#rayaari mothers
indianaclems · 3 months
Gardian of the Dragon Gem
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rayaspookiebear · 6 months
If Chief Virana were to be a parent in today’s society, she would be the type of parent to have a bad habit of saying the most downright outrageous, outta pocket, non-filtered comments that would get her cancelled within a microsecond
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moon-spirit-yue · 1 year
Rayaari pregnancy headcanons for the soul:
Namaari was the one to bring up the idea of kids a couple years after they got married
She’s always known she wanted a kid or two
Raya was pretty apprehensive to the idea at first, mainly because she lacked a mother figure growing up and was worried she’d be a bad mom because of it
(Boun and Noi softened her up to the idea because she loves them more than she likes to admit)
After much reassurance, Raya was on board on the condition that they would only have one
Namaari was more than okay with that
So they started looking into adoption for obvious reasons but they’re a little sad they can’t have a child together that’s biologically theirs
Raya mentioned it to Sisu one day so then Sisu was like “oh don’t even stress we have magic for this very reason! We’ve helped plenty of same sex couples have bio kids before the Druun”
Raya brought it up to Namaari and she was all for it
They ultimately decided Raya would carry the pregnancy. A big reason is because of how much of a workaholic Namaari is
When Raya actually becomes pregnant Namaari is SO supportive but she is also SO protective. Like Raya simply does not leave Namaari’s sight
Raya winced one time because the baby kicked and Namaari sprinted her down to the emergency room
“MOVE BINTURIS MY WIFE IS IN PAIN” “can you maybe chill babe-“
Namaari is a worried wife
Raya also experienced INTENSE mood swings
She will go from laughing to crying to murderous to apologetic in the span of three minutes
Namaari is very good at soothing her
“Maari? I’m sorry for, ahem, threatening to shove you off a five story building” “Oh don’t worry about it, it’s like we were teens again. I enjoyed it very much”
Namaari telling Raya how beautiful she is 24/7
“Why are you staring at me, you freak?” “Because you’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen” “I’m the size of a planet” “I know what I said”
Raya gets very irritated when she can’t do things she typically would. Not being able to train slowly drives her insane
The serlots become Raya’s bodyguards. She is the queen of the kitties
Tuk Tuk gets annoyed that other animals follow Raya around like cmon he was there first
During the actual birth Raya cusses Namaari out so hard
(Benja had a really hard time in the delivery room because it reminded him too much of when his wife was in labour but he stuck through it)
It was long and difficult, but they both ended up being okay
Everyone in the room was crying
Namaari was probably crying more than anyone tbh
“I just- I’m- I can’t” “There there, dep la. There there”
Raya held her first and then she started crying more too
“I was so worried that she was going be born with like 18 fingers and 23 toes. She’s actually really cute for a baby that was just born” “We do have superior genes”
They’re a happy family that love each other very much!
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shy-peacock · 2 years
Rayaari fluff because it just feels right
Incredibly short cause I’m working on stuff atm 😂
Namaari heard her well before she came in through her window. Her feet skillful and quick as they barely touched the roof, easily jumping up to the ledge and tugging herself up with a tiny “huff”.
She’s less graceful now that she’s here, in this room, dropping what must be a bag as it clunks loudly onto the marble floor. So by the time she’s kicked off her boots and made it to Namaari’s bed, crawling up the length of it, mattress dipping as she did- Namaari’s awake and smiling ear to ear.
Vision a bit hazy in her exhaustion, turning onto her side as she lifts the blankets for her lover to slip inside- pulling her into the warmth of Namaari’s bed where she easily embraces here. Raya easily melting into her, eagerly accepting her affection.
Everything warm and inviting and wonderful that is Raya, invades her senses. Her firm touch, her fragrance that is like the earth- of the wildflowers that scatter in a field, the taste of her lips- messy as Namaari’s only half awake and Raya’s probably exhausted from the journey from Heart to Fang. The intoxicating sound of her giggle, how she is the first to break the kiss as Namaari moves lower to kiss along her neck until she is near her ear.
“I do have a door- dep la..” Namaari teases, her voice a mere whisper against her lovers ear.
“Old habits die hard.” Raya laughs, shifting until she is now resting her head in the crook of Namaari’s neck. Hugging her fully, sleepily. “And I missed you-..I didn’t want to wait till a ‘sensible hour’ to see you.” She added, causing Namaari to snort- knowing this is exactly what her Mother had said last time she was caught leading Raya in through the front gates well into the night.
Yes- she knew about them.
Hell, everyone did.
But that didn’t mean she was fine with being awoken in the dead or the night by the two of them trying to make a very sneaky path around the guards. Which- failed only as both of them couldn’t stop laughing… or pausing to kiss.
“I missed you.. as well.” Namaari replied, soothingly, hugging her tightly to her then. “But you’ll have to either leave by sunrise or be the one to explain to my Mother how you got in here.” She stated, teasingly.
“You and I both know I don’t do anything before sunrise.” Raya yawned as they settled deeper into bed. Already falling asleep as she added,“and that’s fine- your mother loves me anyways.”
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iwritesmuttyfics · 2 years
Help me decide on what to work on next 💜
Virana WIPs:
Ati waited - One shot
Virana/Atitaya. Ati started crushing on Virana at 13. Pretty much Atitaya trying to convince Virana that have feelings for each other but Virana keep turning her down. It goes through from pre RATLD to post RATLD and has sprinkling of Rayaari.
Virana's Assistant - Chapter
Virana/Female OC. Omegaverse. Virana is obsessed with her pretty assistant but is useless and doesn't do anything about her feelings, just gives her gifts like a weirdo that OC waves off. Raya drags Namaari around in an attempt to get the two together (they're just friends).
Rayaari WIPs:
Size Difference - One or two shot
AU. Raya is small. Namaari is tall. Raya is aware of her crush for Namaari but doesn't think she is Namaari's type so she's content to be friends. Namaari worships the ground she walks on but doesn't push, she wants Raya to come to her when she's ready.
Roomates - One shot… maybe more
They're roommates xD The lights go out while Raya is doing her "self care" routine and she is FRUSTRATED because she walked into their place while Namaari was working out. They hang out and things get spicy. I am thinking about working on them getting together over a few chapters.
Rock!N and Pop!R - One shot
Raya becomes a pop star and leaves Namaari behind in their small town. Raya goes on a talk show and reveals their old relationship. During the time, Namaari joins a rock band and is already rising to fame when Raya reveals that they used to date. Social Media goes crazy and demands Rayaari come back.
Rice - One shot
Raya brings rice and farmers to Fang to help against their constant battle with food. She also asks Virana's blessing to court Namaari. During the celebration, Raya tells the Fang children about her ancestor, the first chief of Heart, bringing rice to Heart. Namaari in turn tells her a story of how rice came and was lost to Fang.
Namaari's club - One shot
Raya works and trains at the martial arts center her dad runs and Namaari is part of her mother's business(es). Maybe mafia ish… Anyway, the martial arts center is across the street from the coffee shop Namaari frequents. Raya follows her one day and sees her enter the club. After working up courage, Raya goes to the club.
Modern A/O - Chapters
Omegaverse. Raya and Namaari grew up as childhood friends together until Raya shows as an omega. Their parents separate them and they don't talk until they attend college together when Raya is having trouble with her math class and Namaari is the only one available during her schedule. Goes from friends to enemies to friends to lovers.
Lone Arrangement - Chapters
Arranged Marriage. Raya doesn't want a partner. She tries to convince the council of Heart elders but they insist she has one, a great partner, so they launch a tournament for her hand. She enters the fight. Namaari needs an alliance with Heart to better trade and standing for Fang. She enters the fight for her hand in marriage.
Jewel of Wishes - Chapter
There is a new jewel and new adventuring awaiting. Raya and Namaari are attending an event in Fang when the palace's vaults are attacked. They follow the attackers and find out that they are searching for a jewel of power called the Jewel of Wishes. They tell Virana of the jewel and she worries what this means for Kumandra. She sends out letters to the other lands, who return letters that their own vaults were attacked as well. On the same night.
Defiance - One shot
Raya defies Namaari and she gets tied up. This has lots of edging + multi orgasms as punishment.
Corporate Namaari - Chapters
Namaari and Raya grew up as best friends, even though they were in different grades, Namaari is 3 years older than Raya. Namaari has taken over her mother's title as CEO. She is a workaholic and her mother decides to meddle. Raya just graduated high school and got into the college in the same town Namaari is living in. Raya pursues Namaari but one day, she receives a text to leave Namaari alone…
Captured and delivered - One or two shot
Namaari has been tracking and trying to capture Raya for two years for stealing the Dragon Scroll. Every time she has Raya in her grasp, she manages to escape. Talon soldiers manage to capture Raya when she attempts to steal from one of the stands. They intend to collect on the bounty on her head and contact Namaari.
Beast of Fang 3 - Chapter 3/5 of Beast of Fang
Omegaverse. This one is totally straight forward! This chapter is about them travelling to Heart for the mating ceremony and announcing Raya's pregnancy!
After a fight - One shot… Maybe two
Raya saves Namaari. They do their normally sparing but Raya can't help but feel VERY worked up about it. During dinner, she is acting weird towards Namaari but Namaari is SHY and nervous about offending Raya further. Unable to sleep, Namaari wants to know why Raya is upset with her and sets off to her room. Outside the door, Namaari hears some suspicious noises. *eyebrow wiggle*
A/O Cave - One shot?
Omegaverse. Raya and Namaari are tracking down bandits into the mountains of Talon. They stop to let Chief Tong know about them crossing into his land. He warns them of a snow storm coming but they assure him they can get to their group in time. Of course, they don't and end up passing time in a cave. During all of this, Raya can feel the coming of her heat. You know what this is xD I kinda wanna use this as an opposite of Beast of Fang where they don't get mated and married right away.
@typethcat since you responded to my previous post, which Rayaari WIP? 🥺
I also made a discord you can join to talk about my fics or share your own stuff :3
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thedragonnerd · 3 years
Rayaari headcanon - mothering moments with Virana learning to accept Raya
(inspired by this lovely anon)
Virana admittedly struggles to like Raya at first, the girl that has stolen Namaari's heart. Raya is the Princess of a land that historically has not been on the friendliest terms with Fang. Furthermore, she can remember the showdown in Heart all those years ago, when the Gem broke, and she remains suspicious that the young girl who was so impacted by that moment could now be so forgiving - of Namaari, of herself, and of Fang.
Raya also struggles to like Virana at first, although she refuses to say as much out loud. Namaari has never once placed blame of That Night on anyone except for herself, but Raya is mature enough now to recognize that a twelve year old was unlikely to be the mastermind behind the Gem theft, as well as smart enough to know exactly who was the likely instigator. She sees Virana for who she is, or so she thinks - a cold and calculating leader, who will stop at nothing to defend her people, everyone else be damned.
But Namaari...Namaari loves her mother with all her heart. Raya can see it in the way she smiles at Virana whenever the Chief says something encouraging, in the way she still seeks her mother out for an embrace sometimes after a long day, in a thousand small ways that remind her how Virana is all Namaari has left for family, just like her and Ba only have each other.
However, Raya is missing one thing...Namaari also loves her, although she has yet to say those exact three words. Virana can see it in the way she lights up whenever Raya enters the room, in the way she tries to make everything perfect for Raya's visits to Fang each time, in the way she can't stop talking to Raya or about Raya, and the thousands of words Virana has to hear about The Amazing Raya.
The first few visits where they all spend time together, Namaari is clearly a bundle of nerves. Her shoulders are tense, her gaze flicking back and forth between Raya and Virana, as if expecting things to implode at any moment even as they feast on congee.
Raya and Virana come to the same realization at the same time: Namaari wants them to get along, because they are the two most important people in her life. And so, a silent truce is born, built upon knowing glances and sometimes narrowed eyes. Namaari doesn't notice; she's too busy enjoying the fact that Virana and Raya remain perfectly civil through all their discussions.
This tense but "civil" relationship could have gone on indefinitely, neither being willing to evolve it into something more. But then, Namaari falls ill.
It starts off fairly innocuously, with Namaari simply feeling more fatigued and losing her appetite. But by the next morning, Raya can't wake her, and when she presses the back of her hand to Namaari's forehead, it is burning up.
At first, Virana and Raya sit in silence by her bed, whilst the doctors flit in and out of the room, prescribing different medications and treatments. As night falls, and Namaari's condition remains unchanged, they settle in for the long haul, unwilling to leave her.
Some time after midnight, Virana extends a peace offering, by way of words. 'She was so small as a child,' she says quietly, eyes still fixed on her daughter. 'And so often sickly, not helped by the food shortage at the time. She's been strong for so long, I had almost forgotten what this feels like.'
Raya can't help but lean slightly towards the older woman, sensing the pain in her words. It's a shared pain, but she tries to alleviate the moment by adding 'I bet she was also a troublemaker as a child too though, right?'
Virana laughs shakily, and agrees. 'Although no more so than she is now, when you and she go off on adventures together.' Raya can't help but smile at this thought too, and they spend the rest of the night quietly reminiscing about some of the different ways Namaari has managed to get herself into trouble.
When Namaari awakens three days later, it is to her mother and her girlfriend both leaning over the bed and smiling at her.
After that incident, it's impossible to go back to the icy relationship they had before. Raya catches herself exchanging silent gestures with Virana sometimes, but now it is in full view of Namaari, and usually along the lines of 'can you believe the ridiculousness of what your daughter is saying?' or 'She's your girlfriend - make sure she takes a break and stops working today'.
Namaari always narrows her eyes at this, unsure how thrilled she is at her Ma and Raya ganging up on her now.
Sometimes, although Raya would never admit it, she feels a small spark of jealousy when she sees Namaari and Virana together. She loves her Ba deeply, but there are days where the loss of her mother sends a spark of sadness through her. She was so young when her Ma died that she has barely any memories, but she has a sense of longing over the idea that she could receive advice or a loving hug from a mother figure.
Fang hosts a large celebration a year after the defeat of the Druun, as a way to bring all the lands together and also to offer a hand of diplomatic friendship to those who are still unsure of their intentions. Raya will be representing Heart for the evening, but since she's being staying in Fang for the last fortnight, she is preparing for the evening in Namaari's room.
Namaari is busy getting her own formal outfit on, when Raya for some reason unbeknownst even to herself begins to have a meltdown in front of the mirror over her hair. She wants to look every inch the important Princess tonight, both for her Ba and Namaari, but also to intimidate all the political dignitaries who still doubt her ability to help lead her own country. Yet, it is the one day where her hair refuses to cooperate, and she's embarrassed to feel hot tears of frustration leak down her cheeks.
'Are you alright?' Virana's voice interrupts her internal spiral. Raya tries to hide her face quickly, ducking her head and mumbling quietly about being absolutely fine.
Then there are soft hands cupping her cheeks, and thumbs wiping away her tears with the practiced strokes of a mother used to comforting her own daughter.
'Come on, let's get this sorted,' Virana's voice is no-nonsense, but her movements are gentle as she pulls the comb out of Raya's hand and begins to brush her hair.
She hums as she works, expertly twisting Raya's hair into a beautiful style and pinning it place so it will last the full evening, including through dancing. When she's done, she places both hands on Raya's shoulders, and smiles at her reflection in the mirror. 'Beautiful,' she says, just as Namaari returns from her own preparations, and echoes her mother's thoughts.
Several years later, Raya asks Virana to recreate that same hairstyle - this time, for her wedding to Namaari.
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isitbussinjanelle · 3 years
Namaari: [laying on the floor] You might as well call this execution. 
Sisu: ...
Virana: I banned her from seeing Raya for some time.
Sisu: ohhhh...yeah this is accurate for her.
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Raya: [at a social gathering] I can't believe Namaari, Sisu.
Sisu: Why?
Raya: Usually Namaari says I look good in everything, but today she told me to change!
Namaari: [facepalming] Raya, for the last time, I'm not gonna let you show up to a formal party in your DRAGON ONSIE-
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ren-451 · 3 years
someone: *insults namaari*
raya: *being held back by namaari* are you sure i can’t beat them up?
namaari: yes.
raya: even if i just break his nose or finger a little?
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OMG please dont shut up! your post with all those analyzing sajdhkajs , PART TWO of How much do you think about Rayaari ? ready set GOOO
AHA. So quite a few people told me not to shut up so heres a PART TWO. So ladies, gents and my non binary pals have a seat.
Part one. Part three. Part four. Part five.  Part six.
Let's talk about Raya's face here when Namaari says "Is that any way to call a friend ",
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There's not only the obvious anger there but if you look closer (or you're desperate like me), you'll see a flash of hurt in her expression here. Coz first of all, how dare this gay backstabbing binturi? But also you see the impact of how much Namaari's betrayal is still present and how true Raya's feelings were when becoming friends. And to see how Namaari just throws it out there like it wasnt important to her at all just pains Raya in so many ways.
I'm just...fhdjhsbsgd.
Imagine all those years of Raya thinking what ifs, like what if they actually became friends but then scolds herself for even thinking of a ridiculous idea.
Let's talk more about AFTER that Spine fight, yees? Okok
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So this is what I like to call #GAYLONGING
Coz wtf. From that part one post of discussing Raya's look when Namaari was about to knock tf out of her before Sisu stepped in.
Just imagine what her mind is going through here, what if Sisu didnt step in? Would Namaari actually pull through and possibly hurt her more than she ever has?
What if she spotted that hint of hesitation cross Namaari's features while they were eye to eye so shes thinking... why? Why did she suddenly care if she did. Why chase her almost most of her life only to almost hesitate there.
OR what if she didn't hesitate? And all Raya saw was burning rage and exhaustion in her eyes but there was a glaze of wet tears that were begging to be shed.
I'm ok.
(are we going thru all the alphabets? Maybe)
THIS one is my favorite coz yall know it, the gays know it, there is no straight explanation.
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I like to call this #GAYSIGH
These two will be the actual death of me.
Is there anything to even analyze here. Namaari over here worrying about what her Mother is gonna do to Raya. Is she gonna kill her ? Wait why should she care, didnt she just hurt tf out of her a mere few hours ago? But she doesnt want her dead. Coz who will be the reason and source for her passion?LOL
Raya over here OVERthinking if giving the pendant back was a great idea. Shes thinking whether or not that symbol ever meant something real or was it part of that devious plan to get the dragon gem. But a big part of her is aching for it to be REAL. Prove to her she isnt imagining the way Namaari's previous actions were during that Spine fight. What are her true intentions ?
AAA. This got long.
Ok. Theres more but I'll shut up now 🤡🤡
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indianaclems · 2 months
Title ?
I'll let you find a title for this drawing of Namaari and her daughter Nur. I will choose from the proposals
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xiexiuru · 3 years
Some headcanon about Rayaari ( sorry My English is really bad, i hope you guys will understand )
• Raya often has nightmares, and at times like that she will snuggle into Namaari's arms.
• Without Namaari by her side when she sleeps, she will growl a lot and constantly swing her arms and legs around to find her warmth. And it's pretty sure she can only get very little sleep.
• Namaari often shows a grumpy attitude towards people but deep down she is really gentle and loves cute things, she just doesn't want people to notice it. ( And you also know the cutest thing in the world for her is Raya's smile ^^ )
• Sisu always tries to give the two of them a chance together. She even mobilized her siblings to find ways to bring them closer together.
• Both of them were very bad at flirting. They always try to flirt awkwardly, but luckily, they both understand what the other is saying
• When sleeping Namaari often nibbles on Raya's shirt (if Namaari is lying on her chest). Raya will often kiss her forehead, cuddle her, and try to carve in her brain cute images of her girlfriend.
• When jealous, Raya will usually keep quiet and It turned out everything was fine but after a while she would takes Namaari's hand somewhere deserted and kisses her roughly. As for Namaari, she will confess to the outside and show her rivalry towards those who dare to flirt Raya But when she was alone with her girlfriend, She will sit on Raya's lap and rub her face against into her shoulder or hair.
• Namaari's mother - Virana - knows just how her daughter secretly missed Raya (but when she asked, Namaari denied it) so when she saw Namaari happier and more enthusiastic, she knew right away that the two were a couple. When Namaari announced that they were lovers, Virana was happy when her daughter finally admitted it.
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moon-spirit-yue · 1 year
Rayaari wedding:
Officiator: you may now recite your vows
Raya, feeling incredibly uncomfortable over the fact that her father is watching her be affectionate with her now wife: um…you uh, you pretty cool, man. We vibe. I definitely don’t hate your hair
Sisu, on the sidelines: is this bitch serious-
Namaari, equally uncomfortable with her mother watching her: yes, I too am quite fond of your presence. I find your hair lovely as well
Raya and Namaari: *awkward high five*
Atitaya, groaning: oh my god they’re literally soulmates-
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shy-peacock · 2 years
Cute rayaari family moments???
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Thanks for the ask. Rated G with mild spicy talk at the end. ENJOY <3
Namaari had nearly forgotten her own birthday. A continuing theme it seemed with both her and her wife, Raya. Neglecting their own personal important dates over the commitment they had to their roles as leader’s of Kumandra.
But birthdays were never a big deal to Namaari. Not her own at least, which she celebrated mostly for others as she aged. Her Mother gathering a get together of all the high-class Fang families, the council, and any other important members of Kumandra. An elaborate display of wealth and day long festivities that had Namaari up before dawn and crashing into bed late into the night.
It was a social event that was more respectful to those who wanted to wish her a happy birthday over her own desires to keep the day as simple as possible. Her birthday marked as a day for Fang, which she begrudgingly participated in year after year. The tradition severed when the Druuns had attacked, one which Namaari hoped would never come back with the rebirth of Kumandra.
She woke up the morning of her birthday thinking nothing of it. Realizing the time was late, seeing her alarm had been silenced and she had slept in far later than she ever did before. Not since maybe back when she was a teenager, her mind groggy as she woke and came into the living room.
Chau was playing in the middle of the floor while Linh rocked back and forth on her hands and knees. The small baby trying to understand how to lift up and walk like her brother did, that signature look of deep concentration on her face (scrunched nose and furrowed eyebrows). Raya sitting on the couch across from them, her face matching Linh’s, as she tried to figure out the laptop that was settled in her lap.
Chau took one look at her and began to fidget, excitedly. His lips pressing tightly together as if he were trying to hold back from speaking altogether.
Again, Namaari didn’t think much of it. Coming to kiss Raya good morning and make a quick breakfast, hoping to tackle some emails that morning while everyone was still waking up. Knowing that soon enough their house would be noisy with the sound of two children seizing the day.
The living room was eerily quiet though. Another sign, she realized later, that should have had her noting something was off. Maybe it was because she was still groggy from waking up late or her mind cluttered with getting things “done” that she didn’t catch on to something being amiss in the household.
But Namaari just didn’t make the connections, not as she dressed and went to their office room. Not when Chau followed her nearly every step of the way, lingering back, watching her expectantly. Not even when Raya had suddenly stopped working on the he laptop and picked Linh up into her arms to disappear further into the house.
Expecting nothing.
Nothing abnormal at least.
So when she at last opened her office door, a fabulous array of colors tumbling from the entrance and all around her, she could definitely say that she was surprised.
The room was filled with balloons. Completely! Top to bottom, causing an avalanche of the colorful decor to flutter then to the hall as it lightly bumped into Namaari’s head, side and all around her feet. The sight, which caused her first to gasp, soon had her smiling ear to ear as she realized what this was for.
“Happy Buwf-ay, Mommy!” Chau screeched, jumping excitedly through the balloons to get to Namaari. “Suh-pize!”
Namaari knelt down to pick her son up, both of them hitting the balloons away as Raya had returned with Linh and a few presents in her arms. Her face beaming as she came to them.
“Happy Birthday!” She cheered, bouncing Linh a smidgen in her arm to get her equally excited. However, as per usual, the girl could not stop giving a pointed glare to all the balloons around them. Configuring why the room was suddenly full of colors, even arching an eyebrow as if she were going to say “what the hell is all this?”
“Thank you.” Namaari said, heart warming at the sight of her children and wife. Realizing then that they had planned this from earlier that morning. Staying quiet as to not wake her, filling the room with balloons. Namaari thinking then that Raya must have either done it late last night or early this morning, with the help of Chau as he nearly couldn’t contain his excitement.
“Were you surprised?!” Raya asked, practically as excited as Chau.
“Yes, definitely-“ Namaari laughed, kissing Raya as they came together. The family hugging close, “this..is so cute, I really wasn’t expecting it!”
Raya kissed her again, this time against her cheek.
“Ugh- it was so hard to pretend we forgot!” She laughed, “we really wanted to surprise you.”
“Actually-…I sort of forgot too.” She mentioned, with a sheepish grin. Chuckling as she watched her wife roll her eyes.
“Of course you did,” she teased her, “I would expect nothing else from you.”
They went to the couch then and Namaari opened up her presents with Raya while Chau and Linh played with the hundreds of balloons. Linh claiming a single green balloon that she sat and inspected closely, while Chau kept diving into the balloons as if it were a giant pool.
Chau had made her a card with so much paint on it, she was amazed it ever dried. His signature written, with the help of Raya, in huge sloppy letters that Namaari would look back on for years. Linh’s card was nearly perfect with a cute print of her tiny hand, written words by Raya, however it looked as if someone had decided to rip it or-….chew it?
“Yeah- Linh started trying to eat your card.” Raya admitted, “somehow she managed to stuff half the card in that tiny mouth of hers before I could get to it..and if you change her and anything is purple-…she also ate the paint, which don’t worry- it’s non-toxic..”
The last gift was from Raya, a small box in a big bag with all sorts of tissue paper hiding it away.
Namaari opened it, seeing it was a necklace. A small pendent of a world, mostly blue with gold trim. On the back, tiny words that read:
“You Mean the World to Us.”
Namaari was already in love with it, but then Raya took the necklace from her and snapped it open. Causing her to realize that the pendant was also a locket, the world opening up, and inside were two small pictures in two small circles. A picture of Chau and Linh.
Namaari felt her throat tighten up, tears brimming her eyes with happiness. Seeing their children, the notes, everything being so wonderfully perfect. Feeling as though this was her best birthday thus far, the simplicity of being here in this home with all of them and receiving such a thoughtful gift.
Her heart could have honestly soared right out of her chest.
“Thank you, Raya.” Namaari said, her voice coming out like a whisper as she ran her thumb across the locket. Smiling affectionately at their pictures.
Raya leaned into her, hugging her arm as they both looked at her gift.
“It’s true, y’know….” Raya remarked, “you mean the world to us…”
Namaari moved into her, “and you all are my world.”
Raya bit down a laugh, snorting some.
“That’s so cheesy..”
“Says the woman who got me this.” She teased, holding up the necklace. “Seriously though, I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday, gifts and all…thank you Dep la.”
Raya kissed her cheek, “of course, Dep la…”
They stayed on the couch for a little while longer, enjoying the moment before Raya sat back. A mischievous grin on her lips as she spoke then, tender moment gone.
“I also have one more gift for you.” She announced.
“Oh?“ Namaari chuckled, amused at her demeanor then. How she seemed to grow more confident, as if she knew something quite exciting that Namaari didn’t. Namaari mimicking the smile she shot her way.
Said smile quickly falling away as Raya nodded and, ever so slowly leaned in to whisper hotly against her ear. Namaari’s face heating up fast at the words spoken.
“But you’ll have to unwrap me later..” she husked, “if you can be a good girl and be patient all day-…”
Namaari swallowed, thickly, mind racing at the possibility of those words. Specifically the manner of which they were spoken.
It was not unwrap “it”, but “me”.
Her imagination running rampant there on the couch, especially as her wife stood then as if that exchange never happened and joined the kids on the floor. Knowing how that would make Namaari feel for the rest of the day, her anticipation would only grow stronger as it did. Which was exactly what Raya wanted, her worked up by the time she got to her “final” present of the day.
But she could patient, more than that she could be good. Anything to receive a gift like that from Raya.
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luminescentauthor · 3 years
random fun RatLD hcs
you came here for RatLD shitposts and that’s what you’re gonna get!
I refuse to post about this movie without acknowledging the cultural significance of the first SEA disney princess and I will continue to do so until people on this website start remembering that this movie is about amazing cultures and trust and overall a WHOLE lot more than just the sapphics (as great as they are.)
anyway, so, headcanon time, my dudes!
The Next Adventure
Talon is a total mess after everyone gets un-stoned. (Ok so just for posterity, my marvel fan brain just went “un-snapped” on instinct and I hate it here.) The two chiefs are fighting for control, and Noi, being a baby, is not really in a position to help (unlike Raya, Naamari, and Tong.)
As such, the crew has to go undercover in Talon to try and, you know, stop the chiefs from destroying their people with their infighting. Tong insists on coming. Naamari happened to be in Heart and gets dragged along by Sisu and Raya, complaining the whole time, but everyone knows she doesn’t mean it. Boun also shows up and exactly no one is surprised.
During this misadventure, Noi’s mother names Tong as Noi’s godfather/honorary uncle/whatever, undercover Naamari and Raya go “noooooo, we’re not the princesses of Fang and Heart, what on earth are you talking about???” on at least five separate occasions, and the crew discovers that Noi inherited her sticky fingers from her very clever mother. She’s basically a grade-A spy and thief but she’s also just like, genuinely a very nice woman.
Raya and Naamari take a long time literally just figuring things out and reconstructing their friendship, because really, as much as I love sapphics, there’s also a whole lot of messy there, and because these are my headcanons, they work out their problems and have a healthy friendship for a couple years before any romance happens, because that’s how Real Life works and I don’t believe in ignoring those Pretty Important Things in fiction.
They do eventually start a relationship, but they take their time. A bit into it, Benja accidentally mentions that Raya told him she liked Naamari when they met. Naamari’s like “ha you did?” and Raya goes “BA NO.” Then Virana immediately says “oh yes, Naamari also liked her, she didn’t stop crying because she thought Raya turned to stone for like three days” and Raya goes “you did, hmm???” while Naamari turns bright red.
Before they start dating, as their feelings grow, they start calling each other “dep la” more and more and everyone is just kinda of like “oh my GOD just date already???”
Eventually Raya and Naamari get married and become the leaders of Kumandra. No I Won’t Change My Mind.
Unification of Kumandra
The unification of Kumandra felt a bit shoehorned, and I suspect the nations aren't united under one leader(s): it's more that they're now becoming close-knit again. Perhaps they have a meeting council of all their leaders that makes decisions that affect the whole land, otherwise that probably becomes a thing at some point.
When Kumandra eventually becomes totally unified, the capital of Heart (which I believe is on the island we see on the map of Kumandra) eventually becomes the capital. It still has five provinces/states, though.
Fang and Heart
Heart and Fang help each other out a lot with recovering from the “most of our people got turned into the statues” stuff. Heart has more resources, but most of its people have been stone for 6 years. So the two states/countries are both capable of different things.
Of all the kingdoms, Heart and Fang have the most to rebuild: Fang’s only standing city was destroyed in the finale of the movie, while Heart has been growing over for six years. Sure, Spine’s been stone for a while, and some of Talon’s docks and water ships and whatnot collapsed when the water vanished, but it’s still significantly easier to repair than “six years of overgrowth and rot and rust” or “literally the ground collapsed underneath us and wow um I don’t think that’s reparable.” So they really team up to fix it, and the others help them a lot.
The actual leaders stay in their capitals to lead until things have calmed down a WHOLE lot, so Raya and Naamari travel around Kumandra on their parents’ behalf a lot, and wind up going between Fang and Heart a lot to establish diplomatic relations and also to help with rebuilding.
Over this period, and while doing diplomatic meetings later on, Virana and Benja come to realize that the other person is actual quite decent. There’s some mess and distrust because of Virana’s thing with the Dragon Gem, but it eventually gets worked out. (Virana’s reaction is “yes that’s fair. In my defense, I was trying to do what I thought was right for my people, who were starving, but Yes, That’s Fair.” Benja’s reaction is “honestly if your people were starving from famine and you thought the Gem would help, that makes more sense.”) After a while, they become pretty good friends.
And suddenly Raya and Naamari regret everything. See, Naamari mentioned that both parents make terrible jokes. The girls are Suffering. Help them.
Sisu loves the bad jokes. Sisu also makes bad jokes. Raya and Naamari are silently dying.
It’s silly, but I like the idea that 3-4 years down the line, Virana and Benja consider getting married just for political reasons (alliance and all that) (they’re not actually interested in each other, it’s just practicality) and Naamari and Raya, who are not dating but are definitely in deep for each other at this point, are immediately like “NO. NO. DO NOT MAKE MY CRUSH MY STEPSISTER. DO NOT.”
Virana and Benja (mostly Benja) tease them by “considering” it for a bit longer, but they don’t, since they talked about it and both kids are uncomfortable with it. (”They like each other, don’t they?” Virana asks dryly. “Ohhh yeah,” Benja replies.)
Music? Music!
I was listening to a youtube mix this morning and “Too Far Gone” by Hidden Citizens popped up and it just reminded me of Raya’s attitude towards Kumandra at the start of the movie. Also it’s just a beautiful song.
“Knife in my Back” by Alec Benjamin is Raya @ Naamari before they figured things out, change my mind.
Other Stuff!
We can guess based off how long it took the crew to get from Tail to Fang even with side adventures (I think it was 3-4 days max, I wasn't totally paying attention) that one can navigate from one end of the river to the other within a couple days even in a boat like Boun's, and the royal families probably have even faster modes of transportation. (I.e. Naamari got from Tail to Fang in a couple days, then to Spine, then beat the crew back to Fang. On land.) Therefore, unlike I was originally thinking, it's actually totally realistic for the crew to be visiting each other once or twice a month.
It's even more realistic for Naamari to crash Raya's place on a weekly basis, since that's probably like six hours on cat at max.
I don't know what the cats are, so I will be calling them saber-cats until someone corrects me.
Wait I think I fixed it. Crisis averted! Sorry about that.
Because Naamari is in Heart half the time, Virana visits quite frequently too. It’s not a long trip, anyway.
Virana is not straight (haircut) but I can’t decide if she’s a lesbian or what. She doesn’t have a spouse and never did. Only those Virana closely trusts know who Naamari’s dad is. Naamari does know and she’s met him, because Virana figured she had a right to. He and Virana never had a relationship, Virana just sort of needed an heir and a trusted personal friend offered to father the kid.
Tong’s wife is a total badass and instantly fits in with the crew. She and Noi’s mother quickly become very close friends.
Noi and Tong’s kid also immediately get along. As in, they constantly throw things at each other while giggling madly and both love the Ongis, and -- are they whispering to each other in that corner?? They might be conspiring to take over the world. Who knows.
Noi learns how to talk and becomes about 5 times more chaotic. Everyone is Regret (except Tong.)
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thedragonnerd · 3 years
we forgive ourselves last
‘We’re not going to give her a choice,’ she says, and the underlying threat is clear enough to Namaari that her blood runs cold.
‘What are you going to do?’
‘That’s no longer your concern, my love,’ Ma rests a hand on her shoulder, fully in the role of Chief now. ‘You’ve done enough.’
The finality of her words is obvious, but as Namaari watches her walk away, all she can think is: maybe I’ve done too little.
Read on ao3, or under the cut!
Namaari doesn’t allow the royal army to slow down for the entire ride from Spine back to Fang, pushing them through the night. Her mind remains in turmoil over what she has just witnessed, the logical side of her in disbelief over the fact she saw a genuine dragon, alive and in the flesh, roaring so loudly that her battle-hardened warriors staggered back in fear. The magical fog still lingers in the distance, obscuring the pathway that lies behind them.
Deep in her heart however, she knows it to be true. She knows that it was Sisudatu herself who stood before her, that it was Sisudatu who stared directly into her eyes and through to her soul. Guilt has always been an unwelcome companion for Namaari, following her through life and scratching at her brain whenever she sees a new face turned to stone. It now rears its ugly head again, as she fears what Sisu saw within.
She arrives to the Fang Palace several moments before the rest of her warriors, slipping down from her serlot’s back and striding ahead even as she hears the others come clattering to a halt behind her.
‘Mother! We need to talk!’ Namaari calls out, bowing her head and raising her hands in the appropriate gesture of respect; her distraction and growing enthusiasm over seeing Sisu making her forget to say “Chief Virana” in front of Fang citizens.
Her mother has been entertaining small children, and they all look to Namaari in undisguised delight.
‘It’s Princess Namaari!’ she hears a small voice exclaim, and then they are bowing and crowding around her even as her mother is gently ushering them away.
‘Alright, alright…now run along, kittens,’ her mother commands. Namaari allows herself a moment to wave and smile at them before her attention is directed straight back on topic with her mother’s next words. ‘I have to speak with the Princess.’
‘Mother, you won’t believe what I saw,’ she says, the excitement creeping into her voice at last. If Sisu really has returned, she would be able to save everyone, to fix what has been broken for so many years. And maybe, just maybe, the era of dragons could exist again. The child-like wonder that she always feels when she reflects on dragons for too long is beginning to awaken inside her.
‘You saw a dragon,’ Ma says, and the excitement inside Namaari dies at once in the face of her mother’s disapproval. ‘General Atitaya informed me that you’d be returning home without the gem pieces.’
The rebuke is clear.
‘It was Sisu,’ Namaari tries, desperate for her to understand. ‘She can fix what we broke – she can bring everyone back.’
We can undo my mistakes, and maybe I can be free of this guilt, she thinks, but dares not say out loud.
‘And that’s what scares me!’ Ma says, banging her staff on the ground. The Dragon Gem piece glitters in the sunlight. ‘When everyone comes back, who do you think they’ll come for? You forget; the other lands blame us for what’s happened.’
‘But we…We never meant for anyone to get hurt,’ Namaari says, and yet the reasoning sounds weak to her own ears. The image of the different leaders fighting over the Dragon Gem springs unbidden into her mind, as does Raya’s look of devastation as it smashed to the floor. Another wave of guilt hits her, and she is reminded of Sisu’s unspoken judgement.
‘Yes, but if we had the dragon and the Gem pieces, we would be forgiven. We could save the world,’ Ma continues. ‘But more importantly, our people would remain safe.’
It sounds tempting, so tempting. If they had Sisu and the completed Dragon Gem, they could save all the lands and be heroes. No more would Namaari have to see stone people in her nightmares, no more would she have to tell another Fang family that their loved one has been caught by the Druun on one of their expeditions. Perhaps even Raya could forgive her, in time. And yet…
‘But Raya isn’t just going to give Sisu to us,’ Namaari argues, and her mother sighs deeply.
‘We’re not going to give her a choice,’ she says in response, and the underlying threat is clear enough to Namaari that her blood runs cold.
‘What are you going to do?’
‘That’s no longer your concern, my love,’ Ma rests a hand on her shoulder, fully in the role of Chief now. ‘You’ve done enough.’
The finality of her words is obvious, but as Namaari watches her walk away, all she can think is: maybe I’ve done too little.
Later, Namaari sits on her bed and broods. Her heart is torn in two, and she cannot decide which path to take. She is desperate to save her people, first and foremost, and yet the best route to achieve that is unclear.
On one hand, her mother’s concern has awoken the same fears inside her. Even before the breaking of the Gem, Fang was perceived as a harsh land of assassins and warriors, cutthroat in business and too proud to interact much with the other lands. It’s never mattered that all the leaders had a hand in the destruction of the Gem. Everyone remembers the ‘greed’ of Fang in targeting what they thought was Heart’s source of prosperity, and the rest has slipped from people’s minds. Now, they are pariahs, a land which has survived better than most during the Druun reign due to its willingness to stand alone and close its doors as much as possible. If they don’t have direct involvement in saving the world, then when everyone returns, they could be pushed aside even more. Trade could cease to exist, and along with that comes a risk of famine and poverty. Namaari never wants her people to see those dark times again.
On the other hand, Namaari fears what her mother has in plan for Raya. She knows the other girl will never back down from a fight, and even less so if she has Sisu, the other Gem pieces, and clearly some sort of plan.
At the end of the day, she knows Raya is coming for her – or at least for Fang. There is one Gem piece left, and it sits within her mother’s staff. At the same time, Raya could be walking into what could end up being a deadly trap.
For the last six years, Namaari has lived with the guilt of what she has done to Raya, in a more deeply personal sense than her responsibility for the rest of the world. She isn’t sure she could survive being to blame for even more tragedy to befall Raya.
Just then, an animal screech comes from outside her window. Whirling around, she sees a small package dropped onto the windowsill, along with a note, although the messenger themselves is nowhere in sight, no matter how much she peers around.
She unfurls the note first, but it is little more than a crude map, with a small ‘x’ marking a spot on the riverbank across from the Palace. She can already guess who it is from, but unwrapping the package to reveal her childhood pendant confirms her suspicions.
She stands by the window, her mind at last resolved.
Dawn is breaking by the time she reaches the place at the riverbank marked out by Raya, but the others are not yet there. Her heart is pounding in her chest, and her hand is clammy as it clutches the piece of Dragon Gem she has stolen from her mother’s staff.
The fact that her mother lies there asleep and unprotected weighs heavily, but she is determined to see this through. If they are successful, if Sisu can really bring back everyone, then they will never have to worry about the Druun again, and her betrayal can be forgiven – or so she hopes.
She holds the Dragon pendant in her other hand, reminding her why she has really come. It keeps her grounded whenever she feels the desire to bolt back to the Palace and agree to her mother’s plan instead.
‘I see you got my gift,’ a soft voice breaks through her thoughts. It is strange not to go directly for a weapon, but Namaari allows herself to appreciate the sight of Raya standing in front of her with a small smile on her face instead. It’s been so long since they last had a conversation without it ending in a fight, and even longer still since Raya looked at her with any sort of a welcoming expression.
‘I never thought I’d see this again,’ she feels herself say, and her own voice sounds far, far away. Raya shrugs a shoulder awkwardly.
‘Well, uh…I tried to take good care of it,’ she says. ‘You’re not the only dragon nerd here.’
They gaze at each other for a moment, and Namaari emits a slight chuckle, before becoming serious. The time is now or never – no going back once she has taken this next step.
She places the Gem piece on the ground, and accepts her fate. Raya nods, an understanding passing between them, and then her concentration is broken by the arrival of none other than Sisudatu herself.
Namaari bends low into a bow, raising her hands in respect. The awe of seeing a dragon in front of her for a second time is not lessened in any way, and as she straightens up, Sisu smiles back at her. She can’t help but tuck her hair behind her ear self-consciously, hoping this time that Sisu will see something better in her than before, will see that she is trying to atone for her mistakes.
‘The final piece,’ she hears Sisu say, and then Raya is reaching down to open her bag.
‘Raya,’ Namaari finds her voice again. ‘Raya, I came her to warn you also. My mother-’
‘Is very proud of her daughter,’ her mother announces, and the sound of many crossbows being loaded rings out in the clearing. A large group of Fang warriors emerge from the forest, dragging Raya’s companions with them, Chief Virana leading the way. Namaari’s breath catches in her throat.
‘I must thank you, Morning Mist, for bringing us straight to the Dragon Gem and to Sisu herself.’
‘You tricked us?’ Raya asks, her voice shaking. It is a flashback to six years ago – Raya looking upon Namaari with utter betrayal and disgust.
‘No Raya, I-’ Namaari tries to choke out, but Raya turns away, two red blotches on her cheeks showing just how angry she feels.
‘Take the rest of the Gem pieces,’ her mother commands, and just as Namaari expected, Raya draws her sword immediately, stepping in front of Sisu.
‘If you want Sisu or the Gem pieces, you’ll have to go through me first,’ she calls out, her voice strong despite being outnumbered. The large man dressed in Spine clothing is already beginning to fight his captivity, and all at once there is chaos as the yelling starts and a brawl breaks out between Raya’s companions and some Fang warriors. The rest stay focused on Raya and Sisu, clearly reluctant to shoot towards the dragon but unsure how to carry out their Chief’s order.
Through all the shouting and fighting, a voice reaches out to Namaari.
‘I believe you,’ Sisu says, and the dragon is staring at her with a soft and open expression. ‘Namaari, I believe you came to help us.’
The tears rush unbidden to Namaari’s eyes, and she takes a shuddering breath at those words, barely able to believe what she has heard. Hope is blossoming from her chest, that she can help resolve this misunderstanding and endless cycle of mistrust.
And then Namaari watches it all happen as if in slow motion. General Atitaya’s crossbow raises slightly, wavering towards Sisu, and her finger twitches on the trigger. Raya notices in the same instance, striking out with her sword and knocking the soldier’s hand.
The crossbow swings back towards Raya, and there is a small click as the arrow breaks free, shooting straight and true towards its target. Namaari watches it aim directly for Raya’s heart, Sisu’s words still ringing in her mind.
And then she steps forward, and feels the arrow pierce her skin.
‘…maari? Namaari?’
Someone is calling her name.
She feels very cold through her entire body, except where there are two warm arms wrapped around her. It is difficult to open her eyes, and the darkness seems far more welcoming. She lets her mind drift slightly.
‘Namaari, wake up!’ The person is now shaking her shoulders, causing a pain to rip down her left side. It startles her into opening her eyes properly, where she has to blink away water droplets. Rain pours down around them, and when she shifts her head slightly, her cheek comes into contact with Raya’s chest.
‘Raya, the rain isn’t going to hold them back forever,’ Sisu’s voice calls from afar. ‘They’re gathering in number…I think they were attracted by the fighting.’
It takes a few moments for the meaning of the words to sink into Namaari’s brain, and when she focuses on something other than the pain, she can hear the unearthly howls above the rain. The druun are here.
‘Namaari, we have to get you to the doctor,’ Raya is saying, looking down at her with large, worried eyes and damp hair plastered to her skin. One of her hands is trembling slightly, as she raises it to Namaari’s face, and her fingers are smeared with blood.
She has never looked so pretty to Namaari before.
‘I can take her back to the Palace,’ Ma says, and she realises her mother is kneeling down on her other side, clutching her hand and disregarding the mud smeared across her white clothing. ‘Give me back a piece of the Gem so I can get us there!’
‘You won’t make it through the Druun,’ Raya snaps back. ‘Let me take her and Sisu…we’ll travel faster.’
Namaari lets the sound of their disagreement wash over her. The pain is becoming stronger now, and breathing is difficult. Even if they get her back to the palace, she is not sure there is anything to be done. She’s so tired.
But maybe that is the point, a voice whispers in her mind. It is the same voice that has plagued her nightmares all these last years. You were the one who broke the world. You were the one who brought this hatred and distrust to your people, to Raya. Maybe your ending can fix it.
‘I’m not going anywhere,’ she whispers through numb lips. Raya and her mother break off their argument to look down at her.
‘Morning Mist, you don’t have much time,’ Ma says, stroking her hair. Raya grunts in acknowledgement, and unwraps an arm from around Namaari’s shoulders to slide it under her legs. But before she can be lifted, Namaari raises a weak hand and knocks her back.
‘I’m not going anywhere until you put the Gem back together,’ she insists, trying to sound firm even as her strength is failing her. She isn’t sure that this will be enough, that their concern for her will be enough. But she plays the only card she has to left to play, and lays down her ultimatum anyway. ‘Save everyone, Raya. I believe in you.’
Raya loosens her grip slightly, clearly unsure what to do. Then suddenly, Sisu is there, dropping Fang’s piece of the Gem next to them.
‘You heard Namaari! Let’s fix this big ball of power, save the world, and then get our girl the medical attention she needs!’
Namaari feels herself being transferred gently from Raya’s arms to her mother’s lap, but the movement still makes her cry out in pain.
Raya glances her way once more, and nods in determination. She gathers the Gem pieces into her hands, slotting them together into a perfect orb once more. A bright glow seeps through her fingers, and the last thing Namaari sees before darkness takes her is Raya, lit with an ethereal blue light from the Dragon Gem.
When Namaari next awakens, she is in her own bed. The blankets are warm, her body is in considerably less pain, and Raya is curled up on the other side of her mattress.
Wait, what?
‘Raya?’ she croaks, her throat dry, but it is enough to disturb the sleeping figure, who sits upright with a start.
‘You’re awake? How are you feeling? I mean, I guess probably pretty bad considering you were shot by a crossbow,’ she rambles, a hand awkwardly patting her hair. Namaari laughs at her softly, and then can’t help but wince as the movement causes her wound to throb ominously. Raya leans over to hold a glass of water to her lips, and she manages to swallow a few mouthfuls.
‘Did it work?’ she has to know. She wants to see with her own eyes, but can tell she won’t be leaving this bed for a while. ‘Is your father back?’
Raya looks at her for a long moment.
‘Yes, it worked,’ she says finally, and a smile breaks out across her face. ‘Everyone has returned. Ba is in fact downstairs right now…I think him and your mother are trying to write a hundred trade deals at once. And he’s demanding a celebration for the return of Kumandra.’
Relief hits Namaari all at once, making her feel slightly dizzy and sick. She tries to subtly turn her head so Raya can’t see the tears in her eyes.
‘Of course, it would have also worked if we had waited until AFTER we got some binturi to the doctor,’ Raya adds suddenly, her voice taking on a disapproving tone. ‘Why did you insist we fix the Gem first? The doctors said another ten minutes, and maybe…’
She trails off, but Namaari understands the end of the sentence. Another ten minutes, and you might not have survived.
‘I wasn’t sure if I would make it anyway,’ she confesses, staring up at the ceiling rather than look Raya in the eyes. ‘And I wanted to make sure I made up for my mistakes before I died.’
Raya is quiet for a moment. Namaari can feel the bed shift slightly as she lays down next to her and rests her head back on a pillow.
‘It wasn’t just your mistake to atone for,’ Raya says eventually. It sounds like forgiveness. ‘I hope you’ll see that one day.’
Her hand slowly shuffles across the covers, and Namaari inhales slightly when she feels their fingers entwine.
They lie there together in silence, watching the sun rise on Kumandra through the window.
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