#rly interesting to find out what other people make of their goings on!
frankenfossil · 9 months
for the space related asks, ⭐️ & 🛰?
whee!! thank you!
⭐️ Star - Do you have a favourite character? If so, why are they your favourite?
Oh no a very hard question actually... Probably the answer is evidently Emily and Dee since I spend more time thinking and writing about them than any of my other characters. POSSIBLY if I had to choose out of the two of them I'd pick Dee because I am kind of a sucker for a sad sack loser with emotional problems and I deeply enjoy thinking up situations to make him happy and/or traumatised. I also enjoy overthinking his powers and what kinds of things I have to tweak about physics for him to exist with the functions I've given him. (Such as recently I've thought of new objections to the plausibility of time travel but I think I've also thought of a way to resolve them storywise which I personally think is very funny, but if I learn more about physics before it comes up it might change.)
I love Zoe a lot but she is much harder to write and to draw for some reason? I feel like she is clear in my head but never comes out right somehow. It's weird.
I have other characters from other stories that I love too... another favourite who is unrelated to this story is a guardian angel whose first guardee died prior to the story beginning; clearly the angel fucked up a bit with that but gets a second chance, but then is pretty lousy with the second person too!! Trying to push them to fill the shoes of the first person.
Recently I found out that the person who inspired my first 'canon nonbinary' character (I didn't know that was a thing at the time tho) has since come out as for real nonbinary, which obviously makes a lot of sense lol. It was mostly about this one very cool jacket they owned. But that character was a strong fave for a long time... the story was terrible and really problematic lolol but ah well. Probably all the good parts of that character have gone into Dee and Zoe anyway.
🛰 Satellite - Do you have a character who is very dependent on another character? Is it healthy or unhealthy?
WELL. Again... Emily and Dee are each other's most emotionally intimate relatinship... Dee again is more dependant on Emily than vice versa, and less healthy about it, although I would say it's overall good for them both (but I would say the healthy/unhealthy balance varies over time and may be affected by external factors...).
Zoe is still on the periphery a bit but.............. well there are/will be some dynamics of questionable health there. She doesn't have particularly healthy attachments and is still not exactly over her previous friendship dynamic of being the second best friend of two besties who were shitty to her, and is still kind of stuck in the mode of 'trying to be exactly what the other person wants so they will like me'. Which Emily is not really aware of because she doesn't ever do that. Although the kinds of things Zoe plays up to try to be friends with her probably aren't as bad as what she has done to get OTHER people to like her, and she's relatively confident that Emily isn't going to use any of the stuff she knows against her.
Again, in terms of OTHER characters I have a couple where they are both disabled in various ways but one has more problems with mobility and communication than the other, and also had to be rescued from a kind of slavery by the other, which naturally gives the rescuer some pause for thought about the power dynamic there and whether she's ~taking advantage~ by falling in love with her at the same time (I mean by the time she even gets aware enough of her feelings lolol, gotta sort of pine without realising first!!)... but I'm trying to write that one as pretty healthy tbh, they're just trying to support each other through a difficult world yknow. And anyway the one who used to be a slave deliberately tried to square that debt immediately so it wouldn't be hanging over them both and is now mostly consumed with a quest for revenge lol. But also love.
I am going to.... stop rambling for now lol!!
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skitskatdacat63 · 6 months
More matador!Fernando! Ferrari this time :D (I can't help myself.....)
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- facial hair
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+ closeups
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I really wanted the vibe of this Nando pic, I think I did pretty well??
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#GUYS THE BULL DO YOU NOTICE WHAT BULL DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE SUBTEXT DO YOU UNDERSTAND MY IMPLICATION#lmao tho i mostly put it there cause i saw this rly cool pic w the shadow of a bull on a matador's cape#i dont understand how i ended up making this one more intensive and detailed than the other#but im not mad cause i really like it aaahhhhhh#but i think this one took more than 6 hours and the other one was 5½?#and both i ended up working until an absolutely horrible time. dont ask me what time i wrote this post#okay btw i didnt draw that embroidery. thank you medibang pattern brush now beloved 🙏#i think it suits him!!!! i was thinking of doing stars anyways so I'm glad it worked out#two people id like to blame:#thank you 005 for accidentally reminding me of the sword!! im glad his other hand is not just idle :)#and thank you suzuki-ecstar for asking me at some point if id ever draw facial hair on nando#^ particularly the 3 Musketeers look. so thanks. i suddenly remembered and i had to draw it 😭#it kept shocking me how baby faced i drew him every time i took that layer off#also every time i worked on the suit red genuinely ceased being an actual color to me#its bright red right?? like very fluorescent?? but my brain kept going: is this too orange?? this isnt red right????#anyways happy with this!!!!! there were a lot more roadblocks than the other but it all worked out#but wow wish i had this level of diligence for yknow. schoolwork.#i can spend 6+ hours on a drawing straight but school? nah i give up every 20 mins or less fjfkkfl#also not abandoning my other aus or anything but i have a lot more ideas for this honestly#i think the ref pics are a lot easier and more interesting to find than for my other AUs#<- cause its so much more modern lmao. so i have a lot more inspo than trying to find ultra specific 18th century paintings#i wanna draw 3 things rn:#nando w the ceremonial cape. seb in a matador suit. and of course some silly vett//onso in this AU#f1#formula 1#fernando alonso#catie.art.#fa14#matador au
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edens-serigala · 9 months
i started off very neutral towards taz's sanji (the fact that without the curly brow he doesn't look like sanji to me doesn't help)
but just treating him as a completely different character definitely helped me warm up to him
i quite like the calmer, almost older brother-ly attitude sanji has. animanga sanji could never have that much patience, but it seems like live action sanji has been in the vicinity of a therapist's office in the past 10 years
i've seen one interpretation where of the original 5, sanji is ~sort of~ supposed to be the most mature of the group to fill in gaps and act as a balancing force more so. and that's harder to convey in live action so the next best thing is to write sanji as being more mature - the patience, the little nuggets of wisdom. the scene where sanji gets through to nojiko when the others struggle sticks out in my mind as an early example of sanji knowing how and when to prioritise emotional things because being in customer service gave him a good understanding of social situations
he's not the soppy, wet, angsty brat that would cry if left in the rain for more than ten minutes. he's a different character, a gentle flirt, a tease, but his heart is in the right place, that stabilising force manifesting differently
we hardly got a look at him in the first season so it's very much hard-pressed to say comparing him with animanga sanji is doing him a disservice, but i think there is something enjoyable here just as long as you're willing to entertain the fact that he is not the sanji we've been with for the past 20 years
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agirlwithglam · 2 months
conversation tips + how to be funny
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talk about the other person. i know, this is said basically everywhere so im not gonna go too deep into it. everybody likes talking about themselves, where they've been, experiences they've had, etc. so just keep asking questions about themselves!
another thing id like to mention is don't just let them talk the whole time, thats not how a conversation works. instead add in your own opinions, and experiences! make them laugh!
literally just find out things about the other person- linking back to the first point- be genuinely curious about the other person. be curious about them! how they think, how they are, find out stuff about them that you can use later- ex: if they mention they like star neckless, maybe one day you can buy a star neckless for them to show that you care!
absurd analogies.
share funny & embarrassing stories from your past! this makes you look more confident and people feel more comfortable around you bc you're able to laugh about a cringe moment in your past. but its best to do this when the laugh is at your expense, and not at others.
make people feel good about themselves. make them feel special.
watch how other people do it. take inspo from others! you can even look at celebrities interviews and see how they've made people laugh and have an interesting conversation. some rly good interviews that i'd recommend are: ryan gosling / the tv show percy jackson / Zendaya & Tom Holland /
finish other people's sentences with something funny and ridiculous. when someone's trying to remember what they were about to say, you can fill in with a ridiculously funny idea to end their sentence! dont overuse this tho, otherwise it can get pretty annoying.
EXPRESSIONNNN!!!! laugh at their jokes, nod along, be sympathetic. just express and overreact in a way that makes them feel heard and special!!
playful teasing.
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soobnny · 11 months
classmate au | park sunghoon
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❝ what do you have for lunch today? ❞
heeseung | jay | jake | SUNGHOON | sunoo | jungwon | ni-ki
alexa play 0x1=lovesong
in your head, he’s the love interest with 0 interest in you🥲😢😢😢😢
it’s bc he’s so DAMN famous in your school
yes he’s your classmate .. ltrly in the same room but u cannot make conversation with him
he sleeps in class when he can like he will be DOZED OFF !!!!
nobody rly approaches the pretty boy
you’ve heard he’s rejected a handful of people before
you wont make a move for sure
so why does Park Sunghoon drag his seat so he’s sitting adjacent of you
why is he pulling out his lunch box and putting it on ur little table
you don’t say anything when he does it
and he doesn’t say anything either
honestlyyyy…. it’s a little awkward like wtf is happening rn this is a Simulation
BUT you’re eating lunch together
and guess what
it becomes a constant thing too 😭
like he’d just silently drag his seat and you know he’s on his way to your table to eat lunch
is it because you’re one of the few people who eat in the room instead of the canteen??
unattainable campus crush park sunghoon is in front of you and eating lunch with you for some reason
it makes ur heart go crazy becos !!???!!!
he doesn’t rly acknowledge anyone
it’s bc he’s always busy being exempted for some competition
he finally starts talking to you when he sees you watching a yuzuru hanyu video during one of your little lunch sessions
tbh it was just a small video on tiktok that u scrolled by and returned to bc wow that spin was so cool
it’s when he starts making convo that u find out he’s actually SO funny and so unhinged
he’ll start laughing to himself 😕😕
also will tell the most UNFUNNY dad jokes
you only laugh because his laugh is so loud and so unrestrained
tho you do tell him his jokes are horrible
and he makes everyday a mission to tell you a joke that’ll genuinely make you laugh
it becomes your thing
he’ll just randomly show up in front of u and start cracking the most terrible joke
“rip boiling water. you will be mist!”
cue his laughter
you: 😐😐😐 not funny didn’t laugh
then sunghoon becomes more of a friend… not some unattainable crush figure !!! a friend !!!
some of his favorite things to do with you are watching videos during lunch AND sharing earphones while you listen to music
your fyp on tiktok now is both of ur shared interests
you even have a folder on each of ur phones for tiktoks u wanna share to each other that u pass by when u aren’t together
no he doesn’t send u the link like a normal person
sunghoon waits until class to show u so he can see ur reaction face to face
and the whole listening to music ??? u’ll just be seated side by side and staring into the distance sometimes
spacing out is wonderful <3
so now instead of sleeping .. he’ll just offer u an earbud so you can put it in your ear and listen to him
has a secret playlist for u (u don’t know this)
the photo for the playlist is the only photo u have together btw
it was when u were checking ur face on ur front cam and he just suddenly appeared in the back with a peace sign
it’s adorable
he bugged u to airdrop the photo 9284 times that day bc u refused to at first
it’s so 180 the way you suddenly become friends with him !!!!!
another thing he does is laugh at how you enjoy playing candy crush, calling you a grandma as if he doesn’t act like an old man
and then he gets so invested when you let him try
will cheat to get more lives and fuck up your time settings on your phone
btw he always talks about you A LOT 😭
his friends will know everything about you before you even meet them
“so, what level are you in candy crush?”, jake would ask the first time you meet
“excuse me, what??”
“sunghoon talks about you aaaall the time, it’s getting a little silly. like i know your go-to order at a cafe.”
“yeah like isn’t ur favorite color ___”
u look at sunghoon like ?????? and he just has a guilty smile on his face
but he doesn’t deny anything
you’d be shocked to suddenly see him as your seatmate one day like he rly switched with the person sitting next to you
laughing at your test paper scores together is also a fun little activity the two of u do
and then crying as you cram study in one of ur homes or on call when it gets too late
“hey can u help me with this chemistry question”
“ok give me a minute”
would open up those white board apps and screenshare his phone to start helping u with a part he understands but u don’t
he was 828283 screenshots of ur calls together
btw you CANNOT go to the library
you know that if you go to a library together … yall are NOT studying 😭
also u enjoy just shooting each other questions back and forth before the test
u would also probably come up with ways on how to cheat im sorry like u guys will have this whole grand scheme only to chicken out of it when u actually take the test
one day, you ask him why he had suddenly started eating lunch with you
bc like !!!! u’re happy he did but why so suddenly yknow
you’re grateful tho bc now u have someone to text like 25/8 and call whenever u’re bored
BUT U WANNA KNOW WHY. what started it
“i don’t know... i’ve always wanted to talk to you. you’re always so funny in class”
“and you didn’t say anything because??”
“i was gonna say something then i totally chickened out and then it was too late to say anything…. thank god for yuzuru hanyu.”
asks u to be his gf while teaching u figure skating for the first time
bc u finally ask him like dude why r u ALWAYS absent from classes
he’s like oh no biggie i’m ltrly just an athlete that competes in national events 😹😹😹
WTF !!!!!!!!
u knew he was competing in something but he never mentioned Figure Skating before
he is a fraud of a Friend
“sunghoon what does our friendship actually mean to u … WHERE IS THE LOVE”
but then he’ll go .. “want me to teach you?”
he’s forgiven now
“teach me figure skating??”
“yes” and he’s SOOOOO excited about it
he helps you find which skates to wear like he makes sure u have right size so ur feet don’t hurt
doesnt let u borrow those polar bears to hold onto
he can be ur polar bear
tho, when u do get tired .. he finally rents one and lets u sit on it while he pushes u around
it’s so much fun
except for when you fall
tho … it’s important for me to tell you that when you fall on your butt, he has heart eyes
and he holds your hands the entire time
he asks u to be his gf when you skate ur way across the rink without his help
sunghoon got so happy he just blurted it out
“be mine”
BYEEEEEE ofc u say yes
tho u think he’s joking at first
he does repeat it when you eat ramen after .. he’ll be like r u actually fr ??? did u actually say yes to me ??? u wanna deal with my jokes forever ??
oh dear
you should invite yuzuru hanyu to your wedding honestly 😭 thank u to ur fyp
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note. credits to user @.luvknow for the layout of this post! last of the series, let me know what you think!
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
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℘. flora's notes : I've had this idea forever but I couldn't manage to write it UNTIL NOW. my idea was that reader is a model so it's kind of based on that, though you are free to be famous for whatever reason u want 💀
℘. send me a request ! : i would love to write this for other jjk characters (especially TOJI) but please give me ideas cuz i can't find anything :((
℘. gn, male, female reader 💓
m.list | comment and reblog if you enjoyed ! i am not posting at peek hours i would rly appreciate it if u could reblog w related tags 🥰
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℘. he 100% stalked you on your socials and knew everything about you
℘. it's also very likely that he slid into your DMs shamelessly
℘. something cringe like : " what a pretty human in a pretty restaurant, we should go there together sometime 😏"
℘. but we all know this mf, he didn't stop at ONE DM
℘. no, his name is elegantly followed by "9+ messages" all of them being cringe pick up lines to beg you to go on a date with him 😍
℘. and you eventually agreed but it was mostly for him to leave you in peace
℘. he was convinced you'd fall for his charms and unfortunately, he was right... can't blame you I would too
℘. and since your first kiss - which was an officialization of your relationship to him - he would not shut up about it
℘. everytime y'all are out in public he makes it clear he's your boyfriend for the paparazzis
℘. gojo loves attention... so he LOVES paparazzis
℘. he thinks y'all are the most goal couple to exist and brags about it
℘. "y/n, can you imagine what other people must think of us : "the strongest and the most famous (your job of choice), they were meant to be"
℘. you have 100% your own ship name and fanpages, you're labeled as the "hot couple" who is edited on tik tok 24/7
℘. I don't think I insisted enough on how he BOASTS about dating you to whoever shows a spark of interest in his life
℘. the poor nanami hears about it every second of the day and is FED UP with it, but his last straw was when gojo was talking about you to a curse they were suppose to eliminate...
℘. he has you and him on a fun fair date as a wallpaper and purposely leaves his phone on during meetings so everyone can see he's dating you... and also to get yet another occasion to brag
℘. he will attend all of your shows and interviews, always on the front row. sometimes walking for a show can be pretty stressful for you but seeing his angel face calms you down and gives you back your confidence in an instant <3
℘. ... he's very active on LinkedIn and he reposts your achievements/front pages with a professional yet sweet and admirative commentary
℘. he likes to go backstage before your shows so he can give you one last forehead kiss and compliment
℘. never hesitates to tell paparazzis to back off, he doesn't like his privacy invaded but he will gladly take pictures of you with a fan for them
℘. his favourite photo that he has everywhere is one a selfie you took before a show with a world renowned brand. you looked so stunning and confident, it never fails to make him smile when he looks at it
℘. i feel like he didn't really know you, just saw you from one or two front pages but it didn't click until you told him you were a (your job)
℘. i don't know why but i think you would have met on a dating app 😭 like nanami is tired of being single and he told gojo about it WHO OBVIOUSLY WAS KIN ON HELPING ! and he got to discover your personality first, which is the most precious part of you in his opinion
℘. because yes you ARE attractive but no one but him knows the part of you that is the most beautiful and he loves that
℘. i think he can't help but be a bit jealous that people simp over you so he would never refuse to take a cute picture for the world to see
℘. on your third date, he asked you to be his partner and gave you a ring as an officialization. since them, you've been wearing it as a lucky charm and you never take it off
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© izukuisbaby. comments appreciated ! although do not modify, translate, copy, claim as your own or repost on any app/platform/social media (this applies to all of my content)
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sesshous · 2 months
random dating hcs ᰔ mona, alhaitham, gaming
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genre: fluff (no prns)
a/n: dating headcanons... drabbles... blurbs (not rly sure what to call these) also mona in the new cat event!! i love mona, she was the first five star i ever wanted and the first one i ever got, so i'm happy she's at least getting some more screentime haha ♡
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mona isn’t the most… responsible with her money. while she does have money set aside, the vast majority of her income goes to her life’s interest: astrology. but even with her lack of money, mona still wants to do things with you! … just without a hefty price tag.
mona loves to stargaze — befitting of an astrologist. she loves taking you around different heights of mondstadt! mona knows all the best spots that have a good view of the night sky — pointing out all the constellations, rambling on to you about what they mean… she’ll even make some copies of her own star charts to give you for future reference.
not really a known fact about her, but mona is actually a pretty decent cook! she'd want to prepare you a filling (and cheap), but very delicious meal rather than go out to eat. sometimes, she’ll end up lecturing you on market prices and ways you can prepare meals for a low cost — she wouldn’t want you buying overpriced ingredients when you can get just as good ones for a cheaper price!
and yes, if you ask her nicely she can create and show you reflections other than constellations with her hydromancy… just for you though. she wouldn’t want people to think her hydromancy is all just for show.
(brownie points if you share the same interest in astrology. you’re basically a match at that point.)
“hm? of course, i knew we were destined to be together — the stars never lie.”
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the absolute sweetest! with how much he talks about you, people of liyue have to be living under a rock if they don’t know the two of you are together.
no has no shame with pda gaming will want to hold your hand everywhere you go. or have his arm around you. or hug you — he literally never gets embarrassed about giving you affection! he’s very into physical touch, he finds it’s comforting. i’d like to think he’s warm to the touch too — with or without the pyro vision. great cuddling material for cold days! (… hot ones too — you just have to wear breathable clothes so you don’t overheat.)
you don’t have to be into it as much as he is, but gaming would definitely want to teach you the basics of wushou dancing! he’s always there to help show and guide you through the movements — he likes to think he’s a pretty good teacher! he'll joke about putting on a duo performance… just a joke of course, haha… unless—?
oh, and man chai loves you! i like to think man chai acts more well behaved for you than he does with gaming, (he blames it on all the treats you give him) but he’s so glad you too get along! … even if man chai does steal take more of your attention when you’re together...
“y’know, i'm starting to think man chai likes you way more than he likes me! … but it's you, so i don’t blame him though, haha!”
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alhaitham as quite the reputation for being… unapproachable to say the least. to people, his words and gaze seems judgemental, so how could someone stand to be around someone like that? lucky for you, you're able see past what those people seemingly think of him!
the books alhaitham reads aren’t made for the average’s person leisurely reading — their complex and lengthy — but alhaitham feels a kind of… fondness when you ask him to read out loud whatever book he's currently reading to you! …even if you do end up becoming a bit sleepy due to the content of the book (he thinks it’s cute. will he say that to you? … maybe teasingly.) he also will read and take book suggestions from you if you have any for him! he doesn’t just read non-fiction (and if it’s from you, really he’s open to anything. anything.)
because of alhaitham’s day consisting pretty much on a schedule, he finds himself finding ways to incorporate you into it with his free time. he prefers to spend time with you in more quiet and secluded places around sumeru away from people, but i actually feel like he wouldn’t be opposed to dates in public! going to the likes of places such as the grand bazaar to see what people are selling or watching performances that are put on in the theatre (though most of the time it’s you dragging him out… he does find it entertaining to see your face light up at all of the sights)
on some occasions, he’ll bring you along with him when he’s invited out for drinks with cyno, kaveh and tighnari. (try your best to tease him in front of them, but he’ll always have a playful quip right back at you.)
"really? because sometimes i think you love using me more as a pillow than an actual boyfriend. i’m only joking dear, i love you too.”
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Hi so I’m 15 and in a relationship for the first time so I don’t have experience with any of this stuff. My partner and I have been doing sexual stuff for a few months now I just have some questions.
First, I was wondering how we can do sexual things in a way that doesn’t bother other people in the house. Like maybe that’s a dumb question and the answer is just be quiet but idk it’s hard bc my partner is very vocal. Also there’s very few opportunities to do stuff without anyone else home so that’s not rly an option.
Also my parents have been very weird about my relationship with my partner. Making lots of odd comments such as “i wonder if they’re having sex up there” (to my brother who is a *child*) and giving me lots of looks that just kind of make me feel really bad about my relationship. I know that sex is natural but they make me feel really bad about it and I could use some advice on what to do about that
Next, my partner and I are both interested in getting in to kink but I don’t really know how to go about it. I’ve never heard of people getting into that stuff as minors and we don’t want to do anything too crazy especially since we don’t really have access to any supplies.
You’ve definitely talked about this before but could you tell me what kind of protection is best and easiest to use and obtain for f/f sex. School didn’t teach me how to use anything other than a male condom.
Thank you so much. Sorry for asking so many questions
hi anon,
your first question is going to be pretty circumstantial; I don't know what the layout of your house is like or how realistic it is to wait for privacy. the ideal if of course to wait until everyone else is either asleep or out of the house, but I recognize that the former may be difficult if not impossible for someone your age and you've already said the latter is hard to come by. using other noises, like music or TV or white noise, can be helpful, although it's unlikely to prevent your parents from speculating.
to address your second problem most directly, I'm afraid there's no much that I personally can do to rectify that. it is unfortunately very normal for parents to have an anxious, awkward, and difficult time adjusting to their children becoming sexually curious. I think the most crucial thing to remember here is that this has nothing to do with what you're doing being gross or wrong, and most everything to do with how your parents were raised to think about sex. unless they have specific concerns they want to raise with you about sexual safety, their reactions are most likely coming from a place of discomfort that they don't know how to channel appropriately. that's not a shortcoming on your part, but on the people who failed to help them develop a better way of understanding their own feelings about sex - and, yes, on them for how they're handling those feelings now.
I'm unsure exactly what you're interested in exploring, since kink covers a very broad array of activities and "supplies" could mean almost anything, but I would definitely recommend an abundance of caution in your explorations. kink is great, but that doesn't mean it's easy for for everyone. there's a reason that you seldom hear of people your age getting into kink, which is that it generally requires a great deal of practice with navigating partnered intimacy and communication - something that few teenagers have had time to develop the skills for. kink is also something that many people find works best as a communal activity, by finding others to help introduce them around and sharing experience to help safely explore their fantasies; for obvious safety reasons, few kink spaces are looking to admit 15 year olds. by all means, do your research - Evie Lupine's youtube channel is a great place to start, with a backlog of hundreds of videos covering all kinds of kink-related topics - but be careful with how you act on it, and recognize that kink comes with more potential complications and risks than "vanilla" sex that cannot be taken lightly.
if both parties have vulvas and vaginas then you can use dental dams for protection during oral sex, latex or nitrile gloves or finger cots to cover hands/fingers, and external ("male," although there's nothing inherently gendered about them) condoms for any penetrative toys (or cut them down one side to flatten them out and make the aforementioned dental dams).
please don't apologize for asking questions! questions are how you learn and stay safe :)
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pedroshotwifey · 9 months
Bad Idea
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x F!Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Tags/Warnings: NO use of Y/N, sex pollen, dubcon but not rly (just putting this here bc of the pollen), piv sex, softdom Frankie, smut, fluff, friends to lovers, Frankie is a fucking sweetheart, oral sex (f receiving), breeding kink if you squint, unsafe sex (wrap it before u tap it, babes), ill add more shit later if I missed something
Summary: While on a mission, you and Frankie find yourselves covered in some kind of pollen and realize that there is no chance you'll be able to resist each other.
A/N: Sorry it took so long for me to finish this, I hope it was worth the wait! I'm not really sure what compelled me to make this so fluffy, but it's there, so, like, I hope you people like fluff. Likes, comments, and reposts are extremely appreciated <3 (Also feel I would love to start getting some requests in if anyone's up for it)
You knew this was a bad idea. 
It always is, accepting any kind of job that Santi offers you. But the asshole knows your weakness. He mentioned Frankie would be there and you were in. Suckered once again. He, and the rest of the group for that matter, seem to be well aware of your infatuation. Except for Frankie, of course. He’s never really seemed to pick up on it. Which, honestly, you’re not sure is a good thing or not. 
You’ve been harboring a massive crush on Frankie since the first time you were introduced. You and Santi–against your better judgment–had been longtime friends when he brought you to a local bar to meet up with some of his other buddies. You had been away on a job for the last year or so, so when he heard you were back in town he jumped at the opportunity. You hadn’t expected much, already knowing Ben and Will meant that you would only be meeting two guys you wouldn’t be familiar with. 
What you really didn’t expect was for one of them to be a devilishly handsome and ridiculously charming bachelor. Frankie had absolutely taken your breath away the first time you laid eyes on him. You two had hit it off immediately, practically separating from the rest of the group as you polished off drinks and told stories from your military days for the remainder of the night. 
Fortunately, you kept in touch through mutuals and occasionally worked together on smaller jobs–thank god for Santi. (But also fuck him.) Unfortunately, nothing ever came of it. Frankie never showed any kind of explicit interest in you, so you never pushed it. You were perfectly content to just be friends if that’s all he was willing to give you. 
That's exactly why it’s such a problem when you find yourself coated head to toe in some kind of powder, right next to Frankie, who received a dusting as well. Your walkie is going off at your hip and you briefly register Tom’s voice coming through the receiver. He is positioned right behind the two of you and got the perfect view of whatever the fuck just happened. One second the two of you were walking, looking for any signs of landmines or traps around the building you are targeting for the mission, and the next your vision was completely compromised by a soft yellow pollen. 
“Fuckkk,” you hear Frankie mutter next to you. You look at him with wide eyes as the powder settles on your skin, eliciting a tingling sensation wherever it touches. The said sensation, however, becomes the least of your problems when you feel the amount of slick that suddenly coats your panties. Your knees buckle and you have to drop your gun to hold your balance, which doesn’t seem to help much as you continue your descent to the forest floor. Frankie’s hand quickly shoots out and steadies you by your elbow but it only makes it worse. 
The feeling of his skin on yours acts as a balm on your quickly overheating flesh and you moan involuntarily at the feeling. He retracts his hand as if you had burned him and the action would have embarrassed you if not for the moan that slips out of Frankie’s lips, as if he had felt the same thing. At least it’s not just you. At the sound, you feel another wave of arousal coat your already-soaked panties, the wetness growing extremely uncomfortable as the fabric starts to stick to your cunt.
“Uh, F-Frankie,” your voice sounds weak as you call for him. You have no idea whether or not he heard you, but you take a guess based on the pained groan that escapes his lips. The sound is like heaven as it reaches your ears. 
Your vision grows slightly blurry as a sudden need to be fucked takes over all of your senses. Without Frankie’s hand to help you up, you let yourself fall the rest of the way so you can lie down on the ground beneath you. You watch as Frankie’s blurred form follows suit with a groan. You start to inch toward his writhing body until you hear Tom’s voice again, this time it sounds much clearer, like the connection is getting better as he gets closer to you. You struggle as you pick up your walkie and press the button. 
“D-don’t come any closer, we're covered in some kind of f-fucking pollen.” You have to take a breath before explaining further. “It’s itchy and it’s everywhere, stay where you’re at.” You don’t bother listening to his panicked response as you tuck the walkie back into the clip on your pants. Your skin feels tight and you can feel your clit starting to throb between your legs. It feels like the smallest amount of friction would grant you an orgasm, and as good as that sounds right now, you would rather not cream your pants in front of your crush.
“Fuck,” Frankie repeats his statement from earlier, his voice strained and raspy. “We need to get out of here.” You nod your agreement and crawl your way toward him, ignoring the way his skin feels so cool against your own as you reach out to help him up. The both of you use each other to get back to your feet. By the time you’re standing, the feeling is less overwhelming than it had been at first, enough so that you’re able to hold your balance this time. You pick up the weapons you had dropped while Frankie comms the rest of the guys to let them know what happened 
You definitely got the most of the blow, as you were the one who had stepped on whatever the fuck that plant was. Frankie had only been a few feet behind you and had been exposed to a good bit, but likely nowhere near what you had been covered in. At least one of you is lucid enough to figure out what to do next. You hear the tail end of the conversation before Frankie signs off of the walkie and bends down next to you. 
“Alright, Hermosa, I’m going to get you out of here, okay?” You hiss as Frankie wraps his arms around your sensitive skin, picking you up bridal style. 
“Fuck, Frankie, it hurts,” you whine and tuck your head into his neck, breathing in his scent. He is shaking slightly and even you can feel the way his skin has started to heat up. “I know, sweetheart, just hold on for me.” You nod into him and close your eyes, only opening them when you feel your body being set down in what you assume is the passenger seat of Frankie’s truck. He leans over you and you have to resist the urge to grab onto him as he buckles you in. 
You close your eyes again and wait until you hear Frankie get into the driver’s seat before you speak.
“I think I saw a motel a few miles from here.” Your throat feels like sandpaper as you struggle to get the words out. “I think I saw it, too.” Frankie’s voice doesn’t sound much better. The entire way to the motel the only thing you can focus on is how your nipples are rubbing painfully against your bra and how fucking bad you want to suck this man’s cock. Your thighs keep clenching and rubbing together and you have to bite down on your lip so as not to moan at the slight pressure. You feel like you’re going to explode. 
“Think you can walk, sweetheart?” You nod at Frankie’s question as he turns the truck off. His voice still sounds pained and you’re not even sure if yours will work at this point. He keeps one arm around you just in case as the two of you walk into the motel. He gets keys for two rooms and you feel a twinge of disappointment. It only lasts a second though, because you can’t think of much else than the fact that everything feels hot and sensitive. 
As soon as Frankie gets the keys, he leads you to the rooms. They're side by side so you won’t be far from him, and the fact that he will be in such close proximity, likely doing exactly what you’ll be doing, is enough to cloud your judgment again. And fuck, now you’re thinking about his cock again. You know it has to be big, there’s no way it isn’t, not for a man like him. Frankie sets one hand on the small of your back and leans over you to unlock your room for you. You gasp to cover your moan as you suddenly feel something else against your back, definitely not his hand this time. 
“You’ll be okay?” Frankie’s concerned tone cuts you out of your spiraling thoughts. You look up into his own lust-blown eyes. He looks fucking wrecked. God, you would get on your knees in the middle of this dirty hallway for him right now if he only asked. “Yeah, you?” You ask when he doesn’t. He nods slowly, and you let your eyes fall to his plush lips before trailing back up to meet his gaze again. He says your name lowly, like a warning, and you lick your lips, ignoring his tone. 
You roll your hips back against his while keeping eye contact, watching Frankie groan as you grind on him. His hands fall to your hips and he begins to guide you against him. “W-why don’t you come inside?” You ask him breathily. “Are you sure that's what you want?” He steadies your hips and brings his face down so he can whisper in your ear. “If you let me in there, I’m not letting you leave until I’ve properly taken you apart.” You shiver at both the way his words elicit another gush of slick from your cunt and at the way his tone turns dark so quickly, letting you know he means it. 
Instead of answering him, you turn on your heel and crush your lips to his, your hands going up to wrap around his neck and thread your fingers through his hair, knocking his hat to the ground. Frankie moans deeply and grabs onto you as he guides you backward into the room. His tongue finds its way into your mouth as he slams you against the door once it's closed, both of you grinding against each other like desperate teenagers. He only breaks apart once he hears you whine in pure desperation. 
He steps back and takes in your disheveled appearance, his hand flying to the front of his pants to rid himself of his belt. “Strip, get on the bed.” You don’t need to be told twice. You practically rip your clothes off as you stumble through the room. Each article removed feels like a relief, allowing the cool air to kiss your skin, sticky with sweat. Frankie does the same, both of you completely naked by the time you reach the bed. The sight of his cock hanging flushed and heavy between his molded thighs makes your mouth water.  
He quickly climbs on top of you and you both moan at the way your flesh brushes together, temporarily soothing the burning sensation. Frankie wastes no time in lowering himself to a position easiest to lick into your aching cunt. 
The first stroke of his tongue makes you scream out and you bring your hand up to cover your mouth. He immediately starts eating you out like a starved man, licking and sucking and fucking you with his tongue like there’s no tomorrow. You throw your head back as your free hand buries itself in Frankie’s hair. He groans when you tug on the strands and you swear you can feel the vibrations run up your spine. 
You feel the knot in your stomach growing embarrassingly fast, your entire body tensing as you reach the edge. 
“F-fuck, Frankie, fuck-” you unsucessfully attempt to get a sentence out. “God, don’t stop, please, god!” You feel him smirk as he continues his assault, before taking your clit into his mouth and sucking hard. 
You think you scream as you climax, but you can’t be sure. There is nothing you can feel, see, or hear other than the orgasm Frankie is currently riding you through. It’s the most intense thing you have ever felt, and you don't know if it's because of the pollen or because it’s Frankie. Probably a good bit of both. 
He continues to eagerly lap up your release until you pull him away when the overstimulation starts to become too much. Hand still in his hair, you guide him up your body until you can look above you and into his eyes. Your heavy breathing catches in your throat when you see the sticky liquid dripping down the lower half of his face. 
“Oh my god…” you trail off as his smile widens, his tongue coming out to lick his bottom lip. “Look so fuckin’ beautiful when you squirt, Hermosa.” He brings his lips down to yours in a bruising kiss and you sigh as you taste your release on him. Needless to say, you get over your embarrassment pretty quickly. 
Despite your orgasm, your skin seems to burn even more than before, and your clit seems to throb out of control. All it takes is one look to know that Frankie feels the same way. His eyes are filled to the brim with tears getting ready to overflow and you have no doubt that your expression matches his own.
Before either one of you gets a chance to say anything, Frankie surges forward and encases your lips in his own. He kisses you sloppily as he pushes you back even deeper into the mattress. 
“Gonna f-fuck you now, Hermosa,”  he says, his voice bordering a whine. “Need to feel this soft fucking pussy.” You whine in a way you hope signals your agreement, your arms wrapping underneath Frankie’s to let your fingers claw at his back. “Just f-fucking hurry,” you manage to squeak, your skin burning as you grasp at him.
He listens, immediately scrambling to grasp his weeping cock and guide it to your sopping entrance while keeping one forearm settled next to your head for stability. There is almost no resistance as he slips in, bottoming out in one frantic thrust. The two of you moan in unison, capturing each other's desperate noises. 
Frankie wastes no time in setting a hurried pace. The force of his thrusts makes the headboard of the bed slam against the wall but you can’t find it in you to care. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he immediately starts to hit something heavenly within you. The pressure is already building up in your abdomen.
You open your mouth to scream but you find that the punch of his thrusts are restricting your ability to make any kind of sound. Your eyes close as your second orgasm sneaks up on you. With two more frenzied thrusts from Frankie, you’re coming undone around his thick cock. 
Frankie hisses as you squeeze around him, the added sensitivity from the pollen enhancing every small stimulant. 
“God, not gonna last long in this s-sweet cunt, pretty girl.” Frankie’s voice is pitched an octave higher than usual as he tries to stave off his own orgasm–damn well bordering a whine. You can feel how close he is by the way his dick pulses with need and by the way he clings tighter tighter to the bedsheets beside your head. 
“Go ahead, Frankie, need you to come inside me.” He practically whimpers at the request but shakes his head to juxtapose the noise. 
“N-no baby, give me o-one more first.” He’s shaking with the amount of effort he’s exerting to hold off. Almost as if your body is listening to his demands before you can process, you find yourself arching your back as you spasm around his cock once again. It takes you by surprise–you didn’t even realize you were that close. 
Completely fucked out, you let Frankie use your body to chase his own end. “Come on baby, mark me, come inside,” you slur your permission for a second time. He lets out a guttural groan as he lowers his head to nuzzle into your neck. His strokes get deeper with the lower position and you wince from the overstimulation, though you want more at the same time. 
“Yeah, Hermosa, that’s what you want, huh? Let me come inside this pretty pussy, let everyone know who you belong to now? Let everyone know that you’re fucking ruined for any other man?” His pace gets more frantic as his own words spur him on. You whine at the thought of the people knowing that Frankie fucked you, laid his claim on you, made you his. 
“Yes, Frankie, God please,” you keen into his ear as you bring one of your hands down to tangle your fingers into his curls, bringing him closer into your neck. “I’m yours, all yours, take what you want, baby.” 
Your words push Frankie off the edge and his teeth lock onto your neck while he comes to a stop deep inside you. You pull him closer still, encouraging him to leave his mark. As his seed floods into your cunt, it feels like you jumped into a pool of cool water. Your entire body relaxes further and by the way Frankie settles his weight onto you, you figure he feels the same way. 
After his dick stills and softens inside you, the two of you lay there for a moment. You run your fingers through Frankies messed hair while he licks over the mark he made on your throat. It feels like the most natural thing, laying there with him tangled in your arms, his head on your chest, both of you on the verge of sleep. You’re about to drift off when Frankie interrupts the silence in a gentle tone. 
“Been wanting to do that for so long, pretty girl,” he says quietly, his voice filled with sleep. Your eyes open and are immediately filled with tears. 
Frankie must sense the way you tense up because he quickly lifts up to look at you. You can see the panic that blooms in his eyes as he meets yours. Before he is able to say anything, though, you surge forward, wrapping your arms around his neck and planting your lips onto his.
You feel a few tears drop from your closed eyes, but you ignore them as you continue to kiss him and push until he’s forced to lay on his back, pulling you with him. When you finally separate, you stare into eachothers eyes, both of you with lopsided, love-drunk smiles. 
“Me too. I’ve wanted you for so long, Fish, you have no idea.” 
“You’re right,” He huffs a laugh as he says it. “I had no idea, I never thought you could feel that way about me. You’re so fucking perfect and I don’t deserve any part of you. I'm just…” he trails off and looks down for a second before meeting your gaze again.
You give him a slightly confused look as you answer him. “I thought I was being so obvious,” you laugh quietly in return. “I’m nowhere near perfect, sweet boy. Even if I was, you deserve anything you could ever want. I want you, Frankie. Do I deserve you?”
He doesn’t miss a beat before he has you pulled into his chest. “Of course, angel, you deserve everything, I’ll give you anything.” 
You’re crying again and you wipe away your tears before saying what you need to say. “I love you, Frankie.” You look into his eyes to see that he is tearing up as well.
“I love you too, my perfect girl,” he says softly as he pulls you into a hug and rocks you, his one of his hands on the back of your head, tucking you into his chest. You close your eyes and breath in his scent, knowing that this is where you belong. 
pt. 2??
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subarashiihibi · 4 months
my thing about izaya is that he's so strange and weird and i love that so much. i didn't want to ramble too much in the notes of that poor person's post but i find the way he speaks and the words he chooses so interesting so let me ramble a little bit. this may or may not even be coherent so bear with me here im just going to speak my thoughts.
ok this got really fucking long and all over the 0place so im putting this under a read more sorry.
so i have volume 9 of the novel in both english and japanese. i only have two novels in japanese and that is this one and yuuyake wo. so i'm pretty crazy about this izaya speech analysis shit. anyways i was rereading thru the jp ver the other day just to compare it to the eng and i kinda realized that like.
a lot of people you can separate their speech in either formal and informal speech right? someone like shizuo speaks really informally and uses a lot of rough, dragged-out versions of words and stuff (しゃーねえ vs しょうがない) and then someone like shinra who speaks in a ton of yojijukugo and generally sounds like a nerd emoji gijinka.
izaya on the other hand rly... doesn't fit in either? i mean sure he sounds like another nerd emoji gijinka but it's kinda different. it's not so much the words he speaks but rather the intonation and his tone...
and he has his moments where he speaks pretty seriously and whatnot of course, but in general he just... doesn't sound very human when he speaks? i don't know if that's a conscious effort or not. is it his attempts at distancing himself from his own individual humanity? or is it just because he's a weird guy? i dunno. but it's interesting nonetheless.
one thing i will note though is that despite his somewhat inhuman speech patterns, it's also pretty...dramatic? to the extent where it's really exaggerated but also very cute and charming. (this part is important.)
i think a lot of what makes izaya's speech so weirdly inhuman is because he doesn't really use a lot of slang or similar lingo that people his age would typically use. i know mikado said in the novels that he doesn't really try to fit in with his age group's fashion sense either so it makes sense but still. he's like an old hag it's so funny. and it's because of that that when he says stuff like 'i don't get all hot and heavy over headless women' or whatever he said to celty it's really amusing to me because like... why is the strange man saying this?💀
another example i kinda giggled about on my twitter when i read it it's not even crazy and i sound corny and cheesy and stupid but theres this scene in vol 9 where izaya messages celty for business and hold on let me just put it as a quote.
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he sounds so old saying 'video game' like 😭 idk it's just funny cause he barely even knows anything abt games like bro knows nothing im crying
in the jp hes like 「…ゲーム中なのかい?」 and then when celty tries to explain herself he says 「何を言ってるのか、良く解らないんだけど」 and im rly bad at tling parts of sentences and stuff but just know that the way he words it makes it sound like this gif to me
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i love both versions i think the original jp makes him sound like hes so lost and confused (hence why pw gif cause lord that man always looks lost LMFAOOOO) and then eng tl just blunt ass "I don't know what you're talking about." makes him sound like full on hag 😭😭😭
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first i think it's funny the translation has izaya say fuck here cause he very rarely swears and i did read this one thing about how he only swears when his mask slips so to me this is like genuine bewilderment that he cant even hide LOL. second why is he so excited to hear about 'whatever sexual fetish' shinra has im crying he's so damn nosy . okay but this is not the funniest part let me add that now.
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ehy the hell is izaya orihara talking about foot fetishes???😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 im crying bruh i was so flabbergasted when i read this i was like WHAT did he just say? he says it in the jp ver too which just makes it even funnier. this goes back to what i said earlier but i always get so amused when izaya has something to say about sex or whatever cause he's so fucking weird and unsettling why does he know that
(i mean i also get so hard i nearly pass out thinking about izaya tlaking about sex but thats probably just a thing with my heart condition and stuff)
oh also another scene i think is really cute and amusing and funny is back when shinra was first still trying to get izaya to form the bio club w him.
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1. shinra is funny as fuck in this scene but also izaya's "Hmm. Can I punch you?" made me havbe a good laugh. in the jp he says 「んー。殴ってもいいのかな?」 which is pretty much the same thing just with the intonation of like 'hmmmmmmmmm should i hit u or not...' sorry like i said im just bad w explaining this stuff. but i felt the need to point it out not cause im one of those annoying ppl who praise the original jp ver and reject translations and localizations i just think it's important for izaya specifically cause i love him and i want to analyze his speech patterns as best as i can.
i was going thru the novel just now for other stuff i wanted to mention and i forgot abt this part but it's so funny.
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'Let's not get hasty. Type calmly, please.' its not even funny or nothing i just find it so amusinf whenever he talks like that💀 i will say though the english translation kind of makes him sound more weird and inhuman than the original. that line in the original was basically just him telling her she needs to calm down enough to at least type properly LOL. idk if im just being nitpicky cause this is izaya tho so feel free to ignore that. fwiw i like the eng tl bc while it's a different intonation than the original japanese ver i think if he did speak english it would probably sound smth like that anyways.
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this too made me laugh like ??? seriously he is really nosy when it comes to people's intimate affairs. in the jp ver he calls them an 'intimate couple' which just is like .. ok bro💀
does anyone else see my vision of izaya getting cucked by celty (does it count as cucking when celtys the one dating shinra) while he looks sad and pathetic and miserable that he never decided to shoot his shot w shinra back in the day
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if i were commenting on the actual stuff going on in this scene rn this post would be a lot olonger and even more terribly all over the place so im just gonna focus on how i think it's funny izaya says 'easy, man...' this is like one of the only times his words are somewhat natural and sound like smth you would hear someone else say. in the jp ver it's 「おいおい…」 which is somewhat less out of left field in terms of coming from izaya but still it's pretty surprisingly normal. i have to wonder if in that moment he's too worried about shinra to care about keeping up appearances.
this is just random and me making fun of izaya as usual but why the hell does he weigh himself after his showers💀💀💀 it's cute and endearing and only adds to his strong gap moe but still... it's strange...
speaking of cute things this is from a volume i forget but he says this one phrase a couple of times and it is just both really cute and also kind of idk... saddening. one of the times i can remember he says it is when namie was making fun of him or something and he replies 'Don't tease me. I'm only human.' or something along those lines and it's like . hm. ok.
i think it's cute he says 'dont tease me' a few times cause eughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (trying to ward off severe brain damaged incoherent thoughts) but 'im only human' is like... are you really? even after you try so hard to escape your own humanity and individual self so much... im going to try and give my thoughts on it here but this is just based off my hc that izaya has bpd so yanno. im basing a lot oif this on my own experiences sorry. i do that a lot. (gestures over to all the posts i make abt fob/mychem fan izaya)
when it comes to just straight up acknowledging his humanity izaya has no problems with this because 'sure, i'm human. isn't that obvious?' is probably something along the lines of what he thinks. it's easy for him to just say that because it's just that. it's just words. it holds no real meaning and shows no true insight into how he actually perceives himself. but when it comes to actually having to come face to face with his own humanity and the fact that yes, he is only human, it's a lot more difficult because now it's out of his control. i wonder also if he has problems with perceiving his own self.
i say this a lot but i truly do believe izaya is so so so beautiful and i love him so much. also i just saw a funny post on twitter so i wanna say this here idk if yall know this but izayas actually a latina hes got chismosavirus❤ ok thats all i have to say sorry for rambling so much
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dragongirltongue · 6 months
New Pinned post <3
Hi there, the name is Zelda, or one of like, 20 other names that may or may not be listed somewhere around here. If you know a name I go by that isn't findable here don't use it. <3
I'm bigender which is made up of girl and fem6oy, as such I use she/her and sometimes he/him pronouns when I'm feeling fem6oy enough <3
I'm in my 30s, not getting more specific than that until I decide it's not true enough to change it, don't try to find my exact age as I don't like sharing that information publicly, I don't even update it on my birthday <3
I'm a polyamorous bisexual voraphile freak and if you're over 18 you're welcome to talk to me about how much of a freak I am. I love to flirt and encourage it. Also happy to share my Other Blog with anyone interested, again as long as you're of age. <3
I'm a film graduate and currently working on doing something with that experience as well as working on a superhero comic and a 2D zelda style game. Feel free to bug me about any of those I love to discuss writing and media and want to encourage media literacy. <3
I'm also an ex-jehovahs witness and as a result I'm hugely into the holiday season in a very against my old god kinda way. Also big into sinning <3
Also I'm like, a dragon in probably an otherkin/thetadelta kinda way, like, it's core to who I am and how I understand myself so yeah. Despite this my fursona is a fox, the dragon in my icon is literally me <3
I also draw sometimes and when I do it'll be posted to @dragongirldrawings but always reblogged here too.
Also I'm a member of a plural system, feel free to check out the rest of the system over here @haven-sys <3
Further on the identity weirdness I'm an imaginary friend for the person who used to inhabit this body, they've been gone for like, over 20 years so it's not really relevant but I have started embracing my nature as a fictional creation, it's comforting.
Btw, if one of my posts containing my typing quirk ends up on your dash I take no responsibility for it. I use it in posts that are for me only and if they happen to resonate with others that's their choice to reblog.
I had intended to set tipping up on my blog for a while but adhd caused me to never get around to it sooo, homebrew tip button on my original posts. Feel free and outright encouraged to steal this idea <3
So yeah that's me, hiii I love you all <3
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this post is specifically a6out tum6lr user Zelda dragongirltongue
DNI list under the read more.
lmao imagine if I actually made one of those finally, that's how you'd know I've been replaced with an evil clone or something.
That being said if you're looking at my blog to send me an ask or dm about what someone gets off to please understand unless they're actively hurting someone I rly don't care. I have a lot of ignored and blocked anons about this.
This goes double if the person you're trying to alert me to is trans femme, we don't play that game here, especially given that I know I've been targetted for things as simple as engaging in vore the wrong way for some people or whatever.
Like, I just want to make it clear I rly don't give a fuck what another adult does in the bedroom, I rly don't care if the bedroom happens to include their blog and I rly don't care if they like to flirt about it with other adults on this website.
Also if your pinned post is a callout for anyone about anything it's likely to set off my paranoia around you, which is to say I will not be able to trust you if this is the case even if it's for someone who's actually a danger to a community, like, actively.
Like, this ain't a moral stance or anything, it's a mental health thing. I see that you want to make your first point of contact into a crosshair on someone else I'm gonna be scared you're gonna aim at me next even if it's completely reasonable that you'd never find anything objectionable with me. It scares me and I'm gonna spend every interaction walking on egg shells around you cos what if you're digging for dirt, like, I got no way of knowing.
Anyway as the opening joke implies I don't see any worth in having a list of things to not interact with me over cos the lived experience on this planet is so full of nuance and I've formed deem friendships with people who'd probably have avoided me if I had a DNI and they cared about it.
I think DNIs are dumb but this feels like a space to talk about some general limits on what I'm gonna put up with on this website. I'm just here for a good time with other freaks, anything else is optional. If you want to drag me into your discourse at this point then I guess this is whre I ask you to Do Not Interact. To anyone else, I love yall <3
If you've been directed here after sending an ask my way please apologize for wasting my time [here]
tl;dr DNIs are dumb but don't drag me into your personal grievances with others.
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this post is still specifically a6out tum6lr user Zelda dragongirltongue [tip]
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prince-strife · 8 days
So I watched “Like Minds” (I’m super unwell about gay people)
this one is like 3x longer than the tenet one
spoilers for a movie that came out 20 years ago ig
alex is clearly rly smart but he’s a right prick about it
nigel sure does like to stare 🤨🤨
oh so he’s a little freak. bro’s got a taxidermy cat in his luggage
well. def explosives
he rly likes dead stuff…
not the gay little obsession
he’s so pretty tho fr mfer has gorgeous eyes
bro fuck this cop frfr
he did not seriously just punch this kid
oooh alex is fucked in the head too. inch resting
alex is one of those rich boys ._.
“obligations” hmmm i Do Not like the sound of that
WAIT THAT WAS HIS DAD??? that explains that ig
wait why is alex on the villains wiki. WHY IS ONE OF HIS CRIMES NECROPHILIA
interesting that alex is so aggressively anti-church (as an establishment, i mean)
ooooh nigel is Looking at him
not him fighting with his teacher
taking detailed notes about the people around him…nigel colbie autism
nooo leave him alone :((
alex is so mean to him omg. let him be a little freak in peace
wtf ym you “can’t find” the colbies..
omg staring across a casket at each other..
tom sturridge is so fucking beautiful i’m unwell
“i almost missed him” 🤨🤨
38 minutes in and i think this is the longest we’ve heard nigel speak
idk i need nigel and alex to kiss
“i’m really sorry about your friend” baby don’t lie no the fuck you’re not
smth abt the way nigel said “but you don’t have to worry” reminds me of the scene at the end of batman where joker is telling the riddler he did a good job.
THE GLARE AT THIS POOR GIRL nigel looks jealous as fuck
nigel baby giving the boy you like a hand is not the way to his heart
“it looks like you need a hand.” BABE. NO. TOO ON THE NOSE
he’s so cute in his lil jumper
SITTING ON HIS BED??? LEANING OVER HIM WHILE HE SLEEPS???? nah this is. gay behaviour
“alex, wake up. i’ve got a night planned 🥺” aww they’re gonna go on a date
oh they’re super close. NOW KISS
ooh hanging the essay over his head
the big smile… “are you having fun?” the little giggle. the smirk. he hates his ass. he is so in love with him. WHAT IS GOING ON
hmm i do not trust this
“i’ve never brought anybody here before” INTERESTING (“i’m being vulnerable plz don’t be a dick abt this”)
i’ve still got an hour left of this movie good god
my mom is watching gbbo rly loudly and i just got super confused as to why the music Did Not Match the scene
“do you like it 🥺🥺” NIGEL. BABY. he’s so proud of his weird little lab it’s so cute
these little history nerds…
i rly thought nigel was gonna cuddle into him for a second
“do you know what a pike is?” batting his eyes, looking as coquettish as possible. oh my god. oh my god.
CALLING HIM JACK. i’m so unwell this is so gay.
“we’ve been brought together for a reason” oh my god he thinks they’re murder soulmates
“for eternity.” gnawing on the bars of my enclosure
not him asking her out, nigel’s gonna be PISSED
the way he says “jack” i’m gonna pass out
“my name is alex. stay away from me.” NOOO it’s ok nigel i’ll be your jack
taking the gay goggles off for a second nigel clearly is in desperate need of a friend and is trying so hard to make alex his friend and it’s making me super sad bc he doesn’t seem to quite understand why it’s not working :(((
but also nigel baby stop breaking into his room
it’s giving yandere tbh
“what’s with the knife” *biggest most innocent doe eyes* “i don’t know what you mean, jack”
i feel bad for her fr tho she didn’t do nothin wrong. not her fault alex is oblivious to his psychopath boyfriend
lol alex looking around for nigel when he finds out she’s dead. he’s not stupid, i’ll give him that
nigel’s very bad at acting innocent
“i sense some hostility” NO REALLY
they look like they’re abt to kiss
“no jack, you did it.” babe.
“feels good to vent one’s anger doesn’t it jack””i don’t want any part of this” “too late for that”
oh he’s CRAZY
he so sure that alex is just as nuts as he is.
wtf happened to nigel’s parents
babe being cryptic is not helping your situation
i bet his parents are dead
hehe the jack <3
his jars of dead shit are so weird
was that a drawing of the dead kid?
nigel has rly nice handwriting omg
idk if the knowledge that it’s purely for scientific interest makes the pictures of the sleeping girl better or worse
he calls them helen and john???
love him introducing alex like he’s his boyfriend
nigel looks so dead inside omg
“stop it, nigel :((“
OH HE MADE THE BIBLE??? i thought it was a book he had not smth he created that’s actually pretty cool
“our union” 🤨🤨 its giving marriage
“nigel was right about this” hmmm boyfriend behaviour
omg mckenzie SUCKS like he’s just kind of an asshole
“i knew you couldn’t resist a secret rendezvous <3”
“you didn’t know nigel”
“my dearest jack”
his lack of reaction to her getting shot…
he’s so clinical about the cleanup…
he’s so pretty…
omg does he want jack to be his maraclea is that why he got the gun (ik his mom was his maraclea let me be delulu)
he rly thinks this is completely justified
i’m so sad he’s dead :(( gimme my babygirl back
holy fuck alex got released
“my beloved susan” WHAT DOES THAT MEAN
“nigel got what he wanted…eternity”
OH MY FUCKING GOD J CANT BELEJEV HE DID THAT… continuing nigel’s work… oh my fucking god
“you like history.” BITCH WHAT
Edit: I forgot to give the movie a rating .-. 500/10 i fucking loved it, i’m already making a forbie playlist
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queerspacepunk · 2 years
was scrolling through the episode 5 lifting some dialogue for a fic and Noticed Something so who wants to get incredibly granular about the 'they're such dicks about spoons' scene?
now there is So Fucking Much going on in this little scene alone (i know i've come across some rly good meta about this esp wrt to frenchie but i can't find it rn if anyone can pls let me know so i can link it)
but to massively oversimplify there a two parallel conversations going on (ah yes the man who can effectively carry two conversations and go into specific and accurate detail/analysis of what went on while freaked out and emotionally heightened is and then regulate those emotions is totally a loose cannon and in need of a minder), one with frenchie and one with stede.
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frenchie responds to the situation (potential threat to ed) much quicker than stede, moving to be ready if ed needs him. he doesn't need ask if something happened, he knows it already has, he gets it, and once he's reassured that he doesn't need to be ready to leap into action, he takes a validation approach. "i get it, i understand, i see and know what you're going through and it fucking sucks and they are in the wrong".
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stede on the other hand, as a rich white guy who understands as a neurodiverse queer how cruel these people can be, but who doesn't truly appreciate the violence of it esp when race comes into play is a step behind, and once he realises what's going on he's trying to figure it out, solve the problem do a chain analysis, and then once he starts to click to how bad this is and how much "his people" have hurt ed, to step up and step in (always makes me think of this great post by knowlesian)
(there's also something bizarrely sweet about them having this jargon-heavy back-and-forth about silverware they both understand the significance of but that's a different post)
ANYWAY on to the point of this fucking post which is this little clip here
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there's some interesting stuff going on just before, with how ed reacts to stede telling him to stand down and the way it's actually the softening of stede's voice and the "these are my people, I'll deal with it" that seems to convince him, but before he does, before he really accepts, ed looks to frenchie.
because stede's learning, yes, and he's trying, but he doesn't get it. not the way ed and frenchie do. and as much as ed's fallen ass-over-tits for this weird lil guy, he's only known him five minutes, and he knows knows him from the perspective of Blackbeard, as a fellow captain, someone stede's treated (for the most part) as an equal.
what has me gnashing and wailing about this is not just that it's frenchie's judgement, his (i'm assuming) approval that lets ed really trust stede here, but also the fact that ed gets to have that!!! he's freaked out and heightened and probably second-guessing his read on things tonight but he has a friend!! he has an ally!! someone who gets it, someone he can look to for a second opinion, confirmation, solidarity.
ed doesn't need a minder, he doesn't need managing, he needs some fucking friends.
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magicalgirlsirin · 4 months
hi rly enjoyed ur post on elysian realm! ik ur a new fan (i am too) but i heard that before retcon, elysia was a lot more morally gray. would you happen to know how exactly?? im rly curious bc i think it would be a severe improvement obviously. we deserve complex women who do wrongs
So when I say retcon in relation to the elyrealm arc it's less so "things they changed because of the story evolving and wanting to expand previously established events" and more "things they straight up forgot about in service of making Elysia a herrscher". It's not like hi3 is a stranger to retcons though?
For example, Durandal being the "original" Kiana is a retcon. The fact that our Kiana was a clone remained the same, but it's clear from older story stuff (iirc it's Everlasting Memory/Theresa's chronicle set?; second eruption manga doesn't focus on the Kiana part) that Durandal wasn't originally there. Otto refers to Kiana as K-423, and that Theresa needs to retrieve her, which implies that Theresa knows it's not Siegfried and Cecilia's kid, but her distress remains the same. The later game retcon by Thus Spoke Apocalypse is that OG!Kiana and Siegfried were going to go retrieve K-423, but OG!Kiana ended up injured and so Siegfried only left with K-423. And if you're confused then so am I because the details don't really super line up with the presentation, but it's like, fine, because at the end of the day the current writing intention and trajectory is for Durandal and Kiana to be sisters, and to both be Siegfried's daughters.
Anyways, for Elysia, a lot of her retcons occur in a very rapid pace from the first realm chapter set to Elysium Everlasting. Like I mentioned in my last post, the herrscher reveal is nonsense just going off of basic information like the fact she received MANTIS surgery like all the other Flame Chasers. However, there are other plot threads that are completely dropped for the sake of making Elysia a very special good girl who you should love because she's so nice and never did anything bad.
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[About Betrayal 1 - Chapter 2]
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[About Betrayal 2 - Chapter 2]
Elysia the traitor plot is something I was, well not hopeful for (a friend had already warned me that the game wouldn't do anything interesting with it] but I still ended up mulling it over a lot because it was such an interesting hinge piece for her initial presentation.
What stands out to me is the phrasing. Kevin says she never endangered humanity even if she was a traitor. Kevin says that Elysia made a decision. This implies agency, like Elysia was actively choosing to do something dangerous for the sake of the Flame Chasers. However, if Elysia was a herrscher from the beginning, then none of this makes sense. She doesn't choose to be a herrscher if she was one from the beginning, so why even make it seem like her betrayal was her choice at all?
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[Traitor - Chapter 1]
It doesn't stop there though. Mobius' active disdain implies that whatever choice Elysia made, it was enough to make Mobius of all people consider her a lost cause. Mobius, who body mods and injects honkai energy into anyone with a pulse (hyperbole) to try and make humanity last just the slightest bit longer.
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[Traitor - Chapter 1]
Mobius wants us to doubt Elysia's intentions. If you go through all their shared information, you'll find that the worst Elysia really does is just... coerce Mobi to wear pink dresses, and while that is obnoxious, it wouldn't warrant utter contempt for Elysia as a person.
There's actually a lot of stray text that implies there's something wrong about Elysia's existence, which I guess in generous terms could be interpreted as setup for the herrscher reveal? But it just feels like it's just there to add to the mystery that won't go anywhere.
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[The Blind Spot - Recollection]
This right here nags at me. Deeply so. Elysia isn't so much a character as much as she is just a concept, the idea of a story that could be told. Not even in the canon-compliant weird endgame hook meta-textual breakout in Transcending Finality about the power of stories... Although, there's a way to introduce it here and tie it to Elysia to give some semblance of connectivity.
I went this long without actually giving my thoughts on how to make Elysia's writing good though. Disclaimer for clarity sake I know not everyone will agree with the changes I want to make and I'm also not claiming to be a more skilled writer than anyone in the hi3 team, they're all people with enough talent to be employed by the company.
That out of the way.
This isn't so much about making Elysia morally grey as much as it is about giving her an emotional core, because right now she's pretty hollow. Rather than a pristine girl who never did anything wrong, I'd rather cast her as a romantic, tragic heroine who would move heaven and fate just to seem noble.
Elysia was born human. Maybe she loved stories, and how they transported her to far off places, far far far away from the tiny town she was growing up in. When she was old enough, she traveled the world. Honkai descends. Because she was a globe trotter she ended up connected to many people, and was given the chance to join the MOTH organization. She gets MANTIS surgery. As the number of soon-to-be Flame Chasers grow, discussion begins about if the strength of the soldiers is enough.
'Maybe, if I had power comparable to a herrscher, we could fight with less casualties.'
She doesn't say this out loud, of course. It's a dangerous thought, a line that shouldn't be crossed. But she's curious. She breaks into Mobius' lab [Miss Pink Spy - Pristine Memory] to find the information she wants. Mobius figures out her intentions and warns Elysia off. It's not even in consideration, so keep whatever plan you have in mind off the table before you do something irreversible.
Mobius thought that Elysia gave up on the plan after the seventh erruption. The haunted look behind Kevin's eyes, the sadness creasing Elysia's face, all of it makes it seem like a simple consideration forgotten by the sands of time.
Elysia doesn't have a discipline. She told Dr. Mei it wasn't needed since her combat performance was well above standard margins anyways. (She is on par with Kevin in strength, after all.) At least, we all thought she didn't. A deal is made with Aponia.
Aponia, Aponia, apostle of fate, I offer you my 'humanity' to become a 'story'.
Elysia cannot receive any more disciplines. The target has to be "human". Elysia as a story, unchanging, pristine, capable of remaining as she is without blemish, can reach out and become a herrscher while remaining herself. She's desperate. She wants to help. She reaches into the deep, the start of the universe, and gathers the power. She names it Origin, since it's something she found at the source.
She's a herrscher.
Herrschers are an enemy of humanity.
Kevin runs her through with Shamash.
Elysia is still herself though, talking like she would as usual.
-Oh Kevin, I wanted to know if your tears would freeze, but I was hoping it wouldn't be like this. They're so warm, though. Thank you for crying for me.
-I see no herrscher here, just... the flame chaser, bearing the signet of ego.
The Elysian Realm keeps a secret. Aponia keeps it, the fact that Elysia gave up her humanity. The final banquet? A polite way to refer to Elysia's own demise.
It's sad, isn't it? That strength she wanted to give fell right through her fingers. Her own undoing, the desperate plan of a foolish girl who wanted to be a hero, but only ending up as a villain to oppose. It's so much more meaningful, then, that Elysia's gift, the power of sapience, is kept on to the next cycle of humanity. Held again, the power of ego, of humans, to someone with a kind heart to move beyond the past she's trapped in. Thank you, Raiden Mei, for carrying on the ideals of the thirteen trailblazers, the moths who chase the flame.
so anyways yeah i think elysia couldve been interesting whos to say
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the-pea-and-the-sun · 1 month
how did it take me so long to start calling myself aromantic/arospec. like now that ive actually started using the term for myself its so crazy to me that i wasnt using this term since the first time i heard about it. i literally remember like almost a year ago being like "i wish i could just call myself aromantic itd just be a way easier way to explain to people the sort of relationships i want since im interested in sex and really close friendships but not really interested in traditional romantic relationships right now" like my brother you CAN?? jesus fuck. like this thought came aftera series of relationships where i would tell my friends that i had a crush on someone, then the relationship progressed in someway, then i got the sense that the person i was interested in had romantic feelings for me and id get this weird horrible feeling and would run away. and i was literally like "what is this whats going on". i was like woah this must be like.... commitment issues or something. like i was going around telling people that. i was getting over commitment issues that were surely temporary. but they werent asking me to commit to anything they just had feelings for me that i couldnt reciprocate bcz i was just attracted to them and wanted to me friends with them and i thought thats what romantic attraction was. i literally remember telling someone abt someone i liked an they were like "why dont u ask them out?" an my answer was just that i was trying to find reasons not to and i couldnt. cuz i was attracted to them and liked spending time with them and liked being their friend but i was so so happy not being in a romantic relationship anymore and i couldnt shake the feeling that if i got into another one even with the perfect person it was literally gonna ruin my life and i would have to pretend to have feelings that i didnt have.
idk im frustrated that i hadnt considered it sooner but its also kinda exciting to discover something abt urself an ur sexuality. like this label brings me the same joy that other labels that ive discovered fit me do like i feel like how i felt when i came to terms w being trans an being bisexual. i feel like im 13 again finding trans and bisexual youtubers and being like "??? there are others?" like ppl dont talk abut it as much w being aro and ace bcz those are defined by the absence of a feeling rather than the presence of one but it really can be just as exciting to find out that you're aro or ace as it can be to discover that you're a lesbian or gay or transgender or something.
like not to be cheesy but discovering that i could just. have friends and also have sex made everything kinda click in my head for me. like literally i felt like a more complete person. experiencing that and realizing like. oh. this is amazing this is literally all i want like nothing is missing. i literally just dont have to do romance stuff like no ones making me do that why did i think i have to do that. like oh my god this is such a good feeling i really can do whatever i want forever.
this post doesnt rly have a point exactly i just kinda have a lot of feelings to get out. i love you aromantic ppl i love being aromantic it fucking rules actually. every aromantic person whos posted abt their experience an helped me get comfortable w the label i owe u a hundred billion dollars jesus christ i love you guys
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lemonandlime22 · 2 years
Hello! Could I request Ace, Jack, deuce, and sebek with scrawny bitey child please?
Ace, Jack, Deuce, and Sebek with a scrawny and bitey Child!Yuu
Warning(s): cussing, long cause ✨backstory✨, not edited because I'm tired
A/N: lmao I was just in the middle of writing something with ace and deuce's reactions in them, but imma just do this and cut their reactions from the other thing lol.
[Bitey child!Yuu Masterlist]
Two words;
chew toy
that is what he is now.
When he first meet you, you and Grim were looking at the statues
but what's different this time around is that you bite him before he could say a damn word
Grim laughed so hard he spit fire at Ace by accident.
So you get no explanation on the great 7, but hey! you gained a chew toy
but that's not until a lil later.
Ace hated you at first
he thought you were annoying and hella weird
that was unit he saw you bite some random student like just over a day after meeting you
then he thinks you are hilarious.
For some reason tho, you would stop-
anytime he would rest his arms at his sides you start biting his hand
at first it rly fuckin hurt, cause you were actually biting him
ya know how cats will bit your arm and cling onto in then starting kicking your arm?
that's basically what you do to Ace.
But as time went on it started going from full on biting him to just nibbling on his hand
ill explain why you do this and why he allows it in the thing I'm working on.
Also, he is a lil worried as to why the headmaster isn't in a little more of a hurry to get this kid home, I mean your parents are prob worried sick about you,
Overall, you are basically free entertainment for him, sometimes when he's bored he points out some random person to you and tries to get you to bite them, sometimes you do sometimes you don't.
He is a bit curious as to why you do this but unlimitedly lost interest in the subject and decided it was none of his business and that he doesn't care.
yalls relationship is rly fuckin cute!
let me explain,
you first met him in a similar way you did in canon
you had decided to go on the investigation thing that Grim was assigned to do like half way through
(like right after the encounter with the tweels, i think I don't rly remember how it went lol)
for 2 reasons,
1, you were bored
and 2, you wanted to hang out with your mama Riddle.
You got there when jack was just about to leave
and as soon as you saw him
you ran and attached yourself to his leg
not with your teeth tho-
with your arms and legs <3
Jack was so confused as to why this random ass child was hugging his leg
it took nearly all of them to pry you off his leg cause they thought you had bitten him
and he took that chance to leave, but as soon as you realized he was gone you started tearing up.
Ya see, when you were on the streets, there were a lot of stray dogs/puppies and they were all starved but most were nice
and you liked to share what little food you had with them, and sometimes the ones you've fed multiple times, would bring you some food too
so ofc you've grown fawned dogs and with Jack have the ears and tail that was all you needed.
he didn't find out about your biting habit until a while later when he saw you bite Floyd's arm
was surprised when Floyd started to laugh and went to bite your arm too
but he panicked and just ripped you off Floyd, and booked it down the hall.
He usually wouldn't be surprised by a child that bites people but, like I said in the tweels hcs, only best men children, and mer children did it, not human children
he wondered who in the great 7 would teach a little kid to bite people at random
he also wondered why you were in NRC and not with your family
Ace and Deuce end up explaining it to him and he was like,
(⚆_⚆) wtf....
is genuinely confused as to why you do this.
He takes it upon himself to make sure you don't bite anyone while he is with you
he's got good reflexes so anytime you lung at someone he's able to grab you mid air and carry you away before you can even react.
Overall, new big brother another one that misses his little siblings and you make him a lil homesick but he also gets hit with nostalgia when he sees you chewing on Ace's hand cause it reminds him of when his little siblings were small.
btw he will also try to teach you to brake your habit with Riddle.
You have never and will never bite this boy.
when you first met him he dropped a goddamn caldron on Ace
and that was the first act of magic you really paid attention to
you didn't rly care much about all the fire stuff Grim did or the spells that were cast at orientation
but seeing someone make a fucking caldron appear out of thin air and drop it on someone
and that was probably the most amazing thing you've ever seen in your life
from then on you'd almost always watch him intently to learn how to do something like that
your thought proses was,
" ....wow... h-he must be the strongest! I have to know how to do that!"
From his pov you were a small child that came out of nowhere and won't stop staring at him
at first he was sad because he thought you were intimidated by him and were staring so you could keep an eye on him
but later on, when he summed another caldron, you came up to him, tugged at his sleeve and said,
"teach me."
while pointing at the caldron
and let me tell you-
this boy was so HAPPY!
from then on he was even more determined to be an honors student
he wants to set a good example to someone who looks up to him.
He first sees you bite someone when you started biting Ace again
at first he thought Ace did something to you, but after both Ace and Grim explained what happened he calmed down but was confused
but he still didn't think much of it at first cause toddlers bite people all the time and maybe you looked big for your age?
it wasn't unit he saw you bite a bunch of random people on different occasions did he connect the dots
well... he kind of did..
he thought you were just like him or like he was
he thinks your biting people out of rebellion or anger.
From that point on he was with Riddle trying to teach you not to bite people!
Overall, please I beg of you don't bite people in front of him he will be so sad and disappointed in himself!! He just wants the best for you and that is not to be like he was (his words).
He thinks he knows why you do this so he doesn't wonder why, but when he does find out, his opinion might change but I'll talk about that a lil later.
who you end up learning the death roll from
Enemies to extreme enemies to frenemies
that's basically the progression of your relationship.
Now I don't know/remember when we meet him in canon so imma make smthn up lol
He kinda heard of you but not rly
he saw the bite mark on Malleus you left on his arm when you first met
and he has despised every fiber of your being ever since
the only reason he hasn't gone to go end you yet is because Malleus overheard him when he was talking to himself about debreathing you and didn't take to kindly to someone wanting to end his new friend.
He doesn't officially meet you until you and the rest of the first years were making a bunch of noise in the middle of the courtyard
and he, being the good lil hall monitor he is, went to tell you to stfu.
it wasn't until he saw the rest of the first years trying to pull you off some poor student
I'm using "trying" very loosely, Deuce was trying while Epel, Grim, and Ace were hyperventilating on the ground from laughing and Jack was sighing and shaking his head disappointedly and waiting till things got serious to step in.
He scoffed and took your body from Deuce's hands and yanked you back in one fell swoop
and while everyone was in shock except for that poor student, he quickly left to get checked for rabies Sebek quickly connected the dots
there's only one human that both bites and has such a small mouth
and that's you.
Oh! btw, yes he has heard rumors of you.
He almost instantly starts yelling at you
and I mean what he considers to be yelling
so you basically almost go def
rip your little eardrums.
The rest of the first try their best to a least get him to put you down
His yelling reminded you of those old grumpy store owners that would scream at you for eating out of their dumpsters
you never liked them and you don't like this green one either but you couldn't get closer to him or get out of his hands to bite him
his hands were under your armpits so you couldn't get to his hands either
so you just started squirming around and when that didn't work
you cried.
He quickly dropped you and started trying to get you so stop
to which you grabbed his hand and started biting.
He eventually stops extra despising you and then just regular despises you, then eventually tolerates your existence.
Overall, like I said, Enemies to extreme enemies to frenemies.
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