#rj originals
non-bird-nary · 9 hours
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more details about this piece and my ideas behind it under the read more, bc i love this piece and i MUST gush about it!!
originally started this for soriku week last year in 2023, hence the subtitle "salvation". i finished it in two days sometime late January after getting back on my ADHD medication, which kicked my ass into high gear and cleared the fog of executive dysfunction.
this is i think the first full illustration that i've completed and posted, and i'm really proud of it! i'm also proud of the the stained glass texture and the lineart, especially since it's my first time fully utilizing the former. this is also the first time i did full shading. a lot of firsts wrapped up in this piece.
i'm so happy that i was able to capture my exact thoughts when i imagined this piece, because this scene is one of THE soriku moments ever and i was shocked that no one had yet made something like this. prime example of make the art you want to see in the world.
anyways, here are some alternate versions with different color filters! wanted to try it out and i think they turned out pretty good! mainly made them to see if i could make the colors more ~romantic~, so i slapped some magenta over it a couple times and these are the results.
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archiesweirdparody · 2 months
Btw I've been watching a lot of movies lately so if anyone wants my letterboxd it's jugheadparadox :D feel free to give me recommendations as well. I'm always looking for more movies to watch
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ghost-qwq · 3 months
Here's the Fallout 4 ones 👍
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seeminglydark · 3 months
items caro would use as a packer....
those weird squishy toys that are filled with glitter and water and look sus
a sub sandwich
one of those horrible groan tube thingys
a baked potato (crucnhy sounds when they walk cuz of the aluminum)
being dared to see how far they get with a raw egg
a hacky sac
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rjdrawsstuff · 1 month
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Value practice. 'Fireflies'
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i like how when i’m imaging rick and michonne coming back to alexandria and reuniting the entire group and rick meeting rj and reuniting with judith and seeing maggie and hershel again (and maybe seeing negan again😭😭??? that’ll be so funny and tension will be so high) but then i remember daryl’s in FRANCE and maggie and hershel and negan are in the dead city (i forgot where that’s is but im 98% it ain’t close to alexandria idk i haven’t watched the show yet)
like cmon guys…… what happened to the big ‘ol reunion we deserve😕😕😭😭
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nataliens · 4 months
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С днем рождения Сонечка 🥺💚📀✨
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atombonniebaby · 5 months
Woo I actually have a WIP for WIP Wednesday and some art! 🙌
(I don't have the spoons to tag... mutual creatives... do your thing! ❤)
I got caught up playing again...but finally getting some more words out and this whole chapter was one I was dreading because I didn't know how I wanted it to pan out... I'm happy with it... it's just pure carnage and nothing going to plan!
Inspired by that one time we went to the Glowing sea and got our asses handed to us by 12 ferals, 7 Radscorpians and a Deathclaw...
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I imagine this is Nate's battle track 🙌
"Fuck!" Nate's heart jumps into his throat, the familiar feeling of his stomach plummeting as the ground crumbles beneath them. The earth spins below him, tilting this way and that. His knees buckle and catches the horror in Danse's eyes, the glint of steel armour as he lands on his ass, the impact jarring his spine and rattling his bones.
In their distraction they missed the signs, the click of claws digging into the dirt, the shift in the shadows. They'd been so focused on the threat in front of them that they didn't notice the ones below.
A rad scorpion rears up, it's tail raised high and poised to strike, it's segmented body suspended over the hole with its legs braced on either side.
The stinger whips forward, the barbed tip piercing straight through the soft spot between the chest piece and pelvis plate. Nate holds his gasp, beaded eyes meet his, clicking mandibles and long protruding jaws.
Time slows. There's no pain, there's no sting. The poison has already started working, numbing his body and muddling his mind.
The sounds of laser fire and shouting are drowned out by the rush of blood in his ears, by the throbbing of his heart, by his own panicked gasping.
Two more scorpions join the fold, together, Danse and MacCready fight them back. But they won't see. The forth scorpion. It's crawling over him. It's right above him. Tail... Stinger... Pointed right between his eyes.
No! NO!
The tip punctures through the glass shielding him from the toxic air. Cracks spider web out from the point of impact. A second strike lands, and then a third.
Nate panics. He can't breathe, gasping in lungfuls of irradiated air as Amari's words pulse in his ears: "...enough radiation to kill a man in seconds".
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ninedeuce · 28 days
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incorrectpnatquotes · 2 months
Johnny: What do we know? Stephen: We know climbing inside a mail box is against the law. Johnny: What else? RJ: The fire department is not happy when they have to use the Jaws of Life to pry you out from a mail box. Johnny: What else? Ollie: The city said you have to pay to replace the mail box or do 1100 hours of community service. Johnny: Good job, team!
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non-bird-nary · 1 year
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rjhpandapaws · 10 months
Day 2: In Pyjamas
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Text: Honestly, you're lucky I even have pants on.
Image ID: Hand drawn Panda-racoon-human hybrid with a pale skin tone neon green racoon ears with a light purple inner ear. A racoon tail with a green tip, white base, and two purple stripes. He is heavy set, shirtless, and in neon green shorts. His eyes are purple with green eyeshadow on the upper eyelids. He is stretching like he has just woken up. To the left of his face is a speech buble that says "honestly, you're lucky i have pants on". End of image ID
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ghost-qwq · 4 months
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Local 19 year old almost fights 12 year old mayor
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seeminglydark · 4 months
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A rare picture of an elusive RJ, cuz I need you to appreciate this chicken jumper. Also my blue wall makes this look like a 90s school photo
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wwraithsart · 6 months
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*splatoons them*
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westidia · 2 months
haven’t watch the finale yet
up until episode 4 Rick pissed me the freak off, he was so out of character (after his explanation I got it though and I cried) they really brainwashed him so bad like wow.
Michonne was staying ten toes down for her man she knew he was lying.
As I was watching I forgot that Rick has missed so much, Michonne too, I was just waiting for her to spill everything forgetting she don’t even know everything…chile
Nat should’ve lived. Period. I liked him
I was kinda staring to like Okafor but oh well. I get what he was trying to do (kinda cause I still don’t know all of the ‘secrets’ of the crm)
Now let’s get to the real reason of my post….
Anyone else peep throne and her littler crush on Rick??? After I peeped that shit I immediately stopped liking her. Then she tried to shoot Michonne!!!!! bitch you’re done!! the way she was talking and her mannerisms making it seem like she meant more to Rick than Michonne was pissing me off (it’s lie yeah you don’t know who she IS but like how could you NOT!! the signs are clear as day!!)
Also wished the pregnant girl lived as well 😭
by this time tomorrow I’ll have watched the season finale ☹️ (we need a season2 just because) I’ll be back 💋
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