#radblr discourse
sisterfhood · 10 months
Okay I’m slightly concerned to see osa feminists saying they explicitly told their male partners that if they watch pornography it’s over, because it gives him incentive to hide his porn usage from you and regrettably it’s an easy thing to erase all evidence of. If a man feels the desire to do anything outside the boundaries of his relationship and he knows he can get away with it he will do it every time. Please be careful, try to figure out their organic opinions on pornography before you reveal your own or impose boundaries on them.
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mister-rad-boy · 11 months
OSA women are going to have an inherent desire to be with a man just as much as SSA women want to be with other women. Asking or even demanding OSA woman to live a separatist life from men is like Christian parents/teachers trying to preach abstinence to their children to prevent STD’s and pregnancies. It doesn’t work. Hormonal teens are going to sleep with each other, and OSA women (including radfems) are going to sleep with/have intimate relationships with men. Yes, separatism would work in making sure women are protected from men, but just like how pushing for abstinence won’t prevent the spread of STD’s and unwanted pregnancies, expecting even a majority of women to practice separatism isn’t realistic and constantly pushing for it won’t solve the issue.
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spookyradluka · 1 year
... yall understand separatism is a choice and no tumblr randos are forcing it on anyone right
Some of yall act like separatists are forcing you onto terftopia at gun point to live isolated and alone for the rest of your life when really they're just girlblogging and it's getting weird
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trinitycove · 10 months
I'm gushing about my bf because I've been in many abusive relationships and I'm now happy. Simple as that. Grow up.
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rad4learning · 11 months
The term radfem covers a very broad area - just because a fellow woman isn't on the same branch doesn't mean she isn't in the same tree. An appropriate response to someone who agrees with the roots is to invite her on your branch but it is not your job to pull her up to safety.
She has to make that choice. She has to develop the strength of her arms and make the climb. No one else can do that for her. Not only is she likely to resent you pulling her where she doesn't want to go, even if you are able to sustainably use your strength holding her, she will not have developed the trust in herself that she needs.
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Sometimes I swear the internet destroys common sense. Driving an eight hour round trip soon after giving birth with a newborn for the possibility of a tiny bit of baby sitting is just not a thing. Like no one would ever do this, honestly driving four hours to introduce a newborn family member is a truly dedicated and kind thing to do, it’s so crazy to try and twist it to be some kind of devious manipulation. I’ve also seen mention of ‘baby hormones’ causing irrational behaviour which is just straight up misogyny. Don’t even get me started on the dehumanisation of young children (who by the way are a vulnerable class just like women- a scrap of empathy please).
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lez-exclude-men · 9 months
Failwoman 4 failwoman here
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spare-dignity · 2 years
apologies @owls-garden for using a screenshot rather than continuing in the same tag or thread, but i thought this was a salient point regardless of context.
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suburbs are what is (relatively) new, what exists separately from and relies on both urban and rural areas for subsistence, and what contribute huge amounts of pollution to our atmosphere via simply existing and requiring resources.
living in a service economy is rarely pleasant, but it's even less pleasant when you have no other choices but to move into the city (paying exorbitant prices for housing but saving on travel for work), or to move away from the city (saving huge amounts of money on housing, but paying more to commute and gambling on your continued safety). the suburbs look like they should be the answer, but they've been engineered so that they can't possibly address any of your concerns.
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tacktrunkstudies · 10 months
I'm not saying Radblr needs to coddle those of us Bi and het women with Jakeys, but maybe a hair of neutrality? Maybe a hair? Maybe not turning to sexualized porn-influenced red pill insults?
Because god damn, I'm currently celibate, but even I can recognize that half the insults and lines used on radblr towards het-partnered women as the same lines used on male suppremacy blogs that used to run here on tumblr and are likely all over the new porn blogging sites that popped up post-porn ban. Cocksleeve/cockwhore/ insinuating that semen somehow makes women stupid/drunk/dumb/docile/mind slaves.
Like... ladies... how are we combating misogyny by using the very worst fucking examples of verbal misogyny at eachother when we disagree?
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hard--headed--woman · 4 months
deleting this post and putting this addition instead, because i realized that i have said many things wrong in that first post, that it was aggressive when it shouldn't have been (giving the impression that i was attacking goldstar lesbians which is absolutely not my intention - i am a goldstar myself and as my mutuals know i always defend goldstars and this word in itself), and that it just wasn't phrased well at all, which just made it sound like I meant something I didn't mean at all. i repeat ; my post was about lesbians facing abuse, severe homophobia and internalized homophobia, not about women who dated men in the past and now call themselves lesbians for whatever reason.
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mister-rad-boy · 11 months
You're not an ally you're a male. We don't want you here don't use our fucking tags
My title as an ally is something I don’t really care about. If you don’t want to see me in the tags that you use, you are free to block me.
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normalfem · 2 months
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How I feel when there's radblr infighting
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trinitycove · 11 months
Every day I get on radblr the discourse just keeps getting worse. And on both sides people twist words. What I like about radblr is the female-centric community, the ideas I get from other women on how to do more feminism, and topics such as the discourse on the sex trade and how disgusting and vile it is. I can't believe this discourse about who can and can't be a radfem is still going and has now evolved into a totally new argument. I won't contribute though I want to defend a couple people like something fierce. All I will say is stop twisting words.
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womenaremypriority · 24 days
It’s really unfortunate to me that growing awareness of asexuality publicly could have helped counteract rape culture and harmful ideas around sex, but have in effect done the opposite. The fact some people don’t want sex and there’s nothing wrong with them, the fact you don’t need to get into relationships with the opposite sex just because everyone around you is, the fact people can have happy lives without relationships whether they’re asexual or not, are all great. The want to be seen as special, the individualist desire to fit into every label, and straight people fetishizing gay experiences and culture, all add towards the opposite: the popularity of disgusting attitudes and the rebranding of age-old rape culture. Even naive, liberal feminist attempts at preventing rape(“enthusiastic consent”) are counteracted by “you can have sex as a favor for the person you love!” And the concept that you can have sex with people you’re not attracted to- a misunderstanding of sexual desire at best, at worst something that will help people (particularly gay folks and all women) pressure themselves into sex, or be pressured by others.
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radykalny-feminizm · 28 days
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This discourse is fucking ridiculous. Oh, so I'm not allowed to dislike lyrics that are filled with hate towards women and sex-based slurs? Which is the case with the majority of rap songs? Because if I don't like it, it means that I'm a privileged, dumb racist? Well, fuck you. I'm not gonna respect the kind of "art" that normalizes calling women bitches, whores and hoes.
People not liking rap are fully justfied because most rap songs really are shockingly violent, hateful and overall socially harmful. Not wanting to be exposed to such things doesn't make you abnormal. On the contrary, it means that you're a healthy person.
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butch-reidentified · 2 months
maybe if you stop harrassing transpeople maybe people won't hate you as much! :)
ironic to send this on anon like a coward and thus contribute to the nonstop harassment radfems get just for being feminists, while in fact I've never harassed a trans person - or any person - in my entire life (I've never even sent an ask on anon before!), only been harassed while minding my own business. yall NEVER stop harassing feminists even when we aren't even talking about you. funny how i got this at the same time as this other anon. this you harassing me or just a fascinating coincidence?
my feminism isn't even focused on the gender identity ideology (GII) discourse, my primary focuses are helping women escape abusive relationships and heal from them, fighting for women preyed on by the sex industry (including intervening in situations of attempted trafficking), forging feminist networks to get access to abortion to every single woman/girl possible no matter which state they live in (hopefully internationally someday too), lesbian liberation, un-erasing women's history as much as possible, consciousness raising & building female class solidarity, female separatism & making more women aware that it's a thing & doesnt just mean moving to women's land, and much more. the fight of feminism vs GII is soooo far down my list of priorities, and has never once led me to harass any human.
in fact, I've ALSO done way more irl direct action for trans people than any of yall who harass me on here - probably more than all of you combined. check the link in my pinned post for more on this actually here you go, I'll make it easy for you. I have done and still do a LOT for trans people in need. I am more beneficial to trans wellbeing than you internet slacktivists who harass me and call me a transphobic bigot. get off your ass and try doing even a tiny fraction of the work I've done for trans people, you pathetic, cowardly hypocrite. lmfao
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