#republican terrorism
geezerwench · 10 months
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NOT her brother, you tools. 🙄
This is what the San Bernardino Sheriff's Department was hiding. Estranged son of a Florida cop who wanted to kill cops.
Travis Ikeguchi, a "christian," shot and killed Laura Ann Carleton for displaying an LGBTQ Pride flag.
There's no hate like christian love.
"This was part of a Republican-led stochastic terrorism campaign. It's doubtful that this will be the last death at the hands of the Republican Party's radicalized foot soldiers— be they organized fascist militant groups or random individual terrorists."
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danu2203 · 1 year
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saltypiss · 1 year
Republicans have no standards or morals, they react based on uncomplex emotional nones.
"Guns don't kill people"
We had 39 mass shootings in under 25 days. Every day there has been a mass shooting in 2023. Everyday.
"We need more guns!"
Yet the problem is still guns being Point and Click Kill Tools anyone can get regardless of their history or mental health and soon even age. What scientific Median is the "right" amount of guns? Or are we just gonna make the problem impossible to fix and the country uninhabitable first?
"My body my choice"
They screamed at the top of their decaying covid filled lungs Right Up Until Roe vs Wade got undone. No cohesion, complete clown world, no principles, no morality, not an ounce of thought or reasonability.
Churches have Child Molestor Insurance but go off.
The republican politicians you suck the toes of are likely convicted sex offenders, that's page 41 btw.
0 drag shows have had any pedophilia. Especially the ones republicans banned at a fucking bar. A Bar.
"Political correctness!"
Tan suit
Dijon mustard
Zelenksy's tan shirt
Republicans voted to make it illegal for women to wear pants in congress.
Republicans boycott a beer company because it had a rainbow on it. They were unsuccessful.
Republicans banned books, a book about a seahorse because it was "woke" when it was biologically factual how it reproduced.
Republicans cried when Rage Against the Machine, turned out to be Raging Against the Machine (republicans)
Republicans steal music all the time. Never pay people either. Have to walk back terroristic claims like pussies.
Republicans so far near solely have been getting arrested over and over for severe levels of corruption Trump Allowed.
There's no real reason to act like political correctness is one sided when one side fails sometimes to recognize actual "isms" while the other side Banned Gays from being mentioned at all in schools.
And banned Trans medical works because of fearmongering with still to this day 0 proof of any claims made.
And banned women's medical procedures because abortion is too hard of a concept to accept as the lesser evil and had to lie doctors have ever aborted a baby instead of always a fetus.
Thinking is against political correctness, both sides are dumb, but only one side is ever successful in causing harm via political correctness.
PC for republicans means solely being white and not mentioning problems that aren't about black people or the libz.
PC for democrats is don't be racist even accidentally or I swear to god I'll make going online not fun for a whooooole month! But only sometimes. Not remotely always. Usually mislead, usually backtracks and apologizes. Usually some degree learn from their mistakes and move on.
Never republicans. They do, forget, move on.
Point is, republicans have no platform other than blind hatred. Killing black people isn't fixing the economy or roads. Killing trans people isn't solving poverty. Killing immigrants isn't helping anyone get a job.
But that's republicans for ya. Is it even terrorism if you make terrorism your party platform that 30% of the country, 50% of voters, accept? Obviously yes, but ask a republican in various ways and the answer becomes a proud, ignorant, hateful: "No"
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mysharona1987 · 5 months
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IDF: “We are the most moral army in the world.”
Guys, you literally bombed a church full of nuns.
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We can mock them but we can never dismiss them. This is just the tip of the iceberg from Moscow Marge’s vile social media.
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shutinthenutouse · 3 months
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Don Jr and his band of social media strategists are no doubt behind this brazen stochastic terrorism.
Threats against federal elected officials are against the law. The Secret Service until recently would investigate every threat no matter how unlikely and prosecute nearly all. Now anything goes with Republican domestic terrorists who are somehow above the law. This can not and should not be allowed to stand. They have threatened us, our leaders, and our democracy for decades. It’s past time they were held accountable.
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danu2203 · 1 month
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lichozestudni · 4 months
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#russian propaganda
#russian imperialism
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mysharona1987 · 8 months
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agentfascinateur · 25 days
In an era of equal rights, some chose to go backwards...
Ahead of the vote, a group of 25 Senate Republicans introduced legislation — the No Official Palestine Entry (NOPE) Act — that would prevent US funding from going to the United Nations and other organizations that grant the Palestinians “any status, rights, or privileges beyond observer status.”
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nando161mando · 1 month
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The amount of times a Libertarian admit out loud that their Ideological Standpoints are a LARP to cover for the reality that they are Fascist Bootlickers that seek to appeal of Fascism is equal to the amount of grains of sand on a beach.
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