimated figure in the bed.
A lump started forming in his throat at the sight. He dragged a chair next to your bed, and sat on it, taking your hand in his, gently stroking the back of it as his decomposed face stared at your closed eyes.
"She needs to rest" Leia's voice resonated in the small room.
Poe turned around hurriedly, as if he was forbidden being here, even though she had allowed it.
"What happened?" he asked softly, scared to wake you up.
"She was being reckless, just like you. She jumped on the enemies but got shot." she said with a nod. "In the stomach." Poe opened his mouth to talk again but she anticipated it. "They took the bullet out and stitched her up. She got knocked out, she has a concussion. Her left leg is broken and her right arm is fractured. It will take some time to heal."
"Is she gonna be okay?" the pilot asked, turning back to you. He noticed the bruise on your forehead and the multiple cuts on your face.
"She will be fine but she really needs to rest. We don't know when she will wake up." Poe nodded slowly, swallowing loudly. He brushed the hair away from your face, gently tugging the strands behind your ear. His touch was shallow, as if he was afraid to break you. "Poe... You don't need to wait here. I know how much she matters to you but it might take a while. You'll be the first one informed when she wakes up." she said with a stern look, practically begging him not to worry too much.
Poe shook his head frantically, still looking at you, chasing away the lump in his throat.
"I'm not leaving her side. I'm staying here" he looked back at the princess. "If you like it or not, General."
Leia pinched her lips before throwing a single nod.
"Fine, Commander. But don't forget to take care of yourself too."
The pilot didn't reply, and the princess left the room, taking one last glance at your unconscious figure.
You opened your eyes with difficulty. You thought it felt like you had been hit on the head before remembering you had actually been hit on the head. Poe was here, next to you, holding your hand. He noticed you were awake and put his hand away. You tried to sit up, wanting to move a little considering that your whole body felt sore.
"Hey hey hey, easy. Slow down." he whispered gently. "How do you feel?" he asked softly, putting a hand to your shoulder to push you down.
"Like I've been shot" you joked with a dry chuckle that made you cough.
Poe panicked at the sight of you coughing, not knowing what to do and where to put his hands.
"Are you thirsty? Do you want water? I'm gonna get you water." he said hurriedly getting up to get you water. He quickly came back, putting the glass in your trembling valid hand. He helped you drink, and you quietly thanked him with a raspy voice. He took your empty glass to put it on the table next to your bed before putting his hand over yours again.
You weakly smiled at him, fiddling with his fingers before intertwining them with yours.
"Poe I... I thought I was gonna die and you weren't even here." you said quietly as a tear rolled down your cheek.
Poe weakly smiled back at you and wiped the tear away from your cheek, making sure to avoid the cuts on your face.
"I know... I know. I was so scared for you." he sighed. "Never do that to me again"
"I'm sorry Poe" you said as you gently moved your fingers with his.
"It's not your fault you got shot" he said weakly smiling at you.
You pinched your lips. "Kinda. I was being reckless"
"Yeah Leia told me you were being just like me." he said smiling widely.
You smiled back at him before looking at him closely and frowning. "How long have you been waiting here? Why are you still in your flight suit?" you questionned him, concerned. You didn't have any idea of what time it was but you were dozy enough to know some time had passed.
"Uh... It's been two hours I think." he said looking around him, looking for any indications of what time it was. "And I had just arrived when I learned you were... Uh- half dead." he said chuckling, tilting his head to the side when he realized that wasn't particularly funny. In reality, it really didn't make him laugh.
"You didn't need to stay for so long" you whispered, losing your voice a little.
"I didn't need to but I wanted to." he said while caressing the back of your hand.
"And what have you been doing for two hours?" you asked, looking around to see if there was any object of distraction. "You just sat there and watched me?"
"Well... Yes. Creepy, isn't it?" he joked, squinting his nose.
"If it's you I don't mind." you said under your breath, looking at him with admiration. You were very touched at the fact that he stayed here for so long just for you. "Poe I-"
You were interrupted by droids coming into the room, now that you were awake and they could finally check on you.
Poe turned to them, knowing he had to leave.
"We will need you to leave, sir."
Poe nodded, standing up from his chair. He bent over you and ran a hand through your hair.
"I'll come back as soon as I can honey" he whispered before gently pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You watched him leave the room, a weird feeling filling your stomach.
Poe sighed as the medbay's door shut behind him, left the area and determinedly walked to Leia's office.
He stormed into the room, not bothered to even wonder if Leia was already busy.
"Can we talk?" he asked sternly, standing in front of the woman's desk.
"Sure. What is it about?" she asked sitting up from her chair, walking in front of her desk to stand against it, arms crossed.
"I will need a break from flying" Poe announced with a single nod. It wasn't a question, it wasn't a request, it was an affirmation.
She slightly opened her mouth in confusion.
"You, Poe Dameron, want to take a break from flying." she said frowning, knowing that flying was his whole life, his reason to live.
"You heard me." the man said with a single nod again.
"Is this about Y/N?" Leia asked raising her eyebrows, most definitely already knowing the answer.
"More or less" Poe said pinching his lips. He blinked once, accepting the truth. "It is entirely about Y/N." Leia nodded slowly, smiling slightly. "I am in love with her"
"I know" the princess cut him off.
"How do you know" the man asked immediately, frowning, almost offended.
Leia threw a chuckle, shaking her head while laughing silently.
"I have never seen something so obvious, so big, and so transparent, Poe." she said smiling at him, patting his shoulder. "Tell her."
"Yeah, well, I was planning on it until I learned the news." the man said crossing his arms, his flight suit still on. "I figured it wasn't the right moment anymore"
The princess nodded, obviously agreeing.
"This will be all about taking time from now on." she said sighing. The pilot nodded, looking at his feet.
"I want to be there for her as much as possible. To help her for her recovery. I need to stay by her side." he declared looking back at the woman.
She nodded once again. "Of course. But we can't lack you forever Poe. We will need you back at some point."
The man nodded back at her, thanked her for everything and ran back to medbay, waiting for the droids to leave, to see you again.
Every day of every week, Poe was at your bedside.
He still helped the Resistance, without flying as requested, but most of the time, he was with you. When he couldn't see you all day he went before bedtime, telling you about his day and staying there until you fell asleep. He did anything you asked and more. He constantly checked on you, asking you if you needed anything. The man would give you his organs if he could. He read to you as you weren't able to hold a book the first weeks. His voice was so soothing and relaxing, you swore it was one of the best things you had ever experienced. He sometimes talked in funny voices for the different characters just to make you laugh. You hated that your arm had healed so fast, but if you asked him to read to you again, he would do it in a heartbeat.
He took care of changing your bandages on the stomach. You had insisted on it and almost fought with the droids. You didn't know if it was because you trusted him, if it was because he was gentle or because you craved that bit of intimacy. Deep down, you knew which one it was.
You had grown tired of the medbay room. You deeply wished you could see something else than the small room walls but you still couldn't walk properly, and everybody told you you needed to stay in bed to recover faster. But that fantasy had been stuck in your head for a while now.
You had asked Poe to read you a book, but you weren't focused as the idea was growing more and more each second.
"Poe" you said interrupting his voice, making him look up from the book.
"What?" he asked. "Is there anything wrong?" You didn't reply and took the book from his hands, closing it before putting it on the table next to you. "Do you-"
"Get me out of here" you said cutting him off.
He frowned, confused. "What?" he chuckled.
"Can you get me out of here? Help me sneak out a bit. I can't stand this room anymore." you said almost pleading him.
"But it's almost bedtime sweetheart" Poe replied, his face dropping.
"Poe my leg is broken I'm not five." you said rolling your eyes. "Come on I haven't seen a briefing room in sooo long" you whined, tilting your head to the side to try to convince him.
"So the first thing you want to see if I help you get out of here is a briefing room?" he let out a stupid chuckle, amused at the idea that seemed pretty unadventurous to him as he saw the rooms every day.
Not allowing you to respond, he sighed and stood up from the chair besides your bed.
You sat up from the bed and gasped when you felt his left arm tugging behind your knees and his right arm supporting your back, carrying you bridal style. You smiled at the proximity and laced your arms around his neck, and Poe couldn't help but smile slightly at the intimate gesture. You nuzzled his chest, smelling his sweet and soothing scent while he carried you through the corridors. He entered the closest briefing room and made you sit on a desk.
"Thank you" you quietly said clearing your throat when his hands was on your either sides of your arms, making you shiver. He pulled away, nodded and pinched his lips in a smile before looking away awkwardly.
He looked around the room and you stared at him closely, your heart pounding in your chest. You swore it was beating so fast you could almost hear it.
He turned back to you and pointed behind him. "So that's what has been making you dream?"
"Poe come here" you whispered cutting him off, gesturing for him to come closer.
He frowned, confused, and walked to you.
He stood between your legs and you looked up at his face, smiling in adoration. You stared at his deep brown desperate eyes and finally made your mind. He needed to know.
You crossed your valid leg behind his legs and grabbed his hands.
"Poe look I-"
He sighed. "No. No no no you're not doing this" he said cutting you off, hurriedly shaking his head.
You frowned and your smile dropped.
He chuckled lightly and licked his lips in reflexion before looking away again.
"This is not how it was supposed to go" he muttered under his breath while you slowly let go of his hands, not so sure about what you were supposed to do anymore.
"Poe what do you mean?" you asked confused, feeling a lump forming in your throat. You didn't know if you could handle rejection from Poe.
The confusing expression on his face made you fully let go of his hands.
He shook his head once more and winced. The movement had made a few curls fall back onto his forehead, and if the situation hadn't been to tense you knew you would have brushed them away from his face.
"It wasn't supposed to go like this. I know what you're about to do and it wasn't supposed to go that way" he said finally looking back at you, his deep brown eyes piercing right through you.
"Well I'm sorry" you said sighing, your voice trembling when it was your turn to look away from him. You were on the verge of tears, realizing how wrong you were when you thought he could feel the same way.
Your head started spinning and you did your best to repress the tears threatening to come out of your eyes.
"I'm sorry Poe" you said jumping from the desk, standing on your valid leg. "I need to get out of here" you muttered under your breath, shaking your head, determined to go away without his help. Why would he want to help you anyway?
"What?" he panicked, stopping you by putting his hands over your shoulders. "No no no this is not what I meant!" he whisper shouted shaking his head. "Oh Maker I fucked up didn't I" he sighed, putting a hand to his forehead. You frowned, confused, and the lump in your throat changed into something different. "I've been meaning to tell you for so long. This is what I meant when I said it wasn't supposed to go that way" he said nodding.
The expression on your face softened, and you sat back on the desk.
"I wanted to tell you when I came back from my last flying mission. You know... When it all happened. Then it wasn't the right time anymore. But I've been aching to tell you since then and..." he grabbed your hands and fiddled with them nervously. "I'm the one who has to say it. I almost lost you and I was so scared and I can't stand the thought of us being apart. I want to stay by your side and take care of you forever. I just... I want to wake up next to you knowing that I'm the luckiest man in this galaxy." he said sighing, a beaten expression on his face. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but I promise I meant to." he said looking at your hands, his thumbs caressing the back of them.
"Poe sweetheart..." you whispered letting one of your hands go to cup his cheek. "You scared me" you said laughing. "Never do that to me again." you said with a stern look, slightly smirking at him.
He nodded and gave you a weak smile. "I'm sorry" he said closing his eyes.
You framed his face with both of your hands, and his eyes fluttered back open. You pulled his face to yours so your lips could meet, and when it finally did, all the tension that had built earlier was now into this kiss. You were both so hungry for it but it was so sweet at the same time. You couldn't help but bring him closer between your thighs, craving his proximity as you had waited for this moment to happen for so long. Poe bit your bottom lip gently, and you quickly opened your mouth to allow him in. Your right hand shifted from his cheek to his hair, gently tugging on the dark curls, and you moaned in his mouth when his hands trailed up and down your waist, what pulled a slight smirk from his lips against yours.
You both pulled away for air, and he smiled the biggest smile you had ever seen from him.
"We should do that more often" he said smirking down at you, stroking your cheek.
"Way more often" you said smiling back at him, leaning into his touch.
He looked around the room then turned back to you. "I should bring you back to your room before anyone sees us here. Especially Leia" he said smiling lightly, placing his hand on your back. He wouldn't mind Leia coming in, he knew she would be happy to see you together, even if it involved you out of medbay.
Poe was all about taking risks, and he knew that one was the best risk he had ever taken.
reblogs and feedback are appreciated!!
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nerdieforpedro · 7 months
The Brave, The Bold, The Dirty - Fanfics that I adore
Volume 2
Fanfics that I am currently reading or re-read because they’re that good!! 😊
This list is for those aged 18 and up, please respect the author's tags, warnings and notes as they are there for a reason.
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Crawling Back to You Author: @prolix-yuy
(Dieter Bravo x female reader) There’s a secret that Hollywood has been keeping from us that explains so much. Found out I find horns sexy.
This Charming Man
Author: @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
(Frankie Morales x OFC Camilla) No one said Frankie had to be good all the time. To be fair, he's had some major life events. He's unhinged but also sweet. He's got layers. Some of the layers are concerning. Make sure to check the warnings before reading. Dark fluff!
Dr. WeVibe; or How Dieter Bravo Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Remote Vibrator
Author: @imalrightllama (Dieter Bravo x female reader {established relationship}, Dieter Bravo x female reader x male soft Dom, Dieter Bravo x male soft Dom) This is smut. It has evolved into ultra smut and eventually reaches super ultra smut. There's also toy use. You have to read it to understand.
Opia Author: @artemiseamoon
(Ezra x black female reader) A woman's journey for a payday leads her to meet Ezra under less than ideal circumstances. The bond they form is life-long.
Kinktober 2023 Author: @palioom
Thirty one days of October - thirty one different fics each with their own theme to sink your eyeballs into. Make sure to double check warnings.
going slow Author: @ezrasbirdie
(Javier Peña x female reader) An issue that no one really speaks about but can make sexual intimacy extremely difficult. Thankfully, Javier Peña is a sweetheart and willing to take it at the reader's pace.
anytime Author: @undercoverpena
(Javier Peña x female reader) Reader and Javier have been friends for years. Seen each other through the best and worst of times. Javier's mind is rattled and there always seems to be one thing or person rather that settles him.
I like the way you Author: @undercoverpena
(Frankie Morales x female reader) Reader is friends with Frankie. An offhand remark leads a becoming friends with benefits. What could go wrong? Feelings? No one agreed to that.
When the west was wild Author: @boliv-jenta
(Silva x OFC) Nine part story about a woman living alone in the west. An injured strange changes her life, for better, for worse? Read and find out.
Be all and Endor Jyr’ika Author: @djarins-cyare
(Din Darin x OFC) An epic love story told over 40 chapters. Use the bathroom, get a blanket and get comfy, there's reading to be done.
Darkness Author: @ezrasbirdie
(Ezra x female reader) We all know Ezra has explored many ways, things and positions. One that he has not explored is our reader. He's a bit scuzzy, but a gentleman - mostly. You gotta invite him in, give him the ok.
Moonlit Serenades Author: @geminimoonbeamx
(Poe Dameron x plus size female reader) Poe needs some comfort after a tough mission that only the reader can provide.
Headshots Author: @secretelephanttattoo
(Marcus Pike x OFC Ella) Turns out reader's new job as a photographer for the FBI changes her path in life forever. The job was temporary but the relationship was for life.
The Gift Author: @mandoisapunk
(Javier Peña x female reader) Sweet Javier Peña fluff. Reader's gift to Javi is life changing. I'm not crying, you are!
An American in Paris Author: @absurdthirst
(Ezra x female reader) If you ever wondered what Ezra would be doing in the late 1940's after WWII. Our man went to Paris where he meets the reader. This pic had me at Ezra in Paris and then held on to me tight and tossed my feelings around like a rag doll.
To hold you tonight Author: @iamasaddie
(Marcus Pike x female reader) Dark! Marcus has a very dark spin in this one shot. He also has a love a statues that extends to the reader. Please read the warnings before reading.
Full of colors. Author: @trulybetty
(Tim Rockford x female reader) Tim’s working a difficult case, you’ve got work piled on the table. Quality time is needed. A walk-in shower is a treat.
Dry Run Author: @chronically-ghosted
(Javier Peña x female reader) Anyone who may have questioned if dancing with THE Javier Peña in a club was sexy or not - your answer is here.
Tired Author: @javierpena-inatacvest
(Javier Peña x female reader) It’s date night for you and your husband Javier Peña. Everything that could have gone wrong, has. You are stressed out. Date night was not what you’d planned at all.
Diosa Hermosa Author: @fhatbhabie
(Javier Peña x plus size female reader) Javier finds the reader to be the sexiest vision he could see in the museum.
Preciously Plump Author: @melodygatesauthor
(Santiago Garcia x plus size female reader) Our reader is a bit self-conscious, Santiago has her get over that quickly.
Dirty Secrets Author: @absurdthirst
(Dave York x female reader) Your husband Dave is suspicious about your change in behavior. He endeavors to find out the reason why.
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marisferasiop · 4 months
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Oscar Isaac Characters Masterlist:
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Poe Dameron (Star Wars Sequel Trilogy) works:
Never Too Late: FinnPoe (20 years post- Exegol, Poe is abducted and sold to a slaver ring, Finn finds him and nurses him back to health, fluffy, H/C, slow burn): ao3
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Moon Knight (Marvel - Moon Knight) works:
In a Thrice: pairing - Marc/ Steven/ Jake headspace -cest (what it says on the tin- the boys experiment with the body and some mirrors and toys): ao3
Poorly Timed: Jake/ OFC, accidental Steven/ OFC (Steven accidentally fronts while jake (still unknown) is hooking up with a stranger): ao3
The Definition of a Switch: Layla/ boys: (Layla tops the boys in separate chapters; anal play (m receiving), orgasm delay/ denial, bondage, BDSM dynamics) ao3
Moon boys drabbles:
An exhausted Jake gets a new fish: tumblr
Marc sets Steven up on a date with his their wife: tumblr
The boys cuddle in the headspace: tumblr
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Cecil (Revenge for Jolly!) works:
Dieter/ Cecil/ Reader: Eyes on Me (bi throuple on the red carpet and afterwards) ao3/Tumblr
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Santiago Garcia (Triple Frontier) works:
Santi/Frankie/reader: Cock Pit (bi threesome, cucking and chastity play) ao3 / tumblr
Untitled: Marc/ Jake/ Steven separate body -cest (mind space/mind fuck smut): TBD
Untitled: Marc/ Frenchie, Jake/ Frenchie, Steven/ ??, (Layla is involved but not in the smut, poly dynamics but focused on the men: TBD (Frenchie in my HC is played by Pedro, btw))
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all-the-things-2020 · 6 months
All-The-Things-2020 Fan Fiction Masterlist
So I’ve decided to create a pinned Masterlist for all of my finished fics. Some of them are posted only on AO3 right now but I will migrate them here to tumblr as I have time.
Pedro Pascal Characters
Year of Fandom Crossovers Masterlist
Masterlist of all the fics I wrote this year as part of the Year of Creation Challenge.
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Din Djarin x Reader - A Sprig of Silver & Blue
A holiday inspired one-shot featuring Din and The Child (written before we knew Grogu’s name).
Din Djarin x OFC (Tala Pavan) - Deeds Not Less Valiant
Completed series taking place after season 3. Demisexual Din finds out that maybe romance and love has a place in his life after all.
Din Djarin x OFC (Mariana Loxli) - Finding His Way series Masterlist. AO3 link to 1st title in series
Non-canon compliant series that takes place following season 1. It is canon-compliant up to that point and then diverges. Din and The Child meet a former Imperial slave who changes their lives for good. Featuring cameos from Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Chewbacca.
Din Djarin - The Man in the Shiny Mask (Futurama crossover)
Futurama script bringing Din and Grogu into the 31st century where they meet the crew of Planet Express.
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Javier Peña x OFC (Cassidy Yates) - No Better Place
Completed series taking place in Laredo after Javi leaves the DEA. Featuring horses and some smut.
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Joel Miller - Kindred Spirits (Anne of Green Gables crossover)
Joel and Ellie’s relationship reimagined on Prince Edward Island.
Joel Miller - Joel’s Pony Party
You are planning a birthday party for your six year old niece. Turns out the guy who runs the pony party place offers you more than just a pony ride.
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Dieter Bravo - Fifty Shades of Orange (The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy crossover)
Dieter ends up on the Heart of Gold and Arthur still can’t find a decent cup of tea.
Dieter Bravo x Orignal Female Character (Emily) - Late Night Talking
Regular person Emily meets celebrity Dieter Bravo. Romance ensues, along with plenty of humor and angst.
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Frankie Morales - I Need a Pilot (Star Wars crossover)
Everyone’s favorite helicopter pilot transported to the Star Wars galaxy, with cameos by Finn and Poe.
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Ezra x Reader - Lost, Only to Be Found (The Last of Us crossover)
Ezra and Cee in the Last Of Us universe. This one has a bittersweet ending.
Ezra x OFC (Claire) - All Our Future Prospects.
Ezra and Cee meet a corporate scientist and they all learn the importance of found family.
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Marcus Morales - Not All Heroes Wear Capes (Star Trek: the Next Generation crossover)
Marcus tries to revive his Starfleet career after losing his wife.
Non-Pedro Pascal Characters
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Legolas - A Grey Ship Sails.
How Legolas and Gimli came to leave the shores of Middle Earth after the death of Aragorn.
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Samwise Gamgee - Into the West. AO3 link
How Samwise the Brave followed Mister Frodo into the West.
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Poe Dameron x Finn - Family Is More Than Blood series Masterlist.
Pure Stormpilot fluff, featuring a few crossovers with characters from the Finding His Way series. Also a hint of Reylo.
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dameronology · 9 months
which characters do you actually want to see more of
bc i have jumped between fandoms so inconsistently for like four years lol so these are just my faves but i'm open to suggestions ofc lol
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psychedelic-ink · 1 year
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**gif by @pedrorascal
Well then, as you can probably guess since we're at the brink of TLOU coming out I decided to make it the general theme ❤️
Anyway, I never expected to have so many of you following me and I'm truly honored to all of you who stick around ❤️ Thank you so much for your support, reading my work, and generally just being amazing.
It's kind of hard not to get emotional since I really am grateful for the fandom that brought me together with some of my best friends that I talk to daily, but I'll try not to be! Just know that I really am happy to be here xx
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There aren't many rules for this event, you can send me requests whenever you see this post and I'll be taking requests and posting them during the weekend (7-8th january)
For requests, I accept all Pedro characters (tho my faves rn include ezra, joel miller, jack daniels, dieter bravo)
marvel: moon knight(all), peter parker (all), felicia hardy (black cat)
oscar isaac characters: poe dameron, duke leto, moonknight, santiago garcia
🍄 — send me a drabble request, if you need inspiration feel free to browse my prompts tag!
🍂 — ask for a mood board: either send me an aesthetic + character or send me a summary of one of your fics and I'll make a mood board based on it
🪐 — tell me a bit about yourself, your fave character and I'll assign you a couple song (this can also work with ofc x character if that's the case please tell me about your ofc)
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**gif by @pajamasecrets
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So, I’m feeling silly.
Which of the Oscar characters is most likely to…
Have a nipple piercing?
I need to see if you all agree or disagree with me. I’m not saying what I think until results 😆
(And yeah ofc my first poll had to be THIS ashshshsjhsj.)
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Fanfic Recs List!
(not necessarily written in November, but that’s when I read ‘em! - a little shorter than normal, beacause I was unwell during most of Dec.)
🎀 - fluff ☔ - angst 🍑 - smut
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🎀 thunder only happens when it’s raining (llewyn davis x reader) - @eyelessfaces
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🍑A Change (Marc Spector x gn!reader) - @romanarose
🍑Seattle Series (Marc Spector X Jewish!OC) - @romanarose
🍑More Than Alright (Steven x Layla) - @howaboutcastiel
🍑The Eye of the Moon Series (Moon Boys System x Layla x Desi!OFC) - @nadja-antipaxos
🎀Secret Santa With Steven (Steven Grant x reader) - @grantspectortrash
🎀New Year (Steven x Layla) - @otherworldsys
🍑Crazy Bitch (Jake Lockley x Fem!Reader) - @romanarose
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🍑Kyoko’s Secret Santa (Nathan Bateman x f!reader) - @kittyofalltrades
🍑The Consequences Of Being A Brat (Nathan Bateman x afab!reader) - @midgardian-witch
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🍑 Come And Put Your Name On It (Poe Dameron x f!reader) - @welcometostayingawake
🎀Midnight (Poe Dameron x GN!Reader) - @campingwiththecharmings
They are all amazing!
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WIP Wednesday
thanks for the tag @kewwrites
HELLLLOOOOOO BESTIES!!!!! i havent done a WIP Wednesday in forever! i've been on hiatus for a few weeks, but mainly in regards to posting! i haven been writing like a maniac and i think not feeling the pressure (self imposed) to post has really helped the creativity flow!
on that note: I am working on quite a few things!
2 new installments of Solo Sessions
Chapter 13 of Linger On (sorry its taking so long)
Dieter threesome
a super long Javi P x OFC
also i have been doing nothing but watching Star Wars for the last few weeks so i am having MANY related thots about, including but not limited to, Paz Visla, Boba Fett and Poe Dameron
Feel free to send an ask about any of these (or literally anything) if something catches your eye!!!
npt @planet-marz1 @amanitacowboy @beskarandblasters @wannab-urs @joelscurls @chaotic-mystery @dancingtotuyo @pr0ximamidnight @pedgito @kiwisbell @goodwithcheese and anyone else who wants to play!!!
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