#robin and steve are platonic soulmates
steddilly · 1 year
Drag King Robin and Drag Queen Steve comedic duo AU has been living rent free in my brain for months now and I hope other people feel the same 🥰
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paladinncleric · 7 months
Stranger things incorrect quotes pt.3
1. Dustin*clenching his fists*: fight me
Erica*standing behind him holding a gun*: [mouths] do not.
2. Brain: Please don't
Robin: It'll impress her.
Brain: No, it won't.
Robin: *wheels over to Nancy on a chair pretending to paddle a canoe*
3. Nancy: What are you doing?
Robin: *hanging upside down from monkey bars* Trying to kiss you?
Nancy: You're gonna fall.
Robin: Shut up and kiss me, I'm getting lightheaded.
4. Lucas: *gets down on one knee* Will you marry me?
Max: is
Max: is that a ring pop?
5. *Steve and Eddie are arguing*
Steve: Y'know what? Fuck you!
Eddie: I already did!
Eddie: ...and I did it real good.
6. Steve: I'm in pain.
Dustin: Do you mean emotional pain or- oh god! that is a lot of blood!
Steve: Pain. Yes.
7. Dustin: Are...
Dustin: Are you two a thing?
Eddie: Pfft no?
Dustin: But you're standing really close together.
Steve: And? Eddie is affectionate.
Dustin: You have an arm wrapped around Eddie's waist.
Eddie: We're close friends.
Dustin: Eddie, you literally have a hand on Steve's ass.
Steve: *Very* close friends.
8. Nancy: it's so dark in here I can't see a thing.
Robin: Don't worry Nance, I got this.
Robin: *Stomps on floor lighting up skechers*
9. Robin: I don't need to go to bed, I'm not tired, I'll be fine.
Nancy: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.
Robin: O-Oh um, wait, are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns?
Nancy: Is it working?
10. Lucas: *Yelling across the parking lot* Buy me a diet coke!
Max: *Yelling back* I'm not buying you shit!
Max: *Buys it for him anyways*
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xxbottlecapx · 9 months
I have heard a lot of different versions of how Steve realizes he’s queer so I wanted to take my own spin on things- 
Contrary to popular belief, Steve’s sexual awakening was extremely anticlimactic. He went to pick up Robin for school, and could obviously tell that something was on her mind. She didn’t seem up to talking, so he put on ABBA and sang along to Money! Money! Money! Until they were halfway to their destination. 
“Steven.” She eventually interrupted him. He quieted the music just enough for his hearing aid to pick up on her easier, not commenting on her saying his name incorrectly. She had twisted in her seat, hands tucked into her armpits. Nervous, eyes like the whale eye of a dog. 
“Yeah?” Is all he had replied with, to make it easier on her. 
Robin had taken a deep breath, contemplating, before seeming to finally come to her conclusion. 
“You’re gay.” 
Was he? Steve had paused to think about it. Well, it was Robin, and she was usually correct, and she wouldn’t say this without reason, right?
So, was he some type of gay? Steve had squinted at the road.   
Yeah, he could see it. 
Robin relaxed into her chair, and Steve turned the music back up. 
That’s about it. 
Later, he does find out about Bisexuality, but it’s not a big deal in his head. It doesn’t particularly phase him. It’s as though Robin had his sexuality crisis for him. Which, yeah, that sounds like something she’d do. He does end up thinking about it more, and, yeah, he’s had crushes on men before, he realizes now. He just hadn’t known. So, yay for him, she figured it out. Sexuality awakening had. 
It doesn’t make sense to freak out about it. His best friend is gay, Will is gay, they all knew Mike was gay, Argyle was certainly something, Jonathan was a drag queen (he didn’t know they knew, obviously.) and Eleven, Lucas, and Max had a thing going on between them. They were all fifty percent certain Dustin was either trans or gender fluid. It just didn’t make sense to panic about it. He panicked about so much nowadays, why waste his important and in spare supply mental energy on something so simple?  
Though, in hindsight, he should have explained his nonchalance to Eddie. 
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callme-keys · 2 years
Robin: "my gay or bisexual friends will send me the picture of the ugliest men I've ever seen and be like-"
Steve, showing off a picture of Eddie, crusty af: "thoughts??"
Robin: "...and prayers girl idk what you want me to say!!"
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yours-etc · 2 years
what’s my favorite trope? A Lesbian and her Himbo boyfriend 😌
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ikebanaka · 2 years
I think more people need to acknowledge that anyone who dates Steve is also sort of dating Robin and vice versa. Like, do you really love one of them if you don’t think the other one is the best thing since sliced bread?
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myrkky · 2 months
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platonic soulmates Stobin
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steviesbicrisis · 7 months
To me it’s the fact that Steve assumed Robin had a license but still woke up 3 hours before his work shift to drive her to school everyday.
That is not a plot hole everybody, that is just the kind of person Steve Harrington is.
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“I don’t think I’m straight.”
Steve had reached that conclusion exactly ten seconds before saying it out loud. Laying upside down on the couch of his house with his best friend draping her legs on top of him.
“Is that what you were thinking about?” Robin asked, not lifting her eyes from her book.
“Yeah, it just makes sense.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Steve hummed thoughtfully. Did he want to talk about it? Was it important enough? Did it change anything?
“I feel the same,” he said. “I thought being gay would feel different.” For a second, Steve was sure Robin would tell him that was a stupid thing to think.
“Are you gay?” Robin asked instead, because she is Robin. She was able to ask something in a judgemental tone without being judgy.
“I'm not straight.” he repeated.
“Pretty sure there are more than two options.” She explained with a joking tone. It was lucky, she thought, that she found a zine hidden in a library when she visited her aunt in Indianapolis.
“How do I know what I am?”
“I don't know, actually,” she said, putting her book down. “I've never seen what the big deal with men is.” Robin explained, crossing her arms. “That's how I knew.”
“I definitely see the big deal with women,” Steve responded simply.
“What about men?”
“I think I always saw the big deal, I just pretended it did not exist.” Steve explained.
“Oh, sweet old denial.” She teased. “How do you feel about this?”
“I would feel better if I had better taste.” Steve deadpanned, causing Robin to laugh and kick him. He slid out of the sofa dramatically to the floor. “Kicking me while I'm most vulnerable, Buckley? I see your game.”
“I have been bidding my time to find your weak spot, Harrington.” Robin joked lightly, jabbing Steve’s legs with her foot. “You will fall, Steven!”
Steve retaliated by pulling her into the floor.
“Look who's falling now?”
“Whatever,” Robin pushed herself to sit upward, sitting on the floor with her back against the sofa. Steve mimicked her with his back against the coffee table. “Who is the guy?” she asked.
“I don't wanna tell you,” Steve whispered, more out of respect for their tradition than anything else. “You’ll make fun of me.”
“Of course I will,” she whispered back. Steve reached for her hand to intertwine their fingers and she held him without batting an eye. “That’s kinda my job as your soulmate.” Steve chuckled. “I have to make sure whoever it is doesn’t mess up our vibe, you know?” He didn’t.
“I’m sure he won’t."
"Are you really gonna make me guess?" Steve lit up at the suggestion. Before he could speak, Robin continued "I'm not gonna guess, just tell me."
"Are you afraid of getting it wrong and looking like a fool?" He teased.
"It's Eddie." She answered less than a second later.
Steve did not respond, shocked at her quick response.
"Who's the fool now, Steve?" The smile on her face was infectious to Steve, who poker her with his foot.
"How did you do that?"
"By having eyes."
"What do you think?" She closed her eyes and hummed as Steve waited for her response.
"I think he looks at you the same way you look at him."
"I should ask him out."
"I can be your wingman!" She exclaimed.
"Oh, my god, yes!"
"We have to make a plan," Robin yelled. She jumped to her feet, letting go of Steve's hand, and dashed up the stairs. "I'm going to get some paper."
Steve stayed behind, sitting more comfortably on the floor, and removing the magazines they had on the coffee table off.
They made a plan, that ended in more of a disaster which is a story for another time. There is only one thing that is important.
Eddie said yes.
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arelliann · 4 months
Steddie soulmate first words are fun and all but Eddie Munson will forever be a dramatic motherfucker, Steve has a full 3 page essay scrawled over his back about the dangers of capitalism and his dad hates it, you think Eddie would get the chance to speak to the Steve Harrington and wouldn't milk it for the most Shakespeare worthy performance you've ever seen in your goddamn life
Bonus points, Robin is his platonic soulmate and she'll ramble till the sun goes down so steve just has no space left on his body by the time those two are finished
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steddilly · 2 years
We all know why Nancy followed Steve into the lake first and not Robin, right? That it’s the same reason Nancy attacked the vines when they had Robin first and not Steve, right? Nancy is a woman of action, and Steve and Robin were both paralysed with fear at the thought of losing their person.
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kennahjune · 4 months
Thinking of Steddie Soulmates where you feel every pain your soulmate feels.
Thinking of little Steve feeling every backhand and punch from Eddie’s dad.
Thinking of little Eddie feeling Steve break his arm and the pain being so much worse because his parents refuse to take him to the hospital until the school gets involved.
Thinking of Eddie finally moving in with Wayne and sure, the paternal beating are done, but now he’s just a small town Freak that’s constantly targeted.
Thinking of Eddie and Steve in their Sophomore/Freshman years respectively, not knowing who the other is outside of rumors and (unknowingly) their shared pain.
Thinking of Eddie finally escaping pain, the bullying turning to mainly verbal shit.
Only to be thrust right back into pain because his soulmates a walking hazard.
Thinking of Eddie having no idea what’s going on when he suddenly feels like one giant bruise after Steve’s beat up by Jonathan. Eddie watching Steve fall from grace in his Junior year and not connecting the dots.
Billy coming along and smashing a fucking plate over Steve’s head while Eddie’s peacefully sleeping. Eddie jolting awake with a shout because /holy fucking shit ow—/
Neither of them connecting the dots.
Then Steve graduates, and Eddie’s held back. And the pain subsides for a bit.
And then fuck all happens in Starcourt and Eddie literally feels like he’s dying and Jesus H. Christ is his soulmate /ok/??? Like they are getting seriously fucked up.
And then that recedes and it ok for a while— Eddie will still get killer pains that seem to circulate in his chest and head, but that’s to be expected with whatever tf his poor soulmate is going through year after year.
And then the fuckery of March 1986 happens and Chrissy Cunningham is dead in his trailer— his home— and he’s wanted for fucking murder and hiding in Rick’s dingy ass boat house—
And then he’s shoving none other than Steve Harrington up against a wall with a broken bottle helps to his throat. Eddie’s so piped on adrenaline he barely feels the sting in his back, but he does feel the zing of pressure on his throat and ok /ow—/
And he’s staring at Steve Harrington, who looks kinda terrified and so pretty and Eddie’s holding a bottle to his throat and is that Dustin?—
And holy shit.
Eddie’s eyes widen at the same time as Steve’s and the realization hits them both at once.
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monologichno · 5 months
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I need to make this Hawkeye panels into stobin
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s0ftpining · 11 months
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your best friend, i'm the one you must rely on
platonic soulmates commission for @manycoloureddays ❤️
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tiarna-art · 3 days
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My first Robin. Be kind.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 5 months
Steve was looking around for his wallet to pay the pizza man but he couldn't find it. It was Eddie who found it wedged between the couch cushions.
"Thanks, Daddy," Steve said and went to pay the pizza man.
Eddie's eyes widened, and he whipped his head around to face Robin, whose eyes were just as wide.
"You heard that, right?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah, buddy, I did," Robin said. "He does that, though, calls people names that are similar to their own. He called me Bobin the other day. Although, I kind of like it. And Daddy is awfully close to Eddie."
"Oh," Eddie said softly.
"You sound disappointed. Did you want him to call you that?" Robin asked.
"What? No. I like girls," Eddie squeaked.
"Eddie, you know about me. You know I wouldn't care if you were also like me," Robin said softly.
"I like girls, Robin," Eddie said.
"Well, I'm just going to put this information out there, for anyone who's interested. . . You can like more than one gender," Robin said.
"Pardon?" Eddie asked.
Before Robin could even open her mouth, Steve came back into the room.
"You'll never believe who's delivering pizzas now," Steve said, only to find Robin and Eddie staring at him. "What?"
"My name is Eddie," he said.
"Thanks, I had no clue," Steve said, rolling his eyes. "Of course, I know your name is Eddie."
"You called me Daddy," Eddie said.
"No, I did not," Steve said and rolled his eyes. "This is just like when Robin thought I called her Bobin. Is it possible that you're just hearing what you want to hear?"
"You think I want to be called Bobin?" She asked.
"You did say you kind of liked it," Eddie pointed out.
"Okay, the pizzas are getting cold," Steve said and headed into the kitchen.
Eddie leaned forward as he stared blankly ahead. He pressed his hands together.
"Do I want him to call me Daddy?" Eddie asked, and then his eyes went wide. "Oh my God, Bobin, I think I want him to call me Daddy, and while he's in my lap, and he's. . . "
"Woah, you can stop there!" Robin exclaimed.
Eddie jumped up and started pacing. He was muttering under his breath as he did calculations in the air. Robin jumped in front of him and grabbed his shoulders.
"Eddie, this a good thing," she said softly.
"I know, it's just surprising, or maybe I'm surprised about the fact that I'm not really surprised at all," Eddie said. "Everyone's been calling me queer for years, I just - "
"Didn't want them to be right because they're a bunch of assholes," Robin said and grinned. "Well, that's understandable."
Eddie was about to open his mouth to say something else when Steve walked back into the room.
"Did I order pizza for nothing?" Steve asked and Eddie stared at him. "What?"
"Steve," Robin started to say before Eddie started crossing the room.
He didn't even go around the coffee table. He just walked directly over it.
"Eddie! What did I say about walking on the furn - Mmmm!" Steve was interrupted.
Eddie grabbed him, dipped him, and looked at him questioningly with his lips close to Steve’s. Steve nodded, and Eddie crashed his lips to his. Steve immediately gasped into his mouth before kissing him back and gripping his shoulders. Eddie quickly broke the kiss and brought Steve back up.
"Wooo! Yeah, definitely not straight!" Eddie exclaimed and slapped Steve’s ass. "You can call me whatever you want, big boy. Hell, you can even call me Big Daddy if you want to."
Eddie swaggered into the kitchen, leaving Steve dazed.
"I told you accidentally calling him daddy would work," Robin said and then winced. "I didn't know he wasn't awake yet. My bad. The hanky threw me off. Well, it all worked out. Steve? Jesus, where did that kiss send you? It couldn't have been that good."
"Leave me alone, Robin. I'm literally seeing through space and time right now," Steve said, closing his eyes.
"Hey! There's pizza in here! In case you forgot," Eddie called out.
Robin rolled her eyes and went into the kitchen.
"You Vecna'd him with that kiss, asshole!" Robin exclaimed.
"Hmm," Eddie said, his mouth full of pizza. "Maybe another kiss will wake the prince."
He skipped back into the living room.
"I'm eating all the fucking pizza!" Robin yelled.
"That's fine! I found something good to eat in here!" Eddie hollered back.
"Swallow that pizza before you kiss me, Eddie!" She heard Steve exclaim. "I'm not a baby bird!"
Meanwhile, Robin was smiling as they squabbled until it fell into silence. She was glad they both finally figured things out. Her clueless boys. She wouldn't trade them for the world. Hmm, maybe for the recipe for this pizza. Holy shit, they've never been this good before.
"Hey, who'd you say was delivering the pizzas?" Robin asked.
"Not only did they deliver the pizzas, but they also made them!" Steve hollered back.
"Name, Dingus!"
"Argyle!" Steve yelled. "I asked him to stay, but he had other deliveries to make. He said he needed to spread the love."
"Aw. I love that guy," Robin muttered.
As she chewed down on the pizza, she decided that she definitely needed to add a new best friend to her collective. Yeah, Argyle was definitely her new best friend.
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