artofdyingslowly · 1 year
me @ myself after psychoanalyzing myself: thanks for listening
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intjgodcomplex · 1 year
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Psychoanalyzing L lawliet:
Honestly y'all make Fanon L look like the sweetest angel with pure morals. The whole point of his character is that he isn't morally right. He had a superior intelligence from a young age which means that at some point, nothing becomes intellectually challenging including the cases, but still did it because what else was there to do? But still you can imagine how numb and empty everything will feel after a while. (in his speech about monsters he said that he studied even though he has no interest in academics, that goes to cases to). He didn't solve cases because he cared about about justice, he did it because he was bored out of his mind because of how intellectually easy everything is. When Kira came along, L didn't go after him because of justice, he only did because it was the first challenging case he got. I genuinely believe that L didn't exactly care if he died, since if he did actually won against kira then he would just go back to the same old boredom. Also, since y'all love crying about how L said Light is his only friend, he didn't mean that he was just manipulating Light by showing vulnerability. When he said in his monster speech 'they eat even though they never experienced hunger', i think he was referring to himself that since he most likely had nothing to eat in his childhood before being found by watari, he developed an eating disorder when he was was suddenly exposed to as much food as he wanted and started over eating even when he wasn't hungry, in fear that he will one day go back to not having enough food. He also isn't socially awkward, he's insanely smart and can be just as well put as Light, but i guess that him being this smart also means that he simply doesn't care about social reputations if it's not beneficial for his present situation. And it's a personal interpretation, but i think that for the rain scene isn't about him being sad from Light's 'betrayal'. I think he was just kinda regretting 'wasting' his life. Not as in he didn't accomplish enough stuff, but like regretting the boredom he felt when he could've appreciated other stuff, but it was too late now. Like he realized that it wasn't so bad. But that's just how i see it.
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lilmeawmeawblog · 10 months
childhood of enneagram types
📍Enneagram 8 : the challenger . ☆ . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
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an E8 kid probably grew up in a dangerous environment or a violent household. Or even if they grew up in a normal household , very early in life they understood that the world is an unfair, unsafe place so meek, weak people don't make it; the thing that matters the most is survival. As a kid they might have felt like it's not okay to feel pain, be weak & vulnerable. It's likely they were betrayed by an adult figure and came to believe that people can't be relied on. They were adventurous kids & frequently got into trouble , when they were punished for it( sometimes unfairly) the kids defended themselves, they fought back, they felt like if no one defends them then they themselves will. This E8 kid was the black sheep or scapegoat child of their family. Just like E1 kids they were forced to grow up quickly. The more rejection they faced as kids the more they hardened their hearts. The innocence of a kid was lost very early. Mostly it's the betrayal, unfairness & rejection they experienced in childhood. The child knew the world is cruel , in order to survive you have the protect your feelings, be bold & assertive. It's likely they lacked protection, even they were a small child they liked to see themselves as big & powerful to defend themselves against it. Growing up the E8 child might felt like one day they will avenge the unfairness they were experiencing.
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to-touch-the-earth · 1 year
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on wombs, blood and spaces
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i-am-shitpost · 1 year
Full invitation to psychoanalyze me science side of tumblr but does anyone else listen to nearly all super sad breakup songs despite having never gone through a bad breakup ever?
People look at my playlists and ask if I need to talk
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madebypointlesswords · 9 months
someone psychoanalyse me why does the little voice in my head say ‘we’ instead of ‘I’
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stiflerclause · 1 year
"bbbbbbbut he's the anti-hero jerk from a 1999 comedy!! you can't like him that much!!" SHUT THE UP FUCK YES I CAN Steven Stifler is my blorbo and I have psychoanalysed him SO HARD. Who wants to hear my theories (please i,m desperate)
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thebluemoonlady · 1 year
Ego, Id, and Superego in NBC's Hannibal
Great analysis that I've found recently on youtube 👆🏼 on the as always, compellingly disturbing Dr Lecter.
By exploring the concepts of Freudian psychoanalysis, it provides greater understanding for characters like Alana Bloom (superego) or Dr Bedelia du Maurier (ego). It portrays The Stag Man (Wendigo), symbolic apparition seen by Will Graham as the Freudian id.
Through the analysis we can find out what these specific characters and symbols mean in different stages of the show for Hannibal and his psyche.
Extremely interesting and thought provoking. Definitely deserves more views and likes :)
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zweizimmerzoo · 1 year
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lilmeawmeawblog · 11 months
𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚎𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚊𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚖 𝚝𝚢𝚙𝚎𝚜⛧
🤍𝙴𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚊𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚖 𝟷 : 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚝🦢
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Enneagram 1s in childhood tried hard to be a good kid, they understood that adults expect a lot from them, they are often The Hero , The golden child of the family. Simply being a mere child was not enough for them so they started taking on responsibilities that were better suited for adults and became too serious, mature for their age. As as a kid they may felt like they weren't doing "enough" & often felt very pressured to perform/do what adults expect them to do. The kid learned to exercise extreme self control and understood the dangers of following sudden impulses very early in life. Mostly, there weren't much acknowledgement of their goodness from the adults.
The frustration, resentment that the kid will be experiencing because of early responsibilities, having to exercise extreme self control, the pressure to perform will be denied, invalidated by themselves.
Its likely that they lacked the connection, bonding with the "father figure" ( it can be any "protective adult figure" doesn't always have to be the "father figure") where the "adult figure" somehow failed to provide them the sense of dependability, security in adequate amount. As a result the kids felt the need to "father" themselves. They wanted to become their own moral guide, make rules for themselves, police & punish themselves so that no one else would , they wanted to decide themselves what's wrong and what's right-- these are the ways they followed to decrease their dependence on adult figures and increase their autonomy. Even as a kid they might have felt obligated to fix their chaotic household and bring structure & stability to it.
A E1 kid will surpass your expectations, they will adhere to the rules so well & do things so correctly that you won't be able able to find a fault or error.
A E1 kid they will quickly learn that there is one "true" right way of doing things and their quest for finding out their "own" true right way will begin very early, the kid will always want to find out how they can do the things in a "better" more "perfect" way and may end up criticizing , judging, rejecting the "adult figure" 's methods. The kid will often feel guilty for criticizing the adults, in order to deal with the guilt they will start to build their identity around seeing themselves as more "mature" "responsible" "good" compared to people around them.
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homo-taylorsversion · 2 years
Am I psychoanalyzing my whole family to figure out if their on the spectrum or have ADHD??
Yes, yes I am. And I'm pretty sure they all are. I would go further into detail on their "symptoms" per se but, I don't want to release to much for privacy reasons...
Me: diagnosed autistic and possibly adhd
Dad: autistic
Brother (dad side): diagnosed adhd
Sister (dad side): autistic
Stepsister (dad side): adhd
Stepbrother (dad side): adhd
(their dad has diagnosed adhd. Adhd is genetic... Just saying...)
Stepmom: neurotypical. Your the most normal person here./j
Mom: diagnosed ADHD though she's questioning if she's autistic because how much I infodump to her
Sister (mom side): ADHD
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isjasz · 20 days
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Stellar death
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jonathandaher · 10 months
Congreso de Psicología 2023 ETICA Y CINE
Aprobaron mi escrito para ser publicado en el Congreso de Psicología 2023 este año del Dr. Fariña sobre ETICA Y CINE.
Cuando comience el congreso lo expondré al publico por medio de Zoom. Más adelante compartiré el link para que puedan escucharme!
Estoy muy contento y los invito a leer mi trabajo tomado de mi tesis sobre la Neurosis Obsesiva en relación con la obra de Dostoyevsky "Crimen y Castigo" y a la película rusa “Prestuplenie i Nakazanie” (1970) dirigida por Lev Kulidzhanov.
Les dejo el Link: https://www.eticaycine.org/Crimen-y-Castigo-3769
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papa-osmubal-artworks · 11 months
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Sigmund Freud- an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis. (art: papercutting)
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sabrinalovesyou · 1 year
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“children between the ages 6 and 18 months, identify with their image in a mirror and that this gives the child the jubilant perception of itself as whole and complete, in contrast to the child’s inner experience of being fragmented and disconnected.”
Jacques Lacan
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