makoodles · 1 year
🍓pairing: tonowari x human!reader x ronal
🍓tags: nsfw, interspecies relationship, somnophilia, thigh-fucking, thigh-riding, size kink, threesome, soft femdom (ronal)
🍓word count: 3.7k
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At first, you’re not entirely certain what’s pulled you from sleep. 
Since you had started living with Ronal and Tonowari in their marui, you’ve been sleeping like the goddamn dead. Sure, you may miss Earth pillows and foam mattresses, but you could never have expected the sheer comfort of being all wrapped up in the arms of two Na’vi almost twice your size as they purr comfortingly to ease you sleep. They’re always so warm, and they hold you so gently that you feel like something rare and precious.
You don’t think you’ve ever been so comfortable in your life. Even as you blink awake sleepily in the middle of the night, you find yourself all encased in hazy warmth – you’re curled up on your side facing Ronal, with Tonowari plastered against your back. It’s their favourite position; there’s little they enjoy more than having your small soft warmth all safe between them.
You mumble sleepily as you half-raise your head, brow creased as you try to figure out what’s just woken you. You blink rapidly, reaching automatically for Ronal in front of you – she snuffles, still asleep herself, and shifts closer to you.
At first, you think perhaps you’ve woken up because it’s hot in the marui. You’ve always enjoyed the tropical climate of Pandora, but when you’re pressed in between two big sweaty bodies like you are right now it can get a little overwhelming. You shift a little, closing your eyes again, and lay your head back down on Ronal’s shoulder. It’s a little too warm, but you’re reluctant to pull away from them. You like feeling them all pressed tight against you, and you hum quietly to yourself as you press your face into Ronal’s neck.
 In doing so, you pull slightly away from the searing heat of Tonowari plastered against your back. The sudden lack of hot skin against your back provides temporary comfort as cool night air hits the newly exposed skin, but it doesn’t last long. 
Within seconds, Tonowari is all pressed up against you again. You can hear his soft snuffling breaths as one of his big arms winds around your waist, but that’s not what has your eyes shooting open all over again.
Tonowari is hard. His hips are pressed right up against your ass, the thickness of his erection rocking steadily and insistently into you. The base of your spine is a little sticky, and you realise that the head of his cock is grinding into the exposed skin of your back and leaking little trails of precome all over you.
“Oh!” You breathe, eyes widening.
This is hardly the first time you’ve had the heavy weight of him grinding up into you like this. 
He’s always seemed to love rubbing against both you and Ronal any chance he can get during the daytime. Ronal has always embraced this with an eyeroll and a sly smile, throwing her head back when he ducks his face into her neck and humps up against her backside. It became clear that this was just something Tonowari did – he would steal away moments with you or Ronal (or both of you) throughout the day, pulling you to the side away from prying eyes and grinding his clothed erection against you as a sort of very temporary stress relief.
It had taken a while for you to get used to it – he’s strong, and when he grinds into you he damn near knocks you clean off your feet. Whenever you grind back into him he'll loop his arm around your waist and keep you in place so he can dry-hump your ass for the few brief moments he manages to snatch with you before he has to break away from you in order to calm down. The way he turns near-mindless when he gets horny like that is impossibly heady, and it goes straight between your legs.
But this is the first time you’ve experienced him this way at night. 
You crane your head around in an attempt to catch a glimpse of him, and you’re surprised to find that his eyes are closed and his jaw is slack. He’s still asleep.
“Tonowari-” You begin to whisper, but then his hips surge again and your words are lost beneath the sound of his breathy, sleepy whine.
The next time his hips rock gently against you, you let out a soft little moan of your own. The long line of his body is so soft yet so firmly muscled, so large as he curves around you. The heat of him is almost overwhelming, and you squeeze your eyes shut as you feel the stiffness of his erection pressing into the plush skin of your ass.
When you hazily blink your eyes back open again, you’re startled to find wide blue eyes already watching you. Ronal has woken up, and is watching your face with rapt attention.
“He is so hungry for you, little thing.” She whispers, one of her big fingers coming up to stroke over your cheek.
“I’m sorry.” You gasp stupidly, right as Tonowari rumbles sleepily and humps up into you again.
Ronal glances down, her sharp eyes taking in every movement. “What for?”
“Waking you up.” You whisper, a little nervous that she’s going to be annoyed at you.
“Oh,” She coos, cupping your face with her palm. “You think this is the first time I have been awoken like this? Our boy is so greedy, isn’t he?”
“He’s- I just-” You start, but Ronal’s hand trails from your face down to your chest, and cups at your breasts.
Your human underwear is so damn skimpy, but it’s the most comfortable thing for you to wear at night. Ronal pulls your bra down and out of the way as though she has a grudge against it, baring your tits. You let out a shaky breath as her long, strong fingers grope at you, squeezing gently but insistently at their soft squishiness.
“Shouldn’t we wake him up?” You whisper, reaching out to clutch at Ronal’s shoulders. You are suddenly, breath-takingly relieved that the kids sleep in a separate, adjoining section to the marui so that they’re not witness to this.
“And take away his fun?” Ronal purrs, her chest rumbling as she presses up closer to you. “No. Can’t you feel how happy he is?”
You certainly can. His happiness is currently rutting into you so insistently that your panties are giving you the nastiest wedgie, and when you squirm it only serves to wind him up even more.
He grunts, all sleepy and hoarse as he humps so slowly and leisurely into the plumpness of your ass. You shiver, the heat between you all ratcheting up as your sweat-slick skin slides against each other.
When Ronal’s lips brush against your forehead above the edge of your breathing mask, you shudder hard. Her thumb strokes over your nipple, purring in delight when it firms up under the pad of her finger. When her other hand trails down and dips into your panties, you let out a very quiet whine as her long fingers rub experimentally along the slickness that’s begun to collect in your cunt.
“Oh, needy thing.” You can hear the biting smile in Ronal’s voice even if you can’t see it, your face pressed flat into her chest. “You’re just as bad as our Tonowari, aren’t you?”
“Please.” You gasp, clutching at her shoulders. Her breasts are firm beneath your face, nowhere near as soft as human tits, and you press eagerly against her as she touches you. “Ronal, please-”
“Shh, shh.” She coos, her sharp teeth ghosting over your temple as she grins. “Come here.”
You trust your two big Na’vi to make you feel good in whatever way they can, so you eagerly allow Ronal to maneuver you into whatever position she wants. You’re not fully expecting her hands to land on the softest part of your thighs and to lift it, allowing the thickness of Tonowari’s cock to slide between your legs.
The rumbly purr that tears its way out of Tonowari’s chest when Ronal sets your leg back down vibrates right into you, and you gasp softly when Tonowari’s hips jolt right up against your ass. 
“Press your little legs together.” Ronal whispers to you, squeezing at your tit. “Oh, that’s it. See how much he enjoys your softness?”
The moan Tonowari lets out sounds like a soft snore as he presses rigid cock into the tight space between your thighs. Everything is so slick and hot as he rolls his hips into you, his cockhead poking out from between your legs as he ruts into your thighs. 
“Fuck, he’s a heavy sleeper.” You choke out, your breathing stuttering a little.
Ronal laughs, soft and breathy, and leans back to watch the view. She looks very appreciative, grinning wryly as she watches her husband’s cock working between your legs. You know she enjoys how small you are, and she especially enjoys being able to take charge during interactions like this, maneuvering you like a damn doll exactly as she wants.
“Yes,” She agrees, her voice impossibly fond. “He is, isn’t he?”
After a moment or two, Tonowari grunts softly from behind you, and you feel his large paw of a hand landing on your hip. In front of you, Ronal’s eyes flick over your head and she grins at the sight of her mate behind you.
“Oh,” Tonowari rumbles, and his hips give a rough hump into yours. “Oh, my loves-”
His voice is all gravelly from sleep, and he whines deep in the back of his throat as he uses his grip on your hips to pull you back into him, your back all plastered against his front.
“Look who’s awake.” Ronal coos, her lips all peeled back off her teeth in a cool, condescending grin. “You have worked our little demon up something terrible. Look at her.”
You have no idea if Tonowari is looking at you or not, because Ronal has pushed herself up on her elbows and is pushing insistently at Tonowari’s shoulder. He chuckles, all throaty and deep as he allows his wife to arrange the three of you. Ronal forces him to roll over onto his back, ensuring that you roll with him.
You’re all laid out on your own back across his chest, breathing heavily as his hips twitch against you. His cock is leaking, smearing wet precome all over the inside of your thighs. You moan quietly, moving yourself against his cock in an attempt to grind your clit on him.
“Ronal,” You whine, turning your head towards her. “I want to-”
She just hums, clearly not listening, and drops her head so that she can press a biting kiss to the swell of your left tit. In the same moment Tonowari fucks up in between your thighs in earnest, leaving you gasping like an idiot.
With a quiet swear, one of Tonowari’s hands reaches up to grab at the tit that Ronal isn’t currently sucking kisses on, and he kneads at it like a damn cat. His mouth is open, pressed to your skin, and you can feel his hot breath condense as he pants against your neck. Cautiously, you squeeze the inner muscles of your thighs tight together and Tonowari cries out, holds you harder.
Ronal sucks one last bruising kiss into the tender skin just under your nipple, clearly delighting in the way you shudder under her attention, before pulling back. It seems like she just wants a chance to look again, because her beautiful eyes trail over your body. Her gaze lingers on your breasts, currently being pushed up by the bra that she’s pushed under your tits, then lower still to where her husband’s cock is jutting out from between the soft plush flesh of your thighs.
It seems like looking isn’t enough for Ronal anymore, because she shoves herself up quickly, the swift movement causing the hammock to rock precariously. She hardly even seems to notice, too busy swinging her leg over one of Tonowari’s thighs.
“And you tease me for being needy, beloved.” Tonowari says, though his voice sounds strained with arousal as his wife settles herself over the tense muscle of his thigh.
“Hush.” Ronal says, though not ungently. “You caused this. Let me take my relief, hm?”
She’s facing you, so you get a truly wonderful view as she begins to grind her cunt against Tonowari’s flexing thigh. You moan softly, watching with widened eyes even as Tonowari takes a hold of your hips and continues to thrust between your thighs.
Ronal smiles, sharp and pretty, as she watches you watching her. Maybe it’s because she’s aware of your stare, but her movements begin to turn a bit coquettish – all sly flicks of her hips and an undulating spine as her head tosses back. It feels as though she’s putting on a little show just for you, and you drink it in eagerly.
“Oh,” You sigh, tilting your head back into Tonowari’s throat before reaching back and winding your fingers into his soft, oiled curls as he moans inarticulately against your neck.
Ronal laughs, as though the sight of you and Tonowari so desperate and wanting is just impossibly amusing. She tilts her head with a tiny smile as she watches Tonowari’s rigid cock appear and disappear between your thighs like it’s something adorable, before reaching out and allowing her fingers to trail over the swollen purple head.
“Ronal,” He grunts, his fingers clenching tight around your hips as he stills. “You must not- you will make me come-”
“Is that not what you wanted?” She asks, her eyes widening in a challenge as she looks down at him. “Is that not why you were grinding so shamelessly into our tawtute? You even woke her up.”
Tonowari whines shamelessly, before his head drops back against the hammock. As if he can’t help himself, he rocks his hips – the movement drags the length of his cock between your legs and grinds the head of his cock into Ronal’s palm. 
She smirks, as though he’s just done exactly what she expected, before she looks towards you. “See how desperate he is, vrrtep?”
“Yes,” You choke out, trying not to sound too pathetic as you writhe against Tonowari’s dick, squeezing your thighs and making him snarl. “I see.”
“Demon,” He growls, his voice coming out in a bass register and making you quake at the sound. “You are so soft-”
“Oh fuck, oh fuck,” You breathe, fire curling in your groin as you buck your hips.
“Ronal,” Tonowari warns, his voice coming out all gritty and rough. “If you don’t stop-”
It doesn’t seem as though Ronal is listening; she’s palming at the head of his swollen, leaking cock insistently, clearly taking immense pleasure from watching the way his hips jerk. He must be terribly sensitive, because he ducks his face into your throat and whimpers softly as he grabs at your tits with both hands, using his grip there to pull your back tight against his chest.
“What do you think, small thing?” Ronal asks, looking to you with her usual sharp smile. “Should we let him come?”
You’re all caught up in admiring the way the skin around her eyes crinkles when she smiles, the way her breasts are heaving as she breathes. She looks so eager, her eyes all bright and hungry as she waits for your answer, and you find yourself sharing her excitement; she is in charge right now, but it feels as though she’s sharing some of that power with you.
Beneath you, Tonowari lets out some kind of soft, garbled sound that sounds like a plea, though it’s muffled in the sweaty skin of your neck. His hips are still moving restlessly, fucking in between your thighs and up into Ronal’s waiting palm. Ronal was right – he is greedy.
“Yes,” You breathe, arching your back and pushing your chest into the rough calluses of his hands. “Yes, I want him to come.”
“She’s so kind, ‘Wari,” Ronal coos, her smile turning wicked as she rotates her wrist, her palm dragging all over the sensitive head of his cock. “Isn’t she?”
“Mmm,” Tonowari’s lips drag over your throat, and he uses his grip to pull you up higher on his chest, man-handling you into a better position for him to fuck your thighs. “Such a sweet thing, we’re so lucky.”
As he’s working his cock in and out between your soft thighs, Ronal strokes the head of his erection relentlessly, even as Tonowari begins to let out quiet gasps. It sounds as though he’s beginning to grow oversensitive, but he can’t stop humping his hips – he’s just so hungry, so desperate. 
You grunt softly yourself, grinding eagerly on his cock and leaving slick trails along his length. The quiet little sounds he’s making are so arousing, your brain going all fuzzy and stupid – the marui is already so hot, but now you feel as though you’re burning up.
When he shivers beneath you, you know he’s about to break apart. Your thighs flex around his cock, and he lets out a sharp growl as he bucks up in between the softness of your legs. Your skin is dewy from the heat of the marui and Tonowari’s persistently leaking cock, which makes the slide easy. Everytime he fucks up in between your legs, the friction drags deliciously along the length of your cunt and nudges at your clit – it feels good, but it’s nowhere near enough. 
You wriggle in an attempt to get more friction against you, touching just right, and Ronal grins as she rides Tonowari’s thigh. She looks so sly, and even blows you a kiss as she works her cunt against her husband’s leg. Beneath the two of you, Tonowari is grunting and jerking his hips up as though the two of you are completely overwhelming him. 
“Tonowari,” You gasp, reaching back to tangle your fingers into the roots of his hair and tugging. “Please, please-”
Your begging seems to affect him more than you’d expect, because he lets out a strangled sort of sound in your sweaty neck. Ronal’s lips curve up as she watches, her sharp teeth poking out as she bites at her lower lip.
“She is asking so sweetly.” Ronal purrs, her chest rumbling as she leans forward on Tonowari’s thigh for a better look at his face. “Go on, ‘Wari. Give it to her.”
Tonowari does as she says; he grabs at your hips with his big hands and uses his grip there to physically jerk your body up and down as he fucks up into your thighs. He’s using you like a goddamn doll, and all you can do is reach behind you and hold onto his hair for balance. It’s clear he’s not going to last long, because you can feel his teeth bared against your shoulder as he grunts.
After only another moment, Tonowari makes an impossibly deep growling noise, primal and possessive and so fucking hot, and then his cock twitches like it’s got a mind of its own. You can feel the moment that he hurtles completely over the edge. He shoves his cock as deep as he can get between your thighs and then he’s crying out as he begins to empty himself all over the soft sensitive skin of your legs. 
He keeps rocking into the channel of your thighs, a thick load of come spurting all over you. It leaves you feeling absolutely filthy, and you gasp desperately as Ronal leans forward to watch him with a mean little smile. Her eyes are sharp, and she watches every movement and whimper as his hips keep slapping into your ass with every thrust. Your thighs clench around him eagerly, relishing the pressure against you and earning a throaty snarl from Tonowari.
But then, horrifyingly, he begins to still; it seems like your squishy thighs and Ronal’s unrelenting caresses to his cock is leading to some oversensitivity. He grunts a little, his hips twitching away from Ronal’s hand and back into the safe cradle of your thighs.
“No, fuck! Keep going,” You plead, tilting your head back into the crook of his neck in an attempt to catch a glimpse of his face. “Please-”
Ronal laughs, so quiet and breathy that it’s an easy thing to miss. It always seems to go to her head a little when you get desperate like this, and even more so when Tonowari gets all overstimulated and limp.
When you try to keep grinding yourself along his length, so damn desperate for any kind of friction against your clit now that Tonowari has got you so damn worked up, he lets out an overwhelmed sort of grunt and grabs at your hips to keep you still.
Ronal clicks her tongue, before reaching out and taking a hold of your wrist. Her fingers are large enough that they wrap all the way around, but she’s gentle as she tugs you up off of Tonowari’s chest and into her arms.
“He’s all worn out,” She whispers into your ear as though she’s sharing a secret. “Men, hm?”
Her hand dips down, into the damp cotton of your panties. Your franticness begins to bleed away into pure eagerness – there’s two of them, after all, and you know you’ll be taken care of. Ronal leans over your shoulder and presses a nipping kiss to your neck, her textured tongue laving over the skin there.
As you gasp and push yourself into Ronal’s hands, Tonowari lets out a soft grunt. It seems as though he’s taking a moment to recover himself, but he’s still trying to sit up as he peers over at the two of you, trying to get a good look at the way Ronal is playing with you.
Ronal catches him looking, and grins.
“Take a deep breath, my love.” She coos, adjusting you in her arms so that you’re all splayed out in her lap, giving Tonowari a much better view of her hand moving in your panties. “You have two women to please, and we are not tired yet.”
Tonowari lets out a playful groan, before pushing himself up in earnest. Ronal has issued him a challenge, and he’s not going to rest until his two mates are fully satisfied. He’s the one that had woken the two of you up, after all.
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musingsofareadhead · 9 months
Hi yes hello :)
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I’d like to humbly offer these edits to @hinataashoyos ! Her writing is incredible and I took some of the sentences she wrote for these edits. Hope you like ‘em <3
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Good loving
Sharp edges
Never a burden
Prove to you
Protection duty
Cupids chokehold
Nerves talking
The hearts that bind us
Kavuk si
Jake Sully
Sex Education
Missed lessons
Do I not treat you well?
Pxelo (+Ronal)
Helping friends
Squeeze it apart
Best friends brother
Tough lover
Best friends mother
My unruly heart
Girls like girls
Love advice
Miles Quaritch
Technical difficulties
Sweet surrender
Eywa has decided
Daddy issues
Sinner and Saint
Lyle Wainfleet
Help me
Hopelessly devoted to you
Late night feels
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neytirirecs · 1 year
as a big avatar fan since the 2009 film i’m so excited to see more fics and art being created based on the series, there’s been an overwhelming amount written lately so i decided to put some of the fics i’ve read and enjoyed all in one master list!
mostly nsfw :,) mdni!
fics are colour coded to make it easier to find what you want ♡ - fluff, angst, nsfw, platonic
will be updating as time goes on and i read more!
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Jake Sully ˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷
just a scratch f
My little girl p
Just around the river bend p
his family p f
Home is wherever i’m with you a
Falling… for you. f nsfw
Mary Jane (All Night Long) nsfw
Then let’s get it done nsfw
My mate nsfw
Afterglow ft Neytiri nsfw
folklore - not complete
wasteland - not complete
Neytiri ˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷
i love you, daughter p a
“Nga yawne lu oer” f
Sweet little secrets f
Beads f
Show me nsfw
Pretty Girl nsfw
Between ft. Ronal nsfw
On your body ft. Ronal nsfw
Afterglow ft Jake nsfw
Tsu’tey ˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷
In sickness and in health f
Together Forever f
Unwanted f
Open Arms f
A heartfelt wish f
I am yours nsfw
NEED. nsfw
the calm before the storm
fire of souls part 1 - enemies to lovers
tìtunu part 1 part 2 part 3 nsfw
Tonowari ˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷
Pxelo ft. Ronal nsfw
Ronal ˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷
Pxelo ft. Tonowari nsfw
Between ft. Neytiri nsfw
On your body ft Neytiri nsfw
OC in Avatar ˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷
If you feel lonely i could be lonely with you Sully reader x Na’vi OC f
try harder Reader x Na’vi OC nsfw
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anemonelovesfiction · 6 months
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✨ Merry Ficmas ✨
Please don’t feel discouraged if I haven’t posted your works, I actually had a hard time dwindling my list down! Click on the titles if the works interest you guys, I made sure it was hyperlinked to the correct stories!
Hope you guys enjoy making your lists as much as I did!
Don’t forget to use the #AvatarFicmas2023
Recommended Monogamous Works
1. Any of @oakbuggy’s are work’s including Neteyam and Flora is a chef’s kiss from me!
2. “God of War” by @shit-i-say-shit-i-think (Rotxo x Ash Na’Vi reader)
3. “Lovingly Yours” by @neteyamssyulang (Kiri x human female mate)
4. “The Moon” by @live-laugh-neteyam (Neteyam x human reader) angst, grab some tissues.
5. “Addicted to You” by @pandoraslxna (Lo’ak x human reader)
Recommended Poly-ship Works
1. “Growing in Eywa” by @shit-i-say-shit-i-think (Rotxo x Ao’nung x Human female reader) -This one is a series-
2. “Pxelo” by @makoodles (Tonowari x Ronal x Human reader) -This was my first liked post on tumblr-
3. “My Our Little Play Thing” by @blue-sadie (Neteyam x human fem reader x Lo’ak)
4. This concept of Tsutey, Jake, and Neytiri being in a poly relationship by @333desire333 (not the actual work I was looking for, They have one where they draw all the kids)
Pairing(s) I Wish Was Written More Of
Kiri x Reader (Human or Na’Vi)
Rotxo x Reader (Human or Na’vi)
Tsireya x Reader (Human or Na’vi)
Jake x Tsutey
Lo’ak x Ao’nung
Tsireya x Neteyam
Jake x Neytiri x Reader (Human or Na’Vi)
Lo’ak x Tsireya x Reader (Human or Na’Vi)
Keep in mind, this last little bit (Paring(s) I wish was written more of) Will be something you take from someone else’s list and write a fic or make artwork on and post it on the 25th of December as a christmas present. Don’t forget to tag the person you are writing the little fanfic for! And since I don’t expect many people to participate in this I will be writing as many fics as I can (Which is why I’m not participating in other fun and exciting writing contests) but the only drawings I can do are stick figures
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makoodles · 1 year
Hear me out,
Belly bulges. Imagine Tsu'tey seeing how much of himself had gotten into you losing focus and tail swishing with some kind of pride
Or Tonowari not being the first to notice it until Ronal slightly traced on the shape with amused twitches of her ears
ronal LOVES tracing the shape of her husband's cock when he's inside you. it feels so intimate, as though she's inside you too. she'll stroke soft little patterns across your lower stomach and press sweet little kisses just over where tonowari's thick cock is making your little belly swell.
"sweet, sweet girl." she'll murmur, grinning against your skin as you mewl and grab for you hand. "taking it so well."
it sends tonowari nuts too, because he loves watching his cock spread you open. getting to watch ronal press kisses just over your womb as you sob and squirm beneath them has his cock pulsing.
it's a thrill for all three of you. ronal's soft touches aren't inherently sexual, and yet they send your head spinning just as intensely as the feeling of wari's cock driving into the sensitive walls of your cunt.
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makoodles · 1 year
your ronal/tonowari works have me rotting at the brain thinking of them and i now have a massive hatred for the masks humans need i like to think if for some reason the reader doesn’t use it - whether they take ronal and tonowari to a the labs they used to live in or some new mask thats significantly less bulky thats lets the couple kiss their newest addition more freely. i think ronal is easy to get addicted to it, her human’s lips are so soft just like the rest of them is and she finds tracing the lines of their teeth to be satisfying - humans lack the sharp fangs that they na’vi have and ronal would be a liar if the physical reminder of how weak you are didn’t excite her
tonowari is a big teddy bear who's willing to work around your little breathing mask requirement as best he can, but ronal hates that goddamned mask with her entire being
ronal and tonowari are reluctant to allow a human outpost to be built in awa'atlu, but they allow it all the same. it's only when they're brought inside the first time and their little human takes off the mask for the first time in their presence that they realise what this actually means. and damn, if their world isn't rocked by the realisation that they actually have access to your mouth for the first time.
after that, they linger around the outpost all the damn time for the most ridiculously transparent reasons. sometimes they don't even have an excuse; they just sit there, so big in the tiny space as they block the norm and max from going about their business.
they have no shame. as far as they're concerned, this little sky demon outpost has been built in their territory, and that means that they have some authority here. as such, they don't give a fuck if they're causing a scene or disrupting things when they take the opportunity to spend time with you unmasked.
that involves stroking your weird little blunt teeth, your pliant lips, the soft, squishy insides of your mouth. there's something about the lack of sharp teeth that is just thrilling for them.
[nsfw below]
they abuse their new ability to kiss you, like a lot. tonowari loves to pull you into his lap and lay deep, passionate kisses on you as he runs his hands all over your soft, squishy body. if norm and max haven't evacuated the outpost all ready, you can be damn sure they're doing it now.
ronal's kisses are a little sharper; she alternates between soft and sweet little pecks and hot, biting kisses where it feels as though she's trying to eat you alive.
between the two of them, they're more than eager to put your little mouth to work.
ronal's tails swishes with poorly concealed excitement the first time they manage to get you undressed and unmasked, naked on the cheap little bunk that's been set up for you in the back of the prefabricated building. the opportunity for them to lay kisses all over your body and to have those same kisses returned? it nearly sends them wild.
there's something so exciting about the sight of you nestled between ronal's thighs, sucking on her clit as best you can. the sight really gets tonowari going as well; the sight of his two girls pleasuring each other makes him feel as though he could come right there on the spot.
even better is when both you and ronal are both laying between his legs, using your hot wet mouths on him. he'll be panting and groaning the whole time as you and ronal alternate positions.
you can hardly fit his cock in your much smaller mouth, so you make do with suckling on the sensitive head while ronal holds his hips down so that he can't hurt you by accidentally bucking into your mouth. then you and ronal will swap around, and while she takes his cock into her throat properly, you'll be licking insistently at tonowari's poor, swollen balls where they're weighed down by his thighs.
usually, tonowari's stamina is damned impressive, but to have both his girls (that he adores so damn much) suckling at him like that? he'll damn near explode.
neither you or ronal will mind if he comes quickly. in fact, that's the goal, really. because once he's emptied his balls the once, he'll be ready to go again and give you his all.
besides, in the meantime while he's catching his breath for round 2, you and ronal can just entertain each other
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makoodles · 1 year
Ok I can’t help but wonder what would happen if Ronal and Tonowari actually took it slow with the reader?? 🧐
I feel like Na'vi courting and mating rituals are actually quite intricate, and often follow a lot of unspoken rules. They're so damn expressive -- their features lend themselves to non-verbal communication with their big eyes, felin ears, and long tails. So much of their body language would go clean over your head - not because you're stupid, but because humans just don't talk like that. Our micro-expressions are usually expressed through our eyes, mouth, and eyebrows, but the Na'vi don't have eyebrows. Just because of the simple, basic differences, you would miss a lot of the cues that they would be putting down.
If we're going by the events in pxelo, the first thing you notice is the staring. But naturally, that's all you notice - you don't see how their wariness wanes over time and begins to change into pupils dilated in interest, or how their tails are lifted and coiling with interest.
When Tonowari walks by the marui every goddamn day, you just assume he's coming to talk to Jake about whatever warrior business they usually discuss. It would take you a pretty long time to notice that Jake is usually gone when he wanders past, and that whenever he starts to hover it's around you alone. It's only natural that you interpret that as him mistrusting you around the children and the village in general, isn't it?
When Ronal brings you fruit to make sure that you're eating properly, it's perfectly understandable that you assume the gift is actually for Neytiri, like a sort of peace offering. It doesn't occur to you that she's trying to display her skills as a provider, because why would it?
If they were to take it slow, their next step would be increased touches. Any self-respecting Na'vi would recognise these touches for what they are instantly. They might lay a hand on your head as they pass by, lingering around your hair. Perhaps they lay a lingering touch on your waist or shoulder as they're walking around you. You just assume they're trying to move you out of the way.
Eventually, they'll be forced to step up their game. Tonowari is loving the challenge - it's new and exciting, and he spends a significant portion of his days speculating about the best way to catch your attention. Ronal is loving it less - she's beginning to grow frustrated. She hates not knowing where she stands with someone; she knows that you have some sort of interest in them (you're staring back at them, after all! you care for their children and watch over them when they are not around!), but she just can't figure out why you're so reluctant to accept their advances.
When they finally progress into proper courtship gifts, something is going to twig with you. After all, why would this big alien married couple be gifting such pretty shells and jewellery and hair ornaments to a creature they call a demon? Don't they hate you? Don't you disgust them?
maybe you'll go to jake and neytiri for advice, or maybe you'll ask ronal and tonowari straight out. either way, you're certainly in for a very confusing day
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makoodles · 1 year
Ronal and Tonowari x a reader who is so pale, they basically look dead. (Bonus points if they can't stand in the sun without feeling like their skin is burning, or just looks extremely tired)
And if they deeply cared for the reader, would they be overly protective over them or something? Sorry I just think it'd be kinda funny.
(If you don't wanna answer this, you can delete it, also I love your writing!)
i actually really love the idea of them being super protective because as clan leaders and parents, that protective instinct comes naturally to them. and that's with Na'vi, a race that has evolved to survive on Pandora.
for humans, the whole planet is like a goddamned death trap. you're so soft and squishy, and your bones are so fragile and your skin so thin. no matter what skin tone you have, light or dark, it lacks the vibrancy of Na'vi skin and makes you look sickly in comparison. it's definitely a cause for concern, even when they grow to realise that that's just how you are.
in the beginning, they can be borderline smothering. Ronal insists on pulling you along behind her as she goes from marui to marui in the village, performing her various spiritual duties that are expected of her as tsahik. She says it's because she needs an extra pair of hands (despite the fact that yours are often too small to actually do anything useful), but you're more than aware that it's because she grows restless when you're out of her sight.
when Ronal can't be around, Tonowari steps in. It's a little humiliating sometimes, but you know it's just because they care. When neither of them are around, you get stuck with the kids.
Tsireya enjoys hanging around with you (she's naturally curious, and finds it absolutely fascinating that your hands are like lo'ak's), but Ao'nung takes a little longer to warm up to you. That doesn't stop him from trailing around after you whenever you manage to find time to explore the village on your own - he thinks you're a little weird and gross and he definitely doesn't understand his parents' choice in keeping you around, but that doesn't mean he's going to let anything happen to you.
overall, they can be a lot to get used to. ronal and tonowari are fiercely protective and more than a little territorial, but they don't consider themselves overprotective. After all, anything on this planet could kill you. it's reassuring to have suddenly found yourself in the middle of this big ass family, with two mates that would tear the throat out of anything that might even think about hurting you
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makoodles · 1 year
okay but imagine marine biologist!reader making an off handed comment about missing her avatar as she and the children return from free-diving after Ronal asks if she’s alright because she’s clearly a little out of breath.
and suddenly she’s being interrogated by the entire family. the reader awkwardly reveals she had an avatar of her own because it had been more practical to use as she studied the oceans except it had been lost to her when the ship had sealed off before sinking during the first war. but there was a good chance it was still intact in it’s cryopod as the ship had a backup batteries that could last a century even underwater.
there’s a look of devastation on Ronal’s face as she realizes what could have been if the avatar was present. and Tonowari seems to be thinking the same thing as he angrily stomps out of the marui. because the two had been very obviously in love with the sky demon but would not pursue it due to their obvious differences. the next morning Jake Sully finds himself in the middle of the ocean with a very desperate Tonowari with the hopes they can recover the avatar for Ronal to preform the consciousness change thing.
and Jake is so fucking confused but down with it after Tonowari reassured him that the reader isn’t sick or anything. that he just thinks she’s deserving of this after everything she’s done to help the clan after turning on her people all those years ago. and that it wouldn’t hurt to get her into a safer body with the coming war.
and Ronal would be so fucking cocky when the reader asks if she can really preform the ritual.
but plot twist: after the reader is put into her avatar, the Sully children are unbelievably supportive as they take it up upon themselves to show her the Metkayina ways, causing some mixed feelings from Neytiri who had never really given the reader much of a second thought despite her presence among the family when she was human. though now? now she’s actually seeing the reader. and it makes Ronal so fucking jealous because Neytiri keeps pulling the “now that you’ve gotten your avatar, you’ve forgotten us?” card to emotionally guilt the reader whenever she feels that she’s spending too much time with the Metkayina family.
to add onto my marine biologist ask - maybe it’s the RDA that bring back the reader’s avatar? just Quaritch using it to blackmail the reader and the na’vi are so fucking confused and a little angry the the reader keeps going to extreme lengths to protect her avatar even if it means nearly killing herself in the process. it just doesn’t make sense to them because they’ve already accepted her as a human.
one thing leads to another and she takes that bullet for Neteyam during the skirmish but the kids say fuck it. suddenly Lo’ak and Ao’nung are dragging the avatar out of the water and desperately asking Ronal and Neytiri to preform the consciousness change ritual. with Kiri’s help it works.
the reader wakes up on the rock and the kids are sobbing as they cling to her and there’s a moment of peace as even Jake let’s out a breathless laugh as he has to hold back tears but the peace is quickly broken when Ronal begins to lecture her for being a fucking idiot. asking if she happy that she got what she wanted after literally killing herself in the process of it. but she stops mid-sentence when her eyes flicker to the slight swelling in the avatar’s stomach.
even Tonowari is confused as Ronal finds herself at a loss of words. a long moment passes before she simply reaches out and places as hand on the reader’s belly in a sudden understanding.
and that’s when it clicks for them.
the RDA had not been using the reader’s avatar against her but rather the baby it harboured all those years in cryosleep. the baby she had mourned every day for fifteen years. there are a dozen questions from the children about the baby and it’s father but there’s a desperate and scared look from Jake as he’s reminded of Grace and her hard pregnancy.
for the first time Neytiri actually sees the reader for something more then just a sky demon. and she gets super fucking protective after they’ve returned to the village. reasoning that the reader pretty much died for her son so that kind of makes them family and as family it’s only fair she and Jake take care of the reader and her baby. but Ronal argues that the baby might have demon blood but they also have the blood of a water na’vi so they should be taken care of by water na’vi. the reader realizes the feud that’s growing so she thinks she can end it by simply moving into her own marui but it only actually makes it worse cause both families can pretty much walk in at anytime.
but it would be so cute if she named the baby after Lo’ak because the boy harbours so much guilt over her getting shot. believing she wouldn’t have been out there in the first place if it wasn’t for him. but she needs him to understand she isn’t angry at him about it.
broooooo!! i would read a full novel of this !! the kids being super protective over reader is so fucking cute too, especially when the parents are crushing so hard ksrjggh i love it
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makoodles · 1 year
I love Dom!Ronal with my entire (pussy) heart
I just imagine Ronal making Tonowari sit and watch while she plays you like a damn fiddle.
She goads him too, “Do you see how wet she is?” “Look at how her cunt draws my fingers deeper.”
Meanwhile, you’re slack-jawed and boneless as Ronal thrust her fingers deeper and rubs circles on your clit.
And poor Tonowari can’t help but stroke himself while he watches his pretty girls play with each other.
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one might think that tonowari would feel a little left out watching the two of you get so damn distracted with each other, but you'd be wrong
he loves having his front row seat to his two pretty girls playing. there's nothing that gets him harder than watching the two of you rutting against each other, listening to your soft little gasps as you're strung tighter and tighter.
tonowari will be fisting his cock the whole time, grunting softly as he runs the pad of his thick thumb over the sensitive head, but he will not allow himself to cum. that privilege is saved for when ronal finally decides to beckon him over to join in - why come in his hand when he has two beautiful mates right there waiting for him?
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makoodles · 1 year
Okay but like imagine Tonowari and ronal have like a massive breeding kink the want to try on their human reader. I have a couple scenarios on how this plays out…
The three of you being told that there is a small percentage of it working but your two 10 feet tall lovers don’t care, they are just going to keep you full till you are blessed with a little bundle of joy.
You do get pregnant and when they cuddle you, they like to rest their heads on your stomach, press kisses where the baby should be even when your not showing yet. However when you do start showing ronal makes you sit and rest constantly so that you don’t hurt yourself. Tonowari puts his hand on your growing bump and talks to them. They always thank Eywa for their little hybrid miracle on the way.
When your in labor, ronal and Tonowari takes you to the water for you to give birth to your healthy baby girl. At first they are worried because she is slightly smaller than the average Navi baby nice but are happy to find out it’s because of human half. They love the little baby Hybrid with five fingers and toes. You hold her to your chest with tears of joy and watch as your baby’s other two parents put on her first bead for her songcord. (I got carried away sorry)
this is so CUUUUUUUTE i just know that ronal would be the biggest damn hypocrite ever in this situation. no one is allowed to say shit when she goes into battle pregnant, but if you so much as try to reach a tall shelf while you're pregnant she'll lose her shit
and i just knowwwwww the process of making that baby leads to some of the nastiest, toe-curling, sex of all time
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makoodles · 1 year
i am mentally insane and after reading the threesome i simply had to check the scale between the ✨participants✨
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whatever it's not that good but it adds to the picture i guess 👀 (the ✨y/n✨ i made to be 5'8, pretty average height)
you may think why the fuck did this person send it, but babes I'm shameless and just had to
the fic was hot hot hot and i wanna be their doormat
holy shiiiiiit !!! having a visual of it is literally insane, i'm so obsessed.
(tonowari and ronal holding hands, why am i crying 😭)
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makoodles · 10 months
Just a thought.
Ronal has been thinking. The thought lingering in her mind when her hand rests on your hips. So small, so soft but yet so strong. She observes your face, cute nose and lips. Your eyes when they shimmer with happiness, tremble with sadness and crinkle with joy. She wonder what these features will look like mixed with other features.
The thought does not leave her. Then she just pulls into action. Afterall why just let the thought be a thought when it can be reality.
When Tonowari realises his wifes intention he almost comes at that moment. Ronal has not voiced her intentions but her mission was clear after a few days. Not that the thought has crossed his mind too.
Tonowari grunts when he fills you yet again. You are a sweaty mess beneath him. He lets his big hand caress your hips, stomach (they linger for a moment) and up to your chest. He wants to praise you, how well you do. How your little body is so strong and take him so well. Ronal is there, grasping your face and whispering something to you. He cannot hear this conversation, it almost feels like he is intruding. Suddenly with a tut Ronal is pushing him away. Separating you two, he groans when he slips out and hear the whine leave your lips.
His wife is inspecting you. Carefully caressing your inner lips and makes comforting hums when you whine in overstimulation. Tonowari rests on his knees watching his wife inspect his ”work”. He feels himself garden when she carefully fingers some of his come back into you. Ronal carefully but swiftly picks you up and moves you so your back is against her chest and her hands under your knees, spreading you infront of Tonowari. His eyes travels up your body and he meets his wifes eyes. She smiles.
”Come darling. We are not finished.”
Tonowari follows.
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makoodles · 1 year
I have some thoughts running around my noggin if you don’t mind me sharing…
As we know Tonowari and Ronal are generally very gentle with Human!Reader, you’re so much smaller and fragile than a Na’vi so they take great care to be gentle with you.
But as much mothering and hovering they both do, accidents happen, particularly during sex.
In the throes of pleasure Tonowari forgets himself and grabs you a little too roughly, resulting in a bruise so large Norm thought you’d been attacked. Ronal had been trying to guide your body causing you to sprain your shoulder. Some of these bruises, sprains, and cuts normally heal in a couple of days, but more often than not Norm tends to your injuries.
And boy is he getting sick of it.
It seems every few days you present with a new injury and Norm’s running through MediPacks faster than he can blink. After months of treating you and trying to create new ideas of preventing your injuries he’s struck gold: a breeding mount.
It takes a few weeks of trial and error, but he’s finally done building the damn thing and leaves it in your mauri as a gift, along with a note to have fun.
You were surely surprised to find a human breeding mount in your home, but after a thought you start to piece together the benefits.
Now Tonowari and Ronal can use you how they please without fear of hurting you, especially during their breeding seasons or when you’re having a particularly rough session.
Safe to say you put it to use.
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makoodles · 1 year
I’m so curious to know what does Neytiri and Jake think about “pxelo”’s reader, like when they get to know what she’s been up to, specially Jake since he was human once would he be like “you bagged twice the bitches? Respect the rizz fr” or would he be like “YOU DID WHAT?” ?
And like Neytiri lmao would she be angry or?
ahhh i love this too!
at first, jake will damn near have a heart attack. he panics, because you were present to look after kiri on his request, so he sort of considers you his responsibility. if you cause any offense or disrespect, even accidentally, he feels like it reflects on him. but then when he realises that tonowari and ronal are serious about this he ends up finding it super funny.
i feel jake will be reluctantly impressed; not only because you managed to bag two of them, but also because he's curious about how it works. he'll keep sending you significant little looks whenever you're around them, wiggling his eyebrows and grinning. you definitely have to field a couple of jokey comments about threesomes, because while polyamory is generally accepted in na'vi culture, as humans it's still somewhat of a new concept to you. tonowari will be somewhat amused by jake's comments and jokes, though he'll still hover somewhat close to your shoulder when jake is around.
neytiri is just kind of happy that you're not around the marui anymore, but she is absolutely bewildered by the fact that ronal and tonowari have sought after you. she thought ronal had better taste than that, though she's never going to say that out loud
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