#protective angel <3
cangelgifs · 2 months
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underrated Cangel moments:
Angel immediately pulling Cordy out of the way and holding onto her when she accidentally opens a portal to Pylea in 2.19
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abigail · 1 year
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when i got home after the new years celebrations last night, i took off my boots and found this pin stuck in the bottom of one of them,, a good sign for the new year perhaps ? :-) 
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coffeecatcraze · 4 months
It is not lost on me that Charlie and Vaggie were initially not doing great against Adam and Lute...and then proved Carmilla was so fucking right.
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Vaggie is absolutely FUCKED here. She's been in this position before, with Lute looming over her spitting vitriolic judgment, Vaggie's blood on the ground. Back then, she couldn't stop Lute from taking away her wings, her eye, her home, and her purpose. But now? She has more than that; she has love, because she has Charlie.
When Lute threatens Charlie, everything changes. Vaggie fucks her up immediately...and shows "mercy" knowing that being forced to live with part of herself gone (her arm was CRUSHED, no way was she getting it back), the shame of defeat, and the knowledge that someone she's been looking down on so completely is responsible for it all is a fate MUCH worse than death for Lute.
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And Charlie? Charlie's insanely powerful but has no clue how to use her power to its full potential because she's never had a reason or desire to fight until now. Even when she's being strangled, when she's pissed-off and vengeful, she can't really tap into that power. But then Adam comes at her dad and is about to catch him off-guard.
He's about to hurt—possibly kill—her dad, who she's finally building a good relationship with; her dad, who just showed up to protect her despite the risk of politically turning this battle from an act of defiance by a willful princess to an act of full-on rebellion by the King of Hell himself. She reacts on instinct to protect her father and stops a hit that destroyed Alastor's shield. And she does it effortlessly.
Carmilla was right. For these ladies, at least, the need to protect someone they love, no matter what kind of love it is, is exactly what rallies them to come at enemies who were just kicking their asses and absolutely dominate.
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triona-tribblescore · 2 months
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Husk went and bought some bike-safe clothes to cope with his adrenaline-junkie boyfriend uvu ✨
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imagine-darksiders · 2 months
Can we get some art of Ulthane doing the dont talk to me or my child again with some humans to an angel?
I'm sorry, I got carried away, but this is sort of the same thing, isn't it?
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
potato is love, potato is life- local hell woman gives potato to her angelic future wife
Charlie: “I don’t think I should be allowed to interact with women ever again.”
Husk: “Is this about Vaggie giggling over a fucking potato earlier-”
Husk: “Did you fucking give her the potato.”
Charlie: (slumping) “I was trying to be romantic-!”
Husk: “Did you call HER your potato.”
Charlie: “THE POTATO OF MY HEART! The tuber of my root sprout!”
Husk: “Oh fuck. Shit, that’s. That’s terrible. You really shouldn’t fucking talk to women anymore.”
Charlie: (sobbing) “I WAS TRYING!!! TO BE SWEET!!!!!”
Angel Dust: “-hey gays m’kay, real fucked up question for ya both but- anyone know why Vag G-string is makin’ soppy doe eyes at an uncooked tater tot?”
Husk: “It’s because she’s almost as much of fucking fail loser as her girlfriend, is why.”
Charlie: (sniffs) “She. You think she likes it…?”
Angel Dust: “Charlie chip, she’s starin’ at the damn thing like it’s her first born child.”
Charlie: “Oh…”
Charlie: “…”
Charlie: “Unholy shit…. I am so GOOD with women-”
Husk: “No. No you’re fucking not. It’s just her.”
Charlie: “Well she’s the only one who counts so that’s perfect!”
Angel Dust: “Oh please don’ tell me you gave her the potato-”
Husk: “NO-!”
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HELLLLLOOOO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!! I am coming back with a banger! I just completed a drawing of Lucifer Morningstar before he fell in my style! This is ALL hand drawn, NO tracing! Art may be used but with MY permission and Credit MUST be given. Thank You!
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eternalera · 3 months
𝐚𝐍𝔂 𝔀𝐚𝔂 𝔂Øย 𝔀𝐚𝐍𝐓 м𝑒 ๒𝐚๒𝔂 𝐓𝓱𝐚𝐓丂 𝐓𝓱𝑒 𝔀𝐚𝔂 𝔂Øย 𝕘Ø𝐓 м𝑒
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malewife-cas · 2 years
he’s so skrunkly
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it’s november 12, the day he came back from the UD
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seoafin · 1 year
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his-lost-one · 14 days
i have to rant abt ouat wendy again bc her life makes me SO SAD
like she is the antithesis to that whole message in ouat of “good always wins” or like “the heroes get happy endings” and stuff like
and like yes you can argue that she got a happy end at the end when she got out of neverland and reunited with her brothers but idk. her fate is so horrifying to me anyway
because like she always did her fucking best, like she took in baelfire just out of the kindness of her heart and she ended up captured by pan JUST because she wanted to save bae. she did the right things and yet she got punished so horribly for it.
like just what she went through in neverland is already bad enough- i mean, being in a cage for 200 years??? that’s doing irreparable damage no matter how you put it- and maybe she was let out sometimes, i don’t know, but it doesn’t seem like she was bc when pan let her out that one time in the show she immediately asked if she’s free now- that implies (imo) that it’s very unusual for him to let her out at all in canon.
that’s horrifying tbh. like i can’t imagine how she could live a normal life again after that- i mean ig it’d be possible with a lot of therapy and support and stuff but holy shit.
also this reminds me of this thing called ‘white room torture’- obviously she was not locked in a white room, but the effect of longterm sensory deprivation would probably still be a big problem- i mean, it can already impact people’s mental health if they just don’t deviate from their day to day routine for too long, compare that to being locked in the same tiny cage where she could barely even move and it gets depressing. literally.
but even if we ignore all that- the time she spent in neverland is just cruel too. i mean, she got taken out of her life that she did seem to like actually and she never got to go back. everyone she’s ever known before neverland (other than bae and her brothers) died without ever knowing what happened to her/why she disappeared. and since she was in neverland all that time, she didn’t even know when that happened. like time on neverland in relation to other realms is very confusing and since there seemingly isnt even a clear day and night cycle, she wouldn’t really have had any way to consistently keep track of time. i imagine eventually she just couldn’t have known if anyone she used to know is still alive. has she been there for a few years? a few decades? who knows. probably not her.
i doubt pan would’ve told her hskdbdkcndk
horrifying fate. horrible. she deserves SO MUCH better. she literally never did anything wrong at all other than lying like 2 times because she was intimidated by pan 😭🫶
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I headcanon Kaisa as being just slightly hypotensive. I’m thinking normal blood pressure around 11/7. Most importantly, I headcanon that occasionally it may drop and she knows, but doesn’t do anything about it.
So sometimes she’ll be in the library, and will be on her feet for too long, or maybe it’ll be too hot and she hasn’t let go of her cape, or maybe she even has been so caught up in her job that she hasn’t eaten or drink water in three hours. And she’ll begin sweating, and ignore it. Then she’ll feel lightheaded, and think it’s fine. And then her eyesight will get hazy, and she’ll think ‘nah, I can take it’. Then her hearing will sizzle and her mind will spin and she’ll still do nothing. And if someone’s nearby they’ll begin noticing she’s pale and unresponsive, and that’s because she’s trying to not fall down and wondering why she’s seeing dark spots. But mostly, that probably happens when she’s alone, so when she refuses to sit down and drink water/eat/lie down, she’ll just faint for a bit (on the hardwood floor. Ouch.) and get back within a couple of seconds (and just go about her day like nothing happened)
Anyway the place I’m trying to get to is: imagine Kaisa is hanging out with the Hilda gang for some reason, and at some point they notice the blood draining from her face and her eyes going unfocused and then she just drops unconscious on the floor with no prior warning. Imagine the chaos. Imagine Hilda about to slap her and being held back by David while Frida tries to remember the cpr training they had in the Sparrow Scouts. Imagine Kaisa waking back up suddenly and scaring the living shit out of them
Kaisa already has such undead vampire vibes, I just think that’d be hilarious 😭😭
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curapicas · 1 month
Can someone smarter than me talk about how the episode that introduces Kabru also reintroduces Falin more in-depth
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meownotgood · 1 year
ok now u got me thinking. aki coming back as the Cold devil. or the Winter devil. or the Snow Storm devil. and he looks the same as he did when he was human but his irises are like a powder blue and there’s always snow in his hair and his lashes. and contrast that with falling in love with you again who he thinks of as so warm and kind and loving….. thawing him….. much to think about - 🍊
the same year the gun devil was eliminated, japan experienced a particularly hard winter season — perhaps that's why he was reborn as the snow devil. when he first opened his eyes, he was met with a dark and cloudy sky, he could hear the lull of the ocean, his ears were still ringing from the hum of a chainsaw and the only thing he can remember is his first name, and particularly not his last.
public safety is quick to follow through on the reports of a humanoid-looking devil wandering the outskirts of hokkaido, leaving a trail of frozen water and dead trees in his path. upon capturing him, since he seemed to not pose much of a threat, he's escorted to the headquarters in tokyo rather than slain.
once the devil gets there, he's apathetic, quiet. doesn't speak unless spoken to. his skin is pale, his lips are chapped, his eyes are a pretty shade of blue and his eyelashes are pure white. he'd pass as a human if it wasn't for the twist of icicles sticking out from his head like horns, covering his hair and his shoulders in tiny droplets of snow, or for the intricate marks on his skin, faint tattoos in the shape of snowflakes.
he looks familiar. like someone who's face was in the obituaries a while ago.
in the mail, you get an unexpected letter from public safety. it includes train tickets, and it's telling you to come to tokyo on urgent business. the minute you've arrived, some devil hunters explain the situation: you need to have a look at this devil — the snow storm devil — and tell them everything you might know about it.
of course, you've never heard of such a thing before. you don't know anything about devils, how are you supposed to give them any valuable information? but when the hunters unlock the cell for you, when you take a step inside and they tell you, don't worry, just keep your distance and you won't get hurt right as they flick the lights on, you realize exactly why you were called here.
it's him.
it's aki, this devil looks exactly like aki, his hair is long and dark and messy, he's got the same face as aki and the same voice as aki when he opens his mouth to ask who you are. he doesn't get to finish his sentence and tell you how damn familiar you look to him because you're already running over, reaching out to touch him even though the devil hunters are yelling at you from the other side of the door, telling you it's too dangerous.
and his skin is cold, he's freezing. you grip his hands, you wrap your arms around him and hug him and it's aki.
aki isn't sure why, but right then, he feels like crying. he's felt nothing but coldness since he came to this place, but you feel so, so warm. his heart twists in his chest, he hugs you back even though he doesn't really know why. he could kill you, he could press his palm to your back and watch you freeze until you're nothing but dust and ice. but he doesn't.
he holds you close, he breathes frost-filled air into the nape of your neck. his body shakes, you mutter into his ear that you've missed him. you pull away, and there's a look in his eyes that's familiar, it's one you've always known.
and yet, when you nervously ask him if he knows who you are, if he remembers you, aki answers honestly, and it's the most the devil has ever spoken: "I don't. But I feel like I should. I'm sorry."
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our-destiny · 2 years
Care giver Michael forcing reader to age regress ♡
Cw: Forced age reggressing, kidnapping
Something was wrong about his behavior towards you, that much you were sure of. He always looks at you like one would a stray kitten; gentle with a hint of pity. Or like you were a newborn fawn, learning to walk for the first time, tripping over your own feet. And you guess that's were the nickname came from; Bambi. You wondered if he even knew your name considering he never used it, only ever calling you Bambi. You questioned him about it, multiple times, but his only response was that it suites you. A little baby deer he needed to protect, he needed to guide. That's his job as an angel after all. No, it's not weird that he gives you special treatment, after all you are special, constantly among demons, yet your soul is as pure as a child's.
He always treated you like a child, too. You are never allowed near anything dangerous; such as the Devildom, but also knives. It's gotten to the point you're not even allowed a butter knife. He also enjoys picking out clothes for you, or at least limiting your options. You have to wear pastel colours, nothing too revealing. There are sometimes when he dresses you as what you can only describe as an angel. He makes you wear white and gold, and sometimes even makes you wear wings and a halo. No matter how much you protest it doesn't make a difference. He's the strongest angel in the Celestial Realm while you're just a measly human. And no, you don't have the brothers on your side anymore. He removed your pacts and took you to the Celestial Realm, they have no idea where you are. Even if you do escape from him, everyone knows that Michael is your guardian and will bring you back to him when they see you out by yourself. I doubt you can evade the entire population of the Celestial Realm.
He acts like nothing's wrong. Like he didn't take you up here against your will and strip you of your basic human rights. Every day you're just trapped inside, the blinding sun coming through the locked windows. You can only entertain yourself by either colouring or reading children's books. He leaves breakfast on your nightstand, it's always something different everyday, sometimes it's pancakes, sometimes it's just cereal. It's always really good though. You refused to eat at first, you refused to do anything at first, just switched between crying to screaming to just sitting with your thoughts. When lunchtime rolls around either Michael or a trusted Seraphim brings you something to eat. At the beginning he had to force feed you, which wasn't fun, and still sometimes he likes to spoon feed you, other times letting you do it yourself. Then you're alone again.
Michael comes back hours later, you're not sure what time considering there's no clocks, and that's when you learn that it's better being alone here, even if you are bored out of your mind. He cuddles you, you two eat dinner and if you're lucky he takes you on a walk outside. You have to hold his hand the entire time, though. What if you get lost? He would never forgive himself. Or else you two just watch cartoons, as long as you don't throw a tantrum. When you do throw a tantrum he just holds you in his lap, despite you hitting him and trying to wriggle free, gently shushing you and bouncing you until you wear yourself out. He gives you a pacifier, you're too exhausted to resist, and you fall asleep in his arms, his protective hold on you never letting up even while you're both sleeping.
Eventually you start slipping into little space, start colouring while he's away, crawling into his arms once he comes back, finding him comforting while the outside world is big and scary. You forget how to take care of yourself, relying solely on him, just as he planned. His cute little Bambi, so lost without his guidance ♡
An: This isn't what I usually write, and it's incredibly self indulgent. Don't think anyone else will like this but if you have read it thank you <3
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quietwingsinthesky · 7 months
happy birthday!! umm how about hallucifer (or actual lucifer, whatever you prefer) reacting to gadreel possessing sam? 💞
(oh! i do have a little bit longer fic about this concept too in case you're interested!)
They must be desperate if they're setting Lucifer free to find Sam, and from one look at Crowley's beaten grimace and Dean's bloodshot eyes to the Mark on his arm and Castiel's very conspicuous absence, they have tried everything before him.
If they'd come to him first, Lucifer could have fixed this all in a week, the damage in Sam's body and the chaos up in Heaven, but now, he has to do twice the work. Lucifer tracks his wayward brother down and pins Gadreel down with wings raised high to menace, and says, very softly, "Let my beloved vessel"—shiver of Sam's soul like he can sense Lucifer's grace—"go, little brother, you don't want to fight me for him"—leaning in to let the words sink into Gadreel's grace with all the weight of the threat they carry—"because I will win."
(birthday 3 sentence ficathon! come toss a prompt!)
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