#red-eyed tree frog companion
nukenai · 2 years
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Richard and Sable got moved into their new tank today! After weeks of waiting for stupid stuff like silicone to cure... I can finally move them over! And now this means Yarrow can get the hexagonal tank. And he may get a companion next month. Red eyed tree frogs (and most tree frogs in general) enjoy company, but Yarrow's current tank isn't big enough for more than him. I might get him a girlfriend bc of how comically larger than the males they are!
I'd like to get a different morph of RETF but my local expo doesn't usually have them which is a bummer.
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frinreallife · 7 years
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Flight Rising’s frog companions and toad companion, on a Fae for the example.
Toad Companion based on the Common Toad, Bufo bufo
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Desert Rain Frog Companion based on the Desert Rain Frog, Breviceps macrops
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Horned Frog Companion based on the Surinam or Amazon horned frog, Ceratophrys cornuta
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Poison Dart Frog Companion based on the Poison Dart Frog, Ranitomeya amazonica
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Red-eyed Tree Frog Companion based on the Red Eyed Tree Frog, Agalychnis callidryas
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The Marsh Frog Companion was a little tricky, it seems it may be based on two different species.
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Marsh Frog, Pelophylax ridibundus
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or Leopard Frog, one of 14 species within the true frog genus Lithobates
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lionsongfr · 3 years
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All of the beast apparel so far! (I think)
Set 1: Animal Friends: Friend Sugar Glider, Friend Anole, Friend Red Earred Slider, Friend Budgies, Friend Hedgehog, Friend Iguana, Friend Cockatiel, Friend Gecko
Set 2: Scurry:  Chinchilla, Nice Mice, Dumbo Rat, Bun-Bun, Ferret Friend, Guinea Pig, Ham-Ham
Set 3: Frog Companions: Marsh Frog Companion, Horned Frog  Companion, Desert Rain Frog Companion, Poison Dart Frog Companion, Toad Companion, Red-Eyed Tree Frog Companion
Set 4: Snakes: Red-Tailed Boa, Corn Snake, Rattle Snake, Green Tree Python, Ball Python
Set 5: Dogs:  Sussex Spaniel, Beagle, Corgi,  Dachshund, French Bulldog,  Pomeranian,  Yorkshire Terrier  
Set 6: Cats: Black Cat, Calico Cat, Mainecoon, Orange tabby, Scottish Fold
Set 7: Birds 1/2: Screaming Tickbird, Paunchy Red Percher, Chattering Parrot
Set 8: Birds 2/2:  Yelling Wyrmpeck,  Paunchy Green Percher,  Talkative Hookbeak
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beskarberry · 3 years
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Bargaining with Beskar, Chapter 4
(The Mandalorian x f!reader)
“What... did you... do?”  You hissed between clenched teeth. ��Did you poison him?! Give me the antidote right now or so fucking help me I’ll tear every limb off your ugly little body!” You were seething, fear and fury stoking fire behind your eyes. The bounty only laughed harder.
“Antidote?There’s only one antidote for that one, sugar, and I sure hope you like him enough to give it to him! Bwahaha ha! Good luck!”
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 7.8k
Content warnings: Canon-typical violence, SEX POLLEN + rough sex, oral sex (m receiving) and kink talk (not gonna list all of them but they’re all very common.) There’s another filk song reference in this one that I’ll link in the replies.
A/N: VERY IMPORTANT TAG! The bounty uses she/her pronouns so if girl on girl violence makes you squeamish please read ahead with caution! Also know that I >>do not<< use any gender-specific slurs (b*tch, c*nt, etc.)
<-Previous Next->
Everything. Was. Purple.
Purple! The grass, the sky, the trees, if you could call them that. The pulsating, gelatinous towers that spiraled into the sky were definitely alive, but you weren’t sure if ‘tree’ was a fitting word for them. Their branches were long and hanging, weighed down by some kind of berry or fruit that glowed with teal streaks. Your next bounty was on a habitable moon orbiting an enormous gas giant that took up the entire skyline. It was lush with vegetation and sparsely populated, a perfect hideout for an Ardennian.
The Razor Crest was parked in a meadow of lavender grass, though once again you questioned your choice of words, watching the way the long wet leaves wiggled in the breeze. You breathed deep, letting the rich, humid air fill your lungs while your traveling companions followed behind you down the old ship’s ramp. Baby beans trotted right past you on stubby legs, picking things up off the ground that he probably shouldn’t be putting in his mouth, but was too sneaky for you to stop him from doing so. You heard the Crest’s access door shut, and turned to see Mando eagerly trotting along to join you.
No, not ‘Mando’... Din. Mr. Mystery finally had a name, though you were still conflicted about using it. The man had spilled so many secrets into you in such a short amount of time that the butterflies in your stomach were breeding many-legged worms. Squirming, creeping things that quickly metamorphosized back into their illustrious true selves, and you weren’t sure which part of their cycle was making you more nauseous. But they were your secrets to keep, your heart wearing his name like a locket; safely hidden where nobody but you could see.
You had slid the heavy beskar bucket back up the ladder to him while he stayed in the dark of the cockpit, the knowledge of his facial features still kept by your hands alone. The pair of you had then stood close together at the armory, him with his helmet back where it belonged and you with your bright eyed mask protecting your crown. At the equipment cache he couldn’t stop talking, pointing out and picking up a variety of weapons and traps that would work particularly well for this simian quarry. Everything had a story, and he told you all about the bounties he had pulled trophies off of, or things he had gotten as rewards for helping someone else. He’s giddy. You could only listen along as he prattled away, handing you grapple after snare until you had to start putting things back in the armory, just so you could have your hands free again.
Hands. Every time he gave you another tool of the trade to add to your ever-growing inventory his hands brushed somewhere on you. Leather tipped fingers glancing quickly on your wrist, a lingering palm on your shoulder; each fleeting touch lasting just slightly longer than the last. He was struggling to keep his hands off of you, reluctant to give up the intimacy you had both been working at in the void-black darkness of the flight deck before atmospheric reentry tore you both apart. What other prayers of devotion could he pour into you, if you’d just had a little more time? ‘You belong to them, that is The Way’. The oath he had made to you was followed coldly in your mind by another string of words, ‘I’m not asking you to do the same, you’re not Mandalorian’.
You couldn’t think about all the words that you still needed to unpack, it was hunting time. The six-limbed simian was wanted for, checks puck notes, chemical warfare. She had blasted her way to the Guild’s Most Wanted list by lobbing incendiary bombs and poison gas grenades through a meeting of outer rim parliament, and the price on her head might have been higher than yours. The bounty puck specifically stated she was to be taken alive. Super. The droid-face mask wasn’t going to be much protection for your lungs, but it might at least keep your eyes safe. You took time to pack extra bacta and some quality rations, plus one of your new bantha-wool blankets. You woke up that morning on Tatooine, and the voice of your tortured circadian rhythm wondered if you would be sleeping rugged tonight somewhere on this heliotropic hellscape.
A bounty fob blinked lazily from the larger hunter’s belt, indicating that the quarry was on-world, but not close enough to catch. The three of you would have some walking to do. The child tried to make friends with every wiggly thing, running on his short little legs from fern to fern, hunting for treats. The little beastie’s adopted father chased him through the grass, trying, and failing, to keep him from getting into trouble. The sight of the mighty metal man being defeated so easily by a baby made you laugh, and the sound of your melodic giggles drew his attention.
“What are you laughing at?”
Oh no, I’ve been caught!  “I’m laughing at you, rust bucket! The scariest person here isn’t either of us, it’s him!” You pointed to where the child was tearing through the reeds after some kind of amphibian, and started laughing harder when Mando cursed and flew after his impish son. The rowdy child had a frog-like creature hanging from his mouth that vanished the second his dad tried to pull it away.
“Stop eating things you find on the ground!” The baby only squealed at the scolding, earning himself a grumpy, papa-patented sigh. Mando picked up the potato-sack of a child and dumped him unceremoniously into the hover-crib that floated along behind. “You can get back out when you learn your lesson! I don’t want you to get sick.” The baby made huge, sad eyes up at his dad, but Mando turned away quickly to avoid their hypnotic powers. You were doing your best to hide your giggles, covering the part of your mask where your mouth was, as if that would help. The Mandalorian strode up to you with a swagger. “Oh, you think that’s funny, cyar’ika?”
“You don’t?” You caught your reflection in the black gloss of his visor as he sauntered up to you, and your bug-eyed doppelganger only made you laugh more. A wall of beskar stood in front of you, eyeing you with slow tilts of his helmet while you got it all out of your system. When your breaths returned to normal you looked down at your hands and found that they had made friends. You had reached out for him without even thinking, and you were a little embarrassed that they had gravitated to him so naturally. He squeezed your hands gently before letting them return to you, and you heard the songs of star-lost sailors whispering in the back of your mind. The nights are long between the stars, and lonely, too, for me. I wonder how I might have fared with home and family.
“Night’s coming fast, we should keep moving.” Hunting mode reactivated, your companion started towards the undulating wilderness. He wasn’t wrong, within a few hours the massive planet that hung above you drifted out of view, replaced with a sea of glittering stars. The foliage around you glowed with otherworldly colors, teals and violets splattering their dense leaves and curling down their jelly trunks. Their loveliness made it easy to distract yourself from the task at hand, your eyes chasing the occasional yellow and red flashes that blinked from insects high in the branches. Ahead of you a large old tree had fallen over, and between its trunk and its upturned roots the spot was easily defensible.
Mando busied himself with clearing squishy sticks and leaves from the area to make a campsite while you looked for something to start a fire with. Nothing looked burnable, everything had a gooey, wet consistency, but some dead leaves under the log were dried out. They would have to do. You made them into a neat pile and pushed some rocks in a circle around them for safety, now you would just need a light.
“Hey, tinman, I need some heat!” He followed your pointing finger with his helmet and waltzed over to you, happy to be of assistance. He started up his wrist mounted flamethrower and used the pilot light to set the tinder ablaze. Not even fire could escape the overwhelming purpleness of the estranged moon as the blaze kicked up a bright indigo with a low heat. You got to work getting dinner around, pulling savory Tatooine treats out of your pack, pushing some of them towards the heat source so they would be warm. At the bottom of your bag you found some soft, squashed thing, and pulled the remains of breakfast out into the light. It was mashed, but it was still probably edible. “Mando, you never ate your breakfast.”
“What?” He looked at the sad excuse for a meal that you were offering him, eyeing it with curiosity. “You got me breakfast?”
“Yes? I told you that I would, though I guess it’s dinner now. Here.” You waved it at him so he would get the hint, and he took it carefully from you with timid hands.
“T-thank you. You’re very kind.”
“And don’t you forget it!” You whooped with overwhelming confidence, but the sweet words made you blush under your mask. Before he could turn and leave the safety of the fire to find a private eating area you reached for his hand again, pulling the armored paw to your forehead and knocking it softly against your mask. Kov'nynir. A wistful sigh escaped his modulator, and you knew the act of affection was well received. He bent himself down to where you sat at the fire and pressed his own forehead against yours, rumbling with contentment. The gentle sound made your heart swell, such a simple gesture that carried so much meaning. A bounty hunter’s life was fast and dangerous, why should finding companionship be any different?
You pushed your heads together just a little harder before he pulled himself away from you to go eat. You lifted your own dinner and the baby’s from the hearth, poking at it with your fingers to make sure it wasn’t too hot for Mr. Green Beans to eat. The child took it from you eagerly, content in his protective pram and making gross little noises while he ate. The food tin you had was much better than day one’s menu: bantha meat and Tusken hardtack with a side of more mystery mush. Your partner chose to take his meal elsewhere, fading into the darkness behind the fallen log where he could remove his helmet and eat in peace. Someday he might make more sense to you. The clank! of an empty food tin hitting the ground brought your attention back to your campsite buddy, the baby having thrown his clean plate at you.
“What’s wrong, booger? You bored? Alright.” There was a tiny bit of energy still left in your bones, and what better way to spend it than entertaining your precious audience. You pulled yourself to your feet, taking a moment to dust the spores from your pants and pull your backpack on before launching into song.
“When we pulled into Naboo’s Port in need of R&R,
The crew set out investigating every joint and bar.
We had high expectations of their hospitality,
But found too late it wasn't geared for spacers such as we!”
“And we're banned from Naboo, everyone!
Banned from Naboo, just for having a little fun!
We spent a jolly shore leave there for just three days or four,
But Naboo doesn't want us anymore!”
Green baby hands tried their best to clap in time with your sailor song, accompanied by adorable cooing noises while he tried to sing along. Your rambunctiousness summoned Mando back over to the fire, and he sat down on a large rock next to his foundling, watching you through his visor as you danced around the fire with flailing limbs.
“Our Engineer would yield to none at putting down the brew;
She outdrank seven space marines and a demolition crew!
The Navigator didn't win, but he out-drank almost all,
And now they've got a shuttlecraft on the roof of City Hall!”
You ran through the chorus again, taking a second to notice that tinman was tapping his foot to the beat along with you. You wondered briefly if they ever sang on Mandalore. You took a deep breath to continue-
The fireside exploded just meters from your spinning dance, and you were hauled backwards to safety by your oathsworn protector,along with his foundling, and ushered towards the safety of the trees.
Trees and plants exploded on either side of you as you ran through the luminous dark. The Ardennian! Neither of you had been paying attention to the bounty fob, blinking fast and red under his cloak. Above you the sound of something swinging through the branches caught your ear, and you pulled your blaster and fired behind you.
“Bwahaha! Missed me missed me now you gotta kiss me, two-arms!” You couldn’t see her, but her taunts gave you a better idea of her position, firing several more shots towards their source. You knew you had to take her alive, but that didn’t mean intact.
“Go go go!” Mando was at your back, doing his best human shield impression while he hurried you away from the bombardment, the child’s bulky pram tucked uncomfortably under one arm. Your flight through the forest was haunted with vicious cackling and the sound of serene foliage being obliterated by the explosives that rained down around you, choking you with incendiary fumes.
A clearing materialized ahead, and the three of you rushed out from under the unmerciful trees. When you had gotten far enough from the tree line you both turned your eyes to the canopy.
“There!” Picking up her heat signature on his visor’s infrared sensors, he pointed to your target, his other arm still occupied with protecting the foundling. You grabbed the barrel of the pulse rife that was still slung over his shoulder, aimed, and fired. The ball of electricity arced from your little trio and collided with the trees, the sound of pained screams and crashes followed the wounded pyromaniac as she fell hard to the ground. Bullseye.
”Stay here, Mando, I got this! Keep him safe!” You stormed into the woods after the sounds of distress, snare at the ready to take the bounty alive. You were angry, rage powering your stride as you chased after her like a Corellian tracking hound. Angry that your sweet moment had been ruined, angry that she’d put the foundling in danger, angry that your partner had been pulled from the comfort of the fire to fulfill his duties as guardian. You sprang over roots and fallen branches, catching the sight of movement where the Ardennian was making a run for it. 
“Oh no you don’t! Get back here!”  Your words boiled with so much fury that they almost weren’t your own. Balls of fire exploded around you in a last ditch effort by the primate to kill you first. You dropped a knee into the loamy soil to steady your shot.
Woosh! The net sailed past her by mere inches, and you flew to your feet to begin the chase again.
“Ha! Grow some more arms and maybe you’ll have better aim!”  Fire erupted around you again, but the flames that seared at your eyes came from inside, burning with fuel siphoned from your heart. You took another shot.
Woosh! Miss! FUCK. You had one shot left on the snare-slinger, and you had to make it count. The trees were thinner here, how long had you been running? The simian was struggling to get away now, the long slimy branches too far apart to swing through. Behind you the sound of thunderous armored boots told you that Mando was hot on your trail, and you were glad to have the back up even though you had specifically told him to stay put. Nobody listens in this crew. Something green and gaseous poofed next to you, and the terms of the bounty puck came back to you clear as day: chemical warfare. The Ardennian was out of bombs and had switched to gas canisters, hurling a variety of brightly colored poisons at your face. Third time’s the charm.
Woosh! The net flew true, tangling in the many limbs of the fleeing quarry and throwing her to the ground. Gotcha! You bore down on her as brightly glowing vials sailed over your head, landing on something behind you with a crash! You were on her in an instant, shoving a blaster in her face.
“You’re done, chuckles! It’s over!” The fear in her eyes vanished as quickly as it had appeared when she glanced back behind you.
“Ha! I don’t think so, stinky. You’re gonna have yer hands too full with that to deal with little old me.” You followed her gaze, and froze from the ice crystalizing in your veins. Mando stood a ways back, still as a statue. Bright neon pink goo slimed its way down his helmet and dripped onto his chest plate. You turned on the Ardennian again.
“What... did you... do?”  You hissed between clenched teeth. “Did you poison him?! Give me the antidote right now or so fucking help me I’ll tear every limb off your ugly little body!” You were seething, fear and fury stoking fire behind your eyes. The bounty only laughed harder.
“Antidote? There’s only one antidote for that one, sugar, and I sure hope you like him enough to give it to him! Bwahaha ha! Good luck!” She was howling with laughter in your grasp, and the sound of her mirth was like nails on chalkboard to your ears. You practically threw her to the ground, running back to your incapacitated partner. He hadn’t moved a muscle.
“Mando! Hey hey can you hear me? Tell me what’s wrong!” The glowing pink slime was still on his helmet, and you hunted for something to wipe it off with. The closest thing was his cloak, so you reached for it and went to clean the pretty pink sludge from his helmet when an armored claw shot up and caught your wrist. The action startled you, but you were happy to see him still able to move. “Mando? You ok?” Slowly, with almost robotic precision, he turned his gaze to you.
“Cyar...’ika....?” His words were long and labored, the strain of them sending a chill through your bones.
“Yes! It’s me, Mando. I’m right here, I’m gonna get you taken care of. I- I’ll find some bacta or-” Your words were cut off by another wicked claw on your shoulder.
“So... Beautiful...”  The lustful words made the gears in your head grind to a halt. Really? Right now?
“Ok great, glad to see you’re fine, now can we get back to hunt-” He cut you off with a hand at your throat.
“Beautiful.. and mouthy. So... fucking... mouthy.” A leather tipped hand snaked up your neck to your lips, grabbing at your jaw and pushing a thumb in past your teeth. You tried to spit him out but his other hand latched on to the back of your skull. “I’m going to put that mouth to good use, mesh’la.”  Your mask was tossed to the ground, and the ‘good luck’ the Ardennian had wished you now made sense. Whatever was oozing down the front of his helmet was driving him into an uncontrolled sexual frenzy, and you were the sole outlet for all his desires.
“Mando! -Blech-! Man- Din!” He stopped trying to get down your throat at the sound of his own name, hearing it for the first time from your lips. “Din! We don’t have time for this right now! Get a grip!” Oh, but he already had a grip, and it was tightening on your scalp.
“That’s right, sweetheart, say my name.”  The command dripped from his modulator the same way the poison dripped down his face, and he started walking you backwards by the hair until you bumped against a squishy tree. The change of emotion from rage to fear to confusion made your head spin, and the new contending feeling of heat building in your guts was making itself known.
“Knock it off! Fucking hell, she’s going to get away if we don’t do something right now! ”
“Let her. You’re the only one I want.” The weight of his arms on your neck and shoulders became too much, and the man who you had shared a such a sweet moment with not too long ago was now forcing you to your knees. You dropped to a kneel, and your face was hard pressed up against the solid bulge that was trying to rip its way out of his pants. He took only a second to free himself, pushing his throbbing cock against your teeth. “Open wide.”
You wished you were meeting with mini-mando under better circumstances, but if getting him off would get you back to the hunt, you were happy to help. The taste of him on your tongue sent electricity through your body, spooling up fresh heat between your own legs. Above you Mando was making deep, guttural groans as you took his cock all the way to the back of your throat, wrapping a fist around where you couldn’t reach without gagging. You glanced around his leg to where you could see the hover-crib, floating a good distance away with the shield closed tight. Good, he doesn’t need to see this. A swift thrust brought your attention back to where it was demanded.
“That’s a good girl, take it all in. Let me make a mess of that pretty little mouth of yours.” He had a death grip on the back of your hair and the side of your jaw, pushing up to keep you open enough to take his length. Inside you were swirling your tongue around the tip every time it slid past, making sultry praises flood from his modulator. Most of the words were garbled, raunchy and alien, probably Mando’a. Spit leaked from the sides of your mouth, making good on his word to make a mess of you. The claws in your hair pulled tight, forcing your nose into the tuft of soft hair at his base so he could pump your throat full of cum without you escaping. “Ahh~! That’s it, mesh’la, drink it all down.”
The hot spunk made you choke and gag, tears rushing to your eyes, but you still swallowed as best you could. When he finally let you pull away you gasped for air, coughing on the ground at his feet.
“There! *cough!* is that... -blech-, better? Can you hunt now? Are you done?” The potionmaster was probably long gone, you couldn’t hear her fucking cackling anymore.
“Cyar’ika, we’re not done until I say we’re done.” The spear at your cheek was still hard as beskar, ready for round two. The armored man yanked you to your feet, shoving you face first towards the nearest tree. The tree’s flesh was soft and squishy, a fact you would be grateful for soon enough. Your hips were pulled backwards, and a buzzing sound told you he had pulled a vibroblade from his belt, stabbing under your pants’ edge and pulling down the crack of your ass until your clothes were cut away; leaving just the legs and your boots to protect you. The cold air hitting your cunt gave away your arousal, and he zoned in on it like a falcon, pressing still-gloved fingers to your wet slit. The roughness of the leather invading you made you cry out and your knees buckle, squirming under the intrusion of one finger, then two; pumping in and out of you to stoke your flame.
“You’re so pretty. So fucking pretty, and strong. I’m gonna lose myself in you, fierce little thing, and I never want to be found.” His hands ripped away from your swollen cunt, and the head of his cock was pressed to its lips. Both of you made delicious, filthy noises as he buried himself to the hilt, the slick of his own cum making a wonderful lube. “Fuuuuuck, you’re hot inside, lovely girl. My cock was made just for you.” He barely made it a few inches out of you before he was slamming back into you again. The force of him behind you smashed you face into the soft, forgiving tree, though you wished you could find somewhere for your hands to grab hold. He fucked you like a man possessed, and you were sure there would be bruises on your hips and thighs when he was finished.
His mouth ran like surging lava. “Fucking.. Maker... beautiful girl, beautiful hunter! Hunter-killer! I knew you would be a challenge to hunt, but I never thought you would be the one to capture me! You’re a work of art on the killing field! Mmph! You are mine and I’m going to fill your belly with my warriors ‘til you’re fit to burst. They’ll be so ferocious! Born with daggers in their teeth.” Vulgar words between thrusts made your entire body hot with a mix of embarrassment and lust. You might never know if the neon goo had given him the desire to breed you, or if he adored you so much that he wanted more of you to care for, but you did know your contraceptive implant would be having none of it either way. Still, his damning words flowed. “Nobody will ever put their hands on you again but me. I’ll give you everything you desire, cyar’ika, anything you ask for will be yours. I’ll bring the stars down from the sky if you ask me to! I- I’ll- I’m gonna...”
The Mandalorian stilled behind you, twitching as his cock spilled into you and ran hot down your thighs. His breaths were gasping, broken and desperate for air. His fingers digging into the soft skin on your hips would leave their mark for sure, and though he’d done a fantastic job of scrambling your insides you still felt warmth in your chest. Even in his poisoned, delirious state of mind, all of his thoughts were of you alone. The grip on your ass loosened, and the sound of a heavy thud hitting the ground told you he had fallen down into the soft purple grass. You struggled to peel your face from the jelly tree, standing like a newborn fawn on shaky legs. The bright pink streak on his helmet had lost all its glow, and your human rust-bucket was slumped over on his side, still as the grave. Not again, fucksake. You clambered over to him, digging under his cloak with your hands until you found his pulse. Still alive.
“Alright Mando, fucking stay here this time like I told you to.” You glanced around the meadow, but the Ardennian was nowhere to be found. Fuck! All that work for nothing. You groaned, looking down at what was left of your pants. You checked all the pockets, finding your lucky krayt teeth and a bacta patch before kicking the ruined fabric off over your boots. You dropped down to the spent form of your comrade, tilting his helmet up and slapping the bacta patch on one of the hickies you had left there a few days ago. You took a moment to stuff the teeth into one of his many pouches since you no longer had pockets of your own. With your ass in the wind you made your way over to the floating pram to check on your tiny pal. “Hey beans, you doing ok? Your dad and I were just having a little-” you spun the cradle around. Empty.
“No! Fuck! Fuck fuck FUCK!” The bounty had made off with Din’s infant son, your little buddy! You couldn’t stop the fear that dried your throat and brought tears to your eyes. Get a hold of yourself! Find him! NOW! Familiar rage welled up behind your eyes, and you raced back over to your unconscious guardian, still laying in the dirt and making it extra difficult to untangle the pulse rifle still slung over his back. Your hunting instincts were on high alert, and the sound of shouting caught your ears. “I’m gonna get him back, Din! Just... just fucking stay here!”
You tore off after the noise, every horrible scenario running through your head at once. Would she steal him? Would she hurt him? Would she kill him? Rage flared hot in your chest and threatened to burn you alive, your feverish skin icy with sweat. Wet leaves slapped past your bare knees so fast that their thin edges left vicious paper cuts. You didn’t care, nothing else mattered but the foundling. The sound of shouting grew louder, and you thundered though the trees to another clearing by a narrow wine-dark stream. 
“Help! This thing’s got me! Get me down, please! Get it away from me!” The simian terror was hanging in the air ahead of you. No, not hanging, floating. She was thrashing her arms, but all that did was slowly spin her in place. The sight was magical, but more important was the safety of child. On the ground near her, he stood with one fat little paw in the air, pointing at his abductor and concentrating with all his might. You didn’t know how he had escaped, or what the actual fuck he was doing, but you didn’t hesitate. You pulled the pulse rifle from your back and fired, once, twice, three times until her limp body was hanging in the air, knocked out cold. Or dead.
Baby beans crumpled to the ground, and the Ardennian followed suit, the ugly noise she made when she hit the ground brought a wicked smile to your cheeks. The baby’s little eyes were bleary and tired under his big droopy ears, and you scooped him carefully up off the ground to pull him in for a good, strong hug.
“Did you get the mean lady, sweetie? Good job! I don’t know what the fuck you did but hey, no questions asked, alright? I’m just glad you’re ok.” He smiled up at you with his tiny toothy grin before conking out in your arms, leaning heavily against your chest. You set him back down on the ground, just long enough to tie that six limbed asshole up tight, using everything you still had above the waist to keep her captured. You tied her arms to her feet and slung her limp body over you like a rucksack, then picked the foundling back up. With your bounty, baby, and bare ass you started the hike back to your fallen man.
Mando still laid where you had left him on his side, and you were annoyed to realize that, out of everybody involved, you were the only one left awake. Fantastic. You returned the baby to his floating bucket, pulling it closer to the pair of you this time, and dumped the Ardennian in the dirt. There was no way you could maneuver three bodies at once, somebody was going to have to get up and walk.
“Mando! Mando get up, we gotta go.” The man in question didn’t budge, soft, muffled snores your only response. You tried everything you could think of, pulling on his hands and legs and shouting, anything to wake his ass up. You knocked on his helmet, “Ground control to Major Mando, time to get up! Rise and shine, bucket boy!” Nothing, he was going to have to sleep the after-effects of the potion off, so he was staying right where he was.
You had no idea how far you had gotten from the campsite, and the cold night air on your bare booty made you remember your half-nakedness. On the ground scattered around the pile of living beskar was your backpack and the remains of your pants, along with the rest of your trap gear. Start packing more clothes. You went for the gear first, pulling another set of cuffs and a good strong rope out, and added a few more knots to the half-dead quarry so she wouldn’t be pulling any bullshit in the night. The backpack still had the bantha-wool blanket wrapped up tight, and you tied it around yourself like a skirt. Better than nothing.
Kneeling on the ground next to your Mandalorian, you cleared yourself a space to sit down, taking an extra second to make sure all his bits were tucked back out of view. You leaned back against the crook of his hips, feeling the slow rise and fall of his belly at your back. You were so tired, how many times had you been on the run in the last cycle alone? Your body desperately craved sleep, but you couldn’t take your eyes off the bounty. Anger crept its way back into your eyes again, and you wanted to take it out on her, channel your inner rancor. No, she’s already lost. Go to sleep.
But the merciful tug of sleep didn’t come, and when you realized why you felt foolish. The child’s pram was on the ground where you had pushed it next to his fathers’ armored head. He was sleeping like a little prince, and didn’t move at all when you pulled him out of the crib. When he was situated in your arms you pulled Mando’s cloak around the three of you for extra warmth. Sitting upright was a horrible way to sleep, but with the baby safely in your arms and a blaster at your side, you were able to catch a handful of winks.
You woke up many times that night, worried that something might happen to your baby or your partner, and each time your eyes shot open you glared at the dark form in the grass; though not once did it move. Still, you didn’t trust that you were safe, and only when the rim of the planet that dominated the sky drifted over the horizon could you actually keep your eyes closed. But the blissful comfort of real sleep was torn from you by your lounge chair trying to get up on its own. The rush from trying to sit up too fast knocked Mando right back down on his back, and his hands went to his armored temples to try to stop the world from spinning.
“What...where am... where’s....” He shot up like a bolt of lightning “WHERE’S MY SON?!”
“Right here!” You turned yourself to show the bug-eyed bundle to his father, letting him see that the child was safe. Mando wrapped his arms around you and the child, and you could hear his quick, shuddering breaths coming out from under the helmet. The hug was tight, a comforting fortress around your shoulders.
“Are you ok? What happened? Why are we in the grass? Where’s the bounty? Did she get away?” His questions gushed like a river, urgent and frightened. You pointed at where the Ardennian was still on the ground, far enough away that she was out of earshot. She was awake now, but still immobilized. Her eyes were fixed on you, and you could see the edges of her mouth turning upwards into a snarl to bare her teeth. Din’s hands were all over you, inspecting you for damage, and his breath caught in his throat when he reached your waist. Big, ugly red and purple fingerprints were swelling up between the scrapes on your skin, and he pushed the edge of your makeshift skirt down to follow their horrifying trail; they were everywhere.
“Who did this to you?”  The volcano behind the beskar threatened to erupt with molten malevolence, “Did she do this to you?”
“No Mando,” you sighed, a little hurt that he didn’t remember. “You did.” The wall of metal armor went stiff as a rail, his visor locked on your eyes, looking for the truth. But the truth was right in front of him, and he couldn’t accept it.
“What? N-no.. I would never... I could never hurt you, cyar’ika! Please... please tell me that I didn’t do this.” His fingers ghosted over your marks, but never touched them, his hands afraid of dealing more damage to your lovely skin. “I-I couldn’t have... I’m... I’m so sorr-” You cut him off with a hand on his helmet where his mouth might be.
“It’s not your fault, you were poisoned. I’m just glad you’re alive, Din.” The sound of his own name made his shoulders droop and his hands come up cradle your cheeks. You couldn’t meet his visor, the closeness of the distraught hunter making you flustered, so you tried to crack a joke. “I’m just glad you wanted to fuck me instead of the Ardennian.” The way his helmet snapped backwards made you realize he didn’t remember that part either. “Oh don’t look at me like that, I took it like a champ! You’re gonna have to do better than bruises to hurt this mighty hunter!” Your attempted words of comfort didn’t seem to work, and he pulled you and the wiggly child back to his chest in a world-erasing hug.
“Please just tell me you know I wouldn’t do this to you on purpose, I never want to hurt you again. Please.”
“Mando! I’m fine, really.” He held your head firmly, the blackness of the visor trying to bore though your very soul. You nodded in his grasp, “I know you didn’t, it’s alright, Din. I forgive you.” The force of his helmet knocking against your forehead almost made you see stars. His hands were wrapped around your head, holding you as close as he could in the intimate gesture of his people. You didn’t blame him at all for what happened, but it would be a while, if ever, before he could forgive himself.
“Oh isn’t that puke. Spare me the lovey-dovey crap and take me back to the Guild already! Buncha bucketheads.” You didn’t want to address the Ardennian that hollered at you from from the grass, but the beskar bucket turned on her in a heartbeat. He sprang to his feet in a flash, pulling the pulse rife from the ground and firing, stunning the target for the fourth time, fifth time, sixth, seventh.
He’s gonna kill her. You grabbed at his arm, demanding his attention “Mando, you got her, it’s over! It’s done.” Stance wide and chest heaving, the barrel of the long rifle stayed trained on the bounty for what seemed like an eternity before being lowered back to the ground. “Good, good, see, everyone’s ok. Let’s get back to the Crest and get out of here, sound like a plan?” He nodded, still watching the limp-again simian for signs of movement. When he was sure there wouldn’t be any more argument he stalked over to the quarry and slung her over his shoulder, ready to make the long march back to the ship. You set the baby back in his pram so you could take a second to grab everything off the ground, making sure you had your pack and your mask, and followed Mando back through the woods.
After hours of silent hiking, the Razor Crest came into view, and you had never been so happy to see the old girl, pretty as a plum in the violet haze. Once everyone was aboard, the fog of the carbonite chamber filled the tiny cabin to the brim, and left a new dark block in its wake. The Ardennian’s body was limp, though thankfully still alive; but the mischievous sneer couldn’t be erased so easily. You took a deep breath, sighing with relief that this hunt was over. Two down, one to go. Then Nevarro.
Your Mandalorian hadn’t spoken to you the entire trek back to the ship, and he was distracting himself by placing all the weaponry back in their spots in the cabinet. He’s still upset with himself. You still wore the bantha-blanket skirt, and its soft edges swished around your ankles. Gently you placed your hand on his shoulder, and he jumped violently under your touch as he was brought back to the present.
“You know I’m not mad at you, right?” He didn’t meet your eyes, but his hands stopped fussing with the armory. “Really, Din, I don’t blame you at all. I’m ok.” You tugged on his waist, bidding him to turn and face you, but still he couldn’t lift his eyes from the floor. You ran your hands from his shoulders down his chest, trying to bring him comfort with your touch, but when you saw his utility belt you remembered what was in his pockets. A flashbulb of an idea lit up in your skull, and clear as day the reason for your frivolous purchase on Tatooine made itself known. “You know what, I’m so not-mad at you that I have a present for you.” You grabbed his belt to dig through the pouches, but strong hands shot up to carefully take your wrists.
“Mesh’la no! Not after.. not after I- I can’t. I don’t deserve your affections.” Your eyes met his visor, its gaze no longer staring down at the floor and instead watching you with intensity. A smile broke it’s way out past your teeth, followed by a knowing laugh.
“No, that’s not what I meant, good thought though. No, Mand-...Din. Din, I have a gift for you.”  He hesitated to release your arms, but when you were free of his delicate hold you went back to the pockets on his belt and pulled the opalized krayt teeth from one of the pouches. Your companion’s visor followed the glittering treasures as they were brought into the light, and you wished you could see his bewildered face under the beskar. You handed them to him, and he carefully turned them over in his palm, letting the fossils catch the light and revealing their intricate patterns. His helmet tilted slowly, baffled that such beautiful things could be pulled from anywhere on his body, but the way his beskar sent streaks of light over his armor gave you a fantastic new idea.
Taking the treasures back from him you unscrewed the button fasteners that protruded from their backs, revealing the small, strong magnets hidden underneath; and pressed them up to his helmet. The teeth fit perfectly in the recesses of his cheeks, like they had been made just for him; and though you knew hunters didn’t wear adornments, they still looked lovely. “I know you can’t keep them on, especially when we go hunt, but they still look nice on you. Now you get to be my lucky charm.” His soft leather fingertips rubbed gently at his cheeks, feeling the way the indents had been filled with the precious jewels. The ship didn’t have any mirrors, and he would have to see how the swirling pools of crystalized moonlight looked the next time he took his helmet off. 
Wordlessly he reached out for you, taking your face in his hands and pulling your head to his so he could press your foreheads together. You were becoming fond of the mysterious gesture, letting the butterflies in your stomach stretch their iridescent wings and fan contentment into your heart. You pushed back against him, wrapping your own arms around his shoulders, locking his helmet to you. The whole galaxy could fly apart at the seams and you knew you would be alright, as long as you were right where you were, shielded in your Mandalorian’s embrace. I wonder if he feels the same. Tiny claws on your leg pulled your attention to the floor, and you were overjoyed to see big black orbs staring up at you.
“Little Beans! C’mere you, get in on this.” You hauled the foundling up between your bodies, letting him get a good look at you and his father. He chirped away, happily patting his papa’s fancy new trinkets, mesmerized by their shine. The little creature was full of energy, but you had been on your last leg for hours and you couldn’t stifle your yawns any longer. “Boys, I can’t keep this up anymore, you’re both awful cute, but I need sleep.”
“Of course, cyare, you’ve earned it.” Mando reluctantly stepped away from you and rolled out the Tusken sleeping mat that you had purchased. It was much thicker than the sheet originally on the little cot, and a hundred times more forgiving. You were comfy in seconds, and the warm embrace of sleep started pulling on your limbs and shutting your eyes. A different touch was on your arm, and you lazily opened one eye to see an armored hand pulling the bantha blankie up snug around you. Sweet, thoughtful murder-machine is what you had thought of him that first day, and the stupid pet name made you chuckle.
“What does that mean? That word, sire-eeka or sigh-air, they’re Mando’a, right?” You wouldn’t let sleep win you over without a fight, even if it was a fight you wanted to lose.
“Cyar’ika. The closest translation in Basic would be sweetheart, or darling.” Here we go again with Mando’a 101.
“Sweetheart, huh? Pfft... sounds like you like me or something. What’s the other word mean? You’ve never used it before now.” He sighed, long and tired, and you could see the foundling on his lap, still enthralled with the glittering opal on his fathers' metal face.
“I...I don’t know how to translate that one, but it’s more than cyar’ika, stronger, with more depth.” Something about his posture told you he might be lying, he knew exactly how to translate that word, but he wasn’t ready to tell it to you. He might, though, when he was ready.
“Alright, tin man, if you say so.” Your eyes finally let themselves close all the way, but even in the darkness behind your lids your devious hands still found their way to him, giving his hand a good squeeze. “Teach me more someday?”
“For you, ner cyare’se,” Your hand was pulled up from the blankets until the backs of your knuckles rested on the cool beskar of his brow, “I’d bring you the stars down from the sky, if you asked me to.”
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@mandoinevarro​ @mrsparknuts​ @cookiejuicedesu​ @kaermorons​ @ironbabey​
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soapy--grill · 4 years
So uhm! I drew my oc's in @donitkitt aftermath au...and I'm very happy with how they came out!
I have a small description for each of then too TwT
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Vic: a yokai (there is no specific thing he is...he is just him)
Height: 5'8
Age: 25
5 key Personality traits/Facts:
- has the HUGEST crush on Dee(if that's alright lol)
- very low self esteem
- real bad Insomniac(but when he does sleep he Grinds his teeth)
- bad dyslexia
- knows how to cook a mean meal (when he has the energy too)
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Andante: a loggerhead sea turtle
Height: 6'6
Age: 26
5 key Personality traits/Facts
- can play the ukulele
- is the no.1 protector of Dottie (once introduced to her)
- can be as dumb as a rock (but is a general sweetheart, sometimes shows intelligence)
- awful sense of direction could and would get lost in her own room
- she will hug anyone in need of a hug, she'll be there in a split second (loves to give Mikey a big hug)
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Otto: red eyed tree frog
Height: 4'3
Age: 24
5 key Personality traits/Facts
- is pretty much blind without his glasses (has tried to give Leo his glasses and asked if it made it any better)
- Loves chemistry and art (DONNIE HIT HIM UP)
- Has a small robot companion named Leonard(it carries him around due to his small stature)
- asthmatic babie
- freaks out when suddenly touched by someone (usually surprise hugs are the worst for him)
I hope you like them TwT
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the-bentley · 4 years
Fall of a Serpent (G)
Read on AO3
Although they don’t remember it, Aziraphale and Crowley met before their fateful encounter in the Garden of Eden.
The little golden-white mouse with blue eyes scampered along the tree, not paying any attention to anything other than keeping his tiny feet balanced on its twisting branch, eventually running headlong into the snout of a green tree snake coiled there.  The surprised snake reared with a hiss.
“Hey!  Watch it!”  
The mouse backed off in a hurry, sitting up on his haunches to wave his front paws in apology.  The mouse backed off in a hurry. “Sorry.  I was too busy exploring.  I wasn’t really paying attention to where I was going.”
“So I noticed,” the snake replied, yawning.  “Who are you?”
“Aziraphale.  What’s your name?”
“Everyone just calls me Crawly.  Of all the animal forms the Almighty could have given me, she made mine a snake.  I don’t care.  I don’t really like my given name,” the serpent-shaped angel replied. He stared down at a toad and a chameleon having a discussion by the trunk of the tree and said rather loudly. “But at least She didn’t make me a stupid frog.”
The amphibian in question glared up at him.  “Ha ha, how funny.  I’m a toad, you idiot.  But joke all you want, Crawly.  At least I have opposable thumbs.”
The chameleon laughed.
“We all do in our natural forms.  Now who’s the idiot?” Crawly called back.  To Aziraphale he said, “You’ll have to excuse those two.  Apparently there weren’t enough brains to go around by the time She made them.  So what brings you to the Garden?  I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”
All the angels were encouraged to visit the Garden in animal form.  The Almighty planned to one day fill it with real animals and something called “humans,” and She wanted her angels to be able to help her keep an eye on her new creations while incognito so not to frighten them with their true forms. Aziraphale didn’t quite understand why their angelic forms would scare these new humans, but he didn’t question God. That was not his place.
“Just exploring like we were supposed to.  Usually I’m in the Archives helping out by creating new scrolls.  It’s my job to help write down our history.”
The toad and the chameleon had moved on.  Crawly uncoiled himself, hanging headfirst off the branch.  Aziraphale watched him, whiskers wiggling.  “I was out making stars until there were enough of those, then we all got put on other duties.  I create plants for here now.  But I need to go bask.  Stupid cold-blooded form.  Want to come?”
“Some time in the sun does sound lovely,” said the mouse.  He delicately scampered down the tree trunk to the soft grass below.
Crawly just let go of the branch and crashed to the ground in a pile of coils. “The lazy way,” he said with as much of a grin as a snake could give.  “Don’t tell anyone how ungraceful I really am, ok?”
“I won’t.”
They headed towards a rock, coming across a grey and lilac peacock preening his feathers along the way. The peacock glared at them as they passed. Aziraphale ignored him, scampering ahead, but Crawly paused, glaring back.
“Don’t you have anything better to do with your time, Gabe?” he hissed.  “Ruin any more of my plants and I’ll bite you.  Again.”
The peacock pointedly snubbed him.  Gabriel, as one of the Archangels, thought himself above just another plant-creating Virtue.  He started up a conversation with his friend Sandalphon, who was currently a chimp and had just strolled over from observing those working on the waterfall.
Sandalphon wasn’t about to take the barb at his friend lying down, though.  He grabbed a nearby clump of flowers and ripped it out of the ground with a sneer. “I’m destroying your creations, Crawly.  What are you going to do about it?”
“Actually Aniel created those.  She’s not going to be happy with you,” Crawly laughed, showing off fangs that made Sandalphon think twice about approaching him.  “Why don’t you go pick fleas off of someone before the Almighty gets angry at you for messing up Her Garden?”
Aziraphale was waiting for him over by the rock, which was far enough away from the others they weren’t going to be bothered.  Gabriel wasn’t one to pick fights he couldn’t win and Sandalphon wouldn’t mess with the snake, either. They had discovered very quickly they weren’t immune to Crawly’s venom in either animal or angel form.  Raphael would just lecture him again for not remembering his rank and turning the other cheek when he sought him out for healing.
“Why do you taunt them?” asked the mouse when the snake finally curled himself up on the rock with a contented sigh.
“Gabriel actively destroyed my creations when he was able to get away with it and Sandalphon bullies everyone he comes in contact with,” Crawly replied. “They don’t mess with me much anymore now that I’ve tagged them a couple of times.  God made me venomous.  Nobody wants to go running to Raphael saying how they were bitten yet again.”
“We’re angels.  You’d think we could all act like it.”
“It doesn’t seem to work that way.  They find the different one and pick on them.  Unfortunately, that’s me a lot of the time,” the snake said bitterly. “Twenty million angels and I’m the only one with red hair.  What was God thinking?”
“She must have Her reasons,” Aziraphale groomed himself, smoothing down the hair on his back, scrubbing those little mouse ears.  “But maybe that’s also why she made you venomous.”
“If you get hot, just sit in the shade of my coils,” offered Crawly.  “I won’t bite you.  You’re one of the few who’s actually been friendly to me.”
“Oh.  Thank you.”  Aziraphale saw no point in being mean to anyone.  He took his role as a being of love very seriously.
They sat for a long time in companionable silence, breaking it occasionally with small talk until night fell and it was time to transform back to angel form to return to Heaven. Uncoiling, Crawly reared up, changing into a tall thin angel wearing an emerald green robe that complimented his long curly deep red hair.  His eyes were a golden amber colour set in a long face with well-defined cheekbones and an aquiline nose.
He curiously watched the mouse transform into a slightly plump angel with a round face, button nose and beautiful blue eyes the exact colour of the sky on the sunniest of days. All of it was surrounded by a cloud of curly white-blond hair kept short in an attempt to tame it.  His robes were of a sky blue that exactly matched those eyes.
Crawly felt his heart stir.  “Shall we?”
Unfurling white wings, they lifted off, heading for Heaven.  Crawly, showing off, did a few tricks as they flew, laughing at the freedom flight provided him. Aziraphale flew carefully and with little grace, but watched his companion with shining eyes.  Unfortunately the flight was short and they soon passed into the ethereal plane, landing at the edge of Heaven.  
“Well,” said Crawly, a bit embarrassed upon realizing how much of a show-off he was being.  “I should get back to the test gardens.  I got some ideas I want to try out.  Why should trees grow all the fruit?  Why not bushes?  It’ll be easier to reach.”
“That sounds like a grand idea,” replied Aziraphale with a shy smile.  “I’ve got some cataloguing to do myself.  Maybe I’ll see you later.”
“Bye.  I hope I do catch you around sometime.”  He really meant it.  Those sky blue eyes and that blond hair were really quite fetching and he had never seen hair so light.  There were some dark sandy blonds out there, but no angel he had encountered until Aziraphale had hair that bordered on white.  
He took to coiling up in the same tree every time he was in the Garden in snake form hoping he’d see the mouse angel again because suddenly the thought of having an actual friend rather than just acquaintances was very appealing.  He got along well with his fellow star makers and later the plant crew, but they weren’t friends.
If Time had existed, a week would have passed before his patience paid off.
“Hello again,” he said to the blue-eyed mouse who had scampered up the tree’s trunk to the branch he had met Crawly on, pleasantly surprised to see him there.
A hawk flew over, turning quickly on its tail to land in the tree with them.  Stern almost colourless eyes stared down both of them, Aziraphale looking away quickly to nervously groom.  Crawly, having the advantage with his snake form, easily stared down the hawk. Hawks eventually had to blink.
“What do you want, Michael?” he asked.
“I have my eye on you. Rumour has it you’re asking too many questions. There’s unrest in Heaven and I hope you know what side you’re on.”  She launched herself into the air again.
“Unrest?  I hadn’t heard,” said the sheltered Aziraphale.
“Yeah.  Lucifer’s thinking of starting a revolution.  Says he doesn’t like following God’s rules anymore,” Crawly shrugged the best a beast without shoulders could.  “I just wanted to know what he was up to.  I wonder about the Great Plan sometimes.  I just . . . have questions why everything has to be all planned out. What’s the point if you know how the story’s going to end?”
“Don’t say such things! You could get into so much trouble!” chided Aziraphale. “It is not our place to question Her Plans.”
“Let’s talk about things other than the Plan.  How did you not know what’s going on around here?”
“Umm, I don’t get out much. I like the Archives.  I read a lot about what’s happened in other parts of Heaven and the bits of the Plan God has let be known,” Aziraphale replied, his whiskers twitching excitedly.  “I’m a Principality. It’s going to be my job to pass on knowledge to the humans.  All of us Principalities are holed up studying all we can so we don’t fail them.”
“Why?  There’s more to life than reading.”  Crawly cocked his head to one side. “Don’t you learn things getting out there and doing stuff?”
“Well, somewhat, but . . .”
“Then let’s do some stuff.”  The snake uncoiled and started to slither off down the tree trunk.
He taught Aziraphale what he knew about the Garden.  He showed him interesting plants, pointed out clouds in the shapes of the flora and fauna that had been created, instructed him to close his eyes and really feel the breeze and what his sensitive mouse nose could pick up about it.  
“Live, Aziraphale. Gather knowledge this way, too,” Crawly said.  He had slithered up to a creek.  “Here. Feel it.”
Aziraphale dipped a paw it. “It’s cold.  And my paw feels different now.”   He pulled it out, noticing it was wet.  “Interesting.  So that’s what wet is?  I knew the word but not the application.  Nothing in Heaven is wet.”
Crawly nodded. “Welcome to the world.  This is so much more to learn about down here.  And yet they get angry when I want to know more.” His tongue lazily flicked out.
Aziraphale’s ear twitched as he became uncomfortable.  “Well, maybe there are some things we aren’t meant to know.”
Crawly dropped the subject. Instead they found a wonderfully sunny spot for him to bask in while Aziraphale rested in the shade of his coils. Content, they spoke of the humans to come and the newly created world just waiting for them, wondering what these new beings would be like.  Crawly expressed his hopes and desires for them and Earth.
“I think I want to be stationed down here,” he said.  “It’s more exciting than Heaven.”
“Mmm,” replied Aziraphale, not wanting to commit to any desire for himself, even though he found Earth interesting.  He was an angel.  His job was to do as he was told.
He allowed Crawly to talk about his budding love for Earth, happy to listen without voicing his own opinion.  He really didn’t have much of one.  He had duties to attend to and that was that.  It didn’t matter what he, or any of them, thought about Earth, Heaven or humans. They would be assigned tasks and expected to carry them out without question.  That is how the Plan would run smoothly.
Later, they returned as night fell on the Garden.  Standing there alone at the edge of Heaven in angelic form, Aziraphale found himself liking Crawly even more.  The feeling was not one he could put his finger on but something about Crawly’s smile made his soul feeling even happier.
The snake angel must have felt the same thing.  He grinned sheepishly at Aziraphale as he played with a lock of his hair.  Suddenly he was placing his lips on Aziraphale’s cheek before he blushed a red to rival those spiral curls of his. He fled before the Principality could react or even say anything.
“Crawly?” he blurted out to the thin air.
 Near by, God watched them both sadly.  The time was rapidly approaching when the two who were bonding would be separated.  But all this had to happen.  They were to be Her champions.  The ones who set everything in motion.  The domino effect they started together would give the future Antichrist the free will and upbringing needed to make his own choices about Earth’s fate instead of following a script.  It was cruel, but it was the only way the world had a chance to be saved.  
 It came to pass that Michael and her army cast Lucifer and his off into the Pit. Those who were on the fence about sides found themselves rounded up and imprisoned.  They awaited their trials where it would be decided if they were loyal to Heaven or enough of a threat they needed to be cast out as well.
Crawly sat in a cell, awaiting his fate for continuing to ask questions.  He looked down at his own shackled hands, wishing now he had kept his curiosity to himself.
Aziraphale found himself escorted to an interrogation room where Michael asked him questions.  He sat as still as possible on his chair while she paced around the table in front of him.  Slamming her hand down on the top of it, she startled him.
“Did you know what Crawly was up to?” she asked quietly.
“No.  I just knew he asked a few questions.  I told him that was not a wise idea and he never mentioned another thing to me about it.”  Aziraphale trembled as he answered.  Was he going to be tried?  Was he going to Fall?  And what about Crawly?  How much trouble was he in?  Would he ever see him again?
“To be honest, I believe you.  You’re just a scribe.  None of you are capable of really doing anything rebellious.  Scrollworms, the lot of you,” replied Michael. “Go back to your Archives, Principality Aziraphale. You’re confined there until all this is over.”
So there Aziraphale stayed until Heaven was secure again.  He kept himself busy reading and transcribing news brought in by other angels for history’s sake.  But Crawly’s fate remained a mystery to him.  He resigned himself to his duties trying not to think about his friend. What happened to him would remain a mystery for Aziraphale had learned not to ask questions.
Little did he know that Crawly was put on trial, found guilty of being a skeptic and considered too dangerous to keep in Heaven.  He was taken to the edge of Heaven at sword and spear point where he was told by his armed guards to keep walking because he was no longer a citizen of Heaven. Swallowing his fear, he sauntered nonchalantly off the edge as if leaving was no big deal.  He managed to hold in his screams of pain as he flamed downward like meteor towards the Pit until he was out of earshot.
 Tears in Her eyes, God performed one last act of mercy for them.  Reaching out, she touched both of them, making them forget about each other but leaving their bond in place – dormant, disremembered, waiting for them to reunite.  It would be an invisible foundation on which their rekindled friendship would grow as they once again got to know each other even though they would never recognize they once were friends in Heaven.  Finally, She blessed them both.  They had a long road ahead.  Every little bit helped.
She then went to Gabriel. “Aziraphale is to guard the Garden of Eden.”
“I will assign him there, Lord,” replied Gabriel, thinking the Principality was an odd choice.  But he knew better than to ask Her why. Questions only got you into trouble; the Plan did not suffer skeptics.  The only problem with that line of thinking was it came from angels themselves, not the Almighty, and such blind devotion to the Great Plan would almost destroy Her Creations.
 It would start again in the Garden where a mouse once met a snake, beginning a journey that ultimately would end in the two of them finally getting their long-deserved reward – the freedom to love each other and stay together on the Earth they adored almost as much as each other.  
Aziraphale currently stood on the eastern wall of Eden watching sorrowfully as Adam and Eve headed off into the unknown with his flaming sword.  Clouds gathered on the horizon and it looked like rain was coming. Still he stood and watched.  It was the least he could do after he failed in his mission to guard the Tree.
He should have been frightened when the Serpent slithered up to him, transforming into a demon, but he wasn’t at all.  And oddly enough, from the demon’s point of view, he felt comfortable addressing this angel, his enemy.  So they talked, building on a bond that was begun in more idyllic times; one that would carry them through many trials, triumphs and would slowly blossom over thousands of years from a friendship to an outright love that defied the odds. Little did they know how that bond had started or that what began with a mouse colliding into a snake would last for eternity.
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sneksue · 3 years
Official Post About Lifestyle Changes
The date is January 28, 2021. 
I have not had chickens for a while. It will be 2 years in August. I have been meaning to write something here about all of it, but I either have not had time, or the willpower to go through with it. I was in grieving. 
In June of 2019, I took a trip from my shared homestead in Mississippi to Colorado to do some long distance hiking. I left all of my animals in the care of my ex husband’s mother and her then boyfriend. 
I trusted them to at least do the bare minimum in my animal’s basic care. 
That didn’t happen. They failed night after night to close and lock the coop’s door. They wouldn’t change their water during the day and they did not collect eggs. 
When I had service on my phone during the hike, I checked in with them to find out that because they had not closed or locked the coop door at night, several birds were “missing”, with more missing every day. 
Instead of simply closing the door and providing a safe space for my dear, darling animals to sleep at night, they decided to buy a game camera to see what was happening to them at night. 
Their reasoning had absolutely zero logic, and I was pretty pissed.
They found that raccoons were simply just waltzing into the coops and grabbing birds. The raccoons would drag them away into the woods and feast. 
By the time our trip was almost over, all of my ducks were gone. There were only a few chickens left, and the guinea fowl were all intact due to roosting 50ft up in oak trees. My cat was also “missing”.
I was heartbroken, devastated. I had spent so much money, time, energy, and love to build this flock. I wanted to provide my “family” and myself with sustainable, renewable food in case of a natural disaster. No one seemed to value my efforts, or even care to see what my end goal was. 
On top of grieving for the loss of my feathered babies, my then husband’s younger brother decided to GO OFF on me during our drive back to Mississippi. He claimed I was selfish, psychotic, uncaring, and manipulative. He screamed at me while we were all stuck in the car. He called me a bitch, he called me a liar, he called me a leech. I was stunned in silence. I had been struggling with my mental health for years, and had contemplated suicide more times than I could count. So, it is no surprise that while we were driving 70mph on the interstate, I seriously contemplated opening the car door and leaping out into traffic. 
I turned to my husband, my partner, the love of my life, my support system, to back me up. Defend me. Tell his brother that he was wrong. My husband did nothing of the sort. He remained silent as the verbal barrage from his brother continued. 
Everything clicked for me then. My mother in law was a complete nutcase, she blamed me for all of my husband’s shortcomings. She viewed me as a failure for not being the perfect housewife. She only saw me as a burden on her son’s happiness. My husband maintained an emotional distance from me for several years. He refused to be intimate towards me. He never showed an interest in me, my thoughts, my feelings. He never stood up for me or was proud to show me off. He never commended my strengths and triumphs, he only pointed out what he viewed were my failures. My brother in law was more of a nutcase than his mother, physically abusing his dog and neglecting his cat, leeching off of his mother and getting handouts at every possible opportunity, spending his days smoking hundreds of dollars of marijuana, drinking booze, playing videogames. 
I had no social life, I wasn’t allowed to have a social life. 
I had no friends I could hang out with, all of my friends were online. 
No matter how much I did for these people and how much I excelled at everything I did, nothing was ever enough. I was never enough. 
No wonder I struggled with mental health, eh?
I came to this realization instantaneously, and demanded to be dropped off at my dad’s house in Westminster, CO. 
I had none of my personal belongings besides my hiking and camping stuff. I didn’t care, I just had to get away from these toxic monsters. 
My husband and I loosely decided that this would be a “break” for our relationship, and that he would go back to MS to work and save up to move here with me. I agreed and I began working and saving up myself. 
We both knew he was never going to come here. We were never going to be together again. 
We remained in close contact for a few months after the separation. But the contact and our conversations became fewer and less substantial. 
One night, as I was walking home from work, I called and told him that I thought we should break up. He admitted to me that he had removed his wedding ring over three weeks prior. I was understandably hurt by that, but I did understand. 
He also informed me that all of the birds were gone or dead except for a couple roosters. 
I was more devastated by the loss of my birds than the loss of my marriage. If that doesn’t tell you enough, I don’t know what does!! 
My cat never returned. 
I asked him if we could keep in contact, and he told me he did not want to talk to me or hear from me for several years. I was once again hurt by this, but with his own mental health issues, I again, understood. He did say he can see us being friends in the future, but now that its been some time, I don’t want to be friends with him. I want the best for him, but I can’t bring myself to expose my mentality to his toxicity and negativity. 
I asked again and again, over a period of months, for him to return my belongings. He kept putting it off. I told him I was going to drive down there myself and gather everything i could and dispose of the rest. 
He agreed, initially, then banned me from coming only after I requested the time off from work and had friends to accompany me on the journey, He promised he’d send all my stuff in several shipments after he sold my car. I told him he could keep the profit from the sale of my car and use it to send me my stuff. 
He ended up sending me ONE box of my stuff. And most of it wasn’t even mine. I was appalled and disgusted that he’d be so careless and inconsiderate. 
I sent him messages and requested SPECIFIC items after I received the first box. I got no reply, and no more packages to this day have been sent. 
He and his family stole my property, killed my pets, and broke my heart. 
Thieves, liars, and extremists, the lot of them. 
I grieve daily for the loss of my animals and the torture I was put through for nearly 6 years. 
All of that out of the way, let me move on to tell you what this blog will now feature. 
I have obviously had a change in lifestyle. I no longer live on homesteading land, I live in a roomy two bedroom apartment with my AMAZING fiance. 
My love of chickens, I discovered, was a love for reptiles in general. Cuz birds are reptiles and all that jazz. 
When I met my fiance, I was already blown away by his attitude, confidence, and view on life right off the bat! He inspired me, made me want to be better to myself. 
Meeting him felt weird, at first. It felt weird because I was waiting for this amazing person to... have a catch. There’s gotta be a red flag somewhere. And if there isn’t... he is probably a psychopath who will eventually turn on me and kill me. No one is that... good. 
So I thought to myself, “Welp, gotta find out. I’ll go to his house!”
He had a couple little snakes in his room which I demanded to play with. He happily got them out and I was like “THAT’S the catch? Nah, this just convinces me this guy is... my kind of guy.” 
I’ve had a love of snakes since early childhood. Not an interest of passion, but I truly loved interacting with and watching them. I’ve never had an innate fear of any insect, (exclude honeybee, because I didn’t know better at 6 years old), or animal. I love them all and everything they do to contribute. All they experience. 
I used to catch wild garter snakes and rat snakes in nets, pet them, show them to my mother occasionally to freak her out, and release them. Then watch them. 
There were a mating pair of Oteekee Corn Snakes in my HS yard. Every summer we’d see them, out and about hunting, hiding, climbing... growing. They were bright red and jet black with specks of yellow. I could tell these guys were pretty smart and maybe there was more to snakes than I really thought about ever. 
So, being sold on this amazing guy, we up and moved in together. Nice. My paycheck kept going up and up. I was saving a ton. I wanted a car and an apartment as soon as possible. 
I got bonus after bonus for working hard at my job and everyone hitting labor targets. 
We got a place. Nice. 
Both got steady jobs. Nice. 
There’s uh, a lot of room in this new place. Nice. 
Hey it’s my birthday and I can get myself a snake. I have more than enough for supplies and the animal itself. 
I browsed on morphmarket for what felt like ages.... 
I had no idea that there were.... so many complicated genetics with ball pythons. I was highly interested, because if you know me, you know I’m interested in genetics and selective breeding. 
I found there were THOUSANDS of genetic combinations, each with unique names. It was like alien code. The animals were beautiful but I had no idea what I was really looking at. 
One night while going to our local reptile store to get feeder rats, I was looking around at all the glass window babies, as I usually do. 
I made my way around the scorpions, tarantulas, cave scorpions, frogs, lizards, the store’s companion burmese python, and my eyes landed on a little... adorable puppy-eyed baby ball python. The signage stated that it was a Puma. Seemed simple enough. Easy name to remember. I looked into the glass at the lil noodle, and talked all baby talk and shit. The sweet little thing came right up to scope at me, then yawned. 
I called an employee over and said I’d like to handle this animal right here. The employee obliged and I fell in love. Sexed as male. Easy buy. 
I cried on the way home, It was amazing. I have one picture on here of him a few days after I got him. His name is Mallow, and he is bigger now, but still just as sweet. 
So yeah. It went from there. Now, including the boa and ball python that are my fiance’s, and Mallow, we have added 3 more to our family. We are done now, as these animals may live a loooooong time. And they require space and attention just like any other pet. They’re not expensive, and they’re low maintenance care is nearly brainless if you set it up right. They’re statistically and actually safer than dogs or cats, and are absolutely therapeutic and entertaining. 
This blog will from this day forward be dedicated to snake content, reptile content, and a lot more fun, actually good pictures. I will also share genetic related stuff I find relevant. 
Not having a shitty phone camera is pretty great, tbh. 
TLDR: No more homestead. Ex is evil (yeah yeah), New place new animal new me. SNAKES! SNAKES!!!! SNAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKEEEEESSSSS!
I know this post is just for me but whatever, if I make myself laugh. Cool. G’night. 
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nikkicross22 · 4 years
reaction prompt: Char A is taking a walk, when they accidentally come across Char B. Char B, unaware of the audience, is enjoying their hobby, which had been a secret up until that point. Char A is in awe (or in shock, or whatever). Whether or not Char A is spotted watching char B - and any drama or embarrassment that results from that - is up to you.
Thanks for the prompt! I had a lot of fun!
Madara has had it up to here with all this stupid paperwork. 
“Let’s start a village!” Hashirama had said. “It’ll be fun!”
If Madara could go back in time, he would punch himself in the face, name Izuna clan head, and run as fast and as far as he could. It was only right, after all, that the more spirited of the two should be the one out running. God, if only Izuna could see him now.
Except he could, because the stupid red-eyed freak had decided to spare him at the last minute, and Izuna had run off to get married to some Uzumaki tramp the moment the village declared them official allies. Madara was so done.
And yet, it’s not until he finally had not only the urge, but the actual intent to set his office on fire that Madara had said screw it and actually left for a midnight walk. He shouldn’t even be up this late, but with Izuna currently off doing who knows what with the stupid (surprisingly tolerable) Uzumaki, his sleeping schedule had gone to hell. 
Sighing, he turns the corner and heads into the forest, going to one of the calmest clearings he knows. Hashirama and the bastard albino had actually put this one together with both of their talents; a large, tree filled clearing with a small but crystal clear pond on one end. Not only did the chirping crickets and frogs make for nice white noise for Madara to train with, but the pond was surprisingly handy for when he needed to put out any wayward fires.
When Madara finally makes it into the clearing, he’s about to go flying into some of his most intense katas when he hears a soft voice. Freezing for a moment, he creeps closer, soundlessly looking around for the source of the low crooning. Madara ends up nearly in the pond when he finally manages to locate the person, and nearly chokes on his own tongue. 
Senju Tobirama is sitting there, stroking the head of a snow white stag as he talks to it calmly, seemingly ignorant to the presence of the wayward Uchiha. He has a slight smile on his face as he speaks, the deer flicking its ear towards him occasionally despite the massive pair of antlers its sporting. Madara knows shinobi who would kill each other for the pleasure of mounting a beast like that, but is suddenly sickened by the thought of murdering such a beautiful creature.
Madara creeps closer, moving so that neither the snow white buck or man are aware of him. After years of war, the Uchiha is nearly an expert in the art of chakra masking, so he knows that unless the Senju is actively looking for him, he won’t be noticed. Madara is honestly slightly surprised that the man hasn’t noticed him yet anyway, as his sensing skills were notoriously strong.
Settling into a tree about ten yards away, Madara channels chakra into his ears to help him hear what Tobirama is saying.
“-s and idiot, but he really does get his work done. Believe it or not, the man spends nearly as much time in his office as I do,” the Senju says with a chuckle, lightly rubbing the base of the stag’s antlers. “Honestly, if I hadn’t had Mito put that seal on his door to keep track of him, I would be worried if he was sleeping at all.”
Madara blinks at that. He know’s Tobirama tends to be a bit on the obsessive side, but he hadn’t really pegged him as a stalker. Perhaps this was another one of his experiments?
“Regardless, though, I still don’t think he’s sleeping enough,” Tobirama confides. “It’s too bad he’s so in love with my brother. He doesn’t really see the forest for the trees, so to speak. He’s far too focused on one thing, and I don’t think there’s anything I can do about it. Anyone, for that matter.”
Someone was in love with Hashirama? That was... slightly disturbing, especially considering the man was married. And straight, as far as Madara could tell. Also, a total fucking idiot.
“He’s kind, though. Kinder than I expected, especially after watching him kill so many of my clan. I think...” Tobirama trails off, looking down at his cervus companion, seeming uncertain. “I think he’s nicer to me than anyone, though. I used to think it was because he hated me, but now?”
Madara leans forward. Was this man an Uchiha? If they had killed much of the Senju clan, then it was possible, but as far as Madara could tell, Tobirama hated the Uchiha. Something about this, though, it was striking a chord. 
“Now I’m pretty sure it’s because he watched me when I went after Izuna.”
Madara freezes.
“I was going to kill him. I’m not ashamed to admit that. I needed to protect my family at all costs.
There’s no way
“But I didn’t. I looked down, and I could see when he accepted it, and in that moment,”
Is he really-
“I saw that Izuna wasn’t even looking at me anymore.”
Talking about-
“His eyes were locked on someone else.”
He almost falls out of the tree, the dawning horror of everything Tobirama has said until now crashing over him.
“He was looking, too. Those two made eye-contact, and the only thing I could see was Itama. Scared, and alone, and probably desperately trying to find his way back to his two older brothers to protect him,” Tobirama gently strokes its muzzle, looking into the stag’s eye. “I couldn’t do it. I used the flat of my blade, and I knocked him out. I suppose it was useful in its own way, as it gave Madara both the Mangekyou and a reason to accept the treaty of peace. I don’t regret that.”
Madara staggers backwards, trying not to let his chakra fluctuate too violently and alert Tobirama of his presence. He’s certain he makes some sort of noise, though, as the stag looks in his direction before languidly standing up and shaking itself off.
“Ah, is that all for tonight, friend?” Tobirama asks it. 
It turns, nuzzling into his hand and stays still for a moment longer.
“I wonder, when the day will come where Madara finally stops chasing my brother, and instead looks at me.” 
He sighs.
“A man can hope, right?” the Senju inquires with a small smile. “Have a good night, and thank you for listening. You are much better at this than my idiotic older brother.”
The deer simply tosses its head and walks away. Tobirama follows suit, quietly walking out of the clearing and back towards the village. Madara simply sits there, floored, for about 30 minutes before he finally feels his head pull back on correctly.
“That bastard put a seal on my door frame?” he hisses, before shooting off into the night.
Oh, Hashirama was in for a thrashing when Madara got his hands on him. He was not fucking in love with the arrogant asshole!
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missfay49 · 4 years
Session 1a - Making Friends
This is a retelling, not a transcription.  I realize it may seem overly confusing, but none of the characters have introduced themselves yet, so if Patton doesn’t know their names, you don’t know either.
Word count: ~2,445
Relationships: platonic Moceit
Warnings (may contain spoilers): space, aliens, alien planet, fighting, cursing, disease, venom, exhaustion, mind-control, blood, hostile wildlife (request more tags if needed)
Starfinder words to google for your own clarity: kaukariki, yaruk, vesk, lashunta, ysoki, vracinea
Characters, for clarity: Patton, his brain slug, a human, a Vesk, two Lashunta, and a Ysoki
Prologue Next Chapter
Patton is in the jungle. It’s not a bad jungle, as jungles go. Birds are tweeting, kaukarikis are chattering, and insects are prevalent.  He kneels beside some tracks, taking notes on his wrist comm.  
A faint baying sound is rumbling in the air, but he doesn’t pay it any mind until a truly cacophonous crash about a klick to the right brings him to his feet just in time to see a cloud of birds erupt from the jungle canopy.  He stands still watching the horizon for a minute, but no other sounds come forth.
“What do you think?” he asks the creature in his brain.
“Well, we’re certainly making quite a lot of progress here, wouldn’t want to ruin our streak of good luck,” they drawl.  Pat can feel the sarcasm pressing behind his eyes.  “Could be something interesting.”
“When you’re right, you’re right,” Pat agrees silently, shifting his pack and headed toward the ravine on his map.
Peering through the foliage, Patton spies a ragged group of people, panting and bandaging their wounds between some trees.  Two native Lashunta, an android, a Vesk, a Ysoki, and a fellow human.  The birds are just starting to settle back down and restart their conversations.  A few yaruks can be heard bleating on the other side of the ravine nearby.
“Let’s help them!” Pat starts to walk forward, but finds his muscles no longer obey his commands.
“No.”  The creature scolds him.  “Wait.”
They glance up to see a few kaukarikis watching the group as well, with more gathering by the minute. Curious.
They aren’t the only ones to notice the growing crowd.  Among the strangers, an android stares up at the monkey-like creatures in the trees.  Bright pink polymer hair and neon green accents decorate the robot.  They stick out against the foliage like a poison frog.
“Less than medium size, red faces, webbed forearms, stingers on their tails.  These are-”
“Sting bats!” one of the Lashunta break in.  They’re wearing survival gear and a pistol on their hip.
“-Kaukarikis,” the android finishes.  It seems like they might sigh if they had lungs.  “They’re venom causes a slow paralysis.  One is no threat, but several…”
Everyone looks around, including Pat who realizes an angry looking kaukariki is glaring right at him.
“Then again, safety in numbers and what not,” the voice concedes.
Patton steps out into the open.
“Y’all having a picnic or something?”
“Who are you!”  An intimidating Vesk stands up to face him, rifle drawn.  A large hammer is strapped to their back.
“Sorry, I heard the, uh, bridge collapse, apparently.”  Patton gestures vaguely beyond the group at the now impassable ravine, huge gouge marks leading toward the edge.  He was going to have to update his map.  “I came to investigate.
“Oh, yeah,” the Vesk glances back.  “You missed out on a fun stampede.”
A string of squeaky curses can be heard coming through the android’s comm, and they turn away to talk quietly into it.  The whole group of strangers tighten up and whisper amongst themselves for a couple minutes.  Patton waits and watches the kaukarikis grow increasingly more agitated, ears twitching from their treetop perches.  Finally, the huddle breaks and the android approaches him with a blank face.
“We are members of the Starfinder’s Society,” they explain.
“You out here alone?” The larger Lashunta asks him, this one with a pistol and a knife.
“Oh, you know, it is dangerous,” Pat responds smoothly, “but sometimes I go solo on the smaller jobs to save money.”
The human grunts and pipes up now.  “I appreciate your honesty.  At least you’re not blasting us with nose sounds.”
“Ah, you agitated the yaruks, then?”  Patton smiles knowingly.  The native herd animals could kill with their calls alone.
The group exchanges some indecipherable looks between each other.  The Vesk speaks up.
“We're kinda on a mission here.”
“Oh, sorry, I don't mean to intrude, I just didn’t expect to run into anyone out here!"  Patton puts his hands out in front of him in polite defense.  "Guess I just wanted to take advantage of some socialization while I had the chance.”
The sting bats are hooting and howling now, the trees are riddled with them.
“We should leave,” says the android.  The smaller Lashunta eyes Patton’s get up.
“Leaving you alone out here would be akin to murder, so…”  They look around at the others.  The Vesk grins wide, scaly skin stretching back to reveal their sharp teeth.
“I guess you're coming with us!”
Pat doesn't need the added motivation of the kaukarikis growling behind him, but they growl anyway.
"Alright!” he says. He enters the perimeter of the group, keeping one cautious eye on the trees.
Pat and his new travel companions start walking through the jungle to try to leave the kaukarikis behind and to get closer to something they call the “rune obelisk".  Much to Patton’s dismay, the human fires a warning shot into the trees every once in a while, scattering the creatures.  This only seems to incite them more each time.
The kaukarikis are agile, hollering and posturing at the group as they continue on.  It’s a tense couple of hours, but the creatures will grow tired eventually.  Right?
A distinct square pillar rises up over the horizon.  Stones along the path turn into ruins, hundreds of years of wear evident in the crumbling structures.  The group enters a clearing, and the kaukarikis are positively enraged. They’re pushing each other forward, as if goading each other to attack.  Several jump down from the trees.
“Can I ask, uh, why we’re entering the scary sting bat territory?”  Patton doesn’t take his eyes off the creatures.
“We have to,” the human grunts.
“Also,” the android adds. “They appear to have followed us, which is strange.  I doubt we could lose them at this point.”
At least six of the kaukarikis have dropped down now and are creating a vague perimeter around the group.
“Their behavior is abnormal.”  The android says as they extend two additional arms from their torso and take a defensive stance.  Patton spares a glance at the neon colored marvel but goes positively bug-eyed when the knife wielding Lashunta charges at the nearest kaukariki and starts firing their pistol.
They hit one on the first try and all hell breaks loose.
“Oh, good.  They’re idiots,” the slug whispers to Patton.
Kaukarikis are swarming them now, stinging tails bashing against tempweave armor amid animal calls. Random expletives, including “fuckin’ monkey!” rise up over the din.  Patton dodges a stinger as machine gun fire goes off a few feet away and he slaps both hands over his ears.  The other human just nearly shot him!  
At least two of his new friends have already been stung and, knowing what comes after that, Patton steps back and joins them in firing on the wildlife.  This needs to end fast.
Laser pistols and pulse cannons are firing in all directions and one of the Lashunta is stumbling from the venom’s effects.  They trip and fall for a second but drag themselves back up and keep fighting somehow. The animals howl at them from the trees each time one of their fellows falls to gunfire.  
In a few seconds, it’s over. Their attackers are dead and the rest of the creatures still in the foliage don’t seem like they’ll be coming forward any time soon.  The android sinks to their knees beside him, sparking.  Patton kneels and inspects their dented panels.  Everyone takes a few minutes to catch their breath amid hostile hoots and growls.  The midday sun is bearing down on them.
Minutes pass and the rest of the kaukarikis have backed off by now, booing the group.  They are wary and watch from a safe distance.  Patton feels like they just won an important battle, but not the war.  He sets to work trying to administer some first aid to the others.  Unfortunately, anti-venoms had been deemed unnecessary during his last resupply.  
The effects of the sting bats’ venom are apparent now, as somehow only Patton got through the fight unscathed.  Even the android took some hits but, of course, for them the issue is not the venom, but the dents to their plating.  The smaller Lashunta is breathing hard, laying on their back on the ground and trying not to throw up.
The larger Lashunta wanders the perimeter and starts scaling a tree.  Everyone is too tired to stop them.  If they get lost in the jungle, that’s on them.
“Look what I found!” They climb back down a degree later and reveal two scuffed serum capsules.  “The other group, they must have passed through here.”
“We could just leave, you know,” the slug reminds him.  “This lot is trouble.”
“The wildlife seems a little hostile right now.  Strength in numbers, right?”
“Another group?” Patton asks, eyeing the capsules. “Do your lot often fight with the wildlife?”  
“Only when there's wildlife,” the human gives him a dangerous smirk.
“When they start it!” The Lashunta shouts at the same time.
“Didn't one of us fire first?”  He blinks innocently at the big loud, knife-wielding, tree-climbing Lashunta. They squint back at him.
“So, what’s up with this obelisk?”  The Vesk interrupts their contest of wills.  The Lashunta joins them to stare at the pale grey pillar.
“Halkueem Zan, didn’t he talk about this obelisk?” the Lashunta reminds them.
The android studies the monument from afar, analyzing it aloud.
“It is not a rune obelisk. It must have had a physical function at one time.  It’s tall, perhaps a watchtower?  There may be a room inside.”
Patton stays close behind them, keeping one eye on the sting bats.  The Vesk up front surveys the area for signs of the other party passing through.
“We’re on the right track,” they confirm, straightening up from the ground.
The big Lashunta spies something sparkling in the ruins.  They begin crossing the field, looking all around only to pause as a strange sensation pulls at their mind.  Almost like a forgotten smell.  They shrug it off.
“Smells weird over here, y’all,” they shout over their shoulder.  As the others explore the edge of the ruins, Patton pats the smaller Lashunta on the shoulder, telling them to stay put and goes to join the large one.  Glancing up at the obelisk, he catches sight of a deep green vine trailing up the stonework.  Next thing he knows, he’s running full speed toward the monument.
“Stop.  What are you- I said, ‘stop’!  What’s happening!”  The slug screams at him, but he can neither hear nor obey as he runs headlong into the ruins.
“Hey?”  The Lashunta calls out to him as he sprints past, their arms stuffing a bag full of found items.
“HEY!”  Patton screams back at them, only stopping once he gets to the monument’s edge.  The vines are thick around the base and prevent him from getting any closer.  Not that he wants to.
Patton stands before the vines, gazing deep into the foliage.  The compulsion fades, but he finds that he’s frozen to the spot.  The scent of pollen is heavy in the air.
“Patton!  I command you to move away from the obelisk this instant!”
“I can’t!  Why can’t I move?!”
Several yards back now, the other human is eyeing the newcomer, brow furrowed.  They take a few slow steps forward, reloading their gun and glaring at each tree in view.  The android sends a still image of the scene to an unknown third party with the message, “we made a new friend”.  The large Lashunta is still calling to him.
“You okay, bud?”  They look down at theirself, but, yeah, everything feels fine.  It’s only the new guy that’s acting weird right now.
The only response is the sound of birds and sting bats chirping in the trees.  The Lashunta approaches him where he stands like a statue, knees and eyes locked.  They reach out and put a hand on his shoulder, tugging lightly, then shaking him when he doesn’t react.  His body wobbles like a mannequin.  They grab his other shoulder now, too, and try to physically drag him away.  
They barely get an inch.
The Lashunta realizes the vines beneath them are moving.  Strands shoot up, whipping the ground.  A wild jumble of vines and tiny flowers flail around them, followed by a large bulb barely balanced above the mass.  Spiny teeth line both sides of the plant’s ‘face’.  Horrified, the Lashunta watches it move fast and inexorably toward them and engulf Patton’s head.  They make no move to protect theirself as their body locks up just as Patton’s had before he was eaten.  The hungry lobes of the plant are down to his shoulders now.
“We’re being eaten!”
“I can see that!”
“Do something!”
“You do something!”
The slug examines Patton’s brain frantically.  Synapses are firing wildly, stinging like static shock.  Histamines are being sent to the sinus cavity autonomically.  All the muscles are screaming, locked tight by an involuntary flex.
Outside the maw of the plant, people are closing in.  Guns are firing at will and someone is yelling.  The android’s analysis is the only calm thing heard over the scene.
“Vracinea.  This native carnivorous flora lures its prey over with a yet unexplained compulsory effect, then paralyzes them with spores and digests them.  It is not particularly weak to any form of attack.”
“There!”  The slug locates the cluster of newly formed neurons in the hippocampus and slams into them.  Metaphorically speaking.
“ARGH!”  Patton nearly collapses from the sudden release of his muscles and wrestles the plant lobes off of himself, the spiny cilia tearing at his skin.  He trips and scrambles away over the writhing vines all around.  When he joins the smaller Lashunta by a tree a safe distance away (when did they even come over here?), he has only a second to notice the being is transfixed by a dark red flower deep in the vines.  Another puff of spores shoot out from it and Pat realizes the Lashunta is paralyzed, too. They’re trembling slightly, muscles tight and a thin sheen of sweat on their green face.  Looking back at his attacker, the other Lashunta is also just standing there, trapped under the beast.  
His heart is pounding and Patton realizes he's hyperventilating just as a fuzzy feeling slows his racing thoughts.  His limbs begin moving without him, turning him to face the threat.  He hardly notices; the blanket in his mind is too tempting.
"I'll handle this," the slug tells him, pushing his consciousness fully under the wave.  The scene around him feels more like a video now, and he turns his mind away from it.
"Thanks, Janus."
Prologue Next Chapter
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bunnymossmakes · 4 years
Woo Your Woman [WIP]
[Sharky Boshaw x Francine “Franny” Mayhew]
Rated T for Language and Sexual Content
If there's two things Sharky Boshaw knows like the back of his hand, it's how to start a fire, and how to woo a woman.
Okay, there’s one thing he knows, it's arson. Fire enthusiasm.
But the wooing women part, well. There's some learnin' to do. Specially with that hot-shot Rook out there snatching up all the fine ladies of Hope County. And really, who wants to bang a catch like him when there's a fuckin' cop with loose morals storming around blowing up Peggies like the fourth of July? Used to be he and Hurk could at least catch a wink or a kiss, if not the occasional drunken bathroom blowjob.
And god damnit if he ain't gonna shoot his shot for precisely the latter, from that blonde badger-looking broad across the bar.
“Well honestly I was thinkin' about maybe goin' down to the river by my mama's place and catchin' frogs again after dark, if yer feelin' up to it,” Hurk elbows him just hard enough to bring his bleary-eyed focus over to his cousin, “you wanna maybe pick up some beers and call the Dep and-“
“Man fuck po-po, okay? Well actually don’t, that'd be weird, he's like. Your business partner, man,” Sharky interrupts, tugging on the bill of his cap, “just… sorry cuz. I'm trynna get laid and Rook's gettin' all the bitches. He's got asses bouncing at him left and right and I just wanna see what that girl over there tastes like, you know?”
Hurk blinks once or twice before the tinge of pink flushes his cheeks, certainly not from the excess of shit beer he’s been knocking back, and opens his mouth to retort before deciding another drink is a better option. After one big swig, which Sharky gladly matches, he musters up the proper response.
“Cuz, I don’t think you wanna go down on her right there at the bar-“
“Aw shit man, not what I meant,” he grimaces, “ain’t done that in ages. A pretty gal like her don’t deserve my half-ass attempt.”
“Just ask her h'wat her name is first,” Hurk says simply, tipping his beer bottle towards the very blonde in question, who raises an eyebrow at the two of them.
Never in his damn life has the Spread Eagle suddenly felt so hot. Like, not fire heat, no, that shit's tolerable and preferable, to whatever suffocating swamp is bogging down his lungs and making his face burn red. She’s looking right at him and she doesn’t seem to give a shit. She's looking right at him and fluttering those pretty lashes and – by god she just belched.
Open-mouthed chest-thumping cockles-of-her-soul belched.
Oh god he's in love.
“Pretty lady what's your name?” he blurts before his thoughts have come even halfway back round in his skull, and she stiffens in surprise.
“Me?” she says, and her voice is gruff like sandpaper and oh god he's in love not drunk, in love damnit.
…a little drunk maybe.
“Good job Shark,” Hurk encourages with a pat on the shoulder, and Sharky swats out blindly to hush him up.
The blonde across the bar looks between the two of them, then at herself, down at the dirty t-shirt she's wearing, and back up into his eyes. Can she see into his soul? Is she actually a witch or some shit? Was that belch her wicked mating call, and she’s gonna lure him back to her evil swamp lair and bite his head off like a praying mantis? He swears one of her eyes is a little off kilter but she's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
“Francine,” she says, almost sounding surprised, but that’s fine, her name is lovely, “er. Frannie.”
He can't even speak. How does he respond to that? Where have his words gone? He definitely passed third grade English. Maybe. Probably not. God damn this bar feels like a sauna.
“Niiice to meeeet yeewww, Frannciiine,” Hurk hisses, “you gotsta respond dude.”
“You're hot,” is what he says instead, “or. It's hot. In here. Cuz you’re. Pretty. I like your shirt. Nice belch.”
Chances ruined. Shot deflected. What the fuck came out of his mouth? This is why he can't get his dick wet.
But Frannie – blessed Frannie – smiles big as can be and hides behind a big swill of her pint. Slams it back down on the bar with froth on her upper lip like the most graceful mustache he's ever seen on a lady (and he’s seen plenty in Hope County.) She doesn’t even bother to wipe it off her face before she’s up out of her seat and heading for the door. But something about that grin on her freckled face says follow me not I'm noping the fuck outta here.
And so he does, with a celebratory if not preemptive whoop from his cousin.
“Git ‘er Sharky!” Hurk claps his hands together, and all he can do is snort as he stumbles off his own stool and after the walking embodiment of his deepest drunken desires.
Following behind her is like chasing a deer through the brush. Except he’s never done that, and she's drunk enough to stumble a little as she trudges out the front door. Granted, so is he, but he’s always carried himself well enough to get by. At least, that's what he tells himself. Hurk says he looks kinda like a bowlegged daddy longlegs when he's drunk, but what does Hurk know about majesty when he sees it?
“This way stranger!” he hears from outside on the porch as the door swings shut between them.
Barging through is easy, but catching up to her halfway across the street is hard when he’s this wobbly.
“Where you goin' Frannie?” Sharky calls, a little more high-pitched than he'd intended, and she laughs real quiet so he can just barely hear.
“Just come on, ballcap, got somethin' to show you!” she says over her shoulder, but he isn’t focused on her face when she angles it back at him, “just across the street!”
“Well alright, but I'll have you know I am a gentleman, thank you very much, and I'm not expecting no free peep show in the alley,” he clarifies, “a man of culture and chivalry only expects titty flashes in the open street, or in the privacy of someone's bedroom - doesn't matter whose.”
He sees her elbows bend, watches her hands settle on the hem of her t-shirt, and holy Bongo II is she gonna turn around and flash him did that just work hello God it’s me Sharky—
Frannie face plants in the gravel not two steps further. Tripped on her own damn feet or something. And in that moment, sprawled in the dirt, limbs akimbo, she may as well be a fallen angel. He can’t even help her up he’s too busy tripping over his own self, ogling at the sight before him. This woman is a mess, and he might be too.
Okay no he totally is.
Somehow he manages to stumble forward and get ahold of one of her hands, and in a semi-fruitless struggle Frannie manages to get her ass under her and up onto her knees with his help. She's got mud on her face, and a skinned elbow, and the lopsided grin she offers says she's just fine.
“Was gonna show you but I fell,” she says simply, and all he can do is nod like an imbecile, “but come on I really wanna show you this other thing!”
The two of them get Francine on her feet and steady enough to start walking, and the second she turns away and out of his loose grasp he panics.
“I’m Sharky nice to meet you Frannie,” he gets out all in one exhale, “you don’t have to show me your tits they’re probably real nice. But I’m too drunk to remember them tomorrow and I'd really want to you know?”
Frannie pauses in her stride and turns back to him, still wearing that wide crooked smile.
“How bout I show you tonight and tomorrow? Why not both?”
“I mean. I’m not gonna say no. But I don’t think either of us are in the right way to be doin' that shit as drunk as we are,” he says, and since when has he cared?
How many women has he let yank him to the bathroom or out by the dumpster to fuck around with after a long night of drinking? …not as many as he’d like to imagine. Maybe only like two. Okay, he's got a point.
His companion simply nods, fine enough with his opinion, and ambles back on down her path. This time he manages to catch up to her and match her stride, and before he knows it he's mustered up the courage to reach out and hold her hand. The whole thing is giving him butterflies, and if Hurk could see him now he’d probably tease him for a solid month about it. The great Charlemagne Victor Boshaw, reduced to holding hands with a cute girl, going off on some adventure.
Seems she's leading him to the water tower nearby, and he’s fully prepared to tell her he’s scared of heights, but she keeps on walking. Up the little hill, towards the outside of town, to the little patch of trees up the road. The thought strikes him that perhaps he's about to get stabbed, or shot, or stabbed and shot – or maybe she really is gonna bite his head off in her evil lair – but then she looks to him and smiles again, squeezes his hand, and, nah, he’ll be fine.
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anistarrose · 5 years
Ford in Amphibia
Summary: Anne and the Plantar family take in an eccentric new guest.
Word Count: ~2100
Warnings: none
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19375102/chapters/46100365
Part 1 of… 2? 3? Probably somewhere in that ballpark, but it really depends on if the still-progressing canon of Amphibia throws me anything new. 
This chapter doesn’t require much Amphibia prior knowledge to read, though — as long as you’ve seen the first pair of episodes, you’ll be fine!
“Anne! Anne? Anne, you gotta wake up! It’s an emergency!”
“Ugh, what?” Anne sat up in her bed, rubbing her eyes as she checked the time on her phone. “Five A.M.? What the heck is going on, Sprig?”
“The whole town’s outside our door! And they’re asking for you, and saying it’s urgent!”
Sure enough, a muffled slamming noise sounded from aboveground, followed by of a chorus of distressed ribbits.
“But… I didn’t even do anything bad yesterday! What do they want with me?”
“Doesn’t matter! We can’t afford them bringing out the battering ram to bust down our door again, so c’mon!” Sprig grabbed Anne by the hand, and dragged her upstairs.
There was thankfully no battering ram in sight when Anne threw open the door to face the citizens of Wartwood, but it looked like Sprig hadn’t lied about the whole town being outside. He had, however, neglected to mention that nearly all of them were wielding torches, pitchforks, and other staple weapons of angry mobs.
“Here she is, the girl of the hour!” Sprig offered weakly. “… Please don’t kill her?”
One-Eyed Wally sprung forward, and Anne flinched — but rather than attacking, he cast his pitchfork to the ground, and took her by the hands. He gave a quick bow, and Anne realized his one golden eye was wet with tears as his head bounced back up to meet her gaze.
“Thank goodness you’re here! You’re the only one who can save us now! Please, my lady, I beseech you!”
“Uh… not sure I’m following what’s going on here…”
“Another foul beast has been spotted roaming these parts,” Mayor Toadstool explained, pushing his way to the front of the ground. “Go on and tell them what you saw, Wally. Be brave.”
Wally’s hands trembled as he spoke. “It had a haggard gray mane, and its eyes reflected red light brighter than the moon itself! It loomed over me like a mountain, and it — it —”
He rummaged around in his pockets, and pulled out a few charred pieces of what must have once been a tree branch. “It fired bolts of lightning out of its arm! It just barely missed me, but it reduced a mighty old oak to ash in a single strike!”
“But since we’ve tamed a loyal beast of our own, she can drive it away for us!” Toadstool finished. “Then the town will be saved, and none of us will have to risk our precious lives fighting it!”
“What?!” Anne gasped. “You really think I could chase off something like that? And — and even if I could, I’m not your attack dog!”
A murmur went through the crowd, and Toadstool looked seriously ready to debate the attack dog comment, but Sprig spoke up before he could say anything.
“Anne, wait! You should hear them out — you know how everything gets overblown whenever Wally’s the one telling the story. Maybe it’s another lost human, and this whole situation is just a misunderstanding!”
“Look, I accepted a while back that I’m the only human in this world,” Anne shot back. “If there were more, we would’ve crossed paths by now for sure! But… I guess Wally is kind of prone to overblowing things…”
She sighed. “Okay, tell you what. I’m not fighting that beast, but tell me where you last saw it, and I’ll do some recon on it for you guys.”
Wally immediately burst into tears. “You’re a hero!” he blubbered. “This town will owe you a debt for the rest of your days!”
“Oh, I don’t know about that —” Toadstool cut in.
It was only then that Hop Pop walked into the living room, stifling a yawn. “Kids? What’s all this commotion about? Anne?”
Anne darted past him, back into the basement, and emerged a minute later wielding her tennis racquet.
“No time to explain! Gotta go risk my life for strangers by hunting a lightning monster!”
“See you soon!” Sprig added as the two of them sprinted off into the early morning light. “Maybe we’ll bring back another monster from the woods, and let them live in our house too!”
Ford’s patience for the frog dimension was wearing thin.
It had felt (quite literally) like a breath of fresh air at first, after spending close to a week consorting with unsavory characters in the alleyways of a sprawling, smog-filled metropolis — but limited signs of civilization meant traipsing through long swaths of muddy terrain, and mud meant that new boots would be ruined and silent movement would be nearly impossible, and… well, he could go on and on about why he hated swamp environments. The list of inconveniences just never seemed to end.
Ford didn’t actually mind amphibians — in fact, they accounted for some of his favorite anomalies back in Gravity Falls. He didn’t even mind the anthropomorphic frogs that watched him from afar and then fled before he could approach them — directions would have been convenient, sure, but he still had faith in his navigation abilities.
No, what he hated were the frogs that crept up behind him at the earliest hours of the morning, and nearly gave him a heart attack because they just happened to have BRIGHT YELLOW EYES. Or worse, in the case of today’s encounter, just ONE bright yellow eye. Why couldn’t those frogs be the ones who minded their own business?!
A branch snapped behind him, and he whirled around, gun in hand.
“Come out where I can see you!” he barked. “I’m willing to resolve this peacefully if you are, but try anything funny and I won’t hesitate to shoot!”
A bush a few feet away let out a small whimper, followed by a series of hushed whispers like it was having a conversation with itself. Finally, the culprits peered out, hands above their heads…
Human hands, in one case.
“There are humans in this dimension?” Ford asked, just as the girl blurted out: “Wait, are you a human too? How did you get here?”
There was an awkward pause, before Ford replied: “Even if we are of the same species, there’s no guarantee we come from the same dimension.”
“Are you some kind of space pirate? Am I on another planet?” the girl asked at the same time, speaking over him. “Or a time traveler? Have I been in prehistoric times all along?”
“Uh… not exactly either of those, but closer to the first one,” Ford told her.
This didn’t feel like a trap. The human girl seemed genuinely inquisitive, and her frog companion looked scared out of his wits, not scheming. “I apologize for being so hostile before. I’ve just been on guard lately.”
“It’s fine. I did pretty much the same thing when I got here too,” the girl assured him. “I’m Anne Boonchuy, and this is my buddy Sprig. Nice to meet you!”
“Likewise. I’m Ford.”
“Just Ford? What, no last names on your planet?”
Ford sighed. “No, I just don’t like sharing personal information. You never know what identity thieves might lurk in unfamiliar worlds.”
It was his go-to lie when dealing with kids, since it sounded a lot less intimidating than there are a lot of extremely ruthless people after me and the less I tell you about myself, the less likely they are to be a threat to you. He didn’t think Bill’s minions would have much influence here, but it didn’t hurt to err on the side of caution.
He and Anne shook hands, and he couldn’t help but cringe slightly as she looked at his fingers and frowned in confusion.
“I can’t help but notice you’ve got, uh, more than the normal number of fingers… or is six fingers normal where you come from?”
“No, I carry a rare genetic mutation that causes polydactyly. I’ve always been something of an anomalous case, even in the world I hail from.”
“Wow, you sound like a pretty smart guy.”
“Well, I would hope so! My eleven PhD’s didn’t earn themselves.”
“Dang, you are smart!” Anne’s eyes lit up. “Hey, want to come back home with us? I’ve got some, uh… weird odds and ends from my world that I want an expert opinion on.”
“I dunno,” Sprig piped up, speaking for the first time since his exchange with Anne in the bush. “It worked out well when I brought you home, but… are you sure he’s not gonna eat us? He feels like the type of person who would eat us — he’s too fluffy for it to be anything but a trick, to make him look less threatening!”
“Oh, it’s just my beard that’s scaring you?” Ford asked, pulling a lighter out of his pocket and squinting as he held it just beneath his chin and flicked the wheel. “Because I can get rid of this real quick if I just — ah, here we go!”
He let the blaze travel up his face for a few seconds before patting it out, ignoring Anne and Sprig’s slack-jawed expressions.
“Dude,” Anne gasped. “Did you just set your face on fire?”
“Well, how else am I going to get rid of a whole beard in under thirty seconds? Not by shaving, that’s for sure.”
Anne motioned for Ford to sit down, and he did so as she unfolded the cloth concealing the object resting in her lap. The Plantar family had been surprisingly charitable towards Ford, feeding him breakfast and insisting that the couch was always available if he needed somewhere to sleep — just as charitable as they’d apparently been to Anne, when she’d abruptly been tossed into their lives not two weeks before.
She’d given the summary of her story over breakfast, and in return, he’d explained the very basics of his story to them: that he seeked to eventually overthrow a tyrant who threatened many parts of the multiverse, and that he traveled from dimension to dimension with very little control over where he would end up. Anne had seemed disappointed to hear that second part — presumably because she’d been hoping Ford would have a way to get her home.
But maybe, not all hope was lost in that regard just yet.
“This is the music box that brought me to this world,” Anne explained, tossing aside the cloth. “When I opened it for the first time, it flashed all colorful and I woke up here, but it hasn’t worked since.”
“Peculiar,” Ford muttered. “Where exactly did you find this music box?”
“Just a weird knickknack shop,” Anne answered, a little two quickly.
“May I hold it for a moment?”
She handed it to him. It was metallic and oddly cold, far colder than anything should have been on this sweltering day — almost as if it was magically draining the heat from Ford’s hands. He held his wrist in front of it and pressed a button on his watch, and a grid of laser dots were projected onto it, signifying a scan in progress.
“Those gems were more colorful when I first found it,” Anne explained. “But they’ve been gray ever since I got here.”
“Hmm. Well, here’s your problem: this box was once a vessel for a large amount of magical energy, but that energy has since been depleted — presumably when it brought you to this world. That’s probably why the gems lost their color, and why it can’t transport you back anymore… but if you were able to recharge that supply of magical energy somehow, I think there’s good odds it would take you home. Either that, or it would take you an even more foreign dimension of even weirder creatures. No way to know for sure unless you try?”
“Well, that’s the best lead I’ve got by a long shot,” Anne told him. “How do I recharge it?”
Ford shrugged. “Good question. I’ve got no clue.”
“What? C’mon, aren’t any of your PhD’s in cursed music boxes?”
Ford shook his head. “Magic is a fickle thing, and it works differently in almost every dimension. In one world, you might learn how to cast a spell that rains bolts of lightning down on your enemies, but in another, you might barely be able to summon a spark using the same ritual. Even if I’d encountered a relic like this before, there’s no guarantee that yours would obey the same rules.”
“Oh.” Anne’s face fell. “Well, thanks for your help anyway.”
“Keep you chin up,” Ford told her. “Your search for answers has only just begun — there’s still plenty more research to do, and plenty more chances to have a eureka moment! And if you have any questions of the scientific sort… well, I’m not sticking around forever, but while I’m here, don’t hesitate to ask me anything.”
“Thanks. Will do.”
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Ch2 - Operation Grandpup Drop (A SitBoy Discord Crack Fic)
Created by awesome people on the SessKag SitBoy Discord, one post at a time in complete wild abandon. This is a SessKag crack fic.
Chapter 2:
mythicamagicToday at 3:20 AM Sesshoumaru, meanwhile, had taken off on his own, eyes narrow. He could still hear the words of his mother ringing in his ears as he flew above the trees. But it was no matter. He felt certain he'd smelt Naraku's foul stench close by.
Walter205Today at 9:04 AM Inukimi watched her son go after giving the strange garment the briefest of sniffs before dropping it to the ground in his haste to leave. She sighed softly before turning to glance at the others. Her Sky Palace would be a most suitable location for the breedings to occur, perhaps she should round everyone up from both camps and have them waiting there for both her son and her hopeful second when they arrive?
Even if no one else breeds on their own, they could prove a useful distraction fodder for her amusement while she waited, in addition to an added incentive for her son and the miko to come visit her, if for no other reason then to "retrieve" their companions, then she would be able to spring her growing little plan into action. Nodding to herself silently, she smiled softly as her hands started glowing pink as she called her debilitating poison to the surface of her claws…
Slayer07/30/2019 While Sesshomaru  stood shocked that this she/he incarnation  asked to play with his hair. Naraku took his moment of shock to escape in a massive cloud of miasma
Stormie Like Weather07/30/2019 Poof! Frustrated, Sesshomaru glared at the new incarnation, "Do you always do what Daddy says, or can you think for yourself?" Gritting his teeth, "Your weak blood will sully my sword if I run you through."
Walter20507/30/2019 Jaken could still hear the clashing of swords but they were fading into the distance. Earlier Kohaku and Rin had tried to flee from Inukimi, leaving Jaken free to make his escape in the other direction. Trying to follow the path his Lord took through the forest, he came upon a hot springs. Neither his Lord nor the enemy he sounded to be fighting were present, although the miko's yellow satchel and odd items were strewn about the area, along with some signs a fight or two had taken place here.
His curiosity once again got the better of him as he examined several items from the Miko's Satchel, before coming across another odd garment, this one containing straps and two cups, the latter of which had soft padding that felt very pleasant to the touch. Jaken had no idea what this was used for but them came up with the idea that it might some kind of padded armor, meant to be worn under the clothes.
After stripping and bathing in the springs, he tried putting it on, but it seemed oddly sized for a toad of his stature. Still, he managed to get it where one cup protected his head and the other gave him some comfort when he sat down. On the negative side though his clothes couldn't quite fit over the armor but to be honest the padded armor covered enough of him that he didn't need to worry about it for the time being, after all the two battling warriors could return at any moment so Jaken hurriedly collected the other things into the Satchel before carrying it off into the forest, away from the sounds of battle.
mythicamagic07/30/2019 It smelled... Fusty. Or maybe it could be described as wet dog smell, but less without the dog and more... "Ah you're awake!" Kouga grinned, looking down at her. Kagome winced. Wolf. "K-kouga.." she sat up, squeaking when the furs draped over her naked body slipped down. She quickly hugged them to her chest. "Where are we? Where's Naraku?"
Stormie Like Weather07/30/2019 "Ah, there's no need to hide. I've already see-!" Clap! Her palm left a bright red mark on his cheek. "You've seen nothing!" She held fistfuls of the fur against her chest, and repeated slowly, "You. Kouga. Have. Seen. Nothing." He scratched the back of his neck, "Uh, right." He blinked, still smiling. She wanted to slap the stupid grin off his face, instead she gritted her teeth, "Thanks for saving me back there." Not catching a hint, he patted her head, "Of course I would protect my woman!" His expression quickly shifted to anger, "Where was dog breath!?" Kagome shrugged, "Back at camp, I was at a hot springs." That wasn't the point though, she needed to know, "Were you able to get Naraku?" Kouga shook his head. "Now that you are awake, I need to track the bastard down." He tilted his chin at a young wolf youkai to his side, "This boy will take care of you until we return." She looked over at the child and winced, "Wai-t!" But he was already gone.
mythicamagic07/30/2019 Kagome sighed. Well, there was no way she'd be waiting around twiddling her thumbs. She awkwardly glanced at the boy. "Could you um.. Turn around for a second?" The boy complied, and by the time he was given permission to turn back, Kagome was standing in a dress she'd somehow fashioned out of the furs that had been acting as a blanket. The boy blinked. "How did-" "No time~" she smiled brightly, waving. "I'm gonna go now. Do you have a bow and arrow handy?" Or underwear she wanted to add.
Stormie Like Weather07/30/2019 Itchy and smelling something akin to what she imagined an opossum might smell like, Kagome left with a bow, some arrows, and a package of food she suspected might be rancid. Trying not to be rude, she'd taken the offered package despite the smell, but with no intention of eating it, she left it by the entrance on her way out.
mythicamagic07/30/2019 Sango had taught her how to track, but it didn't exactly take a genius to work out which way Kouga had gone after leaving the rocky terrain. Broken twigs paved the way, like a hurricane had swept through. Wincing as the forest floor met her bare feet, Kagome raised her head, feeling the tell tale pull of jewel shards further ahead.
Stormie Like Weather07/30/2019 Unconcerned, Kagome made her way through the path created by the brash wolf, when something strange caught the edge of her sight. The little object gleamed in the sunlight. A plastic covered ramen cup..."How did this get here?" Looking further ahead, she noticed more items from the future dropped along the path. "Oh no!" She'd left her bag at the hot spring. "Some one has my backpack!" Stomp running, she gathered up her things, carrying them against her chest until she couldn't carry any more. She eyed her first aid kit in a bush. Her brow ticked. "I'm going to kill someone..."
Slayer07/30/2019 Jaken felt a shiver run down his back and a dark sense of impending doom.
Walter20507/30/2019 That sense of impending doom proved accurate when a distantly familiar female figure emerged from the edge of the clearing that he had been taking a breathing break in. It took several moments for Jaken to remember where he had seen the lithe figure with red hair and eyes before. While he couldn't remember this particular female's name, he recognized what she was instantly.
"You...you're...," he stammered as he took a few steps back with the satchel at his side.
"Karan, of the Panther Demon Tribe. I remember you, you're Lord Sesshomaru's Lackey. I bring an proposal to him, an offer from our leader Toran," said the figure as she came closer to him.
"N...no, stay back!" yelled Jaken as he started taking items from the largely depleted satchel and throwing them at her. Karan dodged most of them with ease but one item caught her interest for an unknown reason to her. A vial with a dotted green substance inside, with a little note attached that read; 'For Buyo, do not take to past'.
The cat's curiosity getting the best of her, she opened the vial and took a quick sniff before her eyes glazed over. She stuck her tongue and gently licked the edge of the green stuff before her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she collapsed backwards, mewing and purring softly as she spasmed and thrashed about on the ground.
"Buyo must mean Panther Poison, I must keep this with me," exclaimed Jaken as he gathered the various spilled things, put them back in the satchel, then continued on his way.
Stormie Like Weather08/01/2019 "Merow...merow...merrrroooooow." Kagome swallowed hard, staring at a fully transformed panther demon as it batted at a squeaky toy she'd intended to use as a way to taunt Inuyasha. She blinked, and shook her head. The youkai suddenly hissed at the stuffed toy and it caught fire. "Merrrrrrow!" Her tail swished back and forth, and she rolled over onto her back, kicking in the air at an invisible opponent. Kagome sighed, "I'm so done today. If one more crazy thing happens..." That's when she heard the squawking up ahead. "Jaken." She seethed. His head was illuminated by the setting sun, and what he was wearing was unmistakable. The lace. The silk. The 600 yen price tag dangling from the strap. With a clatter, everything in her arms fell to the ground, and she charged the stupid toad with an arrow in her hand. "You perverted frog! Just you wait, when I get my hands on you, you're gonna pay!"
Walter20508/01/2019 The feeling of impending doom was upon him again. Turning his head as he heard a noise behind him, Jaken's eyes opened wide as he took in the visage of the spectre of death herself, an irate and familiar human female scantily clad in furs, eyes glowing as pink a color as the tip of the arrow that she held in her hand.
"Please no I'm sorry you can have it all back!" he squawked as he shrugged off the bra and dropped the satchel. All it did however was to make it where she could strike him at will without further damaging any of her belongings. With a cry of fury that channeled all of her frustrations of the day, she stabbed the arrow into his toaddy buttocks, causing him to cry out in anguish as the little purifying power there burned his slimy tooshy.
Flexing her arms that had built up years of strength from lugging around said packed yellow satchel, Kagome lifted the impaled Jaken up onto her bow and notched him into the sky as she pulled and released, sending the toad arcing into the night sky with a terrified yell on a pink contrail as she sent him blasting off again.
Collapsing to her knees afterwards as the adrenaline started to wear off, Kagome took stock of her belongings present. She picked up her brand new push up bra by one of the...uninfected straps and examined the slime and sweat infested materials within as she mentally wrote off the expense, knowing that even if she washed it five hundred times she would never be able to wear it without thinking of the toad wearing it.
Stormie Like Weather08/01/2019 After digging a small hole, Kagome said a few kind words about her bra before dropping it in, "I never got to use you, but you were one of the best bras I've ever bought online." She wiped away a tear with the back of her hand, "I wish I could have worn you at least once before the end." She pushed dirt over the tiny grave. For a moment she wondered if tempting the well's power would be worth it for the chance to have a bra again. Probably not. She could try to make one, but it'd be a sad comparison to what had been lost. There was a chance she'd run across one of the other two she'd brought with her, but the likelihood of finding them was slim, and who knew if Jaken had rubbed his slimy butt all over those as well. Backtracking to gather up the belongings she'd dropped at the sight of the filthy little creature, she noticed the panther demon had left the area. The faint sounds of battle laid ahead. With her backpack zipped closed, she pulled it up on her shoulder. Fists clenched, glaring at the path ahead, Kagome vowed to do more damage to Naraku than biting his tentacle the next time they met.
imjaneees08/01/2019 Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and she's a scorned woman who just got a few good bucks wasted. Underwears were ridiculously expensive and that was one fine pair she just got herself. Not mention if was probably desecrated by an overgrown toad with major personality problems.
A shiver went down her spine and Kagome didn't know if it was out of revulsion or her sometimes reliable sixth sense telling her that things weren't about her way again.
Stormie Like Weather08/01/2019 Darkness crept in, but she could still hear the clanging of swords and growls of youkai. Out of no where, Kagome fell back with an, "Oof!" Her back slammed into rocks while her chest felt like a brick sat on it. Coughing, she opened her eyes to the strangest visual. A woman, no a man, straddled her breasts. Glittery bearded, blood red eyes sparkling, hair tied up like Kaguras'.  "Hey girl!" Kagome blinked, "Um, hi." She winced, "Do you think you could get off my chest?" He shook his head, "Daddy says I can't, but let's be friends anyway! Okay?" The crazy look in his eyes gave her chills. She nodded slowly while praying to Kami she'd make it through this.
Slayer08/01/2019 In a flash of red and white the bearded lady was tossed off of Kagome.
Stormie Like Weather08/02/2019 Blinking through the dust, Kagome expected to see Inuyasha standing there with his sword at Sparkle Beard's throat, but, much to her surprise, it was Sesshomaru promising his death.
imjaneees08/02/2019 Still reeling from the very creepy image of Kagura with a beard, Kagome silently prayed that if was the real Sesshomaru this time. She's had enough tentacle experience for one day.
Walter20508/02/2019 Both of them had been momentarily distracted by the pink arrow arcing up into the night sky in the distance with a screaming form atop it, but Sesshomaru with his superior battle prowess was the first to recover and managed to land a fatal blow against Murakumo. The incarnation let out a hideous death scream before it changed into mocking laughter before his form disappeared and a golem token appeared, split in half.
Sesshomaru sighed audibly, recalling that after his eleventh power up while hidden in seclusion that Naraku had gained the ability to provide golems for this incarnations in addition to himself. In addition, after his 13th hidden power up, he had gained the ability to equip his bees with biological boomboxes that mocked them whenever they defeated a golem.
Right on time came by a saimyosho going "kukukukukukukukukukukukukukuku..." as it flew by before being swatted by Sesshomaru's green poison whip. Turning, he headed in the direction that the arrow had come from earlier, before coming across the sight of a beared version of Kagura sitting on the miko's chest. He stopped and stared at the two of them before knocking the bearded thing off.
"Right, enough is enough for one day," muttered Sesshomaru as he unleashed an attack on the untypical figure. The incarnation deflected the attack, but by the time the smoke had cleared, Sesshomaru had gathered Kagome into his arms and formed the ball of light around them both before taking off into the night sky. The bearded Kagura tried to pursue but was rapidly being left in the dust.
revang08/02/2019 “Boo, that’s no fun,” Murakumo pouted, coming to a stop when the pair were out of his range of detection. “And just look what they’ve done to my lovely sakura pink hakama! This is going to take scrubbing.” After a minute of dejectedly stroking his ever-sparkly beard, he sighed. “I suppose I have to go report back to daddy now. He’s, like, so not going to be happy.”
Walter20508/02/2019 Inukimi sighed as she wrapped a hand around the enchanted necklace resting on her shoulders, watching the impudent half demon before her actually try to challenge her authority over all of them. He had drawn his sword and even dared to raise it against her, in her own sky palace none the less!
"Now you'll die for kidnapping us! Take this, Blades of Boulders!" yelled Inuyasha as he used the Rock Tetsuiga to unleash boulders formed into the shapes of claw strikes at his half brother's mother.
Unsuprisingly, a barrier formed into existence to block his attack, leaving him dumbfounded that one of his most powerful recently learned attacks was totally ineffective against his nemesis. As was usually the case, he fell back on a old friend of his next as he leapt into the air for his next attack.
"It's over. Wind Scar!"
At this point Sango, Miroku, and Shippou placed their heads into their hands. They knew he had run out of options at that point, but why does he think that that'll work? All three of them sighed out loud while the old energy attack struck and sizzled out against the barrier.
"Are you done playing tantrum, Inu Child?" asked Inukimi as her eyes started glowing with warning of potential punishments to come.
revang08/02/2019 Inuyasha growled low in his throat, still brandishing his Tessaiga. He didn’t know what this crazy bitch was capable of, and he didn’t like it one bit. There was no way in hell he was going to just let her keep them here captive. He still had to go find Kagome!
Miroku sighed and shook his head at his brash hanyou friend. He appreciated the protectiveness, and knew it was his way of caring for them, but sometimes.... Well, this had gone on long enough.
He calmly walked up and placed his hand on Inuyasha’s shoulder. “Come now, Inuyasha, is this any way to treat our hostess? She has promised Kagome will be joining us here. We should listen to what the lovely lady has to say.”
This last comment earned him a glower from Sango, and he smiled back at her guiltily, scratching the back of his head.
Walter20508/02/2019 "Naraku, today is the day that I will end your reign of terror. This time you've gone too far, going after my intended like that!" yelled Kouga as he leaped to attack the demon that had been looking for his trail.
"Ah, the young demon leader of the Wolf Tribe returns. Did you come to peacefully hand over your five shards of the jewel?" asked Naraku mockingly as he prepared for battle.
"Shut up and die!" Kouga yelled as he leapt into the air and attacked with a leg kick. He surpisingly made impact with Naraku's body, wondering why he didn't impact the barrier first. The answer became clear when his leg started being absorbed into Naraku's body.
"No! I don't want this, you can't take me like this, I won't let it happen!" yelled Kouga while trying to free himself from Naraku's digusting mass.
"Heh, what would you know about not wanting something? If you had any clue you would know that Kagome doesn't want you in the least, yet you still pine for her affections at every turn as if she's going to suddenly warm up to you. But don't worry, I'll give you the companionship that she never will as you become one with me," Naraku cruelly taunted as the wolf continued to be further absorbed into his body.
revang08/02/2019 Suddenly in the sky came a bright pink projectile, squawking shrilly as it raced directly towards the fighting pair. At the last second, Naraku threw himself back, just barely avoiding the dangerous missile of purity, but losing his hold on the wolf. The arrow yelped repeatedly as it tumbled over and over itself, finally resting in a thatch of bushes several yards away.
Walter20508/02/2019 Kouga was not one to waste a good opportunity to run away. In a quick swirl of dust he was gone, taking the screaming pink object with him as it was caught up in his cyclone. Knowing that Naraku would be chasing after him though, he changed direction and instead of heading back to the Wolf Demon Hideout he instead started chasing Puppyboy's scent, although he seemed to almost be flying as the scent on the air seemed.
Stormie Like Weather08/02/2019 "See!" Kouga thought to himself while running, "Kagome just saved my life, there's no way she could have known of my being in danger if she didn't feel it in her heart."
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thearkhound · 5 years
3 Wonders story and character descriptions
The following is a translation of plot summaries and character descriptions for the 1991 Capcom arcade title 3 Wonders as featured in the December 1991 issue of Micom BASIC Magazine. 3 Wonders was actually an anthology of three different games (each part of a different genre) in one board. The games included were Midnight Wanderers: Quest for the Chariot (action shooter), Chariot: Adventure through the Sky (flying shooter) and Don’t Pull (puzzle). The first two games in this anthology are actually set in the same universe and involve the same two protagonists, with Midnight Wanderers being part 1 and Chariot being part 2.
Lou - A hot-blooded 12-year old adventurer. Although it is unclear, he was told by his father that they were the last descendants of the holy warrior who wielded the Mirror of Lalu back in the middle ages. What is known that his father was also a great adventurer himself. After losing his father at the age of 7, Lou continuing adventuring by himself without making any friends until he met Siva. According to Lou himself, Siva is only with him by his own accord, but in reality he’s pretty reliant on his help. He boasts that his dream is to uncover all the treasures of the world someday.
Height: 160cm, Weight: 48kg, Hair: Brown, Eyes: Black
Siva - He met Lou in the outback of Mongolian and has since become his companion. Where he was born or how he was raised is unknown, but he claims to be 14 years old. He is very silent, rarely speaking for himself, preferring to let Lou do the talking, but in recent years he’s been more talkative thanks to Lou’s influence. His sharp mind and cool judgment has saved Lou on many occasions. His hobby is collecting small antiques.
Height: 164cm, Weight: 52kg, Hair: Red, Eyes, Black
Midnight Wanderers: Quest for the Chariot
Beings who changed into people and controlled the world appeared. They are demons who like to kill and plunder, and they have no faith in God.
During the age of darkness, in the middle of the turmoil, there were adventurers who lived freely and traveled the world in search for treasures. They were called the Midnight Wanderers.
My name is Lou and this is my pardner Siva. And we are adventurers who travel all around the world.
One night an old man holding the Card of Dawn came to visit us. He was wondering if we could help him retrieve the chariot. The chariot is a vehicle that can move freely into the air. It seems its holy light will save the people from the curse of the demons and lead them into happiness.
We don’t care about helping people, but a vehicle that can move freely in the air sounds like fun. But in order to obtain it, we have no choice but to do battle with the demons. It’s going to be interesting. “Let’s go, Siva!”
Ecote - A human-like demon with unusually-shaped ears who lives as part of a clan under a large tree. They like liquor and smokes. It’s easy to dismiss their lifestyle as uncultured, in reality they have a much higher sense of culture than anyone could imagined. However, their sense of intellect is pretty low and they enjoy making other beings miserable. They have propensity towards shining objects and have a tendency to steal them. Although, they’re not a particularly scary type of small fry enemy, they can take advantage of your careless, leading to a painful experience.
Piccolino - A type of humanoid robot that were built by humans a long time ago. The Piccolino robots were once popular among mankind, opting serving as conversation partners. But after people got tired of these seemingly unfeeling automatons, they were abandoned as trash and gradually forgotten about. Perhaps for the Piccolinos, they might be happier being controlled by the demons... They are manipulated by a pair of disembodied hands (Pata Pata) and make a large jump as their attack. When the hands are destroyed, the robots will disappear on the spot.
Miatsu - They are creatures who live in places with little light such as caves and they feed on luminous moss. Although they move slow, they are capable of spitting out flames.
Garny - They live in the depths of the wetlands and will fly into the air to attack when they detect an enemy on the land. Its arms and nails are quite strong and sturdy, but its head is its only weak point. It moves in a large wave-like pattern, going above and below the ground regardless of the player’s position.
Pukupuku - A usually mild and gentle creature, but he is territorial awareness is so strong, he will attack any outsider without announcing its presence. It usually wanders above the water surface aimless, it becomes more aggressive with its pursuit when the player is nearby.
Pucchi - A lower lifeform that resembles a frog. They are always born as twins from the same egg. They live their lives as a pair from the moment of birth, but if one of them is killed, the survivor will run like crazy and the attack the enemy in front of it. Their breeding rate is abnormally high, being born one after the other.
Chariot: Adventure through the Sky
After the demon Gaia, who has been ruling the world for a long time, has been vanquished by the boys known as the Midnight Wanderers, the curse of the demon has been lifted from the people and the world returned to its peaceful days.
But then one night, a wounded fairy arrived at the home of the two boys.
“A new demon has appeared and attacked the land of Ashtar, taking our princess captive. His power is so great, our magic was no use against him. Our only hope is to find the holy Chariot in possession of the Midnight Wanderers. I must ask them to save the Princess in my place.”
Upon hearing the fairy’s plight, the two boys jumped onto the roof of their house, where there was a chariot wrapped in light.
“The Legendary Holy Chariot... Then that means you two are...”
“We, the Midnight Wanderers, are going to save the Princess of Ashtar.”
The two boys shouted strongly, as they rode the chariot  into the sky.
Lumarta - A so-called small fry enemy. While their strength are minimal, they are hard to get rid of since there are so many of them.
Dooga Line - A so-called formation enemy. They line up in a straight line to attack the player. Their speed increases during the second half of the adventure. An enemy type that doesn’t give up...
Hatch-20 - A face that hides in the terrain and spawns enemies from its mouth to obstruct the player’s path.
Amagmorn - A couple of rain clouds who attack as a pair. Even if you destroy one, the other will duplicate itself. It is dangerous to try and take them both at the same time.
Faceblock - They used to be lifeless fragments of floors and walls until they were brought to life by the Demon Lar’s magic powers and now they move freely into the air. When a Facebloock see that the player is open, it will launch itself into the player in the air. When they’re destroyed, they will break into smaller pieces that can still damage the player, so be careful.
Golden Bat - One-eyed bat-like creatures spawned from Hatch-20′s mouth. Since they act in groups, there’s a possibility of getting swarmed by them if you underestimate them.
Wayne - A moon-like enemy that wanes every time it takes damage. He is difficult to destroy, but when you do it, he will leave behind an item that will give you a large amount of points.
Witch - She flies in high speed with her broom and can create her own underlings out of thin air. The four underlings she creates are elemental beings known as Tornedia, Ganrock, Jelly and Burns, each with its own attack pattern.
Tornedia - A small tornado which pursues the player at high speed.
Ganrock - A one-eyed rock that doesn’t move much and doesn’t attack much either, but his resistant body often stands in the player’s path.
Jelly - A gelatinous being created by the witch that spreads over a wide area and strikes regularly. A single Jelly is not dangerous by itself, but when it is in groups...
Burns - A fiery being that chases the player.
Armstrong - A mechanical rocket (modeled after the ship from A Trip to the Moon) with considerable durability. A large sub-boss with wide attacks. Once its destroyed, it will leave behind an item.
Wall Goblin - A creature with a large steel wall on its back. He is invulnerable when he turns his back on the player and can only be damaged when facing him face to face.
Tin Snake - Like its name suggests, it’s a snake made out of tin that restlessly pursues the player.
Jack’in - A Jack-in-the-box like enemy that puts out its clown face when it starts attacking. If you only destroy the head, the box will simply create another.
Seesaw Trolley - A trolley that uses a seesaw to launch a projectile into the air. Once the projectile is in the air, it gets split into several smaller bullets. The projectile falls in a parabola pattern.
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eternaldarkness55 · 5 years
Kurda's Assistant Part 2
(StoryInfo)(In part 2 Merida and Darren hunt vampanese and hunt for the vampanese lord with Crepsley and Harkat. With becoming Kurda's assistant, becoming a vampire, loosing Gavner who she loved, loosing Kurda who she loved with all her heart and marrying her true love she didn't think her adventure could get any bigger and dangerous. But in this next chapter boy was she wrong.)
Location: Crepsley's, Merida's, Harkatt's, and Darren's campsite(8:00PM)
    Darren: This Lady Evana that were supposed to meet just tell who she is. What if something happens to you and we have to find her on our own? 
   Crepsley: Your right, I will draw you a map, it's better for her to explain who she is herself. 
   Darren: Is she a inventor?(Looking at the fold up pot and pans that Crepsley said she gave him) 
   Crepsley: She is a woman of many talents, but whatever you do don't call her a witch.(Put his hand on Darren's shoulder) 
 Darren: Why would I call her a witch? 
   Crepsley: Because she is one, kinda 
   Merida coughed as she chocked on the water she was drinking 
   Merida: She’s a witch?(Darren rubbed her back) 
   Crepsley: Are you scared of witches? 
   Merida: Not at all, it’s just I dealt with a witch before she turned my mom into a bear. Both of my parents nearly got killed because of her damn curse. 
   Crepsley: I'm sorry to hear that, but this is good she wouldn't do anything to you unless you pissed her off. 
 Merida: Harkatt didn't you say you keep seeing a witch in your nightmares that you keep having lately? 
    Harkatt: Yeah I do, sometimes she helps me get away from the dragons 
    Everyone went to sleep except for Harkatt when dawn came Darren went over to the pond and took a drink but when he stood up he noticed a unfamiliar face in the water. " A long haired bearded man?" Thought Darren, he turned around quickly but Darren was now confused cause there was no one there and there was nowhere to hide. He looked into the water again and there he was.
   Darren: Hello? My names Darren Shan 
   His lips moved at the same time Darren's did he was getting annoyed until he realized it was him. He ripped off his shirt and was covered in hair 
 Darren: Charna's guts(Yelled) 
   He ran to wake his friends and wife panting when he got to the camp where everyone was awake already. 
   Crepsley: Stop!(Pulled out a knife as Harkatt kept Merida behind him) 
   They didn't recognize him Darren held up his hands
   Darren: Don't attack its me(Chocked out) 
   Crepsley: Darren?!(His eyes widened) 
   Harkatt: It can't be! 
 Darren: No it's me! 
   Crepsley lowered his knife and studied Darren's face
   Crepsley: The purge(Groaned)
   Darren: The what?! 
   Crepsley: Sit down Darren we have some talking to do Harkatt please go fill our canteens. 
   Crepsley: You know half vampires become full vampires when more vampire blood is pumped into them. But in your and Merida's case the vampire cells attack your human cells and convert with them. Resulting in full vampirism, we call this the purge.
 Darren: You mean Merida and I have become full vampires? 
   Crepsley: Not yet, the hair is simply the first stage, in males cases they turn hairy. In females cases their hair changes a different color. Black unless they already have black hair then it's blond. We will shave it off although it will grow back it will stop after a month or so. You and Merida will also experience headaches but they too will stop. 
   He was so panicked when he ran over that he didn't even notice Merida's new black hair. He saw it now when he watched Merida packing Crepsley shaved Darren. Merida and him had growing pains the rest of the morning. The headaches and body pains lessened later the next dawn they knew they were being followed by at least three guys. They discussed what to do as they set up camp in the middle of a forest.
   Harkatt: What's the plan? 
   Crepsley: They will wait for full daylight to attack, we will act as if all is normal and pretend to sleep. When they come we deal with them 
   They all laid down and pretend to sleep Harkatt had to cover his face cause of his lidless eyes. After midday the humans moved in for the kill they were spread out in a semi circle. They came to a stand still ten or twelve yards away preparing themselves to attack. 
   Crepsley: Now!(Roared) 
   He sprang to his feet launching himself at the human nearest to him and Harkatt, Darren, and Merida dealt with the others. A bullet missed Darren by several inches before the human could fire again Darren was upon him. He tossed the gun out of the humans hand making the human draw a long hunting knife. Darren quickly drew his sword out.
   The human: Your just a kid(Growled) 
   Darren: No I'm much more
   The man cried in agonizing pain as Merida cut off his hand Darren saw that Crepsley already got rid of their human and was walking over to Harkatt who was wrestling with his human. Harkatt seemed to be winning Darren's human was grinning horribly.
   The human: You should of taken my other hand too(Growled)
   Merida's and Darren's breath caught in their throats he was clutching a hand granade close to his chest. 
   The human: Don't move if this goes off it takes you two with me(Yelled) 
   Darren: Easy(Backing off slightly pulling Merida with him) 
   The human: I'll take it easy in hell(Laughed) 
   The human: Now tell your vampire companion and that grey skinned monster to let my friends go or I'll- 
   Something struck the granade and sent it flying from the humans hand he yelled and grabbed for another granade. He had a string of them wrapped around his chest a throwing star buried itself in the man's head killing him. Merida and him were bewildered someone jumped from a tree and walked over to them. The man had green hair and was wearing purple animal skins he was wearing no shoes and had tons of throwing stars strapped to him. 
   The man: I'll have my star back thank you(Pulled it out of the dead human) 
   The man: A vam-pet I dealt with them before, miserable curs 
   Darren realized who he was 
   Darren: Vancha March its an honor to meet you sir(Bowed his head) 
 Vancha: Likewise, and who's this beautiful woman?(Eyed Merida with memorized eyes)
   Darren: Princess Merida my wife 
   Vancha: A princess, I'm honored lass(Smiled excitedly as he bowed)
   He kissed her hand
   Crepsley: Vancha(Yelled excitedly) 
   Crepsley: What are you doing here sir(They grabbed each other's shoulders) 
   Vancha: I'm heading for Lady Evana's 
   Darren: We are too
   Vancha: I know, Tiny told me about the hunt for the Vampanese lord and how I'm part of it. I've been trailing you guys for months.
   Crepsley: Why didn't just come up to us? 
   Vancha: I wanted to observe the new prince and the first princess I heard about from afar. From the fact that they looked away for a minute to see how their friends were doing while their enemy was still alive and in front of them I'm not impressed. I'm impressed by Merida's beauty and hotness definitely including the way she looks with her bow and arrows but other than that zero impression. 
   Merida: Now wait a minute! 
 Vancha: I do love them feisty 
   Crepsley: Calm down Merida, Merida and Darren are my assistants. Merida use to be Kurda's assistant until his betrayal and death than I took her in. 
   Darren: Yes we were worried about our friends when we both should of worried about our enemy first. I apologize sir
   Vancha: At least he knows how to make a good apology(Laughed) 
   Harkatt walked over 
   Vancha: So this is the little person that talks? Harkatt Molds isn't it? 
   Harkatt: It is sir
 Vancha: I'll tell you straight out I don't trust you Molds. Tiny or any of his stumpy disciples 
   Crepsley: Hard trip sir? 
   Vancha: Not bad you? 
   Crepsley: It was fine
   Vancha: Any more news from Vampire Mountain? 
   Crepsley: Lots
   Vancha: Save it for the end, wake me when it's dusk
   He went to sleep they left at dusk, while walking Crepsley told Vancha about Kurda's betrayal, Gavner and Arra's deaths, and Darren's trials. 
   Vancha: I don't trust that Mr. Tiny I make a habit of doing the opposite of everything he says
   Crepsley: I agree sir but-
   Vancha: Larten its Vancha or " hey there ugly" I won't have you graveling over me! 
   Crepsley: Very well, these are dangerous times the future of our race is at stake. Dare we ignore Tiny's prophecy? If there is hope we must seize it.
   Vancha: Why tell us now? 
   Crepsley: I'm sure Lady Evana can explain 
   Vancha spent the rest of the journey discussing Harkatt's nightmares with him. Vancha wouldn't tell Merida and Darren anymore about Lady Evana than Crepsley did. All Vancha said is that she's both the fairest and ugliest woman you'll ever see. It was a full moon when they arrived at Lady Evana's but Merida and Darren still would have missed the clearing if Crepsley hadn't stopped them.
   Crepsley: Were here 
   Lady Evana had cast a clocking spell over her house so unless you knew where it was you wouldn't see it. After a few seconds Merida and him could see it along with a big pond. Croaking started
   Vancha: Frogs, their alerting Evana there'll stop once she tells them it's safe. 
   Minutes later the croaking stopped and Crepsley warned them not to step on any frogs. 
   Harkatt: The frogs are creepy, I feel like their watching us
   Vancha: They are, they guard the pond and cave protecting Evana from intruders. 
   Darren: What could frogs do against intruders?(Laughed) 
   Vancha stopped and grabbed a frog and held it up to the moonlight. He squeezed its sides and a long tongue shot out Vancha grabbed the tongue and was careful not to touch the edges. 
   Vancha: See the tiny sacks along the sides? 
   Merida: Those yellow red balls? What about them?
   Vancha: Filled with poison if this frog would wrap its tongue around you and the balls popped the poison would seep through your skin. Death in thirty seconds 
   He put the frog down and it hopped away Harkatt, Darren, and Merida walked carefully after that. When they got to the mouth of the cave they stopped and sat down.
   Darren: Aren’t we going in? 
   Crepsley: Not without being invited, Evana does not take kindly to intruders. 
 Merida: Isn't there a bell we can ring? 
   Crepsley: Evana has no need for bells, she knows we are here and will come to great us in her own time. 
   Vancha: Evana's not a lady to be rushed, a friend of mine decided to enter the cave quietly once to surprise her. She gave him huge warts all over
   Merida: Should we be here if she's that dangerous? 
   Crepsley: Evana will not harm us, she has a quick temper but she would never kill one with vampire blood.  Unless provoked 
   Vancha: Just make sure you don't call her a witch 
    Half an hour later a woman emerged from the caves she was the ugliest woman ever. She was short her ears were pointy and her nose was tiny and she was covered in hair. One eye was brown and the other was green and wore ropes. She hugged Vancha lifting him off his feet.
   Evana: My little Vancha, you put on some weight sir
   Vancha: And you’re uglier than ever my lady
   Evana: Your only saying that to please me(Giggled)
   She dropped him and turned to Crepsley 
   Evana: Larten(Nodded) 
   Crepsley: Evana(Bowed)
   She studied Harkatt, Darren, and Merida 
   Darren: Lady Evana(Trying not to let his teeth chatter)
   Evana: It's good to meet you Darren Shan and good to finally meet you Princess Merida.
   Harkatt: Lady(Bowed)
   Evana: Hello Harkatt as you were before 
   Harkatt: Before?
   Evana: This is not your first visit, you have changed many ways in and out but I recognize you. I'm gifted that way appearances don't fool me for long.
   Harkatt: You mean you know who I was before I became a little person? Who was I? 
   Evana: Can't say, that's for you to find out 
   She stepped up to Merida and grabbed her chin
   Evana: So this is the first royal vampire and first vampire princess on the prince council of Vampire Mountain. I thought you had orange hair?(Turning Merida's head left and right looking at the black tips of her hair)
   Crepsley: She was struck on the purge on the way here and so was Darren.
   Evana: That explains it, your hair will be back to all orange tomorrow. Oh I almost forgot I meant to have this prepared for you before you arrived.(Let go of Merida)
   All the frogs went in groups and soon in each group was images of Gavner, Arra, and Kurda. 
   Darren: Whoa 
   Merida: I haven't seen such beautiful magic since the curse on my mom was broken and the wisps. 
    Darren saw five more faves appear in the other groups of frogs. A man with orange hair, orange beard, and a peg leg, a woman with long brown hair, and three little triplet boys with orange hair.
   Darren: Merida look is that your family? 
   Merida looked and started tearing up 
   Merida: Yes it is, wait the frogs are showing Gavner, Arra, and Kurda who are all dead. Please tell me my family didn't die? 
   Evana: I'm sorry princess but that's something you'll have to find out on your own. 
   Harkatt and Vancha went in with Evana while Crepsley took a few minutes to stay at Arra's image and Merida took a few minutes to look at her families images and Darren comforted her as she cried thinking her family is dead. When they finally went inside they ate as Evana told them how Crepsley got his scar.
   Evana: I'm a sorceress with many powers, one day when Larten was drunk I was wearing one of my beautiful faces and he tried to kiss me. So I gave him that scar to teach him a lesson. I was going to heal it right after but he took off and didn't return for thirty years.
   Everyone laughed 
   Crepsley: Shut up!(Blushed)
   Evana: Larten is quit the ladies man but he wasn't getting it with me
   Vancha: Evana we've come to discuss-
   Evana: That can wait for morning now is the time for friendship and rest
 Vancha: Very well lady
   Everyone took a nap while Evana went for a walk in the morning Evana talked about their journey.
   Evana: I knew about the hunt for the Vampire Lord for a long time 
   Crepsley: Do you know where he is? 
   Evana: Yes 
   Vancha: But you won't tell us will you? 
   Evana: No
   Crepsley: Will you tell us how to find him? And when? 
   Evana: I cannot, if I told I would change the course of the future and that's not allowed. You must search for him yourselves I will join you on the next leg of your journey.
   Vancha: Your coming with us?
   Evana: Yes, but only as a traveling companion, I'll play no part in the quest to find the Vampanese Lord. If you wish to travel with out me though I won't oppose.
   Crepsley: We would be honored to have you with us Lady Evana 
   Evana: Than I'll pack my things and we'll take to the road
   Crepsley: So soon? 
   Evana: Now is a good time as ever, I will tell you this you already know you have four chances to kill the Vampanese Lord. But if you run into him four times and fail to kill him only one male vampire will be alive to witness the horrible end. Merida and Harkatt, I will not say if you will be alive or not in the end whether you fail or not but I will say good luck. 
   Everyone left the journey was quiet until Vancha spoke.
   Vancha: Look at us, were all moping like we're at a funeral. Nothing's changed we already had death sentences on us, this is a dangerous mission. The only thing that's changed is that we know about it. It's not death we have to fear it's living if we fail. Any world run by the Vampanese will be to horrible to be in and would drive a person mad. Death in that world would be a blessing. 
 Vancha was right if we fail the person or anyone living would have the worst time of all. They would have to watch the vampires perished and live with the blame. If any of us failed death along the way would be the best any of us could hope for thought Darren. There sprits lifted when they got up that morning and no longer feared the worse. 
   Crepsley: Mr. Tiny said to follow our hearts and that fate world place us in the right direction.
   Vancha: You don't think we should track down the Vampanese Lord?
   Crepsley: Our people spent years tracking him down and always failed. Of course we must keep our eyes peeled but other than that we should go about our business as if he dosen't exist. 
   Vancha: I don't like it, but we'll do it your way, but you, Darren, or Merida will have to pick the corse. 
   Crepsley: Darren where do you want to go? 
 Darren: The Cirque Du Freak
   Crepsley: Good I want to see how Mr. Tall is doing
   Darren: You'll love Evra Merida, he became my best friend when I lived at the Cirque Du Freak. 
   Merida: What do you think Harkatt? 
   Harkatt: Sounds good to me 
   Crepsley: Good, we head to the Cirque Du Freak 
   That night when they went to sleep after making camp Harkatt's nightmares returned. Darren and Merida were about to wake him but.
   Evana: Hold(Walked up to him observing Harkatt) 
   Darren: He's having a nightmare 
   Evana: He has them often? 
   Merida: Pretty much every time he sleeps, We're supposed to wake him if we see him having one. 
   She bent to shake him awake
   Evana: Hold 
 She touched his forehead and closed her eyes than opened them and let go. 
   Evana: Dragons, his time of incite is upon him, did Mr. Tiny say nothing about learning who Harkatt was in his previous life?
   Darren: Yes, but Harkatt chose to come with us to search for the Vampanese Lord. 
   Evana: Noble but foolish 
   Darren: If you told him who he was would that ease his nightmares? 
   Evana: No, he must learn the truth himself, I'd make things worse if I melded. But there is a way to temporarily ease his pain.
   Darren: How?
   Evana: One who spoke the language of the dragons could help
   Merida: Where would you find someone like that? Could you? 
   Evana: Not I, I can talk to many animals but not dragons, only those who bonded with them can speak their language. You two could help
   Merida: Us? We haven't bonded with dragons, we never even seen one. 
   Evana: Bonds can be formed unknown 
   Merida: Tell me what we have to do 
   Evana: Both of you lay your hands on Harkatt's head and close your eyes. Focus, we need to find an image for you both to fix upon. How about the Stone of Blood? Can you two picture it? 
   Darren: Yes
   Evana: Keep thinking of it, in a few minutes you'll both feel unpleasant sensations. And maybe catch glimpses of Harkatt's nightmares, ignore them and stay focused on the stone. I will do the rest
   At first it was easy but then they began to feel strange the air seemed to get hotter and it became harder to breathe. They heard beating of wings and saw a blood red sky they cringed and almost let go of Harkatt but remember Evana's advice. They sensed something huge land behind them and felt hot eyes boring into their backs. They saw Harkatt impaled on a bed of stakes he was alive but in incredible pain. Stakes poked out of where his eyes should have been.
   An evil voice: His pain is nothing compared to what you two will feel
   They saw a figure of dark shadows hovering close by
   Merida: Who are you?(Gasped)
   The evil voice: I am the Lord of the Crimson Night
   Darren: The Lord of the Vampanese?
   The evil voice: Of them and all others, I have been waiting for you Prince and Princess of the Damned. Now I have you and I won't let go 
   The shadow man darted forward red eyes glowed in the black pit that was his face. 
   Evana: It's just a dream he can't hurt you, not yet not if you focus on the stone.(Whispered)
   There was a hiss of scream than the nightmare faded and they were back in their world. 
   Evana: You can open your eyes now
   Their eyes snapped open and took their hands off of Harkatt 
   Evana: You two did well 
   Merida: That thing, what was it?(Gasped)
   Evana: The Lord of Destruction the Master of Shadows 
   Merida: He was so powerful so evil
   Evana: He will be 
    Merida: Will be?
   Evana: What you saw is a shade of the future, the Lord of the Shadows has not yet come into his own. But he will eventually, this cannot be avoided and you should not worry about it. Your friend will sleep untroubled now
   They glanced down at Harkatt who was resting peacefully
   Darren: He's okay? 
   Evana: He will be, in time the nightmares will return, and when they do he'll have to face his past and learn who he was. Or come to madness, but for now he can sleep soundly unafraid. 
   She went back to her tree
   Darren: Evana this Lord of the Shadows there was something familiar about him. I felt I knew him
   Evana: So you should, what I say now is between you two and I it must go no further. You can tell no one not even Larten and Vancha 
   Darren: We won't 
   Evana: The future is dark Merida and Darren if you two do not defeat The Lord of the Vampanese. The Lord of the Vampanese will become the Lord of the Shadows and destroy the world if you do not defeat him.
   She left leaving them shaken wishing Harkatt's moans hadn't woken them up. A couple of nights later they arrived at the Cirque Du Freak the show was ending when they arrived so they sat and watched the finally. The twisting twins were swirling around each other performing amazing acrobatic tricks Mr. Tall came up after them.
   Mr. Tall: The show is over
   People started to leave when snakes started to slid down from the rafters. Evra stepped forward but he wasn't alone there was a small child with him as they controlled the snakes. 
   Mr. Tall: The show is over for real
   The crowd left 
   Darren: Evra Von(Yelled)
   Darren walked forward Evra's eyes widened with delight 
   Evra: Darren(Yelled hugging him) 
   Evra: Where have you been?(Cried as they let go) 
   Darren: Well unexpectedly getting married, Evra this is my wife Princess Merida(Putting his arm around Merida)
   Evra: Very nice to meet you beautiful princess(Shook her hand as he still had tears of happiness in his eyes)
   Darren: I was at Vampire Mountain, how about you?(Also still had tears of happiness in his eyes) 
   Evra: All over the world, you've grown 
   Darren: Only recently and not as much as you
   Evra could now pass as his father 
   Crepsley: Good evening Evra Von 
   Evra: Larten its been a long time, I'm glad to see you(Shoke his hand) 
   Crepsley: I would like you to meet Vancha March, Lady Evana, and Harkatt Molds. Harkatt I believe you already know. 
   Vancha: Hello
   Evana: Greetings
   Harkatt: Hi Evra
   Evra: He spoke(Gasped blinking) 
   Mr. Tall: Welcome back to the Cirque Du Freak Darren 
   Darren: Mr. Tall(greeted)
   Mr. Tall: Do you want to eat?
   Evana: That would be delightful, and I will have a word or two with you Highburnyess. There are things we must discuss.
   Mr. Tall: Yes there are
   As everyone departed Darren and Merida followed Evra and the little boy caught up with them. 
   Evra: Darren I'd like you to meet Shanqes 
   Darren: Hello Shanques(Shaking his hand)
   Shanques: Hello
   He was also a snake boy
   Shanques: Are you the Darren Shan I was named after? 
   Darren: Am I?(Asked Evra)
   Evra: Yes, Shanques was my first born-
   Darren: First born, he's yours? Your his father? 
   Evra: I certainly hope so(Grinned)
   Darren: You've got other children? 
   Evra: A couple, Ercher and Lilya 
   Merida: Are they all snake children? 
   Evra: Ercher isn't, he's upset he wants scales too 
   Darren: We being? 
   Evra: Me and Merla, you don't know her she joined shortly after you left. She can detach her ears and throw them like boomerangs you'll like her. 
   It was wonderful to be back and introduce Merida to the Cirque Du Freak life. He saw many old friends and introduced Merida to them. 
   Vancha: Hello gorgeous(Greeted Truska wrapping his arms around her kissing her) 
   Truska: Naughty(Laughed pointing a finger at him)
   Darren: You two know each other I'm taking? 
    Vancha: Oh yes we're old friends, like the night we went skinny dipping together hey Truska. 
   Truska: Vancha you promised not to mention that(Laughed) 
   Vancha: So I did(Laughed) 
   Evra introduced Darren and Merida too Merla who was very pleasant and pretty. Merla even showed them her detachable ears but they declined her offer to let them throw them. Merida tried to get Harkatt to get into conversation with others but some felt nervous around him. Many people knew Evana, at dawn Crepsley, Darren, Merida, and Harkatt went to bed. Harkatt, Merida, and Darren got up an hour before sunset and walked around the camp with Evra and Shanques. Darren was pleased that he named his first born after him and promised to send the boy presents in the future. That night while eating hot dogs around a campfire Crepsley walked over.
   Crepsley: Would you like to take to the stage tonight with me Darren and Merida? 
   Darren: What would we do? We don't have Madam Oct's anymore.
   Crepsley: I could perform magic tricks as I did when I first join the cirque and you could be my assistant. 
   Darren: I don't know, it's been a long time I might get stage fright.
   Crepsley: Nonsense, you are doing it I will not take no for an answer.
   Darren: Well if you put it that way(Grinned) 
   Crepsley: You will need a hair cut and manicure if we are to expose ourselves to the public Darren.
   Truska: I'll take care of that and I'll find the perfect outfit for Merida 
   Darren and Merida went to get what they needed to perform from Truska 
   Truska: Has life been good to you?(Cutting Darren's hair)
   Darren: It could be worse
   Truska: Vancha told me that not only you are a prince because of the vampire council but a prince by marrying Princess Merida. 
   Truska put down the scissors as Merida walked out in the sparkly long sleeveless light blue dress Truska gave her. Merida and Darren walked over to Mr. Tall's tent and listened to his and Evana's conversation.
    Mr. Tall: I wish you wouldn't do this, the vampires are good people and our friends we should help them.
   Evana: We cannot take sides Highburnyes it is not our place to decide the twists of fate. 
   Mr. Tall: Still, to meet these others and talk with them I don't like it
   Evana: We must remain neutral, we have neither allies or foes within the creatures of the night. If you and I took sides we could ruin everything, both must be equal the good and the bad. 
   Mr. Tall: You are right(Sighed)
   She kissed him on the cheek than left Merida and Darren followed her and stopped when she went by some trees and whistled. They heard the sound of soft talking but they were to far to hear what they were saying. They crept forward more and saw four figures one was dressed in black robes serving food and drinks to the others. All the people were men but it was to dark to see who they were or what they looked like. The one in the black robes lite a candle.
   One of the figures: Put that out you fool(Knocked the candle to the floor)
   The black robes man: Sorry, I thought we were safe with Lady Evana(Stomped it out)
   The other man: Were never safe, remember that and don't make such a mistake again.
   As they went back to talking to Evana Darren and Merida knew what the men were, they were Vampanese. They rushed back to the Cirque Du Freak when the show has began.
      Crepsley: Where have you two been I have been looking everywhere for you. I thought I would have to perform alone, if we hurry you two can get your outfits on-(Snapped) 
   Darren: Where's Vancha?
   Crepsley: Off relaxing somewhere-
   Merida: Larten forget the show we have to find Vancha now
   Crepsley told the stage hand to tell Mr. Tall of their withdrawal from the show and they went to search for Vancha. They found him with Harkatt in a tent
   Vancha: Look who it is, how's the show going?(The three walked in)
   Darren closer the flap and sank to his knees quickly and calmly they told them what happened. 
   Vancha: We shouldn't of trusted her, we'll have to take them on ourselves(Snarled)
   Darren: Were going to fight them?
   Vancha: Were not just going to sit here and wait for them to attack. The element of surprise is vital while we have it we should take it. 
   Crepsley: Them being here might not have anything to do with us
   Vancha: Nonsense, their here to kill us-
   Darren: I'm not so sure, now that I think about it they weren't on guard.
   Vancha: Okay let's say they aren't after us but they will be when Evana tells them we're here. 
   Darren: You think she'll tell them about us?
   Vancha: We would be fools to chance it, in case you haven't noticed we're at war. I have nothing against our blood cousins but for the time being their our enemies. And we must show them no mercy, our fight against the Vampanese Lord is above all else. 
   Crepsley: And Evana what if she takes the side of the Vampanese? 
   Vancha: Than we fight her too
   Crepsley: You fancy your chances against her?
   Vancha: No but I know my duty, I'm going to kill Vampanese if you want to come you can. 
    Crepsley: What do you say Darren and Merida?
    Merida: Vancha's right, if we let them go and they kill vampires later were to blame. Besides the Lord of the Vampanese were destined to cross paths with him but I think we have to chase that destiny. What if these Vampanese know where he is? I doubt it's coincidence that we're all here at the same time. This my be fate's way of leading us to him.
    Vancha: A fine awnser
    Crepsley: Perhaps 
    Darren: Remember what Mr. Tiny said about following our hearts? My heart says we should face these Vampanese. 
    Harkatt: Mine too
    Vancha: And mine
    Crepsley: We will go
    They hid in the field
    Vancha : We'll close on them from four different angles 
    Crepsley: There are nine of them including Evana, how do we divide them up? 
    Vancha: Two Vampanese for you, two for me, two for Darren, two for Merida, and one for Harkatt. Merida takes the servant and black robes guy.
    Crepsley: And Evana? 
    Vancha: We could all rush her at the end
    Crepsley: No I will handle her
    Vancha: You sure? Than all is left is to split up and move in. Get as close as you can I'll start by throwing a few throwing stars. Once you hear screams and curses hit them hard.
    The five circled the trees splitting up drawing their weapons after Vancha threw three stars everyone charged forward. The Vampanese were quick to react as Merida fought with her foe someone hit her hard in the back making her fall to the ground. She rolled over quickly and got to her feet the Vampanese that knocked her over was now being attacked by Harkatt. Three of their foes were down Vancha was bleeding from a cut on his waist but nothing was stopping him. Merida shot an arrow at the servant but the guy
  with the robes caught it and threw it onto the ground before it could touch the servant. The guy with the robes scalded as she grabbed another arrow and flirted over to her before she could do anything. She pulled out a knife and backed away from him the guy cut her right shoulder, her stomach, and her right cheek with his sword. She backed up against a tree the guy as the guy cut off her right hand. She screamed in pain as she dropped to her knees and dropped her weapons defenseless. With one swipe he would of cut off her head but she rolled out of the way the guy flirted over back to the servant and the two flirted off. She moaned loudly and she got to her feet she grabbed her weapons and went over to help Harkatt with his enemy. She stabbed him deep in the back killing him Crepsley went over to help Vancha.
    Evana: Will you raise your knives to me to Larten? 
    He hesitated then dropped his knives and dropped to his knees
    Crepsley: No lady I will not(Sighed)
    Evana: Than I will not lay a hand to you
    She went to all the dead Vampanese and made the death touch sign and whispered " in death may you be triumphant" the rest of the Vampanese flited off.
    Crepsley: The last Vampanese you were fighting you let him go. Why? 
    Vancha: His name is Ganen Harst, he is my brother.(A few tears in his eyes)
    Vancha: My real last name is Harst I changed it when I became a vampire. We were very close growing up we did everything together. We were blooded by a Vampanese but I couldn't handle killing when drinking someone so I left and joined the vampires. I never saw Ganen again until tonight, Paris Skle was the one that made me a vampire. 
    Evana: Found this, I thought you might like it back(Walked up and tossed Merida her hand) 
    Merida looked at it than looked at where her hand use to be 
    Merida: Can we stitch it back on?(Winced in pain) 
    Crepsley: Lady Evana you have the power to attach it right? 
      Evana: I do but I won't snopes don't deserve special favors, you and Darren should of been a spy Merida. 
   Crepsley held her hand in place, Darren held her still, and Vancha sewed her hand back on. All three rubbed their spit into it to quicken the healing 
   Crepsley: This is the best we could do, if it gets infected we'll chop it off again and you'll have to live without it. 
   In the morning Vancha left for Vampire Mountain but said he would be back to join the hunt. Evana left to go back home and Darren, Crepsley, Harkatt, and Merida continued their journey and hunt 
   At a hotel in Crepsley's city
      They rented two room next to each other with a door to get in each others rooms. Merida and Darren in one room Crepsley and Harkatt in the other. Whenever they needed to leave at night they used the windows. The city was an uproar because of Vampaneses killing people. While Crepsley and Harkatt used the bathrooms Darren and Merida waited to take a bath and they almost fell asleep while waiting. Every night they searched and roamed the roofs and tunnels searching for Vampanese. Harkatt and Crepsley walked out of the bathrooms so Darren and Merida went in. Everyone went to bed after their beds that night but early in the morning Harkatt shook Darren and Merida awake. 
    Darren: What's up?
    Harkatt: Someone's knocking at your door
    Merida: Tell them to please go away
    Harkatt: I was going to but-
    Darren: Who is it?
    Harkatt: I don't know, I opened my door slightly and saw a man with a briefcase. He doesn't work at the hotel but someone who does is with him. Come see for yourself.
    They tip toed past Crepsey who was sleeping and opened the door slightly the man was scowling and raising his hand to knock again. They closed the door.
    Darren: Think we should answer?
    Harkatt: Yes, he doesn't look like the type who'll go away if we ignore him.
    Darren: I'll go see what he wants but I won't let him in unless I have to.
    Harkatt: Shall Merida and I stay here?
    Darren: Yes, but keep close to the door I'll call if I need help.
    As they went to fetch their weapons Darren got dressed and went to the door.
    Darren: Who is it?
    The man: Mr Horston?
    Darren: No, you have the wrong room
    The man: Oh, this isn’t Mr Vur Horston’s room?
    Darren remembered they used false names when they checked in
    Darren: No it’s mine and my sisters room not our dad’s. I’m Darren Horston and my sister is Merida Horston.
 ��  The man: Ah excellent, you two are the reason I’m here. Is your father with you?
    Darren: Why do you want to know who are you?
    The man: If you open the door and let me in I’ll explain
      Darren: I like to know who you are first, these are dangerous times and we were told not to open the door to strangers.
    The man: Ah excellent, I should of course not expect you to open the door to an unannounced visitor. My name is Mr Blaws
    Darren: What do you want Mr Blaws?
    Mr Blaws: I’m a school inspector, I’ve come to find out why you and your sister aren’t in school. May I come in Darren?
    Mr Blaws: Darrrrrrrennn
    Darren: Just a minute please
    He took a deep breath then let the man in and shut the door
    Mr Blaws: So where is your twin sister and your father?
    Darren: Sleeping in fathers room
    Mr Blaws: I forgot he works night shifts but I’m on a tight schedule so you’ll have to wake them.
    Darren: Okay
    He hurried into Crepesley’s room and shook him awake
    Crepsley: Is the hotel on fire?
    Darren: No
    Crepesley Then go away and-
     Darren: There’s a man in my room a school inspector he knows our names, at least the names we checked under. He wants to know why Merida and I aren’t in school.
    Crepsley jumped out of the bed
    Darren: You and Merida better get dressed and meet him
    As Crepsley and Merida did Darren walked back into his room and closed the curtains.
    Darren: My father’s eyes are sensitive that’s why he prefers night shifts
    Mr Blaws: Ah excellent
    When Merida and Crepsley walked in Mr Blaws shook their hands.
    Mr Blaws: So what’s wrong with your young troopers?
    Crepsley: Nothings wrong
    Mr Blaws: Then why are they not in school with the other boys and girls?
    Crepsley: Darren and Merida do not go to school. Why should they?
    Mr Blaws: To learn like other 15 year olds
    Crepsley: How do you know their age?
    Mr Blaws: From their birth certificates of course
    Crepsley: And how did you acquire those?
      Mr Blaws: You included them with the rest of the relevant forms when you enrolled them at Mahler’s.
    Crepsley: Mahler’s?
    Mr Blaws: The school you chose to send Darren and Merida to
    Crepsley looked over the paper work and the birth certificates the files built up a complete picture of 15 year old twins called Darren and Merida Horston who moved to this city during the summer with their father who worked late nights at a local abattoir.
    Crepsley: Are they correct?
    Mr Blaws: Of course they are you filled them out yourself. Didn’t you?
    Merida: Of course he did, sorry to act so befuddled. It’s been a hard week. Family problems
    Mr Blaws: Ah that’s why you two haven’t shown up at Mahler’s?
    Merida: Yes, we should have rung and informed you. Sorry
    Mr Blaws: No problem, I’m glad that’s all it was we were afraid something happened to you two.(Putting the papers away)
    Merida: No, nothing bad happened(Shooting Crepsley and Darren a look that say “ play along”)
    Mr Blaws: Excellent than you two will be in on Monday?
    Merida: Monday?
    Mr Blaws: Hardly seems worthwhile coming in tomorrow with it being the end of the week. Come early Monday morning and we’ll sort you two out with a timetable and show you around-
    Crepsley: Excuse me, but Darren and Merida will not being going to your school on Monday or any other day.
    Mr Blaws: Have they enrolled in another school?
    Crepsley: No, Darren and Merida do not need to go to school. I educate them
    Darren: Mr Blaws?
    Mr Blaws: Yes Darren?
    Darren: What would happen if we didn’t turn up at Mahler’s?
    Mr Blaws: If you enroll at a different school and pass on the paper work to me everything will be fine.
    Darren: And if we didn’t enroll at another school?
    Mr Blaws: Everyone must go to school(Laughed)
    Darren: So if we choose not to go?
    Mr Blaws: We send a social worker to see what the problem was
    Darren: And if we asked you to tear up our enrolment form and forget us? If we said sent it to you by mistake? What if we wanted to withdrawl them?
    Mr Blaws: We weren’t aware of you two’s existence before you contacted us. But now that we are, we’re responsible for you. If we sent social workers after you and you gave them a hard time we would have to call the police.
    Darren: You know what this means don’t you? You’ll have to start making packed lunches for us.
    After Mr Blaws left Harkatt joined them as Crepsley paced the room threatening to kill Mr Blaws.
    Darren: What good would killing him do? Somebody else would replace him. Our records are on file. He’s only a messenger.
    Harkatt: We could move, find a new hotel
    Crepsley: No, he has seen our faces and would broadcast our descriptions. It would make matters more complicated than they already are.
    Harkatt: is it possible there’s been a mix up? Perhaps a real Vur Horston and his twin son and daughter sent in forms and you’ve been confused with them.
    Crepsley: No, the address of this hotel was included and so were our room numbers…Murlough(Hissed)
    Crepsley: This is a trap(Sat down)
    Darren: It can’t be, how could the vampaneze have found out about Murlough?
    Crepsley: Desmond Tiny, he knew about our run in with Murlough and must have told the vampaneze. But I cannot understand why they faked the birth certificates and school records.
    Harkatt: This sounds crazy, but what if Mr Crepsley did submit the forms?
    Darren: Come again?
    Harkatt: He might have done it in his sleep, remember Pasta O’Malley at Cirque Du Freak? He read books at night when he was asleep. He could never recall reading them, but if you asked him about them he could answer all your questions.
    Darren: I forgotten about Pasta
    Crepsley: I could not have filled in those forms
    Harkatt: We do strange things when we sleep, perhaps you-
    Crepsley: No, you do not understand I could not have done it because I cannot read or write.
   Harkatt: It could have been Mr Tiny, he loves to stir things up. Perhaps this is his idea of a joke.
    Darren: It has a whiff of him about it, I can’t see why he would want to send me back to school, but it’s the sort of trick I can imagine him pulling. But let’s say he is behind it that still leaves us with the problem of what to do. Should we report for class Monday morning? Or do we ignore Mr Blaws warning and carry on as before?
    Crepsley: I would rather not send you two, there is strength in unity. With you two at school we would not be there to help you if you run into trouble. Nore you two help us if our foes struck here.
    Merida: But if we don’t go we’ll have school inspectors and worse dogging our heels.
    Harkatt: The other option is to leave, just pack our bags and go.
    Crepsley: That is worth considering, I do not like the idea of these people to suffer, but if this is a trap designed to divide us, perhaps the killings will stop if we leave. As prince and princess Darren and Merida must decide.
    Merida saw this as an opportunity, she had lessons from her parents since she was a wee lass. But she always dreamed of being in a real school taking classes with other students making friends and socializing. Darren knew this and he wanted Merida to have everything she didn’t have growing up in Dunbrock.
    Merida: The hell with it, if it’s a trap let’s call their bluff. If it’s a joke we’ll show we know how to take it.(Grinned)
    Crepsley: That is the sprite(Boomed)
    Darren: I’ve endured the Trials of Initiation twice, an underground stream and killers with Merida, a bear and wild boars. How bad can doing school again be?
    At Mahler’s in the halls
    Merida and Darren spotted five girls and five boys in a corner. They walked up to them and stuck out their hands.
    Darren: Darren Horston and this is my sister Merida. Were new here and were looking for Mr Chivers. You don’t know where he is do you?
    A boy: You what?
    Merida: He said his name is Darren and I’m-
    The boy: I heard you the first time
    A girl: Shivers isn’t in yet
    The boy: Shivers isn’t ever in before nine
    The girl: And even later on Mondays
    The boy: Everyone knows that
    Darren: Well as I said were new so we can’t be expected to know things everyone else knows can we?
    The boy: Get stuffed asswipes
    Darren walked away and forced Merida to come with him they found Mr Shivers door and sat and waited. After a while Mr Chivers ran in out of breath running right past them. But then he noticed them.
    Darren: We been waiting, you’re late
    Mr Chivers: Sorry flat tire, who are you two and why have you been waiting?
    Merida: My name is Merida Horston and-
    Mr Chivers: The new kids! Sorry forgot you two were coming
    Darren: No problem, you’re here now better late than never(Mr Chivers shoke their hands)
    Merida and Darren sat down as Mr Chivers opened a drawer and took out a file.
    Mr Chivers: Mr Horston good grades, if you can match those here we won’t complain.
    Darren: I’ll do my best sir
      Mr Chivers: That’s all we ask, Miss Horston I see the same for you and I also see you went to a private school in Scotland before moving back with your brother and dad. Impressive
    Merida: Thanks
    Mr Chivers: You two have had a rough ride haven’t you? Must have been horrible your brother being trapped in a burning building(Looking at Darren’s scars and burn marks)
    Darren: Yes sir
    Mr Chivers: Still all’s well that ends well! You’re alive and active(Put the file away)
    Merida and Darren followed Mr Chivers as he walked out of the office. Mr Chivers lead them on a quick tour.
    Mr Chivers: We place a lot of emphasis on musical excellence. Do you two play any instruments?
    Darren: I play a flute
    Mr Chivers: A flautist! Superb! We haven’t had a decent flautist since Siobham Toner graduated four years ago. Maybe we’ll have to try you out and see what you’re made of?
    Darren: Maybe(Thinking how there’s no way he’s going to join)
    Mr Chivers: What about you miss?
    Merida: I’m an excellent signer and I know how to play a cello
    Mr Chivers: Excellent! Maybe we’ll have you join choir?
 Merida: Maybe
    Merida would love that and love to join a lot of activities. But she knew they have too much going on for her and Darren to get caught up in after school activities. Mr Chivers told them each class lasted forty minutes. There was a ten minute break at elven, fifty minutes for lunch at ten. And that school ends at four.
    Mr Chivers: Detention runs from four thirty to six, but hopefully that won’t concern you two?
    Darren: I hope not sir
    They went back to his office and he handed them their schedules. English, history, geography, science, maths, mechanical drawing, two modern languages, computer studies. A double dose of PE on Wednesdays. They had three free periods, one on Monday, one of Tuesday, and one of Thursday. Mr Chivers said those were used for either extracurricular activities or study hall. It was 9:40 and the bell rang it was time for their first class geography. Because of Merida’s mom Merida knew every single thing and was getting straight A’s on everything. Darren was a different story, geography was okay even though he was used to vampire world maps not human ones. Math he was in trouble, it was way different than any type of math he learned at his old school. All Merida and Darren did during their first break was wander
 around they had no friends yet. Darren knew if it wasn’t for him Merida would have been popular as hell and would have had boys chasing after her like crazy. But because everyone knew her as his sister they didn’t want anything to do with her either. After break they had history, history use to be Darren’s favorite subject but this was more advanced than his old school. But as a supposedly fifteen year old who supposedly progressed through the system he was expected to know the detailed ins and outs of battles, names of generals, the wide ranging social effects of the war, and so on. He told his teacher that he had been concentrating on ancient history at his old school. She said there was a small class for ancient history at Mahler’s and that she would get him transferred first thing tomorrow. It meant Merida and Darren having one period without each other but Darren needed to pass and Merida was happy for him. Merida and Darren were happy when they got back to the hotel. Any other place they could act like husband and wife because that’s what they were. But at school they had to act like twin brother and sister. So they could do everything they would do anyways except make out and kiss on the lips. But Crepsley wasn’t too happy though when they got back and it was because Paris Skyle was dead. So Crepsley took off to Vampire Mountain for the funeral in the morning. On Merida and Darren’s third Tuesday on Mahler’s they made a friend name Richard Montrose. He was a small mousey haired boy whom they recognized from English and history. He was also bullied just like them. While Merida and Darren were wandering the halls during their break when they scuffle so they went to investigate. Richard was pinned to the wall by Smickey Martin the guy that called them asswipes on their first day and three of his pals. Smickey was rooting through the boy’s pocket.
    Smickey: You know you have to pay Monty, if we don’t take your money someone else will. Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.
    Richard: Please Smickey not this week I have to buy a new atlas.(Sobbed)
    Smickey: Should have taken more care of your old one
    Richard: You’re the one who ripped it you-
    Smickey: What were you going to call me?
    Richard: Nothing(Gasped frightenly)  
    Smickey: Yes you were, hold him boys I’m gonna teach him a-
    Merida: You’ll teach him nothing(Said fiercely)
    Smickey: Scottish Horston, what are you doing here? Better run along curly we haven’t come after you and your brother for money yet. But that doesn’t mean we won’t.
    Darren: You won’t get anything from us and you won’t get anything from Richard. In the future either. Or anyone else.
    Smickey: Oh? Those are awfully big words Horsty. If you take them back I might forget you said them.
    Merida and Darren stepped forward Smickey grabbed Richard’s left arm and swung him. Richard went over the stair railing and would have fell to his death if Merida haven’t ran over and grabbed his right ankle. As Merida pulled him back up Smickey and his friends scattered.
    Darren: Are you okay?
    Richard: You saved my life Merida, thank you(Shaking but smiling)
    Merida: No problem
    Richard swapped seats in English to sit next to Darren and Merida and in history to sit next to Darren. Richard let Darren copy his notes and Richard started spending most of his break and lunches with them. That night Darren took a walk by himself after visiting his old friend Debbie. Who was now a teacher at Mahler’s. But something struck the back of his head and he went toppling to the ground. He rolled away as a silver object came crashing down on the ground where his head had been. Ignoring his wounded head he scrambled to his knees and looked around for something to defend himself with. A plastic top of a dustbin laid nearby he snatched it and held it in front of him like a shield. Whatever hit the lid cut it in half.
    The attacker: I’ll cut you to pieces!(Circling Darren)
    There was something familiar about his voice but Darren couldn’t place it. His attacker was wearing dark clothes and was large and chunky. He had no hands just two metallic attachments. One gold the other silver, attached to the ends of his elbows. There were three hooks on each attachment. Darren avoided the killers hooks which dug into the building wall. Darren tried to kick him in the chest but the attacker brought his other arm down upon Darren’s shin cruelly knocking his leg aside. Darren yelped as pain shot up the length of his leg. Hopping madly he threw the two halves of the useless dustbin lid at the vampanese. He tried to run but his injured leg wouldn’t support him and after a couple of strides he collapsed to the ground helpless.
      The vampanese: Going to cut you, slow and painful, I’ll start with your fingers. Slice them off, one at a time then your hands. Then your toes then-
    There was a sharp clicking noise followed by the hiss of parted air. Something shot by the vampanese’s head only narrowly missing. It struck the wall and embedded itself, a short, thick, steel tipped arrow. The vampanese cursed.
    The vampanese: I’ll get you later, you’ll die slowly in great agony. I’ll cut you, fingers first, one at a time(Yelled as he took off)
    A man of medium height appeared out of the gloom. He was dressed in black with a long scarf looped around his neck and gloves covering his hands. He was holding a gun shaped weapon which jutted a steal arrow. Another arrow firing gun was slung over his left shoulder. Darren sat up and started rubbing his leg trying to get some life back in it.
    Darren: Thanks(The man got closer)
    But the man’s arrow gun was pointing at Darren.
    Darren: Mind lowering that? You just saved my life, be a shame if that went off by accident and killed me.
    The man: Does it surprise you that I spared your life?(No warmth in his face)
    Darren: I guess
    The man: Do you know why I saved you?
    Darren: Out of the goodness of your heart?
    The man: Maybe, or maybe I was saving you for myself!
    Darren: Who are you?
    The man: You don’t recognize me?
    Darren shook his head no
    The man: Strange never thought you forget then again it’s been a long time.
    Darren: Steve! Steve Leopard!(Gasped)
    Steve: Yes
    He put the gun away and pulled Darren to his feet
    Steve: Had you going for a minute didn’t I?(Smiled)
    Darren: You’re not going to kill me?
    Steve: Hardly! Hello Darren good to see you again old friend.
    Darren threw his arms around him and hugged him.
    Darren: Steve!(Sobbed into Steve’s shoulder)
      Steve: Stop that, you’ll have me crying if you keep it up(Pushed Darren away and wiped around his eyes)
    Darren: It’s really you!(Dried his cheeks)
    Steve: Of course, you don’t think two people could be born this handsome do you?
    Darren: Modest as ever
    Steve: Nothing to be modest about, can you walk?(Laughed)
    Darren: I think a hobble is the best I can manage
    Steve: Then lean on me, I don’t want to hang around. Hooky might come back with his friends.
    Letting Darren lean on him Steve led him to a fifth floor of a run-down apartment. Steve stopped at a battered brown door kept shut by a think padlock and chain. He rooted through his pockets, pulled out a key, unlocked the door, and pushed it open. Steve pulled Darren in then shut the door. It was dark until he lit a candle.
    Steve: No electricity
    He laid Darren on a couch and tended to his wounds.
    Darren: Does the vampanese know where I am staying?
    Steve: I doubt it, if he did he would have attacked you there. From what I saw he stumbled upon you by chance.  By the way I know how to do this cause I took first-aid classes. Figured they’d come in handy, you want something to drink?
    Darren: Just some water
    Steve pulled a bottle of mineral water out of a bag by the sink and filled a couple of glasses.
    Steve: Sorry it’s not cold the fridge won’t work without electricity.
    Darren: No problem, has the sink been cut off too?
    Steve: No but you wouldn’t want to drink any, fine for washing. But you would be on the toilet for days if you swallowed.
    Darren: Will you come back to the hotel with me? There’s someone I want you to meet.
    Steve: Who?
    Darren: My wife who is a vampire like me, and a Scotland princess.
    The idea of meeting a Scotland vampire princess put a grin on Steve’s face. When they got to the hotel Darren knocked on the window and Harkat let them in. No one said anything until Darren told them who Steve was.
     Merida: Steve Leopard, I’ve heard much about you(Stared at him unhappily)
    Steve: None of it good I bet(Rubbed the back of his neck)
    Harkat: What’s he doing here?
    Darren: He’s my friend he saved my life
    Harkat: But he knows where we are now
    Darren: So?
    Steve: Harkat’s right, I’m human if I fell into the hands of the vampanese they could torture me. Get me to reveal your location, you should move on to somewhere new in the morning. And not tell me about it.
    Darren: I don’t think that will be necessary
     After Merida and Harkat calmed down Darren told Steve about the fake letters to Mahler’s.
    Steve: They’re after you and Merida?
    Darren: Possibly or Crepsley but we’re not entirely sure. By the way guys the guy who attacked me has three hooks on both arms. One hand’s made of gold the other silver.
     Merida: Did you know it was Darren you were saving?
    Steve: I wouldn’t have come to his rescue otherwise
    Merida: If he attacked an ordinary human you would have let him kill?(Gasped)
    Steve: Yes, if sacrificing one person means saving many more I will. If I hadn’t caught a glimpse of Darren’s face I would of let Hooky kill him.
    Steve started to shiver
    Harkat: Are you cold? I can turn up the heat.
    Steve: No thanks, I’m good
    Steve’s curiosity made him ask why Merida moved out of Scotland to the USA. And why she chose this life over the life she had in her kingdom. Merida still didn’t trust Steve yet, so she changed the subject back to the vampanese who attacked Darren.
    Merida: Do you think the vampanese will know it was you who saved Darren?
    Steve: I don’t see how, they’ll probably think it was you or Crepsley. I was careful not to reveal myself to Hooky.
    Harkat: Then we might still get the better of them. We haven’t gone hunting for them since Crepsley left. Even with the three of us he made us promise not to do any hunting until he got back.
    Steve: Let me go with you, I’m accustomed to vampanese hunts. I know where to look and how to track them.
    Darren: And with us to back you up you could work faster and cover more ground.
    Merida: I wish Crepsley was here
    Darren: Me too, but the longer we wait for him the more time the vampanese have to plan an attack. This could be our best chance to strike.
    Harkat: It could also be our best chance to walk straight into a trap. But I’m with you Darren.
    Darren: To the death(Smiled)(Vowed)(Put his hand on Harkat’s)
    Merida: To the death(Put her hand on Darren’s)
    Steve: To the death
    Harkat: To the death, but I hope not ours.
    They spent Saturday and Sunday exploring the tunnels but found nothing so they returned to the hotel that afternoon. Darren and Merida returned to school Monday morning to see if they could find Debbie. While Harkat and Steve continued to search for the vampanese. They could not find Debbie anywhere. At ten Debbie pulled into the parking lot companied by two police men and a police women. Darren and Merida hurried and caught up with her.
    Darren: Miss Hemlock! Could I talk to you for a minute Miss?
   Debbie went a little bit away from the police but they kept an eye on them.
    Darren: What’s going on?(Whispered)
    Debbie: You don’t know?
    Darren shook his head no
    Debbie: Why did you tell me to leave?
    Darren: It’s complicated
    Debbie: Did you know what was going to happen? If you did I’ll hate you forever!
    Darren: Debbie, I don’t know what you’re talking about.
    After studying his face her face softened.
    Debbie: You’ll hear about it on the news, I’ll break it to you now but don’t tell anyone else. I left Friday when you told me. Booked into a hotel even though I thought you were crazy.
    She paused
    Darren: And?
    Debbie: Somebody attacked the people in the apartments next to mine. Mr and Mrs Andrews and Mr Hugon. You never met them did you?
    Darren: I saw Mrs Andrews once, were they killed?
    Debbie: And drained of blood(Croaked as tears went down her face)
    Darren: When did it happen?
    Debbie: Late Saturday night or Sunday morning. The bodies were discovered yesterday afternoon. But the police didn’t track me down until today. Do you know who did it?
    Darren: Yes and no, I don’t know their names but I know what they are and why they did it.
    Debbie: You must tell the police
    Darren: It wouldn’t help, this is beyond them
    Debbie: I’ll be released later this evening. When they do release me I’m coming to put some hard questions to you. If I’m not happy with your answers I’ll turn you over to them.
    She took off with the police, when Merida and Darren got to the hotel after school Darren told Harkat and Steve that they should tell Debbie the truth.
    Steve: And if she betrays us to the police?
    Darren: It’s a risk we have to take
    Steve: You feel that strongly about her?
   Darren: Yes
    Steve: Then tell her the truth
    Darren: Thanks
    Debbie showed up at seven
    Debbie: There’s a police officer in the lobby, he thinks I’m here to tutor you. I gave him your name, if you object to that tough!
    Darren: Nice to see you too(Smiled)
    Debbie noticed Steve and Harkat
    Debbie: You didn’t say we would have company besides your sister
    Darren: They have to be here, they’re part of what I have to tell you.
    Debbie: Who are they?
    Darren: This is Steve Leopard and that’s Harkat Molds(Steve bowed)
    Debbie: Oh my lord!(Noticed Harkat’s features)
    Harkat: Guess you don’t get many like me in
     Debbie: Is he from the institute you told me about? Where you and Evra Von lived?
    Darren: There was no institute that was a lie
    Debbie: What else have you lied about?(Eyed him coldly)
    Darren: Everything more or less, but the lies stop here. Tonight I’ll tell you the truth. By the end you’ll either think I’m crazy or wish I’d never told you. But you have to hear me out your life depends on it.
    Debbie: Is it a long story?
    Steve: One of the longest you’ll ever hear(Lughed)
    Debbie: Then I’d better sit down
    Darren started with the Cirque Du Freak and Madam Octa and took it from there. He covered his years about being Crepsley’s assistant and his time in Vampire Mountain. He told her about Harkat and the Lord of the Vampanese. He explained everything about Merida including the fact that him and her on not siblings or blood related at all. That they’re husband and wife. Then he explained why they came here, how fake forms have been submitted to Mahler’s, and about Steve. There was a pause before Debbie spoke.
   Debbie: It’s insane, you can’t be serious
   Steve: He is(Laughed)
    Debbie: Vampires, ghosts, and vampanese….. It’s ludicrous
    Darren: It’s true, I can prove it(Merida and him raised their fingers to show Debbie the scars of their fingertips)
    Debbie: Scars don’t prove anything(Sneered)
    Merida and Darren walked over to the window
    Darren: Go to the door and face us
    Debbie hesitated
    Darren: Go on, we won’t hurt you
    Debbie did what he said
    Darren: Keep your eyes open
    Merida and Darren flited over to Debbie so they were right in front of her. Then they flited back to the window.
    Steve: Ta-da!
    Debbie: How did you two do that?(Voice trembling)
    Darren: We can move at tremendously fast speeds. We’re strong, we could punch threw any wall and not tear skin. We can leap higher and further than any human. Hold our breath longer and live for centuries. We’re half-vampires.
    After a long pause Debbie sat back down
      Debbie: I believe you, I saw the pictures of my neighbors and no human could do that(Moaned)
    Darren: You see why I had to tell you? The vampaneses plan is to kill us. The attack on your neighbours was only the start of the bloodshed. They won’t stop with that. You’ll be next if they find you.
    Debbie: But why? If it’s you, Merida, and this Crepsley they want, why come after me?
    Darren: I don’t know, it doesn’t make sense, That’s what’s so frightening.
    Debbie: What are you going to do to stop them?
    Darren: Tracking them by day, hopefully we’ll find them. If we do we’ll fight, with luck we’ll win. You need to find a new apartment, maybe move out of the city for a few weeks until it’s over.
    Debbie: I trust you Darren, but if you think I’m running away you’re deluding yourself. I’m staying to fight.
    Darren: What are you talking about?
    Debbie: I’ll help you fight and kill the vampanese
    Merida: Actually I think that’s a great idea
    Darren: What(Roared)
    Merida: We could do with another pair of legs down there. Besides she has the guts to do it that’s all that matters. Remember I was still as good at weapons and fighting before I was blooded. Everyone deserves to fight and be brave no matter if they’re human or not. She has every right to join us and you have no right to tell her no.
    Debbie: Thank you
    Steve: I can kit her out with an arrow gun
    Darren: Very well(Sighed)
    Debbie: Now let’s quit with the time wasting and get down to business. I want to know everything there is to know about these monsters.
    Darren: Quiet!
    Debbie: What did I-
    Darren: Hush(Whispered)
    He pressed his ear against the door
    Harkat: Trouble?(Walked up beside him)
    Darren: I heard soft footsteps in the hall but no door has opened
    Merida grabbed her bow and arrows and went by the window
    Darren: Anyone outside?
    Merida: No I think the way’s clear if we have to make a break for it
    Darren: I’ll go first
    Darren opened the door and dived into the hall. Harkat stepped out after him long tense moments passed they didn’t move. Then someone couched overhead, the figure clinging to the ceiling dropped before Harkat could fire. The figure knocked Harkat across the hallway then kicked Darren’s sword from his hands. Darren scrambled for it but then heard a familiar voice.
    Vancha: Game set and match to me
    Darren turned around and saw Vancha March
    Darren: Vancha(Gasped as Vancha helped him to his feet)
    Vancha: Darren Harkat(Greeted)
    Darren: When did you get back? Where’s Crepsley?
    Vancha: Larten’s on the roof we got back fifteen minutes ago. We heard unfamiliar voices in the room which is why we moved cautiously. Who’s in there with you?
    Darren: Come in and I’ll introduce you
    Darren, Harkat, and Vancha went into the room. Darren told Debbie, Steve, and Merida that everyone was safe. Merida already called down Crepsley. Crepsley was not happy to see Steve but after Darren arguing for him Crepsley eventually gave in.
    Crepsley: Very well, I will speak no more of it. But I will keep a very close watch on him.
    Steve: Watch away.
    Darren told them about Hooky
    Vancha: I don’t like the sound of this Hooky
    Crepsley: What is stranger is that he has not attacked since.
    Harkat: How did Hooky recognize Darren?
    Crepsley: Maybe by the scent of Darren’s blood
    Vancha: I don’t like this
    At dusk they checked out of the hotel and took over two apartments next to Steve’s. Then it was time to go vampanese hunting. They paired off into three teams. Debbie went with Crepsley, Steve with Vancha, and Harkat with Darren and Merida. Along with their weapons they each carried a mobile phone. They assigned one tunnel for each team, nobody found any trace of the vampanese. After a while they went back to the apartments.
    Crepsley: She will make it(Said to Darren as he smiled and looked at Debbie)
    Darren: You think so?
    Crepsley: When we were in the tunnels I held a steady pace. She kept up and did not complain. She will not let us down.
    The next day Darren and Harkat were taking a walk when Darren came across a newspaper stand. The article talked about a dead girl and two killers named Darren and Merida Horston. Darren discussed it with Crepsley and Vancha at the apartments after Debbie went to bed. Darren and Merida returned to school Friday morning and went to Mr Chivers office.
    Mr Chivers: Darren! Merida! Where have you been? What happened? Why didn’t you call?(Gasped as he grasped their shoulders)
    Darren told him that they have been sick for a while and at their uncle Steve’s house.
    Mr Chivers: I’d almost given up on you two, wouldn’t it been awful if you two had been taken as well? Three in a week, I can’t bear thinking about it.
    Merida: Three sir?
    Mr Chivers: Yes losing Tara was terrible but if we’d-
    Darren: Tara?
    Mr Chivers: Tara Williams, the girl that was killed last Tuesday. Surely you two heard?
    Darren: I read the name in the papers, was she a student at Mahler’s?
    Mr Chivers: Great heavens you two, don’t you know?(Yelled)
    Merida: Know what?
    Mr Chivers: Tara Williams was a classmate of yours! That’s why we were so worried. We thought maybe the three of you had been together when the killer struck. You two must know her, Darren sat next to her in English!
    Darren and Merida finally saw Tara’s face
    Darren: Oh no(Moaned)
    Mr Chivers: Are you two alright? Would you care for something to drink?
    They shook their heads no
    Merida: Oh no!(Moaned as she thought Richard might be next because he sits in front of her and behind Darren)
    Darren asked if they could take the day off and that they still haven’t been feeling well.
    Mr Chivers: Darren, Merida, will you stay in this weekend and take care?
    Merida: Yes sir(Lied)
     They hurried to look for Richard they saw him in the computer room then left. Satisfied that he was safe, then they returned to the apartments.
    Debbie: Tara, what sort of beast would pick on an innocent girl like Tara?(Tears in her eyes)
    They searched for the vampanese in the tunnels again that night. They found some including Hooky and were surrounded. Hooky responded to Vancha calling him crazy.
    Hooky: I’m not crazy! Except crazy with rage! And it’s all his fault(Pointed at Darren)
    Crepsley: Darren?
    Darren: I don’t know what he’s talking about
    Hooky: Liar!
    Merida: Do you know this creature?
    Darren: No, the first time I saw him was when he attacked me in the ally.
    Hooky: Lies!(Screamed)
    Darren: Honestly I haven’t a clue what you’re on about
    Hooky removed his mask
    Darren: Reggie Veggie(Gasped)
    Reggie: Don’t call me that! It’s R.V and it stands for Rightous Vampanese!
    Vancha: I don’t understand, who is this lunatic?
    Darren: It’s a long story, I’ll tell you later
    Darren: What happened to you? You loved life you were gentle and kind.
    R.V: You happened to me, you and your band of freaks. You ruined my life man.
    Vancha: Who sent the papers?
    A wicked voice behind them said “ I did”. Everyone turned around and saw Steve had a knife to Debbie’s throat.
    Crepsley: I knew we could not trust him, I should have killed him years ago.
    Vancha: It was all a ploy wasn’t it? The hooked one’s attack and your rescue of Darren was staged.
    Steve: Of course, I knew where they were all along.
    Crepsley: Very clever(Snarled)
    Darren: Why?(Croaked)
    Steve: Why what?
    Darren: Why do you hate us? We did nothing to hurt you.
    Steve: You chose his side over mine
    Darren: No! I saved you, I gave up everything so that you could live.
    Steve: Nonsense! Now here comes the guest of honor, a man I’m sure you’re dying to meet.
    Everyone looked back at the vampanese and saw two people walked in.
    Darren: Vancha!(Shouted)
    Vancha: What?(Snapped)
    Darren: It’s your brother Gannen Harst
    Vancha’s gaze left the man in the robes and hood AKA the Lord of the Vampanese and went on his brother. Seizing the moment Crepsley reacted quickly after Vancha. Crepsley dived among the vampanese knives outstretched and three of the vampanese fell throats or chest slit open. Harkat buried his axe into a vampaneses head. Steve was distracted by the action so Darren threw a knife by him to make him flinch. It worked Steve grip on Debbie loosened. Debbie dug her left elbow sharply into Steve’s ribs and broke free of his grip. Before he could dive after her Darren was on him. Darren grabbed him around the waist and propelled him backwards into the wall. Stepping away from him Darren sent his right fist smashing into the side of Steve’s face. The force knocked Steve down then Darren grabbed Steve’s head and smashed it into the wall knocking him out. Darren was about to kill him.
    R.V: Stop!(Screamed)
    R.V had Debbie and had the hooks of his right hand pressed against her jaw.
    R.V: Drop the knife or I slit her like a pig
    Darren seized Steve and held his knife against his throat
    Darren: If she dies, he dies
    R.V: Don’t play games with me, let him go or I’ll kill her
    Darren howled like a wolf making R.V look at him with fear but then he collected himself again.
    R.V: Howling won’t save your tasty little friend
    Darren: Let’s stop wasting each other’s time, you put Debbie aside I’ll put Steve aside. We’ll settle this man to man, winner takes all.
    R.V: No deal
    He edged towards an exit with Debbie
    Darren: What are you doing?(Shouted moving to block him)
    R.V: Stay back!
    Darren: Let her go(Said desperately)
    R.V: No, I’m taking her, If you try to stop me I’ll kill her.
    Darren: I’ll kill Steve if you do
    R.V: I don’t care for Steve like you care for little Debbie. I’ll sacrifice my friend if you’ll sacrifice yours.
    Darren moved out of his way
    R.V: Wise move
    Darren: If you harm her(Sobbed)
    R.V: I won’t, not for the time being. I want to see you squirm before I do but if you kill Steve or come after me.
    He left with Debbie with that Gannen called the vampanese off.
    Gannen: I’ll give you guys fifteen minutes to try to escape. Leave your hostages and flee. For fifteen minutes nobody will follow you have my word.
    Vancha: This is a trick(Snarled)
    Gannen: I don’t lie
    Darren: What about Debbie? I want to take her too!(Shouted)
    Gannen: I command those in this room, but not he of the hooks. She is his now.
    Darren: Were taking the hostages!
    Gannen: Fine, so will you leave?
    Darren: Yes(Croaked)
    Gannen: Then go now! From the moment you leave this room the clock starts. If we catch you, you die.
    Darren, Merida, Harkat, Crepsley, and Vancha took off with Steve and the random vampanese. They slapped Steve in the face to make him be quiet everytime he talked. There was still a long way to go, plenty of time for the vampanese to run them down.
    Vancha: We have to try to shake them off, If we make straight for the surface they’ll be upon us before we’re halfway there.
     Crepsley: But we could lose ourselves if we detour, we do not know this area. We might run into a dead end.
    Vancha: Aye, but it’s a chance we’ll have to take. I’ll act as a decoy and go back the way we came. The rest of you try and find an alternative route out. I’ll work my way back to you later, if the luck of the vampires is with me.
    Crepsley: Luck sir
    Vancha took off as they entered a fresh stretch of tunnels Steve pushed Merida hard into a wall. Making her cry out in pain then land hard on the ground. Then Crepsley was on him in a flash as Harkat made sure Merida was okay then gently helped her to her feet.
    Crepsley: Do that again and you die! The next time you touch her or if you dare touch Darren I will kill you.(Snapped)
    They continued, a short while later they heard the vampanese. They were spotted by one vampanese holding a torch.
    The vampanese: I found them! They’re here!(Yelled)
    Vancha grabbed the vampaneses head and twisted it killing him.
    Harkat: Good timing
    Vancha: I’ve been shadowing you for a while
    Darren: Any idea how far we are from the surface?
    Vancha: No
    Crepsley: What about the vampanese? Are they close?
    Vancha: Aye
    They continued, they got to a ladder
    Vancha: Go!(Yelled)
    Crepsley grabbed Darren and Merida and shoved them up the ladder. They hurried out then looked around and saw no one.
    Merida: It’s clear!(Yelled)
    Steve crawled out, then Harkat, then the random vampanese. After a short delay Crepsley and Vancha crawled out. They returned to the apartments Crepsley, Harkat, Merida, and Darren kept Steve in the middle apartment and Vancha kept the random vampanese in the apartment on the right.
    Darren: Anyone thirsty or hungry?
    Crepsley: Water please, and bandages(Sat down)
    Harkat: Are you hurt?
    Crepsley: Not really, but the tunnels we crawled through were unhygienic. We should all clean out our wounds to prevent infection.
    Everyone washed their hands, dug into some food, and tended to their wounds.
    Crepsley: This lord of yours, what does he look like?(Asked Steve)
    Steve: Now now Larten, you don’t honestly expect me to describe him do you? He’s been very careful not to show his face, even to most of those who follow him.
    Darren: How did you get so twisted? We were friends almost like brothers. What happened to you?
    Steve: I was betrayed
    Darren: That isn’t true, I saved your life. I gave up everything so that you could live.
    Steve: Shut it! Torture me if you wish but don’t insult me with lies.
    Crepsley: Impudent cur!(Struck Steve’s cheek drawing blood)
    Steve: One night soon it will be your blood I dine on(Said to Crepsley as he wiped the blood then licked it)
    More than an hour Vancha walked in revealing that the vampanese. Vancha said he killed the vampanese. Crepsley looked out the window.
    Crepsley: Charna’s guts!(Gasped)
    Vancha, Harkat, Merida, and Darren rushed over, the street was teeming with police cars, army vans, policemen, and soldiers. Many carried rifles, in the opposite building there was figures in the windows also armed. There was a helicopter hung in the air. In the helicopter there was a soldier with a big gun. Everyone quickly retreated from the window shutting the blind again.
    Harkat: Why didn’t they use sirens?
    Steve: They were warned to tread quietly. And before you waste time checking they’ve got the rear of the building and roof covered and the front as well.(Laughed)
   A voice: You in there! Killers!(Yelled through a megaphone)
    Vancha: Turn off the light!(Yelled)
    They did
    Vancha: Bring that sorry excuse for a dog over here
    Merida dragged Steve over to him and Vancha seized Steve’s throat.
    Vancha: Why are they here?
     Steve: They think you’re the killers, the ones who killed all those humans(Laughed)
    Vancha: You son of a mongrel!
    Steve: Please, let’s not get personal(Said smugly)
    Harkat and Crepsley who left the room returned
    Harkat: They’re packed tight two floors above
    Crepsley: Same two floors below
    Vancha: Who’s down there and what the hell do you want?(Yelled out the window after smashing it to bits)
    The voice on the megaphone: Who am I talking to?
    Everyone realized it was a women
    Vancha: None of your business!(Yelled)
     The women: We know your names. Larten Crepsley, Vancha March, Darren Shan, Merida Manson, and Harkat Molds. I just want to know which one of the guys I’m talking to.
    Vancha: Vancha March(Yelled)
    The women: Listen March, I’m Chief Inspector Alice Burgess. Are your hostages alive and unharmed?
    Vancha: Hostages?
    Alice: Steve Leonard and Mark Ryter. We know you have them, so don’t act innocent.
    Steve: This is Steve Leonard! They haven’t killed me yet, but they killed Mark. They tortured him first, it was horrible.(Yelled mimicking terror)
    Alice: Okay, this is how it works, release your remaining hostage. When he’s safe in our custody come down after him one at a time. Any sign of a weapon or unexpected moves and you’re history.
    Vancha: Let’s talk about this(Yelled)
    Alice: No talking(Snapped)
      Vancha: We’re not going to release him, you don’t know what he is. What he’s done let me-
    A rifle fired and a ton of bullets shot at the building making the gang fall to the floor yelping and cursing. The bullets stopped.
    Alice: That was a warning shot and your last of that. Next time we shoot to kill. No bargaining no tradeoffs no talking. You terrorized this city for most of a year. But it stops here, you’re through. Two minutes then we come in after you.
    After a short silence Harkat spoke
    Harkat: That’s that, we’re finished
    Vancha: Maybe, but we won’t die alone(Staring at Steve)
    Vancha raised a knife
    Crepsley: Wait, there is a way out, the window. We jump they will not expect that.
    Vancha: The drop’s no problem, but what do we do once down there?
    Crepsley: We flit, I will carry Darren, you carry Merida, and Merida carries Harkat while she’s on your back. It will not be easy, they might shoot at us before we can flit. But it can be done, with luck.
    Alice: Time’s up! Come out immediately or we open fire!
    Vancha: Ready?
    Crepsley: Ready
    Harkat: Ready
    Darren and Merida: Ready
    Vancha: I’ll go first with Merida and Harkat, you two come after us. Give us a second or two to roll out of your way.
    Crepsley: Luck Vancha
    Vancha: Luck
    Merida went on his back then Harkat on hers and Vancha leapt through the window. Crepsley and Darren waited then Darren went on Crepsley’s back and Crepsley went out the window. As they hit the ground Darren rolled off there was a sharp yell of pain. Crepsley laid on the ground nursing his right ankle unable to stand. While Vancha talked Alice to the ground Darren and Merida hurried over to Crepsley and helped him up. Crepsley’s teeth gritted in pain.
    Merida: Is it broken?(Her and Darren dragged him behind a car)
    Crepsley: I do not think so, but the pain is intense(Gasped)
    He collapsed behind the car and rubbed his injured ankle. Vancha had Alice by the throat and had her megaphone in the other hand.
    Vancha: Hear this! If you shoot your chief dies!(Yelled in the megaphone)
    Alice: Forget about me! Take these creeps out now!(Yelled)
    Vancha: How bad is it?(Croched by Crepsley dragging Alice down with him)
    Crepsley: Bad
    Vancha: You can’t flit?
    Crepsley: Not like this
    Vancha: Then we’ll have to leave you behind
    Crepsley: Aye
    Vancha: I can’t come back for you, if you stay you’re on your own.
    Crepsley: We know
    Vancha: If I escape, I’ll return for the Vampanese Lord. I’ll wait in the tunnels that we fought in last night. I’ll give you to midnight, if you aren’t there by then I’ll go after him alone.(Whispered)
    Crepsley: We will do our best to break out
    Vancha flitted off with Alice Crepsley, Harkat, Darren, and Merida were arrested. When they got to the jail Darren and Merida were in a room being questioned by two cops named Con and Ivan.
    Ivan: Is Darren Shan and Merida Manson your real names? Or is it Darren and Merida Horston?
    They didn’t answer
    Ivan: How about your traveling companion, Larten Crepsley or Vur Horston?
    Darren and Merida looked down at their handcuffed hands and said nothing. Their ankles were cuffed too.
    Con: What about the freak? The grey skinned monster?
    Darren and Merida: He’s not a monster!(Yelled)
    Con: Oh? What is he then?
    Darren: You wouldn’t believe us if we told you
    Ivan: Try us
    Darren and Merida refused
    Con: What about the other? Vancha March and Larten Crepsley. Our informants told us they were vampires. What do you two have to say about that?
    Darren: Vampires don’t exsit(Smiled)
    Ivan: But there is something weird about those two, March disappeared and we can’t get Crepsley on any camera. We’ve taken blood samples of Crepsley and Harkat. We’ll find out what they are when the results come back. What’s you two’s real names? What’s your relationship to the others? Where-
    Merida: Where are our friends?
    Ivan: Would you two like to see them?
    Merida: I just want to know where they are
    Con: They’re close, locked away nice and tight like you two. How old are you two? Where are you two from? Why pick this city? How many have you murdered? Where are the bodies? What have-
    There was a knock on the door Con got up and opened the door and a man entered.
    Darren: Mr Blaws?(Gasped)
    Ivan: Thank you for coming Walter(Shook Blaw’s hand)
    Blaws: Glad to be of assistance
    Ivan: Would you like a chair?
    Blaws: No thanks, I’d rather not stop any longer than necessary, Rounds to do places to be.
    Ivan: That’s fine, you brought the papers?
    Blaws: The forms they filled, all the files we have on them. Yes I left them with a man at the front desk. He’s photocopying them and giving the originals back to me before I leave. I have to hang onto the originals for the school records.
    Ivan: Fine, can you identify this boy and girl?
    Blaws: Yes Darren and Merida Horston, is it true? What the media are saying, them and their friends are the killers?
    Ivan: We can’t really say right now but as soon as we-
    Blaws: How could you? How could you kill all those people? And poor little Tara Williams, your own classmate!(Yelled at Darren and Merida)
    Merida: We didn’t kill Tara, we didn’t kill anyone. We’re not killers, the police have arrested the wrong people.
    Con laughed
    Blaws: You’re beasts
    He left and so did Ivan and a cop named Dave took his place.
    Dave: We’re trying to help you two
    Merida: Taking off our handcuffs and setting us free would be a big help
    Dave: Good one, of course we know that isn’t going to happen but there are things I can do. Get you two a lawyer, a bath, a change of clothes, and a nice bunk for the night. You two are going to be with us a long time but it doesn’t have to be an unpleasant stay.
    Darren: What do we have to do to make it pleasant?
     Dave: Not much, tell us your real names, where you’re from, and what you’re doing here.
    They refused
    Merida: Would it be okay if we walked around for a few minutes? Our legs are cramping up.
    Dave: You two can’t leave this room
    Merida: I’m not asking us to, a couple minutes pacing from one side to the other will be fine.
    Con: Let them, as long as they stay on their own side of the table
    Darren and Merida pushed their chairs back then started walking to one wall to the other. After a while they both stopped at a wall and rested their foreheads on it. After a little bit they were told to sit back down.
    Dave: Are there others? Is it just you five or are there killers in your gang that we haven’t caught yet?
    Darren: We’re not killers
    Dave: Did you kill them first then drink from them? Or the other way around?
    Darren: Leave us alone, you’ve got it all wrong. We’re not your enemies.
    People poured into the hall and police and staff were all yelling.
    Dave: What the hell’s going on?(Yelled)
    Con: I’ll go check
    He pounded on the door so a guard opened it. He grabbed a women and got the information out of her.
    Con: It’s a breakout!(Yelled)
    Dave: Which one? Crepsley or Molds?(Yelled jumping up)
    Con: Neither, it’s the hostage Steve Leonard!(Gasped)
    Dave: What?!
    Con: He regained consciousness then murdered a guard and two nurses(Yelled)
    Dave looked at Darren and Merida
    Merida: We’re not the killers, we’re not the ones you want. We’re on your side.
    The guard: What about the boy and girl?
    A cop named Morgan: You guys go I’ll watch them
    Everyone else left slamming the door after four seconds he shut off the tape recorder.
    Morgan: I thought we’d never get rid of them, you two will have to go through the ceiling. I’m going to attack Darren in a minute. I’ll put on a show for the cameras. Pretend to lose my rage and go for his throat. Merida defend your boyfriend and slam me over the head with your fists hard. I’ll go down for the count. After that it’s up to you two. I have no key for your chains so you’ll have to snap them yourselves.
    Darren: Why are you doing this?
    Morgan came at Darren fast Merida quickly knocked Morgan out. Darren and Merida broke out of their chains then jumped right into the vent of the ceiling. After a little bit of searching they found Harkat’s cell. Darren head butted through the tiles making Harkat jump up and get ready to defend himself. Merida put her head through the hole.
    Harkat: Merida!(Yelled in delight)
    Darren: Howdy partner(Widened the hole then stuck his head through the hole too)
    Harkat: What are you two doing up there?
    Merida: Sightseeing!(Laughed)
    Darren: Come on, we haven’t much time and we have to find Crepsley.
    Merida dragged Harkat up then they looked for Crepsley’s cell. After a little bit they heard Crepsley’s voice. There was only one cop in the room with him. Harkat, Darren, and Merida broke through, landed on the floor, and then knocked the cop out.
    Crepsley: I was not expecting you three so soon(Broke free of his chains)
    Merida: How’s your ankle? Can you walk?
    Crepsley: I will win no races, but nor shall I be a hindrance
    They kicked their way through the wall at the back of the building. They found themselves on the second floor above a deserted ally.
    Darren: Can you jump?
    Crepsley: No, but I can climb
    They made a way down into a manhole and into the tunnels. All of a sudden a gun went off and the bullet hit the wall. But it wasn’t any cops it was a vampanese.
    The vampanese: Greetings vampires we been expecting you
    Darren: Who are you?
    The vampanese: One who follows the Lord of the Vampanese
    Merida: What are you doing here?
    The vampanese: Blocking your passage
    But Crepsley killed him and everyone continued they journey. Crepsley’s ankle finally healed and didn’t hurt anymore.
    Crepsley: Tread carefully, hold your weapons low and
    He paused
    Crepsley: Did any of you bring a weapon?
    Darren: Of course-
    He paused
    Darren: You’re not going to believe this
    Crepsley: You forgot too?(Groaned)
    Merida forgot too, everyone looked at Harkat
    Harkat: Sorry
    Crepsley: Brilliant! The most important fight of our lives and we come unarmed. What manner of fools are we?
    Someone: The greatest who ever stalked the shadows of the night  
    They saw it was just Vancha
    Vancha: Is it true, you came without weapons?
    Crepsley: We have had a difficult afternoon
    They told Vancha about jail and how Steve was there and how like them he escaped.
    Vancha: I pray to the gods that I have a chance to slit his throat tonight.
    Darren: You’ll have to get in line(Not joking)
    Vancha: You four need weapons, follow me
    He lead them to a part of a tunnel where there was a small stack of weapons. Next to the weapons was a bound Alice Burgess.
    Harkat: Where did you get these?
    He picked a jagged knife and a small double headed axe.
    Vancha: The vampanese left them when they were clearing their dead away.
    Crepsley took a couple of long knives and a few short ones for throwing. Darren grabbed a small curved sword and put a small knife in the back of his trousers. Merida grabbed bow and arrows and a long sword.
    Merida: Can we trust her?(Pointed at Alice)
    Vancha: I don’t know, but there’s one way to find out
    He took the gag out of Alice’s mouth
    Alice: Animal! I’ll see you all hang for this. I’ll have you shaved bald, smeared in tar, covered with feathers, then set you on fire as you dangle!
    Vancha: Isn’t she magnificent? I think I’m falling in love.(Freeded her arms and legs)
    Alice: Savage!(Yelled)
    She was about to slap him but he grabbed her arm
    Vancha: Remember what I said Alice, I don’t want to leave here at the mercy of our enemies. But I will if you force me to.
    She held her tongue
    Vancha: Better, now pick a weapon, two or three if you’d prefer and get ready. We have an army of darkness to deal with.
    Alice: You guys are crazy, you really expect me to believe you’re vampires but not killers? That you’re here to take on a bunch of…… what did you call them?
    Vancha: Vampanese
    Alice: That these vampanese are the bad guys and you’re here to sort the out? Even though there’s dozens of them and only five of you?
    Vancha: That about sums it up, except there are six of us now
    Alice: Crazy(Picked up a long hunting knife and a few small ones)
    Alice: Okay, I don’t believe your story but I’ll tag along for the time being. If we run into these vampanese and they’re all that you say I’ll throw my lot in with you. But if we don’t-
    She pointed at Vancha with her big sword then made a throat slicing suggestion.
    Vancha: I love it when you talk threateningly
    As they continued their journey they met a big door that was bolted shut and wouldn’t open. There was a long row of combination locks running across the middle, beneath a circular handle.
    Vancha: I wrestled with this for more than an hour, couldn’t make head nor tail of it.
    Crepsley: Let me have a look, I am not adapt at locks such as these. But I have broken into safes before. I may be able to-
    He paused as he studied the lock
    Darren: Something wrong?
    Crepsley: We cannot go this way, it is too intricately coded. We must find a way around.
    Vancha: Easier said than done, I’ve scoured the tunnels for hidden passages, didn’t find any. I think this is the only way ahead.
    Harkat: Couldn’t we break through the wall around the door?
    Vancha: I tried, it’s steel-lined, think steel, even vampires have their limits.
     Merida: This doesn’t make sense, they knew we’d come. They wanted us to come. Why strand us here? There must be a way through. Crepsley explain this lock.
    Crepsley: It is a combination lock, quite straightforward. The dials are down there. You twist them clockwise for a higher number and anti-clockwise for a lower number. When the correct numbers have been entered in all fifteen windows the door will open.
    Darren: And each number’s different?
    Crepsley: I assume so, fifteen different locks fifteen different numbers. I could crack the code eventually but it would take several nights and days.(Sighed)
    They saw the last three windows were blank
    Crepsley: They must not form part of the code
    Darren: So we’ve only twelve numbers to worry about?
    Crepsley: That should save us half a night or so(Smiled ruefully)
    Darren had a thought
     Darren: Try these numbers as I call them out. Nineteen, twenty, five,(Said to Crepsley)
    He carried on until he got to eighteen and four, there was a click and the circular handle popped out. Startled Crepsley grabbed it and twisted it. It turned easily and the door swung open.
    Vancha: How?(Gasped him and everyone looking at Darren)
    Alice: Oh please! Isn’t it obvious? He just converted the alphabet into numbers.
    Harkat: Oh I get it, A was 1 B was 2 and so on
    Darren: Right, using that I dialed in “ Steve Leopard”
    Vancha: Get in line I’ll go first
    With Vancha in the lead Harkat was second, Alice was third Darren was fourth, Merida was fifth, and Crepsley was last. Torches were set in the walls, after forty meters there was a loud clanging noise that made everyone jump. They all turned around and saw R.V.
    R.V: Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome! The proprietors of these caverns and tunnels wish you well and hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any complaints please don’t hesitate to-
    Darren: Where’s Debbie you monster?(Screamed)
    R.V: Debbie’s close man, and she’s alive, but she won’t be much longer. Not if you don’t come with me now. How about it Shanny? Your life for Debbie’s, is it a deal or do I make her squeal?
    Darren: No(Whispered)
    R.V: What was that? Speak up I can’t hear you(Shouted)
    Darren: No!(Yelled threw a knife at him but missing)
    R.V took off
    Crepsley: You did well Darren(Squeezed Darren’s shoulder)
    The tunnel ran straight and downwards for five or six hundred meters. Before opening out on to a huge man made cavern with smooth walls and an extremely high ceiling. Three heavy silver chandeliers hung from the ceiling each with red burning candles. Everyone walked in.
    Vancha: Hold it, have a look at this(Beckoning them forward)
    Everyone stepped beside him, they were standing at the edge of a pit which was filled with steel-tipped stakes two or three meters tall.
    Harkat: A trap for us to fall into?
    Vancha: I doubt it, the vampanese would have covered it if they wanted us to walk into it.
    They saw a long plank connecting the rear right of the platform to a hole in the wall behind it. There was a thick rope running from the front left side of the platform to our side of the pit, where it was tied to a large holding stake.
    Darren: Looks like that’s the only way forward(Not liking the set-up one bit)
    Crepsley: We could skirt the pit and climb the wall
    Darren: Look again, there scores of tiny holes in the wall. Ideal for firing darts or bullets through.
    Vancha: They’d cut us down in seconds if we tried climbing that rope
    He climbed the rope a few feet to test it then climbed back down.
    Vancha: It’s strong, I think it will hold all of us at the same time. But we won’t take the chance we’ll go one at a time. The same order we came in the tunnel.
    Harkat: What about the platform? It could be rigged to collapse when we are on it.
    Vancha: When I get up, I’ll hurry to the opening across the plank. Don’t come up until I’m safe. When you do make straight for the tunnel. If they take the platform down while we’re crossing only one of us will die.
    Vancha climbed up the rope he was almost halfway across
    Alice: Hey! Someone’s up there!(Yelled as she spotted a figure appeared in the mouth of the tunnel)
    They all looked
    Darren: Steve!(Eyes filling with hatred)
    Steve: Howdy boys! Find your way here okay? Thought you might have gotten lost. I was preparing a search party to send after you.(Walked across the platform)
    Steve reached the platform and walked to the waist-high railing which ran around the sides.
    Vancha: We meet again Mr March
    Vancha began crawling faster Steve reached into his pocket, produced a match, and held it up for everyone to see. He struck the match on the ground sending it on fire. He tossed it into the pit there was an explosive roar and flames shot up out of the pit. The flames completely consumed the rope and Vancha swallowing the prince whole in the blink of an eye. But the flames died down slightly revealing a singed but very much alive Vancha March hanging by one hand from the rope.
    Darren: Vancha! You’re alive!(Yelled happily)
    Vancha: Of course I am(Grinning painfully)
    Steve: You’re a tough old badger aren’t you?
    Vancha: Aye, and you haven’t seen anything yet,just wait till I get my hands on your scrawny evil neck!
    Steve: I’m soooo scared(Snorted)
    Vancha began climbing again
    Steve: No you don’t, one more centimeter and I’ll send you crashing to your doom(Took out his sword)
    Vancha quickly came down landing by his friends
    Steve: Wise move, now if we’re all good and ready let’s get this show on the road.
     He whistled, panels in the ceiling were ripped free and vampanese descended on ropes. More panels were removed in the walls and vampanese stepped out. There was forty or more most armed with swords, axes, clubs, rifles, handguns, and crossbows.
    Vancha: I make it about ten or twelve for each of us, does anybody have any favorites? Or will we divide them up at random?
    Darren: You can take as many as you want, but leave that guy over there for me.
    Alice saw who he was pointing at, it was the guy that helped him and Merida escape jail.
    Alice: Morgan James(Gasped)
    Morgan: Evening ma’am
    Alice: Morgan’s one of them?(Totally shocked)
    Merida: Yes, he helped us escape, he knew that Steve would murder his colleagues and he let him.
    Alice: Shan, if you want him you’ll have to fight me for him, that bastards mine!(Her face darkened)
     Darren nodded in agreement, two people had emerged and were crossing the plank to the platform. It was Gannen Harst and the Lord of the Vampanese.
    Darren: Look!
    Everyone saw them
    Gannen: Greetings brother
    Vancha: We’ve got to get up there!
    Crepsley: If you can lead, I will gladly follow
    Vancha: Gannen! What’s going on? Why haven’t your men attacked us yet?(Yelled)
    Gannen: You know why, they’re afraid they might kill you in the heat of battle. According to Desmond Tiny only our lord is supposed to kill the hunters.
    Vancha: Does that mean they won’t defend themselves if we attack?
    Steve: Dream on you stupid old-(Laughed)
    Gannen: Enough! You will not interrupt when I am speaking with my brother.(Yelled)
    Gannen: Of course they’ll defend themselves, but we hope to avoid such a scene. Apart from the risk of killing you, we’ve lost too many good men already and don’t want to sacrifice any more. It might be possible to agree to a compromise.
    Vancha: I’m listening
    Steve: Lower away R.V!(Yelled)
    A panel in the ceiling was thrown back and somebody was lowered through the gap on a rope. It was Debbie, her forehead was gashed, her clothes were ripped, and she looked incredibly weary. Her hands were tied behind her back.
    Darren: Debbie!(Yelled)
    Debbie: Darren! Get out! Don’t trust them!(Screamed)
    Steve: If you don’t shut up, I’ll shut you up
    Gannen: We are interested only in the hunters, Debbie Hemlock, Alice Burgess, and the little person don’t matter. If Vancha, Larten, Darren, and Merida lay down their weapons and surrender we’ll free the rest of you. You can walk away lives intact.
    Vancha: No way!(Yelled)
    Crepsley: Nor shall I agree to such a deal
    Merida: Hell no!
    Gannen: What of Darren Shan? Will he agree to our deal, or will he condemn his friends to die with the rest of you?
    Darren: No, we fight and we die, all for one and one for all.
    Gannen: Very well, let me put another proposal to you. Same basic outline as the first. Drop your weapons, surrender, and we let the humans walk. But Merida Manson gets to go head to head with our lord and Steve Leonard. If Vancha, Larten, and Darren turn themselves in without a fight we will allow Merida to duel with our lord and Steve Leonard. It will be two on one but she’ll be equipped with weapons. If Merida wins we free all three of you along with the others. If she loses we execute Vancha, Larten, and Darren. But the humans and Harkat Molds go free.
    Vancha: What do you think(Asked Merida)
    Merida: There has to be a catch, why risk their lord’s life if they don’t have to?
    Vancha: Gannen! How do we know that R.V or the others won’t join in?(Yelled)
    Gannen: I give you my word, nobody else will interfere. I’ll kill any who seeks to swing the balance one way or the other.
    Vancha: That’s good enough for me I believe him
    Crepsley: If we agree to Gannen’s deal, and send Merida up to face them, we place all our eggs in one basket. If Merida wins wonderful, but if she loses-
    Merida: If you guys trust me, I’ll accept the challenge, and the blame if I fail.
    Vancha: She said that like a true vampire(Said warmly)
    Crepsley: She is a true vampire just like Darren(Feeling proud of both of his assistants/kids)
    Vancha: Very well, we accept, but first you have to set the humans and Harkat free. After that Merida fights your lord and Steve, if the fight is fair and she loses Larten, Darren, and I will lay down our arms.
    Gannen: That’s not the deal, you must lay your weapons to one side and surrender before-
    Vancha: No, we do it this way or not at all. You have my word that we’ll let your people take us if Merida loses. Assuming she loses fairly, if my word’s not good enough we have a problem.
    Gannen: Your word is good, R.V haul Debbie up and escort her down.
    R.V: No! Steve said I could kill her! He said I could cut her up into tiny pieces-(Yelled)
    Steve: Now I’m saying different! Don’t cross me on this! I will make Darren Shan suffer and kill his wife and you won’t stop me!(Yelled)
    R.V pulled on the rope and Debbie ascended in a series of short uncomfortable jerks. While waiting for Debbie to return to them Merida got ready for her fight.
    Vancha: How do you feel?
    Merida: Ready
    Vancha: Remember all that matters is the result. Fight dirty if you have to. Kick and spit, scratch and pinch, and hit below the belt.
    Merida: I will, will you really surrender if I lose?
    Vancha: I promised we’d drop our weapons and let them take us. And so we will, but I said nothing about letting them keep us or not picking our weapons up again!(Whispered)
    R.V marched over dragging Debbie behind him by her hair.
    Darren: Stop that! You’re hurting her!
    R.V tossed Debbie down in front of him she cried out in pain. She flew into his arms and sobbed.
    Darren: Shhh, take it easy you’re safe
    Steve: Such a touching scene, someone pass me a hankie(Sneered)
    Darren forced Debbie to look at him
    Darren: You look awful
    Debbie: Charming!(Half-laughed)
    Debbie: I don’t want to leave, not until after the fight(Croaked)
    Harkat: I want to stay too
    Darren: It’s your right to, I won’t stop you, but I’d rather you didn’t. If you vaule our friendship you’ll take Debbie and Alice to the surface and make sure they get away safely. I don’t trust these monsters, they might go on a rampage and kill us all if Merida wins.
    But Harkat diden’t have to, Alice left making Debbie leave with her. Darren was right about that they would try to kill them all. There was no fight between Merida and Steve and the lord. The vampanese came at them but it left the rope unguarded.
    Merida: Who goes?
    Vancha: Me(Grabbing the rope)
    Crepsley: No, it must be me(Layed a hand on Vancha’s shoulder)
    Vancha: We don’t have time to-
    Crepsley: That is true, we do not have time. So let me pass without any arguments.
    Vancha: Larten-
    Darren: He’s right, it has to be him
    Vancha: Why?
    Darren: Because Steve was my best friend and Gannen is your brother. Crepsley can concentrate wholly on the Vampanese Lord.
    Vancha: Give them hell Larten(Let go of the rope)
    Crepsley: I will(Smiled grabbing the rope)
    He started to climb
    Vancha: We must cover him from this side
    Merida: I know
    Gannen: Servants of the night! Look to your lord! Danger approaches!(Yelled)
    Vampanese rushed towards Vancha, Darren, and Merida. Darren and Merida lashed out with their swords and Vancha with his hands. Gannen moved towards the rope with a sharp dagger in his right hand. He was going to cut the rope but Alice started shooting at him with a rifle with Debbie and Harkat guarding her. A vampanese crashed into Merida’s back knocking her to the floor. She rolled away as the vampanese dived after her. Pinning her to the floor he wrapped his fingers around her neck and squeezed. But before he could crush her throat Darren punched a vampanese making the vampanese collide with the vampanese ontop of her knocking him off of her. She leaped to her feet, grabbed her sword, and stabbed him in the face.
    R.V: Kill you! Kill you! Kill you!(Yelled going after Harkat)
    Harkat calmly grabbed the straps attaching the hooks to R.V’s arms, ripped them lose, and tossed the hooks away.
    R.V: No! My hands! My hands!(Yelled)
    Crepsley climbed over the railing making Darren and Merida relax. The fighting stopped to watch Crepsley, Steve, and the lord.
    The Lord of the Vampanese: I knew this was coming, Des Tiny predicted it. He said I’d have to fight one of the hunters here, above the flames, and that it would most likely be Larten Crepsley. We tried to turn his prophecy on it’s head and lure the girl up instead. But in my heart I knew it was you I’d have to face.(Took off his hood)
     Gannen: The deal’s off, the two to one ratio no longer applies. If you’d sent Merida Manson as agreed we’d have kept our side of the bargain. Since you’ve come in her place you can’t expect us to offer the same generous odds.
    Crepsley: I expect nothing of madmen and traitors
    The vampanese lord produced a barbed short sword, Gannen drew a longer straight sword, and Steve dug out a gold dagger and long length of spiked chain.
    Vampanese lord: Are you ready Larten Crepsley?
    Crepsley: Yes
    Steve lashed out with his chain Crepsley avoided it and stabbed sharply at Steve’s stomach with his knife. Gannen swung at Crepsley with his sword Crepsley avoided it. Crepsley was almost backed up against the rail no more than half a meter away from a dead end. Steve sent his chain flicking at him again. Crepsley dropped his knife and grabbed the chain in mid air. His fingers closed on spikes and his mouth tightened with pain but he diden’t let go. Yanking sharply on the chain he brought Steve crashing towards him. Crepsley seized the lord by the scruff of his shirt and tossed him over killing him. Steve tackled him sending them over but Steve grabbed the railing and Crepsley grabbed the chain.
    Steve: Let go! You’ll kill us both!(Screamed)
    Crepsley: That’s what I mean to do!(Yelled as Gannen caught Steve’s other hand)
    He started tugging on the chain trying to break Gannen’s hold.
    Gannen: Stop! Stop and we’ll let you go!(Yelled)
    Crepsley: Too late! I swore two things to myself when I came down here. One I would kill the Lord of the Vampanese. Two I would kill Steve Leonaed! I am not a man for leaving a job half done.
    Merida: Larten! Please don’t do it! We’ll track him down later and finish him off!(Cried)
    Gannen: As you hold the life of Steve Leonard in your hands I hold the lives of your friends. If you kill Steve I’ll order their deaths too!
    Darren: His life too! Spare Crepsley!(Yelled desperately)
    Steve: No! Crepsley dies, I won’t let him go
    Gannen: Don’t be stupid! You’ll die too if we don’t release him!(Yelled)
    Steve: Then I’ll die
    Merida: Darren! We have to save him! We can’t let him die!(Yelled pleadingly)
     Darren: Shhh(Whispered as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her forehead)
    Merida: But-(Sobbed)
    Darren: We can’t do anything(Sighed sadly)
    Crepsley: It seems our paths must part sire(Said to Vancha)
    Vancha: Aye(Croaked)
    Crepsley: We shared some good times
    Vancha: Great times
    Crepsley: Darren and Merida
    Darren and Merida: Larten(Smiling but crying)
    Gannen: Hurry! My grip is slipping, a few more seconds and I’ll-(Yelled)
     Crepsley: A few seconds will suffice, Darren and Merida do not let hatred rule your lives. Live as free vampires, do not become like Steve Leonard or R.V. My spirit will not rest easy in paradise if you two do.
    Gannen: I can’t…… hold……. Any longer!(Wheezed)
    Crepsley: Nor shall you have to
    Crepsley: Even in death may I be triumphant!(Yelled)
    Crepsley let go of the chain and dropped towards the stakes. Suddenly someone swung from a rope from the ceiling. They grabbed Crepsley around his waist and rose with him to the platform landing on their feet. It was Mika Ver Leth.
    Mika: Now!(Yelled)
    An army of vampires flew and ran in swords, swinging, knives darting, and axes chopping.
    Gannen: No!(Yelled throwing himself at Crepsley and Mika)
    Mika camly stepped in front of Crepsley sword ready and swung it cutting Gannen’s clean off the neck. Sending it sailing through the air like a bowling ball. Gannen’s lifeless headless body toppled over the side of the platform. Steve Leonard yelped, turned, and dashed for the safety of the tunnel. He’d made it almost to the end of the plank when Crepsley borrowed one of Mika’s knives, took careful aim, and sent it flying at Steve. The knife buried itself between Steve’s shoulder blades. He gasped, coughed up blood, and then collapsed to the floor dead. Merida was still sobbing into Darren’s chest thinking she lost someone who took her in after Kurda’s death a father figure who she loved very much.
    Darren: It’s okay, Crepsley’s safe and alive. The cavalry arrived.
    They both saw a fabulous figure pushing the fighting, orange hair flecked with blood.
    Darren and Merida: Crepsley!(They cried as they threw themselves into his arms)
    Crepsley: Master Shan! Princess Merida! Did you think I was finished?(Holding them tight)
    Darren and Merida: Yes(Sobbed)
    Crepsley: Hah! You do not get rid of me that easily! You two still have much to learn about our ways and customs. Who but I would have the patence to teach you?
    Darren: Vain old git!(Snuffled)
    Crepsley: Rude young brat!
    He forced them to look at his face, rubbed away their tears, and kissed their foreheads.
    Crepsley: I love you both!
    Darren and Merida: I love you too!
    It did not take long for the vampires to kill all the vampanese. Everyone returned to Vampire Mountain and celebrated for three days. After that Harkat went on a journey with Darren and Merida to find out who he used to be. Harkat found out he was Kurda Smult which made Darren and Merida closer to him and love him more than before especially Merida. The three returned to Vampire Mountain and kept the secret to themselves. From that moment on Crepsley, Darren, and Merida lived happily at the mountain for the rest of their vampire lives. And Harkat lived happily at the mountain for the rest of his life.
    Author notes:(I wrote the ending I did cause I wanted to write Darren's version and I love Crepsley too much it breaks my heart everytime I read the part about his death! I couldn't bring myself to put it in! Same with Kurda and Gavner!(More Kurda then Gavner!) but I know for the story to make sense I had to kill them. And I decided to make the Lord of the Shadows just Steve not Darren and make it where the Lord of the Shadows never happens because Steve dies)                              
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arctic-rising · 6 years
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tryna do a thing where i make outfits based off of the various animal apparel. first set: frogs!
Marsh Companion  Horned Companion Desert Companion Poison Companion Red-Eyed Tree Companion Toad Companion
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snaurus · 6 years
PROMPTS: gladnoctweek - kitty!noct (nyactis)
Pairings: Gladiolus Amicitia/Noctis Lucis Caelum Ratings: K+ Categories: Humor Warnings: Violence
Gladiolus isn’t feline well after the team’s latest scuffle with a Naga transforms Noctis into something nobody expects.
*Tap dances my way to doing this prompt all wrong for Day Five of @gladnoctweek* I also ended up doing the secondary prompt, but that response is queued for later today to keep from flooding the tags. 
Just some quick inspiration for this story: I think it’s kind of a popular opinion in fandom now, but credit to @demishock for sharing their headcanon with me about all of Gladio’s sneezing in-game being due to the big, beefy outdoorsman having (at least seasonal) allergies! They shared the observation with me first and I’ve since accepted it as truth, so I wanted to explore it here. 
My greatest heartfelt thanks also goes out to @glyphenthusiast for sharing all the laughter and comments on this story while editing it to the purrfection ya’ll see here today. <3
In her death throes the air was clouded by the Naga’s vestiges of magic. To Gladiolus' right, Prompto coughed and swatted the space in front of his nose. He only managed to spread the noxious-purple smoke around rather than disperse it.
Grabbing him by the arm, Gladiolus used the crook of his other limb to cover his mouth as he dragged Prompto to the edge of the Naga's circle of influence. Gladiolus didn't release him until they were safe from being cursed. Past his own hacking fit, Gladiolus managed to ask, "You okay?"
"Hnnng," Prompto said in response, bending at the waist. He sounded ready to hack up a lung or the contents of his stomach. Gladiolus patted him on the back. When Prompto didn't immediately drop dead he sought out their other companions.
"Roll call!" Gladiolus rasped.
Somewhere north of them, Ignis reported in. As the smoke finally cleared, Gladiolus saw him stumbling around, seemingly half-drunk. The lack of a certain prince's response had Gladiolus on alert. Ignoring his sore throat, he yelled, "Noct?"
Everyone sorted themselves out when they picked up on Noctis' absence, too. Shaking his head to re-orientate himself, Ignis turned in every direction; he checked high and low for any sign of their friend. Prompto cupped both hands around his mouth and called, "Croak if you can hear us, buddy!"
There came a reply, although it didn't originate from a human or an amphibian. A soft mewling echoed their frantic shouts. Gladiolus tore through the area as he tracked the origin of the noise, uncertain exactly where it was coming from. The Naga's body had yet to completely dissolve after its demise, so Gladiolus hefted her tail to permit Ignis and Prompto to search underneath.
"Gentle, gentle!" Ignis chided as Prompto coaxed a small, black bundle free of the wreckage. Gladiolus assumed it was a wad of gunk that had secreted from the daemon's remains, but no, when he dropped the Naga's body he saw how it took shape, even after Prompto wiped down the mound with the corner of his vest.
"Oh. Em. Gee!" Prompto swooned, cradling what turned out to be a fluffy and blue-eyed cat. "You've got to be kitten me, Noct! It is you, right?"
The cat yawned, evidence enough of who it was. During Prompto's cooing and awing, Ignis seemed perplexed while Gladiolus became apprehensive. The advisor leaned in, adjusting his glasses by the earpiece as he examined their miniaturized friend. "How curious. I'd noticed the variation in this particular foe, but who would have surmised that its repertoire would also be unique?"
"Right? But I'd rather a cat than a frog any day," Prompto said. Redirecting his attention to Gladiolus, who'd remained distanced from the group, he held Noctis toward the other man’s face. "What do you think, Gladio?"
Gladiolus balked at the sudden closeness. He opened his mouth to say something to the effect that he'd rather have Noctis sans sticky tongues, long tails, or any variations thereof. Except all that came out was a tremendous sneeze. At the onslaught Prompto clamped his eyes shut and stepped back, whereas Noctis had been in the direct line of the assault. Ears pressed flat against his skull, Noctis hissed and swatted a paw. He hit Gladiolus across the tip of his nose.
"Hey now!" Gladiolus said, clutching his face. His voice was muffled, although it became clear that it had nothing to do with the gesture, but how stuffed up his sinuses had become. "It's not my fault I'm allergic to His Royal Furriness!"
"Oh," Prompto said in acknowledgement. Then he did it again in realization. "Oh. Sorry, dude. I should have figured, what with your allergies and all…"
Prompto drew the cat back against his chest. Noctis must have felt constricted at the increased contact since he squirmed and yowled in protest, not so dissimilar to a motorcycle engine. To appease him, Prompto stroked under his chin. It wasn't clear if Noctis enjoyed the treatment; he might have been undecided himself because while he stopped his attempt at escape, Noctis kept making the noise deep in his throat.
Not that it was just Noctis' growls permuting the area. Gladiolus picked up on the disturbance, then Ignis. They inspected their surroundings, although it quickly became unnecessary. The daemons materialized smack dab in the middle of their group. One glowing, floating Bomb appeared, and another, and finally two more burst into existence at once.
Before Gladiolus could decide to summon his sword or his shield, an armful of pissed off fuzz and sharp fangs was shoved at him. He fumbled a moment, gathering Noctis by the scruff of his neck and holding him at arm's length. "Prompto, what— What am I supposed to do with him?"
"Come on, just for a sec? I need both hands free," he said, recalling his firearm and demonstrating his point by clutching the large gun. One hand was on the trigger and the other steadied the weapon. Gladiolus regarded Ignis for assistance, but the advisor was already fighting off some monsters with a dagger in each hand.
Cursing, Gladiolus transferred Noctis to his shoulder with gritted instructions to, “Hang on tight – no, not that tight, watch your claws!”
He settled on his shield, it flashing into place on his left arm. Gladiolus kept the other hand cupped over Noctis to keep him secured as he skirted the fight. It felt off not rushing in and designating himself as a threat, but Gladiolus refused to risk losing Noctis in the scuffle a second time. The potential for singed whiskers would be the least of their worries if that happened.
Fortunately, the others managed to distract the daemons well enough on their own. Once Prompto agitated a Bomb with an entire clip of ammo, Ignis unleashed an ice spell. What monsters he'd been chipping away at were disposed of in the same blizzard he generated to finish off Prompto's target. The last Bomb, sensing its impending demise, charged for the nearest victim to destroy with its deadly explosion.
Gladiolus was wide open. He tensed in anticipation. Instead of bracing to stop the monster, he side-stepped at the last possible moment. The daemon whizzed past him. Swinging around in the direction he'd turned, Gladiolus used his shield like a paddle to pummel the Bomb back the way it'd originated. It impaled itself on Ignis' spear, as he'd switched out his blades for distance, and ended the confrontation.
While Prompto cheered in victory, Gladiolus was busy trying to get Noctis to release his hold on him. The prince had slipped past his collar where Gladiolus couldn't reach him anymore; Noctis clung to the inside of his clothes. The back of Gladiolus' neck already itched something terrible and flushed with irritation.
Finally taking notice of Gladiolus' discomfort, Prompto asked, "Um, you all right there? Do you need some help—"
"Yes," he snapped, scrabbling at his back. "Get him off of me!"
"Okay, okay!" Prompto said, and approached him. He ducked as Gladiolus' flailing almost earned him an elbow to the eye. "Whoa, hold on!"
It took several attempts, but Prompto circled Gladiolus to nab him by the jacket. He shucked it up to reveal Noctis clinging to the underside of his shirt. For his trouble, Prompto earned a slash from Noctis’ claws when he went to retrieve him. He retracted his hand in time to keep from losing his fingers.
"Me-ouch! Noct, what's gotten into you?" Prompto asked.
"Leave him!" Ignis said, looking worriedly behind them. The sounds of more daemons spawning alerted them that another bout was imminent. "We have to find our camp or we'll never be rid of these fiends. Now hurry!"
"You're joking," Gladiolus seethed through his teeth (and maybe his watering eyes).
Ignis’ point became clear as an unnaturally large fist erupted out of the ground, signalling the arrival of an Iron Giant. Prompto tugged Gladiolus' shirt and jacket back down to secure Noctis in place. He pushed Gladiolus in the small of his back to urge him in the last direction they'd seen campfire smoke. "Come on, you heard him! Hup-two, hup-two, double time!"
They ran, Gladiolus resigned enough not to be told twice. The sooner they returned to camp, the sooner he could breathe easier. Literally.
Their group had been close to camp when they left the car at an abandoned parking lot. The desire for fresh red meat at dinner time had delayed them until nightfall. Their hunting had quickly turned them into the hunted as a Naga took advantage of them being outside the wards of their campsite.
Gladiolus covered that remaining distance in minutes.
He was the first one to see their refuge atop a small hill nestled by pine trees. As soon as he breached the glowing sigils, Gladiolus stripped. He ripped his jacket off completely and let it drop to his feet. His shirt came off next. Noctis still clung to the fabric, so Gladiolus wrapped him up in it like a burrito. The little shit had the audacity to purr at him for the gesture.
The other two of their group had lagged behind him during his mad dash to safety, but they caught up to him now. Prompto stumbled the last couple of steps, but whatever complaint he was going to voice morphed into laughter. Pointing, he said, "Oh man, look at your back!"
"What?" Gladiolus twisted around, trying to get a good look, but could only spot the etchings of his tattoo. "What is it? Better not be hives."
"No way, more like Noct used you as a scratching post. I can't believe this! The King's Shield, felled by a ten pound menace." Prompto gave him a hearty slap on the back, igniting the skin as he touched some of the aforementioned scratches. Gladiolus grunted, more out of annoyance than pain, as he barely registered the scrapes even after Prompto brought attention to the marks.
Ignis chuckled. "Noct certainly put you in your place, hm?"
"Yeah, yeah. Yuck it up you two." Sobering somewhat, Gladiolus offered Noctis to Ignis as he asked, "How long do you, uh, think he is going to be like this?"
"He should have reverted back by now," Ignis said, accepting the bundle. He examined Noctis, but no answers were forthcoming. "If Noct remains this way until morning, perhaps we should reach out to Dave. He or one of his hunters may have experienced something of this nature and can offer us insight."
"Right," Prompto agreed for all of them, then tiredly, "Bedtime? Not much else we can do."
Considering they'd been forced to abandon their food for the evening and their stores were depleted, dinner remained out of the question. There was a collective sigh as everyone came to the same conclusion. Sleeping was about all they could do.
"I'll keep watch tonight. No use for me being cooped up with the fur ball," Gladiolus volunteered, somewhat reluctantly. He didn’t mind the outdoors, but if given the choice he’d rather be within reach if Noctis needed him. In this form Noctis was next to defenseless. The prince wouldn’t be alone, however, so Gladiolus would have to settle for one evening.
He took a seat at the campfire while the others bid him goodnight and entered the tent. Hopefully the fresh air and some distance would alleviate his allergy symptoms. Gladiolus tilted his head back and massaged his temples, trying to ease the pressure.
It might have worked, too, if a couple hours later there wasn't something circling his legs. Gladiolus startled out of his doze and looked down to behold Noctis brushing against his ankles. Glancing in the direction of the tent, there didn't appear to be any activity coming from inside. Noctis must have snuck out from under Prompto's and Ignis' care without their noticing.
"Just gotta be contrary, don't you?" Gladiolus rumbled, still a little sleep addled. It'd figure that the one time Noctis was allowed a catnap, he wouldn't, just so he could annoy the one person most susceptible to him. He waggled his foot when Noctis sniffed and pawed at his bootlaces. The playing was a precursor to Noctis latching onto his leg and climbing into his lap like he owned the spot.
Despite his condition, Gladiolus gave Noctis a couple scritches along his back because damned if he wasn't a little cute like this. For Gladiolus' sacrifice, he earned a gentle headbutt to his chin. Noctis then used Gladiolus’ chest and shoulder like a springboard to continue upwards. Noctis attached himself to a tree at Gladiolus' back, clambering up to a branch that overhung their campsite.
"Don't think I'm coming up to get you if you get stuck," Gladiolus warned. He didn't know why he felt compelled to talk to Noctis in this form, but around his sniffling he did, anyway. It was unclear if the prince understood speech or that he was actually a person under all that black fur. The one time Gladiolus had been transformed by a Naga he didn't remember his time as a frog, but considering the alteration in forms maybe this was different, too.
Noctis peered down at him and gave a long, blank stare that ended in a slow blink. It struck Gladiolus as the same attention Noctis would have bestowed upon him regardless of being a feline or not. He wasn’t a talkative cat, either – same as his old human self. Maybe the prince did understand him like this.
"Heh. Suit yourself," Gladiolus said, managing to relax with Noctis in his sights, and let him be until the following day.
At the first signs of daylight, a surprised cry arose from inside the tent. There was a lot of shuffling, the material on the sides protruding as someone moved around. Ignis burst out the front, looking frenzied and unkempt as he looked around. Spotting Gladiolus standing nearby, holding a steaming cup of coffee, Ignis zeroed in on him.
"Gladio! I can't find Noct. Did you see him come this way?"
Wordlessly, Gladiolus motioned with his mug toward the spot Noctis had climbed earlier. Following his silent instruction, Ignis glanced up and found Noctis splayed across the tree branch. His face was squished into the bark and each limb splayed on either side, leaving the length of his body parallel to the wood.
Noctis was also distinctly human while lazing up there.
"How did he…how is he…? Hm." Ignis settled on covering the bottom portion of his face with a hand, pondering the sight.
"He changed back halfway through the night," Gladiolus explained, taking a sip from his coffee.
Somewhat delayed, Prompto exited the tent, having been woken up by Ignis' antics. His hair was in disarray and so were his clothes, but he stopped trying to correct his appearance as he spotted Gladiolus and Ignis staring at something. Flitting his gaze upwards, he watched Noctis for a drawn out beat. Prompto didn't even say anything as he tucked his hand into his pocket and gradually started to pull out his camera.
Ignis pushed the device away and said, "Don't you dare! We should be figuring out how to get him down from there, not taking pictures."
"Aw, come on…" Prompto whined, acting pained at being denied 'the shot of a lifetime'. Or so he claimed.
"Pft. I got this," Gladiolus said, handing Ignis his coffee to hold. Bewildered, Ignis couldn't do more than accept the drink and watch as Gladiolus did a couple stretches. He brought his right arm across his chest, holding it in place, and did the same to the opposite arm.
Then Gladiolus high-kicked the tree.
Noctis listed to one side before tumbling off the tree branch and into Gladiolus' waiting arms. That wasn't enough to wake the prince, so Gladiolus gave him a light squeeze. Grumbling, Noctis peeked open an eye. The other opened up as both eyes went wide as he realized where, exactly, he was. "Huh…?"
"Good meow-ning, Noct," Prompto greeted.
"How are you faring?" Ignis asked straight-faced, for all appearances sincere until he added, "Perhaps you’re feeling a bit catty? Any lingering hissy fits?"
Bewildered, Noctis looked between the three of them, settling on Gladiolus as he mouthed 'what the fuck?' But oh, Gladiolus had his own form of payback planned. He’d had all night to contemplate the puns he was going to unleash on him, after all.
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