#purple pinchers
fbwzoo · 9 months
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I gave in to a Craigslist ad that had been up for a couple weeks & met the person yesterday, to take 3 hermit crabs. I thought they were likely pretty small from the ad picture, but two are VERY small - 1/2" to 3/4" shell openings. The biggest is about 1" opening. And of course I JUST gave away all my smaller shells at Crab Con. 🤦 So I already placed a couple orders online, and I'm running to some craft stores after work today.
Despite not being prepared with shells like I should've, I am glad I have extra space and containers. The big baby is quite active and already changed shell once. However, the smallest just molted, and I set them up to finish eating their exo in their original tank. The other small baby has yet to move since I got them, which worries me. But I have 2 more small tanks available if I need to isolate them too! I'm anxious to get home and check on them today.
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happycrabitat · 4 months
Let’s make the hermit crabs dinner!
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charlesiumchumbo · 2 years
Here's my hermit crab tank!! I have 5 crabs rn and about 10 million dairy cow isopods. I want to get some plants in there as well but tbh I'm kind of lazy and executive dysfunction is my greatest enemy.
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My hermit crab Mr. Krabs had a successful molt!
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He was missing parts of his legs and his little claw and he’s regrown them! I’m so happy! No, the critter keeper isn’t his, he has a 20 gal tank. His crabby bros and him are getting a 75 gal soon. I have the tank I just need to get a job to actually buy the stuff to set it up. Btw Mr Krabs was missing those parts when I got him, which means he’s doing much better now, in my care.
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crablits · 1 year
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This is Tiny Turtle. I just remembered that I got her at the end of December, 2012. I'd gotten the 20gal tank for xmas and went to get a couple more crabs once I had it set up.
I've had her for just over ten years now 🤯
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bunnyb34r · 8 months
Scupa had been sitting next to Gurkle waiting for him to wake up/move for almost an hour and the second Gurkle moved, Scupa streeeeeeeetched out and grabbed him
He wanted to play but Gurkle imfamously does not like playing unless HE initiates it 😭 poor guys, communication issues ect
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marinecorvid · 4 months
I miss our (me n my partner’s) indulgent mostly for shipping purposes potc guardian signs au… shenanigans and sincerity in equal bounds
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zumester · 2 years
one of my crabbies
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marlynnofmany · 4 months
Zhee stopped abruptly on the raised pathway, making one of many bug-alien hisses. This one was quiet and annoyed. The annoyed part didn’t narrow things down much for me, since he found many things irritating and wasn’t shy about telling the world about it (whichever world we were on at the time), but the quietness seemed significant.
I was glad I hadn’t bumped into him, and not just because he had the package we were supposed to deliver strapped to his back. (I’d volunteered to hold the thing, but he insisted that I keep my hands free since I only had two feet and was that much more likely to fall into the swamp. I’d wanted to argue that, but didn’t).
“What’s wrong?” I asked in an undertone.
“Them,” Zhee hissed, peering around a tower of sprouting plants and decaying wood that had once been a massive tree. The path curved off in that direction, blocked from view.
I crept forward for a look. Voices murmured. Then something splashed, and people were complaining loudly.
There on the path ahead of us were three Mesmers, all varying shades of gem-bedecked green to Zhee’s purple, waving their pincher arms about in irritation while a Frillian stood to one side with a fancy hovercart full of supplies and a long-suffering expression. The water rippled next to a half-submerged log. I wondered if one of them had thrown something or if a local creature had jumped in. Two of the Mesmers were holding bits of tech that I didn’t recognize from a distance.
Zhee was still hissing. “Why are they here, of all places? Blocking my way instead of getting on each other’s nerves literally anywhere else?”
“Who are they?” I asked. They hadn’t spotted us yet, busy as they were with complaining more than Zhee ever did.
“Rich idiots from my hatching year,” he grumbled. “They are not going to make this interaction pleasant.”
I looked around the swamp, with all its murky water and sparse trees. “We can’t really go around, can we?” The walkway was the only sign of civilization. While it was plenty wide for people to pass each other, even with hovercarts, it was the only one in eyesight. There weren’t even stepping stones.
“No,” Zhee said. “Wading through the water wouldn’t do us any good; we’d still be in sight.”
“I’m not even sure it’s shallow enough to wade through,” I said, eyeballing the water. It had all manner of algae and alien moss floating in it.
“It is,” Zhee told me. “I’ve delivered here before. But they’ll see us either way.”
“What are they even doing?” I asked. It seemed too much to hope that they’d just leave if we waited a few minutes.
Zhee jabbed a pincher into the soft bark of the stump. “Nature photography. Looking for rare specimens with their expensive cameras. Probably on the trail of a Shrieking Tatterwing or Hooting Fungus.”
“There’s a fungus that hoots?”
Zhee angled his antennae into a frown at me. “It’s an animal. Just looks like fungus.”
“Got it.”
Neither of us moved for a moment, just watching the trio of spangly birdwatchers and their assistant who probably wasn’t paid enough to deal with them. They really did argue a lot. As far as I could tell, the three of them were having two different debates at once: whose fault it was that the water creature had fled, and whether the glimpse of a wingbeat in the distance was worth leaving the path to investigate.
That gave me an idea. “Hey, are they likely to go off after a sound they haven’t heard before? Or something they can’t quite place?”
Zhee gave me a look. “Are you thinking of imitating an animal call from your planet?”
“Yeah. Either verbally or—” I leaned over the water to pluck something like a blade of grass from a spray of plantlife. “I can make a pretty sharp bird call with this.”
Zhee’s alien face regarded me, tilting slightly. “How?”
“Like this.” I stretched it taut between my thumbs, in the way I’d learned to do as an outdoorsy kid. There was just enough of a gap between my knuckles. With all my fingers spread wide, I blew through the gap, and it made a piercing shriek that could have been a bird.
The Mesmers looked around; Zhee and I shrank back out of sight. I adjusted the grass and tried again, this time getting a warbly call that sounded like a duck with a stuffy nose.
When I held my silence, I heard a heated debate over what kind of creature had made the sounds, and whether they came from the same one or two different beasts. But the argument wrapped up quickly with the reminded that they really were here to find a Hooting Fungus.
“Knew it,” Zhee said.
“This is worth a shot, then.” I let the grass flutter to the pathway and laced my fingers together into another childhood favorite. With my hands cupped around nothing and as airtight as I could make them, I again blew into the gap between my thumbs, this time just the top half. The air circled through into a satisfying hoot.
They got very excited at that.
“I told you! I caught a glimpse over there!”
“It sounded like it came from more over this way; it must have moved!”
“Hurry, before it moves farther out!”
Two splashes, then a third, and I was grinning in delighted surprise at Zhee. The quiet burble of a hover engine reached my ears as the Frillian took the sensible route off-road after them.
After a few moments, we peeked around the stump. There they went, off into the murk, complaining and shushing each other and aiming their cameras upward. Soon enough they were out of sight behind more trees.
Zhee stepped forward. “Well,” he said. “That was shockingly successful.”
“You’re welcome,” I said happily.
We strolled along the empty pathway, with plenty of time to get our delivery there in time.
Zhee said, “You should make those noises on the ship when no one’s watching. See if they think an animal got in.”
I looked at him in amusement. “You’re only saying that because you already know what it is.”
“Yes,” he said haughtily, which made me laugh.
“I’ll consider it,” I said, already thinking about what other animal calls I could bring out when my alien crewmates least expected.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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aries-rp-corner · 5 months
Rina arrived in Unova, looking up to the big city known to all the locals as Castelia. She honestly felt intimidated by such tall buildings and larger crowds of people, she knew Orre was small with its towns and cities, but this was a whole new level.
“I wonder how Baron and Aries adapted to this…. I’m honestly feeling dizzy…” Rina spoke sickly as she stood aside to get air. Taking in breaths to calm herself and to gain her senses… “Okay, I’m good now… wonder where they are.” Rina began to walk forward to the Main Street, looking around to see the city truly alive.
“Rina!” A voice called to her, looking over to see Baron. He quickly ran up to her and held her close, as he felt his wife’s embrace as well. “I hope you were okay, I get the big city is a whole new jungle.”
“I agree, say where is Aries? Is the organization holding her down?” Rina asked with worry, making Baron form a sad smile.
“Yeah, she is needed as a guard on deck. Luckily, she does know you are coming, but she doesn’t know you just arrived..~ So why not surprise her?” Baron’s smile gleamed with joy, making Rina laugh at her husband- until feeling a sharp darkness within the city and a feeling they are being watched. Making Baron quick put her down as he looked where she was. “Who ever this is, they had to ruin it…” Baron growled out. “Hurry, we’ll be safe where Aries is at.”
He held onto her hand as the two quickly began to make their way to the Frigate. Baron was mostly concerned for his wife’s and daughter’s safety, unfortunately they found themselves crossing paths with an…Abra? Holding out its small claws as it grabbed the two and teleported them deeper in the city… meeting Them.
Rina looked over to see the Peon, Dim Sun, and the Pinchers. Angry and ready to throw down if needed. “D-Dim Sun and Pinchers?! You all were supposed to be disbanded!”
“Oh we were, until Kane and Mira offered us to reclaim what was supposed to be ours..” A voice spoke, making Baron look over in time to see an controlled Gallade pushing him away with Psychic. Now seeing the new leader of the Pinchers.
“P-Purple Eyes?! I thought you died in a pit somewhere!” Baron barked with anger, causing Purple to huff in annoyance.
“No, I was running from the law. Still amazing to see two out of the three heroes who took down Team Olethros. Still ashamed for what happened to your-”
“L-Leader! Watch out!” One minion spoke out, as Rina took out her blade and was able to cut a new scar onto Purple Eyes. Causing the man to yelp in pain.
“Release my husband and leave us be. I won’t hesitate to feed you to the Pokémon who live in this city!” Hissed out Rina, until feeling another presence and energy, quickly dodging a Thunder Wave from an Eelectross.
“My my, so this is an Empath. Not only you felt my presence, but an attack as well? No wonder your brat is this danger against Cipher.” Spoke a man with shades with a symbol from Dim Sun, causing Rina to be on edge more.
“You… Kincaid wasn’t it? I don’t want to know how you got out, but you all will be placed back! And better watch that disgusting mouth of yours about my daughter!” She held her blade up while Baron tried to break free as he secretly is struggling to pull out a spell card.
“Oh why on edge? There is no need to-” Before the man can finish, Kincaid felt a piece of his hair fall. Looking over to Rina with a now death glare. “Why you! Eelectross! Bind her down!” Commanded Kincaid, as the controlled Pokémon dashed over and wrapped Rina. Even delivering its Thunder Wave to prevent her from moving, yet to all surprise she didn’t scream, but she did let go of her blade as it fell to the ground as she fainted from the attack.
“RINA!” With burning rage fueling his might, Baron tapped a Dazzling Gleam card as the freed him from the Psychic, and stun the Eelectross. Scooping up his wife as he made a run for it, causing both Dim and Pinchers to chase after them. After a good distance, Baron send out Goggles to aid them. “Girl! I need you to fly us out of here, ASAP!”
With no hesitation, she obeyed as the three made their escape…or so they thought. Baron looked back to see the same Pinchers from the night before returned. “You are not getting away this time!” One barked as their leader joined them.
“I’ll take control of his Flygon, try to capture them! We need them alive!” Purple Eyes commanded, causing Baron to be worried.
“I’m not letting them take you all. Goggles, take Rina to Aries. I’ll hold them off!” He got up and looked back to their pursuers, throwing out another Pokémon, as his Salamence roared out angrily at his foes. “Ragna! Let’s show them what we can do in the skies!” He looked back one last time as he gave the rest of his Pokémon to her. “You’ll find us… I know you all can.” He smiled warmly as he with his Salamence fought while Goggles take Rina to safety.
Aries meanwhile, was indeed on deck patrol to keep an eye out for anything… and she spotted something alright.. “Goggles?… Usually dad would-” Her thoughts stopped as she sees her unconscious mother, now fearful as she ran over to Goggles. “What happened?! Where is dad?!” Tears quickly formed as she looked over to her mother. “Mom?! Are you okay?! What happened?! Mom!!” Aries cried out, yet it stopped as she looked over to the skies as she felt a fight is going…yet one felt worried and the other fighting for resistance. “What happened?…”
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turochamp · 7 months
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crabitat critiques? !!!
i was recently acquired four ~1 inch shelled hermit crabs. I work at a pet store, and it was someone coming in at close with them and saying they had nowhere else to go.
This 29 gallon was my cornsnake's baby bioactive enclosure (no isopods!). The coconut fiber is all new, but I left the drainage layer of hydroballs in there. There's a beatup pothos in there and 6 inches of dirt on the higher side (once I have sand it'll be 6" all around). Heat mat and screen lid.
I'm going to get a hygrometer and glass lid, play sand, sphagnum moss, a hamster saucer, and more appropriate shells (i have 7 in there, but many are too small or large, as they were just what I had onhand)
Any other suggestions? They're all purple pinchers and two are in painted shells. I will be going overbudget for the little guys already tho so a bigger tank won't happen for a while.
I've considered asking my responsible pet knowledgable friends if they'd like to adopt a pair of them so its less crowded in my 29gal, but is splitting them into groups of 2 advisable?
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fbwzoo · 19 days
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First up, I got downstairs to feed the crabs before my dinner. They got their usual buffet dish with foods from our favorite stores - Just 2 Old Crabs primarily, but also from BioactiveFX1 and Mary's store, EarthWaterFireStudio.
I added their oil well dish with olive oil, avocado oil, sunflower seed oil, and hemp seed oil. They also got a dish with oil based foods from Just 2 Old Crabs, and as you can see, that was an instant winner! There were 5 crabs crowded around it when I looked after dinner - #5 scuttled off to hide from me in the shell shop immediately. 😂
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happycrabitat · 7 months
Gilbert changing shells, not once but twice!
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charlesiumchumbo · 2 years
morning meeting
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Sunny or Thor looking HEALTHY! Look at those legs! not as fat as I want but we’re getting there! (They’ve both survived their first Molts with me!)
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crablits · 2 years
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Look who finally came up from molting! It's been a while!
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