meddowswift · 2 years
hii! I'm new on the queen blogger world so i'm looking for mutuals! My native language is spanish so forgive me if i make mistakes :D
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the old man in vienna is the white but not the beleaguered king. the thing claiming to be nicator that you talk to is the same kind of thing you become at chapel of lights. the red-handed queen is kind of a milf. could not be any simpler.
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gothedrals · 2 years
the gothedrals urge to queenblog on my mostly mcr sideblog when I HAVE an entire blog dedicated to queen
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nicotine-x-x · 18 days
Finally watched Queen rocks Montreal last night. All I can say is… I thank god every day for John Richard Deacon.
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Ok. Back to regularly scheduled blogging
Unless Ireland does something funny.
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I’ve been queenblogging so much on my sideblog I think it’s time to release some Queen Thoughts from the drafts of my literal queen blog
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rollingwiththedead · 2 years
I promise to stop queenblogging when I run out of funny posts
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hcghforqueen · 5 years
necessities for requests !
»»————- ★ ————-««
complex edit necessities :
1. the person (or people) you want in the edit
2. the colour scheme (e.g., red and black, pastel pink and pastel blue, etc.)
3. special quote you want on it
»»————- ★ ————-««
smut writing necessities :
1. sexual role of the reader (e.g., submissive, dominant, etc.)
2. sexual role of the other partner
3. any sort of kinky play? (e.g., bdsm, nipple play, bondage, cock rings, etc.)
4. what is the scenario? does the writing just start with the smut or is there a story that builds up to it?
5. is there more than two people partaking in the sex ?
»»————- ★ ————-««
imagine writing necessities :
1. what is the scenario ?
2. what is the pairing ?
3. is there swearing, alcohol use, drug use ?
4. time period ?
»»————- ★ ————-««
head-canon writing necessities :
1. what’s the headcanon ?
2. is it a sfw or nsfw head-canon?
3. what is the pairing ?
»»————- ★ ————-««
multi-part fanfiction necessities :
1. how many section do you want in it ?
2. what do you want each section to consist of ?
3. any smuts between any of the characters in any of the sections ?
4. what is the plot, setting, time period
5. how do you want it to conclude ?
6. people and / or characters you would like to have in the fanfiction
»»————- ★ ————-««
tumblr collage necessities :
1. aesthetic / theme of the collage ? (lolita, grunge, christmas, etc.)
2. person, pairing, or people you would like in the collage ?
3. any specific colour scheme ?
4. particular images you would like me to use ?
5. any images or themes you would not want me to use in it ?
6. white separation border or no white border ?
»»————- ★ ————-««
profile picture necessities :
1. do you just want me to find you a plain image of a person or do you want a custom profile picture ?
2. who do you want in your profile picture ?
3. one person or multiple people in your profile picture ?
4. what colour scheme do you want it to have ?
5. any specific style ?
6. complex or simple ?
7. any text in the profile picture ?
»»————- ★ ————-««
couple / individual gifset necessities :
1. is it a couple gifset, individual gifset, or a specific group of people gifset ?
2. what kind of aesthetic do you want ?
3. any specific gifs you would like me to use ?
4. any specific gifs you would like me to search for ?
5. what colour (s) do you want the gifs to incorporate ?
»»————- ★ ————-««
wattpad story cover necessities :
1. what is the title of the story ?
2. what is the theme and genre of the story ?
3. what is the colour scheme you would like ?
4. what is the aesthetic you want for the cover ?
5. do you want any specific person (or multiple people) on the cover ?
6. any specific images or fonts you would like me to use ?
»»————- ★ ————-««
poetry necessities :
1. what theme (s) do you want the poetry to tie around ?
2. how long do you want it to be ?
3. is it about a specific person or thing of some sort ?
4. sfw poetry or nsfw ?
»»————- ★ ————-««
faceclaim necessities :
1. what is your characters hair, eye, and skin colour ?
2. male or female ?
3. age of your character
»»————- ★ ————-««
once you send me your request, I’ll send you a part of this necessity list that corresponds with your request so you can give me enough information for me to start ! that being said I’m super excited to start taking requests and I can’t wait to see what ill be making for all of you in the near future !
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lots of love to you all,
ana xx
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queenforeverblog · 5 years
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+++ WWW.QUEEN4EVERBLOG.BLOGSPOT.IT +++ #queenforeverblog #queen4everblog #facebook #instagram #twitter #youtube #Queen #freddiemercury #brianmay #rogertaylor #johndeacon #instapic #instaqueen #picoftheday #queenmusic #queenblog #blog #blogger #freddieforaweek #queenadamlambert #kerryellis #adamlambert #musica #libri #news #interviste #recensioni #notizie https://www.instagram.com/p/B1vj9VnhZ3g/?igshid=dew2clmigvhc
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dissonantdreamer · 3 years
My ask 13 and 15 :)
Good day bro.
hell yeah, hope you have a good day yourself dude :)
13. Your worst enemy?
*lit's "my own worst enemy" plays in the distance* def not myself. why is everyone looking at me like that...
15. Do you like someone?
i like a few people cause of who i am as a person, but there is one in particular that's pretty new and i know it's never gonna go anywhere cause i'm 99.9% sure they don't feel the same way, but they are amazing through and through, and i'm enjoying that feeling of liking someone because it's been a beacon of light in the dark of my brain. even if it goes nowhere i have a pretty great friend so i'm pretty happy about that
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rogerscupboard · 6 years
#ThirstThursday Ben teaching you things and giving you praises like "good girl" and "that's so good kitten" when you do something he's taught you. 😩😩
ben would absolutely love praising you, in all contexts. in public he’d shower you with compliments, call you his princess, call you beautiful. in private, it would be even better. whenever you gave him head, he would have his fingers buried in your hair, head thrown back as he groaned what a good girl you were. whenever he fucked you, he’d be whispering hotly in your ear how good you felt 💖
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gothedrals · 2 years
truly I think my life goal is to get someone really into one of my favorite bands. like if my queenblogging ends up getting someone who followed me for mcr content really into queen it will be my greatest accomplishment
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softspaceboibrian · 5 years
The Start Of Something New
Ben Hardy x Reader x Joe Mazzello
Summary: Ben has become really close with his Bohemian Rhapsody co-star, Joe, and has introduced him to his girlfriend during their daily facetime calls. But one day, when she finally decides to visit her boyfriend on set, something happens that will push their lives in a new direction.
Warnings: polyamorous relationship, a little fluff here and there
Notes: This is the first time I write about a polyamorous relationship, I’m still trying to get the hand of it. Please, have mercy on me. I’m definitely going to write some more about them, if you like the idea. Just let me know!
Tag list: @violetpond @meraki--mei @lara-bradbury @kazzys-queenblog
Wc: 2817
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She ran down the street, trying to find the entrance to the set as quickly as possible. When she had told her boyfriend she was going to pay him a visit on the set of his new project, he sounded ecstatic. He had been trying to talk her into coming to set with him for so long, telling her everything about the movie, the crew, the cast. “They really want to meet you, honey” he said on the other side of the line “Joe most of all!” He had been talking to her about Joe Mazzello, his co-star, and he sounded like an amazing person. Ben and he would always hang out together, send her stupid videos and photos, facetime her together late at night. “I’m actually starting to think you love Joe more than me, Benny boy” she giggled, looking at the two men on her phone screen, sticking her tongue out to them. “More than how I love you? Nope, that’s impossible.” He laughed, looking at the man beside him with a smile she knew all too well. But somehow, that didn’t bother her, not at all.
She showed her ID to the security guard at the entrance of the set, who looked for her name on the list he was holding in his hand, before letting her through. She thanked him with a smile, before making her way through people, until a woman stopped her. “You must be looking for Ben. You’re his girlfriend, am I right?” The girl simply nodded, following the woman through the set, until she stopped in front of a trailer. “They always hang out all together in here when they’re not shooting” And with that, she waved her goodbye and walked away, leaving the girl, all by herself, in front of the door of that trailer. Not really sure what she was supposed to do, she knocked on it, waiting for someone to come and let her in.
A few moments later, she heard a metal click noise, followed by the door opening, to show a tall, really tall, man, greeting her with a pretty confused look on his face. “May I help you?” He asked in his thick British, almost Welsh accent.
“I’m here for Ben” She whispered, kind of unsure about how she was supposed to proceed. But, apparently, she didn’t need to worry about it, since, as soon as she finished her sentence, she heard steps getting closer to the door, revealing, in the end, the man she had come to see.
“Baby girl! You made it!” He shouted, moving the man who had opened the door out of his way, in order to get out of the trailer and get to her, wrapping his arms around her small figure, lifting her up off the ground and spinning her around, pecking her lips. “I thought you might’ve changed your mind” That’s when it hit the man who had greeted her: she was Ben’s girlfriend. How didn’t he realise sooner? She was exactly how he had described her. “Come in and meet the others!” He smiled, finally freeing her from his grip, only to feel the blonde’s finger intertwin with hers. “Well, you already met Gwilym”
The tall man giggled, sticking his hand out for her to shake. “I’m sorry I didn’t recognise you. I didn’t realise you were… well, you”
“No problems, you meet people every day, for what you knew, I could have been a new assistant” She smiled, trying to make him feel more comfortable, before turning around and finding the gaze of four more people staring at her. She waved her free hand, before squeezing Ben’s as if to tell him to introduce her to them.
“Yes, sure… this is Rami, but you already knew that. You’re a crazy Mr Robot fan” he laughed, making her slightly blush.
“Ben, don’t expose me like this!”
“It’s no big deal, darling” Rami stood up, walking toward the girl, shaking her hand.
Ben smiled, looking down at her, knowing all too well how nervous she was. She wasn’t exactly the outgoing type of person, and meeting new people always made her feel a bit anxious. “Moving on, she’s Lucy Boynton”
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Ben talks about you non-stop. So, now it feels like we knew you all along” The woman smiled, tilting her head to the side, shaking her hand.
“Yeah, but, don’t worry, he says only good things about you” Said a man with a very strong Irish accent, standing up and walking closer to the girl to shake her hand. “I’m Allen Leech”
“I think I saw you in The Imitation Game, is it possible?” She asked, shaking the man’s hand.
“Yes, that’s me” He laughed, before going back to sit on the small couch, leaving one last person for her to greet.
She moved her gaze on the figure of the man who had been staring at her for the entire time. He was smiling at her, quietly waiting for his turn to finally greet her. And when that moment came, he didn’t wait for Ben to say anything, he just got up, walked over to her and hugged her, as if they had known each other since forever. And, funny enough, that was exactly how that felt. So she simply hugged him back, catching Ben’s expression in the corner of her eye, an expression she couldn’t really decipher, but still a good expression.
 The rest of the day on set went by pretty quickly, with the boys and Lucy always making sure she wasn’t left alone for too long, including her into their conversations, taking her on a tour of the set, even introducing her to the Brian May and Roger Taylor, whom she loved since she was a teenager. At the end of the day, around 8, when they were finally free to go home, someone suggested they should have gone to a bar, eat something and then have a few drinks all together, so that they could get to know Ben’s girl better. And Ben made sure to check in with her, making sure she was okay with that. “Don’t worry, Benny boy, I’m done with exams, so I can stay out all night” She giggled, leaving a soft kiss on the blonde’s lips, scrunching her nose ever so slightly, something the man loved.
“We are going to a karaoke bar!” Shouted Joe, jumping on them, pulling them in a sort of weird, yet comfortable hug. “I hope you’ll sing a duet with me” Smiled the red-headed man, looking down on the girl. “Ben told me you love to sing”
“As a matter of fact, I do love to sing” She giggled, placing her head on his shoulder, while her eyes were locked onto Ben’s, who was smiling at the sight of the two of them feeling so comfortable around each other.
A couple of hours later, they were all together at a karaoke bar, not far from Ben’s place. They were sitting in a booth pretty close to the stage where people were singing a terrible rendition of Hit Me Baby One More Time by Britney Spears, which had the girl and all the other people sitting at the table with her cringing and laughing at the same time. Since the moment they had settled at that table, people started asking her what she did for a living, how she had met Ben, and she obviously had to answer to every single question. She told them that she was still studying and, hopefully, she was going to get her PhD in English Literature as soon as possible, so that she could finally start teaching. How she met Ben? Well, she laughed, looking at the blonde, whose arm was around her middle, pulling her closer to himself. “I thought I was being followed by this man. I was freaking out. So, I turned around a corner of the street, saw Ben there, against the brick wall, smoking. And I did the first thing that came to my mind: I walked over to him, threw his cigarette on the ground, told him to play along and just… kissed him”
“I mean, a beautiful girl walks up to you and kisses you out of nowhere, what do you do? You can’t just leave her there, all by herself.” He smiled, pressing a soft kiss on her temple. “I walked her home and asked for her number.”
“He texted me like every day for a week straight, until I gave in and agreed to go on a date with him. The rest is history” She giggled, feeling Joe slowly place in hand on her thigh, something that caught both of the girl’s and Ben’s attention, but neither of them said nothing. Why didn’t it feel wrong to have that man’s hand on her while being in the arms of her boyfriend?
“So, are you still on for that duet you promised me?” asked Joe, gently squeezing her thigh, a sweet smile on his lips.
“Only if you let me choose” she replied, facing Ben for a quick second, long enough for her to peck his lips, before getting up from the table and walk over to the karaoke machine, scrolling through the titles, while a woman tried to sing a song she had probably only heard once before. Joe was standing behind her, his hand placed on her waists, reading the song names from over the girl’s shoulder. And somehow, being that close to each other didn’t feel exactly wrong. “We need to sing this one!” she smiled, pointing to the screen, which was now showing Don’t Go Breaking My Heart by Elton John and Kiki Dee. The man didn’t really reply, just told the man behind the desk that they were going to sing the song, taking her hand and pulling her on stage with him as soon as the woman was done.
The song began and they could hear the cheers of their friends coming from not that far away, especially Ben, who was recording the duet, smiling at the two of them. They sang along, dancing around, having fun, and soon everyone who was in the bar was engaged in their performance. Joe took her hand, making her twirl on herself, before pulling her into his chest, looking her straight into the eyes while singing the line “don’t go breaking my heart”, as if he really meant it, as if he was trying to tell her something. A few minutes later the song was over and the two of them were walking back to the table, where everyone was clapping their hands, complimenting them on their performance. “Guys, that was amazing!” Lucy was jumping in her seat, clapping her hands.
The girl slid back in her sit, immediately resting her head on Ben’s shoulder, still a little out of breath from all the jumping around that happened just a few moments before. “Well, Joe is an amazing partner for this kind of things” She giggled, meeting the man’s eyes and giving him a smile. Once he sat back next to her, he placed his hand on her thigh once again, moving his gaze from her eyes to Ben’s, giving him a knowing look.
A few more hours passed by and soon they decided to head back home to get some rest. They all said their goodbyes, everyone told the girl how lovely it was to finally meet her. Joe was crashing Ben’s couch, as always, since the blonde had too big of a heart to make him sleep every night in a hotel room all by himself. And the girl didn’t mind it. Once they got home, she went straight for the bedroom, literally throwing herself on the mattress. She was tired, she had been studying all week and on the only day she could actually stay home, under the covers and get some rest, she decided to go visit her boyfriend on set. Obviously she needed to sleep, but at the same time she wanted to stay up and talk with her man, know what she had missed in the last few weeks while she was too busy preparing for her last exams. So she fought the weariness, pushing herself off the bed and going through Ben’s stuff, trying to find something she could borrow for the night. She opted for a simple pair of sweatpants and an old t-shirt, which looked huge on her. And she was still in her underwear when Ben walked into the room, smiling at the sight in front of his eyes. “Hey, baby girl” He whispered, coming up from behind her, wrapping his arms around her middle and pulling her into his chest. “I’m glad you got along with the band” He left a soft kiss on her neck, right below her ear, making her shiver. “Joe was just telling me how amazing you are”  
She turned around in his arms, so she was now facing him, a smile on her lips. “Joe is wonderful”
“Do you like him?”
“Of course I do, he’s so kind and funny”
“That’s not what I meant” He whispered, placing his forehead against hers, her hands on his chest.
“You like him, right?” Her voice was soft, one hand moved to his cheek, her thumb gently stroking his cheekbone. “I could see it in the way you looked at him. It’s the same way you look at me”
He blushed slightly, meeting her gaze. “I mean, you are the love of my life, I could never not love you. But with him, I don’t know… it doesn’t feel wrong. This feeling I got today when you were both there with me, when I looked at the two of you getting along so well. I mean, I don’t know how to explain it”
“You love two people at the same time. And there’s nothing wrong with it, Ben.” She met his lips, pressing a long, slow kiss on them. “I like him too.” Ben’s eyes lit up, and she could feel his heart pounding into his chest. “Let me put something on and then you can tell him to come here, okay?”
She had a feeling, she always did, since one of the first times Ben facetimed her with Joe there, next to him. There was something in the way he looked at him and the way Joe looked back at the blonde that she could easily recognise, since that was the way she and Ben looked at each other. And for a strange reason, she wasn’t mad about it, it didn’t feel like he was cheating or anything. Ben was one of the purest people ever, he wouldn’t hurt a fly, let alone a person he cared for. That’s how she knew that he wasn’t lying when he told her about Joe and about how he still loved her, how he didn’t want to lose her. She felt the same. Whenever she was with him, she felt safe, at home, there was no other place where she wanted to be if not by his side. But after getting to know Joe, something in her heart clicked. Whenever she received a facetime call, she wish to see both of the men appear on her screen; every time she received a picture, she wanted it to be of Ben and Joe.
She got lost in her train of thoughts while getting dressed, snapping back to reality only at the sound of Ben’s voice. She was sitting on the bed, a soft smile on her face, while she turned her head toward the door, seeing the two men standing there, staring at her. “May we come in?” Asked the blonde, already making his way to the bed, immediately lying in the middle, basically begging the other two to lie on either side. Neither the girl nor the other man needed him to say it out loud, they simply crawled onto the mattress, cuddling up next to the blonde. “I’ve been wanting this to happen for so long now” he whispered, pulling both of them closer. The girl smiled, placing her head on his chest, her hand on his bare stomach, tracing undefined shapes, while Joe’s head was on Ben’s shoulder.
“What are we going to do now?” asked Joe, placing his hand on the girl’s, intertwining their fingers, catching her attention and making her tilt her head a little, so that he could see her eyes.
“We’ll find our way to work this. We’ll take things slow, one day at a time. Things will eventually fall into place” she smiled, gently squeezing Joe’s hand, before pressing a soft kiss on Ben’s chest. And with that being said, a comfortable silence filled the room, until they all finally fell asleep.
That was the start of something new.
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floralcyanide · 5 years
tag game
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
thanks @unicorn-princess-1999 for tagging me I love these
Nickname: Bri, short stuff, Bri Bri
Starsign: Capricorn/Aquarius cusp
What I’m wearing: I’m a simple man, I wear a t-shirt and underwear to bed
Dream job: something in public health, whether it be psychology or helping with the Red Cross
Favourite quote: ”Everything will be okay in the end, if it’s not okay, then it’s not the end.”
Favorite food: candy lmao I’m gonna be diabetic on god
Favorite movie: all Marvel movies hands down, all DC movies, Bohemian Rhapsody, Jersey Boys
Favourite sport: football, basketball, baseball I’m obviously American af
Dream trip: to Ireland
Languages: some Spanish, some ASL, mostly English
Favorite Song: oh lord ™  uhhhh,,,, The Show Must Go On by Queen and Iridescent by Linkin Park
Favorite book: Looking For Alaska by John Green, 11.22.63 by Stephen King
What do I hate: rude, entitled, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, extreme right winged people. and olives. those things are gross.
Random fact: I have 1 tattoo (gonna get more uwu) a septum piercing, nostril piercing, 2g stretched ears, 5 ear piercings, and a navel piercing.
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: memes, the color maroon, soft summer rain at night, melancholy at 4am, cats, Nicolas Cage(???) flowers, pastel pink vintage cars
Do I get asks: when I request them, sometimes I get them out of nowhere and it makes my heart explode
Other blogs: just this one.
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
Patronus: Orangutan
Favourite character/s: Tony Stark, Katniss Everdeen, Bruce Wayne, Dean Winchester
Any updates on new fics: I’m working on Part 4 of The Extra, Chapter 3 of Roommates, a Brian drabble, a pissed Roger ™ drabble, and a drabble request based on a prompt: “what’s that behind your back?” sO I’m hella busy for a min!!! But they’ll be here (:
I tag: (pls don’t hate me l m a o) @ramibaby @mark-diesel @deacytits @disn3yfreak @ny-wallflower @straysepticeye @discoball-deaky @warrentrash @takenvysleep @strangemaximoff @itstonimydudes @roger-taylor-owns-my-wigg @discodykey @sweetlygwilym @hystericalqueenstan @queenie1223 @deakyspuff @brian-may-likes-dust @kazzys-queenblog @mothermercuryy @gxldensodapop
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maddyboomaladdy · 5 years
Tag game!
Tagged by: @mad-love-for-musicals
Thanks for the tag! I laughed WAY more than I should have at some of my answers 😂
Rules: Using only song titles from one band/artist cleverly answer the questions and tag ten people.
I’m on a big ABBA kick lately, my Grandad would be so proud of me 🥰
Artist/Band: ABBA
What’s your gender? Chiquitita
How do you feel? Super trouper
If you could go anywhere? Happy Hawaii
Favorite mode of transportation?Another town, another train
Your best friend? Money, money, money
Favorite time of day? Summer night city
If your life was a tv show? Should I laugh or cry
Relationship status? Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A man after midnight)
Your fear? Under attack
I really enjoyed doing this but it was kind of hard 😅 I don’t listen to many artist/bands entire albums.. I’m horrible, I buy the songs I like from albums and stick with them.
Ok I feel maybe 90% of who I tagged are possibly going to pick Queen (again could be wrong) but I’m going to find it so interesting with everyone’s answers 😊
Tagging: @theborhapbois @wearethechampionsblog @mercury-slut @anxiousdesignerdancerbandlover @fatbottomedgirl94 @ramimalek0811 @sofarxitsalright @fangirlingobsessed @galileoqueen-mama-mia @kazzys-queenblog
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