#principal femmes
sarahlancashire · 3 months
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hey sapphics are you aware that samantha spiro in midsomer murders
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lawrencegarte · 2 years
the way ppl talk about taylor swift irt her gay fans is honestly bloody weird like ur gay card is not revoked if u enjoy taylor swift or pumpkin spice or fairy lights lol ur allowed to be basic and gay!! it's okay!! u don't have to conform to literally anything u don't have to hyper-perform femininity to be a girly lesbian or hyper perform masculinity to be a masc gay or anything. like there are patterns within how certain subsets of people express themselves or the interests they align themselves with but a pattern is not a rule. literally live however you wanna live.
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gay-impressionist · 2 years
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blorbos from my film
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maraboutbadou · 1 year
Retour affectif en Suisse : Les solutions du marabout Badou à portée de main pour ramener votre Mari ou femme
Avoir des problèmes relationnels peut être une expérience difficile et déchirante. Si vous êtes actuellement confronté à la séparation d’avec votre mari ou votre femme en Suisse, vous pouvez vous sentir perdu et désespéré. Cependant, il existe des solutions disponibles pour vous aider à ramener votre partenaire et à restaurer l’harmonie dans votre relation. Dans cet article, nous explorerons les…
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punksocks · 10 months
Astrology Observations No.22: Lilith Edition Pt.2
*just based on my experiences only take what resonates
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-Lilith house could show why someone wants to possess and “tame” you :
In 1st you just exude Lilith energy and a lot of mascs see that as a challenge -a challenge they want to feel dominate over (a fool’s fallacy tbh); 2nd your physicality is striking and they want it all to themselves; 3rd your fierce intelligence and academic reputation; 4th your nurturing abilities and how you exude dark femininity but you could be someone who could take care of them; 5th you seem totally wild and carefree and you know how to have fun; 6th your health and your passionate work ethic that make you come across as unstoppable; 7th I thought of that lyric “I’m so indecisive/ you can’t cuff me but I’m wifey” a lot of people see you as someone that will balance them out perfectly; 8th your s*x appeal and how your raw energy seems totally intoxicating; 9th your worldly air and how no one can stop you from speaking your truth; 10th your polarizing but memorable and powerful impact in public- you give off boss babe energy in such an effortless way; 11th how you seem like you have a lot of haters or ride or die friends; 12th your addictive aura and otherworldly untamable energy.
-Lilith conjunct your Lilith in a sex symbols chart could make you feel inspired by their style/attitude - by sign or house placement (A BUNCH of femmes I look up to have Lilith conjunct MC too)
-Lilith in Libra is a strong feminist placement- it’s the way they strive for balance even when it can be seen as taboo (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has this placement and it’s conjunct her Sun, Mercury, Mars and MC !)
-Lilith in fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) tend to be feminists too. (It’s the “there’s no man alive who can tell me what to do” principe in their attitude)
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-(light TW) in general I feel like Lilith harsh aspects, and like Lilith in hard signs (Scorpio, Capricorn, etc) and houses (8th, 12th) can make the native wary around men, usually after trusting the wrong one :/ (whatever happened was never your fault and that wrong one was just a a bad guy, I’m sorry)
-Hell I’ve had -dicey- experiences with -not so great guys- so I’ll also note that to a lesser degree it can apply to fixed Lilith signs (Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius, Taurus), and Lilith harshly aspecting 1st/7th/10th and maybe 4th.
-I totally almost got a sugar daddy a lifetime ago lol but I got afraid of getting human trafficked lol and ran off in the opposite direction Lilith square/opposition Asc bby (I’d guess Lilith conjunct, trine, and sextile Asc/2nd/10th would roll with this more easily if they wanted to)
-Said it an 18+ post, but it’s not an adults only observation imo - other girlies with fire/water Lilith placements have guys hit on them when they’re upset? (I used the example of like getting lost and heading to meet my family and an older guy tried to get me to go to his hotel room, but also more recently I -temporarily- lost my wallet and while I was searching in a panic not one but two guys hit on me :x like you’re not helping dude wtf)
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-the element/sign of your Lilith can reflect someone’s sort of shadow reactions to you
Lilith in Aries could make a lot of guys compete with you; Lilith in Taurus would have someone try to buy their way into intimacy with you/try to control your finances; Lilith in Gemini would make a lot of people jump to correct you/undermine your intelligence; Lilith in Cancer could have people force you to nurture them in a sort of motherly way; Lilith in Leo could make people compete with you for attention or at worst try to trick you into having kids; Lilith in Virgo could point to people trying to micromanage you and restrict your routines; Lilith in Libra could point to people trying to tarnish your beauty and throw you off balance/force you to balance them out; Lilith in Scorpio can be scary because it points to people trying to force themselves on you/s*xually dominate you or causing your trauma in general; Lilith in Sagittarius could point to people trying to restrict your freedom/force religion on you; Lilith in Capricorn could mean that people try to sabotage your work reputation/public image; Lilith in Aquarius could point to others trying to restrict your uniqueness and trying to dull your outstanding qualities; Lilith in Pisces can point to others trying to get you addicted to substances/attacking you with their negative energy.
(I have Lilith in Leo and now years after I settled down I’ve finally realized that a lot of guys that made jokes about having kids with me and getting me to skip birth control and running off an eloping …we’re not joking) (yikes, bullets dodged)
-Ok bc we live in a society I feel like the constant overarching theme with strong Lilith energy is less that it’s bad when a dude likes you and more that some guys get so into you that they’re obsessed and also hate you but will still do anything to trap you and when men don’t need any incentive to act out, that’s so scary. Like it’s power that cuts both ways.
Now, of my favorite pieces of obscure art as a Lilith girly :0 (Thank you for asking me about this @corvoidea!)
-Zola: a str*pper meets a potential best friend and the chick tries to highkey human traffic her, it’s insane and based off of a true story (the aesthetic and everything are so good too, it’s one of my favorite movies)
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-Sanctuary: this movie just came out this year but I love it so much?? It’s about a s*x worker whose main client wants to fire her because he’s about to inherit his dad’s company. And she fights back. Unexpected ending. Sort of a Lilith love story. Really funny through out.
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-Paprika: my favorite animated movie? Ever?? It’s about a scientist and her alter ego that moves in and out of dreams, solving people’s subconscious problems. Then the dream tech gets stolen and things go haywire. A visual marvel fr.
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-Cabaret: a movie musical about the cabaret scene in 30s Germany through a club singer trying to love to good life as things get darker all around her.
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-Chicago: Another great musical all about getting famous from m*rder because of the protagonist’s feminine ways. (so good, the music is just *chef’s kiss* and Queen Latifah is in it!)
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-Crazy Ex Girlfriend: a musical comedy tv show, it’s like a fun deconstruction of trying to live like you’re in a romcom. (So it’s really about mental health and all that, and it’s funny!)
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And some songs I love:
Girls is all about just vibing and embracing that divine feminine
I got really into feminist punk rock (aka Riot Grrrl) when I was like a tween finding out how I wanted to express myself, I always recommend Sleater Kinney and Bikini Kill. This song is like Madonna vs Wh*re and I love it :
-idek how to explain this song lol but it’s soooooo gooood
The singer from Bikini Kill started a different band that’s also so cool and punky:
Omg this song about dealing with a f*ck boy and bonding over it I love this song:
I love how Junglep*ssy says /Ain’t a damn thing A man think gonna drive me crazy/ (Google these lyrics they’re everything and the song is a vibe):
This is my song for when I was running around with dudes I thought were tolerable enough but not great lol, I literally played this song for my friends once in college and I was like Ah, yes my creed lol (I got nicer, it’s still a fun song) :
The lyrics: /I wanna hold a seance For every heart I’ve broken Put them all in a room And say “get over it”/ and the lyric /And when I first met you I wanted to kiss you And I I wanted to need you And now I’m forgetting why I tried/ (so good):
A song to describe some of the -weird behavior- I’ve caught lol, cathartic to hear tho:
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sashaisready · 1 month
This Must Be The Place: Chapter 4 - Pick me up
Biker!Bucky x Femme Reader
Back at your beloved late grandmother's home to pack up her house, you have a run-in with the town's biker gang 'The Howling Commandos' and find yourself entangled with the metal armed President.
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Brief mention to reader’s (small) injury, references to past motorcycle accident and life changing injury.
Thanks so much for the response to this story so far, I'm aiming to update at least once a week - hopefully more some weeks - but life is quite busy at the moment. All your reblogs and comments are so appreciated, thank-you!
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You sat awkwardly on a rickety old desk in the backroom as Bucky carefully pulled the tiny shards of glass from your arm with a tweezer. He’d already checked out your head injury, which was barely an injury at all really, a mere scratch and small bump. After a few tests he seemed satisfied you weren’t concussed, so he’d moved on to the glass wound.
He still seemed mad, so you kept quiet, trying not to concentrate on his proximity. His fingers moved agilely and delicately despite his hefty frame, but you supposed it made sense that someone who worked on cars and motorcycles most of the day would be good with their hands.
Your mouth pulled into a grimace as he pulled another shard out and then quickly cleaned the area with antiseptic, causing you to hiss.
“Almost done…” he said monotonously.
“Thanks” you replied.
Your tone was sheepish, you felt a little embarrassed that he was now patching you up after you’d clapped back at him. Your mouth sometimes got ahead of you like that. But it was hard not to feel aggrieved when he was also making you feel like a kid who’d been sent to the principal’s office.
“Hold still…” he scolded.
Yeah…just like that.
“I am still”.
“No…you’re moving. Cut it out”.
“You cut it out!”
He sighed heavily. “Whatever…”
The two of you stewed in silence for a few more minutes until he pulled the final piece out and cleaned and bandaged the wound, then meticulously packed everything back into his medical kit. You thanked him and kept your head down, running your fingers across the bandage as you wondered what to say. You didn’t normally feel shy around Bucky, but the incident with the customer and your subsequent squabbling had thrown you off. Your general feelings towards him seemed to oscillate between sheer lust and intense annoyance.
“So…I guess you’ll be quitting then” he said glumly as he turned around and put the kit back into a desk drawer.
You looked up, surprised. “Huh?”
“After this, I mean” he cleared his throat. “I guess you’ll be quitting the job”.
He turned towards you; confusion and annoyance evident on his face. “…Because you got assaulted by a customer and I didn’t stop it?”
You tilted your head in sudden understanding. “That’s why you’re being so pissy? You think I’m going to quit?”
He frowned; his tone clipped. “Why wouldn’t you? You don’t need this shit on top of all your house stuff”.
Well…he was sort of right. You didn’t really need the money (although it helped), and you really didn’t need to be dealing with drunk guys trying to bottle you…but…in all honesty? You’d dealt with worse over the years. A drunk guy with bad aim wasn’t pleasant, but you liked this job – you liked the MC, you liked the regulars, you liked that it gave you something to do in the evenings rather than aimlessly wander Granny’s house, you liked…Bucky.
“I’m not quitting, Bucky” you told him defiantly.
He looked genuinely surprised, his blue eyes narrowing. “What? Look…I’d understand, we fucked up – we should’ve been there to protect you and we were fuckin’ around playing pool”.
You frowned. “Look…don’t feel guilty. I should’ve called you over and not tried to manage him by myself when he started getting rowdy…I guess I just, didn’t want you to think I couldn’t handle it…” you told him quietly.
He chuckled fondly. “Sugar…I know full well you can handle it. I’ve seen the way you can handle yourself. But drunks can be unpredictable. You need to tell one of us if things get ugly, okay? That’s why we’re here”.
You nodded. “Alright”.
“Promise me you’ll call me or one of the others over if someone so much as raises their voice to you”. His tone was stern, he was clearly very serious about this.
“Scout’s honour” you replied sunnily as you held up your fingers in a mock salute, trying to ease some of the strange tension that was in the air.
He nodded, seemingly satisfied with your answer, but the stern look on his face was still there.
“And you’re really staying? Because if you wanted to quit..”
“No…Bucky, I’m staying”.
The silence hung awkwardly between you until you cleared your throat, looking over at the cabinet where he’d put away the kit.
“So uh…I didn’t think you’d have First Aid training”.
“You learn a few things after you come off your bike a couple of times” he sighed gruffly.
You nodded silently in response, but he caught your eyes briefly darting to look over at his metal arm.
“Yes…” he wiggled his metal fingers. “That was one of those times…can’t fix that with our First Aid box though” he muttered.
“Oh God, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-”
“It’s fine,” he softened. “I don’t mind talking about it. Really. Long time ago now. Got knocked off my bike by a truck and got pretty badly mangled. They couldn’t save it…”
“Jesus, Bucky, I’m SO sorry. I had no idea…”
“It’s fine,” he said pragmatically. “Accidents happen. Life goes on. Besides, got an upgrade out of it…” he smiled grimly and flexed the robotic arm.
“And you still get on your bike every day, even after all that?” you asked with disbelief.
He nodded, a smile lighting up his face. “It’s what I love. Nothing could stop me doing what I love. Yeah, I was a bit shaky at first. But you adapt. That’s what life is about, isn’t it?”
You smiled back at him. He was like regular Bucky again. You admired the way his face lit up when he spoke about his passion, quietly impressed by his determination to get back in the saddle. You wished you could be more like him in that way, rather than cowering in your indecision when things went south. You looked back over at his metal arm.
“I mean…it’s amazing. So intricate. I’ve never seen a prosthetic like it. How do you even go about getting a robot arm?”
“Friends in high places,” he tittered. “Tony Stark threw it in as part of a deal…”
Your eyes widened. “Tony Stark…the weapons magnate?”
Bucky just winked in response.
“Why would you and Tony Sta- No…you know what? I don’t need to know…”
“Yeah…probably for the best,” he laughed.
You rolled your eyes, but you were secretly relieved that the tension between you both had eased. Back to dumb jokes and sassing each other.
He smiled back at you for a second, but it faded so quickly that it made your stomach flip. He looked over at you forcefully, his eyes dark. It was a look you hadn’t seen before.
“Bucky…what is it-”
“I’m sorry again…that you got hurt,” he said gravely. “I would never…if I’d known…” he sighed. “I just mean…the last thing I’d ever want is for you to be in harm’s way…”
You paused, struck by the sincerity in his voice. You stared back at him, nodding sluggishly as he moved closer to you, unable to tear your eyes away from him. Time seemed to slow as he leaned towards you. Your eyes widened as he tilted his head, his expression intense. He leaned in closer and closer, and you found yourself moving too, like a moth to a flame. As his lips met yours it was like a lightning bolt, your breath caught in your chest as you suppressed a gasp and let yourself melt into him. His tongue was in your mouth before you knew what was happening, and you reciprocated greedily. Suddenly his hands were on your thighs, moving up your hips, your waist. The heat of his touch searing. Your own fingers grabbed at his kutte, pulling him closer and closer but still never close enough as his mouth moved to your throat. You practically mewled as his lips met the flesh of your neck, you tilted your head back to allow him full access. Your eyes closed as you bit your lip, his mouth ghosted over your skin and-
The heavy knocking sent you crashing back down to earth with a cruel bump, a tiny gasp escaping you as he pushed you back down against the wood.
“Buck…” came the muffled voice from behind the door. “We need to go. Sorry. Does your best employee need a ride home?”
“What is it, Sam?” Bucky snarled as he stood and moved towards the door.
“Rumlow…he’s apparently making a move…”
Bucky exhaled, he turned to look at you for a second, opening his mouth to speak before shaking his head in silent apology. His eyes said more than his lips ever could. You nodded in return.
He swung the door open and Sam stood there. He didn’t seem to be embarrassed or awkward to interrupt, so he was either being polite enough not to mention it, or simply hadn’t picked up on the slight heaviness in your breathing, or the way you were somewhat splayed across the desk.
“Goddamn. Alright. Let’s go,” Bucky instructed. “Sugar…you need a ride?”
“N-no. I drove. All good” you stuttered as you regained your composure.
“Sam…have someone ride back with her. Just in case”.
“Bucky I’m fine I-”
He looked at you warningly, raising an eyebrow.
“Alright…” you sighed. “Give me the motorcycle escort”.
His hard expression softened for a split second; a hint of a smile sent your way. The beginnings of a sparkle in his baby blues.
And then he was gone.
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
random question... I know you're a teacher and you're nonbinary. How do the school kids react to that (do they know/understand)?
Eh, the school isn't super supportive, to be honest. They're not allowed to tell me not to wear my pronoun pin, but only one of my coworkers actually uses my pronouns. There's another nonbinary teacher who also constantly gets misgendered.
To be honest, I haven't directly addressed it with my students. If I'm being real, I'm scared to. I don't have a very supportive principal, so if there was any backlash, I don't think he would have my back. I do, however, talk about my wife a lot, and as I appear more femme, the kids know I'm in a queer relationship. I feel more comfortable explaining that, I think because there's more laws in place protecting me.
I feel like I've probably let you guys down by saying this... I know I should probably be a better role model and be out and proud about being nonbinary, but I genuinely don't feel comfortable advocating for myself at my job, sadly.
Luckily, in my personal life, my friends are a bit more supportive.
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mybeingthere · 7 months
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Hripsimeh Sarkissian (1908 — 2000), Armenian textile artist from Turkey.
Born into a family involved in trading carpets among other things, in a region where textile making was a common activity especially among women, Hripsimeh Sarkissian had been familiar with textile designs and techniques since her childhood. In 1915 H. Sarkissian, just a child, survived the Armenian Genocide. She lost most of her relatives, including her father and siblings during the atrocities. Then, almost twenty years later, in 1938, she survived the Dersim Massacre, which was a military campaign led against the non-Turkish and non-Sunni communities in the area, this time with her husband and children. Her family was one of the few Armenian families that escaped the executions in their village, forced to leave their homes with thousands of other people. For nearly ten years the family lived in arduous conditions. Only after 1947, when the settlement law in Turkey was amended to give the right to displaced communities to return to their homes, they moved to Elazığ, a city neighbouring their native Dersim.
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punkeropercyjackson · 28 days
Re afro-dominican book!Percy and how foul and fake the fandom is with it because i can never shut the fuck up(as i shouldn't),y'all not only don't write him as a black man but y'all don't even write him as PERCY JACKSON which is what makes him work as afro-dominican to begin with
Can he call Sally Mamí?Can her and Paul be black love since he's giving dorky black sitcom dad and dosen't have an in-text race either?Can we keep Laura as her mom's name like we were originally given since it's a normal name for a latina?Can Percy be short for Perseo?Can he be transfem bigender and a black femme?Can he have black hairstyles?Baby dreads in TLT,wicks in TTC,twists in TLO,afro for most of SON as he dosen't remember what styles he likes but dreads by the finale,adding beads in MOA and long locs by the time he's 19?Can he be monoracial instead of a cringe ass instagram lightskin and work as commentary on black and latino stereotypes i.e being poor with a deadbeat birth dad and a physically abusive stepdad and how it's not the fault of black people our intergenerational trauma has been used against us by colonizers who literally made it worse for us historically?Can he overcome them by being literal royalty on his BLACK-greek's dad side and the best greco-roman hero ever in-universe?
Can part of Sally's love for the sea come from being dominican?Can she have passed that down to her Tesoro Perseo not JUST because of Poseidon but also as afro-carribean raising?Can Percy be crustpunk,afropunk,seapunk AND solarpunk because the sea does not like to be restrained?Can she be autistic with no masking game and that's another big reason she's an outcast even amongst other demigods and why her mortal world childhood was even worse than their's?Can she know how to diy things that don't even exist and play video games only on seconshands/emulators/phones for anti-capitalist principal and go to thrift stores and drink energy drinks but only the blue flavors and have a preference for the tropical ones and do deep dive research on punk culture?Can she love female rappers and punk rock and Lo-Fi beats and hipop?Can he be trilingual?Can he be a skincare and haircare king?Can he have blue durags and blue bonnets and blue hair beads?
Can y'all let the 'slutty bisexual' allegations go seeing as he's obviously demisexual?Can his type not be blondes but black women,which not only has an in-universe basis thanks to canon Percabeth and Leah Jeffries combo but is also mythological accurate as names have powers in Pjo and Percy's namesake was married to Andromeda,the princess of ETHOPIA?Can Percy and Leah be black solidarity even just platonically?Can they bond and be close and not have poor Leah be forced into 'black hair means boy and blonde hair means girl' syndrome,especially because book!Annabeth explicitly hates being blonde and y'all fake clowned her for it only to make actual darkhaired Annabeth blonde so you're automatically faker than she is cause at least she meant that shit and the universe granted her wish?Can Rachel be nigerian yoruba and them black anarchist besties at Goode High as Rachel teaches him how to do protests and takes him to charity events and they graffiti public property together and them be in love and dating for a bit and being even closer post breakup with no regrets to past Perachel?Can Thalia and Jason be black/white mixed with Jason a natural dirty blonde browneyed lightskin and Thalia darkskin with almost all of Zeus' looks as per canon so Jercy can be black mlm so it's ruined for horndog nonblack freaks and we can get even alt black rep?
Can Nico be black too to defy the 'black girl always has white siblings' trope and disregard him being described as 'a scrawny white boy' by Hazel since y'all disregard everythin' about Percy like seeing Nico as a little kid-HIS little kid even-to make him sexually harrass him over getting over him because your younger siblings don't love you and you creep minors in fandoms out?Can Nico,Hazel and Percy be a black siblings trio?Can he basically be their dad and Sally legally be their guardian because Hades is a fucking abusive freak?Can Hazel be explored on since she's got infinitely more going for her than any background characters y'all obssess over and Nico be recognized as the precious traumatized lil boy he is instead of just an edgecase,BOTH of which Percy sees them as canonically?????Can he have a backbone against the gods as he does,again,CANONICALLY,instead of pathetically emulating them like Luke and take direct action and fix the system himself?
Can he love latino memes and legos and Pokemon?Can he dunk on Hp fans for being geeks instead of freaks?Can he own dominican flag merch?Can he call Nico and Hazel 'Papito and Mamita'?In DC aus,can he be Duke Thomas' Super instead of being forced into Tim Drake's core cast or worse yet adopted by Batbags?And in Marvel aus,can he be a Spiderpunk Variant since like how he's not Batkid-coded but Kryptonian human hybrid-coded,he's not Peter Parker-coded but Hobie Brown-coded?Can be he brutal and unrestrained and tough yet salty sweet and gentle?IT IS 2024,ENOUGH WITH THE RESPECTABILITY POLITICS IN FUCKING PJO HCS OF ALL PLACES,I DON'T PERCY TO BE PALPABLE,I WANT HIM TO BE A NIGGA!!!!!!!!!!!
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ernestinee · 2 months
Cette nuit s'est terminée sur un horrible cauchemar hyper sanglant dans lequel j'étais avec plein de gens sur le tournage d'un film dans un appartement et à un moment l'appart était fermé à clé, l'acteur principal devenait fou et poignardait plein de gens et puis tout le monde était en roue libre comme si c'était subitement un jeu de lacérer les autres et il y avait une femme qui m'en voulait personnellement et je me suis réveillée avant de la tuer voilà voilà ambiance. En plus j'ai pas l'impression que c'est la première fois que je rêve de ça, j'ai eu tout le temps la sensation de déjà-vu.
Du coup chatgpt me dit approximativement :
-un sentiment de vulnérabilité ou d'insécurité, peut-être lié à des situations sociales ou professionnelles où vous vous sentez enfermé ou pris au piège.
-des pressions ou des conflits internes.
-une crainte de perdre le contrôle ou de voir les autres se comporter de manière irrationnelle.
-La femme qui vous en voulait pourrait symboliser des conflits non résolus ou des tensions personnelles dans votre vie.
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The first chapter of Jojolands is so fucking good dudes. Some thoughts:
Predictably, Dragona is my favourite character right off the bat. People are saying his male pronouns are a translation error, but I’m not entirely sure. Either way, I’d be absolutely fine with both him being transfem or him just being a gnc as fuck cis guy. Honestly the idea of a completely cis man being femme to the point of getting breast implants is pretty baller
I’m loving Jodio’s design, I feel like he’s gonna join my brain’s list of characters to release serotonin to
The brothers’ dynamic is just really fun, I like them as a group
The idea of their principal being their crime lord is very funny to me
As is the idea that Jodio and Giorno would fucking hate each other
Though Paco hasn’t really done much yet, his stand name is probably one of my favourite in the series (though Jodio’s is also super cool)
I am pumped to see what happens next
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littledollll · 1 year
Hey, there!
I just wanted to thank you for your fics. They're incredibly healing, at least for me.
Can you write a Larissa x femme reader who has a chronic illness? (I have a cardiac disorder). I had to go home from work because I couldn't stop shaking and could use some Larissa comfort.
Thank you, lovely💕
Valentines chaos
Larissa Weems x chronically ill!reader
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A/n: of course I can! Sorry this has taken a little I’m kinda on a writing slump, thank you for your kind words! I’m always glad to hear my writing helps you guys, I chose to write PoTS since I’m most familiar with it and I did a little research in hopes of being accurate, I hope you like this!
Big thanks to my friend @v3nusxsky for helping me brainstorm and giving me pointers, definitely check her out<3
No warnings I think!
Knowing it was out of your control didnt make you any less upset about it.
You were in the middle of class when you started feeling lightheaded. Larissa had scolded you enough times about working through the day after extra things to your routine. you stubbornly disagreed with her before, but the current brain fog was starting to be too much
The morning had been draining enough with a mess of students who were running around excited about Valentine’s Day plans. They had not left your office, trying to convince you to plan a breakfast or gift exchange or literally anything than boring class which lead to ridiculous amounts of planning and running around because you couldn’t say no to them.
Not unexpected but still very upsetting, you had to call in and leave early. You dismissed class and gave yourself a second to breathe before walking back to your room.
One of the students subtly accompanied you, claiming they “had some questions” about what? Neither of you knew what they had intended to ask, since they talked about nothing the whole way to your room.
The silence wasn’t uncomfortable, infact it was welcomed, you also appreciated them simply worrying you’d make it to your room without passing out.
They bid you goodbye and told you to get some rest before adding that they would be stopping by the principals office. Larissa knew of course, she was the one you had to call in the first place.
But you had a habit of ignoring your phone after your flares, it gave unnecessary anxiety, you’d rather just rest from everything.
It was only a few hours before Larissa came home, spotting you on the couch looking at absolutely nothing interesting in the ceiling. “Are you alright, my love? How’s your head?”
“Aching. Foggy.” You looked at her now, as she made her way towards you, cupping your face tenderly and kissing your temple.
You hummed, opening your arms and making space for her to lay down beside you on the couch, which she happy occupied.
Sitting you against her but only slightly, so you were still mostly laying, her hands made their way through your hair, gently separating each strand, making sure not to pull your hair.
Then her fingers massaged your scalp, adding just the right amount of pressure exactly where she knew your headache was located. “How about a little power nap and then a cold shower?”
"mhmm- thank you rissa.” You were about to fall asleep regardless, really.
“Of course, my heart” she pressed a kiss to the top of your head, her hands coming around your waist holding you close to her.
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lizzy-wanders · 8 days
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Je crois que ce qui est le plus à déplorer dans notre société contemporaine, c’est la disparition de l’honneur. Elle était pareille à une mère ; une femme gracieuse et élancée, belle autant que forte, mais également stricte, qui s'assure que sa progéniture puisse survivre et surtout vivre comme il se doit. Lorsque les hommes ont cessé de vouloir mourir pour elle, ils l’ont lentement traquée et mise à mort dans le secret afin ne plus en porter la responsabilité. Ils ont voulu faire taire ses précieux conseils ainsi que ses reproches bien méritées, promettant ainsi les générations futures à la lâcheté : cette nourrice qui n’enseigne rien, mais gave plutôt ses protégés jusqu’à les faire vomir pour les nourrir encore. Elle les maintiens dans un cocon de plaisirs et d’émotions qui doivent sans cesse être écoutées et validées au lieu d’être appréhendées et comprises.
Or, il n’est jamais été question de mourir pour être honorable, cela n’était qu’un mensonge grossier perpétré par des extrémistes. L’honneur, c’était avant tout de respecter ses engagements même lorsque cela devenait difficile ou que l’on en avait plus envie, traiter autrui avec dignité, travailler dur et demeurer humble. Il s’agissait de principes pourtant simples auxquels tous avaient avantage à se plier, pourtant, on a voulu s’en départir comme un enfant capricieux pousse ses légumes hors de son assiette.
Aujourd’hui, c’est comme si l’on avait voulu effacer jusqu’à la mémoire même de l’honneur. On ne prononce guère plus son nom, mise à part dans les contes et les romans. On ne l’enseigne plus aux petits, à sa place, on donne des instructions vagues et moins fortes,  comme « sois gentil », ou « sois patient ». Il en résulte des individus maladroits et hypocrites qui ne se soucient point de l’impact qu’ils ont chez les autres et croient à tort que tous les écarts de conduite pourront être pardonnés ou oubliés. Rétablir son honneur n’est plus un enjeux, la noblesse de caractère s’est perdue, les rois et les reines sont déchues.
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e642 · 2 days
J'me suis embrouillée avec mon beau père. Ce week end j'étais chez le père de mon mec. Je l'apprécie qu'à moitié, il m'a payé des vacances et beaucoup de loisirs et je lui en suis reconnaissante mais c'est tout. Ce n'est pas quelqu'un que je respecte particulièrement. Samedi on mangeait tous les trois ensemble et, les élections approchant, évidemment les débats politiques sont vite arrivés sur la table. Moi, je porte mon orientation politique sur le front. Ya pas beaucoup d'efforts à faire ni besoin de beaucoup me connaître pour savoir de quel côté je suis. Beaucoup de pères (plus que de mères je remarque) penchent à droite mais lui c'était pas écrit Marion sur son front et pourtant... Alors quand il a commencé son petit speech à base de "dehors les arabes" j'ai pété un câble. À entendre certains darons t'as l'impression qu'ils se sont fait voler leur goûter, leur job, leur femme, et leurs enfants par des étrangers. J'ai été réellement rebutée par ses propos. À la fin de son baragouinage, jlui ai demandé s'il avait des cintres. Évidemment, il n'a pas saisi la noirceur du propos. Ce à quoi j'ai ajouté que si la France devenait officiellement fasciste il faudrait retourner aux techniques traditionnelles pour avorter. Puis je lui ai dit que c'était étrange ça que, pour lui, une femme se faisant violée est l'entière responsable sauf si c'est par un étranger (double problème dans sa manière de penser). Puis je lui ai dit que ce serait compliqué de concilier zéro immigration avec zéro écologie, que visiblement c'était pas linéaire dans sa tête que les gens ne partaient pas par plaisir et que les catastrophes climatiques continueraient de s'aggraver. Puis j'lui ai demandé s'il avait bien connu ses grands parents, bizarrement non car la seconde guerre mondiale est passée par là et que si ça continuait, il serait ce grand parent pour les gosses de ses enfants. Puis je lui ai demandé de m'expliquer le principe des européennes et les différences avec municipale, législative et présidentielles, et il a pas vraiment su me répondre. Que des trucs comme ça, rien de profond, pas de chiffre, juste essayer de lui faire capter le problème. Et il m'a dit que ça ne changeait rien, ce à quoi j'ai répondu qu'il n'y avait que les abrutis qui ne changeaient pas d'avis et là, là ça a coincé dans sa tête et il m'a embrouillée. Ça me dégoûte aussi peu d'humanité, de respect et de lucidité. Ça m'a réellement fait mal au cœur cette discussion et voir comme les gens sont profondément cons/tristes/pauvres/en colère pour avoir ce genre d'idées. C'est pas une vie d'exister dans la haine et le mépris de l'Autre. C'est pas une vie de penser des choses aussi grave sans être insomniaque. C'est pas une vie de pas avoir honte. C'est pas une vie de l'assumer. Avec des parents comme ça, c'est navrant à dire, mais tu m'étonnes que les 18-34 votent à droite. Si seulement on prenait assez de recul pour comprendre que nos parents ne sont pas forcément des exemples et qu'on est bien assez grand pour réfléchir. À croire que le libre arbitre, s'intéresser, se cultiver, conscientiser, se remettre en question n'arrive jamais pour certains. Ça m'a rendue très triste. Puis mon village à fait un score de 52% pour le rn et 10 pour reconquête. Comment c'est possible ? Je ne comprends pas comment on peut adhérer à tout ça et cracher sur l'histoire et les schémas pourtant connus et étudiés en classe depuis pas mal d'année déjà.
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alexar60 · 10 months
Tomber, encore
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Il était peu rassuré, fébrile.
Il trouvait cela même débile.
Rencontrer quelqu’un sans la connaitre,
Sans avoir réellement vu sa tête.
Il a suffi d’un clic sur internet
Pour qu’une belle femme réponde direct.
Est-ce ça l’amour ? L’amour ?
Il a souvenir d’une ex-copine
Qui, au début se montrait câline.
Mais cela ne dura qu’un temps
Remplacé par la jalousie dès l’instant
Qu’il croisait le regard d’une autre.
Un simple sourire devenait une faute.
L’amour, est-ce ça l’amour ?
Je te veux mon chéri,
Et pourquoi pas pour toute la vie !
Sur quelle folle, vais-je, cette fois, tomber, encore?
Je te veux mon chéri,
Et pourquoi pas pour toute la vie !
Sur quelle folle vais-je, cette fois, tomber, encore?
Sans prévenir, ses amies l’ont inscrite
Sur un site, car il était de principe
De ne pas la laisser finir seule
A élever des chats et boire du tilleul.
A son annonce, elles ont de suite répondu
Parce qu’il semblait beau, pourtant méconnu.
Est-ce ça l’amour ? L’amour ?
Elle n’a jamais eu de chance,
Tombant sur des cons sans intelligence.
Comme le dernier qui n’a pas eu la décence
D’appeler au moins une ambulance
Après avoir laissé des bleus sur son visage.
Il disait qu’elle n’était pas sage.
L’amour, Est-ce ça l’amour ?
Je te veux ma chérie,
Et pourquoi pas pour toute la vie !
Sur quel malade, vais-je, cette fois, tomber, encore?
Je te veux ma chérie,
Et pourquoi pas pour toute la vie !
Sur quel malade vais-je, cette fois,  tomber, encore?
Madame, excusez ma maladresse…
Monsieur, ne croyez que je paraisse…
Je ne cherche qu’une amitié sentimentale
Et moi,  une relation sans scandale.
Et si au début du repas, ils étaient tendus,
Leurs rires ont supprimé les malentendus
L’amour, est-ce ça l’amour ?
Alex@r60 – août 2023
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homomenhommes · 2 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … April 9
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1476 – Italy: Leonardo Da Vinci and three other young men are accused of sodomy anonymously, but subsequently acquitted.
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1821 – The French poet Charles Baudelaire (d.1867), a central figure in nineteenth-century French literature, was born on in Paris (d.1867). Two collections of Baudelaire's poetry continue to intrigue and influence writers: Les fleurs du mal (Flowers Of Evil, 1857) and Le spleen de Paris (Paris Spleen, 1869). In the latter collection, published posthumously, he essentially invented the "prose poem." For a while lived the modish life of a literary dandy on an inheritance from his father, reluctantly joining the Paris boheme when his fortune ran dry.
Speculation continues about his personal life. Some early writers suggested that he died a virgin; many others now believe that he died of syphilis acquired in 1841. He had complicated relations with Jeanne Duvall, a prostitute; Madame Sabatier, a courtesan for the wealthy and socially prominent; and Marie Daubrun, an actress. The poems Duvall inspired portray her as both the apex of beauty and the nadir of evil.
Lesbianism fascinated Baudelaire. He even considered naming his first book of poems Les lesbiennes. "Lesbos," from Les fleurs du mal, celebrates lesbian love and evokes Sappho, who is described as both "mannish" and "beautiful." Further, the speaker challenges the authorities who would "dare" judge those who inhabit Lesbos. Even the gods would not dare to judge these women, he asserts.
Two other poems called "Femmes damnées" also explore lesbianism. Here the lovers, with their disordered souls, must suffer in a world wound tight with rules. The bourgeois considers such women demonic; that alone makes them fascinating to Baudelaire.
Male homosexuality does not receive this kind of direct treatment; gay men can find no equivalent "Lesbos" in his work.
He was probably homosexual himself, or at least Marcel Proust thought so, as did Andre Gide, Roger Peyrefitte, and many others. The floppy cravat that Baudelaire affected became all the rage of European dandies and homosexuals during the first decades of the 20th century, gays having adopted him as their very own at an early date.
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1909 – the Australian dancer, actor, director and choreographer Sir Robert Helpmann CBE was born on this date (d.1986). Born Robert Murray Helpman, he added the extra 'n' to avoid his name having 13 letters, at the suggestion of the dance diva Anna Pavlova, who was a devotee of numerology.
He was born in Mount Gambier and also boarded at Prince Alfred College in Adelaide, South Australia. The Helpmann Academy in South Australia, a partnership of the major visual and performing arts education and training institutions in South Australia offering award courses for people seeking professional careers in the arts, was named in his honor.
in 1932 he went to London. He joined the Sadler's Wells, later the Royal Ballet and was a principal dancer from 1933 to 1950. He established a great partnership with Margot Fonteyn, and together with choreographer Frederick Ashton, created many great roles, whilst also occasionally undertaking straight acting roles. Helpmann and Fonteyn toured the United States as principal dancers with the Royal Ballet in 1949 and caused a sensation, making stars of them all.
In 1938, Helpmann met a young Oxford undergraduate while fulfilling an invitation to dance at the university. Immediately drawn to the handsome and intelligent Michael Benthall, the pair formed a relationship that was to last for 36 years until the English theatre director Benthall's untimely death in 1974. The couple lived and often worked together quite openly for the time.
In 1965 Helpmann returned to Australia to become co-director of the Australian Ballet. Since he was Gay and flamboyant, his arrival in what was at that time a very conservative country caused some consternation. Australians were proud of his international fame, but not sure what to make of him personally. His most significant contribution to the development of theatre in Australia was his time with the Australian Ballet. The avant-garde nature and sexual overtones of much of his work unsettled many Australians. He did not endear himself with the comment: "I don't despair about the cultural scene in Australia because there isn't one here to despair about."
Helpmann's obituaries in the Australian media were suitably laudatory, but also reserved. The country paid him the highest final recognition it could by honouring him with a state funeral in Sydney, the eulogy calling him "a genius, an outstanding communicator of unique inspiration and insight. He asserted his rights to pursue a path that improved the quality of life of the nation, and defeated the common herd of detractors." An obituary in The Times in London, characterised his appearance as "strange, haunting and rather frightening", and portrayed him as "a homosexual of the proselytizing kind" whose impact upon a company was "dangerous as well as stimulating", creating fresh headlines in Australia.
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1929 – The Utah Supreme Court, although upholding the constitutionality of the 1925 sterilization law, rules that a prisoner caught in the act of consensual sodomy with another prisoner, and who is described as "acting lovingly toward other boys in the prison," can not be sterilized for that reason alone.
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1948 – Bernard-Marie Koltès was a French playwright and director (d.1989).
Born to a middle-class family in Metz, his life was violent and anchored in revolt. He took off from home at 20 for a nomadic writing life that began with a stay in New York in 1968. For a social rebel seeking an uninhibited gay experience, the timing was perfect. He returned to New York frequently until his death in 1989. He he had tried his hand at writing as a youth but renounced it, and didn't take to the stage until the age of twenty. He first garnered recognition for his work on a production of Medea (Médée) in 1970.
After seeing the film actress Maria Casarès, he was inspired and resumed writing, completing around ten plays in his lifetime. His first piece, the long monologue, The Night Just Before The Forests, was staged in 1977 at the Avignon Festival, and subsequent productions were put on in collaboration with director Patrice Chéreau.
Koltès's work, based in real-life problems, expresses the tragedy of being alone and of death. Koltes is most famous for The Night Just Before the Forests (La Nuit juste avant les Forêts, 1976), r (1977) and In the Solitude of Cotton Fields (Dans la Solitude des Champs de Coton, 1986). Many of these plays were first directed by Patrice Chereau when he was artistic director of the Théâtre des Amandiers in Nanterre. Koltes also translated into French Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale.
Genet and the absurdists influenced Koltès's writing. Like other absurdist writers, he felt exiled - in his case, as a homosexual in a heterosexual world. In Africa, he saw native cultures being wiped out by European influences. This theme brought forth Black Battles with Dogs. After a visit to America he wrote Quay West (1985), about a brother and sister in a foreign culture. The title and the opening dialogue of that play, about tempting, dangerous life in moldy warehouses on a river, recall the West Street piers of the meatpacking district, and their vast, collapsing sheds that for two decades were sex resorts for venturesome gay men.
The psychopathic killer Roberto Succo provided the inspiration for his final play Roberto Zucco. It was first performed posthumously in Berlin in 1990, directed by Peter Stein. It has since been performed across Europe and the United States.
Although he did not attempt to deny it, Kolteès only ever referred fleetingly to his homosexuality, downplaying this as a motivating factor or theme behind his writing. He was rarely forthcoming about his private life, and what he did say is often contradictory or misleading.
Koltès died in 1989 due to complications from AIDS.
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1963 – Marc Jacobs is an American fashion designer. He is the head designer for Marc Jacobs, as well as Marc by Marc Jacobs, a diffusion line, with more than 200 retail stores in 80 countries. He has been the creative director of the French design house Louis Vuitton since 1997. Jacobs is on Time Magazine's "2010 Time 100" list of the 100 most influential people in the world, and ranked 12th on Out Magazine's 2011 list of "50 Most Powerful Gay Men and Women in America".
Jacobs, who is openly gay was in a four-year relationship with salesman and retired escort Jason Preston. However, in February 2008, it was reported that Jacobs was engaging in an affair with escort and porn star Erik Rhodes who died in 2012.. Later he was in a relationship with advertising executive Lorenzo Martone. In March 2009, Women's Wear Daily reported that the pair was engaged after a year of dating. Several reports that they got married were later denied. On July 24, 2010, Martone announced via Twitter that he and Jacobs had not been together for two months.
In April 2018, Jacobs proposed to his new boyfriend, Charly Defrancesco, via a flashmob while in a Chipotle restaurant. The flashmob did a routine to the song "Kiss" by Prince. They were married in a lavish wedding held in New York City in April 2019.
Jacobs and Defrancesco purchased a home in Rye, New York in April 2019. The Westchester home was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and is known as the Max Hoffman House.
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1999 – Montero Lamar Hill, known by his stage name Lil Nas X, is an American rapper, singer, and songwriter. He rose to prominence with the release of his country rap single "Old Town Road", which first achieved viral popularity in early 2019 before climbing music charts internationally and becoming diamond certified by November of that same year, moving over ten million certified units in streaming and sales combined.
"Old Town Road" spent 19 weeks atop the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart, becoming the longest-running number-one song since the chart debuted in 1958. Several remixes of the song were released, the most popular of which featured country singer Billy Ray Cyrus. As "Old Town Road" was atop the Hot 100, Lil Nas X came out as gay, becoming the only artist to do so while having a number-one record.
Montero Lamar Hill was born in Lithia Springs, Georgia. He was named after the Mitsubishi Montero. His parents divorced when he was six, and he settled in the Bankhead Courts housing project with his mother and grandmother. Three years later, he moved in with his father, a gospel singer, north of the city in Austell. Although initially reluctant to leave, he later regarded it as an important decision, "There's so much shit going on in Atlanta—if I would have stayed there, I would have fallen in with the wrong crowd." He started "using the Internet heavily right around the time when memes started to become their own form of entertainment"; about when he was 13.
He spent much of his teenage years alone, and turned to the Internet, "particularly Twitter, creating memes that showed his disarming wit and pop-culture savvy." His teenage years also saw him struggling with his coming out to himself as being gay; he prayed that it was just a phase, but around 16 or 17 he came to accept it. He began playing trumpet in the fourth grade and was first chair by his junior high years, but quit out of fear of looking uncool.
In early June 2019, Lil Nas X came out to his sister and father and he felt "the universe was signalling him to do so", despite his uncertainty whether his fans would stick by him or not. On June 30, 2019, the last day of Pride Month, Lil Nas X came out publicly as gay, tweeting: "some of y'all already know, some of y'all don't care, some of y'all not gone [fuck with me] no more. but before this month ends i want y'all to listen closely to c7osure. 🌈🤩✨" The tweet confirmed earlier suspicions when he first indicated this in his track "c7osure". Rolling Stone noted the song "touches on themes such as coming clean, growing up and embracing one's self". The next day he tweeted again, this time highlighting the rainbow-colored building on the cover art of his EP 7, with the caption reading "deadass thought i made it obvious". He was unambiguous in an interview several days later on BBC Breakfast, where he stated that he was gay and understands that his sexuality is not readily accepted in the country or rap music communities.
The response to the news was mostly positive, but also garnered a large amount of homophobic backlash on social media, to which Lil Nas X also reacted. The backlash also came from the hip hop community, drawing attention to homophobia in hip hop culture. In January 2020, rapper Pastor Troy made homophobic comments on the outfit Lil Nas X wore during the Grammy Awards, to which Lil Nas X responded: "Damn I look good in that pic on god."
In January 2023, Lil Nas X tweeted a new statement about his sexual orientation, writing "be [for real] would y’all be mad at me if i thought i was a little bisexual". The next day, he tweeted "that was my last time coming out the closet i promise".
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