outfitsinspiration · 15 days
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Who: Rita Montezuma (ritamontezuma)
What: Polette Jeff Sunglasses in Orange (80,00€) When: Instagram - May 25, 2024
Worn with: Gant shirt and shorts, Zara sandals
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atevegter · 2 years
2619 Luik
Het is 21 over acht en het is aangenaam stil op de camping. De wind ligt plat en de zon staat net op en wij zitten daar zo’n beetje tussenin. Heel in de verte hoor ik een camion, maar ik moet echt mijn best doen om hem te horen. Lief heeft net haar koffie gekregen en Piep slaapt nog haar zoete dromen in het bovenste bed, want ze wil niet altijd in het tentje slapen en dat hoeft ook…
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cy-lindric · 16 days
hey!! i have some fashion questions if you dont mind, did you make the white shirt and pants in the first pic on your vampire post yourself? do you wear prescription glasses, and if so whered you get red lenses from? i am slowly taking an interest in dressing similarly regularly lmao
Hello ! I did make the whole outfit in the first picture. The shirt is a basic men's linen undershirt (the kind you make with rectangles, it's a great beginner project and there are a lot of tutorials online), and the pants are based off this pattern by Laughing Moon . As for the glasses, I am quite short sighted so the glasses in the first pic are indeed my regular prescription glasses, but the red ones are basic sunglasses I got in a thrift shop so I wore contacts with them. I do think you can customize prescription sunglasses with different lens colours when you buy them online at places like Polette and similar stores but I've never tried that myself.
I hope you'll find what you're looking for to embrace your future style ;) Cheers !
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armagnac-army · 1 month
If you have other optiones justify your answer in the replies!!!
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maggiec70 · 7 months
what did Louise Lannes do then for you to have such a low opinion of her?
Why I Dislike/Disapprove of/Loathe/Condemn The Lovely Louise
!800 – 1809: Greed, Pettiness, and Bargain-Basement Bourgeois Mentality
She had the intellectual curiosity of a housefly and the education of the lowest of the bourgeoisie. Not surprising since her mother home-schooled her in the basics, and she had one year only with Madame Campan.
She was greedy and overly fond of collecting trinkets, ornaments, and similar items of no particular quality or style. She demanded, with some degree of shrill relentlessness, plenty of money to pay for all her crap.
She was often unrelenting in her demands for all sorts of things: that her brother be promoted to Lannes’ premier aide-de-camp; that her brother-in-law be promoted to head of V Corps’ engineers; that her father be given a higher-paying, more prestigious position in the imperial bureaucracy. She managed to give blatant nepotism a bad name.
She refused to be social. Ever. She hated the Imperial Court functions and refused to go, using the kinds as an excuse. She didn’t want Lannes to go either, and when he went because Napoleon expected him to, she engaged in monumental pouts. The myths that she was always so lovely, graceful, and sweet on these occasions were just that—myths.
She had two close—unhealthily close—friends, the slimy Dr. Corvisart, whom her equally slimy father introduced to Napoleon, and a second-rate perennially off-duty chevalier. No women friends of any rank. Just as well, because according to almost all the extant memoirs, no woman of any rank liked her, apparently able to see through the “I’m so sweet and demur” act.
She never went to Lectoure, Lannes’ hometown, and threw a real bitch fit when he wanted to go or went without her “approval” simply because he wanted to see his father and his siblings, and a lot of friends.
She insisted if they visited anyone, carting the kids with them, it was only and always to see her family. Full stop.
1809-1822: Treachery, Treason, Malfeasance, and Suspicious Death
She had to deal with claims from Lannes’ first wife, the much-maligned Polette Meric, on behalf of her son, Jean-Claude, until Naps ended that by a sharp letter to Cambaceres.
She actually went to the Tuileries to demand that Naps grant—posthumously, of course—the title “Prince of Seviers” so she could be a for-real princess just like Mesdames Massena, Berthier, and so forth and so on. She threw a significant shit-storm when Naps refused, and he reminded her that Lannes never applied for the letters patent because he didn’t care about the title, so she shouldn’t either.
No one—literally, no one other than Naps—thought she was a suitable choice for Marie-Louise. The historical record is replete with examples from the folks surrounding Marie-Louise, who was no winner herself.
She and her partner in crime, Dr. Corvisart, worked to insinuate themselves into M-L’s life so that when 1814 arrived, they could work to keep her away from Naps.
She made sure, as her letters show, that M-L and Naps II went back to Vienna, accompanied by her soon-to-be lover, Count Neipperg.
She offered her mansion that Lannes had bought and paid for to Wellesley for his headquarters. He refused, graciously, it is said.
Her parents immediately pledged their loyalty to Louis XVIII.
She lawyered up for the next legal battle with Polette, now that Naps was out of the picture.
She went into higher gear after Waterloo, now with nothing to stop her other than Jean-Claude’s attorney, who began to show that her marriage and Lannes’ divorce from Polette were riddled with illegal points.
Jean-Claude died in mysterious circumstances in November 1817. He had never been ill, and died three days after contracting an unknown illness. This has always been suspicious for obvious reasons.
She packed up the kids and went to Lectoure in 1818—she stayed in Auch, however, about 20 miles south—and, in a large PR event, donated Lannes’ house to the town. She never returned nor allowed any of the kids to return.
To be fair, which I always try to do regarding interpreting historical facts and figures, read Regis Bob-Crepy’s bio of Louise. His family married into hers back in the day before she married Lannes, and he is remarkably talented in glorifying his view of Louise. Besides the sheer comedic value for me, the best thing about his book is the letters he uses, which were/are maintained in the family’s hands and never before shared. Of course, we cannot know if others shed a different light on the subject. Given the family’s cavalier and almost criminal way they have treated anything to do with Lannes, his possessions, or his legacy, opting instead for celebrating their ties with the de Broglies and the Berthiers, I can almost guarantee that any shred of anything detrimental about Louise disappeared ages ago.
I have often sneered at the men who wrote biographies and articles about Lannes buying the Louise myth in its totality. But then, the poor dears simply can’t see things that are very clear to us.
Hope this answers your question.
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watermelonsandal · 2 years
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[TF-EF] 21 Assorted Pendants
This download is for The Sims 2
Download: [MTS] [SFS]
Required Mesh
More info below the cut
I think that there’s some niche fun to be had in hanging pretty dangly things from Sims, so here’s an assortment of necklaces for your female Sims.
I may also make some earrings with some of these designs.
Original Mesh: Dr. Pixel Retexture: Me Type: Accessory Outfits: Everyday, Formal, Outerwear Sex(es): Female Only Age(s): T-E
Notes: - These are Base Game compatible. No Expansion or Stuff Packs required. - They can be found in the Glasses bin in Bodyshop and CAS. - The mesh is not included. See the top of this post for the required mesh. - When loaded, the pendants may appear as flashing blue meshes that move independently from the Sims that are wearing them. To fix this, simply click on any mirror, select Change Appearance, and then press the tick button within that window. - It’s quite fun to combine them with other pendant meshes, as well as the Bon Voyage necklaces.
Models Used: Victoria Chase Taylor Christensen (Unreleased) Courtney Wagner (Unreleased)
Images Used (Left-Right, Top-Bottom): 01. padrinan 02. Olena Ilinska 03. Emily Underworld 04. Unknown 05. starbright 06. starbright 07. Alex McCarthy 08. Andrik Langfield 09. Monika Stawowy 10. morn_japan 11. Unknown 12. Unknown 13. superlens photography 14. superlens photography 15. Polett Corona 16. Kader Duygun 17. Juli Lianna 18. cottonbro 19. starbright/solva21 20. Rafi Ahmad Haven 21. Janith Anuradha
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techniktagebuch · 10 months
18. Juli bis 17. August 2023
Waschen in analogen und digitalen Räumen – Chancen und Risiken
Abends vor dem Schlafengehen schalte ich noch eben die Lampe in der Kammer aus, in der unsere Waschmaschine steht. Dabei bemerke ich, dass das 'Bullauge' der Waschmaschinentür das Licht merkwürdig reflektiert.
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Es dauert eine Weile, bis wir den Miele-Kundendienst davon überzeugt haben, dass es sich hierbei um einen Garantiefall handelt (wir haben weder einen Ziegelstein noch den Zimmermannshammer mitgewaschen. Nichtmal ein Headset). Weitere zwei Wochen dauert es, bis das Austauschgerät geliefert wird. In der Zwischenzeit sind wir auf einen Waschsalon angewiesen, wovon es zum Glück drei in Fußentfernung gibt.
Ich kann auf Anhieb nicht sagen, wann ich zuletzt Wäsche in so einem Salon gewaschen habe. Vielleicht 2007 in einem Urlaub auf Teneriffa? Die ersten Male kann ich hingegen ziemlich genau benennen. Das war in Urlauben ab 1984 und dann im Herbst 1988, als ich frisch nach Berlin gezogen war und noch keine eigene Waschmaschine hatte.
Ich ging also regelmäßig in einen Waschsalon in der Gotzkowskystraße, der aber ein anderer war, als der den Google einem heute dort anzeigt. Zum Waschen musste man 5 oder 6 DM in einen Automaten einwerfen und bekam dafür eine Münze namens "Waschpolette" sowie einen Becher voll Waschpulver. Die Trockner kosteten 50 Pfennige für 15 Minuten, wofür ebenfalls spezielle Münzen benötigt wurden. Ich meine, es hätte auch einen Automaten zum Münzwechseln gegeben.
Insgesamt musste man also für einen Waschvorgang 2-3 mal eine Münze in einen Automaten werfen und fürs Trocknen dann noch ein paar. Ein fehleranfälliger Prozess und so verging kaum eine Waschsession, ohne dass irgendein:e Kund:in in lautes Fluchen ausbrach, das Scheißgerät habe schon wieder die Polette gefressen.
Es gab kein Personal in dem Salon, aber einen Aushang mit einer Servicetelefonnummer bei der man sich beschweren konnte, und ich meine, einmal hätte ich so auch Geld zurück überwiesen bekommen.
2023 in der Greifswalder Str. läuft der Vorgang mit Münzen, Scheinen und bargeldlos. Der Kassenautomat an der Wand akzeptiert Kartenzahlung und man kann auf einem Touchscreen die Nummer einer freien Maschine antippen und hat diese dann gebucht. Waschmittel kann man mitbringen oder separat kaufen.
Einzige Fehlerquelle: Maschinen werden auch als verfügbar angezeigt, wenn der vorherige Waschgang abgeschlossen ist, die saubere Wäsche aber noch darin liegt. In diesem Fall kann man die Buchung nicht zurücknehmen und muss entweder warten, bis der/die Besitzer:in auftaucht und die Wäsche herausnimmt, oder man räumt sie selbst in einen der herumstehenden Wäschekörbe. Oder man zahlt zähneknirschend für eine weitere Maschine.
Kurz nach Eintreffen unserer neuen Waschmaschine fahren wir an die Ostsee, in eine Ferienhaussiedlung, die ebenfalls eine Art eigenen Waschsalon hat. Ich gehe also in die Rezeption der Anlage, um Waschmittel zu kaufen und zu fragen, wie man eine Maschine bucht und bezahlt. Ersteres ist ein fancy Plastikpäckchen voller bunter Flüssigkeiten, für letzteres bekomme ich einen Handzettel mit Erklärungen (5 einfache Schritte!).
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Beides trage ich heim ins Ferienhäuschen, zur Gattin, die den eigentlichen Waschvorgang übernehmen wollte. Sie lädt also die App herunter, meldet sich an, bucht und bezahlt eine Maschine. Geht dann ins Waschhäuschen, füllt die Wäsche und das Waschmittel ein und startet das Waschprogramm.
Sie bemerkt noch, dass das Waschhäuschen gerade zwecks Reinigung für eine Stunde gesperrt sein wird, wenn unser Waschvorgang endet. Anschließend bin ich dann dran, die Wäsche wieder abzuholen. Ihre Sorge ist, dass jemand die Maschine direkt nach uns bucht und dann dringend auf das Ausräumen der Wäsche wartet (s.o.).
Ich hingegen finde ein ganz anderes Problem vor – die Maschine scheint Ihr Programm abgespult zu haben, die Tür lässt sich aber durch keines der Bedienelemente öffnen. Personal ist auch hier nicht vor Ort, aber immerhin ist unsere Wäsche so in Sicherheit. Ich rufe also die Gattin an, ob sie in der App irgendetwas entriegeln kann, kann sie aber nicht.
Folglich radele ich die 100 m zur Rezeption und frage um Rat. Der lautet "da können wir leider nichts machen, die Maschinen werden von einer eigenen Firma betrieben, hier ist deren Servicetelefonnummer." Ich rufe also die Nummer an und erhalte die Auskunft, ja, das passiere öfter mal, denn 20 Minuten nach Ende des Waschgangs würde sich die Tür automatisch verriegeln. Wir sollten die Maschine einfach in der App noch einmal reservieren, dann ließe sich die Tür wieder öffnen.
Mit diesen neuen Informationen radele ich zurück zum Ferienhäuschen und die Gattin macht sich mit Telefon und App wieder auf den Weg zur Waschmaschine, um im Moment der Türöffnung vor Ort zu sein.
Eine Viertelstunde später kommt sie zurück, mitsamt der Wäsche und weiteren Informationen. Sie hat eine andere Urlauberin getroffen, die sagte, das mit den Türen passiere andauernd. Es gäbe aber eine Notentriegelung hinter einer Klappe unten rechts an der Maschine. Man müsse da den gelben Ring hinter dem schrägen Schlitz herunterziehen, am besten mit einer Geldmünze.
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Das fehlen der Abdeckklappe und der Zustand des Entriegelungshebels deuten schon auf häufige Nutzung hin.
Die Gattin weist zudem darauf hin, dass dieser Weg im Prinzip auch auf der Anleitungstafel an der Wand beschrieben ist.
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Hier leider die englische Version, die deutsche ist links noch zu erahnen.
Leser:innen mögen bei Bedarf selbst eine Liste der Ungereimtheiten dieser Organisation des digitalen Waschvorgangs erstellen. Alle Beteiligten waren aber freundlich und hilfsbereit und es kamen weder Tiere noch Wäschestücke zu Schaden.
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Check out some of our favourite wearable art designers inside issue 38 of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine including Polette Eyewear. Get your copy at https://buff.ly/31bcCYS or from one of our Stockists worldwide.
#beautifulbizarre #artmagazine #wearableart #artisanfashion #poletteeyewear
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outfitsinspiration · 19 days
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Who: Rita Montezuma (ritamontezuma)
What: Polette Jeff Sunglasses in Orange (80,00€) When: Instagram Story - May 22, 2024
Worn with: Sofie Schnoor jacket, BeckSöndergaard pants, Kachorovska flats, Sarenza bag
0 notes
amarantine-amirite · 1 year
Wheels of Revelation
"What do you like about participating in the drama club, Polette?" Mr. Hayman asked me. His office was a quiet sanctuary, decorated with motivational posters and shelves lined with self-help books.
I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. I never really thought about what I liked about drama club, all I knew was that it was something for me to do. "I don't know," I said.
Honestly, I thought I would've had a better experience than I did. On my first day there, we had a substitute teacher. He sent me home because he considered tampons "sex toys". I have no idea why he thought this. Under no circumstances can inserting a tampon ever be considered sexy. Putting a tampon in isn't straightforward. It involves cubicle yoga, messy hands, and numerous curse words as you realize you put it in crooked and you need to take it out and start over with a new one.
I tried to go over his head, but the student ombudsman, and the superintendent of the district refused to handle the case because of how much waste tampons create. In fact, the superintendent's email pretty much said, "If you had half a brain, you'd consider padded underwear".
I had this conversation with the regular drama teacher, Ms. Aguirre, once she got back. All she said was, "Well, given how much waste tampons create, have you considered padded underwear?"
"Not until now?" I said with a confused look on my face, looking confused.
Ms. Aguirre started to talk down to me like I was five years old. "While I don't agree with calling tampons sex toys, I don't condone tampon usage due to how much plastic pollution it creates. You'd be far better to wear padded underwear."
Over the weekend, I found out I had been ousted from drama club via an Instagram post. Come Monday, the principal dissolved the drama club. Now, I don't know what to do.
Mr. Hayman leaned back in his chair, fixing his gaze on me. I braced myself for the probing questions that were about to come.
"Why did you join the drama club in the first place?" Mr. Hayman asked, his voice laced with curiosity.
I took a moment to gather my thoughts, recalling the reasons that led me down this unexpected path. "OK, I'll tell you," I replied, my voice tinged with a hint of resignation. "I joined the drama club because I used to play soccer, but I injured my ACL." I paused, a flicker of pain crossing my face at the memory. "I pivoted to drama temporarily until my knee healed up, but the doctor never gave me the all-clear to go back on the field, so I just stayed put."
Mr. Hayman's eyebrows furrowed, his tone filled with skepticism. "Just because you're weak doesn't give you an excuse to sit out physical activity," he remarked, his words a touch harsher than I expected.
I straightened my posture, my voice firm yet composed. "I am a lot of things, but weak is not one of them," I responded.
Undeterred, Mr. Hayman leaned forward, his concern evident in his eyes. "Then why haven't you gone to a different doctor so you can get back on the soccer field?" he inquired, his tone searching for an answer.
"Because you don't need sports to be successful," I replied. My response tinged with a mixture of frustration and defiance.
Mr. Hayman nodded slowly, acknowledging my perspective. "That's true, but you need exercise," he admitted, his voice softer now. "I have no idea how much dancing you do as part of the plays the drama club puts on, but I highly doubt it's enough to keep you physically active."
His words had wisdom. I didn't get much exercise other than my physiotherapy since doing drama club. As long as I was getting enough exercise, I could do whatever extracurricular I wanted.
Solving the exercise problem overwhelmed me at first. We live in one of the least bike-friendly cities in the country, if not the world. It soon occurred to me that it was easier to solve than I thought: put a stationary bike at my homework desk. The stationary bike helped me stay active without riding an actual bike.
It was brilliant, and yet, everybody I know complained about stationary bikes. Grandpa has the idea that using a stationary bike discourages individuals from venturing outdoors. I never intended it to replace going outside, just a way to beef up how much exercise I get in the day.
Dad says that unless I read or watch television, the repetitive motion gets boring. Again, the point was to sneak more movement into my day. I can pedal on the exercise bike while I'm doing my homework. He also said that stationary bike usage won't enhance my college applications. This is true, but I can concentrate better if I'm moving around. Using the stationary bike will ultimately bolster my grades, and I can highlight that in college applications.
However, life experience has taught me that people laugh at individuals who fall off a stationary bike. I didn't think that'd be an issue. Given that I knew how to ride a regular bike, I highly doubted I would fall off an exercise bike.
I was so wrong.
I was on the stationary bike when I discovered that Ms. Aguirre's Instagram posts made international headlines for all the wrong reasons.
It floored me to see the post she made announcing that she gave me the boot. She posted not one, not two, but seven GIFs of garbage piles in Morocco as well as a photo of a dead sheep. The post had the caption, "Anyone that uses single-use plastics of any kind is a piece of garbage, and that means you Polette! (If you don't know what that means, it means you and 6 other people are out of the drama club dumbass! bet you're wishing you wore the padded underwear, didn't you?)"
I was not the only person she named in the post. She mentioned several other people, all of whom she removed for seriously petty reasons. Carolina has a mom who is a cop, Sidhu didn't put pronouns in his IG bio, Koji laughed at a fat joke, and Beck used cis-normative language.
Two of them really stuck out in my mind. Cheryl got ejected because she listed a supposedly "problematic" show as one of her favorites. It made me wonder how she can stand Paw Patrol. Kathryn got ousted for "mimicking a foreign accent". The last one struck me as particularly below the belt because Kathryn has had a speech impediment due to being deaf since the age of 3, she doesn't even know she can't pronounce L without it sounding like R or W.
The most recent thing she posted was a video of her panicking because she was stuck on an empty subway train. The text accompanying it read as follows:
All across the country, high school students who don't immediately fit into the cool crowd are marginalized from their peers. Drama clubs were formerly safe havens for these children; islands of misfit toys. Today, this is no longer the case. In our increasingly commercialized world, drama clubs have stopped being an after-school activity and started to become a microcosm for Hollywood; a mini-agency of sorts. No longer is drama club the domain of the cool loser. Instead, the drama club is slowly and quietly being invaded by the wannabe Brad Pitts and Angelina Jolies of the high school world in the same way the formerly unassuming but respectable world of high school band was overtaken by corporate conglomerates. When high school clubs become bought out by Big Business, our girls suffer.
Why girls? Historically, girls were restricted in their passions since birth; bred and groomed to become homemakers. It is only relatively recently that girls were granted the same activities as boys; still; infinitely more work must be done. Subtle, micro-aggressive messages about body image must be tackled from the bottom up. The tragic passing of eleven brave, beautiful girls at Westwood High School from eating disorders over the summer holiday brought on by the "thin, thinner, thinnest" world of drama that has only recently pervaded high schools has awakened us to how much more work we need to do to keep our drama clubs as safe havens for dorky children who are not intellectually inclined enough to join a science club.
We must not wait for another incident such as this to take action. Action must be taken now. Unfortunately, no action can be taken on my part due to the rapid deterioration of my brain from Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease.
I would like to use my dying breath to thank the school for dissolving the drama club. My last wish is that no matter what you do, do not reinstate the drama. club One more death from an eating disorder is too many.
Parents, please encourage your child(ren) to print a copy of this letter for their records and include it in any potential college applications.
Yippie-kay-yay motherfuckers,
Antonia "The Drake" Aguirre
If you don't know what this means, it means the drama teacher is either about to die from mad cow disease or she just died. Her having mad cow disease makes an alarming amount of sense.
I couldn't take my eyes off the picture of the dead sheep. It didn't really look like a sheep. It looked like a corpse, but not the corpse of a sheep.
I had to look at it a couple of times to figure out what kind of animal it was. After looking at the foot anatomy and head, I soon realized that it wasn't a dead sheep. It was a dead human covered in string.
Now that I knew it was a human, I recognized her on sight. The glasses. The long black hair. The partially decomposed bee-stung lips. Alison!
I now knew the truth as to why Alison broke off all contact with me. Contrary to what everyone has told me, she didn't abandon me because I couldn't play soccer anymore. She died what looks like a lonely and gory death.
I felt dizzy. I couldn't stay upright. I swooned, fainted, and fell off the exercise bike.
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maggiec70 · 1 year
Hello ! My friend wants to know if there are any films or novels about Lannes, or that feature him in any significant capacity. I don't really know of any, but I figured that if anyone did it would be you. 💕
Unfortunately, Jean-Boy gets credit for some very secondary parts in films about Napoleon, most of them rather silly and none of which he'd approve. He gets a small clip in Abel Gance's 1960 movie "Austerlitz," the original French version rather than the edited English-dubbed version, and shows up in the disastrous 2002 mini-series "Napoleon," for a brief appearance that was meant to be heart-rending but sent me off in gales of laughter. I shudder to think he may appear, however briefly, in Ridley Scott's upcoming hot mess, "Napoleon." As for novels, he isn't featured any more than in the movies. However, there are two written by French authors that are nearly impossible to come by but are actually very good. One is an impossibly romantic--and pretty inaccurate--tale of Jean-Boy's first marriage to the vivacious and rather empty-headed Polette; the other is what can best be described as a "historical biography." Both of these authors were born and raised in Lectoure, Jean's hometown, so they know stuff. And one of these days--if I don't die of old age first--I might actually finish and publish my little historical fiction trilogy. I've posted a few excerpts on my blog from time to time.
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tonotosrollercrew · 24 days
Holaaaaa! Tonotos!
Este es el blog de nuestro grupo de amigos patinando iniciamos el 15 de abril de 2024, aprendiendo a patinar juntos en la ciudad.
Polette, Irwin, Pita, Max, Joao, Sabina y Alexander.
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dragonofdarkness666 · 4 months
The reaction is priceless 🤣😹
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sitesnaoconfiaveis · 4 months
CNPJ: 42.086.325/0001-89
Este CNPJ foi criado para fins criminosos, utilizado em sites falsos, para gerar confiança em quem pesquisa.
Data de registro: 25/05/2021
Registrado em nome de LARANJA: “Tatiana Leo Brazuschi de Freitas Polette 16617354877 (ou 166.173.548-77)“
73.19-0-02 - Promoção de vendas
EMPRESÁRIO INDIVIDUAL: GOLPE Situação inapta:  Omissão de Declarações
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Beautiful Bizarre Magazine September issue pre-orders close soon! Pre-order your copy of this special issue at https://store.beautifulbizarre.net/product/issue-38-pre-order/
Exclusive In-Depth Interviews:   Franz Szony @franzszony [cover artist] Chie Yoshii @chieyoshiiart Olga Suvorova @olgasuvorova_artist Mitch Griffiths @mitch_griffiths_paint
Articles:   Agnieszka Nienartowicz @agnieszka.nienartowicz Rogan Brown @rogan_brown_ José Lopez Vergara @joselopezvergara_ Elisa Anfuso @elisa_anfuso Randy Ortiz @randyortizdtd Allison Reimold @allisonreimold Telmo Miel @telmomiel
Curators Wishlist:  
Dr Peralta @samuelperalta_story, physicist, film producer, novelist and the Founder of the Lunar Codex project, shares what he would like to add to his personal collection
Artist + Artist:  
An intimate conversation between artist couple Ransom & Mitchell @ransom_mitchell [2021 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize, Honourable Mention] about life, love, and living and working together.
Path to Creation:  
Bella Kotak @bellakotak [2021 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize, Photography Award 1st Prize Winner] takes us through her fine art photography creation process.
Full page reproductions of Jon Ching's @jonchingart pop surreal paintings.
Snapshot Q&A:   Yayu @artofyayu Kseniia Boko @kseniia_boko Robert Duxbury @robertduxburyart Ema Shin @ema.shin Luis Toledo del Rio @luis_toledo_art
Tina Yu @tinayuart [2021 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize, Sculpture Award 3rd Prize Winner]
Some of our Favourite Things:  
We share some of our favourite wearable art brands including: Polette @poletteeyewear, Begüm Khan @begumkhan, Ayush Kejriwal @designerayushkejriwal, Rebecca Lennox @rebecca_lennox_design, Boya Wen @boya_0805, and Gerda Goosen @gerdagoosenjewellery
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outfitsinspiration · 15 days
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Who: Rita Montezuma (ritamontezuma)
What: Zara Flat Leather Fisherman Sandals in White (Sold Out) When: Instagram - May 25, 2024
Worn with: Gant shirt and shorts, Polette sunglasses
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