#questionable white-haired men have me in a death-grip rn.
ddarker-dreams · 6 months
begging on my knees for u miss ddarker dreams to give us some yandere astarion fiction we deserve please please please 🙏 😔 😢 😞 😫 😭 🙏 😔 😢 😞
back when astarion was what he'd describe as a 'lowly spawn,' he still had possessive tendencies. he fought hard to suppress them and had relative success. according to him, that is. he existed in this self-contradicting limbo of thinking himself unworthy of you yet wanting to be the constant center of your attention. he'd glower at the other members of your ragtag group should they made you smile too much or laugh too hard. for a while, he couldn't place why it bothered him so.
if anything, it should come as a relief to know you're that easy to please. a few frivolous tales from gale or off-color remarks from lae'zel have your eyes scrunching up in delight. and gods, he could do far better than that! his place in this eclectic bunch with you as the de facto leader should be secured until you're of no further use. this sweet sentiment turned sour as your journey went on. he agonized over your perception of him for reasons other than self-preservation.
ultimately, he never acted on the little whispers spurring him on to hinder your autonomy. astarion allowed for a wry comment directed at an overfriendly companion here and there, but the thought of actively meddling in your relationships didn't sit well with him. he could suck it up and stomach anything, so long as you weren't obviously uncomfortable.
after his ascension, however... he's inclined his ear toward those little whispers, heeding their counsel. what brilliant advisors he'd been ignoring! astarion decides he refused to act on these impulses because he was weak, incapable of fully seeing them through. now, though? what was once a farfetched dream could enter reality should he will it. he spurns the thought of physically restraining you — such brutish behavior is below an individual of his standing, unless you really pushed him to that — but words? words can bind better than chains. they're less obvious, too.
so he'll tailor his in a shape that fits you perfectly.
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kittiestkat · 3 years
€ 5,00 !? for a coffee !!
scummy!dabi!hawks x fem!reader
dark content (dubcon/noncon)
this is from my old blog sorry :( have writers block rn !! (not proof read)
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it had been how many weeks now. two three? you had lost count. your mind was jumbled and your body still felt dirty. no matter how many times you scrubbed, the feeling remained. but no matter how many people you slept with to forget the accident, nothing satisfied you.
god, what were you? some common whore begging to me taken advantage of by two brutes again. it was laughable. embarrassing!
school was a distraction but also a reminder. you skipped lessons to avoid them. contemplated changing courses even. anything to forget.
you were listening to god knows what, studying still after several hours. your mind seriously couldn’t wrap around analysing any form of english.
you were aching to slip into bed, watch some tv and doze off. before you could form a coherent thought as to how to answer this question, a knock to your door jolts you out of your thoughts. that’ll be your roommate, drunk no doubt. fridays were always ‘party days’ in her eyes.
“coming!” you roll your eyes when the knocks grew louder, snickers coming from behind the thick wood.
“i told you, i can’t keep babying you when your drunk.” swinging the door open you weren’t met with the petit red head, but instead two pair of silted eyes staring at you.
you couldn’t close the door? well no, not when dabi’s foot was so rudely jamming it back open.
“well, well, well. what do we have here?”
“please, what do you want?”
“please what do you want.” the raven haired boy mocked you, eyes sparkling and teeth bared. you were stuck, a mouse in a trap.
you felt you heart swell, tears drop. “awe dabi, you’ve gone and made her cry,” the blonde said in faux empathy “it’s okay baby, ignore him.”
empty words, that’s all they were. empty words from people who could care less.
“please, just…” your words trailed off as the two large men barged past my door, bolting it shut.
“please what…? make you feel good? oh trust me baby, we will.”
the feeling of hawks slender fingers tugging curls behind your ear made you recoil. begin to scream, thrash, sob. the two looked at each other, eyebrows raised, faces amused, teeth bared.
whatever you did before was no good. actually it only spurred them on. “this little hole was just waiting for me, huh.” the blonde says, a statement more than a question.
his cock pistons in and out of you, thrashing you to reluctantly take dabi further down you throat, making him emit and gargled moan. “mm, you’re so fucking warm.” the raven hair said, hand stroking your back as the hawks lifted his leg, making your back arch and legs shake.
the assault carries on for what seemed ages. you were a mere spit roast. you could feel the humiliation wrap around you as your throat began to bruise and your insides started to quiver.
“keigo.” your voice seemed pathetic even to you, it was laced with pleasure, there was no denying it.
“you hear something dabi.” the blonde said, as if he wasn’t fucking into you at an ungodly pace.
“no? last time i checked onaholes didn’t speak.” the boys laughed as tears wet your cheeks.
“mm gonna’ cream in this tight pussy, huh.” you couldn’t reply to him, dabi had a death grip on your head as his thrusts grew sloppy.
“gonna take my cum, baby?” you could only whimper. you weren’t able to reply. they knew that. they liked that.
dabi was almost ripping out your hair as you gagged around him, waiting for him to still. after a few more languid thrusts in your abused throat, he stopped, spirts of white shooting down you, making you convulse as hawks does the same, cum beginning to drip out of your poor little cunny.
pants filled the room, matching your whimpers. of course you couldn’t cum, how stupid were you to think you could? so naïve and willing, huh. pulling out of you, hawks avian eyes grew wide as white leaked, seeping and bubbling.
dabi groaned as spit fell from his dick in ropes, matching the cum. he crouched to you, smile never leaving. taking his fingers he shoved the cum pack into your pussy, gathering it and stuffing you like a turkey. you cried at the sudden intrusion, only to find those fingers in your mouth.
“not a drop spilt, you hear me?” standing up he grimaced at the mess, insulting you as he got dressed.
the two boys began to turn, walking through your door, until dabi turned round, winking at you.
“oh,” he feigned innocence as he held up a discarded item “we’ll be taking these again.”
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seapandora · 4 years
Sky High, Part 3
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Part 2 
A/N: Heres part 3 of Sky High, we´re getting to it now. Some people, depending on fandoms, may get where this is heading, but I´m really enjoying writing this rn. Please reblog and like, if you like it! I´ll happily read your thoughts on it. Also, this is for @buckysknifecollection​ ´s challenge. Check out the other entries! GIF-credit to owner!
Steve x Reader
Warnings: Swearing (I swear a lot, okay), sexual innuendos (later chapters), alcohol, mentions of death/killing, mentions of religion(s), descriptions of toxic relationships!, talks about manipulation
Words: 2198
“Where are we?” Y/N asked as she looked around and then back to The Captain. He, in turn, stared at her and growled. Y/N took a cautious step back. She wasn’t one to be scared, but she was also alone, up against the most dangerous demon she had ever heard off. You can´t blame her for being a little jumpy. “Look, I just need to get back to the body and get it to heaven, I don’t care about anything really, okay? You can get first come first served next time. I´m just following orders.” She said quietly and held her blade tightly.
The Captain got up slowly and stalked towards her. Y/N was still backing away as much as she could but The Captain was faster than her and within minutes his hand was on Y/Ns throat gripping it tightly. “That woman was our key, and you killed her. Now we have to start over!” The Captain growled and Y/N gasped for breath as she clawed at his arm with her free hand. She reached up with her blade and cut into The Captain's arm which made him release her as his arm began to burn.
“The actual fuck dude, your issues aren´t with me!” She called out as she grabbed at her throat and stumbled over her own feet which led to her falling on her ass. She saw her blade still in her hand and looked back up at The Captain. He towered over her but he wasn’t attacking her this time. His arm was already healed of course. “Where are we?” The Captain asked and stared down at her.
Y/N was stunned. He didn’t know where they were. Shit, this was bad. Bad news for them both. Bad news Barry. If he didn’t know where they were, they couldn’t get out. Not without some help and heavy magic stuff. “You grabbed me! You´re supposed to know where we are, that’s how transfers work!” She exclaimed as she looked at him. “You haven´t just fucked up my mission, now you´ve also spun me out of my normal realms. You fucking piece of shit.” She growled and looked around before he looked at her left hand and grabbed her angel blade. She knew she had to carve the rune into her hand but she dreaded it. Carving your own runes, if you knew how was very painful.
She had to use her angel blade, a blade that could kill her, to carve the rune. It would hurt her badly, but it was her only possibility of getting away. She eyed The Captain who was stalking around, checking his surroundings. She had to act quickly or he could get to her again. Y/N changed her holding on the blade and began to carve the for Wi into her hand grunting as she did. She cried out a bit as she was done and looked at her bleeding and shining hand.
The Captain was staring at her and she held up her hand, “Tolle me ad regnum Wi” she whispered and smirked slightly at the defeated look on The Captain's face. She wasn’t sure she´d get to the right place, but hell anywhere was better than here. She felt the familiar tug of a transfer and in a blinding white light, she landed in Natashas´ bar. Y/N landed on her knees and groaned as she clutched her burning hand to her chest. She had her blade in her other hand and looked up to see a quite worried Natasha.
Natasha made her way over to Y/N quickly and kneeled beside her. “What happened?” She asked softly and stroke Y/Ns hair as a way to calm Y/N down. “I was… I was on my mission, and I was about to transfer with the body and The Captain grabbed me, and you know what happens when you transfer to `living` things at once, and we ended up God knows where, and I had to use my escape rune to get out.” She said and frowned a bit. “I… I can´t stay here. I need to get to Maria.” She said and tried to stand up with Natashas´ help.
“You don’t have to come to find me, I decided to find you!” Y/N heard the voice and froze before she stood up and turned around to look at Maria, her boss, God. Y/N made sure to keep her thoughts in check for now as Maria had access to them when she was in your vicinity. And well, Y/N wasn’t exactly ready to tell Maria what she thought just yet. “I want to talk to my angel alone, so bye-bye,” Maria said with a smile and snapped her fingers, effectively sending everyone in the bar elsewhere. “Now Y/N, let´s have a little chat about this mission you failed.” She said and looked at Y/N with an unsettling smile.
~ Three Days Later ~
Y/N was left beaten and wiped on Rowor where the Sofwas nursed her back to health and prayed for her to help her restore her grace. She looked worse than she ever had, but she couldn’t remember it. She had no memory of her mission, her incident with the demon, or whatever happened afterward. That was Marias' point. That was Marias' way to keep Y/N on track, to keep Y/N loyal to heaven. Y/N had to remain loyal, had to remain close to Maria.
It was a weird sensation. Waking up bloody and bruised without knowing why. Waking up, knowing you only had loyalty to one person, Maria, and that your whole existence revolved around her wishes, and her missions. A brainwashed Y/N was dangerous. She didn´t feel, she didn´t think for herself. She just did, she just followed orders. Her orders, for now, was to rest and heal amongst the Sofwas. Her mission after that was a mystery, but Y/N didn’t care, she didn’t have the capability.
She had only been wiped twice before. One of those times she chose it herself. The other was early in her career as an angel. She had messed up badly with the previous god and she had been wiped for everyone's benefit. Forgetting was complicated and a long process. You would never forget individuals, or not often at least. But you would forget interactions, and generally whatever the wiper decided they didn’t want you to remember. In Y/Ns case this time it was what she had been through in heaven, because of her screw-up.
Sofwas were sitting around her, praying as she washed the blood off her face and hands. She looked at herself in the mirror seeing her bruised face. Her lip and eyebrow were split. She had lacerations all over her cheeks and neck and had deep purple bruising around her eyes. What unsettled her most was the small pricks, or holes, in her forehead. Showing where she had been skewered, like a piece of meat, to be wiped. She couldn’t remember it. That was of course a perk of the memory-swiping.
Y/N could feel her grace coming back to her and it was a euphoric feeling. As if you hadn´t eaten a good meal in forever and suddenly got exactly what you wanted. She knew she wouldn’t get a mission or hear from Maria in a while. In a way, she was happy about it, but she also felt withdrawal symptoms. Maria was her boss, but also more than that. Angels were always God's closest fighters, and Marias' acknowledgment meant more than anything. Sometimes more than an angel's grace. Angels had killed for less anyways.
A voice shook her from her thoughts and she got her blade out quickly. Sofwas didn’t speak, and no one ever came to this realm. Y/N was immediately on edge. She looked down at her own body and placed her hand over her stomach. Within seconds her cuts and bruises were healed. She would have kept them as a reminder of her sins, but the situation required her at her best. The voice was familiar. She held her blade tightly and took a few deep breaths before she made her way to where she had heard the voice.
There they stood. Tony, Rhodey, and T´Challa. “Y/N we´re here to get you. Someone has summoned you in Wi.” They said and Y/N knew Maria had sent them. Maria didn’t like letting recently wiped angels out on their own. Y/N looked at them and stoved her blade before she nodded. She took her place beside the three angels and closed her eyes before she transferred to Wi, and specifically Natashas bar. In front of her stood The Captain with James and Sam.
Y/N froze in her spot. She glanced at her sides and groaned as her entourage wasn’t with her. “Alright, boys, who´re first?” She asked as she pulled her blade out. “Y/N, No fighting in the bar, Steve just wants to talk to you!” Natasha said and came over to her. “Who the hell is Steve?” Y/N asked and frowned at her before she looked back at the three demons.
Demons usually have very ugly faces. Most can´t see them, but angels can, and of course other demons as well. Y/N couldn´t see demon-faces when she looked at the three, quite intimidating men in front of her and it did confuse her a bit. “Y/N, is that your name? or is it your meat suits name?” The tallest and blonde demon asked her. She sighed and shook her head. “It´s my name, this vessel doesn’t have a life on its own.” She said irritated now at his stupid questions. This wasn’t about her name, was it.
“What is it you want, I´m guessing it´s Steve?” She asked and sighed getting slightly irritated. She had been summoned, but she didn’t think the demons would have summoned her. Why would they have? She was an angel, the nemesis of demons. “I want to talk to you about what happened a few days ago. Alone, preferably.” He explained and tilted his head as he watched her for her reaction. Natasha cleared her throat and looked at them both. “You can borrow the back-room, just don’t bleed on the carpet. I just had it changed.” She said and nodded to the door that led to the back of the bar.
Steve walked in first and Y/N followed him cautiously. She couldn’t trust a demon. Steve closed the door behind him with a whip of his hand. “The mission. Why did you kill that woman? I needed to talk to her.” He said and leaned on a table as he crossed his arms. “What mission? What woman?” Y/N asked and frowned as she looked at Steve, or more specifically his arms. She instinctively reached up and felt her neck with her hand. She had no clue why she did it.
“You don’t remember, or are you acting dumb on purpose?” He asked as he glared at her. “What are you talking about? What mission?” She asked. Only angels knew about the mind-wiping that occurred when angels failed their missions. And barely angels knew about it. If you were good, you´d go through your entire existence never being wiped. “You don’t remember… what did they do to you?” He asked and slowly walked over towards Y/N. He rarely showed emotion, but he was scared of the woman in front of him. He didn’t like leaders who used pain as punishment, not that he could say much about that.
Y/N backed away from him but when she couldn’t back off more she brought her blade up. “Just stay back. I don´t have any reason to kill you, don’t give me one.” She said quietly, however, her hand was shaking badly. “You won't harm me. It´s not in you.” Steve smirked and stepped even closer. Close enough that Y/Ns blade was touching his abdomen. Y/N looked at him and the look in her eyes softened for a few seconds before she smirked herself and gently slid the edge of the blade over Steves abdomen, drawing blood and causing Steve to grunt.
She placed her blade against him again and pushed him back. “Now, now. Let´s not try to read me, shall we? Let´s talk about that mission you keep mentioning.” She said and sat down in one of the rotating chairs. Steve watched her and chuckled as he wiped his abdomen seeing the blood. “If I couldn’t see your wings I would have guessed you were a demon.” He said and sat down in the other chair. “The mission… She was a Nephilim, and as you know. Well, you should know. Nephilims are demon-business. Not angel-business.” He explained. Y/N couldn’t do more than laugh. “Nephilim? They´re extinct. There are no more Nephilims.” She laughed and shook her head. “But how do you know so much? No ordinary demon would know this much. So what are you? A knight of hell?” She asked and raised an eyebrow as she studied him. “Think higher up. I´m Steve, King of hell. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.” He answered and stretched his hand out for her to take. He didn’t have high hopes she would.
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