#robb stark x reader smut
nixiefics · 3 days
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💕 Nixie 💕
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Robb Stark winces as you carefully manipulate his leg, guiding his hip back into place with practiced hands. The sharp intake of breath that escapes him when the bone finally clicks into its rightful position tells you just how much pain he’s been enduring. You’ve been a Silent Sister in training for only a short time, but already you’ve seen more suffering than you ever imagined possible. Yet, this man, the Young Wolf, is different. His pain seems to ripple through you as if it were your own.
“Thank you,” he says, his voice strained but genuine. His blue eyes meet yours, and for a moment, you forget the vow of silence you took upon entering your order. You nod in acknowledgment, your fingers still lingering on his hip, feeling the heat of his body through the thin linen of his undergarment.
Days pass, and you tend to Robb’s injuries with unwavering diligence. His recovery is slow, but each day he grows stronger. You watch as he interacts with his men, see the respect and loyalty they have for him. He’s not just their King; he’s their friend, their brother. It’s a bond forged in the fires of battle and tempered by the fairness and justice he shows them.
Grey Wind, his direwolf, is never far from his side. The massive wolf seems to sense your importance to Robb, often watching you with intelligent, piercing eyes. When you approach, Grey Wind’s posture is relaxed, but the unspoken warning is clear: you are under his protection as well.
But it’s not just his men and his direwolf who are drawn to him. You feel an undeniable pull towards Robb Stark. His kindness, his honour, his unwavering dedication to his family and his cause – all of it captivates you. You’ve seen men broken by war, their spirits shattered as surely as their bodies, but Robb remains whole. More than whole, he seems to grow stronger with each passing day, his determination like a beacon in the dark.
One evening, as you’re tending to another soldier’s wounds, you feel his eyes on you. Robb watches from across the camp, his jaw tight, his eyes dark with something you can’t quite name. Jealousy? The thought lingers as you stitch up the gash on the soldier’s arm, your hands steady despite the intensity of Robb’s gaze. Grey Wind is by his side, growling softly, mirroring Robb’s protective feelings.
Later, as you change the dressing on Robb’s hip, he grabs your wrist, his grip surprisingly strong. “You spend too much time with the others,” he says, his voice low and edged with frustration. “I need you with me.”
You look up, startled by the intensity in his eyes. You try to pull away, but his hold tightens. “I don’t want you tending to them,” he says, his voice rough. “I want you by my side. Always.”
You nod, your heart pounding. His possessiveness is startling, but also oddly reassuring. It means he cares, that he values you more than you realized. From that moment on, you are always at his side, tending to his needs, ensuring his recovery. Grey Wind often lies nearby, his presence a constant reminder of Robb’s vigilance even when he cannot be with you.
The other men notice, their eyes following you with curiosity and a hint of envy. Robb’s attention and possessiveness are clear to all, and it changes the dynamic in the camp. No longer just a healer, you are now the woman who has captured the heart of the Young Wolf.
One day, you’re tending to a minor injury on a young soldier when Robb storms into the tent. His face is a mask of barely controlled anger. “Leave us,” he commands the soldier, who scrambles to his feet and exits hastily.
Robb strides over to you, his eyes blazing. “I told you, I don’t want you with them,” he growls, grabbing your hand and pulling you close. “You’re mine.”
You can feel the heat of his breath on your face, the intensity of his emotions crashing over you like a wave. His jealousy is raw, visceral, and it sends a shiver down your spine. You’ve never seen him like this, so consumed by his need for you. Grey Wind stands at his side, his eyes fixed on you, a silent enforcer of Robb’s wishes.
“I can’t stand seeing you with them,” he admits, his voice a harsh whisper. “It tears me apart. You’re the only one who understands me, who makes me feel whole. I need you, only you.”
You reach up, placing a gentle hand on his cheek, feeling the tension in his jaw. You nod, your silent promise to be by his side always. His grip on you softens, his eyes searching yours for reassurance. Grey Wind nudges your leg gently, as if to seal the promise.
In the weeks that follow, Robb’s possessiveness only grows. He keeps you close, his eyes always on you, ensuring that no one else can claim your attention. It’s a fierce, consuming need that drives him, a reflection of the depth of his feelings for you. Grey Wind is never far, his protective presence a constant reminder of the bond you share with Robb.
One night, as you sit by the fire, he pulls you into his lap, his arms wrapping around you protectively. “You’re mine,” he whispers into your ear, his voice a low growl. “No one else’s. Remember that.”
You nod, your heart swelling with a mixture of love and something darker, more primal. Robb Stark may be the Young Wolf, a fearsome leader and a brilliant strategist, but to you, he is simply Robb – the man who would fight the world to keep you by his side. And as you look into his eyes, you know that you would do the same for him.
One afternoon, you are out gathering herbs when a group of soldiers approaches you. They’re friendly, asking for your help with minor ailments. Before you can respond, Grey Wind appears from the trees, teeth bared, a low growl rumbling from his throat. The soldiers step back, fear evident in their eyes.
You pat his head gently in warning, but the direwolf’s eyes remain fixed on the men until they retreat. When you return to camp, Robb is waiting, his eyes dark with concern and jealousy.
“Were they bothering you?” he asks, his voice tight.
You shake your head, but Robb pulls you into his arms, holding you close. “I don’t want you going out alone anymore,” he says. “Grey Wind will accompany you, or I will.”
You nod, understanding the depth of his worry. His possessiveness is more than just jealousy; it’s a need to protect you, to keep you safe in a world that is anything but. You feel his love in every fierce look, every protective gesture, every time Grey Wind’s eyes follow you like a shadow.
As Robb’s recovery progresses, your bond deepens. He confides in you, shares his fears, his hopes, his dreams. You listen, your silence a balm to his troubled soul. And in those quiet moments, you realize that you’ve found something rare and precious in the midst of war.
Robb’s men see the change in their lord, the lightness in his step, the hope in his eyes. They see the way he looks at you, the way Grey Wind shadows your every move, and they understand. The Young Wolf has found his heart, and it beats for you.
One night, as you sit by the fire, Robb’s arms around you and Grey Wind at your feet, he whispers, “You’re mine, and I am yours. Always.”
You smile, knowing that no matter what the future holds, you will face it together. Robb Stark may be the Young Wolf, a fearsome leader and a brilliant strategist, but to you, he is simply Robb – the man who captured your heart with his honour, his kindness, and his unwavering love. And in his eyes, you see the same love reflected back at you, a bond that no war, no enemy, can ever break.
"You should rest, My King," you say softly. "Let us retire for the evening."
Your words leave him stunned for a moment. You have taken a vow of silence, yet here you are, speaking to him. The surprise in his eyes quickly melts into something deeper, a mixture of relief and gratitude. Robb nods, allowing you to help him up, your hands steadying him as he leans on you for support. Grey Wind shadows your every step, his amber eyes watching protectively.
As you guide Robb towards his tent, the camp around you starts to quiet down. The fires burn low, casting flickering shadows that dance in the night. You can feel the weight of Robb’s gaze on you, the unspoken questions simmering just beneath the surface.
Inside the tent, the atmosphere is warm and intimate. You help Robb ease down onto his furs, his eyes never leaving yours. He reaches for your hand, his grip firm and reassuring. “Why now?” he asks softly, his voice tinged with curiosity and concern. “Why break your vow of silence?”
You take a deep breath, kneeling beside him. “Because I need you to understand,” you begin, your voice steady despite the turmoil inside you. “My silence was a shield, a way to distance myself from the pain and suffering I witnessed. But with you, it’s different. I can’t remain silent any longer. Not when my heart speaks so loudly.”
Robb’s eyes soften, his hand squeezing yours gently. “What are you saying?” he asks, his voice barely above a whisper.
“I’m saying that I want to leave the Silent Sisters,” you declare, your resolve hardening. “But I will only do so if you share my commitment, if you promise that our bond is as strong as I believe it to be.”
Robb’s eyes widen, his surprise evident. He pulls you closer, his fingers brushing a strand of hair from your face. “You would give up your vows for me?” he asks, his voice filled with awe.
You nod, your heart pounding. “Yes. But only if you promise to be with me, to share this life with me. I cannot leave my order for uncertainty. I need your commitment, Robb.”
Robb’s expression transforms into one of determination. “I promise,” he says firmly, his eyes locking onto yours. “You have my word. I will stand by you, always. You are not just my healer, but my heart. I need you by my side.”
A sense of relief washes over you, and you lean into him, feeling the warmth of his embrace. Grey Wind huffs and trots to settle just outside the entrance to the tent, a silent sentinel watching over you both. For the first time in a long while, you feel a sense of peace and belonging.
Robb cups your face in his hands, his thumb brushing over your cheek. “You’ve given me more than just my health,” he whispers. “You’ve given me hope, a future I didn’t dare dream of. I promise you, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe, to make you happy.”
Tears of relief and joy well in your eyes as you nod. “And I promise to stand by you, to support you in every way I can,” you vow, your voice filled with emotion.
Robb leans in, his forehead resting against yours. “We will face whatever comes together,” he murmurs. “From this day forward, we are bound by more than just duty. We are bound by love.”
Robb leans in, his forehead resting against yours. “We will face whatever comes together,” he murmurs. “From this day forward, we are bound by more than just duty. We are bound by love.”
His words hang in the air, heavy with promise and certainty. You feel the heat of his breath, the nearness of his lips, and it sends a shiver down your spine. The world around you fades away until there is only Robb—his eyes, his touch, his unwavering gaze that holds you captive.
Slowly, he tilts his head, his lips brushing against yours in a whisper of a touch. The sensation is electric, a spark that ignites something deep within you. His hands cup your face gently, his thumbs caressing your cheeks with a tenderness that belies the intensity of his emotions.
Then, without warning, the kiss deepens. His lips press against yours with a fervour that takes your breath away. It’s as if he’s pouring all his love, all his passion, into this single moment, and you respond in kind, matching his intensity. Your hands find their way to his hair, fingers tangling in the soft, dark strands as you pull him closer.
The kiss is searing, consuming. It feels like the world is burning around you, but all you can focus on is the sensation of his lips on yours, the taste of him, the way his body presses against yours with a desperate need. Every brush of his lips, every flick of his tongue, sends waves of pleasure coursing through you, leaving you breathless and yearning for more.
Robb’s hands slide down to your waist, pulling you even closer until there is no space between you. You can feel the rapid beat of his heart against your chest, mirroring the wild rhythm of your own. His lips leave yours only to trail hot, open-mouthed kisses along your jaw, your neck, igniting a trail of fire in their wake.
You gasp, your head falling back as he finds the sensitive spot just below your ear, his teeth grazing your skin in a way that sends a jolt of pure pleasure through you. “Robb,” you whisper, your voice trembling with desire. He responds with a low growl, his hands gripping your hips possessively as he brings his lips back to yours in another fevered kiss.
Time loses all meaning as you lose yourself in him, in the heat of his kiss, the strength of his embrace. The world outside the tent, the war, the uncertainty of the future—all of it fades away until there is only this moment, this man, and the love that binds you together.
Robb’s hands slide down to your waist, pulling you even closer until there is no space between you. You can feel the rapid beat of his heart against your chest, mirroring the wild rhythm of your own. His lips leave yours only to trail hot, open-mouthed kisses along your jaw, your neck, igniting a trail of fire in their wake.
You gasp, your head falling back as he finds the sensitive spot just below your ear, his teeth grazing your skin in a way that sends a jolt of pure pleasure through you. “Robb,” you whisper, your voice trembling with desire. He responds with a low growl, his hands gripping your hips possessively as he brings his lips back to yours in another fevered kiss.
Time loses all meaning as you lose yourself in him, in the heat of his kiss, the strength of his embrace. The world outside the tent, the war, the uncertainty of the future—all of it fades away until there is only this moment, this man, and the love that binds you together.
You're vaguely aware of his fingers at the laces of your dress, tugging impatiently at them. Soon, it seems, he loses all patience and you gasp as he violently rips at the seams of your dress, pushing it over your shoulders and hips with a growl. "On the bed."
You crawl to the middle of the bed of furs, your heart pounding with anticipation as Robb stands before you with a hungry gaze. His possessive nature has always been clear, but now it's different - now, it's thrilling and exciting.
He sheds his own layers first, causing you swallow thickly as his chest is exposed; thick thighs built for fighting but that make you think they might be good for other pleasures as well. And then he is completely bare and you feel your core clench at the sight of his cock. Thicker than it was long, with veins running all along it; the thought of running your tongue over those veins makes your mouth water.
"Gods, you're glorious." you whisper, resisting the urge to chew at your nails.
Robb's calloused hands trace the curves of your body, sending shivers down your spine. His touch is confident and passionate, and you can't help but feel desired under his gaze. His lips find yours, and he kisses you deeply, his tongue exploring your mouth with a fervour that leaves you breathless.
As he breaks the kiss, his mouth moves to your neck, nibbling and licking the sensitive skin. You moan softly, your fingers tangling in his hair as he continues his assault on your senses. His hands slip under your shift, caressing your breasts with calloused hands. You arch your back, pressing yourself into his touch, wanting more.
Robb takes the hint, his fingers deftly removing your shift and freeing your body to his gaze. His mouth finds your nipples, and he sucks and nips at them, his stubble adding an extra layer of sensation. You gasp, your head falling back as he worships your body.
His hands trail down your body, fingers find your clit, and he begins to rub slow circles, making you moan and writhe beneath him. His other hand joins the first as well, his fingers sliding into your wet pussy. You are more than ready for him.
His head dips between your legs, and his tongue finds your clit. He licks and sucks, his fingers still inside you, curled to hit that perfect spot. You moan louder, your hips bucking as he brings you closer and closer to the edge.
Just as you're about to cum, he stops. You look at him, confused, but he just smirks at you. Robb pulls himself to his knees, positioning himself between your legs. He rubs the head of his cock against your clit, making you moan loudly again. He teases you like this for a moment before slowly sliding inside you.
He fills you up, stretching you in the most delicious way. He starts to move, his thrusts slow and deep at first. You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper inside you.
Robb's pace quickens, his thrusts becoming harder and faster. You can feel yourself getting close again, and you urge him on. "Harder, Robb, harder," you gasp. He complies, his cock slamming into you, making the bed shake.
You feel yourself on the brink, and then you're cumming, your orgasm ripping through you like a tidal wave. Robb keeps thrusting, drawing out your pleasure until he finally follows you over the edge, filling you up with his cum.
He collapses on top of you, his breathing heavy and ragged. You wrap your arms around him, feeling closer to him than ever before. Robb's possessiveness has always been a part of him, but now, it's something else - it's a sign of his love and devotion to you.
As you lay there, basking in the afterglow of your lovemaking, you know that this is just the beginning of your journey together. And you can't wait to see where it takes you.
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little-spicy · 1 year
Robb Stark x !Baratheon Reader
Summary: an alliance of house Baratheon and house Stark was going to set place in Winterfell. Y/N Baratheon and Robb Stark were to be wed and be man and wife.
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THE EARLY MORNING WAS CRISP AND COLD, the warm breath that Y/N emitted could be seen in the air.
She held her coat close to her as she watched the morning sunrise. She felt sad as this would be the last moment she would be a young maiden. She would be married later in the afternoon and she felt frightened.
She was told her entire childhood that Robb Stark would be her betrothed. Her father and his father were friends and her father knew the best way their houses could come together was through marriage.
She was the oldest, being one year old than Joffrey and the only one of her family to have her fathers brown curls.
Of course her mother despised the agreement, she believed her daughter was worthy of a better suitor but nonetheless it was still set in stone.
Robb Stark was definitely different from what she imagined. She knew it could of been worse, he was a gentleman and kind, showing her the home that was soon to be shared.
And she could tell he was just as nervous was her. They were both young and knew their duties were required one day.
Y/N tried not to think of it as she felt the sun rise and felt the heat of the sun rest on red cheeks.
"Excited for the big day?" A voice said and Y/N jumped and turned to see her uncle Tyrion coming forward.
"Excited to be married and away from my family?" She asked her uncle sighed and stood beside her.
"It's probably better, you and I both know that kingslanding is no place for someone like you." He told her.
"And what am I?" She asked and he chuckled.
"Truthful, kind, surprising you turned out that way considering how your mother is." He said and she laughed.
"Don't say that too loud, mother can hear everything." She told him.
"That's because your mother is a wicked witch, have I taught you nothing from my bedtime stories?" Tyrion asked and the both laughed.
"I do, even though I know how my family is, I'll still miss them." She said and looked down at her uncle. "Especially you, what will I do without my favorite uncle?"
"You'll adapt, you'll grow that's a good quality you have as well." Tyrion said. "Just know that you'll be taken care of, that Robb stark is a good man, I hate to admit but he's a good man."
"Thank you." Y/N stared at the sunset and closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Time to start the day?"
"Of course, let's go." Tyrion said and walked with his niece.
Both of them taking of the future and of the past, making Y/N feel at ease from the words of her uncle.
After the small walk and talking with her uncle, she returned to her chambers and only a few moments of peace lasted until her hand maidens came in and began to get ready for the wedding.
She smelled of lavender and lilac, and her long brown curls fell perfectly. She felt refreshed and as they dried her, she saw her wedding gown laying on the bed.
Soon her mother, Lady Stark, and her soon to be sister Sansa had come in to help.
The Stark women came to bring Y/N gifts to welcome her into their home. Sansa had helped make a veil for Y/N and Lady Stark had brought a beautiful brooch of the Stark family to welcome her.
She felt so honored by the kindness of the Stark family, of course she could tell there was never a dull moment.
"If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to be alone with my daughter." Cersei told the Stark ladies and the nodded.
"Of course, see you at the wedding my dear." Lady Stark said and Sansa followed behind and left the two women alone.
Cersei looked at her daughter and smiled, she placed her hands on her daughter's cheek and led her to the dresser.
"Let me do your hair." Cersei said and Y/N nodded and felt content as her mother brushed through her hair. Feeling as if they were home in the castle. "This will be the last time I do it, then you'll do it for daughters of your own."
"I'll miss this." Y/N said sadly. "You always made the prettiest braids."
"Your grandmother did the same thing for me when I was a child." Cersei told her. "You remind me so much of her, my mother was so kind and i remember the day you were born, I could just feel my mother's presence in you."
As Cersei continued to brush, Y/N but her bottom lip and felt the creeping question she always had when it came to her betrothal.
"Mother, is it scary?" Y/N asked her. "I mean I know you didn't marry father for love, how did you do it?"
"Wine, lots of wine." Cersei said, bitterly and grabbed a chunk of hair and brushed it softly. "Overtime it did help that I had children, I had you, that's all that mattered."
"Do you think he'll make me happy?" Y/N asked and Cersei scoffed.
"I wouldn't count too much on that, sometimes it's just an alliance, remember that." Cersei told her and Y/N grew silent. "Are only duty is to marry and bring honor to our house through marriage and bare many children."
Y/N nodded and the two of them fell silent as Cersei continued to do her daughter's hair.
Cersei loved all her children but something about Y/N was special. She was her first, the first one of her children to truly live. She looked up at Cersei and when she did it felt as if nothing mattered.
Her daughter looked up to her and still does, Cersei knows the type of person she is, but the warmth and innocent eyes of her daughter made her feel human and her softer side was only seen by her.
Cersei didn't care of that her daughter wasn't Jaime's all she cared was that her daughter was protected. She truly had a place for her little doe.
"Lets get you in your dress." Cersei said as Y/N looked in the mirror and saw her hair up in a beautiful braid.
She followed her mother and helped her in her dress. She tied up her corset and helped her to the tiniest detail, knowing this would be the last time she would.
"You look beautiful." Cersei said as she led Y/N to the mirror. Y/N felt truly beautiful, she forgot for just a moment what awaited her and felt happy with how she looked.
"Thank you mother." Y/N said and turned to her mother and hugged her tightly. Cersei held her daughter right and tried not to cry.
The women heard a knock on the door and Cersei wiped the tears away quickly and cleared her throat.
"Come in." Cersei said and the door opened to reveal Robert Baratheon, Y/N's father.
"You look so beautiful my little doe." Robert said and came over, he took her hands and took a long look at her.
Y/N blushed and smiled as her father looked down at her with such pride. He thought Lyanna was the most beautiful but at that moment, his daughter was the most beautiful thing he had seen.
"Let us go." Robert said and Cersei sighed and grabbed her veil and placed it over her. "Robb will treat you right, he's a noble man."
Cersei fought the urge to bite back but knew better than to do it. Y/N walked along her mother and father as they began to walk.
Each step they took Y/N began to fully realize she was getting married.
Many people were at the Godswood, the heart of Winterfell and where Lord Stark wanted the ceremony to be.
The tree stood beautiful before them, the faint redness of the leaves contrasted with the white snow. The birds chirped and the small murmurs of the people from Winterfell and the guests that came from Kingslanding.
Her mother parted from her reluctantly and went to where her brothers stood and Robert guided Y/N down the snowy path.
Y/N could see Robb in his bear skin cloak, his face freshly shaven and his eyes were full of emotions. Fear, admiration, and another one she couldn't figure out.
She felt her heart race as she came closer and closer to him. As Y/N and Robert came up to Robb, Robert smiled down.
"Take care of her." Robert said and walked over to his wife.
Robb looked at Y/N and he smiled, she blushed at his gaze and the Septon interrupted their eye contact.
"You may now cloak your bride and bring her under protection." The Septon said and Robb did so and placed the large cloak over her shoulders.
Robb then placed his hand on her back to bring her closer to the Septon and he continued.
"My lords and my ladies, we stand here to unite these two houses as one. Princess Y/N Baratheon and Lord Robb Stark as one flesh, one blood, and one soul."
The Septon pulled out a ribbon and grabbed both of their hands. Y/N's hands were shaking as the Septon took her hand and when Robb placed his hand on top of hers he took it gently and squeezed.
"In the sight of all who sees and in the eyes of the gods I hereby bound these two souls, binding them as one." The Septon spoke. "You may kiss your bride."
Robb looked at Y/N and leaned down to kiss her softly. When they kissed it felt strange, an unfamiliar feeling crept up and Y/N didn't know what it was but she liked it.
The feeling of his warm lips against her made her forget of everyone around them, ignoring the sounds of their cheering and screams of the houses being united.
They parted their kiss and looked at each other with bewilderment. Y/N smiled first and made Robb smile back, he kissed her left cheek softly and the both turned to the crowd in front of them.
"I present to you Lord Robb Stark and Lady Y/N Stark." The Septon spoke and everyone erupted in applause once more.
After the wedding ceremony the feast that was held afterwards was a party to remember. For once everything seemed peaceful and joyful.
Cersei was actually civil with her brother Tyrion, Robert was blinding drunk yet, and even Joffrey was not as unpleasant as usual.
Everyone cheered and praised the happy couple, giving them their blessings and kind words.
It seemed everyone was so engrossed with the feast that Robb took Y/N away from the loud noises and back to their now shared chamber.
Y/N and Robb were still in their wedding garments, Y/N was able to get her braid undone and her long hair flowed behind her back. They were both unsure of what to do, and stood in front of each other in nervousness.
"I- uh- I know this isn't- that this is-" Robb was then was cut off by Y/N.
"Strange?" Y/N said and Robb nodded and sighed in relief.
"Yes." Robb answered. "We don't have to-"
"I- I want to." Y/N said, her face turning red. "I just want you to know, I know I'm not the ideal girl you intended to marry but I want to be the best wife I can."
Robb's eyes softened at her words, she cupped his cheeks.
"I don't want to be like my mother and father." She told him. "I want to be an ally, a companion, so much more than just an alliance."
She kissed both his cheeks and he grabbed her waist and pulled her close.
"I'd like that, I want you to know that I will be an honorable man."'Robb told her and held her tight. "I know I'm not the man you wanted either but I promise you I'll treat you as an equal."
Y/N nodded and grabbed his hand and placed it on top of her shoulders and guided him to take off her dress. The world felt still and they both felt as if they couldn't breath once Y/N's dress fell on the floor.
Robb then got on his knees and kissed up her thigh, she blushed bright red and felt electricity as she felt every kiss on her thigh.
She tried to hide a moan but Robb heard her and that's what made him feel bold, snap.
Robb suddenly got up and picked her up bridal style, she squealed as he placed her on the bed.
Y/N looked up to Robb and the look in his eyes held lust. She watched as Robb moved his hands across her body and felt her body tingle and goosebumps erupted.
He placed her on the warm bed, layered with thick blankets, and the soft feel of sheep's skin.
Her long hair fell back as Robb looked down at her, his eyes filled with lust.
"Gods, you're beautiful." He said and kissed one of her breast, causing her to squirm.
He smiled while continuing to kiss her, he went up to her neck and up until he reached her lips.
She kissed him and touched his cheeks gently. As they pulled apart they put their foreheads together and both caught their breaths.
"It's going to hurt for a second, I'll be gentle I promise." Robb told her and she could feel her tummy flutter as he grabbed his cock and rubbed it through he folds, touching her clit over and over.
She felt terror rise in her chest as she awaited the pain, all her life after she gotten her maiden hood, her maids, mother, and septas told her of the pain of her wedding night.
She felt his cock slide through and she hissed, she immediately put her hand on his arm and squeezed. He stopped and saw the tears fall.
"I'm sorry." He said and kissed her cheeks and waited for her to allow him to move.
"It's alright." Y/N told him and looked up to him with glossy eyes. "You can move, love."
The nickname she gave him made his heart swell and he moved at a slow pace, he tried not to cum as he felt her warm, tight walls grip him.
She felt the uncomfortable burn of being stretched and as he continued to move, the more bearable it was. The soon burn began to make her stomach flutter, and her breath hitch.
Robb watched as her expression changed from pain to pleasure. It made Robb swell with pride as his wife felt pleasure and leaned down and kissed her as his pace didn't stop.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and gripped into his auburn curls. As they released each other from their kiss, she threw her head back with a moan.
"Please." She begged and Robb smirked, leaning down to her her ear.
"What? What do you need?" He asked tauntingly, and pulled back slowly and slammed back into her and she yelped in surprise.
"Please, don't hold back." She looked at him and touch her hand on cheek. "Fuck me."
She kissed him once more and he moaned in her mouth and obliged to her and began to fully pound into her.
He was feral, he was relentless and fully in heaven as she milked him.
"I-I'm, oh gods!" She yelled and felt her walls clamped down onto his shaft.
She felt him shudder in pleasure as his ropes of cum began to fill inside her.
"Gods, yes." He moaned and jolted as he moved his cock in and out slowly, coming down from his high.
She felt goosebumps on her arms and legs as she began to breathe heavily from her first orgasm.
Robb pulled out of her and she felt full of his seed as he collapsed beside her. She moved to her side to face him, the faint glow of the candles and fire shone on his face.
The look of happiness and content from his face made her heart swell.
"Hi." She said to him, which caused him to chuckle.
"Hi." He said and she felt her cheeks redden.
He put his hand on her hip and he could feel the goosebumps rise.
"So that was-" Robb couldn't find the words and she finished for him.
"Amazing." She said and he nodded, he leaned forward and kissed her lips softly.
"Now that you're my wife, I won't be able to get enough." He said and she shuffled closer to him and he held her in his arms. "I meant what I said."
"What?" She asked and looked up at him.
"I'd treat you as an equal, my wife and a friend." He said and Y/N laid her head on his chest. Smiling hearing those words and hearing the sound of his heart beating.
"Thank you." She said and moaned as she felt Robb touch her clit and made her squirm in his arms.
"What do you say, lady stark, another time?" He asked and felt his cum coat her thighs and smeared his cum around as lube and she could feel herself getting wet again.
"Yes, my lord." She said and Robb growled and got on top of her, she giggled as he enveloped her in his arms and kissed him.
She felt happiness in his arms, and held him close. Both of them later in the night tangled in each other and asleep together.
Both of them glad that they were husband and wife.
A/N: HOPE YOU LIKED IT!!! Ty for reading and I also wanted to add I'm doing commissions!!!! Just message me and I can show you some of my pieces or go to @ peytonmunson on insta!
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
Robb Stark*Dream Part Two
Pairing: Robb x f!reader
Summary: After finding out the reader had a special dream about Robb, Robb decided to show the reader what he had dreamed about her.
Warnings: Smut, dom rob, f receiving oral, 18+
Word count: 3214
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Masterlist Here
Part 1 Here
You knew as soon as you left the table Theon or Jon would tell Robb exactly what kind of dream you had had but you also could not take the smirks from Theon and Jon awkwardly looking away from you. Once you realised there was no escape from Robb finding out you decided distance was the thing you needed. You excused yourself and began to make yourself far too busy for any of the boys to start their ruthless teasing.
The worst of it was Robb didn’t even know it was about him. But you knew so now you had to act like no one knew encase he figured it out. So instead of risking it you did every task you could imagine over the next three days.
You showed Sansa some new embroidery stitches, helped Arya with her aim in archery, talked with Lady Catelyn about her upcoming nameday celebrations. At one point you even ended up in the kitchen peeling potatoes till Ned happened to see you and insisted it wasn’t necessary of his Lady ward.
After being ushered out of the kitchen you ended up walking to the courtyard, looking for Bran to entertain. This was around the time that Jon and Robb went horse riding so you assumed you would be safe. You soon realised you were wrong as Robb and Jon rode into the courtyard earlier than expected. As Robb began to dismount his horse you saw Bran and Rickon playing and quickly walked over. Robb obviously noticing your pace changed dismounted even faster to catch up, Jon on his heels.
“Lady- “Robb started but you crouched down to Bran and started talking over him.
“Wanna play hide and seek?” you tried to sound innocent, but you could feel Robb staring at the back of your head.
Bran and Rickon instantly perked up at the idea as the older Starks and you typically did not want to play their childish games. “Yeah!” Bran said as he ditched his toy soldiers on the ground.
Rickon was fast behind, “All of you?” the little shit inquired and unknowingly ruined your plans.
“Yeah, little man!” Robb said as he gave his youngest brother a fist bump to celebrate and gave you a knowing smirk. “Jon you in? “Jon must’ve read Robbs mind because he instantly agreed. “Should we do teams? If so, I call dibs on (Y/N),”
You stood up, feeling the colour drain from your face, but thank fully Rickon was not all bad as he quickly pointed out, “We can’t! There’s an odd number,”
“Rickson’s right. Every man for himself,” you agreed causing the youngest Stark to now fist bump you. “Who’s counting?”
“Jon,” Robb said before anyone could object.
Jon sighed but reluctantly went along with his brother’s plan. As Robb was whispering something to Jon you started to back away, giving yourself as much distance from Robb as you could for a head start. Bran quickly explained the rules of how they played hide and seek, you couldn’t hide in bedrooms or in the woods, as then told Jon to count to one hundred.
By the time Robb had turned around you were already at the opposite side of the courtyard and Jon then began to count. Jon had barely said the letter one when you sprinted for the stairs. You would never usually cheat when playing with children but this was a matter of life and eternal embarrassment so you ran as quickly as you could to your chambers, knowing how much of a stickler to the rules the starks were.
You were panting like a wet dog when you arrived at your chambers and flung the door closed behind you. As you took your cloak off to try and cool yourself down you heard footsteps in the corridor outside. You weren’t as clever as you thought.
As quickly and silently as you could you began to slide under your bed, hearing a knock when you were finally underneath. Would Robb really come into a lady’s chambers without permission?
Turns out he wasn’t as much of a stickler as you thought as you heard your door slowly open and saw his boots walk in. Robb gently closed the door behind him, not wanting people to think he had ill intentions or his mother to find out, and he began to walk into the room before suddenly stopping.
You cringed as you realised you weren’t wearing the cloak anymore that you must have dropped in your hurry. There was no point in trying to run now as Robbs boots walked over to the bed before he crouched down, his head peering under the bed and right at your face. A wolfish grin was placed on his face as he reached under and grabbed your arms to pull you out from under your own bed like a child. “Funny finding you here,”
You grumbled under your breath as you pulled yourself up to sit beside Robb on the floor next to your bed. “You cheated,”
“You cheated first.” He shot back but then the grin fell from his face, “You’re avoiding me,”
“Prove it,” you said, more stubborn than any other in the North but it was to no avail.
Robb rolled his eyes, “I just pulled you out from under your bed,” he said before asking, with hurt in his eyes, “Did I do something?”
Your heart clenched as his puppy eyes stared into yours, not realising before how he would feel by your sudden avoidance. You realised you had only made things worse in your attempts to avoid it, “No you didn’t,” you said before flinging your head back with a groan, “It was me okay? I was embarrassed so I wanted to hide until you forgot about it or something I don’t know, okay?”
Robb began to chuckle at your now flushed face, “Its okay,” he said as he took your hand, “It happens its alright. Theon was just wanting to wind you up about it but its whatever. Its not like we can control it,”
“Yeah, but it was just weird cause like,” you started to say but you realised there was no easy way to explain it, “I didn’t want you to know,”
Robb paused for a moment, and you could feel the clogs turning in his head, “Why just me though? Were you avoiding all of us or…?” he asked, trailing off as he looked at you.
You closed your eyes and sighed, “Just you,” you finally whispered, and you felt his hand slip away from yours.
Reluctantly you opened your eyes to see Robb had turned himself to face you straight on, a smirk playing on his gorgeous lips, “Who was your dream about?” he asked the dreaded question, and you felt your cheeks grow hot. His eyes widened as he saw your flush and how your eyes would look at anywhere but him. “Was it about me?” he asked with a new strange shine in his eyes. You glanced at him before nodding and closing your eyes, waiting to be laughed at. Robb chuckled but it wasn’t at you. It was deep and perfect, but it wasn’t mocking or amused. “And what was I doing in this dream?”
You opened your eyes as you felt him lean in closer, his face only a couple inches from yours, his breath fanning your face. “You don’t think im some creep?” you asked, ignoring his original question.
“I’d be a hypocrite if I did,” Robb started as his eyes roamed your face and down your body, his hand moving to rest on your thigh, “But you didn’t answer my question love,” he said as you felt a wetness beginning between your thighs that his hand was so close to yet so far away, “What was I doing to you in your dream?” he asked as his eyes landed back on yours.
His gaze was even stronger than that in your dream and you struggled to speak at first, “It was more me doing things to you,”
“What kind of things?” Robb leaned in closer, his lips grazing your cheeks, “I’d like to dream about them too,” he said as his hand moved further up your clothed thigh to land on your hip, “Maybe try some out as well if you’d like,” his hand gripped your hip tighter and you felt your stomach flutter.
“I was on my knees,” you started but Robb cut you off by gripping your hip and pulling you to straddle his thighs which caused your dress to ride up. You felt your breath hitch in your throat as his hands found the small of your back, “and you were on the bed,”
“What was I making you do dove?” he asked as he took your chin into his fingers, forcing you to look him in his eyes while you admitted your secret dreams to him.
You cleared your throat and tried to look away, but he held your head in place, “You were making me suck your cock,” you finally whispered, and you saw the wolfish glint return to his eyes.
“Is that so?” he said, and you could only nod. Robb grinned as he leant into whisper in your ear, his lips on the edge of it and his breath tingling your face, “Did you like it?”
“Yes, my king,” you said without even thinking about it and now you were face to face with Robb again, his nose brushing off of yours, “Sorry its just- “
“Is that what you call me? In your dreams?” he asked causing your face to flush and eyes to water before you nodded. Robb placed a kiss to your check, “I like that,” he said as he brought his hand to your face, his thumb rubbing against your check, “Don’t be so sad love. I’ve had my own dreams too,”
“You have?” you asked, and Robb nodded.
“So many nights I’ve had dreams of you,” he admitted as his lips fell to start littering kisses from your neck to your jaw as he spoke, “of how you would look underneath me. I would imagine how you would look as you came undone around me,” he said which caused you to shiver and you could feel his smirk as he kissed your jaw before pulling back to have his lips hover over yours, “I’ve dreamt of kissing these pretty lips of yours,” he said as his thumb moved to rub over your bottom lip like he had in your dreams before, “Would you like that?” he asked and you quickly nodded.
Robb wasted no time in closer the gap between you. His lips crashed onto yours and they felt better than you had ever imagined. They were soft but had become slightly rough from the cold northern air. They moved perfectly in sync with your own and the need for air did not seem to matter anymore. His hands crept down to land on your waist, pulling you closer, and on top of his clothed member which you could feel hard under his clothes. Your hands found his chest, feeling how toned he was through his tunic and wanted nothing more than to pull it off. Robb must’ve sensed this as he only broke the kiss to remove his tunic, leaving him in his undershirt, before he latched his lips to yours again.
This time he began to nip at your bottom lip for entry and you were no one to deny your king whose tongue slipped in as soon as you allowed. You moaned into the kiss when you felt his hips buck beneath you, his member rubbing against your clothed wet spot.
Eventually you had to break for air and the feeling of Robbs warm breath against your lips drove you crazy. “Would you like to know what I see in my dreams?” he asked, and you nodded, unable to speak from your desperation.
“I see you and me,” he started before pulling you to your feet from the floor, turning you around to pull the laces of your dress lose, “in my chambers with you in your pretty little shift,” he said as your dress fell to the floor. You shivered at the cold and the touch of his fingers on your back. Robb spun you to face him, your hands resting on his chest, “In bed,” he continued, this time pushing you to fall back on your bed, “kissing you,” he said as he began to crawl over you, leaving a trail of kisses from your thighs to your chest to your throat, “everywhere,” he finished as he kissed your lips again.
Your hands tangled into his hair as one of his moved to squeeze your breast causing you to gasp into the kiss allowing him entrance. You moaned as you felt his finger tracing around your nipple over your thin shift. “I always wondered what you’d sound like,” Robb broke the kiss to say as he continued his teasing, his fingers pinching it in just the right way to cause your whines. “Or how you would feel,” the loss of his hand left you are wishing from more, but your body shivered as you felt it brush up your thigh before settling where you wanted him most. He traced a finger up it is causing you to whine and him to chuckle, “Did you ever dream about this too?” he asked, and you nodded but this time he tutted, “Use your words,” he said as he began to place kisses along your jaw.
“Yes, my king,” you said, and he finally slid his fingers in, stretching you as he did. You moaned as you felt them move into you and more when he began to curl them inside of you.
Without thinking your eyes closed but this was not good enough for Robb, “Keeps your eyes on me or I’ll stop,” he warned and you quickly opened them to see him gazing at your face, “Good girl,” he said as he began to curl his fingers again, “I wanna see those pretty eyes of yours while I fuck you with my fingers,” he said, his thumb now moving to press onto your clit, a whiney moan leaving your lips. “You’re such a pretty little whore, aren’t you?” he said causing the knot in your stomach to grow.
“Thank you,” you whispered causing his smirk to grow, “Please don’t stop,” you begged.
“Do you want to know what else I want to know?” he asked, and you told him yes. “I always wanted to know how you tasted,” he said, and your breath caught in your throat at the idea, “Do you think you deserve that? To have your king in between your legs kissing you in unspeakable ways?”
“Please,” you begged, his fingers still curling inside of you, “I’ll be good please. I promise, I’ll be good for you,” you moaned, and Robb placed a firm kiss on your lips as he removed his fingers from you causing you to whine.
Robb trailed his kiss away from your mouth to kiss down your body finally arriving where he had told you about, “Your so impatient,” he chastised, his breath fanning over you causing you to shiver. Without warning Robb licked up your wet cunt and you let out a strangled moan as your body instinctively pulled away. Robb used his hands to press your hips down in the bed, “Let me take care of you,” he said as he licked again, another moan falling from your lips, “my queen,” he finished before his tongue began its assault on your core which he was now lapping up and moaning into. His vibrations sending shivers down your spine as the knot in your stomach grew huge at the knew sensation of his tongue. He moved his head to line his nose up to your clit, nudging against it with every lick causing you to almost explode at his touch. His tongue began to move in and out of you causing you to bring your one hand out of his hair and up to your mouth to try containing your moans. “You taste so fucking good,” he muttered against your core, “and you sound even better,” he said as he moved his fingers to your hole, diving in and out, curling with every thrust, so his tongue could move to focus on your sensitive nub.
Even your hand struggled to contain your moans when Robb began to suck on your clit. You felt an exploding pressure in your stomach which you struggled to contain but when Robb grazed his teeth against your clit you felt your whole-body tremor beneath him as you came undone from his mouth. You were almost gasping for breath, your eyes wet from the relief that flooded your body. You felt Robb pull away from your core as you stared at the ceiling panting like a dog.
His breathing was also heavy as he came up, his face now covered in your wetness causing you to blush, but he paid it no mind when he placed a strong kiss on your lips. “You are so perfect,” he murmured against your lips. “I don’t think I will ever get enough of you,”
“Good,” you said, your hand moving to hold his face in your hand, “Because I will never get enough of you,” you said as you felt an overwhelming tiredness wash over your body.
“You should rest love,”
“But you didn’t- “you tried to argue but Robb would not hear it.
Robb pressed a kiss to your forehead, “You can return the favour later sweetheart,”
You lay with Robb in a perfect silence, almost fully drifted off when you heard pounding on your door, “We know you’re in there!” Bran yelled through the door, and you felt all the colour drain from your face.
You looked at Robb who was also stark white, “You cheated!” Rickon yelled.
As they tried to open the door Robb sprang out of bed to hold it close. You could hear Jon in the background and quickly scrambled under your covers. “Tell them I fell and hurt myself,” You whisper shouted to Robb who quickly nodded and yelled for his brothers to wait, and he’d let them in. he quickly shoved his tunic over his head and opened the doors as innocently as he could.
Rickon and Bran stalked into the chambers with Jon reluctantly following behind, making sure he was not about to be scarred by the sight in front of him. Rickson’s face dropped in confusion, “Why are you in bed?”
“She fell- “
“-up the stairs- “
“- I had to help her here- “
“-we didn’t cheat,” you finished your story which thank every lucky star Rickon believed. Bran clearly had his doubts but was too young to understand what Jon knew had happened. However, at Robbs suggestion they get to play with his real sword Bran dropped the subject. Lady Catelyn may be upset when she finds out what Robb had let them do but you both knew it would be far worse if she found out what you had done moments before they had barged in.
Taglist: @clairacassidy @twilightrows
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welldonebeca · 1 year
Lookalike - Bonus chapter
With @cosmic-darikano Summary: Robb finds you leaving Winterfell and has an interesting proposal. WC: 3.6k words Warnings: Canon divergence. Smut. Role play. Virginity Kink. Dirty talk. Prostitution. Gentle sex. Possessive sex.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.
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You strode through the halls with your bag over your shoulder, trying to keep yourself as quiet as possible as you walked through the dark walls. 
“Sansa?” someone called behind you in a new whisper. “Sansa!” 
You turned around, a little surprised and fearful, and stood straighter when a tall man walked to you.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, surprised.  
You blinked, unsure of what to say, recognising his voice as the same person who had knocked on Theon’s door. 
And then, you recognised him. 
Robb Stark, the heir to Winterfell. 
You bowed without thinking twice. 
“You have me confused with someone else, milord,” you said quickly. 
He strode a little back, and picked up a torch, taking it to your face, and you watched as his face moved from recognising you and then realising you were not his sister. 
“Gods,” he exclaimed under his breath. “It’s uncanny.” 
You gulped. 
“So I’ve heard,” you whispered. 
He opened his mouth, but stopped himself from speaking as he recomposed himself.
 “What are you doing here?” he asked. “This is not the servant’s quarters.”
You swallowed down, thinking about your lie. Yes, you could use the lie Theon had invented, but you were leaving now. You might as well be honest. 
At least it wasn’t Lord Stark you would have to confess to. 
“Lord Greyjoy invited me,” you said simply. “And now I’m leaving.” 
He looked like he was thinking for a moment before rolling his eyes, seeming to realise the truth. 
“That idiot,” he shook his head. “He shouldn’t have let you leave so late. You’ll freeze before you get wherever you’re going.” 
You scoffed. Didn’t he know you were a daughter of the north? You were well used to the cold. 
“Come,” he ordered anyway, holding out his hand. 
For a single second, you were grateful, thinking he would lead you to the servant’s quarters again, but quickly realised it wasn’t that when you started climbing up a new set of stairs. 
Of fucking course. 
Take the whore to your room, she will not say no to fucking you.
Still, you followed him, not knowing where else to go, and stood outside his door when he opened it. 
“Milord, there is no need,” you whispered, looking around, afraid of being caught. 
“My parents won’t be back for another fortnight if that’s what is worrying you,” he told you. “They are attending a wedding.” 
You looked for words. 
“Milord-” you started, and then corrected yourself, knowing how those fancy people liked their fancy names said right. “My lord, I’m not sure if you are thinking what I’m thinking.” 
He raised his chin. 
“You are a… woman of a certain profession,” he spoke slowly. “Aren’t you?” 
“A whore,” you told him. “Yes.” 
Lord Stark nodded. Gods, you were sore, he couldn’t possibly think you would want to fuck more. 
“But I have a hard day of work,” you reminded him. “You would not ask a farmer to work another field when he’s already settled his crops.”
He swallowed down, and you could see his eyes running over your face and your body, but then chuckled. 
“I supposed you’re right,” he agreed. “But I would compensate you if you just allow me to have your company for the rest of the night.”
You watched his face for a moment. Well, you were always a betting woman. 
Finally, you agreed, following him inside, and he offered to take your coat silently, pointing to a table by the corner of his chambers. 
“I have food,” he pointed out. “Have Theon fed you?” 
No, he hadn’t. You had had to have lunch with a few servants. 
“Go eat,” he commanded you. “The fire is warm.” 
You stepped away, sitting on the near table, and looked down when he knelt in front of you, slowly taking off your boots. 
Why was he being so nice?
You wanted to ask but didn’t want to push your luck, so you just ate, feeling his eyes on you as you did. 
“I’m sure you’ve heard all about it, but you are very beautiful,” Lord Stark noted. “You look a lot like my sister.” 
You chuckled. 
“Yes, I know that,” you smiled at him. 
Yet, his eyes continued to analyse you and raised a hand to his nose. 
“But you have a bit of a curve here,” he pointed out. “A bump. It’s charming.” 
You swallowed down, watching his face. 
Maybe he was like his half-brother and his ward friend. 
“And your eyes,” he pointed. “Look at me.” 
You raised your gaze to his face, obedient. 
“Her eyes become grey under the firelight,” he told you. “Yours look hazel. You have green on them, don’t you?:” 
You nodded simply. 
“My mother always said I had green speckles on them,” you answered simply. “I’ve never found a mirror good enough to see it.” 
Lord Stark walked closer to you, and put a finger under your chin, raising it. 
“Let me be yours, then,” he whispered, eyes still watching you. 
You swallowed down dryly, his gaze almost unsettling now. 
“You are more freckled,” he realised. “Sansa doesn’t let the sun touch her skin too much.”  
Of course she did. Prickly little lady. 
“I used to work in the fields with my father before he died,” you told him. “You’d be surprised at how much more freckled I could get.” 
“Is that why you’re here?” he asked. “Because he died?”
You looked at him uncomfortably. That was a sore subject. 
“I was an only child, milord,” he reminded you. “My mother was sick, and I needed to feed her and couldn’t keep the farm running. There are only a few jobs who will take a bony girl with no skills, and I am lucky I’m pretty.” 
Lord Stark pulled away. 
"Apologies," he sighed. "I hope I didn’t upset you."
You thought for a moment. In truth, he hadn’t. 
"You didn’t,” you assured him. “It’s good to talk about myself for once, in my line of work it can be hard to remember who you are."
He nodded, watching you with attentive blue eyes. 
“Would you leave it?” he asked. “Your line of work, if you had somewhere to go. Something else to do.” 
You watched him, confused. 
Somewhere to go? Something to do? You didn’t have any of that. 
“I’m not becoming your kitchen maid, Lord Stark,” you told him. 
Lord Stark chuckled. 
“I am not suggesting that,” he assured you. “It’s an honest question.” 
You relaxed in your seat, looking away, a little embarrassed by your quick assumptions. 
“I always wanted to be a seamstress,” you confessed. “My mother said my grandmother did that, that it gave their family a comfortable life down South.” 
He made an intrigued sound. 
“In the South?” he asked. “And why did she leave?”
You chuckled a bit. 
“She saw a handsome red-headed man with curls to die for, once,” you smiled, remembering your father. “Not very tall, but very sweet. And when he left, she followed him home.” 
Your parents were very much in love. He never thought little of her, even when they couldn’t have children, and they were both very good to you. 
“My mother taught me most of what I know,” you told him. “Her dresses were beautiful. Mine too, but… you know. Whore can’t show off pretty dresses.” 
“I would love to see your dresses,” he told you. 
You raised your eyes to his face, surprised. 
“Just for me,” he added in a whisper. 
You didn’t answer, wary, and Lord Stark licked his lips. 
“I’m sure you know of arrangements, of…” he looked for words. 
“Whores being exclusive?” you asked him. 
He pressed his lips together. 
“Yes,” he agreed. “That’s one way to put it.” 
You chuckled, understanding.  
“Then the word you might be looking for is mistress, my lord,” you decided. “You give her a house, pay for her servants…” 
“Yes,” he agreed. 
You watched his face, considering and waiting. 
“I’ll give you a house, of course. A big one, with servants I will pay for,” he listed. “And I’ll buy you houses that you can rent out so that you can have something concrete in your name while you build up your business.”
Houses and servants of your own? 
From a man that you had yet to fuck? 
It was too good to be true.  
“And what’s the catch?” you asked him. 
He pressed his lips together. 
“You’d have to play a part,” he told you. “When I’m with you. Make your hair in a special way, wear special clothes, special perfumes…” 
“Make myself look more like your sister,” you assumed. 
Lord Stark’s jaw clenched. 
Just like his bastard brother. 
“Oh, don’t look like that,” you scoffed. “I’m not here to judge you.” 
You tapped your fingers on the table, thinking. 
“Won’t your parents find out?” you asked. “If I am to become your mistress.” 
He looked at you, surprised by your question. 
“They trust me enough not to get in my business, and we’ll give them no reason to even think anything about you,” he assured you. “And even if they do, isn’t it best that I have my own mistress and don’t go around hiring prostitutes?” 
You continued to think. Being a whore wasn’t exactly something you loved doing. Not every man was nice and gentle, or even considerate enough with you. 
“Is that all you ask of me?” you asked him. “That I play her part?” 
He nodded. 
It was nice, trying to think of what could go wrong. 
“And what if you get tired of me?” you asked. 
“You’ll have your houses,” he reminded you. “And your business.” 
“And what about children?” you asked him. “What if I get with child?” 
Lord Stark looked at your face, shaking his head as he seemed to think. 
“I would ask you that, if you want a child,” he spoke slowly. “You wait. Until I’ve had my wife, and my own children. If you do not, I’m afraid our agreement will be finished, and your pregnancy too.” 
Smart, very smart.  You squinted at him. 
“Are you afraid a son of mine might want to take your seat from your legitimate children?” 
“I might have strange ideas, but I’m not a fool, my dear,” he reminded you. “If we have a good relationship, I might give you a child for you not to feel lonely. But I’ll have my heirs before I risk having any bastard.” 
He was reasonable. He was also very sure that you would stay with him for that long of a time, that you’d never part your ways. 
“You sound like you know I’ll be around for a long time,” you smirked. 
Lord Stark stared you in the face with desire in his gaze. 
“I do,” he agreed. “If I wanted someone for a short time, I wouldn’t have a mistress.” 
You hummed, and Lord Stark continued to watch you, expectant. 
“What do you say, my dear?” he asked, at least. 
You looked at his face, realising, at last, how he didn’t even know your name. 
“Y/N,” you told him. “My name is Y/N.” 
Lord Stark simply nodded, waiting. 
“Alright,” you agreed. “I’ll be your mistress after you buy me my house.” 
He smirked, chuckling. 
“Smart girl,” he agreed. “It’ll be done this week. I’ll have a man take you from your brothel as soon as it is done.” 
You smiled, resting, and he cleared his throat. 
“But… do you mind if I take some… early liberties?” he asked. “An early experience of my own.” 
Another no-surprise. 
“Of course, my lord,” you confirmed. 
“Robb,” he corrected you. 
You changed your posture, softening your voice. 
“Of course, Robb,” you answered instead. 
He smiled, at last, and walked to you, kneeling by your feet. 
“You’re such a pretty girl,” he spoke softly. “Did you braid your hair for me?” 
Men. Always thinking all pretty things were done for them. 
“Oh yes!” you giggled a little. “Do you like it?” 
He smiled. 
“Yes, I do...” Robb hummed, pulling you close and standing up, raising you along with him. “It looks very pretty.” 
You nodded along, and he pulled you, switching places with you and sitting back down. 
“You haven’t finished your dinner yet,” he realised. “You should do so.” 
His hands moved to your hips, and he tugged you gently. 
“Here,” he spoke softly. “Take a seat.” 
You tried to play innocent, sitting on your dear brother’s lap, and relaxed against his chest when he put his arms around your waist. 
“Always smelling so good, pretty girl,” he purred. “I need to get you another bottle of that oil, don’t I?” 
Your eyes widened. 
The fucking oil! 
Theon must have stolen it from Lady Sansa. 
“It’s almost over,” you mumbled, instead, taking a bite of the bread. 
His hands skimmed your waist, lower and lower, touching your hip.
Robb caressed you slowly and you could feel your dress being pulled up bit by bit, slowly and almost sneakily. 
“Open your legs for me, will you?” he whispered into your neck. “Be nice for your big brother.” 
He pushed your dress and put his hand on your thigh. 
“Robb!” you gasped. 
He just shushed you. 
“It’s alright,” he hummed. “It’s just me, Sansa.” 
He climbed up, and you shivered. Maybe because this was so illicit, or you were just too sensitive from being touched so much just before he did. 
“Am I not nice to you?” he asked softly. “Don’t I give you such nice gifts?” 
“Yes,” you squirmed. 
“Don’t I always protect you?”
“Of course, Robb.”
He hummed along, hand continuing to climb up as he kissed your cheek. 
“I have to make sure you’re okay,” he purred. “That you’re feeling good.” 
He spread your legs more, and his hand stopped right at your cunt, and you could feel his body tense. 
“Is this cum in your cunt, Sansa?” he asked in a near growl. 
You gasped. 
“No!” you protested.
He pushed two fingers into your cunt, not even waiting for you to look for words to explain yourself. 
“And why is this cunt all lose, uh?” he asked. “Taking my two fingers like that, all smeared with wetness?” 
You squirmed, and he grabbed your neck, pulling you flush against his body, and you moaned when his heel pressed your bud. 
“Why is this pussy so sensitive if I hadn’t even touched it before?” he growled. 
You moaned, squirming as he moved his hand with a maddening pace, slapping your skin as he did. 
“Who has been fucking you?” he accused, furious.
You wanted to deny it, but you knew you couldn’t. 
“I’m sorry, Robb,” you whimpered. “I’ve just been aching so much I need to be filled, I… I had my hairbrush, and…” 
Robb pushed you off of his lap, and you expect him to take you to his bed, but he just made you lay across his thigh, and pulled your dress and shift up, exposing your bare bottom. 
“You fucked yourself with your hairbrush?” he growled, “Like a stupid slut?” 
He moved his hand down, slapping your ass. 
“Bad girl, Sansa,” he smacked you again. “Very bad girl.”
You cried out, pouting, but he didn’t stop. 
“I’m sorry, Robb,” you insisted. 
“As your older brother, I have to punish you,” he affirmed simply. “I can’t have my baby sister acting like a stupid slut around the rest of Winterfell.”
His hand smacked your cheeks, and you yelped when it hit your cunt, slapping your folds. 
“I just wanted to be filled,” you argued. “I’m sorry, Robb, I’m sorry.” 
He hummed along with you. 
“You want to be filled, sweet girl?” he smacked your ass. 
“I should have come to you,” you whined, feeling his cock against your belly, hard and ready. “I’m sorry.” 
He stopped. 
“What did you say?” he asked, voice softening. 
“All I want is my brother’s cock,” you insisted. “I’m sorry, Robb, I’m so sorry.” 
Robb stopped, and his hand slowly moved down your ass, caressing it for a moment, soothing your ache. 
“Oh, sweet Sansa,” he hummed. 
Suddenly, he pulled you off his lap and lifted you up, making you stand, and put his finger under your chin. 
“You want my cock Sansa?” he whispered. “Want me to fill you up?”
You nodded, and he picked you up, carrying you to his bed. 
“You should have asked me,” he spread your legs. “You could have just told me, sweet girl.” 
Robb moved a hand to his pants, and you watched as he pulled his cock out, gasping for a second. 
Gods. He was fucking thick. 
Not ‘whore fakes surprise’ thick, actually thick. 
"I’m the only one that can fill you up. Not a stupid brush, me!” he rubbed the head of his cock against your folds. “I’m your big brother who is always here for you.” 
“Yes, Robb,” you whimpered, and gasped when he pulled you, flipping you on the bed and raising your ass. 
“Like that, sweet girl,” he growled. 
Before you could even think, he was already rubbing himself on your entrance. 
“Wait!” you gasped. “It’s too big.”
He clearly didn’t care, and you bit into the closest pillow when a moan a little too loud broke through your lips as his cock pushed into you, stretching your walls, both making you ache and giving you pleasure. 
“You can take it,” he hissed. “You can take all of it.” 
Robb pulled back and pushed into you, more and more, and all you could do was grab the sheets, moaning as your sore cunt was used again. 
“Good Sansa,” he panted. “Such a good girl for me, such a good little sister.” 
You whimpered into his pillows, and gasped when his balls hit your sensitive bud, and he buried his cock all into you, bottoming out. 
“Robb,” you moaned. 
He pulled back, fucking you hard and fast, his hips hitting your ass so hard you could hear it in your ears and feel it sting as much as his hands had done. 
“Sweet little Sansa,” he grunted. “All mine.” 
“All yours,” you cried. 
His cock rubbed against your sweet spot, and felt yourself getting close just your ass burned. 
“Please, Robb,” you cried. “I need…” 
He slammed into you once more. 
“What do you need?” he moved his hand around you, pinching your bud, and you screamed. 
“I’m so close,” you panted. “I need to cum, big brother, please.” 
His finger circled your bud, testing it, and you felt your cunt fluttering around him. 
“Is this the place you want me to play with, sweet Sansa?” he asked, cock slamming into you. “Is this how you want me to make you cum?” 
You nodded, whimpering. 
“Yes,” you cried. “Please, Robb, please.” 
“Then cum for me, pretty girl.” 
You closed your eyes, and he played with you, quick and insistent, holding you close as you cried into his pillow, peaking so loudly it was almost embarrassing. 
Robb continued to fuck you carelessly, stretching your cunt out to the brink as he brushed down your hair, rubbing his nose over your skin, taking every single drop of your scent. 
“My pretty girl,” he hummed. “I’m going to cum in you, sweet Sansa. And you are going to take it, aren’t you?” 
You whimpered, too overwhelmed now, and he kissed the back of your neck. 
“Robb,” you cried, remembering who you were supposed to be. “We can’t.” 
Lady Sansa couldn’t have her brother spilling inside her, she couldn’t risk having his bastard baby. 
“I’ll give you tea, sweet girl,” he promised. “No one will know, you don’t need to worry.” 
You cried, but he didn’t seem to even care, grabbing your hips, hammering into you in an erratic rhythm.
“My Sansa,” he growled. “Taking my seed like a good little sister, letting me put my baby into your womb.” 
You just lied there, moaning along. 
“And you’re going to take all of it,” he rambled. “Every night now, aren’t you, sweet girl? ‘Cause you’re mine now, all mine.” 
You felt his shuddering as he came inside you, but he didn’t stop pushing his cock into you. 
"We're a pack,” he hugged, finally stopped, burying his cock so deep it made you ache, as if he was trying to make sure his see would stay inside. “I will give you so many pups, sweet girl.” 
He stopped, at last, kissing the middle of your back, and you expect him to pull out and let you go. Instead, Robb took his cock from inside you and pulled you along to lie by his side, holding you close.
“My Lord,” you sighed. 
You had to leave before they noticed you.
“Stay here,” he squeezed your middle, kissing your shoulder. “You can leave in the morning.” 
You hesitated, unsure.
“We’ll pretend you were a kitchen girl,” he spoke softly. “Say you didn’t get the job, and I was nice enough to walk you out.” 
Still, you were unsure, and he just brushed your hair back. 
“I’m acting lord of Winterfell,” he reminded you. “It is fine.” 
You forced yourself to relax in his arms. It wasn’t the gossip that worried you - let the people talk, she didn’t plan to step into Winterfell anytime again soon - but Sansa Stark. 
You couldn’t bear to face her if you accidentally walked past her. What would you even do, seeing the woman you were going to pretend to be for… well, you didn’t even know how long, starting now. 
Still, you were a whore. Well… a soon-to-be mistress - the whore of a single man - and this was the man you had to obey. 
So, you tried to get comfortable, and it was easy. Lord Robb held you close in his strong arm, warmer and sweeter than anything you had ever experienced in your life in a protective hold that rocked you to sleep.
Well, there were many worse places you could be. This wasn’t bad. It wasn’t bad at all. 
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"Lookalike" was posted on my Patreon back in October 2022! To read have early access to my stories, consider subscribing to my page! It's just $2 a month, and it helps a lot!
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No tags because I realised I don't know if the people in the taglist is alright with this content.
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daniellewritesfr · 8 months
𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐲
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Paring: Jon Snow x f!Reader
Summary: You arrive in Winterfell lending aid to House Stark but seeing Jon brings back lost feelings you both share.
Warnings: mentions of drinking, kissing, fluff.
Word count: 1.4k
Your heart pounded in your chest as you rode through the gates of Winterfell the familiarity of the high stone walls and the sight of Stark banners bringing back the memories of your childhood. You had, in the past, spent many years in Winterfell growing up with the Stark children. Your father became a good friend of Ned Stark; while fighting alongside each other during Robert's rebellion. Leading to many years spent in the castle. 
You arrived in the courtyard of Winterfell, the cloak you’re wearing doing surprisingly little to suppress the cold winds of the North. You had been called as a bannerman of house Stark to lend aid and fight the white walkers beyond the wall. You look around, all the people of Winterfell seem to have solemn faces ‘it’s quieter than I remember’ you think to yourself while dismounting your horse stirrups rattling, the stable boy rushes over to take the reins from your gloved hands leading your horse away. Your men follow you, dismounting their horses, gathering their things and moving supplies, all of a sudden the yard is buzzing with movement.  
“Y/n!” you turn at the sound of your name to see Sansa walking towards you, “lady Stark” you bow slightly she lets out a small laugh as she embraces you, “you mustn't call me that y/n” she smiles “well you are lady of the North are you not” you ask “that I am yes, but to you it will always be just Sansa” she states “very well than Sansa” you smile “take me to Lord Snow.” 
The castle is darker than you remember, as Sansa leads you through the doors of the great hall, you catch sight of Jon, the young man you once remembered as a solemn and brooding child.  
Walking past the large tables in the middle of the hall you pull off your gloves, you look up to see Jon sitting at the high table reading a letter “Jon” Sansa says he looks up, his face breaking into a warm smile when his eyes land on you. You can’t help but smile back. You haven’t seen Jon in a long time, not since before he left to join the Night’s Watch. “My lord,” you take a slight bow, he stands and begins to walk towards you not saying a word, his gaze lingering.  
Finally he speaks “My lady”. He lets out a small laugh before wrapping his arms around you, you can feel the warmth radiating off of him even with the layers of fur between you, he lets go resting his hands on your shoulders before they move to cup your face.
 “Look at you” he mutters, eyes raking across you he pulls away “I didn’t think you’d come.” 
“I’m sworn to House Stark my lord” you reply “it is an honor to fight for your family.” 
 “My lord” Jon repeated “since when were you one to be so formal”? He teased.  
You can’t help but smirk, while walking past him with your hands clasped behind your back making your way to the table running your fingers along the edge,the teasing tone in Jon’s voice luring out your own wit. “And here I thought that being declared King of the North automatically earned you the title of ‘my lord’.” 
Jon chucked, a low rumble escaping his throat, “yes it does except, we grew up together there is no need for formality between us.” 
“I suppose you're right” you agree, your voice lightening. “However don’t let that get to your head, a little formality never hurt anyone.” 
Jon raises an eyebrow playfully. “Is that so? Then perhaps I should start using ‘my lady’ whenever I address you.” 
You laugh “you can certainly try but, I can’t promise I won’t retaliate” 
Jon shakes his head, a smile dancing on his lips. 
A fortnight had passed since you'd first arrived back in Winterfell, and tonight you were dining with the Starks and their men in the great hall, enjoying the loud conversations and laughter ringing throughout the room. It had been a long while since you’d allowed yourself a good time. You spent the night laughing and socializing with the others. Not noticing the way Jon was looking at you. 
As the talking and laughter slowly began to die, people began to retire to their chambers, you being one of them as the fatigue from the day's ride was finally wearing on you. Standing up making your way out to a long hallway lined with sconces providing a small amount of light as you pass various chambers while walking to your own.   
Opening the door you’re greeted with warmth radiating from the fireplace, you walk to a small table in the corner of the room picking up a few letters that you had yet to open, before dropping them back down rubbing your temples knowing that the night would be full of endless reading.  
Jon hadn’t put much thought into what he was about to do, maybe it was the wine or maybe it was just pure ignorance he thought to himself, as he was making his way through the dimly lit corridors. When he arrived at the door, his heart was pounding in his chest taking a deep breath before he raised his fist to leave a soft knock. 
While on your 3rd letter of the night you hear a light knock at your door, getting up from your seat at the table curious as to who it could be. Unlatching the door expecting it to be Sansa you were startled to see Jon standing on the other side.
“Jon” you said surprised “it’s late” 
For a moment he didn’t say anything, his gaze lingering on your face. 
 “Evening” he said “I hope I haven’t disturbed you”   
“No, it’s alright” your eyes scanning his face for any indicator of what he was there for. Tilting your head slightly to one side. “Has something happened?” you asked 
“No, no, may I come in?” 
“Yes of course. Please come in.” 
Moving aside Jon steps through, making his way to stand in front of the fireplace. He looks nervous, still thinking something had happened you ask once again. 
“Jon” you pause, he looks up, his eyes finally meeting yours. The look on his face starting to worry you. 
The silence hung like smoke in the air as you awaited his response. 
 He mumbles, moving one of his hands to run through his hair, turning back to face the fire watching the flames dance. You cautiously walk up behind him reaching to put a hand on his shoulder, he turns to face you leaning into your touch.
 Long forgotten feelings wash over you.   
“Jon, please tell me” you insist, your hand now resting at his jaw he leans further into your touch before covering your hand with his. You stayed like this for a short time relishing in the moment, the unspoken understanding filling the space between you. Removing his hand from yours to cup your jaw as he draws himself closer, his eyes searching yours for permission.
You quickly nod, before he closes the gap between you, lips brushing together. Your lips part slightly, letting his tongue slip inside. His hand glides to the nape of your neck, then moving to your waist, pressing your bodies together. You moan into the kiss, hands running through his hair while he trails gentle kisses leading from your jaw to your collarbone, small breaths escaping your lips. 
Pulling away, his gaze meeting your own.  
“You have no idea what you do to me” he whispers. 
The look in his eyes was evidence enough revealing what he felt without uttering a word. Yet he continues to speak. Hands coming back to hold your face.
“I-” he pauses for a brief moment gathering his thoughts. “You are my every thought” He breathes. “The only person able to ground me, make me feel whole. Not a day goes by where I don’t think of you. How I wasted all those years believing I had no chance, only to be standing here right now. With you.” 
Tears begin to swell in your eyes threatening to fall. 
“You consume every part of me, body and soul.” He gently wipes away the tears that begin to fall. “You are everything to me.” 
You smile at him, leaning into his touch. 
“I love you.” 
The words feel heavy. 
He starts to speak afraid of your rejection, you cut him off colliding your lips together for a brief kiss before pulling away resting your forehead against his, shallow breathing filling the room. 
“And I you.” 
The words so lightly spoken, Jon wasn’t sure he heard them. 
Leaning in to kiss you softly once more, running a hand through your hair, his eyes full of nothing but affection. “My lady.” 
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intoxicated-chan · 9 months
Be With Me
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✿ฺ Paring ➳❥ Robb Stark x F!Reader
✿ฺ Summary ➳❥ When Robb over hears of your potential marriage, he cannot stand the idea of loosing you to some random lord.
✿ฺ (A/n) ➳❥ Inspired by “Be with Me” by Ramin Djawadi. It was heavily inspired by the cave scene with Jon and Yigrette. P.S… IM BACK!!
✿ฺ Word Count ➳❥ 1.4k
✿ฺ Content Warnings ➳❥ Female reader, sexual content, swearing, injuries, mentions of death, oral (male receiving), discussion of marriage…
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(I’m saying it again! This was heavily inspired by the cave scene that involved Jon and Yigrette!!)
You walk out of the medic tent with a limp, It’s more than obvious that you were injured, and you feel the stares from other soldiers as your eyes are narrowed.
Robb caught up to you, grabbing your shoulder to make you turn around, “What was that?” Robb immediately said, “You thought it best to throw yourself into a fight?”
“A sword was coming from behind, you were too bothered to even notice.” You shake his hand off your shoulder and continue walking.
Robb grumbles a couple of words before speeding up to catch you, “I saved your life.” He piped up.
“No, I did.” You corrected him, you kept your eyes forward as you walked to your tent, “If I didn’t throw myself into the battle… You know I’d die for you.”
It makes Robb scoff rather loudly, ignoring your last words, “Let’s say you saved me. What about the other time or the other one?” Robb lifts an eyebrow, “You still owe me two more.”
“I owe you quite a lot, my lord.” You tell him, “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to check the horses.”
He grabs your cloak tightly and pulls you back, nearly making you fall to the ground. You look up at him confused and angry.
He suddenly snatches your sword out of your scabbard, “I’ll take your sword as payment.” He then scurries away, you can hear him laughing.
“W-What?” You stand shocked for a moment before realizing what is happening, “Robb! Come back here, dammit!” You shout, chasing after him, “Robb fucking Stark! Give me my sword!”
You run after him, tumbling on a few rocks but don’t fall… Somehow. As much as you’re a fighter, Robb was a runner.
He ran so easily and didn’t take a second to look back and stop to give you some kind of better start.
“If you want it back, you’ll have to steal it back!” He runs from the camp and into a random cave. A random cave to you. You didn’t know the North like he did.
The cave is heated by a natural hot spring, which forms a waterfall and a pool. The rocks glistening from the humidity from the water and the light shining through.
Robb sets his sword against the rocks and begins to undo his armor. He starts with his gloves, crumbling them up and tossing them besides the sword.
Your peer your head into the cave, you rush into the cave when hear him, “Seven fucking hells, Robb-!” You loudly shout, but stop in your tracks.
“I heard from my mother that you were supposed to marry some random Lord.” He spoke with a hint of venom in his voice, he pulls off his brown leather boots, “Which means you’re a maiden.”
You choke on your words as you feel your face become warm at his bluntness.
He unties and unbuttons his armor, setting it down carefully, “I always wanted to beat the lord dead, just imagining you in his grasp made me feel so angry.”
Robb turns his back to your as his arms cross and grab the hem of his dirty shirt, he’s swift and impatient, tearing free from the constraints of fighting and riding.
His hands come to the strings of his breeches, “I wanted to be the one to marry you… To kiss you…” Until his breeches drop to the ground. He steps out of them, “To love you…”
Robb turns back to you, he is completely bare in front of you. You could see light bruises and scrapes on his body but little scars. They were faded but still there, it added to his muscular body. He was so beautiful… So perfect… So flawless…
Your eyes flicker around the cave and your eyes only set sights on him once. They move to the ground and you hear his soft steps against the wet stone.
He slowly closes the space in between you both until his face his near yours.
You feel Robb’s breath, one of his hands comes to your cheeks and cups it. But when he leans into you for a kiss, you pull back.
You swallow thickly and turn your head, “We shouldn’t, Robb.” You mumble under your breath, “We can’t be doing this.”
“Then look me in the eyes and say it. Tell me that you don’t want to go any further.” He says, and he slowly turns his head to eventually look at him, “Go on, tell me.”
You knew what was waiting for you back at home, you knew that the second you stepped foot back into your home, your life would be over, even more if your parents found out.
“Do you want to marry that lord?” Robb whispers in your ear, “Do you want a marry a man with selfish desires?” You could hear the pain in his voice, “Because my heart would not stand the idea of it… My heart is yours, it has been from the start, ever since your mother met mine, ever since you watched me train that day. Do you feel as I do?”
“I do.” You shakily answer him. You wrap your arms around his neck to pull him close and then you feel his lips on yours.
As your eyes shut and kiss him, you can feel yourself crying. You don’t know but he sees it, he does his best to keep you distracted and focused on him.
But you seem to have other ideas…
Once you manage to calm down and enjoy the kiss for a few more minutes, taking a couple of seconds to catch your breath before returning… Your hands move down his body and you slowly begin to kneel, planting kisses down his chest.
Robb chuckles, “Come back up, I wanna-” A sudden moan leaves his mouth when he feels your mouth wrap around his hard cock.
He throws his head back and allows himself to moan loudly. He was confined in the cave, just with you and no one else to see or hear. He closes his eyes and his hand comes to your head to move faster.
“F-Fuck!” His voice cracks as he curses, “H-How are you so-” He grunts and hisses, watching you close as you get him off.
Moments later, Robb is lying on the warm stone ground with you by his side… His fingers graze over your skin as he listens to the water pouring, feeling the warmth coming from the hot spring beside them.
Robb looks down at you with a grin, “How did you know to do that?” He questions you with an eyebrow raised.
You shrug, “I didn't learn it from anyone, I just wanted to. You looked like you enjoyed it.” You drag your nails over his chest.
“Surely there must’ve been a man you practice with.” Robb sits up, he’s genuinely curious but still playful, “Was it Theon? Or Jon?”
You swat at his leg and he snickers in response, “I swear, Robb. There wasn’t any other man.”
“So you are a maiden or were.” Robb stands and grabs your hand to help you up, “Join me, would you?” You didn’t need to say anything, he could see the answer in your eyes.
He leads you into the hot spring, feeling the warm water make contact with your skin. You wrap your arms around his waist and lay your head on his chest.
“They may be looking for us.” You tell him, unsure what to do now as you are held in his arms.
“I know.” Robb huffs as he rubs your back, “But let’s stay for a little longer…. I don’t wish to leave.” He holds you even tighter and places a kiss on the top of your head, “I do not wish to lose you once this is all over.”
“I… I’m sure I can convince my parents somehow. My mother could easily be swayed, but my father-”
“I’ll deal with him.” Robb interrupts you, “I’ll talk to my mother about it. There’s no way I cannot lose you to that man.”
Robb then moves to cup your face, swiping his thumb over his cheek, “Let’s not leave for a little longer.” He pulls you into another kiss, adjusting you comfortably on his lap.
You shudder and shiver, feeling his cock enter once more, “Don’t let me go.” You say to him, your hands hold grab his shoulders, keeping yourself up.
Once he was sheathed inside of you, Robb finally answers, “There’s no way I’ll let you go. Even if they try to pry my dead body off you, I’ll never let you go.”
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© 2023 Intoxicated-Chan, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without permission.
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The fact that there are so little Jon snow fics is insane to me! Like where is his appreciation?!! Look how pretty he is!
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cdragons · 2 months
"My Girl" - Robb Stark x Forest Fairy!Reader Drabble
A/N: This goes out to my girl, @dipperscavern! She needed a pick-me-up after the Tumblr app decided to be a bitch and delete her draft!!! But she still pressed on and wrote an incredible Robb Stark smut drabble! Pls go check it out!
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"Please, Jon," Robb pleaded. "Just for today, and I'll make it up to you."
"Your mother will kill me if she finds out," Jon groaned. Normally, he'd be more than happy to cover for his brother, but what he was asking for was too much - even for him. "She hates me enough as it is."
"She doesn't hate you," Robb winced at the lie, but he was desperate. "Please, I have to see her."
"Why can't you see her tomorrow?" asked his half-brother. "The hunt is tomorrow anyway, you can just sneak away to see her then."
Robb shook his head. "You know how she feels about hunts. The moment the horn blows, she'll scatter far away, and I won't be able to see her for a week! A week - that's too long!"
Jon stared at his brother in complete disbelief at his dramatics. It was hard to believe that the first son of Ned Stark, Warden of the North, would be so far gone for a girl who lived so deep in the forest. A girl who lived a life completely shrouded herself in the mysterious beauty of the ancient woods.
A girl whose allure and grace were of a being so ethereal, she shouldn't exist.
Jon sighed. "Fine, I'll watch over Bran and Rickon by myself today - but if Father asks me, I'm telling him you skipped on your own!"
His brother whispered his shouts to avoid attracting attention from the rest of the keep, but Robb was already on his horse and raced out of the gates before he finished. He couldn't want to see you - his girl, his fairy, his mythic love.
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Robb soon reached a part of the forest known to only very few in the North - his father included. The Starks were not only the Wardens of the North but the keeper of its ancient secrets.
Once he rode past the invisible barrier - accessible by those that carry the blood of House Stark - the wintery abode filled with white snow and blue ice melted away to a world of iridescent green trees and a kaleidoscope of colors eternally blooming. He finally saw the red leaves of the ancient weirwood tree whose twin linked your worlds together. Under the magnificent branches, he felt an explosion of love burst inside him at the sight of you.
You - his one and only love - sitting on the gnarled and overgrown roots of your tree. Your feet were bare as you only wore simple white linen dress that hugged your curves beautifully. He saw the flowers and small buds braided into your dark, wavy, umber-brown tresses.
Robb called out the nickname he had given you since he first met you in these woods as a child. He felt life flow inside him as he watched you turn around and saw the bright smile spread across your face. As soon as he was close enough, he slowed his steed to stop before jumping off and racing to the ancient tree where you and him would rendezvous in secret.
"Robb!" you called out. You waved in excitement before lightly jogging forward to meet him halfway.
Robb immediately took you in his arms and held you in a tight embrace. He pressed his nose into your locks and breathed in the lavender and wild grass notes. He felt time slow down until it seemed like the whole world stopped. Robb knew such a thing was impossible, but he thought many things were impossible before meeting you.
You slightly nudged him away until his face slightly hovered above yours. On your tiptoes, until they dug into the soft dirt beneath you, you firmly pressed your lips to his and wrapped your arms around his neck. Your mortal lover gladly reciprocated and tightened his arms around your waist until your chests were firmly pressed against each other.
When you finally parted for air, Robb lovingly stared at how beautifully flushed your cheeks became. He watched in a lust-ridden gaze at how your fingers swiftly undid the ties in front of your dress. He felt his breath stop as the garment pooled at your feet. Your body was completely bare and unclothed, and your skin was unmarred and looked silky-soft. You took his hand and held it at your breast - he could feel how fast and hard your heart was beating.
He wondered if you even knew how much of his breath you took away.
"I want to feel you, my love," you whispered. "Just us, under our tree, where only the witnesses of our love are our gods."
Robb choked back a groan. If he felt his cock growing hard at the sight of your skin, your words made his cock weep for your wet walls.
Gods, he loved you so much - how could he refuse?
Hurriedly, he took off his cloak and laid it down on the ground before removing his clothes with your help; Robb was just as bare and naked as you were. You gasped at the sight of him.
How could one man be so beautiful? How did such beauty become possible? How blessed were you to receive his love?
He leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. His tongue swiped your bottom lip, and your lips parted to grant his access to fully devour you. When it felt like you would collapse from the lack of air, his lips trailed down your neck. You heard him murmur against your skin.
"I love you."
He repeated it over and over again, and your breathing became heavier as he continued to trail down. On the tops of your breasts, he deeply breathed the addictive perfume of your skin and began to lay kisses within the valley. His gentle hands roamed and caressed your skin with so much tenderness as his fingers reached that soaked spot between your plush thighs. He slowly slid his fingers inside you, and he growled at how much your slick arousal coated his calloused fingers.
You, on the other hand, felt completely lost in the sea of pleasure Robb was drowning you in. He was gentle. He always was with you, but today...it felt like he was the one who would completely fall apart without you.
Despite you were in full knowledge that it was truly the opposite.
Because for all of his Northern roughness, he was a man who loved with all his heart. He was utterly loyal to those he loved and cherished—a sentiment he shared especially with you, and you could not have been more grateful.
"I want to be here with you," he softly mumbled. "I could never want for anything else if I lived the rest of my life here, with you and our children. You, my pretty fairy, as the mother of my children, and me, your loyal wolf, forever protecting you."
He felt your core clench at his words as hot pleasure shot up your spine. It was a dream the two of you often shared - a life without obligations or duty, no fussy mothers or pushy fathers to stand in your way, and no empty and bleak futures looming over you. A life where it was just the two of you, riding through your forest with your horses, the woods filled with the laughter of your children. And when the day ended, the night would be filled with endless pleasure as your thoughts would only be full of him and his full of you.
You tenderly stroked the curls from his face as you felt the dam holding your pleasure slowly breaking.
Your chest was heaving. "It will, my sweet wolf," you promised. "Ours is a love no one can take away—the gods have shown it to me. After all, our gods are the ones who brought us together in the first place."
It was not long until you completely fell apart and gushed over his fingers. Your back arched as you coated your inner thighs and his fingers with your slick. Robb huskily chuckled as he pressed kisses down your stomach as you tried to catch your breath. Your fingers intertwine with his lovely, auburn curls in an attempt to anchor yourself to this material plane.
"Lie down," he softly ordered. "I won't take you against the harsh bark of a tree."
"Oh, but on your cloak in the dirt is an acceptable alternative?" you teased despite lowering against the soft, dark furs of your lover's fine cloak.
He smirks at your mirth as he crawls toward you. His perfect form hovering over you as if you were prey and he was about to devour you whole.
"Of course," he confirmed. "After all, I plan to take you on it until the only word you know how to say is my name, and the furs soak up all of your cum until it's all I can smell on it until the end of time."
Biting your bottom lip in anticipation, you could hardly wait for him to make good on his promise.
Robb aligns his cock at your entrance, its head red and its tip leaking with precum, as he slowly pushes inside you as wraps his hand in yours. He was only halfway inside you before he fully pushed himself in and completely bottomed out.
You cried as white, hot pleasure shot up your spine and flooded every nerve in your body. You felt so full and could hardly wrap your head around the fact that you and Robb's bodies were joined together as one.
"Fuckin'- fuck," he gasps out. "How is it you're so tight every time I take you?"
"Because I'm yours, Robb," you answered breathlessly. "My body was made for you as yours was made for me. Such pleasures could only exist between us - us and no one else."
Feeling the pool of pleasure in his stomach overflowing at your words, Robb begins to slowly thrust - in and out - until he reaches a steady rhythm that makes you senselessly babble as you feel your body becoming dull to everything but Robb. You felt every slow drag of his hips, every lingering trail of his touch, every hot breath on your skin, and you wondered how one man could make you feel so good.
He hits that spot inside you—the one that makes you see stars that only he could reach. Your eyes roll back, and you beg him to kiss you. A wish he complies without question—because what is his purpose if not to grant your every wish in his power?
It isn't long until he feels your walls clenching around his cock, and he can feel his control quickly slipping.
"Fairy, my fairy," he pleads against your lips. "'m close, 'm cumming."
"In-inside, my love," you beg. "I want you to spill your seed inside me. Let it take root in my womb, and our child grow."
Your grip on his hand tightens as your love's thrusts become quicker and sloppy, and he hits that spot inside you even more harshly and roughly. You scream as your walls clamp down on his member as your arousal spills out and coats his cock. He quickly follows after you, pushing himself as deep as he can to fill your womb with his seed as a groan resonates deep within his chest.
Despite the exhaustion flooding his muscles, Robb does not collapse atop you or pull out. Instead, he presses a soft kiss on your sweaty temple and lies by your side. He holds you close and breathily chuckles at how close to sleep you look in his arms. He places a small peck on your nose and smiles at how it scrunches so adorably.
"Rest now, my love. I'll be here when you wake."
You let out a loud yawn. "Good...believe it or not, this isn't what I had planned for us."
"Oh? And what were we supposed to do before you...distracted me?"
Robb raises his brow before smirking at the memory of how you initiated seducing him. You swatted his arm.
"My mare successfully gave birth to a foal. He's so beautiful - a red and white coat. I already love him."
"Have you named him?"
"Yes, Kodak."
Robb wanted to ask why you decided to name him that of all things, but you were burrowed in his chest - already in a deep sleep. With a content smile, he followed suit and met you in a dream. A beautiful dream where it was just you, him, your children, and 'Kodak.' All of you laughing and smiling in your beloved woods.
Underneath the weirwood tree, you and he met all those years ago - when you were still a sprite, and he was still a boy. Underneath the weirwood where Robb saw you for the first time, and he swore to the Old Gods and New that he would love only you for the rest of his life.
A promise he swore then, a promise he still keeps, and a promise that remains true until his last breath.
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@dipperscavern, if you've died from an overload of fluff and love delulu fantasies...then I've done my job
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luvinescent · 6 months
Stealing Time
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Pairing: Modern!Robb Stark x fem!Reader
Summary: Weddings should be an event full of joy and happiness for everyone involved. Especially for the bride and groom, who are the main focal point of it all. So, what is the reason for celebrations if they both have gone missing?
Warnings: MDNI, 18+, sexual content, smut, p in v, dirty talk, etc.
Word count: 3933
Additional: M/H/N stands for Maid of Honors Name.
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A soft melody of a strong quartet could be heard through the air like a soft breeze as more guests continued to arrive. The venue was decorated with fairy lights that cascaded down, a crystal chandelier in the middle of it all, creating an inviting and dreamy atmosphere. The celebratory music pulsated on the dance floor, enticing visitors to sway and swirl in a joyful celebration. The air was filled with laughter and lively discussions that mixed with the sound of glasses clinking as toasts were being offered in honor of the newlyweds.
The only problem was that neither one of them were present in the room.
Catelyn Stark, mother of the groom, stood scanning the room next to the wedding planner— a young girl who looked to be on the verge of pulling out her hair. Catelyn could hear the small anxious mutters of “we’re off schedule now” as the girl kept analyzing the clipboard she held in her hand. Excusing herself from the girl and her husband, Catelyn went towards the hallways connecting to the venue. She was stopped in her travels by a distant relative on her husbands’ side, smiling at the old man.
“Catelyn!” he greeted heartily. “Where is that boy of yours? I haven’t seen him or the new Mrs.”. He let out a great laugh, holding onto his rounded beer belly for support. Catelyn returned the laugh, nodding at his question, “I was just about to go get him. I’ll be right back”.
She turned around; the sound of her heels clicking on the shiny floor echoed, causing any guests in her path to quickly shift aside. Catelyn walked with a confident stance, her chin up, shoulders back, and a big smile covering her face. A smile that was very deceiving and Jon Snow knew this when she came faced with him.
“Where is your brother?”
He stared wide eyed at her, caught off guard by her presence and her question. His face was a ballet of nervousness, revealing the false confidence he was trying so hard to keep up. “I-I, uh… I don’t know...”, Jon shrugged his shoulder, wincing a little at the look she gave him. Catelyn smacked her lips, grabbing a hold of Jons ear, “Don’t lie to me. Where is Robb? The nerve of that boy! Disappearing at his own wedding, and you covering for him. I thought I raised you both better than this!”. The entire time, the bride’s maid of honor had stood next to Jon, witnessing him get a scolding from his mother, but Catelyn could care less about his embarrassment. Before Catelyn could continue her interrogation, she was stopped by the sound of a familiar voice within her distance. “Have you seen Y/N?”.
Turning around, Catelyn saw the mother of the bride asking a family member before she turned and saw her. “Oh, Cat!”, the mother rushed towards her, “Have you seen my daughter? I can’t find her anywhere”.
Putting back on that wide smile, Catelyn turned her head to Jon and the maid of honor. “What a coincidence. I can’t seem to find my son either.”
The two looked like deer’s caught in headlights. Both their words jumbled out fast, inaudible to the human ear. Thinking fast, M/H/N leaped into action, her words both a hasty attempt and holding a somewhat truth to them. “Y/N went to go change from her wedding gown to her reception dress”. Jon nodded vigorously in agreement at her explanation, “A-And Robb wanted to change his shoes”. M/H/N whipped her neck and gave Jon a glare, his add on not helping as Robb did not bring extra shoes. Y/N’s mother did not have time to question any of what they said—being brisked away to go greet a great aunt.
Catelyn stood in front of the two adults once again. She raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed by their statements.
“Y/N went to go change?”
“Yes”, M/H/N said instantly.
“And Robb went to go change his shoes?”
“Yes”, now it was Jon.
“…and they went together?”
“…yes”, they both replied. Humming to herself, she continued observing them, knowing very well they were hiding something. “How long ago did they leave?”. They once again exchanged looks with one another, face flushed with embarrassment, “Uh, not that long ago…they’ll be here soon”. Catelyn’s skepticism deepened, her eyes darting from M/H/N awkward performance to Jon’s increasingly guilty expression. Letting out a sigh and rubbing her temples, she turned to return to the party, “Fine”.
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With one hand tangled in his auburn curls, you panted against Robb’s lips, “mm you’re insane”. Robb chose to ignore your words, his lips choosing to instead attack your neck and his fingers gripping hard on your thigh— surely to leave bruises come morning. Craning your neck back for more easy access, you tried reasoning, “they’re probably looking for us now—“. You couldn’t even finish your sentence, his cock having thrusted into your walls so deep it left you gasping for air, “f-Fuck, Robb!”
He groaned against your neck, his hips moving in rhythm against yours, “Who cares what they’re doing when I get to have you like this to all to myself”.  You almost bit your tongue when his hand slipped between the two of you, fingers rubbing at your sweet spot, “Fuck, I love it when you moan my name”.
It was almost close to an hour ago when your maid of honor took you to change out of your wedding dress into your reception dress. Coming out of the dressing room, you were met with both your newly brother-in-law and newly husband. While M/H/N and Jon engaged in some conversation about the band arriving soon, Robb and you took to wrapping each other up in arms. With a huge grin on his face, he planted small kisses all over your face, “My gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, wife”. Laughing at how his stubble tickled against your face, you laid your palm up against his cheek, “Aye, watch the makeup”, quickly giving him a kiss on the lips before pulling away and looking into his blue eyes, “but thank you my very handsome, good-looking, very very very attractive husband”. You two shared a moment of silence and intense gaze before you both broke out in giggles, capturing each other’s lips in one another, moving tendering and deeply. Pulling away, Robb stared down at you, both love in his eyes but also a hint of something else.
“You know you really do look gorgeous. You look equally as beautiful in this dress as you did in your wedding dress”. You thanked him once again but gave him a puzzled look when he said he had other opinions, however.
“And what other opinions are those?”, you said, smiling while waving at a cousin who just entered the building. Turning back to Robb, you noticed the way his eyes had slightly shifted in emotion; something more carnal behind them. Bending down his head towards your ear, he whispered softly, “If we weren’t in public right now, I’d have you naked with my head between your thighs”. His voice brought chills up your spine as he blew a soft gust of air on your earlobe before going back to height. Biting your lip and playing with his tie, you titled your head to the side and chuckled softly “You would, huh?”. His only reply was a nod, watching your every move like hawk and gulping as your fingers started to trail along his neck now. Robb was being unfair; he knew just how much his words had an effect on you. But yours did too. Bringing him down by his tie, you’d thought best to return his teasing—fighting fire with fire.
Slowly, you leaned up, “…I want you inside of me. I’ve never wanted to fuck you more than I do right now”. You could hear his breath hitch behind his closed mouth. Both of you were once again stuck in an intense stare down, this time only desire and want in your gazes. You were quick to fix yourself up, distancing yourself a bit from Robb and plastering on an innocent smile as more guests arrived, “Hi. Thank you for coming”. You snickered to yourself; feeling Robbs eyes on your back as he hadn’t moved a single inch from his spot. Jon and M/H/N ended their conversation and turned to face you both, nodding their head in the direction of the main area, “Alright, let’s get going”.
You took one single step before Robb came up behind you, grabbing you by your forearm and pushing you towards his chest. “Actually”, he started, “Y/N told me her dress is bothering her”. M/H/N had stepped up, examining you from head to toe, “Oh, let me help— “. Robb had interrupted her by raising his hand and shaking his head, “No, it’s fine. I got it. Besides, we want to spend some quiet time together, don’t we babe?”. Looking up at him, you quickly assessed the situation and nodded along, “R-right, yeah. We’ll be right back. You guys go and have fun. Who cares about us anyways.”
Jon and M/H/N didn’t have time to argue back— the new couple running down the halls of the building, hand in hand with laughter being echoed throughout it. Jon tsked his tongue, shouting at his brother and sister-in-law who were still in view, “What do you mean who cares about you guys?! This is your wedding!”. They both turned to flip Jon off, turning the corner and disappearing to the next connecting hall. Sighing, Jon rubbed his face as M/H/N came to stand next to him in silence.
“You know there was nothing wrong with her dress”. “… Yeah”.
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And that’s how you found yourself with Robb in some random office room in the building of your wedding reception. Robb’s patience was running low as he pushed you up against the wall and against the corner of what some seemed to be some bookshelf. Both your lips hungrily going at each other very frantically. A loud moan was swallowed by his mouth when his fingers went down, pushing your panties to the side and starting to play with your wet folds and opening. Wasting no time, you trailed your hands down towards his belt, quickly trying to undo it. Robb pulled away entirely from you, using the distance to unbutton a bit of his dress shirt and to take off his belt. Breathing heavily, you grabbed him back down by the neck for another kiss, biting his lip and sucking on his tongue. Pulling away, you raised an eyebrow at Robb with a smirk present on your face and his lips darkened and wet with saliva, “I’m almost positive this kind of tradition is reserved for tonight. You know, after the reception, not during”. Robb laughed slightly, pushing up against you and grabbing a hold of your thigh, wrapping your leg around his waist while the other stood for balance. His other hand was used to bunch up the fabric of your white party dress and to pull down one of its straps. “What can I say”, he bit along your neck, “you’re just so damn beautiful. So damn sexy. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to hold myself back when I saw you walking down that aisle”. His lips returned to yours. This kiss was messy with teeth almost clashing and tongues fighting. Both your hands were everywhere they could be felt; his on your thighs, ass, hips, breasts, and yours on his chest, neck, and back. Pulling away, Robb looked at you from head to toe and gave you a teasing smile, “And what’s all this?”. With both your body movements and clothes shifting, Robb had finally taken noticed of the white lace lingerie you had underneath the entire time of both your wedding dress and your reception dress. Rolling your eyes, you gave him a pointed look, “It was supposed to be for tonight. Way to ruin the surprise”.  He pouted mockingly at you and let out a small chuckle, kissing your forehead before his previous lustful look returned, “We can keep it on for now. And for tonight, I’ll just pretend it’s my first time seeing it”.
The way he spoke and stared at you had sent something straight to your burning core and had made you shifted closer to him unconsciously. “Such a gentleman”, you spoke running a thumb along his bottom lip and started kissing him again. With his belt already undone, it only took a few seconds to push down his clothing layers just enough to free his cock. As a brief warning, sliding your panties to the side, he slid his tip through your wet folds for a couple seconds. The whine you let out was all he needed before he pushed entirely inside you. You gasped loudly and screwed your eyes shut as Robb gave you a few seconds to adjust to the sudden fullness. Shaking your head, you bit down on your lip, “Don't be gentle with me—I like it when you're rough”. Robb wasted no time, gripping your thigh and fucking deeply into you, “Ah, fuck”, he moaned out, “you feel so fucking good. My good girl. My fucking wife”. He moved his lips along your collarbone, groaning and biting down. “Mm, fuck” you muffled out as your pussy clenched around his hard cock with every thrust he made. Robb took a second to look down, watching the way you took him in and your sleek and arousal that coated him every time he reentered. He was in heaven. Looking back up, you stared at Robb whose pupils were dilated in rapture with a little sweat coating his forehead. You probably looked the same to him as well. Your standing leg was starting to lose balance, causing you to slightly shift. Robb was quick to grab a hold of you, causing the tip of his cock to hit your most sensitive spot and just what he was looking for. “Hmm!”, you moaned out, “fuck Robb, right there!”, you truly felt like you were seeing stars. He started to fuck into you even faster and harder, increasing his movements, your pussy clenching even more, indicating your release. Eyes rolling back, you let your head fall back against the wall as you let out a mixture of curse words, moans, and Robbs’ name. Your body filled with warmth and pleasure, trembling as Robb held onto you and continued trying to reach his own climax. His movements were starting to get sloppy; you knew he was reaching his dissolve soon. However, he had to stop his movements abruptly; the doorknob to the room shaking vigorously.
Despite having locked the door beforehand, it was Robb’s natural reflex to reach over and hold onto the knob. At the same time doing so, he had let out a groan, and you a squeak as he slightly pushed you with his body. You were caught off balance but were able to hold onto the corner of the bookshelf, giving Robb a glare while he raised his finger up to his lip.
“Is somebody in there?”
Both your eyes widened in mutual shock; mouths agape as you two exchanged a horrified glance. You both recognized that voice as Robb’s Aunt Lysa.
She started banging harshly on the door now, “I know that someone is in there. I can hear you! This is a private event! If the cops need to be called, I have no problem- “.
“It’s me Aunt Lysa”, Robb spoke out, slightly cringing. Your face was flushed red; both because of your current activities and because of shame. Looking down, Robb’s left hand still had your thigh wrapped around his waist and his cock still buried inside you.
“Robb?”, Lysa questioned, “Is that you? Your mother has been looking everywhere for you! What are you doing in there?”
Robb gave you a once-over before clearing his throat, “I’m just…changing”. Your grip on the shelf was losing itself, causing you to readjust and move — which caused you to slightly sink down onto Robb’s cock. He was quick to bite his lip to stop the moan coming from his mouth, almost drawing blood in the process. Robb knew you too well and covered your mouth with his hand, knowing you would do the same. The only probably was that he wasn’t as quick.
“Now, hold on,” Lysa loudly said from the other side of the door, “I can hear another person in there and it sounds like a woman. Robb Stark you may be my nephew but I swear to God if you’re doing what I think your doing - “
“It’s me Mrs. Arryn”, you finally spoke out too. There was a moment of silence from the other end before Lysa started speaking again, “Oh, Y/N. Of course… Your mother was also looking for you…”. There was some awkwardness to her tone as you tried your best to clean up the situation, “I’m just changing too. Robb’s helping me”. Another awkward silence passed, “Of course he is…”. You and Robb gave each other a side glance; it was clear she didn’t believe you two and knew what you two were really doing. “Well”, Lysa began, “I best let you two get back to uh…changing…oh, um, where are the bathrooms?”. Robb was the one to answer her question, “On the other side of the building”. With a quick thank you and goodbye, you could hear the distant sound of her heels from the other side before she was gone entirely.
Turning back to Robb, you slapped his chest, groaning into your hands, “Ughhhh, that was so embarrassing”. He only laughed, making you peek at him from the gaps of your fingers. “What are you laughing at? You heard her; our parents are looking for us, so we better go”. Robb’s only response was to kiss you sloppy, pushing back once more inside you. You gasped into his mouth, his tongue playing with yours. Robb then pulled out of you completely, making you whimper from the sudden emptiness. Grabbing you by the forearm, he dragged you towards the desk in the room, bending you over it, pushing your dress up and your panties down— exposing yourself fully to him. He caressed your ass before smacking it hard; making you huff, “Let them wait a few more minutes”, his fingers played along your glistening folds. Standing up behind you, he pushed himself back into you, thrusting in, and out, and in again. Each time rougher than the other as he stretched out your cunt. Grabbing ahold of your hair and arching your back for him, he spoke into your ear, “This is our special day, isn’t it?”. Your only answer was a loud moan, his fingers being placed in your mouth to suck on. “Besides, I’m not fully done with you”.
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About twenty minutes later (some of which took up of M/H/N fixing your makeup and concealing your bite marks), you and Robb entered the main room holding arms. Guests were raising their glasses up to you in cheers— some already clearly starting to get tipsy. A close friend of yours came up to you both, hugging you and giving you your congrats while Robb shook hands with her boyfriend. Once they pulled away and moved aside, you both had clear sight across the room of the one person who was looking for you two the most: Catelyn Stark. To make matters worse, she was also conversing with her sister; both whispering and giving you two the side eye.
“Crap” both you and Robb said in unison, watching Catelyn with her wrath make her way towards you. Your sight was cut off by the wedding planner standing stressed and tired in front of you, “Okay, we can get back on schedule if we just follow with the original plan. Bride, it’s time for the father-daughter dance”. Your ears perked up at the familiar sound of the music you had chosen for this occasion and turned to see your dad already on the dance floor. Turning back to Robb, you gave him a sheepish smile, “Would you look at that… gotta go”. He was quick to grab a hold of your hand, “You can’t leave me. You vowed to be with me through anything”. Pulling your hand back, you raised both hands up in defense, “I had my fingers crossed when I said that”.
Seeing his pouted puppy look made you laugh, quickly blowing him a kiss, “I’m kidding. I love you”, turning to go dance with your father. Robb didn’t even have to turn around— already feeling his mother’s presence behind him. Wrapping arms with him, many passersby would see the scene as a mother coddling her son. But Catelyn was actually pinching Robb’s side, and hard. “You are so vulgar I swear. At your own wedding Robb, really? You couldn’t wait until after?”, she spoke through gritted teeth.
Robb winced a little at the pain, but his eyesight was also focused on you. Smiling and laughing with your father. “Why are you getting only me in trouble? Y/N was equally in on it”. Catelyn could only roll her eyes at her sons’ immature response, “Please, knowing you and knowing her it was probably all your doing”. Staring up at him to continue her scolding, she stopped momentarily at the look in her sons’ eyes. Following his line of vision, she was meet with you. A tender smile graced Catelyn lips. Nothing short of captivating was the way he gazed upon you. His unspoken proclamation of love seemed to go beyond words, and his eyes radiated an undying commitment. “Are you happy?”, she asked Robb. The song was coming close to the end. Robb turned to face his mother, a stern look on his face and nothing but seriousness was his tone, “Yes. I am”. From the corner of his eye, Robb could see your father leading you to him. Standing up higher, Catelyn gave him a quick peck on the forehead, “Good. That’s all I’ve ever wanted”. You and your father came face to face with the both of them, Catelyn giving you a peck on the cheek and your father handing you over to Robb, “She’s all yours’ son,” he patted his shoulder, “take care of her”.
Robb led you to the dance floor where the band had started to play a slower and more romantic song. Swaying to the tempo, you spoke up, “So, was she angry?”. Robb let out a small chuckle, smiling down at you. “She was,” he began, “but she said she’d forgive us if we gave her a grandchild”. Staring at him agape, you slapped his chest with a small gasp, “She did not say that!”. Now you both were laughing. The world around you two seemed to fade into a soft blur as you moved, lost in the embrace of your love. Resting your head against his chest, you felt the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. “I love you”, Robb spoke up, his hand tenderly placed on the small of your back. Sighing deeply, inhaling his scent and allowing yourself to bask in his warmth, both of you feeling safe in each other’s embrace, you let him know your feelings, “I love you too”.
Enjoying the moment's beauty, you both stayed in each other's arms as the music softly faded into the night. You both understood that this dance was only the start of an endless journey together.
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wh0reforcoriolanussnow · 10 months
A Mended Heart || D. Targaryen x oc, Robb Stark x oc
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GIF by @lady-arryn DIVIDERS by @straywords
summary: Alysanne's marriage to her older brother, Daemon was once full of prosperity. As thirteen years and six children pass by, their marriage starts to crumble, his loyalty was nowhere to be found and so an annulment was requested. Years later when Daemon's second wife, Laena, dies tragically, the Prince attempts to rekindle his relationship with his dear sister. But is she willing to leave the life she built in Winterfell?
a/n: note that this a request!! i just made it into a lil series :)
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P.t 1
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"An annulment?" Viserys' eyebrows raises at his brother's absurdity. "She's our sister, your wife, and mother to your children, Daemon. What possible reason do you-" "People change, brother." The Prince taps his finger on the table, already bored and wanting to leave.
Viserys sighs, his hands rubbing his forehead. "And she agreed?" A scoff leaves Daemon's lips. "Whether or not she fucking agrees is her problem. I get to make this decision, not her." He spat, the King was baffled at the words of younger brother. He was treating their sister as if she was simply a commoner.
"And what of the children?" Daemon's mind goes to the image of his six children. A sigh leaves his lips, his head leaning back on the chair, "They are mine. But Alysanne will take them, and, they are still my heirs." Although their marriage was going to be annulled, he still loved his children. They still hold their titles as Prince's and Princess's.
Viserys nods. "I had hoped you and Alysanne were to be together till death parted with the two of you. Please, think about what your wanting to do right now, brother. For the sake of me, Alysanne, your children!" Viserys pleaded, he did not want his family crumbling apart because of this.
"We were always told we were to marry since birth. We were forced into this. |love her as my blood, my sister, but we weren't made to marry each other." Daemon voiced out. The elder lets out a sigh of defeat. "I cannot force you to stay in a marriage with her, but please, I do not want this to be the reason our family is split apart," the King sternly says as Daemon gets up from his seat.
"Of course, your Grace," He bows his head and leaves the room. Viserys watched with sadden eyes, saddened for his younger sister.
"It's done. We are free from each other," Daemon leans back on the chair, his voice flat. Alysanne rolls her eyes as she continues her embroidery. "Where are the children?" He questions, "With their wet nurse, why?" She finally looks at him. "To say goodbye." He stands up, the Targaryen Princess furrowed her eyebrows at him “Where are you going?" Daemon chuckles, "To Dragonstone, sister. Do you think I would stay here in King's Landing?"
Alysanne was surprised that Daemon was leaving so quickly. She did not care though. "No. I know how much you dread it here," She mutters, her hands back working on embroidering. Daemon looks stares at her. She could feel his stare so she looks up with a sigh. "Yes?"
"Goodbye then. Let me remind you that I get to see our children whenever I want-“ “Yes yes I know. You've not only told me about a hundred times Daemon. I'm not cruel, they're still your children," Alysanne replies, annoyed at the constant remindering. "Good, l'll be on my way" He nods curtly at before walking to her.
He awkwardly stands infront of her. Her gaze on his shoes before she turns her head and lets him kiss her on the cheek. Although they used to be Husband and Wife, they were still Brother and Sister. No words were exchanged and Daemon left what used to be their shared bedchambers.
As she sat there alone, she pondered back on their marriage. It was once filled with prosperity but things changed. They both changed. She never forgot how loved she felt from Daemon or how loving he was to their children. His loyalties changed, and they both mutually agreed that this would be for the best.
Alysanne didn't realise she was crying until she felt something wet on her cheeks. "Mother?" Her sons voice called out as she quickly wiped the salty tears away. "Yes, darling" She smiled at her eldest son who was ten-and-two. "Why is father going to Dragonstone without us?" He asks as the Princess moves aside to let him sit beside her.
She smiled, her hands brushing through his blonde hair. "Because your father is staying there from now on, okay?”He still loves you all very much but it is best he stays there and I, here with you all." Her hand moves to his chin to make him look at her. Aegon slowly nods.
"Come on, I think we should go for our walk now," She says brightly, setting down her embroidery, but Aegon doesn't budge. "Father won't be there," He points out. Alysanne sighed, sitting back down. They would all walk together every afternoon when they can, with all the children. But now that Daemon was gone, it was only to be Alysanne and her children.
"Why don't we ask uncle if he would like to join us?" She suggests, attempting to cheer Aegon up. He thinks before nodding. Of course, Viserys was more than happy to go on a family stroll with his sister and nieces and nephews.
"What a fine day it is today isn't it, children?" Alysanne smiles at them as they reply with yes. "What do you plan on doing now, sister?" Viserys asks, Alysanne’s youngest, Visenya in his arms. She sighs, watching her twins, Rhaena and Baela chasing after each other.
"I'm still the Princess, brother. I have many options." She assures him with a smile for Alysanne knew that Viserys was worried. “Oh stop worrying about Daemon and I Viserys. You have more urgent things to worry about as King. We will greatly benefit from this, I can assure you" She pats his arm, “If you say so" The King sighs as Alysanne walks ahead to catch up with the rest of her children.
2 months later…
“You look handsome, sweet boy” Alysanne kisses the crown of her Daeron’s head. He was sat on her lap as she brushed through his hair, he was dressed handsomely for the celebration of Rhaenyra’s name day.
Before the Princess could say anything, a knock comes from the door. It was her handmaiden, Dyana. “Princess, I have news” She bows as she urges forward to Alysanne. “What is it?” She asks, intrigued. Dyana awkwardly looks to Daeron who was busy playing with the jewellery on the table.
“I think it’s best if Prince Daeron leaves the room,” She quietly says, her gaze stuck on the floor. Alysanne gives her a skeptical looks but nonetheless takes her advice. “Ser Harwin!” She calls out and the door immediately opens revealing her sworn protector. “You wouldn’t mind if you watched Daeron for a bit would you?” A kind smile makes it to her pink lips.
“Not at all, Princess,” Harwin sends back a smile, “Come one Daeron,” He beckons the young boy as he happily runs to Harwin. After the sound of the door shut was heard, Alysanne focuses her attention back on Dyana. “Now tell me,” “Prince Daemon is betrothed to Laena Velaryon,”
It didn’t faze the Princess that Daemon was already betrothed to another. It did surprise her though, how quickly her brother moved on. Alysanne chuckled, “Oh Dyana, you know I care little of what my brother does. Are they expecting a child yet?” She jokingly says, turning around to choose out her jewellery.
The Targaryen was met with silence. Her eyes move up to the mirror to look at Dyana. “Yes, they are.” She quietly answers. Alysanne did not expect the answer but yet again, she was not much surprised. “Well, I am happy for them. Laena is a sweet girl,” Alysanne smiles, fidgeting with the necklace.
Dyana studies the Princess, she seemed bothered. The door opened, “Princess, the celebrations are to start soon” Harwin says as Daeron peaks his head in the room. “Wonderful,” Getting up from her seat, she takes ahold of Daeron’s hand and leaves the room. Ser Harwin close behind.
It pained the heart of Alyssane in an unexplainable way. Maybe it was because it had only been 2 months since the annulment of their marriage and that he had moved on so quickly from her. Though they used to be husband and wife, Daemon was still her older brother. And she still loved him as an older brother.
Walking into the throne room where Rhaenyra’s celebration was held, Alysanne was accompanied by Ser Harwin Strong. Her six children, Aegon, Visenya, Daeron, Rhaena, Baela, and her youngest—only 10 months old—Maegor with her. It never failed to amaze the realm how much Daemon and Alysanne’s children looked like them.
They were spitting images of their parents and a nod to the people of old Valyria. “Sister,” Viserys stands from his seat and places a kiss on Alysanne’s cheek. “Brother,” She smiles back, sitting down at the Royal table. The celebrations commenced and it was in full swing.
The thought of Daemon marrying and expecting a child still lingered in the Princess’ mind. Biting her lip constantly and tapping her finger on the table, Viserys noticed the signs of his sister’s anxiousness. “Are you alright?” He leans to her and speaks in a hushed tone.
Stopping her finger tapping, she sends Viserys a look before facing the front and sighing. “Our dear brother has remarried,” The King sighs, shakes his head and takes a sip of his mead, “And they are expecting a child.” Alysanne finishes, this time it was her turn to drink the alcohol as Viserys stares wide-eyed at his sister.
He knew what kind of person Daemon was, but lately it seemed like he doesn’t know what Daemon has become. Viserys holds Alysanne’s hand and gives her a reassuring squeeze of the hand. “I can always make that child illegitimate you know? Aegon is your firstborn, a male. And all your children are heirs-“ Alysanne laughs at her brother.
“Viserys, you know if you did that, you would be denying your own blood. I am not worried about Daemon’s heirs with Laena, he too knows that Aegon is the heir and so are our 5 other children. He would be a fool to not acknowledge that” Her eyes stay focused on her children dancing.
Viserys smiles and nods, “Yes, you are right. Like you always are, sister” He pats her hand and the two siblings smile at each other. Conversations fell on the Royal table before a man presents himself in front of Viserys and Alysanne. “Lord Stark, what a pleasure seeing you here!” Viserys smiles at the insanely handsome man standing there.
Alysanne listen quitely, Robb’s and her eyes often connecting. “Yes, always a pleasure to come visit King’s Landing, Your Grace” He chuckles, showcasing his pearly white smile. Then his attention shifts to the Princess. “Princess,” He bows his head at her as she does the same,
“My Lord, how is business up in the North? I’ve always been meaning to come visit with my children. Visenya loves the snow,” Alysanne smiles, her mind going back to her second eldest.
Robb stares with a wide smile at the Targaryen Princess. Something, only Viserys notices. Truth be told, whenever Robb was in King’s Landing, his eyes never seem to keep themselves off of Alysanne. She was beautiful, the realm’s beauty they would call her.
The Stark man was an honourable and respectful man so he never initiated anything with the then married Princess. When news arrived at Winterfell that the Princess and Prince’s marriage was annulled, Robb was secretly celebrating.
Viserys’ yes move back and forth from the Lord of Winterfell and his younger sister. “The children seem to be having fun dancing,” He comments with a mischievous look. Alysanne hums mindlessly. Robb chuckles to himself, giving a nod to the King as a small thanks. “Might I have a dance, Princess?”
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
Robb Stark*Dream
Pairing: Robb x reader (could be modern au or cannon universe)
Summary: Robb questions reader on the dream they had not relaising it had been about him.
Warnings: smut with little plot. Dom Rob. Smut under the cut 18+
Word count: 1175
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Masterlist Here
Recently the storms in Winterfell had gotten worse resulting in the wind alone keeping many up all night. This caused many groggy faces in the dinning hall during breakfast, yours being one of them.
“Couldn’t sleep?” Jon asked as you took your usual seat at your table with Jon, Robb, and Theon who were your closest friends at Winterfell.
You nodded as you silently began to butter your bread, a much-needed breakfast after a night of tossing and turning. “Me neither,” Robb said as he poured you a cup of water. “The wind kept me up all night,” Despite his not sleeping the eldest Stark looked as handsome as usual if not more so with his hair still slightly messed up from his own late night struggles. In a way it was his fault for you sleep troubles.
“It wasn’t the wind,” you said.
Your filter had clearly not woken up with the rest of you as now all three boys were concerned, Robb especially. “Is everything alright? Did something happen last night?” Robb asked.
You did your best to ignore the heat rising to your cheeks as you avoided eye contact with the boys, “Nothing just some weird dreams is all,” You said trying desperately not to look at Robb.
“What kind of dreams?” Theon asked.
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
“You look so pretty down on your knees,” Robb cooed as he held your jaw, his thumb grazing your bottom lip.
“Open,” he commanded, and you gladly complied as he put his thumb in your mouth, pressing on your tongue to keep it open, “Such a good little slut,” Robb praised as you clamped your thighs together hoping for any kind of relief. You craved his touch, his hands all over you but you had to be patient. He had told you this over and over again.
Robb was sat on the edge of his bed with you on your knees, mouth open in front of him. Silence overtook the room as Robb maintained eye contact causing you to squirm and grow wetter by the second as your cheeks began to flush. There was no better sight Robb wished to see. He began to smirk “Am I making you nervous love?” he asked but you didn’t have to say anything for him to know your answer.
Robb tightened his grip and forced your head back to look at him. “Keep your eyes on me love. Are you going to be a good girl for me?” he asked causing a warm feeling to crawl in your stomach with his words alone. You nodded but it wasn’t enough for him, “Use your words sweetheart,” he said as he slid his thumb out of your mouth to rub it across your bottom lip, coating it with your own saliva.
You placed a kiss to his thumb. “I’ll be good,” you said, your voice almost a whisper as you gazed up at the man in front of you.
Robb leaned down so that his face was a couple inches from yours. “I’ll be good, what?” His breath fanned your face as he spoke.
“I’ll be good my king. I promise. Ill do everything you ask of me,”
Robb came even closer, his lips brushing yours. It took everything not to close the gap, but you knew if you did you would be punished. Though the idea of that was enough itself to make you blush. “Everything?” he asked, and you could only nod in response, too wound up to even think and he had barely even touched you.
Robb pulled back and your lips followed, yearning for his touch, his kiss, anything. Your knees were aching on the solid wood floors, but it was all worth it for the knot bubbling in your stomach. Robb laughed at your attempts to follow him before taking his hand off your face to loosen his trousers to reveal his already hard member. He held it in one hand and brought the other to the back of your neck, his feather light touch sending shivers down your spine.
“You wanna serve your king?” he asked, and you nodded profusely as your legs clamped together in excitement. “Suck my cock,” Robb demanded, and you quickly complied.
Your hand took his place around the base of his shaft, and you looked up at him for approval before you started. Robb nodded down at you and you began to give his member kitten licks around his tip causing him to groan. His hand found your hair, tangling in your locks. Spurred on by his reaction you took him into your mouth and began to move up and down as he began to let out the most animalistic growls by your actions causing you to speed up more, using your hand on what didn't fit.
“Fuck,” Robb groaned as he looked down at the sight of you sucking him off, “You take me so well,” he praised, “Can you take me all the way?” he asked but his tone was challenging.
You tried but as he hit the back of your throat you gagged slightly. Robb hummed, “You can do better than that love" he cooed as his grip tightened on your hair. "Double tap my thigh when you need me to stop love,” he warned as he held your head in place and began to buck his hips. His thrusts grew quicker with each one as he began to fuck your face, your nose started to nudge and hit against his pelvis.
You moaned as his member began to assault your throat and the vibrations only spurred Robb on, “Fuck dove I might just spill from this. Would you like that? My seed coating your throat and mouth like a good little slut,” he said but it was a mix of groans and moans.
Your eyes began to water but the wetness between your legs only grew. The sounds he was making made your body feel like goo and you craved his approval and his praise which he showered you with. Eventually his speed became too much and you tapped on his legs. Ever true to his word Robb pulled you off his cock and allowed you to catch your breath as spit and precum dribbled down your face and off his cock. “That was amazing love,” he said as he stroked your face, not caring that he had turned it into a wet mess. “Do you need some water? Or do you want to stop?” he asked, his commanding tone replaced by care.
“I want,” you started but your voice strained from the attack on your mouth, “you to fuck me,” you finished, and a grin returned to Robbs face.
Robb grabbed your jaw and forced you up and to climb into his lap, “I’m not going to just fuck you love,” he whispered in your ear, still holding your jaw and the touch of his lips to your ear sending shivers down your spine, “I’m going to destroy that little hole of yours,”
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
“Hello? Anybody home?” Theon snapped you out of your memory as he wove a hand in front of your face.
It was as if you had been right back in your dream as you could feel yourself wet at the breakfast table sitting across from three very confused boys. "Sorry what were we talking about?"
“You were talking about your dreams,” Robb reminded you and you couldn’t stop the flush that overtook your cheeks.
Trying to help your sudden flush you decided to drink the cool water down in one go to try cool your skin but to no avail as now all three boys were staring in concern. You cleared your throat, realising there was no escape, “Just you know. strange dreams. You get me,” you said as you began to stuff your face with bread for an excuse not to talk.
The boys all shared a look before a grin started to spread over Theon’s face, “Did you have a- “
“I will stab you Greyjoy,” you said, mouth half full, with a butter knife in hand. “Don’t you even dare,”
“Oh, my gods you did,”
“What?” Robb asked clearly clueless to the situation, but Jon had caught on as his face began to turn a bright shade of red. “Will somebody clue me in?”
“Nothing Robb. Ignore them,” you said, shooting the others a glare that could cut stone.
Theon smirk and Jon cleared his throat before whispering to Robb that he would explain later causing you to throw your empty cup at his head.
Part two here
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welldonebeca · 1 year
Lookalike - Masterlist
Summary: When Jon Snow’s name day arrives, Theon Greyjoy hires you as a gift for him. But will you awake feelings they’ve been trying to hide from themselves? (Theon and Jon pretend you are Sansa.) Warnings: Canon divergence. Smut. Role play. Virginity Kink. Innocence Kink. Dirty talk. Prostitution. 
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.
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Chapter 1 - Theon x Reader (Coming to Tumblr on the 30th of January)
Chapter 2- Jon x Reader (Coming to Tumblr on the 6th of February)
Bonus Chapter with @cosmic-darikano
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Summary: Robb finds you leaving Winterfell and has an interesting proposal.
Bonus Chapter (Coming to Tumblr on the 13th of February)
"Lookalike" was posted on my Patreon back in October 2022! To read it before anyone else and have early access to my stories, consider subscribing to my page! It's just $2 a month, and it helps a lot!
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​ @shaelyn102​​​ @yknott81​​​ ​​@maximofftrash​​​ @kgbrenner​​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​​ @magpiegirl80​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @shadowhunter7​​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​​ @deemoriarty​​​ @05spn18​​​ @malindacath​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @widowsfics​​​ @frozenhuntress67​​​ @averyrogers83​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @giruvega​
Game of Thrones tags: @izbelross @ietss
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blakeswritingimagines · 9 months
Go into the woods (Kinktober day 1)
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Warnings: primal play, Roughness, Marking, Dom Robb and female submissive reader
Word count: 1k
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire characters nor do I claim to own them.
Having been waiting to have Robb's attention all day as you found small ways to keep yourself busy, leaning back against a wall when you finally saw him and smiled growing excited but also nervous for what you were going to ask. Biting down on your lower lip as you looked up at him before placing your hands on his arms gently while making eye contact "I need you." There's nothing a king wants more than for his wife to tell him that she needs him. As the head of a household, Robb is constantly surrounded by advisors, counselors, and subjects all needing something from him. However, there is nothing more important than the needs of the woman he loves. He placed his hands on your hips and looked into your eyes as he replied. "Always, my love. What can I do for you?"
Smiling more that you could have his attention before you took a deep breath then made it more clear "Darling, I need you." You spoke as you gave him a look knowing you couldn't say much where anyone could hear you but did lean up closer to his ear as you whispered "I would like to try something new with you my love." Pulling away you looked up at him giving him a seductive look. The idea that his lovely wife wants to try something new with him is absolutely thrilling. As the King in the North, there are times when he feels as though his life is too well-defined and structured. The opportunity to have an experience with you that is completely untamed and unscripted is captivating. However, knowing that you want to try something new makes him a bit nervous. He doesn't want to be too aggressive or too timid. He wants to make you happy. "Trying something new?" with you is an offer he can never refuse. With your suggestion still lingering in his ears, he looked at you with an excited smile on his face. His hands caressed your body as he leaned down and whispered into your ear. "You know I wouldn't say no to that. What would you like to try, my love?"
You grinned at his words happy that he would try or at least listen to you and what you wanted to try, taking his larger hand in your smaller one as you led you both outside making it seem innocent enough that you both were simply taking a stroll together. Once far enough away from the people of the North, you turned to face him as you grew nervous about his reaction but kissed his cheek as you spoke softly "When we lay together there are times you speak of being a wolf….Prove it take me as a wolf." His face lights up with a sly grin as your words sink in. At first, he is shocked by your request, but there is no denying that the idea intrigues him. He stared at you with a mix of surprise and desire as he gently pushed you up against the nearest wall. His eyes run up and down your body, as he growled in your ear, "Show me how the wolf takes his prey." He then leaned in and kissed your neck, making you shiver with anticipation. Gazing into your eyes, he replies thoughtfully, "As a wolf, I will be rough, even brutal. Are you sure this is what you want, my love?"
You giggled when he grabbed you and pinned you to the wall. Your eyes were shining, and your face was flustered from the feeling of his lips. "Of course, I am sure." You whispered into his ear, then bit your lip in a teasing way a sense of desire and nervousness ran through your entire body, when he growled in your ear, everything in your body responded to him. Your hands on his clothes pulling him closer as your legs wrap around his waist. Your lips parted and whispered, "Do not be so gentle with me, sweet wolf." The sound of your voice begging him to be rough with you fuels the fire inside him. He pushed you against the tree more and kissed you fiercely, letting his desire and passion pour out of him through his lips. As he broke the kiss, he looked into your eyes with a feral expression as he continued to growl, "As you wish, my darling." With that, he pinned you to the tree with one hand and began to tear at your clothes with the other. His teeth sank into your neck as he made you gasp with pleasure.
Moaning with satisfaction when you felt his warm hands on your body. You closed your eyes and leaned backward to let him rip through your clothes, showing your beautiful skin off once bare before him. "You can be more aggressive, darling." You whispered in a soft voice as you tugged on his hair as a way to stimulate your lover to be more brutal. "I want to feel your strength and power when you claim me tonight and after." You gasped with pleasure. You bit your lower lip, you liked the way he was, aggressive and possessive. When alone, he doesn’t hide behind any facade or formality, he’ll just take what he wants from you. Not just this night, but from now on. His actions begin to become more firm and deliberate as if to make up for his previously gentle and tender behavior. The sound of your soft moan sparks something primal inside him as his desire grows. "If this is how you want it, then I shall be brutally dominant," he whispered, his voice dripping with lust. He then pushed you to the ground where you could feel the coldness of the snow against your skin. He looked down at you with a wild expression as he bit your neck and pinned your hands to the ground, "You will be my favorite toy tonight." He then moved on top of you to claim what is rightfully his.
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vhagarsback · 2 years
robb stark and jon snow thoughts
warnings: smut, masturbation, authority kink, slight exhibitionism, cheating, robb x you, jon x you
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Robb is a good man, he would never do something you did not agree with.
However, he has these urges.
He was already betrothed to another woman as a way to strengthen his alliances, and still, that didn't stop him from pursuing you.
"I only wish to know your name, my lady." Robb smiled directly at you, he was charming enough to make you not so hesitant anymore. You weren't highborn and didn't consider yourself worthy of having the king's attention.
"I am not a lady, your grace." You kept your head down, not daring to look him in the eyes. Robb looked amused and seemed to not care about your words.
"You are very pretty." And he would compliment you until you finally gave your name to him. He was enchanted, wishing to know more about you.
That was his mission as he would wait for his marriage to the Frey girl.
He would do anything to make himself seen trustworthy, to make you come to him whenever you needed advice.
Eventually, you started to fall for his charms and would agree to anything the prince asked you.
It started with small, innocent favors you just couldn't refuse.
"Would you be kind enough to bring me some water?" Robb asked sweetly, going through the papers on his desk once more. You didn't hesitate, failing to see the smirk on his face.
Once he saw how obedient you were becoming, he began to ask more from you.
"Could you run me a bath?" The king was visibly tired from planning his next war, it just wouldn't be polite to not do it.
But when you were preparing the water, Robb came unannounced, putting his hands on your shoulders from behind. You swallowed in a nervous action, feeling his fingers caressing your skin over the thin clothes you were wearing.
"You do so much for me, I can not thank your kindness enough." Robb continued to lower his hands, whispering in your neck as he inhaled your scent. He was dizzy, and his words were lazier and lazier.
"My purpose here is to serve House Stark, my Lord." You murmured trembling, sighing as he took his hands off you.
"I am forever grateful for that." He smiled, and you froze as he began to take his clothes off. "Care for helping me? I am just so tired."
He took full advantage of your loyalty, teasing you and making you embarrassed at every opportunity.
You caught him naked one day, you apologized profoundly and said you would never come to his room without knocking again. He only laughed and asked you to come closer. "You ever seen a naked man?"
You denied with your head, words failing you. He made a motion for you to step closer.
"Just look at me. Look at my body, dove." Robb finished and your eyes were on his chest, his hair dark and going all the way down to his crotch, arms and legs toned and thick with muscle.
You were blushing, cheeks burning, and he turned around before you could invade his intimacy and look at what you weren't supposed to. You saw his large back and shoulders, firm ass, and hands at the sides of his body. He smiled once again.
His nakedness became regular, you often found him reading bare in his room, muscles and legs all for you to see.
You were careful not to stare too much and to not let your eyes travel too far again, but you were eager to know more.
"Lord Stark?" Robb had called you to his chambers, and you came as quickly as you could. He took in your appearance, from the way your lips were plump and shiny to the way your thighs clenched at the mere sight of him.
Robb knew he succeed at making you want him, and that just made everything simpler.
"Sit at my feet." He ordered and your mind was quick to obey as if it were trained for it.
Robb always looked intimidating to you, he had the eyes of a true king, and having his presence so close and his attention solely on you made butterflies fly in your stomach. At his feet, he looked bigger, stronger, like he could break you into pieces with his hands. You thought he only needed his words.
You were itching to make a comment, to make him proud of you in a way. However, you were paralyzed.
"Unbuckle my belt." The king commanded as if he was talking to his soldiers, but his hand went to your hair and gently petted your head.
Your hands were shaking, you felt your belly ache and your breath was not as controlled.
He was just in his trousers, and even though you had seen him naked countless times, that seemed too intimate.
Your knees started to burn, you didn't mind and looked up at him. You almost didn't recognize Lord Stark, his eyes were darker, expression was almost haunting.
You didn't realize that was just how he always looked at you, starved.
"Suck my cock." He licked his lips as the words left his mouth with a certainty that was final, you just couldn't question him.
You did what you were supposed to, obeyed Lord Stark.
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Jon knew it was wrong in all the ways possible, but he didn't know how to stop wanting you.
He made a promise, took a vow and swore to take no wife, to not let women distract him from his duties. He knew it was going to be hard and he managed, until he saw you.
You were married to a southern Lord he didn't care enough to know the name, and you needed help from the people in the north.
The lord commander agreed on letting you and your husband stay for a few days, and Jon knew it would be his downfall.
He wouldn't be the only one to stare at you during dinner, the men in the castle couldn't handle pretty women, but his intentions were the clearest, he wanted you in a way he wasn't able to explain.
Jon would subtly avoid you, only speaking to your husband when he needed to, and would try to not meet your eyes. You thought it wasn't polite, but you were intrigued.
"I think this is yours, Jon Snow." A letter he was supposed to send that morning was now in your hands, waiting for Jon to take it with a gentle smile on your lips.
He seemed surprised and quickly took it from you after rasping out a thank you. His voice was hoarse, a little shaky, but he was brave enough to stare into your eyes.
It didn't last long, as your husband appeared behind you with a hand on your waist. Jon left, and you sighed quietly.
That night, he forgot about being a man of the Night's Watch and touched himself thinking about the way your fingers touched his, about how sweet you smelled, and the way you said his name. He spilled his seed on his hand and as he came down from his high Jon thought about how you'd look tasting his cum.
Jon felt guilty, dirty and promised himself to not think about you that way anymore.
"For some reason, I fear you do not like me." Your voice came as a gift when he was training alone, sword hurting the target as your steps were closer. He stopped, almost amused at how wrong you were.
"I do not know you enough." He spent enough time looking at you to know a few things, but his mouth wouldn't betray him.
"You could." You smiled and his heart beat fast, he was confused and a bit nervous. "Come to my chambers tonight, my husband will be meeting with the Lord Commander."
Jon blinked, still staring at you. His eyes travelled to your mouth and back to your eyes, you understood. Your mouth moved without your permission.
"See you tonight, then."
a/n: pls write more for my stark brothers guys </3
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mayblelayla · 4 months
Eat Your Young (Robb Stark)
I'm starvin', darlin', let me put my teeth to somethin' let me wrap my teeth around the world - Hozier warnings: Smut, oral, female reader, all porn no plot
The flap of the tent whipped open pulling your attention away from the holes you were mending on some of your clothes. From the opening Robb strode in, falling into the nearest chair he could find. His head fell into his hands with a frustrated sigh.
Slowly you set aside your needles and threat and slauntered over to Robb's tense figure. Your hands fell over the back of his shoulders, your lips finding their way to his exposed neck leaving feather-soft kisses. His head lifted from his hands, his lips parting with mellow breaths falling out at the touch of your lips. Your fingers danced closer to the clasp of his cloak, fiddling with It until the heavy furs around his shoulder fell away.
"Love?" He whispered and you hummed against his skin softly before biting down right above his collarbone. This time a faint moan fell from his thin lips. You pulled away from him slowly, backing up toward the large bed covered with furs and pillows of every shape and size. You watched him turn his head to see you gone and jump to his feet following your steps toward the bed. You stood at the end, staring up at Robb who was now towering over you, his hand coming to grip your waist.
"Where do you think you're goin' love?" His voice had lowered and the look in his blue eyes had darkened like a storming ocean. But your words became caught in your throat as his forehead rested against your own, his breath warm against your face. You could just barely see the smirk crawl across his face in the dim candlelight of your tent, but you could feel his grip tighten around your waist and he backed you up a step closer to the bed, the back of your knees colliding with the furs piled atop it. His head dipped down to your neck, nipping red marks with every kiss that he left in his wake, your lips parting and letting out a satisfied sigh. His lips had reached your soft spot, and a moan fell from your lips.
"Robb," you mumbled, his head perked up at the sound of his name.
"Yes love?" He muttered into your skin, one of his hands moving agonizingly toward your thigh. his fingers began to pull up the fabric of your skirt until he could slide his hand underneath and dig her caloused fingers into the soft plush skin of your thigh. Another moan fell from your lips, earning a groan from Robb's lips in response.
"Please, Robb, I need you," the words tumbled out of your mouth without realizing you had even said anything. But you could feel his fingers move to hover over the spot between your legs, growing hotter with desire.
"How do you need me, my queen?" He growled out as his lips finally lifted up to meet your own in a feverish movement. Robb's teeth bit at your lower lip, pulling the plump skin toward him before diving back in, your tongues moving together. his fingers began to softly press against your bud, rubbing slow and delicate circles.
Suddenly his lips pulled away from your own and his fingers pulled away from you, a whine following their departures. Instead, he sunk to his knees, pulling the skirt of your dress over his head and letting his hands inch their way up your legs, his lips leaving delicate kisses that made you weak in the knees.
"Robb, what-" You started but he nipped the inside of your plush thigh catching you off guard. his teeth grazed your skin a few more times before he pulled away and lifted your skirt back up, pushing himself back onto his feet.
"Let's get you out of this dress darlin'," He muttered, his fingers practically ripping the dress off your figure. Once you stood naked in front of him his mouth fell back on yours as his fingers wandered around your body, down your back to your hips, pulling one of your legs around his waist and gripping your thigh harshly as he held you close.
His legs stood between yours as he pushed you onto the bed, your back hitting the soft furs. Once again Robb was on his knees in front of you, his hands spreading your legs open, his lips sucking at the plush skin of your thighs. his mouth grew closer and closer to your heat, his breath hot against the slick that had collected on your folds. Robb lifted his head from between your thighs, his darkened blue eyes meeting your own.
" I'm absolutely starving darlin', and I wanna wrap my teeth around the world," His voice was husky, sending a shiver down your spine, and you could feel your heart drop to between your thighs, beating with every breath he let out.
His tongue flicked against your fold, sampling a taste of your arousal. But as soon as his tongue was there, it was gone. His hands pulled your thighs over his shoulders before he dipped his head back in between your legs. His tongue flattened against you, slowly pulling upwards toward your clit, where it swirled gracefully before his lips tightened around it, sucking softly. Your hands fell to his curls of auburn hair, your fingers tangling into them and tugging him closer to you. His name fell in pleads from your lips as his tongue, his teeth, and lips frew you closer to the edge of pleasure. It took a groan from his lips, and his fingers tightening around your thighs for you to come undone, your fingers going limp around his curls. his tongue took the last few licks before pulling away, resting his cheek on your thigh, his beard wet with your arousal.
"You taste absolutely divine darlin'" he spoke with a gravelly voice, his words rumbling against your thighs and your fingers scratched at his head softly easing his breathing.
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julessworldd · 6 months
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Hey babes! I finally got an idea that was too good to not waste. @valeskafics gave the inspo for this amazing thing 🫶🏻 love you wifey! Also @foxyanon for the tag
Warnings: cucking, age gap (reader is 19, Robb is 16, Jaime is in his 30s) pussy eating, fingering(F), oral(m and f), squirting, hair pulling, p in v, doggy, mentions of face fucking. Spanking, dubcon at first! , dom!robb 🥵 Mentions of beheading, war/battle, cussing. Theon being early season prev Theon(you’ll see) I probably messed a couple timeline things up. I’m not totally up to speed up to westerlands’ house: I didn’t want a westerling reader so house Swyft
I don’t own characters or rights of Game of Thrones, all credits for G.R.R and HBO. Enjoy besties 🫶🏻🫶🏻
A Lannister bride was today’s Targaryen marriage. The Lannisters were powerful and wealthy people. Even better if it was Lord Tywin’s son, Jaime. Tywin’s power bent the rule of a Kingsguard not taking a wife. Owning lands, fathering children. For that Swyft lord’s daughter Y/n it was a dream come true. She remembers seeing Jaime at a tourney at the rock. He was 17 and she was merely a preteen. But she was dead set on marrying the lion.
Y/n’s wish had came true, she married Jaime Lannister, former Kingsguard, son of the mighty Tywin. She loved life at the rock, gold, nice dresses. Better yet custom dresses that the fabric came from the Narrow Sea. A handsome lord husband, who loved to make her scream until his name was the only thing she knew. Jaime had ruined her for other men, especially since he was well blessed below in the belt. And knew how to pleasure her before his own needs.
After the death of King Robert, the realm had 4 kings who thought they were the true king. One was a Stark, the late Lord Eddard Stark’s son, Robb. He was around Y/n’s age, she was merely 19 after this spring. King Joffrey declared war on all the kings, Robb was moving south. He was apparently near the trident, that was close enough for her husband to pick up and head to battle. After a king screaming match, Y/n was with her husband. She made a promise to stay out of the way and let him ride to battle. Jaime was gone as he went after the Stark army, Y/n stayed like always.
Y/n was reading a book when the tent flap moved and revealed a Stark bannermen. Y/n’s chest tightened as she locked eyes with the bannermen. She tried reaching for the blade Jaime had given her. But she was thrown over the bearded man’s shoulder. Soon enough Y/n was carried to the Stark’s camp, she seen her husband. He was dirty, dirt had hidden his golden hair. He was tied up and had a chain around his neck. Her heart broke for her husband, he was so good at battle how did he get captured? Especially by someone who is three years younger his wife.
“Your Grace, I got Ser Jaime’s wife. What should I do with her?” The bannermen asked as he held her arm
“Leave her in my tent, she’ll forget about her lion after she has me in her cunt” Theon smirked as he checked her out
“Theon, she’s a lady no matter whose house she married in. Set her up a tent near mine” Robb said “Leave her with me”
The bannermen let go of her arm, Jaime was so pissed he didn’t say anything as he was dragged away. He thinking of ways to kill the foul mouthed Greyjoy. How dare he talk to his darling like that.
“What’s a lady doing in her husband’s war camp?” Robb asked
Y/n rolled her eyes “Whats a Stark doing riding south? Don’t you remember what happened to your grandfather, uncle and recently your father. King Joffery surely knows what he’s doing to do to you”
“Mouthy little thing” Robb smirked
“Fuck you” Y/n said, she had to restrain herself from spitting on him.
It had been a few days since she had seen Jaime, she missed him. Missed his voice, his scent, how his hands felt on her waist. Everytime someone brought her food she begged to see Jaime. They ignored her. Theon asked what’s so good about the lion. She told him his cock and how he stretched her. Theon rolled his eyes and left.
A direwolf walked in her tent, she crawled to the corner of her cot. She had her knees to her chest
“Good wolf. Yeah, you. Go on I don’t have anything” she said trying not to sound scared.
“Greywind” Robb snapped his fingers and made the wolf sit the entrance.
“King in North” Y/n rolled her eyes
“Lady Lannister” Robb smirked
“I want to see my husband, please” Y/n sighed
“I’ll let you see him but on one condition, love” Robb said sitting on the cot by her feet
“What’s that? My family rides for Lannisters not Stark men” Y/n told the auburn haired king
“I want my way with you, but I want him to watch” Robb said rubbing Y/n’s foot
“Him who?” She asked
Rob was surprised she asked who instead of being offended and declaring her cunt for her Jaime only.
“Your husband, of course. I need answers and he hasn’t gave any so far. Seeing you beg for my cock will surely get to him crack” Robb said
“No! I’d rather you kill me than you fuck me” Y/n gasped
“I seen a Swyft flag this morning, a man looked like you. Is that your brother?” Robb asked
“Ryan, he’s my older brother. One of my father’s heir” Y/n said
“If you don’t let me do what I want, I’ll kill him and I’ll have you watch” Robb said
“Fine fine. Have him brought here, I don’t want the other prisoners seeing me like that or your men. Please” Y/n pleaded
“Well we think a lot a like, lady. Theon, bring the kingslayer in” Robb yelled over his shoulder
“Your Grace” Theon said before winking at Y/n before leaving
Y/n seen Jaime and got off the cot. She took in his appearance, he was practically buried in dirt. He had scruff, he looked exhausted. Old worn clothes, his hands chained behind his back. Y/n hugged him, Jaime leaned his head on her shoulder.
“My poor lion” Y/n muttered as she kissed his forehead as she stood on her tip toes
“Just let him do this twisted thing. Once I get out of here, it will be behind us, my sweet girl” Jaime whispered
Y/n looked at him but shook her yes. She led Jaime to a chair by the cot. Robb was still on her cot as he smirked. He patted his thigh, Y/n cringed as she looked over at Jaime. Jaime nodded his head signaling her to do what Robb wanted her to do.
Y/n climbed on Robb’s lap, the wolf wrapped his arms around her as he turned her to face him only. Her back towards Jaime, Robb squeezed her ass. He yanked her down by her hair and kissed her. Y/n had tears down her cheeks as she kissed him back.
Suddenly Robb had her dress off and pushed her on her back. Robb had her naked as he forced his shoulders between her thighs as he dipped his head to her cunt. Y/n whined as she felt Robb’s hot tongue tracing her hole. It had been a week since she had been touched. Jaime fucked her four times or more a week, he fucked her hard the morning he left the Lannister camp. Robb was eating her like a mad man, he rubbed her clit in tight circles with his finger.
She moaned as she grinded her pussy on his face as he licked her clit down to her asshole. Robb moaned, feeling her sweet cunt on him. Her stomach tightened as she came, her thighs wrapped around Robb’s head. Her hands clenched his auburn curls. Jaime was half hard from Y/n’s whines and seeing cum ooze out of her as Robb raised up.
Robb smirked as he turned his head towards Jaime. He gently raised Y/n up to his chest before stripping down. Y/n’s eyes flickered to Jaime, Jaime gave her a reassuring smile. Robb gently grabbed her jaw to kiss her, this time she clutched her fingers in his hair. Robb had snuck his fingers down to her hole, one finger rubbed the outside. He plunged his two fingers into her weeping cunt. Y/n moaned against his lips.
After making her cum again, Robb released his fingers. Licking them off, he flipped Y/n to her stomach. She was facing Jaime as Robb grabbed her hips. Bringing her ass up, he gave her soft cheeks a couple snacks. Y/n wanted to turn around and slap his face. That was one thing Jaime never did even do for teasing. His punishment was usually face fucking her and throat training her despite her whins. Oddly enough Y/n liked it when Robb slapped her ass, she felt herself clenched around nothing.
“I’ll show you why your father should have sent you to Winterfell instead of that ugly rock” Robb teased her clit
Y/n bit her lip to hide how she was enjoying this. Being fucked by another man while her beloved watched. Jaime however was slowly losing his cool. Y/n was his wife, her pussy was his nobody else’s, her body was something for him to cherish and push her boundaries of pleasure.
Robb finally entered Y/n and he was bigger and thicker than Jaime. Y/n moaned it had been a bit too long to not be filled. She missed cockwarming Jaime, but Robb found new areas to touch. Felt like he was going to rip her into two. Robb slammed his hips against her ass repeatedly, her moans were so sweet. Her cunt was tight, warm and kept him snug, Robb loved. He thought it was worth killing Jaime and having Tywin Lannister kill him for it. Your cunt was sweet but maybe not worth his sisters and family being killed.
Y/n moaned as Robb grabbed her by her long hair making her look back at him. Her eyes meeting his Tully blue eyes, a couple whins falling out of her plump lips. Robb stuck two of his fingers in her mouth. The same ones that fucked her cunt in front of her husband moments ago. She could faintly taste herself on his fingers. She swirled her tongue around his dights, Robb smirked.
“Guess Kingslayer did good, training you. The perfect lady wife, gorgeous body with a sweet cunt” Robb rammed into her
She wanted to knock his stupid teeth out for calling Jaime that. She was the only one who knew why Jaime did it. She agreed with him, sometimes betraying someone will help innocent people live another day. But that was soon forgotten as she came around Robb’s cock. Except he didn’t stop his thrusts until she squirted. He let go of her hair and she fell into the cot, she silently moaned as she came down from her hair.
Damn maybe her father should have sent her North cause Jaime never made her do that. Jaime! It hit her, he was there and witnessed the whole thing. She looked up as Jaime was fuming , his fits were clenched as his chest heaved. Robb chuckled as he seen the kingslayer’s reaction
“Theon! Take Ser Jaime back to his cell” Robb called his friend.
Theon walked in, Y/n saw his hard cock in his pants. Theon grabbed Jaime’s arm as he walked out of her tent.
Robb stood up getting dressed
Y/n watched as Theon was across camp
“You never asked him anything”
“I was going to but the gods blessed you with the best cunt the realm has had. Forgive me for being distracted, my lady” Robb smirked as groped her breast.
“He’s never made me do that” Y/n smirked
“That’s a shame, my lady” Robb said
Y/n crawled off the bed as she stopped in front of Robb. Running her hands down his thighs “Can I tell you thank you?”
“At once” Robb snapped his fingers like he did at Greywind
“Not a dog”
“No, but you did let the wolf have his way with you. After all you are a lions wife, maybe” Robb smirked
Y/n looked up at him and cocked her eyebrows. Robb had a point, a very valid one. How could she ever lay with Jaime without feeling guilty about this night. Of course if Robb released Jaime and her.
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