#purgatory au
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Caine was a clingy one. He knows how to worm his way to Kinger's heart. Maybe if the other would have stayed, they could have been much, much more?
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nyankolovesbox · 6 months
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Last update for the front page of the Purgatory AU. I'm adding in pomni afterwards but it will kill the anticipation of i keep updating. I am planning to make character profiles afterwards. then I will start drafting the storyline before the voting ends. People keep meowing and I accepted the fact that we all be furries now. Love you guys.
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dashflashy-arts · 11 months
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I am a "Gabriel Agreste doesn't get what he wants" advocate
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lime1991 · 1 month
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some ideas
was thinking about my post regarding the hc/theory of all of the htf characters being dead and in purgatory where they can die over and over again but never stay dead. it started with flippy, then i drew a couple favorites. in my version of this theory:
Flippy is a severely traumatized vet who kills himself after being discharged from the army. His ears ring a lot and he always has a headache. The Fliqpy thing still exists. Lammy, who is schizophrenic, was a serial killer that was sentenced to death via electric chair. She had pleaded with the judge that she wasn't guilty, it was Mr. Pickels who killed all of those animal-people, but clearly that was a delusion. She often twitches because of the electricity in her brain. Cuddles is a victim of medical malpractice, he'd experienced being an unwilling test subject for who knows how long before his body finally gave out. As you can see with the stitches in his head, his brain is damaged, which sometimes leads him to make bad decisions.
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bootleg-sara · 9 months
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It’s twin time, time for twins
Idk what else to say. This is the last of the main designs for the purgatory AU, so that’s pretty cool. Saved my faves for last, completely on accident but what can you do lmao
As usual, the character bios are under the read more. Read if you wish 👍
The boisterous younger brother of Esau. Heaven’s very own bounty Hunter, who specializes in work that requires going into Hell. A rather important job to deal with any potential problems from the less desirable side of the afterlife. He takes great pride in his work and his clean record of jobs well done.
The boisterous younger brother of Esau. Heaven’s very own bounty Hunter, who specializes in work that requires going into Hell. A rather important job to deal with any potential problems from the less desirable side of the afterlife. He takes great pride in his work and his clean record of jobs well done.
Jacob is a passionate individual in anything he does. His confidence makes it seem as if he always knows what he’s doing, even if that’s not so much the case. He’s an intelligent individual as well, much better built for brain work rather than physical. Though he wants to prove that he can be both. Perhaps out of jealousy, or maybe deep rooted fears or not being enough. Either way, he regularly practices sword combat to keep up with the physical demand of his bounty hunter duties.
His conscious is racked with guilt. Most of his achievements are often also prefaced with some kind of misdeed he never forgave himself for. He strives to be a perfect man, something that’s completely unachievable. Any mistake is taken as his own failings as a person and takes everything very personally. Does a great deal of work to make up for his own unanswered sins. Work that is a constant uphill battle when you have to work an eternity without a single misstep.
One of his favorite past times is cooking.
Esau: voice claim- Rock me Amadeus by Falco
The shy older brother of Jacob. A fellow bounty hunter along with Jacob. His work isn’t done as openly confidently as Jacob, but that doesn’t mean he does his job poorly. His raw strength is a great deal of help when dealing with something pure strategy can’t tackle.
Esau is quiet and reserved. Never been much of a talker, would rather listen to someone speak than contribute. He’s a pretty chill guy too. Doesn’t spend a lot of his time going out in crazy adventures or exercise 24/7. He likes to chill in bed and read a nice book, watch the sunset, or hang out with a good friend. His ideal life would be spent relaxing every day without a care in the world. But his duties as a hunter prevent him from living his leisure life. Most of his muscle was left over from his life on earth when he was considerably more active.
Esau’s an understanding man, maybe a bit to much so. He’ll give the benefit of the doubt to nearly anyone. Even if a majority of Heaven doesn’t trust him due to his past sin of a murder. He can be aloof too. Sometimes he can’t be bothered with others and would rather be alone. Esau wants to be a good man, or at least a man worth being in Heaven.
Esau doesn’t have a favorite activity, but he does like practicing his magic. Since it’s not something he’s mastered quite yet.
What’s their relationship like?
Complicated is the best word to describe it. While they do absolutely love each other, being forever forced to live side by side can bring plenty of complications.
Jacob had made a deal with the Archangel Uriel to prevent Esau from ending up in Hell after he learns of his grave sin of murder. Jacob was also very old, his mind not the big power it once was. When they both had died on the same minute, Jacob was horrified to find out that Esau had a chain wrapped around his heart that came from his own chest. To make up for his sin, Esau is to follow around Jacob and follow any orders he gives out. Jacob immediately felt like shit for this. He didn’t think he’d be getting rid of his brother’s autonomy and it eats his mind every day. Esau, while understandably doesn’t like this, also understands Jacob was sincerely trying to help him from a terrible fate in Hell. The chains can be removed, but they will slow drain Jacob’s life and lead to his death. And Esau is damn set on making sure Jacob doesn’t try anything like that. Though Jacob has tried a good few times.
They have a deep brotherly love for one another, even if they also get on each other’s nerves from time to time. There’s nothing that can take away their bound and are each other’s biggest supporters.
That’s it. Maybe an anti climatic end, but there’s not much else to speak of. Unfortunately I don’t see this series being as active as it once was before, but it might get some love now and again.
Now I just need a bit of time to greave what has been lost ✌️
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thru-hexside-n-back · 4 months
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beastkeeper91, here's Amity Wright's death on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving 1985.
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cute-and-undead · 1 year
Purgatory (Closed Rp)
It was a clumsy mistake, one that they didn't know could end so badly. Most people wouldn't let magical items sit next to eachother, but they got careless. So when a potion was knocked onto the bracelet that had been used many a time for dimension travel, they barely had time to realize their mistake before everyone fell unconscious.
Waking up was terrifying for everyone involved; Chase, Marvin, Jackie, and Anti sent into different places completely. Each place was what felt like their worst fears, custom made to make them suffer. And as the hours slowly passed, days began to inch by for the men scattered across their personal purgatory.
Which left them in awful shape. Chase had been in bad shape since the first few hours, having been left alone in the barren and foggy woods. He wasn't sure where he was, where his friends and partner had gone, but now he was cold and alone in a forest that felt endless. So having no choice, he began walking through the trees.
But the more he walked, he quickly figured out that his friends weren't here. Instead were these awful, twisted versions of his friends and family. It felt like they waited for their time to strike, sneaking up on him to attack him and remind him just how worthless he was, how horrible of a person he was.
And that didn't change today, Chase on the dawn of his third day in the forest. He was covered in bruises, slashes, bitemarks - everything that made his body burn in agony. And he was exhausted, feeling like he was dragging himself through the trees.
And then he heard footsteps, and his heart sank into his stomach.
((@http-anti ))
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lucientheartisticfox · 11 months
This art is a bit older, and also part of the Purgatory AU i previously posted about, Devin and Ritchie from it! Devin's an angel and Ritchie's an Incubus. Ash's design of Ritchie actually had less clothing, having a leotard with a swimsuit-like bottom rather than the short-shorts-like bottom that i drew and just generally having skimpier clothing, but also i drew this while i was in school and was not comfortable with drawing him with that little clothing so he got this
Designs are again by @/0n-th3-fl1p-s1d3!
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(from here i am just talking about drawing struggles) Also fun fact i foRGOT HIS TAIL until the lineart stage so it got sketched and lined at the same time. Also his wing lineart got copypasted bc no way was i drawing it again! Took like an entire class (50 minutes) just to line one i'm p sure!
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thebindingofpillo · 1 year
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Aaaaaah I saw my friend @bootleg-sara doing a little dtiys challenge over on Twitter and I wanted to join!! Purgatory!Isaac my beloved… he’s like a nephew to me.
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karkatting · 2 years
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@davekatweek​ day 3 drawing! drew some purgatory au cus i had no other sadstuck ideas. this is technically a break up scene and then karkat goes and gets people killed (on accident)
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They lost their everything. Is it even worth playing these games in the never ending purgatory?
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rainy-nomad · 4 months
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All I do nowadays is start a drawing, go to work, and start a different drawing when I get home, and finish none of them.
Here are some wips... I wonder If I will ever complete another drawing again.
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lazysoftmilk · 6 months
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The design might not like the original Au bc it's my style 😭 pic5:silly Au by me
Pic6: Purgatory Au by
Pic1, 2,4: TADWonderland Au,
TTerribleDC Au, priest/devil TADC Au by
Pic3: swap TADC by
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lammydraws · 5 months
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The worm tilted its head. "I still remember the first time you entered my temple. So small... so scared. My sharp teeth ripped you to shreds, breaking every bone in your body before tearing you apart. Day after day attempted again. I sacrificed countless of my devoted followers. In the end it would have been worth it." He grunts. "One day you did not show up. A day turned into a week, into a month. There was a wish for optimism, but when you returned, there was something different. An anger in your eyes, the devotion you held for your beneficiary... It is not out of the ordinary. Did he promise you companionship, Lamb? Did he promise you love?" A pause. "Death is not capable of love, little lamb. He has only one goal, and he will do anything to achieve it."
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bootleg-sara · 9 months
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It’s been… *checks watch*… nearly 9 months since the last character batch. Oh no
It’s okay though, cause we only got a few more left to do! There’s two more left and we’ll be done! Sorry it’s taken so long to get all these designs out, I kept on get distracted. The future of the Purgatory au is uncertain as my interests have heavily shifted. But I wanted to at least get all the main character designs out.
As usual with my other character batches, I’ll be writing descriptions for them to better show off their character and relation to one another.
No doodles this time, I have a full art piece with them and Jacob and Esau once I post them. But do continue reading for more of their personality!
One fo the few surviving angels from the Garden of Eden. She’s viewed as a very important and prized angel because of her survival. Bethany had a big role to fill, being a beacon of purity and good faith. Her main role is to run the many towns that make up Heaven. As well as help the new souls that recently arrived from earth. Bethany takes her job very seriously and does not accept any distraction when she’s in her zone. Though she’s also less strict than most others in her position, which leads to her being a rather popular leader. Constantly busy with all sorts of different responsibilities with how high her status is.
One fo the few surviving angels from the Garden of Eden. She’s viewed as a very important and prized angel because of her survival. Bethany had a big role to fill, being a beacon of purity and good faith. Her main role is to run the many towns that make up Heaven. As well as help the new souls that recently arrived from earth. Bethany takes her job very seriously and does not accept any distraction when she’s in her zone. Though she’s also less strict than most others in her position, which leads to her being a rather popular leader. Constantly busy with all sorts of different responsibilities with how high her status is.
When she’s not working, she spends most her time training her magic. Secretly, she doesn’t feel connected to her choir of a Virtue. Bethany has a deep love for the stars and loves to study them. And her past of being one fo the few defenders of humans in her Garden days, she feels much more connected to Dominions. She study the stars of space and practices shield magic. While her use is still rudimentary, she prefers to use her protective magic above her cleansing fires. She’s also no stranger to dabbling in “experimental” magic, which has gotten many odd stares from fellow angels. But with how important she is viewed as, no one has the bravery to tell her to stop.
Bethany is also pretty stubborn, it’s hard to shake her iron will. If you only saw her during her working hours, you’d think she was an abrasive know-it-all jerk. She has corrected people plenty of times, it’s usually out of care. Her tone can make that hard to tell with her bluntness sometimes. Her faith can lead to her making decisions against her own desires. She’s a firm believer that losing one will always be better than losing the mass. If her hand is pulled, she’s will through her own friends into the fire to protect the greater good. But if she can avoid such a fate, she absolutely will.
Magdalene: Voice claim: Linger by The Cranberries
The well renown powerhouse of Heaven (ever since Samson was exiled) and gentle giant to the weakened.
Magdalene is a kind person at heart. She’s highly social and loves getting to know people. Her social battery isn’t exactly long, but everyone who has hung out with her describes her as an absolute joy to be around. She likes to spend her time taking part in friendly spars, and surprises her spar mates with just how much strength she has. Her favorite kind of fight is boxing, though she’s dipped her toes in all sorts of different physical activities.
She also have a very strong stance on giving voices to those who can’t speak. Magdalene is not afraid to speak out against the ruling of heaven if she feels they are being unjust. A lot of people are off put by this part of her, feeling it’s a bit overdramatic. No matter what she will passionately stand by her word. She’s gotten a few things done this way too, aiming to help everyone who is in need of it.
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What’s their relationship like?
Magdalene and Bethany have a strained relationship. Magdalene’s want them protect the few and Bethany’s convictions to protect the many has lead to a fair bit of clashing. Magdalene has stood against Bethany actions on multiple occasions. While at one point they may of been able to come to a few agreements, they haven’t done so since the exile of Samson. Magdalene firmly believing he should of been invited in, while Bethany was sure he needed to stay out. They haven’t gotten along since. Only staying civil to avoid having large fights out in the middle of town. All they both want is to make people feel safe, unfortunately they both happen to have very different views on what that looks like.
I don’t have much else to add, enjoy ✌️
Honestly, I’m not very sure how the future of this project is looking. I’ve lost the luster I once had for telling it’s story. Which truly sucks, because there was a good story to tell. But from the lack of a real conclusion to my passion slowly dying out, it’s not looking great. I think I might write a big Google doc of what I did have plan for this au, then soundly put it to rest. It’s terribly bittersweet, but I don’t see myself continuing this for much longer.
Hopefully I can find the same passion with my newer ideas. Meanwhile, thanks for staying
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mmmwafflesart · 5 months
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Zelda Areia for @pluviatrix
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