#rather than use it/speak lol
thenegoteator · 2 months
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shima-draws · 3 months
Me, sketching out charm designs: Fun!! Ehe! So fun!!
Me, lining charm designs: Why did god put me on this earth. Why was I put here only to suffer. Such a cruel fate has befallen me
Me, coloring and shading charm designs: Fun!! Ehe! So fun!!!
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sisterdivinium · 1 year
Finding "the meaning" to a show that could have had up to five or seven seasons but was cancelled after the second is somewhat like trying to understand a novel composed of seventy chapters by having read only twenty — there is a whole wealth of information which we do not possess that could alter our reading of any given element or of the entire thing in itself.
Still, there are always patterns that weave a story into a cohesive unit and they can help us to better grope in darkness towards comprehension. One such pattern in Warrior Nun appears to be how the consequences to mistakes, "sins" or evil deeds committed by characters manifest.
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Basic storytelling usually requires characters to act on something so that complications or resolutions may arise from their choices and move the plot forwards. In Warrior Nun, many of these actions are quite tragic in nature: Suzanne's arrogance and pride lead to the death of her Mother Superion; Vincent's allegiance to the higher power he believed Adriel to be inspired him to kill Shannon; Ava's flight from the Cat's Cradle ends up damning Lilith as she is mortally wounded and taken away by a tarask... All of these events have negative outcomes and heavy repercussions on all characters directly or indirectly involved. Something changes permanently because of them, be it in the world around them or within the characters themselves.
And yet, it would seem that all of these dark deeds not only move the story forwards but might also have overall positive results. We would have had no protagonist without Ava — and she would arguably never have received the halo to begin with had she not been murdered. What's more, on a personal scale, the horrifying crime she suffers is, in the end, the very thing that allows her a second chance in life, a new life.
An act of outside evil permits Ava to grow and develop, shows her a path she would not otherwise have found. Without her own season in some sort of hell, Lilith would not have been able to advance towards other ways of being and understanding beyond her very strict limitations. Vincent and Suzanne would not have embarked on their own journeys of enlightenment without having caused the pain they are responsible for.
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Beatrice might have been paying for someone else's mistakes, but she, too, is given the chance to grow into herself through it. The afflictions that torment these characters advance the overall plot, but they also advance them, as individuals, as long as they are willing to learn and keep going despite the calamities large and small that they are faced with. Beatrice keeps going after parental rejection, Mary keeps going after losing Shannon, Jillian keeps going after losing her son (in part through her own actions, adding insult to injury)... Trouble and the adaptation that follows it, if one is open enough to learn from the experience, motivates the characters, propels them forward, teaches them.
The problem of evil has occupied the minds of many a thinker throughout the ages, given how the very existence of it, evil, might call into question that of God (a good, omniscient, omnipotent one, anyway). A common way of justifying suffering (and also God), then, is by claiming, as Saint Augustine, that "God judged it better to bring good out of evil than not to permit any evil to exist".
Now, it would be rather ridiculous to say of Warrior Nun that it follows in Leibniz's footsteps, also because this philosopher, expanding on the augustinian concept, attempted to defend the goodness of a real God with his "best of all possible worlds" while all we have is... Well, whatever/whoever Reya is.
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But there seems to be an inclination towards some sort of optimism as a worldview nonetheless.
Betrayals reveal truth and grant knowledge (Vincent's culminates with the coming of Adriel, which allows us to know of the threat of a "Holy War" and thus prepare for it; Kristian's gives Jillian much needed insight, William's lights up the fuse for the fight to be taken more seriously...), crimes committed willingly or not open the way for Ava (Suzanne's killing of her Mother Superion causes the loss of the halo, which is transferred to Shannon, whose death opens the gates for Ava to walk through after being herself murdered by sister Frances)... The magnitude of these positive outcomes is perhaps not "balanced" when compared to the evil that brings them about, but there is still something to take out of the catastrophe.
However tragic the tones of a given event, the show itself appears to shun the predetermination that makes tragedy as a genre; if everything is connected, here it at least appears to not necessarily drag everyone into their horrible dooms.
What's more is that this lurking "optimism" matches really well with our own protagonist's personality.
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And it makes perfect sense that Ava would do the best she could with whatever she is given.
Life for her, in the conditions she experienced after the accident, would have been unbearable without some sort of positive outlook on life. However deadpan, the joking and the "obscene gestures" and whatever other forms of goofing around beside Diego are a way of turning a portion of the situation in her own favour. Proverbial eggs have, after all, already been broken right and left — might as well make an omelette of whatever remains.
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Humour is just another way of looking at the bright side of something, or, at the every least, of mitigating the utter horror it might bring. If the show allows for moments of lightness, if it lets us laugh, if it takes us through a perilous voyage which still bears ripe, succulent fruit instead of the rot of pessimism and its necessary contempt for humanity, it is because Ava herself sees things in this way. It isn't gratuitous or naïve in this case, but a true survival strategy, especially as it is confronted with the morbidity of Catholicism.
Here is a religion that soothes its faithful with the promise of reward in the afterlife — how else does one charge into battle against the unknown, risking one's own death along with that of one's sisters, without the balm of believing that we shall all meet again eventually, "in this life or the next"? How else does one come to terms with the ugliness and the pain of this existence if not by looking forward to a paradise perfect enough to make all trials and tribulations here worth it?
True nihilism would have annihilated Ava. Her present perspective is what avoided the abyss.
And there is nothing Panglossian to her attitude or what the show might imply by giving us her view on things. This isn't about "the best of all possible worlds", but of making the best of whatever situation we're in, of taking what we have and doing something with it, something good, something of ourselves. It isn't God making good out of evil, but our choices.
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Killing innocent people and feeling no remorse will never be the best someone can aspire to do. Sister Frances, cardinal William, Adriel all learn this the hard way.
Those who do their best find that, somehow, they can move on from whatever it was that paralysed them. Ava, most of all, knows what it is to be stuck, frozen in place; she can never be the character who refuses to grow, even through pain, lest she condemns her spirit to the same fate her body is all too familiarised with. Those around her wise enough to let themselves be touched by her, by the dynamic power she carries, walk forth with her and live.
It says very little about "God" that Warrior Nun should adopt its heroine's views and seem "optimistic" as it progresses — but it speaks volumes about the values it presents for pondering, of the inspiration its protagonists provide, and of the multiple reasons why this is a story unlike most others.
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#warrior nun#ava silva#you know it's actually very funny to type this as someone who is very schopenhaurian with hints of nietzsche#but i AM doing the best i can too :)#again i will reiterate that i don't think this apparent optimism has anything to do with the classic theodicy#if anything i see it more as a cry in favour of antitheism -- this is YOUR life fuck god#life is shitty so carve out your own makeshift paradise out of the wreck you are given#and don't make things harder for anyone else in the process if you can avoid it#(but that might just be the luciferian in me speaking lol)#anywho this post is a translation of one i wrote not too long ago in cryptic english and a ton of tags#so if it seems familiar that's why#also i do find it rather telling that whenever i try to delve into how the show structures things i talk about ava#i don't set out to analyse her -- but in analysing the show i must analyse her as well if by the edges#which again points to how finely woven she is to the fabric of the entire thing#remember how i said ava is a representation of free will?#well this whole bringing good out of evil thing also touches upon it#saint augustine maintains that it is precisely free will that allows us to do it -- to choose good#of course he means it in a sense of being free to pursue god rather than evil but you see the parallel still works#(this is the post i mentioned in the last reblog. figured i'd go ahead and throw it in the wild since there are more brewing)#analysis and similar#exercises in observation
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thelastspeecher · 23 days
My biggest geology pet peeve isn't when people say "dirt" instead of "soil", though I have known many geologists and soil scientists who get very upset about it.
No, it's when people say an earthquake was a magnitude of so and so on the Richter Scale. Richter Magnitude is actually outdated and has limitations, particularly for large earthquakes (which I won't get into). The standard used by the vast majority of seismologists is now the Moment Magnitude. There may be some stray incidences of Richter being used, particularly for a small earthquake, but nowadays the value reported is almost always Moment Magnitude.
And yet!
The news and everyone and their mother continues to call it the Richter Scale! It's not! Especially if it's a big earthquake (which ones on the news typically are), it's the Moment Magnitude!
...And that's my biggest geology pet peeve.
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spooksier · 1 year
(asked this question on IG but i wanna hear from yall too!!)
SO most of yall probably know at this point about osgood and my thesis comic pandorica radio (and if not check this out)
ANYWAYS osgood. you know him. im working on the more cultural aspect of his character this week and would lovelovelove some feedback from the filipino homies (specifically queer/trans or autistic filipino ppl) about what i could include in ozzy’s character that would help yall feel the most accurately represented :-)
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sysig · 5 months
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My ship now (Patreon)
#Doodles#Pajama Sam#Florette#Luke Wigglebig#Flukette#I decided that since I'm the only one on the whole internet shipping these two that I could make up my own ship name lol#What do you /mean/ no one is shipping these characters from a children's game from two decades ago who barely speak to each other???#Lol#I know what I'm about#These were mostly getting-used-to-again doodles since I haven't drawn them in like a year ahhh I've missed them! More than I realized#Still using Luke's classic design rather than my constrast-maker on his jacket haha#It's fun and looks good but it can be a pain to draw sometimes lol - simple is the way to go!#They've both got that in spades ♪ Cute to-the-point designs :D I always wish for more Luke in the game tho...You don't even rescue him....#Anyway lol mostly silliness! The first inspired the second can you tell lol#What if Florette was tall but not actually lol#To be fair she probably could've been tall - broccoli isn't naturally short! That's the supermarket precut version!#She could be leggy for all we know lol - I do like her height difference with Luke tho#All the better to pick her up and give her a smooch!#Or in the case of her having arms - the jacket returns! Although I think I only posted the original to my alt :0 - then to drag him down >:3#Get him on your level!#Why is she threatening to kill him? Banter (lol)#She's a real threat now that she has access to limbs#And a slightly more friendly drag him down ♪ I love reaching towards each others ahhh <3#He can rest a hand on the ground and still be upright to kiss her lol#To be fair it's probably a pain to stand from sitting or laying when your ''leg'' is just a continuation of your torso#And then a last couple chibis <3 I'd like to make some Humongous Entertainment style pixel art based on them ♪#Also ft. their design swaps! Which were also posted to my alt lol#She's just so cute with those big cartoony eyes gazing up at him ♥
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traitorsinsalem · 10 months
bg3 is crazy for being a massive $70 larian + wotc collab game whose accessibility menu features subtitles that are present for less than half of all idle character dialogue and almost zero battle dialogue
#succ speaks#not to be the 'paizo wouldn't let this happen' guy but god this is actually insane#like why even have an accessibility menu at that point? i'd rather watch a youtube video with automatic captions#same energy as devs complaining that everyone was making their pcs a white human guy in early access while they had no asian human options#like bro i just want to know what bestie karlach is saying but if u make her mumble with no captions even tho i have subtitles on#tf am i supposed to do.....🤨😡😭💀#baldur's gate 3 is fun but this is pissing me off. like i'm prob not gonna keep playing this solo & only play online with friends#it's fun but. not fun enough to mimic the actual wacky bullshit i do with charisma rogues and bards in dnd or pf#i think i'm also used to having real humans around for ttrpg antics and dynamic character interactions so bg3 feels bland in comparison lol#also because irl i can ask people to repeat what they just said 🙃🙃🙃#joining the mob by accident was admittedly funnier in bg3 than it was in dnd though considering i stumbled into the base out of nowhere#i guess it just falls under ny philosophy that dnd is most fun when wotc has zero actual say in what happens and what we can do 👍#however as much as pf > dnd...bg3 > kingmaker. i think pathfinder is just to true of a ttrpg to adapt into a video game super well#like. the writing in wotr was WAY better than bg3 but still sometimes bad enough to be infuriating ESPECIALLY in regards to iomedae#but the weird ass iomedae stuff is also true in the adventure path itself and plenty of other people have complained about it#but hey at least in wotr the subtitles told me what she was saying every time she spoke 👍#wotr was still rly fun tho no hate to the game in general this is a quick slam of being pissed at bg3 again 🙏🙏
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danganronpa96 · 1 year
This might be a redundant question depending on how you look at it, but how do you write a fanfic crossover made up of a random cast of characters.
Because I tried it myself and the dialogue felt way too off for me. Do you have any advice for that?
I think this is a good question actually. Dialogue is a very important part of a character — the way someone speaks is a heavy reflection of their character. In fact, it’s a mixture of what they say, and how they say it (accents, stutters, pauses, hiding information, sharing too much etc.).
The first place to start is to just listen to the character. Either watch, or read (depending on the medium the character comes from) them speak. Try to find different situations, some where they are happy, sad, angry, conflicted, etc. See how they react to different situations, and how their language changes. What words do they usually say? When do they break their usual conventions? Do they have specific speech habits?
Next, see how they interact with other characters within their media. This may be harder if they’re a minor character or don’t interact often with people. Still, try to interpret their relationships with what information you have already.
Now, this is where your creative control comes into play. How does this character interact in a crossover setting? Knowing how they speak to certain types of people already, how would they talk to a character with traits that they like? Don’t like? Talk too often? Too quiet? Who are abrasive? Give them kindness?
I already enjoy writing dialogue, so these things kind of just come naturally to me. But if you feel like your dialogue is off, try to think about how you speak to others in a normal conversation. Think about the tone of the conversation too. Is it a light-hearted chat between friends? Or is it a more formal meeting between acquaintances? Context is a major factor of how the dialogue should flow. I like to think about the types of colloquial phrases characters would say. Things that roll off the tongue without too much thought. A lot of characters tend to speak before they even think, especially in tense situations.
If it helps, also plan a summary of the conversation. How does the topic spark? What is the goal of the speakers? How does new ideas or speakers get introduced, or removed?
It takes practise, but as long as you’re having fun, and taking breaks when you get stuck, you’ll get there ^^
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standbowed · 2 months
Hachi was named for the time of her birth- born precisely at 8:00 am according to the medical staff (as "hachi" is also the pronunciation for the number 8 in Japanese). Hachi's name is written with the katakana ハチ. It is worth noting that names written in hiragana or katakana do not hold specific meanings as names written in kanji do; they are purely phonetic.
While it's not uncommon for given names to be written in the phonetic-based katakana or hiragana rather than kanji, and while Hachi has no issue with the name or the set of characters selected on its own, it occasionally becomes a point of insecurity for her when contrasted to her sister Emi's name, which is written in kanji--specifically, the kanji 恵美 (恵 meaning "blessing, favour, benefit" and 美 meaning "beautiful, pretty").
For Emi's name to so deliberately note her as beautiful blessing while Hachi's name is much more simply based off of the time of her birth, well, it's prime fodder for (over?)thinking when Hachi gets caught up in trying to analyze it.
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wheelie-butch · 1 year
at wheelchair rugby this week we had an able-bodied woman come and try out a session with us because she's doing a challenge to try 40 different sports this year and it was really cool feeling like this isn't just a sport you do because you're locked out of others, this is something fun and cool people want to get into?
At the moment I feel there's a sort of difficulty with wheelchair sports where a lot of the time able-bodied people can't really join in because there's just not enough equiptment (and money really) to allow that and of course you need to prioritise the people who it's mainly for. But I'd love to be able to bring my non-disabled friends to 5s rugby with me the same as when I was abled I'd bring them to martial arts or badminton or whatever. Dreaming of a beautiful world where there is enough funding and wheelchairs for 5s rugby to be treated not just as a disability sport but a sport for everyone.
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unproduciblesmackdown · 6 months
btw took a shot at drawing winstuk earlier but as can be the way it wasn't happening. so for now let's take a moment & picture it. i'm thinking a nice chill comfortable hangout. that while sitting side by side it's so doable like i'm looking at your hands in your lap while we talk :) or try kissing, classic
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rotate em
#winstuk#winston billions#call it an extra interactive post here. although i suppose that implies interaction w/the post itself in cyberspace. whichever#their relationship / one potentially ft. kissing for sure / they individually: too powerful for billions. who & what Wasn't....#everyone at tmc too powerful though rian's potential thusly was yoinked away after 5x07 rip#ben & tuk & bentuk of course. taylor extremely like their constant plotline: stifled & hindered by the Priority of these mfs....#those prioritized mfs being everyone Not too powerful for billions lol#ofc it's everyone described by the lgw verse who Is beyond the scope & capability of the series#i.e. (sick of being) the weirdo the wuss the underdog (being) the misfit the old school analog (being) the oddball the weakling freak#the failure the sucker the please don't speak#refer to that last post abt it lol billions is just like ohh but you shouldn't need a squip you should just like Be A Chloe already#but if you aren't then Yeah Of Course learn from the organic aba the characterized at least partly internalized aba#hm wonder what they'd feel about how jeremy finds a niche amongst the Popular Crowd rather than just becoming invisible & silent (:#or having the Decency to stay on the fringes & affirm the whole approach by passing along the Violence like rich#anyways lmfao. winstuk having nice times. a somethingship whatevership they wantship#as always Soooo [grabs]#just little a moment little a treat for us to have
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woundedheartwithin · 4 months
Something y’all need to know about me is, if I message you or tag you or send you an ask or comment or address you in the tags, I am NOT expecting an answer! Not ever, and I mean that. I will not get upset if you never reply to it, and this is for two reasons:
1. I know intimately how stressful and scary and exhausting notifications can be, especially when you’re not feeling so great mentally/physically/emotionally, and I will automatically assume this is the case if I don’t get a reply, even if I see you actively posting on my dash
2. I have already forgotten that I sent you something
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akkivee · 1 year
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the beauty of rhyme anima ichiro is that he’s so well adjusted that his primary conflict just boiled down to not being samatoki’s equal lol
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technoxenoholic · 7 months
got a wool coat at the thrift store today... i'll have to severely alter it before it will actually fit me comfortably (and without looking like a hideous fucking sack), but if i absolutely HAD to throw it on and wear it out in a storm this winter, it would do.
before i get into altering a coat, though, i'm going to make some sweaters and probably a different coat that i have the fabric for, just to work out the pattern before i start cutting away from my extremely limited supply of 100% wool fabric
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magical-girl-04 · 1 year
What do you think gay men are attracted to in men that they can’t be attracted to in women?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives men-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait men have that women can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
Bestie gender itself is a performance, don't know why you're asking specifically about gay men tho when it's quiiiite clear I'm a lesbo lol. But there are clearly people who preform masculinely and feminally and of course those who don't preform either or switch it up. And of course it's not all based on gender presentation but also sexual preference, I would not like to have sex with anyone with a dick regardless of gender for example. So like yeah everything is performative and built on culture and society because that's just how humans work. There are many factors that influence the people we're attracted to and labels are just there to be labels. A gay man can say he likes men but that doesn't mean he likes all men yknow, labels just make shit easier to get across.
Anyway this was a random ass ask but kinda fun to think about for someone who is currently doing a queer theology course lol.
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ironmanstan · 2 years
so tired of seeing peoples stupid posts on my dash i dont feel like injecting this with a moral argument this aspect just fucking annoys me but anyway buying blue checkmark is a false equivalence to a tangible object theres a very easy to acknowledge difference between donating to ao3 2.0 and buying like a toy lol take that as you will but dont act like its not the truth
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