#real talk with Schu
schupuff · 3 months
Bang Brave Bang Bravern is one of the best things I've ever seen and I'm not sorry about that. I'm thrilled.
The constraints of a 12 EP run were felt a little in this finale but my god what a finale. I'm not just satisfied, I'm happy. (My Isami headcanon getting confirmed was icing on the cake, tbh) Also gonna process some more and put up some of my analysis in the future.
God it's so fuckin cheesy but this show saved me. I can't describe the creative slump I was in. Worse than my last one. Then this show arrived. I feel I can make whatever I want because this show exists. And I want to make things. I want to do things I've always wanted to do. And I think I've found the courage to do them.
Thanks, Bravern.
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russilton · 1 year
finding out ur first real fandom was not marvel and in fact glee really threw me off....and also AKKDKSKSKSKS not glee being less dramatic than f1 😭 HUH???
Checo, I have been on the internet for a VERY long time and before there was marvel there was Attack on Titan and before that there was glee bc I was 11 in 2010 and that’s the only gay rep in media I knew of and was allowed to watch. Klaine was my first properly insane fanfic obsession.
Though I didn’t actually CONTRIBUTE to a fandom until my marvel phase bc I didn’t want to talk to people before I was 18. I knew I was lying when I clicked “yes I’m over 18” but I wasn’t subjecting other people to my insanity before then like good adult fearing teenagers used to do.
And yes Glee was actually butt fuck insane and usually in a bad way, but what’s more insane: teen pregnancy musical numbers, or, Sebastian Vettel paying a 25k fine not to listen to Fernando Alonso talk???
Who’s creepier, whatever the fuck mr schu was, or helmet marko??? And I defy you to tell me that 2019 George Russell doesn’t give off a weird Kurt Hummel vibe: bangs that don’t work, high voice, and a posh energy despite not actually being posh.
God I haven’t thought about glee in so long this is like being hit with waves of nostalgic whiplash
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Beethoven x kanae part 3 for my friend
Last up We had Wagner return-
It was a pretty chill day, likely around 2 pm and everyone was relaxing in the living room. Even Tchaikovsky and his/her gang like bada Bach and akira was there. Each couple was just chill like the day and was all watching a movie. Beethoven had his head on kanaes lap and Beethoven didn’t care for the movie, but for the music and for kanae. Liszt- I wished cho Chan and I had a relationship like yours!. Then she grabbed him and kissed him. Chopin- mumbling to himself while blushing he said fine and layed his head on liszt sans lap. Then the door swung open~ GUESS WHOOOOOO’s BaCKKKKKKk! It’s me ya boi Wa Kuhn the hottest thing since Beethovens burnt 🥟 Gyoza. Beeths- He shot up hitting Kanae chest, sorry girl and gave her a quick kiss. WhO GOES there and insults my gyoza!!! Kanae- Wa-kun!!! SHE RUNS AND HUGS HIM. IM so suprised. -akira and Tchaikovsky say in unison-, “ BITVH IF YOU DONT GET OUT OF HERE WITH YOUR REVOLUTIONARY SELF.” Bach- that’s enough you two. “ Yes sir!” Wagner, I forgive u after all this time for Musik still lives inside me and the tests of us. “That means a lot Bach sama. I have been distant from my sister and this “family” and have not given a proper apology and for that I apologize double.” Bach shook his hand and kanae guided everyone to the kitchen to sit down and talk at the table. Mozart- do I have to Olease no kanae I just wannna ride around on my skates. “I would have let you leave if you weren’t scuffing up the floor how sit down.” “You too schu san. “Ok landlady he said(Schubert) Kanae- so Wa kun where have you been? Wagner- well I’ve been traveling with mom and dad so far and decided to come back life with them is pretty good. Beethoven spoke up- So is that why you haven’t talked to my wife? Beethos san !Kanae gasped. Wagner- YOU GUYS ARE MARRIED !?!!? nANI!?! Beeths- excuse my choice of words but No we are not, he said under his breath- I’ll change that soon and he smirked. “What was that said Liszt San! Hahahaha ITS LOVE!! Anyways said kanae blushing, THEY ALL TALKEF FOR A WHILE- bach and Tchaikovsky and bass and Akira- thanks for the movie and the meal and the stay , hope to see you soon.
~ no one knew but Wagner hated Beethoven for Kanae and would try to break them up so~ Beethoven was cooking some gyoza and of course with water and was extremely concentrated. Wagner out of frustration not knowing what to do to get them to break up had an idea. He then kicked berths and caused him to spill the hot water on his arm. AHHH FUCK WhaT ThE FUCK. Beethoven yelled. Wagner laughed , until Beethoven grabbed ahold of him and was yelling “YOU THINK THUS IZ funnY yoU little ShIt!! ILl BrEAK YouR ArM see If It’s funny. Kanae was cleaning and heard him screaming and ran over here. bEethoven what happened and seeing his arm. She pulled him off of Wagner and Screamed at Wagner go to your room now. She helped Beethoven treat his wounds and asked what happen. When Beethoven explained , she was livid. She told wagone to shape up or he’s out like he can live with their deadbeat parents. He started to cry and say he was sorry and hugged her. They both made up and Beethoven did too. that next week Beethoven decided to take kanae to their date spot the beach, with everyone else. Mozart was frolicking with Schubert who hes probably dating by now Liszt sun tanning while Chopin is playing games under his tangerine box. Tchaiko is chilling with his/her girlfriend bada Kuhn and Akira is with Bach sharing an ice cream. Suddenly Beethoven yelled Spielen wir unsere mujik unleashed his Musik. This was a cue for the rest of them which unleashed their Musik. Beethoven- “Kanae, your the love of my life these past three years of practically dating and one year of real dating has made me realize your who I want to spend my life with and bear my children. Will you marry me? “ YES OF COURSE LUDWIG! I love you ludwig. Then to her surprise the rest of the Lois’s proposed to each other. Mozart to Schubert , back to akira, tchaiko to bada. List to Chopin!! Well looks like a quadruple wedding to save costs! Hell yeah said Kanae along with everyone else. The reception was beautifully and everyone was married happily , mostly paid by Bach and their honeymoon was compliment of arkhe and Bach.
13 years later~
LUdWiG and Himewa!(Beethoven and Kanaes son and daughter) Play with us said Juliette and Johann ( Bach and Akita’s daughter and son). Then Georgia and Annelise!!! (Obviously Chopin’s and Liszt daughters) Please Play WiTh us ToOoOoo said Franz and Amadeus (Mozart and Schubert two sons)
~the parents~ all of the classicaloids and their partner watched their children play together and laughing then suddenly They all watched in shock as Ludwig the son gave Juliette a promise ring and Johann gave Himewa one too. Than Fran’s to georgia and Amadeus to annelise. “Wow they really keep it in the friend group said kanae! Everyone had a laugh at that. Our boys and daughters are noble and intend to keep their promise which in that we should allow them to court just not other things… said Beethoven. LUDWIG!! They are 13 I meant liem making out slow your roll kanae. She laughed and playfully hit him. They playfully wrestled and brought all the parents to play with their children. In the end the children kept their promises and who knows what’s in store for these new classicaloids ?
The end
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arc-abscondo · 4 years
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now the wiki says that this is probably due to the fact that matt wasn’t on the football team but his very close to finn, puck and mike for him to NOT be on the football team.    so my canon is that he isn’t one of the popular jocks,   he isn’t apart of the cliche and rarely wears his jacket.   the only time matt wears his varsity jacket is if his coming from practice.    he is NOT friends with many people in the football team.    hell, he doesn’t even like PUCKERMAN that much until after they join glee club. 
now,   valid.     it’s probably ryan murrary doing some commentary on how he didn’t give matt anything to say during season 1 BUT, on this blog,   it means that Matt is very shy.     his anxious a lot of the time and since he isn’t apart of the popular jocks,   his rather -- not scared but wary of most of the football team.    they don’t bully him because they know his a good player and so they’re neutral with him until he joins glee club and then -- they start to tease him,   then once he picks glee club over football,  it gets worse.     and that’s why in season 2 he snaps at them.    cause the members of glee club are HIS FRIENDS and he finally has the confidence to tell them to get lost. 
now i love their friendship.  mike knows EVERYTHING about matt.    matt tells him everything.       mike knows how anxious he is about EVERYTHING and how he isn’t fond of the football team.    matt and mike have danced together since freshman year,    they usually dance around each others houses.   they’re best friends.    matt literally calls mike,    his bestest friend.   they’re very close.  
he is a football player and he does talk to the cheerleaders.   IN FACT, instead of hanging out with the football team he is usually hanging out with Santana, Brittany or Quinn.     his favourite is santana it’s obvious that these two are close.    they hug and dance together a lot and honestly.    close friend vibes.   this friendship does get strained when matt becomes closer with the glee club members and you will notice how matt slowly moves from dancing with the cheerleader to dancing near the glee members. 
MATT SHARES A MOMENT WITH EVERY SINGLE GLEE CLUB MEMBER.  he has multiple with mercedes,   he dances with tina often,    he is seen chatting with kurt and that gay high five.      he does the weird handshake with finn,   and rachel?    in the final episode during i lived rachel smiles at matt a lot.    and we’ll go into that in a second.     during the first season he becomes A LOT MORE CLOSER with the other glee members.     
matt is GREAT FRIENDS WITH RACHEL.     now,   of course it’s season one rachel and people might be confused but just LOOK AT THEIR INTERACTIONS.   rachel smiles so much at matt during I lived.   that’s a canon thing that happens.   rewatch when matt and mike are dancing and watch who rachel is looking at during that number. ALSO IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN IT ALREADY.. GIVE UP THE FUNK.     matt and rachel dance together constantly and it’s honestly just -- it’s why @ofberry​ and i headcanon that matt and rachel are basically damien and janice from mean girls.
ive covered this before but MATT REALLY LIKES MR SCHUE.    like yeah the song choices aren’t his favourite but? his a 16 year old kid.   of course they aren’t his favourite songs.     ALSO people saying about how mr schue didn’t let him sing a solo?   like i’ll get onto this but --- does matt scream confidence? no. in season one he is legit always looking down at sheet music.  and that’s because ryan murrary didn’t know how an ensemble cast should work.   but in terms of my headcanons its because matt was way too shy to sing by himself.  he gains more confidence over the year and in season 2 in the canon of this blog he sings solo’s and duet’s in the choir room and that’s it.   because his still finding his voice. 
his shy.     we’ve discussed this already.     he doesn’t have the confidence in his singing ability to get up there an sing.    with his dancing?    he is also shy at first but schue is always complimenting it and saying how good he is.   his confidence grows.   and by season 2?    his READY to sing that solo and at first he sings a duet with mike about friendship,   and then he sings a solo.   and he doesn’t care about singing at the competitions.   tho i will probably say he would want to sing at sectionals or regionals.   but he knows others are way better so he doesn’t really let it affect him cause his focused on applying for theatre at college. NOW GLEE CLUB?   matt loves glee club.   by season two?  his live and die new directions.   he stands up to the football team because glee club is where his REAL FRIENDS are.    HE LOVES THE NEW DIRECTIONS. HE EVEN ADMITS THAT HE LOVES ND MORE THAN FOOTBALL AND SAYS THAT ND HELPED HIM A LOT IN SEASON ONE. 
doesn’t happen on this blog.   I’m currently re-writing the show with matt centric arcs.   BUT i do have an arc where he does trasnfer and joins another glee club because glee is important to his life. 
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leigh-kelly · 4 years
Elf Chapter 4
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
After her date with Santana, Brittany felt like she had a belly full of gumdrops. The whole night, she kept wondering what the next day was going to be like at work, if Santana was going to be kind of snarky like she usually was, or if she was going to be sweet like she was on their date. She was stressed about that and she also kept thinking about her mom and the Naughty List and what Deidre had said about cheating kids out of the pages in their books. Everything felt a little overwhelming and Brittany wished she had Papa Elf to turn to. He was always so good at helping make sense of things but she knew that he was probably working eighteen hours a day in order to help Santa get ready for Christmas so she couldn’t even call him.
Brittany didn’t have to be at work until the afternoon the next day, so after she walked with Deidre to school, she decided to go to her mom’s job and see for herself what was going on. She figured that her mom probably told those scary guards that she was allowed there, since she was letting her sleep in her house so she didn’t feel afraid when she got to the building. She grinned at the guards as she walked right past and went all the way up to the floor where her mom worked.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, Corcoran.” Whitney yelped into the phone on the desk and Brittany winced at the profanity. “You want me to redo these books and get them out three days before Christmas? Do you even know what the lead time looks like on those?”
“The board of directors is livid with you, Pierce. If you want to keep your position, you’ll do it and you’ll be there at the meeting on Christmas Eve.” The woman in the phone told her.
“Christmas Eve?”
“It’s the only time Martinez can fly in from Spain. You really expect me to believe that you have big Christmas plans?”
“No, I don’t. I’ll be there.”
“You’re going to work on Christmas Eve?” Brittany’s eyes widened as Whitney hung up the phone. “But how are we going to go ice skating and make gingerbread houses and wait for Santa?”
“You can do it with Harry and Deidre, I don’t do Christmas.”
“But Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year! You’re supposed to spend it with your family! How are you doing to do that to Deidre and to me? This is our first Christmas together!”
“Are you here for a reason?”
“I’m here because we have an emergency to talk about.”
“An emergency?”
“You’re on Santa’s Naughty List and we need to do something about that. You can’t be mean to kids.”
“How am I mean to kids?” Whitney raised an eyebrow.
“You didn’t put all the pages in your book and…Deidre thinks you don’t love her and you just spend all of your time at work.”
“Brittany, the doctor said I’m supposed to be gentle with you, but…Santa is not real.”
“Everyone down here keeps saying that, I don’t know why you all think that. Of course he’s real! I’ll tell you all about his workshop and—“
“I don’t have time for that. Why are you here?”
“I just came to see you…”
“Well you saw me. I have work to do.”
Crestfallen, Brittany left Whitney’s office and figured she’d get to work a little early. Just in case the real Santa came, she felt like she had to much to do. When she got there, Santana was redecorating the tree and Brittany grinned at her, glad she was met by a smile in return. She wanted to talk to her, but Schuester grabbed her by the arm and threw her in the pit with all of the kids. Brittany loved working with them, making them laugh and she had a three year old girl giggling within seconds.
The whole day, the department store was swamped and Brittany barely caught more than a glimpse of Santana. When the store closed, Brittany went into the locker room and there was Santana standing in her bra. Brittany’s throat went dry and she swallowed hard, trying to moisten it. Santana smiled at her and she felt her heart melt.
“Hey.” Santana pulled her shirt over her head. “I barely got to see you today.”
“Yeah, it was busy. Everyone is just all amped up about this fake Santa.”
“That’s Christmas. So, um, I got an audition.”
“You did? That’s awesome!”
“Yeah, it’s for this movie they’re filming in the Village, so I wouldn’t even have to leave New York.”
“When is it?” Brittany’s eyes lit up, thinking she would definitely put in a good word with Santa so Santa would get it.
“It’s on Christmas Eve.”
“What’s up with everyone working on Christmas Eve?”
“Brittany.” Santana sighed. “It’s just another day.”
“It’s the most magical day of the year! When I was in the North Pole, all of our work would stop as soon as Santa’s sleigh was loaded and we’d have the biggest party in the world.”
“It’s at ten o’clock in the morning. I’m mostly worried about Schu killing me because I can’t come in until one. I’m not doing anything Christmas Eve anyway, it’s not a big deal.”
“You could spend it with me and Ken and Deidre if you wanted to. My mom is working so…”
“You want me to meet your family?” Santana raised her eyebrow.
“I mean, if you wanted to. No one should be alone on Christmas.”
“My parents aren’t exactly…accepting of my life, so I avoid them like the plague.”
“What do you mean?”
“The gay thing, Britt.”
“Why wouldn’t they accept that? It’s who you are.”
“I think you have a lot to learn, Brittany, but I kind of want to let you keep your innocence.”
“Do you want to maybe, um, get some hot chocolate?”
“A date two nights in a row?”
“I..um…” Brittany struggled, wishing Deidre was around to help her out.
“I’m just teasing you, Britt. I’d love to get some hot chocolate with you.”
They walked out of the store and then, much to Brittany’s surprise, Santana took Brittany’s hands. Her hands were so small and soft and Brittany decided she wanted to hold them forever. Maybe she was thinking about things way too soon, but sometimes when you know, you know. Santana was Brittany’s opposite in every way. She could be surly, she didn’t believe in Santa Claus, but Brittany thought that maybe there was a reason she ended up in New York besides getting her mom off the Naughty List.
“You’re so thinky.” Santana laughed.
“I just like being with you.”
“You know, when you came in the other day, I thought you were kind of weird, but it turns out, I really like being around you. I don’t believe in magic, but there’s something kind of magical about you.”
“They thought the opposite in the North Pole. Everyone else was pretty magical and I was just me.”
“Is that really where your from?”
“Well, I guess I’m really from New York, but I promise, I’m not lying.”
“I don’t think you are, as crazy as that sounds.”
“So do you believe in Santa yet?”
“I told you, Britt, it would take a real miracle for me to believe in him.”
“I’m going to make sure he makes that miracle happen, I promise.”
They get to the coffee shop on the corner and Santana insists on buying her coffee and Brittany’s hot chocolate—extra marshmallows, extra whipped cream, extra sprinkles—and they sat down in a corner by the window where they could see all of the Christmas lights outside. Brittany felt so warm and happy and she realized that she never wanted the night to end.  
“I realized I never found out. Where are you from?” Brittany asked.
“I’m from some bumblefuck town in Ohio, I got out as soon as I possibly could and have never gone back.”
“Didn’t you have any friends there?”
“My friend Mercedes moved here with me, she was the only one that really mattered there. She already made it big with her music so she doesn’t have to share a shitty apartment with me anymore. I just want to get to that point.”
“I bet you’re really talented. I wish I could see you act.”
“You see me act at work. Do you think I’m really that happy to be around all those kids?”
“You don’t like kids?” Brittany was surprised.
“It’s not that I don’t like kids, it’s just that I’d rather not be around strange kids. They’re always sick and they smell:”
“But you look so cute with the babies. I…never mind.”
“I’ve gotta say, you’re pretty cute with the kids. It’s like you get them.”
“I just like them, I guess.” Brittany shrugged. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Ask away.”
“I’m just like, trying to figure out what to do with my mom. I obviously don’t know her very well, but I already really love her even though she’s pretty mean. I’m just trying to make her better so she can get off the Naughty List, but she does all this stuff like send out all these books to kids without pages and spends so much time at work that my sister says she wants her dad to run away with her. I don’t know anything about people. How would I change her?”
“I don’t think people change.”
“I know that’s not the answer you want to hear.” Santana covered her face with her hands like she was thinking hard. “Let me give you a better one. Sometimes I think people just need to find something that will change their heart. I wasn’t able to find that for my parents, but maybe you can find it for your mom.”
“I tried singing Christmas songs really loud last night. I mean, I always thought that the best way to spread Christmas cheer was singing loud for all to hear.”
“I don’t think Christmas songs are going to change your mom. I think she just needs something real to happen that makes her realize what she’s missing out on.”
“Hmm. I guess I have to think about what that could be. I bet Deidre could help me.”
“Your sister’s pretty smart.” Santana laughed. “After all, she’s the one that got us to go out on a date.”
“It’s really weird that I’ve only known you for a few days. I feel like I can talk to you about anything.”
“Yeah, it is weird. I’ve never had this good of a first and second date.”
“Are you in a rush to go home?” Brittany asked hopefully.
“You’ve seen where I live, I’m never in a rush to get there.”
“Then let’s go ice skating.”
Brittany was really surprised when Santana agreed to go with her and was even more surprised when she suggested they take the subway. When they got underground, Brittany was amazed by the trains whirring by. She couldn’t help but jump up and down and the giggles that came from Santana when she did that were pretty amazing.
They finally got on a train and Brittany grasped the bar for dear life, her whole body feeling like it was falling with the train as it lurched forward. Santana was clearly a pro, standing perfectly still with only one hand on the bar and the other on the small of Brittany’s back. The announcer kept saying the names of stops and by the time they got off the train, Brittany was mimicking they “stand clear of the closing doors” announcement and laughing.
In the middle of Central Park, Santana led them go a skating rink, even though Brittany was very skeptical as they passed there more people she thought was Santa but were actually imposters. In the North Pole, no one would ever dream of dressing up like Santa, but in New York, it seemed like there was someone on every street corner who did. At the rink, they changed into their skates and Santana held out her hand for Brittany to take while skating, something Brittany always dreamed about when she saw the elves skate like that back home.
“I’m not exactly a professional ice skater.” Santana told Brittany as an explanation for why she wobbled on the feet and held fast to Brittany’s hand.
“That’s okay, in the North Pole, I wasn’t very good either. I can only do a double axle and like…six figure eights in a row.”
“Wait, what? You can really do that. Help me to the side so I don’t fall on my ass while you show me.”
With a grin, Brittany escorted Santana as then skated off to the middle of the rink. Desperately wanting to impress Santana, she did every trick she could possibly think of and when she turned to see Santana’s reaction, she was glad that she was greeted with smiles and claps. She skated back over to her and pressed kisses on both of Santana’s red cheeks, even if she wasn’t sure that wasn’t coming on too strong.
“That was amazing!” Santana tried to move toward Brittany, but then collapsed into the ice with her shaky legs. Brittany was concerned that she was going to be upset, but Santana just laughed dog laughed until Brittany put her back in her feet. “I don’t know if I’ve ever laughed this much.”
“I do have a lot of fun with you. But we probably should get you off this ice before you get really hurt.”
“Yeah, the last thing I need is to show up up my audition with a huge cut across my face.”
“It might make you look cool.”
“I’m cool enough without a big scar.” Santana poked Brittany in the side.  
“Can I walk you home again?”
“I would love that.”
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seizingfate · 6 years
CL Meta, S2E9: A World Without Circles
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So I just rewatched s2e9 bc i was trying to figure out what the hell the Moonlight Musik actually does, and holy hell the character interactions in that episode are So Good I felt the need to type words about them. The writeup will be mostly centered around Beet, tho, because, well, you know.
First we got Choppin’, the insecure shut-in who’s probably more aware than any of the Classicaloids about their legacy, because he’s so insecure (nice consistency! logical! i love it!!), discovering that people think he ripped off one of his Musiks, one of his essential parts of himself, from another Classicaloid, who he Does Not Like and Never Liked That Much in the past (as compared to literally every other Classicaloid who came after Beet lmao). And fortunately, no one in the mansion knows about it, and Beet seems to have forgotten about this piece, so it might be Ok? People online might shit talk, but no one he interacts with in real life is gonna think he’s a rip-off/fraud?
And then. Beet starts being weird about circles, and Chopin picks up on what Beet was trying to remember within, like, 5 seconds, when it takes Beet himself a day and a half and a Deus ex Mom to figure it out (although tbf, the “moonlight” sonata wasn’t “inspired by moonlight,” that was a music reviewer’s invention and the title stuck). Has Chopin been watching out this entire damn time?
And then there’s Beet’s point of view here - imagine how goddamn frustrating it would be to look down at your breakfast one day and be like ...do i remember something from my past life? what the fuck?? is up with circles??? No one around me will shut up for one damn second while i try to remember through a haze of memories to something that may or may not have happened in my past life? And now someone has stolen my goddamn breakfast?????
And then Chopin, in good ol’ panic mode, steals everyone’s stuff (sidenote I love how Liszt knows she can get him out of his room with his favorite food) and rains on first everyone, and then when he appropriately gets yelled at, just on Beet. What a good exchange for all involved.
Liszt: if u got shit with Beet have it out with him, don’t rain on us Chopin: ... *rains on Beet* Beet: Why Are You Doing This Chopin: ... Beet: Ok You Can’t Stop Me From Circles
And, contrary to stereotype, Beet isn’t really that angry at Chopin!
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Look at him this is just a 3 or so on the Beet Anger Scale. He’s more frustrated and determined to get to the bottom of this. It’s sort of the positive side of him not caring about people - even if you’re directly attempting to prevent Beet from reaching his goal, he’s not necessarily going to be angry at you, just determined to overcome the obstacles you put in his way. I mean, he’ll be irritated - he’s annoyed the scene before the Musik and when Mozart suggests forgiving Chopin and making peace he finds it ridiculous - but both times he shrugs off the irritation in pursuit of what he’s trying to figure out. Unstoppable force indeed.
Sidenote: Chopin’s music might be mostly triggered by fear, but he can control it really well (refining the target area, keeping it up for an entire damn night). 
ANYWAY SCHUBERT. One of the best parts of s2 were Classicaloids acknowledging each other’s Musik! and Schu is So Good here!! this ep almost singlehandedly makes me want to believe in schupin. Even when he doesn’t know that Chopin’s fear is basically exactly what Schu himself struggles with, he tries to help and honestly almost hits the nail on the head, it’s just that Chopin’s probably not thinking too clearly at this point seeing as he’s stayed up ~36 hours stealing stuff and Musiking.
And after Deus ex Mom triggers the climax, oh man what a resolution. Chopin’s voice actor pulls off a great performance of sincere panic and fear. And Chopin pretends he don’t care about the other ‘loids BUT HE DO !!!
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And then SCHU!
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SWEET CHILD...! Who’s struggled thru his entire past life of people calling him a rip-off! (i mean in classicaloid canon only, didn’t really happen irl BUT ANYWAY.) Now, if only someone could say the same to him or he could get some validation OH WHAT’S THAT, SENPAI ACTUALLY-
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Anyway Beet’s entire speech is 1. bangin’, because on a meta level it sort of works as an explanation of what Musik is? I mean, we learned that the entire damn reason the Classicaloids are, uh, themselves is Kyogo played them music pieces, which somehow imbued them with the composer’s soul and also Musik powers - so some of their souls *magically* transmuted themselves into the music itself, makes sense. 2. It shows Beet’s really pretty egalitarian theory of music in general, and 3. Beet’s music itself is a great example, from his general use of mastering and then bending sonata form and later tonality itself to greater express content, and also more specific examples of him using inspiration from another piece (Mozart 40!) to create one of his own (the Fifth!)! TL;DR I want to print this speech out and staple it to the forehead of everyone who shit talks sonata form!!!
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 Anyway Schu canonically brings Chop breakfast and worries/cares about him, thank u for your time here’s an extremely #blessed image of chopin with a lil bun
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barbieomoviegeek · 6 years
92 Truths Tag
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. at the end choose 25 people to be tagged.
Tagged by: @la-petite-schu​ ! Thanks Sara 💕
drink: milk
phone call: My friend Maddy who’s going to be acting as my assistant at work for the next few months.
text message: “Oh wait, what about your login for the register? I guess you could have someone else put theirs in.” To Maddy, as she’s going to be opening the mailroom tomorrow, but she’s been having problems logging in to the register.
song you listened to: “Twist of Fate” by Olivia Newton-John
time you cried: uhhhh idk tbh
dated someone twice: no
been cheated on: no
kissed someone and regretted it: no
lost someone special: yes
been depressed: not clinically
been drunk and thrown up: no
made a new friend: yes
fallen out of love: no
laughed until you cried: yes
met someone who changed you: hmmmm no one new comes to mind
found out who your true friends are: i guess. idk im working on it.
found out someone was talking about you : mmm not that i know of. im sure the student workers talk about me all the time tho (good or bad)
how many people on tumblr do you know in real life? rn i think only one. i’ve met a few others, but only “know” one
do you have any pets? yes, my two turtles, Lucky (a sweet angel) and Speckles (a bossy demon), and my dog, Max
do you want to change your name? no
what time did you wake up this morning? 10-ish?
what were you doing last night? At a party for my aunt’s birthday at a local bar
name something you cannot wait for: for @dolenz to come visit me next month :’))
have you ever talked to a person named tom? yes
what’s getting on your nerves right now: my ocd as i type this :-)
blood type: idk i think ab
nickname: barbieo, meg, megster, meagie, various other ways of shortening “meagan”
relationship status: single
zodiac sign: taurus
pronouns: she/her
favourite show: Everybody Loves Raymond, M*A*S*H, Taxi, Whose Line Is It Anyway?, etc.
college: what about it? yes, i have gone to college, and i graduated in may
hair color: rn it’s just blonde bc my pink is faded and i need a new dye
do you have a crush on someone: unfortunately yes, but thankfully it’s dying
what do you like about yourself: idk i just like myself in general tbh...i think im really understanding and empathetic and honest in a good way
first surgery: my wisdom teeth last year
first piercing: jus my earlobes
first sport you joined: uhh probably softball?
first vacation: probably branson, mo
first pair of sneakers: idk ??
eating: nothing rn, but i want some of the shrimp i bought
drinking: nothing
i’m about to: make some gifs for my side blog @svt-laughing (*hint hint* go follow)
listening to: rollin’ by brave girls
want kids: no
get married: no
career: graphic design i guess; smth art related
lips or eyes: eyes
hugs or kisses: hugs
shorter or taller: idc
older or younger: idc
romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous
sensitive or loud: sensitive
hookup or relationship : neither
troublemaker or hesitant: both
kissed a stranger: no
drank hard liquor: no
lost contacts/glasses: i rarely lose my glasses, but i have lost them before briefly
sex on first date: no
broken someone’s heart: not as far as i know
been arrested: no
turned someone down: yes
fallen for a friend: idk tbh...i confuse aesthetic attraction + platonic attraction with romantic attraction, so not really?
in yourself: eh
miracles: yes
love at first sight: no
Tagging: @dolenz, @wakari-bakari, @kittywoozi, @leedonghate, and @carlpalmer
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cecechiro · 6 years
~92 truths tag~
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. at the end choose 25 people to be tagged.
Tagged by @la-petite-schu thanks for tagging me sara! ily~~~
drink: water
phone call: with my brother to notify him that food is ready
text message: ok to my mother
song you listened to: 2 Hour Anime Mix - Best Of Anime Soundtracks | Emotional Ride - Epic Music
time you cried: when i was watching this video of animals reuniting with their human friends :)
dated someone twice: no
been cheated on: no
kissed someone and regretted it: yeah
lost someone special: yeah
been depressed: yeah
been drunk and thrown up: no
made a new friend: yeah
fallen out of love: no
laughed until you cried: yeah
met someone who changed you: yeah
found out who your true friends are: yeah
found out someone was talking about you: idk?
how many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: i think 3?
do you have any pets?: my bro’s fishies
do you want to change your name?: no
what time did you wake up this morning: 9:15 pm?
what were you doing last night?: on insta watching videos till 2
name something you cannot wait for?: mic drop performance yeahhh
have you ever talked to a person named tom?: uhhh idk?
what’s getting on your nerves right now: a certain person >.>
blood type: idk
nickname: ace/candy
relationship status: singleee
zodiac sign: scorpio
pronouns: she/her
favourite show: uh....the unit & law of the jungle~~~
college: maybe that one csu in la ;)
hair color: dark brown
do you have a crush on someone: yeah..but, idk if it’s friendship or love love
what do you like about yourself: my hair, my eyes, my personality...basically everything??? (even if i do have insecurities, i still love myself (haha, get it? love yourself love myself? okay i’ll stop))
first surgery: i don’t think i ever had surgery before???
first piercing: i stopped wearing earrings around elementary school...they made my ears itchy and i just never wore any
first sport you joined: none...
first vacation: i don’t remember? disneyland? santa cruz beach boardwalk?
first pair of sneakers: when i hit first grade
eating: a burger...and possibly an orange and chocopie right now
drinking: soon it iwll be water
i’m about to: finish this tag game
listening to: my parents watching a movie and the sound of my keyboards clacking as i type this out + the hum of my computer
want kids: sure, babies are adorable :) (when they’re small)
get married: oh yeah, but i just can’t see myself in a romantic relationship??? it’s like everyone deserves a lover but i don’t in my mind???
career: a photographer hopefully. but i’m still undecided bc i know i have a passion for visual and performing arts. i still need to explore myself more.
lips or eyes: EHEM, both~~~
hugs or kisses: both~~~
shorter or taller: i like my shortness so i want my s/o to be slightly or taller than me :DD
older or younger: i’m not sure? maybe older
romantic or spontaneous: tbh i’m a romantic person
sensitive or loud: i’m a crybaby and sensitive af. if u see me looking up at the ceiling or sky when watching something sad or something emotional happens, that’s me trying not to cry publicly
hookup or relationship: i wanna try both
troublemaker or hesitant: both
kissed a stranger: no
drank hard liquor: no
lost contacts/glasses: i was sleeping once before and my sis had took my glasses and bent the hell out of my glass frames. idk what she did to bend them that way but it was a disheartening day for me
sex on first date: depends if we hit it off well ;) jk, no.
broken someone’s heart: nobody has ever confess or hinted to liking me so idk. or maybe i’m just dense and oblivious.
been arrested: no
turned someone down: i think so
fallen for a friend: no
in yourself: half and half
miracles: yesss
love at first sight: idk maybe. not anymore :(
i shall tag: @daegu-dragon @exokru @bangtans-son-yeontan @bizzyizz & anyone else who would like to do this :D
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about ep. 15
i already saw the episode, i have a lot of things to say
maybe i'm gonna forget a few things but here i go:
how sousuke was so determined, poor boy getting ignored and not seeing the truth, "this genius" he said and he not surrender, the song was a bit catchy but the lyric, oh wow no thanks but relatable
how the classicaloid are like a real "family", playing together, more interaction between all, eating together and i have to point the change of Schubert and Chopin.
Schubert changed since Die Forelle and Beethoven too, we saw a lot of scenes of them together (bonus points for "the married" thing) and Schubert looks more comfortable with the others (the bored guy is playing with others?) and he talks more and he do moviments similar to his senpai (like past episode when both putted them shoes in the couch) and i am absolutely gladly about him being teacher (true fact) and having fans and being called "Schu senpai" good content.
Chopin was with everyone playing, including he's childish attitude, but without technology and not (so much) obliged for Liszt, the moment when he comforted that guy was "woah" and had his fans too.
I'm not gonna forget Mozart, demonstrating that he is still the "prodigy children" with his music playing 200 years after. He looked more cute and treatable with the others, knowing what could thinking sousuke after telling him the true, also bonus point for his cosplays!!!
The references of the past life, Liszt saying "i have another child" makes me laughed (fact: Franz Liszt don't married but he had three children, he hated the one called richard "dick" ) Schubert telling to Beethoven "you are not married" "you either" or something like that, i talked about mozart before (up)
i was wondered where the hell was Tchaiko and her appears selling potatoes? and i laughed while Mitsuru (the secretary/mendelson) and Bach took her, "they are sequester a innocent girl" yeah now Tchaikovsky wants be a girl.
THAT BEAUTIFUL MOMENT when the people came to the classroom and Mozart with the others start playing music with real instruments!!! everyone is so beautiful and great ;A; i almost cried (and also because poor Sousuke) is so far one of my favorite scene of the whole show.
and preoccupation of our dear Kanae, seems that she never saw him disappointed/frustrated, i found adorable the moment when they are talking and Beethoven stands up but he wants food first before he started the searching, the part with Mozart was funny and cute.
mhhh and the end was so cute too, Sousuke more confident and peaceful with himself, the others laughing, this is what i love of an anime
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SGRS 24 – 25 (FINAL) | Classicaloid 23 | ACCA 10 | Nanbaka 25 (FINAL) | Blue Exorcist: Impure King Arc 11
(SGRS 24)
Hey, I once had a Bungou Stray Dogs fic that was kinda similar to Sukeroku’s situation (it became Chain Reaction, if you want to know), so to see the plot being turned into SGRS is a real dream come true!
“Is the floating world a lie?”
It’s weird to see Sukeroku and Kiku talking in the bodies of their child forms while talking about Miyo. It’s really funny though, and it’s a concept I’d like to explore in more detail.
Hey, Kiku’s wearing white, like he’s a ghost or shinigami from old times…
The fireflies were a nice touch to this scene. I wonder if they were in the manga.
All these jokes about fires are so grim, yet the context states they’re alright simply because this is the underworld.
The decision to change it to manga panels is like suddenly choosing to do one manga chapter without dialogue (to cite Bakuman as an example). It’s so sudden and yet it brings such a punch you have to keep watching!
Shinnosuke? I thought it would have been Yotarou, but…I guess it’s entirely in the perception of Yakumo, meaning that indeed, it would be Shin-chan.
Akira Ishida is definitely a master of his art when you hear him switch from young man to old man at a drop of a hat.
I started to tear up around the time Yakumo saw Shinnosuke, and now I really don’t want this show to leave. This show is love, this show is life and it draws out such intense feelings, you never want to let go of it…The only thing that makes me happier than seeing SGRS get a proper ending is the fact I saw a spoiler image on the SGRS twitter (that was before I saw the next ep preview) that showed Shin-chan as an adult. I never thought I’d see Shin-chan as an adult, but man, I want 100 of him. *bangs table impatiently*
(SGRS 25)
Konatsu’s such an old lady already. It makes me feel young.
As I said previously, give me 100 ikemen Shin-chans. However, on a serious note, I understand what it’s like to have your talent fade into mediocrity…
Wasshoi – it can mean “heave ho!” in this context.
Hey, it’s a Shibe (Shiba Inu). I wandered around the SGRS Discord and saw there was a Shibe in an image over there too.
C-Could it be…Shinigami? Yes, yes it is!
I thought adult Shin-chan’s voice was different to the young one. It was kinda monotonous, but full of promise…it was Yuuki Ono. I’ll have to keep an eye on that guy too, now.
It was surprising to see that they left an Inokori by Yota-chan over the top of the credits. However, it wouldn’t do the show justice to continue from here – there’s nothing left to adapt, and it’s a work of art as it is. So, farewell, until I get to another show where I can meet you again.
(Classicaloid 23)
Schubert’s notes…Top left: Avocado -> ahoucado (ahou being the Kansai word for fool), around the middle of the left page: existence (sonzai) -> careless (zonzai), below that: alright alright, choral, one’s selfishness (or as the subtitles say, “egotistically”), as one likes, bottom of left page: senpai respect, top of right page: shutter, arcade, favourite food, black clothes, full (of what? I can’t tell), turban shell (yakoukai), scallop shell (hotatekai), rapper, yo yo gyo gyo (gyo being the noise a fish makes.
Why does Mitsuru have a black ring on her thumb?
“We’ll be imposing on you for a while.” – It’s shitsureishimasu, probably.
Now that I think about it, where is Schu?
I guess all this red stuff means either Kyogo’s in China or Chinatown somewhere, eh?
“…just change the world at will…”
We’ve learnt from previous episodes that if you need a lot of hitting done, you’ll need penguins. Lots of penguins. Therefore, Beethes is your man.
Well, I guess I never expected this…Schu’s on the side of the enemy, eh?
(ACCA 10)
Kino and Baccarat, LOL.
Welp, it’s pretty much as I said previously – it’s a study of multiculturalism through the eyes of people who know it all too well. That and/or globalisation’s effects, but I ain’t here to harp on about globalisation. There are academic subjects that can do it much better than me.
Wait, when did the other chief officers get there?!
I don’t think I ever got why the Japanese call their big gatherings “parties”, even though not all big gatherings are parties.
Ah hey, it’s an underground town! The backgrounds are real pretty. Come to think of it, the only real life underground town I know is Coober Pedy.
From what I know, this sounds like 1950s USA, when people were chasing the “American Dream”. Ono-sensei seems to be inspired by various cities and countries to get ACCA, and that’s part of its charm.
For some reason, Pranetta strikes really close to home for me.
Jean and his meaty hands strike again!
Now that I look properly, Lotta has different colour hair (slightly) from Jean. Hers is more of a cheddar, while Jean’s is a more yellow version of the colour.
I thought Furuwau was based on India. Now that I see the buildings, it’s based on Saudi Arabia…
(Nanbaka 25)
Sure, Jyugo’s foot turning into blades looks cool, but normally it take tonnes of training to get to that kind of stage. It can’t be his rage that’s subliminally letting him make up moves like that on the spot, right? Come to think of it, I’ve been so used to a gradual buildup of experience = more control (to the point where I can naturally write stories that way without thinking) that not doing it bugs me.
What’s the “sara” in “sarabaka” mean?
Finally, something good! Something funny! That’s (the aura thing) what I watch Nanbaka for!
“Before you try to be like someone else, you should re-examine yourself first.” - I think my aunt said that once. However, she said it in much less elegant terms than that…
I half expect Hajime to kick Jyugo in the face and I have no idea why I think that.
So…they left all the plot threads unresolved? Just because this is an ongoing manga doesn’t mean you can do that! *swears into distance*
(Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga 11)
I don’t think I can explain anything this episode because facets-and-rainbows has pretty much covered it all…so enjoy the lack of comments this time around. (Or if you’re here because you like my comments, take a breather and enjoy the show.) Specifically, I’m referring to this post of theirs.
0 notes
leigh-kelly · 4 years
Elf Chapter 5
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
On Christmas Eve, Brittany woke up incredibly excited. She knew that of the days she’s spent in New York, that was the one where she was most likely to see Santa. As much as she was really enjoying things in New York—especially Santana, that was a really big deal—she was a little homesick for Papa Elf and she knew that seeing the big man would help to assuage those feelings. Then, she remembered that Santana had her audition and she still hadn’t been able to get in touch with Santa to tell him that it was Santana’s Christmas wish to get a real part in something and be able to escape from her sad little apartment and Brittany got nervous. She also still hadn’t gotten her mom off the Naughty List, so her Christmas plans weren’t exactly looking great.
Brittany only had to work in the morning, so she figured that still bought her some time in the afternoon to figure out how she could accomplish the two big things she needed to accomplish by nightfall. The thing that sucked about working in the morning though is that Santana wouldn’t be there and Brittany pretty much wanted to see her every waking moment she had. But it would be fine, maybe she could invite her to do things with Harry and Deidre later, if she didn’t get too nervous or if Santana wasn’t a big star by then. The latter was possible, since Santa did know what everyone wanted for Christmas and Brittany was pretty sure that getting the part topped Santana’s list.
The morning was hectic with all the kids coming in to see the imposter Santa and Brittany had sort of reached a tentative détente with him. She was just about to leave when Santana came in the door all frazzled and Brittany thought that might be a bad sign about the audition. Brittany looked up, as if she could channel Santa, and then went over to Santana before she got into the locker room.
“Are you okay?” Brittany asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just fucking snowing and it made getting here a bitch.”
“Snow on Christmas Eve? That’s amazing! It’ll make it so much easier for the reindeer.”
“Definitely didn’t make it easy on me…” Santana grumbled.
“How was the audition?”
“I think it was good. I always think it’s good though, and they never call.”
“But that’s your Christmas wish, right?”
“I…no, it’s not.”
“What?” Brittany was taken by surprise. “Then what is?”
“I’m sorry, Brittany, but I just don’t want to talk about it because it’s not going to come true anyway.”
“You don’t know that, Santa is really good at these things.”
“If he’s so good, then he’ll know what I want. Listen, Schu is going to kill me if I’m late, but maybe I’ll stop by your mom’s apartment later?”
“Yeah!” Brittany yelped, then quieted her voice. “I mean, yeah, that would be great. Deidre said she just wants to watch Christmas movies and eat popcorn and candy, so we’ll be there.”
“Cool. I’ll see you later then.”
When Brittany walked out of work, she was even more nervous then she was before she saw Santana. Without knowing her Christmas wish, there was nothing she could do to make sure Santa fulfilled it and if he didn’t, then Santana would never believe in him. Maybe, if she knew, she could try to get in touch with Papa Elf and have him pass the word along to Santa, but since she didn’t, it was up to Santa who always needed a lot of help getting ready for Christmas.
Since Brittany had nothing else to do and she knew that Deidre was home while Harry finished shopping, Brittany went back to the apartment. Sprawled out on the couch was Deidre and Brittany figured that they should get out of the house while they waited for Harry to get home.
“I didn’t want to get out of my pajamas today.” Deidre grumbled.
“Come on, we’ll just go to the park for a little while. I want to see that big tree with the lights again. They have them on even in the daytime!”
“Fine. But I need to take a shower so give me a half hour.”
While Deidre got in the shower, Brittany plopped down on the couch and watched some terrifying Christmas movie about a boy who booby trapped his house to prevent burglars from stealing everything. Just as Brittany was getting really into it, she heard Deidre shriek from the bathroom and she jumped out of her seat to check on her.
“Deidre, are you okay?” Brittany asked and slowly, the door opened and Deidre popped her head out, blood running down from her head. “Oh my snowman!”
“Brittany. I think I really hurt my head.”
“Okay. I’ve seen elves get hurt in the workshop, I’ll make you some hit chocolate and then everything will be fine!”
“I can see my skull! I need to go to the hospital! I need to call my dad.”
Holding her towel up with one hand and her very bloody head with the other, Deidre got to the coffee table where she had left her phone. Seeing that her situation involved both hands and she didn’t have a third to pick up the phone with, Deidre yelped for Brittany to call her dad. Luckily, Brittany had made lots of those things in the workshop, so she knew exactly how to use it and scrolled through until she found the contact makes Dad.
“Hey buttercup.” Harry answered the phone.
“Hi Harry, it’s Brittany. Deidre is bleeding like crazy and she thinks she needs to go to the hospital. I don’t know what to do.”
“Okay. What you’re going to do it go in the jar in the kitchen and take money out. Then you’re going to go downstairs and get a taxi and tell them to take you to NYU Medical Center. I’m leaving Gimbal’s now, I’ll meet you there as soon as I can. Put Dee on the phone.”
“Deidre, it’s for you.”
While Deidre talked to Harry, Brittany scrambled to find her clothes. When Brittany came out with them, Deidre looked completely unsatisfied but without a complaint managed to get herself into the red velvet dress and patent leather shoes. Following Harry’s instructions exactly, Brittany got Deidre to the hospital and when they got in, no one even looked at the grown woman in elf clothes and the teenager in a too small dress strangely.
“I’m here!” Harry ran into the emergency room waiting room. “Dee, honey, are you okay?”
“Is Mom coming?” Deidre deflected the question and Harry deflated.
“She…couldn’t leave work.”
“Of course.”
It took a long time for the doctor to finally see Deidre but once she did, she got her head stitched up and they were on their way. Brittany was completely fascinated by the stitches but she didn’t want to say anything because Deidre really seemed to be in pain. They got back to the house and Deidre changed out of her dress while Harry started making a ham and Brittany decided to go for a walk in the park to wallow in the fact that it was dark and she still hadn’t figured out how to get Santana to believe in Santa or get her mom off the Naughty List. It was against the rules to feel like a failure at Christmas, but Brittany was totally there and she was bummed about it.
She was about halfway through the park when she heard sleigh bells overhead and looked up to see Santa careening toward the ground. She quickly leaped out of the way and Santa and all the reindeer landed just feet away from her with a thud.
“Santa!” Brittany shouted. “You’re here! I need so much help. I can’t figure out Santana’s Christmas wish and my mom is still on the Naughty List and—“
“Brittany, we have bigger trees to trim.” Santa shook his head. “The engine’s gone out on the sleigh and if we don’t fix it, there isn’t going to be a Christmas.”
“Santa, I’ve worked on your sleigh with Papa Elf so many times, I know I can do it!”
“Then let’s get to it.”
Brittany got underneath the sleigh and just as she really got in to working on it, she heard a familiar voice talking on her cell phone. The only difference was, the voice sounded much kinder than she remembered and Brittany immediately slid out from under the sleigh to see if her ears were deceiving her.
“Mom?” Brittany’s eyes widened.
“Brittany, what are you—“ Whitney started.
“I thought you had your meeting at work and you wouldn’t be home for Christmas Eve.”
“Time is ticking, Brittany.” Santa interrupted but Brittany was so taken aback by seeing her mom that she couldn’t even listen to Santa.
“Harry called and told me Deidre was upset that I wasn’t at the hospital. I…told them all to shove it, I needed to get home to see my kid.”
“But your job.”
“I got fired from my job, but not before listening to you and making sure each kid got a new book with all of the pages. I haven’t been fair to Deidre her whole life, although it looks like you did just fine without me.”
“But you think I’m weird.”
“I—is this—am I seeing things?”
“Santa, this is my mom, Mom, this is Santa.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Whitney. I’ve been watching you since you were a little girl. I hate to cut this short, but my sleigh isn’t working and I need Brittany to fix it.”
“I thought the reindeer pulled the sleigh.” Whitney looked on in amazement.
“With all the presents the kids ask for these days? There’s no way they could pull all they weight.”
“I’m back to fixing it, Santa.”
While Brittany got under the sleigh, Santa let Whitney sit in it and Brittany could almost feel her Christmas heart growing. As glad as she was that Whitney cared enough about Deidre to get fired from her job, Brittany half wished it was Santana sitting in Santa’s sleigh so she had a reason to believe. But she couldn’t worry about that. If Brittany couldn’t replicate what Papa Elf had taught her then there would be so many disappointed children in the world who didn’t have a Christmas morning.
“Brittany, we’ve got a problem.” Santa called down as Brittany heard the clomping of horse feet. “The Central Park Rangers.”
Brittany pulled herself out from under the sleigh just as Whitney was jumping out. Santa looked incredibly concerned and Brittany only needed about five more minutes to get the sleigh up and running. She knew who the Rangers were, they appeared on the Naughty List every year and Brittany was nervous to meet them face to face.
“Santa.” Whitney offered. “Give me your coat.”
“Just give me your coat, I’ll distract them.”
Santa complied with Whitney and as she ran head on toward the Rangers, Brittany quickly got back under the sleigh. She knew she didn’t have much time so she worked as fast as she could, pumping her fist as the engine started up.
“Okay Santa, lets go!”
Unbeknownst to Brittany, just as she jumped in the sleigh with Santa, a crowd had begun to form outside of the park. Deidre has dragged Harry out of the house, her head bandaged and the news had begun to report on a disturbance in Central Park.
“Santana!” Deidre called out, seeing Brittany’s friend. “I think Brittany is in there!”
“What?” Santana whipped her head around, looking from Deidre to the entrance of the park.
“They’re saying it’s Santa in there! If he’s there, she’s with him. I can’t find her!”
Just as Santana started to panic, a sleigh rose up from the ground and then, to the shock of everyone watching, it hit a statue above the arch and sparks rained down. The sleigh lost its height and everyone could hear the frantic whinnying of horses. Santana was at a total loss for what to do and she didn’t think when she grabbed Deidre’s fans, squeezing it tight as the sleigh bobbed up and down over the park.
“We need to do something!” Santana shouted, unable to believe her eyes. “What can we do?”
“They’re not letting anyone in the park, there’s nothing we can do.” Deidre answered.
At just that moment, Whitney, clad in Santa’s coat and holding his great book of names came running out of the park, hoping to divert the Rangers’ attention that way. But when she turned around, the Rangers had turned the other way and she looked up, seeing the sleigh attempt to fly.
“Mom!” Deidre cried out, running toward her.
“Dee!” Whitney snatched her up in her arms, shocking Deidre because she was never used to that much affection.
“Is Brittany in there?”
“She is, and they’re after her!”
“I’m going in.” Santana asserted, pulling the laces on her boots.
“Who are you?” Whitney arched an eyebrow.
“I’m Santana, Brittany’s…something.”
“Listen, no one needs to go in. When I was in Santa’s sleigh, I saw something. The sleigh can be powered by the belief in Santa. That’s all we need to do, we need to get everyone to believe. It’s the only way we can save Brittany.”
“Whitney.” Harry came over. “Are you saying…?”
“I’m saying that I believe what I see with my own eyes.”
“But I don’t—“ Santana started.
“Santana Lopez.” Deidre read from the book. “Wants her parents to stop hating her because she’s a lesbian and talk to her again.”
“Who told you that?” Santana snatched the book and her heart leapt when she saw it written there in old fashioned script.
“News lady!” Deidre called our, running toward the camera. “I need you to let me on TV!”
As Deidre began listing off Christmas wishes, in the sleigh, both Brittany and Santa were in a panic. They were going up and down sickeningly and Brittany couldn’t figure out how they were still flying at all.
“The Claus-o-Meter.” Santa told her, almost reading her mind. “Someone is doing something to make people believe in me, but they need to do more.”
“Come on! Come on! Someone do something!” Brittany wished.
From the ground, Santana could see the sleigh wobbling up and down. She was still attempting to process the fact that the book Deidre had read knew her deepest, darkest, most intense secret, one that Mercedes didn’t even know. But there was a more pressing issue at hand, the fact that Brittany could very well be hurt at any second. Her feelings for Brittany were new, but they were there and she would really have liked to see where things went before Brittany either fell of the sleigh and got severely injured, or if she took that sleigh back to where she came from and never looked back.
“The best way to spend Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.” Santana mumbled to herself, remembering what Brittany had said on their last date, then took a breath and began to sing. “You better watch out, you better not cry—“
“What are you doing?” Deidre whipped her head around.
“Just trust me, sing. As loud as you can.”
Before long, the singing from the ground became so loud that even Brittany and Santa could hear it. The Rangers were still below them but slowly, slowly, the sleigh began to climb higher and higher into the air. Before Brittany could think about anything else, New York City was fading into the distance. At the sight of the building that brought her to the city, she welled up with a painful feeling. In just a few dats, New York had begun to feel like him and perhaps her biggest pang came from thinking about Santana, who made her light up like a Christmas tree.
“Don’t worry kid.” Santa elbowed Brittany a little. “I’ll get you back in the morning.”
20 notes · View notes
Nanbaka 23 - 24 | ACCA 9 | Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga 10 | Classicaloid 22 | SGRS 23
(Nanbaka 23)
Seriously Ruka talks way too much…
I thought Honey’s arrows were only a thing he had when he was angry. They seem to have become a permanent part of him and his character.
Seriously, what did Honey do to get into prison? I can kinda guess Trois’ reason for being in prison, but not Honey.
Uno’s pep talk is really sweet and considerate. I want a friend who can do that with me whenever I need it. That way, I can do it back to them.
Is it just me, or does Jyugo look more…kawaii…this episode?
Hey, I think I’ve seen this trick before. It’s the string trick from KHR...
…Yup, I was right! The colour contrast is good, not just because it matches Honey, but because it makes it easier to tell where the string is.
I thought the ripple stuff was more chi at work, but no. It’s actually plausible (in a way that is defined by logic, anyway).
The (somewhat) recycled footage is really making me lose faith in this show…
Seriously, I swear if there was a Nanbaka x Bungou crossover, Honey would be Chuuya…without his Napoleon complex.
Jyugo’s face really sells this part. It’s times like this when I really want to keep watching Nanbaka. (Wait, does that make Uno and Jyugo Shin Soukoku? *le gasp* Jyugo’s voiced by Yuto Uemura, so that does work…kinda.)
We still haven’t gotten to the main Enki plot, which really sucks, but I’ll hang in there for one episode and then say what I will.
(Nanbaka 24)
So…this isn’t the final episode? Is this a 26 episode anime? Update: It’s a 25 episode anime, meaning this is the second last episode.
That one scene with “The dog! The monkey! The gorilla!” really shows how low his standards are for Hajime (to the point where he doesn’t even remember Hajime’s face). Ouch.
The sparkles came back…kind of.
Oh. I never realised it until now, but both of Jyugo’s eyes are red when he uses those blades of his.
The water this episode looks real pretty.
Huh. They actually give hints as to how the blades are made. Never thought that would come up.
Something hit me when Ruka said, “You’re not even worth his time!” Ruka is basically the Beppu twins! That makes Ruka make a lot more sense.
Uno’s troll face, LOL.
(ACCA 9)
ANN updated their ACCA article recently to include the 13 districts’ names. The list of the furthest 3 distrcits from Badon that Jean did right there was probably why.
Why is the symbol for the subway a T???
Café owner from where? When the blonde moustache man took Lotta to the café?
Why is Lotta playing hooky? It’s probably a metaphor, but…
Lotta appears to have a giant ACCA mascot plushie on her bed (the blue feet make it pretty obvious).
A dude called Herring. In a fishing distrct. Go figure. (repeat for Clam)
Was that incident involving the police meant to be funny? It made me laugh.
The languae of ACCA sems to be English-based (if not English itself), looking at Grossular’s document.
“It’s Nevada!” I thought when I saw Yakkara. Then I had a strong urge to play this song, because why not.
Is ACCA a study of mulitculturalism in a world that isn’t our own…? Who knows? (Maybe Ono-sensei knows.)
(Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga 10)
Chakram. I learnt about those through Busou Renkin, but even then I don’t know much about them.
Where’d Rin’s shoes go? Were they absorbed by the Impure King?
Wait, Kyoto Tower has a bath house in it? I still haven’t gone to Japan (as of the typing of this post), so…dangit! Stop making me so envious!
(Classicaloid 22)
What? I don’t even like coffee, and yet you’re pushing your sudden love of coffee on to me?
“There are numerous steps before the drink is complete. And making subtle adjustments along the way is enough to change the flavour.” - The same could be said of tea, Beethes.
Beethoven. Making puppy eyes. In my anime. Now that’s the stuff I’m here for!
Welp, like I said last ep, it’s a Man who can Tell the Difference. Not a Mad (sic).
“Kite Rapper”? Motz remembers Schu like that? Haha.
“the art of flowers” – Highly likely to be ikebana, or flower arranging.
Box Chopin this ep was on point. Gimme 100 of them.
Ume means plum blossom. Surely the lyrics mean umi, or sea?
The font of the credits is all pink and fancy this time. Pad-kun wasn’t around this ep, either…so that was Fur Elise, eh? I thought there’d be an actual “Elise” for him to sing to, but…okay.
I tried out the CR subs with this ep too, and there’s a slight divergence between them (not to mention the font is different…which means AnimeLab sourced it from Daisuki). Also, I love how Rose varies her byline if I never mentioned that before.
(SGRS 23)
I’ve been so inconsistent with how I refer to this show…the most consistent version of the name is counting all the episodes at once, so that’s why this simulcast commentary is referred to as “ep 23” rather than “Sukeroku Futatabi-hen 10”.  
Was it just me, or were Sukeroku’s eyes not red anymore in the OP?
I never knew if dango were meant to be eaten warm or cold. Well, now I know.
For the most part, they don’t show Yakumo’s burnt face and when they show it, they still have the patch on it. It’s quite striking to realise that.
Is tenfura (sic) a typo? Is it tempura or something else?
Palsy? Apparently, Google-sensei says it’s a temporary paralysis.
0 notes
Classicaloid 20 – 21 | Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga 8 – 9 | ACCA 8 | Nanbaka 22 | SGRS: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen 9
(Classicaloid ep 20)
Mozart! The madman! He dabs!
Schu’s a darned non sequitur in this weird smells-of-AU-ish scenario…
Wowee, Pad-kun. You even explain made-up concepts.
How old is Motz again?
Lemme guess, Motz’s sweetheart is his song? So what significance doe this have to do with anything? Classicaloid is better at episodics, so does this mean the endgame already? It is episode 20, after all.
(ep 21)
About next week’s ep: Why is it a “Mad who Can Tell the Difference” (sic)? Shouldn’t it be a “maid” or something? Update: Translation of the preview (linked below) says it’s a man who can tell (understand) the difference (chigai no wakaru otoko), which makes more sense.
I think it was that you could predict a person’s personality by their sleeping position? Cho-chan seems to reflect that, as does Beethes.
Not sure if you can call Hasshie’s room a “room” or not.
“…that time was not of my own will…”
America, I guess? That’s what sprung to mind when I saw where Schu landed.
I think there was a kite going across the eyecatch. Nice continuity there.
An avocado? Why an avocado? You don’t hear about those in oden, do you?
*starts laughing uncontrollably* Oh no. They went and did it – they turned classical music into rap! It’s hideous(ly good and bad), but it’s absolutely what I love about this show.
I still think the avocado is such a non-sequitur it’s stupid, but…yeah, it was also great. It’s the “this is anime?” kind of great.
The next ep preview here says next time it’s Fur Elise under the guillotine…I actually look forward to that, since even though Fur Elise has tortured me to no end during my piano days, someone I know who’s barely educated in music has been trying to learn it so I’ve had to get my rusty piano skills out of the gutter for them.
(Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga ep 8)
“We need more kindling!”
The thing about Blue Exorcist is that it’s so serious, it ends up being not that bad when it gets to the “all talk, not much movement” parts. That’s because each piece of dialogue is a small step towards the bigger picture.
(ep 9)
I seem to recall Rin read a similar volume of manga in one of the first 5 episodes of the anime (first season)…
(ACCA 8)
Oh dangit. CGI car ruined the mood.
I’ve always been such a sucker for white haired guys, so Abend Qualm is definitely my type, LOL.
I always thought chocolate rice crackers was a weird choice. To see rice grains turned into chocolate-coated objects though…that I definitely question…
Wait. Is Nino’s father Abend or Qualm? They referred to the white haired man as Qualm, meaning Nino’s father is Abend, but since I don’t remember what the white haired man is called in the present day…yeah, I got confused. A lot. Update: Oh, that’s why. I think of Qualm as “that grey haired guy” and when I think of “that white haired guy” I think of Grossular. By the by, I read the TV Tropes page while trying to figure out who Qualm was and I LOLled so hard at “91 Cakes” plus the comments on bread.
How old is Nino? Dangit, he must be twice Jean’s age…Update: 25?! That makes him at least 10 years Jean’s senior!!!
Breads Bakery. Perfect, yet redundant, name for a bakery, isn’t it?
Natsume Ono style struck real hard when Nino freaked out at the accident.
When I can predict Nino did it for his father and not for Qualm, that’s when I start to drop the ratings a little bit. I dropped Divine Gate solely because the naming scheme of the protags was too obvious.
Smalt, Jaune d’or (?) and Mordore…well, I guess that was not what people meant when they said, “One does not simply walk into Mordore,” eh. By the way, doesn’t “jaune” mean “game in some language or other?
Revelations from this ep beggar the question: is the girl in the ED Schnee or Lotta?
(Nanbaka 22)
Oh wow. We’re that close to the end already?
No one says “upsy-daisy” anymore, do they?
I have a little bit of a problem trying to believe this, because I bet Chinese prisoners don’t dress like that.
The cat has very meaty hands, LOL.
Man, Trois is creepy when he’s smiling at the box.
Spotted garden eel, splendid grass eel.
Zaru and mori soba.
Somen and hiyamugi. Basically speaking, it’s comparing two very similar things. This joke about queers is kinda irksome, because it does seem to be debasing the LGBT community somewhat.
Never heard of the “lentils/beans/acorns comparing their heights” idiom.
I haven’t laughed at Nanbaka in a while until Kiji started praising his prisoners, then bargaining with his custom makeup. (Ah, how sad it is for a comedy anime to not make you laugh.) Hyaluronic acid, by the way.
Super Sentai…y’know, like Power Rangers or something.
So what did Honey do to get into prison, then?
(Showa Genroku: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen 9)
Hey, the record this time has Miyokichi on it. Did it always have Miyokichi?
I just realised sunglasses man is Boss Man from way back…
Nuances really sell this show. It’s one of the reasons it ranks so highly for me. It’s like every little millimetre is rational and thought out…
Not sure if it’s “you bode your time well” or something else.
I cried at Yakumo’s rakugo this ep. (I had the volume of the episode off and I played a song called Parachute in the background while he told this story…now I associate the song and Yakumo together so much, it’s scary.)
Moustache man scared me when he stuck his face on the window.
I knew Shinigami would come into play somehow. It’s as compelling as always – so compelling, I don’t complain about the predictability. It’s almost as if it’s gotten better the more I see it!
Huh. “Shi-san” instead of “Shinigami”.
Notice Yakumo burnt his face before he threw the candle.
0 notes