#Republicans are Fascist
shutinthenutouse · 1 month
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"youre being an alarmist"
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The party of Telling on Themselves is actually conflating queer ppl/our allies with pedophiles and would happily see us tried to death as pedophiles if we get in between Desantis and human rights.
Fascist ideologues taught that national identity was the foundation of individual identity and should not be corrupted by foreign influences, especially if they were left-wing. Nazism condemned Marxist and liberal internationalisms as threats to German national unity.
Fascists in general wanted to replace internationalist class solidarity with nationalist class collaboration. The Italian, French, and Spanish notion of integral nationalism was hostile to individualism and political pluralism. Unlike democratic conservatives, fascists accused their political opponents of being less “patriotic” than they, sometimes even labeling them “traitors.”
Fascists often blamed their countries’ problems on scapegoats. Jews, Freemasons, Marxists, and immigrants were prominent among the groups that were demonized. According to fascist propaganda, the long depression of the 1930s resulted less from insufficient government regulation of the economy or inadequate lower-class purchasing power than from “Judeo-Masonic-bolshevik” conspiracies, left-wing agitation, and the presence of immigrants. The implication was that depriving these demons of their power and influence would cause the nation’s major problems to go away.
Which includes everyone else they targeted of course. Queer folk included. For depriving the Aryan race of children.
From the same entry:
Fascists praised the Volk and pandered to populist anti-intellectualism. Nazi art criticism, for example, upheld the populist view that the common man was the best judge of art and that art that did not appeal to popular taste was decadent. Also populist was the Nazi propaganda theme that Hitler was a “new man” who had “emerged from the depth of the people.”
This is the ideology behind banning drag. Labeling it as legally obscene which generally means "offensive or disgusting by accepted standards of morality and decency." There is no singular legal definition. Whatever locals see fit. Which is how Desantis is getting away with what he's doing.
Pretty direct tie to that is this next bit:
Revolutionary Image
[...] Under the Third Reich, Goebbels subsidized an exhibition of modern art not to celebrate its glory but to expose its decadence; he called it simply the “Exhibition of Degenerate Art.” Fascism’s claims to newness did not prevent its propagandists from pandering to fearful traditionalists who associated cultural modernism with secular humanism, feminism, sexual license, and the destruction of the Christian family.
And for all the leftists constantly saying to disregard the rural, more conservative areas like the ones I'm in. To the ones saying "they're a useless effort" and to focus on cities.
Fascists also pandered to antiurban feelings. The Nazis won most of their electoral support from rural areas and small towns. In Nazi propaganda the ideal German was not an urban intellectual but a simple peasant, and uprooted intellectualism was considered a threat to the deep, irrational sources of the Volk soul. Jews were often portrayed—and therefore condemned—as quintessential city dwellers. In 1941 La Rocque commented: “The theory of ‘families of good stock who have their roots in the earth’ leads us to conclusions not far from [those of] Walter Darre, Minister of Agriculture for the Reich.” Romanian fascism relied heavily on the support of landed peasants who distrusted the “wicked” city. The agrarian wing of Japanese fascism praised the peasant soldier and denigrated the industrial worker.
Yeah. Gives new meaning to "those damn city folk" which is you guessed it: a dogwhistle.
"oh but the Democrats aren't racist or-" I mean they are but even if they weren't:
Varieties of fascism
Just as Marxists, liberals, and conservatives differed within and between various countries, so too did fascists. In some countries there were rivalries between native fascist movements over personal, tactical, and other differences. Fascist movements also displayed significant differences with respect to their acceptance of racism and particularly anti-Semitism, their identification with Christianity, and their support for Nazi Germany.
Identification with Christianity
Most fascist movements portrayed themselves as defenders of Christianity and the traditional Christian family against atheists and amoral humanists. This was true of Catholic fascist movements in Poland, Spain, Portugal, France, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, and Brazil.
[...]Although fascists in Germany and Italy also posed as protectors of the church, their ideologies contained many elements that conflicted with traditional Christian beliefs, and their policies were sometimes opposed by church leaders. The Nazis criticized the Christian ideals of meekness and guilt on the grounds that they repressed the violent instincts necessary to prevent inferior races from dominating Aryans
Sound familiar maybe?
Many fascist ideas derived from the reactionary backlash to the progressive revolutions of 1789, 1830, 1848, and 1871 and to the secular liberalism and social radicalism that accompanied these upheavals
Secular liberalism- Political ideology: Secular liberalism is a form of liberalism in which secularist principles and values, and sometimes non-religious ethics, are especially emphasised. It supports the separation of religion and state.
Radical politics denotes the intent to transform or replace the fundamental principles of a society or political system, often through social change, structural change, revolution or radical reform. The process of adopting radical views is termed radicalisation.
So they just took advantage of people in rural areas, used their support for subtle fascist policies to develop fascism and silence to people who opposed them fascism. In a time of social upheaval. Huh.
That's funny, it sounds just like the radicalization of people in rural areas across the US that are sick of the status quo and politicians using that momentum to push discriminatory bills and silence opposition... happening right now...in 2023 after a few years of protests in a row.
This one's easier to read in modern day if you interpret this as being "anti-woke"
Racial Darwinists such as Vogt, Haeckel, Treitschke, Langbehn, Lagarde, and Chamberlain glorified the survival of the fittest, scolded humanitarians for attempting to protect the racially unfit, and rejected the idea of social equality (“Equality is death, hierarchy is life,” wrote Langbehn). Chamberlain saw no reason to give inferior races equal rights. Treitschke raged against democracy, socialism, and feminism (all of which he attributed to Jews), insisted that might made right, and praised warrior imperialism (“Brave peoples expand, cowardly peoples perish”).
But surely it couldn't have listed even trad-wives and the divine feminist TERF nonsense right???
In the late 19th century many conservative nationalists were philosophical idealists who accused liberals and socialists of materialism and thereby portrayed their own politics as more spiritual.
And lastly:
Although in principle there were significant differences between fascism and nonfascist conservatism, the two camps shared some of the same goals, which in times of crisis led some nonfascists to collaborate with fascists.
As Weiss observed, “Any study of fascism which centers too narrowly on the fascists and Nazis alone may miss the true significance of right-wing extremism. For without necessarily becoming party members or accepting the entire range of party principles themselves, aristocratic landlords, army officers, government and civil service officials, and important industrialists in Italy and Germany helped bring fascists to power.”
[...]During the Great Depression, thousands of middle-class conservatives fearful of the growing power of the left abandoned traditional right-wing parties and adopted fascism. The ideological distance traveled from traditional conservatism to Nazism was sometimes small, since many of the ideas that Hitler exploited in the 1930s had long been common currency within the German right.
Fascists also received support from Christian conservatives. Between 1930 and 1932 Hitler was supported by many Protestant voters in rural Prussia, and after 1933 the Catholic church in Germany largely accommodated itself to his regime. In 1933 the Vatican, which had previously interdicted Catholic membership in socialist organizations, signed a concordat with Germany that forbade priests to speak out on politics and gave Hitler a say in naming bishops.
The postwar period to the end of the 20th century
[...]Neofascist parties differed from earlier fascist movements in several significant respects, many of them having to do with the profound political, economic, and social changes that took place in Europe in the first decades after the end of the war.
For example, whereas fascists assigned much of the blame for their countries’ economic problems to the machinations of bolsheviks, liberals, and Jews, neofascists tended to focus on non-European immigrants—such as Turks, Pakistanis, and Algerians—who arrived in increasing numbers beginning in the 1970s.
[...] Finally, the gradual acceptance of democratic norms by the vast majority of western Europeans reduced the appeal of authoritarian ideologies and required that neofascist parties make a concerted effort to portray themselves as democratic and “mainstream.”
Some neofascists even included words like “democratic” and “liberal” in the titles of their movements.
Most neofascists abandoned the outward trappings of earlier fascist parties, such as paramilitary uniforms and Roman salutes, and many explicitly denounced fascist policies or denied that their parties were fascist. Noting this transformation, in 1996 Roger Eatwell cautioned: “Beware of men—and women—wearing smart Italian suits: the colour is now gray, the material is cut to fit the times, but the aim is still power.…Fascism is on the move once more, even if its most sophisticated forms have learned to dress to suit the times.” Similarly, historian Richard Wolin described these movements as “designer fascism.”
As with fascist movements of the interwar period, neofascist movements differed from one another in various respects.
The rhetoric of neofascists in Russia and the Balkans, for example, tended to be more openly brutal and militaristic than that of the majority of their Western counterparts.
[...] Portuguese, British, and (for a time) Italian neofascists advocated corporatism, in contrast to French and many other Western neofascists, who promoted free-market capitalism and lower taxes. In the 1990s in Russia and eastern Europe, neofascist movements were generally more leftist than their counterparts in western Europe, emphasizing the interests of workers and peasants over those of the urban middle class and calling for “mixed” socialist and capitalist economies.
One of the largest neofascist movements in western Europe in the 1990s was the Italian Social Movement (Movimento Sociale Italiano [MSI]; renamed the National Alliance [Alleanza Nazionale] in 1994). Founded in 1946, it was led at various times by Giorgio Almirante, Augusto De Marsanich, Arturo Michelini, and Gianfranco Fini. As an official in Mussolini’s Italian Social Republic, a puppet state established by the Germans in northern Italy in 1944, Almirante oversaw the regime’s propaganda machinery.
When the MSI was launched in 1946, Almirante sought to give it a modern image, urging its members to “beware of representing fascism in a grotesque way, or at any rate, in an outdated, anachronistic, and stupidly nostalgic way.”
Fascists aren't stupid and they've had a long time to plan out how to make their beliefs publicly acceptable.
Tumblr user daj2793 is showing us how that includes aligning their opponents with people that the majority would find reprehensible to defend.
It's a very simple pill to swallow if you don't know what's in it.
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demontruth · 24 days
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thatheathen · 1 year
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Literal motherfucking genocide!
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wilwheaton · 10 months
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The Ten Pillars of Fascist Politics by Jason Stanley
Above is a July 6, 2021 twitter thread by Yale philosophy professor Jason Stanley, PhD, which outlines the 10 pillars of fascist politics. It shows just how fascist most of the Republican Party has become under Trump’s leadership. The current MAGA GQP has incorporated each of the above 10 pillars into its talking points and philosophy. 
This is why the GQP has been up in arms about Biden accurately calling their Trumpist political ideology “semi-fascism.” 
Feel free to share this with your relatives and friends who want to defend the direction the GQP has been going in. [Just be prepared when they counterattack to explain why the Democratic Party is not “communist” or “socialist,” but a center left political party, with its most extreme members being social democrats (even Bernie Sanders and AOC aren’t really democratic socialists)].
Note: The visual formatting of how the original tweet in the thread appears, as well as the visual formatting of pillars number 2 - 9 were modified from their source; furthermore, the translation of “ARBEIT MACH FREI” AS “WORK MAKES ONE FREE” was added to pillar #10.
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MAGA Mike can go have sex with himself 🖕
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rejectingrepublicans · 3 months
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shutinthenutouse · 5 months
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aberration13 · 8 months
I don't think enough people are paying attention to project 2025. I know it's a big document and I don't really expect the average person to read it all or anything like that but being aware of it and knowing some of the key plans/goals it describes is probably pretty useful.
Like you know how in movies the evil villain goes on a monologue describing their whole evil plan and you think "they just revealed everything, If that were me I would know exactly how to stop them now"
This is that. Conservatives just outlined their whole evil plan in detail down to the who, what, when, where, how, and why's of the things they intend to do if they take the presidency again, the thing is 900 pages long and basically anything you might want to know or plan countermeasures for is in there.
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slipping-into-madness · 5 months
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liberalsarecool · 1 year
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If you were to identify a groomer and sexual predator, the idea of demanding young girls give over intimate details of their menstrual cycle in order to play sports would top the list.
Abusing young girls and invading their privacy is just politics for Republicans.
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thatheathen · 1 year
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via ErinInTheMorn | Erin Reed Substack | House Bill 0009
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wilwheaton · 1 year
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fuck these fascists
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republicansexscandals · 6 months
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What does he have to say about a billionaire that cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn actress he paid for sex?
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