#pr mystic force
disastardly · 9 months
Ship of your choice and number 6
I'll tip my hand a little bit for some (very very very) future content and we'll do Chip/Vida/Xander.
6. How do they make up/apologize after an argument?
Tension doesn't last long in their house - Chip can't hold a grudge to save his life (unless it's a vamp involved), Xander's the self-proclaimed king of talking it out, and while Vida could die mad about plenty of things, she's also not one to beat around the bush once she cools off and realizes she was in the wrong too/the argument was dumb/etc.
All three definitely trend toward a a big cuddly nap. Arguments in their house tend to be exhausting for a lot of reasons and eventually in the cooldown afterward, they all somehow end up sprawled across the couch, a bed, even in the yard outside, trying to stay awake long enough to apologize and talk through what the real problem was.
Send me ship asks! Power Rangers, Kamen Rider, Stranger Things, Psych (Shassie esp), Righteous Gemstones (Gemcham esp), Karate Kid/Cobra Kai, Supernatural, DBH, all on the table, platonic or romantic!
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So after 30 years, Power Rangers seems to have ended.
(Until the reboot, if that's still happening.)
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brokenhardies · 1 year
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nerdgatehobbit · 1 year
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I still really love the PRMF uniforms.  Just look at them!  :D
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azurezfiction · 1 year
Leelee and Clare eventually did manage to accessing the Morphing Grid and joined the Mystic Rangers as Mystic Black and Mystic Purple; Night and Moon as their elements with a Bat being Leelee’s and a Werewolf being Clare’s Zord Forms.
The entire of Briarwood awakens to the magic in the city, allowing many of the people learning to embrace their magical abilities and live in harmony with the magical community. The original 5 Rangers eventually find apprentices that eventually become the new Mystic Force Team while Nick and his team take on the title of the Mystic Warriors succeeding Undonna and Leanbow, once they reach the high levels of magic.
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infinitysgrace · 1 year
"Nick was really mean to Leelee though"
i think he wasn't mean enough all things considered actually
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skyland2703 · 9 months
What do you think the reboot theme will be?
I hope that season and the ones after it may be an Era or sorts, standalone seasons before crossovers happen again. Maybe something like
The reboot being japanese themes and folklore(just rumors I heard but I wouldn't mind that tbh)
Then the season after could be about ghosts and souls
And the season after that would be mythology
Idk if I'm making sense, you get where I'm going with this right?
Be like the post habro Era of sorts🤔
Note: Some people might not like my response... proceed with care~
Honestly I’m somewhat scared that its gonna be yet another MMPR rework. And that its possibly gonna be like riverdale or something. The dark grungy "moving away from tokusatsu" shit isn't... sitting right with me.
BUT I really like your idea. An era of sorts, with individual seasons that are unconnected and centred around folklore, mysticism, mythologies around the world. I think it can be REALLY FUCKIN FUN. Seeing people from these various worlds interact would be INSANE.
LIKE YES, YES I WANT SOMETHING LIKE THAT. Honestly, anything would be good if they move on from the MMPR nostalgia and stop shoving that in our faces, because while I agree, MMPR IS LOVELY, there are 20+ more seasons that deserve equal amount of LOVE and AFFECTION if not more. If they build up on THAT legacy, as a "post Hasbro" Era, I'd DIG IT.
There is honestly SO MUCH POTENTIAL for this entire thing, and I’m really curious to see how it goes. It'll also be okay/cool if it's something like the MMPR movie, but PLEASE do something different, something original. It's 2023 for god's sake, 1993 was too long ago >//< I'm sure even the older fans would like moving away from the MMPR and see new things, while still respecting and cherishing the legacy. What we need is a good and healthy blend~
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mo-ok · 1 year
If you could rewrite any season of PR or any of their characters which would they be and why?
Ok but the first thing that came to mind was I'd change Dino Super Charge's ending but the literal only difference would be Koda and Ivan stay in the present 😂😂😂😭
After thinking it over... I think the biggest thing I'd change would be making all the Mystic Force rangers related. Every day I'm sad that they arent a family like in Magiranger, and I think it would have helped it all feel less Nick focused if everyone had equal stakes in the narrative. PLUS pr hasnt had a team of all relatives yet and it would be a really fun dynamic to explore (make the music shop a family business. Boom. 10x cuter)
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cupcakes-are-ours · 2 years
mystic force prequel season abt leanbow's team in the magical realm. like. you agree.
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skylandart · 2 years
Fine fine. Maybe switch them out for Bridge and Xander. keep the video game prompt tho ^.^
Here you go!!
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Can we guess who’s winning??
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tawneybel · 2 years
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Imagine Sculpin trying to convince you to chain him up while he’s in his colossal form.  
“Like… Gulliver?” 
“Oh, so you’ve done this before?” asked the Terror, peering down at you with increased interest. 
Something told you he wasn’t knowledgeable about eighteenth century Irish literature. Maybe you could tell him, during aftercare. 
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disastardly · 6 months
Getting closer to having something publishable for Emergence, which means it's time to start noodling on chapter/arc titles. Still wips, but so far we've got:
Act 1: Setting the Scene Means Being Seen (Never Came so Easy)
Shattered Seal
Unsworn Allegiance
Act 2: Inside Chekhov's Armory, Paid Through Next Year, Laying Out a Line of Fully-Loaded Magazines
Easy Outs
Relentless Spirit
Nature, Nurture
Haunted Diegesis
Burnt Offerings
Act 3: Holding the Gun Doesn’t Mean You Can Pull the Trigger (Hold Me by Your Lungs)
Howling Earth
Frozen Hearts
Chaos Above/Danger Below
(take the girl out of the Midwest scene but you can't take the Midwest scene out of the girl)
Lots of playing in the space with the source material without taking it as gospel. Interspersed with essentially in-canon one-shots:
20(-ish) Questions
Road Warriors
194k words in! And this covers through the end of The Gatekeeper from OG show content. 😵
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mana-archives · 2 years
I really really love the Power Rangers Mystic Force opening... I mean the opening music. Also magic and female blue ranger! Fantasy is my stuff btw
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brokenhardies · 1 year
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wonrull · 2 years
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Recently got my Huntlow commission from the ever amazing @funneylizzie! It came out looking so good! I opted for two versions, the first based on their notable colors from The Owl House in general, and the second version is more based off of what I would have these two be in my own Ranger AU when comparing them to the characters and personality traits from PR Mystic Force.
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regaliasonata · 9 months
I've been meaning to make this post for a while
So Power Rangers has 30 years of lore and stuff packed into it and this made me analyze a few things pertaining to the ranger powers.
See every team is different in the sense that their abilities can be labeled into various categories, like some characters using mystical energy or technology but there's a bit more to it. Tokusatsu has a full list of different power sources and it made me think a bit here, btw this is just in a general sense when it comes to ranger powers and not fully the individual ones each of the teams have.
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Basically I decided to place them in depending on the themes and overall potential of their powers.
Each team is covered under one of the following five, Technological, Elemental, Spatial/Temporal, Spiritual and Magical
1.)Technlogical powers such as RPM, SPD mainly rely on the usage of advancements and mechanical assets to their abilities. Though however capability wise it's reach stagnates as the tools and powers depend on how advanced the tech is(like if you have futuristic stuff that can access universal energy, can be on par with some top players in the PR multiverse)
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2.)Elemental, like in Samurai, Lost Galaxy and Ninja Storm specific rangers in this category can manipulate or even conjure specific aspects of nature at their disposal. In my mind however the capabilities can also be somewhat limitless as the specific way elements are applied factor in( like if fire is associated either creation and light, being able to make life or even spark heat in the universe)
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3.) Spatial and Temporal, specifically relating to teams like Time Force. These powers mainly orient around the control of dimensional or time like aspects, from freezing and speeding time, controlling dimensions like the Triassic Dimension with Conner in DT, or just anything you can think of there. This one is definitely up there because there isn't really a limit, I mean Conner controls reality with the triassic shield and time manipulation is already busted. Time Force rangers are a problem in fight match-ups.
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4.)Spiritual, my favorite btw. Connects mainly between Wild Force, Jungle Fury and probably Zeo. Spiritual powers such as aura projection like utilizing animal spirits or having abilities attuned to one's soul are a few ways of using this, however depending on the person and overall situations the spirit can do a lot more. Say releasing your inner might and having a strong willpower may result in your abilities being able to transcend beyond most things(think a bit like HXH with Nen or JJK's cursed energy). Like the phoenix with Camille, if she developed it more then the power to revive or even give life would be broken as hell.
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5.) Finally we have Magical, hello Mystic Force. Magic in general is just busted, applications all around depends on what type you're using and there are three main sources, Good, Dark and Neutral. In the show the rangers were given magic from the townspeople due to their beliefs within it as well. This basically cements that as long as you believe in magic then you have an endless source of it...which is just overall crazy and places this high on the list as well.
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Now I can't really choose which powers would rank over each other as all of them could overpower the other depending on who uses it but this was nice to analyze. I'd love a full on special with the seasons fighting each other or being able to full amplify their capabilites to see what chaos ensues. Wonder what you guys think?
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