#robin buckley x ofc
lioniheart · 10 months
Hey so I was writing a Fruity Six™ fic inspired by Tales of the City that I had planned to have well balanced POV chapters, focusing on all of my babes, and I got to 5 chapters, right. But then some stuff started annoying me and I took a break, reread it, and am now torn between rewriting it with a different start.
The original is a post season 4 AU, 1987, everybody lives, where Nance, Robs and Jon took a year before college to deal with the, yk, trauma of it all, and the babysitter's club gets very close, so halfway through the school year, Steve suggests a road trip, they visit San Fran and decide to stay there a bit longer, in this super cool house owned by Ms Madrigal (a trans woman with a great ability to clock everything, better than Murray's) and then deciding actually? We could just stay here. But I got kinda of mad at it cause it sounds too improbable and I don't want to separate them from the rest of the party and shit so I'm not sure abt it anymore.
The second plot bunny said to make it a no Upside Down AU with Nance, Jargyle and Eddie already living in Ms Madrigal's [who's dating Wayne and is Argyle's something (tbd)]. Then platonic Stobin escapes their hellish hometown (maybe Robin gets outed and Steve won't let her run away alone or smth) and end up in San Fran, where they find a home and family with these very queer lovely people.
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bigskyandthecoldgun · 5 months
nancy wheeler is a dog person. specifically, a Big Scary Dog person. she owns two enormous dobermans and has named them the cutesiest names possible. think of the sugary-sweetest name you can think of and then double the cuteness. they are the most well-trained dogs anyone has ever met in their entire lives. they would kill for her if commanded. they also think they are lap dogs and insist on snuggling with her as much as they can. they have designated beds in her living room with their names neatly embroidered in pink on each one. their barks are intense enough to give a passerby a heart attack. they both have pretty little pink collars that nancy rotates out for a new one every couple of days. their teeth are the sharpest teeth you’ve ever seen and they use them to bring nancy her notebooks and newspapers as gently as they can. she would die for them, but they would never let that happen. if she sits down beside them, they tower above her. it’s ridiculous.
ofc, if you wanna make it ronance (which i always do), when robin and nancy move in together, and the dogs can no longer fit on the bed with them (they are too big), nancy moves their beds from the living room into the bedroom and they sleep at the foot of the bed. someone once tried to break in and before robin could even dial 911, the dogs had it handled. nancy didn’t even have time to bring out her handgun before the dogs had the intruder pinned to the ground. they wagged their tails the whole time. robin loves them. she is also terrified of their power. nancy runs the house and all three of them—robin and the dogs—are perfectly aware of this.
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moonchildreads · 5 months
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small town
Chapter 24 - Up Where We Belong
IN THIS CHAPTER: Graduation gowns, strawberry milkshakes, and Wayne asks a question [9.9k]
WARNINGS: dealing with grief (nancy, dottie, eddie to a less extent), writer not knowing how graduations are in the us
A/N: happy new year!!!! i hope everyone is having a wonderful start of 2024, here's your belated christmas gift from yours truly. if you read this and think "that's not how that works", then i don't know what to tell you bestie but i tried. i watched a TON of graduation ceremonies on youtube and i pulled heavily from those, aside from borrowing things from my own not-american graduation. i hope you enjoy it anyways! (and let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist!) <3
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All we have is here and now All our life, out there to find
Friday, June 13th - 1986
Wayne Munson had walked the halls of Hawkins High School several times throughout recent years courtesy of his nephew’s misbehaving, but never making it past Principal Higgins’ office was turning out to be a problem. Resigned, he stomped on his cigarette gently before following a family that looked like they knew where they were going, regretting not taking up Eddie’s offer to escort him inside before he disappeared in search of his friends and fellow graduates. Graduation. Ain’t that a funny thing to think about, Wayne mused. The auditorium, he noted as he finally found it, was decorated in bright orange and calming forest green, a Class of 1986 paper banner hanging from the dark curtain that was doing its job as an unassuming background at the very back of the room. On the stage, there was a regal-looking wooden lectern, and a small table with stacked up rolls of paper tied with orange and green ribbons; next to it, a bunch of black chairs where teachers would probably be sitting during the event had been carefully lined up into a single row.
Excitement filled the air. It was in the murmurs of the people taking their seats, skimming their programs to proudly find the names of their kids printed on the semi-matte paper. It was in the way the school’s faculty could not stand still, barely having time to say hello to everyone walking in before they were off to check yet another little detail so everything could go as smoothly as possible. Wayne walked down the central aisle trying to find a good spot to sit in while feeling a bead of sweat go down his back. The last time he’d worn a suit, any suit, had been to his mother’s funeral eight years before; in fact, he still only owned that one suit. The temperature in Hawkins was steadily rising as June turned into July, and Wayne felt incredibly stuffy in his clothes but he didn’t dare wear anything less for such a special day. Eddie had defied all odds and was now a High School Graduate, the first Munson to walk to stage in three generations. Truth be told, his Uncle was willing to bet that he was actually the first one to do so in their entire family history, and thus, Wayne wore the suit, and the shirt, and the tie, and searched for a seat near the front to witness his nephew doing the exact opposite of what the whole town had always expected him to do: succeed.
Bianca, Donny’s mom, was fussing over her youngest grandson, Francesco, when she saw Wayne looking a little lost in the crowd and waved at him to wordlessly invite him to sit with them. The eldest Munson approached them with a smile, settling himself on the row behind the Vitale family who was so very busy trying to keep little Francesco and his (barely) older cousin Marco from running down the aisles and bothering other families.
“Good to see y’all made it,” Wayne commented, shaking Donny’s dad Angelo’s hand before turning to Vittoria, Donny’s heavily pregnant older sister. “Though I coulda sworn I heard you were on bed rest, missy.”
“I am, but what my doctor doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” she laughed, hand resting over her swollen belly. “This little lady hasn’t stopped kicking me all day, I think she’s more excited than I am to finally be outside the house!”
“It’s a special day, I’m sure the doctor won’t mind too much as long as we take it slow,” her husband said, kissing the side of her head. “Say hi to Mr. Munson, Marco.”
“Hi!” the little boy said, standing between his parents’ seats. “Whose Grandpa are you?”
“Marco!” his dad exclaimed, but Wayne laughed loudly.
“That’s not a grandpa, you dummy! That’s Eddie’s dad,” said Francesco, before grabbing his cousin’s hand and leading him towards Nonna Giulia down the row in search of the candy she always kept in her purse.
“I’m sorry,” Vittoria said with an apologetic smile. “They read this picture book about families at pre-school and now he thinks all men with white hair are grandpas.”
“Ah, it’s fine. I know I’m not gettin’ any younger,” Wayne joked, his eyes straying to the side of the auditorium where the seniors were finally getting ushered into formation.
The Vitale family craned their necks to see their boy, and Wayne in turn searched for his: Eddie was standing near Jeff towards the middle of the line, the two of them engaged in conversation as they waited for everyone to get into their respective places. It wasn’t that Eddie wasn’t paying attention to what his friend was saying; he was clearly answering back and keeping the chat going, but it seemed to his Uncle that he was searching for someone in the crowd, eyes scanning rows of unknown family members for a face he hadn’t yet found. Wayne was about to lift his hand to let him know where he was sitting, but it soon became apparent that Eddie hadn’t been looking for him - he had been looking for the short haired girl who had just ran into the auditorium with a panicked look on her face and an askew cap on her head.
Dottie hurried over to where her classmates were standing, enveloping a curly haired girl Wayne wasn’t familiar with at the very back of the line in an enthusiastic hug before doing the same with Donny. Wayne saw with an amused smile how Eddie waited patiently for his turn while she hugged Jeff, and how all his anxiety looked like it was melting away as he embraced her, eyes closed and face buried in her hair. After saying their hellos, Dottie kept walking to the front of the line where she greeted a strawberry blonde girl with excited hops and shared an equally loving hug with both her and Gareth. Her dad watched her with a fond smile from his place near the doors, a program held tightly in his hands. Taking pity on the poor man who Wayne knew was attending the event alone much like he was, he motioned for James to join their mismatched group who gladly took the offer, walking briskly towards the still empty seat next to Eddie’s uncle. James greeted Donny’s family before getting comfortable on his wooden chair and let a long breath out. Finally.
“Long morning?” Wayne asked, knowingly.
“Be grateful you don’t have a teenage girl in your house, Wayne. It was near impossible to get here on time,” James scoffed.
“Can’t be worse than Ed’s allergy to his damn alarm clock. It went off for a whole 15 minutes before he got up today.”
“Did it wake you up?”
“Nah. Was already up reading the paper but I wasn’t about to turn it off for him. He just rolls over and keeps sleeping if I do,” he said, and James shook his head with an affectionate smile on his face.
“Teenagers, right?”
“Yup. Teenagers.”
Over the few short months Wayne and James had known each other, they had learned to appreciate the quiet but hard work the other did for their respective kid. It wasn’t easy to be a single father, and even though Wayne wasn’t Eddie’s biological dad, there was no doubt in James’ mind that he fulfilled that role wonderfully in the boy’s life and heart. The Munsons and the Burkes had gone through a lot over the years, that much was undeniable, but on that hot Friday morning both fathers could be proud that their kids had made it to the other side relatively unharmed, all the while somehow finding each other to rely on along the way. If Dottie and Eddie were going to be inseparable all summer as they had been since the day they met, it was only fair James and Wayne got to compare notes on parenting and commiserate over the little annoying things they’d miss once the kids had left the comforting safety of their family homes.
Before they could continue their talk however, teachers began herding the seniors into a neat single file and getting into their places on the stage, Principal Higgins taking his spot behind the lectern. Excitement amplified as the crowd hushed - only suppressed coughs and a few little children’s voices could be heard in the quiet room. Wayne saw Higgins approach the mic and took a deep breath letting the pride he’d been feeling all morning take over him. The heat of the almost-here summer was forgotten outside in the parking lot, along with his smushed cigarette butt and the heavy weight he’d been carrying since a CPS agent left a scared 8-year-old Eddie on his doorstep all those years ago.
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“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I’m Hawkins High School Principal Thomas Higgins,” the man began, voice booming across the room with the aid of loudspeakers; Dorothy peered at him over the shoulder of the taller girl standing in front of her. “On behalf of the faculty, staff, and administration of Hawkins High, we’d like to welcome family and friends, and most importantly, to our seniors to the Commencement Exercises of the Graduating Class of 1986.”
Higgins paused for effect and the crowd followed his cue by breaking into happy applause - the aforementioned seniors gleefully waved to the few family members they could find within the sea of heads straining to look at them. The Class of ‘86 stood patiently to the side towards the back of the auditorium, waiting to be called into the main aisle where their names would be announced one by one and they’d go up the stage, accept their diploma, and go back downstairs to the rows of chairs at the front left that had been reserved for them. The full graduating class was small, no more than 40 students, and Dottie wondered how different things would have been for her if she were graduating with her New York classmates in a year that comprised around 400 kids instead of doing it in Hawkins, Indiana.
“Please, rise from your seats and join us in singing the National Anthem, followed by the Hawkins High School Spirit Song,” Higgins announced, and the sound of creaking wooden chairs filled the air as everyone followed his request.
Dottie sang along to the National Anthem without thinking too much about it, but when the first notes of the Hawkins High school song came through the speakers, she realized she had no idea what the lyrics were. No one had told her they’d be singing it during their only rehearsal, and certainly no one had spared a moment to teach it to her in the last six months. She wasn’t even sure she knew a spirit song even existed before that very moment. Eyes surveying over the crowd of family members, she saw that most if not all were singing along - the only ones not joining in were probably those who hadn’t attended Hawkins High and lived in a different town, perhaps even in a different state altogether. Heat rising up her chest under her dark green gown, she turned her head to the front, feeling very much like an outsider amongst her peers for the first time in months. Bryan Butler right behind her sang louder as the song was ending and she tried to not call attention to herself to let him take the spotlight. Once the music stopped, Principal Higgins neared the lectern to continue his speech.
“Thank you, you may be seated now,” Higgins said, and the wooden creaking resumed for a second as everyone sat back down to watch the rest of the ceremony. “The Hawkins High School Class of 1986 has experienced many memorable moments over the last four years, and Hawkins is proud of how these young graduates have worked and persevered through hard times to get to this day. We as faculty could not be prouder or more thrilled to celebrate with them, and we look forward to sending them off onto the next chapter in their lives. Parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, and other family members, we are honored to have you here today as our guests to celebrate our graduates and we thank you for your support. Please clap along as the Class of 1986 proceeds to their places.”
The speakers began playing Pomp and Circumstance March No.1 in D and the crowd broke into fervent applause once more, Michael Allen leading the way for his fellow seniors to stand in the central aisle right below the middle set of stairs where they’d wait to be called to the stage. As they fell into their designated spots, Dottie finally recognized who had been assigned to stand right in front of her; it was Robin Buckley, the shy band nerd she had met at Family Video a few weeks earlier and briefly bonded with over their shared love of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. She was wearing white Converse sneakers with little drawings in blue and black ink, and the edges of her black rolled up jeans could be seen poking below her gown. She’s so cool, Dottie thought, not knowing that Robin was desperately trying not to scan the audience lest her nerves paralyzed her. Not even painting her nails bright orange had saved them from being chewed on this time around.
“Hawkins High School’s Class of 1986 was given the opportunity to choose a member of our staff to read their names as they cross the stage today,” Principal Higgins explained as three people already on stage stood from their seats. “I am honored to announce that this year, our Assistant Principal Mrs. Elaine Chandler will present the diplomas to our newest graduates. Mrs. Suzanne O’Donnell, Mr. Leopold Hauser, and myself will present them with their diploma cover, graduation medallions, and honor cords if applicable. Elaine?” he motioned for her to switch places with him.
“Thank you, Principal Higgins,” said Assistant Principal Elaine Chandler, adjusting her glasses on her nose as she looked down the list of names in front of her. “Allen, Michael,” she called first from behind the lectern, and the crowd clapped as Michael went up to her and received a hug and a rolled up certificate before moving down the stage towards the other teachers to shake their hands.
Dottie’s palms began sweating as more names kept being called and her time as a Hawkins High student slowly came to an end. Even though she had felt very much like an intruder looking in through a window during her first few months in the town, she had to admit that was happy here now - certainly much more happier than she’d ever been back in New York. Here all the teachers knew her name without having to read it from a file. Here she had a group of friends she’d go to literal Hell and back for, and she had a boyfriend who loved her the way she’d always thought love should be: easy and gentle. Here she had attended the best prom of her life, and her face would be permanently attached to a club that had given her the safety she’d never gotten anywhere else to finally, truthfully, be herself. Here Dottie had been at home.
While Barnes, Kathleen was getting her extracurricular honor cords for being part of the cheerleading team, Mrs. Chandler called upon Buckley, Robin and Dottie suddenly found herself at the front of the line. Robin climbed the steps with as much grace as she could muster while being pretty much mortified, and Mrs. Chandler soothed her with friendly pats on her back before presenting her with her diploma. The tall girl accepted it with shaky hands, her rings glinting under the stage lights, when a loud cheer rang above the polite applause of the crowd. Robin laughed, half embarrassed and half grateful, and when Dottie turned to see where the sounds were coming from, she found not only Dustin and Erica hooting and hollering besides a couple who were clearly Robin’s parents, but also that Steve guy that worked at Family Video with her, the one that Robin had described as her strictly platonic best friend with a capital P. It looked like retail did bond you forever after all.
Mr. and Mrs. Buckley looked between confused and amused as Steve pinched his bottom lip and let out a loud whistle - a chortle escaped Robin’s mouth while a cheerful Mr. Hauser, who had been her favorite teacher all four years of high school, put her graduation medallion around her neck, nerves all but forgotten before she skipped her way down to Mrs. O’Donnell to receive her extracurricular honor cords for being in band. Huh, that’s curious, Dottie thought distractedly. Didn’t know Dustin and Erica were such good friends with her and Steve. I wonder how they met.
“Burke, Dorothy,” called Mrs. Chandler through the speakers, jostling Dottie out of her musings.
This was it. The moment of truth. Dottie climbed the stairs and accepted a hug from Mrs. Chandler, hearing her friends cheering for her loudly in the background when her damp fingers came into contact with her diploma. She glanced at the crowd and time seemed to stop when her eyes found her Dad, a proud smile on his face and his program tucked under his armpit so he could clap loudly for his daughter. She waved at him and Wayne, who had also stood up to cheer for her, and time resumed after a blinding flash went off and she was whisked along to where the rest of the teachers were standing. She shook hands with both Principal Higgins and Mr. Hauser even though she hardly knew both men, and accepted her diploma cover and her graduation medallion before turning towards Mrs. O’Donnell. She was about to hug her teacher when the old woman presented her with her own honor cords, entwined green and orange ending in delicate tassels dangling from her manicured hands.
“That’s not- I’m not-” Dottie began.
“You have one of the highest GPAs in your year, besides being involved in two extracurriculars. Congratulations, Miss Burke. You’ve earned this,” O’Donnell said, and it was perhaps the only time in the whole semester Dottie had seen her genuinely smile.
“T-thank you,” she managed to get out, letting the woman drape the cords on her shoulders and rushing to her seat before she began bawling on stage.
“Hey, congrats!” Robin whispered once they were both seated next to each other, shaking her own cords lightly. The ceremony continued with no regards to their little chat.
“You too! Didn’t know I had qualified for any of this, I think everyone saw me have an aneurism up there.”
“Nah, everyone’s too nervous about not tripping down the stairs on their way back, don’t worry about it.”
“Coleman, Gareth,” Mrs. Chandler announced, grabbing Dottie’s attention.
Carver, Jason hadn’t even reached the sidestage stairs to go down after accepting his diploma when Gareth, in his haste to get everything over with, tried to climb two steps at a time and got his feet tangled in his dark green gown. Cunningham, Chrissy, who was right behind him, quickly caught his arm before he could lose balance and hit the floor. He quietly thanked her with red cheeks and embarrassed eyes before he finally went up the stairs, one step at a time. Chrissy went back to the front of the line while other classmates around Dottie and Robin snickered at the little mishap; Gareth accepted his diploma and other paraphernalia, and got the hell off the stage as quickly as humanly possible.
“Thank God that wasn’t me,” Robin muttered, and Dottie grimaced in agreement.
Gareth ended up awkwardly sitting between Jason and Chrissy, but much to his relief, they had all been assigned to the row behind Dottie. Taking advantage of the proximity, he leaned forward to talk to his friend as the ceremony progressed and Chrissy quickly joined, stopping to give Dottie a kiss on her cheek from her seat behind her as a second greeting. Jason watched the scene unfold and asked himself when had his girlfriend started hanging out with people he didn’t know. He thought he knew everything about Chrissy - when had that changed and to what extent? Selfishly, he couldn’t help but think about what the future would look like for them when they left for college. Chrissy was headed to OSU and he would be at Indiana State, almost four hours and more than 250 miles between them. Would this be their last summer together? He didn’t like to entertain that thought.
Davis, Monica, Foster, Kyle, and Hanson, Randall were some of the names they didn’t pay much attention to until Humphrey, Andrew was called to the stage. Jason distracted himself from his anxiety over his relationship possibly having an expiration date by clapping loudly for his best friend. Dottie and Gareth shared a mischievous look: Andy wasn’t wearing any bandages on his nose anymore, but the dark purple shadow under his eye was still very visible with the bright stage lights illuminating his face. After him came Hurley, Marcie, one of Dot’s colleagues from the newspaper club, and Kemper, Lucy, the girl who had sold almost everyone their prom tickets. Morgan, Theresa was on stage when Dottie realized she knew almost all the people in her graduating class by name now, even if they had never spoken to one another before. In New York, she’d never known the names of all the people within a single class, not since elementary school at least. She wondered if they remembered her, but then decided she didn’t care that the answer was probably a resounding no.
When Munson, Edward was called to the stage, Dottie and Gareth stood up to make as much noise as possible, both infinitely proud of the long haired boy with the charming eyes who was accepting the one piece of paper that had seemed so elusive all this time. Dustin and Erica hollered at him, and the rest of the Hellfire Club, still in line waiting to accept their diplomas, joined them in their antics. When Principal Higgins went in for a handshake, Eddie pulled him into a hug; the older man laughed and let it happen, a sort of fondness for the metalhead’s unwavering resilience present in their interaction. He accepted his medallion and his own honor cords for being the Chapter Leader of a student organization, and just before he climbed off, he approached the edge of the stage with a dazzling grin.
“Here it comes,” Dottie muttered, anticipating her boyfriend to give the middle finger to the entire town and bolt as he had declared he’d do on multiple occasions.
What Eddie did instead was find his Uncle in the crowd and bow deeply in his direction as people clapped for him like it was the end of a play. Wayne pretended to not be choking back tears as his nephew got off the stage, lips pursed behind his fingers trying to hide the grin threatening to break out on his face.
“Coward,” Gareth said, and Chrissy hit him in the shoulder.
There was no time for Eddie to do anything more but find his seat, because immediately after him came Patton, Jeffrey, and exactly ten names later, came Vitale, Donatello. The teachers laughed and cooed at his excited nephews jumping up and down the aisle, cheering for his favorite Uncle. One day in the not so distant future, they’d probably be handing them their diplomas too. Just how many faces in the crowd had walked through these same halls, attended the same classes, and some of them even had the same teachers as the Class of ‘86? A much younger and recently married O’Donnell, a Higgins as a History teacher prior to his Principal days, a Kaminski after his eldest son had just been born. Never before had the kids in the Hellfire Club felt as much part of the Hawkins High community as they did now - it almost felt unfair that they had to permanently leave the place to finally feel that way.
“And last, but certainly not least,” said Mrs. Chandler when there was only one person left to climb up the stage. “-Wheeler, Nancy, the valedictorian for the Class of 1986 who will say a few words for us and her fellow graduates after receiving her diploma.”
The crowd broke once again in loud applause as a red cheeked Nancy in her dark green gown and bright orange valedictorian stole greeted all her teachers with a few flashcards containing her speech in her hand. Karen Wheeler looked at her daughter with shiny eyes, infinitely proud of her little girl that’d grown into a smart, capable woman right in front of her. In a few months she’d be far away, following her dreams, and taking a piece of her mother’s hopes with her as she did so, but none of her fears. Holly raised her arms, silently asking to be lifted up so she could see better, and Karen picked up her youngest daughter, pointing at her big sister in the distance so she could wave at her. Nancy took her place behind the lectern and looked at the audience, a carefully put together mask over bittersweet eyes that Dottie had almost become used to seeing on her friend. If she stared into a mirror too deeply, she could recognize the dents in her skin of her own mask, now laying shattered at her feet.
“Honorable guests, Principal Higgins, Hawkins High School faculty, academic and supporting staff, friends, families, and graduates - good morning,”  Nancy began, voice soft but pleasantly clear. “It is with great pride that I stand here before you on such a special occasion to deliver this speech, which I promise I’ll try to keep short and sweet,” she lightheartedly smiled at her audience before she grew solemn once more. “However, before I start, I would like to ask you to join me in a moment of silence to commemorate the students and family members who could not be here today with us, and to remember the victims of the Starcourt Mall Fire on July 4th, 1985.”
Not a sound could be heard for a few heartbeats, and Dottie watched the faces of the town she’d come to love morph from amused to weary. There was real mourning here, a deep gash left open in a community that couldn’t heal properly because some wounds were just too deep to scab over. Eddie had told her everything he knew about what had happened, the official story everyone that hadn’t been involved in the tragedy repeated when asked, and her heart constricted when she saw Dustin and Erica in their seats with their heads down. They looked downright haunted. Steve sat next to them, watching over them with such turmoil in his eyes that Dottie had to wonder if there was something they were all missing about what happened. Had Steve also been in the mall with them? Had Robin, who was quietly sitting next to her like she was reliving a horror movie behind her eyes, her fingers absentmindedly tangling and untangling themselves in her honor cords?
Karen, sitting next to her unaware husband and emotionally closed off son, took a few deep breaths to keep her tears at bay and gently kissed Holly’s head before shifting her baby on her lap to hold her against her chest more tightly, like someone could snatch her off her arms at any given moment. Dottie twisted her mom’s engagement ring on her left middle finger and bit the inside of her cheek while blinking away the wetness gathering on her lash line. Not now, she scolded herself. Later.
“Thank you,” Nancy said, breaking the silence and moving onto her next flashcard. “Four years ago, we arrived at Hawkins High as children, and we are now leaving as young adults with our whole lives ahead of us. Some will go on to college, others will enter the workforce, but all of us will take the lessons learned here and let them guide us to become who we were always meant to be,” she turned to look to her side. “I'd like to thank our teachers for sharing their knowledge with us, for being patient and pushing us to achieve great things. With their help, our Hawkins High Mathletes reached their first ever state finals and brought home the silver medal earlier this year.”
There was a loud cheer coming from somewhere in the auditorium that sounded very much like Rick Stewart, exiting Captain of the Hawkins High Mathletes. Some people laughed goodnaturedly and joined in, the teachers clapping proudly at their labor being recognized. Nancy smiled and continued, knowing the applause would only get louder as she read the next part of her speech.
“I'd like to thank our coaches and counselors for making school more than just homework. You taught us about discipline, teamwork, and integrity, which led our basketball team to win the 1A North Central Conference Championship for the first time in 22 years,” the applause that followed was deafening, and it took several minutes for it to die down before Nancy could keep going. “I'd like to thank our families for supporting us in more ways that we could ever count, for chaperoning our dances and field trips, cheering for us at our sporting events, and attending all our plays with so much love and commitment, that our Drama Club was able to extend their winter run of West Side Story with a packed audience every night until their closure.”
The cheers this time were much more subdued, yet polite and sustained enough to not be embarrassing to the Drama Club members and their families in the audience. It was clear, however, where the town’s loyalties stood: Indiana’s love for basketball was known throughout the country, and Hawkins wasn’t the exception to the rule. Nancy looked at her graduating class and grabbed the last two flashcards in her pile.
“No one achieves success alone, and we are truly grateful for the help and guidance we’ve received during our years as Hawkins Tigers. However, if my classmates indulge me for a second, I’d like to ask each of you to think about a moment where you felt proud of yourself. Think about the things you’ve accomplished here, and the challenges you’ve overcome. A great woman by the name of Eleanor Roosevelt once wrote, you gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ You must do the thing you think you cannot do. Our time as Hawkins High School students has come to an end. We did it, Class of ‘86. We did the thing we thought we couldn’t do, and we’ve learned that we can take the next thing that comes along, so keep moving forward. I’m proud of you, and I hope you are too. Thank you, and congratulations to us all.”
Dottie followed Nancy with her eyes as she shook Principal Higgins’ hand once more and left the stage towards her seat. Her hands were shaking lightly, and her lips were pursed, but she almost looked lighter, like she’d left significant weight behind that had nothing to do with public speaking related nerves. Nancy’s speech had been beautiful, there were no doubts about that, but it was strange to think about someone like her looking at her high school years as something that had been horrific to live through. She was popular enough to not have been bullied, pretty enough to have been desired and looked up to, smart and well-off enough to never have to worry about not fitting in.
High school was certainly hard for almost everyone, but the way Nancy had spoken about it left a familiar bitter taste in Dottie’s mouth. If Eddie had been right when retelling her the town’s recent strange happenings, Nancy had probably been thinking about her friend Barb when writing her speech. She would have most likely graduated alongside her, maybe she’d be headed to a nearby college where the two girls could still see each other often, or to a completely different one across the country and they’d have to call every weekend with updates on their new lives. Holland, Barbara should have been called up to the stage between Hall, Suzanne and Humphrey, Andrew, but now she was just another name added to the always-growing list of people who ought to have been there, but ultimately couldn’t be.
“Thank you for that inspiring speech, Miss Wheeler,” said Principal Higgins, returning to his place behind the lectern to close out the ceremony. “Graduating is an amazing achievement for these students, and we here at Hawkins High are excited to see the things they’ll accomplish in the future. By the authority vested in me by the Governor of the State of Indiana, Mr. Robert D. Orr, I confer the appropriate diplomas for the Class of 1986. Graduates, please move your tassels to the left,” he smiled at his now former students. “Congratulations Tigers, you can now throw your hats!”
As they had been instructed during rehearsals, they threw their hats directly above them, not wanting to lose them on the way down before they could take pictures with them but in the excitement and elation of the graduates, some caps ended up on the floor, prompting kids to search for the lost items under their chairs while their classmates cheered above them and congratulated one another. Dottie hugged Robin again while Principal Higgins said his goodbyes through the loudspeaker without anyone really hearing him, families eager to leave the auditorium and get into their cars quickly to avoid the inevitable bottleneck at the entrance of the parking lot.
“Thank you all for coming and being part of this special moment,” Higgins said, voice ringing above the loud chatter and scraping of chairs. “Please drive safe and have a good weekend!”
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“Dad!” Dottie called upon seeing James talking to Gareth’s family near their cars. He waved at her in acknowledgment and she turned to her friend to say her goodbyes. “I’ll call you as soon as I have my new schedule down, okay? We can go to the movies some day!”
“I’m gonna go see family up North next week, but I’ll call you when I get back,” Chrissy said, arm still tangled with hers. “We have to go see the new Karate Kid coming out soon, Ralph Macchio is so cute.”
“I’m not even gonna correct you on that because I do wanna see it with you, but just know I think you’re crazy,” the brunette said, laughing at her friend.
“Well, excuse me, bad boys aren’t everyone’s type,” the blonde retorted, a secretive grin gracing her fairy-like features before she pulled her into a goodbye hug. “I’m gonna miss you!”
“We’ll see each other soon! You go have a great trip, forget about this boring town for a while.”
After the girls said their goodbyes and went in separate directions, Dottie watched Chrissy greet her family with curious eyes. She didn’t know much about the Cunninghams and was surprised to see that her newest and most unlikely friend had a little brother she had never mentioned before. He must have not been the right age to be in high school yet or he’d probably be under Jason’s overprotective wing, especially if he was athletic like his big sister.
Chrissy might have looked small and dainty, but there was a certain fierceness cheerleaders had in their step - their aura had been painstakingly trained to command a room and demand attention. And yet, Dottie noticed that as Chrissy turned from her unassuming Dad to her elegant Mother, the brightness she radiated seemed to dim ever so slightly, even if her charming smile stayed in place.
“There you are! I was looking for you everywhere,” James exclaimed, her thoughts instantly lost to the wind. “Congratulations, honey. I’m so proud of you.”
“Thanks, Dad,” Dottie melted into his hug, knocking her cap even more askew with his shoulder. “They gave me honor cords, did you see? I didn’t know I had earned them!”
“I’m seeing them now! You worked so hard, good job.”
“Congratulations, sweetie!” Lydia, Gareth’s mom, said, pulling her into a hug. “Have you met Gretchen yet? Gare’s big sister?”
“Hey, congrats,” Gretchen said with a polite smile on her face.
“Thank you, hi! It’s nice to finally meet you, I’ve heard so much about you.”
“Likewise,” Gretchen said, eyes sparkling with mischief as she saw Gareth approach with two more kids toddling behind him. “I’m always really curious to meet any girl who would even talk to my brother in the first place, but you seem normal enough.”
“Oh my god, shut up,” Gareth said, and Erica snickered.
“Honestly, he’s lucky we’re nice to him,” the middle-grader joined in, making Gareth groan in annoyance.
“You’re my friend, you’re supposed to be on my side!”
“Congrats, Dot!” Dustin said, hugging the older girl from her right side, prompting Erica to cuddle up to her on the left. “We’re super proud of you.”
“Aw, Dus,” she pouted, leaning her head on his. He really was like the little brother she’d always wanted and never had. “Thank you, you’re so sweet. I’m happy you two could be here!”
“It was fun! We enjoyed it.”
“I saw you guys with that Steve guy earlier, did you come with him?”
“You know Steve?” Dustin said, curious.
“Yeah, he works at Family Video with Robin!” Dottie said.
“You know Robin?” it was Erica’s turn to ask.
“Uh, yeah, we’re classmates? She was sitting next to me throughout the ceremony- wait, how do you know them? What am I missing here?”
“Nothing! Steve’s, uh- Steve’s our babysitter!” Dustin hurried to say. “Did you know he used to date Nancy a while ago? That’s how we met, through Nancy. And we know Robin through Steve. Hawkins is a very small place.”
“W-what? Nancy and…”
“Yeah, she dumped him in front of everyone at a party and he’s been all mopey and sad since then,” Erica said, prompting Dustin to elbow her. “What? Just the facts!”
“Uh…,” Dottie looked at Gareth, dumbfounded.
“Anyway,” Dustin continued, aware that multiple eyes were on him. “He’s our babysitter.”
“Dustin, you’re fifteen,” Gareth laughed. “You’re a little old to still have a babysitter.”
“My Mom’s protective of me, okay? I’m an only child.”
“And he’s a good babysitter?” Dottie asked, amused.
“The best. Steve’s… yeah, Steve’s great. More like an older brother figure than a babysitter,” Dustin smiled, clearly fond of the older boy. “You should hang out with him, I think you’d like each other.”
“Stop. Just stop,” said Erica, knowing where Dustin was headed.
“What?” he shrugged, feigning innocence.
“Alright, let’s take some pictures!” said Lydia, not having paid any attention to the kids’ conversation.
While they were in the middle of taking photos, the remaining Hellfire Class of ‘86 joined the group with their respective families. Eddie snuck up behind Dottie while she was distracted taking a picture with Jeff and picked her up, arms encircling her middle and spinning her around while she giggled unabashedly, hands coming to rest on his forearms when he put her down but didn’t let go. Wayne had to hide a chuckle while he talked to the other parents; his nephew really wasn’t as smooth and mysterious as he thought he was, and Wayne had been around the sun too many times to not recognize what he was seeing between Eddie and his little lady friend. Gretchen, in turn, looked at Donny and lifted an eyebrow at him quizzically.
“What have I missed?” she quietly said, a smirk lifting the corner of her lips. She’d always liked Donny the best out of all his brother’s friends, and was aware that as much of a good confidant as he was, he never shied away from gossip.
“He said he wanted to wait until after graduation to ask her out so I don’t think anything has happened yet,” Donny muttered back, crossing his arms and leaning closer to her friend’s big sister. “They’re totally gone for each other, though.”
“You don’t say,” Gretchen said and turned to Erica who looked very interested in their conversation. “What do you think?”
“I think he’s too chicken to ask her out,” Erica laughed. “But they have been looking really cozy lately. That’s suspicious.”
“Eddie knows she’s into him,” Donny said, making Erica’s eyes widen. “Forgot to tell you about that.”
“You bastard, I thought we had a good thing going and you’re withholding information from me? Nuh-uh, this is betrayal. I want reparations.”
“Oh, she’s feisty,” Gretchen said.
“Come to the restaurant this weekend, I’ll give you ice cream and we can catch up and compare notes,” Donny offered, genuinely interested in keeping his friendship with the fiery younger girl intact. “But it has to be this weekend, Dot starts working with us on Monday.”
“How big is that ice cream?”
“Big as you want.”
“Deal,” she put out her hand for them to shake on it, but it was merely a formality - Donatello Vitale had no intentions of ever crossing the one and only Erica Sinclair again.
As families began saying their goodbyes and heading to their cars, it soon became clear that Eddie and Dottie did not want the festivities to end so fast. They’d already taken multiple photos with everyone and with each other, waved Dustin and Erica off as they climbed into Steve’s red BMW, and even said hello to the Wheelers, but they would just not leave each other’s side, always fluttering around one another no matter what was happening. If James thought anything strange about it, he didn’t mention it, but as Wayne looked at his nephew’s beaming smile, he realized he didn’t have the heart to cut his happiness short when there was such an easy solution to their problem.
“You two have any plans for lunch?” Wayne asked James, finishing up another smoke.
“Not really, no. I was thinking of picking up some burgers to celebrate. Why? You have any suggestions?”
“Well, me an’ Eddie like to go to the diner down on Randolph on special occasions. Thought you might want to join us,” he smiled at the kids who were now both staring at him expectantly.
“Can we go, Dad?” Dottie asked with hopeful eyes. “They have crinkle fries - you love crinkle fries!”
“That’s really kind of you, Wayne, but we don’t want to intrude,” James was saying, but Eddie hurried forward.
“You wouldn’t be intruding, sir. We both graduated today, we can celebrate together!”
“Come on, Dad, they wouldn’t ask if they didn’t want us there.”
Both older men looked at each other with knowing eyes and James sighed theatrically before conceding, his daughter cheering happily at the new impromptu plans. The teens quickly headed in the direction of their cars deep in their own happy little world; their parents amusedly looked as Eddie opened her door for her and helped her in while they talked about burger combinations and debated about their orders.
“Meet you there?” James asked Wayne, also getting into his car.
“You bet. Come on, boy, quit the yappin’. You’ll see her again in ten minutes, she’s not gonna run away from you!”
“Jesus Christ, Wayne!”
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Eddie and Dottie had already been to the diner down on Randolph a few times; some of them before they’d begun dating and once after, but never with their parental figures as unofficial chaperones. The booth at the back they loved to sit at was occupied, so they chose a table near the front instead - the diner was bustling with energy as multiple families had had the same idea as them and got a headstart on their kids’ summer holidays. Eddie helped Dottie with her chair, thoroughly enjoying how shy she’d get whenever he did something remotely gentleman-like, and plonked himself next to her, quickly engaging in conversation about the menu she was holding. James had no option but to sit in front of his daughter as Wayne took the seat in front of Eddie, both of them also busying themselves with their own menus.
The teens tried to act normal in front of their elders, they really did, but it was such a lovely day, and they were celebrating one of the biggest achievements in their short lives that it was as if they’d forgotten that friends didn’t usually look so smitten with one another. Wayne took little peeks at them over the bright laminated piece of paper in his hands, catching how Eddie was stroking the side of her arm resting on the table with his pinky finger while she talked; he loudly coughed when James put his menu down and took his reading glasses off, the unexpected sound making them jump and separate instantly just in time for him not to see them. A young and friendly looking waitress approached their table, pad of paper and pen in her hand.
“Hi! Are you ready for me to take your order or are we waiting for the wives to arrive?” she said with a perfect customer-service smile. Dottie blinked up at her twice, her face morphing into a blank expression.
“No, thank you, it’s just gonna be us four today,” James said politely.
Today, he’d said. Like Margaret and Maureen were off doing other things, like working or shopping or attending a jazzercise class, and couldn’t join them for lunch but they’d probably be around later. Like they weren’t gone forever. Like they were still alive. Nancy’s speech rattled around in Dottie’s brain, her eyes glazing over and her ears filling with invisible cotton. James and Wayne ordered their food, and Eddie ordered for both himself and her, very much aware that something was bothering her. Her sight was stuck to her Dad’s hand resting on the cheap laminate tabletop. The gold band that had been there on his finger since Margaret and him had said I do all those years ago taunted her, glinting under the fluorescent lights of the diner. They’d promised each other forever, and what did they get? What did she get?
“Dot,” Eddie muttered, hand sneaking down the table to settle on the exposed skin of her knee. “Darling, can you hear me?”
“Huh?” she turned to look at him in a daze.
Behind him, there was a table where a family sat: a father, a mother and a daughter, barely older than she’d been when she’d lost the most important woman in her life. The baby gurgled in her Mom’s arms, and the woman cooed at her, noses nuzzling against each other’s. Dottie turned her head towards the other side of the diner where a mother was cleaning up a little boy’s face, chocolate staining his chubby cheeks.
She had just graduated from high school and her mother wasn’t there. She hadn’t been there when she got her first period, during her first heartbreak, or when she won a spelling bee at age seven. She wouldn’t be there when she graduated college, when she got her first job, when she got married to the boy who was holding onto her leg with worried eyes. She would never be there, not today, not tomorrow, not ever. It was always going to be just them.
“Honey, are you okay?” James asked, leaning forward.
“I-I’m sorry,” she managed to get out before she stood up and bolted outside and into the parking lot, her chair scraping against the floor in her haste to get out of the diner.
“I’ve got it, sir,” Eddie said before he sped after her, his chains rattling with every long step he took to catch up with her.
In silence, James and Wayne watched their kids through the huge windows next to their table. When Dottie saw Eddie running behind her, she turned her back on him, hugging herself as she tried to keep her emotions together. She lifted a hand to wave at him over her shoulder and said something - probably that she was okay, that she didn’t need help so he should go back in - but as he came closer, it was evident that the storm that had been brewing inside her all morning was on the brink of overtaking her. All it took was feeling his hand hovering on her shoulder for her knees to buckle as she folded onto herself, Eddie instantly rushing forward to catch her and pulling her into his chest, her back rising up and down violently as she sobbed into his graduation gown. He chewed on his lower lip as he held himself together, never one to cry in public where people could see him and judge him for it. He muttered something into her hair, his chin resting onto the crown of her head, gently rocking her side to side as her sobs subsided.
“She was really lonely until we came here, y’know,” James said, breaking the quiet that had fallen on their table. Wayne could only look at his nephew, the gentleness he’d always known he’d possessed perfectly on display. “All her new friends are great to her but Eddie… you’ve got a good boy there, Wayne.”
“They’re both good kids,” Wayne said, matter-of-factly. “It’s a damn shame they’re so young and been through so much already.”
“Yeah, it is.”
In the parking lot, unaware that they were being watched, Dottie lifted her head from Eddie’s chest, an embarrassed smile on her lips as she fanned her face with her hands in an attempt to dry her tears without ruining what was left of her mascara. Eddie, still holding onto her, blew on her cheeks; she laughed, heart feeling equally heavy and light at the same time. There was joy and levity to be found in shared grief, that was something new she had learned from him.
“Sometimes I feel like Eddie understands her better than I do,” James admitted, fingers toying with his wedding band.
“They understand each other in ways that you and I never will,” Wayne mused. “That ain’t a bad thing. Actually, I think it might be healthy.”
“Mhm,” James agreed, half lost in his own thoughts.
Dottie squeezed Eddie one last time like she was mentally preparing herself, gathering strength for whatever came next, and nodded once to let him know that it was okay to let her go. Eddie followed her inside quietly, holding the door open for her as they filed in and sat once again at their table. They both looked very tired, and perhaps even a little bit flustered at having to face their guardians after bolting out of the diner so unexpectedly. Dottie leaned forward to grab a napkin to blow her nose.
“M’sorry,” she said, eyes low. James grabbed her hand gently.
“You okay, honey?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m okay. S’just a lot, you know?”
“I know,” her Dad said, watching her glance at Eddie next to her.
“Can I… is it okay if Eddie and I go to the lake after lunch?” she asked, shy. “We want to burn some cards.”
“Yeah, of course,” James said, knot tightening at the base of his throat and fingers tangling with his daughter’s.
Eddie was silent through the entire interaction, hands hellbent on shredding the paper napkin in front of him to minuscule pieces. Wayne could feel their table shake as he bounced his leg frantically, something he had long understood as his nephew’s tell when holding back tears. The waitress, unaware of what had just transpired, came back at that moment with their drinks and two milkshakes for the teens. Dottie smiled at them with wet eyes, and Eddie had the indecency to look sheepish: she hadn’t mentioned to him she wanted one, but he knew she loved strawberry milkshakes from this specific diner because they made them with real strawberry ice cream and not the powder. He must have ordered them when she blanked out. The simple gesture felt like balm for her anguished soul.
“Well, I’d like to propose a toast,” Wayne said, dissipating the remaining uncomfortable tension at their table. “To the Class of ‘86.”
“To the Class of ‘86,” James joined him, clicking their bottles of Coke together in the air.
Food arrived shortly after, and as an easy conversation sanded whatever edges were still sharp for the moment, Wayne observed the tender behavior of the kids sitting in front of him. It wasn’t as playful as it had been before, no, this felt much more… intimate. Considerate. Muted, yet still softhearted. Not missing a beat in the story she was telling to her Dad, Dottie grabbed the cherry on top of her milkshake and left it on top of Eddie’s. He gave her a toothy grin before popping it into his mouth, and she shook her head at him fondly. Yeah, this ain’t a bad thing at all, thought Wayne, taking a bite out of his food and laughing along with James at the ridiculous gossip Dottie and Eddie were sharing about their now former classmates.
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“Okay, hold on a second before you run off,” Wayne said, as his nephew ushered his friend towards his van.
After lunch was done, it was decided that Wayne would drive Eddie and Dottie back to their trailer so they could get Eddie’s van and head to the lake for what they were calling The Card Ritual. The eldest Munson didn’t really understand what it meant, but it seemed that James knew what they were talking about so he didn’t ask too many questions about it - all he knew was that the kids were going to buy some cards at Melvald’s and then burn them, and that Dottie was emotional over the whole thing. If burning some paper brought peace to her heart, then who was Wayne to judge? He’d indulged in far more destructive coping mechanisms throughout his youth, evidenced by his unshakeable smoking habit.
After they’d said goodbye to James, they climbed into Wayne’s truck and headed to Forest Hills, graduation caps, gowns, and his suit jacket now discarded into the backseat. The heat kept rising in the early afternoon and Wayne just wanted to get out of his clothes, drink a glass of icy cold water, and take a nap in his undergarments next to his trusty fan, but he felt like there was a pressing conversation to be had before he went in and could finally relax on his day off.
“What’s up?” Eddie asked, Dottie coming to a stop next to him.
“I just gotta know, kid,” Wayne turned to her. “Does your Dad know about you two or do I have to play dumb with him?”
“W-what? What do you mean?” she asked, nervously.
“I may not be young, but I ain’t blind, sweetheart,” he smiled. “You’re not in trouble, I just wanna know how to act around your old man, that’s all.”
“He doesn’t know,” Eddie muttered, grabbing Dottie’s hand and surprising her with how quickly he confessed. “No one knows, we haven’t told anyone yet.”
“Except Chrissy,” Dottie said.
“Except Chrissy,” he conceded. “She knows because I asked her for advice, but she’s the only one.”
“How long?”
“How long has this been going on?” Wayne asked, pulling his lighter out of his pocket.
“Uh, like two weeks? We’re not, like- we’re not official yet,” Eddie scratched his neck uncomfortably.
“Not offi- Edward,” his Uncle hardened his stare. “I taught you better than that.”
“Shit, I swear I was gonna do it today! Wanted to wait until after graduation, I’m not trying to be a flake-”
“It’s okay! We talked about it,” Dottie said, hanging onto his arm. “I don’t mind waiting, we just thought it’d be best to keep it a secret for now,” Wayne turned to look at her, wary. “Mr. Wayne, please, I’d announce it at the next Town Hall meeting if he’d let me.”
“We share all the same friends,” Eddie explained. “They’ll wanna know all the details, and I just- she breaks up with me and I’m the biggest loser in Hawkins, you know how those assholes are.”
“Oh my god, stop calling yourself a loser!” she whined.
“Don’t break up with me, and I won’t be!” he argued back, but it was clear he was being silly about it.
“Okay, so what’s the situation here? You two dating or not?” Wayne asked, getting back on topic.
“Yeah,” Eddie said, smiling down at her with hearts in his eyes. “We’re dating. I was gonna ask her to be my girlfriend officially later today but I might as well do it now since you’re so nosy.”
“It’s not like anything’s changing anyways,” Dottie said. “We just didn’t put a label on it, but I’ve kinda been his girlfriend since that party we went to a couple of weeks ago.”
“Hell yeah you are. And I’m your boyfriend, right?”
“No, you’re my private driver,” she deadpanned. “Of course you are, Eddie, what kind of question is that?”
“Just making sure, darling,” Eddie said, and Wayne snorted at how smug his nephew looked.
“Well, then… you two can go now, I guess. I’ll keep the secret.”
“Thanks, Mr. Wayne,” Dottie said, coming to hug him. “We’ll tell people soon, we just want a little bit of privacy for now. The guys can be so nosy sometimes.”
“Don’t I know that, kid,” he chuckled. “I’m real happy for you two.”
“I’m really happy too,” she whispered to him, a bashful smile on her face.
Eddie finally let her into his van, her white sundress and summery sandals a stark contrast against his ripped jeans and chains. They were an odd couple if one only looked at their clothes, but it was so clear that they vibrated at the same frequency that Wayne couldn’t help but think that he should have expected this development sooner. He didn’t know why he’d chosen to believe them when they’d said nothing had happened between them the night of the party. His nephew went towards the driver’s seat when he called to him again.
“Ed, a word,” he was dead serious as Eddie jogged to where he was standing.
“You treat that girl right, okay?” Wayne said, voice low so she wouldn’t hear from the van. “I don’t wanna hear shit from her Dad about you bein’ stupid with her.”
“I know.”
“I’m not gonna fuck this up, Wayne. I love her,” Eddie told him, so sure of what he was saying that it knocked the wind out of his Uncle’s lungs for a bit.
“Love, huh?” Wayne laughed softly, and Eddie shrugged with red ears but looked so very happy. “Go, have fun. And take care of her.”
“I will,” he nodded.
“I’m proud of you, son,” Wayne said, ruffling his hair roughly like when he was just a boy barely taller than his own hip. “And your Momma would be too.”
“Yeah,” Eddie said, eyes full of unshed tears. “I’m proud of me too.”
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taglist: @munsonology @kurdtbean @every1lovesanunderdog @eg-dr3amer3
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harringroveera · 2 months
Robin: You got an A plus, Eddie?
Eddie: What? You think I can’t get an A plus because I’m too dumb?
Robin: Well, that’d be really mean to say but…yeah!
Eddie: Okay, yeah, because I totally asked Henry to do my homework for me
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hedgefrogpresents · 2 months
We Wrote Stranger Things Season Five But There's Gay Vampires And It's A Puppet Theater
I wrote a 95 page treatment of how Stranger Things season five would go if I got to be in charge of it and then we acted it out scene-by-scene in the Hedgefrog Puppet Theater and made our friends voice characters with us and also there's a musical number and a drag bar and Eddie is alive and he and Steve are hooking up but it is NOT romantic it is PURELY sexual and also Steve and Robin are a horse and Max gets to have a sword (as a treat) 💕🦇✨🐎💕
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hekateyo · 2 years
no, I’m just saying, that since Joe can sing (very fucking well btw he’s got a voice of an angel) that it means Steve can sing. I don’t make the rules. This is something so personal to me.
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pizzaqueen · 2 years
This has been in my drafts for ages because I felt weirdly nervous to post it! But I have to admit, I keep thinking about an AU where Chrissy survives because: a. I really liked Chrissy :( and b. I think she and Robin would be so cute together. I mean the cheerleader and the band geek? I love those dynamics! And they would look adorable together imho
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Also, it seems like people are using Buckingham as their ship name which I love!
(And lbr I want to write them going on double dates with Steve and Eddie haha And!! Chrissy & Eddie as BFFs like a genderflipped Steve & Robin has a lot of potential!)
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infinite-orangepeel · 2 years
ronance shippers everywhere watching this scene and thinking, “thx for vickie, duffer brothers, but as a community she has been overthrown and replaced by nancy wheeler”
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portaltothevoid · 10 months
For Whom the Bell Tolls - Chapter 28 - Never Tear Us Apart
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x OFC (Kat Ramsay), sequel to Foolin’
Summary: The Hawkins Team goes to Warzone and then prepares their weapons.
Warnings: fluff, cute moments between everyone, the calm before the storm
Word count: 3.8k
Chapter song: Never Tear Us Apart by INXS
Tag list: @munchabunch​ @madaboutmunson​ @earl-greater​
“Do you really think that plan could work?” Nancy asked.
“How would you plan on doing this, exactly?” Dustin chimed in.
“I’m not totally sure, but I mean, it’s my mind. Not his, right? So I just need to control where I am. I just need to… push him away? Find a happy memory and go there,” said Max.
“Okay, but you think Vecna would even let that happen?” Robin wondered.
“Look, this isn’t foolproof. I mean, that’s where things are gonna get tricky. It’s Max’s mind, sure, but I know he’ll do whatever he can to try and control everything. So it’s not gonna be easy at all. But as long as you don’t stop running until you find that memory and me in there, we have a chance. We have a chance at distracting him until Steve, Nancy, and Robin take their shots,” Kat explained. 
With that, Steve pulled into the War Zone and parked the Winnebago behind the building. “Alright we’re here,” he announced.
“It’ll be best if you two,” Nancy stated looking at Kat and Eddie, “stay here while we go in. Dustin and Lucas, too.”
“Ah, ah, ah. Don’t even bother wasting your breath. They are looking for everyone and anyone from Hellfire. If they find either of you, it’ll be bad.”
“Erica’s right. We don’t have time,” Nancy agreed.
“While you guys go on a shopping spree, I’m gonna try and let Eleven know our plan while you guys are in there,” Kat said.
“I’ll keep an eye out while Kat travels,” Dustin said.
“I don’t know, just make sure I look like a total badass. Lady Applegate, I trust you won’t let me down?” Eddie asked.
“Okay, that’s perfect. What are you guys gonna need?” Steve asked.
“I’m on it,” Erica agreed.
“I need propane. Combat boots would be cute. Size 8, please. Oh and someone please get a pair for Steve? I don’t even know how you’ve lasted this long barefoot, my god. Actually, a whole new outfit would be nice. For me. Robin, I entrust you with that task. And a bottle of ammonia,” Kat rattled off. At the mention of her name, Robin responded with a two fingered salute.
“Propane?” Dustin asked.
“Yeah, it’s for… Don’t worry about it, okay? Just get me like…”
“Three gallons,” Eddie finished for her.
“That’s how big it is? Okay, yeah. Three gallons.”
“Why ammonia?” asked Lucas.
“In case shit goes really south and you need to pull me back. That’s what they would use at the lab if we… if we couldn’t find our way back…” Kat trailed off. 
“Alright, you got it,” Nancy said as she handed out little pieces of paper to everyone. “We have to get our shit and get out. And Kat, Eddie, you guys need to stay right there, out of sight from the windows. Speed is key here, understood?” Nancy said, leading the group.
Everyone nodded. “Alright then, let’s do this,” Steve said as he unlocked the door and got out first. One by one they all left.
“Dustin, Lucas, either of you got a walkie on you?” Kat asked. Dustin fished around in a backpack, knowing exactly what Kat was asking. He pulled out a walkie and set it on a station where the only thing coming through was static.
“Bandana, Eddie?” Kat asked, holding out her hand. Eddie leaned up, yanked it from his pocket, and ignored her outstretched hand. He propped himself up on his knee and gently tied it around her eyes. “Thanks,” she said with a crooked smile before her features turned stoic.
Within seconds, her beat up shoes walked through the watery void. She focused on Eleven, in her white bodysuit. She honed in on the energy she had felt back in Max’s house. Off in the near distance, Eleven faded into view. She was pacing around a room that looked like a bunker.
“I see her,” Kat told Dustin and Eddie. “Eleven? Can you hear me?” she called out to her former labmate. But there was no response. One did say that she had more power than Eleven. Perhaps that was why she was able to see her right away and she couldn’t see Kat. Eventually, Kat reached out and gently brushed her arm as Eleven strode past her. She stopped dead in her tracks.
“Don’t worry, it’s just me,” Kat assured her.
“Ten! What are you doing here? Is something wrong? Is Max okay?” Eleven asked.
“Please, please call me Kat. Max is fine, everything’s fine. I just wanted to tell you that we have a plan,” she said as she then touched Eleven’s temple. She sent her the memory of talking to Max about her idea to run into a happy memory and the rest of the group’s feedback. “Do you think that could work?”
“Yes. I– I think so,” she nodded. “And you can call me, El.”
“Okay. I don’t want to stay too long. But when we finalize the details, I’ll reach out again, okay, El?” Kat said.
“Right, it is not safe,” El agreed. “I am trying to get to Hawkins as soon as I can.” The door opened and Brenner walked in. Just the sight of that man made her blood boil. El waved Kat away with her hand and with that, faded out of sight. Kat ripped off her bandana.
“What? What happened?” Lucas asked eagerly.
“Fucking Brenner happened. I got the message to her though. I told her I’d be in touch later and then that asshole walked through the door and she shut me out. She did tell me she’s trying to get back here though. Knowing that Brenner is still involved… I don’t know. He’ll probably find a way to fuck it up like he always does,” Kat said as she angrily crossed her arms and started tapping her foot.
“Okay, but she got the message, so that’s good… right?” Eddie asked.
“Yeah. She’s on board.”
In the meantime, when the rest of the group entered the store, it of course had to be during one its busiest times. “So much for avoiding angry hicks,” Robin commented.
“Let’s be… fast,” Nancy said.
“Agreed,” Erica said as they all split up. She went to grab a cart and started throwing anything Eddie might think was cool in it. A belt made of bullets caught her eye and she tossed it in without a second thought. 
Max saw knives and started to grab a few of those while Steve made a beeline to the clothing section. He grabbed a camo T shirt and a pair of army pants. He changed into them, tucking his old clothing under his arm on the way out of the dressing room. He threw it in Erica’s cart as he passed her. When he finally found Robin, he grabbed a leather army jacket and put that on too.
“How many of these do you think we need?” Robin asked as she put a couple containers of lighter fluid into her cart.
“Five or six,” Steve said as he helped her put more in the cart.
That was when her eyes landed on Vickie across the store and Robin placed her heart in her hands.
“What are you gonna do Robin? Just stand there and gawk at her?” Steve said as his eyes followed to where her gaze had landed.
“Shut up,” she responded quickly. When she made a step forward, some blonde jock ran up behind Vickie and scared her. She watched them as they flirted. And then as they kissed, she felt heart shatter into a million pieces. As the boy pecked kisses down the girl’s neck, she looked over with a smile that faded once she met eyes with Robin. She could only stand there, her mouth parted slightly in shock. Steve tried to think as quickly as he could, to console Robin in some way, but all he could do was watch as his best friend’s heart fell to the floor piece by piece. Robin blinked back tears, pulling in a shuddering breath. She turned and bumped into Steve as she ran away.
“Robin. Robin!” Steve called after her as she made a swift exit. He grabbed the cart and ran after her.
“No, Steve, no. Don’t– I can’t–” she started when he caught up with her. Steve opened his mouth to say something that gave her a semblance of comfort, but her watery eyes cut him off. “Please, Steve. Not right now,” she whispered.
He  nodded. “Right. Okay. Let’s just… How about we go pay for this stuff and get out of here? Grab whatever you see that would be good to kill that guy on the way, yeah?” He offered with a hopeful smile. She just shot him a piercing side-eyed look that shut him up immediately. He put up his hands in surrender. “Sorry, sorry, shutting up now. Oh shit. We gotta get the hell out of here,” he murmured as he gently turned Robin to face where he was looking. Everywhere he looked, he saw nothing but Hawkins High letterman jackets.
“Shit, shit, shit! Let’s go. Yup. Definitely time to go,” Robin said hurrying as she saw Nancy talking to none other than Jason Carver himself.
Nancy cocked a barreled shotgun. “How much is this?” she asked.
“$120.99, but I’ll throw in twenty rounds of buckshots for ya,” the salesman said.
Nancy smiled and nodded, but the voice next to her made her freeze. “Hey, can I see this real pretty .357, please?”
“Sure thing,” responded the other clerk. Slowly, Nancy turned her head to find Jason next to her. She could imagine what he was purchasing that gun for. She gulped and wished she could disappear like Kat. She tried to look like she was still checking out the gun in her hands when suddenly, she heard her name. She closed her eyes and took a quick deep breath, preparing herself to act as normal as possible.
“Wouldn’t expect to find you here,” he drawled as he shook his gun in her direction.
“Yeah, well, it’s just… scary times,” she admitted. “I’m… sorry about Chrissy.”
Jason nodded and she watched as his features changed to that of a person hellbent on total revenge. “Want my advice?” he asked her. “Shotguns are not good for much of anything past killing small birds. I mean, they got power, sure, but not much range,” he said as he walked down the counter until he stood less than an arm's length away in front of her. “And that’s just gonna force you into close-range combat, then someone can just grab the barrel like this…” Suddenly he took the end of the gun into his hand with as tight of a grip as he could. “...and redirect it. Well, you look nervous,” he commented, tapping his thumb on the barrel.
“Like I said, scary times,” Nancy answered.
“Now, your brother, he, uh… is he here with you, by chance?”
“Mike,” Jason nodded.
“No,” she said firmly.
“I only ask because he’s… he’s in Hellfire, isn’t he?” he asked, shaking her gun slightly as he spoke.
“I don’t know what you're talking about,” she answered innocently.
“What about his friends?” he asked, taking one step closer. “They here with you?”
“Would you let go?” Nancy asked. For a moment, they only stared at each other. When Jason didn’t answer, “Let. Go.” she demanded forcefully.
He did as she said. “You be careful out there, Wheeler,” he advised as he took a step back.
“Yeah, you too,” she said as she turned around to face the clerk and fish out a credit card, which she slammed on the counter. Once the gun was paid for, she found Max first.
“You got everything?” she whispered to Max without looking at her, in case Jason was still watching her. 
“Uh, yeah?” Max answered, confused as to why Nancy was acting so weird.
“Good. Take my card, find the others. We need to get out of here. Now,” she said sternly.
Back on the mini RV, “What the hell is taking them so long?” Dustin asked, staring at his watch while Eddie tapped his rings together. Kat and Lucas just looked at each other nervously.
As if on cue, the door flung open, causing everyone to jump. “What happened?” Lucas asked immediately. 
“We gotta go,” Steve said, throwing Eddie his vest.
“Your old friends are here,” Erica shared as they rushed to their seats.
“What? Are you kidding me? Fucking Jason?!” Kat said angrily as she jumped in Eddie’s lap as he was shrinking down out of sight from the windows. 
“Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!” Dustin yelled.
“I’m going! I’m going! Sit down!” Steve yelled back as the engine revved and threw the RV into drive.
Kat quickly pecked Eddie and rolled off him. She army-crawled to the back, hiding herself in case she was spotted as she peeked out of the rear window. She did so just in time to see that awful black jeep and Jason as he stepped out from behind it to watch them speed away. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The hopeful saviors of Hawkins had decided to drive to a field, one which went on for as far as the eye could see. It was off the main road, down another side road, somewhere they weren’t likely to be seen. Somewhere a random passerby wouldn’t become suspicious of a group of teenagers fashioning weapons for who knows what. No one would have guessed they were sharpening their swords for a war between worlds.
Everyone paired off, each group donned with specific tasks. Max had stayed with Nancy. She held down her shotgun as Nancy used a handsaw to rid it of its barrel.
“Is this legal?” Max wondered.
“Actually, I think it’s a felony.”
“Right,” Max said with a smug raise of her eyebrows.
“But it guarantees one thing,” Nancy said as she sawed away.
“What’s that?”
“I won’t miss,” she stated as she used the handle of the saw to hammer off the barrel. Max had a twinkle of awe in her eye. If she made it through all of this, which she doubted, but if she did… She hoped she would become even half as much of a badass as Nancy Wheeler was.
A ways down the hill, Kat, Eddie, and Dustin were working on prepping shields made out of old aluminum garbage can lids, which they grabbed… or, well, stole on the way. Using milk crates as workbenches, they hammered nails into them. 
“How’s she feeling?” Dustin asked when Eddie had finished his and began practicing his defense.
“Light. But durable. Deadly. But reliable,” he concluded. Dustin chuckled at his theatrics, which were only just beginning. He propped one foot up on the vacant milk crate. “Hear me now,” he said with a deeper, gravely voice, “there will be no more retreating!” he cried before switching back to his regular voice. “From Eddie the Banished. And... Kat the Magnificent,” he added with a wink at his girlfriend. She just playfully rolled her eyes.
“Hey, you’re really ready for bat-tle!” Dustin chortled. “You get it? ‘Bat-tle,’” he repeated when Eddie just stared at him blankly. “B-A-T. No?” he defeatedly groaned. “I thought I had a good one…”
Eddie put down his DIY shield and with a “Rargh!” charged at Dustin and began to wrestle him.
“What are you doing!” Dustin snapped as he wriggled himself away. “You son of a bitch!” he called out as he then charged Eddie who wrapped his arms around Dustin and tried to reach for his underwear. “No wedgies! No wedgies!” Dustin cried when he realized what was happening. 
Eddie laughed as he escaped Dustin’s hold. He threw his hand around the back of Dustin’s neck to hold the closest person he had to a younger sibling in his place. “Never change, Dustin Henderson. Promise me?” The look Eddie had in his eye… it was like he was trying to really make the most out of every single moment he had with his friends.
“I wasn’t planning on it,” Dustin said, slightly taken off guard by the sudden brotherly affection.
“Good,” Eddie nodded. When Dustin didn’t say anything, he repeated, “Good,” with an expectant expression.
“Good,” Dustin laughed.
Kat was perched on her milk crate, enjoying the whole scene. But she too, noticed that look in her boyfriend’s eye. Flashes from Vecna’s visions of the future blinded her. Dustin, sobbing. Eddie, looking up at the sky… his eyes devoid of any emotion. Her breath hitched. She never told her friends what she saw about each and every one of them. “Eddie, don’t–”
“Don’t what? Don’t do…” Eddie interrupted as he made a run for her. She quickly got up, a laugh escaping from her, as she tried to run away. Eddie’s long strides were no match for her as he quickly got in front of her, stopping her momentum. “Don’t do this?” he shouted as he gripped her waist and lifted her into the air, spinning her around. 
“Put me down!” she giggled. He did as he was told, but he didn’t let go of her.
“And you, Katrina Ramsey,” he murmured softly to her, “are the best goddamn thing to have ever happened to me.” He slid his hands up to cup her face and she found purchase on his forearms, sliding her hands up them to put hers over his. “Don’t you ever change, either. Don’t ever stop being the caring, resilient, and most badass person to have ever graced this earth. Got it?” he said. She could only make a face of pure adoration. When he was met only with her searching his silken chocolate eyes for some sign that Vecna’s vision was a farce, he leaned his forehead on hers. “Got it?” he repeated even quieter. She nodded, “I don’t ever plan on it. So long as you’re by my side. Anything happens to you, then all bets are off,” she said. He breathed out a laugh and then pulled her face to his. When she moved her hands to hold the side of his neck in one hand, and a fistful of his hair in another, she deepened the kiss.
“Ew, gross! Get a room!” Dustin called out to them with his hands cupped around his mouth to really project his voice.
Eddie chuckled and smiled against Kat, who yipped as he suddenly dipped her and kissed her again. “I love you,” he said, staring into her soul.
“I love you, too,” she said, still staring up at him in the dip.
“First and last and always?” he asked, quoting the album title of one of Kat’s favorite records. The one in which she was blasting as she drove away from the Hideout the first time she ever went to a Corroded Coffin show.
“Til the end of time,” she said with an affectionate smile.
With that, Eddie gave her one last peck and set her upright. “Hey, Sinclairs,” he called out to the siblings that sat in lawn chairs a little ways up the hill from them. “How are those, uh… those spears coming along?” 
Lucas shot them a thumbs up with a beaming smile. Erica scoffed at him. “Flip that damn thumb around,” she said.
“What?” Lucas asked, confused.
She took his makeshift spear, made out of the pole of a shovel and a hunting knife, and began to fix it. “It’s too loose, Lucas,” she said. “This isn’t a basketball game where they blow the whistle when your shoes fall off.”
“Okay, okay, for the record my shoes have never fallen off,” he defended.
“Okay, for the record, it’s kinda hard for your shoes to fall off when you’re riding the bench,” she countered. 
“Yet for some reason, you show up to every game,” he said.
“Mmm, except the one that mattered,” she confessed. “Plus, Mom and Dad forced me.”
“Bull. Mom and Dad can’t force you to do shit.”
“Well, even though you’re a bench riding-loser, you’re still my brother. Just the facts,” she said as she glanced up at him quickly while still looping the twine around the spear. It was at that moment, Lucas knew, that despite all their incessant bickering and Erica’s major attitude, she had and will always care about her bigger brother. No matter what kind of defenses she put up. As Lucas pondered this he looked out back to where the Winnebago was parked and Robin and Steve were concocting the molotov cocktails.
“It just doesn't make sense,” Steve said suddenly.
“What doesn’t make sense?” Robin asked as she poured lighter fluid into a funnel.
“That was Dan Shelter, he graduated, like, two years ago.”
“So, he’s in college. Which means he was visiting on spring break. Fast Times was returned, I don’t know, like, a week ago? Right? Unless she’s got some horndog brother we don’t know about,” Steve said, trying to make sense of Vickie being with a guy. “Which is possible. Or she’s just really into Judge Reinhold?”
“Steve!” Robin said, stopping Steve's stream of theories.
“I don’t care! And I don’t understand why you do either with everything that’s going on. Honestly, this feels like the perfect time for that little pull of the rug, because… in the face of the world ending, the stakes of my love life feel spectacularly low.”
“Yeah,” Steve frowned. “I mean, I get you there, but… I still have hope,” he said as he handed her a finished Molotov.
As she took it and put it with the other finished one she said, “Not everything had a happy ending.”
“Yeah, yeah. Believe me. I know,” he said as he looked out to the field to see Nancy holding her shotgun and Max watching her. 
“I’m not talking about failed romance,” she said as she poured the flammable liquid into another bottle. “I just… I have this terrible, gnawing feeling that… it might not work out for us this time,” she confessed.
“You think we shouldn’t be doing this? Even with Kat on our side?”
“I think we’re mad fools, the lot of us, but…” she sighed as she scanned the field, looking at her friends in front of her. Nancy was still looking down the much shorter barrel of her gun, Max probably listening to Nancy teaching her her methods. Dustin and Eddie were practicing with their shields as Dustin ducked and Eddie leapfrogged over him as Kat narrated the whole event. Lucas and Erica were testing out their spears, twirling them around to make sure they were steady. “But if we don’t stop him, who will? We have to try, right?”
“Yeah,” Steve nodded as he titled the unfinished deadly cocktail toward Robin. “To killing Vecna,” he toasted.
Robin turned and grabbed a ready-to-go Molotov, “Slash Henry.”
“Slash One,” he halfheartedly smiled as their bottles clinked. 
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suwunnysideup · 2 years
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green is not a creative color 🎨
day 16 of ronancetober: trick or treat!! ty discord pals for implanting a dhmis au into my mind <333
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sexybabystevie · 1 year
its always ghostface!steddie x reader but what about ghostface!stobin x reader :(
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Steddie Incorrect Quotes ft. Robin Buckley
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bigskyandthecoldgun · 8 months
ronance has a very similar dynamic to ben and leslie from parks and rec to me idk
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moonchildreads · 1 year
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small town masterlist - [in progress]
Well, I was born in a small town And I live in a small town Probably die in a small town Oh, those small communities
Spring break had come and gone in the small town of Hawkins, Indiana, and, surprisingly enough, the world hadn't ended. Yet.
Join Eddie and Dottie as they navigate what's left of the school year, graduation, D&D sessions with the Hellfire Club, falling in love, and potentially deadly supernatural encounters kicking off on a certain Very Important Anniversary no one stopped to warn them about. '86, baby. eddie munson/original female character, st4 fix-it, slow burn, strangers to friends (idiots) to lovers, found family, canon-typical violence, swearing, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, happy ending (check each chapter for specific warnings)
word count: 171.7k (and counting!)
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chapter list:
chapter 1 - the wild boys [1.7k] chapter 2 - what you need [1.4k] chapter 3 - tonight she comes [3.9k] chapter 4 - manic monday [4.1k] chapter 5 - i've got a rock 'n' roll heart [3.2k] chapter 6 - walking on sunshine [2.7k] chapter 7 - the search is over [4.1k] chapter 8 - the heat is on [4.4k] chapter 9 - adult education [3.8k] chapter 10 - that's what friends are for [7.5k] chapter 11 - true colors [5.5k] chapter 12 - fortress around your heart [7.1k] chapter 13 - you give good love [9.5k] chapter 14 - missing you [6.0k] chapter 15 - don't you want me [7.3k] chapter 16 - let's hear it for the boy [12.2k] chapter 17 - girls just want to have fun [7.7k] chapter 18 - i know there's something going on [5.9k] chapter 19 - we built this city [7.6k] chapter 20 - self control [10.3k] chapter 21 - far from over [6.0k] chapter 22 - let's dance [10.5k] chapter 23 - cum on feel the noize [13.8k] chapter 24 - up where we belong [9.9k] chapter 25 - part-time lover [17.4k] *NEW* chapter 26 - the heart of rock & roll *coming soon*
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[1] official small town playlist (full post) + spotify link only [2] hellfire class of '86 class schedules [3] wayne's chicken rice soup recipe [4] maggie's lemon strawberry cake recipe [5] girls just want to have a road trip playlist (full post) + spotify link only [6] hellfire club's d&d character sheets [7] lydia's potato latkes recipe *NEW* [8] *coming soon*
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dividers: @firefly-graphics -> yellow lines & daisies
ao3 link: start from chapter 1 -> here
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schrijverr · 1 year
Page 182-183
[Page 182 has two photographs on it. Both are taken in the apartment Robin and Rose shared. Most of their furniture has been moved to Eddie and Steve’s and the living room has been turned into a wedding location. A few chairs are set in rows facing the place where the flower piece they’ve made functions as decorative piece.
It had been a small wedding, but all the chair are filled. At the front is Robin in a three piece pinstriped suit with bow tie, her buzzed hair freshly shaved. She is biting her lip and crying a bit, though doing a great job of pretending she isn’t.
Behind Robin is Steve, who is the best man, while Rose’s sister is maid of honor, waiting opposite to Robin as Rose walks the aisle, though she isn’t in the image. The wedding was officiated by Argyle, who is wearing a beautiful tiered skirt and blouse, and is grinning happily.]
Here Comes One of the Brides
Jonathan Byers, 1994
[Underneath it is a photograph of Rose, who is wearing a gorgeous white wedding gown. It is a princess dress with all the ruffles and frills that fan out around her like a flower. She doesn’t have any sleeves, but she is haloed by her veil, which turns into a train. In her hand she has a bouquet of roses.
She is smiling, practically glowing as she walks down the aisle next to her father, who is giving her away with foggy eyes. She has been one of the lucky ones with accepting parents. Off to the side, her mother can be seen, crying her eyes out. Rose however is repressing the water works, looking like a picture perfect bride.]
Rose Given Away
Jonathan Byers, 1994
[On page 183 are three images. On the left is a vertical one, which is of Robin and Rose’s first kiss at the altar, unofficially wedded. Rose is pulling Robin in by the lapels of her jacket and Robin is enthusiastically clinging back, half pulling Rose’s veil off.]
First Kiss as a Married Couple
Jonathan Byers, 1994
[The upper right photograph is of Argyle when officiating. He is speaking passionately, clearly visible between the smiling Robin and Rose. The affection from the photographer clearly shines through in the image.]
Unofficially Officiated
Jonathan Byers, 1994
[Below that one, on the lower right, is a photo of Robin, now turned to Steve with her back to Rose. She is screaming with wide eyes as if she can’t believe that just happened and needs Steve to confirm. Steve is holding her hands, also screaming. Both are jumping with joy. In the background is Rose, rolling her eyes fondly at the duo.
Jonathan Byers, 1994
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bexleyfix · 11 months
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Honey, If You Love Me...(Part 1)
Part 1 reworks are complete!
This story is pure fiction and for entertainment purposes only. A lot of incredibly dumb decisions are made in this story and they are fictional situations, so make life choices wisely.
PART 1 WARNINGS AND TRIGGERS: 18+ ONLY (ABSOLUTELY NO MINORS) NSFW... Mature sexual content, suggestive situations and discussions, light smut [male masturbation], pining, angst, lots of super duper cutesy feel-good fluff, swearing, smoking, drinking, drug use.
RELATIONSHIPS: Eddie Munson x OFC ♡ Strangers to Lovers; Max, Steve, and Robin are frequent characters.
SUMMARY: In the aftermath of Vecna's recent destruction, 18-year-old Isabeau (Is-uh-bo) Mancini, a sweet and feisty, independent metalhead from Ohio, moves to Hawkins expecting to take on the role of legal guardian to her cousin Max, but she didn't expect the charming and eccentric metalhead next door to change her life in the best way possible.
(AU/ Vecna was destroyed, Eddie and Max survived)
Copying, translating, or posting my work as your own is expressly forbidden. I do not give my permission.
"W-what the hell's going on? Where am I? Where's Eddie?" My body felt heavy, and yet somehow like I was floating. I tried prying my eyes open as I drifted in and out of consciousness. I could hear a woman telling me to stay calm as she pushed on my shoulder, forcing me to lie back. The last thing I remember was a frantic Eddie carrying me into a building in a panic, bright lights all around. "W-where am I? Eddie... Eddie?! Max?!"
"Shhh, just keep still and stay calm. They're in the waiting room. Everything's gonna be fine."
Robin? Was that Robin? What waiting room? Was I in the hospital? What the hell is happening to me?! Why can't I see Eddie? My body felt like lead, and my mind scrambled, like in a nightmare. I was terrified, struggling to remember how I ended up here. I heard several people spouting instructions, as I desperately tried to form coherent thoughts, but I soon lost the fight to keep my eyes open.
I felt someone squeeze my hand. "Hang in there, girl. You're gonna be ok, and you'll all be able to go home soon. I promise." Home... home was in Hawkins, with Eddie and Max, and...
I suddenly felt still and drifted into a dream state, returning to when it all began.
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It's summer 1986. I finally graduated high school. But what should've been my yearly summer visit full of carefree celebration and downright shenanigans with my little cousin, Max, had turned into a life-changing upheaval.
Max and I are more like sisters than cousins. We trust each other implicitly, so two years ago, when she hit me with the story about Hawkins Lab, the Upside Down, and the slew of ridiculous shit that accompanied them, I was dumbfounded, but I believed her. I knew it wasn't an 'earthquake' that destroyed half of Hawkins and nearly killed Max, so when I received the news that she was in the hospital fighting for her life, I was scared shitless. And to make matters worse, my aunt Susan was among the many missing. My uncle Sam was still in California and not what you'd call a present parent, so I decided to move to Hawkins.
Max was unconscious for about two months after the attack. It was the longest two months of my life. When she came to, and we finally spoke, I told her my plans. She insisted I didn't come before I finished school, swearing she was alright. Begrudgingly, I agreed, but only because she was being cared for by Hop and Joyce. I had one more month of school, and Max was in good hands.
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The second my senior year ended, I said my tearful goodbyes, jumped into my '67 Impala, little U-haul trailer in tow, and sped off to Indiana like a bat outta Hell. My parents protested, of course. They weren't privy to the truth, but they certainly weren't thrilled about their baby girl taking on such a big responsibility in a bizarre little town hundreds of miles away, but I was 18 and legally allowed to make my own decisions. And nothing, not my already established life, not the destruction caused by Vecna, nothing mattered anymore except for Max and her well-being.
Around 11 p.m., after hours of reckless driving, I pulled my car into the driveway of the house Joyce and Hopper found for Max and me. It was a shitty cookie-cutter house, practically identical to the one smack dab next to it, but it was big, and because of the devastation to the town, it was cheap, so I used what savings I had to buy it outright. It just needs a little TLC, but if I'm anything, I'm handy.
I stepped out of my car, noticing a beat-up van in the other driveway and a single light in the neighbor's upstairs window. The window was open, so I could hear heavy music and the unmistakable sounds of a man and woman having pretty hardcore sex. It sounded so intense I blushed. When I shut my car door, the commotion stopped, and someone peered at me through the makeshift curtains. (Great, my neighbor's a creep) I ducked out of view, grabbed my suitcase, quickly retrieved the key Joyce left hidden, and hurried to let myself in, locking and bolting the door behind me. I'd grab the rest of my things in the morning.
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I woke early the next day to clean, unpack, and get situated before I went to collect Max. But first... coffee.
While I waited for the percolator to brew, I threw on a pair of cut-off Daisy Duke jean shorts, my favorite Megadeth t-shirt, and a pair of Chucks and tied my dirty blonde hair into a ponytail. I poured myself a cup of black coffee and went to sit on the porch steps for my morning cigarette. From that point on, my life would never be the same.
I sat down on a step bathed in sunlight, set my mug next to me, lit my cigarette, and turned on my boom box to listen to some Megadeth. I fucking love Dave Mustaine. The things I would give for a sexy metalhead... a faithful one. My track record wasn't exactly great in that department.
The van from last night was no longer in the drive. I was enjoying my coffee, reveling in my thoughts of the red-headed, thrash metal guitar god, when the van came barreling up the street. (Jesus, this guy drives like a fucking maniac! What kind of crazy person do I live next to?) I watched it pull into the double driveway, Maiden blaring from inside. (That's a plus) The driver's side door flew open, and what I saw exit sent my thoughts straight to the gutter.
I was mesmerized by the sight of a cut-off denim vest covered in patches over a leather jacket, black ripped jeans, rings on almost every finger, and the most fantastic head of long, dark, curly hair. All of which collectively embodied the most delicious metalhead I'd ever laid eyes on. The way he put his cigarette to his lips and took a drag looked positively sinful. (I WANT TO HAVE THAT MAN'S BABIES!!!) I was so enamored that my grip on my mug went slack, and I spilled burning hot coffee down my leg.
"OW, SHIT, SHIT... HOT!" I was in a momentary state of panic, searching for something I could use to wipe up my morning beverage.
Eddie heard your outburst, threw down his cigarette, and sprinted toward you, reaching for his back pocket. "I know I'm sexy, Sugar, but you don't have to get so excited."
As much as I wanted to laugh at his quip, the searing pain would only allow me to wince.
Eddie pressed his raggedy black handkerchief firmly against the side of your leg. "Here, Sug. Use this."
(Sug? Was this guy serious?) "Thanks." I accepted his offering and proceeded to dab at my burning leg.
"You alright?"
"Uh, yeah, yeah... I'm good." I was so flustered. When the pain subsided, I finally looked up, and our eyes instantly locked. I froze in place. (Good God, his huge brown eyes were GORGEOUS, and so was his smile) I averted my gaze and stood up. I looked at the handkerchief and handed it over with a quick jerk. "Uh, here."
Eddie's jaw dropped. He was mesmerized by your natural beauty, petite, curvy frame, fair features, long, dirty blonde hair, and piercing blue eyes, which only stood out more under those long, dark lashes. He reached for his handkerchief hesitantly. "Um... I, uh, I take it you're my new neighbor?" He asked, restoring the handkerchief to his pocket. "I'm Eddie. My uncle Wayne and I live next door."
(Figures. My neighbor's a hot metalhead, and he's unavailable) Eddie held out a ringed hand, and I shook it, feeling somewhat disappointed. "Eddie. Are uh, are you the creeper who was watching me from the window last night?" I only half-joked, crossing my arms.
"Uh, yeah... yeah, that was me." He scratched the back of his head. "I'm, I'm sorry if I scared you. I heard that sexy engine (he motioned to your car), and when I heard the door shut, I was a little surprised. I thought the place was empty, so..."
"Mm-hm. Well, I doubt you were as surprised as I was. I hope I didn't spoil your fun." I smirked.
"Uh, wow, uh, you... you heard that?" He asked, embarrassed.
I nodded. "Yeah. I think the whole neighborhood heard that. May wanna close the window next time."
"Noted," he said with a bashful smile.
It took me a second to remember where I'd heard the names Eddie and Wayne. Then it hit me. "Wait, are you... Munson?"
Eddie looked confused. "Uh, yeah. Do we know each other? 'Cause I'm positive I'd remember a face as beautiful as yours."
(Are you fuckin' kidding me, dude?) "Ah, a creeper and a charmer. Does uh... does your girlfriend know you flirt with other chicks?"
"Huh? Oh, no! That, that wasn't... she's just a friend... with benefits. I, uh, I don't have a girlfriend."
"Oh... well, that's good." (Shit! Why did I say that?) Suddenly I was no longer disappointed but highly embarrassed. "I mean... n-not like, good that you don't have a girlfriend, but good 'cause, you know, that... that would've been a dick move if you did." I trailed off, internally cursing myself. I quickly changed the subject. "Uh, to answer your question, no... we don't know each other, but uh... Max mentioned you. I'm her cousin, Isabeau... Mancini. But everyone calls me Isy."
Eddie eyed you questioningly. You're kind of a spaz, but it's incredibly cute. "Isabeau? Like from Ladyhawke?"
"Uh, yeah. Exactly like that, but it's a family name, obviously."
Eddie chuckled. "Well... it's beautiful too. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl."
"Um... thanks." I looked away, trying to hide my bashful appearance.
Eddie took a moment to check you out before you returned his attention. (He was definitely adding this image to tonight's spank bank) "So, uh... what did Red say about me? All good things, I hope?"
"Oh! Max. I uh... I call her Red. The hair, ya know?"
I nodded. "Makes sense. And yes, all good things. Said you helped with all the crazy shit that went down this past spring."
Eddie eyeballed you curiously. "She told you about that?"
"Yeah... yeah, she did."
"Like... everything?"
"Uh, yeah. All the Vecna-y goodness."
"And you believed her?"
"Well, yeah, why the hell wouldn't I?" I stared at him quizzically, unsure what he meant by that. I may have come off a bit defensive.
"No offense, Sug. I'm just a bit surprised. Not many people know the truth, let alone believe it. They'd uh... they'd most likely burn us all at the stake." He chuckled.
"Ah, well, you wanna know a secret?" I smiled slyly, motioning him toward me with one finger. I stood on my tiptoes and whispered in his ear, "I'm not most people."
"Obviously," Eddie was astonished. (God, she's so fuckin' CUTE!) "Now that I think about it, Red said you'd be coming to town. From... Ohio, right?"
I confirmed with a nod. "Well, uh, it's good to finally put a face (and a gorgeous one) to the name. Nice to meet you, Eddie." This time I offered him my hand, and he graciously accepted.
"The pleasure is all mine," he replied, kissing your hand.
His eyes locked with mine, an enormous smile plastered across his handsome face. My cheeks were on fire. I just stood there. Reluctantly, I took my hand from his and shoved both hands in my back pockets, releasing a flustered breath.
"You sure you're alright?"
(No, no, I'm not alright, you fucking gorgeous bastard!) My brain was screaming. Even with the strange scar on his neck, he was a vision. "Uh, yeah. I'm good. I was just... hey!" Something on his vest caught my attention. "Is that a Megadeth patch?!" Without hesitation or regard for his personal space, I greedily grabbed the bottom of his vest and admired the patch. A huge smile spread across my face.
"A little A.D.D., are we?"
"I'm sorry, what?" I glanced at him, then back to his vest, my smile fading to a look of embarrassment. I immediately let go. "Oh, man. I'm-I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."
Eddie laughed. "It's ok, Sug. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess you're a fan, too," he joked.
"Uh, yeah. Obsessed is more like it. What gave it away?" I asked sarcastically, returning my hands to my pockets and smiling at the ground.
"Oh, you know, (Man, he couldn't keep his eyes off you) it could be the shirt or the tunes," he motioned to each one, "or the fact that I just got manhandled because of a patch."
His laughter was infectious. I could hardly keep my composure. "Again, I'm... I'm sorry." I chewed nervously on the inside of my cheek.
Eddie couldn't hold back his laughter. "No... no worries. I'm not complaining."
We stood in silence for a moment, gushing at each other.
"So, uh, what were you about to say before I was so viciously accosted?"
"Uh, hmm, I uh... I was just thinking about Max and all the shit I need to do before I can get her. I can't wait to see her. I moved here for her."
"She mentioned. I love Red. She's a good kid. Feisty and has no filter," he chuckled. "I met her dad in the hospital. I, uh, was kinda shocked he didn't stick around, so... I'm glad someone's stepping up for her."
"Yeah, well, he loves Max, but he's not exactly father of the year. And my aunt's no picnic either, but um, I'm trying to be hopeful..." I trailed off, tears starting to well in my eyes.
Eddie carefully placed a ringed finger under your chin, drawing your attention to him. (Your eyes... he could get lost in them) "Uh... don't lose hope, Sug. Chief Hopper hasn't given up on her."
I nodded and wiped my eyes. "Oh shit... Hopper! It's unbelievable, isn't it?"
"You know Hopper?" He asked, completely surprised.
I nodded excitedly. "Of course, Joyce, Steve, Robin, Nancy, Jonathan... the whole lot. I visit Max every summer. When I found out she was moving to Hawkins, I about pissed myself. It's only, like, 350 miles from where I lived in Ohio, so I took an extra trip last year and visited in spring and summer. Max was so pissed when she found out I was still coming. I was all packed and ready to go when the whole Starcourt thing happened. I told her I could help, but she said she'd never forgive me if I got involved, so I waited, but I'm glad I came when I did. Albeit a giant douche, Max took Billy's death pretty hard. Not to mention, Joyce and El were a total mess, so I was the emotional support." Eddie was standing there smiling, watching me as I talked. "I'm, I'm sorry. I'm rambling."
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"No, it's ok, Sug. Please, continue."
"Ok, um, wait... if you know all of them, how come I haven't met you before?"
"That's because I didn't officially meet anyone until the end of last year."
"Oh. Ok, cool. Well, it was Hopper who gave me the news about Max. When I heard his voice, I thought I was going crazy. I attended his funeral, for fuck sake."
"Yeah, I gotta say, I was happy as hell to see the big lug alive," Eddie confessed. "Super good dude. It's about time he and Joyce are getting hitched," he chuckled.
"I know, right?! Everyone saw it coming but them. It was like, for real, guys, just fuck already," I giggled. We paused momentarily, staring at each other, a new rush of embarrassment washing over me, or was it excitement? I cleared my throat. "Well, I uh... I better get started. It was nice meeting you finally. I'll, uh, I'll see you around." I went to turn and felt the gentle brush of Eddie's fingers on my arm.
"W-wait, uh..." I looked at his hand, then back at him. "Do... do you need any help? I mean, you'll finish in half the time, and you'll get to see Red sooner. So... if you want, I'm yours to command."
His tone was chivalrous. He spread his arms wide, gave me a low bow, and flashed that radiant smile. I didn't want to admit it, but I was hoping he would ask, not for the help but because I was enjoying his company and didn't want him to go. "Uh, yeah, I'd uh... I'd like that. But only if you're not busy. As much as I wanna see Max, I don't wanna impose." I smiled shyly.
"For you, Sugar, I've got all the time in the world."
(Oh my God! My insides were melting!) "Uh, well... how can I resist such a charming offer? I'd be forever grateful, good Sir." I gave him a little curtsy. "Well, uh... follow me."
"Lead the way, Sug."
Eddie and I spent hours talking as we unpacked all my shit. We discussed my life in Ohio, my previous excursions to California (which made him incredibly jealous), when Max told me about the Upside Down, and, thanks to Robin and Steve, my job at Family Video. Eddie seemed hesitant to talk about spring's events, which was understandable, but what I found strange was how he'd turn the conversation back to me whenever I inquired about his life. If Max didn't like him, I'd see it as a red flag, but he's delightful, a fucking riot, a goddamn wet dream. He was willing to divulge that he's 20 years old, class of '86 (finally), and when he became friends with the others. I kept the conversation going as I watched him assemble my stereo system.
"So... why a three-year senior? Did you enjoy high school that much?" I joked.
Eddie chuckled. "Uh, no. I just wasn't very motivated, I guess. And besides, if I did graduate on time, I never would've met anyone, and I probably wouldn't be here with you right now."
I smiled bashfully. "True." Eddie flashed me a sweet smile. "And you made it a point to take all the school's outcasts under your wing so none of them would feel alone?"
"Mm-hm," he mumbled, fidgeting with a stubborn cord. "I call them my little sheep."
"That's so sweet. I wish I had someone like you when I was in school." I immediately wanted to smack myself. "I-I mean... well, I wasn't so much an outcast, but I wasn't popular either. I uh, I got a lotta shit for my appearance." Eddie stopped fidgeting and focused on me, and his brow furrowed in confusion. "Um, the whole... tomboy, metal vibe and all." He nodded. "I mean, I had my core group of friends but hardly any classes with them. It would've been nice to have more people to hang with. I'll never understand how people can be such dicks to others because of their outward appearance." Eddie nodded in agreement. I watched as he reached for a pair of pliers, and used them to tweak something, then stuck them between his teeth so he could finish the hook-up. (Fuck! Why is that so hot?!) He caught me staring and winked. I tried to hide my embarrassment by searching for my smokes.
"Hey, would you mind lighting me one? Mine are in my vest pocket."
"Sure." Happy for something else to focus on, I did what he asked and set it in the ashtray, then I sat on the couch for a quick break. "So, um... thank you for doing this. I suck with elecrtonics, but you seem to have a good handle on them."
Eddie took the pliers out of his mouth, made one last adjustment, and looked at you. "I know a bit. I also have a similar setup in my room. It should be good to go. Let's give it a try." He grabbed the cigarette from the ashtray and placed it between his lips.
(My God, this man's mouth) "Um, my tapes are right there if you wanna pick something."
Eddie grabbed your box full of music, set it on the coffee table, and knelt across from you. "Alright, Sugar. Let's see what you're all about, shall we?" He smiled and started rooting through the tapes. "Damn, you got a decent collection. A little disturbed by the amount of glam and goth rock I see here, but uh, from the wear and tear on some of these other tapes, I can tell you're not a total poser," he joked. You gave him the finger, and he chuckled. "Well, uh... you've obviously got a hard-on for Megadeth, but you have a stellar amount of metal, and you appreciate the classics." He continued to dig. "So uh, is it the music that captures you... or the dreamy front men?" He joked.
I guffawed. "Um... both. And the voices. I dig range, but the deep gravelly voices are my favorite." Eddie's smile was wicked. I wish I knew what was going through his mind.
"I see a pattern. You like the esoteric, long-haired, wild ones, huh?"
The way he was staring at me, I felt like I would burst into flames. "Uh, yeah... I guess you could say that."
"This-this is just... endless." Eddie stopped rooting. "So, not only are you gorgeous, but you're a metal lover who drives that sexy thing?"
"Uh, yeah. I guess so." I looked away bashfully.
Eddie put his hands on his heart in mock pain. "You are a fucking goddess... marry me?!" He started scooting around the coffee table toward you, arms outstretched. "OUCH!"
I gave him a playful punch on the arm. "I don't know, Munson. You don't like glam or goth rock." I eyed him playfully. "But buy me dinner, and maybe I'll think about it," I joked. "And where's my ring?" I grabbed one of his hands to examine his. One, in particular, stood out. "Is that Eddie the Head? I'll take that one, but I prefer Vic Rattlehead."
"Oooo... why you gotta do me like that, Sug." Eddie collapsed playfully onto the floor, sending us into a fit of laughter.
"Throw something on, fool."
"You got it." Eddie got up and started rummaging again. "You got a preference?"
"Uh, yeah. Esoteric, long-haired, wild men." I joked, grabbing his vest from the coffee table to examine it further.
Eddie looked up and snickered, smiling to himself when he caught sight of you examining his vest. Your eyes lit up as you ran your fingers across the different pins and patches. "See anything you like?" He asked.
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"Hmm?" I looked up, and he winked again. "Uh..." he was slick. I tried hiding my flushed cheeks by returning my attention to his vest. "Yeah, um... all of it." I let out a flustered breath and tapped some buttons. "I love Mercyful Fate, and don't get me started on W.A.S.P. Blackie was, like, my first love." I noticed Eddie staring at me. "What?"
Eddie couldn't believe what he was hearing. His heart was pounding. "Uh, nothing." (It's only one of the sexiest fucking things I've ever heard!) He let out a breathy laugh. "It's just, you're like, this sweet little angel, uh... I wouldn't peg you for someone who listens to 'Devil' music," he emphasized the word Devil in air quotes. "It's uh... it's kinda hard to wrap my head around." Eddie started rooting again, trying desperately to keep his thoughts out of the gutter.
"Well, I am religious, but I'm no bigot. I appreciate good music. Just because King's a Satanist doesn't make his voice any less amazing. And besides, Satanists don't even worship the Devil. They're just Atheists who don't conform to traditional religious beliefs. They're all about self-indulgence, living life to the fullest, and their own divinity, ya know? Not all that sacrificial evil bullshit, like most people think. If you're good to them, they're good to you." I smiled, and Eddie roared with laughter.
"H-how do you know so much about all that?"
"Well, like I said. People are dicks. It got to the point where I just couldn't deal with stupid anymore, so I read. If I wanna put the Satanic Panic assholes in their place, I need to be able to back it up. It's pretty interesting stuff."
Eddie smiled and nodded. "Does that actually work?"
"No, not really. People usually get nervous when they find out what I know, but the looks on their faces are priceless. So are you a Satanist?"
"What?" Eddie's head shot up, and he immediately became tense. When he noticed you smiling, tapping his Leviathan cross patch, his tension eased, and he chuckled. "Um, no. I'm more of an individualist." He let out a flustered breath. "I'm eccentric for sure, but I have humility. I mainly can't stand forced conformity. I make my own choices. Now, I am insatiable when it comes to carnal desires, but that's the only time I consider myself godlike." Eddie noticed the way you squirmed, and he was pretty pleased with himself.
Eddie's grin was Cheshire. (Fuck! If words alone could make me cum I'd be a writhing mess) I shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah, um, well, I see you're also a fellow nerd."
Eddie scoffed, "What makes you think I'm a nerd?"
"Um, social status aside, Munson, not many seniors would befriend a bunch of nerdy freshmen unless they had something in common." I reached over and motioned to the logo on his Hellfire shirt. "So, unless you're all into black magic and sex cults, and from what you just told me, that may very well be the case, but um... I'd say you and the boys bonded over D&D."
Eddie looked down and started laughing. "Uh... you are correct, Sugar. You've discovered my dirty secret."
"Ah! So you are into black magic and sex cults?" I joked. (Jesus, his fucking smile)
Eddie couldn't stop laughing. "Wouldn't you like to know? Uh, I... wait. Did you say, fellow nerd?"
I flashed him a cheeky smile, snuffed out my cigarette, and grabbed a box from the other side of the room. I plopped it down before him and motioned for him to open it. When he looked at the contents, he got so excited.
"These... these are all yours?!"
"Yep. Every map, manual, and module." Eddie looked like he was about to cry tears of joy.
"Uh, ok... that's hot! S-seriously, will you please be my wife?"
I gave him a shy laugh. "Um, I used to play all the time with my brother and his friends... and I played a few times with the boys during visits. I was hoping they still played 'cause it's my favorite game, and uh... I'd like to find a party to join." Eddie was gawking at me, smiling like an idiot.
"Um, ok. Sugar? Future wife? Love of my life?" I couldn't stop giggling at his cute little remarks. "I may have told a tiny fib because I am 'Eddie the Banished'. Legendary dungeon master and God of the Hellfire Club. And I would be elated if you would join our party."
My eyes lit up. "Really?!"
"Eeek!" I was so thrilled I hugged him.
"Oh, uh... wow, ok." You backed away, beaming. "You uh... you are somethin' else. Definitely not like most people. I, uh... I like that." Eddie smiled and turned back to your tapes, rejoicing internally. He spotted Mercyful Fate's 'Melissa' and popped it into your stereo. "For you, Sugar." He scanned you up and down and chuckled to himself. Your bashfulness was adorable.
"Yes! It works! Thank you, thank you, thank you! That sounds amazing!"
"You're welcome."
Eddie was so cute, playing air guitar as he wiped down walls. "That's some accurate air guitar, Munson. You play?" He turned my way with a sly smile.
"Maybe." Eddie pulled a chain from under his shirt collar, revealing a dangling guitar pick.
When he turned around, I bit my lip, trying incredibly hard to hold it together. "M-maybe you can play for me sometime?"
Eddie felt like he would explode! "Absolutely! As long as I can take that sexy car of yours for a spin." You gave him a shy nod and turned back toward the other wall. He kept stealing glances as you danced on a step stool and sang. The collar of your shirt had slipped down, revealing what looked to be a panther tattoo on your shoulder blade. (Holy FUCK, that's hot!) Drawn to the sight, he strolled toward you as if caught in a tractor beam and reached a hand to your shoulder, startling you as his fingers made contact with your skin.
"Jesus, you scared me. I was in the zone. You need something?" I stepped off the stool to face him.
(You... I need you... screaming my name as I pin you against the wall and fuck you to Mercyful Fate!) "Uh, no. I was just... admiring your tattoo. Is that a panther?"
"Oh, yeah. It's uh... it's my Peter Criss tattoo." I rolled my eyes.
"Whoa, whoa, wait... Peter Criss?"
"I know. I get it all the time. Why not Paul, Gene, or even Ace? I've just always liked Peter. He gets no love, ya know?"
(Better than anyone, Sugar) "Can I take a closer look?" Eddie asked politely.
"Of course! Here," I turned my back to him. When his fingers brushed my hair from my shoulder, I felt a surge of electricity shoot through my body. I barely managed to keep it together when I turned my head to explain. "Um. Well, Peter's the Catman, of course, hence the panther. Its eyes are green 'cause Peter's color is green, and the tail's in the shape of a three 'cause that's his lucky number."
Eddie couldn't peel his eyes off your skin. "That... is so fucking cool. Granted, it's symbolic of Peter Criss, but... hey!" You shoved him playfully, and he started giggling. "You got any more?"
I immediately blushed. "Um... I do. But after that comment, I'm not about to let you see it."
Eddie's eyes immediately lit up. "Ooo... I'm intrigued. So uh... where is it." He started looking you over. "I don't see anything visible. Now I really gotta know."
He smiled devilishly, but I shook my head." Not on your life, pal."
"Come on, Sugar. I'll show you mine if you show me yours," he joked.
I scoffed. "Nice try, jackass." I had to divert his attention. "So... do you actually have tattoos? Or are you just fucking with me?"
He chuckled. "No, I do." He pushed up his sleeve and held out his arm. "Check out these sweet tatties."
A huge smile crossed my face. (God, he plays guitar AND has tattoos?) "May I?" Eddie nodded with a smile as I reached for his arm. I held his wrist and traced my fingers lightly over his ink, wholly captivated. "I like the bats. And this one looks like Puppet Master Eddie from Number of the Beast?"
Eddie felt chills run down his spine. "Ok, you're killin' me, Sug. If you don't agree to marry me, like, right now... I might spontaneously combust."
I laughed nervously, hardly able to control my beating heart. "Do uh... do you have any more?" He immediately became hesitant, but somehow not in the same way I was. His hesitation seemed more like worry, not embarrassment.
"I do... but how is that fair?"
"Um, well... I guess it's not." Eddie observed me for a moment, straight-faced, but eventually reached for his shirt collar and pulled it down, exposing the tattoos on his chest. I leaned in for a closer peek, but what drew my eyes wasn't his tattoos. It was the enormous scar that now swallowed half of one. Without thinking, I reached to touch it. Eddie flinched and grabbed my wrist, startling me. "Whoa, hey, uh. I'm, I'm sorry. I should've... sorry."
When Eddie noticed the horrified look on your face, he felt a twinge in his heart and immediately released your wrist. He didn't mean to frighten you but was reluctant to let you touch him. "No, um... I'm sorry." Going against his better judgment, he tilted his head to the side and pulled his collar down. "Go ahead," he whispered.
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I studied him with uncertainty. "No, really... if it bothers you..."
He cut you off. "Please, it's ok."
"You sure?"
He wasn't but nodded anyway.
I carefully reached again and lightly ran the tips of my fingers down his neck. The scar was so jagged and rough.
Eddie closed his eyes, trying to control his breathing as your fingers explored his flesh. He concentrated on the sound of your voice as you sang along to 'Melissa'. He didn't know why he was letting this happen. He never let this happen, not with anyone, but there was something about you. Something in your beautiful blue eyes. Something... safe. He felt he could unravel under your touch, so he let it continue.
"Jesus, Eddie... is this from the Upside Down?" I glanced at his face. His eyes shut tight, and he was breathing heavily through his nose.
"Mmm... mm-hm," he swallowed hard.
"W-was it Demobats?" Eddie tensed as I pulled his collar down further.
"Yeah, h-how'd you know?"
"Well... when I got the call about Max, I freaked the fuck out and immediately called Steve and Robin. Steve told me about his attack."
"W-what else did he say?"
"Uh... not much. Noone seemed to wanna discuss it just yet. I didn't hear about your involvement until Max woke up... but even she didn't tell me much." I decided to be bold. I wanted to see how far he'd let me take this. I reached down to try and lift his shirt, and he trembled. "Hey, it's ok... just breathe." To try and calm him, I cupped his cheek and brushed it lightly with my thumb, but it only seemed to make things worse. "Eddie, if you want me to stop, I will. I'm not trying to stir up bad memories."
"Um, it's not that. It's just, the scars. They're uh... they're..." Eddie trailed off and cleared his throat. "Um... c-can you keep singing? It uh... it helps."
"Yeah... of course." I wasn't quite sure what was bothering him, but I started singing, reached down, and carefully lifted his shirt. "Jesus!" I grimaced, startled by what I saw. "Eddie... they're everywhere."
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"Mm-hm." Here it comes. This is when you tell him he's repulsive. "They're uh... they're fuckin' disgusting... I'm-I'm disgusting," he whispered.
I stared at him in confusion. "Eddie, is that why you're so tense? You were worried about how I thought you'd look?" He nodded, eyes still shut tight and his chest heaving. "Well, not that it should matter what I or anyone else thinks, but you're not disgusting. I mean, yes, the scars are horrifying, but they're just scars."
"Yeah, um... you don't need to spare my feelings, Sug. I know how I look." His breathing became more labored.
"Oh, shut your mouth, Munson, before I shut it for you. Any girl who doesn't find you attractive is an idiot, scars or no." Usually I'd be embarrassed to say that, but he needed the reassurance, which seemed to ease his tension.
"Um, thanks, Sug. I appreciate that."
"Well, it's true. Don't be so down on yourself. You're handsome as hell." I noticed his slight smirk, so I resumed my investigation. "Ok, Munson. I'm gonna touch you now, so just concentrate on my voice. You can do this." He nodded earnestly. I continued to sing, placed a tender hand on his stomach, and he trembled. I brushed my thumb over a particularly angry-looking spot. "My God, Eddie, how the hell did you even survive these?"
He exhaled heavily. "Um, that... that's a story for another time, Sug."
I nodded and ran my hand down his side, letting my fingers caress every mark. I trailed them from one side of his body to the other, completely enamored. I took the opportunity to accidentally, on purpose, tangle my fingers in the dark trail of hair protruding from his jeans. I know I shouldn't have, but I couldn't help myself. Even in this state, he was so goddamn sexy.
Eddie's eyes popped open. He tilted his head to glimpse at you and smiled. You weren't sneaky. He knew damn well there were no scars right there, but he most certainly wasn't gonna complain. Without another thought, he grabbed his shirt, pulling it to his chin so you could explore further. The way you beamed at him, you seemed thankful. It was sweet. He was relishing this moment. It was invigorating, liberating, and so... intimate. He observed as you took both hands and caressed his stomach and chest. Your touch was so gentle and caring. And the expression on your beautiful face, it wasn't one of repulsion... but affection.
"I, um, I can't decide which is more metal, the tats or the scars." It was wonderful to hear him laughing. As much as I didn't want to, I took my hands away, put his shirt back down, and patted his stomach. "See? No worries." I gave him a sincere smile, and he immediately trapped me in a full-body hug. I wrapped my arms tightly around his shoulders and started chuckling. "Um, I'm gonna guess that doesn't happen often?"
"Never, Sugar... you're uh, you're the first."
"I-I am?" I could feel him nodding. I was stunned. "But, how is that even possible? I mean, well, you've obviously been with girls." Eddie let me go and shook his head. His smile was enormous.
"Um, no... I um," he started laughing, "I-I keep my shirt on. I mean, all I need is below the belt, so..."
Jesus, I was about to lose it. I looked at him, completely bewildered. "Um, thank you for sharing this with me. I'm... I'm honored." I smiled happily and let out a breathy laugh. "Um, was that too much excitement for one day? You, uh, you still wanna stick around?"
There was no way he would leave you, especially after that. "No, I'm staying. But only if you sing some more."
"Oh? You like how I butcher King's vocals?" We both snickered. "Well, this tape's almost over. Go ahead and pick another one." Eddie nodded happily but didn't move. He took me completely by surprise when he quickly kissed my cheek. I was speechless. There was no way he didn't see how red my face turned. He beamed at me and returned to my box of tapes, rustled momentarily, and popped in Led Zeppelin II, then walked back to me, staring at another cassette.
"Hey, do you mind if I borrow this?" He held up King Diamond's debut album. "I haven't had a chance to get it yet."
"Hmmm... I don't know, Munson. That's asking a lot. I listen to that one constantly," I joked, but by the look of disappointment on his face, I could tell he didn't catch my jest, and his obliviousness was adorable. I was trying so hard not to laugh. "I guess you can borrow it... but I'm gonna need collateral."
Eddie looked toward his vest, then down at his hands. "Oh!" He proceeded to pull off a ring. "Here." He held it to you and smiled. You looked down at Eddie the Head and started laughing. "What?" He asked.
"I-I was just kidding. I don't need collateral, fool. You're more than welcome to borrow it."
Eddie chuckled. "Here... take it anyway." He reached for your hand, looked for a finger to fit it, and slipped it on your thumb. "There."
He kissed my hand before letting it go, and my laughter stopped. "Eddie, I... I can't take this."
"Why not? You're my future wife. But I will need your actual ring size, 'cause uh... this one's too big. And besides, it gives me an excuse to bother you again."
My cheeks were burning. I gawked at my hand, then at Eddie's goofy grin. "Ok, thanks. B-but you don't need an excuse. (Way to be subtle, Isy. Why not just throw yourself at him) I mean, you're borrowing King, so... you have to come back anyway." I veered away. I don't know why I bothered to hide my flushed cheeks anymore. "But um... i-if you insist, I'll take good care of it."
Your bashfulness was so fucking adorable. Eddie tilted your chin up so your eyes met his. (God, your eyes, so beautiful) He wanted so badly to kiss you. "I insist... and I know you will, Sugar."
Eddie smiled again and brushed my chin with his thumb. (Holy shit! If he only knew what that did to me) After everything that happened, I felt obligated to share a little more. "Um... Eddie? M-my tattoo, well... not only is it embarrassing, but um, it's in a really awkward spot, and uh, i-it comes with an even more embarrassing story, but... that's definitely one for another time."
He smiled sweetly and nodded. "I look forward to hearing it, Sugar."
After finishing, we went to the porch for a cigarette. We sat on the top step, shoulder to shoulder.
"Thanks for the help, Munson. You, uh, you made this fun."
"Don't sweat it, Sug. I enjoyed your company."
His smile was so adorable. I looked away bashfully. "Ok, I gotta know, what's with the pet name?"
"What? 'Sug'?" You nodded. "Isn't it obvious? It means I think you're sweet, like sugar. If you don't like it, I can stop."
"No, I... I didn't say that. It's just, well, you don't even know me, yet it was the first thing outta your mouth. For all you know, I could be some... crazed psychotic bitch. So, are you a serial charmer or just foolish?"
Eddie chuckled. "Straight to the point. I like that. Uh... a little of both, I guess. I'm a flirty guy, but my charm's usually lost on most, so... let's go with foolish." He smiled sweetly. You looked surprised when he took your hand and squeezed it. "I'd uh... I'd be willing to call your bluff, though." He inched closer, leaning his face toward yours. "I bet you're not a psychotic bitch. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that you're very sweet... in more ways than one." He stuck out the tip of his tongue and wiggled his eyebrows. "Care to prove me wrong?"
I scoffed, suddenly feeling incredibly hurt. That comment changed my whole demeanor. "Wow! Bold, Munson. Was that your endgame all along? Butter me up with all your sweet talk so I'll sleep with you?" His sweet smile morphed into a look of confusion. "You know... I bet that is your girlfriend. And she deserves better than you." I took my hand from his.
"W-what?" Eddie immediately felt the familiar sting of rejection.
"Oh, don't bullshit me, Munson. This shtick may work on the sluts in Hawkins, but I have self-respect." I got up and stalked toward my door. I wanted to cry. He seemed so honest, so sincere, but I was wrong once again.
"Whoa, whoa, hey... Sug!"
I spun around. "My name is Isy... and if all you're looking for is a piece of ass, go call one of your friends. They seem to fall for your shit." I turned away again.
"Isy, please... STOP!"
Startled by his tone, I immediately froze. He jumped up the steps and blocked my way. "Move, Munson."
"Seriously, what's with the hostility? I thought we had something going here."
"Oh, is that what you thought?"
"Well, yeah... didn't you?!"
I huffed. "I did. Then you made it perfectly clear that you're just trying to get in my pants."
"WHAT?!" You tried to pass him. "Look, I'm not gonna lie. I think you're gorgeous. And yes, I would love to get in your pants and do... unspeakable things to you, but I was just teasing." You scoffed again and crossed your arms. "JUST, just listen... please. I'm being honest here. Look, I'm sorry if I crossed a line. I just... I didn't realize my teasing would set you off, or I wouldn't have done it. I mean... I'm just being me. I've been teasing you all day, and you... you've been returning my affection the whole time, but... apparently, my charm's lost on you too, so... I guess I am just a fool." You stared at him, still not speaking. "Look, I'm not bullshitting you—the total opposite. You're... different, not like other girls. And I like that. I like you."
"Seriously, Munson? You expect me to believe that? For fuck sake, twelve hours ago, you were balls deep in some other chick!"
"That... that was nothing!"
"Oh, like I haven't heard that one before."
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He stared at you, utterly confused. "Did... did I miss something? Why are you attacking me all of a sudden? 'Cause last time I checked, what I do on my own time is none of your goddamn business!"
"Oh, go fuck yourself, Munson. Or better yet, go fuck your friend."
Eddie blocked you again, his expression now stern. "Are you mental? I mean, maybe I'm wrong, and you really are a psychotic bitch." You looked at him with such disdain.
"What'd you just say to me?" I was fuming.
"You heard me. You know... you are such a hypocrite. You're upset with me, but you're not innocent in all this!"
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"
"Oh, don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about! You wanna keep pretending like you didn't just feel me up in there? HUH?!" You flinched at his tone and looked away. "Yeah, didn't think I'd catch that, did you? I know my own body, Isy, and there're no scars on my abdomen, but did I flip out on you?!"
"Well... of course you didn't. It's what you wanted, right?"
"That's not the point! Whether I wanted it or not, you touched me in an intimate way. In a way, I can only construe as sensual... and you used a vulnerable moment to do it! You're sending me mixed signals, Isy! Now that's fucked up! So instead of biting my head off for making a lewd comment, how 'bout granting me a little courtesy and just... let me explain! Will you do that for me, please?! Can you find it in your heart to trust me? Jesus Christ! Do you know how hard that was for me in there?!?!" You shook your head. "No, no, you don't. You have no goddamn idea how difficult that was... but I let it happen, and all I got in return was cynicism!"
"If it's such a sore spot for you, and you didn't have an ulterior motive, why the hell did you let me put my hands all over you?!"
"I think the better question is, why the hell did you want to? To appease me, or was it for your own twisted gratification? 'Cause I'm not exactly down with flaunting that part of myself."
"Then why let it happen? I asked if you wanted me to stop and you said no!"
Eddie's frustration was building. "That... mmm... that's what I'm trying to explain."
"Go ahead... enlighten me."
"Ok... not that I should have to explain myself to you, but since you're so adamant about defaming my character, I'll grant you this. That," Eddie pointed in the direction of his window, "that's a special circumstance, ok? She and I... we have an arrangement."
"What kind of arrangement?"
"Honestly... and I'm not proud of this by any means... but I sell drugs. And despite what you seem to think, I don't have a little black book of friends. The truth is, I don't exactly get much physical attention, so... I supply her with drugs, and in exchange, she gives me what I need physically."
That was not the answer I was expecting.
"She's not my girlfriend, Isy. There's no emotion there whatsoever. It's just physical, alright? I mean, I'm starved for attention in more ways than one. And then you appear... like something outta my goddamn dreams, and, and you're beautiful and compassionate, and so... comfortable around me. Isy... I haven't let anyone see my scars, let alone touch them. Shit, I was worried you'd find me repulsive, but by some impossible miracle... you didn't. So yes, as hard as it was to let you touch me, I welcomed it... but it wasn't for the attention. It's because I see something in you. Something noone has ever shown me. You-you made me feel more emotion in a few hours... than I've felt my whole life. You treated me with respect and affection... until now."
I nodded, still not making eye contact. I didn't know what to say. I was trying so hard not to cry. When I mustered the courage to peek, he was staring at the porch with his hands in his pockets, kicking the wood with the toe of his shoe. I felt like such an ass. "I'm... I'm sorry, Eddie," I whispered.
"Yeah, well, you should be."
That stung. "I didn't mean... I just thought... well, look at you!" I was so flustered I started waving my hands around. "One minute, you're all sweet and flirty, charming me with your metalhead style, and your pet names... and your goddamn marriage proposals. Those... big doe eyes, and your... your long, curly hair, and that smile." I surveyed him up and down. When I averted my gaze, I glimpsed his ring on my thumb. "You-you offered to help me, even though you just met me, and... you were kind enough to share an intimate moment with me. And I'm truly grateful for that. Please, believe me, I am. I didn't mean to take advantage of that. Really, I didn't. I was genuinely curious. And it's just... well, body hair drives me completely insane! It's like my fucking kryptonite! That was for my gratification, which was highly inappropriate, I know, but I just... I couldn't control myself, and I'm sorry, ok! You're so fucking handsome, and it's been a while since I've experienced any intimacy. And I wanted so badly to believe you were being sincere. And I did. Then you made that comment, and I... well, I just... assumed that it was all a ruse." I trailed off and started playing with his ring.
Eddie immediately understood, wanting to kick himself for not seeing it sooner, wishing he could take back every harsh word he uttered. He shouldn't have gotten so heated, and he most certainly shouldn't have yelled. Seeing you cry was breaking his heart. "Oh, Sugar." He closed the gap between you and trapped you tightly in his arms. You grasped handfuls of his vest as you buried your face in his chest and balled. "It wasn't a ruse. That's just how I am. Yes, I'm a lonely nerd, and sex is on my mind constantly, especially when a beautiful woman is showing me some attention. But as much as I crave female company, I'm not like all those douchebags who just tell girls what they wanna hear so they'll sleep with me. Not many girls give me a chance, but even if they did, I'm respectful. I'm just a playful pervert, and I like to tease."
I was too embarrassed to look at him.
"I take it someone hurt you?" You nodded. "Did you love him?"
"Yeah," I whispered.
"Was it another girl?"
"Girls plural," I said in a muffled voice, fresh tears soaking his shirt as he cradled my head to his chest.
"I'm so sorry, Sugar. The guy sounds like a real shitbag." Eddie placed a soft kiss on your head. What he would give to have unconditional love, and that asshole had yours... and squandered it. If given the chance, he would cherish you. "Hey... look at me." You lifted your head and met his eyes. "I'm sorry. I never meant to upset you. But I would never do that. Not to any girl. I know what it's like to be rejected, to feel discarded, and it sucks. But that's a story for another time." Eddie took his thumb and wiped a tear from your cheek. "Please don't cry," he whispered, happy to see the smile return to your face.
"I'm... I'm sorry, Eddie. It was wrong of me to assume. I just... I promised myself I'd never fall for that shit again, so I got defensive. I shouldn't have unleashed my bullshit on you. Not the best first impression. I just... it's hard to escape that mindset."
"Don't apologize, please. I did the same thing to you. I didn't realize your situation. And honestly, I'm not used to girls seeing me the way you seem to, so I didn't connect the dots, and I'm sorry. I never should've raised my voice. This was all just a huge misunderstanding. And besides, my first impression was way worse." That got you laughing. "I really did enjoy your company today. And if it's not too much to ask, I'd love to get to know you better. For you to get to know me... and my quirks," he stroked your hair. "To show you... that your future husband isn't such a bad guy."
We smiled at each other. "I'd like that."
"So you will marry me?" You gave him the finger again, and he laughed jovially. "Come 'er." Eddie held you tight, rested his cheek on your head, and sighed in relief. "Truce?"
"Truce," I agreed. Eddie pulled back and flashed that fantastic smile.
"Can I still tease you? It's kinda my thing."
I smiled, shoved his face playfully, and said, "You do you."
"I'll take that as a yes." He started to walk down the stairs, stopped, and held out his hand. "Come with me. I'll take you to get Red. I know you've been here before, but the detours are killer, and I haven't finished acting foolish. And in all seriousness, I really don't wanna leave your side."
I smiled bashfully and accepted his hand. It reminded me of Terminator. (Come with me if you want to live, and boy, did I, especially if Eddie was a part of my life) "Ok... but only if you control that lead foot. I enjoy being alive." He laughed, nodded, and led me to his van.
"Your chariot, m'lady." He opened the door and waved me inside, then ran around the front of the van and shuffled into the driver's seat.
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Max and I held each other for what felt like an eternity, tears falling freely. It was surreal, especially seeing a living, breathing Hopper. I practically tackled him, Joyce, and El, expressing my undying gratitude for what they've done for Max and me. When we finished with pleasantries, Hopper and Eddie grabbed Max's bags and loaded them into the van engaging in further conversation. Max and I weren't far behind.
"Um, how the hell did you end up here with Munson?" She asked.
"Yeah, about that. Turns out that sweet hunk of metalhead goodness... is our next-door neighbor."
"Shit, I can't get a break," she whispered to herself.
"Mm-hm..." I started mocking her in my best 'Max' voice, "'This guy Eddie Munson, he helped us fight against Vecna. He's a good friend. He and his uncle Wayne lived in the trailer across from me and Mom. Poor guy got his ass kicked, but if it weren't for him and Dustin, we probably wouldn't have made it out alive. He's a good dude'. You neglected to mention that he's my fucking dream guy and the father of my future metalhead babies."
"Ew, gross." I smacked her upside the head. "Ow! shit, Isy. You don't need to be a bitch about it." I gave her an accusatory glance. "Ok, I'm sorry! I mean, it's not like I lied. I just... withheld information." My expression was unchanged. "I swear, I wasn't trying to keep him a secret. I like Munson. I was just... trying to delay the inevitable. But what difference does it make? You met him. You find him dreamy. If he's not totally into you already, it won't take long." She crossed her arms and kicked at the rocks.
My irritation melted away as I watched her. "Oh Max, I know you've been dealing with more important matters... and I'm so happy to be here with you... I just would've appreciated a little heads-up. I mean, I didn't expect a curveball like him. He has a multifaceted personality, and I almost ripped him a new one when he went all pervy on me." She looked at me wide-eyed.
"Oh, shit... poor Munson."
"Yeah, poor Munson. I felt like shit, but... he gave me a run for my money." She looked shocked. "He seems like a good one, and I'd like to see more of him, but only if it's alright with you." I threw my arm around her shoulder, and we started walking. "You're my number one priority, first and foremost, so if you don't want me to see him... I won't."
"Why wouldn't I want you to?" She searched my face. "Wait, do you... do you think I want you to spend all your time with me?" I shrugged. "Oh, no. Don't get me wrong, I love you like crazy, but I have a life. When I said I was trying to delay the inevitable, I meant you and Munson doing it 24/7. No, go, hang out. Just keep the nasty shit outta my vicinity."
I busted into laughter, grabbed her in a headlock, and dragged her to the van.
Eddie held the van door open, smiling as he watched you both. He trapped Max in a huge hug. "Where to ladies?"
"Um... would you mind swinging by Family Video. I wanna grab my uniform?"
"Sure thing, Sug." I patted his cheek and smiled.
We pulled into the parking lot, and Eddie jumped out of the van to open the door for us. He grabbed my hand to help me out, and we locked eyes. I flashed him a giddy smile and ran inside.
When Max jumped out, Eddie grabbed her by the jacket and immediately flicked her shoulder.
"Ow! What the hell, Munson?"
"I could ask you the same thing, Red! A little heads-up would've been nice. Why didn't you tell me your cousin's my future wife?"
"Jesus, are you two sharing a brain?" Max muttered to herself.
"What?" He asked, confused.
"Nothing. You two are already annoying the shit outta me." Max noticed his unamused expression and rolled her eyes. "Honestly, Munson, I knew the moment you saw each other, you'd both turn feral, and I didn't want to subject myself to the sound of you two going at it like bunnies. I've been through enough trauma."
"Oh? So she is into me?" His smile was smug.
"Ugg, gross."
He chuckled. "Well, I'm sorry, my small, red-headed friend... but that's just tough shit. That gorgeous creature has not left my thoughts since I laid eyes on her this morning, and after only a handful of hours with her, I can already tell she's something special. I wanna pursue this, Red. But it wouldn't feel right unless I had your blessing."
Max was unnerved by the wavelength you two were on.
"Come on, Red, please! She's perfect. I uh... I even let her touch the scars."
"WHAT?!" Max's eyes went wide. She knew how much of a sore spot that was for Eddie. If he was willing to let you do that... someone he just met? He was already in deep. "Whatever, yes, I don't care."
Eddie clapped his hands together excitedly. "Mmm, YES! Thank you, Red!"
"Just... keep the explicit shit out of earshot."
"Yeah, yeah, no problem." They shook on it.
Max had never seen Eddie so happy. He deserved happiness. You both did. "And, Munson... she told me she flipped out on you. I didn't think you'd meet so soon, or I would've warned you, but apparently I'm cursed to have you as a neighbor." Eddie chuckled. "Isy's got major trust issues. Her ex is a cheating douche, and it really screwed her up, so she's inclined to call bullshit. I'm sorry you had to find out the hard way."
Eddie gave her a sweet smile. "Don't worry about it, Red. It actually helped us gain a little insight about each other."
"Well, I'm still sorry. Don't get me wrong, Isy wasn't always like that. I mean, she's always had a temper. Seriously, she can make Demobats look like cute, cuddly puppies, and she's still wild and carefree, but now she's guarded. She really is an understanding person, though, and she'd do anything for the people she loves, so don't let the attitude deter you. Just be yourself. I can already tell she's kinda crazy about you."
He smiled brightly. "Thanks, Red. I like that she's feisty. I can see where you get it." He threw his arm around her shoulder. "Don't worry. I'm gonna treat her like gold. In fact, I'm gonna treat her so well, she's gonna feel like the treasure beneath the Lonely Mountain, and not even Smaug will keep us apart."
"O-kay? I have no idea what that means, but whatever."
"Seriously, Red? We fought in Mordor together, and you still don't understand Lord of the Rings?" She shook her head. He chuckled, and they headed for the store.
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"Look what the bat dragged in," Robin rounded the counter to greet Eddie and Max.
"Buckley, you look ravishing." She gave Eddie a twirl. "Where's my favorite Wonder Twin?"
Robin yelled for Steve. "Hey, Dingus! Get your ass out here and say hello!"
Steve appeared from the back office with a stack of papers. "What're you bitching about now, Rob--Hey! Max!" He ran over and wrapped her in a friendly embrace, then turned to Eddie. "Munson... what's happening, buddy?" They gave each other a bro hug.
"Not much, Harrington. Isy wanted to stop and get her uniform."
"Wait, you're here... together?" He motioned between Eddie and me. "What happened, Mancini? You lose a bet or something? Oh, I know. He lured you into his van with the promise of candy?" He shot me a wink, and I lost it.
"Well, Steve, you know I love me some candy, but uh, he was blasting Maiden, so... I practically did a Duke Boys jump through the window."
Eddie's eyes locked on you. He tried hiding a faint smile by chewing his hair, but nothing got past Robin.
"Seriously though, it turns out he's our next-door neighbor, so he helped with all my shit this morning and took me to get Max."
"Oh... right on. I guess it was inevitable. I knew once you got here, you wouldn't be able to escape Munson's clutches." I bit my lip and snuck a glance at Eddie's smiling face. "Well, here's the employee paperwork you need to fill out."
"Alright," I looked at Eddie. "You mind if I get a jump on this?"
"Not at all, Sug. I'm gonna grab some movies." He traveled a few rows over.
"Sug?" Steve quietly inquired.
"Yeah, short for Sugar. 'Cause I'm sweet." I gave him a smug look.
"Hmm... he obviously hasn't seen you angry."
I shoved him hard. "Oh, fuck you!"
"See, that's exactly what I'm talkin' about. Munson's got a nickname for everyone, and they're usually pretty fitting, except yours."
"Shut up, dick." Steve snickered. "Hey, I wanted to ask you. Is he always so... explicit?"
"Munson? Oh yeah. He's known to say what's on his mind. He's also a total cheeseball. You get used to it." Steve observed your nod of understanding as you turned back to your forms. "Lemme guess, he already laid on the 'Munson charm'?"
"Yeah, big time. We, uh... we had the best time this morning. Eddie was charming and playful. And you know how much I love me a metalhead." Steve lifted his brow and nodded. "I was instantly hooked. Then he switched to perv mode, and I, uh... kinda flipped out on him."
Steve lost it. "Oh shit! So he did get a taste of the evil bitch queen?" I pursed my lips and nodded. "Oh, man, I feel for Munson. I would not want to be on the receiving end of that. I gotta say, though, I'm a little surprised. You used to be into all that pervy shit."
I nodded. "I know. And I still am. I mean, I probably wouldn't have reacted the way I did, but," I bit my lip, leaned toward Steve, and whispered, "when I got to the house last night, I overheard him and some chick going at it, so... I assumed she was Eddie's girlfriend and he was trying to get a little on the side."
Steve started laughing harder. "No-no way! Are you serious?!" I nodded again. "Jesus... that was most likely the bartender chick from the Hideout."
"Oh do... do you know her?"
"Not personally, but I know of her. I think Munson had a thing for her a while back, but it's just casual."
"Oh," I said indifferently.
Steve noticed the wheels turning in your head. "Mancini... lemme tell you something about Munson. He uh, he has it hard. Harder than most. Everyone sees him as some... scary, satanic freak, especially girls. And as much as I hate to admit it, we all saw him that way, except for Henderson, Wheeler, and Sinclair. But in reality, he's a big softy and one of the most loyal people I've had the privilege to call a friend. Not to say he doesn't annoy the shit outta me."
I had to laugh.
"Believe me, he's not like your ex. If he's into you... and judging by the dumb smile that hasn't left his face since he walked in here, I think it's safe to say that he is, you should give him a chance. He's a good dude. And trust me, after meeting you, she's the last thing on his mind. He'll probably call it off the moment he gets home."
"Thanks, Steve. You're a good friend. But if you were so sure Eddie and I would take to each other how come you didn't tell me about him, or vice-versa?"
"Um... because Max threatened me on pain of death, and I value my life."
"Figures. That little brat." Steve smiled and gave me a friendly kiss on the head.
Eddie was staring at you from behind a shelf when he heard a whisper. "Pssst... Eddie!" Robin cocked her head, motioning for him to follow her.
"What's up, Buckley?"
"Dude... could you be more obvious?" She whispered.
"What?" He smiled mischievously.
"Ugh... seriously, Eddie. You keep eye fucking her like that, someone's bound to notice."
"Shit, was I that obvious?" His words dripped with sarcasm.
"Seriously, what's the story?"
"Calm down, Buckley. She already knows I think she's gorgeous."
"But if you must know," he paraded Robin around the store, grabbing movies as they walked, "Isy and Max are my neighbors. I met her this morning and thought I was staring at an angel. I mean... it was love at first sight, Buckley. This goddess drives a black '67 Chevy Impala. She's a fucking metal lover, for Christ's sake, a very knowledgeable one, I might add. She's a nerdy, bashful sweetheart. Feisty and so smart. She's caring, kind, and just... the most compassionate and open-minded person. I've never met anyone like her. And that's not even the best part. I think she's totally into me."
Robin noticed the blush on his cheeks. "Holy shit, Eddie! That's awesome!"
"Yeah. I've found the future, Mrs. Munson."
"Eeek! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! So what are you gonna do?!"
"Buckley, my lady-loving friend. I'm gonna marry that girl and never let her go."
"Ahhhhh! Oh my god, this is so exciting. And you're certain of this? After only a few hours?"
"I've never been more certain of anything."
Robin recognized the sincerity in Eddie's eyes. "Oh my God, so CUTE! And she's, like, super hot too!"
"Oh... smokin'! Her eyes, that thick little body, and those fucking shorts, Buckley? I helped her out this morning. You should've seen how her ass was trying to escape those things when she was cleaning. I just... I wanted to push her against the wall, and... well, I almost creamed my fucking pants!"
"Ew! Gross... but Ahhhh! Keep us informed, I'll fill in Dingus, and we'll help however we can." She hugged Eddie and ran back to the counter.
"Home sweet home, Ladies!" Eddie carried Max's bags into the house.
"Eddie, I can't thank you enough!" I graciously replied.
"I can think of a few ways you can thank me. OW! Dammit!" His shoulder met my fist.
"You're so gross, Munson," Max groaned.
"Why's she so mean to me, Red?"
"Maybe she likes you, Munson."
"Ahh, is that it, Sug? Are you mean to me because you liiike me?" He poked my side and immediately backed away, shielding himself if I threw another punch. He was having too much fun at my expense, but I found it incredibly adorable.
"Thanks, Munson, but I'm not subjecting myself to this."
"The loft is all yours, Max. It's clean so you can arrange it however you want. I'll be up in a minute." She waved me off, and I motioned for Eddie to follow me outside. He was standing with his hands behind his back, a shit-eating grin plastered across his face.
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"Alright, you big dope." When I walked toward him, he flinched, but instead of a punch, I stood on my tiptoes and delivered a hug. When he realized he was in no immediate danger, he wrapped his arms around my waist and chuckled.
"You're so short, Sug. The perfect height for some, uh, hardcore kitchen counter, OW! Shit!"
I smacked the back of his head. "Shut up, perv. You're ruining the moment." Eddie's laughter was quickly becoming one of my favorite sounds in the world.
"Ok, ok, I yield." He lifted his head and smiled at you. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your embrace, sweet thing?"
"I'm showing my appreciation, you ass." I hugged him tighter and buried my face into his neck. (My GOD! He smelled so fucking good) "Really, thank you," I said and backed away.
"I'm forever your humble servant." He bowed again. "Oh... one more thing," he took his Mercyful Fate button from his vest and proceeded to pin it to the collar of your shirt. "Here, I uh... I want you to have this. To keep."
My jaw dropped. I looked down at the pin. "But why? At this rate, all your stuff's gonna be mine."
He chuckled. "It's a thank you for giving me the benefit of the doubt. I can see my charm's no longer lost on you. I know it's not the right album, but it's a reminder of a special time. Think of my dopey face whenever you look at it."
I let out a breathy laugh. "But, I... I don't have anything for you."
"Sug. You've just given me the best day. That's something I haven't had in a long time." He took your hands in his and pressed them gently to his lips. "I couldn't ask for anything more, except maybe a lifetime of days like this... but I'm not greedy."
I couldn't hide my flushed cheeks this time. "Well, at least take this." I touched his shoulders, stood on my tiptoes, and gently kissed his cheek.
"And maybe that, uh... yeah... can, can I get another one of those?" He turned his head and tapped his cheek with his finger.
I leaned in and placed one more sweet kiss on his cheek, lingering longer than before. Eddie turned his head slowly, and our eyes met. I noticed his veer toward my lips briefly before he backed away.
"Um, don't be a stranger, Sugar. Remember, you still hold something that's mine." Eddie saw you look down at his ring, but that's not what he was referring to. You had his heart. He turned on his heels, jogged up his porch steps, and flashed one more bright smile before heading into his house.
Max and I spent the rest of the day organizing our rooms. I bombarded her with questions about Eddie, but she didn't feel right telling me certain things, so I eventually backed off. I was just so smitten. I couldn't stop thinking about him. I wanted to know everything. It was mentally exhausting. I was sitting on the couch, adding the Mercyful Fate button to my jean jacket, thinking about my time so far with Eddie, and the next thing I knew, I was waking up, and it was almost midnight.
"Shit! Max?!... MAX?!" I ran through the house in a panic, but there was no sign of her. I heard voices coming from outside, so I ran to the door and threw it open.
"Heeeeey! There's Sleeping Beauty! Come join us, Sugar," Eddie bellowed.
I breathed a sigh of relief. Max, Eddie, Robin, Steve, and two other guys I didn't recognize were sitting in the driveway around a small fire pit. I grabbed my cigarettes, jogged down the steps, and joined them.
"Here you go, Sug." Eddie grabbed a chair, set it next to his, and motioned for you to sit. "You want a beer?"
"Oooo, I love it when you beg," he joked, reaching into a little cooler. He handed it to you, and you thanked him with another punch. "OW! Shit! That's like the fifth time today. Why you gotta treat me so bad?" He stuck out his bottom lip and gave you puppy dog eyes.
(My GOD, those fucking eyes!) "Perv." I gave him a little shove and a cheeky smile and sipped my beer. "You know, most people would've learned to stop after the first punch."
"What can I say? I'm a glutton for punishment," he leaned toward you and whispered, "especially yours."
He winked, sending my heart a flutter. I took another sip. "Mmm... you know, I'm not a huge drinker, but after the last 24 hours, this is just what I needed."
"Well, drink up. I have plenty." Eddie reached over to grab a black metal lunch box. He smiled and proceeded to roll a joint.
I stared at his hands as his skilled fingers meticulously worked their magic. His mischievous eyes met mine as he flicked his tongue across the end of the rolling paper, then licked one long stripe down the seam to secure the seal. (Oh, for the love of everything holy! I never wanted to be a joint so bad in my entire life) I chugged my beer, trying to focus on anything but him. When he finished, he lit the joint, took a hit, and held it out to me.
"You want a hit?" He offered.
"I don't know. What're you looking for as payment?" I smiled slyly.
He started chuckling and exhaled. "Whatever you're willing to give me, Sugar." He winked again.
I smiled bashfully. "Thanks, but no. These are my vice." I held up my smokes and smiled, lighting one. He passed the joint around to everyone else (except Max). Eddie introduced me to the two guys I didn't know. His friends, Jeff and Gareth. Both are incredibly nice and funny dudes.
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"Does anyone wanna play a game?" Robin blurted out.
"What kinda game?" Steve asked.
"Well, there's the usual ones... truth or dare... never have I ever." All the guys groaned in unison. "Ok then. Do you dinguses have any bright ideas?"
"Oh, I've got one. Has anyone ever played 'Honey, if you love me'?"
"Is that the dumb game you used to play at camp?" Max asked.
"It's not dumb... it's super fun. And depending on how involved people get, it can be hysterical."
"Alright, but let's make it a drinking game. Is that possible?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, we can make that work. Um... let me explain the rules. So, the idea is not to smile or laugh. You pick a person, look them in the eyes and say, 'Honey, if you love me, would you please, please smile?' Now the other person has to say, 'Honey, I love you, but I just can't smile,' and they have to say it with a straight face. If they smile or laugh, they lose." I looked at everyone's unenthusiastic expressions. "Oh come on. See, the kicker is, anything goes. You can say or do whatever you want to make the other person smile, but you both have to say those exact words. And we can add the rule that if you lose, you have to finish your beer. Sound good?"
"Ok, let's give it a go." Eddie chimed in.
"I'm calling it a night. Have fun, losers."
"Night, Brat!" Everyone waved Max goodnight. "Ok, I'll go first so yinz get the idea." I went over to Robin, got down on my knees, and grabbed her hands. The boys started to hoot and holler. I waved them off, smiled at Robin, and thought briefly about what to do. "Uh... ok... Honey, if you love me, would you please, PLEASE... smile?" I ran the tip of my finger down her nose, smashed her face to my chest, stroking her hair, and wiggled my boobs.
"Honey... I wuv you... but I jus c-aahahahahaha!"
"Ha! Gotcha! Drink up," I booped her nose and returned to my chair. "Ok... Robin lost, so now it's her turn." I looked at all the guys. They were sitting stalk still, mouths agape. "See, guys. I told you it was fun." I smiled slyly.
"That was so not fair... you made me motorboat you."
"Thems the rules. Pick your victim."
Robin chose Steve first, but no matter what she did, he refused to crack. She moved on to Gareth, who ended up losing his shit. Gareth also took a crack at Steve, who remained stone-faced, so he picked Eddie. Gareth tried to recite the words while giving Eddie a lap dance but fell on his ass. Eddie couldn't keep a straight face, so... he chose me. After he chugged his beer, he rushed over and parked in my lap. I was having difficulty holding it together, and Eddie hadn't even spoken yet. He gave his hair a seductive flip, then put his arms around my neck.
He rolled his eyes and let out an exaggerated sigh. He definitely had a flair for theatrics.
"If you love me... would you please, PLEEEAAASE!..." he grabbed your face in his hands and whispered, "smile?"
He stared at me like he was staring into my soul. I couldn't look away from his chocolate-brown eyes. "Honey... I love you, bmm--" At that moment, Eddie's lips crashed into mine. Everyone started cheering. His kiss was deep and lingering. His tongue requested entrance, and I immediately obliged. He was so passionate, so needy. We threw our arms around each other, practically suffocating as we swallowed each other's faces. But as quickly as the kiss began, Eddie pulled away. I opened my eyes at the loss of his lips and started giggling like a schoolgirl.
"Gotcha," he whispered, flashing that devilish grin as he climbed off your lap.
"Now that... was most definitely not fair." I shook my head trying to gain my composure. (What the FUCK just happened?!?)
The game went on for a while, but once the majority of us were shitfaced, we called it quits and proceeded to bullshit and listen to tunes. I went to make my way to the cooler, but Eddie quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his lap. I landed at an awkward angle, so he put his hands on my waist and helped me into a sitting position. I was hyperaware of his hand resting on my bare thigh, his other on my waist. I could feel his thumb under the hem of my t-shirt, faintly rubbing my side, and the gentle squeeze of his hand on my thigh, causing my heart to race. I cleared my throat and met Eddie's vast, lust-blown gaze, but Steve's voice broke the spell.
"Well... I'm gonna get this one home." Steve stood up and motioned to Robin, who was passed out in her chair.
"You alright to drive, man?" Eddie asked.
"Oh, yeah. I only had a couple of beers. Unlike you dorks, I can keep a straight face." Eddie and I chuckled as we watched Steve hoist Robin and walk her to his car.
Jeff and Gareth stumbled over. "Hey, we're gonna head out too."
"Oh no... you guys are smashed. Get your asses inside. You know where the spare rooms are."
"Alright, thanks, man." Jeff helped steady Gareth as they made their way into Eddie's house.
Eddie turned his attention back to you. "You should probably get some sleep, too, Sugar."
I shook my head. "Naw, I'm good. Unless you're ready to call it a night."
"No, I'm fine. If you wanna stick around, I can grab my guitar. I believe I owe you a serenade." You nodded excitedly. "Just let me clean this stuff up, and we can chill on the porch."
I helped Eddie put everything away and put out the fire. He ran to grab his guitar, and when he returned, I parked my ass on the porch next to him. I watched as he put the guitar strap over his head and got situated. I lit a cigarette for both of us and placed one between his lips.
"Mm, thanks, Sugar."
I smiled sweetly and exhaled. "That's a Warlock, right? Dave Mustaine and Blackie Lawless have one of those." Eddie started laughing. "What?! Why do you keep laughing?"
He handed you a fresh beer. "Sugar, I swear. You're sexier with every sentence, but if you keep dropping bombs like that, be prepared to say I do."
He was a master at making me blush. "Um, I don't know. I mean, it's pretty, but I'm partial to the Flying V."
He busted into uncontrollable laughter. "First off, not it, she. And she's my sweetheart. Isy didn't mean that, sweetheart." Eddie said to his guitar. "She may not be a V series, Sugar, but she's special. We put on the most metal interdimensional concert in the history of the world."
My eyes lit up. "You, you mean... in the Upside Down?" He nodded. "Oh, please, do tell!"
"Well, uh, that's..."
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, a story for another time." Eddie nodded again, and I took another drink. "So... when do I get story time?"
Eddie's expression grew dismal. "Soon, Sugar, I promise. Just... let me enjoy this time with you before you run away screaming."
I looked at him, confused. "W-why would I run away?"
He looked down at his guitar and smiled. Your impression of him was heartwarming. "They uh... they always run away, Sugar."
Who were they? I didn't understand. Eddie's expression was so sad, but I could tell he didn't wanna talk about it. I finished my beer as he started strumming chords from 'The Candle', his attention now fully invested in playing. "Did you seriously learn this in an evening, just by listening?"
"Mm-hm." He didn't look up but continued to play.
"That's... incredible." Eddie went directly into playing 'Melissa', and I got goosebumps. He met my gaze and smiled sweetly.
"You want another beer?"
"Hmm... why do I feel like you're tryin' to get me drunk?" I joked.
He chuckled. "No, Sugar. Just having a good time. You don't have to."
"I really shouldn't. I'm already buzzed."
He laughed. "Seriously? You've only had like three."
"I know, but like I said. I don't do this often. I have no tolerance." I pondered for a moment. "Eh, what the hell. I don't need to be anywhere tomorrow. I can live a little, right? Just don't try anything," I warned in jest as he handed me a beer.
He scoffed jokingly. "I would never." He winked. "No, seriously, I won't touch... not unless you ask me to." He wiggled his eyebrows.
I rolled my eyes and shoved his shoulder. "Mm... hey, can you thrash?!" I asked excitedly.
Eddie suddenly perked up. "What do you think, Sugar?" He smirked and immediately started shredding Megadeth's 'Rattlehead'.
I was practically drooling, watching his fingers move effortlessly across the frets. (Jesus, the things this man can do with his hands) Without missing a beat, he switched to Dio's 'We Rock'. I was loving this, banging my head to the music. "This is my absolute favorite Dio song!" I yelled.
"For real?" You nodded, and he stopped playing. "Alright, let's go old school. You know this one?" He started playing 'Great White Buffalo' by Amboy Dukes.
"Ugghh, yes! Love sweaty Teddy!" Eddie was laughing so hard that he had to stop playing. "Munson, you're fucking amazing. I'm not kidding. You should be in a band."
Eddie smiled bashfully. "I appreciate that, Sugar." Eddie gazed at your beautiful face, ready to tell you about Corroded Coffin, when an idea struck him, making his heart skip a beat. He'd tell you but now wasn't the time. "If I did join a band, would, uh... would you be my groupie? Ouch! Dammit! Ok!"
"Knock it off, perv." Eddie never stopped smiling.
"So... lemme get this straight. You're panties get instantly wet for one of the biggest sex fiends in rock and roll, but I got my ass handed to me for a suggestive comment?"
I pursed my lips and nodded calmly. "Um... yep." He eyed me curiously and smirked. "What?! Why do you keep looking at me like that?!" I shoved him again. "Yes, I dig perverted rock stars. Sue me. I'm not a prude. Far from it, actually." I took another swig and smirked. "I flipped out on you 'cause I felt a connection... ya know? And, I thought... well, I thought you were using that connection to take advantage of me." I looked at him sheepishly. He nodded and took my hand, the alcohol making me more aware of his touch. "Uh, with rock stars, it's a fantasy. You can pretty much guarantee they just wanna fuck, no strings attached. I mean, shit. There's, like, a laundry list of mother fuckers I'd ride 'til I couldn't walk." (Jesus, what the hell was I saying?)
Eddie practically spit out his beer. "Yeah?" He asked, laughing.
I gave him a scrunched expression. "I don't know. I think that's the beer talking." He chuckled. "I mean, I'd want to, that's for damn sure, but I don't know if I'd be able to go through with it." I chugged the rest of my beer. My inhibitions were pretty much nonexistent by this point. "I, uh, I did try once." I glanced at him, totally embarrassed.
"WHAT?!" He was rolling.
"Yeah, um... well, I guess now's as good a time as any to share my embarrassing story."
"Uh, you sure about that, Sugar? You're drunk. I don't want you saying or doing anything you'll regret."
"Naw. It's cool. I was gonna tell you eventually. The alcohol just acts as liquid courage."
"Ok, if you say so."
I motioned for him to hand me another beer. I took a drink and continued. "Ok, you'll appreciate this. It was, uh... summer of '84. W.A.S.P.'s Winged Assassins tour at the Troubadour."
"Whoa, whoa, wait... you saw W.A.S.P.? In '84, you would've been, what... 16?"
I nodded. "Yeah. I was visiting Max. It was our last summer in California before she moved here, and I really wanted to go, so... I gussied myself up to make myself look older, and Billy helped me sneak in."
"Billy? Billy Hargrove?" Eddie looked shocked.
"Yeah. Billy went for the drunk chicks and ditched me when we got there, but I didn't care. I just needed to get in. It was fucking awesome! You would've had a blast. Anyway, I barreled through the crowd to get right in front of Blackie."
"Seriously? I know you're an aggressive little thing, but you're, like, a buck ten."
"Well, I was determined, and my adrenaline was off the charts. I dig a lot of rock stars, but when it comes to Dave Mustaine and Blackie Lawless, I don't fuck around. I wanted to go that January 'cause W.A.S.P. and Megadeth played together, but it was like a week after Christmas break, and there's no way my parents would've gone for that."
Eddie was staring at you, chuckling. "I'm, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to picture this."
I nodded and took another drink. "Mm... wait 'til you hear what I did. So, during 'Animal', Blackie leaned down and grazed my chin with his fingers. It was like... instant orgasm. I'm not kidding. When the show was over, I snuck backstage to find the band's dressing room, and uh... that's when I got stopped by security. I gave the guy some sob story about being from outta town and unable to find my cousin, so the dude took me inside to look for Billy, and that's when I gave him the slip." Eddie started laughing again. "Luckily, there were a ton of people in the room, so it was pretty easy to do. And the dude gave up looking pretty quickly. Once I was in the clear, I looked around 'til I spotted Blackie. He was sitting on a couch, toweling himself off. I was shocked he wasn't surrounded by a hoard of chicks, so I just... walked up to him. He recognized me, which I couldn't believe, and asked if I was lost. I don't think he bought my look." Eddie nodded and smiled, totally engrossed. "I was so starstruck all I could do was shake my head... then I heard Billy yelling my name. He and the security guard were looking for me."
"Well, that's kind of a non-douche move on his part."
"Oh, no, it wasn't. Billy didn't give two shits about me, but seeing as I was supposed to be back at the house sleeping, he was more worried about what his dad would do to him if he came home without me, which I did understand, but I couldn't leave without doing something. I mean... when the hell would I get another opportunity like this, so uh... I did what I could, and uh," I chuckled, "this is the embarrassing part, um... I turned back to Blackie, trying to think of what to do, so uh... I spotted a marker, grabbed it, and asked if I could get his autograph, and he started laughing at me."
"Why was that embarrassing?"
"Oh, I'm not done. So, Blackie took the marker, and when he noticed I didn't have any paper, he asked me where I wanted it. I heard Billy's yells getting closer, so I had to think fast, and since I was wearing next to nothing, I uh... I turned around, lifted my mini skirt, and uh... I flashed Blackie my ass."
Eddie was rolling. "No... no, you didn't?"
"I did." I grimaced, which only made Eddie laugh harder.
"Y-you let the one and only, Blackie Lawless, sign your ass?"
"Uh, yeah. Billy was fucking furious. I quickly put my skirt back down before he grabbed my arm and pulled me away, but uh... I managed to wrench myself free. I only had a split second, so I ran back to Blackie, grabbed his face, and planted one on him." Eddie was staring at me, mouth agape. "Yeah, that's pretty much how I figured Blackie would react, but uh, the son of a bitch actually shoved his fingers in my hair and kissed me right back. That's when Billy grabbed me again. When he dragged me away, I turned back to Blackie, smiling, yelled thank you, and blew him a kiss. He was laughing... kinda like you are right now."
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"Uh ha! So, let me get this straight. You went to see W.A.S.P., at 16 years old, with the help of... Billy Hargrove, so you could sneak backstage and try to fuck Blackie Lawless, ultimately ending the night with a huge, wet kiss and the man's signature on that... beautiful ass?"
(Oh my God! STOP!) My face was so red I had to bury it in my hands. "Uh, yeah. That pretty much sums it up."
"And I'm the pervert?"
"Touche', Munson." I looked up. "I don't know what I was thinking. I'd like to think I would've gone through with it, but I most likely would've chickened out. But now, every time I hear W.A.S.P. I get, like, instantly horny." The dopey expression on Eddie's face was hysterical.
"Blackie Lawless? Jesus, that guy's my new fucking hero." I hid my face again. "Ok, I get why you did it, but why Blackie?"
"Why not?! I mean, he's just... well, he's fucking hot. There's really no other way to put it. I have this picture of him from '85. It's one of my favorites. He just, I don't know, he looks so fucking adorable. I mean, he's not wearing all the makeup and tassels and shit, but his expression... it's almost sweet. I-I don't know where I'm going with this. The point is he's an adorable bad boy, and um... well, I guess you remind me of him." I immediately wanted to kick myself. "Shit!!! I don't know why the fuck I just said that. Ok, I'm cut off." Eddie laughed even harder and took my hand again. "Um, ok, so it's no secret I think you're handsome as fuck. I mean, come on, just look at you. You're like... the perfect combination of Dave Mustaine and Blackie."
Now it was Eddie's turn to blush. He let out a nervous laugh. "Um... ha! H-how so?"
"Well, there's the charisma, the long dark hair, the gravelly voice, you shred that guitar like Dave, and you're obviously a sexual pervert." He chuckled. "You're the epitome of an adorable bad boy. The only things you lack are chest hair and blue eyes. Ugghh! That fucking chest hair! I'm a sucker for it. But you... well, you've got that happy trail, and... and your eyes..." I trailed off, staring into those giant, brown orbs. "My God, they're gorgeous," I whispered the last words. We stared at each other mesmerized until I pulled my hand away and buried my face again. "Shit! Just shoot me now. This is so fucking embarrassing."
Eddie squeezed my hand, forcing me to look at him. "Um, don't be embarrassed, Sugar. I'm flattered. That's, uh, probably the nicest compliment anyone's ever given me."
I smiled and nodded. "You're welcome, Munson. And that's not the alcohol talking. I mean it. I um... I tend to open up... speak my mind when I drink, so..."
Fuck! He wanted to kiss you so bad. "Um... well, it's a shame you didn't get to keep the autograph." He joked.
I immediately averted my gaze.
"Wait. You, you didn't! Is-is that the other tattoo?!"
I closed my eyes and nodded. "I hit up a tattoo parlor the next day."
"Ok, um... I have to see this thing."
I shook my head fervently. "No, no way. I mean, I'm beyond appreciative that you shared the scars, but this... this is a whole other level of intimate." I started laughing nervously.
"Ok, fine. But if you think I'm gonna let this go, you're outta your goddamn mind."
"I was afraid of that." I looked away again and laughed.
"Come on, Sugar." You shook your head again. "Come oooon. You know you wanna show me."
I huffed and took a swig, contemplating what to do. "Alright, what the hell." I stood up and turned my back to him, unbuttoned my shorts, and pulled them down just enough to expose the tattoo. I looked over my shoulder and busted out laughing. "My God, your fucking face." He looked like he was about to start drooling. "Ok, that's long enough. You can close your mouth now." I buttoned my shorts and sat back down.
"Uh," he cleared his throat and shifted his crotch uncomfortably. "Mm-mm... I um... my God, your ass." He let out a breathy laugh, and stared at you. "So, um... if I do this," he reached over and grazed your chin with his fingers, "and then, this," he started playing 'Animal' and you froze. "You'll fall madly in love with me and, uh... wanna fuck my brains out."
Eddie's voice was so seductive. He leaned closer and stared at my lips. My God, my panties were fucking soaked. He was dangerously close to breaking my resolve.
"'Cause, uh, I've got a secret, Sugar. Blackie's not the only one who fucks like a beast."
Fuck! Was I horny! I felt like I was about to faint. All I could do was stare, his face inches from mine. "Uh, you... you don't have as much chest hair," I joked.
Eddie immediately turned away and started laughing, shaking his head. "You're uh... you're somethin' else, you know that? You're a freak. I like it. I'm kinda surprised you haven't tried to attack Harrington," he joked.
"Well, uh, I'm not gonna lie. Steve's a sexy guy. And after a pool party or two, the thought did cross my mind, but uh... no."
"What? Harrington's not wild enough for ya?"
There was that mischievous smile again. "Um... no. Chest hair aside, the whole preppy, jock thing... doesn't do it for me. Not to mention, he's one of my best friends, and so hung up on Nance it would've been pointless. And I'm not a huge fan of casual hookups. Nothing against people who are," I joked, giving Eddie's shoulder a playful shove. "I sometimes wish I was more adventurous. I mean, don't get me wrong. I enjoy sex, but I have difficulty seeing past the emotional bit. That whole Blackie thing... it was totally out of character for me, and it was definitely stupid."
He laughed bashfully. "Well... casual hookups are fun, and they definitely feel good, but uh... they make for a lonely existence. I wouldn't do it if I had someone, so... Well, I can only imagine how good it feels to give yourself to someone so completely..." he trailed off and returned his attention to playing.
"H-have you really... never been in love?"
"No, I have... but it was never reciprocated."
I nodded, looked down at my thumb, and started playing with his ring. My heart was beating a mile a minute. "Hey, um..." I stood up. Eddie furrowed his brow in confusion when I took his guitar and set it aside. I sat between his legs, leaned back against his chest, and closed my eyes. Eddie hastily wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pressed his other hand against my stomach. He rested his chin in the crook of my neck and started rocking me gently. I could feel his head turn slightly, his warm breath on my skin, and the light brush of his lips. Without warning, he latched them to my neck. I inhaled sharply, and a heat wave shot straight to my core. Eddie grabbed the side of my face, trailing greedy kisses across my chin to my waiting lips, and shoved his tongue down my throat. I turned my body and threw my arms around his neck as he kissed me hungrily. It was so fucking passionate. He grabbed my face with both hands, making the kiss more vigorous.
"Mmm... mhhhh," he broke away, let out a breathy laugh, and leaned his forehead on yours, both of you breathing heavily. "Uh, do... do you... m-maybe wanna... spend the night with me?"
I was in a lustful daze, staring at his mouth as he spoke every pleasurable word. "Eddie," he lifted his head and looked at me, his eyes filled with lust and want, "I-I don't know."
"Please, Sugar. I need you so fuckin' bad."
Jesus, this was so hard. "Eddie, I... I want to. I do, but..."
He slowly backed away and nodded, fidgeting with his rings. "No, I'm, I'm sorry... I know you're not in the best state right now, and I'm not trying to pressure you. I guess I'm just being selfish. I just... I want you to be mine... so fucking bad, Sug." He gave you a once-over and looked away.
I knelt before him, grabbed his hands, and looked deep into his eyes. "Eddie, I want that too. And don't get me wrong, this isn't a rejection by any means. I mean, shit! From the moment I laid eyes on you, I've been so goddamn horny I feel like I'm losing my mind." Eddie let out a breathy laugh and nodded. "And, well... it's taken every ounce of willpower I can muster not to pull your dick out at any given moment and ride you 'til the sun comes up, but uh... it's deeper than that, and we're still figuring each other out, ya know? And... well, I'm fucking scared. I'm scared because... you say your charm isn't a ruse, but if that's the case, how the hell are you still single, or at the very least, not swimming in pussy?"
"Sugar, I know you don't understand, but I'm not the kinda guy girls wanna bring home to meet mom and dad. I'm more just... a plaything to use."
I was utterly confused, unable to comprehend what he was saying. "But why? See, this is what I'm talking about, why I'm hesitant. I mean, what does that even mean? You take guarded to a whole new level, and I can't for the life of me figure out why? I get that most parents prefer the Harringtons of the world, but I can't be the only girl who sees how wonderful you are, so what is it? What are you hiding from me? What can be so bad that you feel the need to be so secretive? I mean, you tell me next to nothing about your life, but unless you're an abusive, unfaithful, pathological liar, who moonlights as a serial killer, nothing about you will make me turn heel and run. I've already seen the scars, and I still think you're a goddamn vision. For fuck sake, I want you, ok... and not just physically, but in every way imaginable. I mean, shit! Just... let down the walls so I can finally scream your fucking namemmff---"
Eddie grabbed your face and delivered a harsh kiss. He felt so much love for you at this moment. "Mmm... Sugar? Shut up before I don't give you a choice and take you right here."
Ugh! His demanding words should have been a red flag, but they completely hypnotized me.
"How 'bout this? Tomorrow, we go for a drive. I'll tell you anything your precious heart wants to hear. Full disclosure, yeah?"
I smiled brightly and nodded. "Yeah, yes! For the love of God, Yes!" My heart was racing. I jumped onto his lap, wrapped my arms around his neck, and buried my head into his chest.
Eddie chuckled. "I'm sorry, Sugar, but I have to ask again. And here's why." He took your face in his hands, forcing me to look at him. "It's not just your bangin' body. You really are unlike anyone I've ever met. It's kinda unbelievable. And I know you've had a few, but I'm asking you... no, I'm begging you. Please spend the night with me... please. We don't even have to do anything, just... let me hold you. 'Cause I'm scared too. Scared... that after we talk... you will wanna run. And if you do, well, I'll at least have the memory of one night with you. Please, Sugar."
I stared into his eyes, torn, but I saw no deception, only sadness. "Um... ok. Just... let me go freshen up." Eddie smiled excitedly and tapped his lips with his finger. I kissed him gently, our tongues lightly brushing.
"Mmmm, go do your thing, Sugar."
I climbed off his lap and started walking away. "Um, ok. I'll, uh, I'll be back shortly."
"I'll be waiting." Eddie's eyes followed you. "I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave," he said with a smile as you made your way to the door, giggling.
"Perv." I entered my house and shut the door.
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Eddie was so excited. He hoped this wouldn't be the only night he gets to spend with you. Lost in his thoughts, he picked up his things and carried everything inside, then sat back down on the porch and waited. He noticed a car pull up behind his van. A girl got out and started walking toward the house.
"Hey, Eddie." She yelled.
He waved. "Hey, Jan." Shit! He just realized he completely forgot to call and end things with her. "To what do I owe the pleasure? You can't be out already?"
"No, I'm not, but I'm having a party tomorrow. I figured I'd stop by and stock up. I just left work, so... you up for a little fun?" She smiled seductively.
Eddie couldn't believe this. He's so worked up right now, but he only wants you. "Uh... tempting... but we need to talk."
She looked at him quizzically. "Ok?" She walked up the steps and sat next to him. "What about?"
"Well, I uh... I need to end our arrangement."
"Oh, boo! How come?"
"Yeah, I, uh... I met someone."
"Oh!" She smiled. "That was quick. Anyone I know?"
Eddie smiled. "Well, um..." He pointed to the Impala.
"Wait... that girl from last night? Is she your neighbor?" He nodded. "Oh shit! Did... did she hear us?"
Eddie pursed his lips and nodded again. "Yeah... I hung out with her all morning, and we just... connected, but eventually, well... Eddie had a lotta 'splainin' to do, so I uh... I told her our deal."
She started laughing. "Eddie... shit. How'd that go?"
"Not... particularly well, but uh... it all worked out."
"Well, I'm not gonna lie. I'm gonna miss that dick of yours. You fuck like a champ. And I'm definitely not looking forward to paying cash for my shit, but uh... if you finally have a chance at something real, you go for it.
"Thanks, Jan... you've always been good to me. I appreciate your kindness." Eddie took her hand and gave it a quick kiss. "And, as you know... flattery works with me, so... what do you need for your party? It's on the house."
"Aw, Eddie, I can't do that. I mean, at least let me give you a handy or something," she joked.
He chuckled. "No, really... I insist. Come on." He grabbed her hand and led her inside.
"Ok, but just this once. I promise, cash from now on." He opened his lunchbox and let her grab what she needed, and then he escorted her back outside. "Thanks, Eddie. If you're up for it, you should come by tomorrow. Bring your girl. I'd love to meet her."
"I'll let you know." She kissed Eddie sweetly on the lips and walked away. Eddie sat back down, making sure Jan was safely in her car. He waited for about ten more minutes, his leg bobbing up and down nervously as he checked his watch, disappointment setting in, but he figured, in your state, you probably passed out, so he got up and went back inside.
After my shower, I changed into my pajamas, popped some Aspirin, brushed my teeth, and headed for the door. My anxiety was through the roof thinking about spending the night with Eddie. I took a deep breath, reached for the doorknob, and stopped. I heard voices... giggling. I peeked through the curtain, and my heart sank. Eddie walked out of his house with some girl. Her hand was in his, and I watched as she kissed him and smiled. When I saw him smile at her, her hand slipping from his as she walked to her car, I felt sick. I let go of the curtain and slid to the floor, tears streaming down my face. I could barely catch my breath. I felt like I was hyperventilating. I ran to my room, threw myself on the bed, and cried myself to sleep.
Eddie looked at the clock on his dresser. It was four in the morning. He was restless, reliving tonight's events over and over in his head. The sweet taste of your lips, lingering hints of cigarettes and coffee, all your lovely words, and your story? All of it was driving him mad. When you told him you wanted to fuck him... that you want him in every way. Eddie couldn't fathom what he'd done to deserve your affection. But why didn't you come back?
He felt a ping in his chest, but he was painfully hard, imagining what could've happened had you returned. What beauty hides underneath your insufferable clothing? He wanted to dominate you, rip off your shirt, take what he can only imagine being perfect tits into his mouth, and suckle as you whimper for more.
He reached down and gripped his aching cock. The abundance of precum allowed his hand to glide effortlessly up and down his shaft. He couldn't help but imagine your soft pouty lips around his girth. Kneeling in front of him as you take him into your warm mouth, your round ass spilling from the bottom of your daisy dukes, sucking him vigorously as he surrendered to your touch. Fuck! The thought of seeing that gorgeous, bare ass. He only got a taste when you flashed him your tattoo, and he couldn't wait to give it a hard squeeze. It was almost too much. He worked himself harder as his thoughts veered to an image of you shoving your hand in your shorts to play with yourself as you sucked him off, staring at him with those brilliant blue eyes, bringing him to the brink as he grabbed your head, pushing himself deeper.
"Ohhh, Fuck! Mmm, mhhhh. Yeah, Sugar. Suck my cock. Let me fuck that gorgeous throat. Take me deep. My God, it feels so fucking good." He was dangerously close to finishing. "Mggghhh! Fuck!" He growled, gripping the bottom of his dick, and squeezing, keeping himself on edge, enjoying the intense pleasure.
When his breathing started to even out, his thoughts returned to you, now lying spread eagle in front of him, screaming his name as he cupped your ass cheeks, lifting you to his face as his tongue navigated through the warm, slick juices of your dripping pussy. He can only imagine how sweet you taste. He needs to know, wants to make you cum, make you feel pleasure like you've never felt it before. To show you that, yes, he wants to fuck you senseless, but he also wants you to feel good, feel loved... and adored. He wants you to make good on your word, pull his cock out, and sink that tight little pussy around his shaft. Feel your walls squeezing around him as he plunges his cock deep inside you. Witness the look of pleasure on your doll face as you moan and whimper from the feel of him, begging for more.
"Ohhh, yes! Fuck me, Sugar. Mhhhh! Let me feel that tight pussy make a mess all over my cock. Mhhhhh... fuck yes, take my big cock, Sugar!" He wants to feel you, hold you firmly by the hips, pumping into you, to feel your tight walls clench around his swollen cock. He wants to give you something that no one else can and bust his nut deep inside you, claiming you as his own, filling you as you coat each other in your warm release.
"Ohhhhhh! FUCK! ME! Hmm, hmmm, yes, yes, yes, cum on my cock, Sugar. Mmmm... you're fucking MINE!" With teeth clenched, he exploded. "Ohhhhh, fucking, CHRIST!" Eddie was in pure bliss, his hand and dark trail now covered in ropes of his thick cream. Fuck! He wants you, but not just your body. He wanted every part of you, body and soul, to know that you're his, his girl, his love... until the end of time. Consumed by his euphoric haze, he was finally able to take some sleep.
Part 2 to follow with more intense smutty goodness! Thank you for your support!
😊 for nostalgia, and for the younger crowd looking to explore the awesomeness before 1987.
Dave Mustaine, the red-headed, thrash metal, guitar God 🎸 🤘
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Vic Rattlehead & Eddie the Head: Megadeth and Iron Maiden mascots
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Peter Criss of KISS
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Blackie Lawless 1985
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