#richard hammond fanfiction
albionscastle · 2 years
In The Workshop
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You were grateful that you had brought your headphones, you thought as Elvis crooned in your ears. Looking across the giant garage you could see the three biggest idiots in the world gathered around an old Jag, it’s hood up while they clearly argued. Business as usual then, you shrugged, before getting back to your paperwork. This was supposed to be a work weekend, but as expected you were the only one getting anything achieved. The chance of them doing anything productive had gone out the window the moment Hammond’s new acquisition had been revealed. The tools had come out, followed by the beer and after about five minutes they had all forgotten you were even in the workshop with them.
Watching them in action when there were no cameras around was incredibly fun, even if you didn’t have sound. Clarkson was clearly trying to take the upper hand as he spun on a stool, motioning to May and Hammond who were actually doing the work. No doubt he was extolling the virtues of Alfa Romeos over Jags while May, who had ruined his shirt with engine oil was telling him off, complete with peeved-off look and sweeping hand gestures. Sneaking another glance over, you saw Hammond ignoring them and looking at the engine with an expression that could only have been called love. Your stomach twitched a bit as you watched him slide his hands over the body of the car in a way that could only be described as pornographic, at least to you.
Turning back to your work again you sucked in a few deep breaths, trying to put the image of those hands sliding over your skin out of your mind.
“He’s your boss, he employs you.” you muttered over and over under your breath.
Catching feelings for one of the men that paid your wages was about the stupidest thing you could ever do and you were determined to nip it in the bud before you made a total ass of yourself. The fact that you had been telling yourself for a year, didn’t escape you. The mistake had been meeting Hammond in the first place, one solid handshake and a smile and you had been reduced to jelly inside and out. You had never believed in love at first sight but damnit if lust at first sight hadn’t up and slammed you in the gut and taken up residence.
So far you thought you had done an excellent job of hiding it, actually loving your job and desperately wanting to keep it had helped with that. Being so busy and happy in your work meant that those pesky feelings rarely made themselves noticeable and you were able to function like a normal human being. Except on days like today. This was the first time you had been to Hammond’s ‘castle’, usually refusing to be the only female during a boy’s weekend. This time, however, you had been given no choice in the matter. James himself had shown up at your flat after work on Friday and told you to pack your bag. Every excuse had been ignored and the overbearing bastard had even threatened to haul you out to the car if you didn’t come willingly.
Seeing Hammond in his home environment was somehow much worse than seeing him in the office. Here the atmosphere was more relaxed, no-one had to watch what they said and did and you were seeing more of the real person behind the persona he presented for television. It was killing you. It was impossible to be unaffected when he proudly showed you around his space, almost shyly seeking your opinion of a room or an interesting piece of art. You had to literally swallow your heart back into your chest when you watched him playing exuberantly with his dogs. You had never seen him so happy and relaxed. Last night you had laid awake groaning into your pillow as you wondered when attraction had turned into something more, something deeper that you would never be able to speak out loud. Now, with this new knowledge tightening around your heart, you couldn’t seem to keep yourself together as much as you would have liked and you kept sneaking looks over to where they were working, letting your eyes settle on him when you were sure that no-one was watching. He was so short compared to the other two that it was hard to remember he still had a good five inches on you, not that you noticed. What you saw was a messy lock of brown hair falling over his forehead as he leaned over the engine, his face furrowed in concentration. You followed the smooth skin of his arms, muscles taut as he fiddled, the black t-shirt pulled tight across his chest. A hitch in your breath as he leaned over further, the shirt pulling up and revealing just enough of his stomach to be a tease, and those jeans should have been illegal, you thought as they stretched tight across his thighs and other places that you couldn’t even think about.
A change of artist on your playlist brought you crashing back to reality, with a clashing of drums and guitar making you jump, and you realized you had been staring, your pen between your teeth, completely oblivious to everything around you. Your cheeks flushed hot and red as you tried to gather your senses, unaware that you had in fact been caught. Shaking your head to try and clear your thoughts you didn’t notice the huddle around the car, or the pats on shoulders as Clarkson and May excused themselves with knowing smiles.
May stopped by the table where you sat and got your attention by tugging out your headphones.
“We’re going into town for supplies, can you make sure the Hamster doesn’t kill himself before we get back?”
Still flustered, you nodded your head in response, noticing a weird twinkle in his eye. You narrowed yours questioningly.
“I’m just saying, if he looks like he’s getting into trouble, find a way to distract him.”
He winked with a giggle before beating a hasty retreat, leaving you alone with the oblivious object of your increasingly inappropriate thoughts.
“Y/N? You wouldn’t mind bringing me a beer would you? Those two idiots just nicked off and left me empty.”
“Oh, allow me to remedy this travesty immediately sir. Should I have them arrested for cruelty to hamsters?” you joked as you usually did, walking over to his well-stocked fridge and grabbing two bottles.
“Oh ha ha ha, you’re so funny.” he groused with a grin.
“No, what I am is a fully capable human being with two legs who is able to get to the fridge. What happened to you? You lose your legs in battle?”
You were overcompensating with humor, you knew it but you were rattled today and not feeling sure of yourself. Resorting to humor was your go to defense, which worked well with these three as you were more than a match for their ribbing.
“I did break my leg, remember, smart arse.”
That was two years ago, how long are you going to milk it?” you laughed, handing him his beer, then perching on the stool Clarkson had vacated to take a long swig of your own.
“Well that depends, if you’re willing to massage it I can draw it out for quite some time.”
“I’m not that kind of assistant you retorted, attempting to disguise the fact that you had almost spat out your beer at his comment.
He always had been a flirt.
“Pity.” he shrugged, stretching his leg out as if it was actually hurting him and drawing your eye to the far too good fit of his jeans.
“Does it really still bother you that much?” you asked. You hated to think of him in pain and you knew the injury had been a bad one.
“Sometimes.” he took a swig of his beer before setting it on the engine block. “Sometimes I just use it as an excuse to have a pretty woman bring me a beer.”
“Shall I go find you one then?” you joked, cheeks turning pink.
He didn’t answer, just looked at you in the way he sometimes did, like you were a puzzle he was trying to figure out.
“So anyway, what’s so special about this wreck?” you waved your arm at the car to change the awkward banter.
“Wreck?! Did you just call her a wreck?” Hammond put his hand on either side of the bonnet as if it had ears, looking at you in indignant horror. “It’s ok baby, she didn’t mean it, Don’t listen to the mean lady.”
He glared at you.
“Say sorry.”
You hopped off the stool, throwing your arms up in surrender as you approached the car. Squatting down, you pretended it was talking to you, while Hammond scowled down at you.
“Sorry, pretty car.” You ran your hand along the fender, secretly enjoying the lines of the vehicle. “She says the tiny, shouty man needs to be nicer to his assistant or she’ll cut off his beer supply.”
“She did not.” he laughed.
“I assure you she did.” you sniffed with all the fake dignity you could muster, unable to keep the grin off your face. “Seriously though, I know shit about cars, but she’s a beauty. I always liked the older ones.”
“Really? Why’s that?” He was watching you over the neck of his bottle as you ran your fingers over the car.
“Yeah, they just seem to have more character than modern cars. Newer cars are all just space-age shows with no personality, but something like this…” you trailed off, realizing you were babbling and probably making no sense at all. “Sorry.”
You took another long drink from your beer while looking everywhere but at him.
“Don’t be sorry, I feel the same way. Though I don’t hate a nice new supercar, I prefer a classic.”
“Cause you can’t crash one of these at 150 mph?” you snarked, then immediately realized how inappropriate it was to joke about it.
Hammond just chuckled, putting his beer down again.
“Just for that I’m going to make you pay. Come over here.” he growled, pointing at the spot right in front of him.
Gulping and feeling guilty you did as he ordered, looking properly contrite.
“Jeeze, that face, I’m just going to have you help me with the engine, not spank you, unless…..”
You really hoped he didn’t notice the shiver that went down your spine at his words.
“Come on, I just need you to lean in there and hold this still for me.”
He pointed at an area way down inside the engine so you bent over the side of the car, reaching in and grabbing the first thing you felt.
“This?” you questioned over your shoulder.
“Let me check.” he chuckled from behind you.
All the breath left in your body left in a woosh as he leaned over you to reach into the engine, half his body flush with yours and pressing you into the hard metal of the fender. His fingers skimmed gently down your arm to your hand, feeling the part you had a hold of.
“Not quite. Here.” his breath was hot in your ear as he guided your fingers into the correct position. “Now hold.”
He pushed away from you to grab a tool from the table, making a loud clatter.
“This isn’t very comfortable, you know.” you managed, cheeks red at the thought of how you must look.
“Mmmmhmmm.” he murmured, walking back to you with what looked like a wrench. “I’m going to adjust you a sec, ok?”
His hands were on your hips before you could even reply, gently moving your lower body, brushing against the bare skin where your t-shirt had ridden up. This time there was no hiding the shiver, or the goosebumps that broke out on your skin.
“Sorry love, but otherwise I’d literally have to lay on top of you to get to the part and we don’t want that do we?”
“Speak for yourself.” you muttered under your breath as he stretched out beside you, hands running down your arms again.
“What was that?” he was fiddling with the part you were holding in place, so close his cheek kept brushing against yours.
To quote Jane Austen, you were half agony half hope.
“Nothing.” was all you could manage for fear of your thoughts making their way to your tongue, which was so close that you could have licked the smooth skin of his neck.
Ok mostly agony, because though your thoughts were running wild, they were just that. Hammond was completely oblivious and would probably run for the hills if he knew what you were thinking.
“You ok?”
Sure, I’m just imagining this exact scenario except instead of you fucking about with a car part, you’re nailing me into the side of the car.
“I’m good, my arms are a little sore.” you managed instead.
“Almost there darlin, just a minute more.” he grunted, fingers brushing yours as he fiddled with the part. “Just about got it. That’s it! Come on now baby.” He was giving you ample inspiration for the fantasy you would undoubtedly have about him when you hit your pillow tonight.
Miserable bastard.
“Ok that should do it, can you just hold it for a second longer for me?”
You nodded and in response he slid back, leaning over your back again to take a look down into the engine. You felt his crotch dig into your hip as he rested his weight on you and you could have sworn… No, you told yourself as he pulled away to stand up, it was his belt or something.
“Right love, let’s get you up then.” he was chuckling as you pulled your almost numb arms from where they had been stretched and tried, unsuccessfully, to push yourself up with muscles that had turned to jelly. “Here, I’ve got you.”
His hands came under your arms as he pulled your body into an upright position, a fine idea except that your  knees had also turned to jelly and you collapsed back against him as he pulled you up. His arm was now wrapped around your waist as he helped you stay upright and you could feel his chest rise and fall with every breath, the taut muscle of his stomach against your back the…
Wait, what the hell? You went shock still, your breath hitching as his arm tightened around your waist. Hi hot breath was on your neck and you could have sworn he was panting, just as you were. Your hands came to rest on his forearm, to hold him there, his skin just as soft and smooth as you had imagined. Without warning you felt a sharp nip of teeth on your earlobe, enough to make you gasp, before the flat of this tongue reached out to slide over the same spot.
“Christ Jesus!” you hissed.
“Not quite, dear.” he murmured against your neck. “But I appreciate the compliment.”
“What’s happening?” you managed to whisper, fingers gripping his arm tightly as his teeth scraped against your skin.
He sighed suddenly, leaning back and moving his hands to your hips to slowly spin you around to face him.
“Look at me.” he ordered gently, using a finger to tilt your face up to his. When you were finally brave enough to meet his eyes he smiled softly. “I’m going to kiss you, but if you don’t want me to, say the word now and I’ll back off.”
You could only gape at him. No way were you going to say a single word in case he didn’t go through with it. His smile changed as he stepped forward to close the gap between you, his hands moving to either side of your face, thumbs brushing over your cheeks. Wolfish now, you could see his teeth behind his lips and you swallowed hard, unable to look away from his mouth, wondering when someone was going to pinch you awake from this dream.
“Ok then.” was all he said before he pounced.
Your fingers bunched at the waistband of his jeans was the only thing holding you up as his lips brushed feather light across yours, once, then harder, his mouth soft and warm and the prickly hair of his goatee scratching your face gently. His hands slid down your neck and shoulders, palms running down your back until his arms were around your waist, pulling your body hard against his, your mouth opening to his tongue as he groaned into you. You moved your fingers to tangle in his hair, gripping and pulling as you slid your tongue against his, a thrill shooting down your spin into a warm twisting pulse between your thighs. You felt your knees give out as the tip of his tongue scraped along the roof of your mouth, the moan that escaped you primal and wild. Hammond’s hands slid down in response, gripping and lifting until you were up in his arms with your legs wrapped around his waist. He walked you the three steps to the car, setting you down on the fender without breaking contact with your lips for even a moment. In all your life you had never been kissed like this, and you never wanted him to stop.
He hissed into your mouth when you dragged your nails down his neck, down his chest and stomach until you could grip his hips, pulling him as close as you could get him, the feel of his hard length between your legs almost more than you could handle. A smile against your mouth as he began to grind against you. You just needed him, wanted him so much you were willing to let him have you right there, right now. Arching your back you silently encouraged him to put his hands on you, sighing happily as his lips and tongue blazed a path down your neck, one hand cupping your breast through your shirt, scraping his thumbnail back and forth across the nipple, making you squirm. You bit his neck softly, feeling him shiver under your fingers that had found their way under his shirt to stroke his back.
“Oh god Richard.” you sighed, resting your forehead on his shoulder, completely overwhelmed.
“You’ve never called me that before,” he whispered, tugging your earlobe with his teeth. “I like it.”
The sound of a car on the gravel drive was like a bucket of icy water being poured over the two of you and you sprang apart like two teenagers caught necking in the park.
“Fuck, they’re back. Perfect bloody timing as usual.” he growled, helping you down from the car and over to the stool where you quickly grabbed your now warm beer to  make it look like you had been there all along. Richard stood beside you a moment, gazing at you before he leaned over to kiss you sweetly.
“Just so you know, I’m absolutely mad about you, have been for ages.” he whispered before jumping away to assume a position leaning into the car engine, trying to hide the obvious bulge in the front of his jeans. He looked over his shoulder at you, winking as the door to the workshop was flung open and the two idiots walked in with shit-eating grins on their faces.
“Right, we’re back, you’ve had more than enough time to take care of this Hammond, and your shops are boring.” Clarkson sauntered over and looked you up and down as you sipped your beer and you tried not to blush under the scrutiny.
“Hammond you idiot, did you ask her out or did you spend the whole time stuck in that bloody engine?” May pounded your back as you spat out your beer, coughing and spluttering.
You noticed Hammond’s cheeky smile and raised eyebrow before he stood up and valiantly tried to stand up to the two bigger men.
“Well thanks you giant cocks, you’ve just managed to make this an uncomfortable situation.” he scolded, pushing them aside and gently brushing his lips across your forehead. “Forgive them, they don’t have a brain cell to even share.”
You blushed, standing when he took your hand and laced his fingers through yours.
“Christ Hammond, I told you to stop mooning about like a lovesick calf and ask for a date, not maul her in the garage.” Clarkson boomed, slapping May in the chest and pointing at you. May immediately started snickering.
“I’d say you took care of business right enough, Hamster.”
Richard’s eyes suddenly went wide and he started backing out of the garage, “I’m going to go and get dinner started, you should come with me Y/N.”
With that he made a run for the door and you noticed the black marks on the back of his jeans that looked suspiciously like handprints.
“Fuck.” you muttered, looking down at yourself and noting the engine oil stains on your white shirt, including the glaring Hammond sized handprint right there on your chest.
You stormed to the door, flinging it open as you realized there were probably handprints all over your ass as well if the laughter from the other two was anything to go by.
“HAMMOND!” you screamed into the dusk while Clarkson and May fell to the floor in gulping laughter.
He was going to pay for that.
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candyfloss-kittens · 1 year
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If anyone’s interested in Top Gear / the Grand Tour fanfic, then feel free to check out my Archive of Our Own account; https://archiveofourown.org/users/Candy_Kittens
I’ve also started to write fanfic for Knight Rider (1982), and Good Omens now. And I have written for a bunch of different fandoms, including Prodigal Son, Big Wolf on Campus, Lost, Care Bears, Pirates of the Caribbean, Malcolm in the Middle, and Supernatural. But Top Gear / the Grand Tour is currently my main fandom when it comes to fanfic.
I’m also on Wattpad! https://www.wattpad.com/user/killingkilgrave
edit; as of March 2024, I'm no longer posting on Wattpad, so all my fics will now only be on Ao3. However, whatever is still up on my Wattpad, will be staying there, and nothing new will be updated there. All my ongoing fics will remain unfinished on Wattpad, and continued over on my Ao3.
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trashcan-in-space · 7 months
i've posted another fic on my ao3. this one's a bit peculiar, so bear with me xD
please check it out!
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lesharl-eclair · 5 months
day 16: 1 fic a day!
dont worry guys im alive. js busy
show kudos comments love & make someone’s day :)
Getting Stuck in Caramel Eyes by gimmefire (G, 3k)
Bloody racing drivers, they're all the same. If it's not the women they're making swoon, it's the men.
fernando alonso slash richard hammond- no wait where are you going come back guys i promise this is good :(((((((
written in 2007 and so good. so in character. fernandos voice is stunning here & the characterisation is????? amazing????? their interactions nanos intensity etc etc its making me melt ....... . check out all of gimmefires works bcs. their fernando is to die for actly
HAPPY HOLIDAYS <333333 as always, see you tomorrow & happy reading!
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Коллаж к фанфику "Коридор от моря к небу" (ориг. "Sea-to-Sky corridor")
Второстепенные персонажи: Ричард Хаммонд
Side characters: Richard Hammond
Ссылка на русский перевод: https://ficbook.net/readfic/10374773
Original work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/2531087/chapters/5625836
Author: https://archiveofourown.org/users/knifeeyes/pseuds/knifeeyes
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mintraindrop · 5 years
A little inside story of what happened when James fell off his horse in the Patagonia Special. And a lot of Richard caring if he’s all right. Hurt/Comfort.
Give it a go if you like!
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ariessya · 5 years
I remember that fic! are you actually going to finish it??
I may or may not be 2500 words deep in this epic conclusion, and I'm enjoying every sentence
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Flash #3 - Ja!pov, daydreams (Ja/R)
The car is the most beautiful thing James has ever seen, gleaming red and black in the sunshine. The long, smooth bonnet, curves accented with chrome and - he shakes his head. That's nothing but a daydream.
Dreaming of the lean body, spread out across a just as beautiful bonnet, those chocolate brown eyes half-lidded with pleasure - that's not something to do during daylight, those thoughts ought to be saved for night and bed. James' breath hitches, nonetheless, when Richard walks up to the car, dragging his hand over the bonnet. That is the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
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---{{Author’s Note: Rated R/NC17, RH/OC, AU, One Shot}}--- 
“Steamed”- Richard Hammond was upset. Work had been irritating and he needed to calm down some how....
It might have been the fact that the car he was expected to drive had not properly worked once, or the fact that he had been on location for the last three days and the weather had been total shit. Or maybe it was because Jeremy and James had taken their big brother antics a bit too far on this particular shoot. Whatever the reason was, Richard looked an absolute nightmare when he walked through the front door. He was subconsciously grinding his teeth, causing his jaw to tense, he was very quiet and his eyes dark with aggravation. It looked like he wanted to punch someone hard in the face, or maybe his face was saying he already had.
I started to speak, wanting to know what was wrong, but I was immediately cut off by him holding his finger in front of his lips, silencing me. I was taken aback by his behavior, something must have really pissed him off to be so uncharacteristically tense, especially at home. Still staring at me, his eyes piercing me like daggers, he slowly bent his finger, summoning me towards him. As I got up off the couch I realized I was only wearing his white Henley, I hope he didn’t want to have a serious conversation, it would feel so awkward without any pants on. Oh little did I know.
As soon as I was standing in front of him he grabbed my waist and pulled me directly against his pelvis. My stomach fluttered with a touch of excitement, as his hands reached around to my ass, squeezing and causing me to grind slightly into his crotch. He still hadn’t said a single word so I couldn’t help but bite my lower lip with slight anticipation. This must have sent him completely over the edge because before I knew it he had spun me around and pinned me against the door. Using one arm to hold my wrists above my head, the other traveled down, his dangerous fingers found their way under the lace that had quickly become wet with desire. He was usually so playful when he got sexual but this abrasive side to him was new and I was intrigued as to what caused it.
I whimpered as another finger entered and rocked my hips to match his twisting fingers.We hadn’t broken eye contact with each other our mouths both open slightly in whispered moans. He tugged on the bottom of my lip with his teeth as he removed his fingers and placed his attention on releasing what was so obviously going on in his jeans. He slid me down the door until I was on my knees and I was soon taking his entirety into my mouth. He braced himself against the door frame as I reached his tip and began to swirl my lips around it. His raucous growls were increasing and he grabbed my hair in order to take control of the speed. He quickly moved a hand tightly under my chin and wrapped his fingers around my jaw, guiding every motion my mouth made around him. He was close to release, I could feel his vein throbbing each time my tongue made contact with it. 
Not missing a beat, he pulled out of my tingling mouth and bent me over the back of the sofa, making sure to place my leg up on the pillows, giving him his full access. He clearly was only after one thing tonight, there was no time for teasing. I felt his tip nudge at my folds and with one powerful thrust his girth was buried deep inside. I screamed with such delight into a pillow and heard his breathing become gravelly each time he pumped in and out. His hands where grasping my hips and he frantically slammed into me faster then I have ever experienced. I was so turned on by his silent brooding aggression that I was about ready to lose all control. I succumbed to the pleasure, gently convulsing and felt him slowing down, softly moving and eventually pull out.
As quickly as it had started, it was over. We both crumpled to the floor, propped up against the couch. He placed a hand on my knee and kissed my cheek, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear in the process. He finally spoke and the most beautiful smile crept across his face.
“Sorry Love, I needed to blow off some steam and seeing you in my shirt was the best thing about the last few days.” 
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breynekai-tfc · 3 years
This week, I’m reading…
Fiction - Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis  Night Shift by Stephen King
Nonfiction - ◦  Learning By Doing: A Handbook for Professional Learning Communities at Work by Richard and Rebecca DuFour ◦  From Dictatorship to Democracy by Gene Sharp ◦  Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain:  Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students by Zaretta Lynn Hammond ◦  How People Learn II:  Learners, Contexts, and Cultures (2018)
Fanfiction - Ghost Speak: the Teacher by phantomrose96 (Danny Phantom)
Comics - Buggachat’s Bakery Enemies AU (Miraculous Ladybug) Your Smile Is a Trap by AENGO Shotgun Boy by Carnby Kim
Goodreads Annual Reading Challenge: 35 Books
📚 📚 📚 📚 📚 📚 📚 📚 📚 📚 📚 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
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justlikeeddie · 3 years
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
GOOD QUESTION… I had to think hard about this because, again, as 2020 has proved, apparently nothing I’ve ever cared about will truly be erased from me.
The best answer I came up with is that I was very into Steve Rogers/Tony Stark around the time of the first Avengers film - which is probably around concurrent with me joining tumblr, jesu christe - and while my investment in the MCU has waned naturally anyway, I also, as the films continued, sort of gave up the floor on this to Steve/Bucky. Which I’m not particularly fannishly invested in, but which was borne out by the rest of the films in a way that Steve/Tony wasn’t. Though whether abandoning ship is the right term for this is another matter. I’m pretty sure if you showed me that bit where they first square up to each other, some exhausted 2012-era pilot light in my soul would still flicker into life.
Unfortunately, I think I’ve written down all the above to avoid admitting that the real answer to this question is that in the mid-2000s I was on the fringes of the Top Gear RPF community, which is just about the only fandom I really can’t imagine going back to under any circumstances. I feel compelled to stress I was more interested in James May/Richard Hammond than any pairing involving Jeremy Clarkson, although I don’t think that’s saying much in my defence. But I definitely DID also read fanfiction about Jeremy Clarkson. Please don’t question me further about this I’m already sorry
(cut to: my unexpected 2022 top gear renaissance and apologia)
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trashcan-in-space · 7 months
new story on my ao3 btw
go check it out!
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Okay so it's been a long time, and I'll cut straight to the chase, I've had to write these "I'm back and I'll start posting more and write fanfictions again" messages so many times now, but this time I've come to the realisation that I can no longer continue this blog anymore.
My life has changed somewhat drastically since I was last here, circumstances have changed. I finished my A levels a year ago and I went to university in September, my mental health took a downwards turn shortly after starting, even with intention to come back on here, I wasn't in the right mindset to do so, I also realised that would be impossible with the amount of work I had and living by myself too. After Christmas, I got so much better, some months went by, I got into a relationship in March with someone of whom I have loved for a very long time, he helped me through my struggles throughout my first few months at uni, he was my best friend in sixth form and at the end of my secondary school year, he has changed my life for the better, and I realised that I was struggling for a lot longer than I thought.
I am better now and now I'm in a very good mindset which is why I am now back here, but after a long think, I have realised that I don't have the motivation or time to continue running this account. There is no specific reason, I still LOVE Richard Hammond to pieces so it's not that, I guess it's just, growing up, moving on and focusing on other points in my life that need more attention. I kept coming and going from this platform in the last year and I realise it's because I don't have the time and I just don't have the drive I used to have, back when I used to be obsessed with this platform and posted every day, including posting many fanfictions on AO3. The fanfictions will forever be there for all of you and for me to go back and reminisce, I never forget how writing those fanfictions helped me in getting an A in my English Literature, so they will forever stay in my heart, and they remain for as long at AO3 exists.
As for the wonderful people I have met on here, I love you all so much. The many distances between us from living all across the world was never an issue, your online presence was always enough to keep the cheers high, to discuss, to laugh. We sent postcards and letters which I adored, I had never sent things to people across the world like that, for me it was a lovely experience, especially recieving things from you as well as giving. I remember our first group chat, and we still have a whatsapp group to this day. I vow to myself that I will keep in touch with all of you, because you are all amazing people and I'm so happy I've met you, I'm happy we established our own little community, to make us all feel a part of something and to openly discuss freely expressing our thoughts without prejudice or judgement. One day I will travel across the world and meet all of you.
Thank you for an amazing time on this platform, and I confirm that I will no longer return to this blog, but do feel free to repost, like, or even have a scroll through this page for some Richard Hammond goodness. I might not come back here but this page will always be here.
Thank you, I love you all and I hope you understand.
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chemical-house · 7 years
I promised myself I won’t do it, I won’t share it here or on tt, but then there was a bet with a friend… I lost it. I can’t even lie, she’s following my tumblr. Damn you! 
You can eat me alive now for not knowing grammar and stuff. On that terrible disappointed it’s time to end. Goodbye. 
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why-am-i-pluto · 7 years
Ask me my “TOP 5/TOP 10” anything! Sent in IM by @notsosolosmuggler
Top five books you've read 
Hector and the Search for Happiness - Francois LeLord
Nerd Do Well - Simon Pegg
Band of Brothers - Stephen E Ambrose
On the Edge - Richard Hammond
Do fanfiction count, because I’ve read some fics that have been better than a lot of books I’ve read lol
Top 5 movies
Mission Impossible Rogue Nation
Hot Fuzz
Mary Poppins
Top 5 fictional characters
Benji Dunn (obviously lol)
Derek Hale
Evelyn Carnahan/O’Connell (she’s just amazing ok)
Diana Prince
Ilsa Faust 
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tomatopudding · 7 years
It happened at a production meeting.
Top Gear RPF Jeremy Clarkson/James May/Richard Hammond threesome, M/M/M, teasing
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